21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes


Transcript of 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

Page 1: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes
Page 2: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

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Page 3: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Green Juice Feast Recipes

A Note From Angela Stokes:

All of these recipes are intended for 1-2 people, depending on how much

you love to drink at once. The guideline for Juice Feasting is to aim to

consume at LEAST a gallon of fresh, raw juice a day - that's 4 quarts/litres.

Some people find it tricky to get this much juice into themselves; however,

it's a good benchmark to at least aim for.

Some of these juice combos may seem a little "intense" to your tastebuds at

first if you're not very accustomed to drinking greens - we often "flavour" the

juices with lemon/lime juice and ginger.

You can always also add the juice of some apples, carrots or beets to

sweeten things up a bit more if you like, or combine with coconut water.


We recommend straining ALL juices through a nut milk bag before drinking,

to ensure there is NO fiber at all in the juice, allowing maximum ease of

absorption. We recommend using a "twin gear" juicer such as the Green

Star to get the most out of your greens.

*Always* drink juice on an empty stomach for best nutrient absorption.

Page 4: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

“Chocolate Milk”


1 bunch spinach

1 head romaine lettuce

6 medium carrots


Juice 'em up and serve - tastes *just* like

chocolate milk (depending on your

taste-buds ;-)

Can be made sweeter with more carrots or even with apples if desired.

Pine Green


1/2 head celery

1 cucumber

1/2 bunch parsley

1 big bunch of whichever leafy greens you have available, e.g. lettuces,

spinach, kale etc

1/2 -1 pineapple, to taste


This is one of our *favourite* juice combinations - greeeens with pineapple.

You can really use any greens you have available...then add in the

pineapple juice at the last moment before drinking, as the enzymes in the

pineapple start to break down the green juice very quickly...drink up and

enjoy ;-)

Page 5: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Summer Quencher


1 head celery

1 - 2 apples to taste

1 cucumber

small chunk of ginger, to taste


This is a very light and refreshing greeeeen drink for summer... just juice it all

up and suck it in - your cells will thank you ;-)

Green Goddess


1 cucumber

6 leaves kale

1/2 bunch parsley

1/4 bunch mint

2 stalks celery

1 lemon or lime, peeled


Run all the ingredients through your juicer,

strain juice through a nut–milk bag and serve


Page 6: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com



1 small bulb fennel

1 cucumber

3 stalks celery

1 big handful leafy greens, e.g. kale,

spinach or romaine

5 - 6 sprigs mint

juice of 1 lemon/lime


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Minty-Ginger Snap


3 stalks of celery

1 cucumber, cut lengthways

1 handful of fresh mint leaves

3 leaves kale

1 lemon/lime, peeled

1 inch chunk of fresh ginger


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Page 7: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Iron Elixir


1 fennel bulb

1 cucumber

1 cup fresh sprouts; e.g. broccoli or alfalfa

1 handful cilantro

1 stalk fresh mint

1/2 lemon/lime, peeled


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately. (The fennel in this recipe will help supply your

body with a good dose of iron.)

Vibrant Awakening


6 leaves kale

1 cucumber

2 stalks celery

1/2 lime/lemon, peeled

1 inch chunk of fresh ginger root


Run all the ingredients through your

juicer, strain juice through a nut–

milk bag and serve immediately.

Page 8: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Liver Love


1 beet

handful of greens of your choice

1 cucumber

1 small fennel bulb

1/2 lemon/lime, peeled

1 inch chunk fresh ginger


Run all the ingredients through your

juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately. Let the beet juice get to work at scrubbing

your liver clean :)



3 - 4 stalks celery

1/2 bunch kale

1 bunch fresh cilantro

2 green apples

1/2 lemon/lime, peeled


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Page 9: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

The Warrioress


1 whole head broccoli

big handful of fresh leafy greens of your choice

1/2 bunch fresh mint

1 lemon/lime, peeled

1 inch chunk fresh ginger


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately. Let that powerful, protective brocolli juice

boost up your antioxidant levels sky-high ;)

Gentle Flow


1 cucumber

small handful fresh mint

1 fennel bulb

1 romaine head

1 lemon/lime, peeled


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Page 10: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Popeye's Glee


1 big handful spinach

6 kale leaves

1 zucchini

1 cucumber

1 bunch parsley

1 lemon/lime, peeled


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Kabbage Kick


1 fennel bulb

1/2 cabbage

1 big handful leafy greens, e.g. kale, spinach or romaine

3 sprigs fresh mint

1 lemon/lime, peeled


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately. Cabbage brings us the gift of Vitamin K - drink

up :)

Page 11: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Gorgeously Green


6 big leaves kale

big handful of fresh leafy greens of your choice

3 stalks celery

1 bunch parsley

1 inch chunk ginger root

Juice from 1 fresh lemon/lime


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Vibrant Living


1 bunch spinach

3 carrots, with tops if possible

3 stalks celery

1/2 bunch parsley

handful of fresh sprouts of choice,

e.g. alfalfa, broccoli


Run all the ingredients through your

juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately.

Page 12: 21 Day Detox Green Juice Feast Recipe Collection by Angela Stokes

The 21-Day Green Smoothie Detox www.greensmoothiequeen.com

Garden Delight


3 stalks celery

2 carrots

1 zucchini

handful of leafy greens of your choice

1 bunch fresh parsley

1/2 beet

1 inch chunk fresh ginger


Run all the ingredients through your juicer, strain juice through a nut–milk

bag and serve immediately