20th century timeline Elizabeth II takes place in Westminster Abbey. 1955 ITV, the first commercial...


Transcript of 20th century timeline Elizabeth II takes place in Westminster Abbey. 1955 ITV, the first commercial...


Queen Victoria dies, bringing the Victorian Era to an end.


The Titanic sinks.

1914The first World War begins following the g g

assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

of Austria.


The first World War ends.


The BBC is formed and starts daily radio


1926John Logie Baird demonstrates

the world’s first television.


Adolf Hitler comes to power in Germany.

1939Britain and

France declare war declare war on Germany and World War Two



Winston Churchill becomes

Prime Minister.


World War Two ends.


The National Health Service is set up to provide free health care.


The coronation of Queen Elizabeth II

takes place in Westminster Abbey.

1955ITV, the first commercial television station is launched.

1957 Russia launches Sputnik,

the first satellite to orbit the earth.


Britain’s first motorway, the M1, opens.


England wins the World Cup.


Man walks on the moon.


Decimalisation begins.


B it i j i sBritain joins the

European Community.


Margaret Thatcher becomes the first woman Prime Minister.


Prince Charles marries Lady Diana Spencer.

1985The Live Aid concerts raise concerts raise money for victims of famine in Ethiopia.


Sir Tim Berners Lee invents the World Wide Web.


The first website goes



The Channel Tunnel opens.


Princess Diana dies in a car

crash in Paris.


Britain celebrates the start of a new Millennium.

Look Write Write again Cover and Write Check and Correct











1. What year did Queen Victoria die?2. What year was the Russian revolution?3. What year did Ms Wheeler leave school?4. What year was the atomic bomb dropped on Japan?5. What year was the Treaty of Versailles signed?6. What year did Titanic sink?7. What year was Kennedy assassinated?8. What year did World War One begin?9. What year did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon?10.What year did Princess Diana die?11.What year was the Battle of the Somme?12. What year was the Battle of Britain?13. What year did the Cold War begin?14. What year was Danny Knowles born?15. What year did World War One end?16. What year did Elvis record his first song?17. What year did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?18. What year did England win the World Cup?19. What year were American troops sent into Vietnam?20. What year did you start secondary school?21. What year did World War Two begin?22. What year did the Viet Cong defeat the French?23. What year did the Falklands War begin?24. What year did Hitler become leader of the Nazis?25. When was the first Wembley Cup Final?26. What year was the Queen’s silver jubilee?27. What year did Take That split and the Spice girls form?28. What year were President Regan and the Pope both shot?29. What year was the Watergate scandal?30. What year did Elizabeth II become Queen?31. What year was the film Forrest Gump filmed?32. What year was the Russian satellite Sputnik launched?33. What year was the first talking movie made?34. What year did Maradona claim ‘the hand of God’35. What year did Birds Eye sell the first fish fingers?36. When was the first episode of East Enders?37. What World Cup year was Beckham sent off?38. What year was the Triple Entente signed?39. What year did Japan attack Pearl Harbour?40. What year was Thomas the Tank Engine first televised?


Look at the pictures and say what people could do and what they couldn’t do.

Example : They couldn’t travel by planes.

Can you find other examples ? Could everybody ( children, the poor , the rich, men , women) do the same things ?

Cross the Atlantic Opened in 1863













What was life like at the beginning of the twentieth century ?

1  2 3

4 5 

6  7  8 9 10

At that time life was much different because a lot of the things you use now didn’t exist in most houses, so people HAD TO manage in other ways.

Complete the sentences using THAT’ WHY HAD TO and the words illustrated by the drawings

There was no running water, ----------------------------------------------------------

There was no electricity,--------------------------------------------------------------

There were no washing machines-----------------------------------------------------

There was no central heating----------------------------------------------------------

There were no motor cars------------------------------------------------------------

At that time life was much different because a lot of the things you use now didn’t exist in most houses, so people HAD TO manage in other ways.

Complete the sentences using THAT’ WHY, HAD TO and the words illustrated by the drawings

There was no running water, ----------------------------------------------------------

There was no electricity,--------------------------------------------------------------

There were no washing machines-----------------------------------------------------

There was no central heating----------------------------------------------------------

There were no motor cars------------------------------------------------------------

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Why’s (s)he soo famous? What else do you know

Franklin Delano

Roosevelt (January 30, 1882 -

April 12, 1945) was the

32nd President of the United

States from 1933 until his death in

1945. He served as United States

President longer than any other


On December 7, 1941, Japan

launched its attack on the Pearl

Harbor military base in Hawaii. On

December 8, the United States

Congress declared war on

the Empire of Japan. After the

declaration, Japan's allies,

Germany and Italy, declared war

on the United States. This brought

the United States fully into World

War II.

For overcoming the difficult

challenges of a depression and a

world war, historians generally

consider him to be one of the best

U.S. presidents.

Albert Einstein (14 March 1879 –

18 April 1955) was a German-

born theoretical physicist who

developed the general theory of

relativity, one of the two pillars of

modern physics

(alongside quantum mechanics).

He received the Nobel Prize in

Physics in 1921, but not

for relativity. His theories of special

and general relativity are of great

importance to

many branches of physics and astr

onomy. They have been given

experimental confirmation by many

experiments and observations.

Einstein is well known for

his theories about light, matter, gra

vity, space, and time. His most well

known equation is E = mc2. It

means that energy and mass are

different forms of the same thing.

Near the beginning of World War II,

he warned President Franklin D.

Roosevelt that Germany might

be developing an atomic weapon,

and recommended that the U.S.

begin nuclear weapons research.

That research, begun by a

newly established Manhattan

Project, resulted in the U.S.

becoming the first and only country

to have nuclear weapons during

the war.

The Beatles were an

English rock band, started

in Liverpool, England in 1960.

They were, and still are, one of the

most successful

and influential bands in the history

of modern music. The members of

the band were John

Lennon (rhythm guitar), Paul

McCartney (bass guitar), George

Harrison (lead guitar) and Ringo

Starr (drums).

After the Beatles became so

popular in the United States, other

British bands, such as The Rolling

Stones, The Animals, The Kinks

and Gerry and the

Pacemakers had songs become

hits there as well. So many British

bands became popular after the

Beatles' success that this time

became known in America as the

"British Invasion".

Mother Teresa (born Agnes

Gonxha Bojaxhiu, 26 August

1910 – 5 September 1997), was

a Roman Catholic nun who started

the Missionaries of Charity and

won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979

for her work with people. For over

forty years, she took care of needs

of those without money, those who

were sick, those without parents,

and those dying

in Calcutta (Kolkata).

As the Missionaries of Charity

grew under Mother's leadership,

they expanded their ministry to

other countries. By the 1970s she

had become internationally well

known as an advocate for the poor

and helpless.

She did not think women had the

right to have abortions and said

"The greatest destroyer of peace is

abortion because if a mother can

kill her own child, what is left for

me to kill you and you to kill me?".

Mohandas Karamchand

Gandhi (October 1869 – 30

January 1948) was a leader

of nationalism in British-ruled India.

He is better known as Mahatma

Gandhi. Gandhi was one of the

most important people involved in

the movement for the

independence of India. He was

a non-violent activist, who led the

independence movement through

a non-violent protest. In

1947, British Indian

Empire became independent, and

broke into two different countries,

India and Pakistan. Gandhi wanted

independence, but did not want to

split into two different countries.

Instead of celebrating on

Independence Day, he was crying

over the division of India.

Gandhi's principle of "way of truth"

has inspired other democratic and

anti-racist activists like Martin

Luther King, Jr. and Nelson

Mandela. Gandhi often said that

his values were simple, based

upon traditional Hindu beliefs: truth

and non-violence.