3 cat personality

How to capture cat personality Photography, Stories and Tips

Transcript of 3 cat personality

Cats are probably the most photographed creatures on earth and there must be a reason for that. Yes, they are cute. But as an owner of two cats I can tell they are so much more and it’s up to you to show that through the lens.

Indoor CatsBut let’s start with my own cats: of course I know them very well so I try to show some different sides of them which make them unique to me. So I use a longer focal length. It’s always fun to use a fisheye lens with a short minimum focus distance. Want to see some pictures of Wanda and McLovin? Click anywhere in this box and read the full article, there are more camera gear recommendations, too.

Street CatsIt’s more difficult to capture pictures of street cats since you don’t know them and probably can’t spend much time with them you have no chance to get very deep into their character. I often use a longer lens for some nice portraits.

MacroA macro lens is a good choice to capture some of the amazing details you can spot on a cat. It’s not easy because you need to get very near and movement often makes the pictures unusable (and you don’t want to use flash on a cat’s eye!). The results are worth it though.