dspace.rri.res.indspace.rri.res.in/bitstream/2289/3528/15/Chapter 2.pdf · 2017-06-07 · Schematic...


Transcript of dspace.rri.res.indspace.rri.res.in/bitstream/2289/3528/15/Chapter 2.pdf · 2017-06-07 · Schematic...

The 2 4 4 WmssLtiarn in %bt@ aardlls eW%sula%y fomre t&orn

m-kmg -iMim+ Tar wr mwk*iQ(~;bg m a b m &kp Wscuo ww~;krnat.sta $8 w.,5: ih t i % % @ %!%wr@%%e&

gbWlotiasn iwe bw b@k@?m Wto n a k w C tor @wtlr~%n

@t~arJma%Priw. Pa thr: f Sse"l;zm by i:l&iit& @as@ Twms 9

was eB~a*\doS2 wbm rid -~p;*-tSym@Wn%yXLOe@mo-

p' -o(z%Y%w~M% %Z.W (CI~WA) w8 Lb rp%p~mef hd &&S%C~S"G%=

Was @@ci&%k %o YM, Milk; \*&PI. %~B%$P~U%& St3 %Om% O f %St@

wL@meii*rt@ 8bt;c). P~OFQ ~ 1 1 ~ ~ , t t t I E y ~ &~&Is~Ls B P S I I I ~ T & % % ~ B

hne I ~ S *naIrsnaQ lay" t;%mw4 m sx WOOA ~ ~ J z E ) , wititr n WM

c;icd.$'i~e~d;cu.f,Lm PWt>@Q;L$ Esqr @XSF@%:~;XT%C l%@l$d r j b

.&$@re &tin m.8 a~~:[email protected]:rereit:~% &@%@;PTY~&L%DM 02? dm pf'bixa*

93&&rw .I* $. ,ci l, .tbw &~"l(l)jj...@t8:b@&~c.@ t8P X@* f l ~ ~ E d 1 r

In %b5e a?&a&~C#nr #a :sma@;:$ Birm k"Psv@L mpaay.kamataal &&e+

r?imlia trg welt B pim@c?r c!&rm;;*

Schematic diagram o f the experimental s e t up t o detect l i gh t scattered by bend fluctuations, The magnetic f i e l d N applied perpendicular to the plane of the paper produces a twist distortion i n the medium. For the sake of c lar i ty , the thickness of the sample i s very much exaggerated compared t o that of the g lass plate.

( i s ) f n t h ~ aeaeronnti me%h&, g1rilart.u pxeterrr whoa@

Snraitt~ira aurfackto wwia wdth cslf%oan nnvnoxidc3 8% nn

oblique mgh, aro arzlwr~ed llrz u itw%sted netcral;jlo emf igp-

rat:itsn, The s(sr:ipXw tWLcPneas msr tneaarurd w%ng %he


ettll was $hex& iLlle& wit;& t k ~ r hiqujl& d l f ~ f l ~ t ( l r l a d w~meca$ fn:mStle\ a hat t%twqe & %he t:mpsnra+w O M rawtpLe wale

IBWKQBUCG* Usin&$ O @a% %b~a%eCI ~1~te%-ClhrW% ~ * W Q X ~ ~ O W U ~ $ ~ L ~

ia?r ccl~n92motien w2 bh e ICeithla~y 137 m o ~ s f W @ t e , ~ , The

&%%tap&@ wacg @b@W&& aclltPlr~t&@k 8 p~Z~oP$.a%~lip % % o r ~ t # @ ~ ~

ChtcaSLz Whotux kl̂ aai@l XX PObBHo. IJr*eliminaPy obscnma-

Clem# ware iwr3o an aatrs wieh un5fuma Ghiolm@wa.

In order %a Bet@~:nPna 2 fira@tiwn oe' (?$/a X I ,

w ua& io @w%at&P1 ~rs~~n-tfa atrSl kra the fa mi^ O f ia W&BB ib l~

%tl f igure 2.2. Tlw w&@@ wxglpr tytss @bOa% 0.009

Scheumtic diagram of the wed@ ahaped Cwisteii nonatic cell used Lo dotermine thrz dependence of TART on 1 Our1 2 1 , The dots md dashes rapresent the eaay axes id alignment.

0 In the actual experiment, the . twir i t w1gI.c bins rJ_ 75 .

FIGURE 2*3 --

Arrangement to measure the thickness of the sample by forming the cha~nel led spectrum.

($1 T*a% c3le,*13~akst:ic:~x~ $r$J~aX048Ee 9 B flat.2&+2L'k@ ~ % Q % L E , _" *.._ . . , . , ,' ,,_ , . , , , , , . ; ., a ,*,,,, ,,.~, .. .,. ,.,.. ..,,.~. , .. .,.. . ~ , ..., ,, ,. .. >,... ..h,.,*

P;I" $$ h+:~.sa~;g~:aci.. +ii ;ei iy @~,:k$ wed. nc:x:wtic; plra&f~Xa c3.t

tf ri elcz,rt:j~ ;: $3 c;~b;lrelt*o." Ti:;-? ck r:,:i,:ytot2O .?I $a161 ( R j Q

$,:r era;:. -:],&:sf$ 3,f e?i@ gPaafg gX*ik%@$;f ~ @ ~ : " H ' T I ~ : ! $ w ~ & F &6

-?J t y i a r i.npd;i~:il :sv4~~nta-ra~$.:,an c,f t t r m ~~s$.~)Q%cIE f B ) <big, 2.9 1,

: : feel,& a%.~;rmb%k ~h > i.jQ 0~ m&~rL?h:&rfln %-&E%@'Mr -4

&ko ;:ig?d$t3*.i ;b~i)ruFr4:::a & %wj,~:L d@f:>vl:~r\$d,% 4 -3, A 4 r &+(,+it) J& wi.%esh E,W x axgn nixms~ak w "e p.W%ese XW

tcia*a@kom XfaW &a giYd6n 'by ---

$ 2 b ~ r n & . t : & @ ~ cU? 'C;~.Y&B&(% amatas WJLX* (PS ~ 1 5 5 8 ~

Zhdak&esa z6 @&w& Sthtt'& %ha %~~s%iPXotl 80 A @tarn

fBr~$ #l@%& YPB~W $ 8 ' ~ glil~d~ B Q Q ~ ~ # . P X $ % ~ # ~cruW W

1~saamSacPCt 'by ad@ &gpWW@ *)f g)f%@. 2rfh)r

H iXuao*actfms i n d;m LrrC#nrsxi*y iug XagkircYtf WWW

b@ @@an %n&P~sznl;rEw %w Q ~ ~ ~ E @ ~ ~ ~ Y E S C P ag A at 82 *@&a*

"Pm * S i n t r%atrg"(6"9@* a.&S &@&%a &-

~a CJ 1N4 *. PC I gar recrrsasnns w ~ m ~ y ~Q:~%BPJ~&, tt- em m%&re ;am~xsrgltl;et @&;LO Z;rus%@Pol?ri~& La W'MB h @Q., %,E3@Is

Magnetic f i e l d dependence of the shift i n

*AN for a 25 m thick sample of CBOOA

Magnetio field ilependcance o f the ishift &n

TAN for a 25 pm thick sample of 8 WB.

Variation o f TAN wilth for CBOOA. 6 2

The rn~Wn%n%8 in t3 mas rn XZ&<rn m %'kg.a,@, %lo

r&n&thm &xrMJ as&&a~raevwt aom;.o&P@~ tf%zm i s u biw mas

a;rt ' ; l )~$* $ ~ r ,r~ @lax, rraiq em aloae $0

T:~, L C_ $3 A) * I&~R 1. e i w ~wrslauabk.y lyhaDta.r $1-

%ma% inruwd far GlrU9ib %er̂ awl:t~ &$Ill, 2css"e:jr %h;a & a@&swikakw

s:?fw;s@t$tl". Thaw ~~twUJbt@ w Ln r$rna'kkb;?.t$.vr qma:am&

#5.%h the erwnrle o i % m by CWP ~:%vwrkr~~ir:tts wl;i:ti %km r&@@%Ea

fht:; %EMU@& &&&%~*kiw;r@ { $ & a & r 2.h g k ~ d 2.s)'

Vast ation of 'Ern with 6b/zx- for 8 OCB. Two curves represent two inclepenclarkt merlaurerclents wieb two different c e l l s .