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  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Consumer preference for budget detergent powder/bar inGhazipur City

    SURVE !R"#EC$ RE!"R$

    Submitted to

    Veer %ahadur Singh !ur&ancha' Uni&ersity( #aunpurIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

    %)C*E+"R ", %US-.ESS )0-.-S$R)$-".

    Submitted By: Under the Supervision

    of:BhupendraYadavMr. KarunendraPratap Singh BBA.4thSemesterAssistant Professor,Roll No.4!""# $ept. of Business



    $echnica' Education 5 Research -nstitute

    Post%&raduate 'ollege, Ravindrapuri


  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx



    his is to -ertif that %hupendraada&, pursuing BBA4th semester from this

    institute, has prepared the surve pro/e-t report entitled 0Consumer

    preference for budget detergent powder/bar in Ghazipur City1 in partial

    fulfillment of the re2uirements of the degree of Ba-helor of Business

    Administration from 3eer BahadurSingh Purvan-hal niversit, 5aunpur

    during the session )"+*%)"+4.

    his report is based on surve pro/e-t underta6en b %hupendraada&under

    m supervision during the -ourse of fourth semester and fulfills the

    re2uirements of regulations relating to the nature and standard of BBA

    -ourse of 3.B.S. Purvan-halniversit.

    7 re-ommend that this pro/e-t report ma be sent for evaluation.

    Rahu' )nand Singh 6arunendra!ratap Singh

    Asso-iate Professor 8 9ead, Assistant Professor,

    $ept. of Business Administration $ept. of Business Administration

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    7, %hupendraada&, hereb de-lare that this surve pro/e-t report entitled

    0Consumer preference for budget detergent powder/bar inGhazipur City

    has been prepared b me on the basis of surve done during the -ourse of m

    fourth semester of BBA programme under the supervision of 0r7

    6arunendra!ratap Singh( Assistant Professor, $epartment of Business

    Administration, :R7, &ha(ipur.

    his surve pro/e-t report is m bona fide ;or6 and has not been submitted

    in an form to an niversit or 7nstitute for the a;ard of an degree or diploma

    prior to the under mentioned date. 7 bear the entire responsibilit of submission of

    this pro/e-t report.

    82 0ay 1234 %hupendraada&

    BBA 4thSemester $epartment of Business Administration

    e-hni-al :du-ation 8 Resear-h 7nstitute

    P.&. 'ollege, &ha(ipur

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    $)%+E ", C".$E.$S

    Prefa-e +%)

    A-6no;ledgement *%*

    'hapter%+ 7ntrodu-tion 4%*

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    he first real insight of an organi(ation for management student -omes onl

    during his preparation of pro/e-t ;or6 be-ause student first intera-ts ;ith real pra-ti-al

    ;or6. his is first introdu-tion to industr and its ;or6ing. his pro/e-t ;or6 snthesi(e

    the theoreti-al -on-ept learn in the -lass room and its pra-ti-al orientation in


    7n m pro/e-t 7 have studied theConsumer preference for budget detergent

    powder/bar inGhazipur City7

    he ?irst -hapter deals ;ith the introdu-tion of the topi-, it also des-ribes the

    profile and histor of detergent powder/bar industry7

    7n first -hapter 7 have mentioned for detergent po;derbar industrintrodu-tion.

    he ob/e-tive and need of resear-h is also mentioned in se-tion of pro/e-t ;or6.

    he Se-ond -hapter deals ;ith resear-h methodolog. he pro-ess of -arring out

    the ;hole resear-h problem is defined in it. 7t -ontains information about the ob/e-tives

    of the resear-h, methods of data -olle-tion, sampling and sample design.

    hird -hapter is data analsis and interpretation. his is the most important

    se-tion of the pro/e-t ;or6. his se-tion -ontains the analsis of all the data -olle-ted so

    far and the are interpreted to produ-e the final -on-lusion. 7t -ontains all the tables and

    -harts ;hi-h depi-ts the result.

    'hapter four -ontains the finding and re-ommendation of the resear-h. his is

    based on the data anal(ed and interpreted in the previous -hapter. his is the most

    important se-tion of the resear-h report for a report is evaluated on the validit ad

    -orre-tness of findings.

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    'hapter five depi-ted -on-lusion ;hi-h -on-ludes the ;hole report, And later

    -hapters -ontain bibliograph. Chi-h des-ribes the list of sour-es from ;here the matter

    and information is -olle-tedD 7t -ontains the list of boo6s, authors, ;eb sites use et-.


    %7%7)7 -V Sem7

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    Man than6s to the &od, ;ho has sent me on this earth and b mer- of him, 7 ;ould be able to

    a--omplish this resear-h.

    A person ;ho has al;as en-ouraged me to;ards positive and used to sa 0Nothing -an be

    impossible if ou are ;or6ing hard ;ith heart and soul.1 he Cord regard is ver small for him

    and 7 donEt 6no; ;hat ;ord ;ill be appropriate for him, that person is m elder Brother Mr.


    7 epress m deep sense of gratitude and regards to Mrs. ?atiShaffat F@e-turer, $ept. of

    management studies, .:.R.7., P.&. 'ollege affiliated to 3eer Bahadur Singh Purvan-hal

    niversitG under ;hose guidan-e 7 -ompleted this pro/e-t, 7 am than6ful to her valuable

    guidan-e, gentle en-ouragement and pains she too6 in guiding me throughout the stud.

    Some of m ?riend, 5oti and &auri ;hose suggestion for H;hat is Right or CrongE has sho;n

    m aim and ob/e-tives of life.

    Again, 7 heartil epress m regard to all the above person mentioned and pra to the &od HMa

    live them longE.


    %%) 4



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    Chapter :3


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    CUS$"0ER S)$-S,)C$-".

    he liberali(ation and globali(ation of 7ndian e-onom has ta6en pla-e almost a de-ade

    ago, the fo-us point in an organi(ation is 0'ustomer satisfa-tion1. he phase su-h as

    0'ustomer is 6ing in our business1, 0servi-e to -ustomer is servi-e to god1 are no more a

    mth but turned out to be a realit. 'ustomer satisfa-tion is the base of an business

    epansion be-ause of the stiff -ompetition prevalent in the mar6et.

    Chether the buer is satisfied after the pur-hase depends on the offerEs performan-e in

    relation to the buerEs epe-tation. 7n generalI satisfa-tion is a personEs feeling of pleasure

    or disappointment resulting from -omparing a produ-tEs per-eived performan-e F or

    out-omeG in relation to his or her epe-tation.

    As this definition ma6es -lear, satisfa-tion is a fun-tion of per-eived performan-e and

    epe-tation. 7f the performan-e falls short of epe-tations, the -ustomer is dissatisfied. 7f

    the performan-e mat-hes the epe-tations the -ustomer is satisfied.

    473 !erception

    nli6e motivation that re2uires a rea-tion to a stimulus, per-eption relates to the

    meaning that is assigned to that stimulus as mar6eters are interested in ho; buers

    per-eive and rea-t to produ-ts in relation to su-h matters as 2ualit, aestheti-s, pri-e and

    image, sin-e produ-ts not onl eist in partial terms but also ho; the are per-eived b

    -onsumers in relation need satisfa-tion. his per-eption b buers is affe-ted b the

    nature of the produ-t itself, b the -ir-umstan-es of the individual buer and b the

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    buerEs innate situation in terms of ho; read the are to ma6e the pur-hase in terms of

    needing it at a parti-ular point of time.

    471 )ttitude

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    $etergent is a -ompound or miture of -omponents, intended to assist -leaning. he ma beJ

    +G $etergent Soap

    )G $etergent Po;der

    etergent Chemistry;

    o understand ;hat is needed to a-hieve effe-tive -leaning, it is helpful to have a basi-

    6no;ledge of soap and detergent -hemistr

    Cater, the li2uid -ommonl used for -leaning, has a propert -alled surfa-e tension. 7n the

    bod of the ;ater, ea-h mole-ule is surrounded and attra-ted b other ;ater mole-ules.

    9o;ever, at the surfa-e, those mole-ules are surrounded b other ;ater mole-ules onl on the

    ;ater side. A tension is -reated as the ;ater mole-ules at the surfa-e are pulled into the bod of

    the ;ater. his tension -auses ;ater to bead up on surfa-es Fglass, fabri-G, ;hi-h slo;s ;etting

    of the surfa-e and inhibits the -leaning pro-ess. You -an see surfa-e tension at ;or6 b pla-ing a

    drop of ;ater onto a -ounter top. he drop ;ill hold its shape and ;ill not spread

    7n the -leaning pro-ess, surfa-e tension must be redu-ed so ;ater -an spread and

    ;et surfa-es. 'hemi-als that are able to do this effe-tivel are -alled surfa-e a-tive agents, or

    surfa-tants. he are said to ma6e ;ater ;etter.

    Surfa-tants perform other important fun-tions in -leaning, su-h as loosening,

    emulsifing Fdispersing in ;aterG and holding soil in suspension until it -an be

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    rinsed a;a. Surfa-tants -an also provide al6alinit, ;hi-h is useful in

    removing a-idi- soils.

    Surfa-tants are -lassified b their ioni- Fele-tri-al -hargeG properties in ;aterJ anioni-

    Fnegative -hargeG, nonioni- Fno -hargeG, -ationi- Fpositive -hargeG and amphoteri- Feither

    positive or negative -hargeG.

    Soap is an anioni- surfa-tant.

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    here are man tpes of trigl-eridesI ea-h tpe -onsists of its o;n parti-ular -ombination of

    fatt a-ids

    ?att a-ids are the -omponents of fats and oils that are used in ma6ing soap. he are ;ea6

    a-ids -omposed of t;o parts

    A -arboli- a-id group -onsisting of one hdrogen F9G atom, t;o ogen F

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    SUR,)C$).$S -. E$ERGE.$S

    A detergent is an effe-tive -leaning produ-t be-ause it -ontains one or more surfa-tants. Be-ause of

    their -hemi-al ma6eup, the surfa-tants used in detergents -an be engineered to perform ;ell under a

    variet of -onditions. Su-h surfa-tants are less sensitive than soap to the hardness minerals in ;ater and

    most ;ill not form a film

    $etergent surfa-tants ;ere developed in response to a shortage of animal and vegetable fats and oils

    during Corld Car 7 and Corld Car 77. 7n addition, a substan-e that ;as resistant to hard ;ater ;as

    needed to ma6e -leaning more effe-tive. At that time, petroleum ;as found to be a plentiful sour-e for

    the manufa-ture of these surfa-tants. oda, detergent surfa-tants are made from a variet of

    petro-hemi-als Fderived from petroleumG andor oleo-hemi-als Fderived from fats and oilsG.

    !etrochemica's and "'eochemica's

    @i6e the fatt a-ids used in soapma6ing, both petroleum and fats and oils -ontain hdro-arbon -hains

    that are repelled b ;ater but attra-ted to oil and grease in soils. hese hdro-arbon -hain sour-es are

    used to ma6e the ;ater%hating end of the surfa-tant mole-ule.

    "ther Chemica's

    'hemi-als, su-h as sulfur trioide, sulfuri- a-id and ethlene oide, are used to produ-e

    the ;ater%loving end of the surfa-tant mole-ule


    As in soapma6ing, an al6ali is used to ma6e detergent surfa-tants. Sodium and potassium

    hdroide are the most -ommon al6alis

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    *ow etergent Surfactants )re 0ade

    )nionic Surfactants

    he -hemi-al rea-ts ;ith hdro-arbons derived from petroleum or fats

    and oils to produ-e ne; a-ids similar to fatt a-ids.

    A se-ond rea-tion adds an al6ali to the ne; a-ids to produ-e one tpe of anioni- surfa-tant mole-ule.

    .onionic Surfactants

    Nonioni- surfa-tant mole-ules are produ-ed b first -onverting the hdro-arbon to an al-ohol and then

    rea-ting the fatt al-ohol ;ith ethlene oide.

    *"< S")!S ). E$ERGE.$S

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    Mar6eting means understanding and responding to -ustomer needs, a pre%re2uisite F-onditionG

    for an organi(ation su--ess.1

    A--ording to Ameri-an mar6eting asso-iation, 0mar6eting is -on-erned ;ith people and the

    a-tivities involved in the flo; of goods and serves from the produ-er to the -onsumer.1

    A--ording to C.5. Santan, 0mar6eting is a total sstem of business a-tivities designed to plan,

    pri-es, promise and distribute ;ant satisfing goods and servi-es to present and potential


    E$ERGE.$ 0)R6E$ -. -.-)


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    he 7ndian fabri- ;ash produ-ts mar6et ;as a highl fragmented one. here ;as a si(eable

    unorgani(ed se-tor. " % Rs. +)" per 6gG and

    -ompa-t Fselling at over Rs. +)" per 6gG. he -ompa-t, premium and medium pri-ed segments

    together a--ounted for )"O of the volume share and *O of the value share. he e-onom

    segment made up the remaining lionLs share of the mar6et. he fabri- ;ash industr in 7ndia ;as

    -hara-teri(ed b lo; per -apita -onsumption, espe-iall in rural mar6ets. he ma/or plaers in

    the 7ndian detergent mar6et ;ere 9@@, P8&, Nirma and 9en6el Fthrough its /oint venture ;ith

    SP7', a leading petro-hemi-al -ompan based in the south 7ndian -it of 'hennaiG.

    0)R6E$ S*)RE

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    0a=or !'ayers>






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  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    N7RMA is one of the fe; names % ;hi-h is instantl re-ogni(ed as a true 7ndian brand, ;hi-h

    too6 on might multinationals and re;rote the mar6eting rules to ;in the heart of prin-ess, i.e.

    the -onsumer.

    Nirma, the proverbial HRags to Ri-hesE saga of $r. Karsanbhai Patel, is a -lassi- eample of the

    su--ess of 7ndian entrepreneurship in the fa-e of stiff -ompetition. Starting as a one%man

    operation in +>!>, toda, it has about +4, """ emploee%base and annual turnover is above Rs.

    ), "" -rores.7ndia is a one of the largest -onsumer e-onom, ;ith burgeoning middle -lass pie.

    7n su-h a ;idespread, diverse mar6etpla-e, Nirma aptl -on-entrated all its efforts to;ards

    -reating and building a strong -onsumer preferen-e to;ards its Hvalue%for%moneE produ-ts.

    No;, the ear )""4 sees NirmaEs annual sales tou-h #"",""" tones, ma6ing it one of

    the largest volume sales ;ith a single brand name in the ;orld. @oo6ing at the ?M'& snergies,

    Nirma stepped into toilet soaps relativel late in +>>" but this did not deter it to a-hieve a

    volume of +"",""" per annum. his ma6es Nirma the largest detergent and the se-ond largest

    toilet soap brand in 7ndia ;ith mar6et share of *#O and )"O respe-tivel.

    SUR, E?CE+

    Surf :-el is -urrentl running t;o -ampaigns riding on the popularit of the $aag A-he 9ain

    F $irt is goodG -ampaign.he ne; -ampaign too stri6es a -hord ;ith the -onsumers. 'ontinuing

    ;ith the earlier -ampaign, the ne; ad features t;o 6ids ta6ing a Puddle fight to distra-t their

    fighting parents fighting over a -ar -ollision. he voi-e over sas ifsome thing good happens

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    be-ause of dirt then $irt is &ood. A--ording to a report in agen-fa2s, the -reative team had a

    tough tas6 in -ontinuing a -lassi- -ampaign and no doubt the have been ver su--essful.

    he se-ond -ampaign ta6es a -ue from the Corld -up. he ad features a group of 6ids preparing

    for Corld 'up )"+.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx




    Sunlight 9industan @ever @td. $o-tor



    SunlightF-a6eG 9industan @ever @td. 9ipolin



    Surf%ltra Fpo;derG 9industan @ever @td. ?ena


    .'he-6 Fpo;derG 9en6el Spi- 7ndia @td. $hara


    .Chite Fpo;derG Rebit and 'olman 7ndia @td. $ate

    ++. 3imFpo;derG 9industan @ever @td. $ot+)


    Rebit and 'olman of 7ndia




    'olin Rebit and 'olmen 7ndia @td. some of the soaps



    Bri-6s 9en6el Spi- 7ndia @td. of the lo-al industries.

    0)R6R$-.G S$R)$EG-ES ", )++ $*E 0)#"R !+)ERS7

    Chen Pro-ter8 &amble 7ndia FP8&G entered the detergent ,mar6et of 7ndia at the beginning of

    the +>>"s, the mar6et had /ust -almed do;n after a de-ade long battle bet;een 9@@Es Surf and

    Nirma of Nirma 'hemi-als. hough there ;ere man detergent brands in the mar6et $et, Ke,

    Pont, 'hase, 3imal, 3i/a, Adhuni6, Plus, 9ipolene, e/, Ma(da ,San(ar , et- Surf remained the

    leader and Nirma the -hallenger. 'hoosing the pri-e -ons-ious, lo;er segment as its mar6et and

    ta6ing advantage of the -on-essions as an SS7 unit, Nirma 'hemi-als offered a lo;%pri-ed brand

    and promoted it aggressivel. 9@@ had to defend Surf ;ith all its might. he -ompan stepped

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    up its promotion of Surf, reling heavil on aspe-ts li6e 2ualit and value for mone. 7n addition,

    9@@ introdu-ed a lo; pri-ed brand, Cheel, and positioned it dire-tl against Nirma in the same

    segment. 9@@ also introdu-ed Sunlight detergent po;der, a brand etension of its Sunlight

    ;ashing soap ta6ing advantage of its time tested brand image. Yet, ;ithin a fe; ears, Nirma

    garnered a share of * per -ent of the mar6et and literall shoo6 9industan @ever. he latter had

    been the mar6et leader for ears ;ithout an signifi-ant -hallenge ;hatsoever. Also, b then the

    detergents mar6et of 7ndia had gro;n into aRs +,#"" -rore mar6et. 7t ;as into this mar6et that

    P8& entered ;ith its Ariel as a dire-t -ontestant against Surf. 7n fa-t, the P8&%9@@ battle

    finall turned out to be one of the ma/or mar6eting en-ounters of the +>>"s. P8& and @ever, the

    rivals around the ;orld, ;ere no; -ombating on 7ndian ground.

    9o; did P8& go about mar6eting ArielD Chat mar6eting strateg did P8& emploD P8&

    See6s leadership position in the industrJ P8& laid do;n its mar6eting strateg in respe-t of

    ArielJ P8& aims at ma6ing Ariel the leading detergent brand of 7ndia, s2uarel -onfronting the

    eiting mar6et leader, 9industan @ever, and its leading brand, Surf. >", positioning it

    dire-tl against 9@@Es Surf.

    E$ERGE.$S U.ER SCRU$-.

    he virtuall unregulated use of pollutant -hemi-als in the 7ndian detergent industr is a situation

    that needs to be 2ui-6l reversed, sas oi-s @in6.

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    oda, 7ndia has a diverse range of detergents available off the shelf. he annual -onsumption of

    detergents in 7ndia ranges to hundreds of thousands of tonnes. he formal se-tor ;ith its

    in-reasing abilit to influen-e -onsumers via advertisements is epanding its mar6et share

    aggressivel. he detergent mar6et has evolved into a highl -ompetitive one ;here a mriad

    brands vie ;ith ea-h other to get the -ustomersL attention. :a-h brand -laims to -lean ;hiter,

    boasting of te-hnologi-all dubious terms su-h as fighting granules, po;er pearls, et-.

    etergents and hea'th

    $etergents are household -hemi-al -leaning -ompounds used for laundering and dish;ashing.

    he -ontain ;etting agents and emulsifiers, based on non%soap sntheti- surfa-tants. Sntheti-

    detergent po;ders -onsist of surfa-e%a-tive agents, builders and fillers. 7n addition the have

    additives li6e anti re%deposition agents, opti-al fibre brighteners F;hitening agentsG, bluing

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    agents, blea-hing agents, foam regulators, organi- se2uestering agents, en(mes, perfumers, and

    substan-es that regulate the densit and assure -rispness of the material the are used on.

    A stud done to understand the 7ndian -onsumers 6no;ledge of harmful effe-ts of detergents on

    health and environment, sho;ed that ==.! per-ent of respondents had eperien-ed some 6inds of

    s6in irritation due to detergents.

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    biolog at the 'anadianniversit of &uelph, the main problem is that of phosphate%based

    detergents promoting eurtrophi-ation of a2uati- environments.

    :utrophi-ation or Nutrient pollution is a pro-ess b ;hi-h ;ater bodies graduall age and

    be-ome more produ-tive. An natural pro-ess li6e this might ta6e thousands of ears to progress

    but human a-tivities a--elerate this pro-ess tremendousl. he presen-e of e-essive plant

    nutrients -auses pollution of ;ater bodies. hese plant nutrients are supplied primaril in the

    form of phosphorus, nitrogen and -arbon to ;ater bodies in various ;as. Se;age perhaps is a

    parti-ular sour-e of phosphorus ;hen detergents -ontaining large amounts of phosphates are

    drained during ;ashing. he algal boom leads to -onsumption of the ogen dissolved in ;ater,

    -reating hpoi-, and at times, near anoi- situation. his -an lead to e-essive eutrophi-ation

    that 6ills the fish, -ause odour and in-rease pathogeni- animals.

    Seasona' impacts

    Run%off of phosphates into ;ater streams is not onl due to detergents, but also due to fertili(ers

    and manures. ?indings sho; that during the dr seasons ;hen the run%off from agri-ulture is

    virtuall (ero, and manure run%off is do;n to one fifth of the total annual rate, detergents are

    responsible for additional loadings of rivers b about =.* per -ent ;hi-h poses signifi-ant

    eutrophi-ation impa-t ris6s. 7n 7ndia, it is not un-ommon to see ponds, la6es and part of rivers

    -ho6ing ;ith algae or other a2uati- plants. 7n the 7ndian -ontet, this is a grim situation sin-e

    these ;ater bodies are the primar sour-es of ;ater for a large se-tion of the population.

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    $he etergent -ndustry

    $etergent industr refuses to ta6e an a-tion due to a la-6 of mandator legislations. As a

    proa-tive response to environment ris6s as result of in-reasing levels of phosphates, the industr

    needs to redu-e the perilousl high phosphate levels of *" per -ent to far lo;er numbers.

    7ndustr representatives have de-lined to do so on grounds that the amount of phosphate used in

    northern -ountries is higher as -ompared to that in 7ndia. he fa-t is that 7ndia relies onl on

    Se;age reatment Plants FSPsG ;hi-h are not full fun-tional even in metropolitan -ities unli6e

    northern -ountries ;here SPs are installed for ever fe; households. 7ndustr ought to label its

    produ-ts voluntaril for -ontaining phosphate so that it -an be left to the -onsumer to de-ide.

    A--ording to Prof. Kaushi-6 stri-t regulations in North Ameri-a and :urope ma6es it mandator

    for the multinational detergent industr to produ-e detergents ;ith nominal phosphate -ontent

    For even phosphate%free detergentG. he same industr absolves itself of this responsibilit in

    7ndia, ;here it manufa-tures detergents ;ith a high phosphate -ontent. he industr vehementl

    opposes an regulation of phosphate use in detergents. 7t is not prepared to indi-ate the

    per-entage phosphate -ontent on detergent pa-6ages.

    %etter options : Eco:friend'y househo'd c'eaning powders

    An environmentall superior detergent is the one that ma6es use of lesser -hemi-al ingredients.

    he toi-it of detergents de-reases b non%addition of additives li6e perfumes, -olour and

    brightening agents. Minimal pa-6aging -an also redu-e environmental harm substantiall.

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    Sntheti- surfa-tants ma be repla-ed b non%petro-hemi-al surfa-tants or vegetable oil soapsI

    builders li6e phosphates -an be repla-ed b sodium -itrate and sodium bi-arbonateI des and

    fragran-es -an be eliminated or minimi(ed. ?or a simple formula to ma6e our o;n detergent,

    ;rite to oi-s @in6.

    $etergent use -an never be a totall non%polluting a-tivit. he -onsumer needs to be informed

    that the smaller detergent produ-ts -an also be the least polluting ones. 'onsumers must press for

    implementation of labeling standards and regulation so that the ma avail of environmentall

    friendl -hoi-es. sing Lgreen detergentsL that do not -ontain non%essential additives li6e

    perfumes, -olour and brightening agents in minimal pa-6aging ;ill go a long ;a in ensuring a

    -leaner and healthier environment.

    mailto:[email protected],%[email protected]?subject=Making%20eco-detergentsmailto:[email protected],%[email protected]?subject=Making%20eco-detergents
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  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx



  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Chapter :1

    Research 0ethodo'ogy

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Research 0ethodo'ogy

    Resear-h methodolog is a s-ientifi- ;a to solve resear-h problem. 7t ma be understood as a

    s-ien-e of studing ho; resear-h is doing s-ientifi-all. 7n it ;e stud various steps that are

    general adopted b resear-hers in studing their resear-h problem.

    Research design

    Plan for a stud that is used as a guide in -olle-ting and anal(ing of data. Resear-h design

    mainl follo;ing tpes

    + :plorator resear-h) $es-riptive resear-h

    * :perimental resear-h

    3 E@p'oratory research

    7t is preliminar stud of an unfamiliar problem about ;hi-h the resear-her has title or no

    6no;ledge. it is similar to a do-torEs initial investigation of patient suffering from and

    unfamiliar melod for getting some -lues for identifing it.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    ) escripti&e research

    $es-riptive resear-h is a fa-t%finding investigation ;ith ade2uate interpretation. 7t is simplest

    tpe of resear-h. 7t is more spe-ifi- than an eplorator stud as it has fo-us on parti-ular

    aspe-ts or dimensions of problem studied. 7t is designed to gather des-riptive information

    provides information for formulating more sophisti-ated studies.

    8 E@perimenta' research

    here are various phenomena su-h as motivation, produ-tivit, development and operational

    effi-ien- ;hi-h is influen-ed b various variable on a phenomenon. his need has given rise

    to eperimental resear-h.


    7 have use the des-riptive stud in this resear-h.

    Samp'ing $echniAues "r 0ethods

    Sampling te-hni2ues of method is -lassified into t;o tpes

    + Probabilit sampling

    ) Non%probabilit sampling

    3 !robabi'ity samp'ing

    he probabilit sampling is the based on the theor of probabilit. 7t is also 6no;n as random

    sampling. 7t provide 6no;n non%(ero -han-e of sele-tion for ea-h population it element. 7n

    the probabilit sampling ever population has e2ual -han-e of being sele-ted.

    1 .on:probabi'ity samp'ing

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    7t is not based on the theor of probabilit it is also -alled non random sampling. his

    sampling does not provide a -han-e of sele-tion of ea-h population element the onl merits

    of this tpe of sampling are simpli-it, -onvenien-e and lo; -ost.


    Ce adopt the probabilit sampling te-hni2ues in this resear-h

    ata Co''ection $echniAues

    + Primar data) Se-ondar data

    3 !rimary ata

    Primar data are dire-tl -olle-ted b the resear-her from their original sour-es. 7n this -ase,

    resear-her -an -olle-t the re2uired data pre-isel a--ording to the resear-h needs, he -an -olle-t

    them ;hen he ;ants them and in the form of he needs them. But -olle-tion of primar data is

    -ostl and time -onsuming. here are various sour-es of primar data observation, intervie;ing,

    mail surve, eperimentation et-.

    1 Secondary ata

    Se-ondar data are those data ;hi-h have been alread -olle-ted and analsed b some earlier

    agen- for its o;n use, and later the same data and are used b a different agen-. 7ts sour-es are

    ma be -lassified as internal sour-e and eternal sour-e.


    7 have use the primar data in our surve.

    Samp'ing size%

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    he sampling si(e of the stud of +"" units.


    %B )$) C"++EC$-". 0E$*"

    !R-0)R SEC".)R

    $ire-t personal 7ntervie;

    7ndire-t personal 7ntervie;

    7nformation from -orrespondents &ovt. publi-ation

    Mailed 2uestionnaire Report 'ommittees 8 'ommissions

    Question filled b enumerators. Private Publi-ation

    Resear-h institute




  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Chapter :8

    ata )na'ysis



  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :+. $o ou user of detergent or barD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    Yes +"" +""ONo "" ""O

    $ota' 322 322D

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Yes No














    User of detergent or bar


    After the surve the resear-her found that +""O respondent use detergent and bar.


    he above analsis sho;s that all of the respondents use detergent and bar.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :). Chi-h produ-t generall ou useD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    $etergent *# *#O

    Bar )) ))O

    Both 4" 4"O

    $ota' 322 322D

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Detergent Bar Both













    Product generally you use


    After the surve the resear-her found that *#O respondent use detergent and ))O respondents

    use bar and 4"O respondents use both.


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents use both detergent and bar..

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :*. Chi-h Brand of ;ashing po;derbar do ou useD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    &hari )) ))O

    Rin +# +#O

    Cheel )" )"O

    ide += +=O

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Ghari Rin Wheel Tide ther











    Brand of washing powder/bar do you use


    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent use &hari Brand of ;ashing

    po;derbar, +#O respondent use Rin Brand of ;ashing po;derbar, )"O respondent use ;heel

    Brand of ;ashing po;derbar, +=O respondent use ide Brand of ;ashing po;derbar, and )*O

    respondent use other Brand of ;ashing po;derbar


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents use other Brand of ;ashing po;derbar.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :4. ?rom ;hi-h sour-e ou get the information about detergentbarD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    . elevision 4* 4*O

    Ne;spaper +* +*O

    Shop6eeper + +O

    ?riends +" +"O


    $ota' 322 322D

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    ! Tele#ision Ne$saer &ho'eeer (riends ther0%













    nfor!ation source about detergent/bar


    After the surve the resear-her found that 4*O respondent get information from .3., +*O

    respondent get information from Ne;spaper, +O respondent get information from Shop 6eeper,

    +"O respondent get information from ?riends and +>O respondent get information from

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :. Chi-h -ompanies provide more variet and s-hemesD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    &hari +) ))O

    Rin *) *)OCheel )" )"O

    ide += +=O

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3 4 5















    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent sa &hari 'ompan provide more

    variet and s-hemes, *)O respondent sa Rin 'ompan provide more variet and s-hemes, )"O

    respondent sa ;heel 'ompan provide more variet and s-hemes, +=O respondent sa ide

    'ompan provide more variet and s-hemes, and )*O respondent sa

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :!. 7n ;hat 2uantit do ou bu ;ashing po;derbarD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    +"" &.g. )) ))O

    )" &.m. +# +#O

    "" &.m )" )"O+ K.g. += +=O

    ) K.g. )* )*O

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3 4 5 6













    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent +"" gram 2uantit bu ;ashing

    po;derbar, +#O respondent )" gram 2uantit bus ;ashing po;derbar, )"O respondent ""

    gram 2uantit bus ;ashing po;derbar, +=O respondent + K.&. 2uantit bus ;ashing

    po;derbar, )*O respondent ) K.&. 2uantit bus ;ashing po;derbar, ""O respondent other

    2uantit bus ;ashing po;derbar.


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent ) K.&. 2uantit bus ;ashing po;derbar.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :=. 9o; often ou bu ;ashing po;derbarD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    $ail )) ))O

    Cee6l +# +#O

    Monthl !" !"O

    $ota' 322 322D

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3











    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent dail bu ;ashing po;derbar, +#O

    respondent ;ee6l bu ;ashing po;derbar, and !"O respondent monthl bu ;ashing



    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents monthl bu ;ashing po;derbar.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :#. Chat 2uantit of detergent po;der and bar generall ou -onsumesuse in a monthD

    Po;der sing Per-entage Bar sing Per-entage

    +"" &.m +) 4"O "%! +) 4"O

    )" &.m *"O !%> *"O

    "" &.m ) )"O >%+) ) )"O+ K.g. + +"O +)%+ + +"O


  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    100 G!) 250 G!) 500 G!) 1 *!g!















    1 2 3 4















    After the surve the resear-her found that 4"O respondent use +) ,+""gram detergent po;ders

    and "%! bar, *"O respondent use ,)"gram detergent po;ders and !%> bar, )"O respondent use

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    ,""gram detergent po;ders and >%+) bar, and +"O respondent use +,+ K.&. detergent po;ders

    and +)%+ bar.


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent use +) ,+""gram detergent po;ders and "%

    ! bar.

    :>. ?rom ;here do ou li6e to bu our ;ashing po;derD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    9per mar6et )) ))O

    Retail store in sopping +# +#O

    Kirana store 4" 4"O

    9ome deliver +) +)O

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3 4 5
















    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from

    hper mar6et, +#O respondent li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from retail store, 4"O respondent

    li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from 6irana store, +)O respondent li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from

    home deliver, and #O respondent li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from other ;a.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx



    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from 6irana


    :+".Chi-h fa-tor ouEre regarding preferen-e detergentbarD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    Pri-e +# +#O

    Qualit )) ))O

    S-hemes # #O

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3 4 5
















    After the surve the resear-her found that+#O respondent sa regarding pri-e fa-tor preferen-e

    detergentbar, ))O respondent sa regarding 2ualit fa-tor preferen-e detergentbar, #O

    respondent sa regarding s-heme fa-tor preferen-e detergentbar, +)O respondent sa regarding

    other fa-tor preferen-e detergentbar, and 4"O respondent sa regarding advertisement fa-tor

    preferen-e detergentbar.


  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent sas regarding advertisement fa-tor

    preferen-e detergentbar.

    :++7Rate our preferen-e regarding detergentbarD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    Pri-e ) ))O

    Qualit + 4"O

    Safet * +#O

    Nose #O

    Availabilit 4 +)O

    $ota' 322 322D

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3 4 5
















    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent ran6ed )nd for the pri-e of

    detergentbar, 4"O respondent ran6ed +st for the 2ualit of detergentbar, +#O respondent ran6ed

    *rd for the safet of detergentbar, #O respondent ran6ed th for the nose of detergentbar, and

    +)O respondent ran6ed 4th for the availabilit of detergentbar.


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent ran6ed +st for the 2ualit of detergentbar

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :+).Chat is the satisfa-tion level of ;ith our prefer brandD

    !articu'ar .o of respondent !ercentage

    9ighl Satisfied )) +4O

    Satisfied 4" "O

    9ighl dissatisfied # #O$issatisfied +# +#O

    $ota' 322 322D

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    1 2 3 4

















    After the surve the resear-her found that))O respondent 9ighl Satisfied ;ith prefer brand,

    "O respondent Satisfied ;ith prefer brand, +#O respondent dissatisfied ;ith prefer brand, and

    #O respondent highl dissatisfied ;ith prefer brand.


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent Satisfied ;ith prefer brand.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    ?7N$7N&S After the surve the resear-her found that +""O respondent use detergent and bar.

    After the surve the resear-her found that *#O respondent use detergent and ))O

    respondents use bar and 4"O respondents use both. After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent use &hari Brand of ;ashing

    po;derbar, +#O respondent use Rin Brand of ;ashing po;derbar, )"O respondent use

    ;heel Brand of ;ashing po;derbar, +=O respondent use ide Brand of ;ashing

    po;derbar, and )*O respondent use other Brand of ;ashing po;derbar After the surve the resear-her found that 4*O respondent get information from .3.,

    +*O respondent get information from Ne;spaper, +O respondent get information from

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    Shop 6eeper, +"O respondent get information from ?riends and +>O respondent get

    information from

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    After the surve the resear-her found that ))O respondent ran6ed ) nd for the pri-e of

    detergentbar, 4"O respondent ran6ed +st for the 2ualit of detergentbar, +#O respondent

    ran6ed *rd for the safet of detergentbar, #O respondent ran6ed th for the nose of

    detergentbar, and +)O respondent ran6ed 4th for the availabilit of detergentbar. After the surve the resear-her found that))O respondent 9ighl Satisfied ;ith prefer

    brand, "O respondent Satisfied ;ith prefer brand, +#O respondent dissatisfied ;ith

    prefer brand, and #O respondent highl dissatisfied ;ith prefer brand. After the surve the resear-her found that 4"O respondent use +) ,+""gram detergent

    po;ders and "%! bar, *"O respondent use ,)"gram detergent po;ders and !%> bar,

    )"O respondent use ,""gram detergent po;ders and >%+) bar, and +"O respondent use

    +,+ K.&. detergent po;ders and +)%+ bar.


    he liberali(ation and globali(ation of 7ndian e-onom has ta6en pla-e almost a de-ade ago, the

    fo-us point in an organi(ation is 0'ustomer satisfa-tion1. he phase su-h as 0'ustomer is 6ing

    in our business1, 0servi-e to -ustomer is servi-e to god1 are no more a mth but turned out to be

    a realit. 'ustomer satisfa-tion is the base of an business epansion be-ause of the stiff

    -ompetition prevalent in the mar6et.

    Chether the buer is satisfied after the pur-hase depends on the offerEs performan-e in relation

    to the buerEs epe-tation. 7n generalI satisfa-tion is a personEs feeling of pleasure or

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    disappointment resulting from -omparing a produ-tEs per-eived performan-e F or out-omeG in

    relation to his or her epe-tation.

    As this definition ma6es -lear, satisfa-tion is a fun-tion of per-eived performan-e and

    epe-tation. 7f the performan-e falls short of epe-tations, the -ustomer is dissatisfied. 7f the

    performan-e mat-hes the epe-tations the -ustomer is satisfied.

    A--ording the surve of m pro/e-t that is the -on-lusionsJ%

    he above analsis sho;s that all of the respondents use detergent and bar.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents use both detergent and bar.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents use other Brand of ;ashing


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents get information from .3.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent sa Rin 'ompan provide more

    variet and s-hemes.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent ) K.&. 2uantit bus ;ashing


  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondents monthl bu ;ashing po;derbar.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent li6e to bu ;ashing po;der from

    6irana store. he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent sas regarding advertisement

    fa-tor preferen-e detergentbar.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent ran6ed + st for the 2ualit of


    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent Satisfied ;ith prefer brand.

    he above analsis sho;s that most of the respondent use +), +""gram detergent

    po;ders and "%! bar.

    UES$-".)-REear Respondent(

    Mself %hupendraada& pursuing B.B.A. at .:.R.7. P.&. &9A7PR. 7 see6 our

    responses and 6ind -o%operation for the purpose of m surve pro/e-t report.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx



    ).6 "U



    $7E7R7-7 !7G7 Co''ege Ghazipur



    :+. $o ou user of detergent or barDa.es b.No

    :). Chi-h produ-t generall ou useD

    a. $etergent b. Bar

    -. Both

    :*. Chi-h Brand of ;ashing po;derbar do ou useDa. &hari b.Rin

    -. Cheel d.idee.

  • 7/26/2019 231627938 Detergent Docx


    :+".Chi-h fa-tor ouEre regarding preferen-e detergentbarD

    a. Pri-e b. Qualit

    -. Advertisement d. S-hemese.