20/20 Vision Booklet

“Where there is no VISION “Where there is no VISION , , the people perish.” the people perish.” Proverbs 19:18 Beyond Ourselves, But Within Our Reach Let’s do Great Things for God


Prince Of Peace Missionary Baptist Church 20/20 Vision Booklet

Transcript of 20/20 Vision Booklet

Page 1: 20/20 Vision Booklet

“Where there is no VISION“Where there is no VISION , ,

the people perish.”the people perish.”

Proverbs 19:18

Beyond Ourselves, But Within Our Reach

Let’s do Great Things for God

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Table of Contents

History Of the

Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church

Page 1

Letter From Our Pastor Page 2-3

20/20 Vision Partnership Page 4-5

A Challenge From Our Pastor Page 6-7

Questions and Answers Page 8-9

Testimonials Page 10-13

May 1923, in a small house on Scott St, the late Rev E.J James founded the

Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church. The church remained under the

pastorate of Rev. James until 1925, when a new building was purchased at the

corner of 20th and Biddle. In 1928, Prince of Peace was again relocated to 815

Beaumont St. Services were conducted at this location until 1930. As the

church progressed both spiritually and financially; they were blessed to acquire

our current worship center located at 2741 Dayton. God is blessing this minis-

try in a remarkable way and we now have an opportunity now to add to this

historical legacy. Under our present leader Senior Pastor, Willie E. Kilpatrick

many new ministries have developed and original ministries have made great

strides. He has expanded the outreach ministry into the community to meet the

needs of the people. He began his leadership with the motto, “A Church of

Prayer, A Church with Power, A Church of Praise and A Church with a Purpose"

and he is continuously working aimlessly to fulfill our mission to be a place of

hope in our community. We are now faced with challenges to accomplish the

ministry work that needs to take place in order for us to be the beacon of hope

But collectively we can make a difference.



History of

Prince of Peace

Missionary Baptist Church

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A Letter From The Pastor

Dear Prince of Peace Church Family,

I bring you greetings in the matchless name of Jesus. We have before us a wonderful opportunity and a mandate that has been called down from above. That mandate is to reach this dying world with the hope that only comes through Jesus Christ. Only the love of Christ though his people can help bring hope and healing to the

dire situations our communities are facing.

Today we are challenged by an entire generation of young people who have never heard about the love of Jesus in a tangible and meaningful way. We are challenged by the loneliness and despair of senior adults who feel that they are hopeless and useless to society. Gangs and gang vio-lence that is trying to snuff out the lives of our brightest and our best challenge us. We are challenged by a genera-tion of young people who will not graduate from high school and lack the basics skills needed to succeed and prosper in society. AIDS and the HIV virus that attacks individuals, families and communities while leaving fear and utter de-spair in its wake challenge us. We are challenged by illicit drugs that have robbed our community of fertile minds and healthy families. Broken families and dysfunctional rela-tionships challenge us.

God wants this church to confront these challenges by a de-termined faith and unconquerable love. Our Christ cen-tered approach to these issues and more is the

“20/20 Vision Stewardship Campaign”.

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A Letter From The Pastor

I believe in my heart that there is nothing too big for our God to handle. There is nothing too devastating that His love can-not forgive. No one is so unclean that His blood cannot cleanse.

This is why we have embarked upon this fund raising cam-paign. We must reach those who are in despair, lonely, bro-ken, uninspired, depressed, uneducated, uninformed, undisci-plined, lost and dying souls. If we want to continue, our Mas-ter’s work, then we must do so by making both a spiritual and financial sacrifice.

We are asking members of Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church to commit themselves to make a special three-year commitment, above your tithes and offerings, in order to ac-complish this goals. This is a long-term commitment of our resources to Christ and His church. Our “20/20 Vision” Stew-ardship Campaign goal is set at $2,000,000. We can do it with your help. Pray and ask God to direct you in this effort. Ask Him to show you how you can financially participate in this ef-fort and how stewardship lifestyle can be a part of your life.

Yours in Christ,

Willie E. Kilpatrick Pastor Willie E. Kilpatrick

Senior Pastor

Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church

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20/20 Vision Beyond Ourselves but

Within Our Reach.

Let’s do great things for

God together

What does it mean to be a “20/20 Vision” Partner? A partner is a person who shares or is associated with another in some action or endeavor. As a Vision Partner, you are pledging to support the Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church with a weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual and/or a financial contribution over and above your regular giving for the ongoing development and enhancement of our building fund.

As a Vision Partner your financial support will enable us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to this dying world, through building the necessary facilities that will house our new worship facility, family life center, gymnasium and educational building.

Become a VISION PARTNER “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31 (NKJV). The investment in the “20/20 Vision” Stewardship Cam-paign carries a financial challenge that is insurmountable, which makes us utterly dependent on God. This is the reason we continue to proceed with faith and prayer, seeking God’s will for each one of us. When we are in God’s will, we cannot underestimate God’s in-volvement.

As a Vision Partner, we are asking for your commitment to give a sacrificial gift over-and-above your current tithes and offerings to support and accomplish the “20/20 Vision”. In demonstrating our faith, you can be rest assured that God will bless your sacrifice in such a way that success is inevitable.

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We must come together and respond to God’s call, realizing that it is not about equal gifts, but equal sacrifice, as we all seek to be obedi-ent to God’s leading.

We believe that this journey of faith is God’s vision to transform our lives, our church, our community, our city, our nation and even the world. We are surrounded by people who are all in need of the hope we have in Jesus Christ. May we lift up the cross as a beacon of hope and faith. There has never been a greater need for faith than now. May we live out this faith, praying the results will transform this gen-eration, and teach the next that our God reigns, and He desires us to know that his vision is Beyond Ourselves but Within Our Reach.

If I become a Partner, what commitment will Prince of Peace

Missionary Baptist Church make to me?

As a highly valued Vision Partner, you have demonstrated your com-mitment to the vision of Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church and believe that it will accomplish to do as set forth. For this rea-son, you share in the favor and blessing of our Senior Pastor, Willie E. Kilpatrick as he and the Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church Family partners with you in prayer. Because you are sowing in fertile ground, you can expect an abundant harvest in your own life.

Phase I


Erect New Worship Center

Phase II


Erect Gymnasium & Educational


Phase III


Erect Family Life Center

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A Challenge From Our Pastor

The Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church goal is to raise $2,000,000 in three years. The key to our plan for success cen-ters on systematic giving. It is an easy way to make a significant contribution over time. You will be amazed at the ultimate to-tal amount given over three years. We hope to involve every member in the 156-week campaign. Each contributor will es-tablish his or her own schedule of giving either weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually. Commitment giving will begin on January 3, 2010.

A sacrificial gift is one that will require you to:

♦ Change your lifestyle

♦ Rearrange your priorities

♦ Actually give up or forego something

Ask yourself the following four questions:

♦ Is my gift born in prayer?

♦ Is my gift sacrificial?

♦ Does my gift include an element of faith?

♦ Does my gift reflect the way God has blessed me?

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Ways to give….

Give a cash gift Ask God for creative ways to increase your gift. Involve your whole family in raising a specific amount.

Make a 36-month pledge You can give far more when it is spread out over time. You may choose to give weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually.

Make the church a beneficiary in your will

There are many tools available to you that can benefit your church and leave an inheritance for your heirs at the same time.

(The breakout below is based on a 156-week period)

Level Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annually 3-year Total

1 $5.00 $21.67 $65.00 $260 $780

2 $10.00 $43.33 $130.00 $520 $1,560

3 $20.00 $86.67 $260.00 $1,040 $3,120

4 $25.00 $108.33 $325.00 $1,300 $3,900

5 $30.00 $130.00 $390.00 $1,560 $4,680

6 $40.00 $173.33 $520.00 $2,080 $6,240

7 $50.00 $216.67 $650.00 $2,600 $7,800

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Questions & Answers

Why do we need a new church? Not only must we build for the present, we must plan for the fu-ture. We must build for our children and our grandchildren. We need adequate restrooms for all of our worshippers. We need adequate Sunday school classrooms. We need adequate parking with appropriate handicap accessibility. We need adequate space for all the worship services. We need an updated facility to continue reaching the lost and enhance our worship presenta-tion. We need adequate space for our youth and children’s church and ministries. We need adequate space for ministry preparation, rehearsals, meetings and outreach ministries. We need adequate banquet facilities and kitchen. We need ade-quate office space.

Where are we going to build? We are aggressively looking within a 3 to 5 mile radius of our pre-sent location for adequate acreage for building.

Why can’t we build in our present location? Presently, we are planning to build a 25,000 square foot sanctu-ary. This structure will require a minimum of ¾ an acre for building purposes. Even if we were to downsize the building to 20,000 square feet, we would still need well over a half of acre of land for building. We only have 1.87 acreage of land in our present location. This includes our church and parking lots. The City of St. Louis requires us to have approximately 350 spaces designated for parking for the proposed building. The parking lot alone will require an entire acre of land by itself. We have at-tempted to purchase the entire block of Gamble that is adjacent to our church and parking lot with no success. We have at-tempted to purchase the Brown Shoe Company, and the homes adjacent to our church and parking lot with no success.

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What will happen if we are unable to find the acreage for

building? We will move to other optional planning, which could include but not be limited to, securing an existing church facility that has many of the options that we are looking for in a new facility or rehabbing an existing structure (warehouse, vacant grocery store etc.) and/or remodeling/adding to our present facility.

What will be the capacity of the new church? Our plan is to build a sanctuary with approximately 1200-1300 seats, office space and a large meeting area for children.

What is the cost of the project?

The first phase of the project will cost between $4 to $5 mil-lion. We are anticipating on doing the whole project in phases. The second phase will include the educational building and gymnasium, which will cost approximately $2 to $3 million, and the last phase will be the life center which will cost approxi-mately $1.5 million.

Who can work on the building committee?

Any member can join the building committee or attend our meetings. We want full access to information and planning for each and every member of our church. Please inform our

Senior Pastor if you desire to serve on this committee.

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Questions & Answers

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Greetings to God, our pastor, first lady and all my brothers and sisters in Christ! All praise, honor and glory belong to God for ALL that He has done! He is truly brought me from a mighty long way! What a wonderful pastor we have in Rev. Willie E. Kilpatrick. When I first came to Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church, I was working in the office as the secretary of the church. I was not yet a member, but after several attempts to invite me to worship, I finally gave in to Pastor Kilpatrick and attended. The words I heard coming out of his mouth were so dynamic, I just had to hear more. (You see, there is something about the preached word of God that really stirs something up in me… especially if the Holy Spirit is involved.) I was then drawn to join Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church. Being here has allowed me to grow in my spiritual walk with God. The pressure and the weight of some of my trials and tribulation at different times in my life caused me to have a lot of ups and downs, but somehow God always kept me in the POP fold. The Word contin-ues to draw me and to keep me. Without God and His word, I would not be able to stand nor make it. It’s not just coming to church on Sundays to hear the Word but, being a part of ministry and coming to Bible Study on Wednesday has helped me. Soon I will be attending Sunday school, because I need more help. I don’t take God’s word for granted. He will bring to pass exactly what He said would! I have been a part of Prince of Peace in one way or another for at least ten years, and I’m elated to be a part of such a great ministry. In the year 2000, God had shown me a great “vision” for this church. I shared it with our pastor and I’m certain that God will bring it to pass. As we continue to move forward, God is going to take us higher and higher. So come on board, put on your seat belts because we are about to experience the greatest ride of our lives. There is a great and mighty move of God going on in this place! My God, am I glad He is allowing me to take part in it. In the words of T.D. Jakes, “Get ready! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!” Your sister in Christ,

Chiquita Snider

Member since 1999

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Hello Saints of God, I have been asked on several occasions what drew me and/or why I decided to come back to Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church. I actually had to correct them by saying, “I didn’t’ come back. I came to” and this is the reason why I “came to”. I was spiritually dying and prayed to God to show me where I should be, so that I can be" resuscitated”. I hadn’t made too many visits to Prince of Peace. Actually, it was only two Sunday’s and one Wednes-day night Bible study. I was intrigued on my first visit. My second visit on the following Wednesday was my confirmation and I was to-tally compelled on Sunday, April 12, 2009. I moved with little hesita-tion as God’s voice guided me down to the front. I have been a member of Prince of Peace for 7 months and I don’t regret following the voice of God. My Pastor is the most anointed man I know. He delivers the word like no other and I can see why God has chosen him. He is a loving and caring pastor and everyone that I have encountered have been nothing but kind and wonderful. I don’t feel that any of this is forced. I feel only genuine love and it keeps me wanting more and more of this experience. We have a pastor and other leaders who are not afraid to see the po-tential in someone and draw it out. There is a pouring out of them and pouring into someone else that is unselfish to me. That is why I know I’m home, and I stay because of the powerful preaching, teach-ing and unconditional love. God bless.

Michelle Lattier

Member since 2009

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In 1945, I was blessed as a baby at Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church. I gave my life to Christ at the age of 18 under the direction of W. B. Rouse, a visiting minister, who later became the pastor. I really got involved in ministry when Pastor W.E. Kilpatrick became pastor. From the first time I heard him preach I felt he was truly the one God blessed to be at Prince of Peace. Pastor W.E. Kilpatrick appointed me as Director of the Congregational Care Ministry in 2000 and I joined the Missions Ministry 5 years ago. I have had the opportunity to witness many changes during my mem-bership at the Prince of Peace. However, the change that is taking place now is inevitable. It is something that can only take place from the will of God. This change has become evident as I continue to wit-ness the constant growth of this ministry. Also, this change is leading our Pastor through the vision that God has set forth for this church. I respect our Pastor’s vision for Prince of Peace and will do my best to support him. To God Be the Glory,

Sister Gloria J. Nelson

Membership since 1963


We must rebuild the sacred Temple called Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church. Kingdom building is done one convert at a time through excellent leadership. We can't Lead unless We Love, We can't Love unless We Serve. Therefore, our prayer is that we will rededicate and recommit our gifts as well as our resources toward Building the Kingdom that GOD has called us to build. Sister Bessie L. Reid

Trustee Vitilas "Veto" Reid

“Beyond Ourselves, But Within Our Reach, Let’s Do Great things for God”

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I have been a member of Prince of Peace since 1955. Yes, 50 years! I joined under Rev. McDonald. I have seen many of the changes within Prince of Peace and would like to see the new church before the Lord calls me home. I have worked with the nurses unit for 30 years and would like to see improvements in the nurses’ area, such as state of the art medical equipment for seniors, disabled, or physically chal-lenged members and visitors, a full rest area that would include a lounge and restroom area on the main level that’s accessible to all. When I first joined, I was off one Sunday each month. At that time, I had to request the first Sunday off to work with the nurses. During my early years, I served as Vice President, and Captain of the Nurses Unit. I now serve as the President of the Health Ministry. My tenure as President began 10 years ago, when Willie E. Kilpatrick became our Pastor. I really love our pastor’s vision and I truly hope and pray that he ful-fills the vision God gave him, and I will do all I can to support it. Our pastor is a loving man of God. The way he gives himself to his mem-bers is so heart warming and rarely shared. One thing I would like to share with you, when my husband became ill and our pastor accepted him as a member of Prince of Peace while he was in Life Care Cen-ter. I don’t have the words to express how much this touched my heart. So I’ll let this speak for itself. God willing I will serve 50 more years at Prince of Peace. Faithfully yours,

Irma Hamm

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Prince of Peace Missionary Baptist Church 2741 Dayton Street

St. Louis, MO 63106

(314) 531-1762


Senior Pastor , Willie E. Kilpatrick,