24 July 2015

318 24 Julie/July 2015 6 STANDERTON - A family in Mqa- shi Section of Sakhile is shattered af- ter their house was engulfed in flames Saturday evening. The double storey house of Mr Petros Maseko is now useless. According to their neighbours, the fire broke out at midnight. One neigh- bour said that he heard police vehicles with their sirens on and when he looked through his window, he saw the house in flames. Neighbours watched help- lessly while the flames consumed the house. The Emergency Service from Lekwa Local Municipality arrived on the scene, but there was no water in the tank of their fire truck. Members of the community watched in disbelieve as the fire brigade’s vehicle raced back to fetch water. According to sources the man and his wife were sleeping up stairs, but managed to escape unhurt. Everything in the house was burnt to ashes. Sakh- ile Police confirmed that the owner did not know what could have caused the fire. When the couple retired to bed at 22:00, everything was in order. The matter has been reported to fo- rensic experts to come and determine what could have caused the fire. It is reported that a woman was taken to hospital to receive treatment for shock and to stabilise her blood pressure. Mr Maseko was too traumatised to answer questions. The failure by Lekwa emer- gency services has left the community fuming with anger. DM House gutted by flames The remains of the famous double storey of Mr Maseko’s house in Sakhile. Graſte word geskend Bl2 Mandela Day Celebrated P6 & 7 Kookedoor Inskrywings- vorm Bl6 Jagters looi teikens Bl16


All the local news for the week of 24 July 2015

Transcript of 24 July 2015


24 Julie/July 20156

STANDERTON - A family in Mqa-shi Section of Sakhile is shattered af-ter their house was engulfed in flames Saturday evening. The double storey house of Mr Petros Maseko is now useless.

According to their neighbours, the fire broke out at midnight. One neigh-bour said that he heard police vehicles with their sirens on and when he looked through his window, he saw the house in flames. Neighbours watched help-lessly while the flames consumed the house. The Emergency Service from Lekwa Local Municipality arrived on the scene, but there was no water in the tank of their fire truck. Members of the community watched in disbelieve as the fire brigade’s vehicle raced back to fetch water.

According to sources the man and his wife were sleeping up stairs, but managed to escape unhurt. Everything in the house was burnt to ashes. Sakh-ile Police confirmed that the owner did not know what could have caused the fire. When the couple retired to bed at 22:00, everything was in order. The matter has been reported to fo-rensic experts to come and determine what could have caused the fire. It is reported that a woman was taken to hospital to receive treatment for shock and to stabilise her blood pressure. Mr Maseko was too traumatised to answer questions. The failure by Lekwa emer-gency services has left the community fuming with anger. DM

House gutted by flames

The remains of the famous double storey of Mr Maseko’s house in Sakhile.

Grafte wordgeskend


Mandela DayCelebrated

P6 & 7


vorm Bl6

Jagterslooi teikens


24 Julie/July 2015 2 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

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Award RecipientSTANDERTON - ‘n Plaaslike begrafnisondernemer het dit onder Kosmosnuus se aandag gebring dat verskeie grafte, veral grafstene, deesdae beskadig word. Met ‘n inspeksie by die begraafplaas in Walter Sisulurylaan is ‘n grafsteen wat slegs drie dae van tevore opgerig is, platgedruk gevind.

By nadere ondersoek is daar ‘n kabel gevind met ‘n klip aan die een punt vasgebind. Daar word vermoed dat houtstropers die kabel deur ‘n mik in ‘n boomstam gooi en dan die grafstene as ‘n anker gebruik. Die ander punt van die kabel word dan getrek om sodoende takke en selfs bome af te breek wat dan vir vuurmaakhout gebruik word.

Indien die tak nog groen is en nie maklik breek nie, word die grafstene dan sodoende omgetrek.

Dit is duur om grafstene op te rig en in stand te hou, en dit is ook een van die laaste maniere om respek aan ‘n geliefde te betoon, maar die grafte én begraafplaas word met absolute minagting deur die stropers behandel. ‘n Saak van grafskending sal geopen word.

Dit is egter ‘n rede tot kommer aangesien die bome wat gestroop en vernietig word, slegs enkele meters vanaf die munisipale toetssentrum en lisensie kantore is, en daar word geen poging deur die amptenare aangewend om die skending en beskadiging te bekamp nie. JD

Houtstropers skend grafte

‘n Houtstroper in aksie. Slegs ‘n paar meter van die mu-nisipale amptenare se ingang vanwaar hierdie amptenare die bedrywighede in die begraafplaas kan sien, word daar geen pogings aangewend om die persone te keer of teen hulle op te tree nie.

‘n Grafsteen wat slegs drie dae van tevore opgerig was, is vermoedelik deur houtstropers omgetrek. Die kabel wat gebruik is kan duidelik gesien word.

STANDERTON - The community of Rooikopen is up in arms after the second day of dry taps. A 26-year-old female lashed out at Lekwa Municipality for in-consistent water supply.

She expressed the anger of the commu-nity after the taps ran dry from Wednes-day morning up to Thursday afternoon.

There was no word from the local councillor and no water trucks visited the area.

Scores of women and children tra-velled long distances to fetch water from a few households where there was water, but with very low pressure.

Most of the people were angry that they had no drinking water for two days. DM

Taps run dry in Rooikopen

Scores of people in a long queue waiting for water at one of the premises where only drops of water come from the tap.

3 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Standerton: A 23-year-old man from Azalea, struck a deal with a buddy to buy a Golf for R20 000 in June.

The exchange and delivery of the vehicle was to take place at the River Park.

When the agreed moment arrived, the potential buyer was already waiting with cash in his pocket when the seller arrived at the park in a Quantum minibus accompanied by three friends. The seller then offered the buyer the Quantum for sale at the same price, but the buyer was not interested. The men then forcefully took the R20 000 from the man and fled the scene.

It was later discovered that the Quantum was stolen a few hours before it went to River Park. According to the owner

he was approached by a man from Azalea who asked to hire the Quantum from him.

They took the Quantum and drove off, leaving the owner behind.

With the assistance of Tracker the vehicle was recovered and three suspects were arrested by the police.

One of them managed to escape. A 48-year-old taxi owner appeared in court together with three suspects aged 21, 23 and 36. The main suspect was released on R2 000 bail. Lieutenant Johannes Nhlabathi, Spokesperson for Standerton Police, confirmed that they are investigating a case of robbery and car theft. DM

STANDERTON - An accident occurred on the R23 Volksrust Road on Wednesday, 15 July, at approximately 13:15. According to the Spokesperson of Standerton Po-lice and a statement made by one of the drivers, vehicle (A) tried to overtake vehicle (B).

It is further stated that the driver (vehicle A) saw an oncoming vehicle (C) and tried to fall back, but unfortu-

nately collided with vehicle B. The driver of vehicle B then lost control and his vehicle overturned. Slight inju-ries were sustained by the driver of vehicle A. JD

SECUNDA - According to a media release by the office of the Station Commander of Secunda police station, Colonel WG Nel, a chain store was robbed while the security guard was tied up. On Friday, 17 July at about 07:00, a business robbery case was reported to Secunda Police.

It is alleged that a security guard was on duty and posted at Secunda Check-Out Store to conduct patrols and to implement security and to prevent crime in the business area.

The security guard was equipped with a panic button and a clocking system device in order to immediately report any threat or attack while performing his duties.

Around 21:15, according to the security-guard, he was busy patrolling around the main gate when he was attacked by three unknown African males speaking Zulu, armed with pistols. He was forced inside a back yard, suddenly five men also emerged on the spot.

The robbers tied him with cable ties and put him in a back room with one robber who was guarding him while their operation was taking place.

The robbers then started looting the store. Cigarettes, grocer-ies cosmetics and three computers were taken as well as with an undisclosed amount of cash.

The security guard was released later and asked for help until another security patrol official came to his rescue.

Police are investigating the case and the suspects are still at large. No arrests have been made yet. Should you have any in-formation concerning his robbery, please phone Warrant Officer Thulani Gamede on 017 624 2125 or on 061 421 2733. JD

Car deal drama turned ugly at River Park

A minibus taxi that was on offer is being kept at the police station while investigation is underway.

Guard tied up and store robbed

R23 – High accident zone

The driver of this vehicle lost control after being crashed into from behind and over-turned his vehicle. Minor injuries were re-ported. (Photo: Michanté Botes)

24 Julie/July 2015 4 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Wees ‘n pa vir jou kinders soos wat God ‘n pa vir ons is. Dit is seker makliker gesê as gedoen! Aan die ander kant, kan ek dalk sê dat ek nie myself met God kan vergelyk nie. Dis waar, maar ons kan sekerlik leer by God die Vader en ons kan leer uit wat ons in die Bybel lees oor hierdie geweldige sterk band tussen Jesus en Sy Vader. Jesus wat alles in totale toegewydheid aan Sy Vader doen. In Joh 10 lees ons van Jesus se gesprek met die Fariseërs waar Hy verduidelik dat

Hy net onder die gesag van Sy Vader werk. Hier sien ons iets van Sy onderwerping aan gesag, Sy respek vir die Vader, Sy liefde vir die Vader en Sy gehoorsaamheid aan die Vader.

1 Kor 13 vir Pa’s:Al sou ek die mooiste huis in die buurt hê en met die duurste BMW ry, maar my vrou en kinders geniet nie die weelde van my teenwoordigheid nie, dan is ek so waardeloos soos ‘n bankkrediet met ‘n nulbalans. Al het ek die gawe van woorde sodat ek ‘n direksie met my argumente kan

swaai, of skares na my preke kan laat stroom, en ek het nie die liefde om na my kinders te luister nie, doen ek meer kwaad as goed. Al ken ek die geheimenisse van die Beurs en die Reserwebank, en al besit ek al die kennis van rugby- en krieketreëls, en al het ek al die geloof dat ons hierdie land met gebed kan verander, maar ek het nie die liefde om my kinders die gevare van baie geld te leer,

langs die baan te staan as hulle speel of hulle te leer bid nie, dan het ek niks bereik nie. Al gee ek ‘n dubbele tiende vir die armes, en al beroem ek my dat ek in elke liefdadigheids raad op my dorp dien en vakansies my gesondheid opoffer om in malariagebiede sendingwerk te doen, en

ek is te moeg om saans vir my kinders boeke te lees of naweke in die veld te gaan stap, baat dit my alles absoluut niks.

‘n Pa wat liefhet, is geduldig met kinders wat sukkel met wiskunde, ‘n Pa se liefde is vriendelik met ‘n kind wat nie wil rugby speel nie,

Hy is nie afgunstig op pa’s met slimmer en mooier kinders nie, Hy is nie grootpraterig en verwaand oor sy kinders se prestasies nie,

‘n Pa se liefde handel nie onwelvoeglik met die ma van sy kinders nie, Soek nie sy eie belang sodat sy huismense laaste kom nie,

Is nie liggeraak en nukkerig as ‘n kind bietjie ekstra aandag soek nie. ‘n Pa wat sy kinders liefhet, hou nie boek van hulle foute en peper hulle nie met verwyte nie.

‘n Pa verbly hom nie oor ‘n kind se foute met: “Ek het jou gewaarsku maar jy wou nie luister nie”

Hy is verheug as hy sy kinders die waarheid hoor praat - selfs tot hulle eie nadeel. Daarom wil ek my kinders se skandes met liefde bedek,

In hulle glo, Die beste vir hulle hoop,

En hulle kleredrag, klaery en kritiek verdra. ‘n Opregte drukkie en ‘n intieme gesprek van ‘n ouer bly lank in ‘n kinderhart. Maar die preek of

toespraak wat ek liewer in die tyd wou skryf sal oormôre weer vergeet wees. Vandag se noterings op die aandelemark is volgende week niks werd nie.

In die lig van die Volmaakte wat kom, word al my kennis en besittings gerelativeer. Toe ek ‘n jong man was, was ek gesteld op my voorkoms, my motor en my geleerdheid,

Maar noudat ek ‘n pa geword het, wil ek graag my kinders met liefde, balans en geloof grootmaak. Nou kyk ek nog vas teen rebelse tienergesigte,

Maar eendag as hulle groot is, Sal hulle verstaan wat ons hulle wou leer,

En wat God ons almal leer. En nou:

Geduld, aanmoediging en liefde bly, Maar die waardevolste hiervan is onvoorwaardelike liefde!


Volg God se voorbeeld met vaderskapNASIONAAL - Volkshulp 2000 het op 21 Julie 1991 tot stand gekom om onder meer lewensbenodighede vir minder bevoorregte en hulpbehoewende volksgenote in te samel, werksgeleenthede te skep en werklose volksgenote te help om werk te vind.

Hulle is by die departement welsyndienste as ‘n wel syn organisasie geregistreer met registrasie nommer 004-086 NPO. Namate Volkshulp 2000 se werksaamhede uitbrei, word die bystandvereistes wat aan die organisasie gestel word al hoe groter. Hierdie vereistes word ook al hoe duurder en daarom het hulle voortdurend meer geld, kos en goedere nodig om hul taak te kan volvoer.

Vanaf 1 Maart 2013 tot 28 Februarie 2014 kon Volkshulp 2000, danksy genade van Bo en die welwillendheid van skenkers, meer as ses duisend mense aan kospakkies help. Die waarde van die kospakkies beloop meer as R900 000. Daarbenewens word die waarde van klere en ander noodsaaklike goedere soos matrasse, waarmee nooddruftige volksgenote bygestaan is, op R450 000 gereken. Voortspruitend uit sy werksaamhede het Volkshulp 2000 tot dusver 36 voltydse en ses dagloner-werksgeleenthede vir volksgenote geskep. Met ander woorde, 42 mense wat

daagliks kan gaan werk, ‘n eie inkomste kan verdien, hul selfrespek kan behou en nie ‘n las op ander mense is nie.

Volkshulp 2000 se geouditeurde state is by hul kantoor in Steadlaan 246, Queenswood ter insae beskikbaar.

Hulle benodig toenemend debietorder bystand en skenkings soos nie-bederfbare kos, klere, meubels, ensovoorts. Indien u reeds ‘n skenker is, bedank ons u hartlik en vra vriendelik dat u Volkshulp 2000 en sy dienslewering asseblief onder die aandag van kollegas, familie en vriende moet bring.

Kontantskenkings kan in Volkshulp 2000 se ABSA tjekrekening met nommer 0010176514 inbetaal word.

As u so vriendelik wil wees om skenkings by hul hoofkantoor of by een van hul versamelpunte af te laai, skakel asseblief 012 755 8201/2 om vas te stel waar die naaste versamelpunt is waar dit afgelewer kan word. As skenkings te groot of te swaar is om te hanteer, skakel hulle gerus en hulle sal reël dat die skenkings opgelaai word.

Belastingafslagsertifikate ten opsigte van kontantskenkings word op aanvraag uitgereik. Baie dankie byvoorbaat vir u toegeneentheid. (Jaap Versveld, uitvoerende direkteur)

Volkshulp 2000 vra hulp

NASIONAAL - Solidariteit Helpende Hand het ʼn nuwe veldtog van stapel gestuur om bewustheid te skep oor die omstandighede waarin kinders misdade aanmeld. Sowat 127 takke sal ondersoek instel oor die omstandighede by die polisiestasies, landdros- en gesinsadvokaatkantore in hulle onmiddellike omgewing om te verseker dat die aanmeldingsproses so maklik en veilig vir kinders as moontlik is.

Die doel van die opname is om uit te vind waar Helpende Hand ʼn steun kan gee om dié sentrums meer kindervriendelik te maak.

In elkeen van hierdie sake was daar ʼn held - ʼn polisiebeampte, landdros of gesinsadvokaat - wat help verseker het dat die slagoffer die nodige ondersteuning ontvang. Vanweë hierdie mense se optrede lei 75% van die aanmeldings tot skuldigbevindings.

SMS ‘Teddie’ na 38969 en skenk R10 om die sentrums op te knap en toe te rus om kinders veilig te laat voel of skakel Elize Bezuidenhout of Medee Davel by 012 644 4390.

Vir meer inligting oor die projek of stuur ʼn e-pos na [email protected] of [email protected]. JD

Misdade teen kinders, bekommer

5 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

EVANDER - ‘n Onbekende man in sy 40’s is glo Vrydag, 17 Julie, deur ‘n groep mans wat hulle as polisiebeamptes voorgedoen het, ontvoer, beroof en verwurg toe hy in ‘n Sasol-oorpak van Evander na Leslie geryloop het.Kapt Thivhulawi Tshilate, woordvoerder van die Heidelberg-polisie het gesê dat die man saam met ‘n ander man geryloop het toe ‘polisiebeamptes’ in ‘n silwer Nissan Sentra langs hulle gestop en hulle aangehou het.

“Die slagoffers is in die motor ingedwing en van hulle besittings beroof,” het Tshilate gesê. “Die verdagtes het ‘n lang ruk met die slagoffers gery waartydens een van die rylopers glo verwurg is. Sy liggaam en die ander man is in die Glenroy-plaasgebied naby Heidelberg in Gauteng afgelaai.” Omliggende boere het op die slagoffers afgekom en hulp ontbied.

Elzona Meyer, direkteur van Heidelberg Medic Volunteers, het gesê die ouer man

was reeds dood toe paramedici by die toneel opgedaag het. “Die man wat saam met hom was, is 33 jaar oud. Hy het bedwelmd voorgekom en beweer hulle is gedwing om Tropica wat met ‘n onbekende middel gemeng was te drink voordat ‘n worstelling tussen die ouer man en die verdagtes uitgebreek het” het sy verder gesê.

Die 33 jarige man is op die toneel gestabiliseer en na ‘n nabygeleë hospitaal geneem vir verdere behandeling. Die Heidelberg polisie ondersoek tans die saak.

Tshilate het gesê die polisie kort hulp om die ouer man te eien. Die man is donker van gelaat, matig gebou en het ‘n Sasol-oorpak aangehad. ‘n Swart ZCC-hoed het langs hom gelê.

Persone met inligting oor die voorval of wat die man kan eien, word versoek om Kaptein Tamara Booi by 016 341 5175 te skakel. (Phillip Bruwer, Maroela Media)

SECUNDA - The office of the Station commander of the Secunda Police issued a media release regarding the murder of a man suspected to hail from Lesotho. The murder was reported to the Secunda Police on 20 July. The victim was shot two times and passed away due to the wounds. A handgun was used to commit the murder. He has been shot in the chest and the other bullet wound is on the right thigh penetrating from the back side of the thigh. He was found lying on the side of the Embalenhle Graceland road at Winkelhaak mine.The deceased as well as his age is not yet known because he is not in possession of any identification document or passport. There are allegations that there was a shooting incident which took

place on Sunday night at Winkelhaak mine amongst the Basotho’s, but it was not reported to the police. The murder may emanate from that shooting, or it could also be that the deceased was fighting with the murderer(s) over the loot as his clothes was contaminated by the mine’s dust and water, showing that the deceased and his murderer(s) were busy digging unlawfully at the mine when the fighting sparked off.

The body of the deceased has been taken to the government mortuary and the police are investigating a murder case to establish and determine the real cause of the murder.

Should you have any information regarding this murder, please contact Warrant Officer Thulani Gamede on 017 624 2125 or 061 423 2733. JD

A burst pipe at the ablution facilities in the taxi rank went unattended for several days. This waste of potable water was reported by several people involved in businesses at the rank and it was even reported via email by Cosmos News to the municipality before anything was done. While water was wasted by the gallon, residents of Meyerville, Sakhile and extension 3 and 4 are up in arms as they have been without water for several days.

‘Polisie’ roof ryloper Illegal miner murdered

Water wasted while residents sufferSignaling likely cause of train crashJOHANNESBURG - A defective signaling system seems the likely cause of the train crash at Booysens station in Johannesburg, in which 239 people were injured on Friday night.The Railway Safety Regulator (RSR), which is investigating the accident involving two trains. “The RSR has therefore taken the decision to issue a prohibition directive with immediate effect on the utilisation of the signaling system as a primary mode of train protection,” it said in a statement. The directive prevents trains from operating on the affected line.The RSR said one of the trains (number 9934) had stopped at a red signal just before the Crown station. The second train (9404) left Booysens. It had a yellow signal, indicating it should proceed with caution. “During the investigation, the RSR discovered that the stationary train was not amply protected due to a defective signaling system,” it said. “The signals which were supposed to protect train 9934 were observed to be yellow, when instead, it should have been red. This resulted in the rear-end collision between the two trains, where 239 people were injured.”Transport Minister Dipuo Peters has called on the Passenger Rail Agency of SA (Prasa) and the RSR to expedite the testing of the signaling system. Both Prasa and RSR had assured the minister that it would be concluded on Sunday around 17:00. Should it take longer, both Prasa and RSR had to tell commuters about contingency plans, the transport department said. Genevieve Quintal, News24

24 Julie/July 2015 6 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - The Department of Community safety, Se-curity and Liaison from the regional office in Ermelo joined by other departments embarked on an awareness campaign last week Thursday against the abuse of women and children. The visited people of Extension 6 during a door-to-door cam-paign.

People opened up to them and told them of the situations they experience behind closed doors. Members of the cam-paign were shocked to see the terrible conditions people have to live in. They interacted with young people who are strug-

gling with alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Later members of the community gathered in the hall to listen to the speakers.

Ms Busi Khanye, head of community projects in the De-partment of Safety, Security and Liaison explained the pur-pose of the campaign and encouraged the community to break the circle of silence and speak up in order to be saved from the chains of abuse. Ms Mpumi Shiba from the Department of Social Services lashed out against the alcohol and drug abuse. She called for immediate intervention to help the young peo-ple.

Lieutenant Busi Dube of the Family Violence, Child Protec-tion and Sexual Offences Unit appealed to victims of abuse to speak up to enable justice to take its course. Councillor MMC Mnisi reminded people about the legacy of the late Nelson Mandela Madiba who gave his life for 67 years to fight for the liberation of the nation. She encouraged all South Africans to love and care for one another. People who attended were the local Community Police Forum, Community Development Workers, tourists safety monitors, SAPS Women’s Network and the Department of Social Services. DM

Ms Busi Khanye cutting the cake while other dignitaries watch on.

Department embark on awareness campaign

Ms Mpumi Shiba (Department of social services) addressing the community in extension six.

The DA dished out soup to less fortunate members of the community in Sakhile and at the ‘Suid-Afrikaanse Vrouefederasie’ in town.

DA dish out

NASIONAAL - Die musikant en komediant Jammies Jamneck is omstreeks 01:00 op 20 Julie oorlede. Jammies het op 6 Julie ’n op-erasie vir kolonkanker ondergaan en tydens die operasie by die Steve Biko-hospitaal in Pretoria het die dokters besef dat die kanker na sy pankreas versprei het. Die 66-jarige kunstenaar is sedert sy hospitaalopname op 2 Julie vóór die operasie nie weer ontslaan nie.

Jammies het oor die jare met groot name soos Rina Hugo, Annelie van Rooyen en die groep Touch of Class gewerk. Hy was ook ’n gewilde gas op die destydse TV-geselspro-gram Spies & Plessis.

Hy word oorleef deur sy vrou, Gerrie, en twee seuns, Conrad en Franco. Dié hartseer nuus kom sowat twee weke ná die dood van Fredi Nest. JD

Musikant Jammies Jamneck sterf

Die bekende musi-kant en komediant Jammies Jam-neck is op 20 Julie oorlede. Sy dood is slegs sowat twee weke ná die dood van nog ‘n be-kende Afrikaanse musiekster, Fredi Nest. (Internet foto)

PROVINCIAL - If we do not act quickly, South Africa could soon face planned water cuts to ease the pressure on our resources, DA Leader Mmusi Maimane said. “And water-shedding could make load-shedding look comparatively tame.”

Maimane stressed that both load-shedding, and potentially water-shedding, are the result of “a lack of planning, a lack of maintenance, a lack of skills and poor budgeting”. “We are witnessing the exact same failures that crippled our electricity grid – infrastructure neglect, inadequate budgeting and a crippling skills shortage – unfold in the management of our water infrastructure.”He explained that South Africa is the 30th driest country in the world and that millions of the country’s residents are being denied the Constitutional right to water. He also stated that some municipalities are the biggest obstacle to efficient water delivery in South Africa.”

He further added that the “most obvious issue” that needs to be addressed is the insufficient budget set aside for fixing and maintaining water infrastructure. Another issue is that much of the existing budget goes unspent.

“We simply cannot allow what happened to our energy security to also happen to our water security. If we want to avoid nation-wide water-shedding, we’re going to need the minister to play open cards with us.” JD

Water shedding

7 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - The world responded on Mandela Day to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate in society. Standerton and the people of Lekwa spent 67 minutes to change the lives of others. New Denmark Colliery joined hands with Lekwa Local Municipality and the Department of Health and Social Services to reach out to nine families in Sakhile.

Businesses such as Pick n Pay, Osman Raydan and Mica also joined them and contributed to help these families.

Two families each received a fence around their premises to secure them and two families received stoves.

Other families received sponges and paint to decorate their homes. Others received mats, blankets and food parcels. It was indeed a busy day for the volunteers who responded to Madiba Day. DM

Mandela day- South Africans made a difference

Members of CPF and Department of Safety, Security and Liaison painting Victim empowerment center at Standerton police station.

Group of youth paint Hlobisa primary school in Sakhile.

Gert Sibande College personnel took time off to paint Thobelane Secondary schools walls.

Officials from New Denmark, PnP, Mica, Dept Public works, Dept of Health and Social Services, and Lekwa Municipality handing out to Ndondoyi orphans at TLC section in Sakhile.

Xolani Mzizi (17) an orphan surrounded by officials from New Denmark, PnP, Lekwa Municipality, Dept of Health and Social services.

Together we want to make a difference, Officials from New Denmark and Mica at Rooikopen to paint a house.

24 Julie/July 2015 8 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News


Neem asb kennis: Alle geklassifiseerde advertensies moet asb per faks, per e-pos of per hand gelewer word. Geen telefo-niese advertensies word geplaas nie. Die spertyd vir geklassifi-seerde advertensies is Maandae 14:00.GEEN ADVERTEN-SIE SAL GEPLAAS WORD SONDER BETALING NIE! _______________Please take note: All classified adverts must be submitted by fax, e-mail or by hand. No telephonic adverts will be published. The deadline for classified adverts are Mondays 14:00.NO ADVERTISE-MENT WILL BE PLACED WITH-OUT PAYMENT!


Standerton Brake & Clutch. New and reconditioned clutch kits. Reconditioning of truck & tractor pressure plates. New brake drums and discs or yours machined while you wait. Cnr Princess & Coligny Street, Standerton, Phone 017 712 6491.

_______________JF Auto Interior, Standerton.Uphol-stery, automotive, furni ture , canvas covers, roof linings and carpets. For more information phone Jacques 072 117 0389 or Francois 072 543 5938.


Royal Kids Parties, Standerton. Your one stop party shop. All party accessories, bal-loons, decor, castles, tents, gazebo’s, pina-tas. Jumping castles R250. We deliver in Standerton. Phone Santa 082 331 0036.


Klopper Meubelver-voer. Groot en klein meubelvragmotors beskikbaar vir enige meubelvervoer. Eie-naartoesig en drywer met vriendelike diens. Skakel Conrad Klop-per - 082 774 6952. [email protected].


Willie’s Pest Solu-tions, Standerton. Registered - P 33234. Insect control, cock-roaches, ants, lice, weed and rat control, termites and founda-tion treatment. Phone Willie 083 458 7564. Fax 086 662 3612 / 017 714 0834.


Kia Picanto te koop. Baie goeie toestand. 2010 Mode l . 1 .1 hatchback. Voledige d i ens r eko rd . He t 67 000 km. R56 000. Skakel Rene - 061 362 7393.

_______________Established and well situated restaurant in Standerton for sale. Good profit margins. All new furniture and equipment included. Owner wants to sell due to personal medi-cal condition. Please phone the owner on 083 501 4581 for more information.


Awesome Wendys. We do Wendy houses at a very low price. Log cabin, knotty pine and pallet wood. Pri-ces for pallet wood 2 m x 2 m - R 3 000, 3 m x 3 m - R 3 500, 3 m x 4 m - R 4 200. We move Wendy houses from point A to B. 5 years guaran-tee. Phone Sam 073 091 6680.


Annique. Skoonheid en gesondheid (Rooi-bos produkte). Vel-sorg, babareeks, kruie tee, gesondheid ens. Skakel Elma Prin-sloo 083 355 5875.



Bella Blinds. Vene-tian, aluminium & wood blinds, 25 mm and 50 mm, all your inside window re-quirements. Re pairs to all blinds. Phone Bella, 072 390 7490 or 017 714 1262. Fax 086 615 9985.

_______________ Philri Blinds & Aw-nings. We do all kinds of blinds, inside and outside. We do Ve-netian, aluminium, wood blinds, vertical, bamboo & awnings at affordable prices. We also repair blinds. Phone Rika 072 372 4191. Fax 086 639 4844.


Grasdakke, lapa’s en swembaddens. Oprigting van nuwe lapa’s, herstelwerk van lapa’s. Ons bou ook swembaddens. 6x4 swembad + 6x4 lapa, met ingeboude braai - R45 000. 8x4 swembad + 6x4 lapa, met ingeboude braai - R54 000. 5x3 swembad + 4x3 lapa, met ingeboude braai - R35 000. Vir ‘n kwotasie ska-kel George 083 573 5324/ 082 538 5726.

_______________Hidro Kleen. Skoon-maak van matte, los matte, blinders, sit-stelle en hardevloere. Diepreiniging van huise. Valet van voer-tuie. Skakel ons vir spesiale aanbiedinge. Tel: 017 712 2499. Sel: 082 406 3190 / 084 299 3654. ________________ABC driving school. Specialising in code 8, 10, 14. Pre-employ-ment assesment for employment purpos-es. All areas. Phone 082 939 8136 / 082 260 3093.


Weiding te huur. Ge-soek vir 100 verse. Skakel Andre 082 822 4413.


1 Slaapkamer woon-stel te huur. Vooruit-betaalde kragmeter. Motor s taanplek . R1 500 depos i to en R2 500 huur per maand. Skakel 084 063 6569 of 082 224 6278.

_______________Kamer te huur in Coligny straat, Stan-derton @ R1 100 per maand. Nie-rokers kry voorkeur. Skakel Dina 076 642 6417.


Notice is hereby giv-en that Dr B M Mo-sia will be ope ning a medical practice at 1911 Dladla street in September 2015.


7 de Hemel Accom-modation offers af-fordable contractors accommodation and overnight facilities. We include DSTV, meals, laundry service and secure parking. Prices start from R180 per person per night. Phone Cani 071 413 0393.


Algemene ass i s -tent pos beskikbaar. Vereistes: Netjiese voorkoms, vriendelike geaardheid, ondervin-ding van klientediens, nie rokers, goeie lei-erseienskappe. ken-nis van gebak, sterk persoonlikheid. Aan-soeke sluit Maandag 20 Julie 2015. Skakel The Milk Shop 083 317 0321 of stuur cv na [email protected].


AB Wendys. Pallet-wood wendys, knotty pine & log cabin hou-ses for sale. Each room comes with door, win-dow, zinc roof and wooden floor. Waz oil treated. Prices for pallet wood wendys2 m x 2 m - R3 000. 3 m x 3 m - R3 500. 3 m x 4 m - R4 200. 3 m x 6 m - R6 500. For more information phone Erick 073 650 0108

_______________AB City Wendys/ Huts. Quality Wen-dys. 2 x 2, 3 x 3, 3 x 4, 3 x 6, 4 x 4. Big sizes available. Pallet wood, Knotty pine, log cabins and steel huts. We also shift Wendys. Phone Jo-hannes 078 465 9357.

AAA Louvra Wen-dys. Factory qual-ity treated Wendys against termites and is waterproof. 2m x 2m - R2 800, 3m x 3m - R3 700, 3m x 4m - R4 300. Free de-livery and installation in Standerton. 5 years guarantee . Phone Mike 072 329 5842.

ABR Wendys. 3 x 3 - R3 900, 3 x 4 - R4 500. We do pallet wood, knotty pine and log cabins. We offer a 5 year guarantee. Phone 071 062 4912.

AAA Alpha Wen-dys. Quality Wendys, proffessionally done. Treated for termites and waterproof. We do all types of wood. Free delivery and installation. Pallet wood price: 3m x 3m - R3700, 3m x 4m - R 4400, 2m x 2m - R 3200. Nick 072 410 3547.


Rubber Coat ing Solutions: Lek of roes jou dak? “RUB-BERISE” dit! Water-en-roesdigtheid op verkeidenheid van oppervlaktes gewaar-borg. NUUT: Wa-terdig jou huis mure met “RUBBER” verf. Beskikbaar in groot verkeidenheid kleure. Skakel George Foley 082 646 3630.

_______________Kontoere: Vir die uitmeet van kontoere skakel Joggie Viljoen by 078 152 5258 of 083 273 2861.

_______________Bernina winter-warmers. Snuggle up to Bernina with our winter warming offer this winter and keep this year’s winter cold at bay inside Lilia’J Fabric’s and decor. Phone 017 712 2921. Dr Beyers Naude 10c.


AM Cooling herstel en installeer van: Yskaste, vrieskaste, koelkamers, vries-kamers, lugreëlings, industriële wasma-sjiene, tuimeldroërs, en skottelgoedwas-masjiene. Verkoop ys - Troues en Partytjies. Skakel Martin 081 529 7150 Susan 082 052 3348.

________________Izikhati Zokwena trading and Proj-ect. We are building contractors and we are NHBRC certifeid. We do wall units, ti-ling, plumbing, elec-trical and paving. Phone Buti on 073 848 8899 or 079 296 9426 for a quotation or visit our website www.iz ikhathzokwena.co.za.

________________Afdakke / Carports. Any shape or size. Al l mater ia l “A” Grade SABS. Quality workmanship with 18 years experience. For a no-obligation quote call 082 466 3335 or e-mail [email protected].

________________SM Hersteldienste Herstelwerk aan alle handgereedskap en huishuidelike toe-rusting, bv mengers, ketels, braaipanne, strykysters, ver-warmers, boorma-sjiene, elektriese sae en nog vele meer. Beyers Naudestraat 45A (Kosmos nuus perseel). Skakel 071 595 1268.

________________Ferreira’s Beton. Pre-cast walls. Cash sales. Paving. Pre-cast wall extentions. Neat-ly & professionally done. 079 363 2776.

________________Painting and water-proofing. House and roof painting. Gutters, Fishboards and para-pets. We also repair roofs. Free quotations. Professionals with ex-cellent service. Phone 084 732 3319 or 071 081 2937.

Newly elected Lions president9 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Two families of nine and eleven occupants, from Extensions 6 and 7 respectively, received food parcels from Stander-ton Police on Wednesday last week. The Khumalo and Mkhwebane families survive on pension grants earned by the grandmothers. DM

STANDERTON - The well-known pharmacist, Peter Daniel, was inducted as the new President for the Lions Club International, Standerton Branch, by the district governor Lion Roy Michas. Outgoing president Lion Graham Taylor thanked his board for their dedication and assistance during his term in office. “We serve with a smile” was the topic of Lion Peter Daniel’s presidential address and he further said that the Lions must be happy to serve those less fortunate than ourselves.

Jo-Anne Boer was re-elected as the president for the Willows Branch of the Lions and also inducted by DG Roy. She said that it still is a great privilege and honor to serve the community. She thanked the community and local businesses for their support and donations for the Willows branch projects during her previous term in of-fice. Charlene Geyser was inducted as a new member of the Willows branch and the whole club pledged their sup-port to her. JD

From left to right is District Governor Lion Roy Michas, Lion president Lion Peter Daniel, Willows Branch president Jo-Anne Boer, and outgoing president Lion Graham Taylor. The Lion’s strive to be people caring for people, and to serve with a smile.

Local Sangeeta excellsSTANDERTON - Sangeeta Kallen, a formar scholar of Stan-west Combined School has made her mark in life. This 34-year-old realized at the age of 29 that she would achieve her dream of being an audit partner at Nkondi.

When auditing the United Nations Development Programme in 2006 and 2007 in New York, she gained insight into multina-tional entities. She also championed the first guidance paper for the Public Sector Audit Committee Forum and currently is part of the SAICA IFRS 9 implementation working group.

She is a board member and chairs the audit committee of Strat-corp Ltd, an AltX-listed investment holding company. Since 2014 Sangeeta is involved in a variety of CSI projects focused on the well-being of children. JDSangeeta Kallen achieved her dream of being

an audit partner at Nkondi. She is also a board member, and chairs the audit committee of Stratcorp Ltd.

SAPS donate food parcels

Mkhwebane family of eleven was all smiles when members of CPF handed out food parcels.

10 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

Mr Mofokeng (middle) on his birthday in July 2013, with his son on the left and Ms Lydia Motaung.

STANDERTON – A door-to-door campaign in Exten-sion 6 on Thursday last week, has yielded positive re-sults when an eight-month-old baby was reunited with her irresponsible mother. A 14-year-old girl was hold-ing the crying baby who was sipping on some tea with no sugar for survival.

The girl has been babysitting the toddler since the mother (31) left the house on 20 June. She reportedly went to visit her boyfriend in Rooikoppen.

Angry campaigners reacted quickly and contributed money to buy bread and milk for the girl and her sib-lings. They alerted a social worker and the member of the Family Violence and Child Protection Unit. They interviewed the young girl who has been denied free

movement and freedom in order to look after the child while the mother is enjoying a good time with her boy-friend.

After the interview, members of the Community Po-lice Forum, led by Charles Msibi, visited Rooikopen where they tracked down the mother where she was found relaxing in a four-bedroom house. They escorted her in a long walk of shame from Rooikopen to Exten-sion 6. Tired, humiliated and ashamed she was handed over to the social worker before she was reunited with her baby. Members of the CPF sends out a warning to irresponsible mothers that they will name and shame them in the streets before the law can take its course. DM

BETHAL - Die pad wat oor die Nestlé-brug in Bethal loop, spog met ʼn splinternuwe baadjie danksy die plaas-like AfriForum-tak. Die tak het op 15 Julie met ʼn self-doenprojek begin om dié pad, wat in ʼn haglike toestand was, te herstel. Hein Gonzales, AfriForum se provinsiale koördineerder vir Mpumalanga, sê dat die toestand van die pad ʼn gevaar vir motoriste geword het en dat dit vir baie inwoners die hoofroete na Hoërskool Hoogenhout is.

“Ons het sowat ʼn maand gelede met die beplanning vir die projek begin. Ons is moeg daarvoor om belasting te betaal, maar dan word die paaie in ons dorp nie eers onderhou nie,” sê Aljay van der Merwe, voorsitter van

die Bethal-tak.Die projek is in samewerking met die belastingbeta-

lersvereniging, C&F Konstruksie, Asphalt 2000, mnr Dewald te Water en die Govan Mbeki Plaaslike Muni-sipaliteit voltooi. Die projekspan het na afloop van die herstelwerk aan die pad ook slaggate voor die Silwerjare-aftreeoord herstel met die teer wat oorgebly het.

“Die instandhouding van paaie is een van die muni-sipaliteit se grootste uitdagings. Die rede vir die swak instandhouding is gewoonlik ʼn gebrek aan fondse en die nodige kundigheid. Daarom het AfriForum besluit om self in te gryp,” sê Gonzales. JD

Mr Jacob Mofokeng passed away

STANDERTON - 17 days before he celebrated his 98th birthday, on 18 July, Mr Jacob Mofokeng passed away. The old man from Sakhile was the pride of Standerton for sharing the same birthday with the late Dr Nelson Mandela. He was always in good health until a few months ago when his health took a nasty turn. According to the family he passed away on the 1st July and was laid to rest on the 11th of July in Sakhile. DM

Long walk of shame

The erratic mother in a green jersey is surrounded by angry CPF members after she was found in her love nest in Rooikopen.

A female member of CPF is holding the baby in her arms to give love and comfort.

Gemeenskap spring in om pad te herstel

Die AfriForum-tak in Bethal en lede van die gemeenskap het self ingespring om die hoofroete na Hoërskool Hoogenhout te herstel. Hulle het ook slaggate voor die Silwerjare-aftreeoord herstel.

24 Julie/July 201510

11 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - The Standerton Police would like to inform members of the public that the previous 10111 emergency number is no longer in use. To the caller it may sound as if the phone is ringing and unanswered, but this number has not been non-functional for some time. People that need to report an emergency to the SAP must please use the 112 emergency number. JD

The MEC for Education, Mrs Reginah Mhaule, visited Vaalrivier Highschool on Thursday 16 July. This formed part of the 2015 Mandela month activities and she opened the newly built metal workshop centre. From left to right is Mrs Lucy Moyana (DDG Curriculum), Mrs Reginah Mhaule (MEC for education), Mr KW Kirsten (SGB Chairperson), Mr Viviers (Principal) and Mr Serfontein (parent).

STANDERTON - Two people died in the past few weeks due to their addiction to a relatively new but highly addictive drug. Nyaope (also known as whoonga or wunga) is a highly addictive, dangerous and destructive street drug, unique to South Africa. The main ingredients of nyaope is heroin and dagga, but while it is not always clear what else nyaope consists of, and the ingredients vary from place to place, some of the alleged ingredients are a cocktail of anti-retroviral drugs, milk powder, rat poison, bicarbonate of soda and pool cleaner. Users are so desperate to make the drug that gangs have already robbed anti-retroviral clinics. A single hit can cost as little as R30 for a parcel or straw and is smoked by heating the cocktail of ingredients and inhaling the fumes. Experts

say just using it once is enough to get users hooked - similar to heroin addiction. Withdrawal is said to be especially harrowing and include symptoms of stomach cramps, insomnia, diarrhea and vomiting.

The use or possession of undesirable dependence-producing substances is punishable with a fine the court deems fit, or imprisonment for a period not exceeding 15 years, or both a fine and imprisonment. Dealing in an undesirable dependence-producing substance is punishable with imprisonment for a period not exceeding 25 years, or both imprisonment and a fine, depending on the court’s decision.Users and family members of users can seek help at SANCA. JD

Nyaope claims first victims

Nyaope (whoonga or wunga) is a cocktail of heroin, dagga, anti-retroviral drugs, milk powder, rat poison, bicarbonate of soda and pool cleaner. This highly addictive drug claimed its first two victims in Standerton

MEC opens new metal workshop Police emergency number changed

PROVINCIAL - The DA welcomes the re-appointment of Linda Mwale as the Secretary of the Mpumalanga Legislature. Mwale was introduced to staff on Tuesday this week as the new Secretary of the legislature. This would be the second time Mwale occupies the position of Legislature Secretary. He occupied the same position from 1998 until he resigned in 2007, where he took up the position of director of R & R Travel, an independent BEE travel agency that offers comprehensive travel arrangements.

Mwale’s return to the Mpumalanga legislature brings a ray of hope as he knows the Legislature protocols and brings a wealth of experience with him. The DA welcomes Mwale back and tasks him to look into the dodgy dealings of the Speaker, Thandi Shongwe, with her sister in law Ruth Ethel Shongwe, owner of Nutting House in Nelspruit and the Speaker’s half-sister, Sakhile Sibiya and Front Row Investments. JD

Mwale appointed as Legislature secretary

24 Julie/July 2015 12 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

MORGENZON - Vrydag, 26 Junie, het twee van Morgen-zon Landbou Akademie se Laerskool Landsdiens meisies, E rika Haasbroek, Gr 7 en Bianca Pretorius, Gr 6 na die jaarlikse Streekskamp te Blyderivier Aventura, Hoedspruit.

Met hulle aankoms was alles in rep en roer by die kampterrein, want dis slaapplek kry vir 250 leerlinge en nuwe gesigte wat almal bietjie vreemd en ter selfde tyd opgewonde laat voel oor al die aktiwiteite wat voorlê. Die middag skop af met ysbrekers, groepindelings en ‘n heerlike middagete met die pragtige natuur-skoon wat die landsdieners omring.

‘n Uitstappie na die Blyderivier-waterval was een van die hoogtepunte. Na hierdie kristalhelder waterval wil mens net heeldag staar, want alles is prentjiemooi. Die waterval het as inspirasie gedien en die landsdieners moes hulle eie watervalle bou. Spanwerk was die wagwoord, omdat die kinders klippe en water moet aandra en hulle kreatiwiteit inspan vir hierdie akti-witeit.

Vir stilsit is daar nooit tyd op hierdie pretbelaaide kampe nie. Die landsdieners het nuwe danspassies geleer wat gesorg het vir ure se lag en pret. Wees op die uitkyk vir nuwelinge op Strictly Come Dancing! Die adrenalienvlakke het ook hoog geloop ty-dens die ‘river rafting’. Die leerlinge het eers ‘n deeglike lesing ontvang oor ‘tubing’ waarna elkeen gereed gemaak het om in die rivier te spring. Met bonsende harte het hulle die yskoue berg-water aangedurf en saam met die stroom beweeg. Party het uit-geval, maar dit het hulle nie gekeer om weer en weer die stroom-versnellings aan te pak nie.

Dit was voorwaar ‘n besige paar dae, met aktiwiteite wat tot laat in die aand aangehou het. Van sokkie en hulle lywe mo-

Junior van der West-huizen, ‘n leerling aan Hoërskool Hoogen-hout, het die afgelope vakansie aan die ‘Young Chefs’-kompe-tisie in Waterval Boven deelgeneem. Hy het by die Malaga Protea Hotel gekook waar hy in die Siyaya-afdeling deelgeneem en baie goed gevaar het. Hy ontvang na afloop van die kompetisie ‘n serti-fikaat vir uitnemend-heid in sy afdeling.

Mnr Nico Wiggill van Laerskool Kruinpark ontvang hier die Nashua Golden Wicket-toekenning vir sy bydrae tot krieket op skolevlak die afgelope 15 jaar. Dit is die eerste keer dat so ‘n toekenning uitgedeel word. Van links na regs is die sportster Allan Donald met mnre Nico Wiggill en Jacques Faul, hoof uitvoerende beampte Titans Krieket.

Die o-11 krieketspan wen twee uit vier wedstryde en Harmand Au-camp slaan 50 lopies.

Landties by Landsdiens streekskamp

Erika Haasbroek (links-Gr 7) en Bianca Pretorius (Gr 6) is gekies om Morgenzon landbou Akademie by die Nasionale Landsdienskamp te verteenwoor-dig.

del hou met koerantpapier uitrustings, tot koop en verkoop tydens die entrepreneursaand, was tyd vir slaap bitter min.

Die hoogtepunt van die kamp was die oggend met die bekendmaking van die leerders wat gekies is vir die nasionale kamp. Baie geluk aan Erika Haas-broek en Bianca Pretorius, julle is ware Landsdie-ners en het jul skool se naam hoog gehou. JD

Junior kook by Protea Hotel

Bydrae tot skolevlak krieket beloon

Lopies stroom in vir Kruinpark krieket

Laerskool Kruinpark se krieketseuns het baie goed gevaar tydens hul kriekettoer by Jubaweni naby Nylstroom die afgelope vakansie. Die o-13’s wen vier uit vier wedstryde teen groot skole. Jason Baay (links) het 52 lopies gemoker en Ignus Stry-dom (regs) slaan 68 lopies, nie uit nie.

13 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - Vier van Laerskool Kalie de Haas se ywerige landsdieners het tydens die afgelope skoolvakansie die Mpumalanga-streekkamp wat tussen 27 en 30 Junie by die Blyderivier Aventura Resort naby Hoedspruit gehou is, bygewoon en vir heelwat opwinding gesorg.

Talle leerlinge van regoor die provinsie het dié kamp meegemaak en aan verskeie aktiwiteite deelgeneem wat hul vaardighede en spanwerk op die proef gestel het. ‘n Op-windende riviervlotvaart, ‘n hindernisbaan, die aanleer van lyndanse en die skoonmaak van vrugteboorde was maar net ‘n paar van die aktiwiteite waaraan die leerline moes deelneem. Die landsdieners het selfs ‘n hand-

gemaakte draadrenoster met leë koeldrank-blikkies gevul wat tydens die nasionale kamp ten bate van renosterbewaring opgeveil en verkoop sal word.

Die nasionale kamp sal in Desember by Thaba Maroela naby Brits gehou word en Laerskool Kalie de Haas spog vanjaar met twee leerlinge wat tydens die Mpumalanga-kamp daarvoor gekies is – Marli Grobler en Wijëon Mostert.

Buiten hierdie besonderse prestasie is al vier van die skool se landsdieners, wat Chanté Schoonraad en Brandon Vienings insluit, met sertifikate en erebalkies vir hul deelname aan die provinsiale kamp beloon. DK

Mnr Eduard Claassen (links) is verkies as spanbestuurder en mnr Preuyt Louw (regs) is as afrigter van die o-16 Donnie Reitz Uitnodigingspan (Bokkie-rugbyspan) aangewys. Hierdie span het reeds op 18 Julie by Hoërskool Zwartkop aan die Bokkiedag deelgeneem en uitstekend presteer. Albei hierdie personeellede is verbonde aan Hoërskool Volksrust.

Shane van Rooyen, graad 12-leerling aan Hoërskool Volks rust is ingesluit in die SA-Bokkiespan vir Rugby. Hierdie span gaan later vanjaar in Rusland toer.

Landsdieners dien hul doel

Laerskool Kalie de Haas se vier landsdieners het die afgelope skoolvakan-sie vir groot opwinding tydens die Mpumalan-ga-streekkamp gesorg. Die skool het tydens hierdie kamp twee leer-linge opgelewer wat in Desember aan die nasio-nale kamp sal deelneem. Agter is mnr Pieter Bak-ker (hoof) en in die mid-del, van links na regs, is Chanté Schoonraad, Marli Grobler en me Sa-rie Brits (afrigter). Voor is me Mary-Ann Viviers, Brandon Vienings en Wijëon Mostert.

Menere maak Volkies trots

SA-Bokkiespan vir Shane

24 Julie/July 2015 14 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

During the June/July holidays Michaela Dreyer, grade 10 learner of Volksrust High School, was asked to represent Mpumalanga by um-piring for the u-14 Festival Tournament that took place in Krugersdorp. It was four days of tough d e c i s i o n - m a k i n g skills. It was a privi-lege for her to repre-sent Volks rust High School and it resulted in getting improved scores in turn.

Laerskool Kalie de Haas se onderwy-sersgholfspan het die afgelope skoolvakan-sie weer eens vir uit-muntende spel in die kwartaallikse onder-wysersgholfdag gesorg toe hulle die spelers van die ander skole in die Gert Sibande-distrik laat les opsê het. Die kompetisie is op 19 Ju-nie in Kriel gehou toe mnr Pieter Bakker, hoof van Laerskool Kalie de Haas, en me Chrizelle Strydom met die wis-seltrofee vir die beste gholfspan bekroon is.

Verskeie leerlinge van Hoërskool Hoogenhout het die afgelope vakansie in Kroonstad in verskil-lende sportkodes aan die Bokkieweek deelgeneem. Drie van die leerlinge is verkies tot die o-16 SA-Bokkiespanne wat later vanjaar in die buiteland gaan toer. Hulle is Mari-zelle Cornelius (links-tweedejaar hokkie), Pe-ter de Wet (tweedejaar rugby) en Inge van der Merwe (netbal).

VOLKSRUST - Die Bok-kieweek is tydens die pas af-gelope vakansie in Kroonstad aangebied. ‘n Hele paar van Hoërskool Volksrust se hok-kiemeisies het die Hoëveld spanne verteenwoordig.

Aan die einde van hier-die week is daar ‘n o-18 SA Bokkiespan aangewys wat gedurende die Oktober vakansie na België en Ne-derland gaan toer. Hoërskool Volksrust is baie trots op Carli Ernst en Luzaan Uys wat albei vir hierdie span gekies is.

Dit is ‘n uitsonderlike prestasie. Carlene Greyven-steyn is vir die Gazelle span gekies en staan ook nog ‘n

Michaela represents M’langa as umpire

Onnies swaai die stokke in oorwinning

Drie Hoogies in Bokkiespan

Twee Volkies in SA-Bokkie toerspan

Luzaan Uys (links) en Carli Ernst is tydens die afgelope Bokkieweek gekies vir die o-18 SA-Bokkiespan wat in Oktober na België en Nederland gaan toer.

kans om ingesluit te word vir die span wat gaan toer. JD

15 24 Julie/July 2015 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

ERMELO - Die dinamiese eerstekrieketspan van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie was die afgelope skoolvakansie hárd aan die werk toe hulle tussen 13 en 17 Julie na Pretoria vir die jaarlikse Grootvlei-krieketweek getoer het.

Die toernooi het goeie vrugte vir die Liggies afgewerp, aangesien die span aan die einde van die week met die ‘Gentlemen of the Game’-trofee vir die span met die beste dissipline beloon is en speler JP Labuschagne met die trofee vir die beste bouler van die week huis toe is. Vier van die skool se fikse spelers – JP Labuschagne, Berno van Niekerk, Gerhard van Zyl en Jayshal Bhika – is ook vir ‘n toerspan wat eersdaags na Sri Lanka gaan vertrek, gekies en het só ook hul skool se naam hoog gehou.

Wat die uitslae van die krieketweek betref, het Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie hul

staal in twee intense kragmetings gewys. Hulle het eerste teen die eerstespan van Hoërskool Generaal Hertzog van Witbank te staan gekom en die skool oortuigend met 133 lopies geklop.

Die tweede wedstryd was teen Hoërskool Hans Moore van Benoni. Die Liggies het hul teenstaanders vir 220 lopies in 41 beurte uitgeboul, maar die manne van Benoni het sterk teruggeveg en die Liggies vir 139 uitgeboul en die wedstryd met 81 lopies gewen. Jayshal Bhika, JP Labuschagne, Sandile Malina en Berno van Niekerk was die uitblinkers in die wedstryd. Jayshal het drie paaltjies vir 28 lopies in sewe boulbeurte geneem, terwyl JP twee paaltjies vir 42 lopies in agt boulbeurte geneem het.

Die twee kolwers – Sandile Malina en Berno van Niekerk – het 49 en 32 lopies, onderskeidelik, aangeteken. DK

Mnr Andre Erasmus (oom Tekkies) is deur Potchefstroom se Universiteit vereer met ‘n oorkonde. Oom Tekkies is die afgelope 10 jaar die afrigter van die Mpumalanga o-19 rugbyspan. Hier oorhandig mnr Ferreira, hoof van Hoërskool Volksrust, die oorkonde aan oom Tekkies.

STANDERTON - The Standerton Shooting Club will host a club shoot on Saturday 25 July on the Redwing shooting range. Members are requested to be on the course at 10:00 to help with the setup. Interested persons may contact Flippie Grobler on 082 470 2500. JD

STANDERTON - Duiwe van die Standerton Posduifklub het die afstand van 484 km vanaf Trompsburg (gemiddelde spoed van 85 km per uur) afgelê en die eerste duif was reeds om 13:00 weer tuis in sy hok. Mooiweerstoestande het ook weereens bygedra tot ‘n suksesvolle wedvlug. Ben Steyn het al twee afdelings gewen.

In die jaaroud-afdeling wen Ben Steyn (1, 2, 9, 14, 18 en 25) gevolg deur Marius Esterhuizen (3, 4, 10, 26 en 27), John Vienings (5, 6, 8, 16 en 24), Geelbos (7, 11, 12, 13 en 17), David van der Linde (15, 19 en 28), Lombard Juniors (20 en 22), Drikus Odendaal (21, 29 en 30) en Danie van Staden 23. Die wenspoed is 1 457,7121 meter per minuut of sowat 87,46 km per uur.

Die ope-afdeling is ook deur Ben Steyn gewen met tellings (1, 4, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 en 28). John Vienings (2, 3, 17, 21 en 24) eindig tweede gevolg deur David van der Linde (5, 6, 13 en 16), Norden Lombard (7, 18 en 30), Lombard Juniors (8 en14), Boeta Homan (19 en 27), Boeta & Frik 20, Danie van Staden (22 en 23), Johan Marneweck 25 en Marius Esterhuizen (26 en 29). Die wenspoed is 1469,2912 meter per minuut of 88,15 km per uur.

Die volgende wedvlug vind op 25 Julie, weer vanaf Trompsburg plaas. JD

Liggies laat nie op hulle wag

Die eerstekrieketspan van Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie het tussen 13 en 17 Julie aan die Grootvlei-krieketweek in Pretoria deelgeneem en twee spogtrofeë ingepalm. Agter is mnr Corrie Swart (afrigter), JP Labuschagne, Thomas de Beer, Jason van Wyk, mnr Nicky Broodryk (afrigter), Thando Nkosi, Christo Prinsloo en mnr André Louw (afrigter). Voor, van links na regs, is Rohan Malan, Hopewell Monareng, Sibusiso Sibande, Berno van Niekerk (kaptein), Gerhard van Zyl, Jayshal Bhika en Sandile Malinga.

Vlerke klap vanaf TrompsburgOorkonde vir oom Tekkies

Club shoots this Saturday

24 Julie/July 2015 16 Kosmosnuus / Cosmos News

STANDERTON - ‘Vlymskerp’ is die enigste woord wat die 47 skuts se vernuf kan beskryf wat aan die maandelikse byeenkoms van die Suid-Afrikaanse Jagtersvereniging se Kosmostak deelgeneem het. Die kompetisie is Saterdag, 11 Julie, by die Evert Genis-skietbaan gehou en het die ywerige jagters sommer vroeg-vroeg uit die vere gehad.

Evert Genis, Jako Steenkamp en Jacques Scholtz het die eerste drie plekke op die buffeltabel met 25 uit 30, 24 uit 30 en 22 uit 30, onderskeidelik, losgeskiet terwyl Drian Podges, Christo Bailey en Evert Genis die topplekke op die rooiboktabel beklee. Drian het ‘n uitmuntende telling van 45 uit 45 behaal, terwyl Christo en Evert elk met 43

uit 45 kort op sy hakke is.Die swartwildebeestabel word deur Iwan Lues met 38

uit 45 oorheers, met Evert Genis en JC Schoeman in die tweede en derde posisies, onderskeidelik met 37 en 34 uit 45. Christo Bailey het op sy beurt die vlakvarkteiken met ‘n perfekte telling van 45 uit 45 baasgeraak, terwyl Johan Geldenhuys en Stoffel Bester met 45 en 44 uit 45, onderskeidelik, kort op sy hakke is.

Wat die kleiduif-afdeling betref, het Jako Steenkamp koning met ‘n telling van 12 uit 15 gekraai. Jacques Scholtz is tweede met 11 uit 15 en Jan Wessels derde met nege uit 15. DK

Jagters looi die teikens

Die Suid-Afrikaanse Jagtersvereniging se Kosmostak het Saterdag, 11 Julie, hul maandelikse byeenkoms by die Evert Genis-skietbaan net buite Standerton aangebied en vir heelwat aksie gesorg. Pa Corrie Visagie het ‘n wakenede oog oor Corrie Junior gehou toe hy sy ouer sussie, Carina, en ál die volwasse skuts met die vlakvarkteiken aangevat het.

STANDERTON - 32 players entered on Saturday for the PG Glass ‘Pink lady’ golf competition. On the day, a PG Glass representative gave each four-ball a PG Glass branded ball, a separate scorecard and entry card to capture each player’s details. Keeping the ball alive was the challenge. When the ball is lost, it is game over and a nil return is marked on the scorecard. Several of these ‘nil return’ cards were handed in.

The Stableford score had to be recorded on the separate branded scorecard. The completed scorecard and ball had to be handed in to the PG Glass representative for

verification. The winning team secured an entry on the log and stays in the running with a chance to become the regional winner that will participate in the final in October. The four-ball with the highest points per region will be announced by the end of September. The winning four-ball from Standerton is Johan Janse van Rensburg, Louis Gravett, Ronald Kinnear and Gerrit Coetzee.

The normal IPS competition ran in conjunction with the PG challenge and was won by Attie Mouton (39), Ronald Kinnear (37) and Theuns Adendorff (37). Aldo Arnaldi landed closest to the pin on holes 2/11 and 8/17 while Gerrit Coetzee hit the longest drive of the day. JD

Keep the ball alive

The overall winners of the PG glass ‘Pink Lady’ challenge are, in the back, from left to right Jaco Niemann (PG Glass-sponsor), Louis Gravett, Ronald Kinnear and Gerrit Coetzee. In front is Johan Janse van Rensburg.