2G-3G Handover & Roaming

2G / 3G 2G / 3G Roaming Roaming Handover Handover & & Interoperability Interoperability

Transcript of 2G-3G Handover & Roaming

2G / 3G 2G / 3G RoamingRoamingHandoverHandover& & InteroperabilityInteroperabilityAGENDAAGENDAWhat is Roaming & Handover Difference between Roaming and HandoverWhat is needed to effect Roaming or Handover Mobile Terminal Operability SM & !SMHandover Soft Handover ntra R"# nter R"# Softer Handover Hard Handover ntra $re%&ency nter $re%&ency nter SystemHandover'ction of switching a call in progress from oneradio channel to another to sec&re thecontin&ity of an established call(The p&rpose of handover control is to manage the mobility aspect of the S&bscriber( This means )eeping trac) of mobile stations *MS+ as they move aro&nd in the networ), and ens&ring that their connections are &ninterr&pted and meet the negotiated -&ality of Servicere%&irements(The characteristic of a mobile networ) which enables correct call ro&tingwhen the s&bscriber moves from one networ) to another(RoamingDifference between Roaming & HandoverHandover is done while call is already established( .action of switching from one Radio channel to another radio #hannel( .mainly radio networ) drivenRoaming is done in dle Mode( .th&s no traffic channels involved .mostly between !/ and H0RWhat is needed to effect Roaming / Handover/ssentials for 12 3 2SM nterwor)ing !## 4 !MTS # #ard( !## contains an application called !SMs( !niversal S&bscriber dentity Mod&le( D&al Mode Terminals that wor) with 2SM and 12 and also recognising 2SM SMWhat is USIM!SM *!niversal S&bscriber dentity Mod&le+ is the smart card for Third 2eneration *12 3 !MTS+ mobile Terminals(The !SM has the following feat&res 5 67 )bytes memory si8e, compared to 19 )bytes today with 2SM( :ac)wards compatibility with 2SM( !SMs will not wor) in 2SM phones, b&t e;isting 2SM Sim cards will wor) in 12( #omplies to 12