21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping...

21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA) American citizens deserve and expect a modern, cost effective digital experience when interacting with the federal government – an experience that mirrors that which they have in their everyday lives. – IDEA Act Findings ®

Transcript of 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping...

Page 1: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)American citizens deserve and expect a modern, cost effective digital experience when interacting with the federal government – an experience that mirrors that which they have in their everyday lives. – IDEA Act Findings


Page 2: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

Seminar Schedule0730 - 0830 - Breakfast, Registration, Networking

0830 - 0845 - Welcome/Introductory Remarks - Melchior Baltazar, SVP/GM, Brightspot 

0845 - 0945 - Panel:  Legislative and Executive Perspectives on Federal Agency Website Modernization - Congressman Gerry Connolly - Chairman, House Subcommittee on Government Operations, 21st Century IDEA co-sponsor- Tony Scott - former Federal CIO- Melchior Baltazar - SVP/GM, Brightspot, Moderator

0945 - 1005 - TTS Perspective - Jacob Parcell, Director, Innovation Portfolio, TTS, GSA

1005 - 1025 – Panel: Industry Perspective - Cloud Services - Dan Kasun, Sr. Manager – ISV Alliances, WW Public Sector, AWS- Security - Saif Rahman, CEO, Quzara - Melchior Baltazar - SVP/GM, Brightspot, Moderator

1025 - 1030 - Concluding Remarks – Melchior Baltazar, SVP/GM, Brightspot

1030 - 1100 - Networking, product demo, office tour®



Page 3: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

Digital Government - IT ModernizationDigital government encompasses many aspects of IT modernization: enhanced data security, cloud computing and legacy platform upgrades and website modernization.

Several government IT modernization projects have been financed by the Modernizing Government Technology Fund, including a $10m website modernization of farmers.gov at USDA

Millions of citizens rely on government websites for information on healthcare, taxes, jobs and voting

Federal agency websites have often not been able to keep pace with the changing landscape driven by private sector innovation and advances.

Private sector companies have wholly reshaped what people expect from digital experiences, especially on mobile platforms and in the areas of personalization

Policy makers are explicitly looking to commercial best practices in this space to enhance the citizen experience on government websites




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21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act - Findings

American citizens deserve and expect a modern, cost effective digital experience when interacting with the federal government – an experience that mirrors that which they have in their everyday lives. Recent data from the IRS shows that in-person or live assistance calls to the agency cost taxpayers between $40 and $60 on average, while digital transactions cost only $0.22 on average.

A recent 2017 Forrester Research study on Federal Customer Experience Index also found that, “federal websites and mobile apps still offer experiences that are worse than those provided by nondigital channels like physical locations and call centers.

The need for enhanced citizen-facing digital service delivery is clear and will dramatically drive down the cost of government operations and improve customer (citizen) experience.

Note: This seminar will focus on 21st Century IDEA Sections 3, 6, and 7 on Website Modernization.




Page 5: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

21st Century IDEA Summary & TimelinesPassed December 20, 2018

New or redesigned websites or intranets must meet Act requirements w/in 180 days (June 20, 2019)

Existing websites or intranets must meet Act requirements w/in 1 year. (December 20, 2019)

Federal Agency CIO’s must submit annual progress reports (December 20, 2019) to Congress with:

List of all agency websites maintained

Prioritization of websites to modernize

Estimated cost/schedule to modernize




Page 6: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

Federal Website Regulatory Regime

21st Century IDEA is latest in series of recent legislation, policies, directives and standards: Connected Government Act Modernizing Government Technology Act President’s Management Agenda OMB Guidance: OMB Circular A-11, Section 280 GSA TTS US Web Design System (USWDS)

Why this focus? "Modern information technology must function as the backbone of how government serves the public in the digital age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access to services are all critical parts of the vision for modern government.” PMA, performance.gov




Page 7: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

State of Federal Agency Websites

Size: More than 6,000 websites on over 400 domains with 24,000 microsites 92 Percent of 300 Most Popular Federal Government Websites Fail to Meet Basic Standards for Security, Speed, Mobile Friendliness, or Accessibility*

Mobile: 41% failed criteria for being mobile friendly Accessible: 42% failed Section 508 accessibility tests Secure: 33% failed test for SSL certificates Speed: 22% failed speed test for desktops, 64% failed for mobile devices

*Benchmarking US Government Websites, Information Technology & Innovation Foundation




Page 8: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

Section 3. Website ModernizationSubsection 3 (a) Requirements for New or Redesigned Websites:

(1) Accessible (2) Consistent (3) Non-duplicative (4) Searchable (5) Secure (6) Data-driven Customer Experience (7) Digital Transaction Capable (8) Mobile Ready




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Section 3. Website ModernizationSubsection 3 (b) Requirements for Existing Websites Within 1 year (December 20, 2019), Agency heads must:

(1) Review all agency websites (2) Submit Report to Congress that:

(A) Lists all agency websites (B) Prioritizes websites requiring modernization (C) Estimates cost and schedule of modernizing websites

Subsection 3 (c) Internal Digital Services Act applies to any agency Intranet as well

Congressman Connolly to provide legislative perspective




Page 10: 21st Century Integrated Digital Experience Act (IDEA)...age. Meeting customer expectations, keeping sensitive data and systems secure, and ensuring responsive, multichannel access

Section 3. Website ModernizationSubsection 3 (d) Public Reporting: Within 1 year (December 20, 2019), and for next 4 years, Agency heads must:

(1) Report annually to OMB Director on implementation progress (2) Make report publicly available

Subsection 3 (e) Compliance with US Website Design Standards (USWDS) Mandatory compliance for all websites with USWDS of the GSA TTS

Jacob Parcell, Innovation Director at TTS, to provide TTS perspective




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Section 6. Customer Experience and Digital Service DeliveryThe Chief Information Officer (CIO) of each agency shall:

(1) Coordinate internal and external CX programs (2) Coordinate with agency leaders to ensure proper funding to implement Act (3) Continually monitor digital service delivery at agency (4) Use data-driven analytics to improve CX (5) Ensure websites are Mobile ready

Tony Scott, former Federal CIO to provide CIO perspective




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Section 7. StandardizationThe Chief Information Officer (CIO) of each agency shall:

(a) Maintain standardization and commonality in implementation of Act with other agencies (b) Coordinate implementation of standards and commonalities (c) Federal Supply Schedule

(1) GSA shall make compliant website systems and services available for purchase on Schedule (2) GSA shall ensure website items available on Schedule are interoperable; compliant with industry standards; and adhere to commercial best practices for design, accessibility and security.




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What Is a Compliant Government Website System?Mobile Ready

Natively mobile ready. Publishes to mobile, laptop, desktop from one interface

AccessibleComplies with Section 508 and W3C 2.0 standards

SecureSupports SAML, AD, multi-factor, social network and custom authentication, HTTPS, login.gov

ConsistentAll CMS tools and templates with default USWDS settings

Data Driven CXAnalytics to report and improve on CX

Digital Transaction CapableOpen API platform to easily integrate with any third party application




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Admin is multisite, multilingual capable, translation support, robust permissioning, flexible workflows

Rich text editing tools, storytelling embeds, real time and scheduled publishing, live preview

Page templates, including Homepage, Section, Product, Landing, Galleries

Integrated content types: Articles, Videos, and Images, with streamlined editing and cropping

Persistent & Faceted search, customizable search options, Federated search

Social media integration, A/B testing, and content migration toolkit

Built-in sitemap, SEO tools, header, footer, publishable navigation

API driven approach to integrations, built-in integrations w/ popular 3rd party applications, analytics

What Are Commercial Best Practices for Modern Website System?




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ConclusionModernization of federal agency websites and intranets will require cooperation, coordination and funding.

Achieving the goals outlined by the legislation is not possible with legacy CMS platforms.

Most effective way for executive agencies to achieve the website modernization requirements is to utilize a modern CMS, purpose-built for the government market, which provides the added values of lower administrative costs and reduced reliance on IT and developers.

