23 Juli 2011, Ny M, Closed Multiple Fracture Distal Os Fibula Dextra + Closed Fr. Distal Os Tibia...

EMERGENCY CASE REPORT July 26 th 2011 Steffi 2009.061.185 ER physician : Budi, MD Supervisor : Iwan, MD, Surgeon

Transcript of 23 Juli 2011, Ny M, Closed Multiple Fracture Distal Os Fibula Dextra + Closed Fr. Distal Os Tibia...

EMERGENCY CASE REPORTJuly 26th 2011ER physician : Budi, MD Supervisor : Iwan, MD, Surgeon

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IDENTITY Name Age : Mrs. M : 23 years old : Saturday, July 23th 2011, 18.00 Time of the event Sent by : taxi

Time of admission : Saturday, July 23th 2011, 18.15 Prehospital treatment : - Chief complaint : o Pain at right leg Additional complainto Open wound on right leg


universal precautions : latex gloves


Airway with cervical control

A. B.

Cervical Immobilization:1. Collar :2. LSB :-

Airway AssesSuction Guedel Endotrakeal :::-

Patient can talk clear and spontaneously Airway Clear 18.16

Breathing and VentilationLook Spontaneus breathing deformity , retraction , symmetrical hemithorax movement Cyanosis -, difficulty in breathing Feel Air blown from nose Listen Vesiculair, rhonci -/-, wheezing -/ RR= 24x/min Breathing clear : 18.17

CirculationASSES : Pulse : 84 X / mnt Blood Pressure : 110/70 mmHg Signs of shock : (-)

Circulation clear : 18.20

DisabilityGCS :E4M6V5 = 15 since arrival Pupil :Symmetric, round, 3mm/3mm, Light Reflex +/+ Motoric : 5555 5555 ???5 5555

Exposure Axilar temperature : 36,9 C


History of present illness 20 minutes before the admission patient has an accident when she was walking across the street, a motorcycle bumped her and she fell at her left side limb hiting the asphalt first The motorcycle scratched her right leg so theres an open wound on her right leg After the event she complained the pain on right leg and it got worse when it being moved

History Taking Alergic : denied Medication : denied Past illness : denied Last meal : 2 hrs before admission Event : accident

Physical Examination General condition : in pain. Consciousness : GCS 15, E4M6V5 BP : 110/70 mmHg Pulse : 84 bpm RR : 24 x/m Temperature : 36.9 C

Physical Examination (2)

HEADEyes : conjunctiva not anemic, sclera not icteric, isocor , round, 3 / 3 mm , light reflex + /+ Nose, mouth, ears within normal limit Neck : trachea in the middle, no lymph node palpable

Physical Examination (3)




: symmetric in static and dynamic, Inspection swelling(-), hematome(-), open wound(-) : left and right stem fremitus equal, Palpation crepitation (-) : sonor on both side Percusion Auscultation : vesicular, rhonki -/- , wheezing -/ Inspection : ictus cordis not seen : ictus cordis palpable at ICS V left Palpation midclavicular line Percussion :

Left : left midclavicular line Upper : ICS II Right : right sternal line : heart sound regular, murmur (-), gallop Auscultation (-)

Physical Examination (4)

Abdomen: Inspection : convex, no lesion Auscultation : Bowel sound +; 6 x/min Palpation : tender, pain (-) , liver and spleen arent palpable Percussion : tympanic in all quadrant

Pelvic : deformity (-), pain (-) Genital : not checked Extremities upper, lowerleft : within normal limit

Right Leg I : Visible deformity of the right leg(+), swelling (+), blood (-), hematom (-)

Local status

An open wound 17cm x 15cm x 3cm on right leg, irregular shaped, irregular border, muscle based, pain (+), bleeding (+)


P : Tenderness (+), crepitation (+), ROM limited, warm, cap.refill