3 Annual Report 20 -201 2 11 2 nd - SEWA Rural

3 Annual Report 20 -201 2 11 2 nd

Transcript of 3 Annual Report 20 -201 2 11 2 nd - SEWA Rural

3 Annual Report 20 -2012 11 2nd


SEWA Rural

to reach out and assist the poorest of poor

values are preserved self-development, in broader sense, of thoseinvolved in the work

Social Service, Scientific Approach Spiritual Outlook.

Kasturba HospitalCommunity

Health ProjectTraining Centre

Comprehensive Eye Care Programme

Community Based Rehabilitation programmeVocational Training Centre

Sharada MahilaVikas Society

accomplishments of SEWA Rural

reach the marginalised and underserved sections ofsociety i. e. women, tribals and the poor.

SEWA Rural


is a voluntary development organisation involved in health &development activities in rural tribal area of South Gujarat at Jhagadia since 1980. Theactivities were initiated by a group of young professionals having education & experiencein India & abroad and based upon the ideals & ideas of Swami Vivekananda &Gandhiji. Over the years many like minded individuals joined the organisation.

endeavours throughvarious health and development programmes based on the community needs andavailable manpower. While involved in such activities it also seeks to ensure that the

andis achieved simultaneously. The focus of all programmes has

been vulnerable members of family i.e. the women, children & elderly and the poorsections of society.

In all the activities an attempt is made to incorporate as well as balance the three basicprinciples :

The activities include: 100 beds providing quality services atsubsidised cost to people from more than 1500 surrounding villages.

aims to reduce maternal & newborn mortality in entire Jhagadia blockwith 1.71 lac population. provides primary health care trainingto more than 1000 trainees from about 50 organisations coming from Govt. sector aswell as NGOs and Academic Institutions from India & Abroad every year.

covers population of about 15 lacs spreadover in four districts and also provides tertiary level eye care services.

has supported about 800 blindpersons so far. provides skill based training to about 100rural tribal youth every year. Job is assured to every trainee in near by industries whilea few have established their own self entrepreneurship units. Various women relatedactivities - economic, awareness & empowerment, which were done earlier under aegis ofSEWA Rural are, being undertaken by an independent organisation -

since July 2002.

Some of the include successfully managing GujaratGovt. entrusted primary health centre for more than a decade, managing First ReferralUnit granted by UNICEF & Govt. of Gujarat, providing critical care to pregnant women& new born covering entire Jhagadia block, making Jhagadia and Valia blocks, withpopulation 2.6 lacs, cataract free as per norms of WHO and employment avenues andeconomic betterment of more than 1700 youth and women.

The organisation believes in taking assistance from all sectors of civil society whichincludes local community, individual well wishers and donors, voluntary organisations,Govt. & private industries, charitable trusts, academic institutions and foreign agencies.Their whole hearted support & encouragement have ensured that fruits of development& growth ultimately




Dear Friends,

We are happy to present SEWARural's 32 Annual Report for the year 2011 -12.

With regular ongoing inputs and support of Dr. Uday Gajiwala from Mandavi eyerelated activities in hospital have continued rather well, albeit with some reduction innumber of OPD patients and Operations. However visiting ophthalmologists from urbancentres made considerable difference beside untiring efforts of full time ophthalmologists.

Gujarat presents contradictory scenario of economic development & growth. On oneside, western region continues to grow with more & more industrial developmentresulting in greater opportunities and better facilities. While in interior rural - tribal areasthere are still deprivation, under employment, poverty and associated problems. Whilethe latter continue to justify our approach and efforts to work for poor, the formersituation brings with it problems like pollution, consumerism, unrest, short term highincome for workers unaccompanied by any worth while training and long term security.

Jhagadia block is also undergoing a phenomenal change due to its industrialization.Obviously, SEWA Rural is not immune to its positive & negative repercussions. Wewere surprised & pained when couple of labor issues that were raised by a small groupof our workers. We were disappointed to realize that SEWA Rural's informal, familycentered, may be an utopian, atmosphere was disturbed due to this unfortunate event.But, this incident helped us to do introspection, correct some of the mistakes & mostimportantly realize immense need for "organizational renewal" as we enter 4 decade.Our faith in innate goodness of all human beings, including our workers furtherstrengthened when most of them supported us when above incidents were unfolding.With grace of the God most of the issues are now settled due to collective courage,wisdom & sacrifice of our staff. SEWA Rural's working & informal atmosphere hasbeen preserved, rather strengthened due to above incident.

Our efforts to involve local community for their own health & development issuesthrough village health & anitation committee in selected villages have started bearingfruits in some of villages. It resulted in first ever held in Bharuchdistrict involving Govt. Officers and community leaders to move forward solvingproblems with help of all concerned.

Two key workers - Bina Patel & Vivek Raval of Sharada Mahila Vikas Society metwith fatal accident as this letter is getting published. May their souls rest in peace andfamily members gather strength to bear loss, is our prayers.

We are always indebted to all of you for your continuing guidance & support for ourwork.

On behalf of SEWARural,

With regards,

Pankaj ShahBankim Sheth



sJana samvad

15 August 2012

The Year at a Glance


From the very beginning, the mission of

SEWA Rural has been to be helpful to

of the society with various

health & development programmes. The

development of rural area has largely

remained rather static as compared to

urban counterparts Hence poorcentric

approach & activities continue to be

relevant even as it was in past.

Intensive maternal and child care

programme was undertaken during April

2003 - March 2011 in Jhagadia block

aiming to reduce both maternal and

newborn mortality rates. To make this

programme successful var ious

innovations were undertaken in the field

area. At it's conclusion, a presentation of

entire project, it's highlights and outcome

were done in dissemination seminar held

on 17 November11 at Health Training and

Resource center in Gumandev Campus.

This seminar was attended by the heads

of various voluntary organisations,

government representatives, professors

from medical colleges, social workers,

donors and SEWA rural workers.

Scientific presentation was done on

maternal mortality rate, newborn death

rate, field and hospital coordination,

hemoglobin estimation in field and both

positive and negative aspects of various

government schemes. There was open and

indepth discussion by all the participants.

Future programme with same objectives

using mobile technology was also

discussed. A project report has been

published by SEWA Rural incorporating

detailed discussion on topic.

To reach out poor people of remote areaswe have been undertaking variousprogrammes. To provide eye careservices, a regular ophthalmic diagnosticOPD and surgical services are conductedat Netrang PHC and Jhankhwav communityhealth centre. This activity has beenhanded over to Divya Jyoti Trust (Mandavi)with identical objective to servemargnialised poor people. A fortnightlyOPD for women's diseases was startedon 2 December 11 at Netrang PHC.Similarly fortnightly gynecology campsare also conducted in remote areas on aregular basis. From both these OPD, thepatients are referred for advance testing &surgical care to Jhagadia when needed.

Dedication and sincerity of workers arethe important reasons behind effectivework of organi ation To encourage theirdedication and promote team spirit variousprogrammes are held periodically. Aworkshop was done during 3-4 June forthe members of coordination committee.28 members participated in workshop.Dr. Pankajbhai talked about body language.Next everybody answered a questionnaireabout their children, this was followedby a long discussion pertaining to parent -children relationship and mutualresponsibilities. A filmportraying similar subject was screenedand all present enjoyed it. Followingovernight halt in the centre. Falgunbhaiand his team from 'Shaishav' (Bhavnagar)involved all in interesting gamesemphasizing the role to leadership andteam work. A 2 days programme endedwith a group discussion by Dr. Latabenand Dr. Anilbhai on the achievements of

the last man


s .


Do Duni Char


workshop and what each memberlearned and gained from it.

2nd workshop for the members ofcoordination committee was again held atGumandev campus during 3-4 February12. This was aimed to understand,evaluate and analyze the factors whichencourage member-workers to continue inSEWA Rural for long period and alsoreasons of some who felt like leavingorganisation at some point of time. Allpresent discussed this topic withfrankness and thoroughness. Manysuggestions were given to help createpositive work environment and to makeSEWA Rural an active & vibrantinstitution. This was throughly discussedand to create an upbeat mood a film'Nayador' was screened as it wasappropriate due to its emphasize on teamspirit & unity.

Various programmes were undertaken topromote team spirit & family bond, toenlighten mission and value system ofSEWA Rural and also to familiarize withvarious projects of SEWA Rural to themembers who had joined during lastcouple of years. One day picnic wasarranged at , a historicalplace about 20 km. from Jhagadia, on 22January 11. All enjoyed rock climbing andother games to develop team spirit. Aninformal talk was done by Drs. Shrey,Dhiren, Gayatri and Bankimbhai,recollecting their past sweet memories ofearly days of SEWA Rural. It wasfollowed by delicious dinner and returntrip to SEWA Rural in upbeat mood.

Poor centric work, value based approachand spiritual out look are the criticalobjectives of SEWA Rural. To strengthen

the latter objective daily prayers, inspiringreading in most of the meetings, celebrationof various festivals and spiritual eventsare done regularly. A 3 days retreat onthe birthday of Sri Ramakrishna is doneevery year. Accordingly retreat was heldat Vijay Darshan Ashram at Asha nearJhagadia. was studiedu n d e r g u i d a n c e o f S w a m iBrahmeshanandaji of Ramkrishna mission(chandigarh). This was attended by 30aspirants which included members oforganisation, well wishers and doctorfriends of SEWA Rural.

The at Gumandevcampus has been renovated. The openingceremony was arranged on 18 February 12alongwith Bhajans and other programmes.A quiz based on the life of SriRamakrishna was arranged in afternoon.This was well attended and enjoyed byall. The contestants included differentgroups creating keen sense ofcompetition. On next day a full dayspiritual retreat was held. 30 membersparticipated studying the inspiring eventsfrom the life of Sri Ramakrishna and hisdirect disciples. It also included the topicof social service based upon the conceptof & ideal of

originally expoundedby Sri Ramakrishna. The Shibir wasconcluded with devotional songs.

Pravrajika Jnanamayaprana from Sarada

Math (Dakshineshwar) was in Jhagadia for

10 days prior to her joining Ramakrishna

Sarada Vedanta Society at Sidney

(Australia). Interested staff members were

benefited by discourses and discussion by

Jnanamayapranaji who is daughter

(Meeraben) of Lataben-Anilbhai.

Kadia dungar

Patanjali yogsutra

Prarthana Mandir

Daridranarayan SevaShivagnane Jive Seva


A thought provoling talk on the subject of"Role of spirituality in personal life" wasgiven by Swami Hiteshanandaji of YogadaSatsang Society of India (Ranchi) to theinterested staff members on 12 march 12.

A memorable monoacting musical playbased on the life of Swami Vivekanandaby world renown artist Shri Shekhar Senwas ar ranged a t Vadodara to

commemorate 150 birth anniversarycelebration of Swami Vivekananda bySwami Nikhileshwaranandji (RamakrishnaMission and Vivekananda memorial,Vadodara ) on 4 July 11. He made a vividpresentation depicting all importantincidences of swamiji's life. All presentwere spellbound by his unique show.Many of our staff members also attendedit and immensely enjoyed it.

Sarvodaya mandal of Bharuch Narmadadistricts sponsored annualdepicting a theme of organic agriculture,renewable energy, small scale machineand tools and water conservation.Demonstration of visual specimens,video, chart, and relevant books werearranged in mobile van. SEWA Ruraljoined this feat by taking the exhibitionto various schools & colleges of Jhagadia& Valia talukas and Umalla, Netrang andRajpardi during 21 24 December 11. Itgenerated a positive impact on thestudents. It's concluding function waskept at VGTK campus in Gumandev. Itwas attended by the organisars, staffmembers of SEWA Rural in the presenceof Dr. Bharatbhai Shah (Vadodara)Col. Yashvantbhai Joshi (Ahemadabad) andDr. Anilbhai patel (Arch Mangrol) whopresented their inspiring thoughts on theoccasion.

Dr. Ushaben mehta (Chicago) was againwith us for 2 month in April-May 11.For many years she regularly comes anddedicates all her time and energy in theservice of ailing patients. In addition, shealso actively participates in teachingmedical officers, interns and nurses withdexterity and affection. During last visitshe gave a talk on palliative care inwhich she is involved dealing terminallyill cancer patients in USA. With the helpof such well wishers and others informalgroup of friends of SEWARural is beingformed. Presently the group works as apart of US based organisation, namelyIndians for collective action ( ICA), basedin Calfornia. Some preliminary work hasalready begun to materialize this concept.

We had our website but on goingupdating could not been done regularly.As a result current information ofprogrammes and sharing of various newscould not be done. To remedy it we havenow new website (sewarural.org). Inaddition we have also joined face book(www.facebook.com/ sewarural) andyoutube channel (www.youtube/user/sewarural). Now on we will be able toreach to large number of well wishers inIndia & abroad and will receive theirfeedback also. We could undertake thiswork with the help of Jitendra Shah (Ahmedabad), Devanshi shah and UnmeshSheth both from USA.

Sadbhavna Trust (kalsar-Vadli, Ta. Mahuvaof Bhavnagar district ) celebrated SilverJubilee of its inception on 8 march 2011with inauguration of additional hospitalbuilding, medical store andby Sri Moraribapu. As a part ofcelebration they felicitated 3 organisations


-Gandhi mela





- Shivanand Hospital (Virnagar), MuniSewashram (Goraj) and SEWA Rural(Jhagadia). Bankimbhai Sheth andMayankbhai Pandya received the award forSEWA Rural. Ranjanben Atodaria andRajendrabhai Patel also attended functionon behalf of SEWARural.

The Ashaktashram (Dakor) was establishedby Sri Chandravadanbhai Shah. Thisorganisation arranged its founder's birthdayce lebra t ion on 13 November 11 .Bankimbhai Sheth and Mayankbhai Pandyaattended the function on behalf of SEWARural. Shri Chandravadanbhai made agenerous donation of Rs. 27 Lakhs fromhis personal fund to various voluntaryorganisations including SEWA Rural onthe day. A spiritual retreat, arranged onthe occasion, was attended by many wellknown persons.

To aquint with the rural health and

development activities of SEWA Rural, a

team of IAS probationers visited SEWA

Rural on 16 December 11. The programme

was sponsored by Sardar Patel Institute of

PublicAdministration (SPIPA)Ahmedabad.

Truptiben Shah, Coordinator of SPIPA,

Prant officer and Mamlatdar of Jhagadia

also joined them during the visit. IAS

probationers are of Gujarat cadre and

have been posted in Gujarat. They all

were highly impressed with the rural

development activities o f SEWARural.

Under the National Rural Health Mission a

programme to improve rural health is

undertaken by the Village Health and

Sanitary Committee (VHSC) along with

people of villages of Jhagadia taluka for

the last 2 years. With the initiative of

SEWA Rural, programme was

held at Jhagadia in SEWARural by VHSC

under "Out Taluka Vibrant Taluka

Programme" on 27th March 12. It was

attended by many Sarpanch and members

of VHSC of selected villages alongwith

200 leading community members. From

government side, Shri I. J. Mali, the

prant officer and Project Administrator

(Tribal), Shri Prajapati attended Local

officers from S. T. Depot, GEB, Water

supply, irrigation, education and Road and

Building department were also present.

Total of 68 problems were presented by

village leaders in relation to health &

other aspects of rural development.

Question presented were in relation to

road and building (28), irrigation (3),

Health (6), water supply (6), Veternary (1),

education (1), ICDS (4) and GEB (13). All

most all questions were answered by

concerned officer with possible solution

and guidance.

Prant officer decided to incorporate many

of these issues in the planning of next

year's work. Area administrator appealed

everybody to take advantage of various

schemes of government and commended

the efforts of SEWA Rural in organising

meeting He also advised to

review the issues every six months.

Bankimbhai Sheth while thanking all who

attended the function, appreciated the

help of community leaders, VHSC

members and government officers.

It is difficult to solve problems related to

rural health and development without

awareness, education & active participation

of people and programmes like

beside implementation of various Govt.

schemes within time limit and propriety.Jan samvad


Jansamvad .




Trust Rewarded

Parul Vasava"babari"



Sumitra"you will be safe in SEWA Rural, go there

with faith" Sumitra .




of Vanthewad came to the hospital withinvitation for of her one year old daughter. Both arenow in good health She reminded us the days of her lastpregnancy.

a patient of sickle cell anaemia, lost her first baby dueto premature delivery during her first pregnancy. Shesuffered badly, both, physically & mentally. She concievedagain and was highly worried. Her sister in lawreassured her, saying

. herself has a unique history In all hereight pregnancies she lost babies due to premature births.When she conceived nineth time she was admitted to SR at4th month. After a small procedure to prevent prematuredelivery, she delivered a healthy 2.5 kg. boy and that couldfullfill her wish of motherhood. Field worker approached andconvinced Parul to come to SR, which she acceptedhasitatingly. She was admitted 4 times for treatment inhospita underwent successful treatment of sickle cell anaemia& jaundice. She finally gave birth to a healthy girl.

After a year it was a heartening experience, whencame to invite SR staff for of her one year olddaughter. One can imagine love and dedication of staff thatwon the heart of .

Hospital was the first step to realize the mission of SEWARural since last 3 decades inform of service to poor, rural community. Dedicatedteam of doctors, hard working & sincereparamedical & other staff members, are mainreasons behind the success story of the hospital.Many improvements, additions and upgrading ofservices are becoming a blessing to the sickpatients resulting in 97% bed occupancy rate.

A senior residentdoctor from PramukhSwami medical collegeKaramsad works byrotation for 8 months ina year. In addition tohis training, he alsoprovides very usefulservice to our patient.

We could provide total yfree treatment inhospital to 1617 womenunder ,1577 infant

and 1335among rest of patientsunder

Number of deliveries conducted in the hospitalduring the year, touched 2792. State Govt. selectedthe hospital for the second consecutive year for

in recognition of safe mothercare in tribal areas. Aiming to reach the sickwomen of far away areas of Bharuch and Narmada

districts, 2 gynecology camps were arranged every month in the different partsof Jhagadia, Valia, Dediapada and Sagbara blocks. This is in addition to a regular

gynecological coverageat primary health center,Netrang. This is possibledue to availability oft h r e e f u l l t i m egynecologists, everyweek.


s under

Best FRU award


Chiranjivi yojna

Balsakha yojna

RSBY Scheme

Statistics for the year

Details 11-12 10-11

OPD attendance 68269 68070

Consultations 54152 54377

New TB patients 542 515

Lab. Tests 102810 85554

Indoor patients 12730 12667

Deliveries 2792 2284

Antenatal Patients 11564 9969

Total operations 5270 6207

Bed occupancy 97% 90%

Total Free OPD 46% 49%

Total Free Indoor 82% 83%


a ious health schemes of helping

large section of society and it comes as a bo n to

SEWA Rural in mission of serving poor To

reinforce our services we autocatalyses,

warmer, pulse oxymeter etc year.

We modified the duty systems of nurses and

sanitary staff for the first time in 32 years in

Nov 2011.

We need the help of expensive investigative and

treatment modalities like CT Scan, MRI, advance

laboratory tests, echocardiography, and few eye

and general surgeries that can not be done in our

hospital and have to be done at Surat,

Ahmedabad. All these are quite expensive for good number of our patients who wouldgo untreated as they can not afford them. It is heartening to take note of generous andcommandable help that comes from a charitable trust in Mumbai, who have kindly leftdecision making of such help, to us. We are fortunate to have a generous help from

,( all from Mumbai ) and other donations from various charitable trusts and individualsfrom India and abroad, and of course state govt. grant. Still, however, we could hardlyafford highly qualified professionals & totally free treatment to our poor patients.

However increasing running cost due to inflation has forced us to make an upwardrevision of various hospital charges by 10 to 20%. Well reputed and senior physicians,gynaecologists, a surgeon, and anesthetists are continuing to provide their essential andvaluable services. New Born specialist, Dr. Prashant Vasava (Bharuch) joined team ofvisiting consultants. During the year, 3rd batch of 9 nursing students were qualified.Their convocation was held under auspiciouspresence of (SriRamkrishna Mission and VivekanandMemorial, Vadodara) on 23-9-2011. 4th Batchof 10 nursing assists. and 5 Lab assists'. batchare currently undergoing training.

Due to strange decision of the govt., bloodbank that served since beginning had to beclosed in December 2011. Now we are arecognized blood storage centre from March2012. We are happy to provide blood to sickand poor at highly subsidised costaccording to guidance and supply from SuratRakatdan kendra and generous financial helpfrom Narayan Trust, Surat.

V r the govt. are


it's .

, procured

. during the


Vadodara or

Lilavati R. Shah medical trust UR Asha Zaveri Foundation trust & Smt. Nargesh trust

Swami Vedsaranandji

Comprehensive Eye Care


Visualizing eye care programme at a glance, it reveals a decline in the number ofOPD patients, operations and also eye camp areacovered by the project. There is a reduction of8000 OPD patients and 800 surgeries in the year.However, when we add to it the work done byDivyajyoti trust, Mandavi, there is definiteincrease in over all services rendered by doctorsand workers of both institutions together to therural and tribal people of south Gujarat.

Failure to obtain new ophthalmologist despitevarious efforts has also contributed to this decline inwork. In addition to untiring efforts of fulltimeophthalmologists visiting team of eye surgeonsfrom far off distance have graciously helped us inour work by supporting operative work. In thisregard we are indebted to Dr. Amitbhai Patel,

Dr. Saileshbhai Mehta ( both from Vadodara ),Dr. Samikshaben Trivedi (Ahmedabad)

and Dr. Abhijitbhai Modi(surat). With commendable

efforts of Dr. Udaybhai we

continue to obtain valuable

services of sub specialist

Eye consultants. As a

result there is much less

reduction in sub speciality

work. This team of experts

includes Dr. Amishbhai

Patel (diseases of Retina),

Dr. Bakulbhai Trivedi

(Occuloplasty Surgeon)

and Dr. Vaishaliben Singh

(Glaucoma) a l l f rom

Ahamedabad, Dr. Pritiben

Kamath (Glaucoma) from

Vadodara & Dr. Nitinbhai

J a i n ( P e d i a t r i c

Ophthalmologist) from


During the year 56 campswere held. In diagnostic

Compassionate & Coordinate EffortsdWe observe a painfull contrast where highly expert eyesurgeons successfully treat most complicated eye condition inurban areas. As against this, there is a distressing scenario inwhich even basic primary care is not available to rural poor.One can't think of them availing medical care in complicatedcases. It is a matter of satisfaction that comprehensive eyecare project has been able to remedy it to some extent.

21 years old Jayvanti vasava came to Kasturba Hospital fromBhangra pani village of Akkalkuva taluka in Maharashtra,about 120 km. from Jhagadia with loss of vision in botheyes. She had retinopatly in both eyes with mature cataractin right eye which was treated surgically followed by lasertherapy. Though she got her vision in right eye she lost thereafter soon due to retinal detachment. This needed intricatesurgery. Dr. Madhaviben Sheth (Vadodara) rescued her visionby successful surgery at a concessional rate. Financialsupport was provided by a benevolent trust in Mumbai whoalways stands by us.

Jayvanti got vision and family was very happy. She is nowhappily married. Such all encompassing efforts can onlyremedy hitherto unmanageable situation for the poor peoplein remote areas.


Statistics for the year

Details 11-12 10-11

Total OPD 43260 51688

- Hospital 22605 24909

- Diagnostic Camps 14826 21270

- Satellite OPDs 5829 5689

Diagnostic camps 56 96

Autorefraction 10686 11514

Eye Sonography 4859 5376

Operations 5627

Total IOL implants 3532 4627

Keratoplasties 10 14

Laser capsulotomies 275 354

Perimetry for glaucoma 114 144

Diode Laser 32 38


eye camps we covered population of 15 lacs.

After primary examination and diagnosis, selected

patients were brought to Jhagadia in our vehicle.

Surgery was done next day. On subsequent day

all were taken back to the place of camp to

reach home.

Regular OPD and Operations continued to be done

during the year at the satellite centrers at Netrang

primary health center and Jhankhavav Community

Health Centre. In April 2012 these eye services

have been handed over to Divya Jyoti Trust

(Mandavi). This transfer of activities to new trust

was done with permission of Gujarat Government.

Most of equipments and furniture which we were obtained for this work, have also

been handed over to Divya Jyoti Trust, hence have been left at same place. As a result

the services to poor and rural people will continue uninterrupted as Divya Jyoti trust

also shares the ideals of reaching out poor and are effectively engaged in furthering

it. With mutual consent of both trusts some of staff members of eye department have

joined the Mandvi work.

As against economical improvement of urban areas of Gujarat, condition of rural and

tribal areas has not grown parallel. But due to false impressions created, financial aid

of international agencies has been substantially curtailed.

Sight Savers International (U.K.), which

has been supporting eye work for last 2

decades, has discontinued its support.

Fortunately our work has continued with

financial help from local organisations,

individuals & institutions. Help came

from well wishers, charitable trusts, Non

resident Indians, Vision Foundation

(Mumbai) and ever supportive Jivan

Akshay trust and Hari Om Trust - both

from Vadodara. In adition we were also

supported by many gram panchayats and

cooperative societies. Assistance also

came from District Blindness Society

(Bharuch) and state Government grant

for hospital.

Community Based Rehabilitation for the Blind


The mission of SEWA Rural has been to reach out poor and assist them.As a part ofComprehensive Eye Care Programme CommunityBased Rehabilitation of blind was begun in 1997.The blind people suffer the most even amongthe neglected of society. Among variousprogrammes for the poor in SEWARural probablythis particular work remained emotionally verytouching and also acknowledged as reaching outto the poorest of poor. Unfortunately not muchcould be done for other disabilities.

Blind people in seven talukas (Jhagadia, Valia,Dediapada, Sagbara, Nandod & Ankleshwar-Hansot)of Bharuch - Narmada districts were coveredunder this programme one after other. Everyfamily in all the project villages were thoroughly

surveyed for vision. Those found to have curable eye disease were provided necessarytreatment and surgery was also done at Jhagadia.

Remaining blinds wereoffered various trainingsuitable to their age,aptitude, interest & familycircumstances to enablethem largely to lead aself reliant life. Trainingin Braille script was givento young children eitherat school in their ownvillages or at specialschools by the trainedteachers. Youth wereprovided training invarious trades withnecessary financial help tomake them economicallyself dependent. Aged weretrained to lead arelatively independent lifein their home and itssurroundings. Our variousendeavors of providingsupport, guidance and

last man

Reward of patientc

Jayantibhai Valand of Amboli village in Ankleshwar Taluka used

to work in Pragnesh Enginering in GIDC. Wife Savitaben, is

farm labourer while son Pragnesh & daughter Neha are

studying. While going to Ankleshwar for work, Jayantibhai met

with an accident and lost vision in both eyes. Inspite of several

efforts and spending almost Rs. 50,000 in various city hospitals

he became blind and resulted in life long disability and extreme


He received training for economic rehabilitation under the

programme. He had already obtained govt. blindness certificate,

hence free bus pass as well as monthly pension of Rs. 400/-

However he still desired to earn more money and become

helpful to family. Considering his interest & enthusiasm and

also willingness of family members to support, loan of

Rs. 20,000 was given. Savitaben worked hard to get fodder

from field and both children helped alongwith their study. Son

now studies in collage and daughter recently passed her XII.

The family repaid loan. All are happy & satisfied, more so



Statistics for the year

Details 2011-12

Total Cataract Operation 633

Spectacles Distributed 33

Toral Blindness 180

Mobility Training 180

Blindness Certificates issued 118

Bus Pass 80

Integrated Edu. Prog. 15

Admitted to Blind School 1

Sant Surdas Yojana 42

Economic Rehabilition Training Given 52

Self-Employed 12

Went for Training at Tatawadi 2

Other instruments given 2

training to all visually impaired were helped byvarious government agencies, internationalagencies ( .), socialintuitions like

etc. We were fortunate for ongoingguidance from Biharibhai and Urmilaben Shah(Mumbai) from time to time.

During last 15 years we obtained very valuableexperience while working in villages of 7 talukasin association with local (CBR) workers. We werealso fortunate to work for these helpless blind

people, many of them left out in their own homes or society. During field work lot oftasks were accomplished for the blinds. They included : 822 blinds detected, 710 wereprovided various trainings, certificate of blindness for 650, free passes for travel by STbuses were made available to 514,58 blinds have became economically self reliant afterreceiving training in economic rehabilitation, 33 of this group also received loan.Under the integrated education programme 44 are studying in their villages schoolswhile 42 are receiving education at various blind schools of state. 20 youth receivedtraining in farming at Tatawadi (Fansa) while 9 are currently under training.

There is emphasis specially by international agencies to empower blind andhandicapped to get organized to find solutions for their problems and to fight for theirrights. Inspite of efforts in Hansot andAnkleshwar blocks to empower blinds, not much

result was achieved. Nevertheless, blinds in 7talukas are availing pension scheme &benefits of other Govt. schemes. They havenow respectful place in their families andsociety. People in villages are getting rid ofsuperstition for handicapped.

Generally majority of rehabilitationprogrammes for blind are carried out byproviding training and support for 2 years.Subsequently the project shifted to anothertaluka to carry out same work. Now that thework in all 7 blocks is complete we plan toextend programme to support and helpeach blind person in villages of same 7blocks. It will also include students who areavailing education at various special blindschools in state. The data given here isderived from project work done atAnkleshwar-Hansot blocks.

Sight Savers international, U.KTatawadi (Fansa), National

Association of Blind (Mumbai), HandicapInternational and Blind Schools of Surat,Ahmedabad, Surendranagar, Mogri, Visavadar,Amreli

Community Health Project


Safe motherhood and new born care porgramme started in April 2003 with the help ofMaCArthur Foundation (Chicago) covering 168villages of Jhagadia Taluka (Population of1,75,000) was concluded in March 2011 oncompletion of target duration. Disseminationseminar to evaluate it's achievements was held on17 November 2011. State Government officials,representatives of voluntary organizations andexpert in fields participated and gave their views.Our out standing experiences on this topic hasbeen documented and a book has been publishedbesides six scientific presentation done on thissubject.

Under the service NGO project of GujaratGovernment, with intensive follow up and

coordination with government a notable improvement could be achieved in safe motherhood and new born care programme in very remote and inaccessible Moriyana primaryhealth centre areas. Atthe same time a baselinesurvey to evaluate the rateof malnutrition in 0-2years age group childrenwas also done. On itsbasis few programmes onmalnutrition like mamtadaycelebration,day cerebration, schoolhealth programme andc o m m u n i t y g r o w t hmonitoring were done.976 patients in Jhagadiataluka were given medicalservices through mobileclinic at their doorstep.

On April 11, a surveillanceproject was initiated inJhagadia taluka excludingMoriyan PHC area byproviding mobile phoneto setu workers aiming tojudge the impact of safemotherhood and new borncare programme, to know

Anna prashan

Home based care saves a New born

Bhartiben of village Vandarveli, at her first pregnancy

developed labour pain prematurely. Arogya Sakhi Ranjanben

was called who got 108 ambulance to take her to hospital.

She delivered in ambulance before reaching Netrang PHC.

As new born was under weight (1400 grams) baby was

brought to SEWA Rural by 108 ambulance. After neonatal

treatment child was discharged next day in stable condition.

However, baby slowly lost weight by 500 grams. Supervisor

visited at home and referred back to SEWA Rural and was

sent to home after all necessary treatment. Now Arogya

Sakhi provided all necessary guidance in new born care like

care, thermocoal box which has been prepared

with small children in mind. Child was kept in box for 10

days to maintain body temperature and mother was instructed

to give frequent breast feeding Arogya sakhi followed baby

regularly at home. Slowly baby recovered and weight

increased to 1500 grams. At the end of 2 months child weigh

3500 grams. Instead of very expensive hospital care such

innovations are what we need to help save life of new born

babies of poor rural families.



Statistics for the year

Antenatal Registration (New) 3385 3459

Mothers Referred to Hosp. - 1400

Hospital Delivery 68% 65%

Presence of Arogya

Sakhi at Home delivery - 39%

Maternal Mortality Rate

Neonatal Mortality Rate

Treatment by Arogya Sakhi 17450 23529

Health Awareness Camps 12 -

Patients Attended 2350 -

Gynec Camps 27 13

Mobile Medical Van Visits 53 63

Patients attended 976 1505

Details 11-12 10-11

(MMR) 216 171

(NMR) 31 29

exact mortality figures of mother and new bornand to obtain information on causes of death. Aproject to provide direct services in very remoteareas with the use of mobile technology is beingconsidered in which scientific research work is tobe incorporated.

Community based research is our priority whichbecame possible with joining of Dr. Shrey Desai.Asatisfactory result was achieved on the use ofWHO approved colour scale method for anemiadetection in pregnant mothers, hemoglobin levelwhich compared well with golo standard tests.Under Village health & sanitation committeeof Jhagadia taluka, quarterly meeting of such 87

committees became effective in getting repairing of hand pumps in many villages, thereby satisfying the need of many affected areas. To vocalise and get solutions to theexisting problems of local people was arranged in the presence ofconcerned government officers under" Our taluka vibrant taluka programme" at SEWARural. This was attended by village health & sanitation committee members of 40villages of Jhagadia taluka & about 200 local leaders. From among government offices,Prant officer, Administrator (Tribal), Mamlatdar, Taluka Development Officerand representatives from 10 other Govt. department also were present. 68 questions werepresented by community leaders which were discussed and guidance was provided tosolve them. Net work coordination with Swasthaya Abhiyan, Dai Sangathan and GVHAand active participation in maternal and child health programmes of Dharampur basedJasoda Narottam Trust have continued during year as in past. The latter programme is

getting noteworthy improvement inmaternal and children health of remoteinaccessible hilly terrain of Dharampurand Kaprada blocks.

SEWA Rural continues to be invited toparticipate in various meetings, seminarsand workshops at state and national level.This year also our representativesparticipated & made scientific presentationat international conference on M4D'smobile technology held at New Delhi.In addition they attended meeting ofNational planning on health under 13thfive year plan, workshops about publicprivate partnership about health inBhopal & also health related seminars atIIM and IIPH (both Ahmedabad)contributing significantly.

"Jana Samvad"



Training Centre


Share & Care Foundation (USA) funded Training Centre, begun in 1990 imparted training

based upon successful and innovative experiments

in the field of health to various organisations. They

included: Organisations working in Community

health, Eye care institutions, intern doctors, graduate

& post graduate students from colleges of India and

abroad. During current year 1125 trainees from 42

institutions have availed training and got benefitted.

Various training programmes, seminars and workshops

are also arranged for SEWA Rural staff members of

different cadres and departments to enhance their

skill, devotion to duty and commitment to adhere to

the value system of SEWA Rural. In addition to the

training center in main campus now every trainee

gets pleasant experience of training at new spacious

well equipped center in natural setting of Gumandev campus. The training included

IMNCI ( Integrated management of Neonatal and childhood illness ) training to 89 nurses

from Health Departments

of central Government

administered Div, Daman

and Dadranagar Haveli. For

training they were divided

in 5 batches and 8 days

residential training in the

pediatric care was given.

Besides this group, same

training was also given to

101 Anganwadi workers

and supervisors of Bharuch

and Narmada districts. The

Kasturba hospital provided

necessary useful support

for their practical training.

A Summer camp wasarranged for 48 blindstudents of our area underCBR programme. 6 womenand one man from DivyaJ y o t i Tr u s t ( M a n d v i )received training as OTassistant and in the

Trainees feel Homely

This is the experience of IMNCI trainees during their training

at Training and Resource Center at Gumandev campus arranged

by Health and family welfare ministry of Government of India.

Summing up her feeling, a nurse trainee from Dadranagar

Havili says "we are now competent to save children in our area

following this training. "We found training center, residential

facility, various modes adopted for training and total

environment excellent" said Rubiben Macwan adding the words

of praise for the students of VGTK serving food with love.

They did not miss home. Happily Rashmiben presented

icecream to all 110 VGTK students !

Lalitaben, a trainee who was pregnant, got sick & had to be

admitted to the hospital. She remembers with gratitude the

help of companion trainee who stayed with her to serve while

she was in hospital.

In contrast to some uneasy feeling when you stay 1ong in an

unknown place for training, they went home with sweet

memories of SEWA Rural & training centre both for homely

atmosphere and equally good training attitudes. The trainees

also leave behind innate goodness and feelings for common man

for everybody to share and cherish.


Statistics for the year

Formal Training Prog.


No. of trainees


No. of participants

Field placement

569 1398

Details 2011-12 10-11

26 51

12 44

478 1389

Orientation Programme 19 24

14 20

569 100

18 25

Organisations 16 17

No. of participants

counseling etc. To cultivate proper approach andknowledge in education to disabled children 29teachers attended 10 days foundation courseorganised at Training Centre. 20 young boys and girlsreceived training for work of ophthalmic assistantand laboratory technician during the year.

124 Arogya sakhi and daiben of Jashoda NarottamTrust (Dharampur) were given special training inintensive mother and new born health care. 10village level workers of Sadbhav Foundation Trust,Mumbai from their Karjat area in Maharastra and 10students doing M. Sc. in Public Health nutritioncourse of M. S. University, Vadodara visited SEWARural to observe, understand and learn aboutcommunity health project work. 15 doctor from Surat

medical college visited SEWARural to see VHSC work done in villages. 52 Intern doctorsfrom Pramukh Swami Medical College, Karamsad received one month residential trainingas a part of internship. 63 MBA students from Ahmedabad and 7 foreign students fromMuni Sewasharam (Goraj) visited to observe, understand and learn about various SEWARural activities. 20 health workers from Jagruti Mahila Sangathan (Anand), 25 studentsincluding its staff doing Diploma in public health management (PGDPHM)from IndianInstitute of Public Health (Gandhinagar) and 5 Setu workers from Ambuja Cement(Bhatinda, Punjab) visited SEWARural for orientation training.

Students from various universities of USA and UK connected with medical, public healthand development facilities visited to observe, understand and learn various health anddevelopment related activities of SEWA Rural. Evaluation of usefulness and impact oftraining at SEWA Rural in the activities and work of the parent organisations, thoughdesirable, has not been done so for.

About 50 Arogya Sakhi and Anganwadi workers working in SNGOdivision of Community Health project were given a field training in malnutrition with

special emphasis on use of growth chart,growth monitoring, methods of detection ofmalnutrition and application of remedialmeasures for such malnutrition In associationwith Sharada Mahila Vikas Society specialtraining sessions for 1200 school going &drop outs adolescents boys and girls werearranged in the subject of reproductive health,addiction and nutritive foods know how.Three work shops were held for the members ofcoordination committee to promote variousaspects of work as well as family life. Theyincluded team work, elements of mission ofSEWA Rural, creating positive environment,parent Children relationship etc.

In house training :




Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra


Renovation work of with addition of newbuildings, machinery & furnishing was almostcomplete. Various efforts to raise the level oftechnical training were made. Sri PramodbhaiNagraj (IIT mumbai), an industrialist fromVadodara, has joined to render honoraryconsultant services, while Rajendrabhai Naik ( B.E. Chemical Engineer) from Ankleshwar andGirishbhai Shah ( B. E. Chemical Engineer) fromBharuch have been giving their regular honoraryservices for many years. Inputs from members ofsmall group made of well wishers from industries,are increasingly available to

The students of 27th batch started their trainingon 1-7-2011. 191 students were selected from

662 candidates who appeared for interview. The hospital based courses forlaboratory assistant, ophthalmic assistant and nursing assistant beside garment trade at

were introducedfor first time. Similarlynew trades in printingtechnology, machinist &computer and hardwarewere also introduced at


Opening ceremony of27th batch was held inthe presence of thevisiting gynecologistDr. Hasmukhbhai Sadhu( Halol). Drop out rate oftrainees was 17% in firstyear, whereas for secondyear of 26th batch wasnil.

With an objective tohelp the youth of poorfamilies, two shorttraining courses werearranged during the year.

Vivekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra ( VGTK)



Sharada mahila VikasSociety


Out come of Persuation

Dhanraj, a farmer belongs to village Chikhli, of Valia block,about 40 kms from Jhagadia. He maintains his family byfarming his own land of 2 . Family includes wife and 2sons. The elder son helps his father having studied only uptoV std. Dhanraj wanted his younger son Jayesh, to study furtherand get job, though he was rather average in his studies.Jayesh, studied upto and subsequently got admission inelectrician trade of 26th batch.

Jayesh completed one year training at Gumandev campus. Forsecond year training he started working at Vishal Malleable(Ankleshwar) with salary. After about 4 months of training heleft for Surat to work in a hotel with his friends of Chikhli.

Earlier he used to send Rs. 3,000/- to his parents every month,while working at Ankleshwar. He somehow discontinued helpinghis parents as his expense at Surat, comparatively increased.

Couple of staff members visited home of Jayesh at Chikhli. Hewas explained in detail that technical training is in his interestand will benefit him much more in future. Followingpersuasion, Jayesh returned from Surat & joined training atVikita Electrical at Ankleshwar. The organisation also madesuitable residential arrangement for him. At present Jayesh iscompleting his training satisfactorily and sending money to hisparents regularly.





About 30 local tribal youth were provided withpreparation & guidance for enrollment drive inarmy under the Umbrela of

(Bharuch) in April 2011. Simillarly onemonth training in Personality Development wasarranged at VGTK campus for 18 young tribalgraduates under auspicious of Tribal DevelopmentDepartment of Gujarat State and

(Mumbai). 106 students of26th batch were placed for 2nd year's on jobtraining with salary in industries.

The convocation ceremony for the 25th batchand 3rd batch of nursing assistants was held on

23 November, 2011 in the presence of Managing Director (Bharuch), Sri AnandTiwariji and Swami Vedsaranandji, ,Vadodara.

Educational tours were arrranged perioducally for overall development of staffmembers. Most of staff members visited the renown technical institute, , Bhopal.R. K. Patel and Vinodbhai Shah participated in the conference held at Pune, organisedby STAR, a forum of voluntary organisations providing technical training to localyouth.

During the course of 26th batch, 2 months "gas plumber" training was arranged atwith the help of Gujarat Gas Co. Subsequently 6 students were provided

employment with Gujarat gas contractor. The efforts to enrolle students from Kim-Kosamba in "Gas Plumber Trade" did not succeed.

To obtain guidance for work, ameeting of advisory board was held onFebruary 12. It was attended by ProjectAdministrator of tribal department Bharuch,representatives o f industries and membersof Voluntary organi ations beside


To promote ecology in campus and supportenergy conservation, 50 solar street lightsin campus, parabolic cooking unit in kitchenand solar heater in hostel were installedduring the year. Rain water harvestingsystem was also established in campus.

As in past, to meet the deficit in recurringexpense we received contributions fromlocal industries,

beside several o

poor sainik SewaParishad

TataConsultancy Service

GNFCRamkrishna Mission Vivekanand Memorial




z SEWARural


ther well wishers.

Details *27 Batch 26 Batch( July to

)11 (July 10 to

March 12 June 11)

Students enrolled 191 120

Completed training 27 106

(164 in progress)

Gainfully employed 06 106

(164 in progress)

Working Units 39 36

Self Employment Units 03 Nil

Interest free Loan (Rs.) 5,72,000 4,72,071

Statistics for the year

*completed on 30-6-2012

Sharada Mahila Vikas Society*


Sharada Mahila Vikas Society is about to complete 10 years of working with & forwomen and children. Papad and garment projectshave effectively continued. To meet the marketdemands, both working women and staff membersworked extra supporing each other. The wages ofwomen were increased. As a result woman workingfor entire day earns Rs. 160/- per day. Papad workerstoured to Junagadh and garment workers toMumbai in company of staff members. 12 needywomen were given training in tailoring.

For awareness & education purposes certainprogrammes were undertaken. They included : storiesfrom depicting importance of unity &team work, tele film revealingbenefits of harmony among family members, Role

play emphasising saving and frugality etc. Jayshriben shah of Sanskar Deep (Ankleshwar)demonstrated and taught new recipes to all members. The republic day was joyfullyenjoyed participating in sports & flag hoisting.

wasimparted twice in year inwhich women from garmentsection, nurses, nursing andlaboratory assistant traineesa n d a d o l e s c e n t g i r l sparticipated. Total 115attended training.

Va r i o u s d e v e l o p m e n tprogrammes for Adolescentgirls from selected sevenvillages (Piplipan, Gulafa l ia , Khoda Ambala ,Sukavana, Selod, Shiyali,Kharia of Jhagadia block )were undertaken. Theyincluded : demonstration ofnutritions food items, visitto banks & ATM, travelingby train to Vadodara,learning use of watch,importance of time and itsplanning in life, sports,

Panchatantra"Ba Retired Thay Chhe"

Self defense training Shaping My LifeSectarian fanaticism is now wide spread in society. Luckily wefind both organisations and it's staff members escaping from thisnarrow minded psychology. This is a true life story ofNasarinben working for 10 year and Safiabhai, her husbandworking for 19 years in SEWA Rural. 27 years backDevendrasinh Prankada of Rathod falia of Jhagadia got marriedwith Ranjanben. On subsequent Ranjanben was in tearsas she had no brother to tie knot of

Incidentally, Safiqbhai found her weeping On inquiry sheshared her plight weepingly. Without any hesitation Safiabhaiextended his hand saying "tie sacred knot to me. I am yourbrother now on wards". Their relation became firmer every yearwith raksha bandhan. Ranjanben has two children, elder son whoworks in Ankleshwar and her daughter Janu is 24. She wasgetting married to Kuldipsinh from Dediapada. Ahindu girl wedswearing gifted by material uncle but Janu has none of herown. But she has Safiqmama and but Nasrianmami. They did allthat convention calls for, breaking the fragile wall by hindumuslim divide. They presented with gift of saree toRanjanben, a dress to brother in law, and an auspicious bangle

, a gold earing and of course a panetar to Janu and showerher with blessing and good wishes for happy married life.







* Activities of women empowerment & development and supplementary education & development of children weredone under SEWA Rural. From July 2002 same are done by Sharada Mehila Vikas Society, an independentorganisation located in same campus.


training in sanitation & personal hygiene , itsapplication in home and village, creating,awareness of disease that results from poor hygieneand unclean habits and simple ways to combat suchproblems.

Economical and educational survey of 106 familiesin Shiyali village was carried out to evaluate drop-out rate of children in school, number of youngadults ( boys and girls) going for work at JhagadiaGIDC and their awareness about options,opportunities and advantage of training at VGTK ofSEWARural.

Women from the society, SEWA Rural & familymembers of both organizations participated in highly

competitive quiz programme on Ma Sarada on occasion of her 159 th birth anniversary.Winner team as well as participating groups were given encouraging applaud and prizes.

10 March "International women's day was enthusiastically celebrated by all workers Itsmain programme was role play depicting happy & unhappy family by emphasizingfavorable and unfavorable environment at home and it's impact on family's overallsituation. A panel discussion followed in which Prof. Minalben Dave ( Jayendrapuri Arts andCommerce College, Bharuch), Kokilaben Pandya ( Ankleshwar ), Dr. Anilbhai Desai andVikrambhai Vasadia from SEWA Rural participated. Alongwith discussion, panelistanswered in depth to several questions raised by audience. The assembly included elders,visitors from Ankleshwar and Valsad and workers of the Society & SEWA Rural besideadolescent girls & boys. Dr. Lataben summarized the essence of discussion and requestedall to follow guidance given by the penal team to enhance happiness in family life.

To make education effective new rooms were added for science and mathematics subjectsequipped with new educational material. They were made available to students of tutorialclasses in addition to the students from branch schools of Jhagadia. To make teaching

and learning enjoyable educational literature

and relevant items prepared by ARCH &

Nachiketa trust (both Dharampur) were shown

to the children of tutorial classes, Kalrav

group and the students from other schools of


In summer camp Kalrav group children

were involved in various activities like

creative activities, sports, acting, singing and

a visit to aerodrome, Kamatibag and Vinoba

Ashram of Vadodara. Children from tutorial

class in a study tour to Umalla had great

fun with fresh cane sugar, juice and jaggery


th .


Statistics for the year

Details 2010-11 2011-12

Women Participants 124 144

Papad-snack prod. 59.49 78.50

( Rs. in lacs)

Garment Prod. 21.05 29.40

Earning of Women

( Rs. in lacs)

18.78 27.56

Children 140 176

Adolescent Girls 696 699

Adolescent Boys 798 403

Ladies 150 397

(Rs. In lacs)




Rs. Rs.

Balance as per last Balance Sheet..........................................


15,67,58,425.01Adjustments during the year.................................................................

Depreciation up to date.........................................................................


Bonds.................................. .............................................................

GRUH Finance Ltd. ................................................................................

Bank of Baroda, Jhagadia ......................................................................

INVENTORIES :..........................................................................................

ADVANCES :-To Trustees..............................................................................................To Employees..........................................................................................

To Others.................................................................................................


(i) Cash & Bank Balance :

In Saving Account with Bank of Baroda .................. .

In Fixed Deposit account with Bank of Baroda .....

In Fixed Deposit State Bank of India, Jhagadia.................................

(ii) Cash on hand

Balance as per Last Balance Sheet

Add : SURPLUS /LESS:DEFICIT (As per Income & Expenditure Account)

The above Balance Sheet to the best of my / our belet contains a true account of the Funds & Liabilities andof the Property and Assets of the Trust.

3,42,42,619.00- 5,15,17.190.76 13,94,83,853.25





, Jhagadia ... 3,32,82,549.85

, Jhagadia.....


-15,34,171.89 5,54,35,29129,53,57,374.62




Name of public Trust : SEWA RURAL, JHAGADIABalance Sheet for the period of April 11 to March 12

Rs. Rs.


Balance as per last Balance Sheet.......................................................

Adjustments during the year..................................................................


Balance as per last Balance Sheet......................................................


4,35,56,609.00 24,28,47,222.10


Adjustments during the year................................................................

DEPRECIATION FUND.......................................................................... - -

RESERVE FUND..................................................................................... - -


From Trustees....................................................................................... - -

From Others........................................................................................ - -


For Sundry credit balances................................................................


Balance as per last Balance Sheet - -

ADD : SURPLUS/ LESS :DEFICIT (As per Income & Expenditure A/c.) - -

- 64,16,641.69 4,91,61,759.52


TOTAL 29,53,57,374.62




Name of public Trust : SEWA RURAL, JHAGADIAIncome & Expenditure Account for the period April 11 to March 12



(a) Religious

(b) Education.........................................................................................

(c) Medical............................................................................................

(d) Relief of poverty............................................................................ - -

(e) Other charitable objects................................................................... - -













Establishments Expenses.......................................................................

Remuneration to Trustees -

Legal Expenses -

Audit Fees..............................................................................................


(a) Bad Debts -

(b) Loan Scholarship -

(c) Irrecoverable rents -

(d) Other items -


DEPRECIATION...................................................................................... -




TOTAL 5,21,12,170.89

Rs. Rs.BY INTEREST ( Realized)

On Securities......................................................................................

On Saving Account.............................................................................


Health & Medical...............................................................................



Health & Medical...............................................................................



Health & Medical...............................................................................





( ) / -








TOTAL 5,21,12,170.89


As per out report of even dateSD/-

Place : Ahmedabad Chartered Accountant

Date : CHANDRAVADAN A. SHAH & CO.M. No.03173615 -06 -2012.


Financial Outlay

Thirty two years have been completed sinceSEWA Rural began its journey to becomehelpful to underserved by undertaking health,medical and overall developmental activities.As in past, SEWA Rural continued to getdonations in kind and cash from the donorswithin the country and abroad, trusts, fundingagencies as well as grants from central & stategovernments. As a result atmosphere ofconfidence and trust to do value basedwork for the poor have been maintained.

Last year for various programmes, activitiesand related expenses totally Rs. 825.94 lacswere spent. Out of which, for recurringexpenses of various services and programmes,Rs. 472.42 lacs were spent where as for newbuildings, equipments and vehicles Rs. 353.52lacs were spent. Administrative and relatedexpenses were 5%.

Financial assistance from Sight Savers (UK)for various eye programmes have beendiscontinued after almost 2 decades ofcontinued support. Still however, thesponsorship received from well wishers withinthe country and abroad is being useful forweekly eye diagnostic camps & other relatedactivities. Grants received from MacArthurFoundation (USA) and State Govt. for SNGOproject have come to end. As a result, variousfunding agencies / donors are being contactedfor the new project of using mobile technologyfor CHP. Trainings being organized by HealthTraining and Resource Centre are almost selfsufficient. Expenses of totally free or partially

free treatment to the poor patients in thehospital are increasing day by day. On the otherhand since limited grants received from theState Govt., during the current year a deficit ofRs. 80 lacs have been incurred. Income from

andTrust (all from Mumbai ) as well as

and National RuralHealth Insurance Scheme is being used tostrengthen the hospital services. Still however,every year the Funds Flaw Crisis occurring inthe hospital, there is an immediate need todevelop a revolving fund of Rs. 1 Crore.During the year, various equipments wereacquired for the hospital from the grantsreceived under NRHM scheme from Govt.

The renovation work of Vivekananda GraminTekniki Kendra (VGTK) at Gumandev havebeen almost completed. During the year, thework of additional three new workshops, staffquarters, tar road and fencing have beencompleted and the work of open air theater is inthe last stage. Now donors are being contactedfor waste water treatment, rain waterharvesting and land scapping.

The grant from the Tribal DevelopmentDepartment of Govt. of Gujarat is being veryuseful for the development of VocationalTraining. Industrial houses are playing animportant role by sponsoring the training ofpoor students. As a result, the number ofvarious trades and students at VGTK areincreasing.

The partial support is provided by the interestreceived from the endowment / deposit fund ofRs. 3.5 crores raised for the various activities ofSEWARural.

An expense of Rs. 6 crores is expected to beincurred during the next year by SEWA Ruralfor health, medical, technical training andother related activities. For this help of Rs. 4.5crores have been assured by the variousnational and international sources. We areconfident that, like earlier three decades wewill be able to get Rs. 1.5 crore frominstitutional donors and well wishers.

Ur Asha Jhaveri Foundation,Lilavati R. ShahMedical Relief Trust useful help from Mrs.NargeshChiranjivi, Bal Sakha

Total Annual Expenditure(Recurring + Non-Recurring) Rs.825.94 lacs

Recurring (Rs. 472.42 Lacs)





Hospital & Ey e Programmes: (62%)

Viv ekananda Gramin Tekniki Kendra &

TPC: (19%)Community Health Project: (7%)

Health Training Centre: (5%)

Administration & Support Serv ices: (5%)

Other Programmes. (2%)

SEWA Rural Team

To create and maintain family feeling and

comradeship among the staff members

various cultural programmes are now a

regular feature in all campuses of SEWA

Rural. Events celebrated this year included:

, get

to gether, Flag hoisting on 15 August & 26

January, sports etc. Many staff members and

their parivar participated in all these


Short tours of staff and family members to

Kavi-kamboi in Bharuch district and

another to Pavagadh in Baroda district were

enjoyed by all. Sports activities like

cricket, table tennis, Volleyball and chess

were enjoyed during the year beside special

sport event on 26 January. Classes were

organised to improve English language &

computer proficiency of staff members.

Every year, both scholarship and low interest

loan for education of staff members'

children were disbursed during this year.

Expense for supporting school education

during year was Rs. 2,37,085/-. Loan was

given to 15 children of staff members to

support higher education amounting to Rs.

5,41,685/-. Various self development

activities were carried out during summer

vacation for Kalrav group of children.

Mediclaim policy supporting medical

expense with yearly ceiling of Rs. 25,000/-

was arranged by SEWA Rural which was

accepted by 153 staff members. Similar

insurance coverage was available for their

children amounting Rs. 15,000 and also for

parents amounting Rs. 50,000 in which

SEWA Rural contributed 50%. Under all

these coverage Rs. 84,493/- was spent. In

addition all staff members availed benefits

of OPD and indoor sectons of Kasturba

hospital without any payment.

To solve as well as help in both personal

as well as work related issues of staff

member a group consisting of Vikram

Vansadia, Dr. Gayatri Desai and Manjula

Vasava has been created. Now any staff

member can approach this group to

remedy their difficulty. This will help to

improve organisational work quality and

get timely help in small or big issues

related to staff members..

having 146 members, held 28th annual

general body meeting on 16 June 12. 9.5%

interest on saving and 10% dividend on

share was disbursed. During year saving

was Rs. 57.55 lacs, Share capital Rs. 3,69

lacs and Rs. 23.31 lacs was advanced as

loan to staff members. Net profit was Rs.

49,932/-. Minor educational help, yearly

distribution of gift to member and wholesale

distribution of food grain were the other

activities of cooperative society.


and natural surrounding and walking track

make some 30 families a pleasant living

Monthly maintain

clean and tidy. All members of

society help & support each other on

auspicious and sad occasions in any


We heartily condole sad demise of

Maheshbhai Patel of CBR department and

young son and daughter of Hiraben and

Ramubhai Vasava living in Sharadakunj.

Navratri garba, Sharad purnima Diwali

Shramayagna housing


Cooperative society of staff members

Sharadakunj Housing Society :



(1) Estate of Late Mrs. Bhadra R. Shukhadwala Mumbai 25,00,000

(2) Nargesh Khursedji Dadi Public Charitable Trust Mumbai 15,00,000

(3) Pentagon Charitable Foundation Mumbai 12,50,000

(4) Lilavati R. Shah Medical Relief Trust Mumba 8,00,000

(5) Alpha Foundation Vadodara 5,00,000

(6) Manav Kalyan Trust Ahmedabad 3,50,000

(7) Vision Foundation of India Mumbai 2,62,500

(8) Vinodkanta Ramanlal Shah Charitable Trust Mumbai 2,51,000

(9) Hari Om Seva Trust Vadodara 2,12,750

(10) Ur Asha Javeri Foundation Trust Mumbai 2,00,000

(11) Jivan Akshay Chritable Trust Vadodara 1,33,400

(12) Dhayabhai Vajeram Public Trust Surat 1,00,000

(13) SPA Trust Mumbai 90,000

(14) Zainab Charitable Trust Dungara 68,000

(15) Kantilal Dhupelia Charitable Trust Kolkata 50,000

(16) Bhogilal Dipchand Shah Charitable Trust Navsari 30,000

(17) C. K. Amin Family Trust Ahmedabad 25,800

(18) Shroff Family Charitable Trust Mumbai 25,000

(19) Jain Jagruti Centre Ankleshwar 21,000

(20) Khedut Shakari Khand Udyaog Mandli Ltd. Pandvai 18,700

(21) R. S. Lallubhai Kasandas Trust Ahmedabad 18,000

(22) Shri Khedut Kalyan Nidhi Charitable Trust Raima 15,850

(23) Narmada Nagari Rotary Welfare Trust Bharuch 15,600

(24) Purushottamdas Harkishandas Charitable Trust Mumbai 15,000

(25) Nilkantheshwar Charitable Trust Zadeshwar 12,600

(26) Jan Utkarsh Trust Ahmedabad 11,000

(27) Sarsawti Jyot Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 10,000

(28) The Surat District Cooperative Bank Ltd. Surat 10,000

(29) Jivaben Gopalbhai Charitable Trust Bharuch 10,000

(30) Sadgurudham Nirlobhi Ashram Asa 7,100

(31) The Kosamba Mercantile Co.Op. Bank Ltd. Kosamba 6,200

(32) Gayatri Ladies Club Zanor 5,710

(33) N. N. Desai Charitable Trust Surat 5,000


Donations from Institutions Rupees


Industries & Business PartiesRupees


(1) Voltamp Transformer Ltd. Vadodara 20,00,000

(2) Keshavji Devji & Sons. Kosamba 2,30,000

(3) Anupam Rasayan India Ltd. Surat 2,00,000

(4) Gujarat Paguthan Energy Corporation Pvt. Ltd. Paguthan 1,75,000

(5) Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilizer Co. Ltd. Bharuch 1,75,000

(6) Oil & Natural Gas Cooperation Ltd. Ankleshwar 1,63,000

(7) Aventis Pharma Ltd. Ankleshwar 1,30,000

(8) Pachhigar Jewellers Surat 1,00,000

(9) Gujarat T. Procesors & Packers Ltd. Ahmedabad 1,00,000

(10) Navdeep Chemicals Mumbai 1,00,000

(11) Winsteel Engineering Works Sachin 70,000

(12) Development Efforts For Rural Economic & Peoples Nani-Naroli 45,000

(13) Pankaj Finance Ltd. Bharuch 40,000

(14) Reliance Industries Ltd. Dahej 40,000

(15) Enviro Techonology Ltd. Ankleshwar 35,000

(16) Bharuch Enviro Infrastructure Ltd. Ankleshwar 35,000

(17) Hindustan Platinum Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai 35.000

(18) M. R. Enterprise Ahmedabad 35,000

(19) BAYER Crop Science Ltd. Ankleshwar 34,300

(20) Fortune Medical Bharuch 27,000

(21) Premchand Maganlal & Co. Surat 25,000

(22) Anand Petro Chem Pvt. Ltd. Ankleshwar 25,000

(34) Doshi Chanchalben Shankarlal & Ranchhodas Trust Umalla 5,000

(35) Shah Motichand Shamji Dharmada Trust Pune 5,000

(36) SEWA Rural Karmachari Shakari Mandli Ltd. Jhagadia 5,000

(37) Umrath Education and Charitable Trust Mumbai 5,000

(38) Janseva Trust Mumbai 5,000

(39) Annpurna Farms Public Charitable Trust Mumbai 5,000

(40) Narmadanagar Rural Development Society Bharuch 3,600

(41) Sheth Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 2,500

(42) Sanjivni Hospital Mumbai 2,000

(43) Vrajnarayan Charitable Trust Ahmedabad 2,000

(44) Surat Manav Sangh Surat 1,500

(45) South Gujarat MRI Centre Surat 500


(23) Bharat Parentals Ltd. Haripura 25,000

(24) Gujarat Reclaim & Rubber Products Ltd. Mumbai 25,000

(25) Dhara Electricals Ankleshwar 25,000

(26) Trishul Motors Surat 25,000

(27) National Thermal Power Corporation Zanor 21,650

(28) Vishal Road Lines Ahmedabad 20,325

(29) Rajshree Polyfils Umalla 18,000

(30) Navnit Publication India Ltd. Ahemadabad 15,000

(31) Vardayini Chemicals Ankleshwar 11,000

(32) Rex Instrument Vadodara 11,000

(33) Life Star Pharma Ltd. New Delhi 10,002

(34) Systopic Lab. Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 10,000

(35) Advance Microtech Surat 10,000

(36) RAMIN Vadodara 10,000

(37) Rupara Engineering Ankleshwar 10,000

(38) Ramgruh Udyog Ankleshwar 10,000

(39) Ankur Electroplating Ankleshwar 10,000

(40) A-Roy Enterprise Vadodara 8,772

(41) Sumeru Press Jhagadia 6,251

(42) Ganesh Pharma Agency Vadodara 6,000

(43) Victoria Medical Corporation Ankleshwar 5,111

(44) Subset System Ahmedabad 5,100

(45) Reliance Medicap Pvt.Ltd. Vadodara 5,001

(46) Naman Medical Agency Bharuch 5,000

(47) Zestacare Ahmedabad 5,000

(48) Bhavani Trading Co. Kalol 5,000

(49) Raghuvir Industries Bharuch 5,000

(50) Dinyar Medical Store Vadodara 4,001

(51) Choice Stationery Store Ankleshwar 4,000

(52) Asha Medical Agency Vadodara 3,601

(53) Siddhi Sales Centre Vadodara 2,500

(54) Geetarath Surgical Vadodara 2,102

(55) M/s. Kanubhai Bhailalbhai Shah Miyagam Karjan 2,000

(56) Asha Medical Agency Vadodara 1,865

(57) Allied Trade Corporation Vadodara 1,801

(58) Gufic Bioscience Ltd. Mumbai 1,500

(59) Shri Raj Medical Agency Vadodara 1,101

(60) Reliance Agency Vadodara 1,101


Personal Donation

(1) Shashiben Jani Mumbai 5,01,775

(2) Shri Sanjaybhai Shrenikbhai Lalbhai Ahmedabad 5,00,000

(3) A Well wisher Mumbai 2,50,000

(4) Keyurbhai Jitendrai Desai Valsad 2,11,000

(5) Manjulaben Zaverbhai Patel Tralsa 2,00,000

(6) Gokuldas & Kausikbhai Haridas Mumbai 2,00,000

(7) Surendrabhai Vadilal Shah Mumbai 2,00,000

(8) Jayrambhai S. Desai Vadodara 2,00,000

(9) Chandravadanbhai Shantilal Shah Mumbai 1,51,000

(10) In memory of Durlabhbhai & Kanchanben D. Patel Navsari 1,13,334

(11) In memory of Vinubhai G. & Geetaben Patel Navsari 1,13,333

(12) Mohanbhai gopalbhai Patel Navanagar 1,13,333

(13) Nirmalaben Mohanbhai Patel Vadodara 1,00,001

(14) Jashuben Mohanbhai Patel Dolatpur 1,00,000

(15) Mansukhlal B. Gambhva Bharuch 1,00,000

(16) Kamlaben Chimanlal Shah Jhagadia 1,00,000

(17) Jayantbhai Shah Pune 1,00,000

(18) Karsanbhai and Gulabben Bhakat Sampura 1,00,000

(19) Sarlaben Chhotalal Chhtrapati Mumbai 1,00,000

(20) Pradeepbhai Khandwala Ahmedabad 1,00,000

(21) Prakashbhai H. Shah Ahmedabad 1,00,000

(22) Subhashbhai R. Shah Mumbai 1,00,000

(23) Dr. Chandrakantbhai Vora Surat 1,00,000

(24) Thakorbhai Patel Palsod 97,000

(25) Mahendrasinh G. Vashi Surat 60,000

(26) Rameshbhai R. Patel Ahmedabad 60,000

(61) Medicure Agency Vadodara 1,001

(62) Bahati Chemical Vallabh Vidyanagar 1,001

(63) Parthi Distributor Vadodara 1,000

(64) Narmada Medical Agency Bharuch 1,000

(65) Amit Agency Vadodara 501

(66) Dinbandhu Agency Vadodara 501

(67) Baroda Agency Vadodara 501



(27) Tarunbhai and Varshaben Bhakat Sampura 51,200

(28) Dinaz B. Ankleshwaria Mumbai 50,000

(29) Leelaben Visaria Ahmedabad 50,000

(30) Rajendrabhai Naik Ankleshwar 50,000

(31) Pankajbhai H. Kapadia Surat 50,000

(32) Dr. Shrey Anilbhai Desai Jhagadia 50,000

(33) Dr. Gayatriben Shrey Desai Jhagadia 50,000

(34) Samir Kishorbhai Shah Mumbai 50,000

(35) Subhadraben S. Mehta Mumbai 50,000

(36) Navinchandra R. Shah Ahmedabad 50,000

(37) Dr. Prfulbhai & Sandhayaben Chhasatia Surat 50,000

(38) Gopalbhai Ratanjibhai Patel Kantali 40,000

(39) Rajanbhai C. Pandya Kosamba 35,500

(40) Subhadraben Bhikhubhai Desai Vadodara 34,500

(41) Dr. Pankajbhai Pannalal Shah Jhagadia 30,000

(42) Bankimbhai N. Desai Surat 25,000

(43) Madhukarbhai V. Parikh Surat 25,000

(44) Jayrambhai S. Desai Vadodara 25,000

(45) Lalitbhai & Anitaben Shah Ranasn 25,000

(46) Madhukarbhai Broker Mumbai 25,000(47) Chandubhai S. Patel Bharuch 25,000

(48) Gunvantbhai H. Shah Vadodara 25,000

(49) Dineshchandra Kantilal Vora Surat 25,000

(50) Jayantbhai M. Shah Mumbai 25,000

(51) Pragnaben K. Parikh Pune 25,000

(52) Chetanbhai Trivedi Vadodara 25,000

(53) Taraben Chhotubhai Desai Surat 25,000

(54) Kamla C. Sheth Mumbai 25,000

(55) Pankajkumar & Rekhaben Shah Mumbai 22,600

(56) Nitinbhai & Mamtaben Shah Vadodara 22,000

(57) Indrevadanbhai V. Bhagat Mumbai 21,001

(58) Rohitkumar Jayantilal Bhatt Mumbai 21,000

(59) Madhuriben Diwanji Mumbai 21,000

(60) Madhukanta J. Parekh Mumbai 20,000

(61) Tusharbhai & Diptiben Desai Nasik Road 20,000

(62) Pritiben Dhanjaybhai Desai Valsad 20,000

(63) Dr. Hasmukhbhai J. Sadhu Halol 20,000


(64) Dr. Dhirenbhai Modi Jhagadia 17,000

(65) Miteshbhai Jagdishbhai Patel Karjan 15,000

(66) Nathubhai Vallabhabhai Patel Bharadia 15,000

(67) Geetaben D. Shah Mumbai 15,000

(68) Beena M. Parekh Mumbai 15,000

(69) Harivadan N. Patel Kholvad 11,500

(70) Jasavantlal Hirachand Shah Mandva 11,111

(71) Yogeshkumar Chhotalal Modi Tarsadi-Kosamba 11,000

(72) Kiritbhai N. Bhatt Lajpor 11,000

(73) Vinodbhai V. Dave Surat 11,000

(74) Amrutbhai Chhaganlal Patel Bodhan 11,000

(75) Hemaben & Pratik Dalal Vadodara 11,000

(76) Hirenbhai Hareshbhai Jhagadiawala Ankleshwar 11,000

(77) Vijaybhai Prabhudas Kothari Mumbai 11,000

(78) Bharatbhai, Pratimaben & Pratikbhai Shah Mumbai 11,000

(79) Gopalbhai Ratilal Shah Bharuch 10,111

(80) Dr. Atulbhai Kothari Surat 10,000

(81) Satishbhai Solanki Mumbai 10,000

(82) Harishbhai Ratilal Pipwala & Surat 10,000

Joytiben Harishbhai Pipwala

(83) Devidas P. Methia Vadodara 10,000

(84) Shaileshbhai & Tejalben N. Desai Ahmedabad 10,000

(85) Yogeshchandra M. Shah Ahmedabad 10,000

(86) Padmaben P. Chokshi Ahmedabad 10,000

(87) Sumanbhai C. Desai Surat 10,000

(88) Atulbhai H. Doshi Mumbai 10,000

(89) Bhailalbhai Maganbhai patel Dharoli 10,000

(90) G. G. Yadav Valia 10,000

(91) Mohanbhai Chokshi Kosamba 10,000

(92) Kshanil Anilkumar Gandhi Vadodara 10,000

(93) Nimishaben Kamleshbhai Patel Vadodara 10,000

(94) Rajashriben Jagdishbhai Desai Mumbai 10,000

(95) Parvezbhai & Homaiben Daruwala Navsari 10,000

(96) Mahendrabhai Ishwarbhai Desai Panetha 10,000

(97) Jaydevbhai Khandubhai Desai Tarsadi 10,000

(98) Manojbhai J. Kapadia Surat 10,000

(99) Dr. Amiben Yagnik Surat 10,000


(100) Rujuta J. Dixit Mumbai 10,000

(101) Sonalben Vipulkumar Shah Bharuch 8,000

(102) Vasantlal Hiralal Thakar Ahmedabad 8.000

(103) Krupaben Ronakkumar Patel Nadiad 7,751

(104) Pankajkumar Bhogilal Patel Umalla 7,200

(105) Kamal S. Panjabi Ahmedabad 7,000

(106) Maheshbhai Maganbhai Patel Nava-Rajuvadia 7,000

(107) Bharatbhai M. Duchawala Bharuch 7,000

(108) Ravendrabhai Patel Vadodara 7,000

(109) C. K. Giriya Ankleshwar 7,000

(110) Pankajbhai Devjibhai Patel Govali 6,002

(111) Chandubhai Hiralal Khetani Ahmedabad 6,000

(112) Mani H. Jehangir Surat 6,000

(113) Sumanlal M. Tapiawala Bharuch 6,000

(114) Vipualbhai Narendrabhai Pandya Vadodara 5,002

(115) Dineshchandra Chhotalal Shah Bharuch 5,001

(116) Jayaben T. Gorkhodawala Bharuch 5,001

(117) B. M. Gandhi Vadodara 5,001

(118) Jayantilal Maganlal Shah Surat 5,001

(119) On ali J. Shaherwala Surat 5,001

(120) Ketkiben Vasantbhai Shah Surat 5,000

(121) Apurva Kanchanbhai Desai Vadodara 5,000

(122) Chandrakantbhai Shah Bharuch 5,000

(123) Jayesh R. Joshi Jamnagar 5,000

(124) Mitesh Arvindbhai Prajapati Surat 5,000

(125) Deepakbhai B. Dave Mumbai 5,000

(126) Girishbhai R. Shah Nadiyad 5,000

(127) Bipinbhai Desai Vadodara 5,000

(128) Dr. Pratiksha Vasantbhai Surat 5,000

(129) Jayendrabhai & Shridaben Dixit Mumbai 5,000

(130) Hareshbhai & Sujataben Colcatta 5,000

(131) Jayshreeben Navinbhai Kapadia Surat 5,000

(132) Upendrabhai Khandubhai Mehta Valsad 5,000

(133) Gunvantbhai Hiralal Patel Ahmedabad 5,000

(134) Dr. Mayaben N. Hazra Vadodara 5,000


(135) Bhogilal N. Vasani Valsad 5,000

(136) Yogendrabhai B. Patel Bharuch 5,000

(137) Rameshbhai Bhagvanbhai Gandhi Bhaurch 5,000

(138) Arunbhai Dave Sinor 5,000

(139) Premat L. Lalwani Gandhinagar 5,000

(140) Dhavalbhai K. Mehta Ahmedabad 5,000

(141) Mrudulaben & Kamleshbhai Lala Ahmedabad 5,000

(142) Rameshbhai Hiralal Shah Surat 5,000

(143) Mrudulaben N. Upadhayay Jamnagar 5,000

(144) Rasikbhai P. Patel Bharuch 5,000

(145) Taraben Kantibhai Patel Vadodara 5,000

(146) Jigeshbhai Dholakia Vadodara 5,000

(147) Tejash N. Dave Vadodara 5,000

(148) Dr. Mukeshbhai & Mayaben Dave Bharuch 5,000

(149) Satishkumar Raguvirbhai Bhakat Kelvikuwa 5,000

(150) Harshadrai Kasanji Desai Surat 4,500

(151) Shri Arvindbhai Desai Valsad 4,260

(152) Mayankbhai & Chhayaben Pandya Jhagadia 4,053

(153) Niranjanbhai Pradyumanbhai Bhatt Daheli 4,000

(154) Nitinbhai & Kailashben Parikh Navsari 4,000

(155) Hasmukhlal Hiralal Khetani Ahmedabad 3,950

(156) Sudhirbhai Marfatia Surat 3,900

(157) Deepakbhai B. Pandya Bharuch 3,500

(158) Atulbhai A. Desai Bharuch 3,000

(159) Bharatiben & Navinbhai Desai Surat 3,000

(160) Jitendrasinh Gopalsinh Gohil Rajpipla 3,000

(161) Lopaben A. Mehta Mumbai 3,000

(162) Nitinbhai C. Bhatt Vadodara 3,000

(163) Nitinchandra Gamanlal Tamakuwala & Surat 3,000

Gamanlal Gordhandas Tamakuwala

(164) Well wisher shri Chandigarh 2,800

(165) Falibhai Vadiya Surat 2,600

(166) Rameshchandra B. Mankad Vadodara 2,500

(167) Meghaben A. Doshi Mumbai 2,500

(168) Bharat Mamaniya Mumbai 2,500

(169) Nehalben Choksi Surat 2,500

(170) Balkrishnabhai Shah Vadodara 2,500


(171) Joytiben Jayvantbhai Vyas Kadwali 2,500

(172) Madhuben Shah Kheda 2,500

(173) Naishadh B. Kapadia Mumbai 2,100

(174) Bipinbhai & Indiraben Chandubhai Gajrawala Ahmedabad 2,001

(175) Surendrasinh Bhavansinh Gohil Bharuch 2,001

(176) Sonalben Mukeshbhai Nayak Valsad 2,001

(177) Parth Harshadbhai Shah Ahmedabad 2,000

(178) Pearl Adi Kharash Surat 2,000

(179) Bhupendra C. Mehta Bharuch 2,000

(180) Jayeshbhai Joshi Jamnagar 2,000

(181) Achalbhai Sanjaybhai Shah Ahmedabad 2,000

(182) Atulbhai A. Desai Bharuch 2,000

(183) Meenaben Nileshbhai Vora Surat 2,000

(184) Biharibhai & Urmiben Shah Mumbai 2,000

(185) Ramsinh Varavaji Rehwar Valia 2,000

(186) Prabhakar Pranlal Savadia Vadodara 1,501

(187) Dhirendrakumar Babubhai Shah Bharuch 1,501

(188) Harikrishnabhai M. Desai Ahmedabad 1,500

(189) Well Wisher Mumbai 1,500

(190) Dr. Mehta Patho Laboratory Mumbai 1,500

(191) Hemlataben Y. Desai Surat 1,500

(192) Geetaben K. Shah Himatnagar 1,500

(193) Pareshbhai & Pratimaben Parikh Bhaurch 1,500

(194) Rubinaben Mekwan Selvas 1,200

(195) Somsinhbhai R. Bodana Valia 1,111

(196) Manishaben N. Gandhi Mumbai 1,111

(197) Babubhai B. Golwala Bharuch 1,111

(198) Kumudben Lalbhai Desai Jhagadia 1,111

(199) Rajshreeben Chaddha New Delhi 1,100

(200) Narayanbhai Mahijibhai Patel Karjan 1,100

(201) Dr. Hiralben Pankajbhai Shah Jhagadia 1,001

(202) Arjunsinh Mangrola Ahkleshwar 1,001

(203) M. N. Nadkarni Mumbai 1,001

(204) Dr. Snehalben Vinodchandra Shah Jhagadia 1,001

(205) Ramubhai M. Machhi Jhagadia 1,001

(206) Janaksinh Sursinh Mori Rajpardi 1,001

(207) Kantilal Jethalal Purohit Shukaltirath 1,001

(208) Kishorbhai & Varshaben Mistri Vadodara 1,000

(209) Sarojben Bhavsar Vadodara 1,000

(210) Sashiben V. Modi Mumbai 1,000

(211) Dr. Parth Shah Vadodara 1,000

(212) Jayesh P. Shah Mumbai 1,000

(213) Umaben Desai Vadodara 1,000

(214) Sushilaben D. Sheth Surat 1,000

(215) Sharadbhai T. Kapadia Bharuch 1,000

(216) Smita Nadkarni Panvel 1,000

(217) Leena Kaskar Thane 1,000

(218) Mahendrabhai N. Shah Vallabh Vidyanagar 1,000

(219) Sherli Boban Raisan 1,000

(220) Chandrakantbhai Kashanjibhai Desai Valsad 1,000

(221) Mrs. Induben Rameshbhai Desai Valsad 1,000

(222) Narmadaben Ajitsinh Makwana Vadhawan 591

(223) Ketanbhai Ravjibhai Patel Umarawa 515

(224) Parvatiben Karsandas Karia Ahmedabad 501

(225) Binitaben Desai Surat 501

(226) Vikramsinh Jsavantsinh Vashi Desad 501

(227) Aminaben Rasulbhai Jibawa Malek Dabha 501

(228) Parth Bankimbhai Sheth Jhagadia 500

(229) Amrutaben Choradia Nasik 500

(230) Well Wisher Valsad 500

(231) K. K. Singh Mumbai 500

(232) R. D. Kharkar Mumbai 500

(233) Bharatbhai Gala Mumbai 500

(234) Jimitbhai Shah Mumbai 500

(235) Shahid Ahamed Mansuri Kosamdi 500

We regret that all the names of donors could not be included in all these lists of donationas mentioned in above pages due to space constraint. We equally value the donations andpersons who are not included in these lists.



US $

(1) Indian collective action U.S.A. 25,425

A well wishers U.S.A. 20,000

Ajitkumar Mehta U.S.A. 3,000

Manish Mehta U.S.A. 2,000

Swasti Patel Patrawala U.S.A. 500

(2) Share & Care Foundation U.S.A. 11,503

Maheshbhai & Maheshwariben Desai U.S.A. 10,000

Dineshbhai & Rashmiben Shah U.S.A. 1,001

Divyeshbhai & Jayaben Shah U.S.A. 402

Bhupenbhai & Urmiben Trivedi U.S.A. 100

(3) American Service to India U.S.A. 5,000

Natubhai & Ushaben Patel U.S.A. 5,000

( )ICA

Donation from Abroad


(4) Sajid Musa U. K. 2,57,500

(5) La Main Tendue France 1,27,860

(6) Dr. Shakuntalaben M. Patel U.S.A. 1,21,000

(7) Bharatbhai & Diptiben U.S.A. 90,651

(8) Pareshbhai & Uthicaben Patel U.S.A. 50,000

(9) Vipinbhai Bhavsar U.S.A. 25,000

(10) Samir & Tejal Gandhi U.S.A. 22,525

(11) Arjundev & Parulben Bhakt U.S.A. 21,000

(12) Mukeshkumar N. Soni Canada 20,000

(13) Janakbhai Bhatt U.A.E. 11,000

(14) Sapnaben Parikh U.S.A. 10,437

(15) Yagneshbhai R. Purani U.S.A. 10,272

(16) Nayan & Sadhana Shah U.S.A. 10,000

(17) Parth A. Chudawala U.S.A. 5,001

(18) Smita Arvind Shah U.S.A. 5.000

(19) Pravinaben Bharatbhai Patel U.S.A. 5,000

(20) Pulin & Madhivi P. Desai U.S.A. 4,720

(21) Manishaben & Nileshbhai Kothari U.S.A. 2,341

(22) Mukeshbhai & Harshaben Kothari U.S.A. 2,340

(23) Himansu Yagnik U.S.A. 2,200

(24) Nathan Sneck U.S.A. 1,000

Donation in kind


1. Lion Club of Nandesari Vadodara Cataract Surgery Kits 1,01,640

2. Jivan Akshay Charitable Trust Vadodara Mattresses, baby kits and 72,260

baby dresses

3. Sanjaybhai Thakkar Vadodara Various types of spectacle 48,390


4. Shri Babulal Jain Surat Blankets 27,900

5. Pinaz C. Mehta Memorial Trust Bharuch IOL 22,500

6. Navinbhai I. Nagardas Shah Mumbai Spectacles Frames 19,290

7. Sanjaybhai Mistry Ankleshwar Dishes Bowls, Spoons 16,900

8. Adijan Asmita Foundation Valsad Medicines 15,600

9. Bharat Parentals Ltd. Haripura Medicines 7,000

10. Unmesh Sheth USA Philips Video Camera 5,000

11. Dr. Maulin Shah Mumbai Digital Thermometer 5,000

12. Sabihaben Sajidbhai Musa Nabipur Dark Glasses 4,824

13. Manav Vision Mumbai Spectacles Frames 3,400

14. Nareshbhai Turdia Mumbai Medicines 2,800

15. Dr. Hasumukbhai Sadhu Halol Medicines 1,780

16. Dr. Ashwinbhai More Jhagadia Medicines 1,000

17. Abbott Diabetic Care Mumbai Calculator 500

18. Dr. Vipin Bhavsar USA 20 Sets of Ambu Bag, -

Vacuum Set

19. Dr. Mahendrabhai Panchal Ankleshwar O.T. Table/Sunction Machine -

20. Mrs. Jayaben Modi Hospital Ankleshwar Spring Beds, IV Stands -

Polong etc.

21. Jayeshkumar Manharbhai Vasava Umalla Wheel Chair -

22. Ketkiben Vasantbhai Shah Surat Computer, Printer, Scanner -


Compliance to Norms for Credibilityof Voluntary Organizations


Particulars Compliance

A Registration

S Public Trust Act F/110/Bharuch Date : 18/2/1984

S Society Registration Act Guj./120/Bharuch Date : 18/2/1984

S FCRA (Foreign Contribution Regulation Act ) Reg. No. 041990006 Date : 3/01/1985

S PAN ( Permanent Account Number ) AAATS7375J Date : 18/2/1984

Exemption Under Income Tax Act

S 50% Under 80G (5) No. BRD I.T.O.-III/Tech./104-188-S/2008-09 Permanent Reg.

S 100% Under 35AC F. No. NC-270/108/1993, 14/06/2011,

Valid up to 31/3/2014

B Clarity and Commitment about Mission & Approach

In memorandum of association and various reports

Translated into programmes and activities

Well defined and articulated

Well Ensured

Efforts towards developing clarity and acceptance amongstaff members, beneficiaries and local community

Special measures are on

C Governance and Programmatic operationsGoverning Board Members / Trustees( Meets every three months )

- 20% female members

- Only Six of the trustees & their family membersare paid for their full time professional work

- Meeting Dates : 18-19 June, 8 Sept., 24-25 Dec.1110 March 12

Activity Targets and Systems for Ongoing Monitoringand Review

- Well Established and in Place

- More Emphasis on Qualitative aspects

- Bottom up approach in Target Setting andQuarterly Review

- Review by external experts

Formation of Advisory committee - Active for All Programmes / Projects- Meets twice in a year

Policy for purchase, store and issuing - Well defined and in practice

Maintenance of dead stock register - Recording up to date & Physical verification is in process

D Human ResourceSalary standards ( As on 1st April 2012)

- Monthly pay - Highest Rs. 65,000/-, - Lowest Rs. 5,000/-

Salary of present employees

Gross Salary ( Rs.) Male Female Total

5,000 to 6,000

6,001 to 10,000

10,001 to 20,000

20,001 to 40000

More than 40000Total













S TAN (Tax Deduction Collection Number) BRDS00965G Date : 10/6/1992

Years of services of present employees

- meaningful, logical & in force

Years of Service Male Female Total

Less than 2 years 17 16 33

Between 5 to 10 13 08 21

Between 10 to 15 04 03 07

Between 15 to 20 21 03 24

Total 104 64 168

More than 20 33 21 54

Between 2 to 5 16 13 29

SAll Eligible benefits like PF, Gratuity, Leaves etc - Given to all staff members

S hospitalcareAdditional benefits like support for personal accident,

mediclaim, support for school & college education forstaff children, tours, magazines etc.

- Various staff welfare benefits given to all staffmembers

S Celebration of festivals, Building Family Spirit & Informal Culture - Conscious efforts are on

S Coordination Committee : ( Twice a month)heads & key membersRepresenting of different

departments (Total 26 members)

- 35% female members- Meetings : Every Fifteen days

- Special Workshops : 3-4 June 11, 3-4 Feb. 12

S Departmental Meetings (weekly ) - On weekly basis

S SEWA Rural Staff Meetings (quarterly) - Dates : 9/4, 4/5, 9/7, 28/9, 12/11, 10/12-201113/1, 17/3-2012

S Opportunity for capacity building and professional

development at all levels

- Encouragement to staff for participation in appropriateand relevant training, workshops and conferences atregional, national and international levels (18 benefitted)

E. Accountability and Transparency

Publications:S  Annual progress reportAnnual Audited Accounts 

‘SEWA Suvas’ Magazine 

- Published every year

- Published every year

- Published quarterly

Financial Aspects :S

Yearly budget exercise and financial review in boardmeetings 

- Budget approved in board meeting.- Expenditure review twice a year in board meeting.

Account systems  - Well laid out, documented and in practice

Emphasis on receipts and bills for every financial

transactions ncluding donation


i items for in kind

- Ensured

Accounts monit ring meetings  a & Review - Monthly basis

Accounts audited by professional experts  - Systematically done and audited accounts published every year

Sharing of accounts & expenditure with local communityS - Beginning has been made during get-to-getherof local well wishers on yearly basis

Foreigncontribution, income tax, charity commissioner, employmentexchange, food and drugs act, PNDT & Sonographypollution control board, minimum daily wage etc.

Norms of statutory requirements like...S - Conscious efforts for strict adherence to all normsand special attention to put them into practice.

Evaluation & Review by external agenciesS - Five times so far

- Well Documented & reports are published

- In the name of InstitutionAcceptance of various AwardsS

Compliance to Norms for Credibilityof Voluntary Organizations

S Turn over among staff (during the year) - Joined , left 119 1

S Formal Appointment orders and booklet on Guide line on

‘SEWA Rural norms and rules & regulations’

- Appointment letters and New edition of booklet onguideliness issued to all staff

Particulars Compliance


 Website : www.sewarural.org  Facebook : www.facebook.com/sewarural - Updated and activity report regularly uploaded



Pankajbhai Shah

Bankimbhai Sheth

Pratimaben Desai

Arvindbhai Desai

Subhashbhai Shah

Bhikhubhai Vyas

Udaybhai Gajiwala

Lataben Desai

Anilbhai Desai

Girishbhai Shah


SEWA Rural

At & Po. Jhagadia

Dist. Bharuch, Gujarat

Pin :

(02645) 220028

Fax No. : (02645) 220313

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.sewarural.org

Face book: www.facebook.com/sewarural

393 110

Jhagadia Phone No. : (02645) 220021/220868

:Gumandev Phone No.

Public Trust No. F/110/Bharuch

Societies Reg. No. Guj/120/Bharuch

FCRA Reg. No. 041990006

Donations are 50% Tax Exempt under

80G(5) & 100% Tax Exempt under

section 35 AC

Kindly send your donation by

Cheque or Draft in name of SEWA


For Donations through Bank

Name of the Bank : Bank of Baroda

At & Po. Jhagadia

Dist. Bharuch, Pin-393 110.

For donations under 80 G-Bank A/C No : 07280100005800

For donations under 35 A.C.Bank A/C No : 07280100011754

MICR Code : 393012503

