3-D numerical simulation of contact angle hysteresis for microscale ...

3-D numerical simulation of contact angle hysteresis for microscale two phase flow Chen Fang * , Carlos Hidrovo, Fu-min Wang, John Eaton, Kenneth Goodson Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3032, United States Received 13 April 2007; received in revised form 7 August 2007 Abstract Understanding the physics of microscale two-phase flow is important for a broad variety of engineering applications including com- pact PEM fuel cells and heat exchangers. The low Bond number and confined geometry make it critical to consider both the surface tension at the liquid–gas interfaces and the surface forces acting at the channel boundaries. Within the framework of a numerical volume of fluid (VOF) approach, the present work proposes a model to account for surface adhesion forces by considering the effects of contact angle hysteresis. A transient model is developed by correcting boundary force balances through specification of the local contact angle and instantaneously updating the local angle values based on the variation of the volume fraction from previous time steps. The model compares very well with new data provided here for droplets on a rotating disk and liquid slug flow in microchannel. The simulation reveals that the contact angle distribution along the slug profile in the microchannel flow can be approximated using a piecewise linear function. This study indicates that the asymmetric distribution of the contact angle might be responsible for several phenomena observed in the microchannel experiments, including slug instability. Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Keywords: Contact angle hysteresis; Volume of fluid (VOF); Two-phase flow; Microscale; Droplet detachment; Liquid slug detachment 1. Introduction Multiphase flows in microchannels have been exten- sively studied in the past few decades due to their wide range of applications. For instance, proton exchange mem- brane fuel cells (PEMFCs) operating at high current densi- ties tend to suffer from excessive water accumulation, leading to liquid blockage of the cathode flow channel. Hence, water management that ensures the effective removal of byproduct water from the microchannel is crit- ical (Cha et al., 2003). In addition, microscale multiphase flow also plays an important role in the microelectronics cooling technology (Peng and Wang, 1993; Zhang, 2000). MEMS technology also motivates the research on multi- phase flows in microchannels. A novel gas–liquid–solid cat- alyzed reactor, for example, was discussed in Crynes et al. (1996). Flow regime maps of multiphase microchannel flows reveals that in a wide range of flow conditions the bub- ble/slug flow is the primary flow pattern (Feng and Seriza- wa, 2000; Hidrovo et al., 2004). The small dimension of the microchannel leads to a small Bond Number which means that surface forces play an important role in determining the dynamics of liquid slugs and bubbles whereas body forces are generally negligible (Hidrovo et al., 2005). Fur- thermore, since the two-phase flow happens inside a con- fined space, it is critical to consider the interaction between the boundary and the fluid in-between. Specifi- cally, the surface forces acting at the boundaries are of par- ticular importance (Barajas and Panton, 1992). Various numerical methods have been used in the study of multiphase flows in microchannels. A conservative method suitable for the treatment of the interface topolog- ical changes, the VOF approach is found to be among the 0301-9322/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2007.08.008 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 6502153026. E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Fang). www.elsevier.com/locate/ijmulflow Available online at www.sciencedirect.com International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

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International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

3-D numerical simulation of contact angle hysteresis for microscaletwo phase flow

Chen Fang *, Carlos Hidrovo, Fu-min Wang, John Eaton, Kenneth Goodson

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-3032, United States

Received 13 April 2007; received in revised form 7 August 2007


Understanding the physics of microscale two-phase flow is important for a broad variety of engineering applications including com-pact PEM fuel cells and heat exchangers. The low Bond number and confined geometry make it critical to consider both the surfacetension at the liquid–gas interfaces and the surface forces acting at the channel boundaries. Within the framework of a numerical volumeof fluid (VOF) approach, the present work proposes a model to account for surface adhesion forces by considering the effects of contactangle hysteresis. A transient model is developed by correcting boundary force balances through specification of the local contact angleand instantaneously updating the local angle values based on the variation of the volume fraction from previous time steps. The modelcompares very well with new data provided here for droplets on a rotating disk and liquid slug flow in microchannel. The simulationreveals that the contact angle distribution along the slug profile in the microchannel flow can be approximated using a piecewise linearfunction. This study indicates that the asymmetric distribution of the contact angle might be responsible for several phenomena observedin the microchannel experiments, including slug instability.� 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Contact angle hysteresis; Volume of fluid (VOF); Two-phase flow; Microscale; Droplet detachment; Liquid slug detachment

1. Introduction

Multiphase flows in microchannels have been exten-sively studied in the past few decades due to their widerange of applications. For instance, proton exchange mem-brane fuel cells (PEMFCs) operating at high current densi-ties tend to suffer from excessive water accumulation,leading to liquid blockage of the cathode flow channel.Hence, water management that ensures the effectiveremoval of byproduct water from the microchannel is crit-ical (Cha et al., 2003). In addition, microscale multiphaseflow also plays an important role in the microelectronicscooling technology (Peng and Wang, 1993; Zhang, 2000).MEMS technology also motivates the research on multi-phase flows in microchannels. A novel gas–liquid–solid cat-

0301-9322/$ - see front matter � 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 6502153026.E-mail address: [email protected] (C. Fang).

alyzed reactor, for example, was discussed in Crynes et al.(1996).

Flow regime maps of multiphase microchannel flowsreveals that in a wide range of flow conditions the bub-ble/slug flow is the primary flow pattern (Feng and Seriza-wa, 2000; Hidrovo et al., 2004). The small dimension of themicrochannel leads to a small Bond Number which meansthat surface forces play an important role in determiningthe dynamics of liquid slugs and bubbles whereas bodyforces are generally negligible (Hidrovo et al., 2005). Fur-thermore, since the two-phase flow happens inside a con-fined space, it is critical to consider the interactionbetween the boundary and the fluid in-between. Specifi-cally, the surface forces acting at the boundaries are of par-ticular importance (Barajas and Panton, 1992).

Various numerical methods have been used in the studyof multiphase flows in microchannels. A conservativemethod suitable for the treatment of the interface topolog-ical changes, the VOF approach is found to be among the

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C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705 691

best numerical tools when the bubble/slug dynamics andthe liquid/gas interface morphology are of particular inter-est (Gregor et al., 2001). The velocity field and bubble pro-file in a vertical gas–liquid flow inside capillaries has beenobtained (Taha and Cui, 2004) and it was found to be ingood agreement with experimental measurements. Tsenget al. (2002) used a VOF model to analyze the filling pro-cess of liquid slugs through channel network. The simula-tion focused on the influence of the wall wettability andthe result showed that wall surface hydrophobicity is adominating factor in the filling processes of reservoirs.

Understanding of the surface tension acting on the con-tact line is of particular importance in bubble/slug flows inconfined spaces. Contact angle is the critical parameter inevaluating the surface adhesive force. However, the contactangle hysteresis effect, i.e. the non-uniqueness of the staticcontact angle, substantially complicates the determinationof angle value and is responsible for various multiphaseflow phenomena at small scale. Blackmore et al. (2001),Mahe et al. (1988) and Basu et al. (1997) experimentallystudied the detachment of air bubbles in a slit microchan-nel by a shearing flow and the balance between the liquiddrag force and the surface adhesive force caused by thecontact angle asymmetry was addressed. In addition tothe experiment, Renardy et al. (2001) numerically simu-lated the moving contact line problem based on VOFmodel, using two methods to implement the contact anglecondition. However, the contact angle needs to be eitherpre-determined based on Young’s equation or prescribedas an input in their model, and the contact angle hysteresiseffect was not addressed. To allow for the non-uniquenessof the contact angle, Theodorakakos et al. (2006) numeri-cally studied the droplet detachment on GDL material bycorrelating the real contact angle value with the contactline velocity. Similarly, Chen et al. (2008) and Francoisand Shyy (2003) assumed that the real contact angle is alinear function of contact line velocity. However, suchmodel may cause unphysical behavior, e.g. the contactpoint can move backward even when the contact line veloc-ity is positive, due to the fact that the real contact angledepends on not only the current flow state, but also the his-tory of the contact line motion. Unfortunately, there is alack of numerical tools to analyze the influence of the con-tact angle hysteresis effects on microchannel flows byaccounting for the contact line motion history.

The present study proposes a 3-D contact angle hyster-esis model within the framework of the VOF approach.Upon solving the non-linear equations relating the volumefraction, interface position, and contact angle, a specialalgorithm is developed to replicate the hysteresis effectbased on considering the contact line movement history.The model is validated against data from two experimentson droplet/slug dynamics, and quantitative matching isachieved for a wide range of flow conditions. The simula-tion indicates the importance of considering the surfaceadhesive force and the contact angle hysteresis effect formicroscale multiphase flow. The results also reveal that

the contact angle distribution along the liquid slug profilecould be approximated using a piecewise linear function.Moreover, the contact angle asymmetry is found responsi-ble for the slug elongation and the post-detachment sluginstability.

2. Contact angle hysteresis effect

By assuming constant surface tensions between eachpair of the three phases, the well-known Young’s equationis expressed as

rLG cos hs ¼ rGS � rLS ð1Þ

Young’s equation relates the experimentally measurableparameters hs and rLG to rGS and rLS, which are generallynot available experimentally. For constant surface tensionsof the three phases, Eq. (1) implies that the static contactangle hs is unique. However, this implication contradictsthe experimental observations that for most material sys-tems, the real contact angle h can take on any value withinthe interval hR 6 h 6 hA and that the contact line remainsfixed for angle variations within this range, a phenomenontypically referred to as the contact angle hysteresis. Variousmodifications to Young’s equation have been proposed toaccount for the contact angle hysteresis effect, and a com-prehensive review on this topic was given by Dussan(1979). Although the mechanism governing contact anglehysteresis remains an open topic, we can circumvent thisdifficulty in the numerical simulation by considering threelength scales, as shown in Fig. 1. The largest length scaleillustrated in the figure is the mesh scale, based on whichthe numerical discretization is performed. Here, rNET rep-resents the net force exerted by the solid wall on the inter-face. Generally, rLG is measurable experimentally whereasrNET must be determined by indirect methods. The surfacetensions of the three phases are all constants over the meshscale. By zooming in the area near the contact line on themesh scale, we move onto the experimental observationscale (Fig. 1b), which is much larger than the molecularmean free path, so the surface tension remains constantover this scale. Meanwhile, the observation scale is muchsmaller than the droplet/bubble surface curvature, hencethe interface can be simply treated as a flat plane, as indi-cated in Fig. 1b. Such scale corresponds to the smallestscale available in the experimental observation, and theeffective contact angle hs measured by drawing the tangen-tial line at the contact point should be defined at this scale.Applying the x-component force balance to the interface atthe observation scale yields:

rLG cos hs ¼ rNET ð2Þ

which means that we can use the experimentally measuredeffective contact angle hs to correlate the known surfacetension rLG with the unknown rNET. Moreover, since thesurface tension remains constant when we zoom out fromthe observation scale back to the computational meshscale, Eq. (2) still holds on at the mesh scale, and we can

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(a) Computational Mesh Scale

(b) Experimental Observation Scale

(c) Vicinityof Contact Line Region





Fig. 1. Comparison of three length scales. The simulation is performed at the computational mesh scale, the effective contact angle hs is defined at theobservation scale, while in the vicinity of the contact line region, the three phases overlap and the definitions of the contact line and contact angle becomeambiguous.

692 C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

directly use the experimentally measured effective contactangle hs in the mesh cell located at the contact line to eval-uate rNET. When we zoom in from the observation scale tothe vicinity of the contact line region (Fig. 1c), which ex-tends a few molecular diameters from the solid surface,the continuity assumption breaks down, and the definitionof liquid gas interface and the contact angle becomesambiguous. However, hs is defined outside of this scale.Recognizing that the physics within the contact line regionresults in the complexity of the contact angle hysteresis, wehave circumvented the difficulty by experimentally measur-ing the effective contact angle hs, based on which rNET isdetermined.

A basic hysteresis process can be described as that thecontact line remain fixed at a given position, provide thevalue of the contact angle h lies within the intervalhR 6 h 6 hA, where hR and hA are defined as the advancingand receding angles, respectively. Here, the advancing/receding contact angle only refers to the equilibrium values.In actuality, it is found experimentally that once the con-tact line starts to move, the contact angle will deviates fromthe equilibrium value. As shown in Fig. 2, a wetting processwith a positive contact line velocity causes the contactangle to positively deviate from the equilibrium advancingangle, while a dewetting process results in a negative devi-ation. Many empirical correlations relating contact angle

Contact Angle





Zero VelocitFixed Contact Line

Positive VelocitWetting Process

Negative VelocityDewetting Process

Hysteresis Zone

Dynamic Advancing

Dynamic Receding

Equilibrium Receding Angle Contact Line Velocity

EquilibriumAdvancing Angle

Fig. 2. Map of contact angle versus contact line velocity.

with capillary number have been proposed, among whichare the Hoffman–Jiang correlation for advancing contactangle (Jiang et al., 1979):

cos hadv � cos hd

cos hadv þ 1¼ tanhð4:96Ca0:702Þ; when 10�3

< Ca < 1; We < 10�3; Bo < 10�1 ð3Þ

and the Hoffman–Tan law for the receding contact angle(Tanner, 1979):

h3rec � h3

d ¼ CTCa ð4Þ

where CT is a constant. hrec, hadv are the equilibriumadvancing and receding contact angles, respectively. Con-sidering their simple form, Eqs. (3) and (4) are used inthe present study. A numerical evaluation of Eqs. (3) and(4) shows that at moderately low contact line velocitiesthe dynamic contact angle is very close to its equilibriumcounterpart and the deviation is negligible. In fact, mea-surements on slowly moving drops have been used forthe purpose of determining equilibrium contact angles(Rotenberg et al., 1984).

3. Numerical model

3.1. VOF model

The VOF method is employed here for the numericalinvestigation of the microscale two-phase flow because itallows tracking of immiscible interfaces and calculationof the surface tension. The two-fluid flow is modeled withthe Navier–Stokes equation:

qouotþ ðu � rÞu

� �¼ �rp þr � ðlSÞ þ f ð5Þ

where q, l and f are the density, viscosity, and body forceterm of the momentum equation, respectively. The quan-tity S is the rate of strain tensor

Sij ¼1



oxiþ oui


� �ð6Þ

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θ θ







Fig. 3. Corner vector evaluation for boundary cell by contact anglespecification.

C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705 693

In our calculations, the body force f includes the gravityand interfacial tension. The velocity field u is subject tothe incompressibility constraint

r � u ¼ 0 ð7Þ

In the VOF method, the motion of the interface betweenimmiscible liquids of different density and viscosity is de-fined by a phase indicator – the volume fraction functiona. To allow for mass conservation of each phase, an addi-tional equation is introduced:

oaotþ u � ra ¼ 0 ð8Þ

We use (8) to represent and track the interface which istransported by the velocity field u. Moreover, the averagedvalues of the density and the viscosity are calculated withthe volume fraction:

q ¼ aq1 þ ð1� aÞq2

l ¼ al1 þ ð1� aÞl2


The current VOF model employs the Marker and Cell(MAC) finite difference method, which is based on theuse of rectangular grids. Nodal values of the volume frac-tion C and the pressure p are defined at the center of eachcell, while the nodal values of the horizontal and verticalvelocity components are defined at the midpoints of thevertical and horizontal sides, respectively. In each time stepthe volume fraction a, which indicates the two-phase inter-face position, is first updated and then followed by the cal-culation of the surface tension. Finally, the velocity andpressure fields are solved based on the Navier–Stokesequation.

Updating of the interface location is based on Young’spiecewise linear interface construction (PLIC) scheme(Youngs, 1982), in which the normal vector n of the inter-face is first related to the gradient of volume fraction byn = $C/|$C|. Then, a flat plane having a normal vector n

is used to approximate the real liquid–gas interface withineach cell. With the knowledge of the interface positionchange, the volume of fluid transferring into the neighbor-ing cells is evaluated and the volume fraction a updated.

Due to the small Reynolds number which is typical ofmicroscale flows, a laminar flow model is used. The equa-tions are solved by an algebraic multigrid (AMG) solver(Issa et al., 1991), and the pressure-implicit with splittingof operators (PISO) scheme for pressure–velocity coupling.

3.2. Surface tension calculation and contact angle


The Young–Laplace equation expresses the surface ten-sion in terms of the surface curvature k, surface tensioncoefficient r, as well as the surface normal n̂:

f ¼ rkn̂ ð10Þ

In our simulation, surface tension is applied using the con-tinuous surface force (CSF) scheme (Brackbill et al., 1992).

The addition of surface tension to the VOF method is mod-eled by a source term f in the momentum equation:

f ¼ rk2q

q1 þ q2

ra ð11Þ

where q is given by Eq. (9). In our present treatment, r issimply a constant and Maragoni effects are not considered.The curvature k is defined in terms of the divergence of theunit normal n:

k ¼ �ðr � n̂Þ ¼ � r � 1

jraj ra

� �� �ð12Þ

where n̂ ¼ njnj ð13Þ

Substituting (12) into (11), yields:

f ¼ 2rqra

ql þ qg


jrajrajraj � r� �

jraj � ðr2aÞ� �


In applying formulation (14), a Marker and Cell (MAC)like discretization scheme is used. A unit vector n is calcu-lated from discretizing the volume fraction a of the imme-diate 26 neighboring cells, based on the relation n = $a.Initially, a cell corner value of the normal vector is com-puted. Then required cell-centered values are given by aver-aging the corner values. Also, $2a is calculated bydiscretizing the normal vector values obtained at the eightcell corners.

The corner normal vector of the cell located at theboundary is determined by directly applying the contactangle boundary condition instead of by discretizing the avalues of neighboring cells. Here, the surface normal~n ¼ ½nx; ny ; nz� at the contact line is first determined by rec-ognizing that ny=


x þ n2z

p¼ cot h, where h is the contact

angle. Then the obtained contact line normal is assignedto the four cell corners lying on the boundary as shownin Fig. 3.

Some modification is needed if we apply the above-men-tioned methodology to the interface at the corner. Assumethe interface is at angles a and b with respect to the bottomand side wall boundaries, respectively (Fig. 4). Uponapplying the geometric relationship it is found that the nor-mal of the interface (shaded plane in Fig. 4)~n ¼ ½1;A;B� isgiven by:

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Side Wall


n = [1,A,B]→

Fig. 4. Contact angle specification at corner cell.

694 C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

A2 ¼ cos2 a1� cos2 a� cos2 b


B2 ¼ cos2 b1� cos2 a� cos2 b


The presence of the square numbers A2, B2 in Eqs. (15) and(16) requires that the right-hand terms be positive. Consid-ering a special case in which both the side wall and bottomhave the same contact angle, the aforementioned constraintimplies that both angles must be higher than 45�, i.e.a = b P 45�, to allow the stable existence of the interfaceat the corner. This implication is consistent with the exper-imental observations shown in Concus and Finn (1974)which states that a spontaneous rising up to the top ofthe container occurs for the liquid in the corners providedthe contact angle is small.

1 For interpretation of color in Fig. 6, the reader is referred to the webversion of this article.

3.3. Numerical evaluation of local contact angle

Subsequent to knowledge of the contact angle hysteresiseffect, the objective is the replication of the hysteresis pro-cess in the 3-D numerical simulation. It should be realizedthat a typical hysteresis process always has a memory effectin the sense that the value at the current time step dependson the parameters not only in the current time step but alsoin the previous time steps, i.e. its history. Here, we updatethe local contact angle in the current time step by consider-ing its counterpart in the previous time step as well as theangle increment between the consecutive time steps. Specif-ically, the angle value hi+1 at time step i + 1 could beexpressed as

hiþ1j ¼ hi

j þ Hðhij � hrecÞH hadv � hi


� � ohj

oajMaj ð17Þ

where the Heaviside function H is defined as:

HðkÞ ¼1; @ k > 0

0; @ k 6 0


The subscript j denotes the cell j with the local contact an-gle hj. The second right-hand term of Eq. (17) representsthe angle increment between time step i + 1 and i. The vol-

ume fraction aj, a measure of the liquid/gas volume ratio incell j, is introduced into the increment term to account forthe fact that the contact angle variations are essentiallycaused by the change of liquid/gas volume in each cell.In deriving Eq. (17) it is realized that the advancing andreceding contact angles can be viewed as the upper andlower limits of the real contact angle value, respectively.Within the range of receding and advancing contact angle,the local contact angle can vary freely whereas the contactline is pinned, while outside this range the local contact an-gle will be fixed at either the advancing or receding anglewith a moving contact line and the increment term in Eq.(17) simply drops out.

Eq. (17) still requires the evaluation of ohj/oaj. Here, arectangular cell lying on the boundary is considered(Fig. 5). In the VOF model, the liquid–gas interface isapproximated as a plane within each cell, as indicated byplane A–B–C–D–E–F in the graph. Also, the triple contactline where three phases make contact is represented by theintersecting line of the interface plane and the bottomplane, as highlighted by the red1 dashed line in Fig. 5,where the contact angle h is also shown. In accordance tothe definition of contact angle, the volume fraction a corre-sponds to the volume of the portion of the cell below theinterfacial plane. As discussed previously, the contact lineshould be fixed during the variation of a, provided h liesbetween the advancing and receding angle values. There-fore, a change of a simply results in the rotation of theinterfacial plane A–B–C–D–E–F about the axis BH to,say, either A0–B0–C0–D0–E0–F0 (a increases) or A00–B00–C00–D00–E00–F00 (a decreases). In practice, the contact line couldbe located at any position, making it necessary to derive auniversal expression of ohj/oaj applicable to any possiblegeometric configuration. Assuming the surface normal ofthe interfacial plane A–B–C–D–E–F is ~n ¼ ½m1;m2;m3�,then the equation of the plane is;

m1xþ m2y þ m3z ¼ b ð19Þ

It is further assumed that 0 < h < 90�, m1, m2, m3 P 0 (thiscondition can always be satisfied by appropriate coordinatetransformation). Let g = m2/m1, h = b/m1, f = m3/m1,substituting into Eq. (19) yields:

xþ gy þ fz ¼ h ð20Þ

The volume fraction a can be expressed as

a ¼ 1

6ghh3 �



H h� mjCj


� �h� mj


� �3"



H h� C1 � gC2 � fC3 þmjCj


� �

� h� C1 � gC2 � fC3 þmjCj


� �3#


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Fig. 5. Calculation of ohj/oaj when contact line is fixed.

C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705 695

where the Heaviside function H is defined in Eq. (18). Cj

refers to the length of the rectangular cell edge. Observing

that m3 ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffim2

1 þ m22

p= tanðhÞ; a can be expressed in terms

of the contact angle h as

a ¼ aðg; h; hÞ

¼ 1

6ghh3 �



H h� mjCj


� �h� mj


� �3"



H h� C1 � gC2 �ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

ptan h

C3 þmjCj



� h� C1 � gC2 �ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

ptan h

C3 þmjCj




Finally, we have


fixed contact line ¼oaoh


¼ Aþ Bþ C ð23Þ


A ¼ sec2 h

6gffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

p h3 �X3


H h� mjCj


� �h� mj


� �3"



H h� C1 � gC2 �ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

ptan h

C3 þmjCj



� h� C1 � gC2 �ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

ptan h

C3 þmjCj



B ¼ �csc2h tan hC3

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2


ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

p ½3ðh� fC3Þ2Hðh� fC3Þ�

C ¼ tan h

6gffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2


3Hðh� gC2 � fC3Þ

� h� gC2 � C3

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

p= tan h

� �2

csc2hffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2


� �þ 3Hðh� C1 � fC3Þ h� C1 � C3

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

p= tan h

� �2

� C3csc2hffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi1þ g2

p� �#

Based on Eq. (23), ohj/oaj and the angle increment can becalculated for each cell containing the contact line in eachtime step. Finally, the contact angle in time step i + 1 canbe readily updated based on the information in time stepi, using Eq. (17).

The contact angle update approach discussed above isvirtually a forward Euler method. If the location of thecontact line is very close to the cell corner, the derivativeohj/oaj can attain extremely high values resulting in a signif-icant error when using Euler method. An alternativeapproach is to directly solve the non-linear equation (22),which relates the contact angle hiþ1

j in the next time stepwith ai

j as well as g,h indicating the contact line positionin the current time step. The position of the contact linecan be determined in the manner given by Scardovelliand Zaleskiy (2000). Here, assuming the equation for theinterfacial plane takes the form of Eq. (19) and the primaryphase volume is given by a and that a 6 0.5 (otherwise, acoordinate transformation is needed), and that b* = b/m1C1 + m2C2 + m3C3, m12 = m1 + m2, and m = min(m12,m3),then b* can be calculated as follows:

b� ¼ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi6m1m2m3a3p

for 0 6 a 6 a1

b� ¼ 0:5ðm1 þffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffim2

1 þ 8m2m3ða� a1Þp

Þ for a1 6 a 6 a2

�b�3 þ 3m12b�2 � 3ðm2

1 þ m22Þb

� þ m31 þ m3


�6m1m2m3a ¼ 0 for a2 6 a 6 a3

�2b�3 þ 3b�2 � 3ðm21 þ m2

2 þ m23Þb

þm31 þ m3

2 þ m33 � 6m1m2m3a ¼ 0 for a31 6 a 6 0:5

b� ¼ m3aþ m12=2 for a32 6 a 6 0:5


Since the contact line is fixed when a changes, b* and henceg,h for time step i are substituted into Eq. (22) to obtain theupdated contact angle in time step i + 1. The derivative oa/oh has been given by Eq. (23), so the non-linear equation(22) can be readily solved using the Newton–Rhapson iter-ation method. However, the right-hand term of Eq. (22) isperiodic in terms of h due to the presence of the trigono-metric functions, resulting in the non-unique solutions.To ensure the convergence to the interval [0,p] which isof interest here, Eq. (22) is modified to be a piecewise func-tion when applying the Newton method:

a ¼ aðg; h; pÞ þ h� p if h > p

a ¼ aðg; h; hÞ if h 2 ½0; p�a ¼ aðg; h; 0Þ þ h if h < 0


Then the solution to the modified Eq. (25) becomes uniqueand the convergence to [0,p] is guaranteed.

In practice, the contact angle value is stored andupdated for each cell on the contact line. Since the meshis fixed in VOF model, the contact angle value in the pre-vious time step may become unavailable if the contact lineis shifting from one cell to another. To solve this problem,the local contact angle values of the cells lying on the con-tact line (cell B in Fig. 6) are dynamically passed to their

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Contact Line

Angle Value Transfer

Fig. 6. Schematic of contact angle value transfer to neighboring cells.

696 C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

neighboring cells located in the normal direction of thecontact line (cells A and C).

As illustrated in Fig. 2, the hysteresis effect no longerinfluences the contact angle value provided the contact lineis in motion. Instead, the contact angle becomes a functionof the contact line velocity. Therefore, the use of Eqs. (3)and (4) to solve for the contact angle value requires knowl-edge of the contact line velocity. Since the contact line loca-tion is given by Eq. (24), the displacement of the contactline between two consecutive time steps can be deducedand the contact line velocity can be readily calculated aswell.

3.4. Computational domain and boundary conditions

In the present study, two categories of water–air multi-phase problems are simulated using the hysteresis model:(1) small droplet detachment on a rotating disk, and (2)slug flow in a square microchannel. Both of them are spe-cially selected to highlight the influence of the surface ten-sion and contact angle hysteresis effects and their detailsare given in Section 4.

For the case of a droplet on a rotating disk, a rectangu-lar parallelepiped cavity of 10 mm � 10 mm � 10 mm isemployed in which the air–water transport process is mod-eled as a transient two-phase problem (Fig. 7a). No-slipboundary condition is applied to the cavity bottom on

a) Droplet on plate

Air Inlet

Water Inlet

Fig. 7. Sketch of calculation domain an

which the droplet is placed. A velocity inlet boundary con-dition (uniform velocity normal to the inlet) was applied toa 0.2 mm � 0.2 mm water inlet at the center of the cavitybottom to generate droplet growth. The rest of the fiveinterior walls of the cavity are assigned as outlet flow con-dition (the gradients of all flow parameters are zero).

For the microchannel slug flow problem, a straightchannel 5 mm in length with rectangular cross-section of500 lm � 45 lm is used as the computation domain(Fig. 7b). The no-slip boundary condition is applied toall the microchannel walls. A velocity inlet boundary con-dition was specified at both the air inlet located at the oneend of the microchannel and the water inlet located at thebottom of the microchannel two-thirds of the way down-stream from the air inlet. Similarly to the previous prob-lem, the boundary condition was assigned as outlet flow(zero gradients) at the channel outlet.

3.5. Numerical accuracy

In the present study, a 3-D structured orthogonal gridwith about 240,000 computation nodes was employed.The node numbers in X, Y, and Z directions are 400, 30,and 20, respectively. The grid independency was validatedby performing different numerical simulations for one slugflow case with varying number of nodes. This grid has beenrefined triple by increasing the number of cells by 20%,40%, and 100% in every direction, respectively. Simulationresults showed that the difference between 320,000 and78,000 is minor. Considering that the computational costincreases fastly with the node number, the computationalgrid with 120,000 nodes was adopted for all simulationcases presented in this study. Fig. 8 shows the liquid slugprofile calculated on the three grids at the detachmentpoint for a typical flow condition.

4. Experimental setup for model validation

4.1. Measurements of droplets on a rotating disk

To establish confidence in the numerical model, thedeformation and detachment process of water droplets

Water Inlet


b) Water slug in micro channel

d boundaries (not drawn to scale).

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Fig. 8. Slug profile at detachment point for three different grid resolutions, flow condition: air: 15.56 m/s, water: 0.09 m/s, side wall 135�/70�, bottom:105�/70�.

Fig. 9. Schematic of spinning plate setup. This experiment uses acceleration force to induce contact angle asymmetry.

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on a spinning plate is experimentally studied and comparedwith the numerical prediction. In this case, a small waterdroplet is placed on the circular plate rotating at a desig-nated velocity. The surface force caused by the asymmetricdistribution of contact angle along the contact line bal-ances the centrifugal force prior to detachment, until thevelocity is increased to a level at which the droplet defor-mation reaches its limit, i.e. the contact angles at the foreand aft triple points of the liquid slug take on the advanc-ing and receding contact angles, respectively.

Fig. 9 illustrates the basic architecture of the experimen-tal setup. Test materials differing in surface properties areattached to a circular plate driven by a two-phase steppermotor, which precisely control the speed of the plate. Thedroplet is placed in an enclosed test chamber, which notonly maintains the humidity of the surrounding air andsuppresses the evaporation, but also isolates the dropletfrom the spinning-induced airflow. A Roper Scientific 12-bit CoolSNAP ES CCD camera is employed for imageacquisition. A trigger system composed of an infrared emit-ter, a photodiode, and a notched plate is used to synchro-nize the camera and plate, allowing for capturing of thedroplet side view at a consistent and identical imagingangle for all plate revolutions. The illumination is providedby a laser diode located behind the droplet. Before eachtesting, given volume of water is deposited on the test mate-rial using a thin needle connected to a syringe pump. Thenthe velocity of the plate is increased in a stepwise mannerfrom zero to the detachment velocity, at which point the

droplet starts to move. For each velocity step, the trigger-ing circuit is enabled once and the corresponding dropletside view image is captured by the CCD camera. To facil-itate the identification of the liquid slug detachment point,as well as to minimize the tangential acceleration whichtends to deform the droplet in an unfavorable circumferen-tial direction, the plate velocity is increased at a rate assmall as 0.2 rad/s. The effective centrifugal acceleration act-ing on the droplet is evaluated based on the angular veloc-ity of the plate and the distance between the droplet androtation axis.

4.2. Measurement of slug flow in a microchannel

In addition to the spinning plate experiments, the pres-ent hysteresis model was further validated against liquidslug flow in microchannels with sidewall water injection.Here, a silicon based test structure was fabricated consist-ing of a U-shaped microchannel and a water reservoir con-nected by side slots, allowing for sidewall water injection(as shown in Fig. 10a). The channel is etched to 45 lmdepth and 500 lm in width. Air flows through the micro-channel while the water is injected into the microchannelthrough a 20 lm wide side slot located two-thirds of theway downstream from the microchannel air inlet. In orderto render the microchannels hydrophobic, MolecularVapor Deposition (MVD) of Self-Assembled Monolayers(SAMs), such as FTDS, is performed. The samples pro-cessing was carried out by Applied Micro Structures Inc.

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Fig. 10. (a) Image of microfabricated silicon channel. (b) Schematic of experimental setup.

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(AMST) and the measured advancing contact angle was135�. Compressed air is supplied to the microchannel andthe flow rate is precisely controlled by a current operatedpressure regulator (ControlAir Type-500X). A Harvardsyringe pump is employed to inject the water into themicrochannel at designated flow rates in the direction nor-mal to the airflow. Depending on syringe size, water ratesranging from 1 nL/h to 0.5 mL/s can be achieved with rea-sonable accuracy. Also, the setup utilizes a Sensirion flowmeter based on CMOS technology to monitor the air flowrate. The visualization system includes a Nikon TE2000Uinverted epifluorescence microscope with 4X objectives,and a Phantom v6.1 high speed CCD camera. A frame rateof 5000 frames/s was employed to capture the dynamic slugbehavior in the microchannel.

5. Results and discussion

5.1. Droplet deformation and detachment on a spinning plate

In the present study, droplet detachment on four mate-rials, including coated silicon wafer, GDL with 0%, 5%,and 10% Teflon, are tested. The silicon wafer is renderedhydrophobic by the MVD described before. The hydro-phobicity of the GDL, a porous material widely used inPEM fuel cells, increases with the concentration of theadded Teflon. Before each round of test, all materials arecleaned with alcohol and dehydrated in the oven for30 min to remove contaminants. A thin needle is used todeposit droplets of different sizes on the test material.Due to the outward motion of the contact line in thedrop-forming process, the contact angle is uniformly equalto the advancing contact angle. On each material, thedetachment processes is recorded for droplets of variousvolumes, ranging from 1.8 lL to 8 lL, and the correspond-ing detachment plate velocities are recorded from which thecentrifugal forces acting on the droplets can be evaluated.

The contact angles on both sides of the static droplet areapproximately equal to the advancing contact angle (image1 in Fig. 11 row 1). With the increase of velocity, the angleon the side closer to the rotation axis decreases until itreaches the receding angle value at the detachment point(image 5 in Fig. 11 row 1), whereas the angle on the otherside remains at the advancing contact angle. Therefore, theequilibrium advancing and receding angles can be deter-mined from the side view images captured at the detach-ment point by drawing a line passing through the contactpoint and tangent to the droplet profile.

It was found that for all the droplets, the variation of themeasured contact angles for a given material was within±1�. Table 1 shows the measured advancing and recedingangles for the four materials tested. For each case the mea-surement is repeated six times and the mean value and itsuncertainty is shown in the table. It is found that theGDL with 0% Teflon has the highest hysteresis, i.e. the dif-ference between the advancing and receding contact angles,among the four materials, whereas higher Teflon contentgives rise to a larger advancing contact angle value.

In the simulation, the same initial droplet sizes are usedand the measured advancing and receding contact anglesare used as input to the model. In accordance with theexperiment, the centrifugal acceleration in the simulationincreases in a sufficiently slow manner (0.2 rad/s2) such thatthe droplet deformation can be viewed as a quasi-staticprocess, and therefore at each point in time the droplet isin mechanical equilibrium. In practice, oscillation of thedroplet may occur when the centrifugal accelerationchanges. However, these oscillations are quickly dampedby the liquid water viscous forces, eventually leading to astable droplet shape for each given acceleration value, pro-vided the process is slow enough.

Fig. 11 shows the comparison between experiments andsimulations for 1.2 mm in diameter droplet on a GDL with5% Teflon. Rows 1 through 4 illustrate the experimental

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Fig. 11. Detachment process for 1.2 mm droplet on GDL with 5% Teflon, corresponding to various centrifugal accelerations (row 1: experiment, row 2:side view of simulation, row 3: contact line of simulation, row 4: perspective view of simulation).

Table 1Measured contact angle of test materials

Coated silicon GDL (0% Teflon) GDL (5% Teflon) GDL (10% Teflon)

Adv angle 105.0� ± 1.1� 124.6� ± 0.9� 144.0� ± 1.1� 149.6� ± 0.8�Rec angle 65.0� ± 1.2� 36.8� ± 0.9� 91.0� ± 1.3� 116.2� ± 1.5�

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results in terms of the side view, contact line and perspec-tive view of the numerically computed droplet, respectively.The sequences of images in each row correspond toincreases in centrifugal acceleration from 0 to 2.01 g, atwhich point the droplet detaches. The numerically pre-dicted droplet deformations for the different centrifugalacceleration values are in excellent agreement with theexperiments. In response to the centrifugal force, the drop-let tends to spread on the surface with its length increasingand its height decreasing.

Due to the opacity of the test material, optical observa-tions of the contact line shape are currently not available.However, the numerical simulation shows that the contactline evolves in an interesting manner, as indicated in row 3,Fig. 11. Initially, the contact line is circular (image 1). Withthe increase in the centrifugal acceleration, the fore portionof the droplet advances, giving rise to a shape tapered inthe direction of the motion (images 2–3). However, a fur-ther increase in acceleration causes the front part of thecontact line to widen in addition to its forward movement.As a result, the contact line shifts to a shape consisting oftwo semi circular arcs joined by parallel sides (image 4).The width of the front part keeps increasing with the accel-eration until the onset of detachment, eventually resultingin a contact line which is reversely tapered and wide atthe front (image 5). In the entire process, the contact line

elongates and widens significantly, and the original fore-aft symmetry is lost. Bikerman (1965) experimentally stud-ied the evolving shape of the contact line for initially axi-symmetric drops place on an inclined surface. Rotenberget al. (1984) numerically predicted the droplet deformationon an inclined plate based on minimizing the free potentialenergy of the drop. Both studies showed that an elongatedcontact line appears in response to the gravitational forcefield, which is verified by the present simulation.

Fig. 12 shows the plot of critical centrifugal acceleration(the smallest acceleration inducing detachment) versus thedroplet volume for the four materials tested. Both experi-mental results (dots) and numerical results (lines) show thatthe detachment of smaller droplets requires a higher criticalacceleration, as expected. An excellent quantitative matchbetween experiments and simulations is achieved for the sil-icon surface, and the GDL with 5% and 10% Teflon. How-ever, the predicted result for the GDL with 0% Teflondeviates somewhat from the experiment, especially whenlarge droplets are considered. A possible explanation isthat the largest difference between the advancing and reced-ing contact angles (i.e., largest contact angle hysteresis) ismeasured for the GDL with 0% Teflon. This large contactangle asymmetry causes the droplet to substantially elon-gate and cover a large test surface, which questions theassumption that the tested material has uniform surface

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Fig. 12. Critical acceleration as a function of droplet volume for drops onfour test materials.

700 C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

properties. It is also very interesting to note that the centrif-ugal acceleration-droplet detachment characteristics of the5% Teflon GDL are very similar to that of the siliconwafer, although the contact angles recorded for both mate-rials are significantly different.

5.2. Liquid slug growth and detachment in a microchannel

The small dimensions and high aspect ratios of the sili-con microchannels used here substantially enhance theimpact of surface tension and contact angle asymmetryeffects, which are favorable for the purposes of model val-idation. To ensure that the water flow conditions used inour simulation are consistent with those of the experiment,the water injection flow rates are directly extracted fromthe imaging data by measuring the slug volume change asa function of time, rather than from the reading of the syr-inge pump. A perfect linear correlation between slug vol-ume and time is found for all cases in our study, whichalso indicates that slug evaporation is negligible duringthe growth process due to the small time scale involved,and it is therefore safe to neglect mass diffusion effects inthe calculation. In accordance to the wide range of flowconditions tested in the experiment, the current comparisonis conducted over nine cases, with the air flow velocitiesranging from 13 m/s to 26 m/s. Although the same nominalsyringe pump flow rate was used for all the experiments,the effective water injection flow rates measured from theimage data differ from case to case, ranging from 0.09 m/s to 0.18 m/s. Hidrovo et al. (2005) shows that under theconditions tested the water injection flow rate influencesthe slug entrainment frequency but has no significanteffects on slug departure size.

As a key feature of our model, the advancing and reced-ing contact angles need to be specified as an input to thesimulation. For the microchannel in the experiment, thebottom advancing and receding contact angles are mea-sured from the slug side view to be 105� and 70�, respec-

tively. However, it is difficult to perform the in situmeasurement of the contact angles at the side walls sincethe top view is not available. Furthermore, the manufactur-ing process can significantly change the surface properties,rendering the ex situ measurements based on the exteriorsample surface inapplicable to the interior surface. There-fore, our approach was to run the simulation over a widerange of contact angles values in order to determine whichcontact angle value yields the most consistent results withthe experimental observations. To maximize sensitivity tothe side wall contact angle variation, the fitting is con-ducted for the case with the largest slug detachment length,which corresponds to the flow condition: air: 13.38 m/s,water: 0.11 m/s. In practice, the side wall receding contactangle is first fixed at a reasonable guessed value, say 45�,and various advancing contact angles are tested, whichyields a plot indicating the relationship between advancingcontact angle values and slug detachment height. Once theadvancing contact angle is determined and fixed, a plot ofthe receding contact angles versus slug detachment lengthis constructed in the same manner. The fitted values ofthe side wall advancing and receding contact angles combi-nation are determined by using these plots with the exper-imentally obtained slug length measurements. Using thisfitting method, it is found that the side wall advancingand receding contact angles of 135� and 70�, respectively,generate results that perfectly match the experimental dataover the entire the range of flow conditions.

Figs. 13 and 14 show the comparison between experi-ments and simulations for two flow conditions. InFig. 13, 15.56 m/s air velocity and 0.09 m/s water velocityare employed, whereas in Fig. 14 the air and water veloci-ties are set to be 17.78 m/s and 0.11 m/s, respectively. Thesame microchannel is used in both cases, so the same fittedcontact angle value is employed in both cases. The first rowin each figure corresponds to the non-hysteresis simulationin which the current hysteresis model is not employed andonly a single contact angle (105� for Fig. 13 and 90� forFig. 14) are specified for the entire computational domain.Conversely, the second row depicts the simulation based onthe present hysteresis model. The third row shows theexperimental results against which our simulations arecompared. The white arrow indicates the direction of theairflow, and the bottom water injection slot is located atthe lower left corner of each image.

As evidenced in the figures, an excellent quantitativematch is achieved between experiment and simulation inthe following aspects: (1) the height and length of the liquidslug throughout its growth process and especially at thedetachment point, shown in the last image of the 2ndrow, turn out to be quite consistent with those in the exper-iment. The quantitative comparison in terms of this aspectwill be conducted over the entire flow conditions in the fol-lowing discussion. (2) Similar to the experimental observa-tion, the slug growth velocity in the longitudinal directionis much higher than that in the transverse direction, result-ing in a elongated shape. (3) The curvature of the

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Fig. 13. Comparison for condition A: air: 15.56 m/s, water: 0.09 m/s, side wall 135�/70�, bottom: 105�/70� row 1: simulation without hysteresis, row 2:simulation with hysteresis, row 3: experiment.

Fig. 14. Comparison of the predicted slug growth process to the experiment for condition B: air: 17.78 m/s, water: 0.11 m/s, side wall 135�/70�, bottom:105�/70�. Row 1: simulation without hysteresis, row 2: simulation with hysteresis, row 3: experiment.

C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705 701

computed liquid slug profile also varies in a similar patternas that of the real slug does. Due to the difficulty of exper-imentally measuring the out of plane curvature, the presentcomparison is restricted to the liquid slug profile curvaturein the plane of the image.

For the non-hysteresis cases shown in Figs. 13 and 14,the liquid slug detachment occurs at 9 ms and 10 ms,respectively, both of which are much earlier than theircounterparts in the hysteresis simulation as well as in theexperiment. Whenever the hysteresis effect comes into play,the asymmetric distribution of the contact angle along theslug profile gives rises to a net retentive force which resiststhe slug motion in the streamwise direction, and in turndelays the onset of detachment. Conversely, the absence

of the hysteresis precludes the asymmetry of the contactangle distribution and the existence of the retentive forceas well, leading to the early detachment. Another charac-teristic contradiction of the non-hysteresis model withrespect to the experiment is that the detached slug withouthysteresis tends to contract radially and become circularrather than elongated in the image plane. In reality, suchphenomenon typically occurs for droplets in free space,but is not realistic in a confined space due to the impactof the hysteresis effect.

The non-hysteresis simulation in Fig. 13 also shows thatthe slug eventually detaches from the microchannel bottomand becomes ‘‘suspended” (in the plane of the image) in theairflow, which is commonly observed in simulations of

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10 15 20 25 30 350.6







2x 10


Air Velocity (m/s)







(m) Experiment


Fig. 15. Comparison of the experimental measurement to the simulationin terms of slug detachment height versus air velocity.

10 15 20 25 30 350





1x 10-3

Air Velocity (m/s)








ExperimentHysteresis ModelNo-hysteresis Model

Fig. 16. Slug detachment height versus air velocity. Both hysteresis andnon-hysteresis results are presented for the comparison with theexperiment.

702 C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

highly hydrophobic microchannels in the absence of hys-teresis. As Basu et al. (1997) discussed, a sliding dropdetaches when the hydrodynamic lift force exceeds theadhesive forces acting in the normal direction to the micro-channel bottom. The lift force originates from the asymme-try of the air flow field over the liquid slug. However, thecorresponding adhesive force, which resists the liftingmotion of the liquid slug in the microchannel, stems fromthe interfacial surface tension and is proportional to thesine function of the contact angle, provided the hysteresiseffect is neglected. Therefore, since a 90� contact angleyields higher adhesive force than any other contact anglevalue does, slug lifting never occurs in the non-hysteresissimulation of Fig. 14 with 90� contact angle. It should alsobe noted that such lifting and suspension never happenwhen the contact angle hysteresis comes into play. Similarto what occurs in the longitudinal direction, the hysteresiseffect also generates a net force in the transverse directionnormal to the bottom, which prevents the liquid slug fromlifting and becoming suspended.

Fig. 15 shows the comparison between experiment andsimulation in terms of the slug critical heights at thedetachment point corresponding to various air velocities.Twelve cases were considered over air velocities rangingfrom 13.38 m/s to 32 m/s and a single combination of bot-tom/side wall contact angles were used for all the cases. Itis shown that the results of the hysteresis model perfectlymatch the experimental measurements over a wide rangeof flow conditions, with the maximum relative error lessthan 10%. It should also be noted that the cases of highair velocity (small detachment height) generally yield largererror than the cases of small air velocity do. The reason isthat the slug size at detachment diminishes with air velocityleading to relative larger experimental measurement errorsand the need for a finer computational grid to maintain cal-culation accuracy. Similarly, Fig. 16 shows the comparisonin terms of the correlation between slug detachment lengthand the air velocity. It is evident that the hysteresis modelyields much better results (solid line) than the non-hystere-sis model does (dashed line).

Due to the high aspect ratio of the channel consideredhere, the surface adhesion force acting on the side walldominates the liquid slug detachment and as such the con-tact angle distribution along the contact line between theslug and side wall plays an important role. Fig. 17 showsthe calculated side wall contact angle distribution alongthe slug profile during slug growth, where the greyness ofthe line represents the change of angle value from recedingangle (135�) to advancing angle (70�). Initially, a uniformdistribution of advancing angle exists along the slug profile.With the growth of the liquid slug, the tail of the slug firstexperiences a decrease in contact angle value. Further sluggrowth raises the air drag force, causing a gradual propa-gation of the decrease in contact angle from the tail tothe middle part of the liquid slug.

The side wall contact angle distributions at detachmentfor various flow conditions are shown in Fig. 18. The

x-coordinate in the graph represents the curvilinear distancefrom the point of interest to the liquid slug head, i.e. pointF in the legend. The distance has been non-dimensionalizedby the entire length of the liquid slug profile from point F topoint E. It shows that the angle distributions under variousflow conditions share a common combination of character-istic regions, i.e. a uniform advancing angle region, a uni-form receding angle region, and a linearly decreasingregion in between. If the non-dimensionalized locations ofthe separation points A and B, which mark the transitionfrom region to region, are compared over cases, someinteresting trends arise. Specifically, point B, which marksthe transition from a receding contact angle region to a lin-early decreasing contact angle region, remains fixed at 0.7for various air flow rates. Conversely, point A, whichmarks the transition between the advancing contact angleregion and the linearly decreasing contact angle region,

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Fig. 18. Predicted side wall contact angle distribution at detachment pointfor various air velocities and slug detachment lengths.

Fig. 17. Predicted side wall contact angle variation during slug growth flow condition: air: 15.56 m/s, water: 0.09 m/s, side wall 135�/70�, bottom: 105�/70�.

C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705 703

shifts to the right (aft section of the slug) with increasing airflow rate and consequent decrease in liquid slug detachmentsize. In other words, the increasing air velocity will narrowthe linearly decreasing contact angle region and cause theline AB to become steeper. In their efforts to evaluate thenet surface tension acting on the triple line of a bubble orliquid droplet, Blackmore et al. (2001) and Mahe et al.(1988) assumes that the contact angle on the upstream halfof the contact line is uniform at the advancing contact anglevalue and on the downstream half of the contact line is uni-form at the receding angle value. Likewise, Brown et al.(1980) and Rotenberg et al. (1984) assumes that the contactangle decrease linearly from the head to the tail, while Basuet al. (1997) assumes that there exists a uniform advancingcontact angle region, followed by a linearly decreasing con-

Fig. 19. Slug instability process after detachment for flow condition: air: 17.7angle: 105�/70�.

tact angle region that transitions from the advancing con-tact angle to the receding contact angle. Our simulationresults show a distribution pattern different from theseworks. It should be noted that a portion of the contact linemoves prior to detachment. It is discussed previously thatthe contact angle on a moving contact line can deviate fromits equilibrium value hA, hR in a manner described by Eqs.(3) and (4), i.e., h can be either higher than hA or smallerthan hR. However, considering that the contact line movesat a very slow velocity before detachment such deviationis not visible in Fig. 18.

An interesting phenomenon observed in both the exper-iments and simulations is the slug growth and deformationinstability after detachment, as illustrated in Fig. 19. Undersome flow conditions, a post-detachment slug may experi-ence an abrupt increase in height and decrease in the lengthsuch that the liquid slug is squeezed during forward move-ment. A sudden increase of the slug height causes the airdrag force to build up dramatically, resulting in an extre-mely large acceleration of the slug motion. Such motionpattern is not stable and the liquid slug will eventuallybreak up into small droplets entrained by the air flow.The blurring of the last image in row 1, Fig. 19 is a goodillustration of the fairly high velocity of the slug beforeits break up. In the present simulation, the dynamic contactangle is calculated based on Eqs. (3) and (4). Although adetailed discussion of the mechanism behind the liquid sluginstability is beyond the scope of this paper, it is veryimportant to note that the contact angle hysteresis effectis the primary factor that induces the post-detachment sluginstability, which never takes place in the absence of theboundary adhesion force caused by the hysteresis effect.Recall that, as was illustrated in Figs. 13 and 14, a non-hys-teresis model generally yields a symmetric and round slugshape, which never deforms in an unstable manner.

8 m/s, water: 0.11 m/s, side wall contact angle 135�/70�, bottom contact

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704 C. Fang et al. / International Journal of Multiphase Flow 34 (2008) 690–705

6. Conclusion

Surface tension acting at the triple line is very impor-tant in microscale multiphase flows. Specifically, contactangle hysteresis plays a critical role. To account for thisfactor, the present study focuses on the numerical simula-tion of liquid–gas microscale multiphase flows using acontact angle hysteresis model based on the VOF model.Solving the non-linear equations accounting for therelationships among volume fraction, interface position,and contact angle, a special model is developed to repli-cate the hysteresis effect. Moreover, the dynamic contactangle, which is velocity dependent if the contact line isin motion, has been considered by employing an empiricalformulation and calculating the displacement of thecontact line between consecutive time steps. For valida-tion of the model, two experiments including dropletdetachment on a rotating disk and liquid slug flow in amicrochannel were conducted, and a systematic compari-son between experiments and simulations was performed.In both cases, quantitative matching is achieved for awide range of flow conditions and the importance ofthe contact angle hysteresis effect has been clearlyillustrated.

Both the simulations and experiments of droplet detach-ment on a spinning plate reveal that elongation of the con-tact line generally takes place and the droplet tends tospread on the surface in response to the applied centrifugalacceleration. It is found that the droplet adhesion charac-teristics of a SAM FTDS coated silicon surface resemblethat of a GDL with 5% Teflon. This implies that materialswith different surface properties can yield quite similaradhesive or retentive interactions with liquids such as waterprovided the combinations of advancing and receding con-tact angles are alike.

The simulation of the slug flow in a microchannel showsthe contact angle hysteresis is responsible for the slug elon-gation and the post-detachment instability. In addition, thesimulation result implies that contact angle distributionalong the slug profile can be approximated using piecewiselinear functions. Moreover, considering that the multi-phase flow patterns arising in a confined space at themicroscale are extremely sensitive to surface properties,the present contact angle hysteresis model can be used toestimate the surface properties for which an in situ mea-surement is difficult to conduct. For example, the advanc-ing and receding contact angles of a microchannel can beestimated by identifying the optimal contact angle valuesthat provide the best match between the computed flowpattern and the experimental observations. A similarapproach has been used by Wang et al. (2006) for the pre-diction of bubble geometry.

Finally, excellent agreement of the calculated liquid slugdimensions at detachment with those measured in theexperiment shows the potential of the current model to pre-dict slug growth and detachment behavior in microchan-nels, a problem of great importance in a wide range of

engineering applications such as fuel cell water manage-ment and microfluidic devices.


The authors are grateful for the support of this work byStanford Graduate Fellowship and Honda R&D Co. Ltd.Silicon microchannels used in the present study were fabri-cated at the Stanford Nanofabrication Facility (a memberof the National Nanofabrication Users’ Network) which issupported by the National Science Foundation underGrant ECS-9731293. The authors also would like to thankApplied Microstructures Inc. for their chip coatingservices.


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