2nd qtr 12 conserving animals

Conserving Animals Science V

Transcript of 2nd qtr 12 conserving animals

Conserving Animals

Science V

Humans As Stewards of God’s Creation

God created all animals equal. Humans are animals, but we have the special gift of thinking and reasoning. Because of this, God entrusted animals to our care; we are stewards of His creations. How do humans take care of animals?

In improving the number of villages and cities, humans destroy the natural habitats of animals in mountains and forests. Birds and other wild animals, therefore, run out of places to live. What if there are no more safe places for these animals, where should they go? Illegal fishing known as muro-ami and dynamite fishing destroy coral reefs. Look at the picture in the next slide.

In some other countries, the meats of seals are taken as food. When there are continuous killings and death of animals, their kind can be endangered (near extinction) until it leads to total extinction of species (population is zero).

Tarsiers, tamaraws, and the Philippine eagle are all endangered now. What should we do? Do we want these species of animals to be completely extinct?

How will you show your love and care for animals? The decision is yours to make.

Here are some of the endangered animals in the Philippines.

Wildlife ConservationTo conserve wildlife, we have to strictly

implement the following:

1. the establishment of closed seasons during which fish or game species may not be hunted;2. the establishment of reserves and wildlife refuge areas where birds and other animals may breed without being hunted by man;

3. Enforcement of game laws to restrict the size

of fish and other species that may be caught and the method of capture;

4. the artificial breeding of fish and the restocking of ponds and streams; and

5. the protection of birds and wildflowers

Coastal Zone and Resources ConservationOne of the major issues in resource

management today is the fast rate of mangrove forest destruction, especially the areas which are increasingly being converted to fishponds and timber logging. The destructive fishing methods, such as the use of dynamites in fishing, reclamation of area, contamination by land-and-sea-borne pollution, and siltation and sedimentation also contribute to the destruction of mangroves.

The mangrove area should be protected and conserved. This area helps in the reproduction of fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. Forest products, such as timber and charcoal and other raw materials, can be found in this area. The mangrove area protects and stabilizes the coastal zone by reducing typhoons and strong wind damage, and by controlling soil erosion. It also provides shelter and a breeding ground for wildlife.


Make a list of how you can take care and love animals.