3.012 PS 4 3.012 Issued: 10.06.04 due: 10.13.04 5pm · 2020. 12. 30. · 3.012 PS 4 4 of 11...

3.012 PS 4 1 of 11 10/13/04 3.012 PS 4 3.012 Issued: 10.06.04 Fall 2004 due: 10.13.04 5pm 1. A particular cubic crystal has a lattice constant of 7 Å. It is irradiated with X-rays produced by an X-ray tube with a molybdenum target. The strongest intensity produced from such a target (one of the two metals that are most commonly used to produce radiation for diffraction; the other is copper) has a wavelength of 0.7107 Å. Upon irradiating the crystal it is found that the (310) plane produces a diffracted beam at an angle, θ, of 53.384 0 . a. Compute the value of the interplanar spacing, d, between (310) planes. b. How many wavelengths of path difference are present in the beam scattered from adjacent (310) planes in the stack for the diffraction peak that was observed at θ = 53.384 0 ? 2. Two patterns are attached. Both have translational periodicity as well as additional symmetry. a. Sketch in each pattern a set of lattice points that correspond to the translations that map each pattern into congruence with itself. (Use bold, plump points, if you please, so that the grader can readily distinguish the points that you have drawn in.) b. Draw on each pattern the conventional unit cell (that is, one using the shortest pair of translations that describe a cell with the shape that conforms to the symmetry that is present) c. Draw in, using standard symbols (bold lines for mirrors, dashed lines for glides, and small rectangular polyhedra for rotation axes), the location of all symmetry elements that you are able to find within your cell. d. Using the descriptions of the seventeen plane groups taken from the “International Tables for X-Ray Crystallography” (Included in the notes from Lecture #9) identify the plane group that corresponds to each of your patterns and the symbol used to represent it. (And, while you’re at it, confirm that you have been successful in finding all the symmetry elements that are present.)

Transcript of 3.012 PS 4 3.012 Issued: 10.06.04 due: 10.13.04 5pm · 2020. 12. 30. · 3.012 PS 4 4 of 11...

Page 1: 3.012 PS 4 3.012 Issued: 10.06.04 due: 10.13.04 5pm · 2020. 12. 30. · 3.012 PS 4 4 of 11 10/13/04 3. Logic of the Second Law. Following are a collection of statements concerning

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3.012 PS 4 3.012Issued: 10.06.04 Fall 2004due: 10.13.04 5pm

1. A particular cubic crystal has a lattice constant of 7 Å. It is irradiated with X-rays produced byan X-ray tube with a molybdenum target. The strongest intensity produced from such atarget (one of the two metals that are most commonly used to produce radiation fordiffraction; the other is copper) has a wavelength of 0.7107 Å. Upon irradiating the crystal itis found that the (310) plane produces a diffracted beam at an angle, θ, of 53.3840.

a. Compute the value of the interplanar spacing, d, between (310) planes.

b. How many wavelengths of path difference are present in the beam scattered fromadjacent (310) planes in the stack for the diffraction peak that was observed at θ =53.3840 ?

2. Two patterns are attached. Both have translational periodicity as well as additionalsymmetry.

a. Sketch in each pattern a set of lattice points that correspond to the translations thatmap each pattern into congruence with itself. (Use bold, plump points, if you please,so that the grader can readily distinguish the points that you have drawn in.)

b. Draw on each pattern the conventional unit cell (that is, one using the shortest pair oftranslations that describe a cell with the shape that conforms to the symmetry that ispresent)

c. Draw in, using standard symbols (bold lines for mirrors, dashed lines for glides, andsmall rectangular polyhedra for rotation axes), the location of all symmetry elementsthat you are able to find within your cell.

d. Using the descriptions of the seventeen plane groups taken from the “InternationalTables for X-Ray Crystallography” (Included in the notes from Lecture #9) identify theplane group that corresponds to each of your patterns and the symbol used torepresent it. (And, while you’re at it, confirm that you have been successful in findingall the symmetry elements that are present.)

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3. Logic of the Second Law. Following are a collection of statements concerning the secondlaw. Determine if each statement is true or false, and provide a brief (1-2 sentence)explanation.

a. When two materials A and B with initial temperatures TA > TB are placed in thermalcontact (the two samples are otherwise isolated from their surroundings), the entropyof the ‘hot’ material decreases, but this does not violate the second law.

b. In a reversible process, the entropy change of a closed system is always zero.

c. The entropy of an isolated system must always increase in a spontaneous process.

d. The Gibbs free energy of a system is minimized at equilibrium under conditions ofconstant temperature and pressure. Under other conditions, its behavior isunspecified.

a. True. The second law dictates that the entropy of the universe increases inspontaneous processes. For a process involving an isolated system, no heat or workis performed on the surroundings and thus the entropy of the system alone changes.Here we have two sub-systems- material A and material B, and the second lawdictates that the sum of the entropy changes in the two blocks, ΔSA + ΔSB > 0, but theentropy change in one of the subsystems may be negative, as long as it is balancedby a greater positive change in entropy of the other subsystem.

b. False. The second law only requires that the entropy change of the universe- system+ surroundings- is zero in a reversible process. A closed system can exchange heatwith its surroundings, and thus the entropy change of the surroundings may benonzero in a reversible process on this system.

c. True. A process operating on an isolated system cannot affect the surroundings,because no heat or work can be transferred through the boundaries of an isolatedsystem. Thus, ΔSuniverse = ΔSsystem for processes acting on isolated systems, andΔSsystem > 0 for a spontaneous process in an isolated system.

d. True. Maximizing the entropy of the universe under conditions of constant pressureand temperature is equivalent to minimizing the free energy of the system.

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4. Entropy change of the universe in a heating process[DJI1]. We heat 1 mole of a material(at an initial temperature Ti) by placing it in thermal contact with a large heat reservoir thathas a higher temperature Tf at constant pressure. Assume the heat capacity of this materialis a constant approximately independent of temperature, and that the heat reservoir is solarge that its temperature is unaffected (remains constant) during moderate heat transfers.

a. What is the entropy change in the heat reservoir caused by this process?

b. Show that the entropy change of the universe for this process is:

ΔSuniverse = CP x − ln 1+ x( )[ ]


x = −Tf −Ti( )Tf


c. Does this spontaneous heating process obey the second law? Explain why or whynot in 1-2 sentences.

a. The second law dictates that temperatures are equal at thermal equilibrium. Here, our system(the one mole of material being heated in contact with the heat reservoir) receives heat from thereservoir until its temperature reaches that of the reservoir, Tf. The entropy change in the reservoirwill be determined from:

dSreservoir =dqrevTf

ΔSreservoir =qreservoirTf


We use the definition of heat capacity to determine what the heat transferred into the system is inthis process:

Cp =dqrevdT


qsystem = CpdTTi

T f

∫ = Cp dTTi

T f

∫ = Cp Tf −Ti( )

∴ΔSreservoir = −Cp Tf −Ti( )

Tf= xCp

b. To calculate the entropy change of the universe, we need to know the entropy change of thesystem and combine it with the entropy change of the reservoir. We again utilize one of theidentities for the heat capacity:

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Cp = T ∂S∂T


ΔSsystem =Cp



T f

∫ = CpdTTTi

T f

∫ = Cp lnTfTi

= −Cp ln 1+ x( )

∴ΔSuniverse = ΔSreservoir + ΔSsystem = Cp x − ln 1+ x( )[ ]

c. Though the entropy of the reservoir decreases in this process, the overall entropy of the universeincreases because the magnitude of the entropy increase in the system is greater than the decreasein the reservoir’s entropy. The second law does not specify the behavior of the entropy for thesystem or reservoir alone; only that the total entropy change must be positive in a spontaneousprocess.

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5. Diffusion experiments obey the second law. Consider the diffusion experiment sketchedschematically below. The system is composed of two subsystems separated by a permeablemembrane. The left subsysytem is initially composed of a pure liquid A, while the rightsubsystem is initially a second pure liquid B. The membrane allows free transfer of A and Bmolecules between the two subsystems. The system is held at constant temperature andpressure, and is closed to its surroundings.

If the two liquids have similar modes of bonding, they may be completely miscible and mix toform an ideal solution. The chemical potential of a component i in an ideal solution is:

µi = µi.o + RT lnXi

where µI,o is a constant, R is the gas constant (8.3144 J/mole K), T is the absolutetemperature, and Xi is the mole fraction of component i in the system:

Xi =ni

n jj=1


∑The sum is over all of the C components of the system.

The total moles of molecules of each type in the system is fixed:

nAL + nA

R = NA

nBL + nB

R = NB

(The superscripts L and R refer to the left and right subsystems, respectively). NA and NB areconstants.

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a. We showed several examples in lecture of how the condition dSuniverse = 0 can be used todefine requirements for equilibrium (e.g., uniform T, uniform P, etc.). We furtherintroduced the Gibbs free energy, which provides a simple criterion for equilibrium underconditions of constant temperature and pressure: dGsystem = 0. Using dGsystem = 0 and theapproach used in lecture for demonstrating thermal and mechanical equilibrium, showthat for chemical equilibrium in the simple system described above, the followingconditions must be met:

µAL = µA


µBL = µB


(Treat each subsystem as a separate phase- the superscript L denotes the leftsubsystem, the superscript R denotes the right subsystem).

a. The differential for the Gibbs free energy of a multi-component, multi-phase system is:

dG =VdP − SdT +j=1


∑ µijdni




…which at constant temperature and pressure reduces to:

dG =j=1


∑ µijdni




For the present system, comprised of two subsystems, we can write the differential for theGibbs free energy of the total system as:

dGsystem = dGA + dGB = µALdnA

L + µBLdnB

L + µARdnA

R + µBRdnB


At equilibrium:

dGsystem = 0


L + µBLdnB

L + µARdnA

R + µBRdnB

R = 0

The constraint that the total number of A and B molecules present is fixed gives:

nAL + nA

R = NA

nBL + nB

R = NB

dnAL + dnA

R = 0dnA

L = −dnAR

dnBL + dnB

R = 0dnB

L = −dnBR

Applying this constraint in the equilibrium equation:

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µAL −µA

R( )dnAL + µBL −µB

R( )dnBL = 0

Equilibrium is achieved when the free energy differential is 0 for any fluctuation

dnAL or

dnBL .

This requires:

µAL −µA

R( ) = 0

µBL −µB

R( ) = 0which gives:

µAL = µA


µBL = µB


b. Suppose the total number of molecules on either side of the membrane is initially equaland must remain equal (e.g., due to the liquids being approximately incompressible andhaving similar molecular volumes):

nAL + nB

L = NL

nAR + nB

R = NR

NL = NR = NA = NB

In addition, the chemical potential constants µi,o for each species can be taken as equal oneither side of the membrane:

µA ,oL = µA ,o


µB ,oL = µB ,o


Given these constraints, calculate the values of

nAL ,

nAR ,

nBL , and

nBR at equilibrium in terms of

the given constants if A and B form an ideal solution on either side of the membrane.

b. If the number of molecules on either side of the membrane is fixed, this constraintprovides:

nAL + nB

L = NL

nAR + nB

R = NR


dnAL = −dnB


dnAR = −dnB


Applying this additional constraint into the equilibrium condition (i) above:

µAL −µA

R( )dnAL + µBL −µB

R( )dnBL = 0

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µAL −µA

R( )dnAL − µBL −µB

R( )dnAL = 0

µAL −µA

R −µBL + µB

R( )dnAL = 0

For equilibrium, we must have:

µAL −µA

R −µBL + µB

R = 0

If the liquids and A and B form an ideal solution, we can expand the chemical potentials as:

µA ,oL + RT lnXA

L −µA ,oR − RT lnXA

R −µB ,oL − RT lnXB

L + µB ,oR + RT lnXB

R = 0

The chemical potential constants for each species are equal, which simplifies this expression:

µB ,oL = µB ,o


µA ,oL = µA ,o


RT lnXAL − RT lnXA

R − RT lnXBL + RT lnXB

R = 0

ln XAL

XAR = ln XB








nAR =



nAL NB − nB

L( ) = nBL NA − nA

L( )NB − nB

L( )nBL =

NA − nAL( )



nBL −1=


nAL −1


nBL =



nAL =




If the number of moles of NA = NB, then we have at equilibrium:

nAL = nB


Looking back at our other constraints, this means:

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nAL = nB

L = nAR = nB



…thus, as your intuition hopefully suggests, this free diffusion experiment ends with the auniform concentration of molecules throughout the left and right subsystems. Note that this problemwould become more interesting if the chemical potentials had a different form- this is where thechemistry of specific molecules comes into play in real systems. We will examine the effects of morecomplicated chemical potentials later in the term.