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    This trainer has been designed with a view to provide practical and experimental knowledge of Pulse Code

    Modulation technique as practically implemented in Digital Communication systems on a SINGLE P.C.B.


    1. Power supply requirement : 230V AC, 50 Hz.

    2. Built in IC based power supply.

    3. On Board Sampling Pulse signal generator.

    Frequency Range - Fast Mode : 1.2 to 1.4 MHzFrequency Range - Slow Mode : 0.8 Hz to 1.2 HZ

    4. Built in variable DC power supply (0 to+ 5V) to see the effect of DC on the output waveform.

    5. On Board Input Audio amplifier with Volume control for modulating external signal from Mike or Tape


    6. On Board Output Audio amplifier with speaker & Volume Control.

    7. LED indicators for PCM output bits.

    8. Modulator Sections : Ramp Generator, Comparator,

    Parallel to serial converter.

    9. Demodulator Sections : Serial to parallel converter, Latch,D/A converter and Low Pass Filter.

    10. Standard Accessories : 1. A Training Manual.

    2. Connecting Patch cords.

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    In continuous wave (CW) modulation, some parameter of a sinusoidal carrier wave is varied continuously inaccordance with the message. In contrast with this, in pulse modulation, some parameter of a regular pulse train

    is varied in accordance with the message. One may distinguish two basic types of pulse modulation, namely,

    pulse-analogue modulation and pulse-code modulation. In the former, a periodic pulse train is used as the carrierwave, and some characteristic feature of each pulse (e.g.emplitude duration or position) is varied in a continuous

    manner in accordance with the pertinent sample value of the message signal. On the other hand, in pulse code

    modulation (PCM), a discrete-time, discrete amplitude representation is used for the signal and, as such, it has noCW counterpart. In a PCM system, the message signal is sampled and the amplitude of each sample is rounded

    off to the nearest one of a finite set of allowable values and the rounded values are coded.

    (i) PCM

    The essential operations on the transmitter of a PCM system are sampling, quantising and encoding, as

    shown in Fig. 1. The quantising and encoding operations are usually performed in the same circuit. The encoded

    output is the PCM signal. The PCM pulses get distorted & corrupted with noise in the transmission. The receiverregenerates these impaired signal pulses, decodes and filters to reproduce the message signal.

    (i i) Sampling

    The incoming message wave is sampled with a train of narrow rectangular pulses so as to closely approxi-mate the instantaneous sampling process. In order to ensure perfect reconstruction of the message at the receiver,

    the sampling rate must be greater than twice the highest frequency component wm of the message wave. In

    practice, a low-pass filter is used at the front end of the sampler in order to exclude frequencies greater than w mbefore sampling.

    (i i i) Quantizing

    A continuous signal, such as voice, has within its finite amplitude range, an infinite number of amplitudelevels. However, in PCM one retains only a finite number of discrete levels by using quantisation. This introduce

    some error in the signal. This is called quantisation error or quantisation noise. This means that the original

    continuous signal may be approximated by a signal constructed of discrete amplitudes selected on a minimum

    error basis from an available set. Clearly if one assigns the discrete amplitude levels with sufficiently close

    spacing, one can make the approximated signal practically indistinguishable from the original continuous signal.

    Graphically, the quantising process means that a straight line representing the relation between input and

    output of a linear continuous system is replaced by a staircase characteristic as in Fig.2.

    The quantising error consists of the difference between the input and output signals of the quantizer. It is

    apparent that the maximum instantaneous value of this error is half of the separation between two adjacent

    permissible amplitude levels.

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    (iv) Encoding

    The quantised sample values are coded. Any plan for representing each of this discrete set of values as a

    particular arrangement of discrete event in a code is called a code One of the discrete events in a code is called a

    code element or symbol. In a binary code, each symbol may be either of two distinct values or kinds, such as the presence or absence of a pulse. The two symbols of a binary code results in the maximum advantage over the

    effects of noise in a transmission medium. It is also easy to regenerate.With an n bit (binary digit) binary code, one can represent a total of 2 n distinct numbers. There are several ways

    by which binary symbols 1 and 0 can be represented by electrical signals. These constitute the PCM signal.

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    (i) Decoding

    At the receiver, the received PCM pulses may be reshaped. The reshaped clean pulses are regrouped into

    code words in the receiver and decoded into a quantised PCM signal. The decoding process involves generating a pulse the amplitude of which is the linear sum of all the pulses in the code word, each pulse weighted by its

    place-value (20, 21,22,2 3,....for a binary code) in the code.

    (i i) Filtering

    The final operation in the receiving is to recover the signal wave by passing the decoder output through a

    low-pass reconstruction filter whose cut off frequency is equal to the message bandwidth wm. Assuming that thetransmission path is error free, the recovered signal includes no noise with the exception of the initial distortion

    introduced by the quantisation process.

    (i i i) Quantising Noise

    As mentioned earlier, quantising noise is produced in the transmitter end of a PCM system by rounding off

    the sampled values of a continuous base band signal to the nearest permitted quantising levels. For a Quantising

    process, let the step size be unifor m and equal to S volts. It is cl ear from Fig. 2 that if qe denotes the value of the

    error produced by the quantising process, with a random input signal, the quantising error is a random variable

    which is bounded by -S/2 = q e = S/2. It can also be shown that the mean squared value of the quantising noise q eis S2/12. When the message signal has uniform probability distribution over each setup size.

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    The PCM Modulation and Demodulation System consist of following sections.

    1. Modulating Audio Signal Generator

    2. Sampling Pulse Generator

    3. PCM Modulator (Encoder) section4. Power supply.

    (1) Modulating Audio Signal Generator section :-

    IC 8038 - waveform generator - is used generate sine wave signal. 10K Pot is used to vary its frequency. The

    frequency range is 300 Hz to 3.4Khz. Two 100K presets are adjusted for proper peaks of sine wave signal. 1K

    preset is used to adjust duty cycle. The sine wave output signal available at pin 2 of IC 8038 is given to IC 356

    through Amplitude pot for amplification. The amplified sinewave signal from pin 6 of IC 356 is then available atSINE O/P terminal. 22k Pot is used to vary the amplitude of Sine wave signal. The output amplitude varies

    from 0 to 15Vpp.

    (2). Sampling Pulse Generator:-

    The function of this stage to generate sampling pulses. The basic clock is generated by NOT gates made from

    NAND gates (IC 4011). The clock frequency depends on R-C network selected by Switch and it can be varied by

    frequency pot. On FAST position the clock frequency available is 1.1 MHz to 1.4 MHz while selecting SLOW position 1 to 2 Hz clock is available. This sampling clock (1.28MHz) is then given to counter IC (4040) in

    modulator section.

    (3) Study of PCM Modulator (Encoder) section

    The 1.28 MHz sampling clock from sampling pulse generator is applied to binary counter IC - 4040. Assuming3 bit/4 bit - bit select switch in the 4 bit position, then the output signals of 4040 counter viz. Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5 (at

    pins 2,3,5 and 6) are current weighted by resistors 10K, 22K, 39K & 82K and are summed in resistor 1K5 to

    produce Ramp waveform of 16 steps. (This ramp waveform can be observed at RAMP o/p socket.) The ramp issymmetrical about 0 volt. The modulating analog signal is connected at input connector from Audi sine wave

    generator section. This modulating signal is buffered by buffer IC 741 & applied to one input of comparator

    IC529 at pin 3 through 15K resistor. The ramp waveform is connected to other input of comparator 529 at pin 4.

    The comparator output is +6 V so long as the input voltage exceeds the ramp voltage, but when this situation isreversed the output changes to 0V. These two levels are converted to those acceptable by the remainder of the

    circuit, which operates with thresholds of + 2.4 V, by Zener (2.7V Zener).

    The output of comparator is strobed by AND gate (IC 4081 pin 8,9,10), which derives its other, input

    from AND gate (IC 4081 pin 13,12,11). This occurs once for every step of the ramp. So long as the comparatoroutput is high the st robe cause o/p at pin 10 (4081) to go high so th at the data presented at inpu ts D0, D1, D2, D3

    of latch (IC 4042 pin 4, 7, 13, 14) is latched to the outputs Q0', Q1', Q2', Q3' (IC 4042 pin 2,1 0, 11, 1). However,

    when the ramp voltage exceeds the input and the comparator goes low, the latch ceases to be clocked and the previous digital number is stored. When the counter is full, all inputs to NAND gate (IC 4068) are high & the

    output goes low (pin 13 of 4068), consequently the Enable input of Shift register (IC 4021 pin 9) goes high and

    the parallel data present on inputs P0-P7 (IC 4021 pin 5,10,13,14) are loaded. This data is PCM 4 bit data and are

    given to NOT gates (IC 4049) for display on LED as well as these data are clocked at pin 3 in serial form, the

    clock signal being taken from the Q1 output of Counter (IC 4040 pin 7). This serial data forms the PCM output

    and is available at PCM o/p socket. A synchronization output is provided to assist in viewing the PCM outputwith CRO Operation of bit select switch selects 3-bit operation by providing a permanently low fourth bit. Here

    logic 1 is +6 Volt and logic 0 is -6 Volt. The PCM data streams consist of two guard bits (Low), four data

    bits (High or low as per input signal), two guard bits (Low) and eight-bit long Sync pulse (High).

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    (4) Power supply section:-

    The regulated power supply is used for different supply voltages.

    Following output D.C. Voltages are required to operate PCM Modulation demodulation system.

    +15V, 250mA-15V, 250mA

    + 6V, 500mA

    - 6V, 500mA,

    Three terminal regulators are used for different output voltages i.e.

    IC 7815 for +15V,

    IC 7915 for -15V,IC 7806 for +6V,

    IC 7906 for -6V,

    These ICs are supplied different dc input voltages by two Bridge rectifiers consisting of D1-D4 and D5-D8 &

    two 1000/25 EC and 1000/10 EC. The capacitors at each input & each output are for filtering purpose.

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    The PCM Demodulation System consist of following sections.

    1. Pulse Code Demodulator (Decoder) section

    2. Low pass filter

    3. Power supply.

    (1) Study of PCM Demodulator (Decoder) section

    The decoder also incorporates a sampling clock made of NAND gates ( IC 4011). This clock is gated by the

    sync detector consisting of IC 3140 (used as comparator) and transistor Q1 (2N2907A). When the PCM input is

    high Q1 is turned OFF and capacitor C1- 560pf charges through resistor R1 - 33K, when the PCM input is low,Q1 conducts discharging C1-560pf. The time constant C1 & R1 is selected so that the voltage on the comparator

    (IC 3140) reaches the threshold set by two 33K resistors at pin 2 of 3140 after six consecutive high pulses. When

    the threshold is reached (during the sync pulse only), the comparator output goes low and inhibits the clock. At

    the end of the sync pulse C1 is discharged, the comparator output returns to the high state, the clock starts andthe counter 4040 is reset. The clock output is divided by two by the D flip flop 4013. (Divided o/p is available at

    pin 1 of IC 4013.) This divided clock is regated by AND gate (IC 4081 pin 1,2,3) to form relatively narrow clock

    pulses with their leading edge delayed (delay time is decided by 4K7 and 33pf ) from the PCM data transition by

    half a pulse width. This pulse is further gated by AND gate (IC 4081 pin 4,5,6) and is used to clock the shiftresister (IC 4015). The counter 4040 and inverter (IC 4011 pin 8, 9,10) allow eight clock pulses to occur before

    AND gate (IC 4081 pin 4,5,6) is inhibited. Thus the two sets of guard bits and four data bits are loaded into shift

    register (4015). The data bits Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 (at pin 3,10,12,13 of IC 4015) are loaded into latch (IC 4040) by

    NAND gate (IC 4011 pin 12,13,11) on the ninth clock pulse. The output of the latch is connected to weightedresistors identical to those in the decoder, which sum a current into resistor R9-1K5. The voltage developed

    across R9-1K5 is amplified to restore the original level.

    (2). Low pass fi lter:

    This section passes only low frequencies up to 3.4 KHz and reduces all other frequencies. This filter is requiredto remove high frequency quantisation error noise from demodulated signal. This section is based on IC 741 and

    R-C circuits.

    (3) Power supply section:

    The regulated power supply is used for different supply voltages.

    Following output D.C. Voltages are required to operate PCM Modulation demodulation system.

    + 6V, 500mA- 6V, 500mA,

    Three terminal regulators are used for different output voltages i.e.

    IC 7806 for +6V,IC 7906 for -6V,

    These ICs are supplied different dc input voltages by two Bridge rectifiers consisting of D1-D4 & two 1000/16uF and 100/16 uF. The capacitors at each input & each output are for filtering purpose.

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    Modulating Sampled

    Audio Signal Comparator Data Shift Register

    + Strobe PCM Signal

    T1- T3

    Ramp T6Signal



    Sync Sampling Pulse

    Detector Generator

    Sync Sync ClkPCM


    Shift Register Strobe Raw Recovered

    t Data Data

    T4 T5

    Low Pass Filter

    Latch Adder

    Parallel to

    Ser ial





    SP G



    Serial toParallel


    D/ A

    Converter LP F

    SP GSync



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    1. Connect MOD I/P terminal of PCM modulator to Sine O/P terminal of Audio Oscillator.Connect CRO channel-1 at Sine O/P terminal (T1) of Audio Oscillator.

    Connect ground of probe to ground terminal of Audio oscillator.

    Adjust amplitude of sine wave to 2 Vpp and audio frequency to 1 KHz. _______Waveform (T1)

    2. Connect CRO channe l-2 at Samp Clockterminal (T2) of Sampling pulse generator.

    Connect ground of probe to ground terminal of PCM demodulator.Keep Freq. Selection switch at Fast Position. _______Waveform (T2)

    3. Then connect CRO channel-2 at PCM O/P terminal of modulator. Keep Bit select switch at 4-bit position.

    The PCM modulated waveform will be seen. ______ Waveform (T3)


    4. Now connect variable DC signal at MOD I/P terminal of PCM modulator. I.e. connect link between VARD.C.

    an d MOD I/P terminals. Keep Freq. Selection switch at Fast Position.

    5. Vary the DC volts control POT in DC Source section and see counting effect on LEDS output.

    EXP. (3). TO Demodulate PCM SIGNAL: -

    6. Connect link between PCM O/P terminal and PCM I/P terminal.

    Connect CRO channel-2 at RAW DATA terminal of demodulator.

    Observe quantised recovered raw data signal. ______ Waveform (T4)

    7. Change bit select switch to 3-bit position and observe steps in output. The steps will be reduced to 8 from 16.

    8. Then connect CRO channel-2 at FIL O/P terminal of Low pass filtered and observe filtered recovered output

    signal. ______ Waveform (T5)

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    T1. Modulating Sinewave signal: (at Sine O/P terminal of Audio Oscillator) : 1 KHz, 2Vpp-

    + 1V

    -1V1 ms

    T2. Sampling Clock signal: - (1.28 MHz, TTL).

    +6 V

    -6 V0.8us

    T3 Ramp Signal (25KHz): -

    +1V 40 us


    H = 0.5 ms

    V = 1.0 V

    Trig = CRO-1

    H = 0.2 us

    V = 5.0 V

    Trig= CRO-2

    H = 20 us

    V = 1.0 V

    Trig= CRO-2

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    T4 PCM O/P signal

    8 bit high Level Sync.

    +6V 40us

    10 us

    2 bit2 bit

    H = 10 us

    V = 5.0 V

    Trig= CRO-2

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