2nd session

Youth in Action Youth in Action Youth in Action Youth in Action Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship - - - A chance for the future? A chance for the future? A chance for the future? A chance for the future? Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction to CANVAS methodology to CANVAS methodology to CANVAS methodology to CANVAS methodology T T Ta a an n nd d de e em m mS S So o oc c ci i ia a al l l S S S. . .C C C. . .C C C. . .L L L. . . NIF: F65570400 www.tandemsocial.com hola@tandemsocial.com Trafalgar Street, 25 2 nd 2, 08010 Barcelona

Transcript of 2nd session

Youth in Action Youth in Action Youth in Action Youth in Action Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship Social entrepreneurship ----A chance for the future?A chance for the future?A chance for the future?A chance for the future?

Introduction Introduction Introduction Introduction to CANVAS methodologyto CANVAS methodologyto CANVAS methodologyto CANVAS methodology

TTTT aaaa nnnn dddd eeee mmmm SSSS oooo cccc iiii aaaa llll SSSS.... CCCC.... CCCC.... LLLL....

NIF: [email protected] Street, 25 2nd 2, 08010 Barcelona


• Barcelona program

• Social business

• Examples of social enterprises

• Competition Youth in Action project

• Business Model - CANVAS methodology


• Business Model - CANVAS methodology

• Conclusions

Barcelona program, September 2013

• Friday 13Friday 13Friday 13Friday 13: – 8.45h – 9.30h Welcome coffee

– 9.30h–11h. Visit social business: Apunts

– 12h–14h Visit social business: Formació i Treball

– 14h–16h Lunch in Formació i Treball (Social Business)

– 16h –18h 1st session: Introduction to social entrepreneurship and social business. Palau Macaya


business. Palau Macaya

– 20.30h Dinner at Dones de Foc (Social Business)

• Saturday 14Saturday 14Saturday 14Saturday 14: – 11h11h11h11h----13h 213h 213h 213h 2ndndndnd session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact,

introduction to CANVAS methodology. introduction to CANVAS methodology. introduction to CANVAS methodology. introduction to CANVAS methodology.

– 14h. Lunch in Norai (Social business) Museu Marítim de Barcelona

– Free afternoon

• Sunday 15Sunday 15Sunday 15Sunday 15: Departure day

Useful addresses in Barcelona

• Friday 13Friday 13Friday 13Friday 13: – 8.45h – 9.30h Welcome coffee at Guitó bar. Gran Vía 539, Barcelona. A terrace on the corner

with Villarroel Street. How to go: walk to pza glories take Metro L1 Red line stop in Urgell. Exit: Villarroel street.

– 9.30h–11h. Visit social business: Apunts. Consell de Cent, 217 bajos Barcelona. How to go: walkto pza glories take Metro L1 Red line stop in Urgell

– 12h–14h Visit social business: Formació i Treball. C Llull, 430. Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona

– 14h–16h Lunch in Formació i Treball (Social Business) C Llull, 430. Sant Adrià de Besòs

– 16h –18h Introduction to social entrepreneurship and social business: Palau Macaya. Pg Sant


– 16h –18h Introduction to social entrepreneurship and social business: Palau Macaya. Pg SantJoan, 108, Barcelona

– 20.30h Dinner at Dones de Foc (Social Business). Marina 240, Barcelona. How to go: Metro L2 purpure line stop: Monumental

• Saturday 14Saturday 14Saturday 14Saturday 14:– 11h11h11h11h----13h 213h 213h 213h 2ndndndnd session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, introduction to session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, introduction to session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, introduction to session: Discussion about business ideas with a social impact, introduction to

CANVAS methodology.CANVAS methodology.CANVAS methodology.CANVAS methodology. Trafalgar 25 2nd, 2nd . How to go: walk to pza glories take Metro L1 red line, stop in Urquinaona

– 14h. Lunch in Norai (Social business) Museu Marítim de Barcelona. Av. de les Drassanes s/n. How to go: L3 green line, stop: Drassanes

• Sunday 15Sunday 15Sunday 15Sunday 15: Departure day


• Barcelona program

• Social business

• Examples of social enterprises

• Competition Youth in Action project

• Business Model - CANVAS methodology


• Business Model - CANVAS methodology

• Conclusions


r n







To analyze

Social business born as a result of the detection of a social need social need social need social need and by an economic economic economic economic activityactivityactivityactivity aims to generate a positive impact positive impact positive impact positive impact on society, even transforming the initial


Social Business concept


The combination of minimal elements and other elements form the framework of social business. The combination of minimal elements and other elements form the framework of social business. The combination of minimal elements and other elements form the framework of social business. The combination of minimal elements and other elements form the framework of social business. Depending on the level of participation and the degree of profit, it is determined the purity of social Depending on the level of participation and the degree of profit, it is determined the purity of social Depending on the level of participation and the degree of profit, it is determined the purity of social Depending on the level of participation and the degree of profit, it is determined the purity of social



r p





and decisions


and collective


Discard To analyze


• Barcelona program

• Social business

• Examples of social enterprises

• Competition Youth in Action project

• Business Model - CANVAS methodology


• Business Model - CANVAS methodology

• Conclusions

Examples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprises

Environmental aspects….Environmental aspects….Environmental aspects….Environmental aspects….

TrencaTrencaTrencaTrenca is a non-profit organization that seeks to preserve and enhance the naturalspaces through socio-educational and environmental actions.

Today it is becoming a social enterprise, through the production andcommercialization of organic oliveoliveoliveolive oiloiloiloil. They will continue its work of CountrysideStewardship Schemes while get the employment of people at risk of exclusion in thecontext of economic activity. So finally their activity breaks through two differentimpacts: socialsocialsocialsocial andandandand environmentalenvironmentalenvironmentalenvironmental impactimpactimpactimpact. http://trenca.org/en


SocialSocialSocialSocial EnterpriseEnterpriseEnterpriseEnterprise in UK working for bringingbringingbringingbringing waterwaterwaterwater to all people on the planet. Througha simple idea, “GiveMe Tap” is carrying out projects of water purification in developingdevelopingdevelopingdevelopingcountriescountriescountriescountries, while reducing the cost of water to the northern countries.

The social enterprise is establishing partnership agreements with restaurantsrestaurantsrestaurantsrestaurants aroundthe world. You buy a "GiveMe Tap“ bottlebottlebottlebottle and with it enables you to getgetgetget freefreefreefree waterwaterwaterwaterfrom a network of cafes and restaurants and helps another person in Africa getaccess to water. With the money raised through the sale of water bottles aredevelopeddevelopeddevelopeddeveloped projectsprojectsprojectsprojects in developing countries. http://www.givemetap.co.uk/

Examples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprises

Group of social enterprises social enterprises social enterprises social enterprises in France working the area of welfare and social exclusion, as well as education and child protection. http://www.groupe-sos.org

28282828 years of existence10,00010,00010,00010,000 contributorsMore than 283283283283 establishments around the country560560560560 million annual budgetIn 2011, shares of the various companies of the group have had a positive impact on more than 1 million people1 million people1 million people1 million people.Of these, 250,000 250,000 250,000 250,000 were accompanied, treated or accommodated.

Social aspects...Social aspects...Social aspects...Social aspects...


Social Enterprise Social Enterprise Social Enterprise Social Enterprise from a city near to Barcelona (El Prat de Llobregat). They work for social social social social inclusion and employment of young people at risk of exclusioninclusion and employment of young people at risk of exclusioninclusion and employment of young people at risk of exclusioninclusion and employment of young people at risk of exclusion. They have two main lines of business: building reforms building reforms building reforms building reforms and graphic design servicesgraphic design servicesgraphic design servicesgraphic design services.

Saó Prat educates young people while encouraging them to continue their studiescontinue their studiescontinue their studiescontinue their studies. Thus, youth combine professional experience with the continuation of their academic studies. http://www.saoprat.net/

Examples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprises

L’estocL’estocL’estocL’estoc is a social business which produce and sell self-designed furniturefurniturefurniturefurniture made from recycled materials recycled materials recycled materials recycled materials and furniture lack of use in order to create jobs for people with create jobs for people with create jobs for people with create jobs for people with intellectual disabilitiesintellectual disabilitiesintellectual disabilitiesintellectual disabilities. They work to improve and dignify their quality of life and their families. http://lestoc.comShop: C / Almogavers 255, 08018 Barcelona

Social aspects...Social aspects...Social aspects...Social aspects...


GlokalGlokalGlokalGlokal KneedKneedKneedKneed is a newly established company (2012) in the textiletextiletextiletextile industryindustryindustryindustry in order topromotepromotepromotepromote thethethethe inclusioninclusioninclusioninclusion ofofofof womenwomenwomenwomen atatatat riskriskriskrisk of social exclusion. Perform various textiletextiletextiletextile craftscraftscraftscraftsavailable in online sales and in some shops in Barcelona and San Sebastian.www.knitink.org

Examples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprises

NOU VERD SCCL NOU VERD SCCL NOU VERD SCCL NOU VERD SCCL is a social initiative cooperative created in 1994 and was registered as “Special Employment CentreSpecial Employment CentreSpecial Employment CentreSpecial Employment Centre” in 1996.

The aim is to promote and facilitate the employment of people with disabilities employment of people with disabilities employment of people with disabilities employment of people with disabilities (primarily workers with mental illness).

Nou Verd offers services in gardeninggardeninggardeninggardening (cleaning and maintenance of parks and green areas, pruning, irrigation, pesticide treatments, designing and planting new gardens, etc..) and a service of collection of vegetable oils collection of vegetable oils collection of vegetable oils collection of vegetable oils from restaurants and school cafeterias, for the generation of biodieselbiodieselbiodieselbiodiesel.

Social aspects...Social aspects...Social aspects...Social aspects...


generation of biodieselbiodieselbiodieselbiodiesel.They are currently developing a new project called “Social Energy from “Social Energy from “Social Energy from “Social Energy from PenedèsPenedèsPenedèsPenedès”, ”, ”, ”, where they will offer heat energy coming from the biomass resulting from pruning the vines in the region.Currently employs 85 people.

Examples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprisesExamples of social enterprises

LaLaLaLa TavellaTavellaTavellaTavella is an instrument of socialsocialsocialsocial andandandand laborlaborlaborlabor integrationintegrationintegrationintegration of people withintellectualintellectualintellectualintellectual disabilitiesdisabilitiesdisabilitiesdisabilities and/orand/orand/orand/or severesevereseveresevere mentalmentalmentalmental disorderdisorderdisorderdisorder based on the sale ofcertified organicorganicorganicorganic fruitsfruitsfruitsfruits andandandand vegetablesvegetablesvegetablesvegetables with the internet format "basket".

The promoter is the Foundation “Viver de Bell-lloc”, non-profit organizationestablished in 1982 with headquarters in Cardedeu (Barcelona).

LaLaLaLa TavellaTavellaTavellaTavella collaborates with preservingpreservingpreservingpreserving locallocallocallocal varietiesvarietiesvarietiesvarieties of fruits and vegetables, thetastiest and highest performance, highlighting the work and experience of thefarmers.

Social and environmental aspects...Social and environmental aspects...Social and environmental aspects...Social and environmental aspects...


La Tavella currently employs 14141414 peoplepeoplepeoplepeople, 11 of them with disabilities.http://www.latavella.cat


• Barcelona program

• Social business

• Examples of social enterprises

• Competition Youth in Action project

• Business Model - CANVAS methodology


• Business Model - CANVAS methodology

• Conclusions

Competition Youth in Action projectCompetition Youth in Action projectCompetition Youth in Action projectCompetition Youth in Action project

• 5 groups (1 Cypriot – 1 Spaniard)

• Think of a business idea of social enterprise (any sector)

• Apply all concepts learned

• Develop a CANVAS methodology


• Develop a CANVAS methodology

• In Cyprus you will present to the group

• There will be a winner


• Barcelona program

• Social business

• Examples of social enterprises

• Competition Youth in Action project

• Business Model - CANVAS methodology


• Business Model - CANVAS methodology

• Conclusions

Business Model

A business model business model business model business model describes the rational of how an organization createscreatescreatescreates,

deliversdeliversdeliversdelivers, and captures valuecaptures valuecaptures valuecaptures value



Who? Who? Who? Who?


How much?How much?How much?How much?

CANVASCANVASCANVASCANVASFromFromFromFrom Alex Alex Alex Alex OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Business Model: CANVAS









Example : SAÓ Prat






� 4.156 Associations� 113 Foundations� 2.935 Big companies� 39.705 SMEs

� 328 Associations� 6 Foundations� 273 Big companies� 2.897 SMEs


Baix Llobregat

El Prat de Llobregat

� 17.019 Associations� 1.247 Foundations� 15.121 Big companies� 129.414 SMEs

WHO? WHO? WHO? WHO? HOW MUCH?HOW MUCH?HOW MUCH?HOW MUCH?Profit and Loss 2.013 2.014 2.015 2.016 2.017 Total income 144.062 236.291 317.289 411.407 514.975

Other income 45.462 28.568 28.739 28.914 29.092

Income form sales 98.600 207.723 288.550 382.493 485.882

Strategy services 4.500 10.710 14.201 18.107 22.690

Dissemination material services 59.600 121.023 160.476 204.608 250.440

Web Services 34.500 75.990 113.872 159.778 212.752

Total costs 169.005 232.979 302.626 355.379 408.996

Staff costs 97.963 149.825 208.931 251.278 293.505

Administration staff 35.100 41.600 63.050 69.550 69.550

Production staff 62.863 108.225 145.881 181.728 223.955

Production costs 71.043 83.154 93.695 104.102 115.491

Fix production costs 55.109 56.211 57.335 58.482 59.652

Office Rent 6.000 6.120 6.242 6.367 6.495

supplies 1.200 1.224 1.248 1.273 1.299

Movile phone 2.400 2.448 2.497 2.547 2.598

Messaging 300 306 312 318 325

Cleaning 600 612 624 637 649

IT. 1.200 1.224 1.248 1.273 1.299

Renting computers 15.600 15.912 16.230 16.555 16.886

Consumables 7.085 7.227 7.371 7.519 7.669

CANVASCANVASCANVASCANVASFromFromFromFrom Alex Alex Alex Alex OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Business Model: CANVAS







Business Model: CANVAS


Business Model: CANVAS

CANVASCANVASCANVASCANVASFrom Alex From Alex From Alex From Alex OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Value Value Value Value propositionspropositionspropositionspropositions

Customer Customer Customer Customer segmentssegmentssegmentssegments

Key Key Key Key partnershipspartnershipspartnershipspartnerships

Key resourcesKey resourcesKey resourcesKey resources

Key Key Key Key activitiesactivitiesactivitiesactivities

Customer Customer Customer Customer relationshiprelationshiprelationshiprelationship



Cost structureCost structureCost structureCost structure Revenue streamsRevenue streamsRevenue streamsRevenue streams

Key resourcesKey resourcesKey resourcesKey resources

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander Osterwalder per Alexander Osterwalder per Alexander Osterwalder per Alexander Osterwalder

Customer Customer Customer Customer segmentssegmentssegmentssegments


Customer segments


For whom are we creating value?For whom are we creating value?For whom are we creating value?For whom are we creating value?Who are our most important customers?Who are our most important customers?Who are our most important customers?Who are our most important customers?

• Mass Market

• Niche Market


• Niche Market

• Segmented

• Diversified

• Multi-sided Platform

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Value Value Value Value propositionspropositionspropositionspropositions


Value propositions

What value do we deliver to the customer?What value do we deliver to the customer?What value do we deliver to the customer?What value do we deliver to the customer?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?What bundles of products and services are we offering to each Customer Segment?Which customer needs are we satisfying?Which customer needs are we satisfying?Which customer needs are we satisfying?Which customer needs are we satisfying?

The most important thing is not what I want to sell only what the customer is willing to buyis willing to buyis willing to buyis willing to buy.


• Newness• Performance• Customization• Design• Brand/Status• Price• Cost Reduction

• Risk Reduction• Accessibility• Convenience/Usability

Customers care about THEIRTHEIRTHEIRTHEIR problems, not YOURYOURYOURYOUR solutions.


Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder




Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached?Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached?Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached?Through which Channels do our Customer Segments want to be reached?How are we reaching them now?How are we reaching them now?How are we reaching them now?How are we reaching them now?How are our Channels integrated?How are our Channels integrated?How are our Channels integrated?How are our Channels integrated?Which ones work best?Which ones work best?Which ones work best?Which ones work best?Which ones are most costWhich ones are most costWhich ones are most costWhich ones are most cost----efficient?efficient?efficient?efficient?How are we integrating them with customer routines?How are we integrating them with customer routines?How are we integrating them with customer routines?How are we integrating them with customer routines?



1. Awareness

2. Evaluation

3. Purchase

4. Delivery

5. After sales


Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Customer Customer Customer Customer relationshiprelationshiprelationshiprelationship


Customer relationship

What type of relationship does each of our CustomerWhat type of relationship does each of our CustomerWhat type of relationship does each of our CustomerWhat type of relationship does each of our CustomerSegments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Segments expect us to establish and maintain with them?Which ones have we established?Which ones have we established?Which ones have we established?Which ones have we established?How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How are they integrated with the rest of our business model?How costly are they?How costly are they?How costly are they?How costly are they?

• Personal assistance


• Dedicated Personal Assistance

• Self-Service

• Automated Services

• Communities

• Co-creation

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder


Revenue streamsRevenue streamsRevenue streamsRevenue streams

Revenue streams

For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what value are our customers really willing to pay?For what do they currently pay?For what do they currently pay?For what do they currently pay?For what do they currently pay?How are they currently paying?How are they currently paying?How are they currently paying?How are they currently paying?How would they prefer to pay?How would they prefer to pay?How would they prefer to pay?How would they prefer to pay?How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?How much does each Revenue Stream contribute to overall revenues?


• Asset sale


• Usage fee

• Subscription Fees

• Lending/Renting/Leasing

• Licensing

• Brokerage fees

• Advertising

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Key resourcesKey resourcesKey resourcesKey resources


Key resourcesKey resourcesKey resourcesKey resources

Key resources

What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?What Key Resources do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue Streams?

• Physical

• Intellectual (brand patents, copyrights, data)

• Human


• Human

• Financial

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Key Key Key Key activitiesactivitiesactivitiesactivities


Key activities

• Production

• Problem Solving

What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?What Key Activities do our Value Propositions require?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?Our Distribution Channels? Customer Relationships? Revenue streams?


• Platform/Network

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder

Key Key Key Key partnershipspartnershipspartnershipspartnerships


Key partnerships

Who are our Key Partners?Who are our Key Partners?Who are our Key Partners?Who are our Key Partners?Who are our key suppliers?Who are our key suppliers?Who are our key suppliers?Who are our key suppliers?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Resources are we acquiring from partners?Which Key Activities do partners perform?Which Key Activities do partners perform?Which Key Activities do partners perform?Which Key Activities do partners perform?

• Optimization and economy •Strategic alliances between non-competitors



• Reduction of risk and uncertainty

• Acquisition of particular resources and activities


• Coopetition: Strategic alliances between competitors

• Joint ventures to develop a new ventures

• Buyer-supplier relationships to assure reliable suppliers

Business Model

Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç Model del Llenç per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander per Alexander OsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalderOsterwalder


Cost structureCost structureCost structureCost structure

Cost structure

What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?Which Key Resources are most expensive?Which Key Resources are most expensive?Which Key Resources are most expensive?Which Key Resources are most expensive?Which Key Activities are most expensiveWhich Key Activities are most expensiveWhich Key Activities are most expensiveWhich Key Activities are most expensive

• Fixed Costs (salaries, rents, utilities)



rents, utilities)

• Variable costs

• Economies of scale

• Economies of scope

Business Model: CANVAS


20 minutes to start thinking…. 20 minutes to start thinking…. 20 minutes to start thinking…. 20 minutes to start thinking…. 1. Customer segments

2. Value propositions

3. Channels

4. Customer relationship

5. Revenue streams

6. Key resources


6. Key resources

7. Key activities

8. Key partnerships

9. Cost structure


• Barcelona program

• Social business

• Examples of social enterprises

• Competition Youth in Action project

• Business Model - CANVAS methodology


• Business Model - CANVAS methodology

• Conclusions


• SocialSocialSocialSocial businessbusinessbusinessbusiness could be in many different sectorssectorssectorssectors.... Where there is a socialsocialsocialsocialneedneedneedneed could be a social business workingworkingworkingworking itititit

• A businessbusinessbusinessbusiness modelmodelmodelmodel describes the rational of how an organization creates,delivers, and captures value

• To define a business model we should think in our offerofferofferoffer, customerscustomerscustomerscustomers,


• To define a business model we should think in our offerofferofferoffer, customerscustomerscustomerscustomers,infrastructureinfrastructureinfrastructureinfrastructure needed and financefinancefinancefinance.

• CANVASCANVASCANVASCANVAS methodology helps us sort our ideas and is a useful tool to start ourbusiness plan

• Each group will have to think a socialsocialsocialsocial businessbusinessbusinessbusiness ideaideaideaidea and present the CANVAS inCyprus

• The best business idea raised, worked and viable it will obtain an awardawardawardaward


TTTT aaaa nnnn dddd eeee mmmm SSSS oooo cccc iiii aaaa llll SSSS.... CCCC.... CCCC.... LLLL....

NIF: [email protected] Street, 25 2nd 2, 08010 Barcelona