· 3 1 1 1 w I 9 T ai IT a c y XiT'ET A BETIO Ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY....

3 1 1 1 w I 9 T ai IT a c y XiT'ET A BETIO Ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Containing Cnrd of First-C- l as. Estnb. UtbmenUlnall Bnncbetot Bust. ness In the District. AGKICOlrCBAI. WAHEnOUSES.' - 4. A. Baker, 928, 82s, S3La. are,, bet. th Jt lothsts. ABCniTECTS. Henry 11. Searle, nuE st. , opp. r. O. Dept. CThas. T. Dals t C o, 61S .th t., opp. Tat. Office. "W. II Polndexter, Vernon Row. AIX DEPOTS. Sam'l c. rainier. Vueit'i Phlta. Ale, Geo'twn. AXTOBNETS-AT-Ui- JCd ikC Ing rsoll, 4S4 La. are., op. City llall. Oeorge sCarle. jr., 45S Louisiana avenue. HoM. J. Murray, 319 4 street northwest. O. D. Ilarn tt, 317 H Etreet. 1. It. Vejorueeft. 3197th st- - yt- - T., nffie- - Geo. W, Dyer, corner beTenth and f street. J. T. K. riant, 708 E street; J. P , Notary Con. BAKERIES. . 8. Kraat. 6 E cor. Pa. aTe. and IStb sts. C.M.Lamb.Nat 1 Pie 4 Br'd Bk'y, taiu.Capltol'at. BASKS AXD BAXKER., J. H Squler iCo., Banters, o il'f Ta. are., Pay 6 percent on aU Deposits. Pay ofAjmy Officers cashed In adranee . , Biggs l(o., Executive are., cor. 15th st- - BEI.fc.lTAXaEBS,I.OCKSMITHS, sKc. T. Fred. Fischer, 616 5th .treet, bet. T and U. BLEACHERS. A. T.Whitlng.strawb t and b't bleacher.Kl Fa.av. BOOKSTORES. Solomon. & Chapmani Metropolitan Bookstore.SU Pa. are., bet 9th and uth sts. Constantly on hand tin newe-- t an 1 most fashionable styles of plain and fanc nation ry. Card plate, "at Com an I wedding lnTltatlons engraved In the highest style of the. art All the new publi- cation, received a, soon a. issued Warren Choate A I o. s Book and Stationery stor , 911 l'enna areoue.c-r- . 10th st. D. A. Brosuan. athol c)MG St.. bet. lh & 10th. BOOT A3TD SHOE STORES. D. M. Furlong. 507 sth st., n w, to order. Bon lino salooks. Obas. o EciJoff. 12is tst,, bet. 12th and 11th. BRASS WORKS. National Brass Work.s. US, 318 "and 31 13th st. a. w . Thos fMiuie rville, manufacturer of all ar- ticle uied m the Plumbing and Gas and Steam Plttini. Busincs, a complete stock of Plumb- ers supplies, c constantly on band. BTJTTEB, ECUS CHEESE, Ae. O. "W ( ltohrer s w cor th and D streets. Gene al t ommls-io- n Merchant. CAI.IET SHOPS. Wm aitir ajs E street, near 10th. cARPEvrrns axd ihjilders. Brust & lumpbre Malr Builders, cor. 9th and G streei-- , marrateut office. K i 1 it' liH' ,d, u r cor 9th st. and N Y are , C arpciiter and Butldt r and General C ontractor. CARPETIXGS, OlLfLOTIIS, Ac Wm - Mil. tell .t i ,8lll'a st (Market spaee,) Impoi ter anl Dealers in c irpets and house fur- - niMimg articles CO 1 arpet House, 9047th st , bet. land K. CARRI YUE FACTORIES. K ibt II l raham 410 4l 414 oth street n. w. John McDermo t & Bros . 310 Pa ar , near 3d st. J P Uenni. f. o teb Maker, vrj 6th st , near Pa. av. Bepaii inx done wit i Uptch, at cheap rates CLOTIIIX; STORES. "Wall Uol inson A Co., aa Pa. are , Merchant Tailors, line clothing for men and boys. COACH FACTORIES. John Mrllcrmott A Bro., J!0 Pcnna. arenue. CO At TAR AM) ITS PRODUCTS. rage 4 It teher Distillers of Coal Tar anilllean-cr- s of C oai Tar ro lucts office 1302 Penua. aenue. llxlt uuleAN Building. v HOMEOPATHIC PH1RMACT. E. i Mcl'herson & Co . No. 514 Mnth street. DRUG STORES. r P. llieklinp ail Pa. Kt.for. 3d sU Prices low. F X. Doole n rt st , bet M and 3d sts. easu DR. CiOODS. Bogin X. TV rile, Oae Price. 1013 4 103) TtU st. n. w. GAS FIXTURES. Ac. Alex in i e .. , "10 Pa. jr., bet. 9th and lPth street. C onstantlr on hand a Terr large stock of everything appertaining to the Plumb- ing and Gas It in Business. Trade Supplies, wholesale and retail Chandeliers, Reading Lights, Brackets and Mate Mantels, in larga as- sortment and ofthenewestpitterns,aIso, hand- some 4 rystal I handellcrs and Clocks. All use- ful n relties received as soon as out. HARDWARE AXD CUTI.EBT. L O. Campbell, eos I'a ar. bet. 6th and 7th sts. J TV Kennedy 4 Co , 612 Pa. ar., bet. eth and 7tb. IIORSE-SIIOER- J. F Doran. K St. bet 9th an 1 10th, and 13G2 P it. llorses shod aecordlug to natural shape of foot. HOTELS. Tormley's lloteL corner U and 15th sts. ISURAM-- OFriCES. The Arlington Fire Insurance Co., 1123 O street N ., near loth street German Am. Fire Ins Co., Law Building, 5th St. isrsTRUME vr makers. C. Fischer, burg Instruments Trusses. 633 7th St. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. E. C carer. Justice of the Peace and Convey- ancer, 613 7th st. ' . LADIES' DRESS TRIJIJIIXGS. Lowe's, 61i Market space and 920 Penua arennc. LITHOGRAPHERS. oms Peters, 4j8 Pa are., near 4a street. a spvcialty. J C Eutwlitle 4 Co , cor. 7th St. La. ar. EI KEY STABLES Acres Co. cor. 14lh and l sts Close carriages for wedding calls and receptions Boirdiug and Uri ry stabtes TVllUrd s bote stables Allison Nailor, jr . south side Pa are., near 14th St., opp Imperial and Witlard,s. LCIfBLR Y4.RDS. Nath 1 B lugltt, uth street and Ohio arennc N. W MARBLE 'VTORKh. T Tourney, Washington Mesm Slarble and Slate Works, 1112 L. street, near Uepubllcan building. SII.NERAL TV4.TERS San'H Palmer. corUcy and Green sts., George- town odaTatelnbtel Fountains aspeelalty. MODEL MAKERS -- Oppcrman. (23 G street, niar7lh. SOTARIES PUBLIC. A.E.L Keese cor La ar and 6th St. Also, Justice. OPTICI4.AS 11. n llempler, 4o3Pa. ar., cor. 4'st. PAI.NTS. OILS, GL VSS, Ar.f George lttneal ir , pa D s'rect. bet. oth and ,1b Dealer in all kluds of paints, oils, glass, put , lamps, brush k, &e Al-- always on haud a fudiiue of artlsis materials. Orders from city ore unlr promptly a'tended to. PAPER HANGERS. Ar. Dougia s Mo re, Art stu st , ih.i 1) and Pa. are.. I radical I pliowter r. Will paper, window shiiis. earpets. oil cloths ic. All orWers for wo-- k in Ither oraneh of the trade exeiuicd with skill and dispatch at lowest rates. PATFXT AGESTS. P It. T oorh, jo "tu st , opp. Po.t Office. Muun&fo (Sei. Am ,) or 7tli and F, opp P.O. Unsurpassed factllths for Buslui ss Knight Brothers 6X1 F st near Patent office II b & A P Laeer Tff7tlist opp P O. Uept George 1 Dyer, cornt r of -- seventh and K streets. PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES. Burgess Co successors to l,rad, tC71a arenue. itegatlres r touched y a tlrst-cla- ss artist El 1 ul mau 5 Pa. ave , orer ItsePs. John Goidin. t19 Pa. ave.. oue do ir east of Perry's. PEUJIBERS 1XD 45 Alex. It shepher ' to., "Pa arc b- -t oth and II th t- - I'tm Ileal 1'luinbersNUdMeimaiiderSs-flt- li rs and who an I ntall dealer, in all kinds oi supplies aplx rtalnlng t the trade, a Ten largi and eleet stock constantlv on hand: all use norelties rec lrel ai soou as o it, orders from cltv or couulrj for nork or goods proieptly attended to at the lowest nt s. E A Ridgewa ' D street, liet 'Jlli and loth I Daly l'lumlier Guftteam ltter.423 6thst.n.w. BEAIESTATE AJETS. oursc i Mlduleton, 613 uth st , opp. Trcas. Dcpu Br.STAUBAXTS. John T i li ker. 15th St., bet. N. Y. are. anl II st SCHOOLS AD COLLEGES. net n i usiue-- s otlLge, cor 7th and L sts.; U C spencer, pn-- id nt. Send for circular. SILVER PLATERS. Rout A tt lutehan, H1 st , bet. 8th and 9tb. STA3tPlG DEPOTS. Mrs yi preclit Also Dressmaking STVTIONERY, Ac. Ben F i n h 1 th si., under Nat. Metropol- itan lan. Stat oaer, Xc, a specialty. STEV'I D JS TITTERS. Alex It She he rd 4 o , 910 Pa arc . bet. Oth and loth st s, e Plumbers aud Gas r Itters. STO ES, Ac W W It pli CaMnet More Iloue, 1315 street, 2 t next to t onal Tlieatre. U1IIIRELLVS, CA.NES, Ac. Wm. Boil r 4 v lltb St., near Penna ave. ATTORNEYS AND AGENTS yXTM. PLIRCE BELL, ATTORNEY AND C0UN3EL0R-A- T LAW. 47S Seventh Street Xorthvest. aultVCin DANIEL O'C. C1LLAUIIAX, ATTOBN No 4i Seventh street 2orthv,e,t. felg-l- y "WM. A. COOK, ATTORXEY-AT-LAi- o. 211 1'our-aiul.- half Street, (Two doors north of Penn. are .) Will practice In tile -- .upreine Court of the United States 4 ourt of Claims dupreinet emrt of the Dis- trict of t olumhia, Cimmltu s of Congress and of the Cnileet siat s Gorernment Jt3rlu x tile ment of claims against the United States and the District or nlumbLi is assoelated with BuiJ V Meeds ate Auditor of the Board of Pul.llt V orksandthe District Jy23-t- f CS. SI.T1IT, ATTOKNEY-AT-LA- , Nn 4.vt Lnnlsiaua arenue ap2S-l-y T atblugton. I). C iTOS. T-- BE-- 3tTiTJT. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AD SO. TARY PUBLIC, Ke. 708 E Street XortJiwest, Washington, D. C. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOP. THE STATES AND TERRITORIES. DEVOSITIOI.S for Sute Courts a specialty. oc2My JOHS TV. FBAZEE, ATTORNEY-AT-LA- AXD JTOTABY PUBLIC AXD SOLICITOR OF PATENTS AXD CLAIMS, OFFICE KO. 009 SEVENTH STKET X. W. Ic2--tf . BROKERS. TIMOXEY CO., BANKERS EMrB. BROKEKS, No. 509, Second National Bank Building Seventh street, opposite Post Office Department. Transact general banking, exchange and collection business. Buyand sell gold. Govern- ment bonds, stocks, 4c Army officers' pay accounts cashed la advance. myl8 . R.H.RYAN&CO., GENERALBROKERS AND AUCTIONEERS So, 523 Seventh stret. Federal Buildings, opp. Post Office Department Beal Esute. Stocka. Bonds. Notes and other Sa- - cnrlUes bought, sold and exchanged. Special taxes paid promptly and on liberal ternn. marlT-- U AXiTllttOEEAlixrofffoKAILBO A D. StrvDAT. July S3, 1874, fFBOM WASHHeOTON OiTY S (Ok m. Baltimore and Way Stations 7 a.m. Baltimore, Annapolis, Cranberry ana aTbtatlonsoumalnstem,and rVaab-lugt- Branch. TUB a, Baltimore and Belay. 8.00 a. S ew York. Philadelphia, Boston, Balti- more and Belay. 8:05 a. m Chicago, bt- - Loula, LoulsTtUe. Cincin nati, i;e anan burr. maatown, uarnesruie. ttagerstown, Frederick, Staunton, White Snlphnr Springs Parlor cars Dinner at Cumberland; supperatGraUoa. 8 15a. m. Point or Bocks and WayBUtlont. 8 Jo a. m Baltimore and TVa Stations. a. m. Baltlmore.Bladcnsburg, BeltsTlIle,Lan- - ..relnnapolls Junction and Belay. 10 p. m. New York, I'bUadelphla, Norfolk, EU1-- eottCIty,Baltlmore. Dinner at Uelay. 3 JO p.m. Baltimore, Laurel and Belay. 3 lop. m. Baltimore, Frederick, and all lntfrme-dla- te Way statlonsT 4.15 p.m. 'VVincbester, Uagerstown. Frederick, Point of Rocks, and Way Statlons-Cr- ll . Metropolitan branch.) 5u,t'more.AnnapolUand'Vi"ayStatlouj. SSl5 and Relay. .C5p.m. Baltimore and Belar. 7.mop.m. Chicago, St. Loula, Lonlsrllle, Cincin- nati, Columbus, Sandusky, Deer park, Hwtel.. o I ,1..SII1. I Jf" Pnfiinaa car. Breakfast at 1 15 p. m. Baltimore and War Stations. 8.15 p.m. Pittsburg, Bockrllle, Point of Rocks, Martlnsburg, Berkeley Springs, Cum- berland. Stops at all stations en Me- tropolitan Uoad. Pullman cars. SUNDAY TRAINS. rnd?"?0 WTStatlons-6.3- 0a. in.. UV. 4 45. Ki?.?mJ"more n(1 BeUy. 7S0 a. m.,and 75 p.m. west-8-- 05 a. m. and 7 p. m. PIttsburg- -8 45 p. m. All trains stop at Viaduct Hotel, Belay House sta- - For further Information apply at the Baltimore and Ohio ticket offices, Washington Station, and 4S5 Pennsylvania arenue, where orders will be taken for baggage to be checked and received at any point In the city. TUOS. R. SHARP, L. M. cor.. n.niMeV.t;'T,?.nsPrtun- - UEO.S. KaO.NTZ,GenerVlAent Jero-t- f BAXT1MOEE it POTOMAC R. K. SIXTH AND B bTBXETS N. W. Ington as follows. Washington time 5.35a in .Northern Express, daily. SJL m- -' Baltimore Accommodation dally. a. m.. Limited Express for New York and East, dally, except Sunday. I ill 55 a. m., ast Line for Ibe West and Nor- folk. iU llslrliuore. dallr. except Sunday. 3 40 p. m.. Accommodation for Baltimore, dally, except bunday . S.inp.m., For rittsburg and the West4 dally. For the North, dallr. except Saturday. 5 o0 p. m., Philadelphia Express, dally. 7.55 p. m, Accommodation to Baltimore elally, except Sunday. m.. For Philadelphia, hew lork, and Bos- - Tralns 'for POPE CREEK LINE IcaveatSa. m. on 3Ionday. W eelneselay, and rlday, only, andS 4 p. daily, except Sunday. Trains r0; aNNA1OLIS leave at5 35a. m. and ,AhIt, Car ty,Titt.hnei.l run on the train leaving al S.50 p. m. Pullman Palace Meeting Car to Elmlra is run on the train leaving at 5 50 p. m. Tickets and information can be procured al tbe &age'Sli0ed?or1Ind checked at hotel land pri- vate residences on orders left at the offices or the tompiny, northeast corner Thirteenth street and PennsvIvanU arenue, and on the northeast corner ir street and Pennsylranla arenue. DeSt BALTIMORV. 4 POTOMAC RAILROAD, corner Sixth and B street. YOVSO General PassengeABalllmoreMd. Jc2 Superintendent, Washington, D. C. 1874. pesWIma 1874. ROUTE TO THE NOKTUWe-sT- , SOUTH AND SOUTH- - tVFST SUMMER arrANOEMEVT. Onand after June 2 i87t, trains will run u fol- - asolngton...: 35 a. m. I Baltimore 7S a. m. " 11.55 a. m " 825 a.m. " 6.50 p. m.j JJ 1.15 p.m. m THE GREAT DOUBLE TRACK ROUTlf' lib Elegant Scenery, Palace state-roo- day and pisht Cars, with modern Improvements. Two hundred miles saved to Western and Central New York, 5 35 a. m. dally to Baltimore. Dally, except Sun- day, for the N orth and West. 11.55 a. id. dally, except Sunday, N'ortb. and West. 5.50 p. m. dally, to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louis- ville and hew Orleans. Through from Washington to Plttsbnrg and El- mlra without change. Tickets by Ibis route can be procured at tbe offices, northeast corner of Thirteenth street ana Pennsyl- vania avenue and Sixth street and Pennsylranla arenue, where reliable Information will be given at all times. Passengers procuring ticket at these offices can secure accommodations In Palace Cars for Elmlra. ED S. YOUNO, JeS General Passenger Agent, Baltimore. Md. AND WASHINGTON ALEXANDRIA AND M.EXANDKIA AND FREDERICKSBURIV BAM.WAY. DEPOT CORNER SIXTH AMD B STREETS. JJ1 trains for Alexandria leave as follows p,8.53, 5,'i0lla.m.,l..4,5. 30,7 p m BundaT0 Alexandria dally; au others dally except Local' trains leave Alexandria an follows: , 7. 8, 9, 10 and 11a.m.. 1,3,4, 5, Qand 7 p. m,; 8 a.m. and 6 p. m. from Alexandria dally: all other trains dally, except Sunday. . Trains marked thus connect VUO traim oa Washington and Ohio railroad. Richmond Express leaves W asbljtgtoa at 6.00 p, ReIITHEb"eXPB1S3,iT Bkhmond. leaves Washington 11:33 P. to- -, olly, except tickets to all points Son tb and Southwest fo? sale at tte office corner Sixth and Pennsylvanu avenue, and Thirteenth and Pennsylvania avenue, where passengers can leave orders for baggage to be checked at all hotels and residences through t destination. .E- - 8 YOUAil, General passenger Agent. E, L.DoBaiibt, superintendent. mh37-t- r TTTisSrllNarON AND OHIO KAIX.EOAD. SUMMER AKRANGpnENT TWO DAILY TRA-N- S fEXC PT 8IIM)AY)BFTWEEN PURCKLLV1LLE, BEUIN- - IllAU MAI 1074 LeaTeW ashlngton al . xn. ana 4 r. m., and Al- exandria at 9.10 a. m and 4 lo p. u. PassLeeburr (going westward) at a. n and 6.s p. m., and ariiTe at l'urcel WUle at 12 m. and 7pm. Leave rurcellT.Ue at A JOn. m. aud 12 30 p. m. pas Leesburg (going eastward) at a. m. ana 1.10 xat and arrive at Alexandria at ft.15 a. m. and ? lA P.m., and at Washington at 8.30 a. m. and 3 JO l"aenger3 from ashlngton will take the 'Wash- ington and Ohio cars at the Baltimore and Potomai) rallraad sta'lon at 9 a.m. and 4 p. m, and go through to pprcellTille without change of cars. The 910 a. in. train from Alexandria and 12 30 p, xn. train from PnrcellvlUe connect at Parcell rifle w th Klger s dallv line of coaches for alckersTllle, BerrTTfl'e and Winchester: also with Heamer's Jlne of coachv-s- , which lenve dillr for Aldle anil MlddUtMrg. ,. Commniat.on tickets, three cents P:r Annual tickets, f). & H- - HA ENNEIU mjli-t- f oencralTlcKftAaeut. STEAMSHIP LIXES. "AMERICAN LINE."" HAIL sTi:vnsini.s. 0nl7 tine tonus tte Aniencan Flag. bailing eterv Thurda) riom PIIILAULLPIIIA For Queenrtow-- n and Liverpool. CaVln. Intermre!latcaudbti.cragc ACtOJUIOD TIO I M KPAbSEO. Rates a. low lie by any either first -- class Line. PETER RIOllT A SOS; t.cncral Agents, PHILADELl'lIIA. HIANK . SVM.UIty Agent, augl-l- y m Peuns a e Washington. AMERICAN AM) III II &TAE LINKS LAST OHA1I0E! EEDU0ED BATES! By l'J.NHAMA mMii, seiilcmlitr JO. btetnieC, "1 Interim Hate, M0 dtpl'Kt WAtHINOTON,NOIPOLhNEW YOEK Tbe fine Iron steamer LADY OI TlIE LAKE hav- ing resumed her regular trips to Norfolk, will leave ber wharf, foot of Sixth street, every MONDAY and THURSDAY, at; p. m., touching at the prin- cipal river landings, connecting at Norfolk with steamship of the M. and M. Ltns for Boston and Providence; with tbeLorlllardbteaiKh!pCon'piny for New York. Freight should be addressed "Oari of Lady OIWl4"- Tla Norfolk." iljj. JTITZUUGH, Agent, , wharf. $ ri OeneralAgent, nh20 Room No ib Plant Budding. VfEHCH ANTS' Lift E UK STEAMSHIPS " WAbHINGTOJ,EAND SEW YORK. ..'HtKrtr the line steamships t. C. KN IU HT and i,,011Jb0N.w'" make regular WEEKLY T.,i.II?.PJiTvrEEJ, NEWYORKTALEXANDUIA, MASUlUTONand OEOBOETOWN, as follows: Leave .New York from Pier 39 East River every Sat- urday at 4 p. m. Leave Georgetown every Friday ",m: ,n1 Alexandria the same day at ll m. Por full InformaUon apply to R. P. A. DE UAM, agent' office and wharf, 34 Water stree', Ueorgo-low- n, or at the corner Of Seventeenth street and 5.0RTH GERMAN LLOYD. IltOLLAH POST bTEAMblUP TRAVEL BETWEEN IIKEMFV AND BALTIMORE, VIA SOUTHAMPTON. The steamers of the North German LloriU of2.500 tons, have been newly furnished with all Ute modern Improvements. BALTIMORE . .LapUu, LUllenhaln. BERLIN " Putscher. OHIO " brhulenburg. LF1PZ1G " Hoffman BltAUNbCHWEIO . " Undnetson NURNBERG.(J,0O)tons) Jaeger. Will run resuUrly between UREME.N and BALTI-llOl- as follows ) re men Prom Baltimore. OHIO July IS Aug. 8. BALllilORE Julys. Aug. J2. BBALNSLHUEIG, Aug li. S. Aug 19. Sept. li, 1.HPZ1G Aug "ent H. KOLI .. . . bept. M. And thereafter even' 'Inesdaj om Bremen and every Saturday from Bauimore. The steamer will tao passengers to Bremen, Southampton, London and Havre and return. 1'eice oi Passage. In sold, from Bremen to Baltimore: Cabin, too. steerage, til currency. Prom Baltimore to Bremen, bonthampton, London and Havre: Cabin, t 0; steerage, :i Rrturn tie tela. In steer ge.H.S0. Children be- tween one and ten years, half price; cbi dren not over one All other arrangements are be same as tbe New Further information can be ascertained by apply- ing by letter to our General Agents. A BcnUMACHER 4 C0., No. South Charles streett Baltimore, Md. AgentforWblng.onblIABIjE3 WALTE No. M2D street, opposite City Hall. Also, Bills of Exchange on principal places In Europe. mvls-t- f HOTELS & RESTAURANTS. WILLARD'if HOTEL, WA8UINGTON.D.O. REMODELED, REFURNISHED. yiiTY TRIVATE S OpenNoreaUrt, lti APDED. octw-t- f ,1. F. cake, Propuetor. C. C. WILLARD, WASHINGTON, D. O, aull I) street, between blitb and Seventh northwest. Notes try mall promptly attended to Cash paid. tulS-t- f THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN; FEIDAT MOHNINGf, SEPTEMBER 2 j; 'I8T& SJDTRANCE D. F, HMILLNK & GO, OEKEBAX LIFE AND FIBE ISSCII-AKC- E AGENTS, No. SU SeTcntb Street, WASHINGTON, D. C. New York Life Insurance Company, of New York, Assets over t27,0jo,0i0. Commercial Union. Assurance Company, of Lon- don, England, Capital, In Gold, $11,500,000. Bcottlsb Commercial Insurance Company, of Glas- - Scotland, Capital l,000,0CO. fow, Company, of Brooklyn, New York, Assets 4450,000. Northwestern National, ofMllwaskle, Wisconsin, Assets 900,000. riRST-CLA- -8 80L1CITO"S WANTED. octyl BUILDING MATERIALS7 Lumber! Lumber! Ts2ae.loy Brotborai, COKKElt OF SEVENTH AND Q STREETS NORTH-WES- AND No. ' WATEE STEEET, GEORGETOWN, D. C nyll'tf PRINTING. THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICES. SE.AS03ST OF XS74. Largely Increased Facilities for Doing Job Work and Book Work In All Branches. JOB PRINTING. THE NATIONAL BHPUBMOAN JOB OFFICE Is nnequaled. In its extets. and complete equip- ment, by any printing establishment south of New York. We have now facilities far doing all work In the flRNAIYTENTAL BRANCHES KEOE1PTS LETTEK-HEAD- MOTES, BILL-HEAD- CHECKS DBAFTS, BUSINESS CAEBS, WEDDINO ORDERS, VISITING OABDS, INTITATION OABDS, COUPON BONDS, DIPLOMAS, CERTIFICATES, POSTERS CATALOGUES, PROGRAMMES, PAMPUX.ET3, CIRCULARS, AUCTION DILLS, LAWOASES, LAW POINTS, NOTE HEADS, LETTER HEADS, LABELS OF ALL KINDS, CONSTITUTIONS AND S PBOOEEDINGS OF CONTENTIONS, AO. fcyu Aa ESTABLISHED 1858. O IE O YEAST "5T ID POWDER, 7S THE STANDABD BAELG P0WDEB. IS THE BEST AND CHEAPEST PKEPARa; TION EVER OFFERED FOR MAKING BREAD. DOOLEY'S YKAST POWDER Li Perfectly Pure and Wholesome. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Is Put Up In Full Weight Cans. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Makes Elegant BIscnits and Bolls. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Makes Delicious Mnfilns, Crleldle Cakes, Corn Bread, Jlc DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Makes all Kinds of Dumplings, s. Cakes and Pastry, N Ice, Light and Healthy. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Is the Best, because Perfectly Pure. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Is tbe Cbeap-t- t. because Fnll Weight, DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER lsUuaranteedto Give Satisfaction. Be sure to ask for DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER, and do not be put on with any other kind. DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER Is pnt np In Tin Cans of various slacs, suitable or Families, Boarding Houses, HotUs, Restau- rants, anil River. Lnkc and Ocean Ves- sels on short or long voyages. Tbe market Is flooded with Cheap, Inferior Bak- ing and east Powdcraof llcht or short weight. DoOLEY'b YEAST POWDER Is warranted fnll strength and fnll weight. bold at wholesale and retail generally throughout tbe United States by dealers In Groceries and Fam- ily Supplies. DOOLEY & BROTHER, Manufacturers, 69 New street, New York. feblS-l- v at seven cents per bushel, cartage extra. Orderslen atthe GASLIGHT OFFICE, No. MTenth street; at 711 First street, southwest; Third and E streets, or 110 Brills street, Uecrietown, will be promptly nlled. JulU-- AUCTION SALES. To-Da-y. By b. rr. tvARNEit, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts. N. W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF BEAUTIFUL SUBUR- BAN PROPERTY AT MOUNT PLEASANT. .JIr7rtneofadeedoftrnst. datedMsrch 11, A.D. 1S72, duly recorded In Liber No. en, folio 73, one of 5?.e.'Tn.c, "eords for Wasblngton connty. In the District of Columbia, and at tbe request or the party secured thereby, we win sell, at public front of the premises, commencing on TJHK?DAy September 17,174, at 4 o'clock p. m., the following described real estate, situate In Wasblngton county, D. C. Mr: All those Lots numbered forty-fo-ur (41, ) forty-liv-e (41.) forty-si- x (48.) sixty-eig- ht (te,) sixty-ni- ne (68.) seven- ty .(70,) seventy-on- e (71,) seventy-tw- o (72,) ,P?t seventy-seve- n (77.) seventy-eig- ht (78, ) eighty (83.) eighty-on- e (il ) eighty-tw- o (s) eighty-thre-e (Kt.) Iirty-elg- (SI,) and nrty-nl- (Si) of 8. P. Brown's snbwvltlon of Mount pleasant. Terms: One third cash, and tbe balance at twelve and twenty-fo- months, for which Installments tbe Purchaser Will be rennlred to rlvA his nromls- - scry notes, bearing Interest at the rate of ten peril nuu per annum irom toe oay or sale, ana secureu by a deed of trust on the land and premises sold. A deposit oft30O win be required or the purchaser at the time of sale, and all conveyancing at the ex- pense of tbe purchaser. If the terms of sale are not compiled with In seven days, the trustees the light to resell the property at the risk and cost or the defaulting purchaser, after Are days' advertisement. A plat of the property can be seen at theoficeof tbe auctioneer. WILLIAM STICKNEY, WTHE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED, OS ceo ant of tbe weather.untU FUIDAY, September 25, 1S74, fttSoclock, p. nu WILLIAM STICKXET. GEOUGE H. PLANT, jTrtntees. .' J T COLDWELL, 8lesmaa. BT B. II. WAIUTEB, KeUEnate Broker and Anctlonecr, Federal Building, corner SeventUanct r sts. N."W. TKUeTEES SALE OP BEAtTTIPITL AT MOUNT PLEAS- ANT. ByTlrtueofEdeMoftmit, dated April 24, A. D, 1872, dulT recorded In Liber No. WW, roio Zi one of the Una records for Washington county. In the District of CdnmbLa, and at the request of the psrty secured thereby, we will sell at public n. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY, September 17, at 6 30 o'clock p. m., all those certain pieces or parcels of ground situate In the county of Washlnton, D. C, known and de- scribed as parts of lots numbered flfty-sl- x, (53, ) and P. Brown's subdlTlsIon of Mount Pleasant, being all that por- tion of said lots not heretofore, conrcyed to us; also, all of lot (&,) sUtr-tw- o, ((,) seTenty-sl- x, (76,) and eighty-fou- r of said U. P.brown'BsubalTiilon of Mount Pleasant, con- taining In all one hundred thousand flre hundred and serenty-fou- r (100,574) feet of ground. Terms: One third In cash; at twelve, twenty-fou- r and thlrty-tt- x months, for which In- stallments the purchaser will be required to give his promissory notes bearing Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the day of sale, and secured bra deed of trust on the property sold. A deposit of 300 will be rcqlr d at time of sale, and aU conveyancing at the expense of the parch .wer. If terms of sale are not compltrd with in seren days, the trustees reserrc tbe right to resell the property at the rUk and cost of the defaulting pur- chaser after five days advertisement. A plat of the property can be seen at the offlcc of the cUoneerLMAM 8TICK GLOUUE II. Pi,AjT, 'Tmstees. a-- the aIsove sale is postponed, ox account of the weather, until PIIIDAY, September 25, 157J, at S o'cloi k, p in. WILLIAM STICKNEY, OEOlttlE H. PLANT, JTntlteeS. ' J. T. COLDWELL, Salesman. BT B. IT. WAItNEK, Real Estate Broker ana Auctioneer. Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and V SU.K.TV. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A AND JtAfeSAKD KOOF FKAMr. KtSIDEMCE, WITH OKOUM1S ATTACUEU, ON OAK 8TRLET, AT MOUNT PLLASANT By virtue of a deed of trust dated April It, A. D. 1874, and duly recorded In Liber No. tsao, folio 312, one or tbe Land Records for M ashlngton county. In the District of olumhia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, we will sell at public auction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY, September 17, 1874, at t o'clock p. m.. all those cer- tain pieces or parcels of ground situate In Washing- ton county, D. C, known and described as rollows, Tli. Parts or lots numbered nrty-av- e, (55.) flfty-sl-x, (56,) and nfty-ere- n. (57,) of S. P. Ilrown's subdivision or Mount Pleasant, commencing at a point on the south end or lot Arty-liv- e, (,) i (10) feet from the southwest corner or said lot. and thence north parallel with the west line of said lot lirty-nv- e, (55,) two hundred and seventy (SD) feet; tbence west parallel with the south line oflots fifty-fiv- e, (55.) flfty-sl- x, (,) and n, (57,) one hundred (100) feet; thence south parallel with tbe west line of lot flfty-sev- (57) two hundred and seventy (270) feet to a point on the south end or lot (57,) ten (10) feet east of the southwest cornerorsald lot n, (57,) thenceeast along the south line oflots n, (57.) fifty-si- (68,) and fifty-fiv- e, (55,) to the place or beginning; containing twenty-seve-n thousand (27,a) siiuare feet of ground, together with tbe Improvements, as above. Terms: One third In cash; and the balance at twelve, twenty-fo- and thirty-si- x months, for which Installments the purchaser will be required to give his promissory notes, bearing Interest at the rate of ten (10) percent per annum front tbe day of sale, and secured by a deed or trnst on the laud and premises sold. A deposit or $3 JO will be re- quired at time or sale, and all eonveyanctiut at the expense or tbe purchaser, ir terms of sale are not compiled with In seven days the trustees re- serve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of tba defaulting purchsser. after fire days advertlement. JV3A plat or the property can bo seen at the office or tbe Auctioneer. t ILLIAM STICKNF.Y, 1 OEORGE H. PLANT, Trustees. JtWTHE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED, ON sreount of the weather, until FRIDAY, bepleenber 25. IS74, at 4 o'clock, p. m. W ILLvAU STICKVEY, ,Trn,tee, UEOBGK II PI ANT. ( J. T COLDWELL, Salesman. WOOD ANDOAL. Coal! Coal! Wood! Wood! AKBITING DAILY. 1ST o o WHOLESALE ANDRETAIL DEALERS. We invite the public or those In want of fuel to Call at our whan es and depot. Foot or Twelfth aud Thirteenth Streets Southwest, and we will show them ona of th Unrest and best selected stocVs of COAL AND WOOD tveroTerel In the District. Having superior facilities for hand- ling the bame, we sell cheap for cash and give 2,2 pounas to the ton. MAIN OF! 1CK Wharvc foot of Twelfth street southwest. nrrmro )No. ISC F strct t northwest. I No. 1U2 Ninth stre't northwest sdVW.FJfcMSra JOHN&ON URQ3, OOD AND DUAL. W GEORGE 1- - SHERIFF begs to announce tohls patrons and the public gen- erally that he has occupied bis new office, 1111 D street aud Pennsylranla avenue northwest, where be Is prepared to receive orders, and will detllver DUAL AND WOOD In any part of the District, upon the shortest no- tice. aug?Mm TyAIeTER II. MABLOW DEALER IN CUMBERLAND AND ANTHRACITE COAL, OAK, PINE, AND HICKORY "WOOD. Yard, Corner Eighth and B streets southwest, OPPOSITE SMITHSONIAN PARK. Branch Yard, A street, between Second and Third northcast. QOAI.. COAL!! We Invite the attention of consumers to onr stock of COAL, embracing all the choice qualities, to which we are making additions dally, which we offer at lowest market rates. OAK and PINE WOOD, sawed and spUt or In thOAK:CaiidPINE KINDLINGS, In bundles or by the cord. STEPHENSON A BROTHER, Office, 1218 Pennsylvania avenue. Mill and Denot. Seventh-stre- et Wharf. Ie25 IStar and Chronicle. 1 T. EDW. CLARK. T. B, CROSS, Jtt T. EDW. CLARK & CO., DgALSBS IX nmBER, WOOD AXD COAL, DOORS, SASII, BUNDS, Mocijnxas, etc., o, Onr stock of Wood and Coal Is large and well se- lected. i ood sawed and split and In the stick. Or- ders given at ettheryanf or at onr OFFICE, 825 LOUlalANA AVENUE, (under theSeatonUouse.) will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. Wharf, Depot and Planing Mill foot of Fourth Yard Fourteenth and B streets N. W. Jyll-t- f UNDERTARa RICHARD W. BARKER, CABINETMAKER AND UNDERTAKER I.O. OJ ELEVENTH bTUELI? NOBrHWEST. Between F and G. The Celebrated Stein ndn variety or other Caskets and Col- lins of tne latest patterns. Robes and Shrouds. EMBALMED and prepared for trans- portation at the shortest not Ice. mra 1776. 1876. INTERNATIONAL 1titl323.. OrTici orinii TJ. 8. CENTENNIAL COMMISSION. J PHILADELPHIA. Pa. J In accordance with thf several acts of the Congress of the United btatcs, providing for the celebration of tbe Centennial Anniversary of American Independence, there will be held in FAUIMOUNT PARK, Philadelphia, in tbe year 1876, an IXTERITATIOXaL exhibition f Arts, Manufactures and Products of the Soil an Mine. Tbe Exhibition will bo opene 1 on the Uth or April and cIokU on the 19th of October. APPIJCATIONS FOR SPACE. To secure space for exhibits In the Buildings or the Park, early application should be made. Tho necessary forms for application, together with tbe regulations for Exhibitors snd needed Information, will be forwarded on application to the Office of the Centennial Commission. A. T. UOSHORN. Director General. J, L. CAMrDELL, Secretary. augJl-MTal- AUCTION SALES. Fat are itvrs B- - WASH. H. WILLI AXS, Auctr, Sncceuor to Green A V, UlUnu, Auctioneer,) 27 o. 1001, northweit corner Tenth and D itreets. ONE FINE BED BEp" PUFFING PARLOR SUITE, WALNUT M. T. DKr.SSINd-.JAS- E 8U1T S. WALNUT WBIT1NO TABLES, WAL- NUT WARDROBES, HANDSOME WALNUT 31 RHLE-TO- P CENTRE TAI1LE9, BUDV AND TArESTBY RRUS8ELSOARHETS, ONE BRONZE DROP LIGHT, LACE CURTAINS AND CORNICES, UA IU MATTRESSES, FEATIIFR PILLOWS AND BOLSTERS, ONE FANC V TOIL T SET, BBlTSSKLS IIALL OAR-PET-S. WALNUT HALL SUITE. FINE WAL- NUT M. T. Him BOARD, WALNUT DINING CHAIRS. WALNUT EXTENSION TABLE, ONE UKOV R A BAKPRSEWINOHACHINE. BRUS8F.I S AND 1NURA1NSTA1R OARPRTS, OSK HANDSOME PARLOR SUITE. UPIIOL-STEBF- D IN FANCY STRIPED BEP; WAL- NUT M. T. CHAMBER SUITES, WALNUT BOOK STANDS, ORhEN BEP SOFAS AND CHAIRS, WALNUT ROCKERS, PAINTED SUITES AND WARDROBFS, ITA1R AND HUSK MATTRESSKS. WALNUT RECEPTION CHAIRS, TUCKER AND OTHER SPBING MATTRKS3ES. Jtc, Ac On MONDAY, September at ten o'clock a m., we shall sell the ahoronamed furniture, contained In nlmteen roomsln houe No. 1413 I street, be- tween Fourteenth and UWnth iireets northwest. Terms cish- - WASH. B. WILLIAMS, sepl-- ! Auctioneer. BT.TTHOatAS Anctloneec, BOWLING, Ml Louisiana arenue, near Serenth street. TRUSTEES SALE OF A DESIRABLE RESI- DENCE ON I STREET NORTH, BETWEEN FIRST STREET WEST AND NORTH CAPI- TOL STREET, AT AUCTION. Br Tlrtue of a deed of trnst, dated January 15, 1873, and dulr recorded in Liber So, 710, folios 2S,Ac, of the land reconls of Washington cottntr, D.C., and by direction of the party secured there- by, wewlll sell at public auction, in front of tbe premises, on FRIDAY, Octeber 9, A. D. 1S7U at 5 o'clock p. m., all that certain piece or parcel of In bhepherd's subdivision of square six hundred and twenty-thre- e, (63,) with the brlcfc dwelling thereon. Terms of sale, as prescribed by the deed of troit: fi,ao, the debt secured, wltl interest at ten per cent, per annum from January 15, , until paid, and tbe expenses of sale In cash, and the balance In six and twelre months for which the notes of the purchaser, with Interest from the day of sale, se- cured by a deed of trust on the premises sold, shall betaken. A deposit of $3X will be required of the Fiurcbwer at the time of sale. All conreyanclnff at the purchaser. If tbe term of sale are not compiled with within seven dayj after sale, the trustees reserre the right tor-se- ll the property at tbe cost and risk of the defaulting nurchaaer B. PEYTOV BROWV, J WM. B. WOODWARD, J Trustees. TUOS. DOWLING, Auct. BT IaATMIER a cleakt. Auctioneers and Real Esute Brokers, Southwest corner of Penn. arenue and Llcrenth street. Star Office Bulldlnz. JUDICIAL SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION OP THE BUILDING AND PREMISE- OF THE F1B31 NATIONAL BANK OF WASHINGTON, D. O. Upon an orderpassed on the 23d day of July, 1871, bytheSupremr court of the District of Columbia, sitting as a District Court of the United states rn and foraald in tbe matter of real and per- sonal property of Tbe Hrst National Bank of "W ashlngtun, O. C, I will sell at public auction, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, on the second "tt EDN fcSDA Y. being tbe ninth da, of December, 18"4, In front of the bulldinir. In Washington, Dis- trict oft olumbla. the banking houseof The First National Bank of U ashlngton, D. C. and the fur- niture and appendages th. roof, subject to confirm- ation of the sale by said court Terms of m1 are one third In cash, and the re- mainder in one aud two years, in equal annual in- stallments, bearing six per cent. Interest per an- num, i or the unpaid Installments a lien will be reserred upon the property sold, and the purchaser will be required to Keep the same Insured A de- posit of twentr-fir- e hundred dollars Id cash will be required at time of sale All conreyanclng at ex- pense of purchaser. If terms of sale are not com p led with within seren days from day of sale right Is reserved to re- sell property at risk and cost of defaulting; pur- chaser. The property above referred to Is described by metes snd bound as follows: Consisting of parts of lots known and designated on the plat of said city as lots numbered eight (8) and ten, (10,) In square numbered two hundred and twenty-fon- r, (224,) and bounded and ie cibed as follows: Be- ginning on Fifteenth (ISth) street at the northwest corner of said lot number eight (8) and running; thence east parallel with G street oue hundred and twenty-thre- e feet and two Inches (in ft. 2 in.) along the north line of said lot numbered eight (3) and In continuation thereof across lot numbered ten (10) to tbe east tine of said lot, at a point feet (75 ft.) from G street, thence south along the east line of said lot numbered ten (10) thirty-eig- feet eight and oue half Inches (33 ft. 8S In ) to tbe north Uue of a nfteen-fo- alley: thence wen along the north line of said alley twenty-thre- e fret and two Inches (II ft. 2 in ) to the east line of said lot numbered eight, (&,) thence south along the a!d east line of said lot numbered eight (8) two feet, to a point forty feet eight and one half inches (40 ft. 8S In.) south from the north Una of said lot; thence we t in a line parallel with the nurth line of raid lot one hundred feet (100 ft.) to Fifteenth (15th) street at a point forty feet eight and one half Inches (i tu 8S in.) from the north- west corner or aala lot numbered eight, (8,) and thence north along the line of said street said last named distance to the point of beginning It is Improved by a handsome, marble-fronte- d, building, tbe lower story of which was recently occupied as a banking house by firm of Jay ooke A Co.. and the upper story oy First National Bank of ashlnirton. D. C. The building fronts forty feet eight Inches on Fifteenth street, opposite to the United States Treasury Department; no locality in the city being more advantageous for banking or business pur- poses. It contains in the upper and lower stories and commodious vaults. The personal property to be sold includes four large and excellent safes, (formerly used byFlrt National Bank and firm of Jay Cooke A Co.) be- sides tables, desks, Ac The real eetste is among- the mot valuable in Washington city. Tbe bulldlntr Is handsome and substantially constructed, audits original coU, la 1HG4, Is en mated at eighty-fo- thouand dollars, tt3iTx) exclusive of the price of the land, which enhanced In value The property was purchased by The First Na- tional Bank In 18G6 for ninety-We- n thousand dol- lar?, and taxes and assessments have been paid up to June a), 1373. The lower banking-room- s were leased by the Ricelrcr from August 1, UTi, until February 7, 1S75, at the rate of nftr dollars a week, to the Citi- zens National Bank of Washington. On the ex- piration of this lease tbe purchaser after the the sale br the court cm take absolute possession of these lowfi- - rooms, wll sa the upper onrs. EDWIN L. STANTON, Receiver of First National Bank of ablngton, D. C. LAT13IEB A C LEAKY, Auctioneer.. selVTnThJLStNoCSAdtDeS BT B. H. WARNER, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, i ederal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts.N. W. TRUSTEE'S SALE OFVALITABLE T'SACT OF LAND IN THL COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, DlsTKUT OF COLl MUIA, AT UMOn-T-JW- IN SAID (.OUNTY. IMPR'-VF- BY A LARUE OTIIMt lMPROVhStrNTS. B? virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed In lqultr cause No S.0L4. ol James L. Barbonr et al against John W. an Hook et al .thennderslgncd trustee win sell at public auction to the highe.-- t bldder.on WEDNES- DAY, the 3Uh day of September, A. D. , at the hour of 4. JO o'clock p.m., on the premises here- inafter desert all the right, title, interest claim and estate of tbe parties to this caae In and to an inai certain piece or parcel ana tract or una lying and bt Ing In said county, at Uuloutown. be- ginning for the said piece, parcel or tract of land at tbetouthcast corner formed by the interaction of Pierce street and Jefferson trvct, as laid down npontliererlstdpaatofsald Uuloutown, running tbence along the south side of Jefferson street south serenty-nv- e and a half degrees, east tire hunlred and thirty-fo- feet. tt S Holt's western line; thence at right angles south fourteen and a half degrees, west eight hundred and sixty-seve- n feet, more or Ie.s. to the division line between said Uniontown property and tppronertyof George W Talbert; ttienc. running with line, north even and a half degnes, west (allowing three quarters of a degree for variation of compasj) eight hunlred andelghtyf--et- ; thence south sennty-nv- e andabalfdegnes, eait two hundred and three feet totheccnlie of said Pit re- - street; thence north fourteen and a half degrees, east two hundred and fifty tect, to a point In a line with the southern ltn of Tot 171. on said Unlontown plat; thence south seventy-nv- i and a half degrees, east thlrtv ft t. to the eat side of said Pierce str tt and tbence north fourtieu and a half degree, east one hundred and nlmn-sl- x f tt, to the point ofbeglunlng, acresof land, more or leas, together with the buildings and appurtenances, consisting of a large dwelling-hous- e aud outhouses. Terms of sale: d (H) cash, residue in three equal payments In six, twelve snd eighteen months, deferred payments to bear inte est at eight per cent, per annum, until paid, from day of ssle. and to be tecured by the promissory notes of the purchaser or purchasers. Indorsed to the satls-fartl- of the trustee, and to be a lien on the prop- erty sold. N o deed given untU the whole purchase money and Interest shall have been paid. Two hundred dollars will be required when the propertv Is sold, or wit hin twenty-fou- r hours after sale. The residue of cash payments to be made within ten f'ars from the day of sale, otherwise the trustee will resell the propertyatthecortand risk of the defaulting purchaser or purchasers. All convey- ancing at the cost of the purchaser or purchasers. - WM. J. MILLER, Trustee. sepl7-dA- CStarJ B U WARNER. Auct. BT LATIMEH & CLEAKT, Auctioneers and Beal Estate Brokers, SouthwestcornerofPenn. are. and Eleventh st , Star Office It nil ding. CnAN CERY SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED REAL ESTVTE OV NORTH II STREET, BETWEEN TWENTY-FIRS- T AND TWENTY-SECON- D STREETS WFST, IN THE CITY OF WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. r Ht virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in equity cause No. 3,301, of LoulsII. Schneider against Sanih A. Turton et al., the undersigned, as trustees In said cause, will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, the 2th day of Sep tern ber, commencing at 6 o'clock p. m.. on the prejnL-- , the hereinafter-describ- ed real estate, to wit: Lot numbered 23. in subdivision of original lot numbered 14. In square numbered seventy-nin- e. (79,) (made by the trustees in this cause,) with the improvements thereon, consisting of a large brick dwelling, containing about 13 rooms. Immediately after tbe above sale will sell lot 22. In said subdlvUlon of said lot 14, In said square seventy-nin- e, (79,) and Improvements, each of ald lots22and23b4lng25feet 14 Inches on H street, by 173 fret deep, to a alley. Immediately after the above sale will sell lot let- tered A. in William P. Elliott' subdivision of al lot IX. In said square 79, and the improvements consisting of a large dwelling-hous- e. And immediately after the above sale will sell lot lettered B, In said subdivision of said lot 13. In said square To, and improvements thereon, consisting of a large dwelling-uous- satd lots A and B being si feet each, by 71 feet In depth. Terms of sale: One third pnrchae money cash, and balance of purchase money payable In six (a) and twelve (it) months from day or sale, with per cent per annum untU paid; the payment thereof to be secured by the promissory notes of the purchaser or purchasers, with a surety or sureties, to be approved by the trustees, or the whole of the purchase money can be paid cash on dayof sale, or on tinal ratification thereor by the court. A lien will be retained on the property sold, and no deed will be given until all the pur- chase money shall hare been paid. All conveyancing at cost of the purchaser or purchasers. If pur- chaser fails to comply with terms of sale within ten days after day of sale, tbe trustees reserve the right to resell the property sold at the cost and risk or the defaulting purchaser or purchaser. A deposit of 50 win be required on each piece of property when "0ld" JAS- - - PAYNE. ) WM. J. MILLEk! Trustees. LATIMER A C LEAHY, sel7-dA- Star Auctioneers. UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE. of a writ of jferi acta Issued ont of theClerkMoRlceortbaSnpreme Court of the Dis- trict of Columbia, and to medlrected, I will sell at public sala for cash. In tront of thecnurt-houedo- of said DUlrlct. on WEDNESDAY, the 14th day of October, 1S74. the following property, viz.: the southern part of lot No. 6. In stnsreNo 144, beginning for the same at the southwest cornerofsald lot and square, andrunnlngthence east along the line of north D street 70 feet to tae soutl-- f at corner of said lot, thence north M feet 2S Inches, thenee west 70 feet to the line or Nineteenth street west, and thence along thtfllne of Nineteenth street west WfeettH inches to the place of begin- ning, together with all and singular the improve-men- u thereon. In tbe District of Columbia. Seized and levied nron as the property of Anna Schramm and Peter Schramm. nd will be sold to satisfy No. 12.212. in favor of .loseoh Werrlex. -- ,."""- . .. . .an HtPT. a, ljri. ajjCa, on a in. aeu-os- U. S. Marshal). C. AUCTIOJALES Fnture Days. BT DaTNCAMSOX BHOS, Auctioneers, corner Klntb and 1) streets N.7. SALE OF MILLINEKf AND TANDY CIOODS, yEATHEIW, K1I1BOK3, HATS. BELTS, CULOHKD LADES, lrANIKEECaI', JJONNA MAItIA BET3, TUIMMINUS, 4C.,BEINU TUB BALANCE OK STOCK OF K. G. DAVIS, KSO., CONTAINED IV HIS OLD STORE. COBNEB ElOUTII STBEET AXD MAKKET On TUESDAY anilWEDNESDAYMOBNIXOS, Eeptemberr 3 ana ), commencing at 10 o'clock, and contlnnlns; In tbe afternoons at 3 o'clock, and erpulnts at 7 o'clock, we will sell toe Dalane of stockor E. O. Darls, esq., wno Laa removed to the opposite corner, and will open with an entire new stock. This sale Is wartur the attention of ladies and Jobbers, as the stock will be sol I In lots to suit berth. DUNOANSOS BK03, sepSl-dJt- CStar.Uerald.Capital Anns. NITED STATES MAHSHAIs'S SALE OF ONE CBAXE AND FIXTURES CALCU- LATED TO BAIccE FIFTEEN TOXS. In Tlrtue of a writ of fieri facial .Issued out of the clerk's office of the Supreme Court or tbe Dis- trict of Columbia, and to me directed, I win sell at publlcauctIon,for cash, at the foot orsixth-.tre- wharf, on the Potomac rtrer, on TUESDAY, the aiihdaj of8eptember, 1874. at S o'clock p. m.. uneuraneano.jiix.ure, calculates wiauoiueai Seized and leTled noon as the goods and chattels of Thomas M. crouch, and wlirbe sold to satisfy execution No. loon. In fMor of Potomac- - Steam- boat CmpajT. ALEK. 8HAKP. 8PT. l871. U. S. Marshal D. C. se"3-d&- B T B. IT, WABNEB. jteai estate iiroxer -- nu aucuouctt. federal I Jjuildlngs, corner SeTenth and S sts.N. W TRUSTEES' SALE OF A THREE-STOR- Y BUI OK DWhXLING OV THE WEST SIDE OP TIIIKTrtNTII STREET. BZTWKEN O AND HSTREETS NOR CUWEST, AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated September 2S, A ll. liil. dnly recorded in Liber Ml, Xollo 50. one of the land records for Washington county. Dis- trict of Colombia, and at the request of tbe party secured thereby, we will sell at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUbSOAY. September Zuth, , at & oclock p. m., the tollewlng desert bea real estate, situate In the cltr of Washington. Dis- trict of Columbia, to wit. All that certain piece or parcel of ground, being part of original lot num- bered twenty-si-x (26,) ir snnare numbered two hundred and fifty-tw- o, according to the plan of said city, and bounded as follows, via.: commenc- ing at a point on Thirteenth (13th) street west one hundredand fifty-on- e (151) feet and four (4) inches from O street north, and running thence along said Thirteenth (Uth) street northwardly eighteen (18) feet and eleTen(li) Inches, thence west parallel with said O street one hundred and four (101) feet, thence south parallel with said Thirteenth flSth) street eighteen US) feet and eleven (11) inches, thence east parallel with said G street one hundred and four (104) feet to the place of begin- ning, together with the Improvements as abre. Terms. One-thi- ca.h, and balance at six, and twelvemonths, for which instalments the pur- chaser will be required to give his promissory notes bearing interest at the rate of ten per cent peraunum from day of salt, and s ear d by a d ed of trust on the premises sold. A depo-.l- t of $2t0 will beretialredof the purchaser at time of sale. All conveyancing at purchaser's cott. If terms of sale are not complied wtih In seven days from day of sale the property wldberesollat the risk: and cost of fche defanltlng purchaser or purchasers alter flre days ad vert lament In some one or more newspapers published in tbe city of Washington, v, U. WILLIAM STICKNEY. ). UEUKUt. H. PLANT, j Trustees. J T. COLDW ELL, . B Y THOMAS DOWLIXO, Auctioneer, vti a.uuuiau4 aicuuc, utr li.u.u st7Cli. TRUSTEED SALE OI' THR PLANING MILL, AND THE MACHINERY CONTAINED THEREIN. SI1 UATED OS SECOND STKEET, BETWI-E- VIRGINIA AVE V UK AND "F' STIUIET &OUTUWEST, AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed of trust dated May 9, 173, to the undersigned, and duty recorded In Liber 743, rlio 3U, of the land records of tbe District of Co- lumbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, 1 will sell, on SATURDAY, the 3d day of October, H74, at o'clock p. m.. In front of the prtmlses, the building situated on Second street, between Virginia arenue and F street southwest, known aa a Planlnz Mill, together with the fallow- ing goods and chattels contained therein. One Boiler, one Planing Machine, six one Mortising Machine, one Teuon Ma- chine, one G1.T taw, three Work Benches, complete, one Smith's Moulding Machine, one Sticking Ma- chine, and all theKeltlnganl Sinning lo mil the machinery snd everything appertaining thereto. Terms made known day of sale. J. J. OKIGGS. Trust e. se24-t- d THOMAS DOW LING. Auctioneer. BT IaATIMEU & CLEARY, Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers, SouthwestcornerofPennsrlTanlaavenueandEler enth street. Star Office Building. By virtue of a deed of trust dated the 3d day of June, A. D. ISiX and dnly recorded in Llbt.r No. f5, folio 116, etc, one of the land records for "U ashlngton county. District of Columbia, and by the written direction of the party secured thereby, we wilt sell at public auction. In front of the prem- ises, on MONDAY. October IX 1474. at 5 o'clock p. m., thefoUowlng lot of ground and premises, be- ing In the city of Washington. D. C, and known on tbe ground plat of said dry as apart of lot numbered thirty, (30.) in llerron and Cuurch's re- corded subdlTUlon of part of square numbered four hundred and sixty-seve- n. (,) and bounded as follows: Commencing for the same at the southeast corner of said lot, and running thence west one hundred feet; thence north nineteen feet: thence east one hundred feet: and thence south to the place or beginning, together with all the improvements thereon Terms One fourth In cash, of which $100 must he , paid at tbe sale, the deferred payments to be made in equal Installments, with Interest at tbe rate of eight per cent, per annum. In six, twelre and eighteen months from the day of sale, and secured by deed of trnst on the premises sold Terms to be fully compiled with within six days after sale, otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resell the property, after ooo week's public notice, at the risk and cost of the nrspurcuaa. All convey- ancing at purchaser's cost. HENRY A. CLARKE, lTrn.tiN. WM. A. PEVWirK. LATIMER A CLEARY, Auctioneer. T B. H. WAS5ER, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, Federal Building, corner Serenth and F sts. N. W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A SMALL TRUCK WITHIN TWO MILES OF THE NAVY YARD BRIDGE, IN THE COUN TY OF WASH- INGTON, D. C- -, AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed of trust to us, dated April 30, A. D. 1S74, dnly recorded In Liber No. 71V folio i3, one or the land records for tbe District of Co- lumbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, wewlll sell at pun.l auction, in front of the premises, on MOXDAi October 5, 1S7I, at 5 o'clock p m., tbe following Described real estate. situated in the county of Washington, District of Columbia, to wit Lots numbered Ave (5) and six, (,)ln Theodore Mother's subdivision of pirt of a tract of land, called DlscnTcry." dewied by Lucy B. "Walker tu Theodore Mosherby deed duly re- corded ULlberNC TNo ., folio t,et of the land records of the District of Columbia, containing dfty-tw- o and a half (52S) acres, more or less, and being the same conveyed to John Sulli- van by deed from Theodore Mosh rand wife dated Jalyli, Ii71. toother with the Improvements, con- sisting of a nice farm-houe- , 1c This farm Is dlrctlyon the roal lead in tr from Unlontown" to Silver Hill P. O, and beUu no near the city of Washington can be worked to advantage as a truck farm. Terms: One fourth cash; balance In six, (8,) twelie, (12,) and eighteen (18) months, within erest at ten per cent, per annum, from day of silc, to be fcecuredby a deed of trust on the property sold, or all cash, as the purchaser may desire. A de- posit of one hundred dollars wlli b require I at the time of sale. Alt conveyancing at the expense of the purchaser. If terms of sale are not complied with in days, the trustees reserve the rUht to resell the property at the risk and cost of the de- faulting purrnaser, utter flredars advertisement. WM. F. MATTIVGLV CHARLLS E. PRENTISS, J Jrn"W:-J- . T. COLDWELL., Salesmau. srtW.F, MAds BT EBWIIY J. SWEET, Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer, No. 511 Seventh street, opposite U.S. Post Offlcc. TRUSTEES'SALE OFVALUABLF PROPERTY, LOCA I1.DONU STREET, BErWEES II AND FIFTEENTH HUtEETS.OV L STKEET, BETWEEN ITH AND SEV- ENTH STREETS NUKTHWEST,ONFOPKTH BTUEET. HElWEEN N AND O STUKKT-- i NORTHWEST; ON D STBhEf, RETWEfc-- FIRSTANUSrCOND STREETS ni:riIEAST: ON O STREET, BETWI-E- TWENTIETH AND TWENTY-FIRS- T STREETS NORTH- WEST. Byvlrtneof a deed of trust to us. dated April 7, 1874. a nit rinlr rtwnrili d In r.llvr o 7L follrt XM. one of the laud records for the District of Colum- bia, we will sell at public auction, in front of tht premises, to the highest bidder, on WEDN ESD AY, October", 1474, at 5 o'clock p m.. the following described real estate, to wit. farts of los eighteen (18) and nineteen, (19.) in Drury's subdivision or square numbered two hunirva and nine, (30)): at 6 o'clock, p.m., pa t of iqt numbered three. (3,) Insquarenumberedfour hundred and forty-nin- (44S); and at 6 15 o'clock p. m., partsof lou num- bered twtnty-thre- e 3) and tw ntv-fon- r, (21.) In square numbered five hundred and twelve, (512, ) situate and being In the .cltr of Washington, D.C., as said lots aud parts oflots are particularly de- scribed In certain deeds or trust, recorded, respec-- ti cly. In Liber ito. 623, folios 4 et sea; Liber No. 644, folios 158 et seq : Liber 645, folio fUS et seq., and Liber 667. folios 132 et seq , of the land records of the District of Columbia; and also on THURSDAY, October 8, at 5 JO o'clock p. ni., alt those two lots situate and being In said city, and known and distinguished pn the ground-pl- or plan thereof as lot numbered two, (i,) In square east of .uare numbered eighty-seve- (E of 87); and on FRIDAY. Octobers, at 5. J) o'clock p ni, lot numbered eighteen, (IS.) in square numbered seven hundred and twenty-fou- r, (721). Terms of sale: One-thir-d cash, and the balance In six and twelvemonths, for which the notes of the purchaser i bearing Interest at the rate of eight (3) percent, peraunum, and secured by deed of trust upon the property, shall be given; oue hundred dol- lars deposit on each piece of property when sold. Conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Iftermsof sale are not complied with within seven days after the sale tbe property will be ld after five days advertisement, at the risk and cost of the default- ing purchaser. FREDERICK W. JONES, Trustees. JOSEPH K. EDSOV. E. J. SWEET. Auctioneer. BTB.B. TCsVlurEB, Broker and Auctioneer, FederalBulldlngs, corner Serenth and F sts.N. W. TRUSTEES' SALE OF A NEAT TWO--TOR-Y AND BASEMENT BRICK DWELLING, ON COKNEK MYKTLTT AVEVUE AND NORTH CAPITOL STREET. NEAR 8T. ALOYSIUS" CHURCH. Af AUCTION. IlTTertueofadeed of trust to ns. dated August 10, A. D. 1871, duly recorJed In Liber N o. w, FoUo 451, one of the land records for the District of Co- lumbia, and at the written request of toe party se- cured thereby, we will sell, at public auction, la front of tbe premises, on MONDAY. September St, 1874, at 3 o'clock p. m., tbe following desenb d real estate, situate In the cltr of Washington, D. C, to wit: All that piece or parcel of ground known as lot numbered one nundred and thirty-tw- o, (It-- ,) In the recorded subdivision ofseiusre numbered six hundred and seventy-fiv- e, (873.) and contained within the following metes and bounds, tu wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of North Capitol street and Myrtle aTenue, anl running thence east along sild. avenue sixteen (1) fet; thence south at right angles sixty-fir- e (ttt) ft: tbence west sixteen (18) feet to said North Capitol street, and thenee along said street slxtr-fir- e (M) feet to place of beginning, together with the as abOTC. Terms: Two thousand dollars, with Interest at ten per cent, per annum from February 10,1874, to day or sale, and expenses or sale In cash, and the balaace at six, twelve and eighteen months, for which the notes ot the purchaser, bearing lnteres from the dayor aale, and secured by a deed of tras on the property sold, will be taken. A deposit or tiro will be required at time of sale, and all at expense of purchaser. If terms of safe are net complied with In seven days from day of sale, the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at tbe risk and cost of the defaulting par chaser, after five days advertisement. DAVlb GALLUP, In..t.. THOMAS T. FISHER, J T. COLDWELL. Salesman. -- pi" THE SUPREME COURT OF THE DIS-- X TBICT OF COLUMBIA. The 18th day of September, 187L YtiuiamN. uaiton et al. (No. 3S96. . Eqnlty Margaret A. ttilllam. .e t. ( jjocxei is. On motion of the plalntl-T- s, by Mr. Edwards, their solicitor. It Is ordered that tbe defendants, Ecoesc K. Stxwabt and ELliancTll II. STxw-ab- t, his wife, cause tbelx appearance to be entered herein on or berore.the first rulo-els- y occurring forty days after this day: otherwise the cause will be proceeded with as in ease of lefult. By the Court: D. C. HUMPHREYS. Justice, 4c. ITraecopT Test! R.J. Mxios. Clerk. Ac. epl-Sl- ByJ. Jay Camp, Asst-Cle- rk. AUCTION SALES. Fntnre Dars. L.1TIHEK CI.EABT, BY Auctioneers and Beal Estate Brokers, Southwest corner of FennsTlrania arenas anel EleT-en- tn street. Star Ogee BalliUnir. CABPETS, OILCLOTH 8 AND 7IND0V' SIIADES AT AUCTION". On SATURDAY MORJflNO, September at, at la o'clock. In front of our auction-room- s, we snail sell-N- ew Carpets In ro'lss New oilcloths In rolls; New lndow Shades. Terms cash. LATIMER & CLXAKT. scp-B-- il Auctioneers. BT LATIMER c CLE AUT. Auctioneers and ileal Estate Brokers, Southwest corner Penn.aTenne and Eierenthstreet, Star Office Bnlldlni;. TItCSTKE'S SALE OFAOE3IKABLE DWELL- ING HOUSE AND LABIIEIOTIS SQUARE 878, Ol, SOUTH IHTBEET.BETWEE-lslXT- AND SEVBMH SOUTHEAST, NAVY YARD. Br Tlrtue of a deed of trust elated the 10th dar of August. A. D van. and recorded In Llher en, folio Ul, of the kand records of Washington county. I). C, 1 win sell, to the hlshest bidder, on the prem- ises, on SATUKDAY, the loth dar of October. A. D. 1874, all that certs In piece or parcel of arronnd situate. iTinr and being- - In the cltr of Washington, District of Colombia, known as lots seren (7) and .RK i8' n1 P" of lot numbered six, (8) in square eight hundred and seTentr-elth- t, (STS:) beglnulnx tor the same at a point oa I street south one hun- dred and nrtr-UT- e feet four and a half inches from the southwest eornerofsald seiuare.rnnnlnf thence east along the line of said I street one hundred and J" S!Z?'lli IMt three iMhes; thence north one and four feet eight Inches; thence west one hundred and twenty-eig- feet three Inches; thenee south one hundred and four reet eight Inches to the Place of beginning, together with and sin- gular the lmproTemcnts, etc., as In said deed men- tioned. The terms of sale: Flre hundred dollars, with in- terest on twenty-ur- e hundred dodars at ten Der centum per annum fram February 10, 1871, and tie expense s of sale In c'sli, (of which $3mnst be paid at the time of sale;) two thousand dollars In one yesr from the day of sale, with Interest at ten pe:r centum per annum, payable y, and the residue la two years, at tho tame rate, payable y. If the terras of sale are notcinnpilcd with within flTe days from tho day of saleihe trus- tee reserres the rlgut to resell the property, on tea days' public notice In any newspaper publish.!! in ashlngton city, at the risk and cost of the pur- chaser In default. THOMAS HYDE, Trustee. se?SAoelO-2- t LATIMEK CLEAKT Alien. BT aH. U. WILLI A3IS, Auct'r, Successor to Ureen Tt Miami. No. 10C1, northwest corner Tenth and V street?. TRUSTEES ALE OF 1EIRABLE LOT OV MASCUUETTS AVI NUK, BETWEEN JOUKTH AND ilrTU STethETi WEST. By Tlrtue ofaehxree passed by the Supreme i ourt or the District of Columbia, in Lei uliv Cause o 2JB, r will sell at public auction. In front of th J remises, on MONDAY, the 5th ilar of otober, at o'clock, 1. m.t Lot No. 2, In square No. J17. la tliecltyorwashtnzton, D.C.I This lot fronts 7 leet 4 Inches on Massichusctts avenue, between 1 ourth and lrta streets. Terms: One third cash; balance at slxand twelre months, for which tbe notes of the purchaser, bear- ing Interest from tho diy of sale, will be taken, anl a lien retained on tbe property A deposit of 100 will be required at the time of sale. All convey- ancing at cost of purchaser. M. F. MATTINGLT. . E. KINO, Trustees. scll--d W ASH, b WILLIAMS, Auct. BY LATIMKIt &. CLEAUY, Auctioneers ana Real Estate Brokers, Southwest corner of Pen nsylranla arenue and Elev- enth street. Star Office Bulldlug. CATALOGUE SALE OF ELEGANT HOU3E- - HOLD FUKS1TUKL. On JIONDAY MORNING, October S, 1S71, 10 o'clock, at the residence oi General Morgan L. SmlJi, Nu. 1418 K street northwest, we shall sell Ills superb collection ol Household Effects, comprising In part PARLOUS. Rosewood-cas- e Stelnway I'lanoforte, (full size.) Rosewood 1 lano Stool, nnely unhuls.eied. piano Corer. One Gilt-fra- Frcneh-plar- e Mirror, 8 feet 6 inches high, by i feet 9 Inches wide. One Gilt-fra- i rench-pla- te Mirror, 8 feet 6 Inches high, by 5 feet wide. Walnut, Meua Marble-bas- e Etegere. with gold traclnga and French-Plat- e Mirror. 4 feet 10 luch.-- s high, bri feet 6 Inches wide V alnut, Tennessee-marbl- e top. Centre Table, gold tracings. Elegant Buhl-wor- k, Marble-to- p Cab net, monnted with French-plat- e Mirror, In gilt. Rosewood Parlor bulte, upholstered with blue satin brocatelle, 7 pieces. Walnut GUt Parlor Suite, upholstered la crimson satin brocatelle. 7 pieces. Flegant Reception Chairs. Bubl-wor- k Card Table. legant Y in satin and lace. Llegant Cornice, for bar and side windows. Superb Card Tab e, git tracings. Elegant Japanese and Chinese Vases Bronze and Parian Figures. Superior Axmlnstcr, English, and Tapestry Car- pets. Axmlnster, Turkish, and Velvet Rugs. DINING-ROO- Walnut Dining Suite, consisting of French-plat- e Mantel Mirror, 7x3 by 5x8. One upt-r- Lxtenslon Dining Table, finely carred. fecs iiue uj 10 sees lueig ! Elegant Glassware. 1 rmch China Service, and superb set of Ten Dining Cbalrs,usholslered with Russia leather. Two s, upholstered with Russia leitber. Turkish Lounge, upnolstercel with Russia leather. CaiTlng Table, elegantly earred. Siena Marble-to- p Sliver Stand. , Marble-to- p, with 1 e Mirror, 3xs by zxt, elegantly nn- -I Ished. Flegant Cornice and Window-hanging- Crimson Flre bcreen. Fmbroldered Table Corer. One Parlor Fountain, In working order. HALLS. Handsomely-Carve- d Walnut Hall Stanl. with bronzed Medalllon.Slena-Marblebase,au- d French Two carved Y alnut Hall Chairs, upholstered In Russia Elegant Hall and Stair Carpets. L1BKAUY. Handsomely-finishe- d Walnut Book-cas- with r Tcacu-iuae- e uesurs. ' Elegant Walnnt Marble-To- p Table. I !lx Walnut Office W alnut and ElionTSecretan.wlthmetlalllon front. Llegant i alnut Lounge, upholstered In crimson lik rep. Walnut Marble-to- p Wine BoufiVt. Llegant Window-hangin- anel Cornke. Large Spanish Arm-Chat- r. In figure! rep. CHAMBERS Serveral superb Chamber Suites, with elegant e. aud Armolres, wit j French-plat- e Mir- rors, made of i rench and American wa nut, fin- ished In the most elegant designs. Mngle Walrut Bedsteads of the same destgn. Superior "prlng Under-be- Js of tbe latest patterns. E.egant AVnltellalrMallresies. tine Feather Pillows anl Bolsters. ( ribs. Trundle Bedsteads. Serrants umlture, Jtc. ALSO, An extensive assortment of China. nil Glajswtre, Refrigerators, sideboard. Safes, Kitchen Re e, Jkc. N. B. We wculd stale that all of the airare fur- niture was made, to order for General Smith by It Jfenwlck t Son, o. sc! North Howar 1 street, and tbe cargets were fuml-he- by Mc- Dowell alo.tof the sanie city, all of which h ire been In use but ten month, the whole comprising one of the most select aud complete o itllta la this city House for sale or rent, which Is one of fh" most ceimi lcte and elegant residences in tbe city. Apply on the premises LATIMER A CLEARY, set3-oA- Auctioneers. BY LATIMER CLEART, Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers. Southwest corner Penn. arenue and Eleventh st. Sur Office Building. TRUSTETS SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ES- TATE, FBONTING ON E STBLET NOItTU-- LST. Bt Tlrtue of a deed of trust, bearing date on the 14th day of October, ic7p, and recorded In Liber No. CS7, folio 2S0. et seq., of the land records of Wash- ington county, D. C, the undersigned, trustees In said eleed mentioned. will sell at public sale,ta froot of tbe premises, oo FRIDAY, 7th elay or Au- gust, 1874, at 8 o'clock p. m., all those pieces or psrcelsor ground,lylng or being situate In the sal I city and District, and known as and being all of lot No. 11 and a partoflot No 13, In square No. 2SJ, beginning for said partoflot No. Hat the north- west corner of saldlot,and running thence due east along the north line of said lot twenty-fou- r feet two Inches, (24 ft. 2 In.,) tbence south (3)) twenty feet three (3) Inches, thence west twenty-fou- r ( 24) feet two (2) Inches to the west line of lot,and tbence north along said west line to the place of begin- ning, togelherwlth all the appurtenances thereto belonging. Terms of sale One fifth cash, and tho balance la six. twelre.elgbteen and twenty-fou- r months, with Interest at the rate of seven per cent. Irom tbe day of sale, to be secured by a deed of trust on the prem- ises. A deposit of soo will be required of tbe pur- chaser at the time of sale. If said terms are not complleel with In flTe days from day or sale, tbe property will be resold at tbe risk and expense of the defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at the expense of the purchaser. , , T . . RICHARD NOBLE D. LAlCNiR, "usiees. LATIMER et CLEARY. Iy2d4ds Auctioneers. ABOVE SALE IS FURTHER POST-pon- until TUUhSDAY. September 24, 1874, same hour and place. By order of the Trustee, LATIMER Jt CLEARY. Auctioneers. ABOVF SALE 13 FURTHER POST-pon- until i LDNESDATt . September 30, 1371, same hour and place. By order ef the trustees. LATIMER CLEAR i. Auctioneers. Il&WS op congress UELATING TO THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. On or about the 1st of October we shall Issue from THE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE the REVISED STATUTES relating to tbe District of Columbia In force prior to December 1, 1S73, adopted by Congress, (annotated and authentica- ted.) together with an appendix containing the laws relating to the District of Columbia, passed at the First Session or tbe Forty-thir- d Congress. CONTENTS. 1. Organization and government. 2. Elections. J. Appropriation and disbursement of public money. 4. Indebtedness. ft. Vali atlons, assessments, and taxation. 8. Collection of taxes. 7. Vlre Department, f- t- Water service. . Regulation of streets, arenues, rcserTatloas, 10. regulation of contracts and accounts for gov- ernment buildings and public works. 11. Highways, roads, and bridges. 12. Public schools. 13. Metropolitan notice. 14. Conveyance of real estate. 13. Recorder of deeds. 18. Surveyor. 17. Limited partnerships. 18. General Incorporation. 19. Landlord and tenant. SO, Mechanics liens. 21. Interest and usnry. 22. Marriage and dlTorce, 23. The Jucllclary. 24. Jurors. 25. Witnesses. 23. Certain officers of courts. 27. Register of wills. 28. Gusrdlsn and ward. 23. Fxeeutors and administrators. 3D. Notaries public. 31. Justices of the peace. 32. Constables. 33. Police court. 34. Tne Jan. S3. Penitentiary. 38. Crimes and offenses. 37. Mllltla. US. Appendix. Orders for the work should be sent la Immedi- ately, as the edition Is limited. uareBS NATIONAL REPUBLICAN. seplO-t- f Washington, D. C Tas.O. C3ioi3lxt33.o, TJ. S. Commissioner and Examiner In Chancery I SHORTHAND WRITER AND LAW REPORTER Office No. IMC street, between rimandSeeond txttU, facing Indiana artnit, mill gniimml ,Ujmtaw GRASSHOPPER CAXXIBAZZSX. Grace Greenwood, ta a letter to the Nerr Tork Tunes, tells this story of the Colorado grasshoppers : "Colorado Springs Is notr the capital of El Paso county, so It will haTe the county falr thls fall. They have Inclosed more than a hundred acres for the grounds. It was ex- pected that we should hare a fine exhibition of farm and garden products, but 'man proposes, and the grasshopper disposes.' He has dis- posed of everything green, and now, as though, acting on the Scriptural assertion that 'all flesh is crass,' has taken to g himself on his brother hopper. It bshoclcinjto dis-- cover what remorseless cannibals these small I creatures are. If one becomes disabled in the slightest degree, his friends and relatives rally around him in his extremity and generally help themselves to whatever Is eatable. They gen- erally go first for the brain, as the daintiest morse, cunningly abstracting it from Its cells, and yet he somehow lives on for a time, and, hardly seems to miss that rather Important organ. The younger ones seem the most vora- cious and rapacious, but while they make a j ' fatal charge, grave-lookin- g elders will stand about, watching their old friend's demise, evidently speculating as to how he will 'cut up.' They are In no haste, but are always la at tbe death. The other day I whiled away a, half hour in one of the summer-house- s near the springs in watching the proceedings of a set of these small ruffians toward a disabled comrade. lie had lost a leg how I need not . state; 'thou canst not say I did it' though if forithe Bake of scientific investigation I brought i myself to perform that little surgical opera- - Ition, what harm! It Is surprising to how easily a grasshoppcr'a leg Is detached. It seems always to be a semi-de- - tached member. The creature don't seem to mind the loss much, and will go on eatia; as though grasshoppers' legs 'grew on- - every bush" This one evidently did not realize hU misfortune till he was attacked and found he could neither walk nor fly. IIow he was beset, to be sure' First a brisk young fellow, with the cool, business air of a surgeon, began tap- ping his rather distended stomach; another probed him about the joint whence the leg had been removed; a third set himself to dis- sect the amputated limb. One slimstanellng-bega- n browsing on the tips of his wings, then a big, bustling old wretch stepped forward and interviewed him by deliberately boring Into his brain; next a yellow-jack- et settled on htm and stung and sucked here and there, while, to add insult to injury, two spiteful black ants pierced through the joints of his cuirass and worked their way into his vitals. He fought bravely it was astonishing to see how pluekily he stood up against his fierce assailants, like a minia- ture Moulton. He kicked furiously with his one sound hind leg 'against the pricks' of the wasp. He struck out and gesticulated wildly with his arms or forelegs his moustache or antenna? bristled with defiance but the great congregation of bis foes was too much lor him, though he did not cease to struggle while anything remained to struggle with. They did not leave him till be was reduced to the mere shell of a grasshopper." ORG AGISTS AXD ORGAX-PL-A TIXG. The influence of a good organist and organ on church singing can scarcely be-- overesti- mated. If the clergyman is not musical and has good common sense, the organist will be supreme In the musical portion of the services. It is, therefore, of far greater Importance than. Is usually supposed, that the organist should be something more than a nu re musical ma- chine. There are two pulpits In every church . The pastor preaches from one, and the organist or choir director (usually the same) from the. other. The most fervent expression of the clerical pulpit may be weakened or absolutely destroyed by the frivolous performance of the musical pastor. We doubt If this fact has ever iully Impressed the majority of our read- ers, and yet scarcely a one has not felt that the Impression, for Instance, of an excellent ser- mon has been obliterated from the mind before he has reached the outer door of the church. He cannot tell why; but the organist could, If he would recall that the most solemn utter- ances of the pastor have been followed by some frivolous and utterly Inappropriate organ performance. This is not mere surmise on our part. We have repeatedly seen this result in the past twenty-fiv- e years. Tbe average organist has evidently had no more sympathy with the church than with paying the national debt. His business was simply to play a voluntary, support the choir In singing, and dance tho congregation out oi tbe church to any tune which struck his fane), or which he may have; selected or prepared for performance days be- fore. It is this Inappropriatencss with which vie think organists are especially chargeable. What would we think of a clergyman who in- dulged in levity at a iuneral r And yet we have heard organists, after a sermon which excited to the utmost solemn reflections, am- ble gaily into selections from "Martha," "Traviata," and (it Is a pity to write It) Offen- bach. "Hands all aronnd and down the mid- dle" is too oiten suggested by these careless performances. The influence of such an organist on the choir Li In the highest degree demoralizing, rhe flippancy which characterizes the organ per- formance will inevitably creep into the singing It has, in fact, developed a school of sacred compositions whose weak sentimental- ity and faulty construction would have exaspe- rated Handel almost to homicide, and hurried Haydn to a premature grave. Modern com- posers too often diverge as far as possible from these noble models. The sole effort seems to be to please thecar and tickle the fancy. There is no attempt at a worshipful style. They are usually as defective in sanctity and reverence as In grammatical construction. The simplest rule of harmony are disregarded in order to produce striking effects. The choir loft Is con--. verted to an arena for the exhibition of vocal gymnasts. There are ground and lofty tumb- lings by the solo soprano, acrobatic feats of strength by the bass, ambitious and exciting efforts to attain the attenuated, wiry high C, aud more or less side-sho- business by the alto, organist and all concerned. But this is a topic that cannot be disposed of In a brief par- agraph. It needs a careful diagnosis and a sound remedy. We doubt If it can be cured by homeopathic doses that is, by Inefficient church music committees but requires the most heroic treatment by the congregations themsches. Choirs often sing such stutT, either because they think the people like it, or are too indolent to enter a protest against It. Congregations are longurTcring, but we earn- estly hope and confidently bellete that the judgment day for this "sacred" bosh and also for Oflenbachlan organists Is fast approaching. Aluiiufor October. PROBABLY TUE OLDEST TIMBER AY THE WORLD. Probatly the oldest timber in the world which has been subjected to the use of man Is that found in the ancient temple of Egypt in connection with the stone-wor- which is known to be, at least 4,000 years old. This, tho only wood used in the construction of the temple, Is In the form of ties, holding the end of one stone to another to its upper surface. When two blocks were laid In place an excava- tion, about an inch deep, was made in each block, in which a tie, shaped like an hour-glas- was driven. It is, therefore, very difficult to force any stone from its position. The ties appear to have been of the tamarisk or shittem wood, of which the ark was constructed, a sacred tree in ancfent Egypt, and now very rarely found In the valley of the Nile. The dove-ta- il ties are just as sound now as on the day of their insertion. Although fuel Is ex- tremely scarce in the country, these bits of wood are not large enough to make it an ob- ject with the Arabs to 'heave off layer after layer of heavy stone to obtain them. Had they been of bronzo half of the old temple would have been destroyed years ago so precious they would have been for various pur- poses. MYSTERY OF THE CAXADIAy LAKES. Lake Erie Is only sixty or seventy feet deep, but Lake Ontario.which Is 502 feet deep,Is230 feet below the tide level of thd ocean, or as low as most parts of the Gulf of and the bottoms of Lake Huron, Michigan and Superior, although the surface Is so much higher, are all from their vast depth on a level with the bottom of Ontario. Now, as the dis- charge through tbe river Detroit, alter allow- ing for the probable portion carried off by evaporation,, does not appear by any means equal to the quantity of water which the three upper lakes receive, it has been conjectured that a subterranean river may run from Lake Superior, by the Huron, to Lake Ontario. This conjecture is not Improbable, and accounts for the singular fact that salmon and herring are caught in all the lakes communicating with the St. Lawrence, but in no others. As tho N falls of Niagara have always existed, tt would puzzle the naturalists to say how these fish got into the upper lakes without some such sub- terranean river; moreover, any periodical ob- struction of the river would furnish, a hot im- probable solution, of the mysterious flux anl reflux of the lakes.

Transcript of · 3 1 1 1 w I 9 T ai IT a c y XiT'ET A BETIO Ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY....

Page 1: · 3 1 1 1 w I 9 T ai IT a c y XiT'ET A BETIO Ti BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Containing Cnrd of First-C-l as. Estnb. UtbmenUlnall Bnncbetot Bust. ness In the District.










Containing Cnrd of First-C- l as. Estnb.UtbmenUlnall Bnncbetot Bust.

ness In the District.

AGKICOlrCBAI. WAHEnOUSES.' -4. A. Baker, 928, 82s, S3La. are,, bet. th Jt lothsts.

ABCniTECTS.Henry 11. Searle, nuE st. , opp. r. O. Dept.CThas. T. Dals t C o , 61S .th t., opp. Tat. Office."W. II Polndexter, Vernon Row.

AIX DEPOTS.Sam'l c. rainier. Vueit'i Phlta. Ale, Geo'twn.

AXTOBNETS-AT-Ui-JCd ikC Ing rsoll, 4S4 La. are., op. City llall.Oeorge sCarle. jr., 45S Louisiana avenue.HoM. J. Murray, 319 4 street northwest.O. D. Ilarn tt, 317 H Etreet.1. It. Vejorueeft. 3197th st- - yt- - T., nffie- -Geo. W, Dyer, corner beTenth and f street.J. T. K. riant, 708 E street; J. P , Notary Con.

BAKERIES.. 8. Kraat. 6 E cor. Pa. aTe. and IStb sts.

C.M.Lamb.Nat 1 Pie 4 Br'd Bk'y, taiu.Capltol'at.BASKS AXD BAXKER.,J. H Squler iCo., Banters, o il'f Ta. are.,Pay 6 percent on aU Deposits. Pay ofAjmyOfficers cashed In adranee . ,Biggs l(o., Executive are., cor. 15th st--BEI.fc.lTAXaEBS,I.OCKSMITHS, sKc.

T. Fred. Fischer, 616 5th .treet, bet. T and U.BLEACHERS.

A. T.Whitlng.strawb t and b't bleacher.Kl Fa.av.BOOKSTORES.

Solomon. & Chapmani Metropolitan Bookstore.SUPa. are., bet 9th and uth sts. Constantly onhand tin newe-- t an 1 most fashionable styles ofplain and fanc nation ry. Card plate, "atCom an I wedding lnTltatlons engraved Inthe highest style of the. art All the new publi-cation, received a, soon a. issued

Warren Choate A I o . s Book andStationery stor , 911 l'enna areoue.c-r- . 10th st.

D. A. Brosuan. athol c)MG St.. bet. lh & 10th.

BOOT A3TD SHOE STORES.D. M. Furlong. 507 sth st., n w, to order.

Bon lino salooks.Obas. o EciJoff. 12is tst,, bet. 12th and 11th.

BRASS WORKS.National Brass Work.s. US, 318 "and 31 13th st. a.

w . Thos fMiuie rville, manufacturer of all ar-ticle uied m the Plumbing and Gas and SteamPlttini. Busincs, a complete stock of Plumb-ers supplies, c constantly on band.BTJTTEB, ECUS CHEESE, Ae.

O. "W ( ltohrer s w cor th and D streets.Gene al t ommls-io- n Merchant.CAI.IET SHOPS.

Wm aitir ajs E street, near 10th.

cARPEvrrns axd ihjilders.Brust & lumpbre Malr Builders, cor. 9th and G

streei-- , marrateut office.K i 1 it' liH' ,d, u r cor 9th st. and N Y are ,

C arpciiter and Butldt r and General C ontractor.CARPETIXGS, OlLfLOTIIS, Ac

Wm - Mil. tell .t i ,8lll'a st (Market spaee,)Impoi ter anl Dealers in c irpets and house fur--niMimg articles

CO 1 arpet House, 9047th st , bet. land K.CARRI YUE FACTORIES.

K ibt II l raham 410 4l 414 oth street n. w.John McDermo t & Bros . 310 Pa ar , near 3d st.J P Uenni. f. o teb Maker, vrj 6th st , near Pa. av.

Bepaii inx done wit i Uptch, at cheap ratesCLOTIIIX; STORES.

"Wall Uol inson A Co., aa Pa. are , MerchantTailors, line clothing for men and boys.

COACH FACTORIES.John Mrllcrmott A Bro., J!0 Pcnna. arenue.

CO At TAR AM) ITS PRODUCTS.rage 4 It teher Distillers of Coal Tar anilllean-cr- sof C oai Tar ro lucts office 1302 Penua.

aenue. llxlt uuleAN Building.v

HOMEOPATHIC PH1RMACT.E. i Mcl'herson & Co . No. 514 Mnth street.

DRUG STORES.r P. llieklinp ail Pa. Kt.for. 3d sU Prices low.F X. Doole n rt st , bet M and 3d sts. easu

DR. CiOODS.Bogin X. TV rile, Oae Price. 1013 4 103) TtU st. n. w.

GAS FIXTURES. Ac.Alex in i e .. , "10 Pa. jr., bet. 9th and

lPth street. C onstantlr on hand a Terr largestock of everything appertaining to the Plumb-ing and Gas It in Business. Trade Supplies,wholesale and retail Chandeliers, ReadingLights, Brackets and Mate Mantels, in larga as-sortment and ofthenewestpitterns,aIso, hand-some 4 rystal I handellcrs and Clocks. All use-ful n relties received as soon as out.HARDWARE AXD CUTI.EBT.

L O. Campbell, eos I'a ar. bet. 6th and 7th sts.J TV Kennedy 4 Co , 612 Pa. ar., bet. eth and 7tb.


J. F Doran. K St. bet 9th an 1 10th, and 13G2 P it.llorses shod aecordlug to natural shape of foot.HOTELS.

Tormley's lloteL corner U and 15th sts.ISURAM-- OFriCES.

The Arlington Fire Insurance Co., 1123 O streetN ., near loth street

German Am. Fire Ins Co., Law Building, 5th St.isrsTRUME vr makers.

C. Fischer, burg Instruments Trusses. 633 7th St.JUSTICES OF THE PEACE.

E. C carer. Justice of the Peace and Convey-ancer, 613 7th st. ' .

LADIES' DRESS TRIJIJIIXGS.Lowe's, 61i Market space and 920 Penua arennc.

LITHOGRAPHERS.oms Peters, 4j8 Pa are., near 4a street.

a spvcialty.J C Eutwlitle 4 Co , cor. 7th St. La. ar.

EI KEY STABLESAcres Co. cor. 14lh and l sts Close carriages

for wedding calls and receptions Boirdiugand Uri ry stabtes TVllUrd s bote stables

Allison Nailor, jr . south side Pa are., near 14thSt., opp Imperial and Witlard,s.LCIfBLR Y4.RDS.

Nath 1 B lugltt, uth street and Ohio arenncN. WMARBLE 'VTORKh.

T Tourney, Washington Mesm Slarble and SlateWorks, 1112 L. street, near Uepubllcan building.SII.NERAL TV4.TERS

San'H Palmer. corUcy and Green sts., George-town odaTatelnbtel Fountains aspeelalty.MODEL MAKERS

-- Oppcrman. (23 G street, niar7lh.SOTARIES PUBLIC.

A.E.L Keese cor La ar and 6th St. Also, Justice.OPTICI4.AS

11. n llempler, 4o3Pa. ar., cor. 4'st.PAI.NTS. OILS, GL VSS, Ar.f

George lttneal ir , pa D s'rect. bet. oth and ,1bDealer in all kluds of paints, oils, glass, put ,lamps, brush k, &e Al-- always on haud afudiiue of artlsis materials. Orders from cityore unlr promptly a'tended to.PAPER HANGERS. Ar.

Dougia s Mo re, Art stu st , ih.i 1) and Pa. are..I radical I pliowter r. Willpaper, window shiiis. earpets. oil cloths ic.All orWers for wo-- k in Ither oraneh of the tradeexeiuicd with skill and dispatch at lowest rates.PATFXT AGESTS.

P It. T oorh, jo "tu st , opp. Po.t Office.Muun&fo (Sei. Am ,) or 7tli and F, opp P.O.

Unsurpassed factllths for Buslui ssKnight Brothers 6X1 F st near Patent officeII b & A P Laeer Tff7tlist opp P O. UeptGeorge 1 Dyer, cornt r of --seventh and K streets.

PHOTOGRAPH GALLERIES.Burgess Co successors to l,rad, tC71a arenue.

itegatlres r touched y a tlrst-cla- ss artistEl 1 ul mau 5 Pa. ave , orer ItsePs.John Goidin. t19 Pa. ave.. oue do ir east of Perry's.

PEUJIBERS 1XD 45Alex. It shepher ' to., "Pa arc b- -t oth and

II th t- - I'tm Ileal 1'luinbersNUdMeimaiiderSs-flt- lirs and who an I ntall dealer, in all

kinds oi supplies aplx rtalnlng t the trade, aTen largi and eleet stock constantlv on hand:all use norelties rec lrel ai soou as o it,orders from cltv or couulrj for nork or goodsproieptly attended to at the lowest nt s.

E A Ridgewa ' D street, liet 'Jlli and lothI Daly l'lumlier Guftteam ltter.423 6thst.n.w.

BEAIESTATE AJETS.oursc i Mlduleton, 613 uth st , opp. Trcas. Dcpu

Br.STAUBAXTS.John T i li ker. 15th St., bet. N. Y. are. anl II st

SCHOOLS AD n i usiue-- s otlLge, cor 7th and L sts.;

U C spencer, pn-- id nt. Send for circular.SILVER PLATERS.

Rout A tt lutehan, H1 st , bet. 8th and 9tb.

STA3tPlG DEPOTS.Mrs yi preclit Also Dressmaking

STVTIONERY, Ac.Ben F i n h 1 th si., under Nat. Metropol-

itan lan. Stat oaer, Xc, a specialty.STEV'I D JS TITTERS.

Alex It She he rd 4 o , 910 Pa arc . bet. Oth andloth st s, e Plumbers aud Gas r Itters.STO ES, Ac

W W It pli CaMnet More Iloue, 1315 street,2 t next to t onal Tlieatre.U1IIIRELLVS, CA.NES, Ac.

Wm. Boil r 4 v lltb St., near Penna ave.



47S Seventh Street Xorthvest.aultVCin


No 4i Seventh street 2orthv,e,t.felg-l- y


o. 211 1'our-aiul.- half Street,(Two doors north of Penn. are . )

Will practice In tile --.upreine Court of the UnitedStates 4 ourt of Claims dupreinet emrt of the Dis-trict of t olumhia, Cimmltu s of Congress and

of the Cnileet siat s GorernmentJt3rlu x tile ment of claims against the United

States and the District or nlumbLi is assoelatedwith BuiJ V Meeds ate Auditor of the Board ofPul.llt V orksandthe District Jy23-t- f


Nn 4.vt Lnnlsiaua arenueap2S-l-y T atblugton. I). C


TARY PUBLIC,Ke. 708 E Street XortJiwest,

Washington, D. C.


DEVOSITIOI.S for Sute Courts a specialty.oc2My






Bank Building Seventh street, opposite Post OfficeDepartment. Transact general banking, exchangeand collection business. Buyand sell gold. Govern-ment bonds, stocks, 4c

Army officers' pay accounts cashed la advance.myl8 .


So, 523 Seventh stret.Federal Buildings, opp. Post Office Department

Beal Esute. Stocka. Bonds. Notes and other Sa- -cnrlUes bought, sold and exchanged.

Special taxes paid promptly and on liberal ternn.marlT-- U

AXiTllttOEEAlixrofffoKAILBO A D.StrvDAT. July S3, 1874,

fFBOM WASHHeOTON OiTYS (Ok m. Baltimore and Way Stations7 a.m. Baltimore, Annapolis, Cranberry ana

aTbtatlonsoumalnstem,and rVaab-lugt-

Branch.TUB a, Baltimore and Belay.8.00 a. S ew York. Philadelphia, Boston, Balti-

more and Belay.8:05 a. m Chicago, bt-- Loula, LoulsTtUe. Cincin

nati, i;eananburr.maatown, uarnesruie. ttagerstown,Frederick, Staunton, White SnlphnrSprings Parlor cars Dinner atCumberland; supperatGraUoa.

8 15a. m. Point or Bocks and WayBUtlont.8 Jo a. m Baltimore and TVa Stations.

a. m. Baltlmore.Bladcnsburg, BeltsTlIle,Lan- -..relnnapolls Junction and Belay.10 p. m. New York, I'bUadelphla, Norfolk, EU1--

eottCIty,Baltlmore. Dinner at Uelay.3 JO p.m. Baltimore, Laurel and Belay.3 lop. m. Baltimore, Frederick, and all lntfrme-dla- te

Way statlonsT4.15 p.m. 'VVincbester, Uagerstown. Frederick,Point of Rocks, and Way Statlons-Cr- ll. Metropolitan branch.)

5u,t'more.AnnapolUand'Vi"ayStatlouj.SSl5 and Relay..C5p.m. Baltimore and Belar.7.mop.m. Chicago, St. Loula, Lonlsrllle, Cincin-nati, Columbus, Sandusky, Deer park,Hwtel.. o I ,1..SII1.

I Jf" Pnfiinaa car. Breakfast at1 15 p. m. Baltimore and War Stations.8.15 p.m. Pittsburg, Bockrllle, Point of Rocks,

Martlnsburg, Berkeley Springs, Cum-berland. Stops at all stations en Me-tropolitan Uoad. Pullman cars.

SUNDAY TRAINS.rnd?"?0 WTStatlons-6.3- 0a. in.. UV. 4 45.

Ki?.?mJ"more n(1 BeUy. 7S0 a. m.,and 75 p.m.west-8-- 05 a. m. and 7 p. m.PIttsburg- -8 45 p. m.All trains stop at Viaduct Hotel, Belay House sta- -For further Information apply at the Baltimore

and Ohio ticket offices, Washington Station, and4S5 Pennsylvania arenue, where orders will be takenfor baggage to be checked and received at any pointIn the city. TUOS. R. SHARP,

L. M. cor.. n.niMeV.t;'T,?.nsPrtun- -UEO.S. KaO.NTZ,GenerVlAent Jero-t-f


Ington as follows. Washington time5.35a in .Northern Express, daily.SJL m- -' Baltimore Accommodation dally.

a. m.. Limited Express for New York andEast, dally, except Sunday.I ill 55 a. m., ast Line for Ibe West and Nor-folk. iU llslrliuore. dallr. except Sunday.

3 40 p. m.. Accommodation for Baltimore, dally,except bunday .

S.inp.m., For rittsburg and the West4 dally. Forthe North, dallr. except Saturday.

5 o0 p. m., Philadelphia Express, dally.7.55 p. m , Accommodation to Baltimore elally,

except Sunday.m.. For Philadelphia, hew lork, and Bos- -

Tralns 'for POPE CREEK LINE IcaveatSa. m.on 3Ionday. W eelneselay, and rlday, only, andS 4p. daily, except Sunday.

Trains r0; aNNA1OLIS leave at5 35a. m. and,AhIt, Car ty,Titt.hnei.l run

on the train leaving al S.50 p. m.Pullman Palace Meeting Car to Elmlra is run on

the train leaving at 5 50 p. m.Tickets and information can be procured al tbe&age'Sli0ed?or1Ind checked at hotel land pri-

vate residences on orders left at the offices or thetompiny, northeast corner Thirteenth street andPennsvIvanU arenue, and on the northeast cornerir street and Pennsylranla arenue.

DeSt BALTIMORV. 4 POTOMAC RAILROAD,corner Sixth and B street.

YOVSOGeneral PassengeABalllmoreMd.

Jc2 Superintendent, Washington, D. C.

1874. pesWIma 1874.ROUTE


SUMMER arrANOEMEVT.Onand after June 2 i87t, trains will run u fol--asolngton...: 35 a. m. I Baltimore 7S a. m." 11.55 a. m " 825 a.m." 6.50 p. m.j JJ 1.15 p.m.

mTHE GREAT DOUBLE TRACK ROUTlf'lib Elegant Scenery, Palace state-roo- day andpisht Cars, with modern Improvements.

Two hundred miles saved to Western and CentralNew York,5 35 a. m. dally to Baltimore. Dally, except Sun-

day, for the N orth and West.11.55 a. id. dally, except Sunday, N'ortb. and West.5.50 p. m. dally, to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louis-

ville and hew Orleans.Through from Washington to Plttsbnrg and El-mlra without change.

Tickets by Ibis route can be procured at tbe offices,northeast corner of Thirteenth street ana Pennsyl-vania avenue and Sixth street and Pennsylranlaarenue, where reliable Information will be given atall times.

Passengers procuring ticket at these offices cansecure accommodations In Palace Cars for

Elmlra. ED S. YOUNO,JeS General Passenger Agent, Baltimore. Md.


DEPOT CORNER SIXTH AMD B STREETS.JJ1 trains for Alexandria leave as follows p,8.53,5,'i0lla.m.,l..4,5. 30,7 p m Alexandria dally; au others dally except

Local' trains leave Alexandria an follows: , 7. 8,9, 10 and 11a.m.. 1,3,4, 5, Qand 7 p. m,; 8 a.m. and6 p. m. from Alexandria dally: all other trainsdally, except Sunday. .

Trains marked thus connect VUO traim oaWashington and Ohio railroad.

Richmond Express leaves W asbljtgtoa at 6.00 p,

ReIITHEb"eXPB1S3,iT Bkhmond.leaves Washington 11:33 P. to- -, olly, except

tickets to all points Son tb and Southwestfo? sale at tte office corner Sixth and Pennsylvanuavenue, and Thirteenth and Pennsylvania avenue,where passengers can leave orders for baggage tobe checked at all hotels and residences through tdestination. .E- - 8 YOUAil,

General passenger Agent.E, L.DoBaiibt, superintendent. mh37-t- r



IllAU MAI 1074LeaTeW ashlngton al . xn. ana 4 r. m., and Al-

exandria at 9.10 a. m and 4 lo p. u. PassLeeburr(going westward) at a. n and 6.s p. m., andariiTe at l'urcel WUle at 12 m. and 7pm.

Leave rurcellT.Ue at A JOn. m. aud 12 30 p. m.pas Leesburg (going eastward) at a. m. ana 1.10

xat and arrive at Alexandria at ft.15 a. m. and? lA P.m., and at Washington at 8.30 a. m. and 3 JO

l"aenger3 from ashlngton will take the 'Wash-ington and Ohio cars at the Baltimore and Potomai)rallraad sta'lon at 9 a.m. and 4 p. m , and gothrough to pprcellTille without change of cars.

The 910 a. in. train from Alexandria and 12 30 p,xn. train from PnrcellvlUe connect at Parcell riflew th Klger s dallv line of coaches for alckersTllle,BerrTTfl'e and Winchester: also with Heamer'sJlne of coachv-s- , which lenve dillr forAldle anil MlddUtMrg. ,.

Commniat.on tickets, three cents P:rAnnual tickets, f). & H- - HA ENNEIUmjli-t- f oencralTlcKftAaeut.


HAIL sTi:vnsini.s.0nl7 tine tonus tte Aniencan Flag.

bailing eterv Thurda) riom PIIILAULLPIIIAFor Queenrtow-- n and Liverpool.

CaVln. Intermre!latcaudbti.cragcACtOJUIOD TIO I M KPAbSEO.

Rates a. low lie by any either first --class Line.PETER RIOllT A SOS; t.cncral Agents,


augl-l- y m Peuns a e Washington.


LAST OHA1I0E! EEDU0ED BATES!By l'J.NHAMA mMii, seiilcmlitr JO.

btetnieC, "1 Interim Hate, M0dtpl'Kt


ing resumed her regular trips to Norfolk, will leaveber wharf, foot of Sixth street, every MONDAYand THURSDAY, at; p. m., touching at the prin-cipal river landings, connecting at Norfolk withsteamship of the M. and M. Ltns for Boston andProvidence; with tbeLorlllardbteaiKh!pCon'pinyfor New York. Freight should be addressed "Oariof Lady OIWl4"- Tla Norfolk."iljj. JTITZUUGH, Agent,

, wharf.$ ri OeneralAgent,

nh20 Room No ib Plant Budding.

VfEHCH ANTS' Lift E UK STEAMSHIPS" WAbHINGTOJ,EAND SEW YORK...'HtKrtr the line steamships t. C. KN IU HT andi,,011Jb0N.w'" make regular WEEKLYT.,i.II?.PJiTvrEEJ, NEWYORKTALEXANDUIA,MASUlUTONand OEOBOETOWN, as follows:Leave .New York from Pier 39 East River every Sat-urday at 4 p. m. Leave Georgetown every Friday

",m: ,n1 Alexandria the same day at ll m.Por full InformaUon apply to R. P. A. DE UAM,

agent' office and wharf, 34 Water stree', Ueorgo-low- n,

or at the corner Of Seventeenth street and




The steamers of the North German LloriU of2.500tons, have been newly furnished with all Ute modernImprovements.

BALTIMORE . .LapUu, LUllenhaln.BERLIN " Putscher.OHIO " brhulenburg.LF1PZ1G " HoffmanBltAUNbCHWEIO . " UndnetsonNURNBERG.(J,0O)tons) Jaeger.

Will run resuUrly between UREME.N and BALTI-llOl-as follows) re men Prom Baltimore.

OHIO July IS Aug. 8.BALllilORE Julys. Aug. J2.BBALNSLHUEIG, Aug li. S.

Aug 19. Sept. li,1.HPZ1G Aug "ent H.KOLI .. . . bept. M.And thereafter even' 'Inesdaj om Bremen and

every Saturday from Bauimore.The steamer will tao passengers to Bremen,

Southampton, London and Havre and return.1'eice oi Passage. In sold, from Bremen to

Baltimore: Cabin, too. steerage, til currency.Prom Baltimore to Bremen, bonthampton, Londonand Havre: Cabin, t 0; steerage, :i

Rrturn tie tela. In steer ge.H.S0. Children be-tween one and ten years, half price; cbi dren notover one

All other arrangements are be same as tbe New

Further information can be ascertained by apply-ing by letter to our General Agents.

A BcnUMACHER 4 C0.,No. South Charles streett Baltimore, Md.

AgentforWblng.onblIABIjE3 WALTENo. M2D street, opposite City Hall.

Also, Bills of Exchange on principal placesIn Europe. mvls-t- f




OpenNoreaUrt, lti APDED.octw-t- f ,1. F. cake, Propuetor.



I) street, between blitb and Seventh northwest.Notes try mall promptly attended to Cash paid.

tulS-t- f





No. SU SeTcntb Street,WASHINGTON, D. C.

New York Life Insurance Company, of New York,Assets over t27,0jo,0i0.

Commercial Union. Assurance Company, of Lon-don, England, Capital, In Gold, $11,500,000.

Bcottlsb Commercial Insurance Company, of Glas- -Scotland, Capital l,000,0CO.fow, Company, of Brooklyn, NewYork, Assets 4450,000.

Northwestern National, ofMllwaskle, Wisconsin,Assets 900,000.

riRST-CLA- -8 80L1CITO"S WANTED.octyl


Lumber! Lumber!Ts2ae.loy Brotborai,COKKElt OF SEVENTH AND Q STREETS







Largely Increased Facilities for Doing

Job Work and Book Work

In All Branches.


THE NATIONAL BHPUBMOAN JOB OFFICEIs nnequaled. In its extets. and complete equip-

ment, by any printing establishment south of New

York. We have now facilities far doing all work

In the

























AO. fcyu Aa






DOOLEY'S YKAST POWDERLi Perfectly Pure and Wholesome.

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERIs Put Up In Full Weight Cans.

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERMakes Elegant BIscnits and Bolls.

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERMakes Delicious Mnfilns, Crleldle Cakes, Corn

Bread, Jlc

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERMakes all Kinds of Dumplings, s. Cakes

and Pastry, N Ice, Light and Healthy.

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERIs the Best, because Perfectly Pure.

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERIs tbe Cbeap-t- t. because Fnll Weight,

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERlsUuaranteedto Give Satisfaction.

Be sure to ask forDOOLEY'S YEAST POWDER,

and do not be put on with any other kind.

DOOLEY'S YEAST POWDERIs pnt np In Tin Cans of various slacs, suitable or

Families, Boarding Houses, HotUs, Restau-rants, anil River. Lnkc and Ocean Ves-

sels on short or long voyages.

Tbe market Is flooded with Cheap, Inferior Bak-ing and east Powdcraof llcht or short weight.DoOLEY'b YEAST POWDER Is warranted fnllstrength and fnll weight.

bold at wholesale and retail generally throughouttbe United States by dealers In Groceries and Fam-ily Supplies.

DOOLEY & BROTHER,Manufacturers,

69 New street, New York.feblS-l- v

at seven cents per bushel, cartage extra. Orderslenatthe

GASLIGHT OFFICE,No. MTenth street; at 711 First street, southwest; Third and E streets, or 110 Brills street,Uecrietown, will be promptly nlled. JulU--


By b. rr. tvARNEit,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts. N.W.TRUSTEES' SALE OF BEAUTIFUL SUBUR-

BAN PROPERTY AT MOUNT PLEASANT..JIr7rtneofadeedoftrnst. datedMsrch 11, A.D.1S72, duly recorded In Liber No. en, folio 73, one of5?.e.'Tn.c, "eords for Wasblngton connty. In theDistrict of Columbia, and at tbe request or theparty secured thereby, we win sell, at public

front of the premises, commencing onTJHK?DAy September 17,174, at 4 o'clock p. m.,the following described real estate, situate InWasblngton county, D. C. Mr: All those Lotsnumbered forty-fo-ur (41, ) forty-liv-e (41.) forty-si- x

(48.) sixty-eig- ht (te,) sixty-ni- ne (68.) seven-ty .(70,) seventy-on- e (71,) seventy-tw- o (72,),P?t seventy-seve-n (77.) seventy-eig- ht

(78, ) eighty (83.) eighty-on- e (il ) eighty-tw- o(s) eighty-thre-e (Kt.) Iirty-elg- (SI,) and nrty-nl-

(Si) of 8. P. Brown's snbwvltlon of Mountpleasant.Terms: One third cash, and tbe balance at twelve

and twenty-fo- months, for which Installmentstbe Purchaser Will be rennlred to rlvA his nromls- -scry notes, bearing Interest at the rate of ten perilnuu per annum irom toe oay or sale, ana secureuby a deed of trust on the land and premises sold.A deposit oft30O win be required or the purchaserat the time of sale, and all conveyancing at the ex-pense of tbe purchaser. If the terms of sale arenot compiled with In seven days, the trustees

the light to resell the property at the riskand cost or the defaulting purchaser, after Aredays' advertisement.

A plat of the property can be seen at theoficeoftbe auctioneer.


WTHE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED, OSceo ant of tbe weather.untU FUIDAY, September

25, 1S74, fttSoclock, p. nuWILLIAM STICKXET.GEOUGE H. PLANT, jTrtntees.

.' J T COLDWELL, 8lesmaa.

BT B. II. WAIUTEB,KeUEnate Broker and Anctlonecr,

Federal Building, corner SeventUanct r sts. N."W.


ANT.ByTlrtueofEdeMoftmit, dated April 24, A. D,

1872, dulT recorded In Liber No. WW, roio Zi one ofthe Una records for Washington county. In theDistrict of CdnmbLa, and at the request of thepsrty secured thereby, we will sell at public n.

In front of the premises, on THURSDAY,September 17, at 6 30 o'clock p. m., all thosecertain pieces or parcels of ground situate In thecounty of Washlnton, D. C, known and de-scribed as parts of lots numbered flfty-sl- x, (53, )

and P. Brown'ssubdlTlsIon of Mount Pleasant, being all that por-tion of said lots not heretofore, conrcyed to us;also, all of lot (&,) sUtr-tw- o,

((,) seTenty-sl- x, (76,) and eighty-fou-r of saidU. P.brown'BsubalTiilon of Mount Pleasant, con-taining In all one hundred thousand flre hundredand serenty-fou- r (100,574) feet of ground.

Terms: One third In cash; at twelve,twenty-fou- r and thlrty-tt- x months, for which In-stallments the purchaser will be required to givehis promissory notes bearing Interest at the rate often per cent, per annum from the day of sale, andsecured bra deed of trust on the property sold. Adeposit of 300 will be rcqlr d at time of sale, andaU conveyancing at the expense of the parch .wer.If terms of sale are not compltrd with in serendays, the trustees reserrc tbe right to resell theproperty at the rUk and cost of the defaulting pur-chaser after five days advertisement.

A plat of the property can be seen at the offlcc ofthe cUoneerLMAM 8TICK

GLOUUE II. Pi,AjT, 'Tmstees.

a-- the aIsove sale is postponed, oxaccount of the weather, until PIIIDAY, September25, 157J, at S o'cloi k, p in.


' J. T. COLDWELL, Salesman.

BT B. IT. WAItNEK,Real Estate Broker ana Auctioneer.

Federal Buildings, corner Seventh and V SU.K.TV.


1874, and duly recorded In Liber No. tsao, folio 312,one or tbe Land Records for M ashlngton county.In the District of olumhia, and at the request ofthe party secured thereby, we will sell at publicauction. In front of the premises, on THURSDAY,September 17, 1874, at t o'clock p. m.. all those cer-tain pieces or parcels of ground situate In Washing-ton county, D. C, known and described as rollows,Tli. Parts or lots numbered nrty-av- e, (55.) flfty-sl-x,

(56,) and nfty-ere- n. (57,) of S. P. Ilrown'ssubdivision or Mount Pleasant, commencing at apoint on the south end or lot Arty-liv- e, (,) i (10)feet from the southwest corner or said lot. andthence north parallel with the west line of said lotlirty-nv- e, (55,) two hundred and seventy (SD) feet;tbence west parallel with the south line oflots fifty-fiv- e,

(55.) flfty-sl- x, (,) and n, (57,) onehundred (100) feet; thence south parallel with tbewest line of lot flfty-sev- (57) two hundred andseventy (270) feet to a point on the south end or lot

(57,) ten (10) feet east of the southwestcornerorsald lot n, (57,) thenceeast alongthe south line oflots n, (57.) fifty-si-

(68,) and fifty-fiv- e, (55,) to the place or beginning;containing twenty-seve-n thousand (27,a) siiuarefeet of ground, together with tbe Improvements, asabove.

Terms: One third In cash; and the balance attwelve, twenty-fo- and thirty-si- x months, forwhich Installments the purchaser will be requiredto give his promissory notes, bearing Interest at therate of ten (10) percent per annum front tbe day ofsale, and secured by a deed or trnst on the laudand premises sold. A deposit or $3 JO will be re-quired at time or sale, and all eonveyanctiut at theexpense or tbe purchaser, ir terms of sale arenot compiled with In seven days the trustees re-serve the right to resell the property at the riskand cost of tba defaulting purchsser. after firedays advertlement.

JV3A plat or the property can bo seen at the officeor tbe Auctioneer.t ILLIAM STICKNF.Y, 1

OEORGE H. PLANT, Trustees.

JtWTHE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED, ONsreount of the weather, until FRIDAY, bepleenber25. IS74, at 4 o'clock, p. m.



Coal! Coal! Wood! Wood!AKBITING DAILY.



We invite the public or those In want of fuel toCall at our whan es and depot.Foot or Twelfth aud Thirteenth Streets

Southwest,and we will show them ona of th Unrest and bestselected stocVs of COAL AND WOOD tveroTerelIn the District. Having superior facilities for hand-ling the bame, we sell cheap for cash and give 2,2pounas to the ton.

MAIN OF! 1CK Wharvc foot of Twelfth streetsouthwest.nrrmro )No. ISC F strct t northwest.

I No. 1U2 Ninth stre't northwestsdVW.FJfcMSra JOHN&ON URQ3,


begs to announce tohls patrons and the public gen-erally that he has occupied bis new office, 1111 Dstreet aud Pennsylranla avenue northwest, wherebe Is prepared to receive orders, and will detllver

DUAL AND WOODIn any part of the District, upon the shortest no-tice. aug?Mm



Yard, Corner Eighth and B streets southwest,OPPOSITE SMITHSONIAN PARK.

Branch Yard, A street, between Second and Thirdnorthcast.

QOAI.. COAL!!We Invite the attention of consumers to onr

stock of COAL, embracing all the choice qualities,to which we are making additions dally, which weoffer at lowest market rates.

OAK and PINE WOOD, sawed and spUt or InthOAK:CaiidPINE KINDLINGS, In bundles or bythe cord. STEPHENSON A BROTHER,

Office, 1218 Pennsylvania avenue.Mill and Denot. Seventh-stre- et Wharf.

Ie25 IStar and Chronicle. 1




DOORS, SASII, BUNDS,Mocijnxas, etc., o,

Onr stock of Wood and Coal Is large and well se-

lected. i ood sawed and split and In the stick. Or-ders given at ettheryanf or at onr OFFICE, 825LOUlalANA AVENUE, (under theSeatonUouse.)will be promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed.

Wharf, Depot and Planing Mill foot of Fourth

Yard Fourteenth and B streets N. W. Jyll-t- f



Between F and G.The Celebrated Stein

ndn variety or other Caskets and Col-lins of tne latest patterns.

Robes and Shrouds.EMBALMED and prepared for trans-

portation at the shortest not Ice. mra


1titl323..OrTici orinii


In accordance with thf several acts of the Congressof the United btatcs, providing for the celebrationof tbe

Centennial Anniversaryof American Independence, there will be held inFAUIMOUNT PARK, Philadelphia, in tbe year1876, an

IXTERITATIOXaL exhibitionfArts, Manufactures and Products of the Soil an

Mine.Tbe Exhibition will bo opene 1 on the Uth or

April and cIokU on the 19th of October.

APPIJCATIONS FOR SPACE.To secure space for exhibits In the Buildings or

the Park, early application should be made. Thonecessary forms for application, together with tberegulations for Exhibitors snd needed Information,will be forwarded on application to the Office of theCentennial Commission. A. T. UOSHORN.

Director General.J, L. CAMrDELL, Secretary. augJl-MTal-

AUCTION SALES.Fatare itvrs


Sncceuor to Green A V, UlUnu, Auctioneer,)27 o. 1001, northweit corner Tenth and D itreets.




we shall sell the ahoronamed furniture, containedIn nlmteen roomsln houe No. 1413 I street, be-tween Fourteenth and UWnth iireets northwest.

Terms cish-- WASH. B. WILLIAMS,sepl-- ! Auctioneer.


Ml Louisiana arenue, near Serenth street.TRUSTEES SALE OF A DESIRABLE RESI-


1873, and dulr recorded in Liber So, 710, folios2S,Ac, of the land reconls of Washington cottntr,D.C., and by direction of the party secured there-by, wewlll sell at public auction, in front of tbepremises, on FRIDAY, Octeber 9, A. D. 1S7U at 5o'clock p. m., all that certain piece or parcel of

In bhepherd's subdivision of square six hundredand twenty-thre-e, (63,) with the brlcfc dwellingthereon.

Terms of sale, as prescribed by the deed of troit:fi,ao, the debt secured, wltl interest at ten percent, per annum from January 15, , until paid,and tbe expenses of sale In cash, and the balance Insix and twelre months for which the notes of thepurchaser, with Interest from the day of sale, se-

cured by a deed of trust on the premises sold, shallbetaken. A deposit of $3X will be required of theFiurcbwer at the time of sale. All conreyanclnff at

the purchaser. If tbe term of sale arenot compiled with within seven dayj after sale, thetrustees reserre the right tor-se- ll the property attbe cost and risk of the defaulting nurchaaer



BT IaATMIER a cleakt.Auctioneers and Real Esute Brokers,Southwest corner of Penn. arenue and Llcrenth

street. Star Office Bulldlnz.


bytheSupremr court of the District of Columbia,sitting as a District Court of the United states rnand foraald in tbe matter of real and per-sonal property of Tbe Hrst National Bank of"W ashlngtun, O. C, I will sell at public auction, atthe hour of 12 o'clock noon, on the second"tt EDN fcSDA Y. being tbe ninth da, of December,18"4, In front of the bulldinir. In Washington, Dis-trict oft olumbla. the banking houseof The FirstNational Bank of U ashlngton, D. C. and the fur-niture and appendages th. roof, subject to confirm-ation of the sale by said court

Terms of m1 are one third In cash, and the re-mainder in one aud two years, in equal annual in-

stallments, bearing six per cent. Interest per an-num, i or the unpaid Installments a lien will bereserred upon the property sold, and the purchaserwill be required to Keep the same Insured A de-posit of twentr-fir- e hundred dollars Id cash will berequired at time of sale All conreyanclng at ex-pense of purchaser.

If terms of sale are not com p led with withinseren days from day of sale right Is reserved to re-sell property at risk and cost of defaulting; pur-chaser.

The property above referred to Is described bymetes snd bound as follows: Consisting of partsof lots known and designated on the plat of saidcity as lots numbered eight (8) and ten, (10,) Insquare numbered two hundred and twenty-fon- r,

(224,) and bounded and ie cibed as follows: Be-

ginning on Fifteenth (ISth) street at the northwestcorner of said lot number eight (8) and running;thence east parallel with G street oue hundred andtwenty-thre- e feet and two Inches (in ft. 2 in.)along the north line of said lot numbered eight (3)and In continuation thereof across lot numberedten (10) to tbe east tine of said lot, at a point

feet (75 ft.) from G street, thence southalong the east line of said lot numbered ten (10)thirty-eig- feet eight and oue half Inches (33 ft.8S In ) to tbe north Uue of a nfteen-fo- alley:thence wen along the north line of said alley twenty-thre-e

fret and two Inches (II ft. 2 in ) to the eastline of said lot numbered eight, (&,) thence southalong the a!d east line of said lot numbered eight(8) two feet, to a point forty feet eight and one halfinches (40 ft. 8S In.) south from the north Una ofsaid lot; thence we t in a line parallel with thenurth line of raid lot one hundred feet (100 ft.) toFifteenth (15th) street at a point forty feet eightand one half Inches (i tu 8S in.) from the north-west corner or aala lot numbered eight, (8,) andthence north along the line of said street said lastnamed distance to the point of beginning

It is Improved by a handsome, marble-fronte- d,

building, tbe lower story of which wasrecently occupied as a banking house by firm ofJay ooke A Co.. and the upper story oy FirstNational Bank of ashlnirton. D. C.

The building fronts forty feet eight Inches onFifteenth street, opposite to the United StatesTreasury Department; no locality in the city beingmore advantageous for banking or business pur-poses. It contains in the upper and lower stories

and commodious vaults.The personal property to be sold includes four

large and excellent safes, (formerly used byFlrtNational Bank and firm of Jay Cooke A Co.) be-sides tables, desks, Ac

The real eetste is among- the mot valuable inWashington city. Tbe bulldlntr Is handsome andsubstantially constructed, audits original coU, la1HG4, Is en mated at eighty-fo- thouand dollars,tt3iTx) exclusive of the price of the land, which

enhanced In valueThe property was purchased by The First Na-

tional Bank In 18G6 for ninety-We- n thousand dol-lar?, and taxes and assessments have been paid upto June a), 1373.

The lower banking-room- s were leased by theRicelrcr from August 1, UTi, until February 7,1S75, at the rate of nftr dollars a week, to the Citi-zens National Bank of Washington. On the ex-piration of this lease tbe purchaser after the

the sale br the court cm take absolutepossession of these lowfi-- rooms, wll sa theupper onrs. EDWIN L. STANTON,Receiver of First National Bank of ablngton,

D. C.LAT13IEB A C LEAKY, Auctioneer..


BT B. H. WARNER,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

i ederal Buildings, corner Seventh and F sts.N. W.


IN SAID (.OUNTY. IMPR'-VF- BYA LARUE OTIIMtlMPROVhStrNTS.B? virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the

District of Columbia, passed In lqultr cause NoS.0L4. ol James L. Barbonr et al against John W.

an Hook et al .thennderslgncd trustee win sell atpublic auction to the highe.-- t bldder.on WEDNES-DAY, the 3Uh day of September, A. D. , atthe hour of 4. JO o'clock p.m., on the premises here-inafter desert all the right, title, interestclaim and estate of tbe parties to this caae In andto an inai certain piece or parcel ana tract or unalying and bt Ing In said county, at Uuloutown. be-ginning for the said piece, parcel or tract of landat tbetouthcast corner formed by the interactionof Pierce street and Jefferson trvct, as laid downnpontliererlstdpaatofsald Uuloutown, runningtbence along the south side of Jefferson street southserenty-nv- e and a half degrees, east tire hunlredand thirty-fo- feet. tt S Holt's western line;thence at right angles south fourteen and a halfdegrees, west eight hundred and sixty-seve- n feet,more or Ie.s. to the division line between saidUniontown property and tppronertyof George WTalbert; ttienc. running with line, northeven and a half degnes, west (allowing threequarters of a degree for variation of compasj) eighthunlred andelghtyf--et- ; thence south sennty-nv- eandabalfdegnes, eait two hundred and three feettotheccnlie of said Pit re- - street; thence northfourteen and a half degrees, east two hundred andfifty tect, to a point In a line with the southern ltnof Tot 171. on said Unlontown plat; thence southseventy-nv- i and a half degrees, east thlrtv ft t. tothe eat side of said Pierce str tt and tbence northfourtieu and a half degree, east one hundred andnlmn-sl- x ftt, to the point ofbeglunlng,

acresof land, more or leas,together with the buildings and appurtenances,consisting of a large dwelling-hous- e aud outhouses.

Terms of sale: d (H) cash, residue inthree equal payments In six, twelve snd eighteenmonths, deferred payments to bear inte est ateight per cent, per annum, until paid, from day ofssle. and to be tecured by the promissory notes ofthe purchaser or purchasers. Indorsed to the satls-fartl-

of the trustee, and to be a lien on the prop-erty sold. N o deed given untU the whole purchasemoney and Interest shall have been paid. Twohundred dollars will be required when the propertvIs sold, or wit hin twenty-fou- r hours after sale. Theresidue of cash payments to be made within tenf'ars from the day of sale, otherwise the trusteewill resell the propertyatthecortand risk of thedefaulting purchaser or purchasers. All convey-ancing at the cost of the purchaser or purchasers.

- WM. J. MILLER, Trustee.sepl7-dA- CStarJ B U WARNER. Auct.

BT LATIMEH & CLEAKT,Auctioneers and Beal Estate Brokers,

SouthwestcornerofPenn. are. and Eleventh st ,Star Office It nil ding.



District of Columbia, passed in equity cause No.3,301, of LoulsII. Schneider against Sanih A.Turtonet al., the undersigned, as trustees In said cause,will sell at public auction to the highest bidder, onTUESDAY, the 2th day of Sep tern ber, commencingat 6 o'clock p. m.. on the prejnL-- , the hereinafter-describ- ed

real estate, to wit: Lot numbered 23. insubdivision of original lot numbered 14. In squarenumbered seventy-nin- e. (79,) (made by the trusteesin this cause,) with the improvements thereon,consisting of a large brick dwelling, containingabout 13 rooms.

Immediately after tbe above sale will sell lot 22.In said subdlvUlon of said lot 14, In said squareseventy-nin- e, (79,) and Improvements, each of aldlots22and23b4lng25feet 14 Inches on H street, by173 fret deep, to a alley.

Immediately after the above sale will sell lot let-tered A. in William P. Elliott' subdivision of al

lot IX. In said square 79, and the improvementsconsisting of a large dwelling-hous- e.

And immediately after the above sale will sell lotlettered B, In said subdivision of said lot 13. In saidsquare To, and improvements thereon, consisting ofa large dwelling-uous- satd lots A and B being sifeet each, by 71 feet In depth.

Terms of sale: One third pnrchae money cash,and balance of purchase money payable In six (a)and twelve (it) months from day or sale, with

per cent per annum untU paid; thepayment thereof to be secured by the promissorynotes of the purchaser or purchasers, with a suretyor sureties, to be approved by the trustees, or thewhole of the purchase money can be paid cash ondayof sale, or on tinal ratification thereor by thecourt. A lien will be retained on the propertysold, and no deed will be given until all the pur-chase money shall hare been paid. All conveyancingat cost of the purchaser or purchasers. If pur-chaser fails to comply with terms of sale within tendays after day of sale, tbe trustees reserve the rightto resell the property sold at the cost and risk or thedefaulting purchaser or purchaser. A deposit of

50 win be required on each piece of property when"0ld"

JAS- - - PAYNE. )WM. J. MILLEk! Trustees.

LATIMER A C LEAHY,sel7-dA- Star Auctioneers.

UNITED STATES MARSHAL'S SALE.of a writ of jferi acta Issued ont of

theClerkMoRlceortbaSnpreme Court of the Dis-trict of Columbia, and to medlrected, I will sell atpublic sala for cash. In tront of thecnurt-houedo-

of said DUlrlct. on WEDNESDAY, the 14th dayof October, 1S74. the following property,viz.: the southern part of lot No. 6. In stnsreNo144, beginning for the same at the southwestcornerofsald lot and square, andrunnlngthence eastalong the line of north D street 70 feet to tae soutl-- fat corner of said lot, thence north M feet 2SInches, thenee west 70 feet to the line or Nineteenthstreet west, and thence along thtfllne of Nineteenthstreet west WfeettH inches to the place of begin-ning, together with all and singular the improve-men- u

thereon. In tbe District ofColumbia. Seizedand levied nron as the property of Anna Schrammand Peter Schramm. nd will be sold to satisfy

No. 12.212. in favor of .loseoh Werrlex.-- ,."""- . .. . .anHtPT. a, ljri. ajjCa, on a in.aeu-os- U. S. Marshal). C.


BT DaTNCAMSOX BHOS, Auctioneers,corner Klntb and 1) streets N.7.



Eeptemberr 3 ana ), commencing at 10 o'clock,and contlnnlns; In tbe afternoons at 3 o'clock,and erpulnts at 7 o'clock, we will sell toe Dalaneof stockor E. O. Darls, esq., wno Laa removed tothe opposite corner, and will open with an entirenew stock. This sale Is wartur the attention ofladies and Jobbers, as the stock will be sol I In lotsto suit berth. DUNOANSOS BK03,


LATED TO BAIccE FIFTEEN TOXS.In Tlrtue of a writ of fieri facial .Issued out of

the clerk's office of the Supreme Court or tbe Dis-trict of Columbia, and to me directed, I win sell atpubllcauctIon,for cash, at the foot orsixth-.tre-

wharf, on the Potomac rtrer, on TUESDAY, theaiihdaj of8eptember, 1874. at S o'clock p. m..uneuraneano.jiix.ure, calculates wiauoiueaiSeized and leTled noon as the goods and chattelsof Thomas M. crouch, and wlirbe sold to satisfyexecution No. loon. In fMor of Potomac- - Steam-boat CmpajT. ALEK. 8HAKP.

8PT. l871. U. S. Marshal D."3-d&-

BT B. IT, WABNEB.jteai estate iiroxer --nu aucuouctt.

federalI Jjuildlngs, corner SeTenth and S sts.N. WTRUSTEES' SALE OF A THREE-STOR- Y BUI OK


A ll. liil. dnly recorded in Liber Ml, Xollo 50. oneof the land records for Washington county. Dis-trict of Colombia, and at the request of tbe partysecured thereby, we will sell at public auction, infront of the premises, on TUbSOAY. SeptemberZuth, , at & oclock p. m., the tollewlng desertbeareal estate, situate In the cltr of Washington. Dis-trict of Columbia, to wit. All that certain piece orparcel of ground, being part of original lot num-bered twenty-si-x (26,) ir snnare numbered twohundred and fifty-tw- o, according to the plan ofsaid city, and bounded as follows, via.: commenc-ing at a point on Thirteenth (13th) street west onehundredand fifty-on- e (151) feet and four (4) inchesfrom O street north, and running thence alongsaid Thirteenth (Uth) street northwardly eighteen(18) feet and eleTen(li) Inches, thence west parallelwith said O street one hundred and four (101)feet, thence south parallel with said ThirteenthflSth) street eighteen US) feet and eleven (11)inches, thence east parallel with said G street onehundred and four (104) feet to the place of begin-ning, together with the Improvements as abre.

Terms. One-thi- ca.h, and balance at six, andtwelvemonths, for which instalments the pur-chaser will be required to give his promissorynotes bearing interest at the rate of ten per centperaunum from day of salt, and s ear d by a d edof trust on the premises sold. A depo-.l- t of $2t0will beretialredof the purchaser at time of sale.All conveyancing at purchaser's cott. If terms ofsale are not complied wtih In seven days from dayof sale the property wldberesollat the risk: andcost of fche defanltlng purchaser or purchasersalter flre days ad vert lament In some one or morenewspapers published in tbe city of Washington,v, U.



BY THOMAS DOWLIXO, Auctioneer,vti a.uuuiau4 aicuuc, utr li.u.u st7Cli.


the undersigned, and duty recorded In Liber 743,rlio 3U, of the land records of tbe District of Co-lumbia, and at the request of the party securedthereby, 1 will sell, on SATURDAY, the 3d day ofOctober, H74, at o'clock p. m.. In front of theprtmlses, the building situated on Second street,between Virginia arenue and F street southwest,known aa a Planlnz Mill, together with the fallow-ing goods and chattels contained therein. One

Boiler, one Planing Machine, sixone Mortising Machine, one Teuon Ma-

chine, one G1.T taw, three Work Benches, complete,one Smith's Moulding Machine, one Sticking Ma-chine, and all theKeltlnganl Sinning lo mil themachinery snd everything appertaining thereto.

Terms made known day of sale.J. J. OKIGGS. Trust e.

se24-t- d THOMAS DOW LING. Auctioneer.

BT IaATIMEU & CLEARY,Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers,

SouthwestcornerofPennsrlTanlaavenueandElerenth street. Star Office Building.

By virtue of a deed of trust dated the 3d day ofJune, A. D. ISiX and dnly recorded in Llbt.r No.f5, folio 116, etc, one of the land records for"U ashlngton county. District of Columbia, and bythe written direction of the party secured thereby,we wilt sell at public auction. In front of the prem-ises, on MONDAY. October IX 1474. at 5 o'clock p.m., thefoUowlng lot of ground and premises, be-

ing In the city of Washington. D. C, and knownon tbe ground plat of said dry as apart of lotnumbered thirty, (30.) in llerron and Cuurch's re-corded subdlTUlon of part of square numbered fourhundred and sixty-seve- n. (,) and bounded asfollows: Commencing for the same at the southeastcorner of said lot, and running thence west onehundred feet; thence north nineteen feet: thenceeast one hundred feet: and thence south to the placeor beginning, together with all the improvementsthereon

Terms One fourth In cash, of which $100 must he ,

paid at tbe sale, the deferred payments to be madein equal Installments, with Interest at tbe rate ofeight per cent, per annum. In six, twelre andeighteen months from the day of sale, and securedby deed of trnst on the premises sold Terms to befully compiled with within six days after sale,otherwise the trustees reserve the right to resellthe property, after ooo week's public notice, at therisk and cost of the nrspurcuaa. All convey-ancing at purchaser's cost.



T B. H. WAS5ER,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

Federal Building, corner Serenth and F sts. N. W.TRUSTEES' SALE OF A SMALL TRUCK

WITHIN TWO MILES OF THE NAVYYARD BRIDGE, IN THE COUN TY OF WASH-INGTON, D. C- -, AT AUCTION.By virtue of a deed of trust to us, dated April

30, A. D. 1S74, dnly recorded In Liber No. 71V folioi3, one or the land records for tbe District of Co-lumbia, and at the request of the party securedthereby, wewlll sell at pun.l auction, in front ofthe premises, on MOXDAi October 5, 1S7I, at 5o'clock p m., tbe following Described real estate.situated in the county of Washington, District ofColumbia, to wit Lots numbered Ave (5) and six,(,)ln Theodore Mother's subdivision of pirt of atract of land, called DlscnTcry." dewied by LucyB. "Walker tu Theodore Mosherby deed duly re-corded ULlberNC TNo ., folio t,etof the land records of the District of Columbia,containing dfty-tw- o and a half (52S) acres, moreor less, and being the same conveyed to John Sulli-van by deed from Theodore Mosh rand wife datedJalyli, Ii71. toother with the Improvements, con-sisting of a nice farm-houe- , 1c

This farm Is dlrctlyon the roal lead in tr fromUnlontown" to Silver Hill P. O , and beUu

no near the city of Washington can be worked toadvantage as a truck farm.

Terms: One fourth cash; balance In six, (8,)twelie, (12,) and eighteen (18) months, within erestat ten per cent, per annum, from day of silc, to befcecuredby a deed of trust on the property sold,or all cash, as the purchaser may desire. A de-posit of one hundred dollars wlli b require I at thetime of sale. Alt conveyancing at the expense ofthe purchaser. If terms of sale are not compliedwith in days, the trustees reserve the rUht toresell the property at the risk and cost of the de-faulting purrnaser, utter flredars advertisement.


T. COLDWELL., Salesmau.srtW.F, MAds

BT EBWIIY J. SWEET,Real Estate Broker and Auctioneer,

No. 511 Seventh street, opposite U.S. Post Offlcc.




1874. a nit rinlr rtwnrili d In r.llvr o 7L follrt of the laud records for the District of Colum-bia, we will sell at public auction, in front of thtpremises, to the highest bidder, on WEDN ESD AY,October", 1474, at 5 o'clock p m.. the followingdescribed real estate, to wit. farts of los eighteen(18) and nineteen, (19.) in Drury's subdivision orsquare numbered two hunirva and nine, (30)):at 6 o'clock, p.m., pa t of iqt numbered three. (3,)Insquarenumberedfour hundred and forty-nin-

(44S); and at 6 15 o'clock p. m., partsof lou num-bered twtnty-thre- e 3) and tw ntv-fon- r, (21.) Insquare numbered five hundred and twelve, (512, )situate and being In the .cltr of Washington, D.C.,as said lots aud parts oflots are particularly de-scribed In certain deeds or trust, recorded, respec-- ti

cly. In Liber ito. 623, folios 4 et sea; Liber No.644, folios 158 et seq : Liber 645, folio fUS etseq., and Liber 667. folios 132 et seq , of theland records of the District of Columbia; andalso on THURSDAY, October 8, at 5 JO o'clock, alt those two lots situate and being In said city,and known and distinguished pn the ground-pl-

or plan thereof as lot numbered two, (i,) In squareeast of .uare numbered eighty-seve- (E of 87);and on FRIDAY. Octobers, at 5. J) o'clock p ni,lot numbered eighteen, (IS.) in square numberedseven hundred and twenty-fou- r, (721).

Terms of sale: One-thir-d cash, and the balance Insix and twelvemonths, for which the notes of thepurchaser i bearing Interest at the rate of eight (3)percent, peraunum, and secured by deed of trustupon the property, shall be given; oue hundred dol-lars deposit on each piece of property when sold.Conveyancing at purchaser's cost. Iftermsof saleare not complied with within seven days after thesale tbe property will be ld after five daysadvertisement, at the risk and cost of the default-ing purchaser.


BTB.B. TCsVlurEB,Broker and Auctioneer,

FederalBulldlngs, corner Serenth and F sts.N. W.TRUSTEES' SALE OF A NEAT TWO--TOR-Y


10, A. D. 1871, duly recorJed In Liber N o. w, FoUo451, one of the land records for the District of Co-lumbia, and at the written request of toe party se-

cured thereby, we will sell, at public auction, lafront of tbe premises, on MONDAY. SeptemberSt, 1874, at 3 o'clock p. m., tbe following desenb dreal estate, situate In the cltr of Washington, D.C, to wit: All that piece or parcel of groundknown as lot numbered one nundred and thirty-tw- o,

(It-- ,) In the recorded subdivision ofseiusrenumbered six hundred and seventy-fiv- e, (873.) andcontained within the following metes and bounds,tu wit: Beginning at the southeast corner of NorthCapitol street and Myrtle aTenue, anl runningthence east along sild. avenue sixteen (1) fet;thence south at right angles sixty-fir-e (ttt) ft:tbence west sixteen (18) feet to said North Capitolstreet, and thenee along said street slxtr-fir- e (M)feet to place of beginning, together with the

as abOTC.Terms: Two thousand dollars, with Interest at

ten per cent, per annum from February 10,1874, today or sale, and expenses or sale In cash, and thebalaace at six, twelve and eighteen months, forwhich the notes ot the purchaser, bearing lnteresfrom the dayor aale, and secured by a deed of trason the property sold, will be taken. A deposit ortiro will be required at time of sale, and all

at expense of purchaser. If terms ofsafe are net complied with In seven days from dayof sale, the trustees reserve the right to resell theproperty at tbe risk and cost of the defaulting parchaser, after five days advertisement.DAVlb GALLUP, In..t..THOMAS T. FISHER,

J T. COLDWELL.Salesman.


TBICT OF COLUMBIA.The 18th day of September, 187L

YtiuiamN. uaiton et al. (No. 3S96. . EqnltyMargaret A. ttilllam. .e t. ( jjocxei is.

On motion of the plalntl-T- s, by Mr. Edwards,their solicitor. It Is ordered that tbe defendants,Ecoesc K. Stxwabt and ELliancTll II. STxw-ab- t,

his wife, cause tbelx appearance to be enteredherein on or berore.the first rulo-els- y occurringforty days after this day: otherwise the cause willbe proceeded with as in ease of lefult.

By the Court: D. C. HUMPHREYS.Justice, 4c.

ITraecopT Test! R.J. Mxios. Clerk. Ac.epl-Sl- ByJ. Jay Camp, Asst-Cle- rk.


L.1TIHEK CI.EABT,BY Auctioneers and Beal Estate Brokers,Southwest corner of FennsTlrania arenas anel EleT-en- tn

street. Star Ogee BalliUnir.


On SATURDAY MORJflNO, September at, at lao'clock. In front of our auction-room- s, we snailsell-N- ew

Carpets In ro'lssNew oilcloths In rolls;New lndow Shades.Terms cash. LATIMER & CLXAKT.scp-B--il Auctioneers.

BT LATIMER c CLE AUT. Auctioneersand ileal Estate Brokers,

Southwest corner Penn.aTenne and Eierenthstreet,Star Office Bnlldlni;.


August. A. D van. and recorded In Llher en, folioUl, of the kand records of Washington county. I).C, 1 win sell, to the hlshest bidder, on the prem-ises, on SATUKDAY, the loth dar of October. A.D. 1874, all that certs In piece or parcel of arronndsituate. iTinr and being-- In the cltr of Washington,District of Colombia, known as lots seren (7) and.RK i8' n1 P" of lot numbered six, (8) in square

eight hundred and seTentr-elth- t, (STS:) beglnulnxtor the same at a point oa I street south one hun-dred and nrtr-UT- e feet four and a half inches fromthe southwest eornerofsald seiuare.rnnnlnf thenceeast along the line of said I street one hundred andJ"S!Z?'lli IMt three iMhes; thence north oneand four feet eight Inches; thence westone hundred and twenty-eig- feet three Inches;thenee south one hundred and four reet eight Inchesto the Place of beginning, together with and sin-gular the lmproTemcnts, etc., as In said deed men-tioned.

The terms of sale: Flre hundred dollars, with in-terest on twenty-ur- e hundred dodars at ten Dercentum per annum fram February 10, 1871, and tieexpense s of sale In c'sli, (of which $3mnst be paidat the time of sale;) two thousand dollars In oneyesr from the day of sale, with Interest at ten pe:rcentum per annum, payable y, and theresidue la two years, at tho tame rate, payable

y. If the terras of sale are notcinnpilcdwith within flTe days from tho day of saleihe trus-tee reserres the rlgut to resell the property, on teadays' public notice In any newspaper publish.!! inashlngton city, at the risk and cost of the pur-chaser In default.


BT aH. U. WILLIA3IS, Auct'r,Successor to Ureen Tt Miami.

No. 10C1, northwest corner Tenth and V street?.TRUSTEES ALE OF 1EIRABLE LOT OV

MASCUUETTS AVI NUK, BETWEENJOUKTH AND ilrTU STethETi WEST.By Tlrtue ofaehxree passed by the Supreme i ourtor the District of Columbia, in Lei uliv Cause o

2JB, r will sell at public auction. In front of thJremises, on MONDAY, the 5th ilar of otober, ato'clock, 1. m.t Lot No. 2, In square No. J17. latliecltyorwashtnzton, D.C.I

This lot fronts 7 leet 4 Inches on Massichuscttsavenue, between 1 ourth and lrta streets.Terms: One third cash; balance at slxand twelremonths, for which tbe notes of the purchaser, bear-

ing Interest from tho diy of sale, will be taken, anla lien retained on tbe property A deposit of 100will be required at the time of sale. All convey-ancing at cost of purchaser.

M. F. MATTINGLT.. E. KINO, Trustees.

scll--d W ASH, b WILLIAMS, Auct.

BY LATIMKIt &. CLEAUY,Auctioneers ana Real Estate Brokers,

Southwest corner of Pen nsylranla arenue and Elev-enth street. Star Office Bulldlug.


On JIONDAY MORNING, October S, 1S71,10 o'clock, at the residence oi GeneralMorgan L. SmlJi, Nu. 1418 K street northwest, weshall sell Ills superb collection ol Household Effects,comprising In part

PARLOUS.Rosewood-cas- e Stelnway I'lanoforte, (full size.)Rosewood 1 lano Stool, nnely unhuls.eied.piano Corer.One Gilt-fra- Frcneh-plar- e Mirror, 8 feet 6 incheshigh, by i feet 9 Inches wide.One Gilt-fra- i rench-pla- te Mirror, 8 feet 6 Incheshigh, by 5 feet wide.Walnut, Meua Marble-bas- e Etegere. with goldtraclnga and French-Plat- e Mirror. 4 feet 10 luch.-- s

high, bri feet 6 Inches wideV alnut, Tennessee-marbl- e top. Centre Table, goldtracings.Elegant Buhl-wor- k, Marble-to- p Cab net, monntedwith French-plat- e Mirror, In gilt.Rosewood Parlor bulte, upholstered with blue satinbrocatelle, 7 pieces.Walnut GUt Parlor Suite, upholstered la crimson

satin brocatelle. 7 pieces.Flegant Reception Chairs.Bubl-wor- k Card Table.

legant Y in satin and lace.Llegant Cornice, for bar and side windows.Superb Card Tab e, git tracings.Elegant Japanese and Chinese Vases Bronze and

Parian Figures.Superior Axmlnstcr, English, and Tapestry Car-

pets.Axmlnster, Turkish, and Velvet Rugs.


Walnut Dining Suite, consisting of French-plat- eMantel Mirror, 7x3 by 5x8.

One upt-r- Lxtenslon Dining Table, finely carred.fecs iiue uj 10 sees lueig

! ElegantGlassware.

1 rmch China Service, and superb set ofTen Dining Cbalrs,usholslered with Russia leather.Two s, upholstered with Russia leitber.Turkish Lounge, upnolstercel with Russia leather.CaiTlng Table, elegantly earred.Siena Marble-to- p Sliver Stand.

, Marble-to- p, with1 e Mirror, 3xs by zxt, elegantly nn- -I

Ished.Flegant Cornice and Window-hanging-

Crimson Flre bcreen.Fmbroldered Table Corer.One Parlor Fountain, In working order.

HALLS.Handsomely-Carve- d Walnut Hall Stanl. with

bronzed Medalllon.Slena-Marblebase,au- d FrenchTwo carved Y alnut Hall Chairs, upholstered In

RussiaElegant Hall and Stair Carpets.

L1BKAUY.Handsomely-finishe- d Walnut Book-cas- with

r Tcacu-iuae- e uesurs.' Elegant Walnnt Marble-To- p Table.I !lx Walnut Office

W alnut and ElionTSecretan.wlthmetlalllon front.Llegant i alnut Lounge, upholstered In crimson

lik rep.Walnut Marble-to- p Wine BoufiVt.Llegant Window-hangin- anel Cornke.Large Spanish Arm-Chat- r. In figure! rep.

CHAMBERSServeral superb Chamber Suites, with elegant e.

aud Armolres, witj French-plat- e Mir-rors, made of i rench and American wa nut, fin-ished In the most elegant designs.

Mngle Walrut Bedsteads of the same destgn.Superior "prlng Under-be- Js of tbe latest patterns.E.egant AVnltellalrMallresies.tine Feather Pillows anl Bolsters.( ribs. Trundle Bedsteads.Serrants umlture, Jtc.

ALSO,An extensive assortment of China. nil Glajswtre,Refrigerators, sideboard. Safes, Kitchen Re e,

Jkc.N. B. We wculd stale that all of the airare fur-

niture was made, to order for General Smith by ItJfenwlck t Son, o. sc! North Howar 1 street,

and tbe cargets were fuml-he- by Mc-Dowell alo.tof the sanie city, all of which h irebeen In use but ten month, the whole comprisingone of the most select aud complete o itllta la thiscity

House for sale or rent, which Is one of fh" mostceimi lcte and elegant residences in tbe city. Applyon the premises LATIMER A CLEARY,

set3-oA- Auctioneers.

BY LATIMER CLEART,Auctioneers and Real Estate Brokers.

Southwest corner Penn. arenue and Eleventh st.Sur Office Building.


LST.Bt Tlrtue of a deed of trust, bearing date on the

14th day of October, ic7p, and recorded In Liber No.CS7, folio 2S0. et seq., of the land records of Wash-ington county, D. C, the undersigned, trustees Insaid eleed mentioned. will sell at public sale,ta frootof tbe premises, oo FRIDAY, 7th elay or Au-gust, 1874, at 8 o'clock p. m., all those pieces orpsrcelsor ground,lylng or being situate In the sal Icity and District, and known as and being all of lotNo. 11 and a partoflot No 13, In square No. 2SJ,beginning for said partoflot No. Hat the north-west corner of saldlot,and running thence due eastalong the north line of said lot twenty-fou- r feettwo Inches, (24 ft. 2 In.,) tbence south (3)) twentyfeet three (3) Inches, thence west twenty-fou- r ( 24)feet two (2) Inches to the west line of lot,and tbencenorth along said west line to the place of begin-ning, togelherwlth all the appurtenances theretobelonging.

Terms of sale One fifth cash, and tho balance lasix. twelre.elgbteen and twenty-fou- r months, withInterest at the rate of seven per cent. Irom tbe day ofsale, to be secured by a deed of trust on the prem-ises. A deposit of soo will be required of tbe pur-chaser at the time of sale. If said terms are notcomplleel with In flTe days from day or sale, tbeproperty will be resold at tbe risk and expense ofthe defaulting purchaser. All conveyancing at theexpense of the purchaser. , , T . .


LATIMER et CLEARY.Iy2d4ds Auctioneers.


until TUUhSDAY. September 24, 1874, samehour and place. By order of the Trustee,

LATIMER Jt CLEARY.Auctioneers.


until i LDNESDATt . September 30, 1371,same hour and place. By order ef the trustees.

LATIMER CLEAR i.Auctioneers.

Il&WS op congressUELATING TO THE


On or about the 1st of October we shall Issue fromTHE NATIONAL REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICEthe REVISED STATUTES relating to tbe Districtof Columbia In force prior to December 1, 1S73,adopted by Congress, (annotated and authentica-ted.) together with an appendix containing thelaws relating to the District of Columbia, passedat the First Session or tbe Forty-thir- d Congress.

CONTENTS.1. Organization and government.2. Elections.J. Appropriation and disbursement of public

money.4. Indebtedness.ft. Vali atlons, assessments, and taxation.8. Collection of taxes.7. Vlre Department,f- t- Water service.

. Regulation of streets, arenues, rcserTatloas,

10. regulation of contracts and accounts for gov-ernment buildings and public works.

11. Highways, roads, and bridges.12. Public schools.13. Metropolitan notice.14. Conveyance of real estate.13. Recorder of deeds.18. Surveyor.17. Limited partnerships.18. General Incorporation.19. Landlord and tenant.SO, Mechanics liens.21. Interest and usnry.22. Marriage and dlTorce,23. The Jucllclary.24. Jurors.25. Witnesses.23. Certain officers of courts.27. Register of wills.28. Gusrdlsn and ward.23. Fxeeutors and administrators.3D. Notaries public.31. Justices of the peace.32. Constables.33. Police court.34. Tne Jan.S3. Penitentiary.38. Crimes and offenses.37. Mllltla.US. Appendix.Orders for the work should be sent la Immedi-

ately, as the edition Is limited.uareBS

NATIONAL REPUBLICAN.seplO-t- f Washington, D. C

Tas.O. C3ioi3lxt33.o,TJ. S. Commissioner and Examiner In Chancery I


Office No. IMC street, between rimandSeeondtxttU, facing Indiana artnit, mill


Grace Greenwood, ta a letter to the NerrTork Tunes, tells this story of the Coloradograsshoppers :

"Colorado Springs Is notr the capital of ElPaso county, so It will haTe the county falrthls fall. They have Inclosed more than ahundred acres for the grounds. It was ex-

pected that we should hare a fine exhibition offarm and garden products, but 'man proposes,and the grasshopper disposes.' He has dis-

posed of everything green, and now, as though,acting on the Scriptural assertion that 'allflesh is crass,' has taken to g himselfon his brother hopper. It bshoclcinjto dis--cover what remorseless cannibals these small

I creatures are. If one becomes disabled in theslightest degree, his friends and relatives rallyaround him in his extremity and generally helpthemselves to whatever Is eatable. They gen-

erally go first for the brain, as the daintiestmorse, cunningly abstracting it from Its cells,and yet he somehow lives on for a time, and,hardly seems to miss that rather Importantorgan. The younger ones seem the most vora-

cious and rapacious, but while they make aj'

fatal charge, grave-lookin- g elders will standabout, watching their old friend's demise,evidently speculating as to how he will 'cutup.' They are In no haste, but are always laat tbe death. The other day I whiled away a,

half hour in one of the summer-house- s nearthe springs in watching the proceedings of aset of these small ruffians toward a disabledcomrade. lie had lost a leg how I need not

. state; 'thou canst not say I did it' though ifforithe Bake of scientific investigation I brought

i myself to perform that little surgical opera- -Ition, what harm! It Is surprising to

how easily a grasshoppcr'a leg Isdetached. It seems always to be a semi-de- -

tached member. The creature don't seem tomind the loss much, and will go on eatia; asthough grasshoppers' legs 'grew on- - everybush" This one evidently did not realize hUmisfortune till he was attacked and found hecould neither walk nor fly. IIow he was beset,to be sure' First a brisk young fellow, withthe cool, business air of a surgeon, began tap-

ping his rather distended stomach; anotherprobed him about the joint whence the leghad been removed; a third set himself to dis-

sect the amputated limb. One slimstanellng-bega- n

browsing on the tips of his wings, thena big, bustling old wretch stepped forward andinterviewed him by deliberately boring Into hisbrain; next a yellow-jack- et settled on htm andstung and sucked here and there, while, to addinsult to injury, two spiteful black ants piercedthrough the joints of his cuirass and workedtheir way into his vitals. He fought bravelyit was astonishing to see how pluekily he stoodup against his fierce assailants, like a minia-ture Moulton. He kicked furiously with hisone sound hind leg 'against the pricks' ofthe wasp. He struck out and gesticulatedwildly with his arms or forelegs his moustacheor antenna? bristled with defiance but thegreat congregation of bis foes was too muchlor him, though he did not cease to strugglewhile anything remained to struggle with.They did not leave him till be was reduced tothe mere shell of a grasshopper."

ORG AGISTS AXD ORGAX-PL-A TIXG.The influence of a good organist and organ

on church singing can scarcely be-- overesti-mated. If the clergyman is not musical andhas good common sense, the organist will besupreme In the musical portion of the services.It is, therefore, of far greater Importance than.Is usually supposed, that the organist shouldbe something more than a nu re musical ma-chine. There are two pulpits In every church .The pastor preaches from one, and the organistor choir director (usually the same) from the.other. The most fervent expression of theclerical pulpit may be weakened or absolutelydestroyed by the frivolous performance of themusical pastor. We doubt If this fact hasever iully Impressed the majority of our read-

ers, and yet scarcely a one has not felt that theImpression, for Instance, of an excellent ser-mon has been obliterated from the mind beforehe has reached the outer door of the church.He cannot tell why; but the organist could, Ifhe would recall that the most solemn utter-ances of the pastor have been followed bysome frivolous and utterly Inappropriate organperformance.

This is not mere surmise on our part. Wehave repeatedly seen this result in the pasttwenty-fiv- e years. Tbe average organist hasevidently had no more sympathy with thechurch than with paying the national debt.His business was simply to play a voluntary,support the choir In singing, and dance thocongregation out oi tbe church to any tunewhich struck his fane), or which he may have;selected or prepared for performance days be-

fore. It is this Inappropriatencss with whichvie think organists are especially chargeable.What would we think of a clergyman who in-

dulged in levity at a iuneral r And yet wehave heard organists, after a sermon whichexcited to the utmost solemn reflections, am-ble gaily into selections from "Martha,""Traviata," and (it Is a pity to write It) Offen-bach. "Hands all aronnd and down the mid-dle" is too oiten suggested by these carelessperformances.

The influence of such an organist on the choirLi In the highest degree demoralizing, rheflippancy which characterizes the organ per-formance will inevitably creep into the singingIt has, in fact, developed a school ofsacred compositions whose weak sentimental-ity and faulty construction would have exaspe-rated Handel almost to homicide, and hurriedHaydn to a premature grave. Modern com-posers too often diverge as far as possible fromthese noble models. The sole effort seems tobe to please thecar and tickle the fancy. Thereis no attempt at a worshipful style. They areusually as defective in sanctity and reverenceas In grammatical construction. The simplestrule of harmony are disregarded in order toproduce striking effects. The choir loft Is con--.

verted to an arena for the exhibition of vocalgymnasts. There are ground and lofty tumb-lings by the solo soprano, acrobatic feats ofstrength by the bass, ambitious and excitingefforts to attain the attenuated, wiry high C,aud more or less side-sho- business by thealto, organist and all concerned. But this is atopic that cannot be disposed of In a brief par-agraph. It needs a careful diagnosis and asound remedy. We doubt If it can be curedby homeopathic doses that is, by Inefficientchurch music committees but requires themost heroic treatment by the congregationsthemsches. Choirs often sing such stutT,either because they think the people like it, orare too indolent to enter a protest against It.Congregations are longurTcring, but we earn-estly hope and confidently bellete that thejudgment day for this "sacred" bosh and alsofor Oflenbachlan organists Is fast approaching.

Aluiiufor October.


Probatly the oldest timber in the worldwhich has been subjected to the use of manIs that found in the ancient temple of Egyptin connection with the stone-wor- which isknown to be, at least 4,000 years old. This,tho only wood used in the construction of thetemple, Is In the form of ties, holding the endof one stone to another to its upper surface.When two blocks were laid In place an excava-

tion, about an inch deep, was made in eachblock, in which a tie, shaped like an hour-glas-

was driven. It is, therefore, very difficult toforce any stone from its position. The tiesappear to have been of the tamarisk or shittemwood, of which the ark was constructed, asacred tree in ancfent Egypt, and now veryrarely found In the valley of the Nile. Thedove-ta- il ties are just as sound now as on theday of their insertion. Although fuel Is ex-

tremely scarce in the country, these bits ofwood are not large enough to make it an ob-

ject with the Arabs to 'heave off layer afterlayer of heavy stone to obtain them. Hadthey been of bronzo half of the old templewould have been destroyed years ago soprecious they would have been for various pur-poses.

MYSTERY OF THE CAXADIAy LAKES.Lake Erie Is only sixty or seventy feet deep,

but Lake Ontario.which Is 502 feet deep,Is230feet below the tide level of thd ocean, or aslow as most parts of the Gulf ofand the bottoms of Lake Huron, Michigan andSuperior, although the surface Is so muchhigher, are all from their vast depth on a level

with the bottom of Ontario. Now, as the dis-

charge through tbe river Detroit, alter allow-

ing for the probable portion carried off byevaporation,, does not appear by any meansequal to the quantity of water which the threeupper lakes receive, it has been conjecturedthat a subterranean river may run from LakeSuperior, by the Huron, to Lake Ontario. Thisconjecture is not Improbable, and accounts forthe singular fact that salmon and herring arecaught in all the lakes communicating withthe St. Lawrence, but in no others. As tho N

falls of Niagara have always existed, tt wouldpuzzle the naturalists to say how these fish gotinto the upper lakes without some such sub-terranean river; moreover, any periodical ob-

struction of the river would furnish, a hot im-probable solution, of the mysterious flux anlreflux of the lakes.