2.MB0039 Final Business Communication -Assignment-Set-1

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  • 7/31/2019 2.MB0039 Final Business Communication -Assignment-Set-1


    Master of Business Administration - MBA Semester I

    MB0039Business Communication - 4 Credits

    (Book ID: B1128)

    Assignment - Set- 1 (60 Marks)

    Q.1 Explain the different types of communication with relevant examples.

    Human to human interaction can be accomplished in many ways. There are certain types of communication thatare used more often than others. The most important ways people communicate is either through, facial

    expressions, their body language, the words they use, or HOW they use those words.

    Verbal Communication-This is the most obvious form of communication. Through the use of words, and the meaning behind them,

    people can exchange information. But the common adage actions speak louder than words sheds some light

    on the fact that there are many other, more subtle forms of communication.

    Facial Expressions-Nervous ticks, the type of eye contact someone uses, especially dismissive eye contact, or the posturing of theirlips, are all different types of expressions people make when conversing. This is the outward manifestation of

    how they feel on the inside, which may be in conflict to what they are actually saying.

    Body Language-Body language is another nonverbal indicator of a persons headspace, and can give a good understanding of

    what the person is trying to convey, or trying to hide.

    Tone and Volume of Voice-Another subtle indicator is analyzing the TONE of voice of the person communicating. The sloping up, or

    sloping down of their sentences can demonstrate if they are trying to gain rapport with the other person, or

    trying to deject them and shut them down.

    Also, the quality and loudness of their voice can be an indicator of how comfortable they feel in an

    environment. If the person is insecure, shy, or uncomfortable in a given environment, their voice is more likely

    to be subdued, quiet and trembling. But if they feel secure, joyful, and are having fun, they are more likely tohave a loud boisterous voice because they feel comfortable in the environment.

    There are several types of communication to define and discuss. The purpose of communication is to transfer

    information between two or more different parties, and is most successful when it is a two-way process between

    sender and receiver. This transfer can occur in many ways and those can be categorized along several lines.

    Interaction and exchange with those around us a fundamental component of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One

    of the primary benefits of communication is collaboration and cooperation between parties, allowing for idea

    team building and idea building. Allows individuals to work together towards a common objective more

    effectively. The context in which communication is taking place is often the primary driver of which

    communication type is used.

  • 7/31/2019 2.MB0039 Final Business Communication -Assignment-Set-1


  • 7/31/2019 2.MB0039 Final Business Communication -Assignment-Set-1



    There are sometimes cultural differences in what certain words in a common language mean. Certain cultures

    apply additional meanings to some words, which becomes prevalent and dominant associations.

    Nonverbal Communication

    Nonverbal communication is the process of transmitting wordless signals between two or more parties. Despite

    not using words and in some cases sound, nonverbal communication can result in an immediate connection

    between sender and receiver. Examples of nonverbal communication include a) reading facial impressions

    including eye contact, b) body language including posture, stance, and movement, c) gestures and touch,

    handshakes, high fives, d) grunts, sighs, sounds used to convey a meaning, e) para-language, and f) Space and

    time language; the concept that we can communicate something without writing it, speaking it, or showing it.

    for instance, buying a big house communicates social status.


    A large proportion of non-verbal communication is universal across different cultures. For example,facial gestures expressing feels of anger, fear, and happiness are almost universal throughout the world.

    Develops intimacy with other parties beyond the standard message being conveyed; demonstratesinterest in the interaction


    Nonverbal cues can sometimes contradict the intended meaning of the verbal communication It is difficult to conceal at times when the individual would like to disguise it In most of its forms it can only be used if those individuals you are communicating with can see you Difficult if not impossible to convey complex ideas

    Other Communication

    Visual Communication

    The conveyance of a message and information in forms that can be seen by the eye, primarily involving two-

    dimensional images. Visual communication is a powerful accompaniment to text or spoken word when

    attempting to convey a message. Studies have shown that individuals respond more positively when visual

    communication is combined with other forms of verbal communication, and are more likely to be educated or

    influenced by the message. The most common examples of visual communication are typography and

    illustration. An interesting concept within the visual communication type is the use of clothing and sense of

    style to communicate a statement, feeling, or sentiment.

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    Q.2 What are the general principles of writing especially business writing?

    The principles of Good Business Letter can be described in the following ways:

    1) Knowing the Addressee Good Business Letter should contain the relevant information about the

    knowledge of subject and the person to whom it is addressed. It will create maximum influence on the

    reader and will benefit in best possible way.

    2) Writing Naturally Good Business Letter should have genuineness in expression of thoughts or

    ideas. It should be written in soft spoken language and the reader should believe that we are in

    conversation with him.

    3) Writing Clearly and Without AmbiguityGood Business Letter should be free from any confusion

    or ambiguity. It should insured clarity of thoughts with no omission of words, no faulty punctuation

    and no disorderly arrangement of facts. There has to be affixation of full stops and commas at right

    places so that there is no change in the sense or subject of the matter. Besides this, there has to be

    proper specification of numbers and figures to maintain the authenticity of the matter. The faulty

    punctuations or faulty words may prove disaster or failure for the business relations.

    4) Writing Completely Good Business Letter should have all the relevant facts and complete

    information so that there are no unnecessary queries. The letter should be complete in all aspects and

    everything should be described or written specifically.

    5) Courtesy and Consideration The courtesy in business correspondence is simply not restricted to

    obligatory words like Thank you or Please but implies to promptness in attending to the letters. It

    is important to acknowledge letters when it is not possible to give immediate replies. There has to be

    politeness in declining business proposals or saying no and it has to be done in decent manner. In

    business, courtesy begets courtesy, so there has to be congenial and friendly with business associates

    and parties.

    6) Avoiding Jugglery or Jumbling of Words It is important that the language of the letters should be

    simple and should not be like essay or article from literary point of view. It has to be written in short

    sentences with simple words. The letter should not have typical or difficult words and it should be

    refrained from verbose or prosaic style of writing.

    7) Avoiding the use of commercial words/phrases/abbreviations The use of commercial

    words/phrases/abbreviations should be avoided as they have become obsolete and out of practice.

    There are some important commercial terms that cannot be substituted, yet they should be minimize or

    avoided in the letters.

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    8) EffectivenessGood Business Letter should be concise, precise, relevant, concrete and consistent so

    that it is easily understood by the reader and its contents should be fully followed. The letter should be

    arranged in the relevant way so that the important facts should be given prime importance. It should be

    followed by other important facts in continuation so that the entire letter becomes link chain. The letter

    can be divided into small paragraphs and each paragraph should contain specific type of information. It

    should be not too short or too lengthy as this may prove monotonous or irrelevant in a business letter to

    the reader.

    9) Planning the Letter The writer of the letter should have good thinking power and should plan out

    its contents before writing the letter. It helps in assorting all relevant facts, figures and places so that the

    letter becomes more useful and result oriented. The following steps are to be taken for planning a letter

    and they are as follows:

    a) Collecting facts or information It refers to collecting all the relevant facts or information to be

    included in the letter.

    b) Selecting right or accurate style/approach It implies to the initiation of letter and can be done

    through three approaches or styles. They are:

    1) DirectIn this type we can jump into main issue or conclusion before giving any type of preface or

    introduction. For exampleEnquiries, Quotations, Orders etc.

    2) Indirect It involves making indirect or preface for the main information, issue or subject.

    3) PersuasiveIt should be written in a way that the reader should be motivated and its content should

    arouse his interest to create a demand for the business. For example sales executive offering lucrative

    offers to sell his products through effective business letter writing.

    c) Arranging Facts, Figures and Places The collected information of the relevant facts, figures and

    places should be arranged and assorted properly so that the letter becomes link chain and should be able

    to satisfy readers.

    10) Checking or Revising the Letter The business letter should be revised and checked thoroughly

    before signature and dispatch. It is done to assure accuracy, clarity and effectiveness of a business

    letter. It should be free from faulty words, faulty punctuation, and incomplete information etc for

    congenial and prosperous business relations.

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    Q.3 How would you prepare yourself for an oral business presentation?

    ANS: Delivering a formal presentation can be either fairly stress-free or nerve-wrecking. Your level of comfort

    can depend on the size of your audience, the critical spectators attending your presentation, or the feedback that

    you may anticipate. Whatever you may find as a cause for concerns about speaking before a group, never let it

    be your knowledge about what you will speak. With thorough and effective research about your subject, youwill discover that you are already halfway prepared to address your listeners. The following steps can completeyour preparation.

    1. Study your subject. You may have already been provided great information from which you couldpull. But if there are other sources, such as the Internet or experts, use them to enhance your own

    insight. Doing so can also help you develop more confidence in your speech.

    2. In the comfort of your own study lab (wherever that may be), anticipate all types of respondingquestions from people in your audience: challenging questions ,critical questions, crazy questions, and

    simple questions (the ones which are so simple that you forgot to prepare an answer for). Equip

    yourself with facts and insight accordingly. For enlightenment on people's views, I have read severalmessage boards and even complaint sites to help me prepare for the unexpected. If your presentation is

    non-interactive, do not take that for granted. You can still be approached with questions after your

    speech or after the event where you gave it.

    3. Organize the notes from which you will speak. Whether typed or handwritten, you must be able tocomprehend them in order to convey them to an audience. So, if you jot your notes down on index

    cards, write legibly. Also, bind the notes - paper or cards - that you plan to use during your

    presentation. Dropping loose papers or cards during your speech should not distract an attentive

    listener, but it can certainly distract you, the speaker. Make your task a tad bit easier on yourself

    alleviating the possibility of that problem.

    4. If you decide to speak with the aid of a Power Point presentation, bear inmind how you will insertinformation to be displayed. Don't expect an audience to read lengthy sentences or any paragraph - no

    matter how much time they are given. By all means, do not prepare yourself to read every word written

    on that PowerPoint. The audience does not need to see the back of your head. They don't need to hear

    your voice drift into a state of monotony, which is what can happen if you read word-for-word from

    your notes.

    5. Practice your presentation in private and be willing to be your own big gestcritic. Grab a tape recorderor any recording device to listen to your own speech.

    6. As I expressed above, approach the podium with a solid knowledge base about every point your willdiscuss.

    7. Please do not imagine your audience in their underwear. You need to focus. If eye contact with any ofthose listeners intimidates you, then look just past the last row of people to land your sight on either

    some empty seats or the wall. There are corners of walls and other inanimate objects where you canplace your focus until you find yourself comfortable enough to make brief eye contact with a few

    friendly or neutral faces.

    8. Remember that the last row of listeners need to hear your voice. Unless you have a reliablemicrophone, be sure to project.

    9. Do not overestimate your listeners' attention spans. Keep their interest. Give your tone some range(logical range, that is). And wherever your subject and the points from which you speak will allow,

    engage your audience with illustrations which they can relate to.

    10. Please impose neither overly technical terminologies nor acronyms on your audience. While theseexpressions of intelligence seem effective, they actually reflect a lazy effort to communicate detailed

    and comprehensible information to listeners.

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    11. Remember that, at this point, there should be no reason to lose confidence. If you've studied yoursubject, grasped a clear understanding of it, and followed thetips above, you have the tools to conquer

    any sharp sensation that you may feel inthe pit of your gut going before any group.

    Q. 5 Distinguish between circulars and notices along with formats.

    The difference between a circular and a notice is that circulars are announcements that are distributed to small or

    selective groups of people within the organization, whereas notices are meant for a larger group of people.

    ExampleIf a manager wants to call a meeting of heads of departments, he will pass around a circular only to

    the heads, requesting them to attend that meeting.

    On the other hand, notices generally contain information or announcements that are meant for all the employees

    of an organization.

    Example A list of declared holidays for a calendar year is a notice, since the information is relevant to all


    A notice is therefore a legal document that has to be put up on an official notice or bulletin board.

    Imagine that you are the president of the Student Committee in a management college and wish to hold a

    meeting to plan for the annual Management Fest of the college. You will have to send some

    information to those whom you want to involve in organizing the Fest. You may not want all the

    students to be involved initially, since it may take a lot of time and there may be too many suggestions.

    Instead, you may choose to invite only the committee members to discuss details such as the date,

    venue, duration, how to get sponsors and so on. For this purpose, you may send a circular only to the

    student committee members, requesting them to attend the meeting.

    During the meeting, the date and venue may be finalized and various smaller committees may be formed, such

    as a reception committee, stage committee and so on. You may also decide to get each student to

    contribute a nominal amount for the Fest. In order to announce these details and to ask for student

    contributions, you may then put up a notice on the official college notice board, which all students can

    see and respond to.

    A sample circular and notice are given below:

    TO: All Departmental Heads


    Safety Aspects in Science Laboratories

    The purpose of this circular is to emphasize the importance of safety in research laboratories. Alllaboratory supervisors are responsible for the safety of research scientists in their charge. It is their duty

    to draw their attention to any safety hazard that pertains to a particular activity. In this contect,

    supervisors should be familiar with relevant guidelines on laboratory safety and they should be careful

    at all times to observe standard safety procedures, when practical activities are being conducted in the


    Please bring this circular to the notice of the supervisors concerned and to the notice of the

    representatives as appropriate, for transmission to individual research scientists.

    General ManagerHR

    Oct 20th, 2011.

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    Note that a circular, like a memo is brief and to the point. It has a caption that indicates the message to be

    conveyed, like a memo, there is no formal salutation or close.

    Under special circumstances, notices may also be sent to individual employees. An example of this type of

    notice is the Show Cause Notice. Which is sent when an employee is found to be guilty of major misconduct.

    The notice mentions the allegations against the employee and asks for a written explanation within a specified

    time, failing which the action that would be taken against him/ her (e.g. being suspended from the job) is stated.

    Notices are read by a large number of people and can also be used as evidence in court cases. Therefore, care

    must be taken when writing them. They have to be worded very precisely and clearly, to make sure that there is

    no ambiguity. They should also be brief and to the point. The tone should be firm but not offensive and

    arrogant. Depending on the type of notice, the duration of display of a notice is specified under various legal



    October 20th, 2011



    The Enviornment Club of our School is organising a Tree Plantation Drive on the VanaMahotsava Day.Under this drive 1,000 new trees will be planted in the campus. Free seeds and saplings will also be

    distributed. All the students are invited to take part in the drive which willinaugrated by School

    Prinicpal on 20th Oct, 2010 at 8:30 A.M. in the School green belt.



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    Q. 6You are a sales manager for a particular brand of mixer and blender. Frame a

    sample bad news letter telling a customer about that her claim for the product

    replacement is rejected on the grounds that the product didnt have any defectduring the sale.

    Panacea India Ltd.

    G3,Mohan co-op.Ind.Est.

    New Delhi.


    October. 2011,

    Dear Mr.Banerjee,

    Thank you for your letter of 10thOct. 2011. Panacea Inc. appreciate all your feedback we receive from

    customers. Upon arrival your l MixerBlender ( model UniPower123) was inspected by our Repair Department.

    We have come to the conclusion that Panacea Inc. cannot repair your Mixer-Blender free of charge, as you

    requested in your letter. The Motor blades were damaged which suggests that the Glass was not fixed and

    locked properly on the base before Running. This caused two of its blades to break , thus damaging the Mixer-

    Blender internal circuitry and its ability to rotate .As it is stated in the instruction manual and warranty Make

    sure all parts are correctly mounted before you switch on the appliance and Only use the appliance when bothclamps are locked . We feel, we must deny your request.

    Panacea Inc. Mixer-Blender are consistently rated the best on the market by Consumer magazine and with

    proper care and maintenance , we serve the owner for an average 25 years .

    Mr.Banerjee, we would like to keep you as a valued costumer. We will fix your Mixer - blender and discountyou18percent off the repair costs. If you feel this is a fair offer Please call me 011-2567834.

    Again, thank you for taking the time to write to us. We do appreciate your business and we will keep your Mixer

    Blender until we hear from you, or. After 20 days , we will send it back by express mail. If you have any

    questions , please call me at the above no..


    Rakesh Kumar Singh

    Sales manager.

    Panacea India Ltd.