25 Spiritually Inspired Conscious DJ

25 Spiritually Inspired Conscious DJ’s & Producers You Should Be Listening To Written by Amateo Ra | These days Spirituality has left the ashram and entered the heart of modern musicians who aren’t afraid to use technology to express themselves. There are new genres and styles of spiritual, digitally enhanced music bubbling up over the World. Sacred music, however, is as old as humanity. It’s one of our greatest ancient mysteries that there are sacred sound frequencies which mirror nature, create our reality, as well as produce the effects of love, health and rejuvenation. This video really explains it well, link ! Here are 25 artists that have been influenced spiritually and carry a conscious message; through their music, album art and stage performances. They create a sacred space for the exploration of the our bodies, emotion and artistic expression. Here are the pioneers of communicating the Divine through sound:


25 Spiritual Consiousness Djs of these days.

Transcript of 25 Spiritually Inspired Conscious DJ

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25 Spiritually Inspired Conscious DJ’s & Producers You Should Be Listening To

Written by Amateo Ra| These days Spirituality has left the ashram and entered the heart of modern musicians who aren’t afraid to use technology to express themselves.There are new genres and styles of spiritual, digitally enhanced music bubbling up over the World.  Sacred music, however, is as old as humanity. It’s one of our greatest ancient mysteries that there are sacred sound frequencies which mirror nature, create our reality, as well as produce the effects of love, health and rejuvenation. This video really explains it well, link!Here are 25 artists that have been influenced spiritually and carry a conscious message; through their music, album art and stage performances. They create a sacred space for the exploration of the our bodies, emotion and artistic expression.


Here are the pioneers of communicating the Divine through sound:

1. Kaminanda

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A stellar human who brings a very powerful vibration and sincerity to his music and live-shows. With albums like The Gateways of Consciousness, this brother raises the vibration.

2. David Block & The Human Experience

David is a talented pianist who mixes Worldly sounds with slow groovy bass. His new album with the talented ladies of Rising Appalachia is stunning.

3. Tycho

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Tycho has a unique and serene sound. Always a go to for chill and inspiring vibes. Here’s his latest sunrise set from Burning Man.

 4. Akara

Akara is sublime and surreal, and hard to put into words. Here is one of their more recent compilations, Extradimensional Ethnography.

5. Polish Ambassador

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The Polish Ambassador is outrageous, fun, yet full of tropical soul and cosmic sound streams.  His album Ecozoic can never be played too many times. Also his production with Ayla Nereo as Wildlight is like organic candy for the ears.

6. Lulacruza

Lulacruza is powerful medicine music with a modern electronic twist from South America. The duo blends female vocals with amazing sounds captured from nature. It is music of the heart.

7. Phutureprimitive

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Phutureprimitive’s music is best described as dripping wet love drops of nasty mind melting sonic bliss. I’ll leave you to figure out what the means, but I’ll tell ya, he brings a great conscious vibe to heavy and sincere dance music. This album Kinetic is classic.

8. DevaProject

Jami Deva of DevaProject is a very talented musician and producer. For the last 7-years, he’s been creating the audio-landscapes for a major national event called Qi Revolution. His music is very soft and perfect for a meditation or healing space. I listen to this often!

Here’s the link!

9. Love and Light

As the name implies, these guys are super sweet and always make sure to let everyone know they are there for love! They make sure to emphasize the fun side of love, often bringing heavy and groovy beats to make you feel at home.

10. Random Rab

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Random Rab is a West Coast producer who likes to make music that feels good. He does just that and is one of the best I know at it. He keeps it chill and brings the feels.

11. ill-esha

A very talented producer and songstress, ill-esha has been in the music game for a while, and has truly earned her spot on this list. Her latest album, Open Heart Surgery, is authentic, heavy & heartfelt.

12. Odesza

Odesza has been growing and reaching more people with their beautiful music. I don’t know too much about these guys, but I do know their music speaks volumes.

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13. Russliquid

Russliquid brings it! Whether he’s tooting on the horns or working the decks or both, he consistently brings innovative cultural dance and groove beats to life. One of my favorites for sure!

14. Beats Antique

Combining gypsy sounds with electronic melodies, the group that is Beats Antique deliver a unique sound and performance that is truly their own.

15. Tipper

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Tipper makes music from outer space. I’m pretty sure if you go on any spaceship, there are a bunch of awesome aliens boogieing to his beats. He also makes lots of heartfelt complex downtempo beats, but here is a dance mix to get your body moving to the next galaxy!

16. Govinda

Govinda produces illuminating and rich beats that are perfect for any occasion. His music is pure of heart and truly full of sacred sounds.

17. Bluetech

Bluetech is a massively prolific producer, who always keeps his music sacred, thoughtful and simple yet complex. His music is my No. 1 for a long drive or deep creative work.

18. Kalya Scintilla

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Kalya is a very talented DJ, with deep spiritual roots. He love to bring his spirituality out to the open, and share with everyone during his live dj sets. His music is a mystery school in itself.

19. Terrakroma

These guys keep it psy and Worldly. I love their music and get to enjoy it in a special way, as one of the members of this duo, Gabriel, is my roommate.

20. Desert Dwellers

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These two guys are notorious for their pioneering sacred sound, keeping it mostly downtempo, deep and full of exploration. Their music will transport you to the ancient temples reminiscent of far off memories long past. Enjoy!

21. Opiuo

Opiuo, hailing from Australia, is next level wompy fun at its best. Glitchy wet bass with big drops and playful noises, some of the most fun funky sacred dance music around.

22. Jamie Janover

Jamie is a very talented musician combining his love for the hammer dulcimer with electronic beats. He also has a love for mathematics and physics, being one of the official delegates of theResonance Project with physicist Nassim Haramein.

23. Andriellien

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Andriellien is also a fan of mathematical music, creating spacey glitchy womb beats straight from Galactic Center. Not to mention, he doesn’t just keep it cosmic, he brings the funk.

24. David Starfire


David Starfire fuses Worldly sounds from all cultures together into a tasteful tapestry of enjoyment. Sometimes heavy, sometimes light, he likes to mix it up and constantly surprise you with the various instruments and sounds you can find within his music.


25. Gladkill

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Easily one of my favorite dj’s out right now. Gladkill brings sexy slow, trap-like beats, but does so in a way that challenges genres and style. He’s unique all his own, and we are greateful for it!


Hope you enjoyed this blog and got to discover some new exciting music you love. Please know I couldn’t list all my favorite conscious dj’s here, so feel free to list your favorite spiritually inspired electronic music in the comments below!

“Music in the soul can be heard by the universe.” – Lao Tzu

p.s. The featured image is from a film called Electronic Awakening. If you’d like to learn more about Spiritually Inspired Electronic Music and it’s influence on our culture, you have to check this out!About the author: Amateo Ra is the co-founder of Creator Course, an Online School for Conscious Living which is currently being built. For the last 4-years, he has been training with Global leaders in Spirituality, Channeling & Conscious Business.