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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    CSWIP 3.1 Welding InspectionCSWIP 3.1 Welding Inspection

    TWI Training & ExaminationTWI Training & ExaminationServicesServices

    Welding &Welding &MaterialsMaterials


    Course Reference WIS 5Course Reference WIS 5

    Course notes section reference 3, 6 & 16Course notes section reference 3, 6 & 16

  • 8/13/2019 23368117-03-06-16-WIS5-Imperfections-2006


    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding ImperfectionsWelding Imperfections

    All el!s "ave im#erfectionsAll el!s "ave im#erfections

    Im#erfections are classe! asIm#erfections are classe! as !efects!efects"en t"e$ are of a"en t"e$ are of a

    t$#e, or si%e, not alloe! $ t"e Acce#tance Stan!ar!t$#e, or si%e, not alloe! $ t"e Acce#tance Stan!ar!

    A !efect is an unacce#tale im#erfectionA !efect is an unacce#tale im#erfection

    A el! im#erfection ma$ e alloe! $ one Acce#tanceA el! im#erfection ma$ e alloe! $ one Acce#tance

    Stan!ar! ut e classe! as a !efect $ anot"er Stan!ar!Stan!ar! ut e classe! as a !efect $ anot"er Stan!ar!

    an! re'uire removal(rectificationan! re'uire removal(rectification

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding ImperfectionsWelding Imperfections

    Stan!ar!s for Wel!ing Im#erfectionsStan!ar!s for Wel!ing Im#erfections

    )S)SE* IS+ 65-.1E* IS+ 65-.1(1998)(1998) Wel!ing an! allie! #rocesses /Wel!ing an! allie! #rocesses / Classification of geometricClassification of geometric

    im#erfections in metallic materials .im#erfections in metallic materials .

    0art 1 2usion el!ing 0art 1 2usion el!ing

    Im#erfections are classifie! into 6 grou#s, namel$Im#erfections are classifie! into 6 grou#s, namel$

    1 Cracs1 Cracs

    Cavities Cavities

    3 Soli! inclusions3 Soli! inclusions

    4 ac of fusion an! #enetration4 ac of fusion an! #enetration5 Im#erfect s"a#e an! !imensions5 Im#erfect s"a#e an! !imensions

    6 iscellaneous im#erfections6 iscellaneous im#erfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding ImperfectionsWelding Imperfections

    Stan!ar!s for Wel!ing Im#erfectionsStan!ar!s for Wel!ing Im#erfections

    E* IS+ 5718E* IS+ 5718 (23)(23) Wel!ing . 2usion.el!e! 9oints in steel,Wel!ing . 2usion.el!e! 9oints in steel,nicel, titanium an! t"eir allo$s :eamnicel, titanium an! t"eir allo$s :eam

    el!ing exclu!e!; . !irectl$ a##licale to visualvisualtesting oftesting of

    el!s? @@@el!s? @@@(!eld s"rfaces & macro e#amination)(!eld s"rfaces & macro e#amination)

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding imperfectionsWelding imperfections



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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    Cracs t"at ma$ occur in el!e! materials areCracs t"at ma$ occur in el!e! materials arecause! generall$ $ man$ factors an! ma$ ecause! generall$ $ man$ factors an! ma$ eclassifie! $ s"a#e an! #osition@classifie! $ s"a#e an! #osition@

    *ote*oteCracs are classe! as 0lanar =efects@Cracs are classe! as 0lanar =efects@

    Classifie! $ S"a#eClassifie! $ S"a#eongitu!inalongitu!inalTransverseTransverseC"evronC"evronamellar Tearamellar Tear

    Classifie! $ 0ositionClassifie! $ 0ositionABABCenterlineCenterlineCraterCrater2usion %one2usion %one0arent metal0arent metal

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    ongitu!inal #arent metalongitu!inal #arent metal

    ongitu!inal el! metalongitu!inal el! metal

    amellar tearingamellar tearing

    Transverse el! metalTransverse el! metal


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    ain Crac T$#esain Crac T$#es

    Soli!ification CracsSoli!ification Cracs

    $!rogen In!uce! Cracs$!rogen In!uce! Cracs amellar Tearingamellar Tearing

    Re"eat cracsRe"eat cracs


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Soli!ification CracingSoli!ification Cracing

    +ccurs !uring el! soli!ification #rocess+ccurs !uring el! soli!ification #rocess

    Steels it" "ig" sul#"ur im#urities content :lo !uctilit$ atSteels it" "ig" sul#"ur im#urities content :lo !uctilit$ at

    elevate! tem#erature;elevate! tem#erature;

    Re'uires "ig" tensile stressRe'uires "ig" tensile stress

    +ccur longitu!inall$ !on centre of el!+ccur longitu!inall$ !on centre of el!


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    $!rogen In!uce! Col! Cracing$!rogen In!uce! Col! Cracing

    Re'uires susce#tile "ar! grain structure, stress, loRe'uires susce#tile "ar! grain structure, stress, lo

    tem#erature an! "$!rogentem#erature an! "$!rogen

    $!rogen enters el! via el!ing arc mainl$ as result of$!rogen enters el! via el!ing arc mainl$ as result of

    contaminate! electro!e or #re#arationcontaminate! electro!e or #re#aration

    $!rogen !iffuses out into #arent metal on cooling$!rogen !iffuses out into #arent metal on cooling

    Cracing !evelo#ing most liel$ in ABCracing !evelo#ing most liel$ in AB

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    amellar Tearingamellar Tearing

    Ste# lie a##earanceSte# lie a##earance

    +ccurs in #arent material or AB+ccurs in #arent material or AB

    +nl$ in rolle! !irection of t"e #arent material+nl$ in rolle! !irection of t"e #arent material

    Associate! it" restraine! 9oints su9ecte! to t"roug"Associate! it" restraine! 9oints su9ecte! to t"roug"

    t"icness stresses on corners, tees an! filletst"icness stresses on corners, tees an! fillets

    Re'uires "ig" sul#"ur or non.metallic inclusionsRe'uires "ig" sul#"ur or non.metallic inclusions

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    Re.eat CracingRe.eat Cracing

    +ccurs mainl$ in AB of lo allo$ steels !uring #ost el!+ccurs mainl$ in AB of lo allo$ steels !uring #ost el!

    "eat treatment or service at elevate! tem#eratures"eat treatment or service at elevate! tem#eratures

    +ccurs in areas of "ig" stress an! existing !efects+ccurs in areas of "ig" stress an! existing !efects

    0revente! $ toe grin!ing, elimination of #oor #rofile0revente! $ toe grin!ing, elimination of #oor #rofilematerial selection an! controlle! #ost el! "eat treatmentmaterial selection an! controlle! #ost el! "eat treatment

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    %as Caities%as Caities

    Root #i#ingRoot #i#ing

    Cluster #orosit$Cluster #orosit$as #oreas #ore

    )lo "ole)lo "oleerringone #orosit$erringone #orosit$

    as #ore D1@5mmas #ore D1@5mm

    )lo "ole@1@6mm)lo "ole@1@6mm


    oss of gas s"iel!oss of gas s"iel!

    =am# electro!es=am# electro!es


    Arc lengt" too largeArc lengt" too large

    =amage! electro!e flux=amage! electro!e flux

    oisture on #arent materialoisture on #arent material

    Wel!ing current too loWel!ing current too lo

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    'oot piping'oot piping


    %as Caities%as Caities

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Cluster #orosit$Cluster #orosit$ erringone #orosit$erringone #orosit$

    %as Caities%as Caities

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Crater #i#eCrater #i#e

    Wel! craterWel! crater

    Crater PipeCrater Pipe

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Crater #i#e is a s"rinage !efect an! not a gas !efect, it "asCrater #i#e is a s"rinage !efect an! not a gas !efect, it "as

    t"e a##earance of a gas #ore in t"e el! cratert"e a##earance of a gas #ore in t"e el! crater


    Too fast a cooling



    reactions and liquid

    to solid volume



    Crater cracsCrater cracs

    :Star cracs;:Star cracs;

    Crater #i#eCrater #i#e

    Crater PipeCrater Pipe

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    Soli! InclusionsSoli! Inclusions

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Solid Incl"sionsSolid Incl"sionsSlag inclusions are !efine! as a non.metallic inclusion cause!Slag inclusions are !efine! as a non.metallic inclusion cause!

    $ some el!ing #rocess$ some el!ing #rocess CausesCauses

    Slag originates fromSlag originates from

    el!ing fluxel!ing flux

    A an! TI el!ingA an! TI el!ing

    #rocess #ro!uce silica#rocess #ro!uce silicainclusionsinclusions

    Slag is cause! $Slag is cause! $

    ina!e'uate cleaningina!e'uate cleaning

    +t"er inclusions inclu!e+t"er inclusions inclu!etungsten an! co##ertungsten an! co##er

    inclusions from t"e TIinclusions from t"e TI

    an! A el!ing #rocessan! A el!ing #rocess

    Slag inclusionsSlag inclusions

    0arallel slag lines0arallel slag lines

    ac of si!eallac of si!eallfusion it"fusion it"associate! slagassociate! slag

    ac of interunac of interun

    fusion F slagfusion F slag

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Elongate! slag linesElongate! slag linesInter#ass slag inclusionsInter#ass slag inclusions

    Solid Incl"sionsSolid Incl"sions

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    ac of 2usionac of 2usion

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding ImperfectionsWelding Imperfections

    T$#ical Causes of ac of 2usionT$#ical Causes of ac of 2usion

    el!ing current too lo

    evel angle too stee#

    root face too large :single.si!e! el!;

    root ga# too small :single.si!e! el!;

    incorrect electro!e angle

    linear misalignment

    el!ing s#ee! too "ig" el!ing #rocess relate! / #articularl$ !i#.transfer AW

    floo!ing t"e 9oint it" too muc" el! metal :locing +ut;

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    ac$ of *"sionac$ of *"sion

    Incom#lete fille! groove FIncom#lete fille! groove F

    ac of si!eall fusionac of si!eall fusion


    1@1@ ac of si!eall fusionac of si!eall fusion

    @@ ac of inter.run fusionac of inter.run fusion


    0oor el!er sill0oor el!er sill

    Incorrect electro!eIncorrect electro!e


    Arc loArc lo

    Incorrect el!ingIncorrect el!ing


    Incorrect travel s#ee!Incorrect travel s#ee!

    Incorrect inter.run cleaningIncorrect inter.run cleaning

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    ac of si!eall fusion F incom#lete fille! grooveac of si!eall fusion F incom#lete fille! groove

    ac$ of *"sionac$ of *"sion

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    An im#erfection at t"e toe or root of a el! cause! $ metalAn im#erfection at t"e toe or root of a el! cause! $ metal

    floing on to t"e surface of t"e #arent metal it"out fusing to itfloing on to t"e surface of t"e #arent metal it"out fusing to it



    Slo travel s#ee!Slo travel s#ee!

    Incorrect el!ingIncorrect el!ing


    Current too loCurrent too lo

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    Toe +verla#Toe +verla#

    Toe +verla#Toe +verla#

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    Wel! Root Im#erfectionsWel! Root Im#erfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

    Incom#lete root fusionIncom#lete root fusion

    Incom#lete root #enetrationIncom#lete root #enetration


    o Am#s(voltso Am#s(volts

    arge Root facearge Root face

    Small Root a#Small Root a#

    2ast Travel S#ee!2ast Travel S#ee!

    Incorrect Electro!eIncorrect Electro!e


    ContaminationContaminationArc loArc lo

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    ac of root #enetrationac of root #enetration ac of root fusionac of root fusion

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

    ac of Root 2usionac of Root 2usionac of Root 0enetrationac of Root 0enetration

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    S"rinage grooveS"rinage groove


    Insufficient weld metal

    deposited in the root pass

    Too fast a cooling rate during

    the application of the root bead


    Poor welding technique

    A s"allo groove cause! $ contraction in t"e el! metalA s"allo groove cause! $ contraction in t"e el! metal

    along eac" si!e of t"e #enetration ea!along eac" si!e of t"e #enetration ea!

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Concave RootConcave Root


    xcessive bac! purge pressure

    during TI" welding

    xcessive root bead grindingbefore the application of the second


    welding current too high for #nd

    pass overhead welding

    root gap too large $ excessive


    A s"allo groove, "ic" ma$ occur in t"e root of a utt el!A s"allo groove, "ic" ma$ occur in t"e root of a utt el!

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Concave RootConcave Root

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Excessive root #enetrationExcessive root #enetration


    'oot faces too small

    'oot gap too large

    xcessive amps(volts

    )low travel speed

    Root #enetration ea! in excess in accor!ance it" t"eRoot #enetration ea! in excess in accor!ance it" t"e

    relevant s#ecification eing use!relevant s#ecification eing use!

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Excessive rootExcessive root#enetration#enetration

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Concave rootConcave root Excess root #enetrationExcess root #enetration

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    *igh +mps(volts

    )mall 'oot face

    ,arge 'oot "ap

    )low Travel )peed

    )urn t"roug")urn t"roug"

    A locali%e! colla#se of t"e el! #ool !ue to excessiveA locali%e! colla#se of t"e el! #ool !ue to excessive

    #enetration resulting in a "ole in t"e root run#enetration resulting in a "ole in t"e root run

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    )urn T"roug")urn T"roug"

    Weld 'oot ImperfectionsWeld 'oot Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    ,oss or insufficient bac!

    purging gas

    -ost commonl. occurs

    when welding stainless


    Purging gases include

    argon/ helium and

    occasionall. nitrogen

    +#idi,ed 'oot ('oot Co$ing)+#idi,ed 'oot ('oot Co$ing)

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    Im#erfect S"a#e an! =imensionsIm#erfect S"a#e an! =imensions

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Weld ImperfectionsWeld Imperfections

    T$#ical Causes of Im#erfect S"a#e :inclu!ing #oor toe len!;T$#ical Causes of Im#erfect S"a#e :inclu!ing #oor toe len!;

    0oor el!ing tec"ni'ue is t"e usual cause t"ese0oor el!ing tec"ni'ue is t"e usual cause t"ese

    im#erfections, suc" asim#erfections, suc" as

    electro!e si%e for t"e ca# #asses is too largeelectro!e si%e for t"e ca# #asses is too large

    el!ing s#ee! too sloel!ing s#ee! too slo el!ing current too loel!ing current too lo

    arc voltage too lo :SAW an! AW;arc voltage too lo :SAW an! AW;

    #oor mani#ulation of t"e electro!e#oor mani#ulation of t"e electro!e

    incorrect el! ea! #ositioning ( #lacementincorrect el! ea! #ositioning ( #lacement

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    S"rface and ProfileS"rface and Profile

    Incom#lete fille! grooveIncom#lete fille! groove 0oor ca# #rofile0oor ca# #rofile

    Excessive ca# "eig"tExcessive ca# "eig"t

    0oor ca# #rofiles an!0oor ca# #rofiles an!

    excessive ca# reinforcementsexcessive ca# reinforcements

    ma$ lea! to stressma$ lea! to stress

    concentration #oints at t"econcentration #oints at t"e

    el! toes an! ill alsoel! toes an! ill also

    contriute to overall #oor toecontriute to overall #oor toe


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Incom#lete fille! grooveIncom#lete fille! grooveExcess ca# reinforcementExcess ca# reinforcement

    S"rface and ProfileS"rface and Profile

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    S"rface and ProfileS"rface and Profile

    0oor Ca# 0rofile & 0oor Toe )len!0oor Ca# 0rofile & 0oor Toe )len!

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    S"rface and ProfileS"rface and Profile


    Sto# ( StartsSto# ( Starts

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Cap and 'oot -nderc"tCap and 'oot -nderc"t

    An irregular groove at t"e toe of a el! run in t"e #arent metalAn irregular groove at t"e toe of a el! run in t"e #arent metal


    Excessive am#s(voltsExcessive am#s(volts

    Excessive travel s#ee!Excessive travel s#ee!

    Incorrect electro!e angleIncorrect electro!e angle

    Excessive eavingExcessive eaving

    Incorrect el!ingIncorrect el!ing


    Electro!e too largeElectro!e too large

    Arc lengt" too "ig"Arc lengt" too "ig"

    C - dC - d t

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Cap -nderc"tCap -nderc"t

    Intermittent Ca# Gn!ercutIntermittent Ca# Gn!ercut

    - d

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Ca# un!ercutCa# un!ercutRoot un!ercutRoot un!ercut


    W ldi I f ti Cl ifi tiW ldi I f ti Cl ifi ti

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    iscellaneous Im#erfectionsiscellaneous Im#erfections

    W ldi I f iW ldi I f ti

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding ImperfectionsWelding Imperfectionsiscellaneous Im#erfectionsiscellaneous Im#erfections

    Arc strie or stra$ arcArc strie or stra$ arc

    acci!ental striing of an arc on to ase materialacci!ental striing of an arc on to ase material

    loss of el!ing cale insulationloss of el!ing cale insulation

    #oor connection of ?current return? cale#oor connection of ?current return? cale


    excessive current or voltageexcessive current or voltage

    rin!ing mar ( mec"anical !amagerin!ing mar ( mec"anical !amage

    Torn surfaceTorn surface

    Mi ll I f tiMi ll I f ti

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Miscellaneo"s ImperfectionsMiscellaneo"s Imperfections

    Causes: xcessive current

    Damp electrodes


    Incorrect wire feed speed

    when welding with the -+"

    welding process

    +rc blow


    Mi ll I f i

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Miscellaneo"s ImperfectionsMiscellaneo"s Imperfections

    Arc strieArc strie


    Acci!ental striing of t"eAcci!ental striing of t"e

    arc onto t"e #arentarc onto t"e #arent


    2ault$ electro!e "ol!er2ault$ electro!e "ol!er

    0oor cale insulation0oor cale insulation

    0oor return lea!0oor return lea!


    W ldi I f ti Cl ifi tiWelding Imperfections Classification

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    ec"anical =amageec"anical =amage

    M i l /M i l /

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Mecanical /amageMecanical /amage

    ec"anical !amage can e !efine! as an$ surface materialec"anical !amage can e !efine! as an$ surface material

    !amage cause !uring t"e manufacturing #rocess@!amage cause !uring t"e manufacturing #rocess@





    )reaing off el!e! attac"ments)reaing off el!e! attac"ments

    :torn surfaces;:torn surfaces;

    Gsing nee!le guns to com#ressGsing nee!le guns to com#ress

    el! ca##ing runsel! ca##ing runs

    M i l /M i l /

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Mecanical /amageMecanical /amage

    ec"anical =amage(rin!ing arec"anical =amage(rin!ing ar

    C"i##ing arsC"i##ing ars

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Welding Imperfections ClassificationWelding Imperfections Classification

    Set.G# IrregularitiesSet.G# Irregularities

    -ne0"al eg engts-ne0"al eg engts

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    A variation of leg lengt"s on a fillet el!A variation of leg lengt"s on a fillet el!

    *ote*oteGne'ual leg lengt"s on a fillet el! ma$ e s#ecifie! asGne'ual leg lengt"s on a fillet el! ma$ e s#ecifie! as

    #art of t"e !esign, in "ic" case it ill not e#art of t"e !esign, in "ic" case it ill not e

    consi!ere! as a !efect@consi!ere! as a !efect@

    -ne0"al eg engts-ne0"al eg engts

    Set -p Irreg"laritiesSet -p Irreg"larities

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Set-p Irreg"laritiesSet-p Irreg"larities

    0late(#i#e inear isalignment0late(#i#e inear isalignment


    Angular isalignmentAngular isalignment

    inear misalignmentinear misalignmentisismeasure! from t"e loestmeasure! from t"e loest

    #late to t"e "ig"est #oint@#late to t"e "ig"est #oint@

    Angular misalignmentAngular misalignmentisis

    measure! in !egreesmeasure! in !egrees

    S t - I l itiSet -p Irreg"larities

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Set-p Irreg"laritiesSet-p Irreg"larities

    inear isalignmentinear isalignment

    Set -p Irreg"laritiesSet -p Irreg"larities

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    inear isalignmentinear isalignment

    Set-p Irreg"laritiesSet-p Irreg"larities

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    Wel! Im#erfectionsWel! Im#erfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Material InspectionMaterial Inspection

    Material InspectionMaterial Inspection

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Material InspectionMaterial Inspection

    All materials arriving on site s"oul! e ins#ecte! forAll materials arriving on site s"oul! e ins#ecte! for

    Si%e ( !imensionsSi%e ( !imensions


    T$#e ( s#ecificationT$#e ( s#ecification

    In a!!ition ot"er elements ma$ nee! to e consi!ere!In a!!ition ot"er elements ma$ nee! to e consi!ere!

    !e#en!ing on t"e materials form or s"a#e!e#en!ing on t"e materials form or s"a#e

    Pipe InspectionPipe Inspection

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    (Corrosion, Damage, Wall thickness Ovality, Laminations &Seam)





    Pipe InspectionPipe Inspection

    Other checks may need to #e made s$ch as%distortion tolerance, n$m#er of plates andstorage

    Plate InspectionPlate Inspection

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology



    (Corrosion, Mechanical damage, Laps, 'ands &Laminations)



    Other checks may need to #e made s$ch as%distortion tolerance, n$m#er of plates andstorage

    Plate InspectionPlate Inspection

    'olling Imperfections'olling Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology



    Cold Laps

    Direction of rolling

    'olling Imperfections'olling Imperfections

    Parent Material ImperfectionsParent Material Imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology

    Parent Material ImperfectionsParent Material Imperfections


    ec"anical !amageec"anical !amage a#a#

    Segregation lineSegregation line

    aminationsaminationsare cause! in t"e #arent #late $ t"e steel maingare cause! in t"e #arent #late $ t"e steel maing

    #rocess, originating from ingot casting !efects@#rocess, originating from ingot casting !efects@

    Segregation an!sSegregation an!soccur in t"e centre of t"e #late an! are looccur in t"e centre of t"e #late an! are lo

    melting #oint im#urities suc" as sul#"ur an! #"os#"orous@melting #oint im#urities suc" as sul#"ur an! #"os#"orous@

    a#sa#sare cause! !uring rolling "en overla##ing metal !oes notare cause! !uring rolling "en overla##ing metal !oes not

    fuse to t"e ase material@fuse to t"e ase material@


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology



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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology



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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology



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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology



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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    0late amination0late amination

    Material imperfectionsMaterial imperfections

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    Wel! Re#airsWel! Re#airs

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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    IronIron 2e2e

    CaronCaron CC is for Strengt"is for Strengt"

    anganeseanganese nn is for Toug"nessis for Toug"ness

    SiliconSilicon SiSi D -@3J =eoxi!iserD -@3J =eoxi!iser

    AluminiumAluminium AlAl rain refiner, D-@--7J =eoxi!iser Frain refiner, D-@--7J =eoxi!iser FToug"nessToug"ness

    C"romiumC"romium CrCr Corrosion resistanceCorrosion resistance

    ol$!enumol$!enum oo 1J is for Cree# resistance1J is for Cree# resistance


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    Copyright 2006, TWI LtdWorld Centre for Materials Joining Technology


    ana!iumana!ium Strengt"Strengt"

    *icel*icel *i*i o tem#erature a##licationso tem#erature a##lications

    Co##erCo##er CuCu Gse! for eat"ering steels :Corten;Gse! for eat"ering steels :Corten;

    Sul#"urSul#"urSS Resi!ual element :can cause "otResi!ual element :can cause "ot


    0"os#"orous0"os#"orous 00 Resi!ual elementResi!ual element

    TitaniumTitanium TiTi rain refiner, Gse! a a micro allo$ingrain refiner, Gse! a a micro allo$ing

    element :S&T;element :S&T;

    *ioium*ioium ** rain refiner, Gse! a a micro allo$ingrain refiner, Gse! a a micro allo$ing

    elementelement :S&T;:S&T;

    :S&T; K Strengt" & Toug"ness:S&T; K Strengt" & Toug"ness

    Stainless SteelStainless Steel

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    Stainless SteelStainless Steel