3. open innov organization

1 ICT-based Creativity and Innovation --oo--oo-- 3. Open Innovation: Organization M.Missikoff Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition ISTC-CNR, Rome ([email protected]) Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies

Transcript of 3. open innov organization

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ICT-based Creativity and Innovation

--oo--oo-- 3. Open Innovation: Organization

M.Missikoff Institute of Sciences and Technologies of Cognition

ISTC-CNR, Rome ([email protected])

Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies

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“We must become the change we want to see in the world”

(Mahatma Gandhi)

• Innovation is People-centric • But it requires a tight integration between

– Digital Actors knowledge and activities – Human Actors knowledge and activities – Multiple disciplines and diversified competences

• The Quadruple Helix of Open Innovation • Open Innovation Ecosystem

– Shape, organization, management, ICT platforms

• Preparing to work in this new environments – Continuous Education – New Management styles 2

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Innovation: The C4K Diamond

• Collaboration

• Competencies



Competencies Culture



• Computing

• Culture

• Knowledge

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Collabortive Knowledge Exchange

• Digital Enterprise organised to facilitate Knowledge Flow

• Knowledge among the two key actors: Humans & Computers (A Cyber-Physical Systems view)




Linked Data, Interoperability, ...

Big Data, CMS, ... eLearning, Knowledge Suply, CMS, ...

Education, Co-creation, ...


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The Nature of Enterprise Innovation

• Whatever you innovate, firstly you change your behaviours

• Knowledge Management is not sufficient • You need Knowledge at Work (Pargmatics)

KW = P • In the Enterprise, KW will modify your

organization, BP, Info Flow, ... the Value Production Space

• Knowledge capable of modifying your working style, your environment, your culture, ... – HR continuous training, formal and ‘on the job’


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New Expertises

Beyond Application Domain experts and Technology experts ...

• Knowledge Architects

• Innovation Engineers

• Psychologists, Sociologists, and Artists

• Decision Making experts

• Advanced Organization & Management experts

• Legal and Business experts

• ... 6

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The Innovation Ecosystem

Public Administration

Business and enterprises

People and Society

University and Research

Networked Innovation


Quadruple Helix

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Open Innovation Ecosystem

“Orchestrating regional innovation ecosystems is an emerging science—and an art.

So it is important to research its secrets, learn how they work and why, and thus come to understand how to better maintain and improve them.

We must continue to learn how orchestrating these ecosystems creates opportunities for business, universities and local government, and enhances the quality of life of our citizens.”

(Carlos MOEDAS, EU Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation)

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Open Innovation Ecosystem Architecture



Expert1 IKR1

OIH: Open Innovation Hub






Univ2 NGO



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New Management Styles

• From Managemetn to Orchestration • Combining Knowledge Within and Across Industries

– coordinate information across Innovation Players in new ways

• Manage overcoming obstacles that are inevitably encountered during an innovation path

• Involve and motivate, at intellectual and emotional level the participating people

• Always search the benefits from outside perspectives—whether from customers, suppliers, people in adjacent industries.

• New methods for activity monitoring: – Enterprise Innovation Maturity , or Readiness Level (ako TRL) – Innovation Project Performance Indicators (I-KPI)


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Education for Innovation


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Education for Innovation • The key role of education: new learning methods

Innovative Learning for Learning Innovation Enterprise level • Innovation culture, values Management and stakeholders Level • Innovation couching and valorisation, e-Leadership Organization level • Open ideas and knowledge flow, Innovation rallies,

Innovation Hackatons Team level • Innovation working style, co-invent, co-design Individual level • New forms of thinking: divergent, visual, design, ...


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Four Areas of Knowledge

• Enterprise Knowledge • Domain Knowledge • Method Knowledge • Technol Knowledge


Domain K


Meth K Tech K Innovation

Enterprise K

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Innovation Competency Space


Digital Enablers Application Domains

Enterprise Dimension

Social Science, Psychology ICT & AI Design Science

Key Disciplines

Knowledge Management

Big Data Collab Platforms

Decision Support Systems Factory of Future eGov




Ecomonics, Business Sci

Computational Artifact


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New skills and roles

• Innovation Champion (to be followed)

• Innovation Angel (motivational support)

• Innovation Mentor (Field expert)

• Knowledge Architect – Conceptual modeling of Domain Knowledge

– Innovation Methods and tools promoter

• Orchestrator (p. Manager)

• Bridger (internal scouting, interlinking)

• Curator (Milestone / node reviewer)


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Science Technology Enginering Math


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Design Thinking

• “... relies on our ability to be intuitive, to recognise patterns, to construct ideas that have emotional meaning as well as functionality.”

• “Nobody wants to run a business based on feelings, intuitions, and inspiration. But an overreliance on the rational and the analytical can be just as dangerous”

(Tim Brown, CEO of IDEO)


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Visual Thinking

• Using pictures, sketching, imagery, graphics, and other visual approaches to help people more effectively communicate, problem-solve, and understand complex issues. (www.vizthink.com)

• Helps thinking about complex topics

• Napkin Sketches

• Edward De Bono:

– Vertical thinking: logical, analytic, sequential

– Lateral thinking: discontinuous, serendipitous, random, intuitive, not obvious, changing perspective


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Divergent Thinking


Supporting methods: gamification, Visual Thinking, TRIZ (Inventive Problem Solving), Mind Mapping, ... or simple Post-It

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Gaming & New Learning Forms


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Game-driven Innovation

• A report of Gartner states that games will be largely adopted to drive innovations

• More than half of successful innovative enterprises adopt technologies and methods embedding gaming mechanisms

• Gamification: essentially engaging, rewarding, emotional involvement, storytelling, …

• UK Department of Labor launched a game-like application called “Idea Street” aiming at collect new insights from their 120 000 users


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Game Innovation Lab @ NYU



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Game Innovation Lab @ USC



It is time for Europe to follow the USA example ...

Next: 4/6.OpenInnov-Lifecycle