238204123 Wilhelm Reichian Growth Work How to Dissolve Energy Blockages

8/20/2019 238204123 Wilhelm Reichian Growth Work How to Dissolve Energy Blockages http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/238204123-wilhelm-reichian-growth-work-how-to-dissolve-energy-blockages 1/4 Wilhem Reichian Growth Work: How to Dissolve Energy Blocks of the Human Body Intro  – Wilhelm Reich was interested in life energy, ie energy that makes things live, that causes or allows things to function, and worked on various forms of thera!y to free "lockages to this life energy in the human "ody and human "eing #  – $ife energy which has "een called many things such as !rana was called orgone "y Reich %hus $ife is Energy  – &rgone is what is involved in all affairs, in emotions, !hysical actions, mental !rocesses, et cetera  – 'tates "reathing influences emotions If you "reath fully and o!enly than you will feel full (energi)ed and content* and "e o!en with your emotions  – 'tates that a retention or not o!enly venting emotions is accom!anied or accom!lished "y a retention of "reath, and that eventually this "ecomes +!ermanent+ 'o o"viously, then,  "reathing !ractices would aid in getting rid of the retention of emotion, which has various health "enefits  – 'ome e-am!les of retention are holding "ack the venting of emotions, tense muscles, anything that hinders the natural functioning of the "ody, et cetera Which, then, causes and is at the same time caused "y a "lockage of life energy %his form of thera!y aims at freeing energy or eliminating energy "lockages  – 'tates re!ression or retention causes the life energy to dou"le "ack on itself, which is +e-!ressed+ in the form of an energy "lockage %hus, re!ression causes an energy "lockage E-ercise .  – Be aware of your "reathing What is it like/ Does your "elly, a"domen and chest e-!and and contract/ If not try "reathing fully and o!enly to get them to If they are still not try to rela- and eliminate !hysical tension es!ecially in the arms and shoulders to "e a"le to What thoughts hinder this o!en and full "reathing/ #  – Blocked "reathing is the essence of armoring, which is Reich+s name for the chronic muscle tension and emotional re!ression most adults are im!risoned "y in society  – 'tates muscle tension and "locked "reathing or hindered "reathing are the means with which  !eo!le !sychologically (su"consciously* sto! themselves from emoting, ie venting or e-!ressing themselves emotionally as they healthily should %he emotions are tra!!ed in the tense muscles and hindered "reathing  – 0re re!ressed feeling have !ower By freeing them you free their !ower and the energy that was used to hold them "ack  – %his o!ening or freeing !rocess can "e scary "ecause it also frees the fear of the conse1uences that initially caused us to tense u! and re!ress our emotions, and changes are sense of self which can "e dee!ly unsettling to many  – %his thera!y values +naturalness+, and does not value force 2nfortunately, in society the

Transcript of 238204123 Wilhelm Reichian Growth Work How to Dissolve Energy Blockages

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Wilhem Reichian Growth Work: How to Dissolve Energy Blocks of the Human Body


 – Wilhelm Reich was interested in life energy, ie energy that makes things live, that causes or

allows things to function, and worked on various forms of thera!y to free "lockages to this life

energy in the human "ody and human "eing


 – $ife energy which has "een called many things such as !rana was called orgone "y Reich %hus

$ife is Energy

 – &rgone is what is involved in all affairs, in emotions, !hysical actions, mental !rocesses, et


 – 'tates "reathing influences emotions If you "reath fully and o!enly than you will feel full

(energi)ed and content* and "e o!en with your emotions – 'tates that a retention or not o!enly venting emotions is accom!anied or accom!lished "y a

retention of "reath, and that eventually this "ecomes +!ermanent+ 'o o"viously, then, "reathing !ractices would aid in getting rid of the retention of emotion, which has varioushealth "enefits

 – 'ome e-am!les of retention are holding "ack the venting of emotions, tense muscles, anything

that hinders the natural functioning of the "ody, et cetera Which, then, causes and is at the same

time caused "y a "lockage of life energy %his form of thera!y aims at freeing energy oreliminating energy "lockages

 – 'tates re!ression or retention causes the life energy to dou"le "ack on itself, which is

+e-!ressed+ in the form of an energy "lockage %hus, re!ression causes an energy "lockage

E-ercise .

 – Be aware of your "reathing What is it like/ Does your "elly, a"domen and chest e-!and and

contract/ If not try "reathing fully and o!enly to get them to If they are still not try to rela- and

eliminate !hysical tension es!ecially in the arms and shoulders to "e a"le to What thoughts

hinder this o!en and full "reathing/


 – Blocked "reathing is the essence of armoring, which is Reich+s name for the chronic muscle

tension and emotional re!ression most adults are im!risoned "y in society

 – 'tates muscle tension and "locked "reathing or hindered "reathing are the means with which

 !eo!le !sychologically (su"consciously* sto! themselves from emoting, ie venting ore-!ressing themselves emotionally as they healthily should %he emotions are tra!!ed in the

tense muscles and hindered "reathing – 0re re!ressed feeling have !ower By freeing them you free their !ower and the energy that was

used to hold them "ack

 – %his o!ening or freeing !rocess can "e scary "ecause it also frees the fear of the conse1uences

that initially caused us to tense u! and re!ress our emotions, and changes are sense of self

which can "e dee!ly unsettling to many

 – %his thera!y values +naturalness+, and does not value force 2nfortunately, in society the

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s!ontaneous or natural develo!ment, such as for children, of self3management, "odily control,

et cetera is dictated "y society, which is not healthy, and instead should "e allowed to come

a"out naturally 4urthermore, children generally do not even have the nerves or ca!acity to do

such things, yet they are forced "y society which causes !ro"lems "ecause they are not giventhe time re1uired to healthily come a"out %his is similar to someone who tries to rush

training which results in !oor 1uality, when he or she should train in a rela-ed manner and take

all the time needed for his or her training which would result in "etter 1uality than if he or sherushed it

 – 2nfortunately, society tries to control and regulate everything with time ta"les, laws, and

 !ressure to conform, and e-!ectations, which seriously hinders the develo!mental !rocess andthe 1uality it would otherwise have if allowed to develo! naturally in the !erson, which causes

further "lockages, tension, re!ression and health !ro"lems, es!ecially due to the fact that

muscular tension restricts "lood and hormonal flow &f course, due to the fact that humanityis already so tense, unhealthy, and re!ressive it is not ready as a whole to sim!ly "ecome free,

and so now if for instance regulatory agencies when away chaos would "e ram!ant, and so it is

unfortunately necessary for individuals to do this work, and ho!efully enough will do so, so thatas a whole humanity would no longer need regulatory agencies such as !olice, !rovided the

society as enough freedom and ethical !olice which not all have – Reichian thera!y hel!s one to rediscover the wholeness and uni1ueness or individuality

 – Healthiness is caused "y a lack of "lockages or no armoring 0rmoring is the !recondition for

illness in the medical sense, that is armoring must occur first "efore illness can set in 0rmoring

causes an e-cessive "uild u! of energy in the !laces where armoring or "locks are, and it causes

other !laces to not get enough energy whether armoring is there or not &"viously, there ismore to health than this, such as the +strength+ of "acteria relative to the !erson %he stronger

and more free one energetically is the less likely he or she is to get sick In fact, illness can only

occur if negative energies or "acteria are more energetically stronger, or are not killed off andend u! com"ining with other "acteria or negative energies and or "uild u! to the e-tent that they

are energetically stronger 'o, health is the free and natural state with no armoring 3

4urthermore, of course, illness is caused "y "locks, as they cause a over "uild u! of energywhich over stimulates "ody !arts where the "locks are, and kee! energy from other !arts at least

com!ared to how much they could have and so they are under3active or under3stimulated, !lus

 "locks cause various elemental3energetic im"alances, such as a "lock at the nose would couldcause e-cessive !roduction of mucous and "locking of "reathing !assages

 – 'tates "locks set the way for functional disorders and infections 0gain, somewhat true as

 "acteria is analogous to harmful vi"rations or negative energies 0nd so, "locks could cause a

 "uild u! of negative energies where they are, and hinder the immune system from "eing a"le toget anti3"odies or energies to the s!ot which would kill of the infection "rought a"out "y the

 "lock, and thus, restore the free flow of energy &f course, however, the human "eing is more

com!le-, affected "y and com!rised of various energies, s!heres, levels, dimensional sides,

chemicals and hormones, su"stances, states, and more However, in terms of the astral "ody andthe mind, es!ecially mind over matter this is certainly true


 – 'tates that when !eo!le re!ress their emotions they do not go away, "ut rather go into the

unconscious (su"conscious*, which o"viously influences the !erson through it 6eo!le re!ress

their emotions through muscle tension and hindering "reathing usually unconsciously, "ut it is

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done nonetheless %hrough o!en and full "reathing, and reevaluating our history, the moment,

and our emotions and the situations that caused them we can free ourselves of them and "ecome

more mentally and emotionally fle-i"le, !hysically healthy, and more a"le to deal with

situations "oth good and "ad that come our way – Emotions are not a"out whether we should feel this or that, they are sim!ly there and it is u! to

the !erson to understand and acknowledge them, and e-!ress them, so that he or she can ada!t

emotionally and "etter deal with the world – 6eo!le need to find ways to discharge the tension in them 4ree3"reathing is a means to do this

However, !eo!le need to acknowledge their emotional and mental states !eriodically 6leasure

is also a way to eliminate tension, es!ecially through orgasm, as se-ual !leasure affects the "odies muscles, the mind, and eliminates stress leaving the one who had an orgasm in a more

rela-ed state &f course, however, as there are different states of mind uni1ue to !eo!le they

have to e-!eriment and find other methods to hel! as well 'ome through "reathing and ororgasm may rid themselves of most or all of the tension and stress, others may need more

means 4ind what works for you However, for some actions that would release stress and

tension for others actually "uild it or sometimes "oth release stress and tension and create new

stress and tension 4or instance, se-ual actions for a true 7hristian due to their !erce!tion of se-

as evil and sinful are likely to create new tension, however, for those like the ones who are !suedo3re"els and create things like the Black 8ass, "elieve in 7hristianity and that there are

Devils who condone orgies, are likely to actually release a lot of tension due to them gaining afalse sense of +re"ellion+ and +freedom+ com"ined with the se-ual act In fact, some techni1ues

such as a"stinence des!ite honestly "eing unhealthy can for some, if se- is done after a !eriod

of a"stinence release a lot of stress and tension, and create a lot of !leasure and this is whyfollowers have confused that release and !leasure with so3called +holiness+ des!ite in the

su"conscious in some way knowing why they actually valued such !ractices, ie a "uild3u! and

then release – &rgasm and 'e-ual actions are one of the "est means to discharge tension and stress "oth

 !hysical and mental, due to the !leasure3!rinci!le, the "iological and energetic !rocesses it sets

in motion, and due to a significant amount of stress and tension in !eo!le having a se-ual originas 4reud and Wilhelm Reich e-!lained, and as a sim!le study of how organisms survival

instinct connects with the !rocreative instinct, and a sim!ly study of the su"conscious

 – 0 ma9or goal of Reichian %hera!y is the letting go of conscious control over everything and

allowing involuntary things to ha!!en, such as allowing the su"conscious and "ody to makethings ha!!en, to sim!ly rela- 4or instance, a many mind that has relin1uished the conscious

control over everything that most !eo!le try to maintain, and has an orgasm is commonly

rela-ed afterwords, and the "ody is going through involuntary (that is, without the consciousmind inciting such* s!asms, and movements, and the "reathing gets dee!er &"viously, this

eliminates at least some stress and tension, and ena"les the su"conscious and the "ody+s own

mechanisms and +healing+ !rocesses to function without the conscious mind hindering them –

%he 6leasure3!rinci!le is another means of discharge, ie what one en9oys and ena"les on torela- and let3go

 – It is im!ortant to note that sim!le !leasure and se- however is not thera!y %he heart of the

thera!y is the letting go of conscious control and rela-ing, it is letting our natural !rocesses ands!ontaneity cause actions and incite !rocesses 4or instance, frantic se- like guys who are afraid

any moment the girl will leave has not let go and is not rela-ed, and so the se- is not likely to

hel! him much in terms of eliminating stress and tension Religion more often than not isanother "lockage to thera!y, as they try to make !eo!le "elieve that s!ontaneity and natural

 !rocesses are evil and must "e sto!!ed, which creates a lot of tension, stress, an-iety, and other

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health !ro"lems "oth mental, emotional, and !hysical 0n in3de!th and honest study of

 !sychology, stress and tension, and the release of them is o"viously re1uired if thera!y is to

ever "ecome ultimately successful 4or some, ta"oo "reaking is another means of eliminating

stress and tension, if they can sto! worrying a"out conse1uences and or are sure there will "e noconse1uences In other words, a study of the mind com"ined with all other !henomenon is

re1uired, ie for instance, the effects of se- on the mind, drugs, !hysical actions such as

 "reathing, restrictions, law and what society tries to instill in !eo!le, and more and figuringout what factors allow or hinder change and determine the nature of the change itself, and what

is at work in different individuals
