EIGTH BHAVA A Foreign Govt. f Scholarship ACCIDENTS Affairs of the dead Afterlife. Alimony Announcement of unexpected inheritance/Gifts Any goods gained by Divorce Arrest and detention ' Arrest and detention Bank balance of previous births Bodily exertion and mental anguish Calamities Change of existence from one place of activity to another Clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities Crossing rivers Danger from enemies Death house (Mode of death) Defect of diplomatic strategy Defective Denial of death Disgrace and cheating Dissolution End of old conditionAn preparation of the new. Enemies Port Evil future Evil news Facial diseases Fall from heights Fateful losses



Transcript of 277


• A Foreign Govt.fScholarship


• Affairs of the dead

• Afterlife.

• Alimony

• Announcement of unexpected inheritance/Gifts

• Any goods gained by Divorce

• Arrest and detention '

• Arrest and detention

• Bank balance of previous births

• Bodily exertion and mental anguish

• Calamities

• Change of existence from one place of activity to another

• Clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities

• Crossing rivers

• Danger from enemies

• Death house (Mode of death)

• Defect of diplomatic strategy

• Defective

• Denial of death

• Disgrace and cheating

• Dissolution

• End of old conditionAn preparation of the new.

• Enemies Port

• Evil future

• Evil news

• Facial diseases

• Fall from heights

• Fateful losses

• Fear and fear of enemies

• Fear of enmities - our Enemies attacks

• Feeling wounded by other

• Financial status of married partner or business associates.

• Financial transactions.

• Fruitless attempts

• Genitals and Anus

• Giving of loans

• Going across rivers, Severe^diffhulties

• Going, out of the way

• Goods of the dead

• Great mental distress

• Handling of waste products

• Hole or cavity-

• Importance comings to us unexpected

• Incurring Debts.

• Inheritance, Taxes

• Inordinate fear of death

• Instinctive desire to form a sexual bond

• Insult, sorrow, scandal or ill-repute I

• Insurance^money of the deceased

• IN QUESTION RELATING, TO NATIONS • 8th deals with Public mortality, financial relation with foreign countries, suicide, serious

accidents, flood, famine, Earth Quakes, National calamity, surrender, loss of territory to another country, Deficit budget.

• IN HORARY • Crossing of rivers, Difficulties of Journey, Fortresses, Suffering cattsechby enemies,

Corruption Fights Vulnerable or weak points, 8th cusp sub lord should signify 5 and 11 (both) to find out if one will enjoy a particular girl or boy.

• Joint finances and corporate business activity.

• Joint monies

• Legacies, wills, insurance, gratuity and Bonus

• Legacies.

• Longevity.

• Lord of 8th is the Debtor or the person from whom the money 1s expected

• Loss of money thro' deception

• Medium Ship

• Mendicancy (begging)

• Mental distress

• Money belonging to other people-especially of the deceased

• Money Incidental or connected to deathMoney of others received inadvertently

• Money received through ln$urance[

• Murder

• Need for spiritual reg&nerationLandinterest iaie?incawation

• Obsessive sexuality

• Obstacle, impediment

• Obstacle &and Miseries.


• Other peoples vaiues.

• Pain and agonyParapsychology and occultsubj^cts

• Pass through dense forests

• Passion, sexuality

• Path through rough mountains, region, or mid dense forests

• Pharmacist

• Places of death and cause

• Possession of or fromothers.

• Privation and worries

• Prolonged diseases

• Punishment inflicted by Govt.

• Punishment inflicted by Govt.,

• Quarrels and fights

• Recycling of oid^ discarded or worn out items and sources

• Repaying the debts

• Running into debts

• Sanitary matters

• Secret Death

• Seize of a Fort - Fighting

• Sewage disposal

• Sex life

• Sex organs, their qualities and working condition and sexual diseases

• Sexual energies sex, desire and sex life of a person

• Shared feelings.

• Slaughterhouse and Butchers

• Sorrow and grief thro' tha DeathM others

• Split between friends

• Spltting of partnership

• Surgeons, Medical Officers


• Tales of sorrows

• That which is not stated (reading in-between lin$s)

• The estate and dowry of wife and husband

• The estate and dowry of wife and husband

• The goods or possessions of partners or immediate associates

• The house^ot misery

• The kind of death

• The life force.

• The loss of beloved ones due to serious wounds from fatal accidents.

• The mating instinct

• Th&proereative^ act

• The strength of public money

• The way we cope with death Theft and robbery

• Total destructloiiandWat

• Transformation of personal motivation for better or worse

• Treasure buried underground

• Trouble-in crowds

• Trouble to wife

• Undertaker (One wbacarries-OuLarrMgementsJor funeral)

• Unearned wealth and share of profit

• Unsuccessful attempts

• Untimely deatfr

• Untoward happenings

• Untoward happenings

• War and Deaths

• Wills and legacies

• Wrong or unacceptable actions


• Assistance from Bank and Overdrafts.• Beasts not ridden.

• Clothing.

• Conditions in work environment (Venue of service).

• Craftsman,

• Dealing with Doctors or medical personnel.

• Debt and borrowing.

• Debts.

• Detailed responsibilities.

• Dictatorship.

• Dietary habits and personal hygiene.

• Dietician.

• Disharmony with Partner or separation from partner.

• Employees.

• Everything concerning one's illness.

• Exhaustion caused by work and hurts.

• Extra marital life of Wife and also tells about her paramour.

• Fault finding.

• Favorable result in competition or otherwise.

• Fear from Maternal Uncle and servants.

• Food and dietary habits.

• Gain.


• Health - lack of it.

• Health Officer.

• Hospital of the Zodiac.

• House for disease and sickness.

• House of phenomenal magic and superstition.

• House of servants and inferiors.

• Ill Health.

• In Males chart it denotes the period of Wife's confinement and Motherhood.



• Industry and Actual work of an industry.

• Involuntary service.

• Liable to injury.

• Literary criticisms and Critic.

• Look for all that concerns our interiors, our servants and our dependents.

• Maternal Uncle.

• Mental awareness of practical problems and how to solve them.

• Nursing and treatment of the sick.

• Occupational hazards.

• Once capacity to serve.

• Personal comfort of the native.

• Pet animals, small cattle and domestic creatures.

• Real state of disease and recovery from it. 6th Disease - I?®1 Hospitalization

• 11th Recovery and discharge from hospital. Receiving charity. Sanitation and hygiene. Service in work.

• Sickness and diseases to which one is liable. Small cattle. Step Mother.• Subordinate service and employing subordinates. Tenants, (agricultural

and rental). The condition and faithfulness of his inferiors. Trouble from Dayadins. Uncle and aunts. Untimely meals. Wages and salary. Work methodologies.

• Work or service rendered by the individual. Work or service rendered.

• Wounds.

• Your competence and skill.


• Ability to express his thoughts.

• Attitude towards Money.

• Business activities.

• Deals with family which includes all close relatives of the native without

• reference to any particular relationship

• Dealing with Bank and other financial institutions. Desire for material nature or Status,

• Earning capacity.

• Effective worry-free management of resources.

• Feelings of the person.

• Financial circumstances and financial prosperity of the native. Financial expenditures.

• How one meets his financial Litigations. KUTUMBHA

• Money house.

• Money Matters are largely decided.

• One's worldly attainment by means of possessions of value. Pecuniary transactions, their success or failure, Personal credit or lack of it.

• Personal values. Personal wealth and property.

• Possessions.

• Resources necessary for self- expression.



• Status of married life.

• Teeth.

• That which a person acquires by individual effort, one's power and resources.

• The probability of becoming rich at one time or other.

• Vision or power of observation.

• Wealth, Food, RIGHT EYE, Face, Speech and quality of speech.

• Whether it will be advisable to take risks in monetary matters.

• Worldly goods.

• FIFTH BHAVA • Ability of being a MINISTER,

• Attraction between opposite sex.

• Auspicious letters like invitations to religious or social ceremonies and functions.

• Banquets and merriment

• Betting in games of chance.

• Business partners luck.

• Chance Money like lottery gift etc.,

• Chanting of mantras and manthropadesa.

• Children.

• Cinema, Drama and Music.

• Conception leading to birth of a child.

• Counselor for himself and family.

• Creative self expression.

• Cure from disease.

• Dealing with children & their Education.

• Desire to be noticed and appreciated.

• Disciples, Mantras, Virtuous acts and devotion to God.

• Embrace of prostitutes.

• Enterprise of a speculative nature

• Entertainment activity involving arts.

• Fall from Kingship or high office.

• Falling In Love.

• Farsightedness.

• Fatherhood.

• Festive occasion.

• FIFTH represents all places of entertainment

• Financial speculation.

• Flow of Money curtailed and payments from others is impeded.

• Future birth.

• Gambling.

• Games like Cards, Cross-word puzzles. Dice, Lottery, Gambling or betting.

• Games, Sports and Romance.

• Good counsel.

• Hereditary past


• IN National AFFAIRS Vth house stands for Envoys, Ambassador etc.,


• Intellect

• Intelligence and discretion.


• Kidnapping.

• Legitimate and illegitimate attraction.

• Licentiousness.

• Literary production.

• In it most of the joys of life is discovered.



• Material and physical pleasures.

• Maternal Uncle.

• Medical effect in the system (Native's)

• Merry making of all sorts.

• Music instruments.

• Native's family deity.

• Natural intelligence.

• Playfulness.

• Pleasure and social inclination.

• Pleasure house.

• Pleasures he enjoys.

• Prayer Chanting of VEDIC hymns.

• Pregnancy and child birth.

• Presents we receive.

• Primary education and Primary schools.

• Production of works.

• Property derived through wife.

• Pursuit of pleasure.

• Rape.

• Religious mindedness.

• Rewards that come to us.


• Satisfaction of our pride.

• Self-dramatization.

• Sensuous enjoyments.

• Sex instincts.

• Sexual involvement

• Social Activity.

• Social intercourse between sexes prior to wedlock.

• Social popularity or lack of it.

• Sovereign Marks.

• Speculation.

• Speculative affairs.

• Spiritual practices and devotion to God.

• Sports.

• Stock Market activities.

• Success in betting, speculation and game or otherwise.

• Tastes and fancies.

• Tax.

• Visit to holy places to fulfil vows.

• FIFTH BHAVA • Ability of being a MINISTER,

• Attraction between opposite sex.

• Auspicious letters like invitations to religious or social ceremonies and functions.

• Banquets and merriment

• Betting in games of chance.

• Business partners luck.

• Chance Money like lottery gift etc.,

• Chanting of mantras and manthropadesa.

• Children.

• Cinema, Drama and Music.

• Conception leading to birth of a child.

• Counselor for himself and family.

• Creative self expression.

• Cure from disease.

• Dealing with children & their Education.

• Desire to be noticed and appreciated.

• Disciples, Mantras, Virtuous acts and devotion to God.

• Embrace of prostitutes.

• Enterprise of a speculative nature

• Entertainment activity involving arts.

• Fall from Kingship or high office.

• Falling In Love.

• Farsightedness.

• Fatherhood.

• Festive occasion.

• FIFTH represents all places of entertainment

• Financial speculation.

• Flow of Money curtailed and payments from others is impeded.

• Future birth.

• Gambling.

• Games like Cards, Cross-word puzzles. Dice, Lottery, Gambling or betting.

• Games, Sports and Romance.

• Good counsel.

• Hereditary past


• IN National AFFAIRS Vth house stands for Envoys, Ambassador etc.,


• Intellect

• Intelligence and discretion.


• Kidnapping.

• Legitimate and illegitimate attraction.

• Licentiousness.

• Literary production.

• In it most of the joys of life is discovered.



• Material and physical pleasures.

• Maternal Uncle.

• Medical effect in the system (Native's)

• Merry making of all sorts.

• Music instruments.

• Native's family deity.

• Natural intelligence.

• Playfulness.

• Pleasure and social inclination.

• Pleasure house.

• Pleasures he enjoys.

• Prayer Chanting of VEDIC hymns.

• Pregnancy and child birth.

• Presents we receive.

• Primary education and Primary schools.

• Production of works.

• Property derived through wife.

• Pursuit of pleasure.

• Rape.

• Religious mindedness.

• Rewards that come to us.


• Satisfaction of our pride.

• Self-dramatization.

• Sensuous enjoyments.

• Sex instincts.

• Sexual involvement

• Social Activity.

• Social intercourse between sexes prior to wedlock.

• Social popularity or lack of it.

• Sovereign Marks.

• Speculation.

• Speculative affairs.

• Spiritual practices and devotion to God.

• Sports.

• Stock Market activities.

• Success in betting, speculation and game or otherwise.

• Tastes and fancies.

• Tax.

• Visit to holy places to fulfil vows.


• (Personality house) • All about Self.

• Color of the native.

• Description of the native's station in life.

• Determination to succeed in his attempts.

• Drive and push of the person.


• Governs all matters connected with the life of the native.

• Health.

• Individuality and general candour.

• Inherent strength of his physical constitution.


• Loss of money being 12th to 2nd)

• Native's vitality.

• Personal Actions.

• Personal characteristics and appearance.

• Personal mannerisms and identity.

• Personal self expression.

• Personal will power

• Physical and mental propensities.

• Physical appearance.

• Physical status and constitution.

• Place of birth.

• Place of residence.

• Possible accidents especially those that might affect the health.

• Resistance to diseases.

• Self image awareness and interest


• Academic achievement• Acquisition of a Guru

• Affairs concerning TEMPLES, CHURCHES, MOSQUES

• Air travel

• AH codification of cultural though^ tradition

• All religious institutions


• Association with good people

• Brethren of husband and wife

• Clergy

• Communication wittiSPIRLTS-

• Contact with Foreigners and Foreign cultures

• Correspondence ofdocuments connected foDWORCE and the text of the

• Divorce Decree

• Cultural

• Deepest studies

• Dharma

• Dreams and visions

• Educational Ideals and principles

• Efforts for acquisition of learning

• Establishment of personal world view



• Forest life

• God and religion

• Good morals

• Grandchildren



• Higher brain power and attaining very unusual accomplishment

• Higher education

• Higher education

• Higher Education, thought and higher knowledge

• Higher thinking

• House of training and trading

• Huntsman

• Inferences drawn regarding Grand children


• Long distance travel - Long distance air travel- Legal debts and Judges Communication^- All kinds of shipping – Matters relating to reiigion Universities

• Intellectual affairs

• Investment of money

• Lawyers

• Lawyers

• Legal affairs

• Legal and moral codes

• Legal arbitration

• Legal arbitration

• Law

• Long distance from birthplace


• Long range advertising

• Longer communication

• Marriage relatives


• More profound mental interests

• One who counsels?

• Our ability for philosophical studies

• Our love for delving into mysterious realms of the occult

• Patented articles

• Penance

• People who dine with the native

• Preceptor

• Personal conscience based on Philosophic and religious values and cultural Conditioning

• PHILOSOPHIC• Philanthropy and charity• Place of coronation• Possible development of our higher basfc power• Preceptors or Guru• Prophecy, Prophetic or intuitional experience• Prophetic awareness of future cultural trends and conditions. • • Publishing• RELIGIOUS • Religious attitudes• Religious austeriiies • Religious beliefs• Respect of others • Resting house• Reverence and devoted to elders and God

• Reverence towards preceptor

• Righteous conduct

• Roaming and hiking

• Scientific attainment

• Scientific Research and submission of Thesis

• Sea Voyages


• Sister-in-law

• Sister's husband

• Social customs

• Spiritual initiation

• Spiritual initiation, teaching and everything comtectefrto, it

• Sportsman

• Strangers, foreigners and their relations

• Temples* Vows andPilgdmage

• The blessing received

• The commercial powers

• The Courts

• The fuck and result of good actions in previous birth and reflected fn the native's present life

• This house presides over Research; Invention, Discovery, Explanations & submissions of thesis

• Training period

• Transmigration of souls



• Very free and generous nature


• Wife's brother

• Worship, Tapas, Virtue



• A Foreign Govt.fScholarship


• Affairs of the dead

• Afterlife.

• Alimony

• Announcement of unexpected inheritance/Gifts

• Any goods gained by Divorce

• Arrest and detention '

• Arrest and detention

• Bank balance of previous births

• Bodily exertion and mental anguish

• Calamities

• Change of existence from one place of activity to another

• Clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities

• Crossing rivers

• Danger from enemies

• Death house (Mode of death)

• Defect of diplomatic strategy

• Defective

• Denial of death

• Disgrace and cheating

• Dissolution

• End of old conditionAn preparation of the new.

• Enemies Port

• Evil future

• Evil news

• Facial diseases

• Fall from heights

• Fateful losses

• Fear and fear of enemies

• Fear of enmities - our Enemies attacks

• Feeling wounded by other

• Financial status of married partner or business associates.

• Financial transactions.

• Fruitless attempts

• Genitals and Anus

• Giving of loans

• Going across rivers, Severe^diffhulties

• Going, out of the way

• Goods of the dead

• Great mental distress

• Handling of waste products

• Hole or cavity-

• Importance comings to us unexpected

• Incurring Debts.

• Inheritance, Taxes

• Inordinate fear of death

• Instinctive desire to form a sexual bond

• Insult, sorrow, scandal or ill-repute I

• Insurance^money of the deceased

• IN QUESTION RELATING, TO NATIONS • 8th deals with Public mortality, financial relation with foreign countries, suicide, serious

accidents, flood, famine, Earth Quakes, National calamity, surrender, loss of territory to another country, Deficit budget.

• IN HORARY • Crossing of rivers, Difficulties of Journey, Fortresses, Suffering cattsechby enemies,

Corruption Fights Vulnerable or weak points, 8th cusp sub lord should signify 5 and 11 (both) to find out if one will enjoy a particular girl or boy.

• Joint finances and corporate business activity.

• Joint monies

• Legacies, wills, insurance, gratuity and Bonus

• Legacies.

• Longevity.

• Lord of 8th is the Debtor or the person from whom the money 1s expected

• Loss of money thro' deception

• Medium Ship

• Mendicancy (begging)

• Mental distress

• Money belonging to other people-especially of the deceased

• Money Incidental or connected to deathMoney of others received inadvertently

• Money received through ln$urance[

• Murder

• Need for spiritual reg&nerationLandinterest iaie?incawation

• Obsessive sexuality

• Obstacle, impediment

• Obstacle &and Miseries.


• Other peoples vaiues.

• Pain and agonyParapsychology and occultsubj^cts

• Pass through dense forests

• Passion, sexuality

• Path through rough mountains, region, or mid dense forests

• Pharmacist

• Places of death and cause

• Possession of or fromothers.

• Privation and worries

• Prolonged diseases

• Punishment inflicted by Govt.

• Punishment inflicted by Govt.,

• Quarrels and fights

• Recycling of oid^ discarded or worn out items and sources

• Repaying the debts

• Running into debts

• Sanitary matters

• Secret Death

• Seize of a Fort - Fighting

• Sewage disposal

• Sex life

• Sex organs, their qualities and working condition and sexual diseases

• Sexual energies sex, desire and sex life of a person

• Shared feelings.

• Slaughterhouse and Butchers

• Sorrow and grief thro' tha DeathM others

• Split between friends

• Spltting of partnership

• Surgeons, Medical Officers


• Tales of sorrows

• That which is not stated (reading in-between lin$s)

• The estate and dowry of wife and husband

• The estate and dowry of wife and husband

• The goods or possessions of partners or immediate associates

• The house^ot misery

• The kind of death

• The life force.

• The loss of beloved ones due to serious wounds from fatal accidents.

• The mating instinct

• Th&proereative^ act

• The strength of public money

• The way we cope with death Theft and robbery

• Total destructloiiandWat

• Transformation of personal motivation for better or worse

• Treasure buried underground

• Trouble-in crowds

• Trouble to wife

• Undertaker (One wbacarries-OuLarrMgementsJor funeral)

• Unearned wealth and share of profit

• Unsuccessful attempts

• Untimely deatfr

• Untoward happenings

• Untoward happenings

• War and Deaths

• Wills and legacies

• Wrong or unacceptable actions


• Academic achievement• Acquisition of a Guru

• Affairs concerning TEMPLES, CHURCHES, MOSQUES

• Air travel

• AH codification of cultural though^ tradition

• All religious institutions


• Association with good people

• Brethren of husband and wife

• Clergy

• Communication wittiSPIRLTS-

• Contact with Foreigners and Foreign cultures

• Correspondence ofdocuments connected foDWORCE and the text of the

• Divorce Decree

• Cultural

• Deepest studies

• Dharma

• Dreams and visions

• Educational Ideals and principles

• Efforts for acquisition of learning

• Establishment of personal world view



• Forest life

• God and religion

• Good morals

• Grandchildren



• Higher brain power and attaining very unusual accomplishment

• Higher education

• Higher education

• Higher Education, thought and higher knowledge

• Higher thinking

• House of training and trading

• Huntsman

• Inferences drawn regarding Grand children


• Long distance travel - Long distance air travel- Legal debts and Judges Communication^- All kinds of shipping – Matters relating to reiigion Universities

• Intellectual affairs

• Investment of money

• Lawyers

• Lawyers

• Legal affairs

• Legal and moral codes

• Legal arbitration

• Legal arbitration

• Law

• Long distance from birthplace


• Long range advertising

• Longer communication

• Marriage relatives


• More profound mental interests

• One who counsels?

• Our ability for philosophical studies

• Our love for delving into mysterious realms of the occult

• Patented articles

• Penance

• People who dine with the native

• Preceptor

• Personal conscience based on Philosophic and religious values and cultural Conditioning

• PHILOSOPHIC• Philanthropy and charity• Place of coronation• Possible development of our higher basfc power• Preceptors or Guru• Prophecy, Prophetic or intuitional experience• Prophetic awareness of future cultural trends and conditions. • • Publishing• RELIGIOUS • Religious attitudes• Religious austeriiies • Religious beliefs• Respect of others • Resting house• Reverence and devoted to elders and God

• Reverence towards preceptor

• Righteous conduct

• Roaming and hiking

• Scientific attainment

• Scientific Research and submission of Thesis

• Sea Voyages


• Sister-in-law

• Sister's husband

• Social customs

• Spiritual initiation

• Spiritual initiation, teaching and everything comtectefrto, it

• Sportsman

• Strangers, foreigners and their relations

• Temples* Vows andPilgdmage

• The blessing received

• The commercial powers

• The Courts

• The fuck and result of good actions in previous birth and reflected fn the native's present life

• This house presides over Research; Invention, Discovery, Explanations & submissions of thesis

• Training period

• Transmigration of souls



• Very free and generous nature


• Wife's brother

• Worship, Tapas, Virtue


• THIRD BHAVA • Aiming at the Target.

All kinds of correspondence and accounting.

• All movements and Transition.

• All vehicular modes of transit.

• Allotment of seats.

• Assistance of the Native in his work.

• Bargain.

• Books, Publications, Magazines, Editing.

• Broker, representative, mediator, Messenger.

• Capacity to provide more information either verbally or intellectually. Carrying Tales. Casual acquaintances.

• Clear, accurate, biased perceptions.

• Commercial Traveller and journalist

• Compassion.

• Confusion of mind.

• Communications of all kinds.

• Conveying message.


• Daily comings and goings.

• Daily exchange of ideas.


• Degree of boldness in fights.

• Dexterity and duality.


• Ear Ornaments.

• Expression of intellectual curiosity.

• Family Utensils.


• Fear and Bravery.

• Fighter.

• Firmness of mind.

• Following and followers.

• Hobbies which engage the mind.

• House of communication.


• Information gathering and sharing.

• Inherent abilities of mind and intellect.

• Inherited intellect

• Intellect derived from education and study.

• Journalist

• Kindred.

• Learned discourse.

• Library, books store.

• Listening, Reading and learning.

• Logical mind.

• Memory.

• Mental alertness.

• Mental focus of attention.

• Mental inclination and ability.

• Mental interests.

• Mental Strength.

• Messenger.

• Nearest relatives such as brother, sister (younger) and neighbour.

• Neighbours and others in the immediate environment

• News Paper, News Correspondent information Officer.• Papers and correspondence.

• Personal ideas.

• Place of travel (distance covered by foot).

• Planning of self expression.

• Post Offices, Post Boxes and letter boxes.

• Practical decision making.

• Property, partition. allotment of property partitioned and received as legacy.

• Prowess and Heroism.

• Publicity Officer.

• Radio reports, Signal, Air Mail.

• Reasoning.

• Relation House.

• Reservation of seats.

• Restlessness / want of peace)


• Sahayasthana (to have assistance of others)

• School work.

• Sensory perceptions.


• Short communications.

• Short trips and journey.

• Signature, signing Contracts/Agreements.

• Singing when melody arises In the throat

• Stamina and vigor.

• Study.

• Target and Hitting force in a dual.

• Telephone, Telegraph and Teleprint.

• Television and Telecommunication.

• TENTH (10th) Cusp Sub Lord signifying 3 - ENT SPECIALIST.

• The influence of passing acquaintances.

• The Inherent propensities of mind.

• The inherent properties of mind.

• Thinking capacity.

• Thinking process.


• Translating.

• Travel agencies.

• Usage of residence.

• Walking.

• Wearing apparel.

• What is heard.

• Writings, documents and books and letters, paper.



• Adultery.• All dealings with persons.

• All that are inimical or dangerous to the very existence of the person represented

• by Lagna

• Arrival and departure. Attitudes and action of othe(s. Break journey. Change of residence. Cohabitation.

• Competitor in any undertaking. Condition of marriage relationship. Conjugal felicitous. Contacts.

• Contracts, Agreements, Matters of exchange Desire or need to co-operate with others. DEATH. Debtor or person from whom the money is expected - 2nd shows what may be expected

• Degree of success achieved thro' partnership. Disagreeable children. DIVORCE OR NOT.• Enemical Matters that cause trouble to the very existence of the person. Enemies attacks

and fights. Enemies attacks.• Engaging in quarrels and comes Into conflict thro' open arguments and Litigation. Enmity

of others. Expenditure at night. Extreme dependency. Fines, Legal bondage. Genitals.

• Grave disagreements tn the matters of affection. Happiness In conjugal life. Identification with others. IN HORARY

• This house answers queries relating to recovery of lost property - describes thief, pick-pocketer. Lagna = Owner of the property IV = Place of stolen articles. VII = Thief. VIII = details of articles stolen.


• International relationship. Arbitrations, Foreign Affairs, International Trade,

• Laws relating to marriage an4dworc&, Public reaction to nattonaLpoMcs, public meetings, warfare and enemity

• Legal bondage.

• Lending and borrowingMoney.Litigation.

• Loosing th&right track hi travelling.

• MARAKA HUUSE (danger to longivity)


• Matrimony.

• Mixing freely in society,

• Open adversaries.

• Open enemies.

• Open quarrels.

• Open warfare and enmity.

• Other close personal relationships.

• Partnership of every kind.

• Personal sens&ofjustic& and^fm play.

• Public (Loka)

• Public contact, Competitor and competition.

• Public duels and law_syits.

• Public Meetings.

• Public reaction to NatfonaLPottcies.

• Reaction of others to personal action.

• Responsibility towards others,

• Rivals in all contests

• Semon

• Setting, Marga (way).

• Sexual desir&and enjoyment of womap.

• Sexual Union.

• Sociability.

• Social activity connected with business or public relation^.

• Social awareness.

• Step children.

• The Engineer or Contractor who builds for th&Natiye.

• The house of all contentions.

• The knack and prudence of all worldly affairs.

• The^native!s Doctor,

• The relation in which the native stands to others whether in AMITY OR ENMHTY.

• Trade and commerce.

• Trading.

• UNION of Earthy ties.

• Valuer.

• Vital powers.

• War we shall have to wage or which wiU be waged against us.

• Wedded state.


• II = Kutumbam.• IV - Family and domestic happiness

VII - Married partner.

• XII = Comfort from bed-mate,

• V and VII combination tells love partner.

THE ELEVENTH BHAVA• Absence of misery

• Advisors and supporters

• Advocates

• All the paraphernalia of Luxury

• Awareness of Universal laws and principles

• Benefactors and true friends

• Cain from business

• Children's wife but particularly the wife or husband of the first child.

• Confidants

• Desire to have re-union

• Detached acquaintance

• Detached mental outlook

• Elder brother and sister and ail information about them

• Elephant riding and horse riding

• Emoluments of office

• Favorites and flatterers

• Financial affairs of employers

• Friends acquaintances, company, associates gain or loss, pleasure

• Friends house

• Friends, groups and organizations

• Gain all kinds of receipts.

• Grains and emoluments

• Group creativity

• Hopes and wishes


• Identification with groups, associations

• Intercourse with women

• Intuitive contact with the Universal mind

• Investigate this house to infer what sort of emotional attachments one will have


• Living with pleasure with opposite sex without contracting marriage

• More detailed contacts such as friends

• Most cherished hopes realized

• Network of relationship that enhance and support the realization of personal goals

• Objectives

• Occult, scientific and humanitarian interests

• Parliaments or legislative forums

• Personal goals and objectives

• Persons with whom one will move in society

• Pleasure, prosperity, profit, progress in attempts, permanent tie of friendship

• Absence of misery

• Advisors and supporters

• Advocates

• All the paraphernalia of Luxury

• Awareness of Universal laws and principles

• Benefactors and true friends

• Children's wife but particularly the wife or husband of the first child.

• Confidants

• Desire to have re-union

• Detached acquaintance

• Detached mental outlook

• Elder brother and sister and ail information about them

• Elephant riding and horse riding

• Emoluments of office

• Favorites and flatterers

• Financial affairs of employers

• Friends acquaintances, company, associates gain or loss, pleasure or grief throe' them

• Friends house

• Friends, groups and organizations

• Gain from business

• Gain all kinds of receipts.

• Grains and emoluments

• Group creativity

• Hopes and wishes


• Identification with groups, associations

• Intercourse with women

• Intuitive contact with the Universal mind

• Investigate this house to infer what sort of emotional attachments one will have


• Living with pleasure with opposite sex without contracting marriage

• More detailed contacts such as friends

• Most cherished hopes realized

• Network of relationship that enhance and support the realization of personal goals

• Objectives

• Occult, scintific and humanitarian interests

• Parliaments or legislative forums

• Personal goals and objectives

• Persons with whom one will move in society

• Pleasure, prosperity, profit, progress in attempts, permanent tie of friendship

• Proficiency in language

• Revolts against abuse of power


• Sense of universal brotherhood

• Social affairs

• Son-in-law and Daughter-in-law

• Success in all undertakings

• Supplementary information concerning our children, the alliances (Matrimonial other)

• since it is opposite to 5th house

• Supporters

• The deliberations of Rulers, Government or Governing bodies, associations and public


• The disinterested protectors also analyzed thro1 this house • THE ONLY HOUSE TO BE CONSIDERED FOR ALL TYPES OF GAIN• Those in command over the native • TRUSTS Veneration