2M ^ Peoples '^%t - NYS Historic...

^ Peoples ' ^%t NATIONAL BANK OF PATCHOGU E 115 EAST MAIN STREET , PATCHOGUE GRover 5-4700 North Patchogue Office : 100 EAST SUNRISE HIGHWAY , NORTH PATCHOGUE MID-ISLAND OFFICE ROUTE 25, SELDEN Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. Member Federal Reserve System Gordon Heights News Items Mrs. Alberta Beach. SElden 2-3796 CHRISTMAS PARTIES The Mary AME Zion Church will sponsor their Chnnmas pro- gram and pageant December 26. On the comim'ittep are MIN . Ada Bray and Brother Nathan John- ston. The Ladies ' Auxiliary of the Gordon Heights Fne Department ¦will sponsor a Christmas party December 27 at the Community Center on Hawkins Avenue for all the children of this community. Small children will attend fi om 6 to 7:-!0 p. in.; tpenagers . lioni 7: ' J >0 on. William Bonner of Seymour Lane , is ill at his home . Mrs. Joan Mason of Central Parkwa y gave a birthday party Saturday night at her home in honor of her son , Willie Mason , of Barbara Lane. Among their guests were Mrs. Willie Mason . Mr. and Mrs. George Yancy, Robert Dun- . ' ton . Mrs. James Hari is , Muss Jean Staggs , Mr. and Mis. Clar- ence Mason , Mrs. Ellen Williams , Raymond and Walter Martin. Plummer Fields and Mr. and Mrs . Benjamin Durham. Houseg uests of Mr. and Mrs. James Beaton of Hawkins Avenue \vere their son-in-law and daugh- ter , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vonable , and Miss Beverly Beaton of Co- lumbus . Ohio , and Donald Beaton of New York City. Elder Charles fatem , pastor of the Ebenezer Sabbath Day Church , Pinegrove Avenue , offici- ated at the funeral services Wed- nesday for Clifton Beaton , at the Walter A. Washington Funeral Home on Amsterdam Avenue , New York City. He was the son of James Beaton of Hawkins Avenue. Others from here attending the funera l were Mrs. Ada Phillips , Frank Wilson , Mrs. Elsie Johnson , Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henry, Rufus Manning and Theodore Armstrong. CHURCH NEWS At the Ebenezer Sabbath Day p Church , servicer are as follow-? : Sabbath school is held at 11 a. m., followed by divine worshi p at L p. m. Young people ' s meeting is held at -1 p. m. Saturday. Prayer meeting is held at 8 p. n Wed- nesday. Sunday activities are Sun- day school , at 10 a . m., followed by divine worship at 11:45 a. m. Bible Cla^ s is held at 8 p. m. - Tuesday, with Elder John White in ehaige. The Mary AME Zion Church services are as follows : Sunday school is held at 10 a. m., followed by divine worship at 12 noon. Young people ' s meeting is held at 6 p. m. with Brother Nathan John- ston in charge. Bible Class is held at 8 p. m. Wednesday. At the Church of God in Christ services are as follows: Sunday school is held at 10 a. m followed by divine worship at 12 noon and 8 p. m. Sunday. The Community Baptist Church .services are as follows: Sunday school is held at 10 a. m., followed by di\ine worshi p at 12 noon. Prayer meeting is held at 8 p. m. Wednesday and choir rehearsal is held at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. At St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal Church Sunday, a Fam- ily eucharist and Sunday school are at 8:34 a. m. The Second Mon- day Church Women Association is held at 7 p. m. The Gordon Heights Seventh Day Adventist Church services are as follows : Sabbath school is held at 9:45 a. m.. Home Mission at 10:45 a. m., divine worshi p at 11:45 a. in. Young people ' s meeting is held at 4 p. m. Lightbearers Club is held at 5 p. m. and Vesper services at 5:30 p. m. Sunday ac- tivities are. Pathfinders Club at 3 p. m. Evangelistic services are held at 8 p. m. Mount Olivet Baptist Church services are as follows: Sunday school is held at 10 a. m., followed by divine worship at 12 noon and 8 p. m. Bible Class is held at 8 p. m. Tuesday and prayer meet- ing is held at 8 p. m. Friday. CORAM NEWS ITEMS Mrs. Gloria Hoclzcr , SElden 2-5363 Sunday afternoon about seven- ty-five children , as guest- of the Coram Fire D°partment , enjoyed a visit from Santa Claus. Each child shook hands with Santa , re- ceived a gift , candy, a piece of fruit , and was ^ervu ]ce cream, cake , and soda. Girl Scout Troop 79 of Coram joining with the Girl Scouts from the neighboring communities , pai- ticipated in a flag ceremony and held their Christmas p_ " _ty at the Ridge school recently. Tiie follow- ing girls attended : Janice Borella , Helen Coller , Cathy Young, Ka. - - en Zimmlinghaus. DaV Cotter , Nancy Bertwell of Coram , and Pat- Giogel and Kath y Fingar of Mid- dle Island. The local girls were accompanied by their leader , Mrs. Dorothy Young and Mis. Irene Wittsehack. Also attending were the Mesdames Rosemary Borella and Minnie Christiansen. The Coram Community Club will hold a Christmas party and installation of oif'cers tomorrow rd. the club. The Central Brookhaven Repub- lican Club hold a very succt ssful Christmas P' ldy Monday, vhien was attended by approximately 150 people. Tuesday gu c sts of Mr. and Mis. Robert Urban of Mt. Sinai Road wei e Mr. and M' s. Harry A. Paul , Ji., of Bohemia. METHODIST CHURCH At the Tnnit\ M *tWist Churc h there is one service at . :30 a. m. S-niday. Senda v T school is also at 9:30 a. m. The Sunday -chool Chrisr ire, progi.im will be held " p. m. btcember ':1 in tlip church hall. A Chiistmas candle- light service will be oeM 11 p. in. December 24. Pas t or and Mrs. Dav id Hurley held their c "> nv_.al Chri stmas tea at th- parsonage from J:.50 to 5 p. m. Sunday. Ho-tess^s were the Misses Minnie and Grace Davis. The Naomi Circle held their Chris t mas ") irtv December 11 at the nome of Mrs. Kale A.r"nam- bault of Mt. J- mai Road. Guests were th e Mesdames Carolyn Hur- ley, Sall y Kubik , Agnes Feleix, Gene\ ieve Edwards , Ann Chr>st- lansen , Hilda Dijnplma'er . Shiiley King. Joan Albin , Marie DePuj and Minnie Christiansen. _ >r. FI ANCES CABJU M At St. F'-auces Cain ini R. r Chiirt li theie <wc thi ee masses on Sunday, <S, 10:30 a. m. and 12:15 p. m. Benecheti&n lollov. s tiie 10:110 h. m. mass. TheLe vy.ll be .; Cir-.tin.a - - par- t y Decembei cl for the c ':i , c ' ' , en of th > parish i_ Ihe church hail. SELDEN NEWS ITEMS Mu. Tani D.^U-fano. SElden S-f.Tbfi M.OWXIES' V\.W The Brownies in Troop 17( " > alone with Troop 171 sponsored a plav Decembei i> at the Yaphank Home lot tiie Aged in Y aphank. The p la> . "The Little Lest An- gel ' , wis taken from the -toi y b y .lane Heath , adapted mid a- p )a\ In Mis . ionic rihott of Alma Avenue. Bum me> pat ticipal'iig w ere Ca- len ()1--Pii the (iolden Angel; K-ithleen Elliott , the ! ittle Lost Aneel; Dai,a Craven, the W oman; Denize 1 nil p. the Lame Boy: Mail! eon O'Haia. the Man . and Muhael Biiolmeiei . the Woman Do cas . Nauatoi s were Debbie Millei and Doioth y O'Hara and the an- IIUU 'U P ! was Loi lain" Plubu. M' - Cu ol OLson and Mis. Yeionica Phil' p were the candle bearers. The singing angels were Don- na Alliens . Mu-hele Libnzzi , Su- san Maich.ese. Anne Montosano, Maiv Montesaiio. Susan Richko, and Arhn n W eich. Taking part m the "Chorus oi Angels " were the to'lowing Brownies from Troop 171: Dara D'\Sant Joan Ellen Cal- dera. 1 ynn Kramer , Debbie Sakel- larides . Leigh Kiamei , Peggy Ilamm. Evelyn Moschos , Susan lint . Helaine Berg , \' aierie Stre- gare . Dale DeSant. Shirley Ila. 'ri- ' on Kathy Hei ion. Nanc\ Papile , K\elyn Sabatella. Rita Sommer- \ille. TheiesH (lalotifiore , Yeron- na an 1 Mk' neie Woieiechou^ki , Di bb e \* eigona and Jaime Walsh. The women and men of the home were presented with gifts such as Christmas w reath lapel decoiat'oiis and Santa ' s red sock . all made by the Brownie troops. NEW BROWNIE T ROUP Brownie Gill Scout Troop 205 is a newl y organized troop in Selden , under the leadership of Mrs . .Mary Palermo of Marshall Dru e. Th" members met for the fiist time as a new group De- cember (5 at Mrs . Palermo ' s home. The troop consists of the fol- lowing new Brownies : Janet Bruc- coleri . Janet Reynolds , Cheryl Car- ter . Nanc\ Ross , Mary Anne Pal- 0'i no , Charles Lewis , Dianne Cos- telle , Linda Bee , Marlena Horton , Alesia Truitt and Anne Marie Rhodes. The Brownies also attended a party Saturday given by the La- dies ' Auxiliary of the American Legion in Selden. During the fes- tivities all Brownies participated in trimming the Christmas tree. A double celebration was held Sundav at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James O'Hugan in honor of the baptisms \>i Aynes Marie Gade , daug htei- of Mi. and Mrs. Step hen Gade , and of Casper George Smith , sou of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith , all of Selden. The babies were baptised by the Rev. Roger Guerault at St. Margaret of Scotland R. C. Church. God- parents for Agnefe Marie Gade are Mrs. Agnes Cotiklin and Frank Menza , both of Selden. Godpa- rents for Caspen* George Smith are Mrs. Margatfet Gade of Sel- la SELDEN , the Long Island Advance is on sale at Cochran ' s Stationery, Marion ' s Grocery and Aggie ' s Delicatessen. —A<h . den and Charles Brienkman of Centereach. A buffet dinner was served for the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Jaime.s O'Hagan and son James , Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Ni- cholas Gade and. daughter , Hilda and Mr. and M' rs. Richard Con- klin. Also Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith , Frank Comerlingo , Miss Carol Madonna . Mrs. Fanny Dei- ro , of Centereach ; Mr. and Mrs. Michael Babas of Lindenhurst; Mr. and Mis. Benny Servidio and sons , James and Bobby, of East North- port; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Stub- balo and children. Cheryle , Karen , Chris and Jerry, Mrs. Grace Ca- fone and daughter , Linda , Mr. and Mirs . Roland Servidio and daugh- ters , Barbara-Jo and Shirley Ann , Mr. and Mis. Raymond Serfidio and sons , Raymond , Joseph and Frank of Huntington ; Mrs. Mary Zinnnola of Commack; Mr . and Mrs. Thomas Farillie and daugh- ters , Maiy Ann and Lorraine , of Richmond Hill ; Mrs . Cissy Woods and son , Charles of Brooklyn; Mrs. Emily Nilan. Mrs. Irene Mit- ehel , both of Sayville. and Earl Workheiser of Kings Park. CHURCH NEWS Christmas schedule at St. Mar- ga ret of Scotland R. C. Church includes confessions on Saturday from Z p. m. to 5:30 p. m . and 7:30 p. m. to 9 p. tn. On Christ- mas eve there will be Christmas caiols at 11:30 p. m. At 12 mid- night High Mtass will be celebrat- ed. On Christmas dav masses will be at 8. 9 , 10 . 11.15 a m and 12:15 p m. Christinas schedule at the Sel- den Baptist Church , Park Hill Drive , will be as follows: at 7:30 p. m. tonight there will be a Christmas program at the church. Tomorrow' the young people will sponsor a Christmav program at the Suffolk Farm in Yap hank. On December 24 there will be Christ- mas Service at 11 a. m. The Selden Community Presby- terian Church will hold a special Candlelight Christmas Eve Com- munion sei'vice 8 p. m. December 24. For your best source of infor- mation locally, read The Advance pjieh wppk.4dv. r ^ iT^^^- v ,^^T^^^" ^ v^rTTT " *- - >- mm rffiliiiTmliitrfiiriiiiiliiiil 1 Ti ' ii uiiiiM - M - _ - _tt - _ , ~ > r . . J s. 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Rea Lemon UMOH ^ I ^ B _ J O C Wjsk UQ ^™ NT , A GAL CAN •, >27 Florient A , R FRESH ENER 5. O Z CAN 79 C Pilisbury Sundae Raspberry Angel Cake w oz PKG 57C SUSr a Rinso Blue -Q* ^ ™^27C Ivory £££ 5 BARS 29c PRICES EFFECTIVE IN LONG ISLAND, N Y. CITY AND WESTCHESTER COUNTY SAFEWAY-FIRST NATIONAL STORES CIGARETTES, BEER & TOBACCO PRODUCTS EXEMPT FROM STAMP OFF^

Transcript of 2M ^ Peoples '^%t - NYS Historic...




MID-ISLAND OFFICE — ROUTE 25, SELDENMember Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Member Federal Reserve System

Gordon Heights News ItemsMrs. Alberta Beach. SElden 2-3796


will sponsor their Chnnmas pro-gram and pageant December 26.On the comim'ittep are MIN . AdaBray and Brother Na than John-ston.

The Ladies ' Auxi l iary of theGordon Heights Fne Department¦will sponsor a Chris tmas partyDecember 27 at the Communi tyCenter on Hawkins Avenue forall the children of this community.Small children wil l attend fi om 6to 7:-!0 p. in.; tp enagers . l i o n i 7: 'J>0on.

William Bonner of SeymourLane , is ill at his home .

Mrs. Joan Mason of CentralParkway gave a birthday partySaturday night at her home inhonor of her son , Willie Mason , ofBarbara Lane. Among their guestswere Mrs. Willie Mason . Mr. andMrs. George Yancy, Robert Dun-.'ton . Mrs. James Hari is , MussJean Staggs, Mr. and Mis. Clar-ence Mason , Mrs. Ellen Williams,Raymond and Walter Martin.Plummer Fields and Mr. and Mrs .Benjamin Durham.

Houseg uests of Mr. and Mrs.James Beaton of Hawkins Avenue\vere their son-in-law and daugh-ter , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vonable ,and Miss Beverly Beaton of Co-lumbus . Ohio , and Donald Beatonof New York City.

Elder Charles fatem, pastor oft h e Ebenezer Sabbath D a yChurch , Pinegrove Avenue , offici-ated at the funeral services Wed-nesday for Clifton Beaton , at theWalter A. Washington FuneralHome on Amsterdam Avenue , NewYork City. He was the son ofJames Beaton of Hawkins Avenue.Others from here attending thefunera l were Mrs. Ada Phillips ,Frank Wilson , Mrs. Elsie Johnson ,Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Henry, RufusManning and Theodore Armstrong.

CHURCH NEWSAt the Ebenezer Sabbath Day

p Church , servicer are as follow-? :Sabbath school is held at 11 a. m.,followed by divine worshi p at Lp. m. Young people 's meeting isheld at -1 p. m. Saturday. Prayermeeting is held at 8 p. n „ Wed-nesday. Sunday activities are Sun-day school , at 10 a . m., followed bydivine worship at 11:45 a. m. BibleCla^ s is held at 8 p. m.- Tuesday ,wi th Elder John W h i t e in ehaige.

The Mary AME Zion Churchservices are as follows : Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m., followedby divine worship at 12 noon.Young people 's meeting is held at6 p. m. with Brother Nathan John-ston in charge. Bible Class is heldat 8 p. m. Wednesday.

At the Church of God in Christservices are as follows: Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m „ followedby divine worship at 12 noon and8 p. m. Sunday.

The Community Baptist Church.services are as follows: Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m., followedby d i \ ine worshi p at 12 noon.Prayer meeting is held at 8 p. m.Wednesday and choir rehearsal isheld at 7:30 p. m. Thursday.

At St. Michael and All AngelsEpiscopal Church Sunday, a Fam-ily eucharist and Sunday schoolare at 8:34 a. m. The Second Mon-day Church Women Association isheld at 7 p. m.

The Gordon Heights SeventhDay Adventist Church services areas follows : Sabbath school is heldat 9:45 a. m.. Home Mission at10:45 a. m., divine worshi p at 11:45a. in. Young people 's meeting isheld at 4 p. m. Lightbearers Clubis held at 5 p. m. and Vesperservices at 5:30 p. m. Sunday ac-tivities are. Pathfinders Club at3 p. m. Evangelistic services areheld at 8 p. m.

Mount Olivet Baptist Churchservices are as follows: Sundayschool is held at 10 a. m., followedby divine worship at 12 noon and8 p. m. Bible Class is held at8 p. m. Tuesday and prayer meet-ing is held at 8 p. m. Friday.

CORAM NEWS ITEMSMrs. Gloria Hoclzcr , SElden 2-5363

Sunday afternoon about seven-ty-five children , as guest- of theCoram Fire D°partment , enjoyeda visit from Santa Claus. Eachchild shook hands with Santa , re-ceived a gift , candy, a piece offruit , and was ^ervu ]ce cream,cake, and soda.

Girl Scout Troop 79 of Coramjoining with the Girl Scouts fromthe neighboring communities , pa i -ticipated in a flag ceremony andheld their Christmas p_ " _ ty at theRidge school recently. Tiie follow-ing girls attended : Janice Borella ,Helen Coller , Cathy Young, Ka.--en Zimmlinghaus. DaV Cotter ,Nancy Bertwell of Coram , and Pat-Giogel and Kath y Fingar of Mid-dle Island. The local girls wereaccompanied by their leader , Mrs.Dorothy Young and Mis. IreneWittsehack. Also attending werethe Mesdames Rosemary Borellaand Minnie Christiansen.

The Coram Community Clubwill hold a Christmas party andinstallation of oif'cers tomorr owrd. the club.

The Central Brookhaven Repub-lican Club hold a very succt ssfulChristmas P' l dy Monday, vhienwas attended by approximately150 people.

Tuesday gu csts of Mr. and Mis.Robert Urban of Mt. Sinai Road

wei e Mr. and M' s. Harry A. Paul ,Ji . , of Bohemia.

METHODIST CHURCHAt the T n n i t \ M *tWist

Churc h there is one service at. :30 a. m. S-niday. Senda vT schoolis also at 9:30 a. m. The Sunday-chool Chrisr ire, progi . im will beheld " p. m. btcember ':1 in tlipchurch hall. A Ch i i s tmas candle-l ight service will be oeM 11 p.in. December 24.

Pas t or and Mrs. David Hurleyheld their c"> nv_.al Chri stmas teaat th- parsonage from J:.50 to 5p. m. Sunday. Ho-tess^s were theMisses Minnie and Grace Davis.

The Naomi Circle held theirChris t mas ") irtv December 11 atthe nome of Mrs. Kale A.r"nam-bault of Mt. J- mai Road. Guestswere th e Mesdames Carolyn Hur-ley, Sally Kubik , Agnes Feleix,Gene\ ieve Edwards , Ann Chr>st-lansen , Hilda Dij nplma'er . ShiileyKing. Joan Albin , Marie DePujand Minnie Christiansen.

_>r. FI ANCES CABJU MAt St. F'-auces Cain ini R. r

Chiirt li theie < w c thi ee masses onSunday, <S, 10:30 a. m. and 12:15p. m. Benecheti&n lollov. s ti ie 10:110h. m. mass.

TheLe vy .ll be .; Cir-.tin.a -- par-ty Decembei cl for the c ':i, c''

,enof th > parish i_ Ihe church hai l .

SELDEN NEWS ITEMSMu. Tani D.^U-fano. SElden S-f.Tbfi

M . O W X I E S' V\.WThe B r o w n i e s in Troop 17( ">

a lone with Troop 171 sponsored ap lav Decembei i> a t the YaphankHome lo t t i ie Aged in Y aphank .The pla> . "The Li t t l e Lest A n -gel ' , wis taken from the -toi yby .lane Heath , adapted mid a-p )a\ In M i s . J» i o n i c r i h o t t ofA l m a A v e n u e .

Bum m e > pa t t i c i p a l ' i i g w ere Ca-l en () 1--Pii the ( io lden A n g e l ;K - i t h l e e n E l l i o t t , the ! i t t le LostA n e e l ; D a i , a Craven, t h e W oman;Denize 1 n i l p. t he Lame Boy:M a i l ! eon O 'H a i a . the Man . andM u h a e l B i i o l m e i e i . t h e W omanDo cas .

N a u a t o i s were Debbie M i l l e iand Do io th y O'Hara and the an-IIUU 'U P ! was Loi la in" Plubu. M' -Cu ol OLson and M i s . Yeionica

P h i l ' p were the candle bearers.The s in g i n g angels were Don-

na A l l i e n s . Mu-hele L ibnzz i , Su-san Maich.ese. Anne Montosano,M a i v Monte sai io . Susan Richko,and Arhn n W eich. Taking part mthe "Chorus oi Angels" were theto ' lowing Brownies from Troop171: Dara D'\Sant Joan Ellen Cal-dera. 1 y n n Kramer , Debbie Sakel-lar ides . Leigh K i a m e i , PeggyI l a m m . Evelyn Moschos , Susanl i n t . Helaine Berg , \'aier ie Stre-gare . Dale DeSant. Shirley I la. 'ri-' on K a t h y Hei ion . Nanc\ Papile ,K \ e l y n Sabatella. Ri ta Sommer-\ i l l e . TheiesH ( la lo t i f io re , Yeron-na an 1 M k 'neie Woie iechou ^k i ,Di bb e \*e i g o na and J a i m e Walsh.

The women and men of thehome were presented wi th gi f tssuch as Chris tmas w reath lapeldecoiat'oi is and Santa 's red sock .

al l made by the Brownie troops.

NEW BROWNIE T ROUPBrownie Gi l l Scout Troop 205

is a newl y organized troop inSelden , under the leadership ofMrs . .Mary Palermo of MarshallDru e. Th" members met for thef i i s t time as a new group De-cember (5 at Mrs . Palermo 's home.

The troop consists of the fol-lowing new Brownies : Janet Bruc-coleri . Janet Reynolds , Cheryl Car-ter . Nanc\ Ross , Mary Anne Pal-0' i no , Charles Lewis , Dianne Cos-telle , Linda Bee , Marlena Horton ,Alesia Truit t and Anne MarieRhodes.

The Brownies also attended aparty Saturday given by the La-dies ' Auxiliary of the AmericanLegion in Selden. During the fes-tivities all Brownies participatedin t r i m m i n g the Christmas tree.

A double celebration was heldSundav at the home of Mr. and

Mrs. James O'Hugan in honor ofthe baptisms \>i Aynes MarieGade , daughtei- of Mi . and Mrs.Stephen Gade , and of CasperGeorge Smith , sou of Mr. and Mrs.George Smith , all of Selden. Thebabies were baptised by the Rev.Roger Guerault at St. Margaretof Scotland R. C. Church. God-parents for Agnefe Marie Gade areMrs. Agnes Cotiklin and FrankMenza , both of Selden. Godpa-rents for Caspen* George Smithare Mrs. Margatfet Gade of Sel-

la SELDEN , the Long IslandAdvance is on sale at Cochran'sStationery, Marion 's Grocery andAggie's Delicatessen.—A<h .den and Charles Brienkman ofCentereach. A buffet dinner wasserved for the following guests:Mr. and Mrs. Jaime.s O'Hagan andson James , Jr.. Mr. and Mrs. Ni-cholas Gade and. daughter, Hildaand Mr. and M'rs. Richard Con-klin. Also Mr. and Mrs. JosephSmith , Frank Comerlingo, Miss

Carol Madonna . Mrs. Fanny Dei-ro , of Centereach ; Mr. and Mrs.Michael Babas of Lindenhurst; Mr.and Mis. Benny Servidio and sons ,James and Bobby, of East North-port; Mr. and Mrs. Christ Stub-balo and children. Cheryle , Karen ,Chris and Jerry, Mrs. Grace Ca-fone and daughter , Linda , Mr. andMirs . Roland Servidio and daugh-ters , Barbara-Jo and Shirley Ann ,Mr. and Mis. Raymond Serfidioand sons , Raymond , Joseph andFrank of Huntington ; Mrs. MaryZinnnola of Commack; Mr . andMrs. Thomas Farillie and daugh-ters , Maiy Ann and Lorraine , ofRichmond Hill ; Mrs . Cissy Woodsand son , Charles of Brooklyn;Mrs. Emily Nilan. Mrs. Irene Mit-ehel , both of Sayville. and EarlWorkheiser of Kings Park.

CHURCH NEWSChristmas schedule at St. Mar-

garet of Scotland R. C. Churchincludes confessions on Saturday

from Z p. m. to 5:30 p. m . and7:30 p. m. to 9 p. tn. On Christ-mas eve there will be Christmascaiols at 11:30 p. m. At 12 mid-night High Mtass will be celebrat-ed. On Christmas dav masses willbe at 8. 9, 10. 11.15 a m and12:15 p m.

Christ inas schedule at the Sel-den Baptist Church , Park HillDrive , will be as follows: at 7:30p. m. tonight there will be aChristmas program at the church.Tomorrow' the young people willsponsor a Christmav program atthe Suffolk Farm in Yaphank. OnDecember 24 there will be Christ-mas Service at 11 a. m.

The Selden Community Presby-terian Church will hold a specialCandlelight Christmas Eve Com-munion sei'vice 8 p. m. December24.

For your best source of infor-mation locally, read The Advancepjieh wppk.— 4dv.

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HOLIDAY SEAFOOD TREATS! SfSihI-Meyer « CAN ^S.B9 O fJh Green Shrimp^ua. LB 89c Smelts Nd a 29c unox IMPORTED 3-LB CAN $2,419 fh 3\ Sea Scallops « 59c Cod Fillets m 45c Y£a

f^^ ~j ' ;_ - ; ' * i c l Holiday Prod ***?*? BwMys! :^ ^^"1 &\£ FLORIDA JUMBO - Fresh Crisp Stalks V

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[f ANGEL CAKE 9 w '°r *' "** " **% *h~c\i _ ._ w. £JLt B Tangerines LAR« S,« 10 FOR 25I 'M With Cusiard Flavoring EACH "SK-P _W&i *Iz W —•——--------——----_-______ lmB$ir% CALIFORNIA - Fresh Tender Stalks T %A-_ _ i%,_ 1 CI W ¦¦ WMW Mmm ¦• maaa- ammm. I I WE GIVE ?I,j PECAN CRUNCH £$¦ Broccoli BUNCH 29« ,— H r~>> irTrrnrri?l_ Bl _-_. fe_?4»__

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IS -W* mWWk _P" B" BP" __¦ _fl» ___ IH_r on. W&: * £ -Jr V _ ' > r*W*4'¥!**B 5

If COFFEE CAICE M "WEROR - Bunches of Juicy FIB™ r4 . ' . t __WW t|--- l__2_j5

fl Excellan, For Braakfas, —, -. M$ B%_**_ ] _ _ __*_ ZB LBS 39< *.'

WK _ l STAM PS \>ll or Between-Meal Snacks EACH ^«^

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^ YELLOW - Firm \4 § For efcrf,xm™ ' ' flivf

'1 SAVE AT ^i 10-OZ ^kO* ^^ T • _. W \ £

For Christmas |#|#< 1 THIS LOW PR ICE di pKGS &W * H U^MpS » ijc M'. • SING WE NOW OF CHRISTMAS . %#\ -|S -"*-—" ' ' y& ^__^

Horry Simeone • featuring The Little Drummer Boyc,


2m IBIBIS-V OE8i__-€IE -ly&SE t.f i A Favorite of Ihe Children ^*


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I^ B _ JOC Wjsk UQ^™NT ,A GAL CAN •,>27 Florient A,R FRESH ENER 5.OZ CAN 79C

Pilisbury Sundae Raspberry Angel Cake w oz PKG 57C