268 leveraging the big 5 twitter, you tube, googleplus, facebook and linkedin part ii

Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com [email protected] 415-513-5733 #IVECCS13 268 - Leveraging the Big 5 Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn Part II


268 - Leveraging the Big 5: Twitter, YouTube, Google, Facebook, and LinkedIn Part II Lisa Ann Landry, MSM, I worked 14 years at IBM where I learned many powerful lessons: in a dog eat dog corporate environment be cautious of freely give your knowledge and wisdom because your peers might steal your stuff pretend like it’s theirs and get promoted over you. The lesson learned was to protect my knowledge and if I shared it with anyone at least be strategic and share to profit or benefit with a promotion or award – that’s the corporate mindset. It doesn’t work in the social space. It took hard work for me to shake off that conditioning and embrace the law of reciprocity in social media. The Law of Reciprocity is about giving of your knowledge, wisdom, and expertise with an opened and giving heart to serve and aid your community believing the energy you put out will be returned to you. An easy place to practice is through blog commenting. You likely read magazines and other industry literature. The same types of information is in blogs written by your industry gurus. Unlike reading magazines, you can engage with the blogger, give back to your community and get noticed. HOW? – By habitually commenting on at least one blog every day. A great resource for discovering blogs is Technocratic and Alltop both are blog directories. Use them to find blogs that interest you. When commenting, generously share your expertise, knowledge, and wisdom (practicing the law of reciprocity). In your comments adding value could be presenting a new perspective or a different twist. Another way to practice the law of reciprocity is by participating in groups on other social sites. Responding to the questions your community is asking and share excellent sources of information such as hyperlinks to other great content you’ve found. Believe it or not social networking sites are still relativity new most of the social platforms haven’t been around that long. Consequently, some people are completely intimidated by these social sites. Businesses often forget these social networks were designed to give people a way to connect with each other. The sites were not designed for businesses to sell their stuff. However, when using education based marketing strategies the social sites become an excellent platforms to add value through sharing your knowledge, wisdom, and expertise. These social marketing vehicles are incredible for reaching your target market. From a business perspective make it a priority to always add value to your community. You never know when or how this will pay off but it will. If your hesitant to interact and comment in fear of damaging your credibility. One of the best things I did to save myself of possible disgrace was to take a social networking boot camp before I started social networking.

Transcript of 268 leveraging the big 5 twitter, you tube, googleplus, facebook and linkedin part ii

Page 1: 268 leveraging the big 5 twitter, you tube, googleplus, facebook and linkedin part ii

Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com

[email protected]


268 - Leveraging the Big 5

Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Facebook and LinkedIn Part II

Page 2: 268 leveraging the big 5 twitter, you tube, googleplus, facebook and linkedin part ii

Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com

[email protected]


WelcomeYoutube - https://www.youtube.com/user/LisaaLandryTwitter - @LisaaLandryFacebook – https://www.facebook.com/TheSNCCWayLinkedIn - www.linkedin.com/in/lisaalandry/

Google LISA ANN LANDRY I’m easy to find!

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Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com

[email protected]


Leveraging the Big 5Objectives

The Law of Reciprocity in Social MediaPriority System for Using Social Platforms & WhyDemographics & Culture of the Big 5

Blog YouTube Twitter G+ FaceBook LinkedIn

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Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com

[email protected]


The Law of Reciprocity in Social

MediaGivers gainBlog commenting

Technocratic Alltop

Comment boxAdd value to your community


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Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com

[email protected]


Priority System for Using Social Platforms

& WhySBO have limited time & moneyChoosing social platforms

Target market, Social sites demographicsGoogle pages rank, SEO advantage

Sharing your LPS

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Lisa Ann Landry MSM Co-Creator http://socialnetworkcoaches.com

[email protected]


Need More Training

SummaryThe Law of Reciprocity in Social MediaPriority System for Using Social Platforms & WhyDemographics & Culture of the Big 5

Blog YouTube Twitter G+ FaceBook LinkedIn

Need More Training or help

Lisa Ann Landry Strategies for Marketing Successful in Social Media