2nd Year Mcqs

UNIT (7) Fear of Dearth 1. The author of the essay “Fear of Dearth” is (A) Dickens (B) Hughes (C) Kipling (D) Carl Tucker 2. The central park reservoir is in (A) Florence (B) Paris (C) New York City (D) Italy 3. What is the writer’s feeling toward jogging? (A) He loves it (B) He hates it (C) He dislike it (D) He likes it 4. What gives us free time? (A) Technology (B) Knowledge (C) Diseases (D) none of these 5. Which of the following has been discussed in the essay? (A) Mobile (B) Motor car (C) Telephone (D) None of them 6. The writer plays the game of (A) Football (B) Tennis (C) Squash (D) Cricket. 7. Health and personal fitness became popular in (A) First half of 20 th century (B) last third of 20 th century (C) Last third of 21 st century (D) firs half of 21 st century 8. In modern world, we are destroying (A) Natural resources (B) Our money (C) Out health (D) Modern technology 9. What is the true cause for jogging? (A) To loose weight (B) to become fit (C) To become good athlete (D) to lower blood pressure 10. People join jogging for the fear of (A) Cranky spouse & filthy house hold (B) Parents & children (C) Office (D) over weight 11. I hate__________. (a) Jogging (b) running (c) walking (d) racing 12. Every dawn, as I__________ around new you city’s centra (Park reservoir). (a) Walk (b) thud (c) circle (d) jogging 13. For any trend there are as many__________ as there are participants.


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Transcript of 2nd Year Mcqs

UNIT (7)Fear of Dearth

1. The author of the essay Fear of Dearth is(A) Dickens

(B) Hughes

(C) Kipling

(D) Carl Tucker

2. The central park reservoir is in

(A) Florence

(B) Paris

(C) New York City(D) Italy3. What is the writers feeling toward jogging?

(A) He loves it

(B) He hates it(C) He dislike it(D) He likes it4. What gives us free time?

(A) Technology(B) Knowledge(C) Diseases

(D) none of these

5. Which of the following has been discussed in the essay?

(A) Mobile

(B) Motor car

(C) Telephone(D) None of them6. The writer plays the game of

(A) Football

(B) Tennis

(C) Squash

(D) Cricket.

7. Health and personal fitness became popular in

(A) First half of 20th century

(B) last third of 20th century

(C) Last third of 21st century

(D) firs half of 21st century

8. In modern world, we are destroying

(A) Natural resources (B) Our money(C) Out health

(D) Modern technology9. What is the true cause for jogging?

(A) To loose weight

(B) to become fit

(C) To become good athlete

(D) to lower blood pressure

10. People join jogging for the fear of

(A) Cranky spouse & filthy house hold

(B) Parents & children

(C) Office

(D) over weight

11. I hate__________.

(a) Jogging

(b) running

(c) walking

(d) racing

12. Every dawn, as I__________ around new you citys centra (Park reservoir).

(a) Walk

(b) thud

(c) circle

(d) jogging

13. For any trend there are as many__________ as there are participants.

(a) Causes

(b) reasons

(c) factors

(d) persons

14. Each of u has his__________ and carrot.

(a) Reddish

(b) carrot

(c) apple

(d) cane

15. And the scant and__________ equipment which jogging demands us malle it a marketers.

(a) Skimpy

(b) short

(c) scarce

(d) casser

16. _________ gives us more free time.

(a) Technology(b) machines

(c) industry

(d) sports

17. Freedom is a wide and__________ river.

(a) Dangerous

(b) risky

(c) fearful

(d) danger

18. We live in a rold in which individuals have fewer and fewer__________.

(a) Responsibilities (b) duties

(c) obligation

(d) compulsion

19. Jogging can became__________ obligation.

(a) Sudden

(b) instant

(c) jorrows

(d) the moment

20. We run as the saying goes for our__________.

(a) Aims

(b) lives

(c) jorrows

(d) problems

21. _________ may take the argument one step further.

(a) Schilars

(b) theologists (c) philosophers(d) students22. Our era is the first to anticipate the eventual__________ of all natural resources.

(a) Depletion

(b) end

(c) destruction

(d) perishUnite (8)Right & Wrong1. How quarrelling sounds?

(A) Unpleasant

(B) Pleasant & funny(C) Serious

(D) Serious & threatening2. People quarrel for a bit of

(A) Orange

(B) Apple

(C) Banana

(D) Money3. Quarreling tells us that the other man is

(A) Right

(B) Bad

(C) Good

(D) Wrong4. The writer has given the example of

(A) Hockey

(B) Football

(C) Tennis

(D) Sports

5. What was the opinion of old people about law of nature?

(A) Law of science

(B) Law of gravitation(C) Law of human nature (D) None of these.6. Law of gravitation governs

(A) Chemistry

(B) Sports

(C) Falling stones(D) Malaria

7. The writer talks about the disease of (A) Colour blindness & Deafness (B) Colour blindness(C) Defenses

(D) Malaria

8. Which war has been referred to in the essay?

(A) World war-I

(B) World war-II

(C) World war-I & II(D) World war-II9. The writer talks about the

(A) Russians

(B) Chinese

(C) Spanish

(D) Germans10. Which kind of people is not admired?

(A) Greedy

(B) Honest

(C) Selfish

(D) Unselfish

11. Everyone has heard people_________.

(a) Fighting

(b) talking

(c) quarreling

(d) speaking

12. Quarrelling means trying to show that the other man is in the_______

(a) bad

(b) worst

(c) right

(d) wrong

13. Now this law or rule about right and wrong used to be called the law of_________.

(a) Nature

(b) Human nature

(c) Physical nature(d) behavior

14. But when the older thinkers called the law of right and wrong the law of nature, they really meant the law of________.

(a) Nature

(b) Human nature

(c) Human Behavior (d) Physical nature15. They have only had_________ different moralities. (a) Greatly

(b) strongly

(c) slightly

(d) certainly16. You just as well try to imagine a country where two and tow made

(a) 4

(b) 6

(c) 5

(d) 7

17. _________ has never been admired.

(a) Selfishness

(b) in selfishness

(c) jealousy

(d) dishonestly

18. It seems, then, we are force to believe in real_________.

(a) Law of nature

(b) decent behavior

(c) right and wrong(d) law of human nature

19. None of us are really_________ the law of nature.

(a) Following

(b) keeping

(c) practicing

(d) kept

Unit (9)

Archaeological Treasures1. The archaeological treasures of Pakistan are(A) Very ancient

(B) Interesting

(C) Rich and varied

(D) None of these

2. The best of archaeological center in Pakistan is that of(A) Taxila

(B) Harrapa

(C) Manjodaro

(D) None of these

3. Taxila is situated near

(A) Rawalpindi

(B) Sialkot

(C) Karachi

(D) None of these

4. Alexander and Asoka are associated with

(A) Harrapa


(C) Taxila

(D) None of these

5. The distance between Taxila and Rawalpindi is about

(A) 30 kilometers

(B) 30 miles

(C) 40 miles

(D) 40 kilometers

6. Taxila was an important center of

(A) Islam

(B) Hinduism

(C) Buddhism

(D) Christianity

7. Alexander came in the year

(A) 325 BC

(B) 325 AD

(C) 425 BC

(D) 425 AD8. Gandhara is situated in the area of

(A) Karachi

(B) Sukkar

(C) Peshawar

(D) Lahore9. Badshahi Mosque is the important monument of

(A) Akbars time

(B) Jhanigrs time(C) Aurangzebs time

(D) None of these.10. The Term pomegranate flower is used for (A) Prince Salim

(B) Anarkali

(C) Noor Jehan

(D) Lady Dianna

11. No doubt the well known of all Pakistans archaeological centers is that of__________.

(a) Bhambore

(b) Taxila

(C) Mohenjo-daro

(d) Lahore

12. Taxila is about _________ miles of North-West from Rawalpindi.

(a) 30

(b) 40

(c) 50

(d) 60

13. There are__________ sites at Taxila.

(a) 4

(b) 3

(c) 2

(d) 5

14. Taxila became an important_________ of Buddhism.

(a) Seat

(b) Throne

(c) Center

(d) University15. Alexander came to Taxila in__________BC.(a) 326

(b) 325

(c) 327

(d) 329

16. Ashoka was________ of Chandra gupta.(a) Son

(b) Brother

(c) Grandson

(d) Father

17. Ashoka established__________ in the sub-continent.(a) Hinduism

(b) Buddhism

(c) Sikhism

(d) Jewish

18. Gandhara is the same of the around__________.

(a) Attack

(b) Peshawar

(c) Rawalpindi

(d) Peshawar Valley

19. Taxila was attacked by white Huns in the_________ century.

(a) 6

(b) 5

(c) 7

(d) 8

20. Mohenjo-daro is about__________ miles from sukkar Sind.

(a) 80

(b) 70

(c) 65

(d) 75

21. The measurement of skulls shows four distant_________ categories.

(a) Religious

(b) ethnic

(c) ethic

(d) racial

22. Bambore is situated in___________.

(a) Sindh

(b) N.W.F.P

(c) Baluchistan

(d) Punjab

23. Some of the monuments___________ represent the culture of the country where they originated.

(a) Alloyed

(b) pure

(c) annoyed

(d) transparent

24. In this respect Lahore, although ancient city is richly__________.

(a) Gifted

(b) endowed

(c) blessed

(d) granted

25. Bhambore is about__________ away from Karachi.

(a) 50

(b) 60

(c) 40

(d) 70

Unit (10)M.A Jinnah1. The greatest statesman of 20th century is(A) Gandhi

(B) Allama Iqbal(C) Quaid-e-Azam

(D) Lord Mountbatten

2. Who considered Pakistan an unacceptable option?

(A) Lord Mountbatten

(B) Gandhi & Nehru(C) Lord Curzon

(D) None of these

3. The word of Pakistan means

(A) Land of Muslims (B) Land of great people (C) Land of Islam

(D) Land of the pure

4. Jinnah addressed Muslim League in Delhi in

(A) 1940

(B) 1945

(C) 1943

(D) 1947

5. Who supported Britain in world war-II

(A) Quaid-e-Azam

(B) Gandhi

(C) Nehru

(D) Congress Leaders

6. Quaid-e-Azam flew to Karachi in the year

(A) 1945

(B) 1946

(C) 1947

(D) 1948

7. The first Governor General of Pakistan was

(A) Liaqat Ali Khan

(B) Lord Mountbatten (C) Quaid-e-Azam

(D) Sikande Mirza

8. Jinnah declared Muslims as a

(A) Majority

(B) Minority

(C) Separate nation(D) Faithful

9. Quaid-e-Azam lived abiding by the highest of (A) Principles

(B) Laws

(C) Economics

(D) Status11. ________ was not only Pakistans greatest leader but one of the greatest statesmen of this country.

(a) Allama Iqbal

(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah (c) Bhutto

(d) Liaqat Ali Khan

12. When Jinnah, addressing_________ in Lahore remarked.

(a) Muslims

(b) Muslims League (c) Party workers(d) Muslim Leaguers

13. The Musalmans are a_________.

(a) People

(b) Tribe

(c) Nation

(d) Majority

14. The problem in India is not of an inter-communal but of an_________ character.

(a) National

(b) Inter nation (c) Personal

(d) Inter communal

15. They thought that he was simply_________ for more separate electrate.

(a) Bargaining

(b) Compromising (c) Asking

(d) Demanding

16. Nehru and Gandhi considered Pakistan totally unacceptable__________.

(a) Choice

(b) Option

(c) Solution

(d) Resolution

17. Jinnah assured Muslims league__________ in 1943.

(a) Delhi

(b) Bombay

(c) Calcutta

(d) Lahore

18. Only so great a leader as________ could have won Pakistan in so short a time.

(a) Allama Iqbal

(b) Jinnah

(c) Liaqat Ali (d) Sahibzada Abdul Qayum

19. But he was________ ill by the eve of this new nations birth.

(a) Seriously

(b) Mortally

(c) Dangerously(d) Greatly

20. that August of 1947, he flew to________ to preside over the constituent Assembly.

(a) Lahore

(b) Islamabad

(c) Karachi

(d) Delhi

21. His guiding principals, as everyones by now knew was_________ and complete impartiality.

(a) Fairness

(b) Honesty

(c) Justice

(d) Sincerity

22. Though the Quaid was_________ man himself.

(a) Poor

(b) Rich

(c) Wealthy

(d) Prosperous

UNIT 113. How many neurons are there in human brain?

(A) Ten billion(B) Ten million(C) Twenty billion(D) Twenty five billion

4. A computer switch is just

(A) A machines (B) An electric device(C) On-off device(D) Mechanical device.

5. Which of the following is the most complex?

(A) Mobile

(B) Computer

(C) Computer brain(D) Human brain

6. Cells are made of

(A) Neurons

(B) Cells

(C) Molecules

(D) Atoms & Molecules

7. Computers solve problems because they are

(A) Ordered to do so (B) Operated to do so (C) Programmed to do so (D) None of these

8. Human brain is made of

(A) Hundred billion smaller cells

(B) Thousand billion smaller cells

(C) Hundred billion molecules

(B) Hundred billion atoms.

9. The difference between a brain and a computer can be expressed in a single word________.

(a) Complication

(b) Complexity(c) Complex

(d) Intricacy

10. The large mammalian brain is the most complicated things for its________ known to us.

(a) Structure

(b) Size

(c) Complexity(d) Vastness

11. The Human brain weighs________ pound.

(a) 1

(b) 2

(c) 3

(d) 4

12. Computer switches and components run in the________.

(a) Hundreds

(b) Thousands

(c) Billions

(d) Million

13. There are________ billion neurons and a hundred billion cells in human brain.

(a) 10

(b) 9

(c) 8

(d) 12

14. The brains made up of_________ in a certain arrangement.

(a) Cells

(b) Atoms

(c) Molecules

(d) Neurons

15. In other words, once we pass a certain_______ point the computer and there is a Complexity explosion.

(a) Critical

(b) Significant

(c) Important

(d) Complex

16. Well! Mankind is not doing a very good job of________ the earth right now.

(a) Controlling

(b) Running

(c) Steering

(d) Governing

17. And if we do not stop aside perhaps________ computer will simply move in and push us aside.

(a) Highly complicated (b) complen

(c) Super

(d) Supreme

Unit 12

Jewel of the World

1. Umayyad dynasty was overthrown in the year

(A) 750 AD

(B) 850AD

(C) 950 AD

(D) 1236 AD

2. Abd-ul-Rahman escaped at the age of

(A) 15 years

(B) 20 years

(C) 25 years

(D) 30 years

3. After five years, Abd-ul-Rahman reached

(A) Damascus

(B) Cordova

(C) Ceuta

(D) Makkah

4. The strength of Abd-ul-Rahman army was

(A) 4000

(B) 40,000

(C) 30,000

(D) 50,000

5. Abd-ul-Rahman established his court in the city of

(A) Madina

(B) Baghdad

(C) Ceuta

(D) Cordova

6. Cordova was inhabited by

(A) Half a million people (B) One million people(C) Forty thousand army (D) Ten thousand courtiers

7. In Cordova, there were about seven hundred

(A) Schools

(B) Libraries

(C) Offices

(D) Mosque

8. The name of the royal place was

(A) Baghdad Palace(B) Cordova Palace

(C) Al-Zahra Palace(D) Al-Azhar Palace

9. Dozy was a

(A) Ruler

(B) Warrior

(C) Dutch scholar(D) German scholar

10. The author of Aghani was paid

(A) Thousand dinars(B) Hundred dinars

(C) Ten thousand dinars (D) Nine hundred dinars

11. It was in 750 that the Umayyad dynasty in_________.

(a) Turkey

(b) Damascus

(c) Egypt

(d) Spain

12. Among the very few who escaped was a youth of________ Abd-ul-Rahman.

(a) 20

(b) 21

(c) 25

(d) 26

13. Abd-ul-Rahman was tall________ with sharp, aquiline features and red hair.

(a) Weak

(b) Lean

(c) Thin

(d) Strong

14. The Story of his escape was _________.

(a) Comic

(b) Humorous

(c) Dramatic

(d) Tragic

15. Abd-ul-Rahman________ into the river and gained the opposite bank.

(a) Jumped

(b) dashed

(c) Got

(d) Moved

16. A foot________ and penniless, he setont south ward.

(a) Companionless(b) Friendless

(c) Mate less

(d) Chum less

17. It took him some years to bring all of the Spain to _________ but he persisted.

(a) Slavery

(b) Control

(c) Subjection

(d) subjugations

18. Abd-ul-Rahman developed a well developed army of_________.

(a) 40,000

(b) 4,000

(c) 400

(d) 40, 00,000

19.________ he discontinued the Friday semen.

(a) 773

(b) 772

(c) 771

(d) 770

20. Trade and________ opened up the world.

(a) Business

(b) Exploration

(c) Traveling

(d) Tourism

21 Brunelleschi was________ who achieved this in Florence.

(a) Painter

(b) Artist

(c) Architect

(d) Mason

Unit 13

Over Population

1. The term over population is not simple to

(A) Explain

(B) Define

(C) Elaborate

(D) None of these

2. Each community cannot be judged by a

(A) Simple principle(B) Universal rule

(C) Definite standard(D) Universal standard

3. Mexico is over populated because of its

(A) Inhabitants(B) Economic problems(C) Social problem(D) Progress

4. What is considered necessary part of diet?

(A) Meat

(B) Vegetables

(C) Fruit

(D) Fish

5. Comfort and happiness is affected by

(A) Money

(B) Population

(C) Health

(D) Government

6. What can be an asset or drain to a country?

(A) Small population(B) Economy

(C) Wealth

(D) Large population

7. Chinese, Nigerian, and American views are different about which thing?

(A) Comfort

(B) Housing

(C) Health

(D) Population

8. What is not a simple term?

(A) Health (B) Population

(C) Over population(D) Technology

9. The term________ is not simple to define, as it may seem at first glance.

(a) Over population(b) Population

(c) Letters

(D) Population explosion

10. We often receive_________ from students seeking information about over population.

(a) Application(b) Requests

(c) Letters

(d) Messengers

11. Over population are a_________ and not an absolute term.

(a) Changeable(b) Relative

(c) Objective

(d) Subjective

12. Lets start with what I consider to be reasonable working_________ of over population.

(a) Introduction(b) Definition

(c) Explanation(d) Elaboration

13. Some people consider_________ a necessary part of their diet.

(a) Meat

(b) Fats

(c) Vegetables

(d) Fruits

14. Is it possible to come up with a definition of________ that would satisfy everyone in the world?

(a) Joy

(b) Happiness

(c) Food

(d) Health

15. Sometimes people measure over population by the population________ of an area or the amount of an

arable land person.

(a) Density

(b) Thickness

(c) Largeness

(d) Aburdance

16. A large population may be an assertor a _________ to a country depending in many factors.

(a) Burden

(b) Load

(c) Drain

(d) Gift

Unit 14


1. Who went outside the town?

(A) The writer

(B) The writers wife

(C) The writers brother (D) The writers children

2. The writer had to care about his

(A) Wife comfort(B) Wife nutrition

(C) Childrens nutrition(D) Childrens studies

3. Jinx Milia was the

(A) Writers wife(B) Writers daughter

(C) The writer himself(D) Founder & director of

Martha moment

4. What is meant by blue collar?

(A) Home making(B) Chores

(C) Industrial jobs

(D) Higher class

5. The term boiler plate means

(A) Home work(B) Industrial work

(C) Utensils

(D) A draft contract that

can be easily modified

6. Women think that their homemaking role is undervalued by

(A) The society

(B) Their husbands(C) Themselves

(D) Their husbands &

by themselves.

7. The time which is not spent on chores is viewed as

(A) Time wasted(B) Beneficial

(C) Useless

(D) none of these

8. Traditional husbands are ignorant of

(A) Their jobs

(B) Homemaking skills(C) Their childrens education (D) Their childrens


9. Most jobs are a series of more or less

(A) Rhythmic chores(B) Unpleasant chores

(C) Rhythmic chores

(D) normal chores

10. Worker bees do not claim sole ownership and

(A) Power

(B) Monopoly

(C) Privacy

(D) Discrete

11. Since my_________ was not of town last weekend.(a) Sister

(b) Wife

(c) Brother

(d) Mother12. But I did not have to plan anything,__________ anything or fit any thing into a overall design.

(a) Systematize(b) Schedule

(c) Arrange

(d) Suggest

13. What I did was_________ a combination of home making and chores.

(a) Irregular

(b) Regular

(c) Episodic

(d) Routine

14. What my wife does in part of on going enterprise__________.

(a) Chores

(b) Home

(c) Home making

(d) Running home15. Think of home making as a series of more or less unpleasat chores and the________ is virtually atomic.

(a) Respect

(b) Disrespect

(c) Honour

(d) Disrepute

16. Well, most jobs are a series of more or less________ chores.

(a) Pleasant

(b) unpleasant

(c) Sweet

(d) Beautiful

17. The__________ is a drag but lawyering is a fascinating career.

(a) Works

(b) Chores

(c) Home making

(d) Home works