2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not...

Training Options Training Options 2020 2020

Transcript of 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not...

Page 1: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

Training OptionsTraining Options20202020

Page 2: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

I got a smal l ins ight into the world of Permanent Make Up whi lst studying Health & Skin Care Therapy in Cape Town. I was instant ly fascinated but soon real ised that the t ra in ing was insuff ic ient as wel l as the end resul ts not very sat isfactory.I cont inued my PMU studies at a smal l salon in Somerset West , South Afr ica but st i l l found that most of my customers had to return for 4 to 5 touch ups. I was disappointed in my work.

In 2008 I f lew to South Afr ica to at tend a 10 day t ra in ing course with Nora Barnard at Premier Permanent South Afr ica. WHAT AN EYEOPENER! I threw away my old colours immediately and s ince then I have only been using Premier Pigments. My cl ients seldom retun for minimal touch up procedures and are so happy with the end resul ts .

I went back to Johannesburg, th is t ime Drumblade, to complete my Para-Medical Training in Intradermal Cosmetics and take my USA Masters Exam, which I received in 2010. I am st i l l the only Master ’s qual i f ied Intradermal Technic ian in Namibia to date and very proud of i t !

I opened my own (now home based) salon in 2010, concentrat ing on advanced aesthet ics .2017 brought yet new Training and opportuni t ies to Namibia. I was able to take part in the DermaplanePro tra in ing as wel l as receive my cert i f icat ion as a Medical Ear Piercing Instructor for Namibia.

2018 I made a few more tr ips to Johannesburg to dive into the world of Plasma Procedures with Cathy Raccine and Nora Barnard! I fe l l in love with the procedures and concept f rom day one! This real ly is an answer to a lot of issues c l ients are facing nowadays! Anyone, who is ser ious about jo in ing this industry, should real ly consider jo in ing the Premier Fami ly !

2018 & 2019 have been very busy years for me too. I received the honour to become the only Premiers Namibian Accredited Master Instructor as wel l as the Namibian Distr ibutor.

Other companies have br i l l iant advert is ing strategies, cost a lot more or even a lot less, are maybe even local and of fer you the world! Real l i fe has taught me though, that they often do not del iver ! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technic ians in Namibia i f they feel 100% conf ident in their work…) Their t ra iners are often not fu l ly qual i f ied, nei ther as technic ians, nor as instructors !Premier real ly of fers you the best t ra in ing, pigments and suppl ies on the market at decent pr ices; immediate and professional support ; regular updates; the newest and most advanced techniques and a team/fami ly that you can count on!

With Love,Anka Steinkopff

Anka Steinkopff- NAMIBIA -


Page 3: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 4 0 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 8 DAY SVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Learn t r ied and tested techniques as wel l as the newest t rends on the market ! Be able to advise on the best look, technique and pigments to use for your c l ients as wel l as of fer the 123-Tattoo-Free tat too removal method. Training covers in depth: • Theory and Pract ical of Ful l Set Up and Procedure, Sani tat ion, Anatomy, Consultat ion,

Pr ic ing Recommendat ion, etc• History and use of Premier Pigments in the Intradermal Cosmetic Industry.• Shaded Brows, Ombre Brows, Hybr id Brows, Microbladed Eyebrows, etc• Basic Eyel iner, Mucosal Eyel iner, Designer Eyel iner, Stardust Eyel iner, etc• L ipl iner, Ful l L ip Colour, Ombre Lips, etc• Permanent Make Up Colour Correct ions • 123 Tattoo Free Tattoo Removal

You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the in-dustry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly accredited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: None

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P- a l l i n c lu s i v e

Page 4: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P - c o m p r e h e n s i v e

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 3 0 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 6 DAY SVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Learn t r ied and tested techniques as wel l as the newest t rends on the market ! Be able to advise on the best look, technique and pigments to use for your c l ients . This Training covers the basic of Permanent Make Up Technqiues and gives you a great start into the industry. More advanced techniques/procedures are covered in the ALL INCLUSIVE opt ion.Training covers in depth: • Theory and Pract ical of Ful l Set Up and Procedure, Sani tat ion, Anatomy,

Consultat ion, Pr ic ing Recommendat ion, etc• History and use of Premier Pigments in the Intradermal Cosmetic Industry.• Shaded Brows and Ombre Brows• Basic Eyel iner, Mucosal Eyel iner and Designer Eyel iner• L ipl iner and Ful l L ip Colour• Permanent Make Up Colour Correct ions

You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the industry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly accredited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: None

Page 5: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P - m i c r o b l a d i n g b e g i n n e r s

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $12 5 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 2 DAY SP LU S K I T - N $ 8 675

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Microblading is a tat tooing technique in which a smal l handheld tool made up of several t iny needles is used to add permanent pigment to the skin. Micro-blading di f fers f rom standard eyebrow tat tooing because each hairstroke is created by hand, producing a th in, natural looking l ine that blends in with exist ing eyebrow hair. Tradi t ional Permanent Make Up eyebrows are done with a machine and needle, of ten producing thicker, less natural l ines that tend to expand over t ime. I t is typical ly used on eyebrows to at tempt to ei ther create, enhance or reshape the appearance of the eyebrows.

This module wi l l teach you the fundamentals of Microblading, including Anato-my, Hygiene & Sanitat ion, Colour Theory, Procedure Set Up, etc .

You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the industry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly accredited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: None

Page 6: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 7 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYP LU S K I T - N $ 8 675

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

This course opt ion is for the already qual i f ied Permanent Make Up art ist that would l ike to add Microblading to their services.

Microblading is a tat tooing technique in which a smal l handheld tool made up of several t iny needles is used to add permanent pigment to the skin. Microblading di f fers f rom standard eyebrow tat tooing be-cause each hairstroke is created by hand, producing a th in, natural looking l ine that blends in with exist ing eyebrow hair. Tradi t ional Per-manent Make Up eyebrows are done with a machine and needle, of ten producing thicker, less natural l ines that tend to expand over t ime. I t is typical ly used on eyebrows to at tempt to ei ther create, enhance or reshape the appearance of the eyebrows.

You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the industry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly accredited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Permanent Make Up or Microblading of a Reputable Institution

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P - m i c r o b l a d i n g a dva n c e d / r e f r e s h e r

Page 7: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P - a l l a b o u t b r ow s

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 2 0 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 3 DAY SP LU S K I T - N $17 5 0 0

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Learn the fundamentals of eyebrow design, including how to measure, color, shape and space brows that wi l l enhance any face shape. This informat ion-packed class includes step-by-step instruct ions, hands-on procedures and l ive demonstrat ions of permanent eyebrow. Perfect ly shaped and groomed eyebrows are current ly in high demand! With th is course you can of fer your c l ients var ious opt ions to achieve the look they want . Whether i t is the t radi t ional Shaded Brow, Natural looking Microbalded or the current ly t rendy Ombré look, you wi l l be conf ident in knowing the di f ference and advantaged of each technique.

In depth therory covers a l l aspects of a Ful l Set Up and Procedure, Sani tat ion, Anatomy, Consultat ion, Pr ic ing Recomendadion, etc .You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the industry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly ac-credited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: None






Page 8: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P - s i n g l e m o d u l e s

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 6 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAY P E R M O D U L EVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

I f you are struggel ing with a speci f ic procedure or would l ike to only concentrate one one at the moment, th is is the opt ion for you.

Learn the best techniques for master ing ei ther :• Shaded Eyebrows• Ombré Eyebrows• Basic Eyel iner• Designer Eyel iner• French Eyel iner• Mucosal Eyel iner• Stardust Eyel iner• L ipl iner• Ful l L ip Colour• Ombré Lips• Colour Correct ions

Training also includes fu l l coverage of Theory, Procedure Set Up, Cl ient Consultat ion, Pigment Choices, etc .You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the industry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly accredited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: None

Page 9: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T M A K E U P - pa r a m e d i c a l

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 3 0 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 4 DAY SVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Intradermal Paramedical Training is an advanced tra in ing opt ion to broaden your procedure scope.

Training includes:• Theory and Pract ical of Ful l Set Up and Procedure, Sanitat ion,

Anatomy, Consultat ion, Pr ic ing Recommendat ion, etc• History and use of Premier Pigments in the Intradermal

Cosmetic Industry.• Areola Repigmentat ion• Scar Correct ion• Stretchmark Resurfacing• Microneedl ing• 123 Tattoo Free Tattoo Removal• Vi t i l igo Repigmentat ion• Port Wine Stain Removal

You wi l l leave the tra in ing with ample knowledge and conf idence to start working in the industry r ight away. Students wi l l do hands-on procedures on l ive models !Cont inuous local and internat ional support !Al l our Permanent Make Up Courses are internat ional ly accredited by the American Inst i tute of Intradermal Cosmetics.

T H I S C O U R S E C A N A L S O B E B R O K E N U P I N T O S I N G L E M O D U L E S A T N $ 6 0 0 0

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution or Tattoo Artists

Page 10: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

123 - TAT TO O F R E E

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 6 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYP LU S K I T - N $ 8 0 0 0

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Tradit ional laser tat too removal methods depend on the body to absorb or carry the unwanted ink into other parts of the body creat ing possible a l lergic react ions. Archaic laser methods are ink colour speci f ic and can cause scars, local ized hair loss and burns and can require on average of 12 to 24 sessions and be very cost ly.

The 123-TATTOO-FREE® system was developed and created by Tattoo art ist Ron Hendon in USA, and is now exclusively avai lable in South Afr ica through the Premier Training Academy.The 123-TATTOO-FREE® system removes tat toos in 1 to 3 sessions, ut i l iz ing a mi ld exfol iat ing formula and a v i r tual ly painless pinpoint abrasion process. There is no other method that actual ly removes the ink f rom the skin other than 123-TATTOO-FREE® which s imply creates a mi ld i r r i tat ion that causes the body to natural ly reject the pigment and is washed off your skin af ter the t reatment .

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution or Tattoo Artists

Page 11: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 2 5 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYP LU S K I T - N $1 5 0 0

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

We l ive in a world where women and men are constant ly looking for the latest beauty t rend that wi l l help them save t ime and look more att ract ive. Not everyone is comfortable with lash extensions (expense, upkeep andfeel of i t ) and many f ind this i r r i tat ing.

The Premier Lash Li f t Pro t reatment is a innovat ive and fantast ic t reatment to make the eyes look bigger and enhance the cur l of the eyelashes. I t does not matter how short or long, th ick or th in your lashes are, wi th the Premier Lash Li f t Pro t reatment your c l ients lashes can look gorgeous!

The treatment takes about 45 minutes and last between 6 to 8 weeks. Each lash is indiv idual ly l i f ted and adhered to a s i l icone shield to give maximum volume and ef fect .A gent le and safe solut ion is then appl ied to the eyelashes, giv ing them a dramat ic cur l ing ef fect , wi thout damaging the root or hair i tsel f.

Depending on the s i l icone shield chosen, the ef fect can be very natural to extremely dramat ic ! We even t int the lashes in the same procedure, giv ing them an even better look!

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Kit Content:5 sets of Silicone Eye Rods/PadsY-Brushes7ml Premier Lash Glue4ml Premier Lash Lifting Solution4ml Premier Lash Setting Solution4ml Premier Lash Nourishing Oil4ml Premier Lash Cleanser

Premier Lash Tint5 sets of Eyepads10 Mircobrushes5 Mascara BrushesPremier Training ManualInternational Courier Fee

Page 12: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 6 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYP LU S K I T - N $ 6 3 0 0

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

A safe and gent le procedure that gives your c l ient a semi-permanent foundat ion that lasts for 4-6 weeks. Resul ts are cumulat ive! The best and safest products (stayve) and techniques are used to ensure glowing, br i l l iant and sat isfactory resul ts . Addit ional booster ampoules aimed at speci f ic skin condit ions are added, making this t reatment ideal for anything f rom ageing, acne or dehydrated skin. Get glowing skin! Even out Skintone! Hide blemishes! Cover Hyperpigmentat ion!

Premier again has sourced the best and safest BB Glow products on the market and partnered up with Stayve Korea to give you and your c l ients perfect resul ts !

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy ( including Microneedling) or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Kit Content:BB Glow Starter Kit (12 Shades & 12 Booster)Formulage CleanserFormulage MicroPeelFormulage Cooling MaskFormulage Day CreamFacial Sponges (12pp)Premier Training ManualInternational Courier Fee

Page 13: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 2 0 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 2 DAY SVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Plasma Skin Tightening is a revolut ionary cosmetic t reatment that uses and electr ical arc to el iminate excess skin. I t is known for i t ’s success with Non Surgical Eye l i f t , Scar L i f t ing Treatments, Wrinkle reduct ion, Tummy t ightening and so much more. The term “soft surgery” is of ten used to descr ibe the treatment because i t del ivers resul ts s imi lar to surgery without a scalpel , s t i tch or bandage and minimal downt ime. I t is a minimal ly invasive procedure with a much lower r isk and at a more af fordable pr ice then actual surgery. Areas that can be treated include: Wrinkles around the Mouth, Hooded Eyel ids, Sagging Neck Skin, Crow’s Feet , Sagging skin on the Arms and Stomach and more! Premier Plasma Pen Pro can also be used to safely and quickly remove benign moles & skintags, sunspots and tat toos!

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Page 14: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R M I C RO N E E D L I N G P RO- b a s i c

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 6 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Microneedl ing course cover ing basic techniques for the face. This entry level t ra in ing shows you the basics of how microneedl ing works, how i t wi l l benef i t your c l ients and how you can safely and ef fect ively incorperate i t into you salon. I t is current ly one of the most sought af ter aesthet ic procedures worldwide and when combined with proper technique and homecare y ields excel lent skin rejuvenat ion. I t can also be combined with several other procedures to give even better and faster resul ts .

Microneedl ing is a procedure using a device with t iny, shal low needles to essent ia l ly pierce f ine holes in the skin surface. Those holes are actual ly therapeut ic , s ince they cause a ‘micro in jury’ that prompts skin to st imulate col lagen product ion, f i l l ing in f ine l ines, p lumping the skin and contr ibut ing to a younger look. Our topical aneasthet ics are very ef fect ive, so very l i t t le, i f any discomfort is exper ienced dur ing treatment . I f you don’t mind a bi t of pr ickly therapy to help combat acne scars, wr inkles or stretch marks, th is t reatment is def in i te ly for you.This safe procedure isn’ t just for the face, though. I t can also be used on many areas of the body, including the arms, neck, legs, abdomen, back and hands. We can customize microneedl ing to each cl ients needs. According to a 2008 study, skin t reated with four microneedl ing sessions spaced one month apart produced up to a 400% increase in col lagen and elast in s ix months af ter complet ing treatments.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Page 15: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

P R E M I E R M I C RO N E E D L I N G P RO- a dva n c e d

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $12 5 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 2 DAY SVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

The Advanced Premier Microneedl ing Pro together with the Formulage Skincare Range treats a vast array of skin condit ions f rom pigmentat ion to acne scarr ing, ageing skin, keloid scarr ing, stretchmarks and much more!

Microneedl ing is a procedure using a device with t iny, shal low needles to essent ia l ly pierce f ine holes in the skin surface. Those holes are actual ly therapeut ic , s ince they cause a ‘micro in jury’ that prompts skin to st imulate col lagen product ion, f i l l ing in f ine l ines, p lumping the skin and contr ibut ing to a younger look. Our topical aneasthet ics are very ef fect ive, so very l i t t le, i f any discomfort is exper ienced dur ing treatment . I f you don’t mind a bi t of pr ickly therapy to help combat acne scars, wr inkles or stretch marks, th is t reatment is def in i te ly for you.This safe procedure isn’ t just for the face, though. I t can also be used on many areas of the body, including the arms, neck, legs, abdomen, back and hands. We can customize microneedl ing to each cl ients needs. According to a 2008 study, skin t reated with four microneedl ing sessions spaced one month apart produced up to a 400% increase in col lagen and elast in s ix months af ter complet ing treatments.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Page 16: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


T R A I N I N G F E E - N $10 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 2 DAY SVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

The Premier Hyaluron Pen Pro is an innovat ion that deposi ts Hyaluronic Acid serum into the epidermal and upper dermal layers of the skin without t radi t ional needles or in ject ions. Ideal for c l ients that are f r ightened or uncomfortable with needles, th is v i r tual ly pain f ree treatment is less inva-s ive and fast , and al lows cl ients to plump and f i l l their l ips , f ine l ines and wrinkles. The pen uses pressure which causes the Hyaluronic Acid to turn into Nano Scale molecules and shoots the special serum through the skin. The Diameter of th is shot is 0.17 mm, halve the diameter as the smal lest insul in needle. The Hyaluron Pen can be used to create volume, shape and l i f t .

Treatment areas include:Lips, nasolabial l ines, mar ionette l ines, 1 1 l ines, forehead wrinkles.Perfect for l ip augmentat ions and reducing wrinkles.The Hyaluronic Acid only reaches the papi l lary layer of the dermis making this a safe t reatment with no r isk of occlusion as wel l as no sharp t ips to puncture blood vessels .

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Page 17: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 4 5 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYP LU S K I T - N $1 65 0

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

There are many reasons for gett ing pierced. Some people get piercings as a form of personal expression, as a rel ig ious t radi t ion, and sometimes to conquer a fear. More recent ly though, people have been using piercing as a form of heal ing. A 5,000 year old heal ing t radi t ion that acts as an al ternat ive and hol ist ic approach to medicine, which we now cal l acupuncture!

Acupuncture and aur iculotherapy came about dur ing the stone age and have advanced in to the speci f ic f ie lds of medicine that they are today. This happened in the 50’s with the help of Dr. Paul Nogier who is known as the Father of Modern Aur iculothera-py. He not iced that there was a connect ion between a part of the ear that was st imulated and another part on the body and that i t could be measured with modern equipment . As with both acupuncture and aur iculotherapy, a piercing can be placed in a spe-ci f ic spot to st imulate the ref lex points in that area. Doing this can improve the f low of energy within the body, which can help al leviate a certa in pain and regulate the body’s funct ions and internal organs. Most of the pressure points known to al lay pain can be found in the ear. Acupunctur ists of ten cal l the ear a “microsystem” because there is a point for every part of the body.

Learn how to place high grade piercings strategical ly and safely on the out-s ide of the ear to assist wi th condit ions such as migraines, smoking or food cravings and much more!No Medicat ion! No Negat ive Side Ef fects ! Fantast ic Results !

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution or Tattoo Artists


Kit Content:Clamping Tools X 210x 14G Curved Needles10x 10mm Titanium/Surgical Steel Curved BarbellsPremier Training ManualInternational Courier Fee

Page 18: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 5 0 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYP LU S K I T - N $ 5 0 0 0

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Deemed the Hol lywood Facial , th is deeply exfol iat ing technique is a MUST for every skin t reatment ! Surface debr is , dead skin cel ls and f ine vel lus hairs are professional ly removed with the aid of a special ised surgical b lade. This leaves the skin s i lky smooth and ready to better accept any fol lowing appl icat ion, be i t a chemical peel , mask or even f lawless make up appl icat ion! I t smoothes out the appearance of f ine l ines & wrinkles and helps to t reat hyperpigmentat ion. Dermaplanning is a physical exfol iat ion that uses a special ized medical scalpel designed to scrape away accumulated dead skin cel ls and vel lous hairs .I t is a comfortable and relaxing procedure that can easi ly be combined with other services to improve their ef f ic iency. Resul ts are immediate.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy or Permanent Make Up of a Reputable Institution

Premier Training ManualFormulage Acne Prevention Cleanser 250mlFormulage Day Cream 150mlFormulage Radiant Cream 50mlFormulage Micropeel 250mlAHA/BHA Skin Prep Solution 240mlDermaNourish Oil 55ml

#10R Butter Blades x 20Metal Blade Handle Blade Removal Box (holds 100 Blades)DermaHeal 50mlDermaHeal 5ml x 5International Courier Fee

Kit Content:

Page 19: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


T R A I N I N G F E E - N $ 2 65 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 1 DAYVA R I O U S K I T O PT I O N S AVA I L A B L E

C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

Formulage is a bout ique manufacturer of skincare products . We take pr ide in using the highest qual i ty act ive ingredients at the correct concentrat ions to improve the health of the dermis. Formulage uses t r ied and trusted act ive ingredients that have documented evidence of their ef f icacy.Formulage manufactures i ts own products , shortening the supply chain and ensur ing that h ighly ef fect ive products are avai lable at compet i t ive pr ices.We are 100% proudly South Afr ican!The Formulage 1 Day Training wi l l cover in depth product and ingredients knowledge as wel l as teach you how to safely use the Formulage Glycol ic Peels .We wi l l ensure that you know how to best use each product in salon with the var ious facia l protocol ls avai lable and how to market and retai l ef f ic ient ly.

Pr e-req u i r e m e n t s: Qualif ication in Skincare Therapy of a Reputable Institution

Page 20: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


D i D y o u a l r e a D y r e C e i v e y o u r q u a l i f i C at i o n f r o m s o m e h w e r e e l s e

b u t a r e s t r u g g e l i n g w i t h y o u r t e C h n i q u e s , e q u i P m e n t o r

P r o D u C t s ? a r e y o u n ot g e t t i n g t h e r e s u lt s o r i s t h e r e n o s u P P o r t

f r o m y o u r P r e v i o u s t r a i n e r ?

l e t o n e o f o u r i n t e r n at i o n a l ly q u a l i f i e D

P r e m i e r m a s t e r i n s t r u C t o r s s h o w y o u t h e m o s t a D va n C e D a n D

s u P e r i o r t e C h n i q u e s ava i l a b l e

a n D Pay o n ly 75% o f t h e r e l e va n t C o u r s e t r a i n i n g f e e

Page 21: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel

U S A M A S T E R C E R T I F I C A T I O N( H E A D O F E D U C A T I O N N O R A B A R N A R D ) D I P L O M A W I L L B E M A R K E D A N D C E R T I F I E D I N T H E U S A !

T R A I N I N G F E E - R12 5 0 0C O U R S E D U R AT I O N - 2 DAY SF O R C E RT I F I E D P R E M I E R P E R M A N E N T


C O U R S E D E S C R I PT I O N :

The AI IC Master cert i f icat ion is one of the highest accrediat ions in the world! You can only apply for th is Cert i f icat ion i f you have act ively been pract ic ing Permanent Make Up for no less than 24 months,Once you have completed the tra in ing you wi l l have to present a high qual i ty port fol io of 5 p h o t o g r a p h s o f e a c h - B E F O R E , I M M E D I A T E LY A F T E R A N D H E A L E D - O F T H E F O L L O W I N G :

(can be sent to me after Master Theory and Pract ical exam has been done)

· Brows· Designer eyel iner, t radi t ional eyel iner, mucosal l ine· L ip l ine and ful l l ips· Each cl ients’ indemnity forms· CV of yoursel f, t ra in ing exper ience and qual i f icat ions· Photographs of salon or work cubic le

Al l Documents and Evaluat ion Sheets wi l l be sent to the USA.You need to achieve 80% or more in order to receive your AI IC Masters Cert i f icat ion

Page 22: 2020 - premierbeautyacademy.co.za · world! Real life has taught me though, that they often do not deliver! (Ask many of the current Intradermal Technicians in Namibia if they feel


