
Sample of Story Telling MC Speech N o Mc Speech Note Pre-annuncement Assalamualaikum and good morning ladies and gentlemen! I would like to invite all the guests and spectators to be seated as our Storytelling Competition will begin shortly. To ensure the smoothness of our programme, please make sure that all handphones are in silent mode or turned off, thank you. Greetings Assalmualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, peace be upon you all and welcome to the story telling competition. We would like to extend our greatest welcome to our …………………………………………………………………………………., all Headmaster and Headmistress from other school, teachers, contestants and students. We begin in the name of Allah the most merciful and most gracious. We shall begin our event today with the recital of ummul kitab, al fatihah led by ………………………….. [al-fatihah recital] Thank you ………………………………….. If the DEO did not come.. We would like to extend our greatest welcome to our guest of honour, the representative from the ……………………………… …….

Transcript of 206331428-Sample-of-Story-Telling-MC-Speech.docx

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Sample of Story Telling MC Speech


Mc Speech Note


Assalamualaikum and good morning ladies and gentlemen!I would like to invite all the guests and spectators to be seated as our Storytelling Competition will begin shortly.To ensure the smoothness of our programme, please make sure that all handphones are in silent mode or turned off, thank you.


Assalmualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, peace be upon you all and welcome to the story telling competition.

We would like to extend our greatest welcome to our …………………………………………………………………………………., all Headmaster and Headmistress from other school, teachers, contestants and students.

We begin in the name of Allah the most merciful and most gracious. We shall begin our event today with the recital of ummul kitab, al fatihah led by …………………………..

[al-fatihah recital]

Thank you …………………………………..

A very good morning and thank you all for being here today to witness the Division-Level Story Telling Competition.

If the DEO did not come..We would like to extend our greatest welcome to our guest of honour, the representative from the …………………………………….

My name is …………. With me here is …………………. We’ll be hosting today’s Division Story Telling competition.

We are also delighted to welcome the presence of our contestants, teachers and supporters and school representative this morning. We are very honoured indeed to have all of you present here today. WELCOME AGAIN TO THE DIVISION LEVEL STORY TELLING

Audiences applause….

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Without further due, let us introduce our judges for this competition. First of all, our Chief Judge, ……………………. She has been teaching English for …… years. Followed by our second judge, ………………….. Then from ……………... She has been teaching English for … years and last but not least we have ………………………. from ………….. to be our third judge and have been teaching English for the past 8 years.

Let us give all round applause to the Team of Judges

Thank you once again to our judges for sparing their time for us here today.

Before we start, allow me to read the Rules and Regulations of this Story Telling Competition.

The competition is open to all government aided schools. Only ONE contestant will represent his/her state at the national level.The competition is divided into two sections :

Section 1 : Prepared StoriesSection 2 : Impromptu