243717594 poker casestudy-1-doc

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click here for freelancing tutoring sitesCSC 120, CASE STUDY using enumerated data types:

Randomly generate 2 hands of poker (5 card draw) and determine which is the better hand.

Types of   "5 card draw" poker hands : (Listed from best to worst)

Where A=ace, K=king, Q=queen, J=jack, H=hearts, D=diamonds, S=spades, and C=clubs.  Ex:  A H means Ace of Hearts.

Royal flush        A,K,Q,J,10 of the same suit                        Ex: A,K,Q,J,10 of spades

Straight flush     In sequence, same suit                        Ex: A H, K H, Q H, J H, 10 H

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4 of a kind        4 with same face value                        Ex:  8 H, 8 S, 8 D, 8 C

Full house         3 with same face & 2 with other face value                        Ex:  3 10s, 2 Js

Flush              Any 5 of same suit                        Ex:  3, 7, 9, J, and A of clubs

Straight           5 in a row, any suit                        Ex:  5 H, 6 D, 7 C, 8 H, 9 D

3 of a kind        3 with same face value                        Ex:  3 Qs

2 pair             2 with one face value; 2 with other face value                       Ex:  2 7s, 2 Js

1 pair             2 with same face value                        Ex:  2 Qs

High card          (If none of the above, hand with highest card wins)

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The High Level Design:

Where…GenHand (...) randomly generates a 5-card hand DisplayHands (...) prints out the 5 cards RankHand (...) determines the type of hand (eg 4-of-a-kind, full house, ...)    (The hardest!) TellWinner (...) compares the two hand ranks, determines which is better, and prints an appropriate message


Evaluate Poker Hands

Shuffle Deck(deck)

GenerateHands DisplayHands Determine Hand Type Display The Better Hand

GenHand(deck, hand1)

GenHand(deck, hand2)





Tell Winner(h1Rank,h2Rank)

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Pseudocode for generating a hand of cards:

counter <-- 0 Loop til you have 5 cards: Randomly gen a location in the deck of 52 sorted cards If not already taken         Put it in the hand         Increment counterExample of using the C++ random(n) function which returns a random number between from 0 to (n-1), inclusive.         location <-- rand (CARDSINDECK)   Reminder:  After the program has been thoroughly tested, seed the random number generator to ensure that you will get different cards every time.

A "hand" will be an array of 5 records. Each record has 2 fields: a face value (faceValue) and a suit (suit). For readability, enumerated types will be used for the face values and suits.  This will avoid having to "code" the cards.

enum SuitType         { hearts=1, diamonds, spades, clubs }; enum FaceValType { two=2, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, jack, queen, king, ace }; enum Ranking         { highcard=1, one_pair, two_pair, threekind, straight, flush, fullhouse,                                         fourkind, stflush,  royalflush};

Reminder:  You cannot read/write enumerated values in C++.  You must use selection (typically a switch statement). The default ordering for an enumerated type is 0, 1, 2, etc. but in our case study, we'll override the defaults.  Notice for the FaceValType how the "two" gets the order 2.  This forces the other orders (called "ordinals") to fall in place according to the face value of the cards.

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Here is the C++ code for writing out the suit of a card.  Let's assume that the card in question is hand[3].suit, which has the value clubs.

switch(hand[ctr].suit) {      case hearts:    cout << "heart";   break;      case diamonds:  cout << "diamond"; break;      case spades:    cout << "spade";   break; case clubs:     cout << "club";    break;      default:        cout << "Invalid suit!"; }

Another advantage of using enumerated types is that they can be easily assigned and compared (using >, <, ==).

For example, suppose two cards in different hands have the same suit but you want to see which has the higher face value:         if (hand1[ctr].faceValue > hand2[ctr].faceValue)             ...         works just fine!

Here are the constant and structure declarations:

    const CARDSINHAND = 5;     const CARDSINDECK = 52;     struct CardType     {         SuitType suit;         FaceValType faceValue;     };

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    struct DeckCardType     {         CardType card;         bool     taken;     // initialized to false; set to true when that card is chosen     };                      //     so that same card won't be drawn twice

    typedef DeckCardType DeckType[CARDSINDECK];     typedef CardType     HandType[CARDSINHAND];     ...     HandType hand1, hand2;     DeckType deck;     ...

Let's look at one way to set up the deck of cards:

cardCounter=0; for (int suitCtr=hearts; suitCtr<=clubs; suitCtr++)     for (int faceValCtr=two; faceValCtr<=ace; faceValCtr++);     {         Deck[cardCounter].card.suit = suitCtr;         Deck[cardCounter].card.faceValue = faceValCtr;         Deck[cardCounter].taken = false;         cardCounter++;     }

The deck now looks like this:

    (suit)     (faceValue)     (taken) 0     hearts     two         false (reps the 2 of hearts) 1     hearts     three       false 2     hearts     four        false 3     hearts     five        false 4     hearts     six         false ... 12    hearts     ace         false 13    diamonds   two         false 14    diamonds   three       false ... 51    clubs      ace         false

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To randomly generate a hand of cards:

        Assume that the random number generator has been seeded prior to this:  

for (int ctr=1; ctr <=CARDSINHAND; ctr++) {     // keep randomly generating next card til you get one that is not taken     do     {         location = rand(CARDSINDECK);     }  while (Deck[location].drawn == true)

    // you got a card so mark it as taken Deck[location].taken = true;     hand[ctr].faceValue = deck[location].card.faceValue;     hand[ctr].suit = deck[location].card.suit; }

Note re representing the deck of cards: There is a better scheme than this one, but this one is simple and it shows how you can store a deck of cards as an array of records.  The other scheme doesn't need the "taken" field.  Rather, when it selects a card, it replaces that card in the deck with the last card in the deck and decrements the number of cards so that when random() is called it is called with the current number of cards left in the deck, as in ...   random(numCardsInDeck).  This is actually more efficient because, as long as there is at least one card in the deck, you'll get a card on the first try.

Now let's assume the existence of the following functions to help us determine the ranking for a hand of cards (the hardest part of this program):

        bool  SameSuit (HandType hand)        Returns true if all five cards have same suit         bool  InSequence (HandType hand)     Returns  true if all five cards are in numeric sequence by face value, as in                                                                             3-4-5-6-7 or 9-10-J-Q-K         bool RoyalFlush  (HandType hand)      Returns true if the hand is a royal flush         bool StFlush (HandType hand)             Returns true if the hand is a straight flush            


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Here's a possible design for the RankHand procedure:

Name             RankHand PreCondition  A hand of five cards has been drawn from the deck PostCondition The hand has been given a ranking and the ranking has been passed out Data passed in:   hand        HandType    An array of 5 cards Data passed out:  rank        Ranking        The type of hand (ex royalflush, threeofkind, etc) Local vars:     ... Algorithm:  

if (RoyalFlush(hand))     ranking <-- royalflush else     if (StraightFlush(hand))         rank <-- stflush     else         ...                      and so on...

Pseudocode algorithm for RoyalFlush function, where Sort is a procedure that sorts the hand in descending order by face value:

        Sort(hand)         if  hand[0].faceValue = ace  and InSequence(hand) and SameSuit(hand) // note user of Boolean functions here            return true         else             return false // note: should be programmed with a single return but this is more readable for this case study

Pseudocde algorithm for StraightFlush function:

    Same as the above function except that you don't need to check to see if ace is the high card.

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Pseudocode algorithm for FourOfAKind function:

    Call Sort (hand)     if  (hand[1].faceValue = hand[2].faceValue and hand[2].faceValue = hand[3].faceValue)             and         (hand[0].faceValue = hand[1].faceValue or hand[3].faceValue=hand[4].faceValue)             return true     else             return false

Similar functions would take advantage of the Sort(), InSequence(), and SameSuit() subroutines.

To be efficient, the function to check for a full house (3 of one face value, 2 of another face value) could call the function ThreeOfAKind and the function Pair to avoid redundant code.

To display a hand?

See the C++ program CardsEDT.CPP .  This program is available to you on the course Web site. Download it and run it. It tests the creation of a deck of cards and then displays the cards in the deck in two different ways:  printing out numbers for the face values 2 to 10, printing out words for the face values 2 to 10.