28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary...

28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C MARY, QUEEN OF THE FAMILY PARISH, BLACKTOWN Our Parish Mission Statement Mary, Queen of the Family Parish is a welcoming, diverse, multicultural, Catholic community. We seek: to live, teach and share the joy of the Gospel; to grow as disciples of Jesus through prayer, witness and action and to respond to the needs of the family in the Blacktown community and beyond. We acknowledge the Darug people, the traditional custodians on whose land we worship. HUMILITY AND WHO WE ARE PARISH TEAM: Fr Peter Confeggi Fr Dénes Ledeczi Fr Luis Herrera Deacon George Bryan Sr Grace Roclawska CSFN Jacqueline Anchique Lisa Bright Alison Ryan Dawn Stephens Parish Team Meetings each Monday from 12.30pm - 2.00pm Tel : 9622 1125 9622 9149 A/H : 9621 3146 Fax: 9671 6425 Email: [email protected] St Patrick’s 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm St Michael’s 58 Orwell St, Blacktown Office Hours: Sunday 8.30am - 11.30am SCHOOLS: St Michael’s Primary 9622 9910 St Patrick’s Primary 9621 4122 Nagle College 8887 4501 Patrician Brothers College 9671 3000 Catholic Early Learning Centre 8814 8406 (St Michael’s) Institute for Mission 9831 4911 Fr Paul Roberts (Director) [email protected] Catholic Care 8822 2222 38 Prince St, Blacktown [email protected] bPoint—Follow the links on our website. www.mqofblacktown.org.au www.facebook.com/blacktowncatholics @mqofblacktown MASS TIMES Weekday Masses St Michael’s Mass 8:00am Mon, & Fri & 7.30pm Wed Communion Service 8.00am Tues & Thurs St Patrick’s Mass 9.00am Tues & Thurs & Sat Communion Service 9.00am Mon, Wed, Fri First Friday 7.30pm St Patrick’s Sunday Masses 5.30pm Saturday Vigil (St Patrick’s) 7.00am Sunday (St Patrick’s) 8.00am Sunday (St Michael’s) 9.30am Sunday (St Michael’s) 10.00am Sunday (St Patrick's) 11.30 am 4th Sunday—Filipino Mass (St Michael’s) 2:00pm Sunday—Sudanese Mass (St Patrick’s) 5.30pm Sunday (St Patrick’s) 6.00pm Sunday (St Michael’s) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday 7.00pm—7.25pm (St Michael’s) Saturday 9.30am - 10.25am (St Patrick’s) Anointing of the Sick First Saturday during 9.00am Mass (St Patrick’s) or by appointment contact Parish Office HOLY HOUR: 6.30pm—7.30pm Wednesday @ St Michael’s 6.30pm—7.30pm First Friday @ St Patrick’s Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals by appointment. Please contact office for details Today’s Gospel tells us that the Pharisees were watching Jesus closely as they sat at table ready to share a meal together. But the funny thing is that while the Pharisees are the ones ‘watching’, Jesus is the one who notices something. He notices people wanting to be seen as important, taking their seat in the place of honour. People wanting to be seen as, perhaps, something that they are not. And Jesus encourages humility over exultation. Now, if these Pharisees were to go to another party and, remembering Jesus’ wisdom, sit in the lowest place, but expecting that they would get bumped up to a more impressive seat, well, that would be a false humility wouldn’t it? It would basically be the same as sitting in the place of honour and being bumped down! Because even if their outward actions seemed humble, their intentions would not be. So perhaps the challenge that Jesus is posing is really more about self-reflection. Do these guests really know who they are? Humility is the key to our readings today. The word humility comes from the Latin, humilis meaning “from the earth”, so we might say that being humble, is like being ‘down to earth’ or being a ‘grounded’ person. But humility is not a thing that we can simply ‘put on’ whenever it suits our situation. You can’t just ‘act’ humbly, you can’t fake it! You have to be humble. It has to come from a genuine desire to live that way. And I believe that desire comes not just from being a grounded human being, but from knowing what we are grounded in… Our faith. Or more to the point, who we are grounded in… Our God. The parable today has a second part to it. Reminding all those who would host a lunch or a dinner that inviting only people who would make you look good, or be able to pay you back by inviting you along to their fancy party, is not the ideal guest list. Rather we should invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; those who cannot pay you back. And why would we invite people like this to our parties?? Because if we know who we are, then we know who they are too. Each one of us is worthwhile. Each one of us has dignity not because of anything we do but because of who we are...We are created by God. In the Gospel Jesus first redefines what honourable behaviour is; He says it is to be humble. Then he redefines who the honoured guests are; He says it is those people on the margins. Jesus knows each of us, for who we really are. So the question for all of us is this; do we know who we truly are? And can we live that?! Alison

Transcript of 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary...

Page 1: 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary …mqofblacktown.org.au/downloads/Blacktown-Parish-Bulletin-280816.pdf · 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in ... Year of Luke

28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C




Our Parish Mission Statement Mary, Queen of the Family Parish is a welcoming, diverse, multicultural, Catholic community.

We seek: to live, teach and share the joy of the Gospel; to grow as disciples of Jesus through prayer, witness and action

and to respond to the needs of the family in the Blacktown community and beyond.

We acknowledge the Darug people, the traditional custodians on whose land we worship.


P ARISH TE AM: Fr Peter Confeggi Fr Dénes Ledeczi Fr Luis Herrera Deacon George Bryan Sr Grace Roclawska CSFN Jacqueline Anchique Lisa Bright Alison Ryan Dawn Stephens

Parish Team Meetings each Monday from 12.30pm - 2.00pm

Tel : 9622 1125 9622 9149 A/H : 9621 3146 F a x : 9 6 7 1 6 4 2 5 Ema i l : a d mi n @ mq o f b l a c k t o wn . o r g . a u

St Patrick’s 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am - 4pm

St Michael’s 58 Orwell St, Blacktown Office Hours: Sunday 8.30am - 11.30am

SCHOOLS: St Michael’s Primary 9622 9910 St Patrick’s Primary 9621 4122 Nagle College 8887 4501 Patrician Brothers College 9671 3000 Catholic Early Learning Centre 8814 8406

(St Michael’s) Institute for Mission 9831 4911 Fr Paul Roberts (Director) [email protected] Catholic Care 8822 2222 38 Prince St, Blacktown [email protected]

bPoint—Follow the links on our website.

www.mqofblacktown.org.au www.facebook.com/blacktowncatholics @mqofblacktown

MASS TIMES Weekday Masses St Michael’s

Mass 8:00am Mon, & Fri & 7.30pm Wed Communion Service 8.00am Tues & Thurs St Patrick’s Mass 9.00am Tues & Thurs & Sat Communion Service 9.00am Mon, Wed, Fri First Friday 7.30pm St Patrick’s Sunday Masses

5.30pm Saturday Vigil (St Patrick’s) 7.00am Sunday (St Patrick’s) 8.00am Sunday (St Michael’s) 9.30am Sunday (St Michael’s) 10.00am Sunday (St Patrick's) 11.30 am 4th Sunday—Filipino Mass (St Michael’s) 2:00pm Sunday—Sudanese Mass (St Patrick’s) 5.30pm Sunday (St Patrick’s) 6.00pm Sunday (St Michael’s) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday 7.00pm—7.25pm (St Michael’s) Saturday 9.30am - 10.25am (St Patrick’s) Anointing of the Sick First Saturday during 9.00am Mass (St Patrick’s) or by appointment contact Parish Office HOLY HOUR: 6.30pm—7.30pm Wednesday @ St Michael’s 6.30pm—7.30pm First Friday @ St Patrick’s Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals by appointment. Please contact office for details

Today’s Gospel tells us that the Pharisees were watching Jesus closely as they sat at table ready to share a meal together. But the funny

thing is that while the Pharisees are the ones ‘watching’, Jesus is the one who notices something. He notices people wanting to be seen

as important, taking their seat in the place of honour. People wanting to be seen as, perhaps, something that they are not. And Jesus

encourages humility over exultation.

Now, if these Pharisees were to go to another party and, remembering Jesus’ wisdom, sit in the lowest place, but expecting that they

would get bumped up to a more impressive seat, well, that would be a false humility wouldn’t it? It would basically be the same as

sitting in the place of honour and being bumped down! Because even if their outward actions seemed humble, their intentions would

not be.

So perhaps the challenge that Jesus is posing is really more about self-reflection. Do these guests really know who they are?

Humility is the key to our readings today. The word humility comes from the Latin, humilis meaning “from the earth”, so we might say

that being humble, is like being ‘down to earth’ or being a ‘grounded’ person. But humility is not a thing that we can simply ‘put on’

whenever it suits our situation. You can’t just ‘act’ humbly, you can’t fake it! You have to be humble. It has to come from a genuine

desire to live that way. And I believe that desire comes not just from being a grounded human being, but from knowing what we are

grounded in… Our faith. Or more to the point, who we are grounded in… Our God.

The parable today has a second part to it. Reminding all those who would host a lunch or a dinner that inviting only people who would

make you look good, or be able to pay you back by inviting you along to their fancy party, is not the ideal guest list. Rather we should

invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; those who cannot pay you back. And why would we invite people like this to our

parties?? Because if we know who we are, then we know who they are too. Each one of us is worthwhile. Each one of us has dignity

not because of anything we do but because of who we are...We are created by God.

In the Gospel Jesus first redefines what honourable behaviour is; He says it is to be humble. Then he redefines who the honoured

guests are; He says it is those people on the margins. Jesus knows each of us, for who we really are.

So the question for all of us is this; do we know who we truly are? And can we live that?!


Page 2: 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary …mqofblacktown.org.au/downloads/Blacktown-Parish-Bulletin-280816.pdf · 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in ... Year of Luke

you to a wedding feast, do not take your seat in the place of honour. A more distinguished person than you may have been invited, and the person who invited you both may come and say, “Give up your place to this man.” And then, to your embarrassment, you would have to go and take the lowest place. No; when you are a guest, make your way to the lowest place and sit there, so that, when your host comes, he may say, “My friend, move up higher.” In that way, everyone with you at the table will see you honoured. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the man who humbles himself will be exalted.’ Then he said to his host, ‘When you give a lunch or a dinner, do not ask your friends, brothers, relations or rich neighbours, for fear they repay your courtesy by inviting you in return. No; when you have a party, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; that they cannot pay you back means that you are fortunate, because repayment will be made to you when the virtuous rise again.’


How great is the goodness, Lord, that you keep for those who fear you.

In NSW/ACT a person wishing to make a complaint regarding abuse within a Catholic Organisation should contact: 1300 369 977

Year of Luke Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

Ideas for Parents - Faith in Everyday Action!

Talk to your children about humility, and why Jesus said that we should try to be

attentive to the needs of others, and not always think of ourselves first. Also, urge your

children to pay special attention to those who others neglect, and to be nice to people who

can't pay them back.

Discussion Points with Children

When have you had a party?

Who did you invite?

Jesus says that when you have a party, give up your seat to others. What does it

mean if you give up your seat for others?

How can we think of others before ourselves this week?

M 29 August: (Jer 1:17-19); Mk 6:17-29

T 30 August: 1 Cor 2:10-16; Lk 4:31-37

W 31 August: 1 Cor 3:1-9; Lk 4:38-44

Th 1 September: 1 Cor 3:18-23; Lk 5:1-11

F 2 September: 1 Cor 4:1-5; Lk 5:33-39

S 3 September: 1 Cor 4:6-15; Lk 6:1-5

Daily Readings


Have mercy on me, O Lord, for I cry to you all the day long. O Lord, you are good and forgiving, full of mercy to all who call to you. First Reading: Sir 3:17-20, 28-29

Responsorial psalm:

God, in your goodness, you have made a home for the poor.

Second Reading: Heb 12:18-19, 22-24


Alleluia, alleluia! Take my yoke upon you; learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart. Alleluia!

Gospel: Lk 14:1. 7-14 On a sabbath day Jesus had gone for a meal to the house of one of the leading Pharisees; and they watched him closely. He then told the guests a parable, because he had noticed how they picked the places of honour. He said this, ‘When someone invites

Sharing the Gospel with your Children ... © Creative Ministry Resources Pty Ltd

© The scriptural quotations are taken from the Jerusalem Bible, published and copyright 1966, 1967 and 1968 by Darton Longman and Todd Ltd and Doubleday & Co Inc, and used by permission of the publishers.

The English translation of the Psalm Responses, the Alleluia and Gospel Verses, and the Lenten Gospel Acclamations, and the Titles, Summaries, and Conclusion of the Readings, from the Lectionary for Mass © 1997, 1981, 1968, International Committee on English in the Liturgy, Inc. All rights reserved.

"The world tells us to seek success, power and

money; God tells us to seek humility, service and

love.” Pope Francis

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy 8 Dec 2015— 20 Nov 2016


Many thanks for your ongoing donations

to Vinnies Pantry. We are in need of the

following: 2-Minute Noodles, Cereal, Tinned Fruit

Tinned Meat (Corned Beef, Ham), Sugar


All donations of non perishable food items

are appreciated especially Long Life Milk,

Soups, Tinned meat and fish and muesli bars.

Thank you for your generous donations.

Loaves & Fishes Ministry Volunteers.

Loaves and Fishes is an outreach

programme for those seeking food

in our local area. It is open from

10am - 2pm Monday - Friday.

Would you like to volunteer for

Loaves & Fishes?

Please give your name and number

to the parish office and someone

will be in contact with you soon.

If you are celebrating a wedding

anniversary in the month of September

and would like to share that with the

parish community, please drop your names

and anniversary date into the parish office

or email [email protected]

We will be starting a monthly recognition of

anniversaries each month in the bulletin as we

celebrate significant occasions in the life of

those in our parish family.

Page 3: 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary …mqofblacktown.org.au/downloads/Blacktown-Parish-Bulletin-280816.pdf · 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in ... Year of Luke

Anniversary: Toufic Elkhoury, Connsolacion Frago, William Grosset, Terry

Baker, Joe Russo, Alfred Coleiro, Casiano Corpin, Anatolia Corpin, Oswald Aliberti

Deceased: Renee Jean Frangois, Rex Scott, Robert Reid, Joseph Sammut, Joseph

Attard, Moises Halili, Avelina Aranda, Lutgarda Bautista

Masses have been offered for: Sylvia Buttigieg, Amelie Herisson, Danuja Dolner, Family Mula, Jusa, Frank and Fortunata Baiada and

Deceased Members of the Baiada and Teuma Families, Les Magee, Bob & Dale Connellan, Lea and

William Richards, Jean & Digger Barnes, Bruce Marshall, Stanley Stokes, Joaquin Sumera, Carlisle

Bartley, The Schembri family, P. Camilleri, Maggie Fernandes, Edgardo Clemente, Paulina Clemente,

Joseph and Mary Cutajar, Hilda Coutinho, Louis Simon and the abandoned souls in purgatory

We remember and pray for those who are ill at home or in hospital at this time, may they know

the healing presence of Christ.

Fr Guzepp Attard, Margaret Cusack, Kamal Koko, Freddy, Peter and Rita Attard, Merle Carrol,

Josephine Miruzzi, Claude Ryan, Kimberley Cusack, Richard Ormel, Rendzie Warne

Please remember in your prayers: JEAN & BETTY’S BUS TRIP

Come and join us for 7 days of fun to Tabourie

Lake in the beautiful South coast of NSW from

the 24 - 30 September 2016, cost $995.00 pp.

Pick up St Patrick’s Church Blacktown at

8.30am. Contact Jean on 9920 3401 or

0425 251 754.

Monthly Trip

Tuesday 13 September Dep: 8.30am, St Patrick’s Church


$72 pp incl. coach travel,

morning tea, cruise and lunch

For more information contact

Jean: 99203401 or 0425251754

BISHOP’S COLLECTION FOR RETIRED AND SICK CLERGY The Clergy Support Foundation of the Diocese of Parramatta assists in

meeting the needs of the retired and sick priests of the Diocese. Last year, through your generosity we almost reached the target with donations totalling $200,000 and the Foundation thanks you for this contribution. This year the appeal in the Diocese will be held on the

weekend of September 3-4. Envelopes will be available in the Church foyers. All donations over $2 are tax deductable.

If you wish you can make online contributions at csfparra.org.au using your credit card or direct transfer via eft to BSB 067 950 and Account No 01691 in the name of the CSF with reference your name, and send e-mail

to [email protected] with your details so receipts can be sent, which we usually do in January. Thank you for your generosity.

From the Parish Pastoral Council On 7th August the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Committee

and Parish Team gathered together to grow and share as parish leaders. Channels of communication were opened and will

continue to be strengthened. The teams also reached a common goal of strengthening and nourishing the MQOF welcoming

process as a whole.

There have also been some changes in membership of the Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Team.

Watch this space and on our parish website over the next few months for photos and details of names and faces of our parish

leadership groups.

Formation & Reflection Opportunities Dates for the next few months are as follows:

Lectors (Readers): Thursday 15th September, 10am

Eucharistic Ministers: Thursday 22nd September,


Lectors (Readers): Monday 26th September, 7pm

Eucharistic Ministers: Monday 17th October, 7pm

For more information or to RSVP please call the parish

office or email [email protected].


Your contributions over the past 2

weekends raised $10,740 to help the

Catholic Mission appeal.

It’s not too late to give your gift.

You can visit Catholic Mission at


to donate.

Page 4: 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary …mqofblacktown.org.au/downloads/Blacktown-Parish-Bulletin-280816.pdf · 28th August 2016 Twenty Second Sunday in ... Year of Luke

Call Jacqueline at the Parish Office on 96221125 for advertising details.

Please understand that Mary, Queen of the Family Parish cannot take responsibility if the service provided by an advertiser does not meet expectations.


THANK YOU! After attending the celebrations at St Patrick's yesterday, I felt I

should congratulate everyone involved in the preparation and

presentation of all the events that occurred on Sunday. From the

Smoking Ceremony to the readings and the beautiful Gospel readings

and relative video of the statues. I just loved the lovely little African

girls that danced up the isle waving their little scarfs. The choir was

heavenly and the African choir was most rhythmic it was all I could

do to stop myself from moving to the music. The mercy stories were

inspiring. The cross was carried with reverence and Paul and the

young people did a great job placing it in the stand, assisted by Sister Grace, who with Lisa and Alison made sure the day ran smoothly.

Father Peter was as usual very welcoming which always sets the

scene and puts everyone at ease. Overall the international theme and

dress of the congregation added to the day. I came away with joy in

my heart and a good sense of wellbeing and peace for being a part of

this wonderful day.

Sincere thank you to all involved. May God continue to bless you and

your great work. Kindest regards, Rhonda McKechnie

You can see photos and videos of the

Mary, Queen of the Family Way of Mercy

Celebrations via our Facebook page or on our

website www.mqofblacktown.org.au.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to make

the day a wonderful and merciful experience.

Canonisation of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata Sunday 4th September

Do you have stories of Blessed Teresa of Kolkata that you can share with others in our parish community?

Share your stories and pictures via the parish Facebook page or email them to [email protected]

and we can post them to Facebook. A live streaming of the canonisation will be at St Mary’s cathedral - http://www.sydneycatholic.org/canonisation

or watch the live stream from your home.