213054621 Teradata Database WBT

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  • 8/11/2019 213054621 Teradata Database WBT


    Welcome to the Introduction to the Teradata Database WBT!

    The Introduction to the Teradata Database Web-Based Training (WBT)provides introductory-level technical knowledge on the Teradata Database toprepare you for further coursework and for Teradata Basics V!" certification#

    Welcome to the Teradata Database


    $fter co%pleting this %odule& you should be able to'

    Describe the Teradata Database# Describe the advantages of the Teradata Database#

    Define the ter%s associated with relational databases#

    Describe the advantages of a relational database#

    HOT TIP: This module contains links to important supplemental course

    information Please be sure to click on each hotord link to capture all of the

    trainin" content

    What Is The Teradata Database#

    The Teradata Database is a relational database%anage%ent syste% (!DB) that drives aco%pany*s data warehouse# The TeradataDatabase provides the foundation to give aco%pany the power to grow& to co%pete intoday*s dyna%ic %arketplace& and to evolve the

    business by getting answers to a new generationof +uestions# The Teradata Database*s scalabilityallows the syste% to grow as the business grows&fro% gigabytes to terabytes and beyond# TheTeradata Database*s uni+ue technology has beenproven at custo%er sites across industries andaround the world#

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    The Teradata Database is an open syste%& co%pliant with $,I standards# It iscurrently available on ,I. /-!$ and Windows 000 operating syste%s#The Teradata Database is a large database server that acco%odates %ultipleclient applications %aking in+uiries against it concurrently# Various client

    platfor%s access the database through a T1/-I/ connection or across an IB%ainfra%e channel connection# The ability to %anage large a%ounts of data isacco%plished using the concept of parallelis%& wherein %any individualprocessors perfor% s%aller tasks concurrently to acco%plish an operationagainst a huge repository of data# To date& only parallel architectures can handledatabases of this si2e#

    Ho Is The Teradata Database $sed#

    3ach Teradata Database i%ple%entation can%odel a co%pany*s business# The ability tokeep up with rapid changes in today*sbusiness environ%ent %akes the TeradataDatabase an ideal foundation for %anyapplications& including'

    3nterprise data warehousing

    $ctive data warehousing

    1usto%er relationship %anage%ent

    Internet and 3-Business

    Data %arts

    What %akes the Teradata Database $ni&ue#

    In this Web-Based Training& you will learn about %any features that %ake theTeradata Database& a !DB& right for business-critical applications# To start

    with& this section covers these key features'

    ingle data store


    nconditional parallelis% (parallel architecture)

    $bility to %odel the business

    ature& parallel-aware 4pti%i2er

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    'in"le Data 'tore

    The Teradata Database acts as a single data store& with %ultiple client applications%aking in+uiries against it concurrently#

    Instead of replicating a database for different purposes& with the Teradata Databaseyou store the data once and use it for all clients# The Teradata Database provides thesa%e connectivity for an entry-level syste% as it does for a %assive enterprise data



    56inear scalability5 %eans that as you add co%ponents to the syste%& theperfor%ance increase is linear# $dding co%ponents allows the syste% toacco%%odate increased workload without decreased throughput# 6inear

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    scalability enables the syste% to grow to support %oreusers7data7+ueries7co%ple8ity of +ueries without e8periencing perfor%ancedegredation# $s the configuration grows& performance increase is linear) slopeof * The Teradata Database was the first co%%ercial database syste% to scale

    to and support a trillion bytes of data# The origin of the na%e Teradata is 5tera-&5which is derived fro% 9reek and %eans 5trillion#5

    The chart below lists the %eaning of the prefi8es'

    Prefi+ ,+ponent %eanin"

    kilo- :0; :&000 (thousand)

    %ega- :0< :&000&000 (%illion)

    giga- :0= :&000&000&000 (billion)

    tera- *.*/

    *)...)...)...)... 0trillion1peta- :0:" :&000&000&000&000&000 (+uadrillion)

    e8a- :0:> :&000&000&000&000&000&000 (+uintillion)

    The Teradata Database can scale fro% :00 gigabytes to over :00 terabytes ofdata on a single syste% without losing any perfor%ance capability# The TeradataDatabase*s scalability provides investment protectionfor custo%er*s growthand application develop%ent# The Teradata Database is the only database that istrul( scalable& and this e8tends to data loading with the use of parallel loadingutilities# The Teradata Database provides automatic data distributionand no

    reorgani2ations of data are needed# The Teradata Database is scalable in%ultiple ways& including hardware& co%ple8ity& and concurrent users#


    9rowth is a funda%ental goal of business# $n // Teradata Database syste%easily acco%%odates that growth whenever it happens# The Teradata Databaseruns on highly opti%i2ed ,1! servers in the following configurations'

    '%P - y%%etric %ultiprocessing platfor%s %anage gigabytes of data

    to support an entry-level data warehousing syste%#

    %PP - assively parallel processing syste%s can %anage hundreds ofterabytes of data# ?ou can start s%all with a couple of nodes& and latere8pand the syste% as your business grows#

    With the Teradata Database& you can increase the si2e of your syste% withoutreplacing'

    Databases -When you e8pand your syste%& the data is auto%atically

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    redistributed through the reconfiguration process& without %anualinterventions such as sorting& unloading and reloading& or partitioning#

    Platforms - The Teradata Database*s %odular structure allows you to

    add co%ponents to your e8isting syste%# Data model - The physical and logical data %odels re%ain the sa%e

    regardless of data volu%e# 2pplications - $pplications you develop for Teradata Database

    configurations will continue to work as the syste% grows& protectingyour invest%ent in application develop%ent#


    The Teradata Database is adept at co%ple8 data %odels that satisfy theinfor%ation needs throughout an enterprise# The Teradata Database efficiently

    processes increasingly sophisticated business +uestions as users reali2e thevalue of the answers they are getting# It has the ability to perfor% largeaggregations during +uery run ti%e and can perfor% up to

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    achieve a single answer faster than a non-parallel syste%# /arallelis% uses%ultiple processors working together to acco%plish a task +uickly#

    $n e8a%ple of parallelis% can be seen at an a%use%ent park& as guests stand in

    line for an attraction such as a roller coaster# $s the line approaches theboarding platfor%& it typically will split into %ultiple& parallel lines# That way&groups of people can step into their seats si%ultaneously# The line %oves fasterthan if the guests step onto the attraction one at a ti%e# $t the biggesta%use%ent parks& the parallel loading of the rides beco%es essential to theirsuccessful operation#

    /arallelis% is evident throughout a Teradata Database& fro% the architecture todata loading to co%ple8 re+uest processing# The Teradata Database processesre+uests in parallel without %andatory +uery tuning# The Teradata Database*sparallelis% does not depend on li%ited data +uantity& colu%n range constraints&

    or speciali2ed data %odels -- The Teradata Database has 4unconditionalparallelism4

    2bilit( to %odel the Business

    $ data warehouse built on a business %odel contains infor%ation fro% across theenterprise# Individual depart%ents can use their own assu%ptions and views of thedata for analysis& yet these varying perspectives have a co%%on basis for a 5single

    view of the business#5

    With the Teradata Database*s centrally located& logical architecture& co%panies canget a cohesive view of their operations across functional areas to'

    Cind out which divisions share custo%ers#

    Track products throughout the supply chain& fro% initial %anufacture& to

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    inventory& to sale& to delivery& to %aintenance& to custo%er satisfaction# $naly2e relationships between results of different depart%ents#

    Deter%ine if a custo%er on the phone has used the co%pany*s website#

    Vary levels of service based on a custo%er*s profitability#

    ?ou get consistent answers fro% the different viewpoints above using a singlebusiness %odel& not functional %odels for different depart%ents# In a functional%odel& data is organi2ed according to what is done with it# But what happens ifusers later want to do so%e analysis that has never been done before When asyste% is opti%i2ed for one depart%ent*s function& the other depart%ents* needs(and future needs) %ay not be %et#

    $ Teradata Database allows the data to represent a business %odel& with dataor"ani5ed accordin" to hat it represents)not how it is accessed& so it is easy tounderstand# The data %odel should be designed with regard to usage and be thesa%e re"ardless of data volume# With a Teradata Database as the enterprise data

    warehouse& users can ask new +uestions of the data that were never anticipated&throughout the business cycle and even through changes in the businessenviron%ent#

    $ key Teradata Database strength is its ability to %odel the custo%er*s business#The Teradata Database*s business %odels are trul( normali5ed& avoiding the costlystar sche%a and snowflake i%ple%entations that %any other database vendors use#The Teradata Database can do tar che%a and other types of relational %odeling&but Third 6ormal 7ormis the %ethodology Teradata Division reco%%ends tocusto%ers# The Teradata Database*s co%petitors typically i%ple%ent tar che%aor nowflake %odels either because they are i%ple%enting a set of known +ueries

    in a transaction processing environ%ent& or because their architecture li%its the% tothat type of %odel# ,or%ali2ation is the process of reducing a co%ple8 datastructure into a si%ple& stable one# 9enerally this process involves re%ovingredundant attributes& keys& and relationships fro% the conceptual data %odel# TheTeradata Database supports nor%ali2ed logical %odels because it is able to perfor%89 table joinsand large aggregations during +ueries#

    %ature) Parallel-2are Optimi5er

    The Teradata Database*s 4pti%i2er is the %ost robust in the industry& able tohandle'

    ultiple co%ple8 +ueries

    Eoins per +uery

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    nli%ited ad-hoc processing

    The 4pti%i2er is parallel-aware& %eaning that it has knowledge of syste%co%ponents (how %any nodes& vprocs& etc#)# It deter%ines the least e+pensiveplan 0time-ise1to process +ueries fast and in parallel# The 4pti%i2er is further

    e8plained in the ne8t %odule#

    What Is a elational Database#

    $ database is a collection of per%anently stored data that is'

    6ogically related (the data was created for a specific purpose)#

    hared (%any users %ay access the data)#

    /rotected (access to the data is controlled)#

    anaged (the data integrity and value are %aintained)#

    The Teradata Database is a relational database# !elational databases are basedon the relational %odel& which is founded on %athe%atical 'et Theor(# Therelational %odel uses and e8tends %any principles of et Theory to provide adisciplined approach to data %anage%ent# $ relational database is designed to'

    !epresent a business and its business practices

    Be e8tre%ely fle+iblein the way that it can be selected and used#

    Be eas( to understand %odel the business& not the applications

    $ll businesses to &uickl( respond to chan"in" conditions

    !elational databases present data as of a set of tables# $ tableis a two-di%ensional representation of data that consists of rosand columns#$ccording to the relational %odel& a valid table does not have to be populatedwith data rows& it Aust needs to be defined with at least one colu%n#

    $ relational database is a set of logically related tables# Tables are logicallyrelated to each other by a co%%on field& so infor%ation such as custo%er

    telephone nu%bers and addresses can e8ist in one table& yet be accessible for%ultiple purposes# The e8a%ple below shows custo%er& order& and billingstate%ent data& related by a co%%on field# The co%%on field of 1usto%er IDlets you look up infor%ation such as a custo%er na%e for a particular state%entnu%ber& even though the data e8ists in two different tables#

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    !elational databases are %ore fle8ible than other types so businesses are able torespond %ore +uickly to changing conditions#


    3ach rocontains all the colu%ns in the table# $ row is one instance of allcolumns& and each table can contain onl( one ro format# The order of rows isarbitrar(and does not i%ply priority& hierarchy& or significance#

    3ach row represents an occurrence of an entity defined by the table# $n entity isa person& place& or thing about which the table contains infor%ation# In thise8a%ple& the entity is the e%ployee and each row represents a single e%ployee#

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    3ach colu%n contains 4like data)4such as only part na%es& or only supplierna%es& or only e%ployee nu%bers# In the e8a%ple below& the 6astF,a%ecolu%n contains last na%es only& and nothing else# The data in the colu%ns isato%ic data#& so a telephone nu%ber %ight be divided into three colu%ns' thearea code& the prefi8& and the suffi8& so the custo%er data can be analy2edaccording to area code& etc# issing data values would be represented by5nulls#5 Within a table& the colu%n position is arbitrar(#

    Primar( ;e(

    In the relational %odel& a /ri%ary Gey (/G) is used to designate a uni+ueidentifier for each row when you design a database# $ /ri%ary Gey can beco%posed of one or %ore colu%ns# In the e8a%ple below& the /ri%ary Gey is

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    the e%ployee nu%ber#

    Primar( ;e( ules

    !ules governing how /ri%ary Geys %ust be defined and how they function are'

    ule *:$ /ri%ary Gey is re+uired#ule /:$ /ri%ary Gey value %ust be uni+ue#ule

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    ule /: $ni&ue P;

    Within the colu%n(s) designated as the /ri%ary Gey& the values in each row%ust be uni+ue# ,o duplicate values are allowed# The /ri%ary Gey*s purpose isto uni+uely identify a row# In a %ulti-colu%n /ri%ary Gey& the combinedvalueof the colu%ns %ust be uni+ue& even if an individual colu%n in the /ri%ary Geyhas duplicate values#

    ule >

    Within the /ri%ary Gey colu%n& each row %ust have a /ri%ary Gey value andcannot be ,66 (without a value)# Because ,66 is indeter%inate& it cannot

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    5identify5 anything#

    ule 9: P; ?alue 'hould 6ot 3han"e

    /ri%ary Gey values should not be changed# If you changed a /ri%ary Gey& youwould lose all historical tracking of that row#

    ule =: P; 3olumn 'hould 6ot 3han"e

    $dditionally& the colu%n(s) designated as the /ri%ary Gey should not bechanged# If you changed a /ri%ary Gey& you would lose all the infor%ationrelating that table to other tables#

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    ule 8: 6o 3olumn >imit

    In the relational %odel& there is no li%it to the nu%ber of colu%ns that can bedesignated as the /ri%ary Gey& so it %ay consist of one or %ore colu%ns# In thee8a%ple below& the /ri%ary Gey consists of three colu%ns' 3/64?33,B3!& 6$T ,$3& and CI!T ,$3#

    7orei"n ;e(

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    $ Coreign Gey (CG) is an identifier that links related tables# $ Coreign Geydefines how two tables are related to each other# 3ach Coreign Gey references a%atching /ri%ary Gey in another table in the database# Cor e8a%ple& in the tablebelow& the Depart%ent ,u%ber colu%n that is a Coreign Gey actually e8ists inanother table as a /ri%ary Gey#

    aving tables related to each other gives users the fle8ibility to look at the datain different ways& without the database ad%inistrator having to %anage and%aintain %any tables of duplicate data for different applications#

    7orei"n ;e( ules

    !ules governing how Coreign Geys %ust be defined and how they operate are'

    ule *:Coreign Geys are optional#ule /:$ Coreign Gey value %ay be non-uni+ue#ule

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    The Depart%ent ,u%ber Coreign Gey relates to the Depart%ent ,u%ber

    /ri%ary Gey in the Depart%ent Table elsewhere in the database# The Eob 1ode CG relates to the Eob 1ode /G in the Eob 1ode Table&

    elsewhere in the database#

    aving tables related to each other %akes a relational database fle8ible so thatdifferent users can look up infor%ation they need& while si%plifying thedatabase ad%inistration so the data doesn*t have to be duplicated for eachpurpose or application#

    ule /: $ni&ue or 6on-$ni&ue 7;s

    Duplicate Coreign Gey values are allowed# ore than one e%ployee could beassigned to the sa%e depart%ent#

    ule >

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    ,66 (%issing) Coreign Gey values are allowed# Cor e8a%ple& under specialcircu%stances& an e%ployee %ight not be assigned to a depart%ent#

    ule 9: 7; ?alue 3an 3han"e

    Coreign Gey values %ay be changed# Cor e8a%ple& if $rnando Villegas %ovesfro% Depart%ent @0; to Depart%ent ">& the Coreign Gey value in his rowwould change#

    ule =: 7; Has 6o 3olumn >imit

    The Coreign Gey %ay consist of one or %ore colu%ns# $ %ulti-colu%n foreignkey is used to relate to a %ulti-colu%n /ri%ary Gey in the related table# In therelational %odel& there is no li%it to the nu%ber of colu%ns that can bedesignated as a Coreign Gey#

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    ule 8: 7; %ust Be P; in elated Table

    3ach Coreign Gey %ust e8ist as a /ri%ary Gey in the related table# $depart%ent nu%ber that does not e8ist in the Depart%ent Table would be invalidas a Coreign Gey value in the 3%ployee Table#

    This rule can apply even if the Coreign Gey is ,66& or %issing# !e%e%ber& a%issing value is defined as a non-valueH there is no value present# o the rule

    could be better stated' if a value e8ists in the Coreign Gey colu%n& it %ust %atcha /ri%ary Gey value in the related table#

    Classification: Wissen Internal

  • 8/11/2019 213054621 Teradata Database WBT


    Teradata Database and Data WarehouseArchitectures


    $fter co%pleting this %odule& you should be able to'

    Identify the different types of enterprise data processing#

    Define a data warehouse& active data warehouse& and a data %art#

    6ist and define the different types of data %arts#

    38plain the advantages of detail data over su%%ary data#

    Describe the overall Teradata Database parallel architecture#

    6ist and describe %aAor Teradata Database hardware and softwareco%ponents and their functions#

    38plain how the architecture helps to %aintain high availability and

    reliability for Teradata Database users#

    HOT TIP: This module contains links to important supplemental

    course information Please be sure to click on each hotord link to capture

    all of the trainin" content

    ,volution to 2ctive Data Warehousin"

    Data Warehouse $sa"e ,volution

    There is an infor%ation evolution happening in the data warehouse environ%ent today# 1hangingbusiness re+uire%ents have placed de%ands on data warehousing technology to do %ore thingsfaster# Data warehouses have %oved fro% back roo% strategic decision support syste%s tooperational& business-critical co%ponents of the enterprise# $s your co%pany evolves in its use othe data warehouse& what you need fro% the data warehouse evolves& too#

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    'ta"e * eportin": The initial stage typically focuses on reporting fro% a single view of thebusiness to drive decision-%aking across functional and7or product boundaries# Juestions areusually known in advance& such as a weekly sales report#

    'ta"e / 2nal(5in":Cocus on why so%ething happened& such as why sales went down ordiscovering patterns in custo%er buying habits# sers perfor% ad-hoc analysis& slicing and dicingthe data at a detail level& and +uestions are not known in advance#

    'ta"e < Predictin":ophisticated analysts heavily utili2e the syste% to leverage infor%ation to

    predict what will happen ne8t in the business to proactively %anage the organi2ation*s strategy#This stage re+uires data %ining tools and building predictive %odels using historical detail# $s ane8a%ple& users can %odel custo%er de%ographics for target %arketing#

    'ta"e 9 Operationali5in": /roviding access to infor%ation for i%%ediate decision-%aking in thfield enters the real% of active data warehousing# tages : to ; focus on strategic decision-%akinwithin an organi2ation# tage @ focuses on tactical decision support## Tactical decision support isnot focused on developing corporate strategy& but rather on supporting the people in the field whoe8ecute it# 38a%ples' :) Inventory %anage%ent with Aust-in-ti%e replenish%ent& ) cheduling arouting for package delivery# ;) $ltering a ca%paign based on current results#

    'ta"e = 2ctive Warehousin": The larger the role an $DW plays in the operational aspects ofdecision support& the %ore incentive the business has to auto%ate the decision processes# ?ou canauto%ate decision-%aking when a custo%er interacts with a web site# Interactive custo%errelationship %anage%ent (1!) on a web site or at an $T is about %aking decisions to opti%ithe custo%er relationship through individuali2ed product offers& pricing& content delivery and soon# $s technology evolves& %ore and %ore decisions beco%e e8ecuted with event-driven triggersto initiate fully auto%ated decision processes# 38a%ple' deter%ine the best offer for a specific

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    custo%er based on a real-ti%e event& such as a significant $T deposit#

    2ctive Data Warehouse

    Data warehouses are beginning to take on mission-critical roles supporting1!& one-to-one %arketing& and %inute-to-%inute decision-%aking# Datawarehousing re+uire%ents have evolved to de%and a decision capability that isnot Aust oriented toward corporate staff and upper %anage%ent& but actionableon a day-to-day basis# Decisions such as when to replenish Barbie dolls at aparticular retail outlet %ay not be of custo%er seg%entation or long-ter%pricing strategies& but when e8ecuted properly& they %ake a big difference to the

    botto% line# We refer to this capability as 5tactical5 decision support#

    Tactical decisions are the drivers for day-to-day %anage%ent of the business#Businesses today want %ore than Aust strategic insight fro% their datawarehouse i%ple%entations-they want better e8ecution in running the businessthrough %ore effective use of infor%ation for the decisions that get %adethousands of ti%es per day#

    The origin of the active data warehouse is the ti%ely& integrated store of detaildata available for analytic business decision-%aking# It is only fro% that sourcethat the additional traits needed by the active data warehouse can evolve# These

    new 5active5 traits are supple%ental to data warehouse functionality# Core8a%ple& the work %i8 in the database still includes co%ple8 decision support+ueries& but e8pands to take on short& tactical +ueries& background data feeds&and possibly event-driven updates all at the sa%e ti%e# Data volu%es and userconcurrency levels %ay e8plode upward beyond e8pectation# !estraints %ayneed to be placed on the longer& analytical +ueries in order to guarantee tacticalwork throughput# While accessing the detail data directly re%ains an i%portantopportunity for analytical work& tactical work %ay thrive on shortcuts andsu%%aries& such as operational data store 0OD'1 level information# $nd forboth strate"ic and tactical decisionsto be useful to the business& today*s data&this hour*s data& even this %inute*s data has to be at hand#

    The Teradata Database is positioned e8ceptionally well for stepping up to thechallenges related to high availability& large %ulti-user workloads& and handlingcomple+ &ueriesthat are re+uired for an active data warehouse i%ple%entation#The Teradata Database technology supports the evolving business re+uire%entsby providing hi"h performance and scalabilit(for'

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    i8ed workloads (both tactical and strategic +ueries) for %ission critical

    applications 6arge a%ounts of detail data

    1oncurrent users

    The Teradata Database provides @+/9 availabilit( and reliabilit(& as well ascontinuous updating of infor%ation so data is ala(s fresh and accurate#

    ,volution of Data Processin"

    Traditionally& data processing has been divided into two categories' on-linetransaction processing (46T/) and decision support syste%s (D)# Cor either&re+uests are handled as transactions# $ transaction is a lo"ical unit of ork&such as a re+uest to update an account#

    $n !DBis used in the following %ain processing environ%ents'




    Data ining

    Decision 'upport '(stems 0D''1

    In a decision support environ%ent& users sub%it re+uests to ana(l5e historicaldetail datastored in the tables# The results are used to establish strategies&reveal trends& and %ake proAections# $ database used as a decision supportsyste% (D) usually receives fewer& very co%ple8& ad-hoc +ueries and %ayinvolve nu%erous tables# Decision support syste%s include batch reports& whichroll-up nu%bers to give business the big picture& and over ti%e& have evolved#Instead of pre-written scripts& users now re+uire the ability to do ad hoc +ueries&analysis& and predictive what-if type +ueries that are often co%ple8 andunpredictable in their processing# These types of +uestions are essential for longrange& strategic strategic planning# D syste%s often process huge volu%es ofdetail data#

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    On-line Transaction Processin" 0O>TP1

    nlike the D environ%ent& an on-line transaction processing (46T/)environ%ent typically has users accessing current data to update& insert& anddelete rows in the data tables# 46T/ is typified by a s%all nu%ber of rows (orrecords) or a few of %any possible tables being accessed in a %atter of secondsor less# Very little I74 processing is re+uired to co%plete the transaction# Thistype of transaction takes place when we take out %oney at an $T# 4nce our

    card is validated& a debit transaction takes place against our current balance toreflect the a%ount of cash withdrawn# This type of transaction also takes placewhen we deposit %oney into a checking account and the balance gets updated#We e8pect these transactions to be perfor%ed +uickly# They %ust occur in realti%e#

    On-line 2nal(tical Processin" 0O>2P1

    46$/ is a %odern for% of analytic processing within a D environ%ent#46$/ tools (e#g# fro% co%panies like icrostrategy and 1ognos) provide aneasy to use 9raphical ser Interface to allow Kslice and diceL analysis along%ultiple di%ensions (e#g# products& locations& sales tea%s& inventories& etc#)#With 46$/& the user %ay be looking for historical trends& sales rankings orseasonal inventory fluctuations for the entire corporation# sually& this involvesa lot of detail data to be retrieved& processed and analy2ed# Therefore& responseti%e can be in seconds or %inutes#

    Data %inin"

    Data ining (predictive %odeling) involves analy2ing %oderate to largea%ounts of detailed historical data to detect behavioral patterns (e#g# buying&attrition& or fraud patterns) that are then used to predict future behavior# $nKanalytic %odelL is built fro% the historical data (/hase :' %inutes to hours)incorporating the detected patterns# The %odel is then applied against currentdetail data (KscoringL) to predict likely outco%es (/hase ' seconds or less)#6ikely outco%es& for e8a%ple& include scores on likelihood of purchasing a

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    product& switching to a co%petitor& or being fraudulent#

    2dvanta"es of $sin" 'ummar( Data

    ntil recently& %ost business decisions were based on su%%ary data# Theproble% is that su%%ari2ed data is not as useful as detail data and cannotanswer so%e +uestions with accuracy# With su%%ari2ed data& peaks and valleysare leveled when the peaks fall at the end of reporting period and are cut in half#

    ere*s another e8a%ple# Think of your %onthly bank state%ent that recordschecking account activity# If it only told you the total a%ount of deposits andwithdrawals& would you be able to tell if a certain check had cleared To answerthat +uestion you need a list of every check received by your bank# ?ou needdetail data#

    Decision support-answering business +uestions-is the real purpose of databases#To answer business +uestions& decision-%akers %ust have four things'

    The right data

    3nough detail data

    /roper data structure

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    3nough co%puter power to access and produce reports on the data

    1onsider your own business and how it uses data# Is that data detailed orsu%%ari2ed If it*s su%%ari2ed& are there +uestions it cannot answer

    The Data Warehouse

    $ data arehouseis a central& enterprise-wide database that containsinfor%ation e8tracted fro% the operational syste%s# $ Data Warehouse has acentrall( located lo"ical architecturewhich %ini%i2es data synchroni2ationand provides a single view of the business# Data warehouses have beco%e %oreco%%on in corporations where enterprise-wide detail data %ay be used in on-

    line analytical processing to %ake strategic and tactical business decisions#Warehouses often carry %any years worth of detail data so that historical trends%ay be analy2ed using the full power of the data#

    any data warehouses get their data directly fro% operational syste%s so thatthe data is ti%ely and accurate# While data warehouses %ay begin so%ewhats%all in scope and purpose& they often grow +uite large as their utility beco%es%ore fully e8ploited by the enterprise#

    Data Warehousing is a process& not a product# It is a techni+ue to properlyasse%ble and %anage data fro% various sources to answer business +uestions

    not previously possible or known#

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    Data %arts

    $ data %art is a special purpose subset of enterprise data used by a particular

    depart%ent& function or application# Data %arts %ay have both summar( anddetail data for a particular userather than for general use# sually the datahas been pre-aggregated or transfor%ed in so%e way to better handle theparticular type of re+uests of a specific user co%%unity#

    Independent Data %arts

    Independent data %arts are created directly fro% operational syste%s& Aust as is adata warehouse# In the data %art& the data is usually transfor%ed as part of theload process# Data %ight be aggregated& di%ensionali2ed or su%%ari2edhistorically& as the re+uire%ents of the data %art dictate#

    >o"ical Data %arts6ogical data %arts are not separate physical structures or a data load fro% a datawarehouse& but rather are an e8isting part of the data warehouse# Because intheory the data warehouse contains the detail data of the entire enterprise& alogical view of the warehouse %ight provide the specific infor%ation for a givenuser co%%unity& %uch as a physical data %art would# Without the propertechnology& a logical data %art can be a slow and frustrating e8perience for end

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    users# With the proper technology& it re%oves the need for %assive data loadingand transfor%ing& %aking a single data store available for all user needs#

    Dependent Data %arts

    Dependent data %arts are created fro% the detail data in the data warehouse#While having %any of the advantages of the logical data %art& this approach stillre+uires the %ove%ent and transfor%ation of data but %ay provide a bettervehicle for perfor%ance-critical user +ueries#

    Data %art Pros and 3ons

    Independent Data %artsIndependent data %arts are usually the easiest and fastest to i%ple%ent and their payback valuecan be al%ost i%%ediate# o%e corporations start with several data %arts before deciding to buila true data warehouse# This approach has several inherent proble%s'

    While data %arts have obvious value& they are not a true enterprise-wide solution and can

    beco%e very costly over ti%e as %ore and %ore are added# $ %aAor proble% with proliferating data %arts is that& depending on where you look for

    answers& there is often %ore than one view of the business# They do not provide the historical depth of a true data warehouse#

    Because data %arts are designed to handle specific types of +ueries fro% a specific type ouser& they are often not good at 5what if5 +ueries like a data warehouse would be#

    >o"ical Data %arts

    6ogical data %arts overco%e %ost of the li%itations of independent data %arts# They provide asingle view of the business# There is no historical li%it to the data and 5what if5 +uerying isentirely feasible# The %aAor drawback to logical data %arts is the lack of physical control over the

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    data# Because data in the warehouse in not pre-aggregated or di%ensionali2ed& perfor%anceagainst the logical %art will not usually be as good as against an independent %art# owever& useof parallelis% in the logical %art can overco%e so%e of the li%itations of the non-transfor%eddata#

    Dependent Data %arts

    Dependent data %arts provide all advantages of a logical %art and also allow for physical controlof the data as it is e8tracted fro% the data warehouse# Because dependent %arts use the warehousas their foundation& they are generally considered a better solution than independent %arts& butthey take longer and are %ore e8pensive to i%ple%ent#

    2 Teradata Database '(stem

    $ Teradata Database syste% contains one or %ore nodes# $ node is a ter% for aprocessing unit under the control of a single operating syste%# The node iswhere the processing occurs for the Teradata Database# There are two types ofTeradata Database syste%s'

    y%%etric %ultiprocessing (/) - $n / Teradata Database has a

    single node that contains %ultiple 1/s sharing a %e%ory pool#

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    assively parallel processing (//) - ultiple / nodes working

    together co%prise a larger& // i%ple%entation of a Teradata Database#The nodes are connected using the B?,3T&which allows %ultiplevirtual processors on %ultiple nodes to co%%unicate with each other#

    To %anage a Teradata Database syste%& you use'

    / syste%' yste% 1onsole (keyboard and %onitor) attached directly

    to the / node // syste%' $d%inistration Workstation ($W)

    To access a Teradata Database syste%& a user typically logs on through one of%ultiple client platfor%s (channel-attached %ainfra%es or network-attachedworkstations)# 1lient access is discussed in the ne8t %odule#

    6ode 3omponents

    $ node is a basic building block of a Teradata Database syste%& and contains alarge nu%ber of hardware and software co%ponents# $ conceptual diagra% of anode and its %aAor co%ponents is shown below# ardware co%ponents areshown on the left side of the node and software co%ponents are shown on the

    right side#

    7or a description) click on each component

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    'hared 6othin" 2rchitecture

    The Teradata Database vprocs (which are the /3sand $/s) share the

    co%ponents of the nodes (%e%ory and cpu)# The %ain co%ponent of the5shared-nothing5 architecture is that each $/ %anages its own dedicatedportion of the syste%*s disk space (called the vdisk) and this space is not sharedwith other $/s# 3ach $/ uses syste% resources independently of the other$/s so they can all work in parallel for high syste% perfor%ance overall#

    $sin" the BA6,T

    The B?,3T(pronounced& 5bye-net5) is a high-speed interconnect (network)

    that enables %ultiple nodes in the syste% to co%%unicate# The B?,3T handlesthe internal co%%unication of the Teradata Database# $ll co%%unicationbetween /3s and $/s is done via the B?,3T#

    When the /3 dispatches the steps for the $/s to perfor%& they are dispatchedonto the B?,3T# The %essages are routed to the appropriate $/(s) whereresults sets and status infor%ation are generated# This response infor%ation isalso routed back to the re+uesting /3 via the B?,3T# Dependin" on the

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    natureof the dispatch re+uest& the co%%unication between nodes %ay be to allnodes (Broadcast %essage) or to one specfic node (/oint-to-point %essage) inthe syste%

    BA6,T $ni&ue 7eatures

    The B?,3T has several uni+ue features'

    'calable: $s you add %ore nodes to the syste%& the overall network

    bandwidth scales linearly# This linear scalability %eans you can increasesyste% si2e without perfor%ance penalty -- and so%eti%es even increaseperfor%ance#

    Hi"h performance:$n // syste% typically has two B?,3T

    networks (B?,3T 0 and B?,3T :)# Because both networks in a syste%are active& the syste% benefits fro% having full use of the aggregatebandwidth of both the networks#

    7ault tolerant:3ach network has %ultiple connection paths# If the

    B?,3T detects an unusable path in either network& it will auto%aticallyreconfigure that network so all %essages avoid the unusable path#$dditionally& in the rare case that B?,3T 0 cannot be reconfigured&hardware on B?,3T 0 is disabled and %essages are re-routed toB?,3T :#

    >oad balanced:Traffic is auto%atically and dyna%ically distributed

    between both B?,3Ts#

    BA6,T Hardare and 'oftare

    The B?,3T hardware and software handle the co%%unication between thevprocsand the nodes#

    Hardare:The nodes of an //syste% are connected with the

    B?,3T hardware& consisting of B?,3T boards and cables#

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    'oftare:The B?,3T driver (software) is installed on every node#

    This B?,3T driver is an interface between the/D3software and theB?,3T hardware#

    /syste%s do not contain B?,3T hardware# The /D3 and B?,3T

    software e%ulate B?,3T activity in a single-node environ%ent#

    3ommunication Beteen 6odes

    The B?,3T hardware can carry the following types of %essages betweennodes'

    Broadcast %essage to all nodes

    /oint-to-point %essage fro% one node to another node

    3ommunication Beteen ?procs

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    4n an //syste%& B?,3T hardware is used to first send the co%%unicationacross nodes (using either the point-to-point or broadcast %essaging describedpreviously)#

    4n an /syste%& this first step is unnecessary since there is only one node#

    4nce a node receives a co%%unication& vprocco%%unication within the nodeis done by the /D3and B?,3T software using the following types of%essaging'#




    Point-to-Point %essa"es

    With point-to-point %essaging between vprocs& a vproc can send a %essage toanother vproc on'

    The sa%e node (using /D3 and B?,3T software)

    $ different node using two steps'

    :# end a point-to-point %essage fro% the sending node to the nodecontaining the recipient vproc# This is a co%%unication betweennodes using the B?,3T hardware#

    # Within the recipient node& the %essage is sent to the recipientvproc# This is a point-to-point co%%unication between vprocsusing the /D3 and B?,3T software#

    Point-to-Point Message on the Same Node

    Point-to-Point Message on a Different Node

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    %ulticast %essa"es

    $ vproc can send a %essage to %ultiple vprocs using two steps'

    :# end a broadcast%essage fro% the sending node to all nodes# This is aco%%unication between nodes using the B?,3T hardware#

    # Within the recipient nodes& the /D3 and B?,3T software deter%inewhich& if any& of its vprocs should receive the %essage and delivers the%essage accordingly# This is a %ulticast co%%unication between vprocswithin the node& using the /D3 and B?,3T software#

    Broadcast %essa"es

    $ vproc can send a %essage to all the vprocs in the syste% using two steps'

    :# end a broadcast %essage fro% the sending node to all nodes# This is aco%%unication between nodes using the B?,3T hardware#

    # Within each recipient node& the %essage is sent to all vprocs# This is abroadcast co%%unication between vprocs using the /D3 and B?,3Tsoftware#

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    $ cli+ue (pronounced& 5kleek5) is a group of nodes that share access to the sa%edisk arrays# 3ach %ulti-node syste% has at least one cli+ue# The cablingdeter%ines which nodes are in which cli+ues -- the nodes of a cli+ue areconnected to the disk array controllers of the sa%e disk arrays#

    3li&ues Provide esilienc(

    In the rare event of a node failure& cli+ues provide for data access through vproc%igration# When a node resets& the following happens to the$/s'

    :# When the node fails& the Teradata Database restarts across all re%ainingnodes in the syste%#

    # The vprocs($/s) fro% the failed node %igrate to the operationalnodes in its cli+ue#

    ;# Disks %anaged by the $/ re%ain available and processing continues

    while the failed node is being repaired#

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    3li&ues in a '(stem

    Vprocs are distributed across all nodes in the syste%# ultiple cli+ues in thesyste% should have the sa%e nu%ber of nodes#

    The diagra% below shows three cli+ues# The nodes in each cli+ue are cabled tothe sa%e disk arrays# The overall syste% is connected by the B?,3T# If onenode goes down in the vprocs will %igrate to the other nodes in the cli+ue& sodata re%ains available# owever& syste% perfor%ance decreases due to the lossof a node# yste% perfor%ance degradation is proportional to cli+ue si2e#

    'oftare 3omponents

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    $ Teradata Database node re+uires three distinct pieces of software'

    Cor each node in the syste%& you need both of the following'

    4perating syste% license (,I. or icrosoft Windows)

    Teradata Database software license

    Operatin" '(stem

    The Teradata Database can run on the following operating syste%s'

    ,I. /-!$

    icrosoft Windows 000

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    Parallel Database ,+tensions 0PD,1

    The /arallel Database 38tensions (/D3) software layer was added to theoperating syste% by ,1! to support the parallel software environ%ent#

    Trusted Parallel 2pplication 0TP21

    $ Trusted /arallel $pplication (T/$) uses /D3 to i%ple%ent virtual processors(vprocs)# The Teradata Database is classified as a T/$# The four co%ponents ofthe Teradata Database T/$ are'

    $/ (Top !ight)

    /3 (Botto% !ight)

    1hannel Driver (Top 6eft)

    Teradata 9ateway (Botto% 6eft)

    Teradata Database 'oftare: P,

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    $ /arsing 3ngine (/3) is a vproc that %anages the dialogue between a clientapplication and the Teradata Database& once a valid session has beenestablished# 3ach /3 can support a %a8i%u% of */. sessions# The /3 handlesan inco%ing re+uest in the following %anner'

    :# The 'ession 3ontrolco%ponent verifies the re+uest for sessionauthori2ation (user na%es and passwords)& and either allows ordisallows the re+uest#

    # The Parserdoes the following'o Interprets the J6 state%ent received fro% the application#

    o Verifies J6 re+uests for the proper synta8 and evaluates the%

    se%antically#o 1onsults the Data Dictionary to ensure that all obAects e8ist and

    that the user has authority to access the%#;# The Optimi5erdevelops the least e8pensive plan (in ter%s of ti%e) to

    return the re+uested response set# /rocessing alternatives are evaluatedand the fastest alternative is chosen# This alternative is converted intoe+ecutable steps& to be performed b( the 2%Ps& which are thenpassed to the Dispatcher#

    The 4pti%i2er is 4parallel aare)4%eaning that it has knowledge ofthe syste% co%ponents (how %any nodes& vprocs& etc#)& which enablesit to deter%ine the fastest way to process the +uery# In order to%a8i%i2e throughput and %ini%i2e resource contention& the 4pti%2er%ust know about syste% configuration& available units of parallelis%($/s and /3s)& and data de%ographics# The Teradata Database

    4pti%i2er is robust and intelligent& and enables the Teradata Databaseto handle %ultiple co%ple8& ad-hoc +ueries efficiently#

    @# The Dispatchercontrols the se+uence in which the steps are e8ecutedand passes the steps received fro% the /arser on to the B?,3T fore8ecution by the $/s#

    "# $fter the $/s process the steps& the /3 receives their responses overthe B?,3T#

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    3lick on the P, buttons

    Teradata Database 'oftare: 2%P

    The $/is a vproc that controls its portion of the data on the syste%# $/s dothe physical work associated with "eneratin" an anser set 0output1includingsortin") a""re"atin") formattin") and convertin"The $/s perfor% alldatabase %anage%ent functions on the re+uired rows in the syste%# The $/swork in parallel& each $/ mana"in" the data ros stored on its sin"levdisk# $/s are involved in data distribution and data access in different ways#$/s perfor% all tasks in parallel providing e8ceptional perfor%ance#

    Data Distribution

    When data is loaded& inserted& and updated& the $/'

    !eceives inco%ing data fro% the /3#

    Cor%ats rows and distributes the% on its vdisk#

    Data 2ccess

    The When data is accessed& the $/ retrieves the rows re+uested by the /3 in

    the following %anner'

    :# database %anage%ent subsyste% receives the steps fro% the Dispatcherover the B?,3T#

    # The database %anage%ent subsyste% processes the steps# Thesubsyste% on the $/ can'

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    o 6ock databases and tables

    o 1reate& %odify& or delete definitions of tables

    o Eoin tables

    o Insert& delete& or %odify rows within tables

    o ort& aggregate& or for%at data

    o !etrieve infor%ation fro% definitions and rows fro% tables

    ;# The database %anage%ent subsyste% returns responses over the B?,3Tto the Dispatcher#

    To review the $/ software& click the buttons 0rectan"les1 on the 2%P#

    3lick on the 2%P buttons

    Teradata Database 'oftare: 3hannel Driver

    1hannel Driver software is the %eans of co%%unication between an applicationand the /3s assigned to channel-attached clients# There is one 1hannel Driverper node#

    In the diagra% below& the blue dots show the co%%unication fro% the channel-attached client& to the host channel adapter in the node& to the 1hannel Driversoftware& to the /3& and back to the client#

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    Teradata Database 'oftare: Teradata atea(

    Teradata 9ateway software is the %eans of co%%unication between anapplication and the /3s assigned to netork-attached clients# There is oneTeradata 9ateway per node#

    In the diagra% below& the blue dots show the co%%unication fro% the network-attached client& to the 3thernet card in the node& to the Teradata 9atewaysoftware& to the /3& and back to the client#

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    Client Access


    $fter co%pleting this %odule& you should be able to'

    Describe how the clients access the Teradata Database#

    Illustrate how the Teradata Database processes a re+uest#

    Describe the Teradata client utilities and their use#

    HOT TIP: This module contains links to important supplemental

    course information Please be sure to click on each hotord link to capture

    all of the trainin" content

    3lient 3onnections

    sers can access data in the Teradata Database through an application on bothchannel-attached and network-attached clients# $dditionally& the node itself can

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    act as a client# Teradata client software is installed on each client (channel-attached& network-attached& or node) and co%%unicates with !DBsoftwareon the node# ?ou %ay occasionally hear either type of client referred to by thelegacy ter% of 5host&5 though this ter% is not typically used in docu%entation orproduct literature#

    3hannel-2ttached 3lient

    3hannel-attached clients are IB%-compatible mainframe s(stems

    supported b( the Teradata Database# The following software co%ponentsinstalled on the %ainfra%e are responsible for co%%unications between clientapplications and the 1hannel Driver on a Teradata Database node'

    Teradata Director /rogra% (TD/) software to %anage session traffic&

    installed on the channel-attached client# 1all-6evel Interface (16I)& a library of routines that are the lowest-level

    interface to the Teradata Database#

    3ommunication ith the Teradata Database '(stem

    1o%%unication fro% client applications on the %ainfra%e goes through the

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    %ainfra%e channel& to the ost 1hannel $dapter on the node& to the 1hannelDriver software#

    6etork 2ttached 3lient

    The Teradata Database supports network-attached clients connected to the nodeover a6$,# The following software co%ponents installed on the network-attached client are responsible for co%%unication between client applicationsand the Teradata 9ateway on a Teradata Database node'



    3ommunication ith the Teradata Database '(stem

    1o%%unication fro% applications on the network-attached client goes over the6$,& to the 3thernet card on the node& to the Teradata 9ateway software#

    4n the database side& the Teradata 9ateway software and the /3 provide the

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    connection to the Teradata Database# The Teradata Database is configured with/ >26 connections for redundancy# This ensures high availability#


    The node is considered a network-attached client# If you install applicationsoftware on a node& it will be treated like an application on a network-attachedclient# In other words& co%%unications fro% applications on the node gothrough the Teradata 9ateway# $n application on a node can be e8ecutedthrough'

    yste% 1onsole that %anages an / syste%#

    !e%ote login& such as over a network-attached client connection#

    Teradata 3lient $tilities

    Teradata has a robust suite of client utilities that enable users and syste%ad%inistrators to enAoy opti%al response ti%e and syste% %anageability#Various client utilities are available for tasks fro% loading data to %anaging the

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    Teradata utilities leverage the Teradata Database Ms high perfor%ancecapabilities and are fully parallel and scalable# The sa%e utilities run on s%allerentry-level syste%s& as well as the largest //i%ple


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    Teradata Database client utilities include the following& described in thissection'

    Cuer( 'ubmittin" $tilities

    o BT3J

    o Teradata J6 $ssistant

    >oad and $nload $tilities

    o Cast6oad

    o ulti6oad

    o T/u%p

    o Cast38port

    o Teradata Warehouse Builder

    2dministrative $tilities

    o Teradata anager

    o Teradata Dyna%ic Juery anager (TDJ)

    o Teradata $nalyst /ack

    2rchive $tilities

    o $!1

    o ,etVault

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    o ,etBackup

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    o Batch

    Teradata 'C> 2ssistant

    Teradata J6 $ssistant (for%erly known as Juery%an) is an infor%ationdiscovery7+uery tool that runs on icrosoft Windows# Teradata J6 $ssistantenables you to access the Teradata Database as well as other ODB3-baseddatabases# o%e of its features include'

    $bility to save data in /1-based for%ats& such as icrosoft 38cel&

    icrosoft $ccess& and te8t files# istory of sub%itted J6 synta8& to help you build scripts for data

    %ining and knowledge discovery# elp with J6 synta8#

    I%port and e8port of s%all a%ounts of data to and fro% 4DB1-

    co%pliant databases# Cor tables %ore than a few thousand rows& theTeradata Database load utilities are reco%%ended for %ore efficiency#

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    Data >oad and $nload $tilities

    In a data warehouse environ%ent& the database tables are populated fro% avariety of sources& such as %ainfra%e applications& operational data %arts& orother distributed syste%s throughout a co%pany# These syste%s are the sourceof data such as daily transaction files& orders& usage records& 3!/ (enterpriseresource planning) infor%ation& and Internet statistics# Teradata Division has asuite of data load and unload utilities opti%i2ed for use with the Teradata

    Database# They run on any of the supported client platfor%s'

    1hannel-attached client

    ,etwork-attached client


    $sin" Teradata >oad and $nload $tilities

    Teradata load and unload utilities are fully parallel# Because the utilities arescalable& they acco%%odate the si2e of the syste%# /erfor%ance is not li%itedby the capacity of the load and unload tools#

    The utilities have full restart capability# This feature %eans that if a load orunload Aob should be interrupted for so%e reason& it can be restarted again fro%the last checkpoint& without having to start the Aob fro% the beginning#

    The load and unload utilities are'


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    Teradata Warehouse Builder

    By default& you can run up to :" instances of Cast6oad& ulti6oad& andCast38port in any co%bination# There is no li%it to the nu%ber of concurrentT/u%p Aobs#


    se the Cast6oad utility to load data into e%pty tables#

    Cast6oad can only work on one table at a ti%e# Cast6oad loads data into ane%pty table in parallel& using %ultiple sessions to transfer blocks of data#Cast6oad achieves high perfor%ance by fully e8ploiting the resources of thesyste%# $fter the data load is co%plete& the table can be %ade available to users#


    se the ulti6oad utility to %aintain tables by'

    Inserting rows into a populated or empt(table

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    pdating rows in a table

    Deleting %ultiple rows fro% a table

    ulti6oad can load %ultiple input files concurrently and work on up to fivetables at a ti%e& using %ultiple sessions# ulti6oad is opti%i2ed to apply

    %ultiple rows in block-level operations# ulti6oad usually is run during abatch window& and places a lock on on the destination table(s) to prevent user+ueries fro% getting inconsistent results before the data load or update isco%plete#


    se T/u%p to'

    1onstantly load data into a table

    1ontinuously load& update& or delete data in tables

    pdate lower volu%es of data using fewer syste% resources than other

    load utilities Vary the resource consu%ption and speed of the data loading activity

    over ti%e

    The T/u%p utility co%ple%ents ulti6oad as a data loading utility# $ %aAordifference is that T/u%p uses row hash locks& which eli%inates the need fortable locks and 5batch windows5 typical with ulti6oad# sers can continue torun +ueries during T/u%p data loads# In addition& T/u%p is designed fors%aller volu%es of data than ulti6oad& and %aintains up to

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    Cast38port utility to e8port data fro% multiple tables or vieson the TeradataDatabase to a client-based application#

    ?ou can e8port data fro% any table or view to which you have the 3631T

    access privelege# The destination for the e8ported data can be a'

    Host file:$ file on your channel-attached or network-attached client

    syste% $ser-ritten application:$n 4utput odification (4T4D) routine

    you write to select& validate& and preprocess the e8ported data#

    Cast38port is a data e8tract utility# It transfers large a%ounts of data using blocktransfers over %ultiple sessions and rites the data to a host fileon thenetwork-attached or channel-attached client# Typically& Cast38port is run duringabatch window& and the tables being e8ported are locked#

    Teradata Warehouse Builder

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    Teradata Warehouse Builder (TWB) is a data warehouse loading tool thatenables data e8traction& transfor%ation and loading processes co%%on to alldata warehouses#

    sing built-in operators& Teradata Warehouse Builder co%bines the

    functionality of the Teradata utilities (Cast6oad& ulti6oad& Cast38port& andT/u%p) in a single parallel environment# Its e8tensible environ%ent supportsCast6oad I,4Ds& Cast38port 4T4Ds& and $ccess odules to provideaccess to all the data sources you use today# There is a set of open $/Is($pplication /roga%%er Interface) to add third party or custo% datatransfor%ation to Teradata Warehouse Builder scripts# sing %ultiple& paralleltasks& a single Teradata Warehouse Builder script can load data fro% disparatesources into the Teradata Database in the sa%e Aob#

    Teradata Warehouse Builder is scalable and enables end-to-end parallelis%# Theprevious versions of utilities (like Cast6oad) allow you to load data into the

    Teradata Database in parallel& but with a single input strea%# TeradataWarehouse Builder allows you to run %ultiple instances of the e8tract& optionaltransfor%ation& and load operators# ?ou can have as %any loads as you havesources in the sa%e Aob# With %ultiple sources of data co%ing fro% %ultipleplatfor%s integration is i%portant in a parallel environ%ent#

    Teradata Warehouse Builder eli%inates the need for persistent storage# It storesdata into data buffers so you no longer need to write data into a flat file# inceyou don*t need flat files& there is no longer a 9B file li%it#

    Teradata Warehouse Builder provides a single& J6-like scripting language& as

    well as a 9I to %ake scripting faster and easier# ?ou can do the e8tract& so%etransfor%ation& and loads all in one J6-like scripting language# 4nce thedyna%ics of the language are learned& you can perfor% %ultiple tasks with asingle script# ?ou can use script converters to convert scripts on e8istingsyste%s for utilities (Cast6oad& ulti6oad& Cast38port& and T/u%p) to TeradataWarehouse Builder scripts#

    A single Teradata Warehouse Builder job can load data from multiple disparate

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    sources into the Teradata Database, as indicated by the green arrow.

    Teradata Warehouse Builder Operators

    The operators are co%ponents that 5plug5 into the TWB infrastructure andactually perfor% the functions#

    The Cast6oad I,4D and Cast38port 4T4D operators support the

    current Cast6oad and Cast38port I,4D74T4D features# The Data 1onnector operator is an adapter for the $ccess odule or

    non-Teradata files# The J6 elect and Insert operators sub%it the Teradata 3631T and

    I,3!T co%%ands# The 6oad& pdate& 38port and trea% operators are si%ilar to the

    current Cast6oad& ulti6oad& Cast38port and T/u%p utilities& but built

    for the TWB parallel environ%ent#

    The I,4D and 4T4D adapters& Data 1onnector operator& and the J6elect7Insert operators are included when you purchase the Infrastructure# The6oad& pdate& 38port and trea% operators are purchased separately#

    To si%plify these new concepts& let*s co%pare the Teradata Warehouse Builder4perators with the classic utilities that we Aust covered#

    TWB Operator Teradata $tilit( Description





    64$D Cast6oad

    $ consu%er-type operator thatuses the Teradata Cast6oadprotocol# upports 3rror li%itsand 1heckpoint7 !estart# Bothsupport ulti-Value1o%pression and //I#

    /D$T3 ulti6oad

    tili2es the Teradataulti6oad protocol to enable

    Aob based table updates# Thisallows highly scalable andparallel inserts and updates toa pre-e8isting table#

    3./4!T Cast38port$ producer operator thate%ulates the Cast38port utility

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    T!3$ T/u%pses %ultiple sessions toperfor% D6 transactions innear real-ti%e#

    Data1onnector ,7$

    This operator e%ulates the

    Data 1onnector $/I# !eadse8ternal data files& writes datato e8ternal data files& reads anunspecified nu%ber of datafiles#

    4DB1 ,7$!eads data fro% an 4DB1/rovider#

    2dministrative $tilities

    $d%inistrative utilities use a graphical user interface (9I) to %onitor and%anage various aspects of a Teradata Database syste%#

    The ad%inistrative utilities are'

    Teradata anager

    Teradata Dyna%ic Juery anager (TDJ)

    Teradata $nalyst /ack

    Teradata %ana"er

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    Teradata anager is a production and perfor%ance %onitoring syste% thathelps a DB$ or syste% %anager to %onitor& control& and ad%inister one or %oreTeradata Database syste%s through a 9I# !unning on 6$,-attached clients&Teradata anager has a variety of tools and applications to gather& %anipulate&and analy2e infor%ation about each Teradata Database being ad%inistered#

    Cor e8a%ples of Teradata anager functions& click here' Teradata anager38a%ples

    Teradata D(namic Cuer( %ana"er 0TDC%1

    Teradata Dyna%ic Juery anager (TDJ)& for%erly known as DatabaseJuery anager (DBJ)& is a +uery workload %anage%ent tool thatdyna%ically tunes the Teradata Database# TDJ can run& suspend& reschedule&or reAect a +uery based on current orkloadand set thresholds#

    Cor e8a%ple& with TDJ a re+uest can be scheduled to run periodically orduring a specified ti%e period without an active syste% connection# !esults canbe retrieved any ti%e after the re+uest has been sub%itted by TDJ ande8ecuted#

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    TDJ can restrict +ueries based on factors such as'

    $nalysis control thresholds

    4bAect control thresholds

    3nviron%ental factors

    Teradata 2nal(st Pack

    Teradata $nalyst /ack is a suite of the following products#

    Teradata ?isual ,+plain

    Teradata Visual 38plain %akes +uery plan analysis easier by providing theability to capture and "raphicall( represent the steps of the plan andperform comparisonsof two or %ore plans# It is intended for application

    developers& database ad%inistrators and database support personnel to betterunderstand why the Teradata Database 4pti%i2er chooses a particular plan for agiven J6 +uery# $ll infor%ation re+uired for +uery plan analysis such asdatabase obAect definitions& data de%ographics and cost and cardinalityesti%ates is available through the Teradata Visual 38plain interface# The tool isvery helpful in identifying the perfor%ance i%plications of data skew and bad or%issing statistics# Visual 38plain uses a Cuer( 3apture Databaseto store

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    +uery plans which can then be visuali2ed or %anipulated with other Teradata$nalyst /ack tools#

    Teradata '(stem ,mulation Tool 0Teradata ',T1

    Teradata 3T si%plifies the task of emulatin" a tar"et s(stemby providing theability to e8port and i%port all infor%ation necessary to fake out the opti%i2erin a test environ%ent# This infor%ation can be used along with the Teradata*sTarget 6evel 3%ulation feature to generate +uery plans on the test syste% as ifthey were run on the target syste%# This feature is useful for verifying +ueriesand reproducing opti%i2er related issues in a test environ%ent#

    Teradata 3T allows the user to capture the following by database& +uery& orworkload'

    yste% cost para%eters

    4bAect definitions !ando% $/ sa%ples


    Juery e8ecution plans


    This tool does not e8port user data#

    Teradata Inde+ Wi5ard

    Teradata Inde8 Wi2ard auto%ates the process of %anual inde8 design byrecommendin" secondar( inde+esfor a particular workload# Teradata Inde8

    Wi2ard provides a si%ple& easy-to-use graphical user interface (9I) that guidesthe user how to go about analy2ing a database workload and providesreco%%endations for i%proving perfor%ance through the use of inde8es#

    Teradata 'tatistics Wi5ard

    Teradata tatistics Wi2ard is a graphical tool that has been designed toautomate the collection and re-collection of statistics& resulting in better+uery plans and helping the DB$ to efficiently %anage statistics#

    The tatistics Wi2ard enables the DB$ to'

    pecify a workload to be analy2ed for reco%%endations specific toi%proving the perfor%ance of the +ueries in a workload#

    elect an arbitrary database or selection of tables& inde8es& or colu%ns

    for analysis& collection& or re-collection of statistics#

    $s changes are %ade within a database& the tatistics Wi2ard identifies thosechanges and reco%%ends which tablesshould have statistics collected& based

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    on age of data and table growth& and what colu%ns7inde8es would benefit fro%having statistics defined and collected for a specific orkload# The DB$ isthen given the opportunity to accept or reAect the reco%%endations#

    2rchival $tilities

    Teradata has utilities specifically designed for data archive and recoverypurposes# There are different utilities for channel-attached clients and network-attached clients#

    2rchivin" on 3hannel-2ttached 3lients

    In a channel-attached (%ainfra%e) client environ%ent& the 2rchive ecover(0231 utilit(is used to back up data# It supports co%%ands written in Eob1ontrol 6anguage (E16)# The $!1 utility archives and restores databaseobAects& allowing recovery of data that %ay have been da%aged or lost#

    There are several scenarios where restoring obAects fro% e8ternal %edia %ay benecessary'

    !estoring non-Callback tables after a disk failure#

    !estoring tables that have been corrupted by batch processes that %ay

    have left the data in an uncertain state# !estoring tables& views& or %acros that have been accidentally dropped

    by the user# iscellaneous user errors resulting in da%aged or lost database obAects#

    With the $!1 utility you can copy a table and restore it to another TeradataDatabase# It is scalable and parallel& and can run on a channel-attached client (or

    network-attached client) or a node#

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