2927 MSc Health Promotion and Public Health A4 4pg Final 150dpi

www.brunel.ac.uk/courses/pg/health/promo.html MSc in HEALTH PROMOTION AND PUBLIC HEALTH SCHOOL OF HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL CARE FACT FILE MODE OF STUDY Full-time one year Two taught days per week (Tuesday and Wednesday) Part-time three years One taught day per week (Tuesday year one, Wednesday year two) Associate students may take one or two modules NB This programme is not available as a distance learning course. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS Relevant degree and/or professional qualifications with degree and appropriate experience. See page 3 for further details. ENQUIRIES Dr Sebastian Garman, Course Leader School of Health Sciences and Social Care E-mail: health-studies-courses @brunel.ac.uk Phone: +44 (0)1895 268765 Fax: +44 (0)1895 269853 Brunel University offers an innovative and multi-disciplinary postgraduate course in Health Promotion and Public Health, which is one of the longest running in the UK. Health promotion and public health bring together practitioners from a range of backgrounds and disciplines. This course, therefore, will be of interest to a wide range of professionals working in health and social care, local government, education and the voluntary sector as well as to new graduates contemplating a career in public health and health promotion. Natalie is a primary school teacher by training, who is looking for a change in her career path. “I came on the course because I hope to pursue a career in health promotion, using the skills I have gained in the field of education. The opportunity to undertake a practical placement to promote health in a professional organisation has been of particular value in furthering my experience.”


Fact File www.brunel.ac.uk/courses/pg/health/promo.html eNtRY ReQUiReMeNtS MODe OF StUDY Full-time one year Two taught days per week (Tuesday and Wednesday) Part-time three years One taught day per week (Tuesday year one, Wednesday year two) Associate students may take one or two modules NB This programme is not available as a distance learning course. eNQUiRieS Relevant degree and/or professional qualifications with degree and appropriate experience. See page 3 for further details.

Transcript of 2927 MSc Health Promotion and Public Health A4 4pg Final 150dpi


School of EnginEEring and dESign

MSc in HealtH ProMotion and Public HealtH

School of hEalth SciEncES and Social carE

Fact File


Full-time one year Two taught days per week (Tuesday and Wednesday)

Part-time three years One taught day per week (Tuesday year one, Wednesday year two)

Associate students may take one or two modules

NB This programme is not available as a distance learning course.


Relevant degree and/or professional qualifications with degree and appropriate experience. See page 3 for further details.


Dr Sebastian Garman, Course Leader School of Health Sciences and Social Care

E-mail: health-studies-courses @brunel.ac.uk

Phone: +44 (0)1895 268765

Fax: +44 (0)1895 269853

Brunel University offers an innovative and multi-disciplinary postgraduate course in Health Promotion and Public Health, which is one of the longest running in the UK.

Health promotion and public health bring together practitioners from a range of backgrounds and disciplines.

this course, therefore, will be of interest to a wide range of professionals working in health and social care, local government, education and the voluntary sector as well as to new graduates contemplating a career in public health and health promotion.

natalie is a primary school teacher by training, who is looking for a change in her career path.

“i came on the course because i hope to pursue a career in health promotion, using the skills i have gained in the field of education. the opportunity to undertake a practical placement to promote health in a professional organisation has been of particular value in furthering my experience.”


MSc in Health Promotion and Public Health

Key features• RecognisedbytheInstituteofHealthPromotionandEducation

• Nationallyrecognisedforexcellenceinteaching

• Directedtotheneedsofpractitionersfromawiderangeofprofessional backgrounds wishing to enhance their current practice and those wanting a career in health promotion

• Providesacademiclearningexperiencesinasupportiveenvironment

• Canbestudiedfull-time,part-timeorasanassociatestudent

• Encouragesabroadtheoreticalunderstandingofhealth promotion and public health issues

• Developsthenecessarycompetenciestopromotepublichealtheffectively

• Producesreflectivepractitioners

• TheSchoolofHealthSciencesandSocialCareisnotonlyoneofthelargest schools in the University, it is also one of the top Schools in the country. Teaching has been rated as excellent, and the School attracts research funding from a range of national and international sources.

Who is the course designed for?Because health promotion and public health bring together practitioners from a range of backgrounds and disciplines, this course is of interest to a wide range of professionals working in health and social care, local government, education and the voluntary sector. We also prepare new graduates and others for a career as health promotion specialists and public health practitioners. Students are recruited locally, nationally, and internationally, and are drawn from varied professional and discipline backgrounds.

course detailsThe course provides an advanced academic learning experience in a supportive environmentthataimstoproducereflectivepractitioners.Arangeofsubjectdisciplines informs the curriculum. A key focus is the development of a theoretical, conceptual, and critical understanding of public health and health promotion.

This understanding will be applied to an analysis of ethical, political and policy debatesinformingpublichealthandhealthpromotionpractice.Amajorthrust of the course will be the development of skills in analysing evidence, assessing need, planning, implementation and evaluation of public health and health promotion in a range of contexts, including global perspectives.

The programme is modular and students may also register as an associate student on any module. Associate enrolment is very appropriate for continuing professional development and some modules lend themselves particularly well to CPD.

cheryl works in administration in the department of Public Health in the bahamas.

“i decided that i needed more of a challenge, and to make a change which would improve my skills. Returning to active practice in promoting health seemed the best option, but first i have to gain a better understanding of what is health promotion and the new public health. the course at Brunel is ideal – it has been challenging and stimulating.”

www.brunel.ac.uk/courses/pg/health/promo.html 3

Students will need to complete seven modules and a dissertation to achieve a Master degree. On successful completion of six modules students are eligible for a Postgraduate Diploma (PGDip) in Health Promotion if they terminate their course at this point.

ModulesStudents are offered a multi-disciplinary range of modules. These cover a number of important themes including research methods, independent research, health promotion, public health, social policy, sociology of health, psychological perspectives, global perspectives and evidence based practice.

Modules include:

• Principles,PerspectivesandPracticeinHealthPromotion

• PublicHealth,SocialContext,ExplorationandAction

• ChangingHealthBehavioursandEducatingcommunities

• HealthPolicyandPublicHealth

• GlobalPerspectivesinPublicHealthandHealthPromotion

• ResearchMethods

• ResearchDesign

• Dissertation

assessmentStudents undertake course work assessment highly relevant to professional practice issues. You will be assessed in each module, with coursework varying according to the nature of the content to includeessays,reports,miniprojectsandpresentations.Mostmodulesset a maximum of 3000 words (or equivalent) assignment.

entry requirementsArecognizedsecondclasshonoursdegreepreferablyinarelevantsubject,egSocial Sciences, or a Professional Qualification, eg Teaching, Nursing, Environmental Health,SocialWork,withaminimumoftwoyears’workexperience.Inexceptionalcircumstances candidates without these qualifications will be considered.

Exemptions from part of the programme might be available for those who possess relevant postgraduate qualifications through our Accreditation of Prior Learning scheme.

Pelagia is a Greek student, looking to further her studies.

“after completing a Health Visiting course in athens i received a scholarship to go on to further study. the reputation and location of Brunel were key to me applying for an MSc in Health Promotion and Public Health at the university. i made the right choice – london is amazing and the course is inspiring!”

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this brochure and the University will take all reasonable action to deliver these services in accordance with the descriptions set out in it. However, the University reserves the right to vary these services, using all reasonable efforts to offer a suitable alternative. All costs, rates and prices stated in this brochure are subject to amendment and should be taken as a guide only.

How to find us...

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2927 311011

overseas StudentsWe have an established record of welcoming and supporting overseas students on this course. Please note that you must have the required level of proficiency in the use of English.

Frequently asked Questions

i have a PGDip from another university. Do i have to do all seven modules and the dissertation in order to get a MSc?

No, we might give you advanced credit through our APL (Accreditation of Prior Learning) scheme as long as your prior learning is in the last five years and relevant. You can claim up to 50% in advanced credits towards your award at Brunel.

How can i justify this programme to my managers, who will fund only professional development that is directly equivalent to my work?

The programme is student centred and professionally focused and is supported by health professionals working in the field of public health and health promotion. Student evaluations each year demonstrate the direct application of the programme to wide range of student’s professional roles and responsibilities.

What support will i get from the University for my dissertation?

You will be allocated a supervisor who will provide 10 hours of support during your time on the dissertation. Supervisors can be accessed by telephone, email, and through face-to-face tutorial.

brenda is a nurse from Kenya, who aims to move into a strategic health promotion position.

“there is a growing emphasis in the profession towards a holistic approach to health, particularly in promoting health and well-being. Joining the course has broadened and deepened my view of health – i needed to understand the underpinning principles and processes of health promotion as a basis for my public health practice.”