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Page 1: 2.files.edl.io€¦  · Web viewAnaya was born in Pastura, ... This novel takes place toward the end of World War ll during the 1940s. It takes place in New Mexico, USA.

Bless Me, Ultima RRS

1) Title: Bless Me, Ultima

2) Publication Date: 1972

3) Author: Rudolfo Anaya

4) Nationality: American

5) Author’s Birth and Death Dates: October 30, 1937 – present

6) Distinguishing Traits of the Author: Rudolfo Anaya has a similar childhood to the character Tony. Anaya was born in Pastura, New Mexico and raised in nearby Santa Rosa, New Mexico. His father was from a family of vaqueros (cowboys). His mother’s family was farmers from Puerto De Luna. He had two half-brothers from his mother’s previous marriage and four sisters. The llano is a reference to the landscape of New Mexico.        When he was seventeen, Anaya was in a swimming accident and was temporarily paralyzed as a result. This gave time for philosophical, religious, and cultural thinking. His experience was later depicted in his novel Tortuga. After high school, he attended the University of New Mexico and earned a B.A. in English and American literature. Bless Me, Ultima was written in 1963 but he could not find a publisher because of its combination of the English and Spanish language and its Chicano content.

7) Setting: This novel takes place toward the end of World War ll during the 1940s. It takes place in New Mexico, USA. The settings of the novel are as follows:

Hill near the town Guadalupe, New Mexico.- Tony’s father wants to be as close to the llano as possible, yet the family still moved to this city so that Tony can get an education. Tony’s mother wants Tony to become a man of learning and a priest while his father wants him to be free. This town of Guadalupe is protected by the Virgin of Guadalupe. The town is predominantly Catholic. This is a town where Tony begins to gain more knowledge and experience of his surroundings with the price of losing his innocence. Ultima also remarks that Tony already loses his innocence at his birth place in the llano. This setting represents a rigid society that sets rules and expectations on Tony. Predominantly Catholic, Tony is forced to believe in Catholicism. Yet through the four deaths, he questions the judgement of God and the authority of the church. This is the place he begins to veer away from Catholicism and search for his new belief and faith such as the Golden Carp.

Llano- where Tony is born. The llano is preferred by Tony’s father since he is a vaquero and he can be free. The family moved from the llano to Guadalupe because Tony’s mother wants Tony to get a proper education to become a priest. If Tony were to stay at the llano, he would not have experienced the traumatic events in Guadalupe. As a

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result, while Guadalupe symbolizes restriction and loss of innocence, the llano symbolizes freedom and retainment of innocence.

Luna’s farm- After a series of traumatic events, Tony is suggested by Ultima to work a week in the farms to cleanse his mind and soul. It is also where Ultima takes Tony to save his Uncle from the curse of the Trementina sisters. As a result, this setting represents a place of purity and cleansing. It is where the people follow the guidance of the moon and harvest crops from the earth. It is where evil is warded off and the good prevails. It is where Tony’s mind is cleansed from the brutal deaths that occurs in Guadalupe.

Lake- Only the ones who believe are able to see the Golden Carp, and Tony is being taken by Cico to see the Golden Carp. Guadalupe is above an underground lake. As people sin more, the weight will get heavier. One day will come when the whole down is drowned by the lake. The golden carp will then swallow everything to create a new world. This setting represents the opposite of the predominantly Catholic society of Guadalupe. It is regarded as a Pagan land, in which Tony is starting to believe more in. This serves as a key ingredient in Tony’s fate. Instead of blindly believing in his religion, he is trying to consider other possibilities and determining his own fate. Rather than being controlled by society, Tony is taking his own fate and faith into his hands.

The Marez House- This is where Tony, the protagonist, is raised and where he feels comfort and protection from the outside world. At his home is where Tony receives his initial beliefs about the Catholic faith, as his Mother raises him as a believer. The house is built on a rock that separates the town from the Llano. Despite its hard soil, Tony’s father insists that the family live there. The house symbolizes the divide between the freedom and peace of the Llano and the temptation and chaos of the town.

The llano- This is where Ultima and Tony go to pick herbs and where Tony finds the beauty and significance of nature. To Gabriel, Tony’s father, the llano represents freedom, as he is able to travel and do as he pleases.

Narciso’s garden- This setting mirrors the Garden of Eden that is in the Bible. By associating Narciso, a man of the town, with the Bible, Anaya is able to emphasize the purity and righteous nature of Narciso. The garden is where Tony and Cico go to eat fruits and vegetables.

School- This is where Tony interacts with his peers and comes to see the different backgrounds and beliefs of others. Furthermore, Tony experiences a culture clash, as the other students laugh at him for speaking Spanish. Overall, school allows Tony to experience more of society’s ways.

Church- The Catholic Church is what Tony depends on to understand all the questions he has about his life. However, the church fails to provide him with any closure. His unsettled state forces him to go out and discover answers for himself. He is no longer able to rely on the Church.

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8) Plot Summary:        Tony Marez is born in the llano. His family decided to come to Guadalupe so that Tony can get a proper education. When he is seven years old, his family decides to take in a curandera called Ultima, since she helps his family a lot. Tony’s mother wishes him to become a priest while his father wishes him to become a vaquero like him. Tony witnesses the death of Lupito, who is driven by the insanity of war to murder. Tony runs back to home while praying the for the death of Lupito.

When Tony begins school, his brothers finally arrives home from the war. His father is excited since he can finally take his sons and move to California. However, two brothers want to move out of the family to Las Vegas to fulfill their independent lives. Only one brother, Andrew, remains in the family.

Tony’s friend, Samuel, introduces him to the golden carp. It is a river god who protects mankind; nevertheless, Tony is a Catholic. He wonders whether or not he should believe in this golden carp. Samuel says Cico will take him to see the golden carp when he is ready. Also, the sins of humanity will weigh upon the town of Guadalupe. As the sins accumulate, one day the whole town will drown in the underground river. The golden carp will then swallow everything, good and evil, to create a new world. Only those who believe the golden carp will be saved.

One day, one of Tony’s uncle fell very ill. It is believed the Trementina sisters set a curse on the uncle. Ultima takes Tony to him and eventually expels the curse. Ultima also casts her own curse on the Trementina sisters. When the first daughter of Tenorio is dying, Tenorio suspects it is the work of Ultima and vows to take revenge on Ultima. Narciso tries to warn Ultima, but is shot by Tenorio under the juniper tree. In his dream, Tony wants God to forgive Narciso bu condemn Tenorio. God replies that he would need to forgive both.

Tony starts his first catechism lessons. He also takes his first communion, but is unable to communicate with God even after the communion. He begins to doubt his own religion. He also witnesses the death of Florence, a non-believer, as he is drowned in the river.

As he works in his uncles’ fields, Tony sees Tenorio on the road. Tenorio almost kills Tony. Tenorio then heads to Tony’s house in an attempt to kill Ultima. Tony runs back home and tries to warn Ultima, but it is too late. Tenorio shoots Ultima’s owl, which contains the spirit of Ultima. Tenorio is then shot by Uncle Pedro. Tony sits at Ultima’s deathbed and asks her to bless him. Ultima requests Tony to bury her owl under the split branch of the juniper tree.        9) Characters:Antonio Marez: Antonio “Tony” Marez is the protagonist of the novel that embarks on a path to maturity in this novel. Initially, Tony is concerned with whether he is to follow his father’s migrant lifestyle or his mother’s farming, sedentary lifestyle. Furthermore, his mother wishes that he becomes a priest. Still young, Tony is beginning to question what he will be in the future. He sees that since his parents’ lifestyles are so different, he has no choice but to choose between them. He is thoroughly influenced by his parents’ ways, not yet developing his sense of independence or his own lifestyle.

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        However, in the end, Tony realizes that not all aspects of any religion are perfect. He comes to accept the religions for what they are, and decides to believe in anything he wants to. He gains strength and realizes that he, himself, has the power to choose what to believe and what path in life to take. He understands that he has both his mother and his father’s blood and is now able to use this to his advantage. With this realization, Tony has reached a point of maturity, as he tells his mother to take his sisters to their room, and it is “the first time [he has] ever spoken to [his] mother as a man” (259). She obeys his wish. The fact that Tony is able to do this emphasizes that he is assured of himself and his worth. He finally understands that he has control over himself and his destiny. He no longer questions his existence.

Gabriel Marez: Gabriel Marez has been raised as a vaquero and, therefore, “only in [the] wide expanse of land and sky could [he] feel the freedom [his] spirit needed” (2). This characterizes Gabriel as a very restless and active person; he is not one to be confined or forced into a plain and sedentary style of living. Gabriel finds the beauty in travelling and admiring the natural landscape and its wonders.        Along with the restless nature, Gabriel is also a very strong-willed and courageous man, as when Tenorio comes to the Marez residence insisting that Ultima is a witch, Gabriel stands outside his house and addresses the accusers with strength and confidence. When addressing them, “he [spreads] his feet as if ready to fight” (129). This emphasizes that Gabriel is not a man that is easily swayed and intimidated by others. He is an individual who is willing to fight and defend those he cares for and what he thinks is just. Regardless of how dangerous the circumstance, he is willing to stand up for his beliefs.

Although Gabriel is an inherent vaquero, he is tied down by the obligations of his family in Guadalupe, preventing him from living free like the wind. His dream of moving to California, “the land of milk and honey”  also vanishes when his sons leave home to live their own lives (62). In essence, Gabriel represents a free spirit that is locked down by his obligations to his family. Although he wants Tony to be free instead of a priest, at the end, he eventually admits it is Tony’s choice, not his parents’.

Maria Marez: Maria Marez is Tony’s mother, and her maiden name is Luna. She comes from a family of sedentary farmers, and, therefore, does not understand her husband’s way of life. Furthermore, she is a devout Catholic and prays to the Virgin very often. When Tony gets promoted two grades, Maria insists that the family “must pray to the Virgin” even though “Deborah objected, saying nobody prayed for a grade promotion” (82). By having Maria pray for a fairly simple matter, Anaya emphasizes Maria’s reliance and strong faith in her religion. Maria sees the value of religion, as she believes it is able to guide and bless individuals with good fortune (as indicated with the grade promotion). She sees that by actively praying, she is able to continue to protect herself and those she loves from harm. Her devotion to religion makes her desire Tony to be a priest and a man of religion as well.

Ultima: Ultima is a curandera who comes to live with the Marez family, and help guide Tony on his path to maturity. Although she is a woman who is elderly, Ultima has great confidence and strength. When she goes to see Tenorio, she pushes open the door to

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his saloon “without hesitation,”  “[stands] tall with a nobleness to her stature,” and “[is] not afraid” (93). The fact that Ultima opens the door without hesitation emphasizes that she in no way is a timid woman. She is an individual who believes in her own worth and is, therefore, not afraid of people such as Tenorio. By indicating that she “[stands] tall” in a “[noble]” fashion, Anaya indicates Ultima’s powerful and graceful nature (93). She is a person who carries herself with confidence. Her fearlessness further emphasizes her strength. With this description, Anaya molds Ultima into an admirable individual.        With her strength and assurance in herself, Ultima is able to teach Tony the importance of noticing the nature around him, of her ways of healing, and, ultimately, how to cope and move on from tragic events. Ultima is there for Tony as his second mother, and helps Tony understand the complexities of religion and growing up. By the time Ultima dies, Tony is able to cope with death. He understands that he is to find strength from her death and move on with his life.

Narciso: Narciso is considered the town drunk, and, because of this, many people disregard his words. However, Narciso is a man who is very rational. When the townsmen gather to shoot Lupito, Narciso attempts to reason with them and tell them not to shoot and spill more blood. Even though Lupito committed a sinful act, Narciso sees that the townspeople will sin if they shoot Lupito. This realization emphasizes that Narciso is a man who is not controlled by his emotions; he is able to detach himself from them enough to think reasonably and calmly. Narciso also  tries to warn Ultima of the imminent danger, but no one is willing to listen to him. He is killed by Tenorio as a result. He is an innocent and good man, but he is killed. This makes Tony doubt the judgement of God and his religion. Narciso’s death matures Tony to follow his own path instead of being controlled by others.

Tenorio Trementina: Tenorio Trementina is an evil man driven by revenge and vengeance against Ultima, as he believes that she is responsible for two of his daughters’ deaths. When Tenorio gets into a quarrel with Narciso, Narciso goes to warn Ultima about Tenorio’s plan for revenge. However, seeing Narciso as a hindrance to his goal, Tenorio “waits to ambush Narciso under the juniper tree” and proceeds to kill him (168). Just because Narciso has the potential to stop Tenorio’s plan for revenge, Tenorio is willing to take his life – to take a human life. This emphasizes the great extent at which Tenorio is driven by hatred and a desire for revenge. This desire robs him of his reasoning and humanity. The ease at which he kills Narciso, with no guilt or hesitation, emphasizes his heartless and ruthless nature. He is not an individual who is kind or compassionate in any way. In the end, Tenorio carries out his plan for revenge by killing Ultima’s owl, which, in turn, causes Ultima’s death.

The Trementina Sisters: The Trementina Sisters are witches who curse Uncle Lucas when he sees them perform the Black Mass. When Uncle Lucas vomits a ball of hair that the witches use to curse him,  the ball “[falls] to the floor, hot, steaming, and wiggling” (103). By indicating that the ball of hair is “hot” and “steaming,” Anaya emphasizes that the witches’ curse has caused not only external but internal damage to Uncle Lucas, as these words imply that the ball of hair, when in Uncle Lucas’ body, burns his insides (103). The sisters’ curse is all encompassing and is able to maim an

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individual in many aspects. Furthermore, by having the ball of hair “[wiggle],” Anaya implies that it has a life of its own (103). By doing this, Anaya further emphasizes the strength of the curse. Even though it is not living, it has the power and influence of an entity that is alive. Overall, Anaya molds the power of the witches into an evil, formidable force in society.        Florence: Florence is Tony’s friend who does not believe in the Catholic faith or God. The reason for this is because his parents are both dead and his sisters are now prostitutes. He is a non-believer in a predominantly Catholic society. He even believes that “God has sinned against him” (241). He is being looked down upon by his peers and even punished in catechism lessons. He eventually drowns in the river without the chance of seeing the golden carp. His death also makes Tony doubt his religion even more. For non-believers like Florence, there is no salvation. This makes Tony wonder whether or not Catholicism is really true. With Florence’s death, Tony sees that religion is not something to be dependent on for peace and happiness.

Tony’s Friends: Samuel tells Tony about the golden carp first. He “was only in the third grade, but he always seems wise and old when he talked, kind of like [Tony’s] grandfather” (80). Cico shows Tony the golden carp and claims that “people, grownups and kids, seem to want to hurt each other” (117). Jason is “quiet and moody, and sometimes for no reason at all wild, loud sounds came exploding from his throat and lungs” (11). Tony detaches himself from friends like Jason eventually after Narciso’s death. Unlike most of his friends, Red is a protestant making him a target of teasing occasionally. He “was very good about helping Miss Violet” (162). Red is kinder and more helpful than his friends, but he is also charismatic and big which makes others listen to him.

Lupito: Lupito is a man who is insane from fighting in the war and kills the sheriff of the town. When the townspeople hunt him for killing the sheriff, he has eyes “like the eyes of a trapped, savage animal” (18). By using the diction of “trapped,” Anaya emphasizes that Lupito is stuck in the mindset he was in during the war; he is unable to distinguish reality from his memories of the war (18). Furthermore, with the diction that he is a “savage animal,” Anaya indicates that the war has caused Lupito to become extremely hostile toward others. Others are not able to associate him as a human being any longer; they see him as a foreign and dangerous entity. He is no longer someone they are able to connect or relate to. Because of the war, Lupito has become isolated from the very society he used to be a part of. In the end, the townspeople kill him.

Andrew, Leon, and Eugene Marez: Andrew, Leon, and Eugene Marez are Tony’s older brothers that return from fighting in the war. The brothers suffer from the trauma of the war, but, more importantly, they no longer feel content living with their family. They believe that if they get together, they “could move to Las Vegas, Santa Fe, maybe even Albuquerque” and that “the sky’s the limit” for what they are able to do with their lives (67). The brothers have a growing sense of restlessness and independence. Their restless nature mirrors the lifestyle of their father, as his roots are that of a vaquero and a wanderer. The brothers believe that life has so many opportunities for them to explore

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and experience and that they are wasting their lives living with their parents. They have already experienced the family life and wish to discover a new way of living. Eugene and Leon end up leaving, but Andrew stays behind temporarily. The fact that Andrew stays behind emphasizes his thoughtful and considerate nature. He understands that if he travels with his brothers, he is abandoning his family. He wishes to be considerate and postpones his dreams to keep his family happy. The fact that Eugene and Leon leave emphasizes their selfish nature as they care for nothing but living their lives to the fullest potential. Family is second to their enjoyment and fulfillment.  10) Symbols:Ultima’s Owl: In the novel, Ultima has an owl that follows her around. Owls are generally associated with witches and evil, but Tony sees Ultima’s owl as different. When Tony’s family is at home, it stays outside the window and makes noises that lull Tony to sleep. Furthermore, when Tenorio accuses Ultima of being a witch, her owl protects her by gauging out one of Tenorio’s eyes. With its caring and protective nature, the owl represents a guardian. It has the ability and incentive to protect those who are dear to it. This parallels the way Ultima cares and helps others throughout the novel. Therefore, the owl is a symbol of Ultima and her soul. It acts with the same intentions and purpose as Ultima does; it is an extension of her being.

The Golden Carp: The Golden Carp symbolizes Tony’s gaining knowledge and realization of other religious beliefs. The Golden Carp is known as a god in pagan religions. Tony comes to see that the Carp and its religion provide valid guidance and teachings to individuals, and this finding emphasizes his growing maturity. After Cico shows him the Golden Carp, Tony accepts it majestic and wondrous nature; he sees that as a powerful and worthy being. Tony’s discovery of this different belief system helps further establish his religious conflict. Tony comes to see that God and the Catholic faith do not always punish good and reward evil. Therefore, he questions the ways of the church, and with the introduction of the pagan religion, Tony finds it as a worthy alternative to his current faith.

The Virgin of Guadalupe: The statue of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Tony’s home symbolizes forgiveness. The legend of the Virgin represents forgiveness between the Christian Indians and the Catholic Church. Tony turns to the Virgin when he is frustrated and questions whether an all-forgiving god would be better for mankind.

Three: The motif of three appears throughout the story. Tony has three brothers, there are three Trementina sisters, three deaths in which Tony prays the Act of Contrition, and three Indian ghosts at Tellez’s house. The number three symbolizes trinity: God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

River: The river symbolizes the innocence and heart of Tony. At first, it is clear, just as Tony still has his innocence. After Lupito dies, his blood stains the river. This demonstrates how Tony is losing his innocence and ousl since he witnessed the death of Lupito. The successive deaths also taint the river ever more with blood. This reflects

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Tony’s progression of loss of innocence and more exposure to the violence and harshness of life.

11) Motifs:Dreams: Throughout the novel, Tony has a series of 10 dreams. The dreams represent Tony’s internal conflict with the ideas surrounding him and mark his mental journey to maturity. His initial dreams are about the decisions that immediately surround him, as they deal with whether he is to choose his father’s lifestyle or his mother’s. He is unable to see that he has the ability to choose his own destiny. However, as the dreams progress, Tony begins to question his faith and the validity of his religion, as he wonders why his God let evil trump good when Tenorio kills Narciso. He begins to think about bigger ideas, ideas that do not have to deal just with him. As the dreams progress, they become darker and more vivid. Tony stops becoming a passive watcher in his dreams and becomes an active participant in them. For example, Tony goes from a passive observer in his first dream about the Marez and Luna conflict to interacting with the dead Lupito, Narciso, and Florence in his last dream. This emphasizes that Tony is beginning to realize that in order to be content, he has to experience life and mold it to his will. With this understanding, he has gained more insight and maturity. Overall, the dreams are able to emphasize, in depth, Tony’s realization of his worth, beliefs, and place in the world.

Family: Throughout the novel, Tony’s family members are greatly emphasized. From his parents to his brothers to his uncles, Tony’s family is significant to his maturation process. As Tony is growing up, many of his family members wish to influence his future. His mother wishes that he become a priest and his uncles wish the same. They want Tony to live out their dreams. This provides conflict for Tony, as he wishes to please his family, but he does not know what he truly wishes to pursue. Furthermore, the lifestyles that his different family members live provide Tony with choices to contemplate. He sees that he has the potential to live the roaming life of the Marez like his brothers or live the life of the Luna and become a farmer and priest. Therefore, his family members help establish one layer of Tony’s internal conflict and his questioning of his fate.

Violence/Deaths: There are a lot of violence and deaths in the novel. Tony experiences a total of 4 deaths: Lupito, Narciso, Florence, and Ultima. The 4 deaths have one thing in common: they are all outcasts of society. Lupito is a murderer; Narciso is the town drunk, Florence is a non-believer in a predominantly religious community; and Ultima is often considered a bruja. The deaths of these 4 outcasts make Tony doubt his religion. These deaths are like a rite of passage for Tony as he transitions into maturity, since they make Tony realize he should determine his own belief instead of blindingly believe in a religion. He should be the holder of his own fate, not other people.

12) ArchetypesTranscendence: Tony goes through witnessing four deaths: Lupito, Narciso, Florence, and Ultima. From these deaths, and the circumstances surrounding them, Tony is able

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to understand the nature of people, the role of religion in his life, and, ultimately, the control he has over his own destiny. He matures through witnessing the deaths.

Initiation: Toward the end of the novel, Tony comes to understand that he has control over his own destiny and beliefs. He understands that this is a responsibility he has to himself, and this understanding marks his path to maturity and adulthood.

Journey: Tony endures a mental journey when he is conflicted with how he is to choose his path in the future and with what religion to believe. His discoveries as he interprets and weighs his options are what are characterized as his journey.

Fall: Tony loses his innocence as he witnesses deaths and murders. He realizes that mankind has the capability of being extremely cruel.

Good vs. Evil: The Marez family, the Luna family, and Ultima represent the good while Tenorio and his three daughters represent evil. These two forces have many conflicts in the novel.

13) AllusionsLa Llorona: In Tony’s second dream, Anaya alludes to the Mexican tale of La Llorona, which is about a woman who kills her three children after she discovers her lover is not faithful to her. She realizes the sin she has committed, and she is left to roam the countryside crying for her children. By alluding to La Llorona in Tony’s dream, Anaya is able to emphasize Tony’s fear and shock, as Tony has just witnessed Lupito’s death. Furthermore, by alluding to La Llorona, which has much to do with the consequences of sin, Anaya implies that Tony is beginning to think more about morals and what type of actions are truly sinful.

The land of milk and honey: When it is Tony’s first day of school, Tony’s parents quarrel. Gabriel indicates that California is “the land of milk and honey” (51). “The land of milk and honey” is a biblical reference to great amount of agriculture in the Land of Israel. By alluding to this, Anaya emphasizes that Gabriel truly believes it is worthy and beneficial to move to California. Gabriel sees it as a place where he has the potential to thrive. Furthermore, by referencing the Bible, Anaya is able to further emphasize that the Marez family is centered on Catholic beliefs. It is a family that is deeply rooted in faith.

Witch folklore: Many witch folklore allusions are made throughout the novel. For example, the Trementina sisters perform the Black Mass, the sisters perform black magic to hurt Uncle Lucas, the sisters change their forms and become coyotes, the townspeople believe that witches are not able to walk past a cross, and the townspeople believe that witches killed by a bullet marked with the sign of the cross. All these plot points allude to common folklore about witches. By including a great amount of witch folklore, Anaya emphasizes that the witches’ power and capabilities are much believed by this society. It is not folklore to them, but rather witchcraft is an entity that gives them reason to fear. Furthermore, with emphasis on the witch folklore, Anaya

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develops this concept into another way of living that Tony has to interpret on his path to maturity. To mature, Tony is forced to understand the evil and the sin associated with witchcraft.

Narciso’s Garden: Narciso’s garden is abundant and green, representing new life. It alludes to the story of the Garden of Eden. Cico offering Tony a golden carrot is symbolic of the serpent tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit. In this case, the forbidden fruit is the golden carp being introduced to Tony. Tony cannot quite handle the knowledge and throws up the golden carrot when confronting his other friends.

14) Themes:Witnessing death initially hurts and causes an individual grief, but ultimately facilitates and positively influences a person’s path to maturity.

When Tony witnesses Lupito being shot and killed by the townspeople, he is shocked and frightened. He runs away, not minding his surroundings but rather trying to reach the safety and comfort of his home. His running away emphasizes that he is negatively affected by what he has just witnessed; he is internally scarred by it. However, by witnessing this death, Tony begins to question the meaning of justice. He understands that since Lupito has killed the sheriff of the town, he deserves to be punished. However, he sees that Lupito is insane from the war, and, therefore, wonders if Lupito is truly sinful. He also questions the morals of the men on the bridge, as they take the life of a fellow man. Ultimately, witnessing this death, Tony begins to question the true meaning of retribution and justice. He realizes that there is not a clear definite line to what is right and what is wrong, but rather that choices in life are morally ambiguous.

After Tony sees Tenorio kill Narciso, he has nightmares when he sleeps. These nightmares indicate that Tony is deeply and negatively influenced by the death of Narciso. It is not an event that he is able to overlook. However, with Tenorio killing Narciso, Tony begins to wonder about the power of God and why God allows evil Tenorio to triumph over the kind Narciso (who lost his life while on his way to warn Ultima to watch out for Tenorio). He questions his faith and the Christian God, emphasizing that he is no longer one to blindly believe in the religion of his family. With Narciso’s death, Tony develops the ability to think for himself, as it provides him with a scenario that clashes with his initial belief that good always triumphs over evil. The gradual increase of Tony’s questions emphasizes his evolving maturity.

As Ultima is dying, Tony pleads and wishes that she does not pass away, but she eventually does. Even though Tony initially grieves that she is dying, he stays strong and composed after her death and carries out her wishes for him to bury her owl. He no longer loses his composure or is negatively affected after the death as he was with Lupito and Narciso. This composure indicates that Tony has reached a high level of maturity, as he now understands that even though life has death, with the right mindset, one is able to find strength from it, cope, and move on. Through his experience with Ultima’s death, Tony comes to understand that death is part of the cycle of life; it is not something that is to be lamented in an extreme fashion. Ultimately, Tony has come to accept the way that life operates and that he has control over how he lives and thinks.

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One’s identity is influenced by cultural background, and this ultimately affects the individual’s interactions in society.

When Narciso tries to reason with the townspeople to not kill Lupito, the townspeople disregard his words to spare Lupito because he is the town drunk. The people of the town are raised to believe that being drunk is sinful. They do not believe in Narciso’s knowledge or input because of they do not understand Narciso’s style of living. Therefore, the townspeople shun Narciso from society, believing that he is not worthy or important to its function. Because of their cultural emphasis on the flagrant nature  of sin, they do not think it is wise to interact and listen to Narciso. Overall, their cultural upbringing causes them to limit communication with Narciso.

When Ultima enters El Puerto to save Uncle Lucas from death, the townspeople whisper to each other, saying she is a bruja, and they avoid interaction with her. Furthermore, the townspeople’s request for Ultima to save Lucas is a last resort. They have already asked a doctor and a priest. Because the people of El Puerto are raised to believe in the importance of the Earth and of nature, they are unaware of the true capabilities of a curandera. Because they do not know Ultima’s capabilities, they are afraid. Therefore, they are weary of Ultima; they see her as someone who has the ability to hurt them. Because of the farming culture of the people of El Puerto, they are unable to truly understand Ultima’s powers and limit their interactions with her.  

Tony’s parents come from very different backgrounds. His mother is a Luna, and the Lunas  find value in the Earth and in farming. His father, on the other hand, is a Maréz, and the Maréz are very restless. They believe that roaming and travelling the land is important. Because of their very different upbringing and cultures, Tony’s parents constantly quarrel with each other. The quarrelling is so extreme that Tony questions why his parents got married. Tony’s mother and father are unable to understand each other’s culture. Because the Lunas are sedentary and the Maréz are very mobile, they find importance in different things. The culture becomes a divide in their love and care for each other, and, therefore, impairs their marriage. They are not able to live peacefully with each other.

Good does not always overcome evil, but in the end it makes the most lasting influence.

When Tenorio kills Narciso, he is triumphant, as he is able to eliminate an individual that is hindering his plan to execute revenge against Ultima. By killing Narciso, who had planned to warn Ultima of Tenorio’s ill intentions, Tenorio is now more easily able to plan how to hurt Ultima. There is now one less person to protect Ultima from harm. His evil deed has overcome Narciso’s good intentions. However, this success is short-lived, since in his action of killing Ultima’s owl, Tenorio himself is shot by Uncle Pedro. His evil nature and intentions are not permanent, as those with good intentions still prevail in the end. The evil Tenorio is not able to thrive in his society.

When the Trementina sisters put a curse of Uncle Lucas, they are successful, as Uncle Lucas reaches a point where he is near death. At this point, the sisters’ evil intent prevails as they are able to significantly maim Lucas. Neither the priest nor the doctor is able to cure him. However, with Ultima’s power as a curandera, Uncle Lucas is eventually cured. After this, Uncle Lucas is alive and well again, indicating that the power of Ultima, the power of good, has the most lasting impact. Furthermore, after this

Page 12: 2.files.edl.io€¦  · Web viewAnaya was born in Pastura, ... This novel takes place toward the end of World War ll during the 1940s. It takes place in New Mexico, USA.

incident, two of the Trementina sisters die. Their evil intent and evil nature are short-lived and the power of Ultima makes them compensate for the sins they have committed. Ultimately, the influence of good impacts the society for the longest period of time.

Initally, Tellez’s home is cursed and ghosts are causing a great disruption at his home. Rocks fall on his house, and the pots and pans move by themselves. This curse is put upon his house by the brujas, the evil witches. Tellez and his family are unable to function properly, thus indicating that the evil of the brujas is triumphant. However, shortly after, Ultima comes to help Tellez, and he and his family are able to live peacefully once again. After this incident, there is no more indication that Tellez and his family are impacted by evil. Ultima’s act of goodness is long-lasting; it allows the family to be happy. The period where the evil of the brujas prevails is very brief, thus emphasizing that good makes a more lasting impact than evil.

Not every situation in life is absolute.        Lupito’s death introduces Tony to the ambiguity in life. After Lupito’s death, Tony prays that his soul would go to purgatory instead of either heaven or hell. While Tony sees that Lupito was not a bad person, he did kill a person. This occurrence confuses Tony because he had always been so certain that there is a definite idea of good and evil. Through his confusion he begins to see that not everything in life has exact answers.        When Narciso dies, Tony questions the fairness of Narciso’s fate. No one takes Narciso seriously because he is the town drunk, which is why he was alone and susceptible to Tenorio. His death questions the idea of just punishment because he was harmed trying to do good and help Ultima. Even the nature of his character, a good person with a bad drinking habit, presents ambiguity to his character. His death causes Tony to further ponder moral ambiguity because it is an unfamiliar concept to him. He does not understand life is not simple and absolute.        Ultima’s character allows Tony to see the gray area between the black and white. As a curandera she uses both magic and medicine to cure his uncle Lucas from the curse the Trementina sisters put on him. Ultima combines two elements that are typically opposites and uses the combination to her advantage. Her character lives by the idea of a blurred line between good and evil; she is a middle ground to help Tony. Her idealism allows her to guide Tony because she is not trying to pull him towards anything; she is helping him find a balance.

Humanity is inherently vengeful. A cycle of revenge is produced without an end. When the Trementina sisters lay a curse on Uncle Juan, Ultima not only expels

the curse, but she also set a new curse on the Trementina brujas. As a result of this, one daughter dies and another faces death. Ultima refers to this as maintaining the balance of the world, since Tony’s grandfather is willing to accept the consequences that comes with curing Uncle Juan. This maintaining of the balance is what creates the cycle revenge that eventually involves Ultima herself.

When the first Trementina daughter dies, Tenorio swears to take revenge upon Ultima. He is so consumed with revenge that he forces Ultima to cross the door that is protected by the cross. Ultima’s owl ends up taking his eye away, in which Tenorio vows

Page 13: 2.files.edl.io€¦  · Web viewAnaya was born in Pastura, ... This novel takes place toward the end of World War ll during the 1940s. It takes place in New Mexico, USA.

to further revenge upon Ultima’s actions. As a result, Tenorio kills Narciso when he tries to warn Ultima about it. This cycle of revenge not only affects the Ultima and Tenorio, but it also affects the surrounding innocent people, including Narciso and Tony.

Finally, Tenorio attempts to kill Ultima the second time and succeeds. This revenge cycle starts with Ultima and ends with Ultima. This gives a great insight into human nature, that people are often consumed with revenge. This cycle of revenge will continue as long as both parties are still alive. This is also very similar to Wuthering Heights, in which the cycle of revenge continues on even after death.

15) Memorable Quotes:-“Life is never beyond hope” (96).

-“The smallest bit of good can stand against all the powers of evil in the world and it will emerge triumphant” (98).

-“Perhaps the llano was like me, as I grew the innocence was gone, and so to the land changed” (168).

-“I could not understand why Narciso, who did good in trying to help Ultima, had lost his life; and why Tenorio, who was evil and had taken a life, was free and unpunished. It didn’t seem fair” (186).

-“You are growing and growth is change. Accept the change, make it part of your strength” (245).

-“because in the end understanding simply means having sympathy for people” (248).

-“I made strength from everything that had happened to me, so in the end even the final tragedy could not defeat me” (249).

-“She was the only person I had ever seen defeat evil where all else had failed” (270).

-“Bless me, Ultima—” (276).

-“I think most of the things we call evil are not evil at all; it is just that we don’t understand those things and so we call them evil. And we fear evil only because we do not understand it” (262).

-“To the child it is natural but for the grown man it loses its naturalness—so as old men we see a different reality” (263).

-“But to some the answers to their questions had come too soon” (196).

-“Always have the strength to live” (276).

-“…all evil can be stopped” (240).

Page 14: 2.files.edl.io€¦  · Web viewAnaya was born in Pastura, ... This novel takes place toward the end of World War ll during the 1940s. It takes place in New Mexico, USA.

-“…I learned that my spirit share in the spirit of all things” (16).

16) Distinctive Characteristics of the Work:

Religion: Religion is valued widely by characters in the story. Tony’s mother is a devout Catholic and wishes for Tony to become a priest. Tony attends catechism and hopes for answers after his first communion. Characters like Florence are ridiculed for not believing in God.Even pagan beliefs appear, such as the Golden Carp. Tony prays the Act of Contrition during deaths. His mother keeps a statue of the Virgin, whom they pray to often and appears in several of Tony’s dreams. Animism also appears in the story as Tony thinks about the presence of the river.

Legends: Legends about culture appear to characterize Tony’s background. The story of La Llorona, the wailing woman, is a Mexican folklore. The Virgin of Guadalupe relates to his faith and religion. The legends are all part of Tony’s culture at home reflecting on his Hispanic heritage and Catholic beliefs.

Spanish: The characters use Spanish throughout the novel in their speech, and even in Tony’s narrative. This adds to the style of the novel and reflects accurately on Tony’s culture. The ethnic details make the cultural elements of the story realistic.

Bildungsroman: Elements of the story make this a coming-of-age story. The deaths Tony witnesses and other misfortunes change his personality and shapes him to understand ambiguity and the loss of innocence. He may be changed prematurely, but inevitably.