2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy...

H2962_Combined PPD v120_C 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY This directory is current as of 11/02/2020. dŚŝƐ ĚŝƌĞĐƚŽƌLJ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƐ Ă ůŝƐƚ ŽĨ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ,ĞĂůƚŚ WůĂŶƐ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƌƐ dŚŝƐ ĚŝƌĞĐƚŽƌLJ ŝƐ ĨŽƌ ŝƚƌƵƐ ,ĞƌŶĂŶĚŽ DĂƌŝŽŶ WĂƐĐŽ WŝŶĞůůĂƐ ĂŶĚ ^ƵŵƚĞƌ ŽƵŶƟĞƐ dŽ ĂĐĐĞƐƐ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ,ĞĂůƚŚ WůĂŶƐ ŽŶůŝŶĞ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƌ ĚŝƌĞĐƚŽƌLJ LJŽƵ ĐĂŶ ǀŝƐŝƚ ǁǁǁŚŽŽƐĞhůƟŵĂƚĞĐŽŵ &Žƌ ĂŶLJ ƋƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ ĂďŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ĐŽŶƚĂŝŶĞĚ ŝŶ ƚŚŝƐ ĚŝƌĞĐƚŽƌLJ please call our Member Services Department at 1-888-657-4170, Monday through Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ƵƌŝŶŐ ĐĞƌƚĂŝŶ ƟŵĞƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ LJĞĂƌ ǁĞ ŵĂLJ ƵƐĞ ĂůƚĞƌŶĂƟǀĞ ƚĞĐŚŶŽůŽŐŝĞƐ ƚŽ ĂŶƐǁĞƌ LJŽƵƌ ĐĂůů ŽŶ ǁĞĞŬĞŶĚƐ ĂŶĚ Federal holidays. TTY users should call 711. dŚŝƐ WŚĂƌŵĂĐLJ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌLJ ǁĂƐ ƵƉĚĂƚĞĚ ŽŶ 09/2020 &Žƌ ŵŽƌĞ ƌĞĐĞŶƚ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ Žƌ ŽƚŚĞƌ ƋƵĞƐƟŽŶƐ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐŽŶƚĂĐƚ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ,ĞĂůƚŚ WůĂŶƐ DĞŵďĞƌ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ Ăƚ ϭͲϴϴϴͲϲϱϳͲϰϭϳϬ Žƌ ĨŽƌ ddz ƵƐĞƌƐ ϳϭϭ Žƌ ǀŝƐŝƚ ǁǁǁ ŚŽŽƐĞhůƟŵĂƚĞĐŽŵ ŚĂŶŐĞƐ ƚŽ ŽƵƌ ƉŚĂƌŵĂĐLJ ŶĞƚǁŽƌŬ ŵĂLJ ŽĐĐƵƌ ĚƵƌŝŶŐ ƚŚĞ ďĞŶĞĮƚ LJĞĂƌ Ŷ ƵƉĚĂƚĞĚ WŚĂƌŵĂĐLJ ŝƌĞĐƚŽƌLJ ŝƐ ůŽĐĂƚĞĚ ŽŶ ŽƵƌ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ Ăƚ ǁǁǁŚŽŽƐĞhůƟŵĂƚĞĐŽŵ zŽƵ ŵĂLJ ĂůƐŽ ĐĂůů DĞŵďĞƌ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ ĨŽƌ ƵƉĚĂƚĞĚ ƉƌŽǀŝĚĞƌ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ This document may be available in other formats such as large print or other alternate formats. If you need ƚŚŝƐ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ ŝŶ Ă ĚŝīĞƌĞŶƚ ĨŽƌŵĂƚ ƉůĞĂƐĞ ĐĂůů DĞŵďĞƌ ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞƐ Ăƚ ϭͲϴϴϴͲϲϱϳͲϰϭϳϬ Žƌ ĨŽƌ ddz ƵƐĞƌƐ ϳϭϭ Citrus ĚǀĂŶƚĂŐĞ ĂƌĞ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DK Ͳ^EWͿ ϬϮϭ ůŝƚĞ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ϬϭϯͲϰ WƌĞŵŝĞƌ WůƵƐ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ϬϭϰͲϮ Hernando ĚǀĂŶƚĂŐĞ ĂƌĞ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DK Ͳ^EWͿ ϬϭϵͲϭ WƌĞŵŝĞƌ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ϬϬϭ WƌĞŵŝĞƌ WůƵƐ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ϬϭϰͲϭ Pasco ĚǀĂŶƚĂŐĞ ĂƌĞ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DK Ͳ^EWͿ ϬϭϵͲϮ ůŝƚĞ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ϬϭϯͲϯ WƌĞŵŝĞƌ WůƵƐ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ϬϭϰͲϭ Ϭϭϭ ϬϭϮ Pinellas ĐĐůĂŝŵ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ ĐĐůĂŝŵ WůƵƐ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ Sumter ƐĐĞŶĚ WůƵƐ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ Ϭϭϴ Marion ƐĐĞŶĚ WůƵƐ ďLJ hůƟŵĂƚĞ ;,DKͿ Ϭϭϲ

Transcript of 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy...

Page 1: 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy Directory. You may also view the most up-to-date Provider and Pharmacy Directory

H2962_Combined PPD v120_C


This directory is current as of 11/02/2020.

please call our Member Services Department at 1-888-657-4170, Monday through Sunday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Federal holidays. TTY users should call 711.


This document may be available in other formats such as large print or other alternate formats. If you need






Page 2: 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy Directory. You may also view the most up-to-date Provider and Pharmacy Directory


Section 1 – Introduction _________________________________________________________ i

Table of Contents – Preface

What is the service area for Ultimate Health Plans? _____________________________ iii

How do you find Ultimate Health Plans providers and pharmacies in your area? ______ iii

Page 3: 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy Directory. You may also view the most up-to-date Provider and Pharmacy Directory


Section 1 – Introduction

This directory provides a list of Ultimate Health Plans’ network providers. To get detailed information about your health care coverage, please see your Evidence of Coverage (EOC).

This booklet provides a list of our network pharmacies. To get a complete description of your prescription coverage, including how to fill your prescriptions, please review the Evidence of Coverage and Acclaim by Ultimate (HMO)’s, Acclaim Plus by Ultimate (HMO)’s, Advantage Care by Ultimate (HMO C-SNP)’s, Ascend Plus by Ultimate (HMO)’s, Elite by Ultimate (HMO)’s, Premier by Ultimate (HMO)’s and Premier Plus by Ultimate (HMO)’s formulary.

How to access our plan’s providers and pharmacies You will have to choose one of our network providers who are listed in this directory to be your Primary Care Provider (PCP). Generally, you must get your health care coverage from your PCP. Your PCP is a physician who meets state requirements and is trained to give you medical care. Your PCP serves as your medical home, and you will get your routine or basic care from your PCP. The types of providers that may act as a PCP are: General Practice, Family Practice, and Internal Medicine physicians.

You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy Directory. You may also view the most up-to-date Provider and Pharmacy Directory online at www.ChooseUltimate.com. If you require assistance in choosing your PCP, contact Member Services (phone numbers can be found on the cover of this booklet).

The network providers listed in this directory have agreed to provide you with your health care services. You may go to any of our network providers listed in this directory; however, some services may require a referral. Your PCP will coordinate and provide you referrals for certain covered services you get as a member of our plan. In some cases, you may get covered services from non-network providers. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage for more information.

Some provider services require a prior authorization. In addition to providing you referrals to a specialist when needed, your PCP (or specialist in some cases) will obtain prior authorization (approval in advance) from Ultimate Health Plans for certain services and items, such as elective hospital admissions, MRI/PET scans, etc. For a complete list of the services that may require Ultimate Health Plans’ approval in advance, please refer to your Evidence of Coverage.

Your PCP selection may limit the specialists you can see. If there are specific specialists you want to use, find out whether your PCP sends patients to these specialists, as your PCP may only refer patients to certain participating providers. Please check first to be sure your PCP can refer you to an in-network specialist, or hospital you may want to use. If you have been going to one network provider, you are not required to continue going to that same provider.

We call the pharmacies on this list our “network pharmacies” because we have made arrangements with them to provide prescription drugs to Plan members. In most cases, your prescriptions are covered under our plan only if they are filled at a network pharmacy or through our mail order pharmacy service. Once you go to one pharmacy, you are not required to continue going to the same pharmacy to fill your prescription but can switch to any other of our network pharmacies. We will fill prescriptions at non-network pharmacies under certain circumstances as described in your Evidence of Coverage.

All network pharmacies may not be listed in this directory. Pharmacies may have been added or removed from the list after this directory was printed. This means the pharmacies listed here may no longer be in our network, or there may be newer pharmacies in our network that are not listed. This list is current as of 11/02/2020. For the most current list, please contact us. Our contact information appears on the front and back cover pages.

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You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For more information, please contact us or see the mail order section of this Provider and Pharmacy Directory.

If you have questions about any of the above, please see the first and last cover pages of this directory for information on how to contact us.

Services that don’t require approval in advance Referrals from your PCP are not required for emergency care or urgently needed care. There are also some other kinds of care you can get without having approval in advance from your PCP, such as preventive services, routine women’s health care covered dermatology, podiatry and chiropractic services, covered mental health services, flu shots and vaccinations.

What to do if you get a bill from a non-contracted provider There may be times when you get a bill from a non-contracted provider for the full cost of medical care you have received. You should send this bill to us instead of paying it. We will look at the bill and decide whether the services should be covered. If we decide they should be covered, we will pay the provider our share of the cost directly. You will be responsible for paying your share of the cost. For more information on situations in which you may need to ask us for reimbursement or to pay a bill you have received from a provider (including where to send your request for payment), see chapter 7 of your Evidence of Coverage (Asking us to pay our share of a bill you have received for covered medical services or drugs).

Getting Care if you have a medical emergency A “medical emergency” is when you, or any other prudent layperson with an average knowledge of health and medicine, believe that you have medical symptoms that require immediate medical attention to prevent loss of life, loss of a limb, or loss of function of a limb. The medical symptoms may be an illness, injury, severe pain, or a medical condition that is quickly getting worse.

You may get covered emergency medical care whenever you need it, anywhere in the world. If you have a medical emergency, get help as quickly as possible. Call 911 for help or go to the nearest emergency room or hospital. Call for an ambulance if you need it. Our plan covers ambulance services in situations where getting to the emergency room in any other way could endanger your health. You do not need to get approval or a referral first from your PCP.

If you have an emergency, we will talk with the doctors who are giving you emergency care to help manage and follow up on your care. The doctors who are giving you emergency care will decide when your condition is stable and the medical emergency is over. After the emergency is over you are entitled to follow-up care to be sure your condition continues to be stable. Your follow-up care will be covered by our plan. If your emergency care is provided by out of network providers, we will try to arrange for network providers to take over your care as soon as your medical condition and the circumstances allow.

What if you are outside the plan’s service area when you have an urgent need for care? When you are outside the service area and cannot get care from a network provider, our plan will cover urgently needed care that you get from any provider. Our plan does not cover urgently needed care or any other non-emergency care if you receive the care outside of the United States.

You must use network providers except in emergency or urgent care situations or for out-of-area renal dialysis or other services. If you obtain routine care from out-of-network providers, neither Medicare nor Ultimate Health Plans will be responsible for the costs.

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What is the service area for Ultimate Health Plans? The counties in our service area are listed below.

The service area for Premier by Ultimate is Hernando County.The service area for Premier Plus by Ultimate is Citrus, Hernando and Pasco Counties.The service area for Elite by Ultimate is Citrus and Pasco Counties.The service area for Acclaim by Ultimate and Acclaim Plus by Ultimate is Pinellas County.The service area for Ascend Plus by Ultimate is Marion and Sumter Counties.The service area for Advantage Care by Ultimate is Citrus, Hernando and Pasco Counties.

How do you find Ultimate Health Plans providers and pharmacies that serve your area?

Find Doctors, Hospitals, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Outpatient Mental Health and Ancillary Providers Ultimate Health Plans’ providers are listed by specialty in Section 2. The PCPs are listed first, followed by specialists listed by specialty type in alphabetical order (Cardiology, Chiropractic, Endocrinology), then hospitals, skilled nursing facilities, outpatient mental health providers, and ancillary providers (ambulatory surgical centers, durable medical equipment suppliers, home health agencies, etc.). Within each specialty, the provider locations are listed under the corresponding County and City. Providers are also listed alphabetically in the Index of Providers at the back of this directory. Note: Providers identified with an asterisk (*) also accept Medicaid.

Find Dental, Vision, Hearing, Behavioral (Mental) Health, Fitness Program Providers and Pharmacies Dental: To find a dentist or for help in scheduling an appointment, you may call 1-800-340-8869 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Sunday. TTY users should call 711.


Hearing: To find a provider or for help in scheduling an appointment, you may call 1-800-313-2763 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Monday through Sunday, TTY users should call 711.

Behavioral (Mental) Health: A referral is not required from your PCP or from Ultimate Health Plans for behavioral health services included in your benefit plan. To locate a provider, you may call 1-800-627-1259, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. TTY users should call 711.

Fitness Program: arranged with Tivity Health to bring you the SilverSneakers® Fitness Program. A referral is not required from your PCP; however, it is advisable to speak with your PCP before starting any exercise program. The fitness centers in this network can be found by calling 1-888-423-4632 or you can also visit the SilverSneakers® website at www.silversneakers.com to find a fitness class, product or program near you.

Pharmacies: Network pharmacies are listed in the back of Section 2. They are arranged by type of pharmacy (i.e. Retail, Mail Order, Long-Term Care, etc.) and then listed alphabetically by name under their corresponding county and city. To find a pharmacy look for its pharmacy type and then locate it in the corresponding alphabetic listing.

If you have questions about Ultimate Health Plans or require assistance in selecting a PCP, please call our Member Services Department at 1-888-657-4170 Monday through Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. During certain times of the year we may use alternative technologies to answer your call during weekends and Federal holidays. TTY users should call 711 visit www.ChooseUltimate.com

Page 6: 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy Directory. You may also view the most up-to-date Provider and Pharmacy Directory

Table of Contents – Directory

CitrusPrimary Care Physicians 3Specialists 8Hospitals 26Urgent Care Centers 27Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 28Ancillary Providers 29Pharmacies 38

HernandoPrimary Care Physicians 52Specialists 59Hospitals 82Urgent Care Centers 83Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 84Ancillary Providers 85Pharmacies 93

MarionPrimary Care Physicians 107Specialists 114Hospitals 142Urgent Care Centers 143Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 144Ancillary Providers 145Pharmacies 153

PascoPrimary Care Physicians 169Specialists 178Hospitals 223Urgent Care Centers 224Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 225Ancillary Providers 226Pharmacies 235

PinellasPrimary Care Physicians 254


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Table of Contents – DirectorySpecialists 273Hospitals 352Urgent Care Centers 353Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 354Ancillary Providers 358Pharmacies 368

SumterPrimary Care Physicians 393Specialists 396Hospitals 406Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 407Ancillary Providers 408Pharmacies 414


Page 8: 2020 PROVIDER & PHARMACY DIRECTORY€¦ · You may choose your PCP from the Provider and Pharmacy Directory. You may also view the most up-to-date Provider and Pharmacy Directory

Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Primary Care Physicians

Beverly Hills

Diaz Andres, Odelsa M., MDGeneral Practice6279 North Lecanto HighwayBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 522-0094 / Fax: (352) 522-0098Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000007735Accepting new patients: Yes

Khan, Hasibul H., MDBeverly Hills Medical CenterFamily Practice3775 North Lecanto BoulevardBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-0600 / Fax: (352) 746-0607Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000004066Accepting new patients: Yes

Liu, Alexander O., MDAlexander O Liu, Jr., MD PAInternal Medicine2 West Lemon StreetBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-2525 / Fax: (352) 746-4141Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, TagalogID #: 200000021455Accepting new patients: Yes

Torres II, Jaime L., MDInternal Medicine6279 North Lecanto HighwayBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 522-0094 / Fax: (352) 522-0098Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000004489Accepting new patients: Yes

Crystal River

Dickert, Alex J., MDMeadowcrest Family Physicians, PAFamily Practice1250 North Vantage Point DriveCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-0644 / Fax: (352) 795-5950Gender: MaleID #: 200000020301Accepting new patients: Yes

Dickert, Ryan S., MDMeadowcrest Family Physicians, PAFamily Practice1250 North Vantage Point DriveCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-0644 / Fax: (352) 795-5950Gender: MaleID #: 200000020302Accepting new patients: Yes

McNerney, Joseph P., DONature Coast Health CareFamily Practice7562 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 436-4328 / Fax: (352) 260-0960Gender: MaleID #: 200000020709Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Mendizabal, Mario A., MDNature Coast Health CareFamily Practice7562 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 436-4328 / Fax: (352) 260-0960Gender: MaleID #: 200000020289Accepting new patients: Yes

Sanka, Srinivas, DOInternal Medicine9030 West Fort Island Trail Suite 1Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 228-8906 / Fax: (352) 228-8905Gender: MaleID #: 200000017642Accepting new patients: Yes

Savage Jr., Kenneth L., MDNature Coast Health CareFamily Practice7562 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 436-4328 / Fax: (352) 260-0960Gender: MaleID #: 200000020291Accepting new patients: Yes

Wilson, Carlene A., MDInternal Medicine & Pediatrics Wellness CenterInternal Medicine6038 West Nordling LoopCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-5070 / Fax: (352) 795-4322Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021721Accepting new patients: Yes


Deven, Ulhas T., MDWest Florida Medical Associates, PAInternal Medicine11707 North Williams Street Suite 3Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 465-1919 / Fax: (352) 465-7576Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, KannadaID #: 200000006046Accepting new patients: Yes

Floral City

Cruz-Diaz, Ana C., MDGeneral Practice7729 East Pine Lake LaneFloral City, FL 34436Phone: (352) 765-3003 / Fax: (352) 616-0915Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000011038Accepting new patients: Yes

Sanka, Srinivas, DOInternal Medicine7729 East Pine Lake LaneFloral City, FL 34436Phone: (352) 765-3003 / Fax: (352) 616-0915Gender: MaleID #: 200000017642Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020


Liu, Blessilda B., MDBlessilda B. Liu, MD, PAInternal Medicine942 East Norvell Bryant HighwayHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 419-8924 / Fax: (352) 419-8927Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000021387Accepting new patients: Yes


Carreras-Miranda, Francisco J., MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.General Practice8468 West Periwinkle LaneHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-7270 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleID #: 200000009163Accepting new patients: Yes

Jacobs II, Wilbert C., MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.Family Practice8468 West Periwinkle LaneHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-7270 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000020710Accepting new patients: Yes

Jibawi, Abdel K., MDFamily Practice8365 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0258 / Fax: (352) 382-0416Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, SpanishID #: 200000006621Accepting new patients: Yes

Khan, Hasibul H., MDWest Florida Medical Associates, PAFamily Practice4363 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 560-3000 / Fax: (352) 419-6513Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000004066Accepting new patients: Yes

Lamparelli, Michael P., DOFamily Practice8365 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0258 / Fax: (352) 382-0416Gender: MaleID #: 200000012143Accepting new patients: Yes

Malone, John D., DOFamily Practice8365 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0258 / Fax: (352) 382-0416Gender: MaleID #: 200000018217Accepting new patients: Yes

Martin, Richard A., MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.Internal Medicine8468 West Periwinkle LaneHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-7270 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleID #: 200000020711Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Savage, Olga M., DOFlorida Family Health Medical CenterFamily Practice8389 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 201-3100 / Fax: (352) 260-0929Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): RussianID #: 200000020295Accepting new patients: Yes

St. Martin, Dacelin, MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.Internal Medicine8468 West Periwinkle LaneHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-7270 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000009191Accepting new patients: Yes

Tambrini Jr., Alex A., MDFamily Practice8365 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0258 / Fax: (352) 382-0416Gender: MaleID #: 200000000008Accepting new patients: No

Tambrini Jr., Alex A., MDFamily Practice92 Cypress BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 765-4737 / Fax: (352) 503-6868Gender: MaleID #: 200000000008Accepting new patients: Yes


Connor, Tara M., DOTara Connor, DO, PAFamily Practice2401 Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 344-3777 / Fax: (352) 344-2546Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020298Accepting new patients: Yes

Elyaman, Mostafa, MDFamily Practice Associates, PAFamily Practice326 South Line AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-5533 / Fax: (352) 726-5818Gender: MaleID #: 200000021381Accepting new patients: Yes

Khan, Hasibul H., MDWest Florida Medical Associates, PAFamily Practice213 South Pine AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 560-3000 / Fax: (352) 419-6513Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000004066Accepting new patients: Yes

Padala, Lakshmi Narayana K., MDPadala Family PracticeFamily Practice105 North Osceola AvenueInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 436-4428 / Fax: (352) 228-4903Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, TeluguID #: 200000021391Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Rodriguez, Jose J., MDGeneral Practice401 North Central AvenueInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 419-6526 / Fax: (352) 419-8966Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000006540Accepting new patients: Yes

Summers, Joshua A., MDJoshua A Summers, MD, PAFamily Practice2401 Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 344-3777 / Fax: (888) 396-5406Gender: MaleID #: 200000021706Accepting new patients: Yes

Vinje, Nathaniel J., DOInternal Medicine401 North Central AvenueInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 419-6526 / Fax: (352) 419-8966Gender: MaleID #: 200000004995Accepting new patients: Yes


Carreras-Miranda, Francisco J., MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.General Practice1990 North Prospect AvenueLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-6888 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleID #: 200000009163Accepting new patients: Yes

Jacobs II, Wilbert C., MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.Family Practice1990 North Prospect AvenueLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-6888 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000020710Accepting new patients: Yes

Padala, Lakshmi Narayana K., MDPadala Family PracticeFamily Practice2063 North Lecanto Highway Suite 1Lecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 436-4428 / Fax: (352) 228-4903Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, TeluguID #: 200000004008Accepting new patients: Yes

St. Martin, Dacelin, MDPediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.Internal Medicine1990 North Prospect AvenueLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-6888 / Fax: (352) 527-8104Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000009191Accepting new patients: Yes


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Crystal River

Bibbey, David, LACAlternative Primary Care441 Southeast Kings Bay DriveCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 464-1645Gender: MaleID #: 200000018986

Allergy / Immunology


Alibrahim, Ayman, MDAdvanced Allergy Asthma & Immunology, Inc.508 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-3336 / Fax: (352) 746-3305Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000001528


Crystal River

Ansari, Mohammed T., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002706

Barad, Bhavesh B., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000018165

Ferro Jr., Frank E., DOCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleID #: 200000014610

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Nerella, Nishant K., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleID #: 200000002700


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Pasupuleti, Suman, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleID #: 200000002698

Potu, Ranganatha P., MDPotu Cardiology, PL6122 West Corporate Oaks DriveCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 228-8429 / Fax: (352) 794-6326Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000011416

Topi, Bernard, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Greek, Italian, Spanish, AlbanianID #: 200000017346

Trigo, Gisela, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5606 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 795-4879Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002694


Ansari, Mohammed T., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA7955 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002706

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA7955 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Nerella, Nishant K., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA7955 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002700

Pasupuleti, Suman, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA7955 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 795-9266 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002698


Ansari, Mohammed T., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA211 South Osceola AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002706

Ansari, Mohammed T., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002706


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Attanti, Srinivas, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, KannadaID #: 200000007756

Barad, Bhavesh B., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA211 South Osceola AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000018165

Barad, Bhavesh B., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000018165

Delfin, Luis A., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002705

Ferro Jr., Frank E., DOCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000014610

Goel, Satish R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000018695

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Liu, Tong, MDCentral Florida Heart Center300 South Line AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 873-4733 / Fax: (352) 823-1629Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000016313

Nerella, Nishant K., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002700

Pasupuleti, Suman, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002698


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Stark, Stephen H., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002695

Stark, Stephen H., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA211 South Osceola AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002695

Topi, Bernard, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Greek, Italian, Spanish, AlbanianID #: 200000017346

Trigo, Gisela, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002694

Trigo, Gisela, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA211 South Osceola AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002694

Walker, Dennis J., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA308 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002693

Walker, Dennis J., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA211 South Osceola AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleID #: 200000002693


Barad, Bhavesh B., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA540 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 423-1013 / Fax: (352) 513-3043Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000018165

Ferro Jr., Frank E., DOCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA540 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 423-1013 / Fax: (352) 513-3043Gender: MaleID #: 200000014610

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA540 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 423-1013 / Fax: (352) 513-3043Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703


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Topi, Bernard, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA540 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 423-1013 / Fax: (352) 513-3043Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Greek, Italian, Spanish, AlbanianID #: 200000017346

Trigo, Gisela, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA540 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 423-1013 / Fax: (352) 513-3043Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002694


Beverly Hills

Chaney, William C., DCWilliam C. Chaney, DC, PA22 Regina BoulevardBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 270-8899 / Fax: (352) 270-8869Gender: MaleID #: 200000002634

Crystal River

Oliverio, Anthony B., DCNeck & Back Care Center, Inc.912 Northeast 5th StreetCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-5055 / Fax: (352) 563-5069Gender: MaleID #: 200000002214


Hoffman, Kevin L., DCHoffman Chiropractic Wellness, PA6890 North Florida AvenueHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 897-5293 / Fax: (352) 897-5307Gender: MaleID #: 200000011755

Weigle, Donna M., DCHoffman Chiropractic Wellness, PA6890 North Florida AvenueHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 897-5293 / Fax: (352) 897-5307Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016335


Hensley, Scott H., DCScott H. Hensley, D.C., Inc.406 Tompkins StreetInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1557 / Fax: (888) 299-9352Gender: MaleID #: 200000016037

Critical Care

Crystal River

Abraham, Sunoj, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000003427


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Modi, Fagunkumar, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000005548

Sevilla, Oliver K., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003741

Shah, Vikram N., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003740


Abraham, Sunoj, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000003427

Modi, Fagunkumar, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000005548

Sevilla, Oliver K., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003741

Shah, Vikram N., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003740



Dorton, David W., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery7739 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 503-2002 / Fax: (352) 503-2061Gender: MaleID #: 200000000144

Patel, Utpalkumar J., MDCenter For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PA7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 796-3334 / Fax: (352) 796-3323Gender: MaleID #: 200000003077


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Dewberry, Charles T., DOFlorida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers931 South US Highway 41Inverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 637-1310 / Fax: (352) 637-0788Gender: MaleID #: 200000011682

Foster, Kent W., MDFlorida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers931 South US Highway 41Inverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 637-1310 / Fax: (352) 637-0788Gender: MaleID #: 200000011683


Collins, Margaret A., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA525 North Dacie PointLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-2200 / Fax: (352) 746-9320Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014833

Massullo Jr., Ralph E., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA525 North Dacie PointLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-2200 / Fax: (352) 746-9320Gender: MaleID #: 200000009439

Wartels, Michael B., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA525 North Dacie PointLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-2200 / Fax: (352) 746-9320Gender: MaleID #: 200000008475

Welton III, William A., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA525 North Dacie PointLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-2200 / Fax: (352) 746-9320Gender: MaleID #: 200000014182


Crystal River

Chandrupatla, Sreekanth R., MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003580

Hellstern Jr., Paul A., MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003087

Mathur, Siddharth, MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003088

Patel, Varun P., MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000018275


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Ram, Anil K., MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003089

Reddi, Lakshmipathi R., MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000003085

Shinde, Trupti S., MDGastroenterology Associates6410 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003084

Wallis, B. Jeffrey, MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates6152 West Corporate Oaks DriveCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 564-3900 / Fax: (352) 564-3906Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, SpanishID #: 200000002709


Chandrupatla, Sreekanth R., MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003580

Hellstern Jr., Paul A., MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003087

Mathur, Siddharth, MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003088

Patel, Varun P., MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000018275

Ram, Anil K., MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003089

Reddi, Lakshmipathi R., MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000003085


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Shinde, Trupti S., MDGastroenterology Associates11707 North Williams Street Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34434Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003084


Chandrupatla, Sreekanth R., MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003580

Hellstern Jr., Paul A., MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003087

Herraka, Ihab, MD8371 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 596-4022 / Fax: (352) 596-9851Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000010856

Mathur, Siddharth, MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003088

Patel, Varun P., MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000018275

Ram, Anil K., MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003089

Reddi, Lakshmipathi R., MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000003085

Shinde, Trupti S., MDGastroenterology Associates7991 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003084


Chandrupatla, Sreekanth R., MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003580


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Hellstern Jr., Paul A., MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003087

Mathur, Siddharth, MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003088

Patel, Varun P., MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000018275

Ram, Anil K., MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleID #: 200000003089

Reddi, Lakshmipathi R., MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000003085

Shinde, Trupti S., MDGastroenterology Associates3653 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 563-2450 / Fax: (352) 563-2512Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003084

General Dentistry

Crystal River

Moore, Julie, DDSBright Now! Dental900 North Suncoast BoulevardCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-0151 / Fax: (352) 563-2579Gender: Female


Lutes, Meaghan M., DMDProject Health, Inc.314 South Line AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 419-4056 / Fax: (888) 411-2260Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017166

Matthews, Irina V., DMDProject Health, Inc.314 South Line AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 419-4056 / Fax: (888) 411-2260Gender: Female

Reddy, Rekha, DMDProject Health, Inc.314 South Line AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 419-4056 / Fax: (888) 411-2260Gender: Female


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General Surgery


Neyra, Harold, DOSurgical Speciality Group of Oviedo8400 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 1010Ovideo, FL 32765Gender: Male

Crystal River

Mohammadbhoy, Adnan, DOAdnan Mohammadbhoy DO, PA6196 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 794-6056 / Fax: (352) 794-6063Gender: MaleID #: 200000002212


Carmain, Torr E., MDInverness Surgical Associates403 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-3646 / Fax: (352) 726-0079Gender: MaleID #: 200000004887

Fernandez, Marc E., MDInverness Surgical Associates403 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-3646 / Fax: (352) 726-0079Gender: MaleID #: 200000005913

Otto Jr., James J., MDInverness Surgical Associates403 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-3646 / Fax: (352) 726-0079Gender: MaleID #: 200000003916

Patel, Parth U., MDInverness Surgical Associates403 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-3646 / Fax: (352) 726-0079Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000012198


Citrus Springs

Koti, Ravi K., MDCentral Florida Cancer and Blood Center PA10483 North Florida AvenueCitrus Springs, FL 34434Phone: (352) 671-4422Gender: MaleID #: 200000011412


Crystal River

Parikh, Bharat V., MDCitrus Neuroscience Institute, PA5596 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6999 / Fax: (352) 795-0154Gender: MaleID #: 200000004567


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Stanley, Beena M., MDBeena M. Stanley, MD, PA511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 860-0202 / Fax: (352) 860-1918Gender: FemaleID #: 200000002901

Obstetrics / Gynecology

Crystal River

Sobel, Rose M., MDCrystal River Women's Health Center, PA6151 North Suncoast Boulevard Suite 1CCrystal River, FL 34428Phone: (352) 794-0878 / Fax: (352) 794-0877Gender: FemaleID #: 200000001899


Antony, Thomas R., MDGenesis Women's Center800 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7667 / Fax: (352) 726-8193Gender: MaleID #: 200000004562

Buddhadev, Ashok G., MDGenesis Women's Center800 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7667 / Fax: (352) 726-8193Gender: MaleID #: 200000017713

Cofield, Michele A., MDGenesis Women's Center800 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7667 / Fax: (352) 726-8193Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017312

DeLong, Gregory A., MDGenesis Women's Center800 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7667 / Fax: (352) 726-8193Gender: MaleID #: 200000020758

Gonzalez Gotay, Maria C., MDGenesis Women's Center800 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7667 / Fax: (352) 726-8193Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018741

Rojas, Armando L., MDGenesis Women's Center800 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7667 / Fax: (352) 726-8193Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000007253


Also see Hematology/Oncology


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Citrus Springs

Koti, Ravi K., MDCentral Florida Cancer and Blood Center PA10483 North Florida AvenueCitrus Springs, FL 34434Phone: (352) 671-4422Gender: MaleID #: 200000011412


Crystal River

Grabow, Harry B., MDEnvision Eye Specialists295 Southeast Highway 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6622 / Fax: (352) 563-2598Gender: Male

McNair Jr., James R., MDEnvision Eye Specialists295 Southeast Highway 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6622 / Fax: (352) 563-2598Gender: Male

Ross, Joseph J., MDEnvision Eye Specialists295 Southeast Highway 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6622 / Fax: (352) 563-2598Gender: Male


Bhullar, Shaminder S., MDVitreo Retinal Surgeons, LLC212 South Apopka AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 597-2604 / Fax: (352) 596-0520Gender: Male

Clark, Charles L., MDRetina Specialty Institute131 South Citrus Avenue Medical Office BuildingInverness, FL 34452Gender: Male

Orthopedic Surgery

Crystal River

Toumbis, Constantine A., MDCitrus Spine Institute, LLC6099 West Gulf to Lake Highway 44Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 794-6868 / Fax: (352) 794-6869Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000005977


Jadhav, Avinash, MDOrthopedic Associates of Citrus131 South Citrus Avenue Suite 301Inverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 560-6270 / Fax: (352) 341-2354Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, MarathiID #: 200000015294


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Keen, Christopher A., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA950 North Avalon WayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 746-6907Gender: MaleID #: 200000018095

Petrella, Andrew J., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA950 North Avalon WayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 746-6907Gender: MaleID #: 200000020460

Outpatient Mental Health Providers

Beacon Health OptionsPhone: (800) 627-1259

Pain Management

Beverly Hills

Angirekula, Murali M., MDMurali M. Angirekula, MD, PA4065 North Lecanto Highway Suite 100Beverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-2500 / Fax: (352) 527-2504Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000003697


Ulseth, Robert N., MDComprehensive Pain Management305 South Line AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 344-4791 / Fax: (352) 344-3822Gender: MaleID #: 200000004414

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Sharma, Anuj, DOSharma Institute of Pain Medicine211 South Seminole AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 201-3696 / Fax: (866) 509-3414Gender: MaleID #: 200000009002



Perez, Andres M., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish


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Talbert, Todd C., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Crystal River

Pritchyk, Kenneth P., DPMNature Coast Foot and Ankle Center, LLC6254 West Corporate Oaks DriveCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 228-4975 / Fax: (352) 228-4977Gender: MaleID #: 200000002904


Matysik, Thomas S., DPMThomas S. Matysik, DPM2246 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 726-0331 / Fax: (352) 726-7189Gender: MaleID #: 200000001552


Crystal River

Abraham, Sunoj, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000003427

Ferro, Tammy N., DOCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, VietnameseID #: 200000014632

Modi, Fagunkumar, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000005548

Sevilla, Oliver K., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003741

Shah, Gaurav S., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000010113

Shah, Vikram N., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003740


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Shukla, Manojkumar B., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants5616 West Norvell Bryant HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000003569


Abraham, Sunoj, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000003427

Modi, Fagunkumar, MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000005548

Sevilla, Oliver K., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003741

Shah, Vikram N., MDCitrus Pulmonary Consultants511 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 795-1999 / Fax: (352) 795-2269Gender: MaleID #: 200000003740

Radiation Oncology

Beverly Hills

Rao, Jayanth G., MDGenesisCare USA of Florida, LLC3406 North Lecanto Highway Suite ABeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-1100 / Fax: (352) 422-7023Gender: MaleID #: 200000003446

Sandrapaty, Ravichandra K., MDGenesisCare USA of Florida, LLC3406 North Lecanto Highway Suite ABeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-1100 / Fax: (352) 422-7023Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, TeluguID #: 200000021322


Bennett Jr., Charles J., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute605 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-3400 / Fax: (352) 527-0585Gender: MaleID #: 200000001935

Brant, Timothy A., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute605 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-3400 / Fax: (352) 527-0585Gender: MaleID #: 200000001561


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Bennett Jr., Charles J., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute522 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-0106 / Fax: (352) 527-0585Gender: MaleID #: 200000001935

Brant, Timothy A., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute522 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-0106 / Fax: (352) 527-0585Gender: MaleID #: 200000001561


Crystal River

Torralba, Victoria L., MDArthritis & Osteoporosis Clinics of Florida, Inc.730 Southeast 5th TerraceCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-7795 / Fax: (352) 795-5235Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000003439

Sports Medicine


Marsh, Matthew D., MDWest Coast Musculoskeletal Institute7955 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 556-4823 / Fax: (352) 556-4824Gender: MaleID #: 200000005398

Thoracic Surgery


Sharma, Ravi, MDRavi Sharma, MD, PA7767 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 621-0777 / Fax: (352) 382-2491Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002654


Hoang, Bao-Thuy D., MDCardiac Surgical Associates of Citrus131 South Citrus Avenue Suite 302Inverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 637-0211 / Fax: (352) 637-5733Gender: MaleID #: 200000015965


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Kim, Peter Y., MDCardiac Surgical Associates of Citrus131 South Citrus Avenue Suite 302Inverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 637-0211 / Fax: (352) 637-5733Gender: MaleID #: 200000015856



Desai, Pareshkumar G., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC3475 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34448Phone: (352) 628-7671 / Fax: (352) 465-6192Gender: MaleID #: 200000003296

Kumar, Udaya, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC3475 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34448Phone: (352) 628-7671 / Fax: (352) 465-6192Gender: MaleID #: 200000004357


Ayyathurai, Rajinikanth, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC609 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-9707 / Fax: (352) 726-8763Gender: MaleID #: 200000015390

Desautel, Michael G., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC609 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-9707 / Fax: (352) 726-8763Gender: MaleID #: 200000003347

Seneriz, Manuel A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC609 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-9707 / Fax: (352) 726-8763Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000004727


Kumar, Udaya, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC3075 West Gulf to Lake Highway Suites A-CLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-0102 / Fax: (352) 726-8763Gender: MaleID #: 200000004357

Vascular Surgery


Sharma, Ravi, MDRavi Sharma, MD, PA7767 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 621-0777 / Fax: (352) 382-2491Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002654


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Crystal River

Bayfront Health Seven Rivers6201 North Suncoast BoulevardCrystal River, FL 34428Phone: (352) 795-6560 / Fax: (352) 795-8301


Citrus Memorial Hospital502 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-1551 / Fax: (352) 341-6199


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Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers

Beverly Hills

Quick Care Med3925 North Lecanto HighwayBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-7336 / Fax: (352) 513-2030

Crystal River

Quick Care Med659 Northeast US Highway 19 Unit 1Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-0911 / Fax: (352) 465-6343


Quick Care Med3956 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34448Phone: (352) 628-0911 / Fax: (352) 503-9925


Quick Care Med1907 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 33453Phone: (352) 344-2273 / Fax: (352) 344-2204


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Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)

Crystal River

Cypress Cove Care Center700 Southeast 8th AvenueCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-8832 / Fax: (352) 795-2197


The Grove Health and Rehabilitation Center124 West Norvell Bryant HighwayHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 249-3100 / Fax: (352) 746-0748


Citrus Health and Rehabilitation Center701 Medical Court EastInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 860-0200 / Fax: (352) 860-0975


Diamond Ridge Health and Rehabilitation Center2730 West Marc Knighton CourtLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-9500 / Fax: (352) 746-9666

Health Center at Brentwood2333 North Brentwood CircleLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-6600 / Fax: (352) 746-0866


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Ancillary Providers

Ambulatory Surgical Center

Crystal River

Citrus Endoscopy & Surgery Center6412 West Gulf To Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-0223 / Fax: (352) 563-2961


Suncoast Endoscopy Center3621 East Forest DriveInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 637-2787 / Fax: (352) 637-2525


Citrus Surgery Center110 North Lecanto HighwayLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 527-1825 / Fax: (352) 527-1827



Argus DentalPhone: (800) 340-8869https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order


One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Diagnostic Radiology


Ultra Healthcare Services, Inc.21913 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 669-5525 / Fax: (727) 669-8589

Beverly Hills

PET/CT Services of Florida3404 North Lecanto HighwayBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-6888 / Fax: (352) 746-3335

Crystal River

Citrus Diagnostic Center922 North Citrus AvenueCrystal River, FL 34428Phone: (352) 795-9200 / Fax: (352) 795-6460


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Homosassa Open MRI8464 West Aquaduct StreetHomosassa, FL 34448Phone: (352) 628-4800 / Fax: (352) 628-4801

Sugar Mill Diagnostic Imaging, LLC8303 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-9900 / Fax: (352) 628-9700


Citrus Open MRI2687 E. Gulf to Lake HighwayInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 637-4466 / Fax: (352) 637-4482

Inverness Medical Imaging2105 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 33453Phone: (352) 637-6100 / Fax: (352) 637-6900

Diagnostic Testing


Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services2311 Alternate 19 Suite 5Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (866) 961-5589 / Fax: (727) 796-2965

Durable Medical Equipment


Acelis Connected Health Services6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550Phone: (877) 262-4669 / Fax: (925) 606-6978

Alere Home Monitoring, Inc.Phone: (877) 262-4669

Dynasplint Systems, Inc.770 Ritchie Highway Suite W21Severna Park, MD 21146Phone: (800) 638-6771 / Fax: (800) 380-3784

Prism Medical Products, LLC112 Church Street Suite 101Elkin, NC 28621Phone: (888) 244-6421 / Fax: (800) 975-6321


180 Medical, Inc.8516 Northwest ExpresswayOklahoma City, OK 73162Phone: (877) 688-2729 / Fax: (888) 718-0633

Acentus4951-B East Adamo Drive Suite 200Tampa, FL 33605Phone: (866) 684-2507 / Fax: (866) 695-2183

ActivStyle5912 Breckenridge Parkway Suite GTampa, FL 33610Phone: (800) 651-6223 / Fax: (877) 426-7329


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Aeroflow Healthcare65 Beale RoadArden, NC 28704Phone: (888) 345-1780 / Fax: (800) 249-1513

Comfort Medical, LLC4240 Northwest 120th AvenueCoral Springs, FL 33065Phone: (800) 700-4246 / Fax: (800) 604-9760

Essential Medical Solutions, Inc.3 Nebo Yorkville RoadGibson, TN 38389Phone: (877) 278-1079 / Fax: (877) 231-3088

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road Suite DWaukesha, WI 53188Phone: (800) 845-6364 / Fax: (888) 845-3342

Liberator Medical Supply, Inc.2979 Southeast Gran Park WayStuart, FL 34997Phone: (800) 536-2390 / Fax: (800) 755-0843

Medline Industries, Inc.1 Medline PlaceMundelein, IL 60060Phone: (866) 356-4997 / Fax: (866) 272-8122

MS Supply & Home Health Co.618 Ware BoulevardTampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 621-2001 / Fax: (813) 621-2480

MY DME DOC, LLC977 Del Mar DriveLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (866) 726-9363 / Fax: (888) 788-5696

One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Orthomedx Corporation4329 36th Street Suite 800Orlando, FL 32811Phone: (407) 422-4526 / Fax: (407) 377-5770

Strive Medical, LLC5800 Campus Circle Drive East Suite 100BIrving, TX 75063Phone: (888) 771-9229 / Fax: (866) 680-5574

SurfMed2799 Southwest 32nd Avenue Building E, Suite 14Pembroke Park, FL 33023Phone: (888) 201-7873 / Fax: (888) 398-3149

Symbius Medical, LLC2311 West Utopia RoadPhoenix, AZ 85027Phone: (800) 948-1868 / Fax: (877) 396-6235

United States Medical Supply, LLC8260 Northwest 27th Street Suite 401Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 436-6033 / Fax: (305) 455-5700

US Med, LLC1480 Northwest 79th AvenueMiami, FL 33126Phone: (800) 787-6331 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


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Affordable Medical, LLC24638 State Road 54Lutz, FL 33559Phone: (888) 991-9945 / Fax: (888) 993-9951

Eleanor's Bras and Breast Forms, Inc.7538 Congress StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 845-5777 / Fax: (727) 841-8910

Ladies First Choice2337 Belleair Road Suite EClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 535-4446 / Fax: (727) 796-3095

O2 Solutions, LLC1441 Savannah Avenue Suite BTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-3979 / Fax: (727) 934-3783

PM Respiratory Services, Inc.3306 Southwest 26th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-4545 / Fax: (866) 945-9458

Beverly Hills

Lincare, Inc.4055 North Lecanto HighwayBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-6404 / Fax: (866) 247-6230

Crystal River

Kidder Orthopedic Laboratories, Inc.5676 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-5556 / Fax: (352) 795-5218


Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics221 West Main StreetInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-5966 / Fax: (352) 726-2039

Fitness Program

Silver Sneakers FitnessPhone: (888) 423-4632

Home Health


Advanced InfusionCare212 Northside DriveValdosta, GA 31602Phone: (229) 242-3060 / Fax: (229) 242-9914


Classic Home Health Services1504 South StreetLeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 314-1885 / Fax: (800) 690-3901

Doctor's Choice Home Care18770 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 794-6099 / Fax: (352) 204-0069

Florida Homecare Specialists, Inc.130 North Old Dixie HighwayLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-2206 / Fax: (352) 350-2210


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Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc.10177 Cortez BoulevardWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-9800 / Fax: (352) 592-9801

Crystal River

Family Home Health Services, LLC706 North Suncoast BoulevardCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 746-2549 / Fax: (352) 746-2952

SET Home Health8016 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 564-2738 / Fax: (352) 795-0990


Nations HearingPhone: (800) 313-2763


Beverly Hills

LabCorp18 Regina BoulevardBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-2416 / Fax: (352) 527-2418

Crystal River

LabCorp582 Southeast 7th Avenue Suite BCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 564-8760

LabCorp at Walgreens310 Northeast Highway 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 486-7500 / Fax: (352) 564-1892


LabCorp7945 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-1043 / Fax: (352) 382-1045


LabCorp131 South Citrus Avenue Suite 100Inverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 341-3529 / Fax: (352) 341-3531


Crystal River

Citrus Diagnostic Center922 North Citrus AvenueCrystal River, FL 34428Phone: (352) 795-9200 / Fax: (352) 795-6460


Sugar Mill Diagnostic Imaging, LLC8303 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-9900 / Fax: (352) 628-9700


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Inverness Medical Imaging2105 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 33453Phone: (352) 637-6100 / Fax: (352) 637-6900

Occupational Therapy

Citrus Springs

TLC Rehab, Inc.10511 North Florida AvenueCitrus Springs, FL 34434Phone: (352) 465-5880 / Fax: (352) 465-5889

Crystal River

Rehab Partners, Inc.1560 North Meadowcrest BoulevardCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 228-4088 / Fax: (352) 228-4006

TLC Rehab, Inc.6778 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6225 / Fax: (352) 795-6065


TLC Rehab, Inc.2679 North Forest Ridge BoulevardHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 746-2371 / Fax: (352) 746-3729


TLC Rehab, Inc.8455 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0939 / Fax: (352) 382-4297


Performance by Achievement130 Heights AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 419-6570 / Fax: (888) 639-2521

TLC Rehab, Inc.2236 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 419-4882 / Fax: (352) 419-4884

Optometry - Routine Vision Providers


Argus VisionToll Free Customer ServicePhone: (800) 210-5511https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Outpatient Dialysis

Crystal River

Crystal River Dialysis7435 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 564-8400 / Fax: (352) 564-0147


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Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Physical Therapy


Regional Rehab465 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-8066 / Fax: (352) 688-8540

Citrus Springs

TLC Rehab, Inc.10511 North Florida AvenueCitrus Springs, FL 34434Phone: (352) 465-5880 / Fax: (352) 465-5889

Crystal River

Rehab Partners, Inc.1560 North Meadowcrest BoulevardCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 228-4088 / Fax: (352) 228-4006

TLC Rehab, Inc.6778 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6225 / Fax: (352) 795-6065


Hometown Rehab944 East Norvell Bryant HighwayHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 341-1616 / Fax: (352) 341-1620

TLC Rehab, Inc.2679 North Forest Ridge BoulevardHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 746-2371 / Fax: (352) 746-3729


Hometown Rehab7991 South Suncoast Boulevard Unit DHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 503-2464 / Fax: (352) 503-2845

TLC Rehab, Inc.8455 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0939 / Fax: (352) 382-4297


Performance by Achievement130 Heights AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 419-6570 / Fax: (888) 639-2521

TLC Rehab, Inc.2236 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 419-4882 / Fax: (352) 419-4884


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Prosthetics and Orthotics


Tampa Bay Prosthetics5109 North Armenia AvenueTampa, FL 33603Phone: (813) 801-9110 / Fax: (813) 801-9048


Orthotic & Prosthetic Center of Inverness407 West Highland Boulevard Suite AInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 634-8228 / Fax: (352) 419-0582

Sonlife Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc.2024 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 344-8200 / Fax: (352) 596-0180

Sleep Studies


Blackstone Medical Services, LLC550 North Reo Street Suite 250Tampa, FL 33609Phone: (888) 710-2727 / Fax: (888) 239-4616

Speech Therapy

Citrus Springs

TLC Rehab, Inc.10511 North Florida AvenueCitrus Springs, FL 34434Phone: (352) 465-5880 / Fax: (352) 465-5889

Crystal River

TLC Rehab, Inc.6778 West Gulf to Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-6225 / Fax: (352) 795-6065


TLC Rehab, Inc.2679 North Forest Ridge BoulevardHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 746-2371 / Fax: (352) 746-3729


TLC Rehab, Inc.8455 South Suncoast BoulevardHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0939 / Fax: (352) 382-4297


Performance by Achievement130 Heights AvenueInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 419-6570 / Fax: (888) 639-2521


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TLC Rehab, Inc.2236 Highway 44 WestInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 419-4882 / Fax: (352) 419-4884

Wound Care

Home Therapy Products, Inc.2580 County Road 220 Suite 2Middleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 644-6200 / Fax: (904) 644-6201


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Retail Pharmacies


CVS Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 746-7287www.cvs.com/stores

Publix Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 242-1227www.publix.com/pharmacy

Walgreens*Phone: (800) 925-4733www.walgreens.com/storelocator/find.jsp

Walmart*Phone: (800) 966-6546www.walmart.com/pharmacy

Winn Dixie*Phone: (866) 946-6349www.winndixie.com/pharmacy

Beverly Hills

CVS Pharmacy #037003506 N Lecanto HwyBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-7878

G & R Health Mart Pharmacy3791 North Lecanto HighwayBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-3111

G & R Healthmart Pharmacy*3791 N Lecanto HwyBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-3111

Walgreens #98474020 N Lecanto HwyBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 527-3870

Winn Dixie3565 N Lecanto HwyBeverly Hills, FL 34465Phone: (352) 746-0096

Citrus Hills

CVS Pharmacy #07998700 W Norvell Bryant HwyCitrus Hills, FL 34442Phone: (352) 249-3143

Citrus Springs

Rainbow Discount Drugs10479 N Florida AveCitrus Springs, FL 34434Phone: (352) 897-4615

Crystal River

Citrus Discount Pharmacy791 NE 5th StCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 228-8929

CVS Pharmacy #03103327 NE US Hwy 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-7262

Publix Pharmacy #07976760 W Gulf To Lake HighwayCrystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 795-5393


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Walgreens #5338310 NE US Hwy 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (352) 563-0966

Winn Dixie1651 SE US Highway 19Crystal River, FL 34429Phone: (904) 783-5578


G & R Pharmacy*1298 E Norvell Bryant Hwy, Unit DHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 419-8949

Publix Pharmacy #04752685 N Forest Ridge BlvdHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 527-6554

Walgreens #5980795 W Norvell Bryant HwyHernando, FL 34442Phone: (352) 746-2278


CVS Pharmacy #033703959 S Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34448Phone: (352) 628-2479

G & R Health Mart Pharmacy #2*5691 S Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-0096

Publix Pharmacy #11939525 South Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-1155

Walgreens #42174029 S Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-3898

Walgreens #97479427 S Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 382-0520

Walmart Pharmacy 10-10296885 S Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34446Phone: (352) 628-4334

Winn Dixie3792 S Suncoast BlvdHomosassa, FL 34448Phone: (352) 628-2188


Advanced Urology Institute609 West Highland BoulevardInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-9707

B&W Rexall Drugs*214 US Hwy 41 SInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Brashears Pharmacy*206 W Dampier StInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 637-2079

CVS Pharmacy #03171602 W Main StInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-9030

Publix Pharmacy #14481012 W Main StInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 341-2602


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Walgreens #5691104 S Apopka AveInverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 344-8040

Walmart Pharmacy 10-11042461 E Gulf To Lakes HwyInverness, FL 34453Phone: (352) 637-2400

Winn Dixie Pharmacy333 Highland Ave Space 600Inverness, FL 34452Phone: (352) 726-7993


Brashears Pharmacy471 N Dacie PtLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 746-3420

Walmart Pharmacy 10-57721936 N Lecanto HwyLecanto, FL 34461Phone: (352) 228-6003


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Mail Order Pharmacy


OptumrxPhone: (855) 842-6337 TTY 711 24 hours a day / 7 day a week You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For refills of your mail order prescriptions, you have the option to sign up for an automatic refill program. Under this program, we will start to process your next refill automatically when our records show that you should be close to running out of your drug. We will contact you prior to shipping each refill to make sure you are in need of more medication. You can cancel scheduled refills if you have enough of your medication or if your medication has changed. If you choose not to use the auto refill program, please contact us 14 days before you think the drugs you have on hand will run out to make sure your next order is shipped to you in time. To opt out of the automatic refill program, please contact us by calling 1 (855) 842-6337, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription drugs within 14 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy receives the order. If you do not receive your prescription drug(s) within this time, please contact us at 1 (855) 842-6337.


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Home Infusion Pharmacies


Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida556 Florida Central Pkwy Ste 1044Longwood, FL 32750Phone: (407) 865-5489

Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville1700 NW 80th BlvdGainesville, FL 32606Phone: (352) 333-2525

Bioscrip Infusion Services3040 Venture Lane Suite 103Melbourne, FL 32934Phone: (321) 242-2996

Bioscrip Infusion Services3986 Boulevard Center Dr Ste 1Jacksonville, FL 32207Phone: (904) 398-1983

Bioscrip Infusion Services5505 Johns Road, Suite 700Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 549-5499

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.201 N. Tarragona St.Pensacola, FL 32502Phone: (850) 430-1259

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.8509 Benjamin Rd Suite ATampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-5866

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.13891 Jetport Loop Road Suite 5Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-2388

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services3439 N 12th Ave Suite A And BPensacola, FL 32503Phone: (850) 469-4573

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services9143 Phillips Hwy Suite 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 363-3089

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services12006 Miramar PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 431-3335

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services8508 Benjamin Road, Suite CTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 639-4500

Crescent Healthcare5431 SW 35th DriveGainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 373-8389

Health First Infusion1959 W 9th St Ste AWest Palm Beach, FL 33404Phone: (561) 842-2828

Holly Hill Pharmacy1702 Ridgewood Ave Ste C - GHolly Hill, FL 32117Phone: (386) 677-7377


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Kabafusion Fl3500 NW 2nd Ave Suite 704Boca Raton, FL 33431Phone: (877) 309-2207

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Oncology Pharmacy Group4733 W Atlantic Ave Ste 2Delray Beach, FL 33445Phone: (855) 674-2764

Option Care11650 Miramar Parkway Suite 100Miramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 885-6100

Option Care2880 Scherer RdSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 592-0045

Option Care14580 Global Parkway Suite 108Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-3456

Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc.5700 Dot Com Ct Ste 1030Oviedo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 678-2068

Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc.9655 Florida Mining Blvd. West Ste 411Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 652-1990

Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc.9984 Premier PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (800) 670-6922

Patient Care America3890 Park Central Blvd N.Pompano Beach, FL 33064Phone: (866) 348-0441

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Smp Pharmacy Solutions6050 S Dixie HwyMiami, FL 33143Phone: (305) 740-9696

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Long Term Care Pharmacies


1st Choice Pharmacy Ltc2232 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 940-3521

A&R Pharmacy1155 Main Street Unit 109Jupiter, FL 33458Phone: (561) 630-3770

Advanced Pharmacy45 Skyline Drive Ste 1011Lake Mary, FL 32746Phone: (407) 805-8300

Alpha Touch Pharmacy10071 Pines Blvd Ste DPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-5200

Apex Heath Rx921 Town Center Dr Suite 100Orange City, FL 32763Phone: (386) 774-7933

Atkinsons Healthcare100 Old Orange Park RdOrange Park, FL 32073Phone: (904) 264-7578

B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc214 US Hwy 41 SouthInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care2 E Magnolia Ave Ste 201Eustis, FL 32726Phone: (352) 357-4341

Benzer Ltc3231 Tamiami Trl Ste DPort Charlotte, FL 33952Phone: (941) 303-1071

Butterfly Pharmacy3940 W Hillsborough AveTampa, FL 33614Phone: (813) 874-2900

Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford1455 E Airport BlvdSanford, FL 32773Phone: (855) 822-7366

Careone Pharmacy Services Llc1003 E Newport Center DrDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: (954) 425-6505

Center Pharmacy Ii1501 Viscaya PkwyCape Coral, FL 33990Phone: (239) 772-8866

Coastalmed Of Florida Llc433 N Macarthur AvePanama City, FL 32401Phone: (850) 872-8900


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Core Health Pharmacy11260 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33026Phone: (954) 450-8873

Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc1860 Highland Oaks BlvdLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 428-6963

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600

Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc.20-22 South Federal HighwayDania, FL 33004Phone: (954) 921-4661

Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Pharmacy1680 Meridian Ave 4th FloorMiami Beach, FL 33139Phone: (786) 439-1167

Dura-Med Pharmacy3877 Highway 4Jay, FL 32565Phone: (850) 675-6850

E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy4942 West State Road 46 Suite 1014, Westwood Village Shopping CenterSanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 915-7307

Ellenton Discount Pharmacy8324 US Highway 301 NParrish, FL 34219Phone: (941) 444-2233

Ep Ltc Pharmacy6440 SW 117th Ave 2nd FloorMiami, FL 33183Phone: (305) 630-9308

Family Care Rx, Llc4752 S Jog RdGreenacres, FL 33467Phone: (561) 432-2273

Florida Medical Supply5314-A Frank Hough RdPanama City, FL 32404Phone: (850) 785-1900

Foundational Health Pharmacy3031 W Cypress St Ste ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 527-0765

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5707 N 22nd StTampa, FL 33610Phone: (813) 239-8116

Genoa Healthcare, Llc12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite A142Tampa, FL 33612Phone: (253) 218-0830

Genoa Healthcare, Llc3292 County Road 220, Suite PMiddleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 301-4622

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2900 W Prospect Rd # ATamarac, FL 33309Phone: (754) 216-4844

Genoa Healthcare, Llc439 SW Michigan St Rm 12Lake City, FL 32025Phone: (386) 319-4050

Genoa Healthcare, Llc200 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Kissimmee, FL 34741Phone: (407) 344-9700

Genoa Healthcare, Llc137 Hospital Dr NE Ste QFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone: (727) 322-4008


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Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Genoa Healthcare, Llc215 N 3rd St Ste ALeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 702-0079

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2789 Ortiz Ave Bldg HFort Myers, FL 33905Phone: (239) 939-7935

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2634 Capital Cir Ne Building C, Suite 156Tallahassee, FL 32308Phone: (850) 666-5194

Genoa Healthcare, Llc379 6th Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 748-9409

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1201 1st St SWinter Haven, FL 33880Phone: (863) 291-4707

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1831 N Gilmore Ave Ste 1Lakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 614-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc525 E. 15th StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 522-0143

Genoa Healthcare, Llc919 NE 13th Street, Suite 244Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 756-9917

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4300 SW 13th St, Room 27Gainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 264-9995

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Genoa Healthcare, Llc6075 Bathey Lane, Ste D5Naples, FL 34116Phone: (239) 234-1446

Genoa Healthcare, Llc330 SW 27th Ave # AFort Lauderdale, FL 33312Phone: (754) 216-5002

Global View Pharmacy2013 Harding StreetHollywood, FL 33020Phone: (954) 923-3839

Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc10 Aviator WayOrmond Beach, FL 32174Phone: (386) 615-1925

Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville8001 Belfort Pkwy Ste 160Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 296-0016

Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida212 N Wilson StCrestview, FL 32536Phone: (850) 306-3003


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc2815 Directors Row Ste 700Orlando, FL 32809Phone: (407) 270-6722

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida6100 Broken Sound Pkwy NwBoca Raton, FL 33487Phone: (954) 601-2121

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc24451 Sandhill Blvd Suite A & CPunta Gorda, FL 33983Phone: (941) 255-1987

Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc9402 International Ct.Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 577-0000

Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy135 N Banana River DrMerritt Island, FL 32952Phone: (321) 452-5058

Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc7057 University BlvdWinter Park, FL 32792Phone: (407) 671-0003

Hopkins Pharmacy4401 S Hopkins AveTitusville, FL 32780Phone: (321) 607-6802

Ims Pharmacy202 S Magnolia Ave Ste 1Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-1536

Iv Stat Inc533 Eglin Pkwy NeFort Walton Beach, FL 32547Phone: (850) 226-8162

J's Pharmacy6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Kings Discount Drug1242 Main StChipley, FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-4875

Lake Wales Pharmacy1322 Sr 60 ELake Wales, FL 33853Phone: (863) 676-0400

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 479-3048

Logos Pharmacy8315 Sheldon RdTampa, FL 33615Phone: (813) 886-2800

M & K Drugs340 East Sugarland Hwy Suite BClewiston, FL 33440Phone: (863) 983-2945

Maxcare Pharmacy6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Med-Source Pharmacy2223 SW 13th Ave Ste BMiami, FL 33145Phone: (305) 854-7377


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Medic Pharmacy Ltc5150 N Federal HwyFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: (954) 484-4200

Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc40230 US Highway 27 Suite 100-110Davenport, FL 33837Phone: (855) 633-6948

Meds To Home4801 George Rd Ste 190Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-2023

Medtown Pharmacy13770 Beach Blvd Ste 3Jacksonville, FL 32224Phone: (904) 551-5870

Memorial Family Pharmacy7009 N Armenia AveTampa, FL 33604Phone: (813) 874-0795

Northeast Florida State Hosp7487 South Sr 121Macclenny, FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6211

Novopharm Of Tampa Llc5404 Hoover Blvd Suite 22Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 374-9345

Omnicare Of Bradenton905 Manatee Ave EastBradenton, FL 34208Phone: (941) 739-9974

Omnicare Of Central Florida4150 Church Street Suite 1030Sanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 261-5800

Omnicare Of Jacksonville9143 Philips Hwy Ste 533Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 519-8900

Omnicare Of Panama City2605 W 23rd StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 763-4276

Omnicare Of South Florida2955 W Corporate Lakes Blvd Ste 600Weston, FL 33331Phone: (954) 660-5555

Omnicare Of Tampa8603 Florida Mining BoulevardTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 247-9225

Osceola Pharmacy1635 14th AveVero Beach, FL 32960Phone: (772) 562-3660

Park Shore Pharmacon600 Ansin BlvdHallandale Beach, FL 33009Phone: (954) 874-4646

Partner Rx6555 Nova Dr Ste 304Davie, FL 33317Phone: (954) 453-4990

Pharmacore Rx5406 Hoover Blvd Ste 19Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 580-8040

Pharmacy Care Center2081 W 76th St Ste 102Hialeah, FL 33016Phone: (305) 821-4337


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Pharmacy Pros, Llc110 Whitaker RdLutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 948-3135

Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota2850 Ringling BlvdSarasota, FL 34237Phone: (941) 366-0090

Pharmerica775 Bell RoadSarasota, FL 34240Phone: (941) 342-2500

Pharmerica337 Northlake Blvd Ste 1024Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 767-9010

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Pharmerica7970 Bay Berry Rd Suite 4Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 733-6099

Pharmerica1950 Commonwealth LaneTallahassee, FL 32303Phone: (850) 504-6262

Pharmerica3690 N. West 53 Street Suite 104Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069Phone: (954) 978-6997

Pharmscript Of Florida Llc3801 Corporex Park Drive Suite 115Tampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 418-5282

Pharmscript Of Florida South15491 SW 12th St Suite 400Sunrise, FL 33327Phone: (888) 319-1818

Pine Brook Pharmacy10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Premier Pharmacy Ltc2000 Pga Blvd Ste 5507Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408Phone: (561) 899-4429

Prime Pharmacy East5908 Hampton Oaks Pkwy Ste NTampa, FL 33610Phone: (877) 891-0005

Proxycare Inc747 Shotgun RdSunrise, FL 33326Phone: (954) 791-5400

Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc6463 S Falkenburg RdRiverview, FL 33578Phone: (833) 796-1527

Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc.3141 Fortune Way, Suite #1Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 899-3273

Rx Oasis9304 Balm Riverview RdRiverview, FL 33569Phone: (813) 677-6000

Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx2900 NW 60th StFort Lauderdale, FL 33309Phone: (954) 919-1818


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

San Carlos Pharmacy18911 S Tamiami Trl Ste 13Fort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 590-8820

Savers Long Term Care200 Ocean Ave Suite AMelbourne Beach, FL 32951Phone: (321) 725-5492

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Sebring Pharmacy3023 US Highway 27 NSebring, FL 33870Phone: (863) 658-2417

Shell Point PharmacyShell Point Retirement Community 15051 Shell Point BlvdFort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 454-2234

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Solace Care Pharmacy2244 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Ste KKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: (407) 499-3990

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

South Florida State Hospital800 E Cypress DrPembroke Pines, FL 33025Phone: (954) 392-3027

Southcare Ltc Pharmacy6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc3340 Fairlane Farms Rd Ste 4Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 469-1181

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave N Ste A5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

Sun Pharmacy3320 Scherer Drive, Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (888) 228-5230

Supreme Rx1611 N Florida AveLakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 940-4733

The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc2468 US Highway 441/27 Ste 204Fruitland Park, FL 34731Phone: (352) 415-0505

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400


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Ultimate Health Plans Citrus November 2020

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500

United Pharmacy Llc3951 N. Haverhill Road Suite 120-121West Palm Beach, FL 33417Phone: (561) 616-9000

Venice Apothecary560 The RialtoVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 485-8205

Village Pharmacy1095 Tamiami Trl N Ste BNokomis, FL 34275Phone: (941) 488-8800

We Care Pharmacy417 Tamiami Trl SVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 786-9183

Wecare Pharmacy Llc7830 Gunn Hwy # ATampa, FL 33626Phone: (813) 908-6868

Wellness Rx Ltc7640 NW 25th St Ste 105Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 384-7600

Westminster Pharmacy Services7703 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 500Orlando, FL 32819Phone: (407) 244-9280

Westminster Pharmacy Services1700 3rd Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 741-3440

Winter Springs Pharmacy5942 Red Bug Lake RdWinter Springs, FL 32708Phone: (321) 316-4615


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Primary Care Physicians


Ali, Syed W., MDInternal Medicine11479 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3511 / Fax: (352) 592-1155Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000739Accepting new patients: Yes

Ali, Syed W., MDBrooksville Primary CareInternal Medicine11451 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 797-9677 / Fax: (352) 600-8913Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000739Accepting new patients: Yes

Bermudez, Mauricio, MDPhoenix American Medical, LLCFamily Practice12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 102Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-7660 / Fax: (352) 596-5581Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018928Accepting new patients: Yes

Bhatia, Anil, MDInternal Medicine11479 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3511 / Fax: (352) 592-1155Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000005902Accepting new patients: Yes

Bishay, Adel A., MDAdel A. Bishay, MD, PAInternal Medicine7276 Broad StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-4903 / Fax: (352) 796-2144Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000001026Accepting new patients: Yes

Ekanayake, Dhammika, MDInternal Medicine10045 Cortez Boulevard Suite 122Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-7580 / Fax: (352) 592-5286Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SinhalaID #: 200000000015Accepting new patients: Yes

Hartzell Jr., Robert L., MDFamily Practice11479 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3511 / Fax: (352) 592-1155Gender: MaleID #: 200000001093Accepting new patients: Yes


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Hubsher, Mason I., MDHubsher HealthcareInternal Medicine12140 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0411 / Fax: (727) 847-6919Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021161Accepting new patients: Yes

Nishat, Seema, MDBrooksville Primary CareInternal Medicine11451 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 797-9677 / Fax: (352) 600-8913Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000019Accepting new patients: Yes

Sanka, Srinivas, DOInternal Medicine31158 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34602Phone: (352) 797-2532 / Fax: (352) 797-2620Gender: MaleID #: 200000017642Accepting new patients: Yes

Sheth, Jatin N., MDFamily Practice920 West Jefferson StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-8824 / Fax: (352) 796-7917Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000000004Accepting new patients: Yes

Spring Hill

Abskhroun, Hany H., MDSaint Thomas ClinicGeriatric Medicine7056 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 610-4408 / Fax: (352) 606-3960Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000001249Accepting new patients: Yes

Ajibola, Olakunle, MDFamily Practice3480 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 600-7900 / Fax: (352) 600-8994Gender: MaleLanguage(s): YorubaID #: 200000012954Accepting new patients: Yes

Akel, Mahmood, MDM. Akel, MD, PAGeneral Practice5433 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 596-3367 / Fax: (352) 596-7700Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000001157Accepting new patients: Yes

Banwatt, Ramnik S., MDPremier Adult Health Care, Inc.Internal Medicine4428 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 597-1011 / Fax: (352) 597-7803Gender: MaleID #: 200000013482Accepting new patients: Yes


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Brea, Carlos Y., MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000009599Accepting new patients: Yes

Burgos-Breban, Jose A., MDInternal Medicine1194 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 835-7136 / Fax: (352) 610-4454Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018212Accepting new patients: Yes

Burgos-Breban, Jose A., MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018212Accepting new patients: Yes

Capoocia, Amy B., DOFamily Practice10494 Northcliffe BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 686-3991 / Fax: (352) 666-0393Gender: FemaleID #: 200000004939Accepting new patients: No

Castello-Venegas, Mari T., MDLindo Medical Care, LLCGeneral Practice12587 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 600-7960 / Fax: (352) 606-3932Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000009465Accepting new patients: Yes

Devabavus, Mercely R., MDTrinity Medical Clinic, PAInternal Medicine10425 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 666-5665 / Fax: (352) 666-5122Gender: FemaleID #: 200000001088Accepting new patients: Yes

Dzudza-Sunjic, Adisa, MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Italian, BosnianID #: 200000018220Accepting new patients: Yes

Dzudza-Sunjic, Adisa, MDInternal Medicine5382 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 200-2190 / Fax: (352) 200-2191Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Italian, BosnianID #: 200000018220Accepting new patients: Yes


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Hasan, Syed S., MDWest Coast Medical Crystal River, PAInternal Medicine2120 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-1703 / Fax: (352) 666-1366Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000041Accepting new patients: Yes

Jibawi, Mohamad K., MDFamily Practice5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000007736Accepting new patients: Yes

Juvvadi, Raghu, MDInternal Medicine5362 Spring Hill Drive Suite CSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 398-4573 / Fax: (352) 200-2171Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Kannada, TeluguID #: 200000002445Accepting new patients: Yes

Juvvadi, Raghu, MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleAccepting new patients: Yes

Kolli, Anitha, MDSuncoast Primary CareInternal Medicine7145 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-2250 / Fax: (352) 666-2228Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000000029Accepting new patients: Yes

Kroll, Brian C., DOFirst Choice Family Medical CenterFamily Practice120 Medical Boulevard Suite 102Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-1591 / Fax: (352) 556-0423Gender: MaleID #: 200000001063Accepting new patients: Yes

Layme, Angie, MDGeneral Practice5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015687Accepting new patients: Yes

Layme, Angie, MDGeneral Practice2173 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-5003 / Fax: (352) 686-9533Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015687Accepting new patients: Yes


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Lindo, Oscar J., MDLindo Medical Care, LLCFamily Practice12587 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 600-7960 / Fax: (352) 606-3932Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, SpanishID #: 200000001064Accepting new patients: Yes

Lugo, Felipe, MDPhoenix American Medical, LLCFamily Practice445 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 666-1200 / Fax: (352) 688-5556Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018932Accepting new patients: Yes

Malhotra, Gaurav V., MDAbsolute Healthcare, LLCInternal Medicine3378 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 796-7171 / Fax: (352) 556-4889Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000003621Accepting new patients: Yes

Malhotra, Poonam, MDCentral Clinic Family CareFamily Practice3376 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 796-7171 / Fax: (352) 678-5300Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002717Accepting new patients: Yes

Malhotra, Poonam, MDCentral Clinic, LLCFamily Practice11077 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 684-3300 / Fax: (352) 684-3222Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002717Accepting new patients: Yes

Mercado-Miranda, Francis J., MDGeneral Practice5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleID #: 200000021662Accepting new patients: Yes

Najarro, Juan C., MDGeneral Practice5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000013480Accepting new patients: Yes

Pierre, Jude A., MDInternal Medicine5290 Applegate DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 686-3101 / Fax: (352) 688-8713Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, Spanish, CreoleID #: 200000000020Accepting new patients: Yes

Reynolds, Michael B., DOFamily Practice3480 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 600-7900 / Fax: (352) 600-8994Gender: MaleID #: 200000000985Accepting new patients: Yes


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Reynolds, Michael B., DOFamily Practice5429 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 835-7968 / Fax: (352) 200-2174Gender: MaleID #: 200000000985Accepting new patients: Yes

Rincon, Anali J., MDGeneral Practice10441 Quality Drive Suite 100Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-0780 / Fax: (352) 666-0704Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): French, SpanishID #: 200000014317Accepting new patients: Yes

Rodriguez Perez, Janice M., MDGeneral Practice5290 Applegate DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 686-3101 / Fax: (352) 688-8713Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000011499Accepting new patients: Yes

Sanka, Srinivas, DOInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleID #: 200000017642Accepting new patients: Yes

Shah, Anantkumar M., MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000019074Accepting new patients: Yes

Sidhu, Simrita A., MDPremier Adult Health Care, Inc.Internal Medicine4428 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 597-1011 / Fax: (352) 597-7803Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000000340Accepting new patients: Yes

Singh, Pariksith, MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000000011Accepting new patients: Yes

Tharp, Jeremy L., MDFamily Practice120 Medical Boulevard Suite 107Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 277-5421 / Fax: (352) 616-0904Gender: MaleID #: 200000017708Accepting new patients: Yes

Tharp, Jeremy L., MDFirst Choice Family Medical CenterFamily Practice120 Medical Boulevard Suite 102Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-1591 / Fax: (352) 556-0423Gender: MaleID #: 200000017708Accepting new patients: Yes


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Varlakov, Grigor J., MDFamily Practice5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-8116 / Fax: (352) 686-9477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): BulgarianID #: 200000000044Accepting new patients: No

Vennamaneni, Manjusri, MDInternal Medicine5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-3379 / Fax: (352) 398-1333Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000000045Accepting new patients: Yes

Weeki Wachee

Diaz, Ivan, MDFamily Practice10200 Yale AvenueWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-1960 / Fax: (352) 597-9470Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001216Accepting new patients: Yes

Dzudza-Sunjic, Adisa, MDInternal Medicine4270 Lake In The Woods DriveWeeki Wachee, FL 34607Phone: (352) 597-7249 / Fax: (352) 597-9523Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Italian, BosnianID #: 200000018220Accepting new patients: Yes

Lindo, Oscar J., MDLindo Medical Care, LLCFamily Practice10045 Cortez Boulevard Suite 154Weeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-6114 / Fax: (352) 596-0784Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, SpanishID #: 200000001064Accepting new patients: Yes


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Allergy / Immunology


Alibrahim, Ayman, MDAdvanced Allergy Asthma & Immunology, Inc.11341 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-2715 / Fax: (352) 746-3305Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000001528

Alshaar, Ayham, MDAllergy, Asthma & Immunology Center11333 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-4499 / Fax: (352) 596-1191Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000002108

Weeki Wachee

Shetty, Ranjith M., MDAllergy & Asthma Clinic6475 Oregon Jay RoadWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (727) 841-8876 / Fax: (727) 843-8508Gender: MaleID #: 200000000068



Amarchand, Lingappa, MDCardiology Associates750 Desoto AvenueBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-6721 / Fax: (352) 754-0375Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KannadaID #: 200000000657

Atfeh, Mowaffak, MDM. Atfeh, MD, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 307Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1616 / Fax: (352) 596-5707Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000473

Chalavarya, Gopal K., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC15004 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4422 / Fax: (352) 597-2771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000000720

Idicula, Joseph, MDIdicula Medical Associates10081 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4660 / Fax: (352) 596-4674Gender: MaleID #: 200000000187


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Jeyabarath, Vinaitheertha P., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC15004 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4422 / Fax: (352) 597-2771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TamilID #: 200000002807

Joseph, Georges J., MDIdicula Medical Associates10065 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4660 / Fax: (352) 596-4674Gender: MaleID #: 200000013655

Lee, Scott F., MDNature Coast Heart Rhythm Center11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 301Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0744 / Fax: (352) 596-5401Gender: MaleID #: 200000019073

Mathews, Thomas, MDSt. Luke Heart Institute, Inc.14533 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-2008 / Fax: (352) 597-2070Gender: MaleLanguage(s): MalayalamID #: 200000000114

Mathur, Gaurav, MD12083 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4022 / Fax: (352) 596-9851Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003226

Moore, Michael D., DOFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC15004 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4422 / Fax: (352) 597-2771Gender: MaleID #: 200000000431

Nimer, Mahmoud A., MD12083 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4022 / Fax: (352) 596-9851Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000104

Patel, Darshan V., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC15004 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4422 / Fax: (352) 597-2771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, GujaratiID #: 200000000360

Rao, Arun P., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC15004 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4422 / Fax: (352) 597-2771Gender: MaleID #: 200000009476

Raxwal, Vinod K., MD12083 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4022 / Fax: (352) 596-9851Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Russian, Hindi, Punjabi

Sharma, Nagaraja D., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC15004 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4422 / Fax: (352) 597-2771Gender: MaleID #: 200000000361


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Delle Chiaie, Brandon C., DCBoze Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center, LLC934 Candlelight BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-2660 / Fax: (352) 799-4487Gender: MaleID #: 200000008637

Wynn, Zackery T., DCFamily Chiropractic Center for Wellness, Inc.3155 Aerial WayBrooksville, FL 34604Phone: (352) 283-8388 / Fax: (352) 593-5270Gender: MaleID #: 200000014083

Spring Hill

Boze, Gabriel A., DCBoze Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center, LLC224 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 610-9991 / Fax: (352) 610-9992Gender: MaleID #: 200000002649

Chaney, William C., DCWilliam C. Chaney, DC, PA4056 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 686-6385 / Fax: (352) 686-6982Gender: MaleID #: 200000002634

Dahmer, Brian K., DCFamily Chiropractic Center for Wellness, Inc.8403 Balm StreetSpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 340-5936 / Fax: (352) 340-5937Gender: MaleID #: 200000001910

Gialousis, Michael E., DCBoze Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center, LLC224 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 610-9991 / Fax: (352) 610-9992Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000008747

McCane, Cameron M., DCCameron M. McCane, DC, PA3037 Landover BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 686-5122 / Fax: (352) 686-6985Gender: MaleID #: 200000000075

Moss, Daryl L., DCMoss Chiropractic Clinic1377 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-7886 / Fax: (352) 683-4799Gender: MaleID #: 200000001799

Moss, Michael B., DCMoss Chiropractic Clinic1377 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-7886 / Fax: (352) 683-4799Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001136


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Moss-Dichristofaro, Kylee Ann, DCMoss Chiropractic Clinic1377 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-7886 / Fax: (352) 683-4799Gender: FemaleID #: 200000001802

Papenheim, Alan R., DCPapenheim Chiropractic11046 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 683-3993 / Fax: (352) 683-3994Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001598

Pizzuto, James R., DCAbsolute Health Chiropractic13810 Linden DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 942-0392 / Fax: (352) 515-0180Gender: MaleID #: 200000001956

Ralsky, Joseph I., DCDiscover Family Chiropractic12549 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-8128 / Fax: (352) 686-8088Gender: MaleID #: 200000000058

Robinson, Samuel D., DCRobinson Chiropractic, Inc.3091 Anderson Snow RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 340-5946 / Fax: (352) 593-5853Gender: MaleID #: 200000009334

Tinari, Dominick A., DCTinari Chiropractic5187 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-4646 / Fax: (352) 666-4647Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000823

Critical Care


Anid, Youssef S., MDTampa Bay Pulmonology, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 303Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 686-2972 / Fax: (352) 683-2657Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000086

Kumar, Jayachandra P., MDPulmonary & Sleep Associates10075 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-6600 / Fax: (352) 597-6601Gender: MaleID #: 200000000356

Sagheer, Farah, MD7128 Sagheer StreetBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 345-4876 / Fax: (352) 345-4880Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000000092


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Patel, Rishi R., MDCenter For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PA17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 346Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-3334 / Fax: (352) 796-3323Gender: MaleID #: 200000006117

Patel, Utpalkumar J., MDCenter For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PA17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 346Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-3334 / Fax: (352) 796-3323Gender: MaleID #: 200000003077

Reed, Oliver M., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 205Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (352) 596-9865Gender: MaleID #: 200000018011

Spring Hill

Dorton, David W., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1130 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-5544 / Fax: (352) 688-6355Gender: MaleID #: 200000000144

Esguerra, David, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1130 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-5544 / Fax: (352) 688-6355Gender: MaleID #: 200000000145

Marchell, Nancy L., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery5060 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-9550 / Fax: (352) 592-9551Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000019565

Nyanda, Hoka L., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery11021 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 835-5823 / Fax: (352) 600-5540Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000011761

Patel, Rishi R., MDCenter For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PA8425 Northcliffe Boulevard Suite 102Spring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 796-3334 / Fax: (352) 796-3323Gender: MaleID #: 200000006117

Patel, Utpalkumar J., MDCenter For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PA8425 Northcliffe Boulevard Suite 102Spring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 796-3334 / Fax: (352) 796-3323Gender: MaleID #: 200000003077


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Podnos, Scott M., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery5060 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-9550 / Fax: (352) 592-9551Gender: Male

Proper, Steven A., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery11021 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 835-5823 / Fax: (352) 600-5540Gender: MaleID #: 200000000513

Ross, Amy S., MDPH Dermatology120 Medical Boulevard Suite 100Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 701-2018 / Fax: (352) 701-1070Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018026

Wangia, Michael W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery5060 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-9550 / Fax: (352) 592-9551Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000018381

Witfill, Kristin J., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1130 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-5544 / Fax: (352) 688-6355Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000152



Mahmaljy, Ghiath, MD11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 302Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-8994 / Fax: (352) 597-8901Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000099

Spring Hill

Ali, Sumbul A., MD14690 Spring Hill Drive Suite 206Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 799-4206 / Fax: (352) 799-4207Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Arabic, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000005401

Mahmaljy, Ghiath, MD5382 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 200-2190 / Fax: (352) 200-2191Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000099


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Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery

Spring Hill

Bayfront Health OB/GYN11175 County Line RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-8888 / Fax: (888) 828-8534ID #: 200000014134

Bayfront Health OB/GYN5327 Commercial Way Suite D-119Spring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 701-3012 / Fax: (352) 701-3015ID #: 200000014134



Abboud, Rami, MD12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 203Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7744 / Fax: (352) 597-7797Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic

Bin-Sagheer, Syed T., MDAdvance Gastroenterology & Pulmonary Care, PL17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 318Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 345-4879 / Fax: (352) 345-4880Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000000371

Hiba, Muhammed Rodwan A., MDPremier Gastroenterology PA12102 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-4000 / Fax: (352) 597-0550Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000001349

Kanuri, Ramakrishna P., MDHernando Gastroenterology Associates12190 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-1206 / Fax: (352) 597-1208Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000000430

Muftah, Azzam, MD12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 203Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7744 / Fax: (352) 597-7797Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000010

Paul, Pudichery K., MDP.K. Paul, MD, PA705 Harvard StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 799-3555 / Fax: (352) 799-9299Gender: MaleID #: 200000001305

Shuayb, Husam E., MDHusam E. Shuayb, MD, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 306Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-6264 / Fax: (352) 596-7550Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000867


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Spring Hill

Abboud, Rami, MD5196 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 765-3001 / Fax: (352) 765-3004Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic

Herraka, Ihab, MD5196 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 765-3001 / Fax: (352) 765-3004Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000010856

Le, Bruce G., DODr. Le Advanced Gastroenterology8425 Northcliffe Boulevard Suite 107Spring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-2700 / Fax: (352) 688-0300Gender: MaleLanguage(s): VietnameseID #: 200000011638

Muftah, Azzam, MD5196 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 765-3001 / Fax: (352) 765-3004Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000010

General Dentistry


Nazco Batista, Maria E., DDSPremier Community Healthcare Group, Inc.300 South Main StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 518-2000 / Fax: (352) 567-0218Gender: Female

Painter, Lisa, DDSPremier Community Healthcare Group, Inc.300 South Main StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 518-2000 / Fax: (352) 567-0218Gender: Female

Shuayb, Sarah, DMDParadigm Dental, PA12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 201Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-3456 / Fax: (352) 596-3147Gender: Female

Spring Hill

Ali, Ahmad S., DDSSmile Design Dentistry1406 Pinehurst DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 553-1505 / Fax: (888) 582-0179Gender: Male

Arrabal Morejon, Glenda, DMDBright Now! Dental11152 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-2212 / Fax: (352) 683-9792Gender: Female


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Arrabal Morejon, Glenda, DMDBright Now! Dental11152 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-2212 / Fax: (352) 683-9792Gender: Female

Bressler, Margaret, DMDSmile Design Dentistry1406 Pinehurst DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 553-1505 / Fax: (888) 582-0179Gender: Female

Nazco Batista, Maria E., DDSPremier Community Healthcare Group, Inc.7551 Forest Oaks BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 518-2000 / Fax: (352) 567-0218Gender: Female

Painter, Lisa, DDSPremier Community Healthcare Group, Inc.7551 Forest Oaks BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 518-2000 / Fax: (352) 567-0218Gender: Female

General Surgery


Neyra, Harold, DOSurgical Speciality Group of Oviedo8400 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 1010Ovideo, FL 32765Gender: Male


Breeding, Lyle G., MDSuncoast General Surgery11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 202Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3444 / Fax: (352) 597-0117Gender: MaleID #: 200000000551

Davis, Kenley B., MDBayfront Health Surgical Group17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 326Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 544-6145 / Fax: (352) 688-9189Gender: MaleID #: 200000006143

Davis, Kenley B., MDBayfront Health Surgical Group17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 242Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 544-6145 / Fax: (352) 688-9189Gender: MaleID #: 200000006143

Ismael, Hussam N., MDBayfront Health Surgical Group17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 326Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 544-6145 / Fax: (352) 688-9189Gender: MaleID #: 200000008807

Jenkins, Xavier M., MDNature Coast Surgical Specialists11315 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-0220 / Fax: (352) 597-4272Gender: MaleID #: 200000017192


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Palmer, Kevin V., MDSurgical Associates11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 201Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-7860 / Fax: (352) 597-3657Gender: MaleID #: 200000000062

Terschluse, David A., MDNature Coast Surgical Specialists11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 301Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0744 / Fax: (352) 597-0252Gender: MaleID #: 200000008002

Tsai, George T., MDBayfront Health Surgical Group17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 326Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 544-6145 / Fax: (352) 688-9189Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, MandarinID #: 200000019670

Tsai, George T., MDBayfront Health Surgical Group17222 Hospital Boulevard Suite 242Brooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 544-6145 / Fax: (352) 688-9189Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, MandarinID #: 200000019670

Visnaw, Steven A., DOSuncoast General Surgery11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 202Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 796-2494 / Fax: (352) 597-0072Gender: MaleID #: 200000001839

Wright, Alene J., MDNature Coast Surgical Specialists11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 208Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0224 / Fax: (352) 597-0252Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000000827

Spring Hill

Akel, Mahmood, MDM. Akel, MD, PA5433 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 596-3367 / Fax: (352) 596-7700Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000057

Shelton, Tiffani D., DOMinimally Invasive Surgical Specialists, LLC8468 Northcliffe BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (813) 563-2310 / Fax: (855) 274-0039Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011618



Denson, Aaron C., MD15211 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 345-4565 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000016769


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Denson, Aaron C., MDAdvanced Cancer Treatment Center11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 200Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-4998 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000016769

Kerr II, Daniel A., MD15211 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 345-4565 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleID #: 200000017279

Infectious Disease

Spring Hill

Menezes, Naresh P., MD10494 Northcliffe BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 686-3991 / Fax: (352) 666-0393Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Marathi

Sallah, Mahmoud W., MD14690 Spring Hill Drive Suite 206Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 799-4206 / Fax: (352) 799-4207Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000014311

Siddiq, Danish M., MD14690 Spring Hill Drive Suite 206Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 799-4206 / Fax: (352) 799-4207Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000001004


Spring Hill

Hariachar, Srinivas K., MDRenal Hypertension Center2967 Landover BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 684-5323 / Fax: (352) 684-5315Gender: MaleID #: 200000000168

Juvvadi, Raghu, MD5362 Spring Hill Drive Suite CSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 398-4573 / Fax: (352) 398-4591Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Kannada, TeluguID #: 200000000091

Reddy, Purushottam M., MDRenal Hypertension Center2967 Landover BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 684-5323 / Fax: (352) 684-5315Gender: MaleID #: 200000000170

Reyes, Daisy B., MDRenal Hypertension Center2967 Landover BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 684-5323 / Fax: (352) 684-5315Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000171


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Abdulfattah, Qahtan A., MDThe Headache and Neurology Clinic, PA11323 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-8344 / Fax: (352) 597-2898Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000003335

Gu, Qin, MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease11345 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7447 / Fax: (352) 596-1855Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000000418

Malka, David W., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease11345 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7447 / Fax: (352) 596-1855Gender: MaleID #: 200000000419

Spring Hill

Chari, Ganesh M., MD8172 Chaucer DriveSpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 686-8818 / Fax: (352) 686-9856Gender: MaleID #: 200000000095

Williams, Joseph C., MD8172 Chaucer DriveSpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 686-8818 / Fax: (352) 686-9856Gender: MaleID #: 200000000089



Giannakopoulos, George D., MDNeurosurgical Spine Center11335 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (727) 861-2332 / Fax: (727) 861-3217Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000000049

Sincoff, Eric H., MDBrain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 304Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (813) 336-4461 / Fax: (813) 342-7926Gender: MaleID #: 200000008910

Spring Hill

Hudson, Brian K., DONeuroSpine, LLC8468 Northcliffe BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 515-5040 / Fax: (352) 515-5037Gender: MaleID #: 200000012992


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Obstetrics / Gynecology


Chlouber, Richard O., MDSuncoast OB/GYN11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 308Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-8911 / Fax: (352) 596-5636Gender: MaleID #: 200000015368

Funai, Edmund F., MDMaternal Fetal Medicine of West Florida11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 408Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (727) 375-7295 / Fax: (727) 375-7194Gender: MaleID #: 200000015043

Juyia, Lauren D., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers11319 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0907 / Fax: (352) 597-2243Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020510

Kero, Niloufer S., MDSuncoast OB/GYN11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 308Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-8911 / Fax: (352) 596-5636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000006116

Spring Hill

Awwad, Amal A., MDBayfront Health Medical Group11175 County Line RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-8888 / Fax: (352) 684-6888Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Arabic

Awwad, Amal A., MDBayfront Health OB/GYN11175 County Line RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-8888 / Fax: (888) 828-8534Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000011883

Chlouber, Richard O., MDSuncoast OB/GYN4003 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 263-2600 / Fax: (352) 684-2218Gender: MaleID #: 200000015368

Colon-Rivera, Malieri, MDSuncoast OB/GYN4003 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 263-2600 / Fax: (352) 684-2218Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014085

Harris, Nay G., MDSuncoast OB/GYN4003 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 263-2600 / Fax: (352) 684-2218Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000006493


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Mateer, Erin A. S., MDAdvanced Women's Health Center221 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-0544 / Fax: (888) 309-7754Gender: Female

McCullough, Mona C., MDBayfront Health OB/GYN11175 County Line RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-8888 / Fax: (888) 828-8534Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014134

McCullough, Mona C., MDBayfront Health OB/GYN5327 Commercial Way Suite D-119Spring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 701-3012 / Fax: (352) 701-3015Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014134

Melek, Seham N., MDBayfront Health OB/GYN11175 County Line RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-8888 / Fax: (888) 828-8534Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000019043

Shakfeh, Samir M., MDAdvanced Women's Health Center221 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-0544 / Fax: (888) 309-7754Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000426

Tabbaa, Mohammed A., MDSuncoast OB/GYN4003 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 263-2600 / Fax: (352) 684-2218Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000008001

Wagman, Felicia A., MDSuncoast OB/GYN4003 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 263-2600 / Fax: (352) 684-2218Gender: FemaleID #: 200000010531


Also see Hematology/Oncology


Caradonna, Richard R., MDAdvanced Cancer Treatment Center11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 200Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-4998 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleID #: 200000008186

Denson, Aaron C., MD15211 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 345-4565 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000016769


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Denson, Aaron C., MDAdvanced Cancer Treatment Center11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 200Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-4998 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000016769

Kerr II, Daniel A., MD15211 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 345-4565 / Fax: (352) 596-6051Gender: MaleID #: 200000017279



Bhullar, Shaminder S., MDVitreo Retinal Surgeons, LLC11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 400Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-2604 / Fax: (352) 596-0520Gender: Male

Cacioppo, Leonard R., MDHernando Eye Institute14543 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4030 / Fax: (352) 596-1997Gender: Male

Cacioppo, Leonard, MDLeonardo R. Cacioppo, MD14543 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4030 / Fax: (352) 597-1045Gender: Male

Jachimowicz, James, MDLeonardo R. Cacioppo, MD14543 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4030 / Fax: (352) 597-1045Gender: Male

Spring Hill

Militello, Joseph C., MDThe Eye Center120 Medical Boulevard Suite 101Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 683-4500 / Fax: (352) 683-2210Gender: Male

Perich, Larry M., DOPerich Eye Center5363 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-1160 / Fax: (352) 683-2699Gender: Male

Perich, Tanya, DOPerich Eye Center5363 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-1160 / Fax: (352) 683-2699Gender: Female

Shah, Geeta R., MDPerich Eye Center5363 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-1160 / Fax: (352) 683-2699Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi


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Orthopedic Surgery


Billys, James B., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers11319 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0907 / Fax: (352) 597-2243Gender: MaleID #: 200000017397

Jason, William J., MDNorth Tampa Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, PA12212 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 683-0007 / Fax: (352) 556-5223Gender: MaleID #: 200000000161

Jason, William J., MDNorth Tampa Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, PA12180 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4999 / Fax: (352) 596-2769Gender: MaleID #: 200000000161

Jason, William J., MDNorth Tampa Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, PA12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 103Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1145 / Fax: (352) 596-1134Gender: MaleID #: 200000000161

Moynihan, Daniel P., MDWest Coast Musculoskeletal Institute14555 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 556-4823 / Fax: (352) 556-4824Gender: MaleID #: 200000001492

Siddiqi, Farhan N., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers7005 Nightwalker RoadBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 556-2524 / Fax: (352) 556-5465Gender: MaleID #: 200000010896

Siddiqi, Farhan N., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers11319 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0907 / Fax: (352) 597-2243Gender: MaleID #: 200000010896

Tarabishy, Imad E., MDImad E. Tarabishy, MD, PA11339 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-8558 / Fax: (352) 596-3494Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, FrenchID #: 200000018253

Spring Hill

Higgins, Michael W., DOHernando Orthopaedic & Spinal Surgery4055 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-6035 / Fax: (352) 688-6219Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000194

Zeidan, Fady D., MDSuncoast Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Center, PA10441 Quality Drive Suite 202Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-6114 / Fax: (352) 686-0796Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, FrenchID #: 200000000217


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Ganti, Krishna M., MDKrishna M. Ganti, MD, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 203Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-6158 / Fax: (352) 596-6186Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000000175

Spring Hill

Nguyen, Hoa V., DO3510 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 835-7920 / Fax: (352) 835-7917Gender: MaleLanguage(s): VietnameseID #: 200000005546

Outpatient Mental Health Providers

Beacon Health OptionsPhone: (800) 627-1259

Pain Management


Alsabbagh, Eyad, MDPain Management and Spine Care Center, PA12148 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7184 / Fax: (352) 597-7186Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, SpanishID #: 200000011234

Reheem, M. Allam, MDAdvanced Pain Management Center, Inc.12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 204Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-9200 / Fax: (352) 596-4019Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000066

Tracy, Deborah H., MDInstitute of Interventional Pain Management11319 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0907 / Fax: (352) 597-2243Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000215

Spring Hill

Courtney, Michael D., MDBrooksville Pain Management, Inc.5467 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 597-7111 / Fax: (352) 597-7171Gender: MaleID #: 200000001231


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Isenalumhe Jr., Anthony, MDElite Pain Specialists13141 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 515-0025 / Fax: (352) 515-0174Gender: MaleID #: 200000005825

Swain, Shyam S., MDKeti Medical Center and Pain Management7105 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 596-1339 / Fax: (352) 596-8772Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, OriyaID #: 200000001153

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Alsabbagh, Eyad, MDPain Management and Spine Care Center, PA12148 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7184 / Fax: (352) 597-7186Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, SpanishID #: 200000011234

Spring Hill

Santos, Katia G., MDNeuro Orthopedic Rehab Associates PLLC12440 Cortez BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34613Phone: (352) 684-5299 / Fax: (352) 688-8744Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): PortugueseID #: 200000021080

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


Singh, Sunanda, MDSingh Medical Group, LLC14095 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (727) 222-0806 / Fax: (727) 233-9737Gender: MaleID #: 200000009037

Spring Hill

Polecritti, Derek C., DOThe Julian Institute of Plastic Surgery, PLLC10429 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 556-5248 / Fax: (352) 556-5249Gender: MaleID #: 200000018462

Polecritti, Marc R., DOThe Julian Institute of Plastic Surgery, PLLC10429 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 556-5248 / Fax: (352) 556-5249Gender: MaleID #: 200000000128


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Perez, Andres M., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Talbert, Todd C., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish


Kreplick, Alexis L., DPMLawrence J Kales DPM PA, dba: Bayonet Point Foot Health7117 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-2128 / Fax: (727) 868-7491Gender: Female


Haddon II, Val E., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 305Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-8348 / Fax: (352) 596-7051Gender: MaleID #: 200000000369

Miller, Charles M., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 305Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-8348 / Fax: (352) 596-7051Gender: MaleID #: 200000000601

Spring Hill

Baker, John E., DPMFoot and Ankle Care Center6317 Sealawn DriveSpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 597-2223 / Fax: (352) 597-2061Gender: MaleID #: 200000000392

Pierre, Jude-Farley, DPM3502 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-1913 / Fax: (352) 666-1903Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, SpanishID #: 200000000105

Pierre, Nadja M., DPM3502 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-1913 / Fax: (352) 666-1903Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): French, Russian, Spanish, CreoleID #: 200000001132


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Anid, Youssef S., MDTampa Bay Pulmonology, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 303Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 686-2972 / Fax: (352) 683-2657Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000086

Bourghli, Mahmoud, MDDelta Health, PA12106 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0022 / Fax: (352) 597-0086Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000073

Kumar, Jayachandra P., MDPulmonary & Sleep Associates10075 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-6600 / Fax: (352) 597-6601Gender: MaleID #: 200000000356

Sagheer, Farah, MD7128 Sagheer StreetBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 345-4876 / Fax: (352) 345-4880Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000000092

Radiation Oncology


Alonso, Clayton E., MDAdvanced Cancer Treatment Center14535 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-3622 / Fax: (352) 596-0901Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017685

Zavitsanos, Peter J., MDAdvanced Cancer Treatment Center14535 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-3622 / Fax: (352) 596-0901Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017686


Weeki Wachee

Mughni, Mohammed S., MDFlorida Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center6475 Oregon Jay RoadWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4080 / Fax: (352) 596-2904Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000635


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Zaidi, Farrukh, MDFlorida Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center6475 Oregon Jay RoadWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4080 / Fax: (352) 596-2904Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000519

Sports Medicine


Canillas, Martin R., MDWest Coast Musculoskeletal Institute14555 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 556-4823 / Fax: (352) 556-4824Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000005397

Choi, Jacob J., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers11319 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0907 / Fax: (352) 597-2243Gender: MaleID #: 200000011014

Juyia, Rushad F., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers7005 Nightwalker RoadBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 556-2524 / Fax: (352) 556-5465Gender: MaleID #: 200000011096

Juyia, Rushad F., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers11319 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0907 / Fax: (352) 597-2243Gender: MaleID #: 200000011096

Marsh, Matthew D., MDWest Coast Musculoskeletal Institute14555 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 556-4823 / Fax: (352) 556-4824Gender: MaleID #: 200000005398

Therapeutic Massage

Spring Hill

Beilstein, Diane, LMTA Unique Touch II7046 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (813) 838-5582Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018985

Thoracic Surgery


Mikhail, Peter S., MDBrain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 304Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (813) 336-4461 / Fax: (813) 342-7926Gender: MaleID #: 200000010782


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Buethe, David D., MDSuncoast Urology, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 209Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0786 / Fax: (352) 596-5378Gender: MaleID #: 200000003987

Hamoui, Mohammed Nazir, MDShoreline Urocare, PL12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 101Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1101 / Fax: (352) 596-7869Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000009544

Hamoui, Nabeel, MD12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 203Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-7744 / Fax: (352) 597-7797Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000014606

Hamoui, Omar, MDShoreline Urocare, PL11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 405Brooksville, FL 34609Phone: (352) 610-4420 / Fax: (352) 610-4441Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000009545

Nagarajan, Vinaitheertha P., MDV.P. Nagarajan, MD12202 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-7779 / Fax: (352) 592-7677Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TamilID #: 200000000210

Sadler, Barry T., MDSuncoast Urology, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 209Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0786 / Fax: (352) 596-5378Gender: MaleID #: 200000003986

Spires, Kevin S., MDSuncoast Urology, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 209Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0786 / Fax: (352) 596-5378Gender: MaleID #: 200000003984

Tannenbaum, Arnie B., MDSuncoast Urology, PA11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 209Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0786 / Fax: (352) 596-5378Gender: MaleID #: 200000003985


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Vascular Surgery


Breeding, Lyle G., MDSuncoast General Surgery11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 202Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3444 / Fax: (352) 597-0117Gender: MaleID #: 200000000551

Rivera-Caban, Carlos M., MDNature Coast Surgical Specialists11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 301Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0744 / Fax: (352) 597-0252Gender: MaleID #: 200000010943

Rivera-Caban, Carlos M., MDNature Coast Surgical Specialists11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 208Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0224 / Fax: (352) 597-0252Gender: MaleID #: 200000010943

Spring Hill

Bunnell, Avianne P., MDThe Vein & Vascular Institute of Spring Hill13113 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 540-7527 / Fax: (352) 398-4166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018062

Goldbach, Michael C., MDThe Vein & Vascular Institute of Spring Hill13113 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 540-7527 / Fax: (352) 398-4166Gender: MaleID #: 200000011337

Jones, Brandt D., DOThe Vein & Vascular Institute of Spring Hill13113 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 540-7527 / Fax: (352) 398-4166Gender: MaleID #: 200000007072

Valentin, Marlene D., MDThe Vein & Vascular Institute of Spring Hill13113 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 540-7527 / Fax: (352) 398-4166Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000013477


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Bayfront Health Brooksville17240 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-5111 / Fax: (352) 544-5711

Oak Hill Hospital11375 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-6632 / Fax: (352) 597-3054

Spring Hill

Bayfront Health Spring Hill10461 Quality DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-8200 / Fax: (352) 688-3052


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Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers


Care One of Florida, LLC12220 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 556-5216 / Fax: (352) 556-5218

Total Care Plus7284 Broad StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 631-5560 / Fax: (352) 631-5559

Spring Hill

Bayfront Health Urgent Care2703 Forest RoadSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 606-2710 / Fax: (352) 606-2715

Care One of Florida, LLC11115 County Line RoadSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 683-1982 / Fax: (352) 683-1077

Lifeguard Urgent Care491 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 515-6000 / Fax: (352) 610-4387


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Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)


Brooksville Healthcare Center1114 Chatman BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-6701 / Fax: (352) 796-6514

Heron Pointe Health and Rehabilitation1445 Howell AvenueBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 799-1451 / Fax: (352) 796-3149

Northbrook Center for Rehabilitation and Healing575 Lamar AvenueBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 799-2226 / Fax: (352) 799-3368

Spring Hill Health & Rehabilitation Center12170 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-5100 / Fax: (352) 597-5020

Spring Hill

Evergreen Woods Health & Rehabilitation Center7045 Evergreen Woods TrailSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-8371 / Fax: (352) 596-8032


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Ancillary Providers

Ambulatory Surgical Center


All Saints Surgery Center11377 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3060 / Fax: (352) 597-3077

Florida Endoscopy & Surgery Center12900 Cortez Boulevard Suite 103Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1145 / Fax: (352) 596-1134

Hernando Endoscopy and Surgery Center12180 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-4999 / Fax: (352) 596-3141



Argus DentalPhone: (800) 340-8869https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order


One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Diagnostic Radiology


Ultra Healthcare Services, Inc.21913 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 669-5525 / Fax: (727) 669-8589


Advanced Imaging Concepts13470 Taft StreetBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0016 / Fax: (352) 597-0089

Summit Imaging12037 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-9008 / Fax: (352) 597-1008

Spring Hill

Spring Hill MRI6451 Toucan TrailSpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 684-2811 / Fax: (352) 684-0212


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West Hernando Diagnostic & MR Center3315 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-5860 / Fax: (352) 688-8227

West Hernando Women's Imaging3389 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 610-4394 / Fax: (352) 610-4397

Diagnostic Testing


Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services2311 Alternate 19 Suite 5Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (866) 961-5589 / Fax: (727) 796-2965

Durable Medical Equipment


Acelis Connected Health Services6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550Phone: (877) 262-4669 / Fax: (925) 606-6978

Alere Home Monitoring, Inc.Phone: (877) 262-4669

Dynasplint Systems, Inc.770 Ritchie Highway Suite W21Severna Park, MD 21146Phone: (800) 638-6771 / Fax: (800) 380-3784

Prism Medical Products, LLC112 Church Street Suite 101Elkin, NC 28621Phone: (888) 244-6421 / Fax: (800) 975-6321


180 Medical, Inc.8516 Northwest ExpresswayOklahoma City, OK 73162Phone: (877) 688-2729 / Fax: (888) 718-0633

Acentus4951-B East Adamo Drive Suite 200Tampa, FL 33605Phone: (866) 684-2507 / Fax: (866) 695-2183

ActivStyle5912 Breckenridge Parkway Suite GTampa, FL 33610Phone: (800) 651-6223 / Fax: (877) 426-7329

Aeroflow Healthcare65 Beale RoadArden, NC 28704Phone: (888) 345-1780 / Fax: (800) 249-1513

Comfort Medical, LLC4240 Northwest 120th AvenueCoral Springs, FL 33065Phone: (800) 700-4246 / Fax: (800) 604-9760

Essential Medical Solutions, Inc.3 Nebo Yorkville RoadGibson, TN 38389Phone: (877) 278-1079 / Fax: (877) 231-3088

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545


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Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road Suite DWaukesha, WI 53188Phone: (800) 845-6364 / Fax: (888) 845-3342

Liberator Medical Supply, Inc.2979 Southeast Gran Park WayStuart, FL 34997Phone: (800) 536-2390 / Fax: (800) 755-0843

Medline Industries, Inc.1 Medline PlaceMundelein, IL 60060Phone: (866) 356-4997 / Fax: (866) 272-8122

MS Supply & Home Health Co.618 Ware BoulevardTampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 621-2001 / Fax: (813) 621-2480

MY DME DOC, LLC977 Del Mar DriveLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (866) 726-9363 / Fax: (888) 788-5696

One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Orthomedx Corporation4329 36th Street Suite 800Orlando, FL 32811Phone: (407) 422-4526 / Fax: (407) 377-5770

Strive Medical, LLC5800 Campus Circle Drive East Suite 100BIrving, TX 75063Phone: (888) 771-9229 / Fax: (866) 680-5574

SurfMed2799 Southwest 32nd Avenue Building E, Suite 14Pembroke Park, FL 33023Phone: (888) 201-7873 / Fax: (888) 398-3149

Symbius Medical, LLC2311 West Utopia RoadPhoenix, AZ 85027Phone: (800) 948-1868 / Fax: (877) 396-6235

United States Medical Supply, LLC8260 Northwest 27th Street Suite 401Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 436-6033 / Fax: (305) 455-5700

US Med, LLC1480 Northwest 79th AvenueMiami, FL 33126Phone: (800) 787-6331 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


Affordable Medical, LLC24638 State Road 54Lutz, FL 33559Phone: (888) 991-9945 / Fax: (888) 993-9951

Eleanor's Bras and Breast Forms, Inc.7538 Congress StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 845-5777 / Fax: (727) 841-8910

Ladies First Choice2337 Belleair Road Suite EClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 535-4446 / Fax: (727) 796-3095

Lincare, Inc.14832 US Highway 19 NorthHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 697-2663 / Fax: (727) 697-3199


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O2 Solutions, LLC1441 Savannah Avenue Suite BTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-3979 / Fax: (727) 934-3783

PM Respiratory Services, Inc.3306 Southwest 26th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-4545 / Fax: (866) 945-9458

Superior Medical Equipment Plus, LLC821 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 461-5278 / Fax: (727) 447-2950


Pure Med Mobility, Inc.1125 West Jefferson StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 366-8008 / Fax: (352) 345-8317

Durable Medical Equipment - Mastectomy Supplies


About You Mastectomy Boutique3401 Henderson Boulevard Suite ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 876-2727 / Fax: (813) 876-2725

Spring Hill

Mastectomy Boutique, Inc.3486 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-9991 / Fax: (352) 683-1599

Fitness Program

Silver Sneakers FitnessPhone: (888) 423-4632

Home Health


Advanced InfusionCare212 Northside DriveValdosta, GA 31602Phone: (229) 242-3060 / Fax: (229) 242-9914


Doctor's Choice Home Care18770 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 794-6099 / Fax: (352) 204-0069

Florida Homecare Specialists, Inc.130 North Old Dixie HighwayLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-2206 / Fax: (352) 350-2210

Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc.10177 Cortez BoulevardWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-9800 / Fax: (352) 592-9801

Spring Hill

Fusion Healthcare10508 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 684-1388 / Fax: (352) 684-1389


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Pinnacle Home Care of Spring Hill, Inc.5286 Applegate DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 666-2771 / Fax: (352) 688-9737

Synergy Home Health11026 Northcliffe Boulevard Suite 1Spring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 277-5934 / Fax: (352) 515-6932


Nations HearingPhone: (800) 313-2763



Access Laboratories, LLC11373 Cortez Boulevard Suite 302Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-7705 / Fax: (352) 597-8901

LabCorp12114 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-1900 / Fax: (352) 596-7905

Spring Hill

Access Health Care Physicians, LLC5350 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-3379 / Fax: (352) 398-1333

LabCorp120 Medical Boulevard Suite 108Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 684-3425



Advanced Imaging Concepts13470 Taft StreetBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0016 / Fax: (352) 597-0089

Summit Imaging12037 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-9008 / Fax: (352) 597-1008

Spring Hill

Spring Hill MRI6451 Toucan TrailSpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 684-2811 / Fax: (352) 684-0212

West Hernando Diagnostic & MR Center3315 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-5860 / Fax: (352) 688-8227

West Hernando Women's Imaging3389 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 610-4394 / Fax: (352) 610-4397


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Occupational Therapy


Brooksville Rehab 2000, Inc.11463 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-1114 / Fax: (352) 592-1190

Rehab Therapy Works6226 Commercial WayBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-8996 / Fax: (352) 597-2809

Optometry - Routine Vision Providers


Argus VisionToll Free Customer ServicePhone: (800) 210-5511https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Outpatient Dialysis


Home Dialysis Services North Tampa, LLC7187 Broad StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 848-3689 / Fax: (352) 777-4958

Spring Hill

Hernando Kidney Center2985 Landover BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 683-3630 / Fax: (352) 683-8892


Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Physical Therapy


Regional Rehab465 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-8066 / Fax: (352) 688-8540


Brooksville Rehab 2000, Inc.11463 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-1114 / Fax: (352) 592-1190

Physical Therapy Services of Brooksville, Inc.20195 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 754-4500 / Fax: (352) 754-9343


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Rehab Therapy Works6226 Commercial WayBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-8996 / Fax: (352) 597-2809

Spring Hill

Ewing and Thomas, Inc.4055 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 340-5935 / Fax: (352) 600-7959

Fyzical Therapy & Balance Center6119 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-9559 / Fax: (352) 592-9921

Physical Therapy Services of Spring Hill3247 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 683-4551 / Fax: (352) 683-8957

Prosthetics and Orthotics


Tampa Bay Prosthetics5109 North Armenia AvenueTampa, FL 33603Phone: (813) 801-9110 / Fax: (813) 801-9048


Spring Hill Brace & Limb, LLC12126 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1967 / Fax: (352) 596-1332

Spring Hill

Orthotic & Prosthetic Center of Spring Hill7070 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 397-2541 / Fax: (352) 397-2540

Rehability11216 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 701-0494 / Fax: (352) 701-0493

Sonlife Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc.6111 Deltona BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 596-2257 / Fax: (352) 596-0180

Sleep Studies


Blackstone Medical Services, LLC550 North Reo Street Suite 250Tampa, FL 33609Phone: (888) 710-2727 / Fax: (888) 239-4616

Spring Hill

Sleep Associates of Florida, LLC8393 Northcliffe BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 686-3757 / Fax: (813) 569-0105


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Wound Care

Home Therapy Products, Inc.2580 County Road 220 Suite 2Middleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 644-6200 / Fax: (904) 644-6201


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Retail Pharmacies


CVS Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 746-7287www.cvs.com/stores

Publix Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 242-1227www.publix.com/pharmacy

Walgreens*Phone: (800) 925-4733www.walgreens.com/storelocator/find.jsp

Walmart*Phone: (800) 966-6546www.walmart.com/pharmacy

Winn Dixie*Phone: (866) 946-6349www.winndixie.com/pharmacy


Benzer Pharmacy 108*80 Ponce De Leon BlvdBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-4975

Cortez Drugs*12116 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-1320

CVS Pharmacy #0181220019 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-7261

CVS Pharmacy #0352812990 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1286

CVS Pharmacy #175353101 Aerial WayBrooksville, FL 34604Phone: (352) 593-2169

Good Shepherd Pharmacy*13033 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 610-4438

Oak Hill Pharmacy*10101 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-0017

Onestop Rx7262 Broad StBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 848-3090

Palmyra Pharmacy13080 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 600-7572

Pine Brook Pharmacy #411373 Cortez Blvd Ste 101Brooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 600-7838

Pine Brook Pharmacy*14111 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 610-4347

Publix Pharmacy #113219390 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-2928

Sams Pharmacy 10-4818*13360 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-4795


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Sunshine Wellness Center*90 Ponce De Leon BlvdBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-7200

Walgreens9819 Commercial WayBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 597-3712

Walgreens13053 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0571

Walgreens #791620020 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 799-9545

Walmart Pharmacy 10-121313300 Cortez BlvdBrooksville, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-0797

Walmart Pharmacy 10-35267305 Broad StreetBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 796-6221

Winn Dixie1230 S Brd StBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 799-1832

Winn Dixie31100 Cortez RdBrooksville, FL 34602Phone: (352) 754-5154

Spring Hill

4 Corners Pharmacy*11001 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 610-4355

Carepoint Rx Pharmacy7347 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 515-6311

CVS Pharmacy #0374611115 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-1336

CVS Pharmacy #083802077 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-3133

CVS Pharmacy #163434401 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 596-1590

Nature Coast Pharmacy Inc*4654 Commercial WySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 597-5757

Pine Brook Pharmacy#2*5340 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 610-4437

Pine Brook Pharmacy#3*10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Publix Pharmacy #0411160 Mariner BlvdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-2305

Publix Pharmacy #04574365 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34607Phone: (352) 597-8506

Publix Pharmacy #063014371 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 666-2006


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Publix Pharmacy #08134158 Mariner BlvdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-2066

Publix Pharmacy #128213455 County Line Rd.Spring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 797-8032

Seven Hills Pharmacy*1248 Mariner BlvdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 684-8477

Spring Hill Pharmacy10475 County Line RdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 600-6699

Trust Pharmacy4127 Mariner BlvdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 556-2516

Walgreens #123914096 Mariner BlvdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 200-5031

Walgreens #16262105 Mariner BlvdSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 200-5835

Walgreens #219211180 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 686-2235

Walgreens #42894255 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 597-7504

Walgreens #585814320 Springhill DrSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 797-5405

Walgreens #77337305 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 688-5242

Walmart Pharmacy 10-09671485 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 686-1551

Walmart Pharmacy 10-620714344 Spring Hill DriveSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 587-6949

Winn Dixie2240 Commercial WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 666-4600

Winn Dixie11092 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 686-8057

Weeki Wachee

CVS Pharmacy #037589204 Cortez BlvdWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-1446

Publix Pharmacy #11989595 Commercial WayWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 596-5190


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Ultimate Health Plans Hernando November 2020

Mail Order Pharmacy


OptumrxPhone: (855) 842-6337 TTY 711 24 hours a day / 7 day a week You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For refills of your mail order prescriptions, you have the option to sign up for an automatic refill program. Under this program, we will start to process your next refill automatically when our records show that you should be close to running out of your drug. We will contact you prior to shipping each refill to make sure you are in need of more medication. You can cancel scheduled refills if you have enough of your medication or if your medication has changed. If you choose not to use the auto refill program, please contact us 14 days before you think the drugs you have on hand will run out to make sure your next order is shipped to you in time. To opt out of the automatic refill program, please contact us by calling 1 (855) 842-6337, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription drugs within 14 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy receives the order. If you do not receive your prescription drug(s) within this time, please contact us at 1 (855) 842-6337.


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Ultimate Health Plans Hernando November 2020

Home Infusion Pharmacies


Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida556 Florida Central Pkwy Ste 1044Longwood, FL 32750Phone: (407) 865-5489

Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville1700 NW 80th BlvdGainesville, FL 32606Phone: (352) 333-2525

Bioscrip Infusion Services3040 Venture Lane Suite 103Melbourne, FL 32934Phone: (321) 242-2996

Bioscrip Infusion Services3986 Boulevard Center Dr Ste 1Jacksonville, FL 32207Phone: (904) 398-1983

Bioscrip Infusion Services5505 Johns Road, Suite 700Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 549-5499

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.201 N. Tarragona St.Pensacola, FL 32502Phone: (850) 430-1259

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.13891 Jetport Loop Road Suite 5Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-2388

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.8509 Benjamin Rd Suite ATampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-5866

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services3439 N 12th Ave Suite A And BPensacola, FL 32503Phone: (850) 469-4573

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services9143 Phillips Hwy Suite 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 363-3089

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services12006 Miramar PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 431-3335

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services8508 Benjamin Road, Suite CTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 639-4500

Crescent Healthcare5431 SW 35th DriveGainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 373-8389

Health First Infusion1959 W 9th St Ste AWest Palm Beach, FL 33404Phone: (561) 842-2828

Holly Hill Pharmacy1702 Ridgewood Ave Ste C - GHolly Hill, FL 32117Phone: (386) 677-7377


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Kabafusion Fl3500 NW 2nd Ave Suite 704Boca Raton, FL 33431Phone: (877) 309-2207

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Oncology Pharmacy Group4733 W Atlantic Ave Ste 2Delray Beach, FL 33445Phone: (855) 674-2764

Option Care11650 Miramar Parkway Suite 100Miramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 885-6100

Option Care2880 Scherer RdSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 592-0045

Option Care14580 Global Parkway Suite 108Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-3456

Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc.5700 Dot Com Ct Ste 1030Oviedo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 678-2068

Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc.9655 Florida Mining Blvd. West Ste 411Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 652-1990

Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc.9984 Premier PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (800) 670-6922

Patient Care America3890 Park Central Blvd N.Pompano Beach, FL 33064Phone: (866) 348-0441

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Smp Pharmacy Solutions6050 S Dixie HwyMiami, FL 33143Phone: (305) 740-9696

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500


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Long Term Care Pharmacies


1st Choice Pharmacy Ltc2232 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 940-3521

A&R Pharmacy1155 Main Street Unit 109Jupiter, FL 33458Phone: (561) 630-3770

Advanced Pharmacy45 Skyline Drive Ste 1011Lake Mary, FL 32746Phone: (407) 805-8300

Alpha Touch Pharmacy10071 Pines Blvd Ste DPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-5200

Apex Heath Rx921 Town Center Dr Suite 100Orange City, FL 32763Phone: (386) 774-7933

Atkinsons Healthcare100 Old Orange Park RdOrange Park, FL 32073Phone: (904) 264-7578

B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc214 US Hwy 41 SouthInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care2 E Magnolia Ave Ste 201Eustis, FL 32726Phone: (352) 357-4341

Benzer Ltc3231 Tamiami Trl Ste DPort Charlotte, FL 33952Phone: (941) 303-1071

Butterfly Pharmacy3940 W Hillsborough AveTampa, FL 33614Phone: (813) 874-2900

Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford1455 E Airport BlvdSanford, FL 32773Phone: (855) 822-7366

Careone Pharmacy Services Llc1003 E Newport Center DrDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: (954) 425-6505

Center Pharmacy Ii1501 Viscaya PkwyCape Coral, FL 33990Phone: (239) 772-8866

Coastalmed Of Florida Llc433 N Macarthur AvePanama City, FL 32401Phone: (850) 872-8900


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Core Health Pharmacy11260 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33026Phone: (954) 450-8873

Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc1860 Highland Oaks BlvdLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 428-6963

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600

Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc.20-22 South Federal HighwayDania, FL 33004Phone: (954) 921-4661

Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Pharmacy1680 Meridian Ave 4th FloorMiami Beach, FL 33139Phone: (786) 439-1167

Dura-Med Pharmacy3877 Highway 4Jay, FL 32565Phone: (850) 675-6850

E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy4942 West State Road 46 Suite 1014, Westwood Village Shopping CenterSanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 915-7307

Ellenton Discount Pharmacy8324 US Highway 301 NParrish, FL 34219Phone: (941) 444-2233

Ep Ltc Pharmacy6440 SW 117th Ave 2nd FloorMiami, FL 33183Phone: (305) 630-9308

Family Care Rx, Llc4752 S Jog RdGreenacres, FL 33467Phone: (561) 432-2273

Florida Medical Supply5314-A Frank Hough RdPanama City, FL 32404Phone: (850) 785-1900

Foundational Health Pharmacy3031 W Cypress St Ste ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 527-0765

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5707 N 22nd StTampa, FL 33610Phone: (813) 239-8116

Genoa Healthcare, Llc12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite A142Tampa, FL 33612Phone: (253) 218-0830

Genoa Healthcare, Llc3292 County Road 220, Suite PMiddleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 301-4622

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2900 W Prospect Rd # ATamarac, FL 33309Phone: (754) 216-4844

Genoa Healthcare, Llc439 SW Michigan St Rm 12Lake City, FL 32025Phone: (386) 319-4050

Genoa Healthcare, Llc200 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Kissimmee, FL 34741Phone: (407) 344-9700

Genoa Healthcare, Llc137 Hospital Dr NE Ste QFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone: (727) 322-4008


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Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Genoa Healthcare, Llc215 N 3rd St Ste ALeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 702-0079

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2789 Ortiz Ave Bldg HFort Myers, FL 33905Phone: (239) 939-7935

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2634 Capital Cir Ne Building C, Suite 156Tallahassee, FL 32308Phone: (850) 666-5194

Genoa Healthcare, Llc379 6th Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 748-9409

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1201 1st St SWinter Haven, FL 33880Phone: (863) 291-4707

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1831 N Gilmore Ave Ste 1Lakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 614-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc525 E. 15th StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 522-0143

Genoa Healthcare, Llc919 NE 13th Street, Suite 244Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 756-9917

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4300 SW 13th St, Room 27Gainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 264-9995

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Genoa Healthcare, Llc6075 Bathey Lane, Ste D5Naples, FL 34116Phone: (239) 234-1446

Genoa Healthcare, Llc330 SW 27th Ave # AFort Lauderdale, FL 33312Phone: (754) 216-5002

Global View Pharmacy2013 Harding StreetHollywood, FL 33020Phone: (954) 923-3839

Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc10 Aviator WayOrmond Beach, FL 32174Phone: (386) 615-1925

Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville8001 Belfort Pkwy Ste 160Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 296-0016

Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida212 N Wilson StCrestview, FL 32536Phone: (850) 306-3003


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Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc2815 Directors Row Ste 700Orlando, FL 32809Phone: (407) 270-6722

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida6100 Broken Sound Pkwy NwBoca Raton, FL 33487Phone: (954) 601-2121

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc24451 Sandhill Blvd Suite A & CPunta Gorda, FL 33983Phone: (941) 255-1987

Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc9402 International Ct.Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 577-0000

Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy135 N Banana River DrMerritt Island, FL 32952Phone: (321) 452-5058

Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc7057 University BlvdWinter Park, FL 32792Phone: (407) 671-0003

Hopkins Pharmacy4401 S Hopkins AveTitusville, FL 32780Phone: (321) 607-6802

Ims Pharmacy202 S Magnolia Ave Ste 1Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-1536

Iv Stat Inc533 Eglin Pkwy NeFort Walton Beach, FL 32547Phone: (850) 226-8162

J's Pharmacy6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Kings Discount Drug1242 Main StChipley, FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-4875

Lake Wales Pharmacy1322 Sr 60 ELake Wales, FL 33853Phone: (863) 676-0400

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 479-3048

Logos Pharmacy8315 Sheldon RdTampa, FL 33615Phone: (813) 886-2800

M & K Drugs340 East Sugarland Hwy Suite BClewiston, FL 33440Phone: (863) 983-2945

Maxcare Pharmacy6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Med-Source Pharmacy2223 SW 13th Ave Ste BMiami, FL 33145Phone: (305) 854-7377


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Medic Pharmacy Ltc5150 N Federal HwyFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: (954) 484-4200

Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc40230 US Highway 27 Suite 100-110Davenport, FL 33837Phone: (855) 633-6948

Meds To Home4801 George Rd Ste 190Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-2023

Medtown Pharmacy13770 Beach Blvd Ste 3Jacksonville, FL 32224Phone: (904) 551-5870

Memorial Family Pharmacy7009 N Armenia AveTampa, FL 33604Phone: (813) 874-0795

Northeast Florida State Hosp7487 South Sr 121Macclenny, FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6211

Novopharm Of Tampa Llc5404 Hoover Blvd Suite 22Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 374-9345

Omnicare Of Bradenton905 Manatee Ave EastBradenton, FL 34208Phone: (941) 739-9974

Omnicare Of Central Florida4150 Church Street Suite 1030Sanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 261-5800

Omnicare Of Jacksonville9143 Philips Hwy Ste 533Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 519-8900

Omnicare Of Panama City2605 W 23rd StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 763-4276

Omnicare Of South Florida2955 W Corporate Lakes Blvd Ste 600Weston, FL 33331Phone: (954) 660-5555

Omnicare Of Tampa8603 Florida Mining BoulevardTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 247-9225

Osceola Pharmacy1635 14th AveVero Beach, FL 32960Phone: (772) 562-3660

Park Shore Pharmacon600 Ansin BlvdHallandale Beach, FL 33009Phone: (954) 874-4646

Partner Rx6555 Nova Dr Ste 304Davie, FL 33317Phone: (954) 453-4990

Pharmacore Rx5406 Hoover Blvd Ste 19Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 580-8040

Pharmacy Care Center2081 W 76th St Ste 102Hialeah, FL 33016Phone: (305) 821-4337


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Pharmacy Pros, Llc110 Whitaker RdLutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 948-3135

Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota2850 Ringling BlvdSarasota, FL 34237Phone: (941) 366-0090

Pharmerica337 Northlake Blvd Ste 1024Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 767-9010

Pharmerica775 Bell RoadSarasota, FL 34240Phone: (941) 342-2500

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Pharmerica7970 Bay Berry Rd Suite 4Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 733-6099

Pharmerica1950 Commonwealth LaneTallahassee, FL 32303Phone: (850) 504-6262

Pharmerica3690 N. West 53 Street Suite 104Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069Phone: (954) 978-6997

Pharmscript Of Florida Llc3801 Corporex Park Drive Suite 115Tampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 418-5282

Pharmscript Of Florida South15491 SW 12th St Suite 400Sunrise, FL 33327Phone: (888) 319-1818

Pine Brook Pharmacy10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Premier Pharmacy Ltc2000 Pga Blvd Ste 5507Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408Phone: (561) 899-4429

Prime Pharmacy East5908 Hampton Oaks Pkwy Ste NTampa, FL 33610Phone: (877) 891-0005

Proxycare Inc747 Shotgun RdSunrise, FL 33326Phone: (954) 791-5400

Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc6463 S Falkenburg RdRiverview, FL 33578Phone: (833) 796-1527

Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc.3141 Fortune Way, Suite #1Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 899-3273

Rx Oasis9304 Balm Riverview RdRiverview, FL 33569Phone: (813) 677-6000

Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx2900 NW 60th StFort Lauderdale, FL 33309Phone: (954) 919-1818


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Ultimate Health Plans Hernando November 2020

San Carlos Pharmacy18911 S Tamiami Trl Ste 13Fort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 590-8820

Savers Long Term Care200 Ocean Ave Suite AMelbourne Beach, FL 32951Phone: (321) 725-5492

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Sebring Pharmacy3023 US Highway 27 NSebring, FL 33870Phone: (863) 658-2417

Shell Point PharmacyShell Point Retirement Community 15051 Shell Point BlvdFort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 454-2234

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Solace Care Pharmacy2244 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Ste KKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: (407) 499-3990

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

South Florida State Hospital800 E Cypress DrPembroke Pines, FL 33025Phone: (954) 392-3027

Southcare Ltc Pharmacy6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc3340 Fairlane Farms Rd Ste 4Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 469-1181

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave N Ste A5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

Sun Pharmacy3320 Scherer Drive, Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (888) 228-5230

Supreme Rx1611 N Florida AveLakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 940-4733

The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc2468 US Highway 441/27 Ste 204Fruitland Park, FL 34731Phone: (352) 415-0505

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400


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Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500

United Pharmacy Llc3951 N. Haverhill Road Suite 120-121West Palm Beach, FL 33417Phone: (561) 616-9000

Venice Apothecary560 The RialtoVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 485-8205

Village Pharmacy1095 Tamiami Trl N Ste BNokomis, FL 34275Phone: (941) 488-8800

We Care Pharmacy417 Tamiami Trl SVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 786-9183

Wecare Pharmacy Llc7830 Gunn Hwy # ATampa, FL 33626Phone: (813) 908-6868

Wellness Rx Ltc7640 NW 25th St Ste 105Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 384-7600

Westminster Pharmacy Services7703 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 500Orlando, FL 32819Phone: (407) 244-9280

Westminster Pharmacy Services1700 3rd Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 741-3440

Winter Springs Pharmacy5942 Red Bug Lake RdWinter Springs, FL 32708Phone: (321) 316-4615


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Ultimate Health Plans Marion November 2020

Primary Care Physicians


Falkenberg, Richard W., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine11531 Southwest US Highway 301Belleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 553-1669 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000016119Accepting new patients: Yes


Bellam, Rajendra, MDWest Florida Medical Associates, PAInternal Medicine20021 Southwest 111th PlaceDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 465-1199 / Fax: (352) 465-1207Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000006073Accepting new patients: Yes

Fort Mc Coy

Thomas, Greyson C., MDThomas Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine15035 Northeast Highway 315Fort Mc Coy, FL 32134Phone: (352) 236-2525 / Fax: (352) 236-8610Gender: MaleID #: 200000016124Accepting new patients: Yes


Atkinson, Maria Lourdes F., MDOcala Family Practice, LLCInternal Medicine1328 Southeast 25th Loop Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-2558 / Fax: (352) 732-8983Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000016116Accepting new patients: Yes

Challa, Hanimi R., MDChalla Citrus and Marion Geriatrics AssociatesInternal Medicine40 Southwest 12th Street Suite B101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-1344 / Fax: (352) 622-1417Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000016643Accepting new patients: Yes

Challa, Hanimi R., MDChalla Citrus and Marion Geriatrics AssociatesInternal Medicine9920 Southwest 84th CourtOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1100 / Fax: (352) 873-9151Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000016643Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Marion November 2020

Dieguez, Eladio J., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine5345 Southwest College Road Suite 401Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-2300 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018710Accepting new patients: Yes

Edwards-Miller, Myriam A., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine1714 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016019Accepting new patients: Yes

Frederiks, Claudine N., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine8409 Southwest 80th Street Suite 8Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 414-1922 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016293Accepting new patients: Yes

Garces, Patrycja, DOVIPcareFamily Practice8409 Southwest 80th Street Suite 8Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 414-1922 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Polish, SpanishID #: 200000020786Accepting new patients: Yes

Goszkowski, James H., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine4011 East Silver Springs BoulevardOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 261-0400 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000016120Accepting new patients: Yes

Grainger, Christopher J., MDChristopher J. Grainger, MDFamily Practice4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 310Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-0463 / Fax: (352) 620-8639Gender: MaleID #: 200000016117Accepting new patients: Yes

Guia, Yoany, MDWest Marion Family PracticeGeneral Practice2760 Southeast 17th Street Suite 400Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 245-1845 / Fax: (352) 433-1381Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016020Accepting new patients: No

Guia, Yoany, MDWest Marion Family PracticeGeneral Practice8599 Southwest Highway 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-0043 / Fax: (352) 861-8750Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016020Accepting new patients: No


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Kachelman, Adam P., DOVIPcareFamily Practice1714 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000021608Accepting new patients: Yes

Kandru, Veerendra N., MDVeerendra N. Kandru, MD, PAInternal Medicine9920 Southwest 84th CourtOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1100 / Fax: (352) 873-9151Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000016297Accepting new patients: Yes

Kang, Myeong W., MDAlliance Medical Associates, Inc.Internal Medicine1800 Southeast 17th Street Suite 800Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7268 / Fax: (352) 622-6045Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KoreanID #: 200000016023Accepting new patients: Yes

Ketheeswaran, Bhavani, MDOcala Florida Physician Group, LLCInternal Medicine2810 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 867-8844 / Fax: (352) 867-8845Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016026Accepting new patients: Yes

Kettlewell, Larry R., DOVIPcareGeneral Practice8409 Southwest 80th Street Suite 8Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 414-1922 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000019595Accepting new patients: Yes

Khan, Anwar A., MDAlliance Medical Associates, Inc.Internal Medicine1800 Southeast 17th Street Suite 800Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7268 / Fax: (352) 622-6045Gender: MaleID #: 200000016024Accepting new patients: Yes

Kuhn, David D., MDTrinity Healthcare Medical CenterInternal Medicine321 Southeast 29th Place Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 512-0000 / Fax: (352) 512-0004Gender: MaleID #: 200000016118Accepting new patients: Yes

Kumar, Keertini, MDKeertini Kumar, MD, PAInternal Medicine8618 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 304-8980 / Fax: (352) 304-8985Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): KannadaID #: 200000016028Accepting new patients: Yes


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Lara, Carlos E., MDWest Marion Family PracticeFamily Practice2760 Southeast 17th Street Suite 400Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 245-1845 / Fax: (352) 433-1381Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016021Accepting new patients: Yes

Lara, Carlos E., MDWest Marion Family PracticeFamily Practice8599 Southwest Highway 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-0043 / Fax: (352) 861-8750Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016021Accepting new patients: Yes

Lopez, Jeronimo, MDVIPcareFamily Practice4011 East Silver Springs BoulevardOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 261-0400 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016294Accepting new patients: Yes

Machado, Veronica, MDFlorida Medical Associates, LLCGeneral Practice7502 Southwest 60th Avenue Suite BOcala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 433-0133 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016122Accepting new patients: Yes

Mitta, Walter R., MDMitta Primary Care, LLCInternal Medicine9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 700, Suite 701Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-0501 / Fax: (352) 873-0502Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016027Accepting new patients: Yes

Murthy, Srinivassa M., MDMedical Associates, LLCFamily Practice10238 Southwest 86th Circle Unit 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1010 / Fax: (352) 873-4387Gender: MaleID #: 200000016029Accepting new patients: Yes

Pogiatzis, Andrew D., MDWest Marion Family PracticeInternal Medicine8599 Southwest Highway 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-0043 / Fax: (352) 861-8750Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Greek, SpanishID #: 200000016022Accepting new patients: No

Rubio-Gonzalez, Jaime E., MDAdvance Primary Care, LLCGeneral Practice1133 Southeast 18th Place Unit 2Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 861-5765 / Fax: (352) 867-1801Gender: MaleID #: 200000016030Accepting new patients: Yes


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Seecharan, Stephen K., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine1714 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000016123Accepting new patients: Yes

Shetty, Jayapraksh N., MDJayapraksh Shetty, MD, PAInternal Medicine1737A Southeast 28th LoopOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7755 / Fax: (352) 622-4021Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, KannadaID #: 200000016031Accepting new patients: Yes

St. Martin, Dacelin, MDPediatrics and Internal Medicine Specialists, LLCInternal Medicine6341 North US Highway 441Ocala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 563-0931 / Fax: (352) 563-0935Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000009191Accepting new patients: Yes

Te, Jessie D., MDAlliance Medical Associates, Inc.Internal Medicine1800 Southeast 17th Street Suite 800Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7268 / Fax: (352) 622-6045Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000016025Accepting new patients: Yes

Thomas, Greyson C., MDThomas Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine1111 Northeast 25th Avenue Suite 301Ocala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 351-7000 / Fax: (352) 351-7001Gender: MaleID #: 200000016124Accepting new patients: Yes

Vogt, Michael L., MDVIPcareFamily Practice8075 Southwest State Road 200 Suite 118Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 414-4511 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000016296Accepting new patients: Yes


Aung, Ma T., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): BurmeseID #: 200000021077Accepting new patients: Yes


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Beck, Luna B., MDLuna Beck, MD & Associates, PAInternal Medicine17820 South East 109th Avenue Suite 107Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-7940 / Fax: (352) 307-7941Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000021686Accepting new patients: Yes

Carolino Jr., Jerome C., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAFamily Practice10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000021099Accepting new patients: Yes

Chang, Khai S., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, HindiID #: 200000021100Accepting new patients: Yes

Cheema, Shahbaz A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Punjabi, UrduID #: 200000021101Accepting new patients: Yes

Chesner, Michael D., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HebrewID #: 200000021285Accepting new patients: Yes

Gupta, Ravi P., MDMid Florida Primary Care, PAInternal Medicine17809 Southeast 109th AvenueSummerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-4200 / Fax: (352) 307-2520Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiAccepting new patients: Yes

Kang, Myeong W., MDAlliance Medical Associates, Inc.Internal Medicine10969 Southeast 175th Place Road Suite 200Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-2112 / Fax: (352) 622-6045Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KoreanID #: 200000016023Accepting new patients: Yes

Khan, Anwar A., MDAlliance Medical Associates, Inc.Internal Medicine10969 Southeast 175th Place Road Suite 200Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-2112 / Fax: (352) 622-6045Gender: MaleID #: 200000016024Accepting new patients: Yes


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Perkins Sr., Hashani M., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAGeneral Practice10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000020833Accepting new patients: Yes

Smith, Page A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleID #: 200000021106Accepting new patients: Yes

Te, Jessie D., MDAlliance Medical Associates, Inc.Internal Medicine10969 Southeast 175th Place Road Suite 200Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-2112 / Fax: (352) 622-6045Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000016025Accepting new patients: Yes

Yong, Sarah L., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAGeneral Practice10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): MandarinID #: 200000021109Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Marion November 2020




Eades, Wesley M., LACAcupuncture Wellness, LLC15151 South US Highway 441 Suite 100Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (407) 300-5542Gender: MaleID #: 200000018987



Barad, Bhavesh B., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA11673 North Williams StreetDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000018165

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA11673 North Williams StreetDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Luo, Lan, MDCentral Florida Heart Center20049 East Pennsylvania AvenueDunnellon, FL 34431Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013583

Topi, Bernard, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA11673 North Williams StreetDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 726-8353 / Fax: (352) 726-5038Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Greek, Italian, Spanish, AlbanianID #: 200000017346


Acevedo, Celso, MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA125 Southwest 11th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hebrew, Spanish, HindiID #: 200000009507

Afolabi, Bosede A., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: Female

Afolabi, Bosede A., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: Female


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Afolabi, Bosede A., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: Female

Alonso, Joseph R., MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: MaleID #: 200000016110

Bittl, John A., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA125 Southwest 11th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleID #: 200000005684

Cacodcar, Surexa S., MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014957

Das, Chandranath L., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA2101 Southwest 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010857

Dresen, William F., MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: MaleID #: 200000016109

El Hayek, Georges, MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA125 Southwest 11th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, French, SpanishID #: 200000017999

El Hayek, Georges, MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA1500 Southwest 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, French, SpanishID #: 200000017999

Feldman, Robert L., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA125 Southwest 11th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleID #: 200000016904

Feldman, Robert L., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA1500 Southwest 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Gender: MaleID #: 200000016904

Goel, Satish R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA2101 Southwest 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleID #: 200000018695


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Gonzalez, Javier M., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA2101 Southwest 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002704

Gummadi, Siva S., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000011486

Gummadi, Siva S., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000011486

Gummadi, Siva S., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000011486

Han, Richard O., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA125 Southwest 11th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleID #: 200000016905

Han, Richard O., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA1500 Southwest 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Gender: MaleID #: 200000016905

Koka, Vijaya N., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000015379

Koka, Vijaya N., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000015379

Koka, Vijaya N., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000015379

Koneru, Jayanth, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleID #: 200000006580


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Koneru, Jayanth, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleID #: 200000006580

Koneru, Jayanth, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleID #: 200000006580

Liu, Tong, MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000016313

Luo, Lan, MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013583

Mehta, Ajay J., MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: MaleID #: 200000011927

Mikkilineni, Hima, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009497

Mittal, Vijay K., MDCentral Florida Heart Center3310 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9557 / Fax: (352) 873-1842Gender: MaleID #: 200000003524

Patel, Jigar H., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000016864

Patel, Jigar H., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000016864

Patel, Jigar H., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000016864


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Prashad, Rakesh, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA2101 Southwest 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleID #: 200000011297

Rao, Srisha, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Telugu

Rao, Srisha, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Telugu

Rao, Srisha, MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Telugu

Santoian, Edward C., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA125 Southwest 11th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleID #: 200000008886

Santoian, Edward C., MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA1500 Southwest 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Gender: MaleID #: 200000008886

Singh, Premranjan P., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019703

Singh, Premranjan P., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019703

Singh, Premranjan P., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019703

Solanki, Kalpesh H., DOCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: Male

Solanki, Kalpesh H., DOCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: Male


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Solanki, Kalpesh H., DOCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: Male

Torres, Ramon L., MDFlorida Cardiology Associates of Ocala, LLC40 Southwest 12th Street Suite B 201Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 291-0019 / Fax: (352) 291-0097Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015699

Urban, Paul L., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2105 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleID #: 200000008578

Urban, Paul L., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC2111 South West 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleID #: 200000008578

Urban, Paul L., MDCardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC4600 South West 46th Court Suite 250Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 622-4251Gender: MaleID #: 200000008578

Vasudevan, Ramabhadran, MDMarion Heart Center, PA1040 Southwest 2nd AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-3005 / Fax: (352) 732-4860Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018466

Vasudevan, Ramabhadran, MDMarion Heart Center, PA10230 Southwest 86th CircleOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-6633 / Fax: (352) 732-4860Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018466

Veligandla, Himachala R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA2101 Southwest 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleID #: 200000017357



Grove, Schuyler G., DCOcala Chiropractic and Wellness419 Northeast 36th AvenueOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 671-3100 / Fax: (352) 236-0815Gender: MaleID #: 200000021116


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Behringer, Frederick R., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.2611 Southeast 17th Street Suite BOcala, FL 34471Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018013

Cauthen, Ashley B., MDMidState Skin Institute, LLC1630 Southeast 18th Street Building 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 512-0092 / Fax: (352) 512-0093Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018021

Curry, Sidney S., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1918 Southeast 17th Street Building 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-2420 / Fax: (352) 620-2935Gender: MaleID #: 200000016890

Doshi, Daven N., MDMidState Skin Institute, LLC3210 Southwest 33rd Road Suite 101Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 512-0092 / Fax: (352) 512-0093Gender: MaleID #: 200000018022

Eubanks, Stephen W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1918 Southeast 17th Street Building 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-2420 / Fax: (352) 620-2935Gender: MaleID #: 200000016299

Kathrotiya, Puja R., MDMidState Skin Institute, LLC1630 Southeast 18th Street Building 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 512-0092 / Fax: (352) 512-0093Gender: Female

Kathrotiya, Puja R., MDMidState Skin Institute, LLC3210 Southwest 33rd Road Suite 101Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 512-0092 / Fax: (352) 512-0093Gender: Female

Kathrotiya, Puja R., MDMidState Skin Institute, LLC7550 Southwest 61st Avenue Suite 1Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 512-0092 / Fax: (352) 512-0093Gender: Female

Loyd, Amy M., DOAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1918 Southeast 17th Street Building 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-2420 / Fax: (352) 620-2935Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014345


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Loyd, Amy M., DOAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery7651 Southwest Highway 200 Building 401Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 342-9180 / Fax: (352) 342-9181Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014345

Massullo Jr., Ralph E., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 1000 Suite 1001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1500 / Fax: (352) 873-6770Gender: MaleID #: 200000009439

Moorhead Dovre, Christine E., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1918 Southeast 17th Street Building 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-2420 / Fax: (352) 620-2935Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016484

Wartels, Michael B., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 1000 Suite 1001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1500 / Fax: (352) 873-6770Gender: MaleID #: 200000008475

Welton III, William A., MDSuncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 1000 Suite 1001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1500 / Fax: (352) 873-6770Gender: MaleID #: 200000014182



Young, Lisa L., MDOne Health Center1714 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (877) 405-0955Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016319


Tandon, Prabhat K., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PA10250 Southeast 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): PunjabiID #: 200000021371



Barish, Robert W., MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleID #: 200000009080


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Brown, Thomas A., MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleID #: 200000009701

Kesari, Anand, MDGastro-Colon Clinic7535 Southwest 62nd CourtOcala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 237-1253 / Fax: (352) 237-1254Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000015697

Kumar, Thimmiah, MDThimmiah Kumar, M.D., P.A.1950 Southwest 18th Court Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 861-8555 / Fax: (352) 401-0124Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KannadaID #: 200000015693

McClary, Robert D., MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleID #: 200000021805

Olejeme, Henry C., MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleID #: 200000021806

Ramos, Miguel A., MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Reddy, Vishnu P., MD7 Hill Gastroenterology, PA3256 South Pine Avenue Building 100 Suite BOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1919 / Fax: (352) 401-1870Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021339

Rumalla, Ashwin, MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000006350

Singu, Bheema S., MDDigestive Health Associates PA7558 South West 61st Avenue Unit 1Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 840-1001 / Fax: (352) 840-1002Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000005528

Van Eldik, Richard B., MDGastroenterology Associates of Ocala1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 400Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440Gender: MaleID #: 200000010815


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General Dentistry


Al Hadithi, Mohammed F., DMDHadithi, PLLC1110 Southeast 18th Place Suite 200Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 571-6030 / Fax: (352) 571-6031Gender: Male

Clinton, Edna L., DMDProject Health, Inc.7205 Southeast Maricamp RoadOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 680-7011 / Fax: (352) 687-3207Gender: Female

Ku Torres, Mario, DDSBright Now! Dental2206 Southeast 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 840-0560 / Fax: (352) 840-0705Gender: Male

Larson, Jennifer, DDSChristie Dental Practice Group3101 Southwest 34th Avenue Suite 600Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 861-2510 / Fax: (352) 861-2498Gender: Female

Nguyen, Duy T., DMDGreenberg Dental & Orthodontics, PA3131 Southwest College Road Suite 202Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 414-1560 / Fax: (352) 240-1701Gender: Male

Nguyen, Duy T., DMDGreenberg Dental & Orthodontics, PA4901 East Silver Springs Boulevard Suite 601Ocala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 559-2764 / Fax: (352) 240-1223Gender: Male

Sanchez, Julio, DDSDental Team of Ocala8750 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 101Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 840-7077 / Fax: (352) 873-6924Gender: Male

Sanchez, Julio, DDSFernandez & Sanchez, DDS, PA5400 Southwest College Road Suite 307Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 854-6563 / Fax: (352) 854-0727Gender: Male

Worthy, Michele, DMDProject Health, Inc.7205 Southeast Maricamp RoadOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 680-7011 / Fax: (352) 687-3207Gender: Female


Cavalluzzo, Paul, DDSValue Dental Centers, PA17820 Southeast 109th Avenue Unit 111Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 245-5400 / Fax: (407) 339-5734Gender: Male


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General Surgery


Neyra, Harold, DOSurgical Speciality Group of Oviedo8400 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 1010Ovideo, FL 32765Gender: Male


Ang, Darwin N., MDOcala Health Trauma, LLC1234 Southeast Magnolia Extension Unit 1Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1218 / Fax: (352) 401-1017Gender: MaleID #: 200000007165

Caban, Angel M., MDOcala Health Surgical Group4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 340Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 291-0239 / Fax: (352) 291-0254Gender: MaleID #: 200000017044

Chandra, Ravi, MDSurgical Specialists of Ocala, PA1920 Southwest 20th Place Suite 100Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-1212 / Fax: (352) 237-0066Gender: MaleID #: 200000002221

Chandra, Ravi, MDThe Vein Center of North Florida1920 Southwest 20th Place Suite 201Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-1820 / Fax: (352) 237-0675Gender: MaleID #: 200000002221

Clark, Jason M., MDOcala Health Trauma, LLC1234 Southeast Magnolia Extension Unit 1Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1218 / Fax: (352) 401-1017Gender: MaleID #: 200000006967

Ferber, Laurence R., MDOcala Health Trauma, LLC1234 Southeast Magnolia Extension Unit 1Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1218 / Fax: (352) 401-1017Gender: MaleID #: 200000017541

Griffin, Reginald L., MDConcierge Bariatrics1630 Southeast 18th Street Suite 103Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 236-5809 / Fax: (352) 236-5461Gender: MaleID #: 200000015703

Hagan, Joshua, MDOcala Health Trauma, LLC1234 Southeast Magnolia Extension Unit 1Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1218 / Fax: (352) 401-1017Gender: MaleID #: 200000007571


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Richards, Winston T., MDOcala Health Trauma, LLC1234 Southeast Magnolia Extension Unit 1Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1218 / Fax: (352) 401-1017Gender: MaleID #: 200000014547

Rossidis, Georgios, MDOcala Health Surgical Group4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 340Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 291-0239 / Fax: (352) 291-0254Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000018000

Watson, Carrie, DOOcala Health Trauma, LLC1234 Southeast Magnolia Extension Unit 1Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1218 / Fax: (352) 401-1017Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014494

Wecowski, Jacek, MDOcala Health Surgical Oncology1500 Southeast Magnolia Extension Suite 205Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1800 / Fax: (352) 629-1888Gender: MaleLanguage(s): PolishID #: 200000018698



Balaraman, Rama, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TamilID #: 200000010429

Balaraman, Rama, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TamilID #: 200000010429

Berger, Maury B., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014189

Berger, Maury B., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014189


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Doshi, Ketan D., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000020725

Doshi, Ketan D., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000020725

Koti, Ravi K., MDCentral Florida Cancer and Blood Center PA2494 South West 19th Avenue RoadOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 671-4422 / Fax: (352) 671-4423Gender: MaleID #: 200000011412

Patterson, Daniel A., MDBethel Blood and Cancer Center, PA11660 Southwest 97th Terrace Unit 201Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 291-9376 / Fax: (352) 291-9377Gender: MaleLanguage(s): RussianID #: 200000014420

Patterson, Daniel A., MDBethel Blood and Cancer Center, PA3256 South Pine Avenue Suite 303Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 512-0688 / Fax: (352) 512-0689Gender: MaleLanguage(s): RussianID #: 200000014420

Vasudevan, Anju, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, HindiID #: 200000019690

Vasudevan, Anju, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, HindiID #: 200000019690

Infectious Disease


Mirza, Haris I., MDOcala Infectious Disease and Wound Center, Inc.2651 Southwest 32nd PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-7552 / Fax: (352) 622-7945Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Punjabi, UrduID #: 200000009668


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Chitumalla, Venkat V., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000010559

Chitumalla, Venkat V., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000010559

Kovalchuk, Oleksandr I., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UkrainianID #: 200000011202

Kovalchuk, Oleksandr I., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UkrainianID #: 200000011202

Lakshminarayanan, Suresh, MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010502

Lakshminarayanan, Suresh, MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010502

Locay, Harold R., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019515

Locay, Harold R., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019515

Nwakoby, Izuchukwu E., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleID #: 200000011390


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Nwakoby, Izuchukwu E., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleID #: 200000011390

Ong, Rebecca P., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019517

Ong, Rebecca P., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019517

Radoianu, Nicoleta, MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, RomanianID #: 200000019518

Radoianu, Nicoleta, MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, RomanianID #: 200000019518

Rogers, Timothy W., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleID #: 200000019516

Rogers, Timothy W., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleID #: 200000019516

Seek, Melvin M., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleID #: 200000014110

Seek, Melvin M., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleID #: 200000014110

Vaghela, Maheshkumar L., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019519


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Vaghela, Maheshkumar L., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019519

Ventrapragada, Sailaja V., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.2980 Southeast 3rd CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: FemaleID #: 200000005973

Ventrapragada, Sailaja V., MDOcala Kidney Group, Inc.8613 Southwest 103rd Street RoadOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 622-4231 / Fax: (352) 622-0518Gender: FemaleID #: 200000005973



Gaya, William, MDWilliam Gaya, M.D., P.A.801 Southwest 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-7233 / Fax: (352) 732-0239Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017046

Main, John T., DOOcala Health Surgical Group1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1743 / Fax: (352) 629-1748Gender: MaleID #: 200000015853

Nikfarjam, Iraj, MDOcala Health Neurology1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 103Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1730 / Fax: (352) 236-3520Gender: MaleID #: 200000019521

Reddy, Praveen B., MDOcala Health Surgical Group1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1743 / Fax: (352) 629-1748Gender: MaleID #: 200000019535

Schweizer, Heather R., DOOcala Health Neurology1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1730 / Fax: (352) 236-3520Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019523

Sinha, Nisha, MDOcala Health Neurology1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 103Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1730 / Fax: (352) 236-3520Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019262


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Baxter, Silvia G., MDFlorida Stroke Institute1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 103Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1743 / Fax: (352) 629-1748Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020213

Freeman, Jacob L., MDOcala Neurosurgical Center, PA1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-3360 / Fax: (352) 629-4512Gender: Male

Main, John T., DOOcala Health Surgical Group1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1743 / Fax: (352) 629-1748Gender: MaleID #: 200000015853

Oliver, Mark D., MDOcala Neurosurgical Center, PA1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-3360 / Fax: (352) 629-4512Gender: Male

Reddy, Praveen B., MDOcala Health Surgical Group1725 Southeast 28th Loop Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1743 / Fax: (352) 629-1748Gender: MaleID #: 200000019535

Robertson, Daniel P., MDOcala Neurosurgical Center, PA1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-3360 / Fax: (352) 629-4512Gender: MaleID #: 200000020574


Also see Hematology/Oncology


Balaraman, Rama, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TamilID #: 200000010429

Balaraman, Rama, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TamilID #: 200000010429

Berger, Maury B., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014189


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Berger, Maury B., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014189

Doshi, Ketan D., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000020725

Doshi, Ketan D., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000020725

Koti, Ravi K., MDCentral Florida Cancer and Blood Center PA2494 South West 19th Avenue RoadOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 671-4422 / Fax: (352) 671-4423Gender: MaleID #: 200000011412

Myrick, Samuel E., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: MaleLanguage(s): MandarinID #: 200000020727

Myrick, Samuel E., MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: MaleLanguage(s): MandarinID #: 200000020727

Patterson, Daniel A., MDBethel Blood and Cancer Center, PA11660 Southwest 97th Terrace Unit 201Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 291-9376 / Fax: (352) 291-9377Gender: MaleLanguage(s): RussianID #: 200000014420

Patterson, Daniel A., MDBethel Blood and Cancer Center, PA3256 South Pine Avenue Suite 303Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 512-0688 / Fax: (352) 512-0689Gender: MaleLanguage(s): RussianID #: 200000014420

Vasudevan, Anju, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala9401 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 702Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 237-7170 / Fax: (352) 237-8808Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, HindiID #: 200000019690

Vasudevan, Anju, MDFlorida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala3130 Southwest 32nd AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4032 / Fax: (352) 620-0419Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, HindiID #: 200000019690


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McNair Jr., James R., MDEnvision Eye Specialists60 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 482-0305 / Fax: (352) 482-0311Gender: Male

Pizza, James T., MDAssociated Comprehensive Eyecare2441 East Fort King Street Suite 100Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8404 / Fax: (352) 732-0177Gender: Male

Ross, Joseph J., MDEnvision Eye Specialists60 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 482-0305 / Fax: (352) 482-0311Gender: Male

Wingo, Linder E., MDAssociated Comprehensive Eyecare2441 East Fort King Street Suite 100Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8404 / Fax: (352) 732-0177Gender: Male

Orthopedic Surgery


Bachoura, Abdo, MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000019903

Duke, James B., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA2300 South East 17th Street Suite 500Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 336-6000Gender: MaleID #: 200000020439

Henry, Havalee T., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018869

Locker, Joseph R., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020455

Locker, Joseph R., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 210 & 220Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020455


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Lowell, Troy D., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA2965 Southeast CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 789-6098Gender: MaleID #: 200000020456

Mahmood, Zakariah S., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020457

Mahmood, Zakariah S., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 210 & 220Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020457

McFadden, James P., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020458

McFadden, James P., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 210 & 220Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020458

Rogers, Marc J., DOThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 210 & 220Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 336-6000 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020470

Rogers, Marc J., DOThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020470

Sahajpal, Deenesh T., MDElite Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PLLC3200 Southwest 34th Avenue Building 500, Suite 502Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 547-8220Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000018719

Van De Leur, Timothy J., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000020494


Krueger, Michael R., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA17270 Southeast 109th Terrace RoadSummerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 633-7222 / Fax: (352) 633-7205Gender: MaleID #: 200000020453


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Grayson, Charles W., DOOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2120 Southwest 22nd PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042 / Fax: (352) 732-6031Gender: MaleID #: 200000019591

Jiron Jr., Jose L., MDOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2120 Southwest 22nd PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042 / Fax: (352) 732-6031Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019587

Nadenik, Scott A., DOOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2120 Southwest 22nd PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042 / Fax: (352) 732-6031Gender: MaleID #: 200000016881

Reynolds, Stephen M., DOOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2120 Southwest 22nd PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042 / Fax: (352) 732-6031Gender: MaleID #: 200000021727

Reynolds, Stephen M., DOOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2102 Southwest 20th Place Suite 602Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042 / Fax: (352) 732-6031Gender: MaleID #: 200000021727

Schmidt, Christopher J., MDOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2102 Southwest 20th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042Gender: MaleID #: 200000019588

Thomason, Thomas B., MDOcala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists2102 Southwest 20th Place Suite 602Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5042 / Fax: (352) 732-6031Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019589

Outpatient Mental Health Providers

Beacon Health OptionsPhone: (800) 627-1259

Pain Management


Babu, Vijay G., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: MaleID #: 200000019981


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Babu, Vijay G., MDThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 775-2826 / Fax: (352) 547-4011Gender: MaleID #: 200000019981

Ulseth, Robert N., MDComprehensive Pain Management3120 Southwest 27th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 236-3025 / Fax: (352) 236-3521Gender: MaleID #: 200000004414

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Jollu, Chayapathy M., MDMedical Associates10238 Southwest 86th Circle Unit 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-1011 / Fax: (352) 873-1017Gender: MaleID #: 200000021366

Sharma, Anuj, DOSharma Institute of Pain Medicine3221 Southwest 33rd Road Suite 100Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 433-0085 / Fax: (866) 509-3414Gender: MaleID #: 200000009002

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


Burton, Michael E., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1918 Southeast 17th Street Building 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-2420 / Fax: (352) 620-2935Gender: MaleID #: 200000005547



Perez, Andres M., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Talbert, Todd C., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish


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Carter, Brent, DPMOne Health Center1714 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (877) 405-0955Gender: MaleID #: 200000016188

Goldstein, Scott P., DPMThe Orthopaedic Institute, PA1710 Southeast 16th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 620-1900 / Fax: (352) 620-1901Gender: Male

Gonzalez Jr., Armando, DPMMarion County Podiatry Specialist812 Northeast 25th Avenue Suite AOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 351-4444 / Fax: (352) 351-4920Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015705

Gonzalez Jr., Armando, DPMMarion County Podiatry Specialist3300 Southwest 33rd RoadOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-4444 / Fax: (352) 351-4920Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015705

Miller, Stephen R., DPMSuncoast Podiatry Associates, Inc.3301 Southwest 34th Circle Suite 102Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 861-0444 / Fax: (352) 861-0464Gender: MaleID #: 200000005646

Salvati, Carl M., DPMMarion County Podiatry Specialist812 Northeast 25th Avenue Suite AOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 351-4444 / Fax: (352) 351-4920Gender: MaleID #: 200000016262

Salvati, Carl M., DPMMarion County Podiatry Specialist3300 Southwest 33rd RoadOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-4444 / Fax: (352) 351-4920Gender: MaleID #: 200000016262



Bhatt, Hardik B., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.1834 Southwest 1st Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000020006

Gogineni, Anil K., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.1834 Southwest 1st Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000009825


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Karunakara, Raj G., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.1834 Southwest 1st Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000009195

Mitra, Purushottam, MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.1834 Southwest 1st Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000011360

Seevaratnam, Andrew R., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.1834 Southwest 1st Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleID #: 200000020007


Bhatt, Hardik B., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.10969 Southeast 175th Place Suite 200Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000020006

Gogineni, Anil K., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.10969 Southeast 175th Place Suite 200Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000009825

Seevaratnam, Andrew R., MDOcala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc.10969 Southeast 175th Place Suite 200Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 732-5552 / Fax: (352) 732-1131Gender: MaleID #: 200000020007

Radiation Oncology


Anderson, Norman H., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute2020 Southeast 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-0277 / Fax: (352) 732-6574Gender: MaleID #: 200000001559

Anderson, Norman H., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 800Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-2400 / Fax: (352) 861-2401Gender: MaleID #: 200000001559


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Bucy, Guy S., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute2020 Southeast 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-0277 / Fax: (352) 732-6574Gender: MaleID #: 200000001924

Lightsey, Judith L., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute2020 Southeast 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-0277 / Fax: (352) 732-6574Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011797

Lightsey, Judith L., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 800Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-2400 / Fax: (352) 861-2401Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011797

Rao, Jayanth G., MDGenesisCare USA of Florida, LLC3201 South West 33rd RoadOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 291-2495 / Fax: (352) 291-2498Gender: MaleID #: 200000003446

Sandrapaty, Ravichandra K., MDGenesisCare USA of Florida, LLC3201 South West 33rd RoadOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 291-2495 / Fax: (352) 291-2498Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, TeluguID #: 200000021322



Abualula, Hasan A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PA10250 South East 167th Place Road Suite 5Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-9925 / Fax: (352) 307-8442Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000021368

Therapeutic Massage


Eades, Wesley M., LACAcupuncture Wellness, LLC15151 South US Highway 441 Suite 100Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (407) 300-5542Gender: MaleID #: 200000018987

Thoracic Surgery


Bush, Bryan S., MDFlorida Heart & Lung Institute of Ocala1500 Southeast Magnolia Extension Suite 203Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1378 / Fax: (352) 629-1406Gender: MaleID #: 200000019070


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Bush, Bryan S., MDOcala Health Surgical Group, LLC1511 SouthwestOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1378 / Fax: (352) 629-1406Gender: MaleID #: 200000019070

Osian, Omeni N., MDFlorida Heart & Lung Institute of Ocala1500 Southeast Magnolia Extension Suite 203Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1378 / Fax: (352) 629-1406Gender: MaleID #: 200000017358


Sharma, Ravi, MDRavi Sharma, MD, PA17820 Southeast 109th Street Suite 109Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 693-2052 / Fax: (352) 693-2169Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002654



Ayyathurai, Rajinikanth, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC11673 North Williams StreetDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 462-7140Gender: MaleID #: 200000015390


Cunningham, David L., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-1313Gender: MaleID #: 200000021800

Cunningham, David L., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC9401 Southwest State Road 200 Building 3000, Suite 3001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 351-2801 / Fax: (352) 351-2279Gender: MaleID #: 200000021800

Dersch, Mark W., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-1313Gender: MaleID #: 200000021750

Dersch, Mark W., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC9401 Southwest State Road 200 Building 3000, Suite 3001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 351-2801 / Fax: (352) 351-2279Gender: MaleID #: 200000021750

Karavadia, Saumilkumar S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-1313Gender: MaleID #: 200000021786


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Karavadia, Saumilkumar S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC9401 Southwest State Road 200 Building 3000, Suite 3001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 351-2801 / Fax: (352) 351-2279Gender: MaleID #: 200000021786

King, Charles T., MDUrology Institute of Central Florida, PL2850 Southeast Third CourtOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-6474 / Fax: (352) 732-7205Gender: MaleID #: 200000001605

King, Edward D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-1313Gender: MaleID #: 200000021787

King, Edward D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC9401 Southwest State Road 200 Building 3000, Suite 3001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 351-2801 / Fax: (352) 351-2279Gender: MaleID #: 200000021787

Rao, Dinesh S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-1313Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012187

Rao, Dinesh S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC9401 Southwest State Road 200 Building 3000, Suite 3001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 351-2801 / Fax: (352) 351-2279Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012187

Taub, Harvey C., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1901 South East 18th Avenue Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-1313Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021775

Taub, Harvey C., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC9401 Southwest State Road 200 Building 3000, Suite 3001Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 351-2801 / Fax: (352) 351-2279Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021775

Vascular Surgery


Chandra, Ravi, MDSurgical Specialists of Ocala, PA1920 Southwest 20th Place Suite 100Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-1212 / Fax: (352) 237-0066Gender: MaleID #: 200000002221


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Chandra, Ravi, MDThe Vein Center of North Florida1920 Southwest 20th Place Suite 201Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-1820 / Fax: (352) 237-0675Gender: MaleID #: 200000002221


Sharma, Ravi, MDRavi Sharma, MD, PA17820 Southeast 109th Street Suite 109Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 693-2052 / Fax: (352) 693-2169Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002654


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Maricamp ER2897 Southeast Maricamp RoadOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 421-7500

Ocala Regional Medical Center1431 Southwest 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1100 / Fax: (352) 401-1198

West Marion Community Hospital4600 Southwest 46th CourtOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 291-3000 / Fax: (855) 668-0697


Summerfield ER14193 South US Highway 441Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 245-4440


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Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers


Quick Care Med11371 North Williams Street Unit 4Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 465-2273 / Fax: (352) 465-6343


One Health Center Urgent Care1714 Southwest 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (877) 405-0955

Quick Care Med3415 East Silver Springs BoulevardOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 629-7336 / Fax: (352) 690-7633

Quick Care Med8119 Southwest Highway 200Ocala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 854-9355 / Fax: (352) 874-0047


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Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)


Life Care Center of Ocala2800 Southwest 41st StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-7570 / Fax: (352) 873-7112

Palm Garden of Ocala2700 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 854-6262 / Fax: (352) 433-4535

The Lodge Health and Rehabilitation Center635 Southeast 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-7921 / Fax: (352) 732-8804

TimberRidge Center for Rehabilitation & Healing9848 Southwest 110th StreetOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 291-7244 / Fax: (352) 854-2520


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Ancillary Providers

Ambulatory Surgical Center


Central Florida Endoscopy & Surgical Institute of Ocala3256 South Pine AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 401-1919 / Fax: (352) 401-1870

Ocala Surgical Center3201 Southwest 34th StreetOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 237-1385 / Fax: (352) 291-0087

Surgery Center of Mid Florida1950 Southwest 18th Court Suite 102Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 789-6575 / Fax: (352) 291-7546

The Endoscopy Center of Ocala1160 Southeast 18th PlaceOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-8905 / Fax: (352) 732-2440



Argus DentalPhone: (800) 340-8869https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order


One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Diagnostic Radiology


Care First Imaging1714 Southwest 17th Street Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9565 / Fax: (888) 978-5541

Medical Imaging Center of Ocala, LLP1490 Southeast Magnolia ExtensionOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 671-4300 / Fax: (352) 671-4292

PET/CT Services of Florida1541 Southwest 1st Avenue Suite 101Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-1133 / Fax: (352) 622-8844

TimberRidge Imaging Center, LLP9521 Southwest SR 200Ocala, FL 34482Phone: (352) 671-4260 / Fax: (352) 671-4292

Triumph Radiology Associates3233 Southwest 33rd Road Suite 302Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 554-4878 / Fax: (352) 795-9729


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Windsor Oaks1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Building 200Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 671-4260 / Fax: (352) 671-4292

Women's Imaging Center1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Building 200Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 671-4260 / Fax: (352) 671-4292

Diagnostic Testing


Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services2311 Alternate 19 Suite 5Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (866) 961-5589 / Fax: (727) 796-2965

Durable Medical Equipment


Acelis Connected Health Services6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550Phone: (877) 262-4669 / Fax: (925) 606-6978

Alere Home Monitoring, Inc.Phone: (877) 262-4669

Dynasplint Systems, Inc.770 Ritchie Highway Suite W21Severna Park, MD 21146Phone: (800) 638-6771 / Fax: (800) 380-3784

Prism Medical Products, LLC112 Church Street Suite 101Elkin, NC 28621Phone: (888) 244-6421 / Fax: (800) 975-6321


180 Medical, Inc.8516 Northwest ExpresswayOklahoma City, OK 73162Phone: (877) 688-2729 / Fax: (888) 718-0633

Acentus4951-B East Adamo Drive Suite 200Tampa, FL 33605Phone: (866) 684-2507 / Fax: (866) 695-2183

ActivStyle5912 Breckenridge Parkway Suite GTampa, FL 33610Phone: (800) 651-6223 / Fax: (877) 426-7329

Aeroflow Healthcare65 Beale RoadArden, NC 28704Phone: (888) 345-1780 / Fax: (800) 249-1513

Comfort Medical, LLC4240 Northwest 120th AvenueCoral Springs, FL 33065Phone: (800) 700-4246 / Fax: (800) 604-9760

Essential Medical Solutions, Inc.3 Nebo Yorkville RoadGibson, TN 38389Phone: (877) 278-1079 / Fax: (877) 231-3088

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545


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Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road Suite DWaukesha, WI 53188Phone: (800) 845-6364 / Fax: (888) 845-3342

Liberator Medical Supply, Inc.2979 Southeast Gran Park WayStuart, FL 34997Phone: (800) 536-2390 / Fax: (800) 755-0843

Medline Industries, Inc.1 Medline PlaceMundelein, IL 60060Phone: (866) 356-4997 / Fax: (866) 272-8122

MS Supply & Home Health Co.618 Ware BoulevardTampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 621-2001 / Fax: (813) 621-2480

MY DME DOC, LLC977 Del Mar DriveLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (866) 726-9363 / Fax: (888) 788-5696

One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Orthomedx Corporation4329 36th Street Suite 800Orlando, FL 32811Phone: (407) 422-4526 / Fax: (407) 377-5770

Strive Medical, LLC5800 Campus Circle Drive East Suite 100BIrving, TX 75063Phone: (888) 771-9229 / Fax: (866) 680-5574

SurfMed2799 Southwest 32nd Avenue Building E, Suite 14Pembroke Park, FL 33023Phone: (888) 201-7873 / Fax: (888) 398-3149

Symbius Medical, LLC2311 West Utopia RoadPhoenix, AZ 85027Phone: (800) 948-1868 / Fax: (877) 396-6235

United States Medical Supply, LLC8260 Northwest 27th Street Suite 401Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 436-6033 / Fax: (305) 455-5700

US Med, LLC1480 Northwest 79th AvenueMiami, FL 33126Phone: (800) 787-6331 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


PM Respiratory Services, Inc.3306 Southwest 26th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-4545 / Fax: (866) 945-9458


AeroCare3315 Southwest 13th Street Suite 202Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 861-2337 / Fax: (866) 847-7606

Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics1750 Southwest First AvenueOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-2788 / Fax: (352) 351-3582


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Lincare, Inc.1011 Southwest 33rd Avenue Suite 100Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 629-8880 / Fax: (866) 700-2339

OxyLife Respiratory Services6405 Southwest 38th Street Building 100, Suite 101-104Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 873-2971 / Fax: (352) 873-2972

Durable Medical Equipment - Mastectomy Supplies


Unique Lingerie Services, LLC4414 Southwest College Road Suite 1930Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 629-5590 / Fax: (352) 629-5597

Unique Lingerie, Inc.1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite 200AOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 877-8700 / Fax: (352) 608-9718

Fitness Program

Silver Sneakers FitnessPhone: (888) 423-4632

Home Health


Advanced InfusionCare212 Northside DriveValdosta, GA 31602Phone: (229) 242-3060 / Fax: (229) 242-9914


Classic Home Health Services1504 South StreetLeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 314-1885 / Fax: (800) 690-3901

Doctor's Choice Home Care18770 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 794-6099 / Fax: (352) 204-0069

Florida Homecare Specialists, Inc.130 North Old Dixie HighwayLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-2206 / Fax: (352) 350-2210

Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc.10177 Cortez BoulevardWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-9800 / Fax: (352) 592-9801


Nations HearingPhone: (800) 313-2763


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LabCorp20056 East Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 1Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 489-9536 / Fax: (352) 489-9629


LabCorp9401 Southwest Highway 200 Building 1000, Suite 1002Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 861-0681 / Fax: (352) 861-3857

LabCorp3200 Southwest 34th Avenue Building 200, Suite 201Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 732-4671 / Fax: (352) 732-4917

LabCorp150 Southeast 17th StreetOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 614-1033 / Fax: (352) 622-1633



Care First Imaging1714 Southwest 17th Street Suite 300Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 274-9565 / Fax: (888) 978-5541

TimberRidge Imaging Center, LLP9521 Southwest SR 200Ocala, FL 34482Phone: (352) 671-4260 / Fax: (352) 671-4292

Women's Imaging Center1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Building 200Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 671-4260 / Fax: (352) 671-4292

Occupational Therapy


CORA Physical Therapy - Belleview5036 Southeast 110th Street Suite 103Belleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

Strive! Rehabilitation5925 Southeast Abshier BoulevardBelleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 307-1200 / Fax: (352) 307-7812


CORA Physical Therapy - East Ocala3845 Southeast Lake WeirOcala, FL 34480Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - West Ocala8449 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 141Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

Strive! Rehabilitation2620 Southeast Maricamp RoadOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-8883 / Fax: (352) 351-4219


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Strive! Rehabilitation4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 140Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-3058 / Fax: (352) 873-3726

Optometry - Routine Vision Providers


Argus VisionToll Free Customer ServicePhone: (800) 210-5511https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Outpatient Dialysis


Ocala Regional Kidney Center North2620 West Highway 316Citra, FL 32113Phone: (352) 591-4680 / Fax: (352) 591-4679


Ocala Regional Kidney Center East2870 Southeast 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-9140 / Fax: (352) 351-9150

Ocala Regional Kidney Center West8585 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 19Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 854-5011 / Fax: (352) 854-6299

Ocala Regional Kidney Centers Home Dialysis Division2860 Southeast 1st AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 622-8758 / Fax: (352) 622-8658

Silver Springs Shores Dialysis9310 Spring RoadOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 687-0403 / Fax: (352) 687-2527


Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Physical Therapy


CORA Physical Therapy - Belleview5036 Southeast 110th Street Suite 103Belleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

Strive! Rehabilitation5925 Southeast Abshier BoulevardBelleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 307-1200 / Fax: (352) 307-7812


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Hometown Rehab20056 East Pennsylvania Avenue Suite 2Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 462-7171 / Fax: (352) 462-7172

Mid-Florida Physical Therapy12139 South Williams StreetDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 489-2500 / Fax: (352) 489-7870


Alpha Rehab & Spine Strengthening, LLC1901 Southeast 18th Avenue Suite #500Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 789-6776 / Fax: (352) 390-6359

CORA Physical Therapy - East Ocala3845 Southeast Lake WeirOcala, FL 34480Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - West Ocala8449 Southwest Highway 200 Suite 141Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

Mid-Florida Physical Therapy2210 Southeast 17th Street Suite 302Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-4509 / Fax: (352) 629-5005

Strive! Rehabilitation4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 140Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-3058 / Fax: (352) 873-3726

Strive! Rehabilitation2620 Southeast Maricamp RoadOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-8883 / Fax: (352) 351-4219

TLC Rehab, Inc.5481 Southwest 60th Street Suite 102Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-1122 / Fax: (352) 873-6841


TLC Rehab, Inc.10969 Southeast 175th Place RoadSummerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 347-8877 / Fax: (352) 347-9477

Prosthetics and Orthotics


Tampa Bay Prosthetics5109 North Armenia AvenueTampa, FL 33603Phone: (813) 801-9110 / Fax: (813) 801-9048

Sleep Studies


Blackstone Medical Services, LLC550 North Reo Street Suite 250Tampa, FL 33609Phone: (888) 710-2727 / Fax: (888) 239-4616


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Speech Therapy


Strive! Rehabilitation5925 Southeast Abshier BoulevardBelleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 307-1200 / Fax: (352) 307-7812


Strive! Rehabilitation4600 Southwest 46th Court Suite 140Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-3058 / Fax: (352) 873-3726

Strive! Rehabilitation2620 Southeast Maricamp RoadOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-8883 / Fax: (352) 351-4219


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Retail Pharmacies


CVS Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 746-7287www.cvs.com/stores

Publix Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 242-1227www.publix.com/pharmacy

Walgreens*Phone: (800) 925-4733www.walgreens.com/storelocator/find.jsp

Walmart*Phone: (800) 966-6546www.walmart.com/pharmacy

Winn Dixie*Phone: (866) 946-6349www.winndixie.com/pharmacy


Belleview Community Pharmacy10762 S US Hwy 441Belleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 347-4064

CVS Pharmacy #032155800 SE Abshier BlvdBelleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 245-2470

Publix Pharmacy #043810135 US Hwy 441Belleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 347-7100

Sunshine Drugs5909 SE Abshier BlvdBelleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 245-3961

Walgreens #44264920 SE Abshier BlvdBelleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 245-0177

Winn Dixie11310 SE US Hwy 301Belleview, FL 34420Phone: (352) 245-6522


CVS Pharmacy #0353911582 N Williams St 506Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 489-9023

Dunnellon Discount Drugs11150 N Williams St Ste 101-BDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 489-4960

Publix Pharmacy #161611352 N Williams St Ste 400Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 566-5003

Walgreens #557811283 N Williams StDunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 489-2864

Walmart Pharmacy 10-096011012 No. Williams St.Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 489-4241

Winn Dixie10051 S US Highway 41Dunnellon, FL 34432Phone: (352) 465-2002


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Fort Mccoy

Ft Mccoy Pharmacy11386 E Highway 316Fort Mccoy, FL 32134Phone: (352) 438-1161


17th Street Discount Pharmacy Inc2506 SE 17th St Ste BOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-3330

Bittings Pharmacy And Medical Equipment And Supplies619 SE 17 StOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 732-3666

Classic Pharmacy1907 SE 58th AveOcala, FL 34480Phone: (352) 694-2830

Cornerstone Pharmacy2509 NE 14th StOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 690-7770

CVS Pharmacy #018132449 E Silver Springs BlvdOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 401-9492

CVS Pharmacy #032783501 N Pine AveOcala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 622-3083

CVS Pharmacy #036361719 SE Lake Weir AveOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-8745

CVS Pharmacy #036612401 SW 27th AveOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-6206

CVS Pharmacy #041461720 West Highway 326Ocala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 351-5888

CVS Pharmacy #052317563 SE Maricamp RdOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 687-4242

CVS Pharmacy #0592110255 SW 86th CircleOcala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 873-6093

CVS Pharmacy #083826042 SW Hwy 200Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 873-0984

CVS Pharmacy #163102000 SW College RdOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 629-1515

Eastern Pharmacy Inc.2046 W Silver Springs BlvdOcala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 622-9909

Florida Cancer Affiliates3130 SW 32nd AveOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 547-1915

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Golden Hills Pharmacy6998 N US Highway 27 Ste 104Ocala, FL 34482Phone: (352) 351-3784


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Neso Pharmacy6230 SW Highway 200 Unit 1Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 644-4268

Ocala Pharmacy Llc8290 SW Highway 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 509-7890

Pathway Pharmacy202 SW 17th St Suite# AOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 624-2779

Publix Pharmacy #00613450 East Silver Springs BlvdOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 671-3770

Publix Pharmacy #04042655 NE 35th StOcala, FL 34479Phone: (352) 867-1270

Publix Pharmacy #0419303 SE 17th StOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 368-2921

Publix Pharmacy #07337578 Maricamp Road Suite 100Ocala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 687-2464

Publix Pharmacy #08565400 SW College Rdsuite 200Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-1038

Publix Pharmacy #12018075 SW Highway 200 Unit 111Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 291-0372

Publix Pharmacy #12893035 SE Maricamp Rd.Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 351-2374

Publix Pharmacy #13652765 NW 49th Ave. Suite 301Ocala, FL 34482Phone: (352) 401-3606

Publix Pharmacy #14772575 SW 42nd St Unit 100Ocala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-3648

Sams Pharmacy 10-63353921 SW College RoadOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 237-9611

Sunshine Drugs9309 SE Maricamp RdOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 680-9500

Sunshine Drugs3450 NE Jacksonville RdOcala, FL 34479Phone: (352) 732-4655

Wal-Mart Pharmacy 10-53269570 SW Highway 200Ocala, FL 34481Phone: (352) 291-8629

Walgreens807 E Silver Springs BlvdOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 629-8721

Walgreens260 Marion Oaks BlvdOcala, FL 34473Phone: (352) 307-1304

Walgreens4747 SW College RdOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 873-9806


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Walgreens #106711260 NW 35th StOcala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 867-0373

Walgreens #1199189 Midway RdOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 261-1273

Walgreens #135857921 SW Highway 200Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 854-9600

Walgreens #16546474 SW 17th StOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 368-1886

Walgreens #17244899 NW BlitchtonOcala, FL 34482Phone: (352) 622-8753

Walgreens #33893529 E Silver Springs BlvdOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 622-5298

Walgreens #72076015 SW Highway 200Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 291-9435

Walgreens #75893500 SE Maricamp RdOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 694-4193

Walmart Pharmacy 10-06972600 SW 19th AveOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 237-7103

Walmart Pharmacy 10-18474980 East Silver Springs BlvdOcala, FL 34470Phone: (352) 236-1411

Walmart Pharmacy 10-44347855 SW Highway 200Ocala, FL 34476Phone: (352) 512-6627

Walmart Pharmacy 10436834 Bahia AveOcala, FL 34472Phone: (352) 537-3102

Winn Dixie184 Marion Oaks BlvdOcala, FL 34473Phone: (352) 347-3115

Winn Dixie7131 N US Hwy 441Ocala, FL 34475Phone: (352) 351-2477


Reddick Discount Pharmacy15320 NW Gainesville RdReddick, FL 32686Phone: (352) 591-1116

Silver Springs

CVS Pharmacy #0339515843 E Highway 40Silver Springs, FL 34488Phone: (352) 625-6300

Winn Dixie15912 East State Rd 40Silver Springs, FL 34488Phone: (352) 625-2866


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CVS Pharmacy #0522617817 SE 109th AveSummerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 347-6616

Villages Pharmacy17860 SE 109th Ave Ste 616aSummerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 775-0888

Walmart Pharmacy 10-284317861 So. U.S. Hwy 441Summerfield, FL 34491Phone: (352) 307-4410


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Mail Order Pharmacy


OptumrxPhone: (855) 842-6337 TTY 711 24 hours a day / 7 day a week You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For refills of your mail order prescriptions, you have the option to sign up for an automatic refill program. Under this program, we will start to process your next refill automatically when our records show that you should be close to running out of your drug. We will contact you prior to shipping each refill to make sure you are in need of more medication. You can cancel scheduled refills if you have enough of your medication or if your medication has changed. If you choose not to use the auto refill program, please contact us 14 days before you think the drugs you have on hand will run out to make sure your next order is shipped to you in time. To opt out of the automatic refill program, please contact us by calling 1 (855) 842-6337, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription drugs within 14 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy receives the order. If you do not receive your prescription drug(s) within this time, please contact us at 1 (855) 842-6337.


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Home Infusion Pharmacies


Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida556 Florida Central Pkwy Ste 1044Longwood, FL 32750Phone: (407) 865-5489

Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville1700 NW 80th BlvdGainesville, FL 32606Phone: (352) 333-2525

Bioscrip Infusion Services3040 Venture Lane Suite 103Melbourne, FL 32934Phone: (321) 242-2996

Bioscrip Infusion Services3986 Boulevard Center Dr Ste 1Jacksonville, FL 32207Phone: (904) 398-1983

Bioscrip Infusion Services5505 Johns Road, Suite 700Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 549-5499

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.201 N. Tarragona St.Pensacola, FL 32502Phone: (850) 430-1259

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.13891 Jetport Loop Road Suite 5Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-2388

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.8509 Benjamin Rd Suite ATampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-5866

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services3439 N 12th Ave Suite A And BPensacola, FL 32503Phone: (850) 469-4573

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services9143 Phillips Hwy Suite 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 363-3089

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services12006 Miramar PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 431-3335

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services8508 Benjamin Road, Suite CTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 639-4500

Crescent Healthcare5431 SW 35th DriveGainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 373-8389

Health First Infusion1959 W 9th St Ste AWest Palm Beach, FL 33404Phone: (561) 842-2828

Holly Hill Pharmacy1702 Ridgewood Ave Ste C - GHolly Hill, FL 32117Phone: (386) 677-7377


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Kabafusion Fl3500 NW 2nd Ave Suite 704Boca Raton, FL 33431Phone: (877) 309-2207

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Oncology Pharmacy Group4733 W Atlantic Ave Ste 2Delray Beach, FL 33445Phone: (855) 674-2764

Option Care11650 Miramar Parkway Suite 100Miramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 885-6100

Option Care2880 Scherer RdSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 592-0045

Option Care14580 Global Parkway Suite 108Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-3456

Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc.5700 Dot Com Ct Ste 1030Oviedo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 678-2068

Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc.9655 Florida Mining Blvd. West Ste 411Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 652-1990

Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc.9984 Premier PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (800) 670-6922

Patient Care America3890 Park Central Blvd N.Pompano Beach, FL 33064Phone: (866) 348-0441

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Smp Pharmacy Solutions6050 S Dixie HwyMiami, FL 33143Phone: (305) 740-9696

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500


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Long Term Care Pharmacies


1st Choice Pharmacy Ltc2232 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 940-3521

A&R Pharmacy1155 Main Street Unit 109Jupiter, FL 33458Phone: (561) 630-3770

Advanced Pharmacy45 Skyline Drive Ste 1011Lake Mary, FL 32746Phone: (407) 805-8300

Alpha Touch Pharmacy10071 Pines Blvd Ste DPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-5200

Apex Heath Rx921 Town Center Dr Suite 100Orange City, FL 32763Phone: (386) 774-7933

Atkinsons Healthcare100 Old Orange Park RdOrange Park, FL 32073Phone: (904) 264-7578

B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc214 US Hwy 41 SouthInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care2 E Magnolia Ave Ste 201Eustis, FL 32726Phone: (352) 357-4341

Benzer Ltc3231 Tamiami Trl Ste DPort Charlotte, FL 33952Phone: (941) 303-1071

Butterfly Pharmacy3940 W Hillsborough AveTampa, FL 33614Phone: (813) 874-2900

Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford1455 E Airport BlvdSanford, FL 32773Phone: (855) 822-7366

Careone Pharmacy Services Llc1003 E Newport Center DrDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: (954) 425-6505

Center Pharmacy Ii1501 Viscaya PkwyCape Coral, FL 33990Phone: (239) 772-8866

Coastalmed Of Florida Llc433 N Macarthur AvePanama City, FL 32401Phone: (850) 872-8900


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Core Health Pharmacy11260 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33026Phone: (954) 450-8873

Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc1860 Highland Oaks BlvdLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 428-6963

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600

Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc.20-22 South Federal HighwayDania, FL 33004Phone: (954) 921-4661

Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Pharmacy1680 Meridian Ave 4th FloorMiami Beach, FL 33139Phone: (786) 439-1167

Dura-Med Pharmacy3877 Highway 4Jay, FL 32565Phone: (850) 675-6850

E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy4942 West State Road 46 Suite 1014, Westwood Village Shopping CenterSanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 915-7307

Ellenton Discount Pharmacy8324 US Highway 301 NParrish, FL 34219Phone: (941) 444-2233

Ep Ltc Pharmacy6440 SW 117th Ave 2nd FloorMiami, FL 33183Phone: (305) 630-9308

Family Care Rx, Llc4752 S Jog RdGreenacres, FL 33467Phone: (561) 432-2273

Florida Medical Supply5314-A Frank Hough RdPanama City, FL 32404Phone: (850) 785-1900

Foundational Health Pharmacy3031 W Cypress St Ste ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 527-0765

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5707 N 22nd StTampa, FL 33610Phone: (813) 239-8116

Genoa Healthcare, Llc12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite A142Tampa, FL 33612Phone: (253) 218-0830

Genoa Healthcare, Llc3292 County Road 220, Suite PMiddleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 301-4622

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2900 W Prospect Rd # ATamarac, FL 33309Phone: (754) 216-4844

Genoa Healthcare, Llc439 SW Michigan St Rm 12Lake City, FL 32025Phone: (386) 319-4050

Genoa Healthcare, Llc200 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Kissimmee, FL 34741Phone: (407) 344-9700

Genoa Healthcare, Llc137 Hospital Dr NE Ste QFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone: (727) 322-4008


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Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Genoa Healthcare, Llc215 N 3rd St Ste ALeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 702-0079

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2789 Ortiz Ave Bldg HFort Myers, FL 33905Phone: (239) 939-7935

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2634 Capital Cir Ne Building C, Suite 156Tallahassee, FL 32308Phone: (850) 666-5194

Genoa Healthcare, Llc379 6th Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 748-9409

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1201 1st St SWinter Haven, FL 33880Phone: (863) 291-4707

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1831 N Gilmore Ave Ste 1Lakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 614-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc525 E. 15th StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 522-0143

Genoa Healthcare, Llc330 SW 27th Ave # AFort Lauderdale, FL 33312Phone: (754) 216-5002

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4300 SW 13th St, Room 27Gainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 264-9995

Genoa Healthcare, Llc6075 Bathey Lane, Ste D5Naples, FL 34116Phone: (239) 234-1446

Genoa Healthcare, Llc919 NE 13th Street, Suite 244Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 756-9917

Global View Pharmacy2013 Harding StreetHollywood, FL 33020Phone: (954) 923-3839

Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc10 Aviator WayOrmond Beach, FL 32174Phone: (386) 615-1925

Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville8001 Belfort Pkwy Ste 160Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 296-0016

Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida212 N Wilson StCrestview, FL 32536Phone: (850) 306-3003


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Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc2815 Directors Row Ste 700Orlando, FL 32809Phone: (407) 270-6722

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida6100 Broken Sound Pkwy NwBoca Raton, FL 33487Phone: (954) 601-2121

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc24451 Sandhill Blvd Suite A & CPunta Gorda, FL 33983Phone: (941) 255-1987

Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc9402 International Ct.Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 577-0000

Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy135 N Banana River DrMerritt Island, FL 32952Phone: (321) 452-5058

Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc7057 University BlvdWinter Park, FL 32792Phone: (407) 671-0003

Hopkins Pharmacy4401 S Hopkins AveTitusville, FL 32780Phone: (321) 607-6802

Ims Pharmacy202 S Magnolia Ave Ste 1Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-1536

Iv Stat Inc533 Eglin Pkwy NeFort Walton Beach, FL 32547Phone: (850) 226-8162

J's Pharmacy6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Kings Discount Drug1242 Main StChipley, FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-4875

Lake Wales Pharmacy1322 Sr 60 ELake Wales, FL 33853Phone: (863) 676-0400

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 479-3048

Logos Pharmacy8315 Sheldon RdTampa, FL 33615Phone: (813) 886-2800

M & K Drugs340 East Sugarland Hwy Suite BClewiston, FL 33440Phone: (863) 983-2945

Maxcare Pharmacy6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Med-Source Pharmacy2223 SW 13th Ave Ste BMiami, FL 33145Phone: (305) 854-7377


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Ultimate Health Plans Marion November 2020

Medic Pharmacy Ltc5150 N Federal HwyFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: (954) 484-4200

Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc40230 US Highway 27 Suite 100-110Davenport, FL 33837Phone: (855) 633-6948

Meds To Home4801 George Rd Ste 190Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-2023

Medtown Pharmacy13770 Beach Blvd Ste 3Jacksonville, FL 32224Phone: (904) 551-5870

Memorial Family Pharmacy7009 N Armenia AveTampa, FL 33604Phone: (813) 874-0795

Northeast Florida State Hosp7487 South Sr 121Macclenny, FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6211

Novopharm Of Tampa Llc5404 Hoover Blvd Suite 22Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 374-9345

Omnicare Of Bradenton905 Manatee Ave EastBradenton, FL 34208Phone: (941) 739-9974

Omnicare Of Central Florida4150 Church Street Suite 1030Sanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 261-5800

Omnicare Of Jacksonville9143 Philips Hwy Ste 533Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 519-8900

Omnicare Of Panama City2605 W 23rd StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 763-4276

Omnicare Of South Florida2955 W Corporate Lakes Blvd Ste 600Weston, FL 33331Phone: (954) 660-5555

Omnicare Of Tampa8603 Florida Mining BoulevardTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 247-9225

Osceola Pharmacy1635 14th AveVero Beach, FL 32960Phone: (772) 562-3660

Park Shore Pharmacon600 Ansin BlvdHallandale Beach, FL 33009Phone: (954) 874-4646

Partner Rx6555 Nova Dr Ste 304Davie, FL 33317Phone: (954) 453-4990

Pharmacore Rx5406 Hoover Blvd Ste 19Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 580-8040

Pharmacy Care Center2081 W 76th St Ste 102Hialeah, FL 33016Phone: (305) 821-4337


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Pharmacy Pros, Llc110 Whitaker RdLutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 948-3135

Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota2850 Ringling BlvdSarasota, FL 34237Phone: (941) 366-0090

Pharmerica775 Bell RoadSarasota, FL 34240Phone: (941) 342-2500

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Pharmerica7970 Bay Berry Rd Suite 4Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 733-6099

Pharmerica1950 Commonwealth LaneTallahassee, FL 32303Phone: (850) 504-6262

Pharmerica3690 N. West 53 Street Suite 104Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069Phone: (954) 978-6997

Pharmerica337 Northlake Blvd Ste 1024Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 767-9010

Pharmscript Of Florida Llc3801 Corporex Park Drive Suite 115Tampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 418-5282

Pharmscript Of Florida South15491 SW 12th St Suite 400Sunrise, FL 33327Phone: (888) 319-1818

Pine Brook Pharmacy10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Premier Pharmacy Ltc2000 Pga Blvd Ste 5507Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408Phone: (561) 899-4429

Prime Pharmacy East5908 Hampton Oaks Pkwy Ste NTampa, FL 33610Phone: (877) 891-0005

Proxycare Inc747 Shotgun RdSunrise, FL 33326Phone: (954) 791-5400

Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc6463 S Falkenburg RdRiverview, FL 33578Phone: (833) 796-1527

Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc.3141 Fortune Way, Suite #1Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 899-3273

Rx Oasis9304 Balm Riverview RdRiverview, FL 33569Phone: (813) 677-6000

Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx2900 NW 60th StFort Lauderdale, FL 33309Phone: (954) 919-1818


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Ultimate Health Plans Marion November 2020

San Carlos Pharmacy18911 S Tamiami Trl Ste 13Fort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 590-8820

Savers Long Term Care200 Ocean Ave Suite AMelbourne Beach, FL 32951Phone: (321) 725-5492

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Sebring Pharmacy3023 US Highway 27 NSebring, FL 33870Phone: (863) 658-2417

Shell Point PharmacyShell Point Retirement Community 15051 Shell Point BlvdFort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 454-2234

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Solace Care Pharmacy2244 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Ste KKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: (407) 499-3990

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

South Florida State Hospital800 E Cypress DrPembroke Pines, FL 33025Phone: (954) 392-3027

Southcare Ltc Pharmacy6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc3340 Fairlane Farms Rd Ste 4Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 469-1181

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave N Ste A5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

Sun Pharmacy3320 Scherer Drive, Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (888) 228-5230

Supreme Rx1611 N Florida AveLakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 940-4733

The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc2468 US Highway 441/27 Ste 204Fruitland Park, FL 34731Phone: (352) 415-0505

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400


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Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500

United Pharmacy Llc3951 N. Haverhill Road Suite 120-121West Palm Beach, FL 33417Phone: (561) 616-9000

Venice Apothecary560 The RialtoVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 485-8205

Village Pharmacy1095 Tamiami Trl N Ste BNokomis, FL 34275Phone: (941) 488-8800

We Care Pharmacy417 Tamiami Trl SVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 786-9183

Wecare Pharmacy Llc7830 Gunn Hwy # ATampa, FL 33626Phone: (813) 908-6868

Wellness Rx Ltc7640 NW 25th St Ste 105Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 384-7600

Westminster Pharmacy Services7703 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 500Orlando, FL 32819Phone: (407) 244-9280

Westminster Pharmacy Services1700 3rd Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 741-3440

Winter Springs Pharmacy5942 Red Bug Lake RdWinter Springs, FL 32708Phone: (321) 316-4615


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Primary Care Physicians

Dade City

Guevara-Garay, Hector E., MDPrimary Medical CareInternal Medicine13438 Fort King RoadDade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-5266 / Fax: (352) 567-3066Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000020906Accepting new patients: Yes


De la Cruz Hernandez, Enrique J., MDAegis Medical Group, LLCGeneral Practice4915 Mile Stretch DriveHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 938-8443 / Fax: (727) 943-0301Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021310Accepting new patients: Yes


Agarwal, Usha, MDPhoenix American Medical, LLCInternal Medicine13908 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 846-9419 / Fax: (727) 816-8707Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019394Accepting new patients: Yes

Jeannot, Pierrot, MDInternal Medicine13911 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 111Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-8800 / Fax: (727) 869-8814Gender: MaleID #: 200000019561Accepting new patients: Yes

Jibawi, Abdel K., MDFamily Practice13235 State Road 52 Suite 102Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 378-8503 / Fax: (727) 857-7807Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, SpanishID #: 200000006621Accepting new patients: Yes

Laman, Jennifer L., DOFamily Practice13235 State Road 52 Suite 102Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 378-8503 / Fax: (727) 857-7807Gender: FemaleID #: 200000002814Accepting new patients: Yes


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Lamparelli, Michael P., DOFamily Practice13235 State Road 52 Suite 102Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 378-8503 / Fax: (727) 857-7807Gender: MaleID #: 200000012143Accepting new patients: Yes

Madnani, Harish M., MDInternal Medicine13911 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 111Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-8800 / Fax: (727) 869-8814Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, SindhiID #: 200000002542Accepting new patients: Yes

Malone, John D., DOFamily Practice13235 State Road 52 Suite 102Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 378-8503 / Fax: (727) 857-7807Gender: MaleID #: 200000018217Accepting new patients: Yes

Patel, Sheetal, MDFamily Practice13944 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-9079 / Fax: (727) 869-9096Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000002815Accepting new patients: Yes

Sassano, David J., DOFamily Practice13911 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 107Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-0569 / Fax: (727) 862-0658Gender: MaleID #: 200000001816Accepting new patients: Yes

Shah, Nina N., DOInternal Medicine13911 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 111Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-8800 / Fax: (727) 869-8814Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021664Accepting new patients: Yes

Tehranchi, Leah, DOFamily Practice13235 State Road 52 Suite 102Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 378-8503 / Fax: (727) 857-7807Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020438Accepting new patients: Yes

Young, Robert A., MDRobert A. Young, MDInternal Medicine13910 Lakeshore Boulevard Building 100 Suite 130Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-5478 / Fax: (727) 862-5477Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018219Accepting new patients: Yes


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Land O Lakes

Agarwal, Usha, MDPhoenix American Medical, LLCInternal Medicine19409 Shumard Oak Drive Suite 101Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (727) 846-9419 / Fax: (727) 816-8707Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019394Accepting new patients: Yes

New Port Richey

Adam, Ian, MDInternal Medicine5323 Grand BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-4600 / Fax: (727) 848-6131Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000003649Accepting new patients: Yes

Bhoomi, Rekha K., MDGulf Coast Primary Care, PLCFamily Practice4807 US Highway 19 Suite 201New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 847-9505 / Fax: (727) 847-9509Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002812Accepting new patients: Yes

Denka, Paulina, MDFamily Practice6633 Forest Avenue Suite 105New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 845-4300 / Fax: (813) 635-7834Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012747Accepting new patients: No

Dungan, Gregory, DOFamily Practice6600 Madison Street 2nd FloorNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 815-7207 / Fax: (727) 266-4951Gender: MaleID #: 200000019609Accepting new patients: No

Esposito, Monica A., DOFamily Practice5500 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 807-7081Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017707Accepting new patients: Yes

Fink, Andrew J., MDInternal Medicine6633 Forest Avenue Suite 105New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 845-4300 / Fax: (813) 635-7834Gender: MaleID #: 200000012703Accepting new patients: No


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Gangapuram Reddy, Udayabhasker, MDGulf Coast Primary Care, PLCInternal Medicine4807 US Highway 19 Suite 201New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 847-9505 / Fax: (727) 847-9509Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002813Accepting new patients: Yes

Herndon, David L., DOFamily Practice5500 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 807-7081Gender: MaleID #: 200000002679Accepting new patients: Yes

Jenkins, Jennifer M., DOFamily Practice8601 Easthaven CourtNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-0096 / Fax: (813) 635-2697Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017845Accepting new patients: No

Jibawi, Abdel K., MDFamily Practice7633 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 372-1009Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, SpanishID #: 200000006621Accepting new patients: Yes

Jibawi, Mohamad K., MDFamily Practice7633 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 372-1009Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000007736Accepting new patients: Yes

Johnson, Benston D., DOInternal Medicine6633 Forest Avenue Suite 105New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 845-4300 / Fax: (813) 635-7834Gender: MaleID #: 200000013021Accepting new patients: No

Lastra, Frank A., MDFamily Practice8601 Easthaven CourtNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-0096 / Fax: (813) 635-2697Gender: MaleID #: 200000012753Accepting new patients: No

Mercer, Connie K., MDFamily Practice8600 Easthaven CourtNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-7929 / Fax: (813) 635-2634Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012784Accepting new patients: No

Morrareddy, Gayathri, MDDr. Gayathri Morrareddy, MDInternal Medicine5537 Gulf DriveNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 849-2600 / Fax: (727) 845-1803Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Tagalog, TeluguID #: 200000005901Accepting new patients: Yes


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Nickel, Jodi L., MDFamily Practice4821 U.S. Highway 19 Suite 4New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 851-9654 / Fax: (813) 635-7942Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012711Accepting new patients: No

Ramos, Ivan A., MDInternal Medicine11910 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 863-2655 / Fax: (727) 861-3435Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000007176Accepting new patients: Yes

Rankin, George W., MDFamily Practice4821 U.S. Highway 19 Suite 4New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 851-9654 / Fax: (813) 635-7942Gender: MaleID #: 200000012229Accepting new patients: No

Rankin, Payton S, MDFamily Practice8600 Easthaven CourtNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-7929 / Fax: (813) 635-2634Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012782Accepting new patients: No

Riquetti, Peter A., MDFamily Practice8601 Easthaven CourtNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-0096 / Fax: (813) 635-2697Gender: MaleID #: 200000012858Accepting new patients: No

Shah, Sadhana A., MDAmerican Primary CareInternal Medicine5515 Gulf Drive Unit BNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 771-7200 / Fax: (727) 789-5936Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010861Accepting new patients: Yes

Stoyanov, Veselin S., MDFamily Practice7633 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 372-1009Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Russian, BulgarianID #: 200000003292Accepting new patients: No

Stoyanov, Veselin S., MDFamily Practice5500 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 807-7081Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Russian, BulgarianID #: 200000003292Accepting new patients: Yes

Port Richey

Dave, Rajesh B., MDRajesh B. Dave, MD, PAInternal Medicine6424 Embassy Boulevard Suite APort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 848-0247 / Fax: (727) 841-6351Gender: MaleID #: 200000002884Accepting new patients: Yes


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Durai, Pal S., MDDr. Pal S. Durai, MDInternal Medicine7505 Rottingham RoadPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 495-5190 / Fax: (727) 862-3193Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TamilID #: 200000006146Accepting new patients: Yes

Greenfield, Adam S., DOFamily Medical CenterFamily Practice10806 US Highway 19 Suite 102APort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 861-7043 / Fax: (727) 861-7382Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002217Accepting new patients: Yes

Hubsher, Mason I., MDHubsher HealthcareInternal Medicine6545 Ridge Road Suite 4Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 844-7077 / Fax: (727) 847-6919Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021161Accepting new patients: Yes

Hunt, David W., DOOneHealth Primary CareFamily Practice5721 Richey DrivePort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 807-9754 / Fax: (727) 835-7931Gender: MaleID #: 200000019265Accepting new patients: Yes

Shah, Saurinkumar P., MDTrinity Family Health CareFamily Practice6233 Ridge RoadPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 845-3333 / Fax: (727) 845-3308Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000003050Accepting new patients: Yes


Agarwal, Usha, MDPhoenix American Medical, LLCInternal Medicine3543 Little Road Suite BTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-9419 / Fax: (727) 816-8707Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019394Accepting new patients: Yes

Besch, Kurt T., MDInternal Medicine2087 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 203-8888 / Fax: (813) 635-2163Gender: MaleID #: 200000012887Accepting new patients: No

Bruneau, Matthew L., MDFamily Practice2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 216Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-2501 / Fax: (813) 635-2698Gender: MaleID #: 200000012686Accepting new patients: No


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Ferreira, Lisa M., MDFamily Practice2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 216Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-2501 / Fax: (813) 635-2698Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012788Accepting new patients: No

Garcia, Marcos F., MDInternal Medicine2087 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 203-8888 / Fax: (813) 635-2163Gender: MaleID #: 200000012692Accepting new patients: No

Greenfield, Adam S., DOFamily Medical CenterFamily Practice2208 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite ATrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-5885 / Fax: (727) 375-5841Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002217Accepting new patients: Yes

Lozano, Aaron R., MDFamily Practice2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 125Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-2501 / Fax: (813) 635-2698Gender: MaleID #: 200000013166Accepting new patients: No

Lura, Glenn I., MDAdvent Health Medical GroupFamily Practice11103 Trinity BoulevardTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 953-9041 / Fax: (727) 953-9043Gender: MaleID #: 200000018467Accepting new patients: Yes

Marx, Jennifer B., MDFamily Practice2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 216Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-2501 / Fax: (813) 635-2698Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012778Accepting new patients: No

Nagy, Jonathan P., MDFamily Practice2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 216Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-2501 / Fax: (813) 635-2698Gender: MaleID #: 200000012840Accepting new patients: No

Palmer, Sheallah A., MDFamily Practice2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 216Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-2501 / Fax: (813) 635-2698Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013028Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

Young, Jordan T., MDDr. Jordan T. Young, MD, PAInternal Medicine9332 State Road 54 Suite 202Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 597-4441 / Fax: (727) 597-4445Gender: MaleID #: 200000013478Accepting new patients: Yes

Wesley Chapel

Bhatia, Anil M., MDAnil M. Bhatia, MD, PAInternal Medicine5845 Argerian DriveWesley Chapel, FL 33545Phone: (813) 975-1501 / Fax: (813) 975-1505Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000011786Accepting new patients: Yes

Mankodi, Kshemal P., MDChapel Primary CareFamily Practice28959 State Road 54Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 994-4749 / Fax: (813) 994-0474Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000013476Accepting new patients: Yes

Shechtman, Steven, MDInternal Medicine2529 Cypress Ridge BoulevardWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 920-1800 / Fax: (813) 605-6139Gender: MaleID #: 200000019380Accepting new patients: No


Caceres, Sara V., MDBay Area Medical Clinic, PAFamily Practice37922 Daughtery RoadZephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 780-7756Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishAccepting new patients: Yes

Dadlani, Sindhu, MDInternal Medicine4949 6th StreetZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-1940 / Fax: (813) 788-1937Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003409Accepting new patients: Yes

Pagan, Angel G., MDZephyrhills Primary Care AssociatesGeneral Practice6719 Gall Boulevard Suite 107Zephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 377-1881 / Fax: (813) 377-1882Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021694Accepting new patients: Yes

Villaplana, Jose A., MDInternal Medicine4949 6th StreetZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-1940 / Fax: (813) 788-1937Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishAccepting new patients: Yes


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Villaplana, Jose A., MDBay Area Medical Clinic, PAInternal Medicine37914 Daughtery Road Suite 3Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 780-9900Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishAccepting new patients: Yes


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Allergy / Immunology

New Port Richey

Chamarthy, Latha M., MDAdvanced Allergy & Asthma Care, PLLC1823 Health Care Drive Building 5New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 544-8100 / Fax: (727) 544-8200Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Tamil, TeluguID #: 200000010115

Shetty, Ranjith M., MDAllergy & Asthma Clinic5411 Grand Boulevard Suite 109New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 841-8876 / Fax: (727) 843-8508Gender: MaleID #: 200000000068


Bayonet Point

Lee, Scott F., MDNature Coast Heart Rhythm14100 Fivay Road Suite 340Bayonet Point, FL 34667Phone: (727) 819-9107 / Fax: (727) 819-9138Gender: MaleID #: 200000019073


Ali, Rias K., MDHoliday Heart & Vascular4740 Mile Stretch DriveHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 943-5200 / Fax: (727) 943-5201Gender: MaleID #: 200000003922

Javeed, Najam, MDHoliday Heart & Vascular4740 Mile Stretch DriveHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 943-5200 / Fax: (727) 943-5201Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Kannada, UrduID #: 200000003188


Agarwal, Sudhir, MDFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC13908 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000004485

Akel, Rami M., MDFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC13908 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000511


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

Annoni-Suau, Luis R., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC14100 Fivay Road Suite 310Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-3202 / Fax: (727) 862-2182Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002080

Chalavarya, Gopal K., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC7614 Jacque Road Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000000720

Chang, Fong Mei Y., MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 202Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-5404 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000000666

Dahhan, Ali, MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 202Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-5404 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: Male

Di Martino, Peter L., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC7614 Jacque Road Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000359

Jauch, Werner, MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 202Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-5404 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000000668

Jimenez, Raul A., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC14100 Fivay Road Suite 310Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-3202 / Fax: (727) 862-2182Gender: MaleID #: 200000001721

Musunuru, S.K. Rao, MDBayonet Point/Hudson Cardiology Associates, PA14100 Fivay Road Suite 160Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-1080 / Fax: (727) 863-3093Gender: MaleID #: 200000000675

Nareddy, Jogi R., MDBayonet Point/Hudson Cardiology Associates, PA14100 Fivay Road Suite 160Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-1080 / Fax: (727) 863-3093Gender: MaleID #: 200000000676

Patel, Darshan V., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC7614 Jacque Road Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, GujaratiID #: 200000000360


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

Pitarys II, Christos J., MDWest Florida Cardiology Consultants14100 Fivay Road Suite 110Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5040 / Fax: (727) 842-4962Gender: MaleID #: 200000000993

Ramireddy, Keshav, MDBayonet Point/Hudson Cardiology Associates, PA14100 Fivay Road Suite 160Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-1080 / Fax: (727) 863-3093Gender: MaleID #: 200000000530

Rao, Arun P., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC7614 Jacque Road Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleID #: 200000009476

Rao, Arun P., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC14100 Fivay Road Suite 120Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 819-2338 / Fax: (727) 819-2481Gender: MaleID #: 200000009476

Raxwal, Vinod K., MD14100 Fivay Road Suite 130Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 857-4871 / Fax: (727) 255-5560Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Russian, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000003070

Rossi, Peter A., MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 202Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-5404 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000000669

Sharma, Nagaraja D., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC7614 Jacque Road Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleID #: 200000000361

Yamamura, Kenneth, MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC14100 Fivay Road Suite 310Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-3202 / Fax: (727) 862-2182Gender: MaleID #: 200000005774

Zaki, Khaja M., MDBayonet Point/Hudson Cardiology Associates, PA14100 Fivay Road Suite 160Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-1080 / Fax: (727) 863-3093Gender: MaleID #: 200000000385


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

Land O Lakes

Agarwal, Sudhir, MDFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC19409 Shumard Oak Drive Suite 101Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000004485

Ledbetter, Robert W., DOFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC19409 Shumard Oak Drive Suite 101Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleID #: 200000005714

New Port Richey

Black, Robert A., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000012694

Boyiadzis, Harris, MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000006126

Chalavarya, Gopal K., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC4738 Grand Boulevard Suite ENew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000000720

Chang, Fong Mei Y., MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.3633 Little Road Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-5952 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000000666

Cheng, Wayne, MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000012865

Dagher, Georges A., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000008275

Dahhan, Ali, MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.3633 Little Road Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-5952 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: Male


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Di Martino, Peter L., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC4738 Grand Boulevard Suite ENew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000359

Goldman, Stephen A., MDWest Florida Cardiology Consultants6633 Forest Avenue Suite 302New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 849-8771 / Fax: (727) 842-4962Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001293

Hobson, Jonathan D., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000012870

Jauch, Werner, MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.3633 Little Road Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-5952 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000000668

Khalil, Sherief N., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000011586

Kharod, Anant M., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: Male

Kovach, Todd A., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000008048

Kristof-Kuteyeva, Olga, MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013165

Lin, Lang, MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012874

Moondra, Vaibhav, MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000008226

Mosher, Laura G., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: FemaleID #: 200000008327


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Nair, Nanda K., DO6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000013159

Nguyen, Van Q., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000008355

Patel, Darshan V., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC4738 Grand Boulevard Suite ENew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 862-8383 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, GujaratiID #: 200000000360

Patel, Parag D., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000009375

Pitarys II, Christos J., MDWest Florida Cardiology Consultants6633 Forest Avenue Suite 302New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 849-8771 / Fax: (727) 842-4962Gender: MaleID #: 200000000993

Quick, Kimberly M., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012875

Raxwal, Vinod K., MD6325 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 203-3802 / Fax: (727) 255-5560Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Russian, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000003070

Rossi, Peter A., MDPasco Cardiology Center, Inc.3633 Little Road Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-5952 / Fax: (727) 863-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000000669

Shah, Rachit M., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: Male

Sharma, Rakesh K., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000012877

Sodano, Dan M., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 372-4923Gender: MaleID #: 200000008688


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Port Richey

Chadda, Nader H., MDGulf Coast Medical Center11528 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 868-2151 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleID #: 200000001011

Forcella Jr., John A., DOGulf Coast Medical Center9238 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-8491 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleID #: 200000001200


Agarwal, Sudhir, MDFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC3543 Little Road Suite ATrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000004485

Akel, Rami M., MDFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC3543 Little Road Suite ATrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000000511

Annoni-Suau, Luis R., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002080

Bayron, Carlos J., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleID #: 200000006172

Cambier, Patrick A., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleID #: 200000011013

Jimenez, Raul A., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleID #: 200000001721

Kunhardt, Rene E., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008128


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Ledbetter, Robert W., DOFlorida Cardiology Associates, LLC3543 Little Road Suite ATrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 848-6400 / Fax: (727) 848-6200Gender: MaleID #: 200000005714

Rahim, Abdur, MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003812

Sanchez-Ponce, Rafael, MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008145

Yamamura, Kenneth, MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC2035 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 849-2623Gender: MaleID #: 200000005774

Wesley Chapel

Cosme-Montalvo, Octavio, MDTampa Cardiovascular Associates2136 Ashley Oaks Circle Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 975-2800 / Fax: (813) 977-7924Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016322

Feliz De La Cruz, Victor, MDTampa Cardiovascular Associates2136 Ashley Oaks Circle Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 975-2800 / Fax: (813) 977-7924Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008384

Marques, Vasco M., MDTampa Cardiovascular Associates2136 Ashley Oaks Circle Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 975-2800 / Fax: (813) 977-7924Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Italian, Portuguese, SpanishID #: 200000008385

Sawar, Asad, MDTampa Cardiovascular Associates2136 Ashley Oaks Circle Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 975-2800 / Fax: (813) 977-7924Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000008994



Riddle, Glenn P., DCRiddle Family Chiropractic, Inc.4617 Mile Stretch DriveHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 938-5322 / Fax: (727) 943-9546Gender: MaleID #: 200000015324


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Shontz, Michael V., DCRandolph C. Harding, DC, PA2326 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 937-4191 / Fax: (727) 942-4331Gender: MaleID #: 200000001579


Dahmer, Brian K., DCFamily Chiropractic Center for Wellness, Inc.9206 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 862-8571 / Fax: (727) 862-8573Gender: MaleID #: 200000001910

Patel, Anish H., DCFamily Chiropractic Center for Wellness, Inc.9206 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 862-8571 / Fax: (727) 862-8573Gender: MaleID #: 200000001911

Land O Lakes

Tinari, Dominick A., DCTinari Chiropractic19439 Shumard Oak Drive Suite 101Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (813) 875-7900 / Fax: (813) 875-7930Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000823

New Port Richey

Blanco, Allisha L., DCGrand Chiropractic, PA6145 Grand BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 849-5077 / Fax: (727) 849-7901Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014829

Conner, Kevin P., DCCongress Chiropractic7534 Congress StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 847-3852 / Fax: (727) 849-9900Gender: MaleID #: 200000013450

Ligertwood, Paul A., DCLigertwood Chiropractic Clinic, Inc.10129 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 819-2273 / Fax: (727) 863-9313Gender: MaleID #: 200000002656

Willis, Steven G., DC7633 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 372-1005 / Fax: (727) 372-1009Gender: MaleID #: 200000002067


Zografakis, Stelios I., DCStelios Spine and Health, LLC.2154 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 103Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-3333 / Fax: (727) 372-3331Gender: MaleID #: 200000016959


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Colorectal Surgery


Verga, Arthur L., MDTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP7543 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-7800 / Fax: (727) 868-7866Gender: MaleID #: 200000006494

Critical Care


Patel, Mukesh R., MDMukesh R. Patel MD, PA13740 Office Park Court Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-7487 / Fax: (727) 861-7504Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000004061

New Port Richey

Kumar, Alok, MDComprehensive Medical Care, LLC5453 Gulf Drive Suite 3New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 847-2214 / Fax: (727) 846-0923Gender: MaleID #: 200000001697

Patel, Mukesh R., MDMukesh R. Patel MD, PA4738 Grand Boulevard Suite HNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-0994 / Fax: (727) 861-7504Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000004061


Bayonet Point

Fotopoulos, Theodore N., MDNew Image Dermatology7509 State Road 52 Suite 150Bayonet Point, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-8884 / Fax: (727) 863-3964Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000000945


Hamill Jr., John R., MDGulf Coast Dermatology7547 Jacque RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8561 / Fax: (727) 863-7296Gender: MaleID #: 200000000674

Sable, David B., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.13910 Fivay Road Suite 5Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 259-7930 / Fax: (727) 935-0505Gender: MaleID #: 200000006270


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New Port Richey

Fotopoulos, Theodore N., MDNew Image Dermatology5534 Gulf Drive Suite 1New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 847-3992 / Fax: (727) 848-1118Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000000945

Johnson, Brian T., MDTrinity Dermatology5341 Grand Boulevard Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 815-9878 / Fax: (727) 848-7967Gender: MaleID #: 200000000690

Lam, David A., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 222New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-5961 / Fax: (727) 376-8710Gender: MaleID #: 200000001930

Monticciolo, Natalie L., DOPrestige Dermatology, Inc.5091 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 849-1447 / Fax: (727) 849-3208Gender: FemaleID #: 200000001577

Nyanda, Hoka L., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8209 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 569-1055 / Fax: (727) 569-1505Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000011761

Podnos, Scott M., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8209 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 569-1055 / Fax: (727) 569-1505Gender: Male

Wangia, Michael W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8209 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 569-1055 / Fax: (727) 569-1505Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000018381

Port Richey

Chavda, Krina, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8220 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 841-8505 / Fax: (727) 846-0561Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000153

Farsi, Maheera A, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8220 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 841-8505 / Fax: (727) 846-0561Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017510

Freilich, Ira W., MDGulf Coast Medical Center11528 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 868-2151 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleID #: 200000019540


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Krutchik, Michael E., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8220 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 841-8505 / Fax: (727) 846-0561Gender: MaleID #: 200000000146

Miller, Richard A., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8220 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 841-8505 / Fax: (727) 846-0561Gender: MaleID #: 200000000148


Johnson, Brian T., MDTrinity Dermatology1805 Cypress Brook Drive Suite 101Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 264-8833 / Fax: (727) 264-8827Gender: MaleID #: 200000000690

Wesley Chapel

Farsi, Maheera A, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery2653 Bruce B Downs BoulevardWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 514-0823 / Fax: (813) 406-5167Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017510

Goldsmith, Charya, MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery27612 Cashford Circle Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 991-1457 / Fax: (813) 907-2706Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016154

McMeekin, Thomas O., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.2412 Cypress Glen Drive Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 341-1480 / Fax: (813) 528-8730Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000017683

Moon, Summer, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery2653 Bruce B Downs BoulevardWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 514-0823 / Fax: (813) 406-5167Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015040

Vasiloudes, Panayiotis E., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.2412 Cypress Glen Drive Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 341-1480 / Fax: (813) 528-8730Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, German, GreekID #: 200000001928


Goldsmith, Charya, MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery6719 Gall Boulevard Suite 106Zephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 355-5870 / Fax: (813) 355-5891Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016154

Podnos, Scott M., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery6719 Gall Boulevard Suite 106Zephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 355-5870 / Fax: (813) 355-5891Gender: Male


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Wangia, Michael W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery6719 Gall Boulevard Suite 106Zephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 355-5870 / Fax: (813) 355-5891Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000018381

Wangia, Michael W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery6719 Gall Boulevard Suite 106Zephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 355-5870 / Fax: (813) 355-5891Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000018381



Faris, Talal, MDDiabetes, Thyroid & Endocrinology Center, PL7414 Community CourtHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-3200 / Fax: (727) 868-3204Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000005938

Janicka, Ania E., DODiabetes Care Center, Inc.14100 Fivay Road Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000499

Loman, Lusiana, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.14100 Fivay Road Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): IndonesianID #: 200000000500

Penabad, Jesus L., MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.14100 Fivay Road Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000607

Pinero-Pilona, Antonio, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.14100 Fivay Road Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000501

Plazarte, Monica Y., DODiabetes Care Center, Inc.14100 Fivay Road Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008638


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Szafran-Swietlik, Anna, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.14100 Fivay Road Suite 250Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): PolishID #: 200000001133

New Port Richey

Janicka, Ania E., DODiabetes Care Center, Inc.5422 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000499

Loman, Lusiana, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.5422 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): IndonesianID #: 200000000500

Penabad, Jesus L., MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.5422 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000607

Pinero-Pilona, Antonio, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.5422 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000501

Plazarte, Monica Y., DODiabetes Care Center, Inc.5422 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008638

Szafran-Swietlik, Anna, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.5422 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 869-7822 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): PolishID #: 200000001133


Faris, Talal, MDDiabetes, Thyroid & Endocrinology Center, PL1815 Health Care Drive Building 5, Suite ATrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 868-3200 / Fax: (727) 868-3204Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000005938

Wesley Chapel

Patel, Soham P., MDCenter for Preventative Endocrinology and Nutrition27415 Cashford Circle Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 670-3228 / Fax: (813) 463-7972Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000019800


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Qureshi, Ambreen, MDThyroid Endocrinology and Diabetes Specialists of Tampa, LLC2204 Ashley Oaks Circle Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 474-3636 / Fax: (813) 826-2536Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011528

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery


Obstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698ID #: 200000021439

Williams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336ID #: 200000021439

Obstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698

Williams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336



Freedland, Curtis P., DOGastroenterology Associates of West Florida7515 State Road 52 Suite 105Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 846-7031 / Fax: (727) 857-6910Gender: MaleID #: 200000000835

Ghanekar, Dilip V., MDGastroenterology Associates of West Florida7515 State Road 52 Suite 105Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 846-7031 / Fax: (727) 857-6910Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000000836

Herraka, Ihab, MD13911 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 112Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 846-9419 / Fax: (727) 816-8707Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000010856

Lakshminarasimhan, Venu, MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC7533 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-9436 / Fax: (727) 862-5611Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000003112


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Staffetti, Joseph F., MDGastroenterology Associates of West Florida7515 State Road 52 Suite 105Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 846-7031 / Fax: (727) 857-6910Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ItalianID #: 200000000837

Staffetti, Joseph F., MDGulf Coast Medical Center13740 Office Park Court Suite BHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-2151 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ItalianID #: 200000001128

New Port Richey

Freedland, Curtis P., DOGastroenterology Associates of West Florida10820 State Road 54 Suite 201New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-7031 / Fax: (727) 846-7132Gender: MaleID #: 200000000835

Ghanekar, Dilip V., MDGastroenterology Associates of West Florida10820 State Road 54 Suite 201New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-7031 / Fax: (727) 846-7132Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000000836

Staffetti, Joseph F., MDGastroenterology Associates of West Florida10820 State Road 54 Suite 201New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-7031 / Fax: (727) 846-7132Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ItalianID #: 200000000837

Vangara, Sreenivasa P., MDSreenivas P. Vangara, MD, PA5515 Gulf Drive Suite BNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-3995 / Fax: (727) 843-9400Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000003748

Port Richey

Freedland, Curtis P., DOGulf Coast Medical Center9238 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-8491 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleID #: 200000001127

Ghanekar, Dilip V., MDGulf Coast Medical Center9238 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-8491 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000001126


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Staffetti, Joseph F., MDGulf Coast Medical Center9238 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-8491 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ItalianID #: 200000001128


Patel, Jigneshkumar B., MDBay Area Gastroenterology Associates, LLC1818 Short Branch Drive Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-4500 / Fax: (727) 372-3500Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000005077

General Dentistry

Dade City

Nazco Batista, Maria E., DDSPremier Community Healthcare Group, Inc.37944 Pasco AvenueDade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 518-2000 / Fax: (352) 567-0218Gender: Female

Painter, Lisa, DDSPremier Community Healthcare Group, Inc.37944 Pasco AvenueDade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 518-2000 / Fax: (352) 567-0218Gender: Female


Hecht, Alan D., DDSBright Now! Dental4639 Sunray DriveHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 942-2577 / Fax: (727) 942-2579Gender: Male

Rodriguez, Hector C., DDSBright Now! Dental4639 Sunray DriveHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 942-2577 / Fax: (727) 942-2579Gender: Male

Land O Lakes

De Jesus, Maridith G., DDSDental Health Group2091 Collier ParkwayLand O Lakes, FL 34639Phone: (813) 948-6290 / Fax: (813) 237-6426Gender: Female

New Port Richey

Martinez, Pedro J., DMDTrinity Dental Designs, Inc.8532 Old County Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 372-9669 / Fax: (727) 372-5022Gender: Male

Patel, Rajin, DMDSmile Bright Dental7280 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 807-3355 / Fax: (727) 807-3344Gender: Male


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Santa Cruz, Raymond A., DMDSmile Design Dentistry4101 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 777-6450 / Fax: (727) 376-3296Gender: Male

Port Richey

Arrabal Morejon, Glenda, DMDBright Now! Dental9682 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 842-2422 / Fax: (727) 841-7326Gender: Female

Eljack, Haitham, DMDBright Now! Dental9682 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 842-2422 / Fax: (727) 841-7326Gender: Male

Hassan, Amel A., DDSSmile Design Dentistry10806 US Highway 19 Suite 101Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 863-2497 / Fax: (813) 464-3184Gender: Female

Parikshak, Paresh J., DDSPremier Dental Associates8535 Regency Park BoulevardPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 844-5520 / Fax: (727) 844-5303Gender: Male


Jergins, Michael, DMDWest Coast Dental Partners, PL10733 Maple Creek Drive Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 513-5531 / Fax: (727) 499-9552Gender: Male

Wesley Chapel

Habibi, Maryam, DMDBright Now! Dental1764 Bruce B Downs BoulevardWesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 528-4006 / Fax: (813) 907-8930Gender: Female


Franz, Rachel L., DMDDental Health Group7950 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 715-1271 / Fax: (813) 715-1402Gender: Female

General Surgery


Neyra, Harold, DOSurgical Speciality Group of Oviedo8400 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 1010Ovideo, FL 32765Gender: Male


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Bayonet Point

Fridley II, Donald R., DOSurgical Associates of Bayonet Point14100 Fivay Road Suite 340Bayonet Point, FL 34667Phone: (727) 819-9107 / Fax: (727) 819-9138Gender: MaleID #: 200000018096


Martin, Laurence J., MDTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP7543 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-7800 / Fax: (727) 868-7866Gender: MaleID #: 200000000826

Verga, Arthur L., MDTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP7543 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-7800 / Fax: (727) 868-7866Gender: MaleID #: 200000006494

New Port Richey

Allred Figel, Nicole A., MDUnited Vein Centers4619 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (813) 961-1331 / Fax: (888) 850-8316Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017770

Borock, Eric C., MD6633 Forest Avenue Suite 205New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 375-2849 / Fax: (727) 266-4951Gender: MaleID #: 200000006372

Davidson, Robert S., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 204New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010377

Kiang, William, DOUnited Vein Centers4619 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (813) 961-1331 / Fax: (888) 850-8316Gender: MaleID #: 200000018464

Shelton, Tiffani D., DOMinimally Invasive Surgical Specialists, LLC7657 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (813) 563-2310 / Fax: (727) 312-4841Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011618


Shelton, Tiffani D., DOMinimally Invasive Surgical Specialists, LLC8142 Bellarus Way Suite 101Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (813) 563-2310 / Fax: (855) 274-0039Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011618


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Wright, Alene J., MDGeneral Surgery Center of Trinity9332 State Road 54 Suite 400Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-4779 / Fax: (727) 372-4559Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000000827

Wesley Chapel

Carling, Tobias J.E., MDNorman Clayman Endocrine Institute, LLC2400 Cypress Glen DriveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 972-0000Gender: Male

Suh, Hyunsuk, MDNorman Clayman Endocrine Institute, LLC2400 Cypress Glen DriveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 972-0000Gender: Male

Taggar, Amit K., MDFlorida Surgical Weight Loss Center2318 Cypress Cove Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 877-6000 / Fax: (813) 877-6002Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000014992



Denson, Aaron C., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000019620

Hansalia, Sudhir J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016183

Kerr II, Daniel A., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleID #: 200000019621


Denson, Aaron C., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000019620


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Hansalia, Sudhir J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016183

Kerr II, Daniel A., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleID #: 200000019621

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Infectious Disease

Wesley Chapel

Busciglio, Lindell A., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000003564

Cancio, Margarita R., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000005628

Carrington, Moise L., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000003540

Haridas, Manju S., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 100Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 436-5163Gender: Female

Haridas, Manju S., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019468

Harris, Meghan M., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019076


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Khan, Nadeem R., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: MaleID #: 200000005634

Mai, Jane N., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000005630

Mayer, Cynthia A., DOInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000005631

Mohmand, Asad K., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: MaleID #: 200000008882

Mohmand, Asad K., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 100Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 436-5163Gender: Male

Murthy, Deepthi, MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000019077

Noel, Pamela R., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000005635

Pandya, Shuchi S., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000014309

Patel, Yagneshvari S., DOInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleID #: 200000005636

Torres-Velazco, Jeniffer, MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000005632


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Ubillos, Scott S., MDInfectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay5504 Gateway Boulevard Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 251-8444 / Fax: (813) 254-6414Gender: MaleID #: 200000003334



Badillo, Linda J., MDRenal Hypertension Center14134 Nephron LaneHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5418 / Fax: (727) 869-8626Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000545

Hariachar, Srinivas K., MDRenal Hypertension Center14134 Nephron LaneHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5418 / Fax: (727) 869-8626Gender: MaleID #: 200000000168

Numrungroad, Visal, MDGulf Coast Nephrology Associates, P.A.14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 102-BHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 848-1274 / Fax: (727) 849-6409Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, SpanishID #: 200000002014

Qi, Quanle, MDGulf Coast Nephrology Associates, P.A.14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 102-BHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 848-1274 / Fax: (727) 849-6409Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000002022

Reddy, Purushottam M., MDRenal Hypertension Center14134 Nephron LaneHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5418 / Fax: (727) 869-8626Gender: MaleID #: 200000000170

Reyes, Daisy B., MDRenal Hypertension Center14134 Nephron LaneHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5418 / Fax: (727) 869-8626Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000171

Land O Lakes

Reddy, Mahathi A., MDRenal Hypertension Center19409 Shumard Oak Drive Suite 101Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (727) 376-3725 / Fax: (727) 376-3742Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000002180


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New Port Richey

Badillo, Linda J., MDRenal Hypertension Center4113 Little Road Suite 101New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3725 / Fax: (727) 376-3742Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000545

D'Cunha, Prakas T., MDRenal Hypertension Center4113 Little Road Suite 101New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3725 / Fax: (727) 376-3742Gender: MaleID #: 200000002093

Numrungroad, Visal, MDGulf Coast Nephrology Associates, P.A.4738 Grand Boulevard Suite DNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-1274 / Fax: (727) 849-6409Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, SpanishID #: 200000002014

Qi, Quanle, MDGulf Coast Nephrology Associates, P.A.4738 Grand Boulevard Suite DNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-1274 / Fax: (727) 849-6409Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000002022

Reddy, Mahathi A., MDRenal Hypertension Center4113 Little Road Suite 101New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3725 / Fax: (727) 376-3742Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000002180


Muthalakuzhy, George S., MDHypertension Kidney and Stone Center, LLC6719 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 724-3868 / Fax: (813) 724-3992Gender: MaleID #: 200000012212



Gu, Qin, MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease7539 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-2115 / Fax: (727) 863-6167Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000000418

Malka, David W., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease7539 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-2115 / Fax: (727) 863-6167Gender: MaleID #: 200000000419


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Subramanian, Thondikulam A., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease7539 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-2115 / Fax: (727) 863-6167Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000000421

New Port Richey

Malka, David W., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease8140 Picton Way Suite 103New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 841-7993 / Fax: (727) 841-7963Gender: MaleID #: 200000000419

Subramanian, Thondikulam A., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease8140 Picton Way Suite 103New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 841-7993 / Fax: (727) 841-7963Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000000421

Umamaheswaran, Indira K., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease8140 Picton Way Suite 103New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 841-7993 / Fax: (727) 841-7963Gender: MaleID #: 200000000422

Wesley Chapel

Patel, Prakashkumar N., MDSunrise Neurology, PA2754 Windguard Circle Suite 102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 783-9799 / Fax: (813) 783-9793Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001841


Patel, Prakashkumar N., MDSunrise Neurology, PA38156 Medical Center AvenueZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 783-9799 / Fax: (813) 783-9793Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001841



Sincoff, Eric H., MDBrain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC16506 Point Village Drive Suite 107Lutz, FL 33558Phone: (813) 336-4461 / Fax: (813) 336-4466Gender: MaleID #: 200000008910


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Soliman, John S., DOBrain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC16506 Point Village Drive Suite 107Lutz, FL 33558Phone: (813) 336-4461 / Fax: (813) 336-4466Gender: MaleID #: 200000007552

Port Richey

Giannakopoulos, George D., MDNeurosurgical Spine Center11425 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 861-2332 / Fax: (727) 861-3217Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000000049


Ahmadian, Amir A., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2445 Country Place Boulevard Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleID #: 200000010745

Deukmedjian, Armen R., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2445 Country Place Boulevard Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000010730

Paluzzi, Jason, MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2445 Country Place Boulevard Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleID #: 200000017132

Wesley Chapel

Ahmadian, Amir A., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2700 Healing Way Suite 300Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleID #: 200000010745

Deukmedjian, Armen R., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2700 Healing Way Suite 300Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000010730

Obstetrics / Gynecology


Awwad, Amal A., MDBayfront Health OB/GYN14751 State Road 52 Suite A105Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (352) 686-8888 / Fax: (888) 828-8534Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000011883


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Bardach, Reut, MDOrange Blossom Women's Care, PLLC2043 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-7000 / Fax: (888) 260-1182Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000011765

Bowen, Jennifer, DOObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021302

Bowen, Jennifer, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021302

Buck, Jenny L., MDObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021340

Buck, Jenny L., MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021340

Colon-Rivera, Malieri, MDObstetrics and Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Road 54 Suite 406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014085

Funai, Edmund F., MDMaternal Fetal Medicine of West Florida9332 State Road 54 Suite 407Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-7295 / Fax: (727) 375-7194Gender: MaleID #: 200000015043

Goldman, Joshua, MDObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: MaleID #: 200000021439

Goldman, Joshua, MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: MaleID #: 200000021439

Graham, Melinda L., MDOrange Blossom Women's Care, PLLC2043 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-7000 / Fax: (888) 260-1182Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017982


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Harris, Nay G., MDObstetrics and Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Road 54 Suite 406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000006493

Moorhead, Lauren, MDObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: Female

Moorhead, Lauren, MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Nolan, Christy, DOObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: Female

Nolan, Christy, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Parisi, Valerie M., MD2114 Seven Springs BoulevardTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (352) 518-2000Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012869

Shelden, Sarah, DOObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: Female

Shelden, Sarah, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Stanton, Karin K., DOOrange Blossom Women's Care, PLLC2043 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-7000 / Fax: (888) 260-1182Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020003

Watson, Jennifer, DOObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: Female

Watson, Jennifer, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Williams, Aaron, MDObstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity9332 State Rd 54 #406Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-3798 / Fax: (727) 375-0698Gender: Male


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Williams, Aaron, MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 171Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Male

Wesley Chapel

Freling, Julia, MDGenerations OB/GYN2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021429

Gooden, Natasha, MDInsignia Care for Women2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021457

Greenberg, Steven, MDInsignia Care for Women2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: MaleID #: 200000021463

Irani, Jennifer, MDInsignia Care for Women2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021540

Patel, Delaura, MDGenerations OB/GYN2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: Female

Patrick, Tiffany, MDGenerations OB/GYN2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: Female

Pena, Reshelle, MDInsignia Care for Women2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: Female

Schwartz Miller, Tracey, MDInsignia Care for Women2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: Female

Segall, Kristen, MDGenerations OB/GYN2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: Female

Von Thron, James, MDInsignia Care for Women2324 Cypress CoveWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0398 / Fax: (813) 907-7608Gender: Male


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Parisi, Valerie M., MD38030 Daughtery RoadZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (352) 518-2000Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012869


Also see Hematology/Oncology


Denson, Aaron C., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000019620

Hansalia, Sudhir J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016183

Kerr II, Daniel A., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleID #: 200000019621


Denson, Aaron C., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000019620

Desai, Pratibha K., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, MarathiID #: 200000015588

Hansalia, Sudhir J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016183

Kerr II, Daniel A., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleID #: 200000019621

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590


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Wesley Chapel

Greenberg, Harvey M., MDTampa Bay Radiation Oncology, PA2309 Crestover LaneWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 522-5100 / Fax: (813) 345-8147Gender: MaleID #: 200000009658


Bayonet Point

Menosky, Matthew M., MDBay Area Retina Consultants7515 State Road 52 Suite 106Bayonet Point, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-3262 / Fax: (727) 442-3467Gender: Male

Mines, Jonathan A., MDBay Area Retina Consultants7515 State Road 52 Suite 106Bayonet Point, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-3262 / Fax: (727) 442-3467Gender: Male

New Port Richey

Linsey, Kyle, DOThe Villages Eye Institute2020 Seven Springs BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1311 / Fax: (727) 372-1972Gender: Male

Perich, Larry M., DOPerich Eye Center2020 Seven Springs BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1311 / Fax: (727) 372-1972Gender: Male

Perich, Larry M., DOThe Villages Eye Institute2020 Seven Springs BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1311 / Fax: (727) 372-1972Gender: Male

Perich, Tanya, DOPerich Eye Center2020 Seven Springs BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1311 / Fax: (727) 372-1972Gender: Female

Perich, Tanya D., DOThe Villages Eye Institute2020 Seven Springs BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1311 / Fax: (727) 372-1972Gender: Female

Shah, Geeta R., MDPerich Eye Center2020 Seven Springs BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1311 / Fax: (727) 372-1972Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi

Port Richey

Montzka, Dan P., MDGulf Coast Retina Associates10730 US 19 Suite 7Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 862-3090 / Fax: (727) 862-3023Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, Spanish


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Wesley Chapel

Kaufman, Stuart J., MDKaufman Eye Institute2145 Cypress Boulevard Suite 201Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-1133 / Fax: (813) 973-1144Gender: Male

Linsey, Kyle, DOThe Villages Eye Institute2621 Windguard Circle Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (727) 860-8060 / Fax: (727) 860-8066Gender: Male


Goli, Raja S., MDZephyrhills Eye Institute6905 Medical View LaneZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-2020 / Fax: (813) 788-2044Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Telugu

Kaufman, Stuart J., MDKaufman Eye Institute6329 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-7616 / Fax: (813) 783-2856Gender: Male

Perich, Larry M., DOZephyrhills Eye Institute6905 Medical View LaneZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-2020 / Fax: (813) 788-2044Gender: Male

Perich, Tanya, DOZephyrhills Eye Institute6905 Medical View LaneZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-2020 / Fax: (813) 788-2044Gender: Female

Shah, Geeta R., MDZephyrhills Eye Institute6905 Medical View LaneZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-2020 / Fax: (813) 788-2044Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi

Orthopedic Surgery

New Port Richey

Borrelli Jr., Joseph, MD2102 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 202New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 462-2131 / Fax: (727) 266-4914Gender: MaleID #: 200000013094

Choi, Sang H., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute5243 Hanff LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 787-5577 / Fax: (727) 848-4249Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KoreanID #: 200000019852


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Billys, James B., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers2040 Short Avenue Suite 100Odessa, FL 33556Phone: (727) 372-9922 / Fax: (813) 372-7236Gender: MaleID #: 200000017397

Siddiqi, Farhan N., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers2040 Short Avenue Suite 100Odessa, FL 33556Phone: (727) 372-9922 / Fax: (813) 372-7236Gender: MaleID #: 200000010896


Cook, Jennifer L., MDFlorida Joint Care Institute, LLP2165 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 807-7395 / Fax: (727) 375-5044Gender: FemaleID #: 200000004107

Davidson, James B., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000020185

Donovan, James P., MDFlorida Joint Care Institute, LLP2165 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 807-7395 / Fax: (727) 375-5044Gender: MaleID #: 200000004108

Hanff, Stephen A., MDFlorida Joint Care Institute, LLP2165 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 807-7395 / Fax: (727) 375-5044Gender: MaleID #: 200000004109

Koslin, Aaron, DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000019303

Mates, Aaron K., MDFlorida Joint Care Institute, LLP2165 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 807-7395 / Fax: (727) 375-5044Gender: MaleID #: 200000007717

Rothberg, Michael L., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000018811


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Thompson, David P., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000018836

Whiddon, David R., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000018827

Wesley Chapel

Epting, Timothy C., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2653 Bruce B Downs Boulevard Suite 201Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 978-9700 / Fax: (813) 558-6187Gender: MaleID #: 200000019481



Brown Jr., Teddy W., MDTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP13901 Fivay Road Suite 12Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-0678 / Fax: (727) 861-0679Gender: MaleID #: 200000020752

New Port Richey

Sakellarides, Michael J., MDMichael J. Sakellarides, MD5341 Grand Boulevard Suite 104New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-7818 / Fax: (727) 848-0050Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000001575

Port Richey

Barna, James S., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11031 US Highway 19 Suite 104Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000017935

Clavenna, Matthew J., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11031 US Highway 19 Suite 104Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000016722

Reschly, William J., MDWest Coast Ear Nose & Throat Assoc11031 US Highway 19 Suite 104Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 819-0368 / Fax: (727) 819-8080Gender: Male


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Steiniger, Joseph R., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11031 US Highway 19 Suite 104Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000018650


Alidina, Arif A., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11320 State Road 54Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 247-1236Gender: MaleID #: 200000018738

Barna, James S., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11320 State Road 54Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 247-1236Gender: MaleID #: 200000017935

Merchant, Faisal, MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11320 State Road 54Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 247-1236Gender: MaleID #: 200000016583

Steiniger, Joseph R., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates11320 State Road 54Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 247-1234 / Fax: (727) 247-1236Gender: MaleID #: 200000018650

Wesley Chapel

Hall, Kathryn L., MDFlorida ENT & Allergy26853 Foggy Creek Road Building 21, Suite 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 879-8045 / Fax: (813) 978-3667Gender: Female

Outpatient Mental Health Providers

Beacon Health OptionsPhone: (800) 627-1259

Pain Management

Dade City

Colon, Edwin, MDInvasive Pain Management36739 State Road 52 Suite 102Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-4117 / Fax: (352) 567-4122Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001904

Patel, Kamal T., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC12880 US 301Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000017536


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Swain, Shyam S., MDKeti Medical Center and Pain Management7426 Community CourtHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 857-7819 / Fax: (727) 857-7820Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, OriyaID #: 200000001153

New Port Richey

Colon, Edwin, MDInvasive Pain Management8819 River Crossing BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 834-8833 / Fax: (727) 834-8842Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001904

Yen, Eaton I., DOSports and Interventional Pain Medicine, PA8140 Picton Way Suite 101New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 359-2552 / Fax: (727) 372-0402Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000001557


Egas, Juan J., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2445 Country Place Boulevard Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017310

Tambay, Nishin S., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000018818

Wesley Chapel

Bhalani, Maulik K., MDAdvanced Pain Management, Inc2553 Windguard CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 388-2948 / Fax: (813) 388-6827Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000005982

Colon, Edwin, MDInvasive Pain Management2407 Cypress Ridge BoulevardWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 907-3300 / Fax: (813) 907-3111Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001904

Cristancho, Maria M., MDAdvanced Pain Management, Inc2553 Windguard CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 388-2948 / Fax: (813) 388-6827Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Patel, Arpit A., DOAdvanced Pain Management, Inc2553 Windguard CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 388-2948 / Fax: (813) 388-6827Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati


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Patel, Kamal T., MDNeuSpine Institute, LLC2700 Healing Way Suite 300Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 333-1186 / Fax: (844) 691-5928Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000017536


Bhalani, Maulik K., MDAdvanced Pain Management Inc38011 Arbor Ridge DriveZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 395-5127 / Fax: (813) 355-3085Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Gujarati, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000005982

Cristancho, Maria M., MDAdvanced Pain Management Inc38011 Arbor Ridge DriveZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 395-5127 / Fax: (813) 355-3085Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Patel, Arpit A., DOAdvanced Pain Management Inc38011 Arbor Ridge DriveZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 395-5127 / Fax: (813) 355-3085Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Dade City

Santiago-Gonzalez, Rafael A., MDInvasive Pain Management36739 State Road 52 Suite 102Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-4117 / Fax: (352) 567-4122Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001903

New Port Richey

Santiago-Gonzalez, Rafael A., MDInvasive Pain Management8819 River Crossing BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 834-8833 / Fax: (727) 834-8842Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001903


Tambay, Nishin S., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 110Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 372-0235Gender: MaleID #: 200000018818


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Wesley Chapel

Epting, Stephanie J., DOAdvanced Pain Management, Inc2553 Windguard CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 388-2948 / Fax: (813) 388-6827Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): French, Creole

Murphy, Shawn, DOAdvanced Pain Management, Inc2553 Windguard CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 388-2948 / Fax: (813) 388-6827Gender: Male

Santiago-Gonzalez, Rafael A., MDInvasive Pain Management2407 Cypress Ridge BoulevardWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 907-3300 / Fax: (813) 907-3111Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001903

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery


Singh, Sunanda, MDSingh Medical Group, LLC14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 101Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 222-0806 / Fax: (727) 233-9737Gender: MaleID #: 200000009037

Wesley Chapel

Gargasz, Scott S., MDAdvanced Hand and Plastic Surgery Center, LLC2318 Greenbranch Drive Building 2, Suite 101-102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 866-4426 / Fax: (813) 972-8866Gender: MaleID #: 200000001544

Miller, Monica E., MDAdvanced Hand and Plastic Surgery Center, LLC2318 Greenbranch Drive Building 2, Suite 101-102Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 866-4426 / Fax: (813) 972-8866Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009003



Perez, Andres M., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Talbert, Todd C., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish


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Kreplick, Alexis L., DPMLawrence J Kales DPM PA, dba: Bayonet Point Foot Health7117 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-2128 / Fax: (727) 868-7491Gender: Female


Kales, Lawrence J., DPMPasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle7117 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-2128 / Fax: (727) 868-7491Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000180

Kreplick, Alexis L., DPMPasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle7117 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-2128 / Fax: (727) 868-7491Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014811

New Port Richey

Rivera, Juan J., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA2039 Little Road Suite ANew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 845-0880 / Fax: (727) 845-4512Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001632

Port Richey

Jordan Jr., Douglas A., DPMGulf Coast Medical Center11528 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 868-2151 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000001205

Jordan Jr., Douglas A., DPMGulf Coast Medical Center9238 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-8491 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000001205


Cruz Jr., Jairo B., DPMGentle Foot Care Clinic38192 Medical Center AvenueZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 782-3233 / Fax: (813) 782-5332Gender: MaleID #: 200000020843

Haddon II, Val E., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA38105 13th AvenueZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 715-4747 / Fax: (813) 783-8937Gender: MaleID #: 200000000369

LaBohn, Scott M., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA38105 13th AvenueZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 715-4747 / Fax: (813) 783-8937Gender: MaleID #: 200000001636


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Pascual, Jose F., MDWest Pasco Pulmonary Associates7545 Medical DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-3548 / Fax: (727) 862-8122Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000988

Patel, Mukesh R., MDMukesh R. Patel MD, PA13740 Office Park Court Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-7487 / Fax: (727) 861-7504Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000004061

New Port Richey

Kumar, Alok, MDComprehensive Medical Care, LLC5453 Gulf Drive Suite 3New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 847-2214 / Fax: (727) 846-0923Gender: MaleID #: 200000001697

Patel, Mukesh R., MDMukesh R. Patel MD, PA4738 Grand Boulevard Suite HNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-0994 / Fax: (727) 861-7504Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000004061

Port Richey

Pascual, Jose F., MDGulf Coast Medical Center11528 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 868-2151 / Fax: (727) 869-0732Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001772

Radiation Oncology


Shah, Satish J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3000 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 847-2917 / Fax: (727) 848-3771Gender: MaleID #: 200000017693


Shah, Satish J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC3611 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4300 / Fax: (727) 312-4335Gender: MaleID #: 200000017693


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Wesley Chapel

Kahn, Randy, MDTampa Bay Radiation Oncology, PA2309 Crestover LaneWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 522-5100 / Fax: (813) 345-8147Gender: MaleID #: 200000009659

Koval, John M., MDTampa Bay Radiation Oncology, PA2309 Crestover LaneWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 522-5100 / Fax: (813) 345-8147Gender: MaleID #: 200000009661

Steel, John R., MDTampa Bay Radiation Oncology, PA2309 Crestover LaneWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 522-5100 / Fax: (813) 345-8147Gender: MaleID #: 200000009660


Port Richey

Mughni, Mohammed S., MDFlorida Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center8029 Washington StreetPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-1232 / Fax: (727) 849-1241Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000635

Zaidi, Farrukh, MDFlorida Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center8029 Washington StreetPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 849-1232 / Fax: (727) 849-1241Gender: MaleLanguage(s): UrduID #: 200000000519


Grunbaum, Adam J., DOGulf Coast Rheumatology, PLLC9332 State Road 54 Suite 301Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 940-9391 / Fax: (727) 937-4003Gender: MaleID #: 200000010162

Sports Medicine


Canillas, Martin R., MDWest Coast Musculoskeletal Institute13944 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (352) 556-4823 / Fax: (352) 556-4824Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000005397


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New Port Richey

Mirabello, Steven C., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute5243 Hanff LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 787-5577 / Fax: (727) 848-4249Gender: MaleID #: 200000019851


Choi, Jacob J., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers2040 Short Avenue Suite 100Odessa, FL 33556Phone: (727) 372-9922 / Fax: (813) 372-7236Gender: MaleID #: 200000011014

Wesley Chapel

Baker, Christopher E., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2653 Bruce B Downs Boulevard Suite 201Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 978-9700 / Fax: (813) 558-6187Gender: MaleID #: 200000019473

Eldayrie, George E., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute2653 Bruce B Downs Boulevard Suite 201Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 978-9700 / Fax: (813) 558-6187Gender: MaleID #: 200000019480

Therapeutic Massage

New Port Richey

Gagnon, Linda L., LMTHealing Hands Therapy, Inc.7218 Massachusetts AvenueNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 844-3193Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018988

Thoracic Surgery


Mikhail, Peter S., MDBrain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC13740 Office Park Court Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 312-4844 / Fax: (727) 312-4841Gender: MaleID #: 200000010782

Rattehalli, Narayana S., MDGulf to Bay Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgical Associates14100 Fivay Road Suite 320Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-2822 / Fax: (727) 861-2782Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KannadaID #: 200000000059


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

Wahl, Michael J., MDMichael Wahl, MD, PA13910 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 140Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-9300 / Fax: (727) 869-0636Gender: MaleID #: 200000001548


Mikhail, Peter S., MDBrain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC16506 Point Village Drive Suite 107Lutz, FL 33558Phone: (813) 336-4461 / Fax: (813) 336-4466Gender: MaleID #: 200000010782

New Port Richey

Mikhail, Peter S., MDCardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, PLLC7657 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 312-4844 / Fax: (727) 312-4841Gender: Male

Mikhail, Peter S., MDMinimally Invasive Surgical Specialists7657 Cita LaneNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (813) 563-2310 / Fax: (727) 312-4841Gender: MaleID #: 200000009841


Ninan, Mathew, MDWest Florida Thoracic Surgery9332 State Road 54 Suite 405Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-8264 / Fax: (727) 375-8270Gender: MaleID #: 200000017798



Buethe, David D., MDSuncoast Urology, PA7614 Jacque Road Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8548 / Fax: (727) 863-4530Gender: MaleID #: 200000003987

Hamoui, Nabeel, MD13944 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite CHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 378-4673 / Fax: (352) 596-7869Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000014606

Sadler, Barry T., MDSuncoast Urology, PA7614 Jacque Road Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8548 / Fax: (727) 863-4530Gender: MaleID #: 200000003986


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Spires, Kevin S., MDSuncoast Urology, PA7614 Jacque Road Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8548 / Fax: (727) 863-4530Gender: MaleID #: 200000003984

Tannenbaum, Arnie B., MDSuncoast Urology, PA7614 Jacque Road Suite AHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-8548 / Fax: (727) 863-4530Gender: MaleID #: 200000003985


Weber, Timothy A., MDFlorida Urology Partners, LLP4211 Van Dyke Road Suite 206Lutz, FL 33558Phone: (813) 877-7434 / Fax: (813) 879-2015Gender: MaleID #: 200000021012

New Port Richey

DiPiazza, David J., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2148 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-1975 / Fax: (727) 375-1927Gender: MaleID #: 200000011879

Hale, Brian D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2148 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-1975 / Fax: (727) 375-1927Gender: MaleID #: 200000021772

Raval, Amar J., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2148 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-1975 / Fax: (727) 375-1927Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000012076

Syed, Ali, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2148 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-1975 / Fax: (727) 375-1927Gender: Male


Klein, Lonnie T., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 225Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: MaleID #: 200000021783

Otheguy, Juan N., MDUrology Professionals2075 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-5520 / Fax: (727) 375-1463Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000006550


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Rabinowitz, Richard I., MDUrology Professionals2075 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-5520 / Fax: (727) 375-1463Gender: MaleID #: 200000016229

Richman, Martin B., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 225Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: Male

Szostak, Michael J., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 225Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: MaleID #: 200000021776

Vyas, Paulas M., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2044 Trinity Oaks Boulevard Suite 225Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: Male

Wesley Chapel

Heidenberg, Howard B., DOFlorida Urology Partners, LLP3743 Maryweather LaneWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 607-4655 / Fax: (813) 607-4656Gender: MaleID #: 200000014306

Vascular Surgery


Wahl, Michael J., MDMichael Wahl, MD, PA13910 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 140Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-9300 / Fax: (727) 869-0636Gender: MaleID #: 200000001548

New Port Richey

Kiang, William, DOUnited Vein Centers4619 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (813) 961-1331 / Fax: (888) 850-8316Gender: MaleID #: 200000018464

Ledesma, Dwayne F., MDTrinity Surgical Associates, PA8141 Bellarus Way Suite 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 845-3555 / Fax: (727) 842-3556Gender: MaleID #: 200000003744

Zuzga, Mark A., DOSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA8101 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010381


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Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point14000 Fivay RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 819-2929 / Fax: (855) 446-6008

New Port Richey

Medical Center of Trinity West Pasco Campus5637 Marine ParkwayNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 834-5700 / Fax: (727) 834-5963

Morton Plant North Bay Hospital6600 Madison StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 842-8468 / Fax: (727) 848-2762


Medical Center of Trinity9330 State Road 54Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 834-4000 / Fax: (727) 834-4912


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Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers


Doctor's Urgent Care, LLC2404 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 945-0100 / Fax: (727) 945-0133

New Port Richey

BayCare Urgent Care, LLC4821 US Highway 19 Suite 5New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 851-9650 / Fax: (727) 266-4936

Port Richey

Care One of Florida, LLC10435 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 378-4477 / Fax: (727) 378-7755


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Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)

Dade City

Heritage Park Health and Rehabilitation Center37135 Coleman AvenueDade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-8615 / Fax: (352) 567-1737

Royal Oak Nursing Center37300 Royal Oak LaneDade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-3122 / Fax: (352) 567-2250


Bear Creek Nursing Center8041 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5488 / Fax: (727) 862-9558

Consulate Health Care of Bayonet Point8132 Hudson AvenueHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-3100 / Fax: (727) 862-0941

Solaris HealthCare Bayonet Point7210 Beacon Woods DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-1521 / Fax: (727) 863-7951

Windsor Woods Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center13719 Dallas DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-6795 / Fax: (727) 863-8721

New Port Richey

Consulate Health Care of New Port Richey8417 Old County Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 376-1585 / Fax: (727) 372-7085

Heather Hill Healthcare Center6630 Kentucky AvenueNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 849-6939 / Fax: (727) 843-0262

Life Care Center of New Port Richey7400 Trouble Creek RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 375-2999 / Fax: (727) 569-1667

Madison Pointe Care Center6020 Indiana AvenueNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 843-0600 / Fax: (727) 847-0898

Southern Pines Healthcare Center6140 Congress StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 842-8402 / Fax: (727) 841-8060


Heartland of Zephyrhills38220 Henry DriveZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 788-7114 / Fax: (813) 788-0758


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Ancillary Providers

Ambulatory Surgical Center


Bayonet Point Surgery & Endoscopy Center14104 Yosemite DriveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-5040 / Fax: (727) 869-5041

Suncoast Eye Center Surgery Center14003 Lakeshore BoulevardHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-9442 / Fax: (727) 862-6210


BayCare Surgery Center2020 Trinity Oaks BoulevardTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-4055 / Fax: (727) 372-4092

Cardiovascular Institute of Trinity11308 State Road 54 Suite ATrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 408-6535 / Fax: (727) 372-4990

Heart & Rhythm Institute of Trinity11308 State Road 54 Suite BTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 859-1034 / Fax: (727) 372-4990

New Port Richey Surgery Center at Trinity9332 State Road 54 Suite 100Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 848-0446 / Fax: (727) 842-3166



Argus DentalPhone: (800) 340-8869https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order


One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Diagnostic Radiology


Ultra Healthcare Services, Inc.21913 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 669-5525 / Fax: (727) 669-8589


Pasco Imaging & Open MRI Center7615 Jacque RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 697-0100 / Fax: (727) 697-1240


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New Port Richey

Excel Medical Imaging, PL5626 Gulf DriveNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 841-8212 / Fax: (727) 841-9589

Morton Plant Mease Diagnostic Cardiology, LLC6633 Forest Drive Suite 300New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425


Akumin2144 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-8880 / Fax: (727) 375-8887

BayCare Outpatient Imaging Trinity2102 Trinity Oaks BoulevardTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-4000 / Fax: (727) 372-4065

Wesley Chapel

Akumin27662 Cashford CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 788-2900 / Fax: (813) 788-2922


Akumin6900 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 783-6736 / Fax: (813) 788-4299

Diagnostic Testing


Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services2311 Alternate 19 Suite 5Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (866) 961-5589 / Fax: (727) 796-2965

Durable Medical Equipment


Acelis Connected Health Services6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550Phone: (877) 262-4669 / Fax: (925) 606-6978

Alere Home Monitoring, Inc.Phone: (877) 262-4669

Dynasplint Systems, Inc.770 Ritchie Highway Suite W21Severna Park, MD 21146Phone: (800) 638-6771 / Fax: (800) 380-3784

Prism Medical Products, LLC112 Church Street Suite 101Elkin, NC 28621Phone: (888) 244-6421 / Fax: (800) 975-6321


180 Medical, Inc.8516 Northwest ExpresswayOklahoma City, OK 73162Phone: (877) 688-2729 / Fax: (888) 718-0633


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Acentus4951-B East Adamo Drive Suite 200Tampa, FL 33605Phone: (866) 684-2507 / Fax: (866) 695-2183

ActivStyle5912 Breckenridge Parkway Suite GTampa, FL 33610Phone: (800) 651-6223 / Fax: (877) 426-7329

Aeroflow Healthcare65 Beale RoadArden, NC 28704Phone: (888) 345-1780 / Fax: (800) 249-1513

Comfort Medical, LLC4240 Northwest 120th AvenueCoral Springs, FL 33065Phone: (800) 700-4246 / Fax: (800) 604-9760

Essential Medical Solutions, Inc.3 Nebo Yorkville RoadGibson, TN 38389Phone: (877) 278-1079 / Fax: (877) 231-3088

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road Suite DWaukesha, WI 53188Phone: (800) 845-6364 / Fax: (888) 845-3342

Liberator Medical Supply, Inc.2979 Southeast Gran Park WayStuart, FL 34997Phone: (800) 536-2390 / Fax: (800) 755-0843

Medline Industries, Inc.1 Medline PlaceMundelein, IL 60060Phone: (866) 356-4997 / Fax: (866) 272-8122

MS Supply & Home Health Co.618 Ware BoulevardTampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 621-2001 / Fax: (813) 621-2480

MY DME DOC, LLC977 Del Mar DriveLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (866) 726-9363 / Fax: (888) 788-5696

One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Orthomedx Corporation4329 36th Street Suite 800Orlando, FL 32811Phone: (407) 422-4526 / Fax: (407) 377-5770

Strive Medical, LLC5800 Campus Circle Drive East Suite 100BIrving, TX 75063Phone: (888) 771-9229 / Fax: (866) 680-5574

SurfMed2799 Southwest 32nd Avenue Building E, Suite 14Pembroke Park, FL 33023Phone: (888) 201-7873 / Fax: (888) 398-3149

Symbius Medical, LLC2311 West Utopia RoadPhoenix, AZ 85027Phone: (800) 948-1868 / Fax: (877) 396-6235

United States Medical Supply, LLC8260 Northwest 27th Street Suite 401Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 436-6033 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


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US Med, LLC1480 Northwest 79th AvenueMiami, FL 33126Phone: (800) 787-6331 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


Affordable Medical, LLC24638 State Road 54Lutz, FL 33559Phone: (888) 991-9945 / Fax: (888) 993-9951

Eleanor's Bras and Breast Forms, Inc.7538 Congress StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 845-5777 / Fax: (727) 841-8910

Ladies First Choice2337 Belleair Road Suite EClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 535-4446 / Fax: (727) 796-3095

Lincare, Inc.14832 US Highway 19 NorthHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 697-2663 / Fax: (727) 697-3199

Lincare, Inc.12600 South Belcher Road Suite 104 & 105Largo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 733-2927 / Fax: (866) 247-4721

O2 Solutions, LLC1441 Savannah Avenue Suite BTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-3979 / Fax: (727) 934-3783

Superior Medical Equipment Plus, LLC821 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 461-5278 / Fax: (727) 447-2950

New Port Richey

Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics8827 Hawbuck StreetNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-8196 / Fax: (727) 375-9358

Durable Medical Equipment - Mastectomy Supplies


About You Mastectomy Boutique3401 Henderson Boulevard Suite ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 876-2727 / Fax: (813) 876-2725

Fitness Program

Silver Sneakers FitnessPhone: (888) 423-4632

Home Health


Advanced InfusionCare212 Northside DriveValdosta, GA 31602Phone: (229) 242-3060 / Fax: (229) 242-9914


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Doctor's Choice Home Care35111 US Highway 19 North Suite 302Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 623-4852 / Fax: (727) 827-2988

Gulfside Home Health, LLC1930 Land O Lakes Boulevard Suite 5Lutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 501-8244 / Fax: (813) 909-0481

Interim Healthcare Gulf Coast, Inc.1940 Drew Street Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 441-9585 / Fax: (727) 461-4535

Interim Healthcare Gulf Coast, Inc.7305 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 849-2828 / Fax: (727) 849-9634

Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc.8147 Copernicus Way Suite 101Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 845-8099 / Fax: (727) 372-6411


Pinnacle Home Care, Inc.2505 Seven SpringsTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 846-1919 / Fax: (727) 846-1922


Nations HearingPhone: (800) 313-2763



LabCorp8951 Hudson AvenueHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 819-4770 / Fax: (727) 819-0071


LabCorp at Walgreens25201 Wesley Chapel BoulevardLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 400-1233 / Fax: (813) 948-0047

New Port Richey

LabCorp5124 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 841-9500 / Fax: (727) 845-6140

LabCorp at Walgreens4510 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 755-9997 / Fax: (727) 816-1381

LabCorp at Walgreens5432 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (352) 888-7447 / Fax: (727) 375-2709

LabCorp at Walgreens7020 Massachusetts AvenueNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 835-8444 / Fax: (727) 834-3314


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Port Richey

LabCorp11031 US Highway 19 Suite 106Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 862-2858 / Fax: (727) 862-3200


LabCorp at Walgreens1841 Little RoadTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 497-7977 / Fax: (727) 372-1187

Wesley Chapel

LabCorp1724 Bruce B Downs Boulevard Suite Q2Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 907-0861 / Fax: (813) 907-0474


LabCorp at Walgreens6429 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 445-6633 / Fax: (813) 779-1002



Pasco Imaging & Open MRI Center7615 Jacque RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 697-0100 / Fax: (727) 697-1240

New Port Richey

Excel Medical Imaging, PL5626 Gulf DriveNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 841-8212 / Fax: (727) 841-9589


Akumin2144 Duck Slough Boulevard Suite 102Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-8880 / Fax: (727) 375-8887

BayCare Outpatient Imaging Trinity2102 Trinity Oaks BoulevardTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-4000 / Fax: (727) 372-4065

Wesley Chapel

Akumin27662 Cashford CircleWesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 788-2900 / Fax: (813) 788-2922


Akumin6900 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 783-6736 / Fax: (813) 788-4299


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Occupational Therapy


CORA Physical Therapy - Holiday3442 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 841-8160 / Fax: (727) 841-8164

New Port Richey

Welch & Mcloy Therapy Services, PA6926 Hills DriveNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 848-6747 / Fax: (727) 847-3107

Wesley Chapel

CORA Physical Therapy - New Tampa27227 State Road 56Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 991-1555 / Fax: (813) 991-1515

Optometry - Routine Vision Providers


Argus VisionToll Free Customer ServicePhone: (800) 210-5511https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Outpatient Dialysis


Bayonet Point Hudson Kidney Center14144 Nephron LaneHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5459 / Fax: (727) 862-0723

Land O Lakes

Land O Lakes Dialysis2100 Via Bella Boulevard Suite 104Land O Lakes, FL 34639Phone: (813) 948-8157 / Fax: (813) 949-9071

Port Richey

New Port Richey Kidney Center7421 Ridge RoadPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 846-8401 / Fax: (727) 844-0100

Wesley Chapel

Wesley Chapel Dialysis2255 Green Hedges WayWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-0153 / Fax: (813) 973-0673


Zephyrhills Dialysis36819 Eiland Boulevard Unit 2Zephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-7041 / Fax: (813) 788-7236


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Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Physical Therapy


Regional Rehab465 Mariner BoulevardSpring Hill, FL 34609Phone: (352) 688-8066 / Fax: (352) 688-8540


CORA Physical Therapy - Holiday3442 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 841-8160 / Fax: (727) 841-8164


Rehab Therapy Works14153 Yosemite Drive Suite 103Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-3222 / Fax: (727) 862-3555

TAG Physical Therapy13908 Lakeshore Boulevard Suite 210Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 239-2588 / Fax: (727) 245-7872

New Port Richey

Ewing and Thomas, Inc.5311 Grand BoulevardNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-3962 / Fax: (727) 848-7028

Welch & Mcloy Therapy Services, PA6926 Hills DriveNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 848-6747 / Fax: (727) 847-3107

Wesley Chapel

CORA Physical Therapy - New Tampa27227 State Road 56Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 991-1555 / Fax: (813) 991-1515

Prosthetics and Orthotics


Tampa Bay Prosthetics5109 North Armenia AvenueTampa, FL 33603Phone: (813) 801-9110 / Fax: (813) 801-9048


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Zephyrhills Brace & Limb, Inc.6417 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-6879 / Fax: (813) 783-1477

Sleep Studies


Blackstone Medical Services, LLC550 North Reo Street Suite 250Tampa, FL 33609Phone: (888) 710-2727 / Fax: (888) 239-4616


Sleep Associates of Florida, LLC35780 State Road 54 Suite 102Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 780-1100 / Fax: (813) 569-0105

Speech Therapy

New Port Richey

Welch & Mcloy Therapy Services, PA6926 Hills DriveNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 848-6747 / Fax: (727) 847-3107

Wound Care

Home Therapy Products, Inc.2580 County Road 220 Suite 2Middleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 644-6200 / Fax: (904) 644-6201


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Retail Pharmacies


CVS Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 746-7287www.cvs.com/stores

Publix Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 242-1227www.publix.com/pharmacy

Walgreens*Phone: (800) 925-4733www.walgreens.com/storelocator/find.jsp

Walmart*Phone: (800) 966-6546www.walmart.com/pharmacy

Winn Dixie*Phone: (866) 946-6349www.winndixie.com/pharmacy

Dade City

CVS Pharmacy #0129312804 S US Hwy 301Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-5656

Nimoh Pharmacy And Compounding Llc*12878 US Highway 301Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 437-5985

Publix Pharmacy #149611830 US Highway 301Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 521-3036

Rx Care Pharmacy And Kwik Mart*14306 7th StDade City, FL 33523Phone: (352) 567-2238

Rx Discount Pharmacy*12620 US Highway 301Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 521-0155

Walgreens #481112807 US Hwy 301Dade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-9606

Walmart Pharmacy 10-071312650 Hwy 301 SouthDade City, FL 33525Phone: (352) 567-1771


1st Choice Pharmacy*2228 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 934-1300

CVS Pharmacy #013282513 US Hwy 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 937-5193

Ray's Pharmacy*1936 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 945-7297

Walgreens #123182480 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 937-3245

Winn Dixie1640 U S Hwy 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 938-3731


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Wisdom Pharmacy4932 Moog RoadHoliday, FL 34690Phone: (727) 935-7039


CVS Pharmacy #0131613839 Little RockHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 868-9420

CVS Pharmacy #0358312015 Little RdHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 862-3573

Drug Store Healthmart*7535 Medical DrHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-3784

Hudson Pharmacy*8117 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 378-5882

Lily Care Pharmacy*8811 Sr 52 Suite # 11Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 233-9908

Publix Pharmacy #127114851 State Road 52Hudson, FL 34669Phone: (727) 856-0602

Publix Pharmacy #159712101 Little RdHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 619-0499

Save N Care Pharmacy*13850 Little RdHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-5200

Walgreens #362912028 Majestic BlvdHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 863-4575

Walgreens #44008951 Hudson AveHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-7224

Walgreens #746614217 US Highway 19Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 819-0847

Walmart Pharmacy 10-526612610 US Highway 19Hudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-0050

Winn Dixie14134 US Hwy 19 NorthHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 869-3114

Land O Lakes

Aum Pharmacy*2646 Narnia Way Suite 101Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (813) 388-6875

Graceland Pharmacy & Medical Supply21625 Village Lakes Shopping Center DrLand O Lakes, FL 34639Phone: (813) 467-8400

Land O' Lakes Pharmacy*7040 Land O Lakes Blvd Unit 102Land O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (813) 803-7303

Publix Pharmacy #08772121 Collier ParkwayLand O Lakes, FL 34639Phone: (813) 948-9910


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Publix Pharmacy #11427830 Land O Lakes BlvdLand O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (813) 996-3348

Walgreens22829 State Road 54Land O Lakes, FL 34639Phone: (813) 949-0464

Walgreens #112467827 Land O Lakes BlvdLand O Lakes, FL 34638Phone: (813) 528-4093

New Port Richey

Ab Specialty Pharmacy*2311 Seven Springs BlvdNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-9520

Be Well Pharmacy5429 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-5600

Benzer Pharmacy 146*3535 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-8400

Blake Pharmacy*5628 Trouble Creek RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 846-7600

CVS Pharmacy #003065432 US Hwy 19 NNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 843-8645

CVS Pharmacy #032607325 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 376-7415

CVS Pharmacy #042267071 Mitchell BlvdNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-8181

CVS Pharmacy #0837111500 Ridge RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 856-1334

Eckerds Pharmacy9035 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 877-6603

Elfers Pharmacy*6113 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 849-6000

Florida Pharmacy*5445 James StNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 848-8300

Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Holy Trinity Pharmacy10900 State Road 54 Ste 102New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 312-4384

Little Road Pharmacy*4211 Little Road Unit # 4New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-5222

Marine Pharmacy5016 US Highway 19 NNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 418-6900


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Mass Pharmacy6518 Massachusetts AveNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 339-3030

Maxcare Pharmacy*6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Publix Pharmacy #01029850 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 869-7919

Publix Pharmacy #04201346 Seven Springs BlvdNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-1331

Publix Pharmacy #06435324 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-5383

Publix Pharmacy #081011400 Ridge RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 848-3445

Publix Pharmacy #10205127 US 19 SouthNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 845-3123

Richey Medical Pharmacy5346 Grand BlvdNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-5344

Rowan Discount Pharmacy*4140 Rowan RdNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 372-1070

Royal Pharmacy*5335 Main StNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 845-8000

Sams Pharmacy 10-6448*4330 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 815-1483

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy*4539 Grand BlvdNew Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 845-5550

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400

Walgreens7020 Massachusetts AveNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 841-7740

Walgreens7420 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 376-5064

Walgreens #37934510 US Hwy 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 844-7029

Walgreens #513110401 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 819-2588

Walgreens #54149220 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 862-8537

Walgreens #54155432 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 372-4885

Walgreens #67521841 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-2077


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Walmart Pharmacy 10-09948745 State Road 54New Port Richey, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-5545

Walmart Pharmacy 10-23918745 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 264-5224

Winn Dixie6400 Massachusetts AveNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 841-8645

Winn Dixie12120 Moon Lake RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 856-3588

Z Orange Pharmacy7268 Sr 54New Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 312-3155

Newport Richey

CVS Pharmacy #051463511 US Hwy 19Newport Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 841-8205

Medilink Pharmacy5812 Sr. 54Newport Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 846-1300

Port Richey

CVS Pharmacy #0321711938 US Hwy 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 868-9408

CVS Pharmacy #056607120 Ridge RoadPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 848-3442

Embassy Pharmacy*9320 US Highway 19 NorthPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 842-3400

Green Apple Rx Pharmacy6508 Embassy Blvd.Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 261-4684

J's Pharmacy*6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Medilink Pharmacy*11618 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 819-8200

Publix Pharmacy #07677037 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 844-3686

Ricx Pharmacy*10618 Devco DrPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 863-4035

Starcare Pharmacy7200 Ridge Rd Ste 106Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 312-4888

Staywell Pharmacy10112 US Highway 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 378-4548

Suntrust Pharmacy*6237 Ridge RoadPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 914-5900


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Walgreens8400 US Hwy 19 NPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 842-3557

Walmart Pharmacy 10-10858701 US Hwy 19Port Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 846-1093

Ridge Manor

Ridge Manor Pharmacy34490 Cortez BlvdRidge Manor, FL 33523Phone: (352) 437-6851

San Antonio

Magnolia Pharmacy*12525 Curley StSan Antonio, FL 33576Phone: (352) 588-3330


CVS Pharmacy #170832900 Little RdTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 376-5466

Jack's Pharmacy*7813 Mitchell Blvd Ste 113Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-9999

Publix Pharmacy #08733100 Little RdTrinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-1609

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy*10720 State Rd 54 Ste 103Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 375-2502

Wesley Chapel

3d Wellness Specialty Pharmacy30124 State Road 54Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 428-6000

Benzer Pharmacy 151*2653 Bruce B Downs Blvd Ste 115Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 991-9200

CVS Pharmacy #015275606 Post Oak BlvdWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 973-3786

CVS Pharmacy #0436230050 County Line RdWesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 907-1423

CVS Pharmacy #083961929 Bruce B Downs BlvdWesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 991-1293

CVS Pharmacy #167211201 County Road 581Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 907-6682

Florida Medical Clinic Pharmacy Of Wiregrass2352 Bruce B Downs Blvd Suite 103Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 751-3377


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Publix Pharmacy #00061920 County Road 581Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 994-4242

Sams Pharmacy 10-4852*27727 State Road 56Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 929-7095

Summergate Pharmacy*27432 Cashford Cir Ste 101Wesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 667-6100

Walgreens28115 State Rd 54Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 973-2257

Walmart Pharmacy 10-341828500 State Road 54Wesley Chapel, FL 33543Phone: (813) 262-6844

Winn Dixie27301 Wesley Chapel BlvdWesley Chapel, FL 33544Phone: (813) 994-6630


Benzer Pharmacy 15338160 Medical Center AveZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 388-2908

CVS Pharmacy #0065137943 Eiland BlvdZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-0224

CVS Pharmacy #0361936440 State Road 54Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 782-9515

CVS Pharmacy #0717634502 Sr 54Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 782-1865

Florida Medical Clinic Pharmacy*38045 Market SquareZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 715-0354

Florida Medical Clinic Rheum Pharmacy38051 Market SquareZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 778-0250

Omega Pharmacy36600 State Road 54Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 815-7000

Publix Pharmacy #06185400 Bruce B Downs BlvdZephyrhills, FL 33543Phone: (813) 907-1695

Publix Pharmacy #119632765 Eiland Blvd.Zephyrhills, FL 33545Phone: (813) 779-2510

Publix Pharmacy #12457838 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 715-4184

Rx Care Pharmacy 2*38008 North AveZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 780-7216

South Lake Pharmacy38101 5th AveZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 395-5667

St Joseph Pharmacy & Medical Supplies Llc*35780 State Road 54 Ste 101Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 782-4854


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Walgreens36515 State Road 54Zephyrhills, FL 33541Phone: (813) 778-0027

Walgreens #56046429 Gall BlvdZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 782-9571

Walmart Pharmacy 10-07067631 Gall BoulevardZephyrhills, FL 33540Phone: (813) 782-4110

X Tra Discount Drugs*6953 Gall BlvdZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 788-7885

Zephyrhills Community Pharmacy6242 Gall BlvdZephyrhills, FL 33542Phone: (813) 395-6161


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Mail Order Pharmacy


OptumrxPhone: (855) 842-6337 TTY 711 24 hours a day / 7 day a week You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For refills of your mail order prescriptions, you have the option to sign up for an automatic refill program. Under this program, we will start to process your next refill automatically when our records show that you should be close to running out of your drug. We will contact you prior to shipping each refill to make sure you are in need of more medication. You can cancel scheduled refills if you have enough of your medication or if your medication has changed. If you choose not to use the auto refill program, please contact us 14 days before you think the drugs you have on hand will run out to make sure your next order is shipped to you in time. To opt out of the automatic refill program, please contact us by calling 1 (855) 842-6337, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription drugs within 14 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy receives the order. If you do not receive your prescription drug(s) within this time, please contact us at 1 (855) 842-6337.


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Home Infusion Pharmacies


Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida556 Florida Central Pkwy Ste 1044Longwood, FL 32750Phone: (407) 865-5489

Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville1700 NW 80th BlvdGainesville, FL 32606Phone: (352) 333-2525

Bioscrip Infusion Services3040 Venture Lane Suite 103Melbourne, FL 32934Phone: (321) 242-2996

Bioscrip Infusion Services3986 Boulevard Center Dr Ste 1Jacksonville, FL 32207Phone: (904) 398-1983

Bioscrip Infusion Services5505 Johns Road, Suite 700Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 549-5499

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.201 N. Tarragona St.Pensacola, FL 32502Phone: (850) 430-1259

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.13891 Jetport Loop Road Suite 5Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-2388

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.8509 Benjamin Rd Suite ATampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-5866

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services3439 N 12th Ave Suite A And BPensacola, FL 32503Phone: (850) 469-4573

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services9143 Phillips Hwy Suite 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 363-3089

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services12006 Miramar PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 431-3335

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services8508 Benjamin Road, Suite CTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 639-4500

Crescent Healthcare5431 SW 35th DriveGainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 373-8389

Health First Infusion1959 W 9th St Ste AWest Palm Beach, FL 33404Phone: (561) 842-2828

Holly Hill Pharmacy1702 Ridgewood Ave Ste C - GHolly Hill, FL 32117Phone: (386) 677-7377


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Kabafusion Fl3500 NW 2nd Ave Suite 704Boca Raton, FL 33431Phone: (877) 309-2207

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Oncology Pharmacy Group4733 W Atlantic Ave Ste 2Delray Beach, FL 33445Phone: (855) 674-2764

Option Care11650 Miramar Parkway Suite 100Miramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 885-6100

Option Care2880 Scherer RdSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 592-0045

Option Care14580 Global Parkway Suite 108Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-3456

Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc.5700 Dot Com Ct Ste 1030Oviedo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 678-2068

Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc.9655 Florida Mining Blvd. West Ste 411Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 652-1990

Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc.9984 Premier PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (800) 670-6922

Patient Care America3890 Park Central Blvd N.Pompano Beach, FL 33064Phone: (866) 348-0441

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Smp Pharmacy Solutions6050 S Dixie HwyMiami, FL 33143Phone: (305) 740-9696

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500


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Long Term Care Pharmacies


1st Choice Pharmacy Ltc2232 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 940-3521

A&R Pharmacy1155 Main Street Unit 109Jupiter, FL 33458Phone: (561) 630-3770

Advanced Pharmacy45 Skyline Drive Ste 1011Lake Mary, FL 32746Phone: (407) 805-8300

Alpha Touch Pharmacy10071 Pines Blvd Ste DPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-5200

Apex Heath Rx921 Town Center Dr Suite 100Orange City, FL 32763Phone: (386) 774-7933

Atkinsons Healthcare100 Old Orange Park RdOrange Park, FL 32073Phone: (904) 264-7578

B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc214 US Hwy 41 SouthInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care2 E Magnolia Ave Ste 201Eustis, FL 32726Phone: (352) 357-4341

Benzer Ltc3231 Tamiami Trl Ste DPort Charlotte, FL 33952Phone: (941) 303-1071

Butterfly Pharmacy3940 W Hillsborough AveTampa, FL 33614Phone: (813) 874-2900

Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford1455 E Airport BlvdSanford, FL 32773Phone: (855) 822-7366

Careone Pharmacy Services Llc1003 E Newport Center DrDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: (954) 425-6505

Center Pharmacy Ii1501 Viscaya PkwyCape Coral, FL 33990Phone: (239) 772-8866

Coastalmed Of Florida Llc433 N Macarthur AvePanama City, FL 32401Phone: (850) 872-8900


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Core Health Pharmacy11260 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33026Phone: (954) 450-8873

Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc1860 Highland Oaks BlvdLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 428-6963

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600

Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc.20-22 South Federal HighwayDania, FL 33004Phone: (954) 921-4661

Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Pharmacy1680 Meridian Ave 4th FloorMiami Beach, FL 33139Phone: (786) 439-1167

Dura-Med Pharmacy3877 Highway 4Jay, FL 32565Phone: (850) 675-6850

E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy4942 West State Road 46 Suite 1014, Westwood Village Shopping CenterSanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 915-7307

Ellenton Discount Pharmacy8324 US Highway 301 NParrish, FL 34219Phone: (941) 444-2233

Ep Ltc Pharmacy6440 SW 117th Ave 2nd FloorMiami, FL 33183Phone: (305) 630-9308

Family Care Rx, Llc4752 S Jog RdGreenacres, FL 33467Phone: (561) 432-2273

Florida Medical Supply5314-A Frank Hough RdPanama City, FL 32404Phone: (850) 785-1900

Foundational Health Pharmacy3031 W Cypress St Ste ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 527-0765

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5707 N 22nd StTampa, FL 33610Phone: (813) 239-8116

Genoa Healthcare, Llc12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite A142Tampa, FL 33612Phone: (253) 218-0830

Genoa Healthcare, Llc3292 County Road 220, Suite PMiddleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 301-4622

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2900 W Prospect Rd # ATamarac, FL 33309Phone: (754) 216-4844

Genoa Healthcare, Llc439 SW Michigan St Rm 12Lake City, FL 32025Phone: (386) 319-4050

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Genoa Healthcare, Llc215 N 3rd St Ste ALeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 702-0079


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Genoa Healthcare, Llc2789 Ortiz Ave Bldg HFort Myers, FL 33905Phone: (239) 939-7935

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2634 Capital Cir Ne Building C, Suite 156Tallahassee, FL 32308Phone: (850) 666-5194

Genoa Healthcare, Llc379 6th Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 748-9409

Genoa Healthcare, Llc200 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Kissimmee, FL 34741Phone: (407) 344-9700

Genoa Healthcare, Llc137 Hospital Dr NE Ste QFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone: (727) 322-4008

Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1201 1st St SWinter Haven, FL 33880Phone: (863) 291-4707

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1831 N Gilmore Ave Ste 1Lakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 614-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc525 E. 15th StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 522-0143

Genoa Healthcare, Llc330 SW 27th Ave # AFort Lauderdale, FL 33312Phone: (754) 216-5002

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4300 SW 13th St, Room 27Gainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 264-9995

Genoa Healthcare, Llc6075 Bathey Lane, Ste D5Naples, FL 34116Phone: (239) 234-1446

Genoa Healthcare, Llc919 NE 13th Street, Suite 244Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 756-9917

Global View Pharmacy2013 Harding StreetHollywood, FL 33020Phone: (954) 923-3839

Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc10 Aviator WayOrmond Beach, FL 32174Phone: (386) 615-1925

Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville8001 Belfort Pkwy Ste 160Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 296-0016

Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida212 N Wilson StCrestview, FL 32536Phone: (850) 306-3003


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Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc2815 Directors Row Ste 700Orlando, FL 32809Phone: (407) 270-6722

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida6100 Broken Sound Pkwy NwBoca Raton, FL 33487Phone: (954) 601-2121

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc24451 Sandhill Blvd Suite A & CPunta Gorda, FL 33983Phone: (941) 255-1987

Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc9402 International Ct.Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 577-0000

Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy135 N Banana River DrMerritt Island, FL 32952Phone: (321) 452-5058

Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc7057 University BlvdWinter Park, FL 32792Phone: (407) 671-0003

Hopkins Pharmacy4401 S Hopkins AveTitusville, FL 32780Phone: (321) 607-6802

Ims Pharmacy202 S Magnolia Ave Ste 1Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-1536

Iv Stat Inc533 Eglin Pkwy NeFort Walton Beach, FL 32547Phone: (850) 226-8162

J's Pharmacy6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Kings Discount Drug1242 Main StChipley, FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-4875

Lake Wales Pharmacy1322 Sr 60 ELake Wales, FL 33853Phone: (863) 676-0400

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 479-3048

Logos Pharmacy8315 Sheldon RdTampa, FL 33615Phone: (813) 886-2800

M & K Drugs340 East Sugarland Hwy Suite BClewiston, FL 33440Phone: (863) 983-2945

Maxcare Pharmacy6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Med-Source Pharmacy2223 SW 13th Ave Ste BMiami, FL 33145Phone: (305) 854-7377


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Medic Pharmacy Ltc5150 N Federal HwyFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: (954) 484-4200

Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc40230 US Highway 27 Suite 100-110Davenport, FL 33837Phone: (855) 633-6948

Meds To Home4801 George Rd Ste 190Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-2023

Medtown Pharmacy13770 Beach Blvd Ste 3Jacksonville, FL 32224Phone: (904) 551-5870

Memorial Family Pharmacy7009 N Armenia AveTampa, FL 33604Phone: (813) 874-0795

Northeast Florida State Hosp7487 South Sr 121Macclenny, FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6211

Novopharm Of Tampa Llc5404 Hoover Blvd Suite 22Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 374-9345

Omnicare Of Bradenton905 Manatee Ave EastBradenton, FL 34208Phone: (941) 739-9974

Omnicare Of Central Florida4150 Church Street Suite 1030Sanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 261-5800

Omnicare Of Jacksonville9143 Philips Hwy Ste 533Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 519-8900

Omnicare Of Panama City2605 W 23rd StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 763-4276

Omnicare Of South Florida2955 W Corporate Lakes Blvd Ste 600Weston, FL 33331Phone: (954) 660-5555

Omnicare Of Tampa8603 Florida Mining BoulevardTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 247-9225

Osceola Pharmacy1635 14th AveVero Beach, FL 32960Phone: (772) 562-3660

Park Shore Pharmacon600 Ansin BlvdHallandale Beach, FL 33009Phone: (954) 874-4646

Partner Rx6555 Nova Dr Ste 304Davie, FL 33317Phone: (954) 453-4990

Pharmacore Rx5406 Hoover Blvd Ste 19Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 580-8040

Pharmacy Care Center2081 W 76th St Ste 102Hialeah, FL 33016Phone: (305) 821-4337


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Pharmacy Pros, Llc110 Whitaker RdLutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 948-3135

Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota2850 Ringling BlvdSarasota, FL 34237Phone: (941) 366-0090

Pharmerica775 Bell RoadSarasota, FL 34240Phone: (941) 342-2500

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Pharmerica7970 Bay Berry Rd Suite 4Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 733-6099

Pharmerica1950 Commonwealth LaneTallahassee, FL 32303Phone: (850) 504-6262

Pharmerica3690 N. West 53 Street Suite 104Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069Phone: (954) 978-6997

Pharmerica337 Northlake Blvd Ste 1024Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 767-9010

Pharmscript Of Florida Llc3801 Corporex Park Drive Suite 115Tampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 418-5282

Pharmscript Of Florida South15491 SW 12th St Suite 400Sunrise, FL 33327Phone: (888) 319-1818

Pine Brook Pharmacy10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Premier Pharmacy Ltc2000 Pga Blvd Ste 5507Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408Phone: (561) 899-4429

Prime Pharmacy East5908 Hampton Oaks Pkwy Ste NTampa, FL 33610Phone: (877) 891-0005

Proxycare Inc747 Shotgun RdSunrise, FL 33326Phone: (954) 791-5400

Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc6463 S Falkenburg RdRiverview, FL 33578Phone: (833) 796-1527

Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc.3141 Fortune Way, Suite #1Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 899-3273

Rx Oasis9304 Balm Riverview RdRiverview, FL 33569Phone: (813) 677-6000

Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx2900 NW 60th StFort Lauderdale, FL 33309Phone: (954) 919-1818


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

San Carlos Pharmacy18911 S Tamiami Trl Ste 13Fort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 590-8820

Savers Long Term Care200 Ocean Ave Suite AMelbourne Beach, FL 32951Phone: (321) 725-5492

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Sebring Pharmacy3023 US Highway 27 NSebring, FL 33870Phone: (863) 658-2417

Shell Point PharmacyShell Point Retirement Community 15051 Shell Point BlvdFort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 454-2234

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Solace Care Pharmacy2244 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Ste KKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: (407) 499-3990

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

South Florida State Hospital800 E Cypress DrPembroke Pines, FL 33025Phone: (954) 392-3027

Southcare Ltc Pharmacy6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc3340 Fairlane Farms Rd Ste 4Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 469-1181

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave N Ste A5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

Sun Pharmacy3320 Scherer Drive, Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (888) 228-5230

Supreme Rx1611 N Florida AveLakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 940-4733

The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc2468 US Highway 441/27 Ste 204Fruitland Park, FL 34731Phone: (352) 415-0505

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400


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Ultimate Health Plans Pasco November 2020

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500

United Pharmacy Llc3951 N. Haverhill Road Suite 120-121West Palm Beach, FL 33417Phone: (561) 616-9000

Venice Apothecary560 The RialtoVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 485-8205

Village Pharmacy1095 Tamiami Trl N Ste BNokomis, FL 34275Phone: (941) 488-8800

We Care Pharmacy417 Tamiami Trl SVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 786-9183

Wecare Pharmacy Llc7830 Gunn Hwy # ATampa, FL 33626Phone: (813) 908-6868

Wellness Rx Ltc7640 NW 25th St Ste 105Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 384-7600

Westminster Pharmacy Services7703 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 500Orlando, FL 32819Phone: (407) 244-9280

Westminster Pharmacy Services1700 3rd Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 741-3440

Winter Springs Pharmacy5942 Red Bug Lake RdWinter Springs, FL 32708Phone: (321) 316-4615


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Primary Care Physicians


Anderson, Wayne C., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000012783Accepting new patients: No

Austin, Thomas E., MDOptimal Medicine, Inc.Internal Medicine611 Druid Road East Suite 511Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 601-4007 / Fax: (727) 250-1102Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000020890Accepting new patients: Yes

Bacha, Mouna, MDElias Kanaan, MD, PAInternal Medicine1173 Turner StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-8496 / Fax: (727) 445-7566Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000013819Accepting new patients: Yes

Banull, Katherine G., MDInternal Medicine3251 McMullen Booth Road Suite 104Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 799-0415 / Fax: (813) 635-7941Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012738Accepting new patients: No

Bernstein, David, MDInternal Medicine2424 Enterprise Road Suite CClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 799-6255 / Fax: (813) 635-7865Gender: MaleID #: 200000012813Accepting new patients: No

Bhoomi, Rekha K., MDGulf Coast Primary Care, PLCFamily Practice29296 US Highway 19 South Suite 3Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 847-9505 / Fax: (727) 847-9509Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002812Accepting new patients: Yes

Brennan Jr., Fred H., DOFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000013146Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Chernaeva, Daniel M., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000012681Accepting new patients: No

Cruz-Knight, Wanda E., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013092Accepting new patients: No

Duggirala, Ravi K., MDBelcher Point Center of Internal MedicineInternal Medicine1831 North Belcher Road Suite A3Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 799-9990 / Fax: (727) 799-9996Gender: MaleID #: 200000010359Accepting new patients: Yes

Engelman III, Norbert N., DOAll Care Medical ConsultantsFamily Practice1745 South Highland AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 587-0377 / Fax: (727) 587-0527Gender: MaleID #: 200000019783Accepting new patients: Yes

Enman, Svetlana, DOInternal Medicine400 Pinellas Street Suite 350Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3696 / Fax: (813) 635-2656Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012892Accepting new patients: No

Farrar, Ted A., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000012748Accepting new patients: No

Francis, Katherine S., MDOneHealth Primary CareFamily Practice3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 303Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-6110 / Fax: (727) 669-9742Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014812Accepting new patients: No

Gangapuram Reddy, Udayabhasker, MDGulf Coast Primary Care, PLCInternal Medicine29296 US Highway 19 South Suite 3Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 847-9505 / Fax: (727) 847-9509Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002813Accepting new patients: Yes

Gannon, Michael, MDFamily Practice2531 Landmark Drive Suite 103Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 796-4396 / Fax: (813) 635-7867Gender: MaleID #: 200000018547Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Gomes, Nadia, MDFamily Practice1007 Jeffords Street Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-5123 / Fax: (813) 635-2657Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017843Accepting new patients: No

Jenkins, Julia, MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012898Accepting new patients: No

Kanaan, Elias, MDElias Kanaan, MD, PAInternal Medicine1173 Turner StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-8496 / Fax: (727) 445-7566Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, FrenchID #: 200000021703Accepting new patients: Yes

Kiriazis, Chrisoula, MDInternal Medicine1007 Jeffords Street Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-5123 / Fax: (813) 635-2657Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012790Accepting new patients: No

Lawrence, Elizabeth A., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012704Accepting new patients: No

Lewis, Paul A., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000012683Accepting new patients: No

Malempati, Srikanth, MDOneHealth Primary CareInternal Medicine3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 303Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-6110 / Fax: (727) 669-9742Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011823Accepting new patients: No

McDaniel, Brian P., MDFamily Practice400 Pinellas Street Suite 350Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3696 / Fax: (813) 635-2656Gender: MaleID #: 200000017546Accepting new patients: No

Naik, Rajankumar S., MDBest Value Healthcare, LLCInternal Medicine1305 South Fort Harrison Avenue Suite cClearwater, FL 33756Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000019042Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Neifeld, Kenneth A., MDAll Care Medical ConsultantsInternal Medicine1745 South Highland AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 587-0377 / Fax: (727) 587-0527Gender: MaleID #: 200000015045Accepting new patients: Yes

Peditto, Kathleen, MDInternal Medicine3251 McMullen Booth Road Suite 103Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 799-6385 / Fax: (813) 635-7863Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012845Accepting new patients: No

Perruci, Valeria, MDInternal Medicine29750 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012666Accepting new patients: Yes

Ramirez-Ortega, Xiomara, MDInternal Medicine1007 Jeffords Street Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-5123 / Fax: (813) 635-2657Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012801Accepting new patients: No

Ray, Scott L., DOFamily Practice2350 Sunset Point Road Suite CClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 797-3155 / Fax: (727) 797-4301Gender: MaleID #: 200000014612Accepting new patients: No

Reyes, Manuel A., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000012809Accepting new patients: No

Rommel, Elizabeth, MDFamily Practice3251 McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 799-0415 / Fax: (813) 635-7941Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013612Accepting new patients: Yes

Rommel, Michael D., MDInternal Medicine2531 Landmark Drive Suite 103Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 796-4396 / Fax: (813) 635-7867Gender: MaleID #: 200000012873Accepting new patients: No

Schaffer, Benjamin, MDInternal Medicine2424 Enterprise Road Suite CClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 799-6255 / Fax: (813) 635-7865Gender: MaleID #: 200000012847Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Sisodia, Teeresa, MDOneHealth Primary CareFamily Practice3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 303Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-6110 / Fax: (727) 669-9742Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish, HindiID #: 200000017983Accepting new patients: No

Smitherman, Mark, MDInternal Medicine400 Pinellas Street Suite 350Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3696 / Fax: (813) 635-2656Gender: MaleID #: 200000012816Accepting new patients: No

Soudijn, Peter, MDInternal Medicine29750 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761Gender: MaleID #: 200000012667Accepting new patients: Yes

Sourbeer, Jeffrey J., MDFamily Practice807 North Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 467-2400 / Fax: (727) 467-2477Gender: MaleID #: 200000012876Accepting new patients: No

Swoager, James, MDFamily Practice3251 McMullen Booth Road Suite 103Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-1003 / Fax: (813) 635-7864Gender: MaleID #: 200000012733Accepting new patients: No

Torres, Jose, MDInternal Medicine29750 US Highway 19 North Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 786-5058 / Fax: (813) 635-2639Gender: MaleID #: 200000018305Accepting new patients: No

Torres, Jose, MDInternal Medicine29750 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761Gender: MaleID #: 200000018305Accepting new patients: Yes

Tripodis, Stanton, MDInternal Medicine2424 Enterprise Road Suite CClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 799-6255 / Fax: (813) 635-7865Gender: MaleID #: 200000013613Accepting new patients: No

Ullo, Thomas, MDFamily Practice29750 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761Gender: MaleID #: 200000012669Accepting new patients: Yes

Yamani, Mohammad I., MDAll Care Medical ConsultantsInternal Medicine1745 South Highland AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 587-0377 / Fax: (727) 587-0527Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000010573Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020


Borecky, Derrick J., MDInternal Medicine646 Virginia Street Suite 204Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-3212 / Fax: (813) 635-2635Gender: MaleID #: 200000012860Accepting new patients: No

Bracamonte, Percy R., MDInternal Medicine646 Virginia Street Suite 601Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 734-9494 / Fax: (813) 635-7869Gender: MaleID #: 200000012861Accepting new patients: No

De Souza, Melanie A., MDInternal Medicine646 Virginia Street 7th FloorDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-2730 / Fax: (813) 635-2640Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012776Accepting new patients: No

Dillon, Derek, DOFamily Practice180 Patricia AvenueDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4193 / Fax: (813) 635-2638Gender: MaleID #: 200000012223Accepting new patients: Yes

Encarnacion, Beverly R., MDBeverly Encarnacion, MD, PAInternal Medicine2128 Main StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-7733 / Fax: (727) 736-7740Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TagalogID #: 200000011809Accepting new patients: Yes

Ferreira, Lisa M., MDFamily Practice646 Virginia Street Suite 600Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4151 / Fax: (727) 734-6177Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012788Accepting new patients: No

Franco, Daniel J., MDInternal Medicine646 Virginia Street Suite 204Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-3212 / Fax: (813) 635-2635Gender: MaleID #: 200000012866Accepting new patients: No

Marin-Ruiz, Alejandra, MDInternal Medicine646 Virginia Street Suite 700Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-2730 / Fax: (727) 635-2640Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016493Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Mathew, Dani, MDFamily Practice180 Patricia AvenueDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4193 / Fax: (813) 635-2638Gender: MaleID #: 200000012743Accepting new patients: No

McDaniel, Amy-Joy, MDFamily Practice180 Patricia AvenueDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4193 / Fax: (813) 635-2638Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017485Accepting new patients: No

Pandurangan, Latha, MDFamily Practice180 Patricia AvenueDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4193 / Fax: (813) 635-2638Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012713Accepting new patients: No

Taylor, Christin, MDFamily Practice646 Virginia Street 7th FloorDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-2730 / Fax: (813) 635-2640Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013282Accepting new patients: No

Torres, Jose, MDInternal Medicine2323 Curlew Road Suite 7DDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 786-8825 / Fax: (727) 789-6640Gender: MaleID #: 200000018305Accepting new patients: No

Wyko, Robert B., DOFamily Practice180 Patricia AvenueDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4193 / Fax: (813) 635-2638Gender: MaleID #: 200000013150Accepting new patients: Yes


Arline, Laura E., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 275Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5650 / Fax: (727) 635-7939Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012883Accepting new patients: No

Collins, Donald A., DOEast Bay Medical CenterFamily Practice3800 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 539-0505 / Fax: (727) 538-0067Gender: MaleID #: 200000018028Accepting new patients: Yes

Fogarty, Julie B., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 320Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5901 / Fax: (727) 635-2139Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012864Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Francis, David J., MDFamily Practice12899 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 596-9490 / Fax: (813) 635-7943Gender: MaleID #: 200000012724Accepting new patients: No

Garg, Anit, MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 275Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5650 / Fax: (727) 635-7939Gender: MaleID #: 200000013018Accepting new patients: No

Mall, Ronald M., DOEast Bay Medical CenterFamily Practice3800 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 539-0505 / Fax: (727) 538-0067Gender: MaleID #: 200000018186Accepting new patients: Yes

Matlock, Katherine, DOFamily Practice12899 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 596-9490 / Fax: (813) 635-7943Gender: MaleID #: 200000013096Accepting new patients: No

Mayper, Stephen D., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 275Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5650 / Fax: (727) 635-7939Gender: MaleID #: 200000017484Accepting new patients: No

Menke, Lilibeth G., DOFamily Practice8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 391-6296 / Fax: (813) 635-7940Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017844Accepting new patients: No

Mikus, Paul M., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 275Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5650 / Fax: (727) 635-7939Gender: MaleID #: 200000012661Accepting new patients: No

Miller, Todd D., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 320Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5901 / Fax: (727) 635-2139Gender: MaleID #: 200000012906Accepting new patients: No

Notter, Sarah A., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 275Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5650 / Fax: (727) 635-7939Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012712Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Ontiveros, Lolia, MDFamily Practice8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 391-6296 / Fax: (813) 635-7940Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013257Accepting new patients: No

Salansky, Jennifer C., MDFamily Practice8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 391-6296 / Fax: (813) 635-7940Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012731Accepting new patients: No

Schneider, Zachary J., MDInternal Medicine8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 320Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5901 / Fax: (727) 635-2139Gender: MaleID #: 200000012781Accepting new patients: No

Shah, Apurva B., MDInternal Medicine13220 South Belcher Road Suite 11Largo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 533-2242 / Fax: (727) 533-2252Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000005739Accepting new patients: Yes

Skinner, Tara L., MDFamily Practice8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 391-6296 / Fax: (813) 635-7940Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012732Accepting new patients: No

Steinberg, Brandon M., MDFamily Practice12899 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 596-9490 / Fax: (813) 635-7943Gender: MaleID #: 200000015095Accepting new patients: No


Falla, Juan F., MDFamily Practice120 Pine Avenue NorthOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 814-9504 / Fax: (813) 635-7946Gender: MaleID #: 200000012702Accepting new patients: No

Fox II, Danny M., MDFamily Practice120 Pine Avenue NorthOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 814-9504 / Fax: (813) 635-7946Gender: MaleID #: 200000012688Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Hughes, David A., MDFamily Practice120 Pine Avenue NorthOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 814-9504 / Fax: (813) 635-7946Gender: MaleID #: 200000012677Accepting new patients: No

Palm Harbor

Baker, Gregory E., MDAdvent Health Medical GroupFamily Practice4140 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 953-9041 / Fax: (727) 953-9043Gender: MaleID #: 200000017979Accepting new patients: Yes

Engelman III, Norbert N., DOAll Care Medical ConsultantsFamily Practice1115 Florida AvenuePalm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 259-2300 / Fax: (727) 259-2305Gender: MaleID #: 200000019783Accepting new patients: Yes

Holderith, Lauren C., MDInternal Medicine3890 Tampa Road Suite 305Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-3160 / Fax: (727) 533-5900Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012750Accepting new patients: No

Irvin, Matthew R., MDFamily Practice2939 Alternate 19Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 785-2298 / Fax: (813) 635-7944Gender: MaleID #: 200000012699Accepting new patients: No

Iyer, Akila A., MDInternal Medicine2626 Tampa Road Suite 104Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-5811 / Fax: (727) 781-5613Gender: FemaleID #: 200000010356Accepting new patients: Yes

Kleinbart, Jennifer, MDInternal Medicine34041 U.S. Highway 19 North Suite EPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 953-8404 / Fax: (813) 635-7866Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012835Accepting new patients: No

Kotak, Tanuja M., MDOneHealth Primary CareInternal Medicine36440 US 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-0696 / Fax: (727) 669-9742Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011815Accepting new patients: Yes

Mattia, Camille R., MDInternal Medicine3890 Tampa Road Suite 305Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-3160 / Fax: (727) 533-5900Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012902Accepting new patients: No


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Neifeld, Kenneth A., MDAll Care Medical ConsultantsInternal Medicine1115 Florida AvenuePalm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 259-2300 / Fax: (727) 259-2305Gender: MaleID #: 200000015045Accepting new patients: Yes

Neri, Karena A., MDInternal Medicine3890 Tampa Road Suite 401Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-3350 / Fax: (727) 333-6239Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015365Accepting new patients: No

Neri, Karena A., MDInternal Medicine3890 Tampa Road Suite 102Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-3350 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015365Accepting new patients: Yes

Oster, Dina, MDInternal Medicine34041 U.S. Highway 19 North Suite EPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 953-8404 / Fax: (813) 635-7866Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011029Accepting new patients: No

Perruci, Valeria, MDInternal Medicine30522 U.S. Highway 19 North Suite 119Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-5058 / Fax: (813) 635-2639Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012666Accepting new patients: No

Resic, Amra A., MDFamily Practice3890 Tampa Road Suite 407Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-3150 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012808Accepting new patients: Yes

Resic, Amra A., MDFamily Practice4962 Ridgemoor BoulevardPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-1762 / Fax: (813) 635-2696Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012808Accepting new patients: No

Resic, Amra A., MDFamily Practice3890 Tampa Road Suite 102Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-3350 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012808Accepting new patients: Yes

Roberts, Julie B., MDFamily Practice3890 Tampa Road Suite 407Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-3150 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013143Accepting new patients: No


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Roberts, Julie B., MDFamily Practice3890 Tampa Road Suite 102Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-3350 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013143Accepting new patients: Yes

Shah, Sadhana A., MDAmerican Primary CareInternal Medicine2855 US Alternate 19Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 771-7200 / Fax: (727) 789-5936Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010861Accepting new patients: Yes

Shepard Orr, Elizabeth, MDFamily Practice3890 Tampa Road Suite 407Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-3150 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012825Accepting new patients: No

Shepard Orr, Elizabeth, MDFamily Practice3890 Tampa Road Suite 102Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-3350 / Fax: (813) 635-2636Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012825Accepting new patients: Yes

Soudijn, Peter, MDInternal Medicine30522 U.S. Highway 19 North Suite 119Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-5058 / Fax: (813) 635-2639Gender: MaleID #: 200000012667Accepting new patients: No

Torres, Melissa, DOFamily Practice2939 Alternate 19Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 785-2298 / Fax: (813) 635-7944Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013023Accepting new patients: No

Ullo, Thomas, MDFamily Practice30522 U.S. Highway 19 North Suite 119Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-5058 / Fax: (813) 635-2639Gender: MaleID #: 200000012669Accepting new patients: No

Yamani, Mohammad I., MDAll Care Medical ConsultantsInternal Medicine1115 Florida AvenuePalm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 259-2300 / Fax: (727) 259-2305Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000010573Accepting new patients: Yes


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Safety Harbor

Butt, Atta U., MDAtta U. Butt, MDInternal Medicine1840 Mease Drive Suite 402Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 330-7652 / Fax: (727) 330-7655Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010859Accepting new patients: Yes

Oster, Dina, MDInternal Medicine3231 McMullen Booth Road 1st FloorSafety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6905 / Fax: (727) 266-4931Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011029Accepting new patients: No

Thomas, Bindu, MDInternal Medicine1840 Mease Drive Suite 404Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-0980 / Fax: (813) 635-2694Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012880Accepting new patients: No

Zeien, Timothy, MDInternal Medicine1840 Mease Drive Suite 404Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-0980 / Fax: (813) 635-2694Gender: MaleID #: 200000012780Accepting new patients: No

Saint Pete Beach

Shah, Mehul B., MDAnchor Medical GroupInternal Medicine300 76th AvenueSaint Pete Beach, FL 33706Phone: (727) 360-1663 / Fax: (727) 894-1430Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000014818Accepting new patients: Yes

Saint Petersburg

Amin, Kunal, MDFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: MaleID #: 200000014920Accepting new patients: No

Arrieta-Gonzalez, Michelle M., MDInternal Medicine6450 38th Avenue North Suite 120Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 317-3767 / Fax: (727) 317-5504Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000010139Accepting new patients: Yes

Ball, Lisa D., DOFamily Practice116 1st Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 895-5210 / Fax: (727) 821-4297Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013019Accepting new patients: No


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Barry, Kathleen C., MDFamily Practice116 1st Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 895-5210 / Fax: (727) 821-4297Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014023Accepting new patients: No

Casanova, Adriana M., MDInternal Medicine560 Jackson Street North Suite 302Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 895-9640 / Fax: (727) 895-9692Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012862Accepting new patients: No

Chambers, Jennifer R., DOFamily Practice5405 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 547-8425 / Fax: (813) 635-2699Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012831Accepting new patients: No

Eberhard, Joshua W., MDInternal Medicine116 1st Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 895-5210 / Fax: (727) 821-4297Gender: MaleID #: 200000014024Accepting new patients: No

Eberhard, Joshua W., MDInternal Medicine400 6th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 821-2117 / Fax: (727) 822-4870Gender: MaleID #: 200000014024Accepting new patients: No

Evans, Corey H., MDFamily Practice1201 5th Avenue North Suite 408Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 894-3733 / Fax: (727) 825-1482Gender: MaleID #: 200000012863Accepting new patients: No

Fana Jr., Miguel A., MDInternal Medicine5798 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-0192 / Fax: (727) 384-1500Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002886Accepting new patients: Yes

Garbe, Nicole E., DOFamily Practice116 1st Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 895-5210 / Fax: (727) 821-4297Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014615Accepting new patients: No

Gayne, Bryan, DOFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: MaleID #: 200000021636Accepting new patients: No

Gross, John A., MDFamily Practice116 1st Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 895-5210 / Fax: (727) 821-4297Gender: MaleID #: 200000012894Accepting new patients: No


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Hernandez, Lorenzo O., MDFamily Practice6801 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 822-3238 / Fax: (727) 823-1278Gender: MaleID #: 200000013239Accepting new patients: No

Jacobs, Chantel T., MDFamily Practice7751 9th Street North Suite 10Saint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 521-2424 / Fax: (727) 521-2425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014729Accepting new patients: No

Jani, Ashok K., MDHealthcare Now Medical CenterGeneral Practice2128 34th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 767-0904 / Fax: (727) 767-0937Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018183Accepting new patients: Yes

Johnrose-Brown, Anne-Marie C., MDFamily Practice900 Carillon Parkway Suite 308Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 561-2600 / Fax: (727) 333-6071Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012868Accepting new patients: No

Kadivar, Hajar, MDFamily Practice5798 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-0192 / Fax: (727) 384-1500Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021712Accepting new patients: Yes

Kazi, Shahnaz A., MDFamily Practice5405 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 547-8425 / Fax: (813) 635-2699Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012839Accepting new patients: No

Maloney, Timi D., MDFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7161 / Fax: (727) 824-7163Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014031Accepting new patients: No

McGrath, Megan G., MDBest Value Healthcare, LLCFamily Practice603 7th Street South Suite 590Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 322-4228 / Fax: (727) 322-4658Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): AfrikaansID #: 200000020858Accepting new patients: Yes

McNeel, Harry B., MDInternal Medicine620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: MaleID #: 200000014025Accepting new patients: Yes


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Melchert, Paul J., MDFamily Practice900 Carillon Parkway Suite 304Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 561-0912 / Fax: (727) 561-9306Gender: MaleID #: 200000012897Accepting new patients: No

Nelson, Carolina V., MDFamily Practice7751 9th Street North Suite 10Saint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 521-2424 / Fax: (727) 521-2425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014073Accepting new patients: No

Nelson, Cory, MDFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: MaleID #: 200000014037Accepting new patients: No

Pudur, Archana, MDFamily Practice3745 33rd Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 525-0006 / Fax: (727) 521-3694Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012770Accepting new patients: No

Rambicure, Benjamin P., MDFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7161 / Fax: (727) 824-7163Gender: MaleID #: 200000014032Accepting new patients: No

Ramos, Eileen, MDInternal Medicine620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018748Accepting new patients: No

Reyes, Vania L., MDInternal Medicine560 Jackson Street North Suite 302Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 895-9640 / Fax: (727) 895-9692Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013029Accepting new patients: No

Robison, Thomas J., MDFamily Practice560 Jackson Street North Suite 302Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 895-9640 / Fax: (727) 895-9692Gender: MaleID #: 200000012772Accepting new patients: No

Saberi, Ali, MDInternal Medicine1201 5th Avenue North Suite 408Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 894-3733 / Fax: (727) 825-1482Gender: MaleID #: 200000012735Accepting new patients: No


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Salud, Christopher J., MDFamily Practice900 Carillon Parkway Suite 303Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 556-0363 / Fax: (727) 525-0246Gender: MaleID #: 200000012773Accepting new patients: No

Santos, Gregorio S., MDGregorio S. Santos, MD, PAInternal Medicine6125 54th Avenue North Suite BSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 521-9467 / Fax: (727) 521-0416Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000011825Accepting new patients: Yes

Schmid, Kay F., MDFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7161 / Fax: (727) 824-7163Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014033Accepting new patients: No

Schutzbach, Bettina, MDFamily Practice6801 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 822-3238 / Fax: (727) 823-1278Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019061Accepting new patients: No

Schutzbach, Brian, MDFamily Practice7751 9th Street North Suite 10Saint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 521-2424 / Fax: (727) 521-2425Gender: MaleID #: 200000018518Accepting new patients: No

Shah, Mehul B., MDAnchor Medical GroupInternal Medicine1111 7th Avenue North Suite 107Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 894-1661 / Fax: (727) 894-1430Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000014818Accepting new patients: Yes

Stuart, Jennifer, MDFamily Practice3201 66th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-2355 / Fax: (727) 344-7166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014614Accepting new patients: No

Teav, Jessica A., MDFamily Practice6801 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 822-3238 / Fax: (727) 823-1278Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012756Accepting new patients: No


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Thompson, Frank A., MDFamily Practice900 Carillon Parkway Suite 303Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 556-0363 / Fax: (727) 525-0246Gender: MaleID #: 200000012812Accepting new patients: No

Tran, Lyly, MDFamily Practice3201 66th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-2355 / Fax: (727) 344-7166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012668Accepting new patients: No

Velasquez, Rafael M., MDFamily Practice5798 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-0192 / Fax: (727) 384-1500Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008221Accepting new patients: Yes

Victoria, Rosmery, DOFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017908Accepting new patients: No

Vinalon Jr., Conrad, MDFamily Practice620 10th Street North Suite 1ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-3120 / Fax: (727) 824-7173Gender: MaleID #: 200000014038Accepting new patients: No

Zini, Dylan, MDFamily Practice3201 66th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-2355 / Fax: (727) 344-7166Gender: MaleID #: 200000013241Accepting new patients: No


Clarkson, Todd F., DOOakhurst Medical ClinicFamily Practice13020 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33776Phone: (727) 393-3404 / Fax: (727) 392-3663Gender: MaleID #: 200000017776Accepting new patients: Yes

Engelman III, Norbert N., DOAll Care Medical ConsultantsFamily Practice8900 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33777Phone: (727) 545-4545 / Fax: (727) 548-1360Gender: MaleID #: 200000019783Accepting new patients: Yes

Horstman, Erica J., DOOakhurst Medical ClinicFamily Practice13020 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33776Phone: (727) 393-3404 / Fax: (727) 392-3663Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018187Accepting new patients: Yes


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Neifeld, Kenneth A., MDAll Care Medical ConsultantsInternal Medicine8900 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33777Phone: (727) 545-4545 / Fax: (727) 548-1360Gender: MaleID #: 200000015045Accepting new patients: Yes

Velasquez, Rafael M., MDFamily Practice9555 Seminole Boulevard Suite 103Seminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 393-5428 / Fax: (727) 399-9037Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008221Accepting new patients: Yes

Yamani, Mohammad I., MDAll Care Medical ConsultantsInternal Medicine8900 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33777Phone: (727) 545-4545 / Fax: (727) 548-1360Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000010573Accepting new patients: Yes

South Pasadena

Radke, Marcia A., MDInternal Medicine2525 Pasadena Avenue South Suite USouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 360-1784 / Fax: (727) 360-1823Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013303Accepting new patients: No

Uebelhart, Daniela, MDInternal Medicine2525 Pasadena Avenue South Suite USouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 360-1784 / Fax: (727) 360-1823Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012662Accepting new patients: No


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Price-McCarthy, Staci L., LACStaci L. Price, DC, PA1539 South Highland AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 585-8644Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019007

Shiu, Hua, LACInternational Health Clinic2878 Roosevelt BoulevardClearwater, FL 33760Phone: (727) 507-8555Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019009


Chambers, David, LACLargo Community Acupuncture12360 66th Street Suite ZLargo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 460-0553Gender: MaleID #: 200000019163

Kuperman, Joel M., LACJoel L. Kuperman2100 East Bay Drive Suite 226Largo, FL 33771Phone: (847) 777-9200Gender: MaleID #: 200000019005

Li, Qingrong, LACChinese Acupuncture and Herbal Center575 South Hercules Avenue Suite 601Largo, FL 33778Phone: (727) 392-7782Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019164

Li, Qingrong, LACChinese Acupuncture and Herbal Center10333 Seminole Boulevard Suite 5Largo, FL 33778Phone: (727) 392-7782Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019164

Perkins, Michelle A., LACNatural Med Therapy7600 Bryan Diary Road Suite CLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 541-2211Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019006

Tian, Haihe, LACChinese Acupuncture and Herbal Center575 South Hercules Avenue Suite 601Largo, FL 33778Phone: (727) 392-7782Gender: MaleID #: 200000019165

Tian, Haihe, LACChinese Acupuncture and Herbal Center10333 Seminole Boulevard Suite 5Largo, FL 33778Phone: (727) 392-7782Gender: MaleID #: 200000019165


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Palm Harbor

Goodman, Ryan P., LACGoodman Family and Sports Chiropractic36402 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 722-7700Gender: MaleID #: 200000019003

Pinellas Park

Belmore Jr., Stephen, LACBlue Dragon Healing Center4439 Park Boulevard NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 685-1390Gender: MaleID #: 200000019162

Safety Harbor

Tamburrino, Mark R., LACIntegrity Acupuncture3135 State Road 580 Suite 11Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 251-2882Gender: MaleID #: 200000019010

Saint Petersburg

Huynh, Kenneth Q., LACIn Light Acupuncture & Herbology6499 38th Avenue North Suite A2Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 698-6391Gender: MaleID #: 200000019004

Price-McCarthy, Staci L., LACStaci L. Price, DC, PA2909 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 585-8644Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019007

Rush, Christopher, LACTrinity Spine and Wellness2121 5th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (407) 505-7904Gender: MaleID #: 200000019008


Warticki, Shawn M., LACQuintan Acupuncture8836 Seminole BoulevardSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 481-0337Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019011

Allergy / Immunology


Phillips, Joel W., MDJ. Wayne Phillips, MD, PA708 Druid Road EastClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-1097 / Fax: (727) 441-2195Gender: MaleID #: 200000010127


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Chamarthy, Latha M., MDAdvanced Allergy & Asthma Care, PLLC2323 Curlew Road Suite 6DDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 544-8100 / Fax: (727) 544-8200Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Tamil, TeluguID #: 200000010115

Palm Harbor

Phillips, Joel W., MDJ. Wayne Phillips, MD, PA2445 Tampa Road Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 787-2092 / Fax: (727) 441-2195Gender: MaleID #: 200000010127

Pinellas Park

Chamarthy, Latha M., MDAdvanced Allergy & Asthma Care, PLLC6233 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-8100 / Fax: (727) 544-8200Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Tamil, TeluguID #: 200000010115

Sanka, Madhurima, DOAdvanced Allergy & Asthma Care, PLLC6233 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-8100 / Fax: (727) 544-8200Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000010116

Saint Petersburg

Ballow, Mark, MD601 5th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-4150 / Fax: (727) 767-8532Gender: MaleID #: 200000019131

Leiding, Jennifer W., MD601 5th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-4150 / Fax: (727) 767-8532Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019129

Sher, Mandel R., MD601 5th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-4150 / Fax: (727) 767-8532Gender: MaleID #: 200000019136

Sriaroon, Panida, MD601 5th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-4150 / Fax: (727) 767-8532Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019135

Tang, Nathan, MD601 5th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-4150 / Fax: (727) 767-8532Gender: MaleID #: 200000019134

Walter, Jolan E., MD601 5th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-4150 / Fax: (727) 767-8532Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019133


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Amin, Jay K., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 250Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3701 / Fax: (727) 298-6278Gender: MaleID #: 200000012671

Amin, Mahesh, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 250Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3701 / Fax: (727) 298-6278Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000012908

Bayron, Carlos J., MDInterventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC3253 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 200Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 842-9486 / Fax: (727) 375-1060Gender: MaleID #: 200000006172

Black, Robert A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 250Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3701 / Fax: (727) 298-6278Gender: MaleID #: 200000012694

Black, Robert A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012694

Boyiadzis, Harris, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000006126

Cheng, Wayne, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 240Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7239 / Fax: (727) 464-7261Gender: MaleID #: 200000012865

Cheng, Wayne, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012865

Dagher, Georges A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008275

Hobson, Jonathan D., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012870

Khalil, Sherief N., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000011586


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Kovach, Todd A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 240Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7239 / Fax: (727) 464-7261Gender: MaleID #: 200000008048

Kovach, Todd A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008048

Kristof-Kuteyeva, Olga, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013165

Lin, Lang, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 240Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7239 / Fax: (727) 464-7261Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012874

Lin, Lang, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012874

Miller, Leslie, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 250Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3701 / Fax: (727) 298-6278Gender: MaleID #: 200000012693

Moondra, Vaibhav, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008226

Mosher, Laura G., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000008327

Nair, Nanda K., DO455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000013159

Nguyen, Van Q., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008355

Patel, Parag D., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000009375

Quick, Kimberly M., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012875


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Sharma, Rakesh K., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012877

Sodano, Dan M., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008688


Black, Robert A., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012694

Boyiadzis, Harris, MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000006126

Cheng, Wayne, MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012865

Dagher, Georges A., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008275

Hobson, Jonathan D., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012870

Khalil, Sherief N., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000011586

Kovach, Todd A., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008048

Kristof-Kuteyeva, Olga, MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013165

Lin, Lang, MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012874


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Moondra, Vaibhav, MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008226

Mosher, Laura G., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000008327

Nair, Nanda K., DO646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000013159

Nguyen, Van Q., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008355

Patel, Parag D., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000009375

Quick, Kimberly M., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012875

Sharma, Rakesh K., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012877

Sodano, Dan M., MD646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008688


Bhatia, Vikas, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 301Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000015620

Boyle, Andrew J., MDComprehensive Cardiac Surgical Services1345 West Bay Drive Suite 301Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: MaleID #: 200000017712

Boyle, Andrew J., MDFACT Surgery1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 302Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: MaleID #: 200000017712


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Boyle, Andrew J., MDWest Florida Cardiology Network, LLC1551 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: MaleID #: 200000017712

Codolosa, Jose N., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA200 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016967

Gandhi, Malay S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA200 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016968

Hrobowski-Blackman, Tara N., MDComprehensive Cardiac Surgical Services1345 West Bay Drive Suite 301Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019543

Hrobowski-Blackman, Tara N., MDFACT Surgery1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 302Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019543

Hrobowski-Blackman, Tara N., MDWest Florida Cardiology Network, LLC1551 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019543

Jordan, Timothy M., DOThe Heart Institute1345 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-6190 / Fax: (727) 581-3550Gender: MaleID #: 200000017656

Kethireddy, Ravi R., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA200 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000015451

Klein, Jesse J., DOThe Heart Institute1345 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-6190 / Fax: (727) 581-3550Gender: MaleID #: 200000009407

Krolick, Merrill A., DOThe Heart Institute1345 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-6190 / Fax: (727) 581-3550Gender: MaleID #: 200000005929


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Patel, Akash, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA200 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000018016

Steinhoff, Jeffrey P., MDThe Heart Institute1345 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-6190 / Fax: (727) 581-3550Gender: MaleID #: 200000005928

Walsh, Ronald L., DOThe Heart Institute1345 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-6190 / Fax: (727) 581-3550Gender: MaleID #: 200000009152

Wilson, Christopher H., DOThe Heart Institute1345 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-6190 / Fax: (727) 581-3550Gender: MaleID #: 200000008989

Palm Harbor

Mithani, Vimesh K., MDWest Florida Cardiovascular Center, Inc.2676 West Lake RoadPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-1000 / Fax: (727) 786-1055Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001835

Patel, Darshan V., MDFlorida Cardiology Group, LLC2595 Tampa Road Suite UPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 819-2338 / Fax: (727) 863-4766Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, GujaratiID #: 200000000360

Saiyad, Saleemuddin I., MDCare Cardiology and Vein Center34760 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (813) 818-0100 / Fax: (813) 818-0144Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000013492

Safety Harbor

Black, Robert A., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012694

Boyiadzis, Harris, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000006126

Cheng, Wayne, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012865


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Dagher, Georges A., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008275

Hobson, Jonathan D., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000012870

Khalil, Sherief N., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000011586

Kharod, Anant M., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: Male

Kovach, Todd A., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008048

Kristof-Kuteyeva, Olga, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013165

Lin, Lang, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012874

Moondra, Vaibhav, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008226

Mosher, Laura G., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000008327

Nair, Nanda K., DO1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000013159

Nguyen, Van Q., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008355

Patel, Parag D., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000009375


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Quick, Kimberly M., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012875

Shah, Rachit M., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: Male

Sharma, Rakesh K., MD3231 McMullen Booth Road 1st FloorSafety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6905 / Fax: (727) 266-4931Gender: MaleID #: 200000012877

Sodano, Dan M., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425Gender: MaleID #: 200000008688

Saint Petersburg

Abdul Jabbar, Ali H., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000014004

Abdul Jabbar, Ali H., MDThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000014004

Ahiable, Lilian E., MDThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019266

Avery, Samantha R., DOThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009153

Bhatia, Vikas, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000015620

Bhatia, Vikas, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000015620


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Boyle, Andrew J., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 120Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: MaleID #: 200000017712

Caballero, Jaime A., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, SpanishID #: 200000019267

Cardona, Francisco, MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008982

Codolosa, Jose N., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016967

Degheim, George, MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000014856

Gandhi, Malay S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016968

Gandhi, Malay S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016968

Garner, Kevin F., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: MaleID #: 200000014043

Giannoni Delgado, Miguel A., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015073

Giannoni Delgado, Miguel A., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015073


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Hooda, Farhan, DOThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000019512

Hooda, Farhan, DOThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: MaleID #: 200000019512

Hrobowski-Blackman, Tara N., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 120Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019543

Jacob, Jasmine R., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014044

Kethireddy, Ravi R., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000015451

Law, Trevor M., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: MaleID #: 200000014045

Levine, Jason C., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: MaleID #: 200000014046

Marcus, Marshall B., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000019268

Marcus, Marshall B., MDThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: MaleID #: 200000019268

Marmagkiolis, Konstantinos, MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, GreekID #: 200000018742


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Moss, Brian N., DOBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000008672

Moss, Brian N., DOBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000008672

Mukayed, Usama, MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000014964

Patel, Akash, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000018016

Patel, Akash, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000018016

Post, James R., MDThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: MaleID #: 200000008681

Ramos, Geraldo A., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: MaleID #: 200000014047

Ramos, Geraldo A., MD900 Carillon Parkway Suite 301Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: MaleID #: 200000014047

Reddy, Mohan S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000007386

Reddy, Mohan S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000007386


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Salazar, Manuel F., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Italian, SpanishID #: 200000010224

Salazar, Manuel F., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Italian, SpanishID #: 200000010224

Sanchez, Robert, MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000008986

Shah, Shalin S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000017043

Shah, Shalin S., MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000017043

Sheppard, Robert C., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000009630

Skorczewski, James H., DOBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleID #: 200000015625

Srivastava, Amit, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000015027

Srivastava, Amit, MDBay Area Heart Center, PA1201 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000015027

Tas, Amber S., DOBay Area Heart Center, PA5398 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1441 / Fax: (727) 545-8263Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009592


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Walsh, John W., MDThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000008988

Walsh, John W., MDThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: MaleID #: 200000008988

Wilson, Christopher H., DOThe Heart Institute6006 49th Street North Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 490-2100 / Fax: (855) 222-3965Gender: MaleID #: 200000008989

Wilson, Christopher H., DOThe Heart Institute1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 490-3030 / Fax: (866) 200-9885Gender: MaleID #: 200000008989

Woods, Andrea, MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8243Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014048

Tarpon Springs

Kalani, Equbal E., MDEqubal Kalani, MD, PA1501 South Pinellas Avenue Suite STarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 943-2880 / Fax: (727) 943-2878Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000001656


Palm Harbor

Lipkin, Mark Z., DCMark Z. Lipkin, DC2595 Tampa Road Suite PPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 787-4787 / Fax: (727) 785-9919Gender: MaleID #: 200000014077

Saint Petersburg

Blankenship, Martin K., DCFamily Chiropractic Plus3862 Central AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 388-0966 / Fax: (727) 310-2998Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000015350


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Frattalone, Samuel C., DCFlorida Chiropractic Institute4641 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-7878 / Fax: (727) 546-9253Gender: MaleID #: 200000010590

Jenkins, Kenneth A., DCBay Area Wellness Center3600 1st Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 327-4522 / Fax: (727) 327-8069Gender: MaleID #: 200000018766

Krippendorf, Donald J., DCFlorida Chiropractic Institute4641 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-7878 / Fax: (727) 546-9253Gender: MaleID #: 200000010591

Critical Care


Averill, Francis J., MDSt. Francis Sleep, Allergy and Lung Institute, LLC802 North Belcher RoadClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 447-3000 / Fax: (727) 210-4600Gender: MaleID #: 200000001661

Masson Jr., John A., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001673

Pinellas Park

Agrawal, Rajesh K., MDAmerican Lung and Sleep Disorder Consultants, PA6221 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 528-4900 / Fax: (727) 528-8628Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, SindhiID #: 200000001631



Croft, Sarah, DOPH Dermatology401 Corbett Street Suite 200Belleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 250-1115 / Fax: (727) 475-9015Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018191

Foster, Kent W., MDFlorida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers609 Indian Rocks RoadBelleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-6217 / Fax: (727) 478-2909Gender: MaleID #: 200000011683

Mavropoulos, John C., MDPH Dermatology401 Corbett Street Suite 200Belleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 250-1115 / Fax: (727) 475-9015Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000018706


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Armstrong, Frank T., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.2329 Sunset Point Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000020880

Belongie, Iriana P., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.3165 North McMullen Booth Road Building BClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 258-9143 / Fax: (727) 823-7043Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001931

Bondar, George L., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.2329 Sunset Point Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018014

Epstein, Rachel E., DOClear Skin Dermatology, PA2454 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 424Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 248-0118 / Fax: (727) 869-555Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018765

Garcia-Cardona, Maria E., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery26344 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 669-3676 / Fax: (727) 669-3669Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000011896

Maloney, Karen L., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.3165 North McMullen Booth Road Building BClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 258-9143 / Fax: (727) 823-7043Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013469

Spohn, Gina P., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.3165 North McMullen Booth Road Building BClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 258-9143 / Fax: (727) 823-7043Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014103

Vasiloudes, Panayiotis E., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.3165 North McMullen Booth Road Building BClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 258-9143 / Fax: (727) 823-7043Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, German, GreekID #: 200000001928

Zook, Matthew B., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.1201 South Myrtle AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-1917 / Fax: (727) 446-3490Gender: MaleID #: 200000001927


Maloney, Karen L., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 270-7291 / Fax: (727) 446-3490Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013469


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Spohn, Gina P., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 270-7291 / Fax: (727) 446-3490Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014103

Sultenfuss, Thomas J., MDPH Dermatology1022 Main Street Suite RDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 734-6710 / Fax: (727) 734-6712Gender: MaleID #: 200000018708


Ballard, Christopher J., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.11200 Seminole Boulevard Suite 205Largo, FL 33778Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018002

Chavda, Krina, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery115 Highland AvenueLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 585-8591 / Fax: (727) 586-3181Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000153

Chavda, Krina, DOLargo Family Care13540 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-5492 / Fax: (727) 593-5440Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009338

DeLozier, Whitney L., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 360Largo, FL 33777Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017767

Esguerra, David, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery115 Highland AvenueLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 585-8591 / Fax: (727) 586-3181Gender: MaleID #: 200000000145

Ewanowski, Christopher D., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.11200 Seminole Boulevard Suite 205Largo, FL 33778Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018003

Farsi, Maheera A, DOLargo Family Care13540 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-5492 / Fax: (727) 593-5440Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019397

Miller, Richard A., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery115 Highland AvenueLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 585-8591 / Fax: (727) 586-3181Gender: MaleID #: 200000000148


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Moon, Summer, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery115 Highland AvenueLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 585-8591 / Fax: (727) 586-3181Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015040

Moon, Summer, DOLargo Family Care13540 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-5492 / Fax: (727) 593-5440Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019788

Perrott, Ronald E., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 360Largo, FL 33777Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018207

Podnos, Scott M., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8250 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 393-5300 / Fax: (727) 393-5301Gender: Male

Proper, Steven A., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8250 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 393-5300 / Fax: (727) 393-5301Gender: MaleID #: 200000000513

Ross, Risa B., DOLargo Family Care13540 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-5492 / Fax: (727) 593-5440Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009335

Wangia, Michael W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery8250 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 250Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 393-5300 / Fax: (727) 393-5301Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000018381

Witfill, Kristin J., DOLargo Family Care13540 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-5492 / Fax: (727) 593-5440Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009337

Zook, Matthew B., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.1301 2nd Avenue Southwest 5th FloorLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 935-0500 / Fax: (727) 935-0501Gender: MaleID #: 200000001927

Palm Harbor

Albergo, Robert P., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery4132 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-5100 / Fax: (727) 789-8344Gender: MaleID #: 200000016618


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Altman, Roger W., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.32615 US Highway 19 North Suite 1Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018001

Benmaman, Coty, MDPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Chavda, Krina, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery34941 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7080 / Fax: (727) 771-7694Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000153

Croft, Sarah, DOPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018191

Garner, Lisa A., MDPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018190

Honigbaum, Alexis, MDPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018189

Mavropoulos, John C., MDPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GreekID #: 200000018706

Miller, Richard A., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery34941 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7080 / Fax: (727) 771-7694Gender: MaleID #: 200000000148

Moon, Summer, DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery34941 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7080 / Fax: (727) 771-7694Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015040

Ross, Amy S., MDPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018026

Shutty, Brandon G., DOPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: MaleLanguage(s): PolishID #: 200000018707


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Tharp, Michael D., MDPH Dermatology4197 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 786-3810 / Fax: (727) 786-3855Gender: MaleID #: 200000018705

Pinellas Park

Dewberry, Charles T., DOFlorida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers6020 Park Boulevard NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 548-9196 / Fax: (727) 545-4678Gender: MaleID #: 200000011682

Safety Harbor

Benmaman, Coty, MDPH Dermatology1840 Mease Drive Suite 406Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-8222 / Fax: (727) 712-8229Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Kelly, Timothy F., MDPH Dermatology1840 Mease Drive Suite 406Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-8222 / Fax: (727) 712-8229Gender: MaleID #: 200000018701

Saint Petersburg

Armstrong, Frank T., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.5200 Seminole Boulevard #1Saint Petersburg, FL 33708Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000020880

Arrington, Elizabeth A., MDSt. Petersburg Dermatology, LLC1530 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 202-9442 / Fax: (727) 265-2507Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009656

Bondar, George L., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.5200 Seminole Boulevard #1Saint Petersburg, FL 33708Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018014

Bondar, George L., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.6499 38th Avenue North Suite B2Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (727) 293-4910Gender: MaleID #: 200000018014

Connors, James B., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3ASaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7105Gender: MaleID #: 200000014039


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Galliani, Jean Pierre, MDSt. Petersburg Dermatology, LLC1530 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 202-9442 / Fax: (727) 265-2507Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Portuguese, SpanishID #: 200000014018

Garner, Lisa A., MDPH Dermatology6450 38th Avenue North Suite 330Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 273-8267 / Fax: (727) 273-8268Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018190

Johansen, Naomi G., MDSt. Petersburg Dermatology, LLC1530 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 202-9442 / Fax: (727) 265-2507Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015046

Salyards, Jill K., DOSpencer Dermatology900 Carillon Parkway Suite 404Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 572-1333 / Fax: (727) 572-1331Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016333

Spencer, James M., MDSpencer Dermatology900 Carillon Parkway Suite 404Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 572-1333 / Fax: (727) 572-1331Gender: MaleID #: 200000016334

Tharp, Michael D., MDPH Dermatology6450 38th Avenue North Suite 330Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 273-8267 / Fax: (727) 273-8268Gender: MaleID #: 200000018705

Wishik, Jared A., MDSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.5200 Seminole Boulevard #1Saint Petersburg, FL 33708Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: Male

Witfill, Kristin J., DOBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery7500 Gulf Boulevard Suite BSaint Petersburg, FL 33706Phone: (727) 363-6688 / Fax: (727) 363-8257Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000152

Zook, Matthew B., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.3950 3rd Street North Suite ASaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 821-0612 / Fax: (727) 822-5507Gender: MaleID #: 200000001927


Armstrong, Frank T., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.9170 Oakhurst Road Suite 1Seminole, FL 33776Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000020880


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Bondar, George L., DOSuncoast Skin Solutions, Inc.9170 Oakhurst Road Suite 1Seminole, FL 33776Phone: (813) 321-1786 / Fax: (813) 321-1787Gender: MaleID #: 200000018014

Tarpon Springs

Lam, David A., MDAcademic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc.1005 East Boyer StreetTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-7638 / Fax: (727) 944-4052Gender: MaleID #: 200000001930



Denker, Paul S., MD417 Corbett StreetBelleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-4581 / Fax: (727) 443-2307Gender: MaleID #: 200000013155

DiMarco, Paul E., MD417 Corbett StreetBelleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-4581 / Fax: (727) 443-2307Gender: MaleID #: 200000013156


Janicka, Ania E., DODiabetes Care Center, Inc.2531 Landmark Drive Suite 104Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 450-1349 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleID #: 200000000499

Lu, Wenge, MD1106 Druid Road South Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8300 / Fax: (813) 635-2187Gender: MaleID #: 200000012708

Machado Cortes, Marivette, MD1106 Druid Road South Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8300 / Fax: (813) 635-2187Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013262

Penabad, Jesus L., MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.2531 Landmark Drive Suite 104Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 450-1349 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000607

Pinero-Pilona, Antonio, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.2531 Landmark Drive Suite 104Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 450-1349 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000000501


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Plazarte, Monica Y., DODiabetes Care Center, Inc.2531 Landmark Drive Suite 104Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 450-1349 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008638

Szafran-Swietlik, Anna, MDDiabetes Care Center, Inc.2531 Landmark Drive Suite 104Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 450-1349 / Fax: (727) 862-0934Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): PolishID #: 200000001133


Budharaju, Venkata G., MDFlorida Endocrinology & Diabetes Center, LLC2323 Curlew Road Suite 6 DDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 623-9913 / Fax: (727) 803-6852Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, TeluguID #: 200000010372

Pinellas Park

Budharaju, Venkata G., MDFlorida Endocrinology & Diabetes Center, LLC6229 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 623-9913 / Fax: (727) 803-6852Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, TeluguID #: 200000010372

Safety Harbor

Patel, Payal S., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 104Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6283Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012728

Siddiqui, Munira D., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 104Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6283Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015033

Saint Petersburg

Blanchard, Richard F., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8251 / Fax: (727) 824-8271Gender: MaleID #: 200000014070

Santana-Hernandez, Omar, MD620 10th Street North Suite 3ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8251 / Fax: (727) 824-8271Gender: MaleID #: 200000017486

Varanasi, Ajay, MDTampa Bay Diabetes, Thyroid & Endocrine Center, PA5775 5th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 345-5222 / Fax: (727) 345-4066Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000007405


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Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery


Maternal Fetal Medicine-Tampa1301 2nd Avenue South WestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (813) 644-6235 / Fax: (813) 644-6245ID #: 200000021293

Maternal Fetal Medicine-Tampa1301 2nd Avenue South WestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (813) 644-6235 / Fax: (813) 644-6245ID #: 200000021452

Safety Harbor

Williams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336ID #: 200000021439

Williams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336



Berner, Jody S., MD1305 South Fort Harrison Avenue Suite EClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 631-0915 / Fax: (727) 631-0916Gender: MaleID #: 200000013258

Gerrish, Stephen T., MD1305 South Fort Harrison Avenue Suite EClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 631-0915 / Fax: (727) 631-0916Gender: MaleID #: 200000013263

Kamath, Jayaprakash K., MDFlorida Digestive Specialists1417 South Belcher Road Suite AClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 443-4299 / Fax: (727) 521-4857Gender: MaleID #: 200000001652

Manitsas, Sarah C., MD1305 South Fort Harrison Avenue Suite EClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 631-0915 / Fax: (727) 631-0916Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013255

Moore, Anmarie E., MD1305 South Fort Harrison Avenue Suite EClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 631-0915 / Fax: (727) 631-0916Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013256


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Amin, Sanjiv P., DOAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000008921

Onea, Mirela, MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): RomanianID #: 200000008996

Taunk, Jawahar L., MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002899


Alkurdi, Basem, MDTransplant & Hepatobiliary Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 315Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000009405

Alkurdi, Basem, MDTransplant Surgical Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 314Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000009405

Palm Harbor

Amin, Sanjiv P., DOAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC34041 US Highway 19 Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000008921

Humphreys, Kevin D., MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC34041 US Highway 19 Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: MaleID #: 200000014102

Onea, Mirela, MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC34041 US Highway 19 Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): RomanianID #: 200000008996


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Taunk, Jawahar L., MDAdvanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC34041 US Highway 19 Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 786-0017 / Fax: (727) 786-7521Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000002899

Saint Petersburg

Kamath, Jayaprakash K., MDFlorida Digestive Specialists5651 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 443-4299 / Fax: (727) 443-0255Gender: MaleID #: 200000001652

Kozlov, Nicholas A., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3BSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7116Gender: MaleID #: 200000014057

Sperber, Harry, MD620 10th Street North Suite 3BSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7116Gender: MaleID #: 200000014058

Strickland Menon, Amy, MD620 10th Street North Suite 3BSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7116Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014059

General Dentistry


Boules, Amir, DMDOakfield Dental1016 Ponce De Leon Boulevard Suite 4Belleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 315-1515 / Fax: (727) 489-2831Gender: Male

Belleair Bluffs

Franz, Rachel L., DMDDental Health Group2938 West Bay Drive Suite CBelleair Bluffs, FL 33770Phone: (727) 584-5548 / Fax: (727) 474-8347Gender: Female


Mickelson, Nicholas K., DMDSmile Design - Sand Lake2515 Countryside Boulevard Suite AClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 726-8166 / Fax: (813) 464-3184Gender: Male

Mupparaju, Ushakiran, DDSSmile Design - Sand Lake2515 Countryside Boulevard Suite AClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 726-8166 / Fax: (813) 464-3184Gender: Female


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Mupparaju, Ushakiran, DDSSmile Design Dentistry5020 East Bay Drive Suite 900Clearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 270-9122Gender: Female

Tarnowski, David S., DMDHealth Now Dental Belleair1180 Ponce De Leon Boulevard Suite 801BClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 517-9599 / Fax: (727) 999-2074Gender: Male


Arditi, Sibel, DMDGreenberg Dental & Orthodontics, PA12963 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 265-3307 / Fax: (727) 233-4977Gender: Female

Johnson, Kristie L., DMDMid-County Dental Associates, PA2700 East Bay Drive Suite 206Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 536-3400 / Fax: (727) 532-3016Gender: Female

Millan-Morales, Alicia, DMDMid-County Dental Associates, PA2700 East Bay Drive Suite 206Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 536-3400 / Fax: (727) 532-3016Gender: Female

Park, Keum H., DMDBright Now! Dental10500 Ulmerton Road Suite 210Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 581-1900 / Fax: (727) 588-0771Gender: Female

Rodenbostel, Peter J., DMDDental Health Group11701 Belcher Road Suite 103Largo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 531-7676 / Fax: (727) 373-0034Gender: Male

Warner, Ryan R., DDSMid-County Dental Associates, PA2700 East Bay Drive Suite 106Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 536-3400 / Fax: (727) 532-3016Gender: Male


Riad, Youssef, DDSSmile Design - Sand Lake301 Woodlands Parkway Suite 6Oldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (727) 784-0929 / Fax: (727) 499-6881Gender: Male

Palm Harbor

Rodenbostel, Peter J., DMDDental Health Group35176 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 723-1400 / Fax: (727) 724-9600Gender: Male


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Pinellas Park

Tarnowski, David S., DMDSandbay Dental, PLLC7599 Park Boulevard Suite 200Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 999-2075 / Fax: (727) 999-2074Gender: Male

Saint Petersburg

Arditi, Sibel, DMDGreenberg Dental & Orthodontics, PA10472 Roosevelt Boulevard NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 399-6938 / Fax: (727) 914-6982Gender: Female

Bandeira, Andre L., DMDSmile Design Dentistry3863 Central AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 327-3570 / Fax: (727) 499-7510Gender: Male

Desai, Hina, DDSSmile Design Dentistry4300 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 526-7500 / Fax: (813) 464-3184Gender: Female

Lindow, David L., DDSSmile Design Dentistry4300 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 526-7500 / Fax: (813) 464-3184Gender: Male

Rodenbostel, Peter J., DMDDental Health Group400 Carillon Parkway Suite 120Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 299-0728 / Fax: (727) 209-1365Gender: Male

Rodenbostel, Peter J., DMDDental Health Group400 Carillon Parkway Suite 120Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 299-0728 / Fax: (727) 209-1365Gender: Male

General Surgery


Neyra, Harold, DOSurgical Speciality Group of Oviedo8400 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 1010Ovideo, FL 32765Gender: Male


Allen Lilly, Stephanie M., MDUnited Vein Centers2963 Gulf to Bay Boulevard Suite 270Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (813) 961-1331 / Fax: (888) 850-8316Gender: FemaleID #: 200000017769


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Erickson, Kurt V., MD1106 Druid Road South Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5681 / Fax: (727) 461-6258Gender: MaleID #: 200000013278

Kiang, William, DOUnited Vein Centers2963 Gulf to Bay Boulevard Suite 270Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (813) 961-1331 / Fax: (888) 850-8316Gender: MaleID #: 200000018464

Rodriguez, Richard, DO1106 Druid Road South Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5681 / Fax: (727) 461-6258Gender: MaleID #: 200000013281

Stewart, Valerie, DO1106 Druid Road South Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5681 / Fax: (727) 461-6258Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013277

Sukharamwala, Prashant B., MD2424 Enterprise Road Suite CClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 799-6255 / Fax: (813) 635-7865Gender: MaleID #: 200000012779

Tirone, Thomas A., MD1106 Druid Road South Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5681 / Fax: (727) 461-6258Gender: MaleID #: 200000013283


Berry, David G., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010376

Schmidt, Rick J., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA646 Virginia Street Suite 201Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010379


Gordon, Richard S., MDTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP1258 West Bay Drive Suite DLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-3751 / Fax: (727) 587-9340Gender: MaleID #: 200000006010

Lowery, Glen D., DOTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP2039 Indian Rocks Road SouthLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 584-7666 / Fax: (727) 586-1386Gender: MaleID #: 200000010137


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Osman-Mohamed, Hussein K., MDTransplant & Hepatobiliary Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 315Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: MaleID #: 200000006430

Osman-Mohamed, Hussein K., MDTransplant Surgical Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 314Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: MaleID #: 200000006430

Safety Harbor

Berry, David G., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA1840 Mease Drive Suite 301Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010376

Davidson, Robert S., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA1840 Mease Drive Suite 301Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010377

Roth, Robert T., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA1840 Mease Drive Suite 301Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010378

Schmidt, Rick J., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA1840 Mease Drive Suite 301Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010379

Small, Theodore R., MDSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA1840 Mease Drive Suite 301Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010380

Tas, Sebastian, DOTampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP1840 Mease Drive Suite 401 BSafety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 799-2747 / Fax: (727) 330-2562Gender: MaleID #: 200000010138

Saint Petersburg

Almond, Brett A., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA900 Carillon Parkway Suite 301Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000001533

Almond, Brett A., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000001533


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Collins, Paul S., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleLanguage(s): German, SpanishID #: 200000001536

Couch, Matthew H., MDPinellas Surgical Associates, Inc.4801 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 526-3468 / Fax: (727) 522-3369Gender: MaleID #: 200000001616

Cundiff, Jason, MDBradenton Trauma Surgical Group6006 49th Street North Suite 310Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (941) 794-5621 / Fax: (877) 501-8537Gender: Male

Gozdanovic, Suzanne M., MDPinellas Surgical Associates, Inc.4801 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 526-3468 / Fax: (727) 522-3369Gender: FemaleID #: 200000008075

Gunn, Jinny L., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA2191 9th Avenue North Suite 270Saint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018033

Huguet, Kevin L., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000001538

Jessee, Tiffany M., DOSun Coast Bariatrics1609 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 3MSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 289-7137 / Fax: (727) 498-6418Gender: FemaleID #: 200000015490

Prebish, Thomas J., DOPalm Surgical Associates1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 330Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 345-2929 / Fax: (727) 345-0340Gender: MaleID #: 200000021728

Shawchuck, Kay M., MDBreast Care Surgical Associates6450 38th Avenue North Suite 440Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 551-2033 / Fax: (727) 684-1447Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014084

St. Julien, Jamii B., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000015441


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Westervelt, James A., MDSt. Petersburg Surgical Specialist601 7th Street South Suite 495Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 289-5932Gender: MaleID #: 200000019879

South Pasadena

Prebish, Thomas J., DOPalms Surgical Associates1615 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 330South Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 345-2929Gender: Male

Gynecological / Oncology

Also see Obstetrics and Gynecology


Arango, Hector A., MD1005 Pinellas StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-2111 / Fax: (727) 447-2131Gender: MaleID #: 200000013017



Gadiyaram, Vijayakrishna, MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 220Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3692 / Fax: (727) 266-4935Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012690


Abid, Syed H., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015589

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Makani, Neeharika S., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018711


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Palm Harbor

Hansalia, Sudhir J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC4114 Woodlands Parkway Suite 301Palm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016183

Makani, Neeharika S., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC4114 Woodlands Parkway Suite 301Palm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018711

Safety Harbor

Bayraktar, Soley, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016378

Fitzgerald, Thomas J., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: MaleID #: 200000013260

Hopman, Rusudan, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012789

Hoy, Jeffrey M., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: MaleID #: 200000007228

Rocha, Rafael, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: MaleID #: 200000019610

Saint Petersburg

Abid, Syed H., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015589

Denson, Aaron C., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000019620


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Kerr II, Daniel A., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleID #: 200000019621

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC603 7th Street South Suite 560Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 820-7714 / Fax: (727) 544-5441Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Patel, Sheel J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC603 7th Street South Suite 560Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 820-7714 / Fax: (727) 544-5441Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000015591

Shaker, Ahmad, MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8325Gender: MaleID #: 200000014027

Infectious Disease

Saint Petersburg

Aneja, Parul, MDInfectious Disease Consultants of West Florida, LLC1752 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 350-3880 / Fax: (870) 581-6232Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Kannada, Punjabi, TamilID #: 200000010362

Balcacer-Estevez, Nery D., MDAdvanced Bay Area Medical Associates, PA1700 66th Street North Suite 510Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-2479 / Fax: (727) 533-2252Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002194

Chopra, Anil, MDInfectious Disease Consultants of West Florida, LLC1752 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 350-3880 / Fax: (870) 581-6232Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010125

Levenson, Jeffrey R., MDAdvanced Bay Area Medical Associates, PA1700 66th Street North Suite 510Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-2479 / Fax: (727) 533-2252Gender: MaleID #: 200000002193


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Mai, Jane N., MD3050 1st Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 321-4846 / Fax: (727) 321-3811Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013378

Mayer, Cynthia A., DO3050 1st Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 321-4846 / Fax: (727) 321-3811Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013372


Balcacer-Estevez, Nery D., MDAdvanced Bay Area Medical Associates, PA8207 113th Street NorthSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 397-3991 / Fax: (727) 391-4746Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002194

Levenson, Jeffrey R., MDAdvanced Bay Area Medical Associates, PA8207 113th Street NorthSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 397-3991 / Fax: (727) 391-4746Gender: MaleID #: 200000002193



Brucculeri, Michael J., MDRenal Hypertension Center1055 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-6245 / Fax: (727) 447-3793Gender: MaleID #: 200000002278

D'Cunha, Prakas T., MDTampa Bay Vascular Center29296 US Highway 19 South Suite 4Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 784-8444 / Fax: (727) 784-8445Gender: MaleID #: 200000002093

Needham Jr., Gerald T., DOBay Area Nephrology, PL1305 South Fort Harrison Avenue Building HClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-0104 / Fax: (727) 441-8272Gender: MaleID #: 200000001643

Sharma, Tushar, MDRenal Hypertension Center1055 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-6245 / Fax: (727) 447-3793Gender: MaleID #: 200000002090

Sharma, Tushar, MDTampa Bay Vascular Center29296 US Highway 19 South Suite 4Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 784-8444 / Fax: (727) 784-8445Gender: MaleID #: 200000002090


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Abdel Rahman, Layal, MDTransplant Surgical Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 314Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: FemaleID #: 200000009404

Shetye, Kedar R., MDRenal Hypertension Center1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 303Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 595-2704 / Fax: (727) 596-6976Gender: MaleID #: 200000002095

Taha, Mohamed M., MDTransplant & Hepatobiliary Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 315Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: MaleID #: 200000018743

Taha, Mohamed M., MDTransplant Surgical Specialists at Largo1301 2nd Avenue Southwest Suite 314Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7120 / Fax: (727) 585-6850Gender: MaleID #: 200000018743

Saint Petersburg

Dassani, Nehal S., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8274Gender: MaleID #: 200000014062

Fabelo, Edward M., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8274Gender: MaleID #: 200000014064

Matcha, Mrinalini E., MDRenal Hypertension Center635 4th Street Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33731Phone: (727) 201-4968 / Fax: (727) 201-4971Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000002092

Niaz, Nabila, MDNabila Niaz, MD, PA1201 5th Avenue North Suite 302Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-2388 / Fax: (727) 821-0087Gender: FemaleID #: 200000001915

Pudur, Sudhindra, MDRenal Hypertension Center635 4th Street Suite 200Saint Petersburg, FL 33731Phone: (727) 201-4968 / Fax: (727) 201-4971Gender: MaleID #: 200000002091


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Rizzo, Gerald J., MDGerald J. Rizzo, MD, PA1201 Fifth Avenue North Suite 302Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 823-6700 / Fax: (727) 822-2812Gender: MaleID #: 200000001664

Sotolongo, Ignacio, MD620 10th Street North Suite 3DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8274Gender: MaleID #: 200000014067



Andriola, Michael J., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 402Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8635 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: MaleID #: 200000012759

Arora, Ajay K., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 402Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8635 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: MaleID #: 200000012737

Khousakoun, Somphanh T., DO300 Pinellas StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-8585 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: MaleID #: 200000013264

Khousakoun, Somphanh T., DO430 Morton Plant Street Suite 402Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8635 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: MaleID #: 200000013264

Leber, Barry L., MD300 Pinellas Street MS44Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8231Gender: MaleID #: 200000013237

Leber, Barry L., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 402Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8635 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: MaleID #: 200000013237

Nozile-Firth, Kamilia S., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 402Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8635 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013291

Sinoff, Suart, MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 402Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-8635 / Fax: (727) 461-8648Gender: MaleID #: 200000012745


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Hulley III, William C., DOWilliam C. Hulley, DO, PA670 Clearwater Largo Road North Suite ELargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 446-8226 / Fax: (727) 446-8216Gender: MaleID #: 200000001573

Ritch, Mark L., DOMark L. Ritch, DO1000 Belcher Road South #6Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 209-2662 / Fax: (727) 209-2665Gender: MaleID #: 200000001662

Palm Harbor

Gu, Qin, MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease2595 Tampa Road Suite JPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 442-6463 / Fax: (727) 781-7273Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000000418

Malka, David W., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease2595 Tampa Road Suite JPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 442-6463 / Fax: (727) 781-7273Gender: MaleID #: 200000000419

Subramanian, Thondikulam A., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease2595 Tampa Road Suite JPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 442-6463 / Fax: (727) 781-7273Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, Hindi, Malayalam, TamilID #: 200000000421

Umamaheswaran, Indira K., MDMalka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease2595 Tampa Road Suite JPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 442-6463 / Fax: (727) 781-7273Gender: MaleID #: 200000000422

Saint Petersburg

Flaherty, Lisa A., DOPinellas Medical Associates, PA5880 49th Street North Suite 104Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: FemaleID #: 200000002102

Flaherty, Lisa A., DOPinellas Medical Associates, PA2191 9th Avenue North Suite 105Saint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: FemaleID #: 200000002102

Franklin, Michael A., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: MaleID #: 200000012749


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Khamisani, Saleem R., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: MaleID #: 200000012852

Kumar-Pelayo, Meghna, MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012706

Matos Rodriguez, Jennifer E., MDPinellas Medical Associates, PA5880 49th Street North Suite 104Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002917

Matos Rodriguez, Jennifer E., MDPinellas Medical Associates, PA2191 9th Avenue North Suite 105Saint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002917

Oppenheim, Leana, DO1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014172

Reyes Baerga, Dannaly, MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012228

Rosario-Prieto, Michael, MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: MaleID #: 200000012714

Weiss, Allan S., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 202Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7701 / Fax: (727) 820-7700Gender: MaleID #: 200000012709



Colbassani, Harold J., MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012851

Fox, Benjamin D., MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000017912


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Gobo, Dean J., MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012966

Haydon, Devon H., MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012800

Mickler, Christopher R., DO400 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012744


Shulman, Carrie L., MDThe Florida Center for Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery13121 66th StreetLargo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 314-8180 / Fax: (727) 474-6527Gender: FemaleID #: 200000011733

Saint Petersburg

Befeler, Adam R., MDNeurosurgical Associates of Tampa Bay, Inc.603 7th Street South Suite 540Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 828-8400 / Fax: (727) 828-8401Gender: MaleID #: 200000008087

Colbassani, Harold J., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 402Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012851

Haydon, Devon H., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 402Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012800

Jobe, Kirk W., MDNeurosurgical Associates of Tampa Bay, Inc.603 7th Street South Suite 540Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 828-8400 / Fax: (727) 828-8401Gender: MaleID #: 200000001446

Shorter, Cedric D., MDNeurosurgical Associates of Tampa Bay, Inc.603 7th Street South Suite 540Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 828-8400 / Fax: (727) 828-8401Gender: MaleID #: 200000001659

Stengel, Thomas J., MDNeurosurgical Associates of Tampa Bay, Inc.603 7th Street South Suite 540Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 828-8400 / Fax: (727) 828-8401Gender: MaleID #: 200000001658


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Obstetrics / Gynecology


Arango, Hector A., MD1005 Pinellas StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-2111 / Fax: (727) 447-2131Gender: MaleID #: 200000013017

Brosch, Ryan, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: MaleID #: 200000021332

Fernandes, Jacqueline, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021406

Juyia, Lauren D., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers1801 North Belcher Avenue Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 807-2476 / Fax: (727) 223-5286Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020510

Kraft, Christopher L., MD303 Pinellas Street Suite 230Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3401 / Fax: (727) 533-5994Gender: MaleID #: 200000013164

Lambert, Rachel A., DO303 Pinellas Street Suite 230Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3401 / Fax: (727) 533-5994Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013152

Lee, James Z., MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Male

Lerner, Saul, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Male

Llewellyn, Patricia, MDCountryside OB-GYN2665 State Road 580Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-5121 / Fax: (727) 725-5417Gender: Female

Marcelli, Susan, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Female

McCance, Georgette, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Female


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Patel, Anjana, MDCountryside OB-GYN2665 State Road 580Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-5121 / Fax: (727) 725-5417Gender: Female

Pimentel, Maria, MDCountryside OB-GYN2665 State Road 580Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-5121 / Fax: (727) 725-5417Gender: Female

Rudolph, Richard, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Male

Saravanos, Karen, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Female

Vallejo, Elvia, MD303 Pinellas Street Suite 230Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3401 / Fax: (727) 533-5994Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012679

Weinstock, Katharine, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.508 Jeffords Street Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-2757 / Fax: (727) 447-0314Gender: Female

Zeleke, Eden, MD303 Pinellas Street Suite 230Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3401 / Fax: (727) 533-5994Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013248


Belogolovkin, Victoria, MDMaternal Fetal Medicine-Tampa1301 2nd Avenue South WestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (813) 644-6235 / Fax: (813) 644-6245Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021293

Connor, Diana, MDContemporary Womens Care1301 2nd Avenue SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 462-2229 / Fax: (727) 447-5610Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021356

Dadisman, Katherine, DOContemporary Womens Care1301 2nd Avenue SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 462-2229 / Fax: (727) 447-5610Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021361

Fosnot, Susan, DOContemporary Womens Care1301 2nd Avenue SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 462-2229 / Fax: (727) 447-5610Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021421


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Long, Ashley, DOContemporary Womens Care1301 2nd Avenue SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 462-2229 / Fax: (727) 447-5610Gender: Female

Rao, Kiran, MDMaternal Fetal Medicine-Tampa1301 2nd Avenue South WestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (813) 644-6235 / Fax: (813) 644-6245Gender: MaleID #: 200000021452

Reyes, Alexandria, DOContemporary Womens Care1301 2nd Avenue SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 462-2229 / Fax: (727) 447-5610Gender: Female

Ritter, Brooke, DOContemporary Womens Care1301 2nd Avenue SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 462-2229 / Fax: (727) 447-5610Gender: Female

Palm Harbor

Brosch, Ryan, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: MaleID #: 200000021332

Connor, Diana, MDContemporary Womens Care34041 US Hwy 19 North Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-9649 / Fax: (727) 953-6528Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021356

Dadisman, Katherine, DOContemporary Womens Care34041 US Hwy 19 North Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-9649 / Fax: (727) 953-6528Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021361

Fernandes, Jacqueline, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021406

Fosnot, Susan, DOContemporary Womens Care34041 US Hwy 19 North Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-9649 / Fax: (727) 953-6528Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021421

Lee, James Z., MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Male


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Lerner, Saul, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Male

Long, Ashley, DOContemporary Womens Care34041 US Hwy 19 North Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-9649 / Fax: (727) 953-6528Gender: Female

Marcelli, Susan, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Female

McCance, Georgette, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Female

Reyes, Alexandria, DOContemporary Womens Care34041 US Hwy 19 North Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-9649 / Fax: (727) 953-6528Gender: Female

Ritter, Brooke, DOContemporary Womens Care34041 US Hwy 19 North Suite CPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 281-9649 / Fax: (727) 953-6528Gender: Female

Rudolph, Richard, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Male

Saravanos, Karen, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Female

Weinstock, Katharine, MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.4150 Woodlands Parkway Suite APalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 789-4299 / Fax: (727) 787-0293Gender: Female

Safety Harbor

Bowen, Jennifer, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021302

Buck, Jenny L., MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021340


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Goldman, Joshua, MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: MaleID #: 200000021439

Moorhead, Lauren, MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Nolan, Christy, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Shelden, Sarah, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Watson, Jennifer, DOWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Female

Williams, Aaron, MDWilliams, Goldman & Watson1840 Mease Drive Suite 110Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 376-7734 / Fax: (727) 408-5336Gender: Male

Saint Petersburg

Jain, Meenakshi, MDA Womans Point of View3275 66th Street North Suite 7Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 343-2568 / Fax: (727) 345-6410Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000001709

Lee, James Z., MDLerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc.900 Carillon Parkway Suite 302Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 456-0145 / Fax: (727) 456-0153Gender: Male


Also see Hematology/Oncology


Gadiyaram, Vijayakrishna, MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 220Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3692 / Fax: (727) 266-4935Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012690

Yan, Ben, MD400 Pinellas Street Suite 220Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3692 / Fax: (727) 266-4935Gender: MaleID #: 200000012701


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Abid, Syed H., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015589

Desai, Pratibha K., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, MarathiID #: 200000015588

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Makani, Neeharika S., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC1258 West Bay Drive Suite GLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018711

Palm Harbor

Desai, Pratibha K., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC4114 Woodlands Parkway Suite 301Palm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, MarathiID #: 200000015588

Hansalia, Sudhir J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC4114 Woodlands Parkway Suite 301Palm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000016183

Makani, Neeharika S., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC4114 Woodlands Parkway Suite 301Palm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000018711

Safety Harbor

Bayraktar, Soley, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016378


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Fitzgerald, Thomas J., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: MaleID #: 200000013260

Hopman, Rusudan, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012789

Hoy, Jeffrey M., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: MaleID #: 200000007228

Rocha, Rafael, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 409Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 443-8450 / Fax: (727) 533-5911Gender: MaleID #: 200000019610

Saint Petersburg

Abid, Syed H., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015589

Denson, Aaron C., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000019620

Desai, Pratibha K., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, MarathiID #: 200000015588

Desai, Pratibha K., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC603 7th Street South Suite 560Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 820-7714 / Fax: (727) 544-5441Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, Hindi, MarathiID #: 200000015588

Feinsilber, Doron, MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HebrewID #: 200000019779


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Feinsilber, Doron, MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC603 7th Street South Suite 560Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 820-7714 / Fax: (727) 544-5441Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HebrewID #: 200000019779

Jones, David E., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8325Gender: MaleID #: 200000014026

Kerr II, Daniel A., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleID #: 200000019621

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC603 7th Street South Suite 560Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 820-7714 / Fax: (727) 544-5441Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Khaja, Faseeh U., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC5000 Park Street North Suite 1017Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 344-6569 / Fax: (727) 384-4388Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, UrduID #: 200000015590

Patel, Sheel J., MDComprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC603 7th Street South Suite 560Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 820-7714 / Fax: (727) 544-5441Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000015591

Shaker, Ahmad, MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8325Gender: MaleID #: 200000014027


Pinellas Park

El-Jabali, Fayssal, DOEye Associates of Pinellas9375 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33782Phone: (727) 541-4469 / Fax: (727) 546-9661Gender: Male

Oberlander, Mark D., MDEye Associates of Pinellas9375 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33782Phone: (727) 541-4469 / Fax: (727) 546-9661Gender: Male


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Saint Petersburg

El-Jabali, Fayssal, DOEye Associates of Pinellas1915 34th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 541-4469 / Fax: (727) 546-9661Gender: Male

Orthopedic Surgery


Billys, James B., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers1801 North Belcher Avenue Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 807-2476 / Fax: (727) 223-5286Gender: MaleID #: 200000017397

Cheong, David, MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000018831

Cheong, David, MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018831

Cooper, Andrew J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018830

Davidson, James B., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000020185

Davidson, James B., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000020185

Herrema, Mitchell R., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute1011 Jeffords StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5993 / Fax: (727) 216-0203Gender: MaleID #: 200000019507

Hughes II, Willard A., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute1011 Jeffords StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5993 / Fax: (727) 216-0203Gender: MaleID #: 200000020186


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Kilgore, John E., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018833

Koslin, Aaron, DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000019303

Koslin, Aaron, DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000019303

McClure, John M., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018834

Piazza, Michael R., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute1011 Jeffords StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5993 / Fax: (727) 216-0203Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000019866

Rothberg, Michael L., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000018811

Rothberg, Michael L., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018811

Schwab, Thomas O., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000018828

Schwab, Thomas O., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018828

Siddiqi, Farhan N., MDFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers1801 North Belcher Avenue Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 807-2476 / Fax: (727) 223-5286Gender: MaleID #: 200000010896


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Thompson, David P., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000018836

Thompson, David P., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018836

Venezia, Michael A., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute1011 Jeffords StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-5993 / Fax: (727) 216-0203Gender: Male

Whiddon, David R., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000018827

Whiddon, David R., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018827

Wisotsky, Scott M., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018812


Christ, Philip W., DOPhilip W. Christ, D.O., P.A.13787 Belcher Road Suite 330Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 535-9393 / Fax: (727) 538-2308Gender: MaleID #: 200000015352

Cooper, Andrew J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute8839 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 240Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 397-0562Gender: MaleID #: 200000018830

Davidson, James B., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute8839 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 240Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 397-0562Gender: MaleID #: 200000020185

McClure, John M., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute8839 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 240Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 397-0562Gender: MaleID #: 200000018834


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Wisotsky, Scott M., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute8839 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 240Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 397-0562Gender: MaleID #: 200000018812

Palm Harbor

Pappou, Ioannis P., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute36413 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (813) 978-9700 / Fax: (813) 558-6054Gender: MaleLanguage(s): French, German, Greek, Italian, SpanishID #: 200000017438

Torke, Mark D., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3890 Tampa Road Suite 202Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 787-5577 / Fax: (727) 781-7757Gender: MaleID #: 200000019870

Pinellas Park

Braun, David T., MDBay Area Orthopaedic Specialists4820 Park Boulevard North Suite 1Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 209-6677 / Fax: (727) 499-7181Gender: MaleID #: 200000011749

Warren, Steven B., MDBay Area Orthopaedic Specialists4820 Park Boulevard North Suite 1Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 209-6677 / Fax: (727) 499-7181Gender: MaleID #: 200000011750

Saint Petersburg

Albert, Anthony S., MDPinellas Medical Associates, PA5880 49th Street North Suite 104Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000002105

Albert, Anthony S., MDPinellas Medical Associates, PA2191 9th Avenue North Suite 105Saint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000002105

Bolhofner, Brett R., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute603 7th Street South Suite 450Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 369-4985Gender: MaleLanguage(s): German, SpanishID #: 200000018795


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Canizares, George H., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018791

Davis II, Clinton B., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019304

Dziadosz, Daniel R., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute603 7th Street South Suite 450Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 369-4985Gender: MaleID #: 200000018799

Hirshorn, Kurt C., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018798

Macmillan, Michael, MDTruWell Health, PLLC625 6th Avenue South Suite 455Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 440-5410 / Fax: (727) 800-4010Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021430

Makani, Amun, MDAscend Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, P.A.6450 38th Avenue North Suite 320Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 498-8003Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, Punjabi, UrduID #: 200000020734

Menon, Sanjay, MD620 10th Street North Suite 1DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7161 / Fax: (727) 824-7163Gender: MaleID #: 200000014029

Mixa, Thomas M., MDMixa Orthopaedics1609 South Pasadena Avenue Suite 1ASaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 321-9644 / Fax: (727) 321-8580Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016291

Nematbakhsh, Ahmad R., DOPinellas Medical Associates, PA5880 49th Street North Suite 104Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Farsi, PersianID #: 200000002104

Nguyen, Dzi-Viet P., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018797


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Nienke, Thomas W., DOPinellas Medical Associates, PA5880 49th Street North Suite 104Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 528-6100 / Fax: (727) 528-7895Gender: MaleID #: 200000010355

Pagano, Paul J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018793

Rodriguez Jr., Jorge A., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018789

Rosenblum, William J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: Male

Smith, Michael J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000019869

Swick, Matthew J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018792

Swiggett Jr., Robert L., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018796

Tedder, Jeffrey L., MDJeffrey L. Tedder, MD5015 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 522-8838 / Fax: (727) 520-0292Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001669

Watson, Jeffrey D., MDOrthopaedic Medical Group of Tampa Bay2805 54th Avenue North Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33714Phone: (813) 684-2663 / Fax: (813) 441-7161Gender: MaleID #: 200000021145



Alidina, Arif A., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000018738


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Barna, James S., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000017935

Clavenna, Matthew J., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1320 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-3223 / Fax: (727) 683-8567Gender: MaleID #: 200000016722

Clavenna, Matthew J., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000016722

Cohen, Lance M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1330 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-3588 / Fax: (727) 461-1038Gender: MaleID #: 200000018469

Cohen, Lance M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000018469

Greene, Scott M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1330 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-3588 / Fax: (727) 461-1038Gender: MaleID #: 200000015357

Hood, David C., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1330 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-3588 / Fax: (727) 461-1038Gender: MaleID #: 200000018739

Hood, David C., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000018739

Merchant, Faisal, MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000016583

Miller, Mitchell B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1330 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-3588 / Fax: (727) 461-1038Gender: MaleID #: 200000018468


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Miller, Mitchell B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1320 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-3223 / Fax: (727) 683-8567Gender: MaleID #: 200000018468

Miller, Mitchell B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000018468

Morgan, Jonathan M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1320 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-3223 / Fax: (727) 683-8567Gender: MaleID #: 200000019071

Pate, Mariah B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates1320 South Fort Harrison AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-3223 / Fax: (727) 683-8567Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013620

Requena, Ricardo, DOFlorida ENT & Allergy3131 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 341-0551 / Fax: (727) 726-6822Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Reschly, William J., MDWest Coast Ear Nose & Throat Assoc3190 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 216-0704Gender: Male

Steiniger, Joseph R., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates3190 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 791-1368 / Fax: (727) 726-7579Gender: MaleID #: 200000018650


Hood, David C., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates646 Virginia Street 3rd FloorDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 450-0560 / Fax: (727) 450-0563Gender: MaleID #: 200000018739

Morgan, Jonathan M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates646 Virginia Street 3rd FloorDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 450-0560 / Fax: (727) 450-0563Gender: MaleID #: 200000019071

Muller, Christopher D., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates646 Virginia Street 3rd FloorDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 450-0560 / Fax: (727) 450-0563Gender: MaleID #: 200000018740


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Greene, Scott M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 170Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-8551 / Fax: (727) 399-8057Gender: MaleID #: 200000015357

Hood, David C., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 170Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-8551 / Fax: (727) 399-8057Gender: MaleID #: 200000018739

Miller, Mitchell B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 170Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-8551 / Fax: (727) 399-8057Gender: MaleID #: 200000018468

Morgan, Jonathan M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 170Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-8551 / Fax: (727) 399-8057Gender: MaleID #: 200000019071

Pate, Mariah B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 170Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-8551 / Fax: (727) 399-8057Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013620

Requena, Ricardo, DOFlorida ENT & Allergy1301 2nd Avenue South WestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 341-0551 / Fax: (727) 341-0332Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Saeks, Jeffrey M., MDFlorida ENT & Allergy1301 2nd Avenue South WestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 341-0551 / Fax: (727) 341-0332Gender: Male

Palm Harbor

Swerdloff, Jason L., MDBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery34941 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7080 / Fax: (727) 771-7694Gender: MaleID #: 200000000150

Saint Petersburg

Basler, Keith J., MDFlorida ENT & Allergy6827 1st Avenue South Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 341-0551 / Fax: (727) 341-0332Gender: Male

Basler, Keith J., MDFlorida ENT & Allergy900 Carillon Parkway Suite 300Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 341-0551 / Fax: (727) 341-0332Gender: Male


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Goldfarb, Glen R., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3CSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8375Gender: MaleID #: 200000014060

Greene, Scott M., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates6540 4th Street North Suite CSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 767-0933 / Fax: (727) 767-0909Gender: MaleID #: 200000015357

Morrow, John S., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 304Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7708 / Fax: (727) 820-7768Gender: MaleID #: 200000012837

Pate, Mariah B., MDEar, Nose & Throat Associates6540 4th Street North Suite CSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 767-0933 / Fax: (727) 767-0909Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013620

Saeks, Jeffrey M., MDFlorida ENT & Allergy6827 1st Avenue South Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 341-0551 / Fax: (727) 341-0332Gender: Male

Outpatient Mental Health Providers

Beacon Health OptionsPhone: (800) 627-1259

Pain Management


Tambay, Nishin S., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018818


Hossain, Imtiaz, MDBay Center for Pain Management, PA101 Clearwater-Largo Road North Suite 2Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 588-0366 / Fax: (727) 588-0370Gender: MaleLanguage(s): BengaliID #: 200000001707

Parmar, Raviinder S., MDAlleviate Pain8250 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 200Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 490-2727 / Fax: (727) 800-1030Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000011731


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Pinellas Park

Parmar, Raviinder S., MDAlleviate Pain6225 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 490-2727 / Fax: (727) 800-1030Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000011731

Saint Petersburg

Brown, Lora L., MDTruWell Health, PLLC625 6th Avenue South Suite 455Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 440-5410 / Fax: (727) 800-4010Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021428

Burns, Jennifer M., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018794

Godoy-Hung, Danya A., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8383Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014051

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation


Schwartz, Craig A., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute3251 North McMullen Booth Road Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 796-4345Gender: MaleID #: 200000018829

Schwartz, Craig A., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018829

Tambay, Nishin S., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleID #: 200000018818


Schwartz, Craig A., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute8839 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 240Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 397-0562Gender: MaleID #: 200000018829


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Saint Petersburg

Beery, Todd P., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018790

Beery, Todd P., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute603 7th Street South Suite 450Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 369-4985Gender: MaleID #: 200000018790

Burns, Jennifer M., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: FemaleID #: 200000018794

Fuoco, Glenn S., DOFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018802

Gupta, Amitabh P., MDAmitabh Gupta, MD, PA5800 49th Street North Suite S 205Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 526-8000 / Fax: (727) 521-2600Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001676


Gupta, Amitabh P., MDAmitabh Gupta, MD, PA7895 Seminole Boulevard Suite 101Seminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 393-2732 / Fax: (727) 391-0792Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001676

Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

Palm Harbor

Swerdloff, Jason L., MDBay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery34941 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7080 / Fax: (727) 771-7694Gender: MaleID #: 200000000150

Saint Petersburg

Lo, Percy H., MDAllure Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, LLC6255 Central AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-6000Gender: MaleID #: 200000020009


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Perez, Andres M., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Talbert, Todd C., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish


Beverly, Marquissa A., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA1700 McMullen Booth Road Suite A2-2Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 725-2719 / Fax: (727) 799-1083Gender: FemaleID #: 200000001634

Friedman, Kenneth H., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA1700 McMullen Booth Road Suite A2-2Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 725-2719 / Fax: (727) 799-1083Gender: MaleID #: 200000001635

Kinley, Scarlett A., DPMScarlett Kinley, DPM, PA321 South Lincoln AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-8640 / Fax: (727) 441-8651Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019990

Palm Harbor

Williams, George F., DPMFamily Foot and Ankle Solutions, Inc.34921 US Highway 19 North Suite 400Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 785-8338 / Fax: (727) 781-5110Gender: MaleID #: 200000001649

Pinellas Park

Bernstein, Matthew S., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA3491 Gandy Boulevard North Suite 107Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 384-5540 / Fax: (727) 384-5520Gender: MaleID #: 200000017264

Troxell, Ronald D., DPMBay Area Orthopaedic Specialists4820 Park Boulevard North Suite 1Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 209-6677 / Fax: (727) 499-7181Gender: MaleID #: 200000017973


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Saint Petersburg

Beaton Jr., William J., DPMBeaton Podiatry & Orthotic Care6707 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 896-4615 / Fax: (727) 256-3855Gender: MaleID #: 200000001645

Creighton Jr., Robert E., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA5637 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 384-5540 / Fax: (727) 384-5520Gender: MaleID #: 200000001633

Kopelman, Jeff D., DPMFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4423 Central AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 321-4040 / Fax: (727) 369-0315Gender: MaleID #: 200000018800

Liaros, Demetrios M., MD620 10th Street North Suite 2BSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8227Gender: MaleID #: 200000014049

Matassini, Megan R., DPMAnkle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA5637 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 384-5540 / Fax: (727) 384-5520Gender: FemaleID #: 200000007135


Kopelman, Jeff D., DPMFlorida Orthopaedic Institute9555 Seminole Boulevard Suite 104Seminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 398-6645 / Fax: (727) 369-0315Gender: MaleID #: 200000018800



Averill, Francis J., MDSt. Francis Sleep, Allergy and Lung Institute, LLC802 North Belcher RoadClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 447-3000 / Fax: (727) 210-4600Gender: MaleID #: 200000001661

Castro, Alfonso, MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012562

Cerreta, Kenneth, MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012346


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Eckardt, Shea M., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012739

Eckardt, Shea M., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000019075

Gavi, Eli, MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012850

Gavi, Eli, MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000019825

Lopez-Molina, Michael R., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000016887

Lopez-Molina, Michael R., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019826

Lutchmedial, Sanjiva M., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012561

Lutchmedial, Sanjiva M., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000019827

Masson Jr., John A., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001673

Mikulic, Lucas A., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000013009


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Mikulic, Lucas A., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000019828

Mosburg, Jeramy D., DO430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000007542

Mosburg, Jeramy D., DOBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000019974

Orlando, Daniel A., MD430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012857

Orlando, Daniel A., MDBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000019975

Romero, Joseph, DO430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-0668 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000012199

Romero, Joseph, DOBay Area Chest Physicians, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 405Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-0611 / Fax: (727) 461-5493Gender: MaleID #: 200000019829

Kenneth City

Mittal, Ashok, MDAdvanced Lung & Sleep Disorder Consultants, P.A.6185 54th Avenue NorthKenneth City, FL 33709Phone: (727) 545-1199 / Fax: (727) 545-9988Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000014927

Palm Harbor

Kundra, Navnit K., MDBay Area Medical Center, PA2595 Tampa Road Suite S & TPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-4299 / Fax: (727) 781-5387Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, PunjabiID #: 200000001897


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Pinellas Park

Agrawal, Rajesh K., MDAmerican Lung and Sleep Disorder Consultants, PA6221 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 528-4900 / Fax: (727) 528-8628Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, Hindi, Punjabi, SindhiID #: 200000001631

Safety Harbor

Brown, Stephen T., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 307Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6128 / Fax: (727) 725-6168Gender: MaleID #: 200000013268

Kataya, Abdo C., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 307Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6128 / Fax: (727) 725-6168Gender: MaleID #: 200000017543

Nelson, Kirk A., DO1840 Mease Drive Suite 307Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6128 / Fax: (727) 725-6168Gender: MaleID #: 200000013242

Rashkin, Jack E., MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 307Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6128 / Fax: (727) 725-6168Gender: MaleID #: 200000013254

Sakhatskyy, Pavlo, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 307Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6128 / Fax: (727) 725-6168Gender: MaleID #: 200000015032

Yaeger, Michael, MD1840 Mease Drive Suite 307Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6128 / Fax: (727) 725-6168Gender: MaleID #: 200000017913

Radiation Oncology


Galloway, Michael E., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC2560 Enterprise Road EastClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 796-5354 / Fax: (727) 796-5148Gender: MaleID #: 200000021766

Gauwitz, Michael D., MDPremier Radiation Oncology Associates LLC3155 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 669-9018 / Fax: (727) 797-6047Gender: MaleID #: 200000021000

Gauwitz, Michael D., MDPremier Radiation Oncology Associates LLC300 Pinellas StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7220 / Fax: (727) 461-8051Gender: MaleID #: 200000021000


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Tralins, Kevin S., MDBardmoor Cancer Center300 Pinellas StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 320-0200 / Fax: (727) 258-4836Gender: MaleID #: 200000001638


Tralins, Kevin S., MDBardmoor Cancer Center8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 120Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 320-0200 / Fax: (727) 394-8934Gender: MaleID #: 200000001638

Pinellas Park

Bloom, David A., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC6600 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: MaleID #: 200000008109

Franzese, Frank P., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC6600 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: MaleID #: 200000008108

Miller, Robert J., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC6600 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001699

Shamp, Stephen J., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC6600 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: Male

Solc, Zucel, MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC6600 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000008107

Saint Petersburg

Bloom, David A., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC1201 5th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: MaleID #: 200000008109

Cotman, Henry E., MDCotman Cancer Treatment Center6449 38th Avenue North Suite C3Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-5000 / Fax: (727) 344-5005Gender: MaleID #: 200000015348

Miller, Robert J., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC701 Sixth Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 343-6163Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001699


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Miller, Robert J., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC1201 5th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000001699

Shamp, Stephen J., MDWellspring Cancer Center, LLC1201 5th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 343-0600 / Fax: (727) 344-6163Gender: Male



Sankoorikal, Antony G., MDCountryside Arthritis Center2655 State Road 580 Suite 201Clearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 797-7410 / Fax: (727) 797-7411Gender: MaleLanguage(s): MalayalamID #: 200000001678

Saint Petersburg

Lugo Ruiz, Sonialy, MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8325Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014054

Oliveira, Fellipe M., MD6711 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3200 / Fax: (727) 347-6871Gender: MaleID #: 200000014072

Samuel, Abie A., DO620 10th Street North Suite 2ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8325Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014055

Spuza-Milord, Michelle S., MDAllergy and Rheumatology Associates, LLC5100 Seminole BoulevardSaint Petersburg, FL 33708Phone: (727) 319-4535 / Fax: (727) 319-4528Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): RomanianID #: 200000010592

Torres, Arnaldo, MD620 10th Street North Suite 2ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8325Gender: MaleID #: 200000014056

Torres, Arnaldo, MD6711 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3200 / Fax: (727) 347-6871Gender: MaleID #: 200000014056


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Tarpon Springs

Sankoorikal, Antony G., MDCountryside Arthritis Center1264 South Pinellas AvenueTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 797-7410 / Fax: (727) 797-7411Gender: MaleLanguage(s): MalayalamID #: 200000001678

Sports Medicine


Choi, Jacob J., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers1801 North Belcher Avenue Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 807-2476 / Fax: (727) 223-5286Gender: MaleID #: 200000011014

Cottrell, William C., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 461-1492Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018817

Juyia, Rushad F., DOFlorida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers1801 North Belcher Avenue Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 807-2476 / Fax: (727) 223-5286Gender: MaleID #: 200000011096


Cottrell, William C., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute8839 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 240Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 461-6026 / Fax: (727) 397-0562Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018817

Palm Harbor

Alavi, Reza, MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute36413 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (813) 978-9700 / Fax: (813) 558-6054Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, TurkishID #: 200000019471

Saint Petersburg

Gupta, Amitabh P., MDAmitabh Gupta, MD, PA5800 49th Street North Suite S 205Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 526-8000 / Fax: (727) 521-2600Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001676

Smith, Patrick J., MDFlorida Orthopaedic Institute4600 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5272 / Fax: (727) 522-7412Gender: MaleID #: 200000018803


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Gupta, Amitabh P., MDAmitabh Gupta, MD, PA7895 Seminole Boulevard Suite 101Seminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 393-2732 / Fax: (727) 391-0792Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000001676

Therapeutic Massage


Price-McCarthy, Staci L., LACStaci L. Price, DC, PA1539 South Highland AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 585-8644Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019007

Palm Harbor

Goodman, Ryan P., LACGoodman Family and Sports Chiropractic36402 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 722-7700Gender: MaleID #: 200000019003

Saint Petersburg

Price-McCarthy, Staci L., LACStaci L. Price, DC, PA2909 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 585-8644Gender: FemaleID #: 200000019007

Thoracic Surgery


Bott, Jeffrey, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: MaleID #: 200000019059

Heric, Blaine R., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: MaleID #: 200000012652

Kayatta, Michael O., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: MaleID #: 200000014174


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Ofenloch, John C., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 240Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7239 / Fax: (727) 464-7261Gender: MaleID #: 200000005359

Ofenloch, John C., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: MaleID #: 200000005359

Rovin, Joshua D., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 240Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7239 / Fax: (727) 464-7261Gender: MaleID #: 200000005370

Rovin, Joshua D., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: MaleID #: 200000005370


Caldeira, Christiano C., MDComprehensive Cardiac Surgical Services1345 West Bay Drive Suite 301Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: MaleLanguage(s): PortugueseID #: 200000019072

Caldeira, Christiano C., MDWest Florida Cardiology Network, LLC1551 West Bay Drive Suite 101Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7111 / Fax: (727) 518-0166Gender: MaleLanguage(s): PortugueseID #: 200000019072

Stone, Christopher D., MDCardiac Surgical Associates of Largo1345 West Bay Drive Suite 304Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 587-7100 / Fax: (727) 585-3290Gender: MaleID #: 200000017311

Palm Harbor

Angell, William W., MDLester C. Ordiway, MD800 Tarpon Woods Boulevard Suite DPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (813) 871-5151 / Fax: (813) 877-2674Gender: MaleID #: 200000002838

Saint Petersburg

Heric, Blaine R., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 402Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000012652


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Kayatta, Michael O., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 402Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000014174

Kwon, Christopher C., MDCardiac Surgical Associates of Northside6006 49th Street North Suite 310Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 527-9779 / Fax: (727) 522-0415Gender: MaleLanguage(s): KoreanID #: 200000014777

Ninan, Mathew, MDCardiac Surgical Associates of Northside6006 49th Street North Suite 310Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 527-9779 / Fax: (727) 522-0415Gender: MaleID #: 200000017798

Ofenloch, John C., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 402Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000005359

Rovin, Joshua D., MD1201 5th Avenue North Suite 402Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 298-6121 / Fax: (727) 533-5903Gender: MaleID #: 200000005370



Beilan, Jonathan A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC430 Morton Plant Street Suite 206Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000021745

Klavans, Mitchell S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC430 Morton Plant Street Suite 206Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000017295

McCanse, Webb R., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC430 Morton Plant Street Suite 206Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000017830

Sherman, Christopher M., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC430 Morton Plant Street Suite 206Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000021789


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Szell, Nicole M., DOAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC430 Morton Plant Street Suite 206Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021777

Truesdale, Matthew D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC430 Morton Plant Street Suite 206Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018657


Beilan, Jonathan A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 280Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000021745

Klavans, Mitchell S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 280Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000017295

McCanse, Webb R., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 280Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000017830

Sherman, Christopher M., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 280Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000021789

Szell, Nicole M., DOAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 280Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021777

Truesdale, Matthew D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC8787 Bryan Dairy Road Suite 280Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000018657


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Palm Harbor

Arnold, Paul M., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC35095 US Highway 19 North Suite 202Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-0600 / Fax: (727) 781-9666Gender: MaleID #: 200000021742

Bassel, Yaser S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC35095 US Highway 19 North Suite 202Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-0600 / Fax: (727) 781-9666Gender: MaleID #: 200000021744

Beilan, Jonathan A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC3890 Tampa Road Suite 408Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000021745

Hale, Brian D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC35095 US Highway 19 North Suite 202Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-0600 / Fax: (727) 781-9666Gender: MaleID #: 200000021772

Jacob, David, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC35095 US Highway 19 North Suite 202Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-0600 / Fax: (727) 781-9666Gender: MaleLanguage(s): FrenchID #: 200000021785

Klavans, Mitchell S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC3890 Tampa Road Suite 408Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: MaleID #: 200000017295

Raval, Amar J., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC35095 US Highway 19 North Suite 202Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-0600 / Fax: (727) 781-9666Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000012076

Szell, Nicole M., DOAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC3890 Tampa Road Suite 408Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 441-1508 / Fax: (727) 443-7780Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021777

Safety Harbor

Klein, Lonnie T., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1840 Mease Drive Suite 300Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: MaleID #: 200000021783

Richman, Martin B., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1840 Mease Drive Suite 300Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: Male


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Szostak, Michael J., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1840 Mease Drive Suite 300Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: MaleID #: 200000021776

Vyas, Paulas M., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1840 Mease Drive Suite 300Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: Male

Zachary, James M., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1840 Mease Drive Suite 300Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 785-6011 / Fax: (877) 331-6124Gender: Male

Saint Petersburg

Diner, Eric K., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7146 / Fax: (727) 824-7119Gender: MaleID #: 200000014063

Graves, Reid V., MDFlorida Urology Partners, LLP830 Central Avenue Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 822-9208 / Fax: (727) 822-9211Gender: MaleID #: 200000021260

Heron, Sean P., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC5747 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 381-8667 / Fax: (727) 345-1951Gender: MaleID #: 200000015467

Kapadia, Ketan A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC5747 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 381-8667 / Fax: (727) 345-1951Gender: MaleID #: 200000015903

Modh, Rishi A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC5747 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 381-8667 / Fax: (727) 345-1951Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000015212

Morris, Donald B., MDDonald B. Morris, M.D., P.A.1111 7th Avenue North Suite 101Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 822-3977 / Fax: (727) 822-0377Gender: MaleID #: 200000016108

Oppenheim, Adam, DOFlorida Urology Partners, LLP830 Central Avenue Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 822-9208 / Fax: (727) 822-9211Gender: MaleID #: 200000018989


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Shah, Jaimin G., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7146 / Fax: (727) 824-7119Gender: MaleID #: 200000014066

Sorensen, Matthew D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC5747 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 381-8667 / Fax: (727) 345-1951Gender: MaleID #: 200000021790

Thomer, Marguerite, MD620 10th Street North Suite 3DSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-7146 / Fax: (727) 824-7119Gender: FemaleID #: 200000014068

Zhou, Shaw W., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC5747 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 381-8667 / Fax: (727) 345-1951Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000021792

South Pasadena

Heron, Sean P., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1401 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 4South Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 347-3116 / Fax: (727) 345-6853Gender: MaleID #: 200000015467

Kapadia, Ketan A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1401 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 4South Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 347-3116 / Fax: (727) 345-6853Gender: MaleID #: 200000015903

Modh, Rishi A., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1401 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 4South Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 347-3116 / Fax: (727) 345-6853Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GujaratiID #: 200000015212

Sorensen, Matthew D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC1401 Pasadena Avenue South Suite 4South Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 347-3116 / Fax: (727) 345-6853Gender: MaleID #: 200000021790

Vascular Surgery


Gabriel, Yves A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: MaleID #: 200000012650


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Gabriel, Yves A., MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-8172 / Fax: (727) 443-3689Gender: MaleID #: 200000012650

Kiang, William, DOUnited Vein Centers2963 Gulf to Bay Boulevard Suite 270Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (813) 961-1331 / Fax: (888) 850-8316Gender: MaleID #: 200000018464

Shafii, Susan, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 320Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-6798 / Fax: (727) 441-4966Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013275

Shafii, Susan, MD455 Pinellas Street Suite 325Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-8172 / Fax: (727) 443-3689Gender: FemaleID #: 200000013275

Zuzga, Mark A., DOSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA430 Morton Plant Street Suite 301Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010381


Mackay, Edward G., MDEdward Mackay, MD and Associates, LLC2051 West Bay Drive Suite 1Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 581-8346 / Fax: (727) 781-3792Gender: MaleID #: 200000016225

Palm Harbor

Mackay, Edward G., MDEdward Mackay, MD and Associates, LLC2863 Alternate 19 North Suite 1Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 781-5652 / Fax: (727) 781-3792Gender: MaleID #: 200000016225

Safety Harbor

Zuzga, Mark A., DOSurgical Associates of West Florida, PA1840 Mease Drive Suite 301Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 712-3233 / Fax: (727) 712-1853Gender: MaleID #: 200000010381

Saint Petersburg

Almond, Brett A., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000001533


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Almond, Brett A., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA900 Carillon Parkway Suite 301Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000001533

Collins, Paul S., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleLanguage(s): German, SpanishID #: 200000001536

Mackay, Edward G., MDEdward Mackay, MD and Associates, LLC7601 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street North Suite C2Saint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-2888 / Fax: (727) 526-3303Gender: MaleID #: 200000016225

Mathew, Jeff, MDPinellas Vascular, LLC5880 49th Street North Suite 206Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 998-3467 / Fax: (877) 743-4465Gender: MaleID #: 200000018068

Murphy, Eugene A., MD620 10th Street North Suite 3ESaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 824-8251 / Fax: (727) 824-8271Gender: MaleID #: 200000014071

Szpila, Benjamin E., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleID #: 200000020660

Yang, Chun K., MDBay Surgical Specialists, PA960 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 821-8101 / Fax: (727) 825-1357Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ChineseID #: 200000018268


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Clearwater ER2339 Gulf to Bay BoulevardClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 669-3120

Morton Plant Hospital300 Pinellas StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7000 / Fax: (813) 635-7970


BayCare Alliant Hospital601 Main StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-9999 / Fax: (727) 736-9998

Mease Dunedin Hospital601 Main StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-1111 / Fax: (727) 734-6887


Largo Medical Center201 14th Street SouthwestLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 588-5200 / Fax: (727) 588-5906

Largo Medical Center - Indian Rocks2025 Indian Rocks Road SouthLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 581-9474 / Fax: (727) 587-7623

Palm Harbor

ER 24/7 in Palm Harbor35750 US 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 789-8420

Safety Harbor

Mease Countryside Hospital3231 McMullen Booth RoadSafety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6111 / Fax: (727) 725-6181

Saint Petersburg

Bayfront Health St. Petersburg701 6th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 823-1234 / Fax: (727) 893-6962

Northside Hospital6000 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 521-5004 / Fax: (727) 521-5007

Palms of Pasadena Hospital1501 Pasadena Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 341-7596 / Fax: (727) 341-7629

St. Anthony's Hospital1200 7th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 825-1100 / Fax: (727) 825-1230

St. Petersburg General Hospital6500 38th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-1414 / Fax: (727) 341-4889


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Urgent Care Centers

Urgent Care Centers


BayCare Urgent Care, LLC3351 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 314-4774 / Fax: (727) 333-6052

BayCare Urgent Care, LLC711 South Belcher RoadClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 314-4848 / Fax: (727) 333-6053


BayCare Urgent Care, LLC13670 Walsingham RoadLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-9848 / Fax: (727) 596-4532

Palm Harbor

Doctor's Urgent Care, LLC34621 US Highway 19Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 953-9888 / Fax: (727) 945-0133

Saint Pete Beach

BayCare Urgent Care, LLC6455 Gulf BoulevardSaint Pete Beach, FL 33706Phone: (727) 220-1133 / Fax: (727) 333-6139

Saint Petersburg

BayCare Urgent Care, LLC2331 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 914-8566 / Fax: (727) 533-5991

BayCare Urgent Care, LLC1599 66th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 317-3388 / Fax: (727) 333-6107

BayCare Urgent Care, LLC900 Carillon Parkway Suite 106Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 561-2670 / Fax: (727) 333-6231


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Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)


Morton Plant Rehabilitation Center400 Corbett StreetBelleair, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7600 / Fax: (727) 298-6064


Advanced Care Center401 Fairwood AvenueClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 797-6480 / Fax: (727) 726-4134

Belleair Health Care Center1150 Ponce De Leon BoulevardClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 585-5491 / Fax: (727) 581-1654

Clearwater Center1270 Turner StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-7639 / Fax: (727) 447-4852

East Bay Rehabilitation Center4470 East Bay DriveClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 530-7100 / Fax: (727) 373-0167

Glen Oaks Health and Rehabilitation Center1100 North Pine StreetClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-7106 / Fax: (727) 442-7100

Harbourwood Health and Rehab Center549 Sky Harbour Drive Building 31Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 724-6800 / Fax: (727) 223-0464

Highland Pines Rehabilitation Center1111 South Highland AvenueClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-0581 / Fax: (727) 442-9425

Kensington Gardens Rehab and Nursing Center2055 Palmetto StreetClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 461-6613 / Fax: (727) 442-2839

Palm Garden of Clearwater3480 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33760Phone: (727) 786-6697 / Fax: (727) 781-0516

Sylvan Health Center2770 Regency Oaks BoulevardClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 791-1500 / Fax: (727) 791-7743

Westchester Gardens Rehabilitation & Care Center3301 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 785-8335 / Fax: (727) 789-0980


Cross Terrace Rehabilitation Center1351 San Christopher DriveDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-1421 / Fax: (727) 738-2765

Lakeside Oaks Care Center1061 Virgina StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-4189 / Fax: (727) 734-7651

ManorCare Health Services Dunedin870 Patricia AvenueDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 734-8861 / Fax: (727) 733-5924


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Boca Ciega Center1414 59th Street SouthGulfport, FL 33707Phone: (727) 344-4608 / Fax: (727) 345-0189


Largo Health and Rehabilitation Center9035 Bryan Dairy RoadLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 395-9619 / Fax: (727) 392-7203

Palm Garden of Largo10500 Starkey RoadLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-8166 / Fax: (727) 319-3704

Palm Garden of Pinellas200 16th Avenue SoutheastLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 585-9377 / Fax: (727) 588-9038

Sabal Palms Health Care Center499 Alternate Keen RoadLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 856-4211 / Fax: (727) 581-1098

Palm Harbor

Countryside Rehab and Healthcare Center3825 Countryside Boulevard NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 784-2848 / Fax: (727) 784-6668

ManorCare Health Services Palm Harbor2851 Tampa RoadPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 787-4777 / Fax: (727) 784-3256

St. Mark Village2655 Nebraska AvenuePalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 785-2580 / Fax: (727) 789-4165

Stratford Court of Palm Harbor45 Katherine BoulevardPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 787-1500 / Fax: (727) 786-3269

Pinellas Park

Gulf Shore Care Center6767 86th Avenue NorthPinellas Park, FL 33782Phone: (727) 548-5566 / Fax: (727) 548-6644

The Care Center at Pinellas Park8701 49th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33782Phone: (727) 546-4661 / Fax: (727) 545-8783

Safety Harbor

Consulate Health Care of Safety Harbor1410 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street NorthSafety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 726-1181 / Fax: (727) 799-2832

Saint Petersburg

Abbey Rehabilitation and Nursing Center7101 Martin Luther King Jr. StreetSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-7231 / Fax: (727) 522-2486

Alhambra Health and Rehabilitation Center7501 38th avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 345-9307 / Fax: (727) 347-1803


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Alpine Health & Rehabilitation Center3456 21st Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-1988 / Fax: (727) 327-7794

Apollo Health and Rehabilitation Center1000 24th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 323-4711 / Fax: (727) 321-5963

Bay Pointe Nursing Pavilion4201 31st Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 867-1104 / Fax: (727) 867-9837

Bayside Care Center811 Jackson Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 209-3600 / Fax: (727) 821-2453

Concordia Manor321 13th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 822-3030 / Fax: (727) 823-3522

Egret Cove Center550 62nd Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 347-6151 / Fax: (727) 347-5683

Golfview Healthcare Center3636 10th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 323-3611 / Fax: (727) 321-6185

KR at College Harbor4600 54th Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 866-3124 / Fax: (727) 864-5088

Laurellwood Care Center3127 57th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33714Phone: (727) 527-2171 / Fax: (727) 522-5929

Lexington Health and Rehabilitation Center6300 46th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-1444 / Fax: (727) 545-4089

Marion and Bernard L. Samson Nursing Center255 59th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 345-2775 / Fax: (727) 345-3957

North Rehabilitation Center1301 16th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 898-5119 / Fax: (727) 898-5119

Shore Acres Care Center4500 Indianapolis Street NortheastSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 527-5801 / Fax: (727) 522-4178

South Heritage Health & Rehabilitation Center718 22nd Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 894-5125 / Fax: (727) 896-7274

St. Petersburg Nursing & Rehabilitation521 Atwood Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 526-7000 / Fax: (727) 527-7270

Westminster Suncoast1095 Pinellas Point Drive SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 867-1131 / Fax: (727) 864-0154


Consulate Health Care of St. Petersburg9393 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33777Phone: (727) 391-2200 / Fax: (727) 319-2611

South Pasadena

Gulfport Rehabilitation Center1430 Pasadena Avenue SouthSouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 344-8525 / Fax: (727) 350-0356


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Health and Rehabilitation Centre at Dolphins View1820 Shore Drive SouthSouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 384-9300 / Fax: (727) 343-8430

Springs at Boca Ciega Bay1255 Pasadena Avenue South Suite CSouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 828-3500 / Fax: (727) 343-9221

Tarpon Springs

Peninsula Care & Rehabilitation Center900 Beckett WayTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-0876 / Fax: (727) 942-6790

Tarpon Bayou Center515 Chesapeake DriveTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-4629 / Fax: (727) 938-6513


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Ancillary Providers

Ambulatory Surgical Center


Belleair Surgery Center1130 Ponce De Leon BoulevardClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-4800 / Fax: (727) 585-8057

Countryside Surgery Center3291 North McMullen Booth RoadClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 725-5800 / Fax: (727) 797-4002


Bardmoor Surgery Center8787 Bryan Diary Road Suite 300Largo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5000 / Fax: (727) 394-5170

Saint Petersburg

Bay Area Endoscopy & Surgery Center5771 49th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 528-2261 / Fax: (727) 521-4857

BayCare Surgery Center900 Carillon Parkway Suite 205Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 561-2710 / Fax: (727) 561-2770

Pasadena Surgery Center, LLC6945 First Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 302-9200 / Fax: (727) 302-9227



Argus DentalPhone: (800) 340-8869https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order


One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Diagnostic Radiology


Ultra Healthcare Services, Inc.21913 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 669-5525 / Fax: (727) 669-8589


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Akumin501 South Lincoln Avenue Suite 15Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-6760 / Fax: (727) 781-1310

Carlisle Imaging Center400 North Pinellas Street Suite 101Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-7514 / Fax: (727) 462-3875

Morton Plant Mease Diagnostic Cardiology, LLC455 Pinellas Street Suite 330Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425

Susan Cheek Needler Breast Center400 Pinellas Street Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6670 / Fax: (727) 298-6519


Morton Plant Mease Diagnostic Cardiology, LLC646 Virginia Street Suite 200Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425


Akumin13787 South Belcher Road Suite 300Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 531-5444 / Fax: (727) 531-1122

BayCare Outpatient Imaging Largo8787 Bryan Dairy RoadLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5900 / Fax: (727) 394-5210

Palm Harbor

Akumin36463 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-2795 / Fax: (727) 781-1310

Akumin4133 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 781-3888 / Fax: (727) 781-3881

Pinellas Park

National Imaging Specialists6600 66th Street North Suite BPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-1001 / Fax: (727) 544-1099

Safety Harbor

BayCare Outpatient Imaging1840 Mease Drive Suite 103Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6463 / Fax: (727) 725-6464

Morton Plant Mease Diagnostic Cardiology, LLC1840 Mease Drive Suite 200Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 724-8611 / Fax: (727) 724-0425


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Saint Petersburg

Akumin3451 66th Street North Suite BSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 347-4674 / Fax: (727) 781-1310

Akumin4551 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 525-3800 / Fax: (727) 525-0999

BayCare Outpatient Imaging Carillon900 Carillon Parkway Suite 105Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 561-2342 / Fax: (727) 734-6462

Baycare Outpatient Imaging St. Anthony's620 10th Street North Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 502-4200 / Fax: (727) 502-4263

Central Imaging Open MRI, Inc.6101 Central AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 381-4674 / Fax: (727) 341-1182

Saint Pete MRI750 94th Avenue North Suite 206Saint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 577-2220 / Fax: (727) 577-7230

SimonMed Imaging - St. Petersburg840 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street North Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 440-8250 / Fax: (407) 865-6090

St. Anthony's PET/CT Center1201 Fifth Avenue North Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 820-7600 / Fax: (727) 820-7890


Advanced Medical Imaging9555 Seminole Boulevard Suite 101Seminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 398-5999 / Fax: (727) 231-0772

Diagnostic Testing


Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services2311 Alternate 19 Suite 5Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (866) 961-5589 / Fax: (727) 796-2965

Durable Medical Equipment


Acelis Connected Health Services6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550Phone: (877) 262-4669 / Fax: (925) 606-6978

Alere Home Monitoring, Inc.Phone: (877) 262-4669

Dynasplint Systems, Inc.770 Ritchie Highway Suite W21Severna Park, MD 21146Phone: (800) 638-6771 / Fax: (800) 380-3784


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Prism Medical Products, LLC112 Church Street Suite 101Elkin, NC 28621Phone: (888) 244-6421 / Fax: (800) 975-6321


180 Medical, Inc.8516 Northwest ExpresswayOklahoma City, OK 73162Phone: (877) 688-2729 / Fax: (888) 718-0633

Acentus4951-B East Adamo Drive Suite 200Tampa, FL 33605Phone: (866) 684-2507 / Fax: (866) 695-2183

ActivStyle5912 Breckenridge Parkway Suite GTampa, FL 33610Phone: (800) 651-6223 / Fax: (877) 426-7329

Aeroflow Healthcare65 Beale RoadArden, NC 28704Phone: (888) 345-1780 / Fax: (800) 249-1513

Comfort Medical, LLC4240 Northwest 120th AvenueCoral Springs, FL 33065Phone: (800) 700-4246 / Fax: (800) 604-9760

Essential Medical Solutions, Inc.3 Nebo Yorkville RoadGibson, TN 38389Phone: (877) 278-1079 / Fax: (877) 231-3088

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road Suite DWaukesha, WI 53188Phone: (800) 845-6364 / Fax: (888) 845-3342

Liberator Medical Supply, Inc.2979 Southeast Gran Park WayStuart, FL 34997Phone: (800) 536-2390 / Fax: (800) 755-0843

Medline Industries, Inc.1 Medline PlaceMundelein, IL 60060Phone: (866) 356-4997 / Fax: (866) 272-8122

MS Supply & Home Health Co.618 Ware BoulevardTampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 621-2001 / Fax: (813) 621-2480

MY DME DOC, LLC977 Del Mar DriveLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (866) 726-9363 / Fax: (888) 788-5696

One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Orthomedx Corporation4329 36th Street Suite 800Orlando, FL 32811Phone: (407) 422-4526 / Fax: (407) 377-5770

Strive Medical, LLC5800 Campus Circle Drive East Suite 100BIrving, TX 75063Phone: (888) 771-9229 / Fax: (866) 680-5574


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SurfMed2799 Southwest 32nd Avenue Building E, Suite 14Pembroke Park, FL 33023Phone: (888) 201-7873 / Fax: (888) 398-3149

Symbius Medical, LLC2311 West Utopia RoadPhoenix, AZ 85027Phone: (800) 948-1868 / Fax: (877) 396-6235

United States Medical Supply, LLC8260 Northwest 27th Street Suite 401Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 436-6033 / Fax: (305) 455-5700

US Med, LLC1480 Northwest 79th AvenueMiami, FL 33126Phone: (800) 787-6331 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


Ladies First Choice2337 Belleair Road Suite EClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 535-4446 / Fax: (727) 796-3095

Lincare, Inc.12600 South Belcher Road Suite 104 & 105Largo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 733-2927 / Fax: (866) 247-4721

O2 Solutions, LLC1441 Savannah Avenue Suite BTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-3979 / Fax: (727) 934-3783

Superior Medical Equipment Plus, LLC821 Clearwater Largo Road NorthLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 461-5278 / Fax: (727) 447-2950

Saint Petersburg

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment2840 Scherer Drive Suite 425Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 449-9119 / Fax: (727) 449-0764

Fitness Program

Silver Sneakers FitnessPhone: (888) 423-4632

Home Health


Advanced InfusionCare212 Northside DriveValdosta, GA 31602Phone: (229) 242-3060 / Fax: (229) 242-9914


Doctor's Choice Home Care35111 US Highway 19 North Suite 302Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 623-4852 / Fax: (727) 827-2988

Gulfside Home Health, LLC1930 Land O Lakes Boulevard Suite 5Lutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 501-8244 / Fax: (813) 909-0481


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Interim Healthcare Gulf Coast, Inc.1940 Drew Street Suite AClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 441-9585 / Fax: (727) 461-4535

Interim Healthcare Gulf Coast, Inc.7305 Little RoadNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 849-2828 / Fax: (727) 849-9634

Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc.8147 Copernicus Way Suite 101Trinity, FL 34655Phone: (727) 845-8099 / Fax: (727) 372-6411


Keystone Home Health2040 Northeast Coachman Road Suite BClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 669-2777 / Fax: (727) 669-2778

Pinellas Park

Community Therapy Home Care, Inc.5223 Park Boulevard Suite 201Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 546-8900 / Fax: (727) 546-8940

Utopia Home Health3491 Gandy Boulevard North Suite 209Pinellas Park, FL 33781

Saint Petersburg

Fusion Healthcare10901 Corporate Circle North Suite ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 328-8308 / Fax: (727) 328-8338


Nations HearingPhone: (800) 313-2763


Belleair Bluffs

LabCorp2981B West Bay DriveBelleair Bluffs, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-2686 / Fax: (727) 584-2317


LabCorp1822 North Belcher Road Suite 101 & 102Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 442-3671 / Fax: (727) 442-3820

LabCorp29245 US Highway 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 785-1419

LabCorp at Walgreens1505 South Belcher RoadClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 871-7979 / Fax: (727) 507-0022


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LabCorp11370 66th Street Suite 125Largo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 545-0076

LabCorp10500 Ulmerton Road Suite 746Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0002

Saint Petersburg

LabCorp5653 Park Street North Suite 2Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 547-9677 / Fax: (727) 547-8937

LabCorp3901 66th Street North Suite 102Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 525-1310 / Fax: (727) 525-1371

LabCorp at Walgreens3851 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 502-6007 / Fax: (727) 502-0009

LabCorp at Walgreens3077 54th Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 275-9808 / Fax: (727) 864-0031



Akumin501 South Lincoln Avenue Suite 15Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-6760 / Fax: (727) 781-1310

Susan Cheek Needler Breast Center400 Pinellas Street Suite 100Clearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 298-6670 / Fax: (727) 298-6519


Akumin13787 South Belcher Road Suite 300Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 531-5444 / Fax: (727) 531-1122

BayCare Outpatient Imaging Largo8787 Bryan Dairy RoadLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 394-5900 / Fax: (727) 394-5210

Palm Harbor

Akumin36463 US Highway 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-2795 / Fax: (727) 781-1310

Akumin4133 Woodlands ParkwayPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 781-3888 / Fax: (727) 781-3881


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Safety Harbor

BayCare Outpatient Imaging1840 Mease Drive Suite 103Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 725-6463 / Fax: (727) 725-6464

Saint Petersburg

BayCare Outpatient Imaging Carillon900 Carillon Parkway Suite 105Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 561-2342 / Fax: (727) 734-6462

Baycare Outpatient Imaging St. Anthony's620 10th Street North Suite 100Saint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 502-4200 / Fax: (727) 502-4263

Occupational Therapy


CORA Physical Therapy - Clearwater1944 North Hercules Avenue Suite CClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 797-8100 / Fax: (727) 797-8110


Ability Health Services & Rehabilitation1345 West Bay DriveLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 281-8940 / Fax: (727) 281-8943

CORA Physical Therapy - Largo2130 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 587-0582 / Fax: (727) 587-0583

Saint Petersburg

CORA Physical Therapy - South St. Petersburg5165 34th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-0737 / Fax: (727) 867-0738

CORA Physical Therapy - St. Petersburg9355 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 579-7974 / Fax: (727) 579-7944


CORA Physical Therapy - Seminole11224 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 394-0949 / Fax: (727) 394-7031

Optometry - Routine Vision Providers


Argus VisionToll Free Customer ServicePhone: (800) 210-5511https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Outpatient Dialysis


Gulf Breeze Dialysis Center1519 Main StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 738-4425 / Fax: (727) 736-3353


Bay Breeze Dialysis11550 Ulmerton RoadLargo, FL 33778Phone: (727) 584-4047 / Fax: (727) 584-4790

Saint Petersburg

Pinellas West Shore Dialysis3451 66th Street North Suite ASaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 345-8389 / Fax: (727) 345-8410

St. Petersburg Dialysis1117 Arlington Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 896-9029 / Fax: (727) 896-7269

St. Petersburg South Dialysis2850 34th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 864-4050 / Fax: (727) 864-0013


Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Physical Therapy


CORA Physical Therapy - Clearwater1944 North Hercules Avenue Suite CClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 797-8100 / Fax: (727) 797-8110


Ability Health Services & Rehabilitation1345 West Bay DriveLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 281-8940 / Fax: (727) 281-8943

CORA Physical Therapy - Largo2130 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 587-0582 / Fax: (727) 587-0583

Saint Petersburg

CORA Physical Therapy - South St. Petersburg5165 34th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-0737 / Fax: (727) 867-0738

CORA Physical Therapy - St. Petersburg9355 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 579-7974 / Fax: (727) 579-7944


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Next Step Rehabilitation5535 Park Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 209-0579 / Fax: (727) 209-0580


CORA Physical Therapy - Seminole11224 Park BoulevardSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 394-0949 / Fax: (727) 394-7031

Prosthetics and Orthotics


Tampa Bay Prosthetics5109 North Armenia AvenueTampa, FL 33603Phone: (813) 801-9110 / Fax: (813) 801-9048

Palm Harbor

Florida Brace & Limb, Inc.2445 Tampa Road Suite HPalm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 786-0880 / Fax: (727) 786-0882

Pinellas Park

Florida Brace & Limb, Inc.6219 66th Street NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 548-1808 / Fax: (727) 548-1945

Saint Petersburg

Orthotic and Prosthetic Centers3611 5th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 327-3332 / Fax: (727) 327-7304

Sleep Studies


Blackstone Medical Services, LLC550 North Reo Street Suite 250Tampa, FL 33609Phone: (888) 710-2727 / Fax: (888) 239-4616

Speech Therapy


Ability Health Services & Rehabilitation1345 West Bay DriveLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 281-8940 / Fax: (727) 281-8943


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Retail Pharmacies


CVS Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 746-7287www.cvs.com/stores

Publix Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 242-1227www.publix.com/pharmacy

Walgreens*Phone: (800) 925-4733www.walgreens.com/storelocator/find.jsp

Walmart*Phone: (800) 966-6546www.walmart.com/pharmacy

Winn Dixie*Phone: (866) 946-6349www.winndixie.com/pharmacy

Belleair Bluffs

Belleair Pharmacy2864 West Bay DrBelleair Bluffs, FL 33770Phone: (727) 250-4114

Publix Pharmacy #13092770 West Bay DriveBelleair Bluffs, FL 33770Phone: (727) 586-0240

Walgreens103 Indian Rocks Rd SBelleair Bluffs, FL 33770Phone: (727) 585-2095


Unity Express Pharmacy, Inc.2340 State Road 580 Suite GClearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 600-8880

Assured Rx Llc13555 Automobile Blvd Ste 230Clearwater, FL 33762Phone: (727) 451-6815

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Better Life Pharmacy1590 N Mcmullen Booth Rd Ste K4 K-4Clearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 900-6404

Can Community Health Pharmacy Of Clearwater2349 Sunset Point Rd Suite 404Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 498-4976

Ccs Medical14255 49th St N Ste 301Clearwater, FL 33762Phone: (888) 308-8882

Costco Pharmacy #3362655 Gulf To Bay BlvdClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 373-1953

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600


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CVS Pharmacy #001041 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 446-6037

CVS Pharmacy #0108323682 US Hwy 19 NClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 799-0910

CVS Pharmacy #027312200 Gulf To Bay BlvdClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 791-3548

CVS Pharmacy #028744000 E Bay DrClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 532-4157

CVS Pharmacy #036151899 N Highland AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 441-4585

CVS Pharmacy #0368630387 US Hwy 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 781-2955

CVS Pharmacy #038042528 N Mcmullen Booth RdClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 797-5803

CVS Pharmacy #039603765 Ulmerton RdClearwater, FL 33762Phone: (727) 573-3383

CVS Pharmacy #169412747 Gulf To Bay BlvdClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 431-0232

Fusion Pharmaceuticals28821 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (813) 540-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Inspire Pharmacy2019 Gulf To Bay BlvdClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 441-6900

J&K Care Llc756 N. Belcher Rd.Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 447-6622

Joint Scripts612 Druid Rd E Suite CClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 756-4008

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-4248

Publix Pharmacy #03745000 E Bay DrClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 524-1243

Publix Pharmacy #03861520 N Mcmullen Booth RdClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 726-1061

Publix Pharmacy #08661555 Highland Ave SouthClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 443-7411

Publix Pharmacy #1160525 South Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 791-0169


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Publix Pharmacy #13001921 N. Belcher Rd.Clearwater, FL 33763Phone: (727) 712-3480

Publix Pharmacy #13291295 South Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 442-7074

Publix Pharmacy #1562200 Island WayClearwater, FL 33767Phone: (727) 373-3675

Publix Pharmacy #3219300 Pinellas StClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 462-3311

Sams Pharmacy 10-64202575 Gulf To Bay BlvdClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 712-1363

Walgreens1604 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 586-4414

Walgreens30280 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 282-1003

Walgreens1801 Gulf To Bay BlvdClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 441-8694

Walgreens #153942495 N Mcmullen Booth RdClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 726-8894

Walgreens #15435401 Poinsettia AveClearwater, FL 33767Phone: (727) 443-2393

Walgreens #15518703 Court StClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 447-3188

Walgreens #35551880 N Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 468-9437

Walgreens #62931505 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 536-7552

Walgreens #66082991 Roosevelt BlvdClearwater, FL 33760Phone: (727) 538-5660

Walgreens #96881701 Mcmullenbooth RdClearwater, FL 33759Phone: (727) 726-3870

Walmart Pharmacy 10-208123106 US Hwy 19 NorthClearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 724-3403

Walmart Pharmacy 10-46671803 N Highland AveClearwater, FL 33755Phone: (727) 441-6819

Walmart Pharmacy 10-56702171 Gulf To Bay Blvd Bldg 10Clearwater, FL 33765Phone: (727) 431-5904

Clearwater Beach

CVS Pharmacy #03001467 Mandalay AveClearwater Beach, FL 33767Phone: (727) 447-6429


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020


CVS Pharmacy #032281298 County Road 1Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-5686

CVS Pharmacy #049872175 Main StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-6241

Pharmaco Med Shop2640 Bayshore BlvdDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 754-9497

Publix Pharmacy #03531491 Main StreetDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-2785

Publix Pharmacy #1413902 Curlew RdDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 736-9208

Shields Pharmacy2196 Main St Ste ADunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 648-2680

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy938 Patricia AveDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-0404

Walgreens #42632598 Bayshore BlvdDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-9375

Walgreens #43981477 Main StDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 733-3176

Walgreens #79185 Patricia AveDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 734-5354

Walmart Pharmacy 10-58762102 Main StDunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 431-0278

Wize Pharmacy1153 Main St Ste 102Dunedin, FL 34698Phone: (727) 953-9880


Gulfport Pharmacy5004 Gulfport Blvd SGulfport, FL 33707Phone: (727) 223-1075

Walgreens #37945701 Gulfport Blvd SouthGulfport, FL 33707Phone: (727) 344-3701


Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

CVS Pharmacy #10500 Ulmerton Rd Building 654Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 581-4424

CVS Pharmacy #0018813998 Walsingham RdLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 595-2521


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

CVS Pharmacy #031572390 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 585-4774

CVS Pharmacy #032117405 Starkey RdLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 391-9728

CVS Pharmacy #034638905 Bryan Dairy RdLargo, FL 33777Phone: (727) 393-7542

CVS Pharmacy #0408351 Missouri Ave NLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 518-2951

CVS Pharmacy #051922390 Belcher RoadLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 533-0731

Empath Health Pharmacy11701 Belcher Rd S Ste 126Largo, FL 33773Phone: (727) 523-2515

Michaels Pharmacy11987 Seminole Blvd.Largo, FL 33778Phone: (727) 585-2000

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Publix Pharmacy #0705857 West Bay DriveLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 518-7748

Publix Pharmacy #103410411 Ulmerton RoadLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 588-1291

Publix Pharmacy #13353825 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 538-8718

Publix Pharmacy #147112022 Indian Rocks RdLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 595-6794

Publix Pharmacy #157913031 Walsingham RdLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 373-3973

Publix Pharmacy #166310500 Ulmerton Rd, Suite 800Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 275-6298

St. Mary Pharmacy1290 W Bay Dr.Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 585-1333

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

Walgreens800 West Bay DrLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 584-2494

Walgreens10697 Ulmerton RdLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 584-5587


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Walgreens #136301301 2nd Ave Sw Ste 200Largo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 581-9382

Walgreens #30462295 E Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 585-6810

Walgreens #48006560 Ulmerton RdLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 530-4729

Walgreens #587014004 Walsingham RdLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 596-5722

Walmart Pharmacy 10-17121111 North Missouri AvenueLargo, FL 33770Phone: (727) 581-9922

Walmart Pharmacy 10-33722677 Roosevelt BlvdLargo, FL 33760Phone: (727) 431-4914

Walmart Pharmacy 10-41419020 Ulmerton RdLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 431-5023

Walmart Pharmacy 10-583113817 Walsingham RdLargo, FL 33774Phone: (727) 593-0316

Madeira Beach

Publix Pharmacy #1457674 150th AveMadeira Beach, FL 33708Phone: (727) 398-6208

Walgreens #15192710 150th AveMadeira Beach, FL 33708Phone: (727) 391-9795


CVS Pharmacy #035793771 Tampa RoadOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 855-5781

Tampa Road Pharmacy3705 Tampa RdOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 925-9666

Walgreens #44803770 Tampa RoadOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 855-7885

Walmart Pharmacy 10-27963801 Tampa RoadOldsmar, FL 34677Phone: (813) 854-2391

Palm Harber

Aps Pharmacy34911 US Highway 19 N Ste 600Palm Harber, FL 34684Phone: (727) 547-2654

Palm Harbor

Care Plus Pharmacy33915 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 784-6200


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CVS Pharmacy #900 E Lake RdPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 784-5771

CVS Pharmacy #02842975 Tampa RoadPalm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 772-8119

CVS Pharmacy #03927700 E Lake RdPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 785-6838

Good Samaritan Pharmacy33130 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 785-2640

King Pharmacy & Compounding Llc31201 US Hwy 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 772-6868

Medrock Pharmacy3209 Tampa RdPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 240-1341

Palm Harbor Pharmacy34650 US Highway 19 N Ste 101Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 787-2273

Publix Pharmacy #041533343 US Hwy 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 789-2879

Publix Pharmacy #049736301 East Lake RdPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 785-8837

Publix Pharmacy #089130535 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 787-8869

Publix Pharmacy #10112886 Alternate US 19Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (727) 781-7204

Publix Pharmacy #134035439 U.S. 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 771-9327

Publix Pharmacy #1341500 East Lake RoadPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 784-1413

St Marks Pharmacy4954 Ridgemoor BlvdPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 772-7070

St.Mary Pharmacy Ii30606 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 773-9000

Sunlife Pharmacy3420 Tampa RoadPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 491-8300

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400

Walgreens #11893420 East Lake RoadPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 785-7451

Walgreens #128852495 Sandy Point RdPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 254-5928

Walgreens #412433670 US 19 NorthPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 785-7643


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Walgreens #793135543 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-2360

Walmart Pharmacy 10-151335404 US Highway 19Palm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 784-8897

Walmart Pharmacy 10-34143400 E Lake RdPalm Harbor, FL 34685Phone: (727) 431-1419

Pinellas Park

Alexander Pharmacy6540 Park BlvdPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 623-0962

Benzer Pharmacy 1486280 66th St NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-4203

CVS Pharmacy #001717400 49th St NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-1491

CVS Pharmacy #027677101 Park BlvdPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-1200

CVS Pharmacy #0360610195 66th StreetPinellas Park, FL 33782Phone: (727) 541-4681

CVS Pharmacy #171527150 US 19 NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 803-0023

G & H Pharmacy8091 66th St NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 209-9999

Np Pharmacy7644 Park BlvdPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 685-0268

Publix Pharmacy #01117333 Park BlvdPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 546-7791

Publix Pharmacy #13444701 Park BlvdPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 546-4890

Sams Pharmacy 10-63877001 Park Blvd NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 547-6411

Shepherd Pharmacy7191 66th St NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 873-7444

Vistacare Pharmacy Ii7599 Park Blvd N Ste 100Pinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 914-5227

Walgreens #37956996 US Highway 19 NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 528-4114

Walgreens #67867751 49th St NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 544-5551

Walgreens #951710196 66th St NPinellas Park, FL 33782Phone: (727) 545-2420


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Walmart Pharmacy 10-13908001 US Hwy 19 NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 578-5020

Walmart Pharmacy 10-46696900 US 19 NorthPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 827-2063

Walmart Pharmacy 1030137500 66th St NPinellas Park, FL 33781Phone: (727) 202-3120

Safety Harbor

Ahf Pharmacy3135 Sr 580 Ste 1Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 259-2000

Main Street Pharmacy531 Main St Ste KSafety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 330-7530

Publix Pharmacy #32181840 Mease Dr Suite 100Safety Harbor, FL 34695Phone: (727) 499-0085

Saint Petersburg

1st Choice Pharmacy4105 49th St N Ste BSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 954-8877

Advanced Rx Pharmacy 0277500 Gulf Boulevard Suite BSaint Petersburg, FL 33706Phone: (475) 363-10

Ahf Pharmacy3400 26th Ave SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 321-1135

Amen Pharmacy521 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 209-0619

Apex Care Pharmacy 17601 Dr Martin Luther King Jr St N Ste C Suite CSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 800-9118

Bailey's Pharmacy3065 34th St N Suite BSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 256-1410

Bay Life Pharmacy Ii5665 Park St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 216-6374

Baydoun Pharmacy4749 34th St S.Saint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 329-8868

Community, A Walgreens Pharmacy #153013030 1st Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 322-5200

Comprehensive Hematology Oncology Pharmacy5000 Park St N Ste 1025Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 954-8213

Curant Health Florida Llc11001 Roosevelt Blvd N Ste 1400Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (866) 448-8040


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CVS Pharmacy #001396820 Gulfport Blvd SSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 345-9103

CVS Pharmacy #00149294 37th Ave NSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 896-3166

CVS Pharmacy #001604260 6th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 896-3119

CVS Pharmacy #005354685 Gulf BlvdSaint Petersburg, FL 33706Phone: (727) 360-0818

CVS Pharmacy #005748001 9th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 577-6888

CVS Pharmacy #02759845 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 821-1172

CVS Pharmacy #028732200 34th Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 328-7644

CVS Pharmacy #0299715222 Municipal DriveSaint Petersburg, FL 33708Phone: (727) 397-5535

CVS Pharmacy #034665400 4th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 525-2184

CVS Pharmacy #035472100 66th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 345-3599

CVS Pharmacy #036543501 54th Avenue SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 864-1546

CVS Pharmacy #044945345 66th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 548-5768

CVS Pharmacy #05234301 3rd St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 822-7115

CVS Pharmacy #054855801 Central AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 343-8116

CVS Pharmacy #079443426 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 321-1257

CVS Pharmacy #164114450 Park St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 541-3930

CVS Pharmacy #164958151 Dr Martin Luther King St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 576-3826

Danang Pharmacy5944 34th St N Ste 1Saint Petersburg, FL 33714Phone: (727) 623-9854

Empath Health Pharmacy3050 1st Ave S Pharmacy DepartmentSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 209-3500


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Fmc Pharmacy Services11001 Danka Way N Ste 2Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (800) 947-3131

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Healthmed Pharmacy1839 Central Ave # 101Saint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 894-3001

Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, Inc.501 6th Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 767-8933

Mail-Meds Clinical Pharmacy3251 3rd Ave NSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (239) 939-9226

Pharmacy Innovations4000 Park St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 381-9799

Prime Rx Pharmacy4860 48th Ave NSaint Petersburg, FL 33714Phone: (727) 522-3222

Publix Pharmacy #0028250 3rd St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 821-2124

Publix Pharmacy #0140120 Carillon ParkwaySaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 540-1666

Publix Pharmacy #039510496 Roosevelt Blvd NSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 576-5865

Publix Pharmacy #0640200 37th Avenue NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 895-7767

Publix Pharmacy #06887999 Dr Mlk Jr Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 578-5335

Publix Pharmacy #11991600 66th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-1286

Publix Pharmacy #13213030 54th Avenue SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 864-2515

Publix Pharmacy #13223900 66th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 343-9265

Publix Pharmacy #13941700 34th St. NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 327-3092

Publix Pharmacy #14563700 4th Street NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33704Phone: (727) 526-3702

Publix Pharmacy #1531725 1st Ave SSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 822-1057

Publix Pharmacy #15415295 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 864-0096

Publix Pharmacy #16283501 49th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 318-6869


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Publix Pharmacy #3220620 10th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33705Phone: (727) 502-4144

Quick Pharmacy6578 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33707Phone: (727) 258-4892

Sams Pharmacy 10-48611725 34th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 369-0518

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th Street SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Southcare Pharmacy, Inc.6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave North Ste A-5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

The Green Cross Pharmacy701 6th Street South Ste 1 - 5040Saint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 893-6334

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

Tri-Med Medical Pharmacy5779 49th Street North Suite 2Saint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 527-4569

Urban Specialty Pharmacy1617 34th Street South, Suite ASaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-9881

V & T Pharmacy5051 66th St N Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 258-7288

Walgreens5767 38th Ave NSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 345-7917

Walgreens900 49th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 327-8801

Walgreens3350 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 327-4003

Walgreens #13393077 54th Ave SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33712Phone: (727) 362-1505

Walgreens #1551910801 Roosevelt Blvd NSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 576-7714

Walgreens #22305420 9th St NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 526-5769

Walgreens #2524337 75th AvenueSaint Petersburg, FL 33706Phone: (727) 367-7657

Walgreens #2918875 9th St NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33701Phone: (727) 821-3369


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Walgreens #34286735 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 384-9050

Walgreens #35973700 34th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 522-7480

Walgreens #44813994 Tyrone Blvd NSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 343-2221

Walgreens #56614401 Gulf BlvdSaint Petersburg, FL 33706Phone: (727) 367-7754

Walgreens #62925405 66th Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 544-3008

Walgreens #78277610 4th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 525-1361

Walgreens #90313851 4th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33703Phone: (727) 822-6896

Walmart Pharmacy 10-153610237 Bay Pines BlvdSaint Petersburg, FL 33708Phone: (727) 345-8319

Walmart Pharmacy 10-4690201 34th St NSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 803-9607

Walmart Pharmacy 10-52183501 34th Street SouthSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 906-4030

Winn Dixie1049 62nd Ave NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 525-0700

Winn Dixie7491 4th St NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 528-2123

Winn Dixie2139 34th St NorthSaint Petersburg, FL 33713Phone: (727) 323-2911


Carepoint Pharmacy10753 Park BlvdSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (855) 237-9112

CVS Pharmacy #0321810200 Seminole BlvdSeminole, FL 33778Phone: (727) 395-0139

CVS Pharmacy #037537850 131st Street NorthSeminole, FL 33776Phone: (727) 398-4489

Lake Seminole Pharmacy9117 Park BlvdSeminole, FL 33777Phone: (727) 592-4588

Publix Pharmacy #009510801 Starkey Rd Bldg 200Seminole, FL 33777Phone: (727) 397-3105

Publix Pharmacy #13207880 113th StreetSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 391-1876


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Walgreens #342913705 Park BlvdSeminole, FL 33776Phone: (727) 319-2757

Walgreens #355610121 Seminole BlvdSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 398-7308

Walgreens #398810563 Park BlvdSeminole, FL 33772Phone: (727) 398-6160

South Pasadena

Publix Pharmacy #13481075 South Pasadena AveSouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 347-4526

Walmart Pharmacy 10-31616850 Gulfport Blvd SSouth Pasadena, FL 33707Phone: (727) 202-3877

St Petersburg

CVS Pharmacy #037555405 49th St NSt Petersburg, FL 33709Phone: (727) 527-8285

Tarpon Springs

Anclote Pharmacy1933 N Pinellas AveTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 944-5800

CVS Pharmacy #007091000 East Tarpon AveTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 937-4203

Publix Pharmacy #014440932 US Highway 19 NTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 938-3760

Tarpon Discount Drugs742 S Pinellas AveTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 934-3400

Walgreens605 S Pinellas AveTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 942-1686

Walmart Pharmacy 10-341541232 US Highway 19 NTarpon Springs, FL 34689Phone: (727) 940-9295

Treasure Island

Walgreens #276110551 Gulf BlvdTreasure Island, FL 33706Phone: (727) 367-7028


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Mail Order Pharmacy


OptumrxPhone: (855) 842-6337 TTY 711 24 hours a day / 7 day a week You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For refills of your mail order prescriptions, you have the option to sign up for an automatic refill program. Under this program, we will start to process your next refill automatically when our records show that you should be close to running out of your drug. We will contact you prior to shipping each refill to make sure you are in need of more medication. You can cancel scheduled refills if you have enough of your medication or if your medication has changed. If you choose not to use the auto refill program, please contact us 14 days before you think the drugs you have on hand will run out to make sure your next order is shipped to you in time. To opt out of the automatic refill program, please contact us by calling 1 (855) 842-6337, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription drugs within 14 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy receives the order. If you do not receive your prescription drug(s) within this time, please contact us at 1 (855) 842-6337.


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Home Infusion Pharmacies


Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida556 Florida Central Pkwy Ste 1044Longwood, FL 32750Phone: (407) 865-5489

Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville1700 NW 80th BlvdGainesville, FL 32606Phone: (352) 333-2525

Bioscrip Infusion Services3040 Venture Lane Suite 103Melbourne, FL 32934Phone: (321) 242-2996

Bioscrip Infusion Services3986 Boulevard Center Dr Ste 1Jacksonville, FL 32207Phone: (904) 398-1983

Bioscrip Infusion Services5505 Johns Road, Suite 700Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 549-5499

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.201 N. Tarragona St.Pensacola, FL 32502Phone: (850) 430-1259

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.13891 Jetport Loop Road Suite 5Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-2388

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.8509 Benjamin Rd Suite ATampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-5866

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services3439 N 12th Ave Suite A And BPensacola, FL 32503Phone: (850) 469-4573

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services9143 Phillips Hwy Suite 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 363-3089

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services12006 Miramar PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 431-3335

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services8508 Benjamin Road, Suite CTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 639-4500

Crescent Healthcare5431 SW 35th DriveGainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 373-8389

Health First Infusion1959 W 9th St Ste AWest Palm Beach, FL 33404Phone: (561) 842-2828

Holly Hill Pharmacy1702 Ridgewood Ave Ste C - GHolly Hill, FL 32117Phone: (386) 677-7377


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Kabafusion Fl3500 NW 2nd Ave Suite 704Boca Raton, FL 33431Phone: (877) 309-2207

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Oncology Pharmacy Group4733 W Atlantic Ave Ste 2Delray Beach, FL 33445Phone: (855) 674-2764

Option Care14580 Global Parkway Suite 108Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-3456

Option Care2880 Scherer RdSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 592-0045

Option Care11650 Miramar Parkway Suite 100Miramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 885-6100

Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc.5700 Dot Com Ct Ste 1030Oviedo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 678-2068

Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc.9655 Florida Mining Blvd. West Ste 411Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 652-1990

Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc.9984 Premier PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (800) 670-6922

Patient Care America3890 Park Central Blvd N.Pompano Beach, FL 33064Phone: (866) 348-0441

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Smp Pharmacy Solutions6050 S Dixie HwyMiami, FL 33143Phone: (305) 740-9696

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Long Term Care Pharmacies


1st Choice Pharmacy Ltc2232 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 940-3521

A&R Pharmacy1155 Main Street Unit 109Jupiter, FL 33458Phone: (561) 630-3770

Advanced Pharmacy45 Skyline Drive Ste 1011Lake Mary, FL 32746Phone: (407) 805-8300

Alpha Touch Pharmacy10071 Pines Blvd Ste DPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-5200

Apex Heath Rx921 Town Center Dr Suite 100Orange City, FL 32763Phone: (386) 774-7933

Atkinsons Healthcare100 Old Orange Park RdOrange Park, FL 32073Phone: (904) 264-7578

B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc214 US Hwy 41 SouthInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care2 E Magnolia Ave Ste 201Eustis, FL 32726Phone: (352) 357-4341

Benzer Ltc3231 Tamiami Trl Ste DPort Charlotte, FL 33952Phone: (941) 303-1071

Butterfly Pharmacy3940 W Hillsborough AveTampa, FL 33614Phone: (813) 874-2900

Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford1455 E Airport BlvdSanford, FL 32773Phone: (855) 822-7366

Careone Pharmacy Services Llc1003 E Newport Center DrDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: (954) 425-6505

Center Pharmacy Ii1501 Viscaya PkwyCape Coral, FL 33990Phone: (239) 772-8866

Coastalmed Of Florida Llc433 N Macarthur AvePanama City, FL 32401Phone: (850) 872-8900


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Core Health Pharmacy11260 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33026Phone: (954) 450-8873

Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc1860 Highland Oaks BlvdLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 428-6963

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600

Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc.20-22 South Federal HighwayDania, FL 33004Phone: (954) 921-4661

Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Pharmacy1680 Meridian Ave 4th FloorMiami Beach, FL 33139Phone: (786) 439-1167

Dura-Med Pharmacy3877 Highway 4Jay, FL 32565Phone: (850) 675-6850

E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy4942 West State Road 46 Suite 1014, Westwood Village Shopping CenterSanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 915-7307

Ellenton Discount Pharmacy8324 US Highway 301 NParrish, FL 34219Phone: (941) 444-2233

Ep Ltc Pharmacy6440 SW 117th Ave 2nd FloorMiami, FL 33183Phone: (305) 630-9308

Family Care Rx, Llc4752 S Jog RdGreenacres, FL 33467Phone: (561) 432-2273

Florida Medical Supply5314-A Frank Hough RdPanama City, FL 32404Phone: (850) 785-1900

Foundational Health Pharmacy3031 W Cypress St Ste ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 527-0765

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5707 N 22nd StTampa, FL 33610Phone: (813) 239-8116

Genoa Healthcare, Llc12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite A142Tampa, FL 33612Phone: (253) 218-0830

Genoa Healthcare, Llc3292 County Road 220, Suite PMiddleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 301-4622

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2900 W Prospect Rd # ATamarac, FL 33309Phone: (754) 216-4844

Genoa Healthcare, Llc439 SW Michigan St Rm 12Lake City, FL 32025Phone: (386) 319-4050

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Genoa Healthcare, Llc215 N 3rd St Ste ALeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 702-0079


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Genoa Healthcare, Llc2789 Ortiz Ave Bldg HFort Myers, FL 33905Phone: (239) 939-7935

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2634 Capital Cir Ne Building C, Suite 156Tallahassee, FL 32308Phone: (850) 666-5194

Genoa Healthcare, Llc379 6th Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 748-9409

Genoa Healthcare, Llc200 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Kissimmee, FL 34741Phone: (407) 344-9700

Genoa Healthcare, Llc137 Hospital Dr NE Ste QFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone: (727) 322-4008

Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1831 N Gilmore Ave Ste 1Lakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 614-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc525 E. 15th StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 522-0143

Genoa Healthcare, Llc330 SW 27th Ave # AFort Lauderdale, FL 33312Phone: (754) 216-5002

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4300 SW 13th St, Room 27Gainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 264-9995

Genoa Healthcare, Llc6075 Bathey Lane, Ste D5Naples, FL 34116Phone: (239) 234-1446

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1201 1st St SWinter Haven, FL 33880Phone: (863) 291-4707

Genoa Healthcare, Llc919 NE 13th Street, Suite 244Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 756-9917

Global View Pharmacy2013 Harding StreetHollywood, FL 33020Phone: (954) 923-3839

Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc10 Aviator WayOrmond Beach, FL 32174Phone: (386) 615-1925

Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville8001 Belfort Pkwy Ste 160Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 296-0016

Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida212 N Wilson StCrestview, FL 32536Phone: (850) 306-3003


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Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc2815 Directors Row Ste 700Orlando, FL 32809Phone: (407) 270-6722

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida6100 Broken Sound Pkwy NwBoca Raton, FL 33487Phone: (954) 601-2121

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc24451 Sandhill Blvd Suite A & CPunta Gorda, FL 33983Phone: (941) 255-1987

Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc9402 International Ct.Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 577-0000

Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy135 N Banana River DrMerritt Island, FL 32952Phone: (321) 452-5058

Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc7057 University BlvdWinter Park, FL 32792Phone: (407) 671-0003

Hopkins Pharmacy4401 S Hopkins AveTitusville, FL 32780Phone: (321) 607-6802

Ims Pharmacy202 S Magnolia Ave Ste 1Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-1536

Iv Stat Inc533 Eglin Pkwy NeFort Walton Beach, FL 32547Phone: (850) 226-8162

J's Pharmacy6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Kings Discount Drug1242 Main StChipley, FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-4875

Lake Wales Pharmacy1322 Sr 60 ELake Wales, FL 33853Phone: (863) 676-0400

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 479-3048

Logos Pharmacy8315 Sheldon RdTampa, FL 33615Phone: (813) 886-2800

M & K Drugs340 East Sugarland Hwy Suite BClewiston, FL 33440Phone: (863) 983-2945

Maxcare Pharmacy6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Med-Source Pharmacy2223 SW 13th Ave Ste BMiami, FL 33145Phone: (305) 854-7377


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Medic Pharmacy Ltc5150 N Federal HwyFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: (954) 484-4200

Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc40230 US Highway 27 Suite 100-110Davenport, FL 33837Phone: (855) 633-6948

Meds To Home4801 George Rd Ste 190Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-2023

Medtown Pharmacy13770 Beach Blvd Ste 3Jacksonville, FL 32224Phone: (904) 551-5870

Memorial Family Pharmacy7009 N Armenia AveTampa, FL 33604Phone: (813) 874-0795

Northeast Florida State Hosp7487 South Sr 121Macclenny, FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6211

Novopharm Of Tampa Llc5404 Hoover Blvd Suite 22Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 374-9345

Omnicare Of Bradenton905 Manatee Ave EastBradenton, FL 34208Phone: (941) 739-9974

Omnicare Of Central Florida4150 Church Street Suite 1030Sanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 261-5800

Omnicare Of Jacksonville9143 Philips Hwy Ste 533Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 519-8900

Omnicare Of Panama City2605 W 23rd StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 763-4276

Omnicare Of South Florida2955 W Corporate Lakes Blvd Ste 600Weston, FL 33331Phone: (954) 660-5555

Omnicare Of Tampa8603 Florida Mining BoulevardTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 247-9225

Osceola Pharmacy1635 14th AveVero Beach, FL 32960Phone: (772) 562-3660

Park Shore Pharmacon600 Ansin BlvdHallandale Beach, FL 33009Phone: (954) 874-4646

Partner Rx6555 Nova Dr Ste 304Davie, FL 33317Phone: (954) 453-4990

Pharmacore Rx5406 Hoover Blvd Ste 19Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 580-8040

Pharmacy Care Center2081 W 76th St Ste 102Hialeah, FL 33016Phone: (305) 821-4337


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Pharmacy Pros, Llc110 Whitaker RdLutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 948-3135

Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota2850 Ringling BlvdSarasota, FL 34237Phone: (941) 366-0090

Pharmerica775 Bell RoadSarasota, FL 34240Phone: (941) 342-2500

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Pharmerica7970 Bay Berry Rd Suite 4Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 733-6099

Pharmerica1950 Commonwealth LaneTallahassee, FL 32303Phone: (850) 504-6262

Pharmerica3690 N. West 53 Street Suite 104Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069Phone: (954) 978-6997

Pharmerica337 Northlake Blvd Ste 1024Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 767-9010

Pharmscript Of Florida Llc3801 Corporex Park Drive Suite 115Tampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 418-5282

Pharmscript Of Florida South15491 SW 12th St Suite 400Sunrise, FL 33327Phone: (888) 319-1818

Pine Brook Pharmacy10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Premier Pharmacy Ltc2000 Pga Blvd Ste 5507Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408Phone: (561) 899-4429

Prime Pharmacy East5908 Hampton Oaks Pkwy Ste NTampa, FL 33610Phone: (877) 891-0005

Proxycare Inc747 Shotgun RdSunrise, FL 33326Phone: (954) 791-5400

Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc6463 S Falkenburg RdRiverview, FL 33578Phone: (833) 796-1527

Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc.3141 Fortune Way, Suite #1Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 899-3273

Rx Oasis9304 Balm Riverview RdRiverview, FL 33569Phone: (813) 677-6000

Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx2900 NW 60th StFort Lauderdale, FL 33309Phone: (954) 919-1818


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

San Carlos Pharmacy18911 S Tamiami Trl Ste 13Fort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 590-8820

Savers Long Term Care200 Ocean Ave Suite AMelbourne Beach, FL 32951Phone: (321) 725-5492

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Sebring Pharmacy3023 US Highway 27 NSebring, FL 33870Phone: (863) 658-2417

Shell Point PharmacyShell Point Retirement Community 15051 Shell Point BlvdFort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 454-2234

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Solace Care Pharmacy2244 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Ste KKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: (407) 499-3990

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

South Florida State Hospital800 E Cypress DrPembroke Pines, FL 33025Phone: (954) 392-3027

Southcare Ltc Pharmacy6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc3340 Fairlane Farms Rd Ste 4Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 469-1181

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave N Ste A5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

Sun Pharmacy3320 Scherer Drive, Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (888) 228-5230

Supreme Rx1611 N Florida AveLakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 940-4733

The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc2468 US Highway 441/27 Ste 204Fruitland Park, FL 34731Phone: (352) 415-0505

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400


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Ultimate Health Plans Pinellas November 2020

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500

United Pharmacy Llc3951 N. Haverhill Road Suite 120-121West Palm Beach, FL 33417Phone: (561) 616-9000

Venice Apothecary560 The RialtoVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 485-8205

Village Pharmacy1095 Tamiami Trl N Ste BNokomis, FL 34275Phone: (941) 488-8800

We Care Pharmacy417 Tamiami Trl SVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 786-9183

Wecare Pharmacy Llc7830 Gunn Hwy # ATampa, FL 33626Phone: (813) 908-6868

Wellness Rx Ltc7640 NW 25th St Ste 105Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 384-7600

Westminster Pharmacy Services7703 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 500Orlando, FL 32819Phone: (407) 244-9280

Westminster Pharmacy Services1700 3rd Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 741-3440

Winter Springs Pharmacy5942 Red Bug Lake RdWinter Springs, FL 32708Phone: (321) 316-4615


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Primary Care Physicians


Dstteffano, Daniel D., MDThe Clark Clinic, Inc.General Practice212 South Florida StreetBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-2441 / Fax: (352) 793-3282Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021605Accepting new patients: Yes

Eichelbaum, Ehrentraud J., MDThe Clark Clinic, Inc.General Practice212 South Florida StreetBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-2441 / Fax: (352) 793-3282Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021707Accepting new patients: Yes

Youssef, Akram M., MDThe Clark Clinic, Inc.General Practice212 South Florida StreetBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-2441 / Fax: (352) 793-3282Gender: MaleAccepting new patients: Yes

The Villages

Aung, Ma T., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine910 Old Camp Road Building 200The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 775-4868 / Fax: (352) 775-4867Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): BurmeseID #: 200000021077Accepting new patients: Yes

Aung, Ma T., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 150The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 633-5282 / Fax: (352) 633-5284Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): BurmeseID #: 200000021077Accepting new patients: Yes

Chang, Khai S., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine910 Old Camp Road Building 200The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 775-4868 / Fax: (352) 775-4867Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Chinese, HindiID #: 200000021100Accepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Cheema, Shahbaz A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 150The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 633-5282 / Fax: (352) 633-5284Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Punjabi, UrduID #: 200000021101Accepting new patients: Yes

Cheema, Tasneem A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine910 Old Camp Road Building 200The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 775-4868 / Fax: (352) 775-4867Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Punjabi, UrduID #: 200000021102Accepting new patients: Yes

Cheema, Tasneem A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 150The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 633-5282 / Fax: (352) 633-5284Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): Punjabi, UrduID #: 200000021102Accepting new patients: Yes

Gitte Acosta, Sara I., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PAInternal Medicine1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 150The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 633-5282 / Fax: (352) 633-5284Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021103Accepting new patients: Yes

Gregory, Paula M., DOVIPcareFamily Practice1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 350-8800 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016490Accepting new patients: Yes

Gutierrez, Gil F., MDVIPcareInternal Medicine1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 350-8800 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish, TagalogID #: 200000016121Accepting new patients: Yes

Jagalur, Thumati G., MDMid Florida Medical Group, PAInternal Medicine910 Old Camp Road Building 150, Suite 154The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-5055 / Fax: (352) 751-5056Gender: MaleID #: 200000016032Accepting new patients: No

McGriff, Michael A., MDLakeview Healthcare System, LLCGeneral Practice8640 East Country Road 466 Suite AThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 600-5613 / Fax: (352) 633-8829Gender: MaleAccepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Paiano, Frank J., DOInternal Medicine of Central Florida, PAInternal Medicine314 Lagrande Boulevard Suite BThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 633-0778 / Fax: (352) 633-0782Gender: MaleID #: 200000021710Accepting new patients: Yes

Pugh, Darrell L., MDVIPcareFamily Practice1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 350-8800 / Fax: (844) 388-6186Gender: MaleID #: 200000016295Accepting new patients: Yes


Schwartz, Allen T., MDAegis Medical Group, LLCInternal Medicine3990 East FL 44 Suite 107Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 775-6428 / Fax: (352) 633-1614Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishAccepting new patients: Yes


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020


Allergy / Immunology

The Villages

Shen, Thomas J., MDAllergy, Asthma and Immunology Center, Inc.910 Old Camp Road Suite 152The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 391-1437 / Fax: (352) 391-1457Gender: MaleID #: 200000016321


Lady Lake

Acevedo, Celso, MDRobert Feldman, MD, PA8550 Northeast 138th Lane Suite 403Lady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 354-9000 / Fax: (352) 620-0255Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hebrew, Spanish, HindiID #: 200000009507

Cacodcar, Surexa S., MDCentral Florida Heart Center8550 Northeast 138th Lane Building 400, Suite 3Lady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 873-2223 / Fax: (352) 873-2406Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000014957

Dresen, William F., MDCentral Florida Heart Center8550 Northeast 138th Lane Building 400, Suite 3Lady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 873-2223 / Fax: (352) 873-2406Gender: MaleID #: 200000016109

The Villages

Alvarez Torres, Nitza I., MDTri-County Heart Institute, PA1400 North US Highway 441 Suite 537The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 504-3500 / Fax: (352) 504-3388Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000020976

Attanti, Srinivas, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, KannadaID #: 200000007756

Barad, Bhavesh B., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Gujarati, HindiID #: 200000018165


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Das, Chandranath L., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA1400 North US Highway 441 Suite 914The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000010857

Garcia, Hector L., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA1501 North US Highway 441 Building 1000, Suite 1002The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-4460 / Fax: (352) 391-1528Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017038

Garcia, Hector L., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017038

Gonzalez, Javier M., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002704

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA1501 North US Highway 441 Building 1000, Suite 1002The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-4460 / Fax: (352) 391-1528Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Miryala, Vinod R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleID #: 200000002701

Negron Marrero, Roberto L., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA1501 North US Highway 441 Building 1000, Suite 1002The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-4460 / Fax: (352) 391-1528Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017306

Nerella, Nishant K., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleID #: 200000002700


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Prashad, Rakesh, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA1400 North US Highway 441 Suite 914The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleID #: 200000011297

Rivero, Abel, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002697

Rothschild, Mark A., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleID #: 200000012124

Sabbah, Ronnie, MDCardiac Specialty Institute1149 Main StreetThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 530-2256 / Fax: (352) 530-2260Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Arabic, HebrewID #: 200000020942

Saluck, Brian H., DOCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleID #: 200000002696

Uche, Eze D., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-3356 / Fax: (352) 751-3359Gender: MaleID #: 200000002902

Veligandla, Himachala R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA1400 North US Highway 441 Suite 914The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 622-7008 / Fax: (352) 622-4072Gender: MaleID #: 200000017357


Garcia, Hector L., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000017038

Goel, Satish R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleID #: 200000018695

Gonzalez, Javier M., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002704


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Kannam, Hari C., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Hindi, TeluguID #: 200000002703

Miryala, Vinod R., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleID #: 200000002701

Pasupuleti, Suman, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleID #: 200000002698

Rivero, Abel, MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000002697

Rothschild, Mark A., MDCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleID #: 200000012124

Saluck, Brian H., DOCitrus Cardiology Consultants, PA5575 East State Road 44Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 571-4418 / Fax: (352) 661-3905Gender: MaleID #: 200000002696


The Villages

Compton, Brett C., DCCompton Chiropractic Care LLC11974 Country Road 101 Suite 101The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 391-9467 / Fax: (352) 391-9468Gender: MaleID #: 200000021459

Taylor, Daniel S., DCCompton Chiropractic Care LLC11974 Country Road 101 Suite 101The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 391-9467 / Fax: (352) 391-9468Gender: MaleID #: 200000021460


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The Villages

Eubanks, Stephen W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery910 Old Camp Road Suite 166The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 205-4959 / Fax: (352) 205-4957Gender: MaleID #: 200000016299

Montalvo, Augusto, MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery910 Old Camp Road Suite 166The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 205-4959 / Fax: (352) 205-4957Gender: MaleLanguage(s): EnglishID #: 200000016482

Moorhead Dovre, Christine E., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1503 Buenos Aires Boulevard Building 100The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 753-2812 / Fax: (352) 753-5037Gender: FemaleID #: 200000016484

Wangia, Michael W., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery3614 Kiessel RoadThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 571-7000 / Fax: (352) 877-3354Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SwahiliID #: 200000018381


The Villages

Tandon, Prabhat K., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 200The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 775-4868 / Fax: (352) 775-4867Gender: MaleLanguage(s): PunjabiID #: 200000021371

Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery


NUWA World9580 North US Highway 301Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 633-0703 / Fax: (352) 399-2168ID #: 200000021364



Kesari, Anand, MDGastro-Colon Clinic1389 South US Highway 301 POD #4Sumterville, FL 33585Phone: (352) 237-1253 / Fax: (352) 237-1254Gender: MaleLanguage(s): HindiID #: 200000015697


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General Dentistry

Lady Lake

Patel, Anilkumar, DDSSumter Landing Dental Care, PLLC1050 Old Camp Road Suite 286Lady Lake, FL 32162Phone: (352) 674-9009 / Fax: (352) 633-2344Gender: Male


Pirie, Edward, DDSProject Health, Inc.1389 South US Highway 301Sumterville, FL 33585Phone: (352) 793-5900 / Fax: (352) 793-9558Gender: Male

Vavruska, Julie A., DMDProject Health, Inc.1389 South US Highway 301Sumterville, FL 33585Phone: (352) 793-5900 / Fax: (352) 793-9558Gender: Female


Mousa, Ammar, DDSAmmar Mousa DDS, LLC590 South Main StreetWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 748-1880 / Fax: (352) 748-3345Gender: Male

General Surgery


Neyra, Harold, DOSurgical Speciality Group of Oviedo8400 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 1010Ovideo, FL 32765Gender: Male


The Villages

Ancha, Prasad R., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 200The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 775-4868 / Fax: (352) 775-4867Gender: MaleLanguage(s): TeluguID #: 200000020826


The Villages

Baxter, Silvia G., MDFlorida Stroke Institute121 Lagrade Boulevard Suite BThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 629-1743 / Fax: (352) 629-1748Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020213


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Obstetrics / Gynecology


Nwaubani, Uzoma K., MDNUWA World9580 North US Highway 301Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 633-0703 / Fax: (352) 399-2168Gender: FemaleLanguage(s): AfrikaansID #: 200000021364


The Villages

Linsey, Kyle, DOThe Villages Eye Institute13940 US 411 Building 500, Suite 503The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 239-7282 / Fax: (352) 633-3871Gender: Male


The Villages

Milstead, Judith C., MDLake ENT & FPS, PA1501 North US Highway 441 Suite 1402The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-8448 / Fax: (352) 753-5874Gender: FemaleID #: 200000020978

Moak III, Joseph S., MDLake ENT & FPS, PA1501 North US Highway 441 Suite 1402The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-8448 / Fax: (352) 753-5874Gender: MaleID #: 200000020836

Vaught, Sammy D., MDLake ENT & FPS, PA1501 North US Highway 441 Suite 1402The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-8448 / Fax: (352) 753-5874Gender: MaleID #: 200000020837

Outpatient Mental Health Providers

Beacon Health OptionsPhone: (800) 627-1259

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

The Villages

Sharma, Anuj, DOSharma Institute of Pain Medicine1501 North US Highway 441 Suite 1104The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 433-0085 / Fax: (866) 509-3414Gender: MaleID #: 200000009002


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Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery

The Villages

Burton, Michael E., MDAdvanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery1503 Buenos Aires Boulevard Building 100The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 753-2812 / Fax: (352) 753-5037Gender: MaleID #: 200000005547



Perez, Andres M., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

Talbert, Todd C., DPMOrlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc.8000 Red Bug Lake Road Suite 230Ovideo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 706-1234 / Fax: (407) 977-6664Gender: MaleLanguage(s): Spanish

The Villages

Carter, Brent, DPMOne Health Center1950 Laurel Manor Drive Building 210The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 274-9900 / Fax: (352) 304-6898Gender: MaleID #: 200000016188

Radiation Oncology


Chancellor, Michael W., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 3Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 350-8272Gender: MaleID #: 200000005813

Weppelmann, Burkhard, MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 350-8272 / Fax: (352) 350-8275Gender: MaleLanguage(s): GermanID #: 200000021761


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The Villages

Bucy, Guy S., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute1540 Clemente Court Building 300The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-2200 / Fax: (352) 259-2203Gender: MaleID #: 200000001924

Flink, Herman M., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute1540 Clemente Court Building 300The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-2200 / Fax: (352) 259-2203Gender: MaleID #: 200000006272

Purdon, Robert L., MDRobert Boissoneault Oncology Institute1540 Clemente Court Building 300The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-2200 / Fax: (352) 259-2203Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000006273


The Villages

Abualula, Hasan A., MDLakeview Internal Medicine, PA910 Old Camp Road Building 200The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 775-4868 / Fax: (352) 775-4867Gender: MaleLanguage(s): ArabicID #: 200000021368



Cunningham, David L., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 1Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 430-0705 / Fax: (352) 430-0709Gender: MaleID #: 200000021800

Dersch, Mark W., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 1Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 430-0705 / Fax: (352) 430-0709Gender: MaleID #: 200000021750

Gordon, Carole L., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 3Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 350-8272Gender: FemaleID #: 200000021791

Karavadia, Saumilkumar S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 1Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 430-0705 / Fax: (352) 430-0709Gender: MaleID #: 200000021786


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King, Edward D., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 1Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 430-0705 / Fax: (352) 430-0709Gender: MaleID #: 200000021787

Rao, Dinesh S., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 1Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 430-0705 / Fax: (352) 430-0709Gender: FemaleID #: 200000012187

Sher, Andrew B., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 Country Road 103 Suite 2Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 259-4400 / Fax: (352) 201-8120Gender: MaleID #: 200000021788

Taub, Harvey C., MDAdvanced Urology Institute, LLC12109 County Road 103 Suite 1Oxford, FL 34484Phone: (352) 430-0705 / Fax: (352) 430-0709Gender: MaleLanguage(s): SpanishID #: 200000021775


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The Villages

UF Health The Villages Hospital1451 El Camino RealThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 751-8000 / Fax: (352) 323-5039

UF Health The Villages Hospital Freestanding Emergency Room3800 Meggison RoadThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 643-7555 / Fax: (352) 643-7559


Trailwinds Village ER6131 Seven Mile DriveWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 461-5200


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Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs)


Osprey Point Nursing Center1104 North Main StreetBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 568-8777 / Fax: (352) 568-8780


Cypress Care Center490 South Old Wire RoadWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 748-3683 / Fax: (352) 330-0221


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Ancillary Providers

Ambulatory Surgical Center


Lakewood ASC, LLC5571 East State Road 44 Suite 501Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 643-9050 / Fax: (352) 571-6786



Argus DentalPhone: (800) 340-8869https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/

Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order


One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Diagnostic Radiology

The Villages

Lake Medical Imaging and Breast Center at The Villages, LLC1400 US Highway 441 Suite 510 & 511The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

Lake Medical Imaging at Colony Plaza340 Heald Way Building 140TThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

Lake Medical Imaging at Lake Sumter Landing910 Old Camp Road Building 122The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

Lake Medical Imaging at Mulberry Grove8801 Southeast 165th Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

SimonMed Imaging- The Villages13940 North US Highway 441 Suite 201The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 241-7448 / Fax: (407) 865-6088

Diagnostic Testing


Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services2311 Alternate 19 Suite 5Palm Harbor, FL 34683Phone: (866) 961-5589 / Fax: (727) 796-2965


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Durable Medical Equipment


Acelis Connected Health Services6465 National DriveLivermore, CA 94550Phone: (877) 262-4669 / Fax: (925) 606-6978

Alere Home Monitoring, Inc.Phone: (877) 262-4669

Dynasplint Systems, Inc.770 Ritchie Highway Suite W21Severna Park, MD 21146Phone: (800) 638-6771 / Fax: (800) 380-3784

Prism Medical Products, LLC112 Church Street Suite 101Elkin, NC 28621Phone: (888) 244-6421 / Fax: (800) 975-6321


180 Medical, Inc.8516 Northwest ExpresswayOklahoma City, OK 73162Phone: (877) 688-2729 / Fax: (888) 718-0633

Acentus4951-B East Adamo Drive Suite 200Tampa, FL 33605Phone: (866) 684-2507 / Fax: (866) 695-2183

ActivStyle5912 Breckenridge Parkway Suite GTampa, FL 33610Phone: (800) 651-6223 / Fax: (877) 426-7329

Aeroflow Healthcare65 Beale RoadArden, NC 28704Phone: (888) 345-1780 / Fax: (800) 249-1513

Comfort Medical, LLC4240 Northwest 120th AvenueCoral Springs, FL 33065Phone: (800) 700-4246 / Fax: (800) 604-9760

Essential Medical Solutions, Inc.3 Nebo Yorkville RoadGibson, TN 38389Phone: (877) 278-1079 / Fax: (877) 231-3088

Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Kinex Medical Company, LLC1801 Airport Road Suite DWaukesha, WI 53188Phone: (800) 845-6364 / Fax: (888) 845-3342

Liberator Medical Supply, Inc.2979 Southeast Gran Park WayStuart, FL 34997Phone: (800) 536-2390 / Fax: (800) 755-0843

Medline Industries, Inc.1 Medline PlaceMundelein, IL 60060Phone: (866) 356-4997 / Fax: (866) 272-8122

MS Supply & Home Health Co.618 Ware BoulevardTampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 621-2001 / Fax: (813) 621-2480


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MY DME DOC, LLC977 Del Mar DriveLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (866) 726-9363 / Fax: (888) 788-5696

One Source Medical Group, LLC13505 Icot Boulevard Suite 209Clearwater, FL 33760Phone: (866) 834-7473 / Fax: (877) 490-9111

Orthomedx Corporation4329 36th Street Suite 800Orlando, FL 32811Phone: (407) 422-4526 / Fax: (407) 377-5770

Strive Medical, LLC5800 Campus Circle Drive East Suite 100BIrving, TX 75063Phone: (888) 771-9229 / Fax: (866) 680-5574

SurfMed2799 Southwest 32nd Avenue Building E, Suite 14Pembroke Park, FL 33023Phone: (888) 201-7873 / Fax: (888) 398-3149

Symbius Medical, LLC2311 West Utopia RoadPhoenix, AZ 85027Phone: (800) 948-1868 / Fax: (877) 396-6235

United States Medical Supply, LLC8260 Northwest 27th Street Suite 401Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 436-6033 / Fax: (305) 455-5700

US Med, LLC1480 Northwest 79th AvenueMiami, FL 33126Phone: (800) 787-6331 / Fax: (305) 455-5700


PM Respiratory Services, Inc.3306 Southwest 26th AvenueOcala, FL 34471Phone: (352) 237-4545 / Fax: (866) 945-9458

Fitness Program

Silver Sneakers FitnessPhone: (888) 423-4632

Home Health


Advanced InfusionCare212 Northside DriveValdosta, GA 31602Phone: (229) 242-3060 / Fax: (229) 242-9914


Classic Home Health Services1504 South StreetLeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 314-1885 / Fax: (800) 690-3901

Doctor's Choice Home Care18770 Cortez BoulevardBrooksville, FL 34601Phone: (352) 794-6099 / Fax: (352) 204-0069

Florida Homecare Specialists, Inc.130 North Old Dixie HighwayLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-2206 / Fax: (352) 350-2210


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Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc.10177 Cortez BoulevardWeeki Wachee, FL 34613Phone: (352) 592-9800 / Fax: (352) 592-9801


Nations HearingPhone: (800) 313-2763


Lady Lake

LabCorp8575 Northeast 138th Lane 201Lady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-6238

LabCorp924 Bichara BoulevardLady Lake, FL 32159Phone: (352) 259-4395 / Fax: (888) 733-1135

The Villages

LabCorp8600A County Road 466 Suite AThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 674-9162 / Fax: (352) 674-9169

LabCorp2955 Brownwood BoulevardThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 399-4638 / Fax: (352) 259-1611


LabCorp846 South Main SteetWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 748-1846 / Fax: (352) 748-1849


The Villages

Lake Medical Imaging and Breast Center at The Villages, LLC1400 US Highway 441 Suite 510 & 511The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

Lake Medical Imaging at Colony Plaza340 Heald Way Building 140TThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

Lake Medical Imaging at Lake Sumter Landing910 Old Camp Road Building 122The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

Lake Medical Imaging at Mulberry Grove8801 Southeast 165th Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 787-5858 / Fax: (352) 787-4655

SimonMed Imaging- The Villages13940 North US Highway 441 Suite 201The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 241-7448 / Fax: (407) 865-6088


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Occupational Therapy

The Villages

CORA Physical Therapy - Grand Traverse2953 Traverse TrailThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Lake Sumter Landing1050 Old Camp Road Suite 282The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Mulberry Lane8768 Southeast 165th Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Palm Ridge11962 County Road 101 Suite 104The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Spanish Springs1114 Bichara BoulevardThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 577-0832 / Fax: (352) 316-7403

Lake Centre for Rehab Lake Sumter Landing910 Old Camp Road Building 100The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 259-6750 / Fax: (352) 259-6780

Lake Centre for Rehab Mulberry8495 Southeast 165th Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 259-6942 / Fax: (352) 259-8320

Lake Centre for Rehab Spanish Plaines1400 US Highway 441 North Suite 830The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-6999 / Fax: (352) 259-0002

UF Health The Villages Hospital1451 El Camino RealThe Villages, FL 32159

Optometry - Routine Vision Providers


Argus VisionToll Free Customer ServicePhone: (800) 210-5511https://argusdental.com/find-a-provider/


Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando18735 Sakera RoadHudson, FL 34667Phone: (727) 861-5542 / Fax: (727) 861-5545

Kelmedix, Inc.4646 Commerical WaySpring Hill, FL 34606Phone: (352) 592-1063 / Fax: (352) 592-1064

Physical Therapy

The Villages

CORA Physical Therapy - Grand Traverse2953 Traverse TrailThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645


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CORA Physical Therapy - Lake Sumter Landing1050 Old Camp Road Suite 282The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Mulberry Lane8768 Southeast 165th Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Palm Ridge11962 County Road 101 Suite 104The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 693-3378 / Fax: (888) 758-9645

CORA Physical Therapy - Spanish Springs1114 Bichara BoulevardThe Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 577-0832 / Fax: (352) 316-7403

Lake Centre for Rehab Lake Sumter Landing910 Old Camp Road Building 100The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 259-6750 / Fax: (352) 259-6780

Lake Centre for Rehab Mulberry8495 Southeast 165th Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 259-6942 / Fax: (352) 259-8320

Lake Centre for Rehab Spanish Plaines1400 US Highway 441 North Suite 830The Villages, FL 32159Phone: (352) 753-6999 / Fax: (352) 259-0002

UF Health The Villages Hospital1451 El Camino RealThe Villages, FL 32159

Prosthetics and Orthotics


Tampa Bay Prosthetics5109 North Armenia AvenueTampa, FL 33603Phone: (813) 801-9110 / Fax: (813) 801-9048

Sleep Studies


Blackstone Medical Services, LLC550 North Reo Street Suite 250Tampa, FL 33609Phone: (888) 710-2727 / Fax: (888) 239-4616

Speech Therapy

The Villages

UF Health The Villages Hospital1451 El Camino RealThe Villages, FL 32159


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Retail Pharmacies


CVS Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 746-7287www.cvs.com/stores

Publix Pharmacy*Phone: (800) 242-1227www.publix.com/pharmacy

Walgreens*Phone: (800) 925-4733www.walgreens.com/storelocator/find.jsp

Walmart*Phone: (800) 966-6546www.walmart.com/pharmacy

Winn Dixie*Phone: (866) 946-6349www.winndixie.com/pharmacy


Bushnell Pharmacy417 N West StBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 569-5800

CVS Pharmacy #03639420 N Main StBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-8577

Divine Pharmacy1333 W C 48 Ste ABushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-2679

Safescript Pharmacy211 N. Market StBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-8000

Walmart Pharmacy 10-09592163 West C-48Bushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 793-1400

Winn Dixie1122 N Main StBushnell, FL 33513Phone: (352) 568-0669

Lady Lake

Walgreens #103732235 Parr DrLady Lake, FL 32162Phone: (352) 391-9457

Lake Panasoffkee

Benzer Pharmacy2020 N Cr 470 Unit BLake Panasoffkee, FL 33538Phone: (352) 444-2055

The Villages

CVS Pharmacy #083815208 E County Rd 466The Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-4700

Publix Pharmacy #00048780 165 Mulberry LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-0304


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Publix Pharmacy #10803475 Wedgewood LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 751-6302

Publix Pharmacy #1155327 Colony BlvdThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 391-1808

Publix Pharmacy #14872925 Traverse TrlThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 750-2714

Publix Pharmacy #1507695 Kristine WayThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 259-8235

Walgreens400 Colony BlvdThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 205-7010

Walgreens2615 Burnsed BlvdThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 643-4067

Walgreens #16466620 Kristine WayThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 330-6722

Walgreens #74688591 SE 165th Mulberry LnThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 753-5034

Walmart Pharmacy 10-42624085 Wedgewood LaneThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 259-2844

Walmart Pharmacy 10-4565270 Heald WayThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 461-5018

Winn Dixie820 Old Camp RoadThe Villages, FL 32162Phone: (352) 753-7124

Winn Dixie2500 Burnsed BlvdThe Villages, FL 32163Phone: (352) 753-7476


CVS Pharmacy #03144901 S Main StWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 748-1414

Publix Pharmacy #17055810 Seven Mile DriveWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 461-5094

Safescript Pharmacy342 Shopping Center DrWildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 748-9900

Village Discount Pharmacy3990 E State Road 44 Ste 207Wildwood, FL 34785Phone: (352) 492-9333


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Mail Order Pharmacy


OptumrxPhone: (855) 842-6337 TTY 711 24 hours a day / 7 day a week You can get prescription drugs shipped to your home through our network mail order delivery program. For refills of your mail order prescriptions, you have the option to sign up for an automatic refill program. Under this program, we will start to process your next refill automatically when our records show that you should be close to running out of your drug. We will contact you prior to shipping each refill to make sure you are in need of more medication. You can cancel scheduled refills if you have enough of your medication or if your medication has changed. If you choose not to use the auto refill program, please contact us 14 days before you think the drugs you have on hand will run out to make sure your next order is shipped to you in time. To opt out of the automatic refill program, please contact us by calling 1 (855) 842-6337, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Typically, you should expect to receive your prescription drugs within 14 days from the time that the mail order pharmacy receives the order. If you do not receive your prescription drug(s) within this time, please contact us at 1 (855) 842-6337.


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Home Infusion Pharmacies


Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida556 Florida Central Pkwy Ste 1044Longwood, FL 32750Phone: (407) 865-5489

Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville1700 NW 80th BlvdGainesville, FL 32606Phone: (352) 333-2525

Bioscrip Infusion Services3040 Venture Lane Suite 103Melbourne, FL 32934Phone: (321) 242-2996

Bioscrip Infusion Services3986 Boulevard Center Dr Ste 1Jacksonville, FL 32207Phone: (904) 398-1983

Bioscrip Infusion Services5505 Johns Road, Suite 700Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 549-5499

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.201 N. Tarragona St.Pensacola, FL 32502Phone: (850) 430-1259

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.8509 Benjamin Rd Suite ATampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-5866

Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc.13891 Jetport Loop Road Suite 5Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-2388

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services3439 N 12th Ave Suite A And BPensacola, FL 32503Phone: (850) 469-4573

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services12006 Miramar PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 431-3335

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services9143 Phillips Hwy Suite 300Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 363-3089

Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services8508 Benjamin Road, Suite CTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 639-4500

Crescent Healthcare5431 SW 35th DriveGainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 373-8389

Health First Infusion1959 W 9th St Ste AWest Palm Beach, FL 33404Phone: (561) 842-2828

Holly Hill Pharmacy1702 Ridgewood Ave Ste C - GHolly Hill, FL 32117Phone: (386) 677-7377


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Kabafusion Fl3500 NW 2nd Ave Suite 704Boca Raton, FL 33431Phone: (877) 309-2207

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Oncology Pharmacy Group4733 W Atlantic Ave Ste 2Delray Beach, FL 33445Phone: (855) 674-2764

Option Care11650 Miramar Parkway Suite 100Miramar, FL 33025Phone: (954) 885-6100

Option Care14580 Global Parkway Suite 108Fort Myers, FL 33913Phone: (239) 561-3456

Option Care2880 Scherer RdSaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 592-0045

Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc.5700 Dot Com Ct Ste 1030Oviedo, FL 32765Phone: (407) 678-2068

Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc.9655 Florida Mining Blvd. West Ste 411Jacksonville, FL 32257Phone: (904) 652-1990

Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc.9984 Premier PkwyMiramar, FL 33025Phone: (800) 670-6922

Patient Care America3890 Park Central Blvd N.Pompano Beach, FL 33064Phone: (866) 348-0441

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Smp Pharmacy Solutions6050 S Dixie HwyMiami, FL 33143Phone: (305) 740-9696

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Long Term Care Pharmacies


1st Choice Pharmacy Ltc2232 US Highway 19Holiday, FL 34691Phone: (727) 940-3521

A&R Pharmacy1155 Main Street Unit 109Jupiter, FL 33458Phone: (561) 630-3770

Advanced Pharmacy45 Skyline Drive Ste 1011Lake Mary, FL 32746Phone: (407) 805-8300

Alpha Touch Pharmacy10071 Pines Blvd Ste DPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-5200

Apex Heath Rx921 Town Center Dr Suite 100Orange City, FL 32763Phone: (386) 774-7933

Atkinsons Healthcare100 Old Orange Park RdOrange Park, FL 32073Phone: (904) 264-7578

B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc214 US Hwy 41 SouthInverness, FL 34450Phone: (352) 726-1021

Bay Life Pharmacy I1235 S Missouri AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 581-5400

Bay Life Pharmacy Iii3350 E Bay DrLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 614-9933

Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care2 E Magnolia Ave Ste 201Eustis, FL 32726Phone: (352) 357-4341

Benzer Ltc3231 Tamiami Trl Ste DPort Charlotte, FL 33952Phone: (941) 303-1071

Butterfly Pharmacy3940 W Hillsborough AveTampa, FL 33614Phone: (813) 874-2900

Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford1455 E Airport BlvdSanford, FL 32773Phone: (855) 822-7366

Careone Pharmacy Services Llc1003 E Newport Center DrDeerfield Beach, FL 33442Phone: (954) 425-6505

Center Pharmacy Ii1501 Viscaya PkwyCape Coral, FL 33990Phone: (239) 772-8866

Coastalmed Of Florida Llc433 N Macarthur AvePanama City, FL 32401Phone: (850) 872-8900


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Core Health Pharmacy11260 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33026Phone: (954) 450-8873

Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc1860 Highland Oaks BlvdLutz, FL 33559Phone: (813) 428-6963

Curlew Pharmacy30226 US Highway 19 NClearwater, FL 33761Phone: (727) 773-1600

Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc.20-22 South Federal HighwayDania, FL 33004Phone: (954) 921-4661

Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center Pharmacy1680 Meridian Ave 4th FloorMiami Beach, FL 33139Phone: (786) 439-1167

Dura-Med Pharmacy3877 Highway 4Jay, FL 32565Phone: (850) 675-6850

E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy4942 West State Road 46 Suite 1014, Westwood Village Shopping CenterSanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 915-7307

Ellenton Discount Pharmacy8324 US Highway 301 NParrish, FL 34219Phone: (941) 444-2233

Ep Ltc Pharmacy6440 SW 117th Ave 2nd FloorMiami, FL 33183Phone: (305) 630-9308

Family Care Rx, Llc4752 S Jog RdGreenacres, FL 33467Phone: (561) 432-2273

Florida Medical Supply5314-A Frank Hough RdPanama City, FL 32404Phone: (850) 785-1900

Foundational Health Pharmacy3031 W Cypress St Ste ATampa, FL 33609Phone: (813) 527-0765

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5707 N 22nd StTampa, FL 33610Phone: (813) 239-8116

Genoa Healthcare, Llc12512 Bruce B Downs Blvd, Suite A142Tampa, FL 33612Phone: (253) 218-0830

Genoa Healthcare, Llc3292 County Road 220, Suite PMiddleburg, FL 32068Phone: (904) 301-4622

Genoa Healthcare, Llc439 SW Michigan St Rm 12Lake City, FL 32025Phone: (386) 319-4050

Genoa Healthcare, Llc5664 SW 60th Ave Ste 2aOcala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 502-4999

Genoa Healthcare, Llc215 N 3rd St Ste ALeesburg, FL 34748Phone: (352) 702-0079

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2789 Ortiz Ave Bldg HFort Myers, FL 33905Phone: (239) 939-7935


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2634 Capital Cir Ne Building C, Suite 156Tallahassee, FL 32308Phone: (850) 666-5194

Genoa Healthcare, Llc379 6th Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 748-9409

Genoa Healthcare, Llc200 Park Place Blvd Ste 100Kissimmee, FL 34741Phone: (407) 344-9700

Genoa Healthcare, Llc137 Hospital Dr NE Ste QFort Walton Beach, FL 32548Phone: (727) 322-4008

Genoa Healthcare, Llc8002 King Helie Blvd Suite PharmacyNew Port Richey, FL 34653Phone: (727) 645-4457

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4024 Central AveSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 327-7282

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1437 S Belcher RdClearwater, FL 33764Phone: (727) 533-9073

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1831 N Gilmore Ave Ste 1Lakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 614-0066

Genoa Healthcare, Llc525 E. 15th StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 522-0143

Genoa Healthcare, Llc330 SW 27th Ave # AFort Lauderdale, FL 33312Phone: (754) 216-5002

Genoa Healthcare, Llc4300 SW 13th St, Room 27Gainesville, FL 32608Phone: (352) 264-9995

Genoa Healthcare, Llc6075 Bathey Lane, Ste D5Naples, FL 34116Phone: (239) 234-1446

Genoa Healthcare, Llc1201 1st St SWinter Haven, FL 33880Phone: (863) 291-4707

Genoa Healthcare, Llc2900 W Prospect Rd # ATamarac, FL 33309Phone: (754) 216-4844

Genoa Healthcare, Llc919 NE 13th Street, Suite 244Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304Phone: (954) 756-9917

Global View Pharmacy2013 Harding StreetHollywood, FL 33020Phone: (954) 923-3839

Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc10 Aviator WayOrmond Beach, FL 32174Phone: (386) 615-1925

Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville8001 Belfort Pkwy Ste 160Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 296-0016

Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida212 N Wilson StCrestview, FL 32536Phone: (850) 306-3003


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc2815 Directors Row Ste 700Orlando, FL 32809Phone: (407) 270-6722

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida6100 Broken Sound Pkwy NwBoca Raton, FL 33487Phone: (954) 601-2121

Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc24451 Sandhill Blvd Suite A & CPunta Gorda, FL 33983Phone: (941) 255-1987

Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc9402 International Ct.Saint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (727) 577-0000

Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy135 N Banana River DrMerritt Island, FL 32952Phone: (321) 452-5058

Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc7057 University BlvdWinter Park, FL 32792Phone: (407) 671-0003

Hopkins Pharmacy4401 S Hopkins AveTitusville, FL 32780Phone: (321) 607-6802

Ims Pharmacy202 S Magnolia Ave Ste 1Ocala, FL 34474Phone: (352) 351-1536

Iv Stat Inc533 Eglin Pkwy NeFort Walton Beach, FL 32547Phone: (850) 226-8162

J's Pharmacy6416 Ridge RdPort Richey, FL 34668Phone: (727) 847-2211

Kings Discount Drug1242 Main StChipley, FL 32428Phone: (850) 638-4875

Lake Wales Pharmacy1322 Sr 60 ELake Wales, FL 33853Phone: (863) 676-0400

Lincourt Pharmacy501 S Lincoln AveClearwater, FL 33756Phone: (727) 479-3048

Logos Pharmacy8315 Sheldon RdTampa, FL 33615Phone: (813) 886-2800

M & K Drugs340 East Sugarland Hwy Suite BClewiston, FL 33440Phone: (863) 983-2945

Maxcare Pharmacy6624 US Highway 19New Port Richey, FL 34652Phone: (727) 807-7050

Med-Care Infusion Services3085 W 80th StHialeah, FL 33018Phone: (305) 863-4277

Med-Source Pharmacy2223 SW 13th Ave Ste BMiami, FL 33145Phone: (305) 854-7377


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Medic Pharmacy Ltc5150 N Federal HwyFort Lauderdale, FL 33308Phone: (954) 484-4200

Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc40230 US Highway 27 Suite 100-110Davenport, FL 33837Phone: (855) 633-6948

Meds To Home4801 George Rd Ste 190Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 886-2023

Medtown Pharmacy13770 Beach Blvd Ste 3Jacksonville, FL 32224Phone: (904) 551-5870

Memorial Family Pharmacy7009 N Armenia AveTampa, FL 33604Phone: (813) 874-0795

Northeast Florida State Hosp7487 South Sr 121Macclenny, FL 32063Phone: (904) 259-6211

Novopharm Of Tampa Llc5404 Hoover Blvd Suite 22Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 374-9345

Omnicare Of Bradenton905 Manatee Ave EastBradenton, FL 34208Phone: (941) 739-9974

Omnicare Of Central Florida4150 Church Street Suite 1030Sanford, FL 32771Phone: (407) 261-5800

Omnicare Of Jacksonville9143 Philips Hwy Ste 533Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 519-8900

Omnicare Of Panama City2605 W 23rd StPanama City, FL 32405Phone: (850) 763-4276

Omnicare Of South Florida2955 W Corporate Lakes Blvd Ste 600Weston, FL 33331Phone: (954) 660-5555

Omnicare Of Tampa8603 Florida Mining BoulevardTampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 247-9225

Osceola Pharmacy1635 14th AveVero Beach, FL 32960Phone: (772) 562-3660

Park Shore Pharmacon600 Ansin BlvdHallandale Beach, FL 33009Phone: (954) 874-4646

Partner Rx6555 Nova Dr Ste 304Davie, FL 33317Phone: (954) 453-4990

Pharmacore Rx5406 Hoover Blvd Ste 19Tampa, FL 33634Phone: (813) 580-8040

Pharmacy Care Center2081 W 76th St Ste 102Hialeah, FL 33016Phone: (305) 821-4337


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Pharmacy Pros, Llc110 Whitaker RdLutz, FL 33549Phone: (813) 948-3135

Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota2850 Ringling BlvdSarasota, FL 34237Phone: (941) 366-0090

Pharmerica775 Bell RoadSarasota, FL 34240Phone: (941) 342-2500

Pharmerica2200 Tall Pines Dr Suite 118Largo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 524-9333

Pharmerica7970 Bay Berry Rd Suite 4Jacksonville, FL 32256Phone: (904) 733-6099

Pharmerica1950 Commonwealth LaneTallahassee, FL 32303Phone: (850) 504-6262

Pharmerica3690 N. West 53 Street Suite 104Fort Lauderdale, FL 33069Phone: (954) 978-6997

Pharmerica337 Northlake Blvd Ste 1024Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 767-9010

Pharmscript Of Florida Llc3801 Corporex Park Drive Suite 115Tampa, FL 33619Phone: (813) 418-5282

Pharmscript Of Florida South15491 SW 12th St Suite 400Sunrise, FL 33327Phone: (888) 319-1818

Pine Brook Pharmacy10507 Spring Hill DrSpring Hill, FL 34608Phone: (352) 596-1044

Premier Pharmacy Ltc2000 Pga Blvd Ste 5507Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33408Phone: (561) 899-4429

Prime Pharmacy East5908 Hampton Oaks Pkwy Ste NTampa, FL 33610Phone: (877) 891-0005

Proxycare Inc747 Shotgun RdSunrise, FL 33326Phone: (954) 791-5400

Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc6463 S Falkenburg RdRiverview, FL 33578Phone: (833) 796-1527

Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc.3141 Fortune Way, Suite #1Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 899-3273

Rx Oasis9304 Balm Riverview RdRiverview, FL 33569Phone: (813) 677-6000

Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx2900 NW 60th StFort Lauderdale, FL 33309Phone: (954) 919-1818


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

San Carlos Pharmacy18911 S Tamiami Trl Ste 13Fort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 590-8820

Savers Long Term Care200 Ocean Ave Suite AMelbourne Beach, FL 32951Phone: (321) 725-5492

Scripts Pharmacy4910 34th St SSaint Petersburg, FL 33711Phone: (727) 867-4900

Sebring Pharmacy3023 US Highway 27 NSebring, FL 33870Phone: (863) 658-2417

Shell Point PharmacyShell Point Retirement Community 15051 Shell Point BlvdFort Myers, FL 33908Phone: (239) 454-2234

Simfarose Pharmacy10016 Pines BlvdPembroke Pines, FL 33024Phone: (954) 435-7200

Solace Care Pharmacy2244 E Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy Ste KKissimmee, FL 34744Phone: (407) 499-3990

Soleo Health Inc474 Northlake Blvd Ste 1016Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Phone: (407) 670-1230

South Florida State Hospital800 E Cypress DrPembroke Pines, FL 33025Phone: (954) 392-3027

Southcare Ltc Pharmacy6499 38th Ave N Ste A1Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 344-3902

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc3340 Fairlane Farms Rd Ste 4Wellington, FL 33414Phone: (561) 469-1181

St. Petersburg Pharmacy6399 38th Ave N Ste A5Saint Petersburg, FL 33710Phone: (727) 201-9500

Sun Pharmacy3320 Scherer Drive, Ste ASaint Petersburg, FL 33716Phone: (888) 228-5230

Supreme Rx1611 N Florida AveLakeland, FL 33805Phone: (863) 940-4733

The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc2468 US Highway 441/27 Ste 204Fruitland Park, FL 34731Phone: (352) 415-0505

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy6401 Dr Martin Luther King Jr Street NSaint Petersburg, FL 33702Phone: (727) 527-5778

The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy1555 East Bay DriveLargo, FL 33771Phone: (727) 501-0188

Trust Pharmacy9340 Little RdNew Port Richey, FL 34654Phone: (727) 233-6400

Trust Pharmacy36515 US Highway 19 NPalm Harbor, FL 34684Phone: (727) 781-7400


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Ultimate Health Plans Sumter November 2020

Trustbridge Pharmacy300 Northpoint Pkwy Ste 301West Palm Beach, FL 33407Phone: (561) 242-2500

United Pharmacy Llc3951 N. Haverhill Road Suite 120-121West Palm Beach, FL 33417Phone: (561) 616-9000

Venice Apothecary560 The RialtoVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 485-8205

Village Pharmacy1095 Tamiami Trl N Ste BNokomis, FL 34275Phone: (941) 488-8800

We Care Pharmacy417 Tamiami Trl SVenice, FL 34285Phone: (941) 786-9183

Wecare Pharmacy Llc7830 Gunn Hwy # ATampa, FL 33626Phone: (813) 908-6868

Wellness Rx Ltc7640 NW 25th St Ste 105Miami, FL 33122Phone: (305) 384-7600

Westminster Pharmacy Services7703 Kingspointe Pkwy Ste 500Orlando, FL 32819Phone: (407) 244-9280

Westminster Pharmacy Services1700 3rd Ave WBradenton, FL 34205Phone: (941) 741-3440

Winter Springs Pharmacy5942 Red Bug Lake RdWinter Springs, FL 32708Phone: (321) 316-4615


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

17th Street Discount Pharmacy Inc 154180 Medical, Inc. 30, 86, 146, 227, 361, 4091st Choice Pharmacy 3761st Choice Pharmacy Ltc 44, 99, 161, 246, 385,

4191st Choice Pharmacy* 2353d Wellness Specialty Pharmacy 2404 Corners Pharmacy* 947 Hill Gastroenterology, PA 122A Unique Touch II 79A Womans Point of View 319A&R Pharmacy 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Ab Specialty Pharmacy* 237Abbey Rehabilitation and Nursing Center 355Abboud, Rami, MD 65Abdel Rahman, Layal, MD 309Abdul Jabbar, Ali H., MD 283Abdulfattah, Qahtan A., MD 69Abid, Syed H., MD 306, 307, 319, 321Ability Health Services & Rehabilitation 365,

366, 367About You Mastectomy Boutique 88, 229Abraham, Sunoj, MD 12, 13, 22, 23Abskhroun, Hany H., MD 53Absolute Health Chiropractic 62Absolute Healthcare, LLC 56Abualula, Hasan A., MD 138, 404Academic Alliance in Dermatology, Inc. 187, 188,

189, 290, 292, 295, 296Access Health Care Physicians, LLC 89Access Laboratories, LLC 89Acelis Connected Health Services 30, 86, 146,

227, 360, 408Acentus 30, 86, 146, 227, 361, 409Acevedo, Celso, MD 114, 396ActivStyle 30, 86, 146, 228, 361, 409Acupuncture Wellness, LLC 114, 138Acupuncture 8, 114, 273Adam, Ian, MD 171Adel A. Bishay, MD, PA 52

Adnan Mohammadbhoy DO, PA 18Advance Gastroenterology & Pulmonary Care, PL 65Advance Primary Care, LLC 110Advanced Allergy & Asthma Care, PLLC 178, 274,

275Advanced Allergy Asthma & Immunology, Inc. 8, 59Advanced Bay Area Medical Associates, PA 308,

309Advanced Cancer Treatment Center 68, 72, 78Advanced Care Center 354Advanced Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery 63,

64, 120, 121, 135, 188, 189, 190, 290, 292, 399, 400, 402

Advanced Gastroenterology Associates 15Advanced Gastroenterology Associates, LLC 192,

298, 299Advanced Hand and Plastic Surgery Center, LLC

215Advanced Imaging Concepts 85, 89Advanced InfusionCare 32, 88, 148, 229, 362, 410Advanced Lung & Sleep Disorder Consultants, P.A.

338Advanced Medical Imaging 360Advanced Pain Management Center, Inc. 75Advanced Pain Management Inc 214Advanced Pain Management, Inc 213, 214, 215Advanced Pharmacy 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Advanced Rx Pharmacy 027 376Advanced Urology Institute 39Advanced Urology Institute, LLC 25, 139, 140,

221, 222, 339, 345, 346, 347, 348, 349, 403, 404, 405

Advanced Women's Health Center 71, 72Advent Health Medical Group 175, 263Adventhealth Home Infusion Central Florida 42,

97, 159, 244, 383, 417Aegis Medical Group, LLC 169, 395AeroCare 147Aeroflow Healthcare 30, 86, 146, 228, 361, 409Affordable Medical, LLC 31, 87, 229Afolabi, Bosede A., MD 114


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Agarwal, Sudhir, MD 178, 180, 184Agarwal, Usha, MD 169, 170, 174Agrawal, Rajesh K., MD 289, 338Ahf Pharmacy 376Ahiable, Lilian E., MD 283Ahmadian, Amir A., MD 203Ajibola, Olakunle, MD 53Akel, Mahmood, MD 53, 68Akel, Rami M., MD 178, 184Akumin 227, 231, 358, 359, 360, 364Al Hadithi, Mohammed F., DMD 122Alavi, Reza, MD 342Albergo, Robert P., MD 292Albert, Anthony S., MD 326Alere Home Monitoring, Inc. 30, 86, 146, 227,

360, 409Alexander O Liu, Jr., MD PA 3Alexander Pharmacy 375Alhambra Health and Rehabilitation Center 355Ali, Ahmad S., DDS 66Ali, Rias K., MD 178Ali, Sumbul A., MD 64Ali, Syed W., MD 52Alibrahim, Ayman, MD 8, 59Alidina, Arif A., MD 212, 328Alkurdi, Basem, MD 299All Care Medical Consultants 255, 256, 258, 263,

265, 271, 272All Saints Surgery Center 85Allen Lilly, Stephanie M., MD 302Allergy & Asthma Clinic 59, 178Allergy / Immunology 8, 59, 178, 274, 396Allergy and Rheumatology Associates, LLC 341Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Center 59Allergy, Asthma and Immunology Center, Inc. 396Alleviate Pain 332Alliance Medical Associates, Inc. 109, 111, 112,

113Allred Figel, Nicole A., MD 196Allure Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery, LLC 334

Almond, Brett A., MD 304, 350Alonso, Clayton E., MD 78Alonso, Joseph R., MD 115Alpha Rehab & Spine Strengthening, LLC 151Alpha Touch Pharmacy 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Alpine Health & Rehabilitation Center 355Alsabbagh, Eyad, MD 75, 76Alshaar, Ayham, MD 59Alternative Primary Care 8Altman, Roger W., MD 292Alvarez Torres, Nitza I., MD 396Amarchand, Lingappa, MD 59Ambulatory Surgical Center 29, 85, 145, 226,

358, 408Amen Pharmacy 376American Lung and Sleep Disorder Consultants, PA

289, 338American Primary Care 173, 265Amin, Jay K., MD 275Amin, Kunal, MD 266Amin, Mahesh, MD 276Amin, Sanjiv P., DO 298, 299Amitabh Gupta, MD, PA 334, 342Ammar Mousa DDS, LLC 401Ancha, Prasad R., MD 401Anchor Medical Group 266, 270Ancillary Providers 29, 85, 145, 226, 358, 408Anclote Pharmacy 381Anderson, Norman H., MD 137Anderson, Wayne C., MD 254Andriola, Michael J., MD 311Aneja, Parul, MD 308Ang, Darwin N., MD 124Angell, William W., MD 344Angirekula, Murali M., MD 21Anid, Youssef S., MD 62, 77Anil M. Bhatia, MD, PA 176Ankle & Foot Centers of Tampa Bay, PA 77, 216,

335, 336Annoni-Suau, Luis R., MD 178, 184


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Ansari, Mohammed T., MD 8, 9Antony, Thomas R., MD 19Apex Care Pharmacy 1 376Apex Heath Rx 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Apollo Health and Rehabilitation Center 356Aps Pharmacy 373Arango, Hector A., MD 306, 314Arditi, Sibel, DMD 301, 302Argus Dental 29, 85, 145, 226, 358, 408Argus Vision 34, 90, 150, 232, 365, 412Arline, Laura E., MD 260Armstrong, Frank T., DO 289, 294, 295Arnold, Paul M., MD 346Arora, Ajay K., MD 311Arrabal Morejon, Glenda, DMD 66, 195Arrieta-Gonzalez, Michelle M., MD 266Arrington, Elizabeth A., MD 294Arthritis & Osteoporosis Clinics of Florida, Inc.

24Ascend Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine, P.A.

327Associated Comprehensive Eyecare 132Assured Rx Llc 368Atfeh, Mowaffak, MD 59Atkinson, Maria Lourdes F., MD 107Atkinsons Healthcare 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Atta U. Butt, MD 265Attanti, Srinivas, MD 9, 396Aum Pharmacy* 236Aung, Ma T., MD 111, 393Austin, Thomas E., MD 254Averill, Francis J., MD 289, 336Avery, Samantha R., DO 283Awwad, Amal A., MD 71, 203Ayyathurai, Rajinikanth, MD 25, 139B&W Rexall Drugs Ltc 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419B&W Rexall Drugs* 39Babu, Vijay G., MD 134Bacha, Mouna, MD 254Bachoura, Abdo, MD 132

Badillo, Linda J., MD 200Bailey's Pharmacy 376Baker, Christopher E., MD 219Baker, Gregory E., MD 263Baker, John E., DPM 77Balaraman, Rama, MD 125, 130Balcacer-Estevez, Nery D., MD 308, 309Ball, Lisa D., DO 266Ballard, Christopher J., MD 291Ballow, Mark, MD 275Bandeira, Andre L., DMD 302Banull, Katherine G., MD 254Banwatt, Ramnik S., MD 53Barad, Bhavesh B., MD 8, 10, 11, 114, 396Bardach, Reut, MD 203Bardmoor Cancer Center 339, 340Bardmoor Surgery Center 358Barish, Robert W., MD 121Barna, James S., MD 211, 212, 328Barnes Healthcare Of Gainesville 42, 97, 159,

244, 383, 417Barry, Kathleen C., MD 266Basler, Keith J., MD 331Bassel, Yaser S., MD 347Baxter, Silvia G., MD 129, 401Bay Area Chest Physicians, PA 289, 337, 338Bay Area Endoscopy & Surgery Center 358Bay Area Gastroenterology Associates, LLC 194Bay Area Heart Center, PA 279, 280, 283, 284,

285, 286, 287Bay Area Medical Center, PA 338Bay Area Medical Clinic, PA 176Bay Area Nephrology, PL 309Bay Area Orthopaedic Specialists 326, 335Bay Area Retina Consultants 208Bay Area Wellness Center 289Bay Breeze Dialysis 366Bay Center for Pain Management, PA 332Bay Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery 13, 63, 64,

188, 189, 291, 293, 295, 331, 334


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Bay Life Pharmacy I 44, 99, 161, 246, 368, 385, 419

Bay Life Pharmacy Ii 376Bay Life Pharmacy Iii 44, 99, 161, 246, 371,

385, 419Bay Pharmacy Long Term Care 44, 99, 161, 246,

385, 419Bay Pointe Nursing Pavilion 356Bay Surgical Specialists, PA 304, 305, 350, 351BayCare Alliant Hospital 352BayCare Outpatient Imaging 359, 364BayCare Outpatient Imaging Carillon 360, 365BayCare Outpatient Imaging Largo 359, 364Baycare Outpatient Imaging St. Anthony's 360,

365BayCare Outpatient Imaging Trinity 227, 231BayCare Surgery Center 226, 358BayCare Urgent Care, LLC 224, 353Baydoun Pharmacy 376Bayfront Health Brooksville 82Bayfront Health Medical Group 71Bayfront Health OB/GYN 64, 65, 71, 72, 203Bayfront Health Seven Rivers 26Bayfront Health Spring Hill 82Bayfront Health St. Petersburg 352Bayfront Health Surgical Group 67, 68Bayfront Health Urgent Care 83Bayonet Point Hudson Kidney Center 232Bayonet Point Surgery & Endoscopy Center 226Bayonet Point/Hudson Cardiology Associates, PA

179, 180Bayraktar, Soley, MD 307, 320Bayron, Carlos J., MD 184, 276Bayside Care Center 356Be Well Pharmacy 237Beacon Health Options 21, 75, 134, 212, 332, 402Bear Creek Nursing Center 225Beaton Jr., William J., DPM 335Beaton Podiatry & Orthotic Care 335Beck, Luna B., MD 111

Beena M. Stanley, MD, PA 18Beery, Todd P., DO 333, 334Befeler, Adam R., MD 314Behringer, Frederick R., MD 119Beilan, Jonathan A., MD 345, 346, 347Beilstein, Diane, LMT 79Belcher Point Center of Internal Medicine 255Bellam, Rajendra, MD 107Belleair Health Care Center 354Belleair Pharmacy 368Belleair Surgery Center 358Belleview Community Pharmacy 153Belmore Jr., Stephen, LAC 274Belogolovkin, Victoria, MD 316Belongie, Iriana P., MD 290Benmaman, Coty, MD 293, 294Bennett Jr., Charles J., MD 23Benzer Ltc 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Benzer Pharmacy 414Benzer Pharmacy 108* 93Benzer Pharmacy 146* 237Benzer Pharmacy 148 375Benzer Pharmacy 151* 240Benzer Pharmacy 153 241Berger, Maury B., MD 125, 130Bermudez, Mauricio, MD 52Berner, Jody S., MD 298Bernstein, David, MD 254Bernstein, Matthew S., DPM 335Berry, David G., MD 303, 304Besch, Kurt T., MD 174Best Value Healthcare, LLC 256, 268Bethel Blood and Cancer Center, PA 126, 131Better Life Pharmacy 368Beverly Encarnacion, MD, PA 259Beverly Hills Medical Center 3Beverly, Marquissa A., DPM 335Bhalani, Maulik K., MD 213, 214Bhatia, Anil M., MD 176


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Bhatia, Anil, MD 52Bhatia, Vikas, MD 279, 283Bhatt, Hardik B., MD 136, 137Bhoomi, Rekha K., MD 171, 254Bhullar, Shaminder S., MD 20, 73Bibbey, David, LAC 8Billys, James B., MD 73, 209, 323Bin-Sagheer, Syed T., MD 65Bioscrip Infusion Services 42, 97, 159, 244,

383, 417Bishay, Adel A., MD 52Bittings Pharmacy And Medical Equipment And

Supplies 154Bittl, John A., MD 115Black, Robert A., MD 181, 276, 278, 281Blackstone Medical Services, LLC 36, 91, 151,

234, 367, 413Blake Pharmacy* 237Blanchard, Richard F., MD 297Blanco, Allisha L., DC 186Blankenship, Martin K., DC 288Blessilda B. Liu, MD, PA 4Bloom, David A., MD 340Blue Dragon Healing Center 274Boca Ciega Center 354Bolhofner, Brett R., MD 326Bondar, George L., DO 290, 294, 295Borecky, Derrick J., MD 258Borock, Eric C., MD 196Borrelli Jr., Joseph, MD 209Bott, Jeffrey, MD 343Boules, Amir, DMD 300Bourghli, Mahmoud, MD 78Bowen, Jennifer, DO 204, 318Boyiadzis, Harris, MD 181, 276, 278, 281Boyle, Andrew J., MD 279, 283Boze Family Chiropractic and Wellness Center, LLC

60, 61Boze, Gabriel A., DC 61Bracamonte, Percy R., MD 259

Bradenton Trauma Surgical Group 305Brain and Spine Neuroscience Institute, LLC 70,

79, 202, 219, 220Brant, Timothy A., MD 23, 24Brashears Pharmacy 40Brashears Pharmacy* 39Braun, David T., MD 326Brea, Carlos Y., MD 53Breast Care Surgical Associates 305Breeding, Lyle G., MD 67, 80Brennan Jr., Fred H., DO 254Bressler, Margaret, DMD 67Bright Now! Dental 17, 66, 123, 194, 195, 301Briovarx Infusion Services 204, Inc. 42, 97,

159, 244, 383, 417Brooksville Healthcare Center 84Brooksville Pain Management, Inc. 75Brooksville Primary Care 52, 53Brooksville Rehab 2000, Inc. 89, 90Brosch, Ryan, MD 315, 317Brown Jr., Teddy W., MD 211Brown, Lora L., MD 333Brown, Stephen T., MD 339Brown, Thomas A., MD 121Brucculeri, Michael J., MD 309Bruneau, Matthew L., MD 174Buck, Jenny L., MD 204, 318Bucy, Guy S., MD 137, 403Buddhadev, Ashok G., MD 19Budharaju, Venkata G., MD 297Buethe, David D., MD 79, 220Bunnell, Avianne P., MD 81Burgos-Breban, Jose A., MD 54Burns, Jennifer M., MD 333, 334Burton, Michael E., MD 135, 402Busciglio, Lindell A., MD 198Bush, Bryan S., MD 138Bushnell Pharmacy 414Butt, Atta U., MD 265Butterfly Pharmacy 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419


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Caballero, Jaime A., MD 284Caban, Angel M., MD 124Caceres, Sara V., MD 176Cacioppo, Leonard R., MD 73Cacioppo, Leonard, MD 73Cacodcar, Surexa S., MD 115, 396Caldeira, Christiano C., MD 344Cambier, Patrick A., MD 184Cameron M. McCane, DC, PA 61Can Community Health Pharmacy Of Clearwater 368Cancio, Margarita R., MD 198Canillas, Martin R., MD 79, 218Canizares, George H., MD 326Capoocia, Amy B., DO 54Caradonna, Richard R., MD 72Cardiac Specialty Institute 398Cardiac Surgical Associates of Citrus 24Cardiac Surgical Associates of Largo 344Cardiac Surgical Associates of Northside 345Cardiology Associates 59Cardiology 8, 59, 114, 178, 275, 396Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery, PLLC 220Cardiovascular Institute of Central Florida, LLC

114, 116, 117, 118, 119Cardiovascular Institute of Trinity 226Cardona, Francisco, MD 284Care Cardiology and Vein Center 281Care First Imaging 145, 149Care One of Florida, LLC 83, 224Care Plus Pharmacy 373Careone Pharmacy Services Sanford 44, 99, 161,

246, 385, 419Careone Pharmacy Services Llc 44, 99, 161, 246,

385, 419Carepoint Pharmacy 380Carepoint Rx Pharmacy 94Carling, Tobias J.E., MD 197Carlisle Imaging Center 359Carmain, Torr E., MD 18Carolino Jr., Jerome C., MD 112

Carreras-Miranda, Francisco J., MD 5, 7Carrington, Moise L., MD 198Carter, Brent, DPM 135, 403Casanova, Adriana M., MD 267Castello-Venegas, Mari T., MD 54Castro, Alfonso, MD 336Cauthen, Ashley B., MD 120Cavalluzzo, Paul, DDS 123Ccs Medical 368Center For Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, PA 13, 62,

63Center for Preventative Endocrinology and

Nutrition 191Center Pharmacy Ii 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Central Clinic Family Care 56Central Clinic, LLC 56Central Florida Cancer and Blood Center PA 18,

19, 126, 131Central Florida Endoscopy & Surgical Institute of

Ocala 145Central Florida Heart Center 10, 114, 115, 117,

396Central Imaging Open MRI, Inc. 360Cerreta, Kenneth, MD 336Chadda, Nader H., MD 183Chalavarya, Gopal K., MD 59, 179, 181Challa Citrus and Marion Geriatrics Associates

107Challa, Hanimi R., MD 107Chamarthy, Latha M., MD 178, 274, 275Chambers, David, LAC 273Chambers, Jennifer R., DO 267Chancellor, Michael W., MD 403Chandra, Ravi, MD 124, 140Chandrupatla, Sreekanth R., MD 14, 15, 16Chaney, William C., DC 12, 61Chang, Fong Mei Y., MD 179, 181Chang, Khai S., MD 112, 393Chapel Primary Care 176Chari, Ganesh M., MD 70


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Chavda, Krina, DO 188, 291, 293Cheema, Shahbaz A., MD 112, 393Cheema, Tasneem A., MD 394Cheng, Wayne, MD 181, 276, 278, 281Cheong, David, MD 323Chernaeva, Daniel M., MD 254Chesner, Michael D., MD 112Chinese Acupuncture and Herbal Center 273Chiropractic 12, 60, 119, 185, 288, 399Chitumalla, Venkat V., MD 126, 127Chlouber, Richard O., MD 70, 71Choi, Jacob J., DO 79, 219, 342Choi, Sang H., MD 209Chopra, Anil, MD 308Christ, Philip W., DO 325Christie Dental Practice Group 123Christopher J. Grainger, MD 108Citrus Cardiology Consultants, PA 8, 9, 10, 11,

12, 114, 115, 117, 119, 396, 397, 398, 399Citrus Diagnostic Center 29, 33Citrus Discount Pharmacy 38Citrus Endoscopy & Surgery Center 29Citrus Health and Rehabilitation Center 28Citrus Memorial Hospital 26Citrus Neuroscience Institute, PA 18Citrus Open MRI 30Citrus Pulmonary Consultants 12, 13, 22, 23Citrus Spine Institute, LLC 20Citrus Surgery Center 29Clark, Charles L., MD 20Clark, Jason M., MD 124Clarkson, Todd F., DO 271Classic Home Health Services 32, 148, 410Classic Pharmacy 154Clavenna, Matthew J., MD 211, 329Clear Skin Dermatology, PA 290Clearwater Center 354Clearwater ER 352Clinicare Diagnostic Medical Services 30, 86,

146, 227, 360, 408

Clinton, Edna L., DMD 123Coastalmed Of Florida Llc 44, 99, 161, 246, 385,

419Codolosa, Jose N., MD 280, 284Cofield, Michele A., MD 19Cohen, Lance M., MD 329Colbassani, Harold J., MD 313, 314Collins, Donald A., DO 260Collins, Margaret A., MD 14Collins, Paul S., MD 304, 351Colon, Edwin, MD 212, 213Colon-Rivera, Malieri, MD 71, 204Colorectal Surgery 186Comfort Medical, LLC 31, 86, 146, 228, 361, 409Community Therapy Home Care, Inc. 363Community, A Walgreens Pharmacy #15301 376Comprehensive Cardiac Surgical Services 279,

280, 344Comprehensive Hematology Oncology Pharmacy 376Comprehensive Hematology Oncology, LLC 197, 198,

207, 217, 306, 307, 308, 319, 320, 321, 322Comprehensive Medical Care, LLC 187, 217Comprehensive Pain Management 21, 135Compton Chiropractic Care LLC 399Compton, Brett C., DC 399Concierge Bariatrics 124Concordia Manor 356Congress Chiropractic 186Conner, Kevin P., DC 186Connor, Diana, MD 316, 317Connor, Tara M., DO 6Connors, James B., MD 294Consulate Health Care of Bayonet Point 225Consulate Health Care of New Port Richey 225Consulate Health Care of Safety Harbor 355Consulate Health Care of St. Petersburg 356Contemporary Womens Care 316, 317, 318Cook, Jennifer L., MD 210Cooper, Andrew J., MD 323, 325CORA Physical Therapy - Belleview 149, 150


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CORA Physical Therapy - Clearwater 365, 366CORA Physical Therapy - East Ocala 149, 151CORA Physical Therapy - Grand Traverse 411, 412CORA Physical Therapy - Holiday 231, 233CORA Physical Therapy - Lake Sumter Landing 412CORA Physical Therapy - Largo 365, 366CORA Physical Therapy - Mulberry Lane 412, 413CORA Physical Therapy - New Tampa 232, 233CORA Physical Therapy - Palm Ridge 412, 413CORA Physical Therapy - Seminole 365, 367CORA Physical Therapy - South St. Petersburg

365, 366CORA Physical Therapy - Spanish Springs 412, 413CORA Physical Therapy - St. Petersburg 365, 366CORA Physical Therapy - West Ocala 149, 151Coram Cvs/Specialty Infusion Services 42, 97,

159, 244, 383, 417Core Health Pharmacy 44, 99, 161, 246, 385, 419Cornerstone Pharmacy 154Cortez Drugs* 93Cosme-Montalvo, Octavio, MD 185Costco Pharmacy #336 368Cotman Cancer Treatment Center 340Cotman, Henry E., MD 340Cottrell, William C., MD 342Couch, Matthew H., MD 305Countryside Arthritis Center 341Countryside OB-GYN 315, 316Countryside Rehab and Healthcare Center 355Countryside Surgery Center 358Courtney, Michael D., MD 75Creighton Jr., Robert E., DPM 336Crescent Healthcare 42, 97, 159, 244, 383, 417Crestmark Pharmacy Services, Llc 45, 100, 162,

247, 386, 420Cristancho, Maria M., MD 213, 214Critical Care 12, 62, 187, 289Croft, Sarah, DO 289, 293Cross Terrace Rehabilitation Center 354Cruz Jr., Jairo B., DPM 216

Cruz-Diaz, Ana C., MD 4Cruz-Knight, Wanda E., MD 255Crystal River Dialysis 34Crystal River Women's Health Center, PA 19Cundiff, Jason, MD 305Cunningham, David L., MD 139, 404Curant Health Florida Llc 376Curlew Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247, 368, 386, 420Curry, Sidney S., MD 120CVS Pharmacy # 371, 373CVS Pharmacy #00104 368CVS Pharmacy #00139 376CVS Pharmacy #00149 377CVS Pharmacy #00160 377CVS Pharmacy #00171 375CVS Pharmacy #00188 371CVS Pharmacy #00306 237CVS Pharmacy #00535 377CVS Pharmacy #00574 377CVS Pharmacy #00651 241CVS Pharmacy #00709 381CVS Pharmacy #01083 369CVS Pharmacy #01293 235CVS Pharmacy #01316 236CVS Pharmacy #01328 235CVS Pharmacy #01527 240CVS Pharmacy #01812 93CVS Pharmacy #01813 154CVS Pharmacy #02731 369CVS Pharmacy #02759 377CVS Pharmacy #02767 375CVS Pharmacy #02842 374CVS Pharmacy #02873 377CVS Pharmacy #02874 369CVS Pharmacy #02997 377CVS Pharmacy #03001 370CVS Pharmacy #03103 38CVS Pharmacy #03144 415CVS Pharmacy #03157 371


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CVS Pharmacy #03171 39CVS Pharmacy #03211 372CVS Pharmacy #03215 153CVS Pharmacy #03217 239CVS Pharmacy #03218 380CVS Pharmacy #03228 370CVS Pharmacy #03260 237CVS Pharmacy #03278 154CVS Pharmacy #03370 39CVS Pharmacy #03395 156CVS Pharmacy #03463 372CVS Pharmacy #03466 377CVS Pharmacy #03528 93CVS Pharmacy #03539 153CVS Pharmacy #03547 377CVS Pharmacy #03579 373CVS Pharmacy #03583 236CVS Pharmacy #03606 375CVS Pharmacy #03615 369CVS Pharmacy #03619 241CVS Pharmacy #03636 154CVS Pharmacy #03639 414CVS Pharmacy #03654 377CVS Pharmacy #03661 154CVS Pharmacy #03686 369CVS Pharmacy #03700 38CVS Pharmacy #03746 94CVS Pharmacy #03753 380CVS Pharmacy #03755 381CVS Pharmacy #03758 95CVS Pharmacy #03804 369CVS Pharmacy #03927 374CVS Pharmacy #03960 369CVS Pharmacy #04083 372CVS Pharmacy #04146 154CVS Pharmacy #04226 237CVS Pharmacy #04362 240CVS Pharmacy #04494 377CVS Pharmacy #04987 371

CVS Pharmacy #05146 239CVS Pharmacy #05192 372CVS Pharmacy #05226 156CVS Pharmacy #05231 154CVS Pharmacy #05234 377CVS Pharmacy #05485 377CVS Pharmacy #05660 239CVS Pharmacy #05921 154CVS Pharmacy #07176 241CVS Pharmacy #07944 377CVS Pharmacy #07998 38CVS Pharmacy #08371 237CVS Pharmacy #08380 94CVS Pharmacy #08381 414CVS Pharmacy #08382 154CVS Pharmacy #08396 240CVS Pharmacy #16310 154CVS Pharmacy #16343 94CVS Pharmacy #16411 377CVS Pharmacy #16495 377CVS Pharmacy #16721 240CVS Pharmacy #16941 369CVS Pharmacy #17083 240CVS Pharmacy #17152 375CVS Pharmacy #17535 93CVS Pharmacy* 38, 93, 153, 235, 368, 414Cypress Care Center 407Cypress Cove Care Center 28Dadisman, Katherine, DO 316, 317Dadlani, Sindhu, MD 176Dagher, Georges A., MD 181, 276, 278, 281Dahhan, Ali, MD 179, 181Dahmer, Brian K., DC 61, 186Danang Pharmacy 377Dania Rexall Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Inc. 45,

100, 162, 247, 386, 420Das, Chandranath L., MD 115, 396Dassani, Nehal S., MD 310Dave, Rajesh B., MD 173


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Davidson, James B., DO 210, 323, 325Davidson, Robert S., MD 196, 304Davis II, Clinton B., MD 327Davis, Kenley B., MD 67D'Cunha, Prakas T., MD 201, 309De Jesus, Maridith G., DDS 194De la Cruz Hernandez, Enrique J., MD 169De Souza, Melanie A., MD 259Degheim, George, MD 284Delfin, Luis A., MD 10Delle Chiaie, Brandon C., DC 60DeLong, Gregory A., MD 19DeLozier, Whitney L., MD 291Delta Health, PA 78Denka, Paulina, MD 171Denker, Paul S., MD 296Denson, Aaron C., MD 68, 72, 197, 207, 307, 321Dental Health Group 194, 195, 300, 301, 302Dental Team of Ocala 123Dental 29, 85, 145, 226, 358, 408Dermatology 13, 62, 119, 187, 289, 399Dersch, Mark W., MD 139, 404Desai, Hina, DDS 302Desai, Pareshkumar G., MD 25Desai, Pratibha K., MD 207, 320, 321Desautel, Michael G., MD 25Deukmedjian, Armen R., MD 203Devabavus, Mercely R., MD 54Deven, Ulhas T., MD 4Dewberry, Charles T., DO 13, 294Di Martino, Peter L., MD 179, 181Diabetes Care Center, Inc. 190, 191, 296, 297Diabetes, Thyroid & Endocrinology Center, PL

190, 191Diabetic Supplies - Mail Order 29, 85, 145, 226,

358, 408Diagnostic Radiology 29, 85, 145, 226, 358, 408Diagnostic Testing 30, 86, 146, 227, 360, 408Diamond Ridge Health and Rehabilitation Center


Diaz Andres, Odelsa M., MD 3Diaz, Ivan, MD 58Dickert, Alex J., MD 3Dickert, Ryan S., MD 3Dieguez, Eladio J., MD 107Digestive Health Associates PA 122Dillon, Derek, DO 259DiMarco, Paul E., MD 296Diner, Eric K., MD 348DiPiazza, David J., MD 221Discover Family Chiropractic 62Divine Pharmacy 414Doctor's Choice Home Care 32, 88, 148, 229, 362,

410Doctor's Urgent Care, LLC 224, 353Donald B. Morris, M.D., P.A. 348Donovan, James P., MD 210Dorton, David W., DO 13, 63Doshi, Daven N., MD 120Doshi, Ketan D., MD 125, 126, 131Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center

Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247, 386, 420Dr. Gayathri Morrareddy, MD 172Dr. Jordan T. Young, MD, PA 175Dr. Le Advanced Gastroenterology 66Dr. Pal S. Durai, MD 173Dresen, William F., MD 115, 396Drug Store Healthmart* 236Dstteffano, Daniel D., MD 393Duggirala, Ravi K., MD 255Duke, James B., MD 132Dungan, Gregory, DO 171Dunnellon Discount Drugs 153Durable Medical Equipment - Mastectomy Supplies

88, 148, 229Durable Medical Equipment 30, 86, 146, 227, 360,

408Durai, Pal S., MD 173Dura-Med Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247, 386, 420


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Dynasplint Systems, Inc. 30, 86, 146, 227, 360, 409

Dziadosz, Daniel R., MD 327Dzudza-Sunjic, Adisa, MD 54, 58Eades, Wesley M., LAC 114, 138Ear, Nose & Throat Associates 211, 212, 328,

329, 330, 331, 332East Bay Medical Center 260, 261East Bay Rehabilitation Center 354Eastern Pharmacy Inc. 154Eberhard, Joshua W., MD 267Eckardt, Shea M., MD 336, 337Eckerds Pharmacy 237Edward Mackay, MD and Associates, LLC 350, 351Edwards-Miller, Myriam A., MD 108Egas, Juan J., MD 213Egret Cove Center 356Eichelbaum, Ehrentraud J., MD 393Ekanayake, Dhammika, MD 52El Hayek, Georges, MD 115Eldayrie, George E., MD 219Eleanor's Bras and Breast Forms, Inc. 32, 87,

229Elfers Pharmacy* 237Elias Kanaan, MD, PA 254, 256Elite Orthopedics & Sports Medicine, PLLC 133Elite Pain Specialists 75El-Jabali, Fayssal, DO 322Eljack, Haitham, DMD 195Ellenton Discount Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247,

386, 420Elyaman, Mostafa, MD 6Embassy Pharmacy* 239Empath Health Pharmacy 372, 377Encarnacion, Beverly R., MD 259Endocrinology 64, 121, 190, 296, 400Engelman III, Norbert N., DO 255, 263, 271Enman, Svetlana, DO 255Envision Eye Specialists 20, 131, 132Ep Ltc Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247, 386, 420

Epstein, Rachel E., DO 290Epting, Stephanie J., DO 214Epting, Timothy C., DO 211Equbal Kalani, MD, PA 288ER 24/7 in Palm Harbor 352Erickson, Kurt V., MD 302Esguerra, David, DO 63, 291Esposito, Monica A., DO 171Essential Medical Solutions, Inc. 31, 86, 146,

228, 361, 409Eubanks, Stephen W., MD 120, 399Evans, Corey H., MD 267Evergreen Woods Health & Rehabilitation Center

84Ewanowski, Christopher D., MD 291Ewing and Thomas, Inc. 91, 233Excel Medical Imaging, PL 226, 231Eye Associates of Pinellas 322E-Z Healthmart Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247, 386,

420Fabelo, Edward M., MD 310FACT Surgery 279, 280Falkenberg, Richard W., MD 107Falla, Juan F., MD 262Family Care Rx, Llc 45, 100, 162, 247, 386, 420Family Chiropractic Center for Wellness, Inc.

61, 186Family Chiropractic Plus 288Family Foot and Ankle Solutions, Inc. 335Family Home Health Services, LLC 33Family Medical Center 174, 175Family Practice Associates, PA 6Fana Jr., Miguel A., MD 267Faris, Talal, MD 190, 191Farrar, Ted A., MD 255Farsi, Maheera A, DO 188, 189, 291Feinsilber, Doron, MD 321Feldman, Robert L., MD 115Feliz De La Cruz, Victor, MD 185


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Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery 64, 192, 297, 400

Ferber, Laurence R., MD 124Fernandes, Jacqueline, MD 315, 317Fernandez & Sanchez, DDS, PA 123Fernandez, Marc E., MD 18Ferreira, Lisa M., MD 174, 259Ferro Jr., Frank E., DO 8, 10, 11Ferro, Tammy N., DO 22Fink, Andrew J., MD 171First Choice Family Medical Center 55, 57Fitness Program 32, 88, 148, 229, 362, 410Fitzgerald, Thomas J., MD 307, 320Flaherty, Lisa A., DO 312Flink, Herman M., MD 404Florida Advanced Spine and Sports Trauma Centers

71, 73, 74, 79, 209, 210, 219, 315, 323, 324, 342Florida Arthritis & Osteoporosis Center 78, 218Florida Brace & Limb, Inc. 367Florida Cancer Affiliates 154Florida Cancer Affiliates - Ocala 125, 126, 130,

131Florida Cardiology Associates of Ocala, LLC 119Florida Cardiology Associates, LLC 178, 180,

181, 184Florida Cardiology Group, LLC 59, 60, 179, 180,

181, 183, 281Florida Chiropractic Institute 288, 289Florida Dermatology and Skin Cancer Centers 13,

14, 289, 294Florida Digestive Specialists 298, 300Florida Endocrinology & Diabetes Center, LLC 297Florida Endoscopy & Surgery Center 85Florida ENT & Allergy 212, 330, 331, 332Florida Family Health Medical Center 5Florida Heart & Lung Institute of Ocala 138, 139Florida Homecare Specialists, Inc. 32, 88, 148,

410Florida Joint Care Institute, LLP 210Florida Medical Associates, LLC 110

Florida Medical Clinic Pharmacy Of Wiregrass 240Florida Medical Clinic Pharmacy* 241Florida Medical Clinic Rheum Pharmacy 241Florida Medical Supply 45, 100, 162, 247, 386,

420Florida Orthopaedic Institute 209, 210, 211,

213, 214, 218, 219, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 332, 333, 334, 336, 342

Florida Pharmacy* 237Florida Stroke Institute 129, 401Florida Surgical Weight Loss Center 197Florida Urology Partners, LLP 221, 222, 348Fmc Pharmacy Services 377Fogarty, Julie B., MD 260Foot and Ankle Care Center 77Forcella Jr., John A., DO 184Fosnot, Susan, DO 316, 317Foster, Kent W., MD 14, 289Fotopoulos, Theodore N., MD 187Foundational Health Pharmacy 45, 100, 162, 247,

386, 420Fox II, Danny M., MD 262Fox, Benjamin D., MD 313Francis, David J., MD 260Francis, Katherine S., MD 255Franco, Daniel J., MD 259Franklin, Michael A., MD 312Franz, Rachel L., DMD 195, 300Franzese, Frank P., MD 340Frattalone, Samuel C., DC 288Frederiks, Claudine N., MD 108Freedland, Curtis P., DO 192, 193Freeman, Jacob L., MD 130Freilich, Ira W., MD 188Freling, Julia, MD 206Fridley II, Donald R., DO 195Friedman, Kenneth H., DPM 335Ft Mccoy Pharmacy 153Funai, Edmund F., MD 71, 204Fuoco, Glenn S., DO 334


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Fusion Healthcare 88, 363Fusion Pharmaceuticals 369Fyzical Therapy & Balance Center 91G & H Pharmacy 375G & R Health Mart Pharmacy 38G & R Health Mart Pharmacy #2* 39G & R Healthmart Pharmacy* 38G & R Pharmacy* 39Gabriel, Yves A., MD 349Gadiyaram, Vijayakrishna, MD 306, 319Gagnon, Linda L., LMT 219Galliani, Jean Pierre, MD 294Galloway, Michael E., MD 339Gandhi, Malay S., MD 280, 284Gangapuram Reddy, Udayabhasker, MD 171, 255Gannon, Michael, MD 255Ganti, Krishna M., MD 74Garbe, Nicole E., DO 267Garces, Patrycja, DO 108Garcia, Hector L., MD 397, 398Garcia, Marcos F., MD 175Garcia-Cardona, Maria E., MD 290Garg, Anit, MD 261Gargasz, Scott S., MD 215Garner, Kevin F., MD 284Garner, Lisa A., MD 293, 295Gastro-Colon Clinic 122, 400Gastroenterology Associates 14, 15, 16, 17Gastroenterology Associates of Ocala 121, 122Gastroenterology Associates of West Florida 192,

193Gastroenterology 14, 65, 121, 192, 298, 400Gauwitz, Michael D., MD 339Gavi, Eli, MD 337Gaya, William, MD 129Gayne, Bryan, DO 267General Dentistry 17, 66, 122, 194, 300, 400General Surgery Center of Trinity 196General Surgery 17, 67, 123, 195, 302, 401

Generations OB/GYN 206Genesis Women's Center 19GenesisCare USA of Florida, LLC 23, 138Genoa Healthcare, Llc 45, 46, 100, 101, 154,

162, 163, 237, 247, 248, 369, 378, 386, 387, 420, 421

Gentle Foot Care Clinic 216Gerald J. Rizzo, MD, PA 310Gerrish, Stephen T., MD 298Ghanekar, Dilip V., MD 192, 193Gialousis, Michael E., DC 61Giannakopoulos, George D., MD 70, 203Giannoni Delgado, Miguel A., MD 284Gitte Acosta, Sara I., MD 394Glen Oaks Health and Rehabilitation Center 354Global View Pharmacy 46, 101, 163, 248, 387, 421Gobo, Dean J., MD 313Godoy-Hung, Danya A., MD 333Goel, Satish R., MD 10, 115, 398Gogineni, Anil K., MD 136, 137Goldbach, Michael C., MD 81Golden Hills Pharmacy 154Goldfarb, Glen R., MD 331Goldman, Joshua, MD 204, 318Goldman, Stephen A., MD 182Goldsmith, Charya, MD 189Goldstein, Scott P., DPM 136Golfview Healthcare Center 356Goli, Raja S., MD 209Gomes, Nadia, MD 255Gonzalez Gotay, Maria C., MD 19Gonzalez Jr., Armando, DPM 136Gonzalez, Javier M., MD 115, 397, 398Good Samaritan Pharmacy 374Good Shepherd Pharmacy* 93Gooden, Natasha, MD 206Goodman Family and Sports Chiropractic 273, 343Goodman, Ryan P., LAC 273, 343Gordon, Carole L., MD 404Gordon, Richard S., MD 303


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Goszkowski, James H., MD 108Gozdanovic, Suzanne M., MD 305Grabow, Harry B., MD 20Graceland Pharmacy & Medical Supply 236Graham, Melinda L., MD 204Grainger, Christopher J., MD 108Grand Chiropractic, PA 186Graves, Reid V., MD 348Grayson, Charles W., DO 133Green Apple Rx Pharmacy 239Greenberg Dental & Orthodontics, PA 123, 301,

302Greenberg, Harvey M., MD 207Greenberg, Steven, MD 206Greene, Scott M., MD 329, 330, 332Greenfield, Adam S., DO 174, 175Gregorio S. Santos, MD, PA 270Gregory, Paula M., DO 394Griffin, Reginald L., MD 124Gross, John A., MD 267Grove, Schuyler G., DC 119Grunbaum, Adam J., DO 218Gu, Qin, MD 70, 201, 312Guardian Pharmacy Of Daytona, Llc 46, 101, 163,

248, 387, 421Guardian Pharmacy Of Jacksonville 46, 101, 163,

248, 387, 421Guardian Pharmacy Of NW Florida 46, 101, 163,

248, 387, 421Guardian Pharmacy Of Orlando, Llc 46, 101, 163,

248, 387, 421Guardian Pharmacy Of Southeast Florida 47, 102,

164, 249, 388, 422Guardian Pharmacy Of Southwest Florida Llc 47,

102, 164, 249, 388, 422Guardian Pharmacy Of Tampa, Llc 47, 102, 164,

249, 388, 422Guevara-Garay, Hector E., MD 169Guia, Yoany, MD 108Gulf Breeze Dialysis Center 365Gulf Coast Dermatology 187

Gulf Coast Medical Center 183, 184, 188, 193, 216, 217

Gulf Coast Nephrology Associates, P.A. 200, 201Gulf Coast Primary Care, PLC 171, 254, 255Gulf Coast Retina Associates 208Gulf Coast Rheumatology, PLLC 218Gulf Shore Care Center 355Gulf to Bay Cardiovascular & Thoracic Surgical

Associates 219Gulfport Pharmacy 371Gulfport Rehabilitation Center 356Gulfside Home Health, LLC 230, 362Gummadi, Siva S., MD 116Gunn, Jinny L., MD 305Gupta, Amitabh P., MD 334, 342Gupta, Ravi P., MD 112Gutierrez, Gil F., MD 394Gynecological / Oncology 306Habibi, Maryam, DMD 195Haddon II, Val E., DPM 77, 216Hadithi, PLLC 122Hagan, Joshua, MD 124Hale, Brian D., MD 221, 347Hall, Kathryn L., MD 212Hamill Jr., John R., MD 187Hamoui, Mohammed Nazir, MD 80Hamoui, Nabeel, MD 80, 220Hamoui, Omar, MD 80Han, Richard O., MD 116Hanff, Stephen A., MD 210Hanger Prosthetics & Orthotics 32, 147, 229Hansalia, Sudhir J., MD 197, 207, 306, 320Harbourwood Health and Rehab Center 354Hariachar, Srinivas K., MD 69, 200Haridas, Manju S., MD 198Harris, Meghan M., MD 198Harris, Nay G., MD 71, 204Hartzell Jr., Robert L., MD 52Hasan, Syed S., MD 54Hassan, Amel A., DDS 195


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Haydon, Devon H., MD 314Healing Hands Therapy, Inc. 219Health and Rehabilitation Centre at Dolphins View

356Health Center at Brentwood 28Health First Infusion 42, 97, 159, 244, 383, 417Health Now Dental Belleair 301Healthcare Now Medical Center 268Healthmed Pharmacy 378Hearing 33, 89, 148, 230, 363, 411Heart & Rhythm Institute of Trinity 226Heartland of Zephyrhills 225Heather Hill Healthcare Center 225Hecht, Alan D., DDS 194Heidenberg, Howard B., DO 222Hellstern Jr., Paul A., MD 14, 15, 16Hematology 18, 68, 125, 197, 306Henry, Havalee T., MD 132Hensley, Scott H., DC 12Heric, Blaine R., MD 343, 344Heritage Park Health and Rehabilitation Center

225Hernandez, Lorenzo O., MD 267Hernando Endoscopy and Surgery Center 85Hernando Eye Institute 73Hernando Gastroenterology Associates 65Hernando Kidney Center 90Hernando Orthopaedic & Spinal Surgery 74Herndon, David L., DO 172Heron Pointe Health and Rehabilitation 84Heron, Sean P., MD 348, 349Herraka, Ihab, MD 16, 66, 192Herrema, Mitchell R., DO 323Hiba, Muhammed Rodwan A., MD 65Higgins, Michael W., DO 74Highland Pines Rehabilitation Center 354Hirshorn, Kurt C., MD 327Hoang, Bao-Thuy D., MD 24Hobbs Nursing Home Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249,

388, 422

Hobson, Jonathan D., MD 182, 276, 278, 282Hoffman Chiropractic Wellness, PA 12Hoffman, Kevin L., DC 12Holderith, Lauren C., MD 263Holiday Heart & Vascular 178Holly Hill Pharmacy 42, 97, 159, 244, 383, 417Holy Trinity Pharmacy 237Home Dialysis Services North Tampa, LLC 90Home Health 32, 88, 148, 229, 362, 410Home Infusion Pharmacies 42, 97, 159, 244, 383,

417Home Oxygen Medical Equipment 362Home Oxygen Medical Equipment of Hernando 31,

34, 86, 90, 146, 150, 228, 232, 361, 366, 409, 412Home Therapy Products, Inc. 37, 91, 234Hometown Old Country Pharmacy, Inc 47, 102, 164,

249, 388, 422Hometown Rehab 35, 150Homosassa Open MRI 29Honigbaum, Alexis, MD 293Hood, David C., MD 329, 330, 331Hooda, Farhan, DO 284, 285Hopkins Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Hopman, Rusudan, MD 307, 321Horstman, Erica J., DO 271Hospitals 26, 82, 142, 223, 352, 406Hossain, Imtiaz, MD 332Hoy, Jeffrey M., MD 307, 321Hrobowski-Blackman, Tara N., MD 280, 285Hubsher Healthcare 52, 174Hubsher, Mason I., MD 52, 174Hudson Pharmacy* 236Hudson, Brian K., DO 70Hughes II, Willard A., MD 323Hughes, David A., MD 262Huguet, Kevin L., MD 305Hulley III, William C., DO 311Humphreys, Kevin D., MD 299Hunt, David W., DO 174Husam E. Shuayb, MD, PA 65


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Huynh, Kenneth Q., LAC 274Hypertension Kidney and Stone Center, LLC 201Idicula Medical Associates 59, 60Idicula, Joseph, MD 59Imad E. Tarabishy, MD, PA 74Ims Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422In Light Acupuncture & Herbology 274Infectious Disease Associates of Tampa Bay 198,

199Infectious Disease Consultants of West Florida,

LLC 308Infectious Disease 69, 126, 198, 308Insignia Care for Women 206Inspire Pharmacy 369Institute of Interventional Pain Management 75Integrity Acupuncture 274Interim Healthcare Gulf Coast, Inc. 230, 362,

363Internal Medicine & Pediatrics Wellness Center 4Internal Medicine of Central Florida, PA 394International Health Clinic 273Interventional Cardiac Consultants, PLC 178,

179, 180, 184, 185, 276Invasive Pain Management 212, 213, 214, 215Inverness Medical Imaging 30, 33Inverness Surgical Associates 18Irani, Jennifer, MD 206Irvin, Matthew R., MD 263Isenalumhe Jr., Anthony, MD 75Ismael, Hussam N., MD 67Iv Stat Inc 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Iyer, Akila A., MD 263J&K Care Llc 369J. Wayne Phillips, MD, PA 274, 275Jachimowicz, James, MD 73Jack's Pharmacy* 240Jacob, David, MD 347Jacob, Jasmine R., MD 285Jacobs II, Wilbert C., MD 5, 7Jacobs, Chantel T., MD 268

Jadhav, Avinash, MD 20Jagalur, Thumati G., MD 394Jain, Meenakshi, MD 319Jani, Ashok K., MD 268Janicka, Ania E., DO 190, 191, 296Jason, William J., MD 74Jauch, Werner, MD 179, 182Javeed, Najam, MD 178Jayapraksh Shetty, MD, PA 111Jeannot, Pierrot, MD 169Jeffrey L. Tedder, MD 328Jenkins, Jennifer M., DO 172Jenkins, Julia, MD 256Jenkins, Kenneth A., DC 289Jenkins, Xavier M., MD 67Jergins, Michael, DMD 195Jessee, Tiffany M., DO 305Jeyabarath, Vinaitheertha P., MD 59Jibawi, Abdel K., MD 5, 169, 172Jibawi, Mohamad K., MD 55, 172Jimenez, Raul A., MD 179, 184Jiron Jr., Jose L., MD 134Jobe, Kirk W., MD 314Joel L. Kuperman 273Johansen, Naomi G., MD 295Johnrose-Brown, Anne-Marie C., MD 268Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital, Inc. 378Johnson, Benston D., DO 172Johnson, Brian T., MD 188, 189Johnson, Kristie L., DMD 301Joint Scripts 369Jollu, Chayapathy M., MD 135Jones, Brandt D., DO 81Jones, David E., MD 322Jordan Jr., Douglas A., DPM 216Jordan, Timothy M., DO 280Joseph, Georges J., MD 60Joshua A Summers, MD, PA 7J's Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422


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J's Pharmacy* 239Juvvadi, Raghu, MD 55, 69Juyia, Lauren D., DO 71, 315Juyia, Rushad F., DO 79, 342Kabafusion Fl 42, 97, 159, 244, 383, 417Kachelman, Adam P., DO 108Kadivar, Hajar, MD 268Kahn, Randy, MD 217Kalani, Equbal E., MD 288Kales, Lawrence J., DPM 216Kamath, Jayaprakash K., MD 298, 300Kanaan, Elias, MD 256Kandru, Veerendra N., MD 109Kang, Myeong W., MD 109, 112Kannam, Hari C., MD 8, 9, 10, 11, 114, 397, 398Kanuri, Ramakrishna P., MD 65Kapadia, Ketan A., MD 348, 349Karavadia, Saumilkumar S., MD 139, 404Karunakara, Raj G., MD 136Kataya, Abdo C., MD 339Kathrotiya, Puja R., MD 120Kaufman Eye Institute 208, 209Kaufman, Stuart J., MD 208, 209Kayatta, Michael O., MD 343, 344Kazi, Shahnaz A., MD 268Keen, Christopher A., MD 20Keertini Kumar, MD, PA 109Kelly, Timothy F., MD 294Kelmedix, Inc. 31, 35, 86, 90, 146, 150, 228,

233, 361, 366, 409, 412Kensington Gardens Rehab and Nursing Center 354Kero, Niloufer S., MD 71Kerr II, Daniel A., MD 69, 73, 197, 198, 207,

307, 322Kesari, Anand, MD 122, 400Ketheeswaran, Bhavani, MD 109Kethireddy, Ravi R., MD 280, 285Keti Medical Center and Pain Management 76, 212Kettlewell, Larry R., DO 109Keystone Home Health 363

Khaja, Faseeh U., MD 198, 207, 306, 308, 320, 322

Khalil, Sherief N., MD 182, 276, 278, 282Khamisani, Saleem R., MD 312Khan, Anwar A., MD 109, 112Khan, Hasibul H., MD 3, 5, 6Khan, Nadeem R., MD 198Kharod, Anant M., MD 182, 282Khousakoun, Somphanh T., DO 311Kiang, William, DO 196, 222, 303, 350Kidder Orthopedic Laboratories, Inc. 32Kilgore, John E., MD 323Kim, Peter Y., MD 24Kinex Medical Company, LLC 31, 87, 147, 228,

361, 409King Pharmacy & Compounding Llc 374King, Charles T., MD 140King, Edward D., MD 140, 404Kings Discount Drug 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Kinley, Scarlett A., DPM 335Kiriazis, Chrisoula, MD 256Klavans, Mitchell S., MD 345, 346, 347Klein, Jesse J., DO 280Klein, Lonnie T., MD 221, 347Kleinbart, Jennifer, MD 263Koka, Vijaya N., MD 116Kolli, Anitha, MD 55Koneru, Jayanth, MD 116, 117Kopelman, Jeff D., DPM 336Koslin, Aaron, DO 210, 324Kotak, Tanuja M., MD 263Koti, Ravi K., MD 18, 19, 126, 131Kovach, Todd A., MD 182, 276, 277, 278, 282Koval, John M., MD 218Kovalchuk, Oleksandr I., MD 127Kozlov, Nicholas A., MD 300KR at College Harbor 356Kraft, Christopher L., MD 315Kreplick, Alexis L., DPM 77, 215, 216Krippendorf, Donald J., DC 289


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Krishna M. Ganti, MD, PA 74Kristof-Kuteyeva, Olga, MD 182, 277, 278, 282Krolick, Merrill A., DO 280Kroll, Brian C., DO 55Krueger, Michael R., MD 133Krutchik, Michael E., DO 188Ku Torres, Mario, DDS 123Kuhn, David D., MD 109Kumar, Alok, MD 187, 217Kumar, Jayachandra P., MD 62, 78Kumar, Keertini, MD 109Kumar, Thimmiah, MD 122Kumar, Udaya, MD 25Kumar-Pelayo, Meghna, MD 313Kundra, Navnit K., MD 338Kunhardt, Rene E., MD 184Kuperman, Joel M., LAC 273Kwon, Christopher C., MD 345LabCorp 33, 89, 148, 149, 230, 231, 363, 364,

411LabCorp at Walgreens 33, 230, 231, 363, 364LaBohn, Scott M., DPM 216Laboratory 33, 89, 148, 230, 363, 411Ladies First Choice 32, 87, 229, 362Lake Centre for Rehab Lake Sumter Landing 412,

413Lake Centre for Rehab Mulberry 412, 413Lake Centre for Rehab Spanish Plaines 412, 413Lake ENT & FPS, PA 402Lake Medical Imaging and Breast Center at The

Villages, LLC 408, 411Lake Medical Imaging at Colony Plaza 408, 411Lake Medical Imaging at Lake Sumter Landing 408,

411Lake Medical Imaging at Mulberry Grove 408, 411Lake Seminole Pharmacy 380Lake Wales Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Lakeside Oaks Care Center 354Lakeview Healthcare System, LLC 394

Lakeview Internal Medicine, PA 111, 112, 113, 121, 138, 393, 394, 400, 401, 404

Lakewood ASC, LLC 408Lakshminarasimhan, Venu, MD 192Lakshminarayanan, Suresh, MD 127Lam, David A., MD 188, 296Laman, Jennifer L., DO 169Lambert, Rachel A., DO 315Lamparelli, Michael P., DO 5, 169Land O Lakes Dialysis 232Land O' Lakes Pharmacy* 236Lara, Carlos E., MD 109, 110Largo Community Acupuncture 273Largo Family Care 291, 292Largo Health and Rehabilitation Center 355Largo Medical Center 352Largo Medical Center - Indian Rocks 352Larson, Jennifer, DDS 123Lastra, Frank A., MD 172Laurellwood Care Center 356Law, Trevor M., MD 285Lawrence J Kales DPM PA, dba: Bayonet Point Foot

Health 77, 215Lawrence, Elizabeth A., MD 256Layme, Angie, MD 55Le, Bruce G., DO 66Leber, Barry L., MD 311Ledbetter, Robert W., DO 181, 184Ledesma, Dwayne F., MD 222Lee, James Z., MD 315, 317, 319Lee, Scott F., MD 60, 178Leiding, Jennifer W., MD 275Leonardo R. Cacioppo, MD 73Lerner, Rudolph, McCance, Conner & Assoc. 315,

316, 317, 318, 319Lerner, Saul, MD 315, 317Lester C. Ordiway, MD 344Levenson, Jeffrey R., MD 308, 309Levine, Jason C., MD 285Lewis, Paul A., MD 256


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Lexington Health and Rehabilitation Center 356Li, Qingrong, LAC 273Liaros, Demetrios M., MD 336Liberator Medical Supply, Inc. 31, 87, 147, 228,

361, 409Life Care Center of New Port Richey 225Life Care Center of Ocala 144Lifeguard Urgent Care 83Ligertwood Chiropractic Clinic, Inc. 186Ligertwood, Paul A., DC 186Lightsey, Judith L., MD 138Lily Care Pharmacy* 236Lin, Lang, MD 182, 277, 278, 282Lincare, Inc. 32, 87, 147, 229, 362Lincourt Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 369, 388,

422Lindo Medical Care, LLC 54, 55, 58Lindo, Oscar J., MD 55, 58Lindow, David L., DDS 302Linsey, Kyle, DO 208, 209, 402Lipkin, Mark Z., DC 288Little Road Pharmacy* 237Liu, Alexander O., MD 3Liu, Blessilda B., MD 4Liu, Tong, MD 10, 117Llewellyn, Patricia, MD 315Lo, Percy H., MD 334Locay, Harold R., MD 127Locker, Joseph R., MD 132Logos Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Loman, Lusiana, MD 190, 191Long Term Care Pharmacies 44, 99, 161, 246, 385,

419Long, Ashley, DO 316, 318Lopez, Jeronimo, MD 110Lopez-Molina, Michael R., MD 337Lowell, Troy D., MD 132Lowery, Glen D., DO 303Loyd, Amy M., DO 120Lozano, Aaron R., MD 175

Lu, Wenge, MD 296Lugo Ruiz, Sonialy, MD 341Lugo, Felipe, MD 56Luna Beck, MD & Associates, PA 111Luo, Lan, MD 114, 117Lura, Glenn I., MD 175Lutchmedial, Sanjiva M., MD 337Lutes, Meaghan M., DMD 17M & K Drugs 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422M. Akel, MD, PA 53, 68M. Atfeh, MD, PA 59Machado Cortes, Marivette, MD 296Machado, Veronica, MD 110Mackay, Edward G., MD 350, 351Macmillan, Michael, MD 327Madison Pointe Care Center 225Madnani, Harish M., MD 170Magnolia Pharmacy* 240Mahmaljy, Ghiath, MD 64Mahmood, Zakariah S., MD 133Mai, Jane N., MD 199, 308Mail Order Pharmacy 41, 96, 158, 243, 382, 416Mail-Meds Clinical Pharmacy 378Main Street Pharmacy 376Main, John T., DO 129, 130Makani, Amun, MD 327Makani, Neeharika S., MD 306, 307, 320Malempati, Srikanth, MD 256Malhotra, Gaurav V., MD 56Malhotra, Poonam, MD 56Malka Institute of Neuroscience and Disease 70,

201, 202, 312Malka, David W., MD 70, 201, 202, 312Mall, Ronald M., DO 261Malone, John D., DO 5, 170Maloney, Karen L., MD 290Maloney, Timi D., MD 268Mammography 33, 89, 149, 231, 364, 411Manitsas, Sarah C., MD 298


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Mankodi, Kshemal P., MD 176ManorCare Health Services Dunedin 354ManorCare Health Services Palm Harbor 355Marcelli, Susan, MD 315, 318Marchell, Nancy L., MD 63Marcus, Marshall B., MD 285Maricamp ER 142Marine Pharmacy 237Marin-Ruiz, Alejandra, MD 259Marion and Bernard L. Samson Nursing Center 356Marion County Podiatry Specialist 136Marion Heart Center, PA 119Mark L. Ritch, DO 312Mark Z. Lipkin, DC 288Marmagkiolis, Konstantinos, MD 285Marques, Vasco M., MD 185Marsh, Matthew D., MD 24, 79Martin, Laurence J., MD 196Martin, Richard A., MD 5Martinez, Pedro J., DMD 194Marx, Jennifer B., MD 175Mass Pharmacy 237Masson Jr., John A., MD 289, 337Massullo Jr., Ralph E., MD 14, 121Mastectomy Boutique, Inc. 88Matassini, Megan R., DPM 336Matcha, Mrinalini E., MD 310Mateer, Erin A. S., MD 71Maternal Fetal Medicine of West Florida 71, 204Maternal Fetal Medicine-Tampa 297, 298, 316, 317Mates, Aaron K., MD 210Mathew, Dani, MD 259Mathew, Jeff, MD 351Mathews, Thomas, MD 60Mathur, Gaurav, MD 60Mathur, Siddharth, MD 14, 15, 16, 17Matlock, Katherine, DO 261Matos Rodriguez, Jennifer E., MD 313Matthews, Irina V., DMD 17

Mattia, Camille R., MD 263Matysik, Thomas S., DPM 22Mavropoulos, John C., MD 289, 293Maxcare Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Maxcare Pharmacy* 238Mayer, Cynthia A., DO 199, 309Mayper, Stephen D., MD 261McCance, Georgette, MD 315, 318McCane, Cameron M., DC 61McCanse, Webb R., MD 345, 346McClary, Robert D., MD 122McClure, John M., MD 324, 325McCullough, Mona C., MD 72McDaniel, Amy-Joy, MD 260McDaniel, Brian P., MD 256McFadden, James P., MD 133McGrath, Megan G., MD 268McGriff, Michael A., MD 394McMeekin, Thomas O., MD 189McNair Jr., James R., MD 20, 131McNeel, Harry B., MD 268McNerney, Joseph P., DO 3Meadowcrest Family Physicians, PA 3Mease Countryside Hospital 352Mease Dunedin Hospital 352Med-Care Infusion Services 43, 47, 98, 102, 160,

164, 245, 249, 384, 388, 418, 422Medic Pharmacy Ltc 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Medical Associates 135Medical Associates, LLC 110Medical Center of Trinity 223Medical Center of Trinity West Pasco Campus 223Medical Imaging Center of Ocala, LLP 145Medilink Pharmacy 239Medilink Pharmacy* 239Medline Industries, Inc. 31, 87, 147, 228, 361,

409Medoz Pharmacy Of Polk Inc 48, 103, 165, 250,

389, 423Medrock Pharmacy 374


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Meds To Home 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Med-Source Pharmacy 47, 102, 164, 249, 388, 422Medtown Pharmacy 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Mehta, Ajay J., MD 117Melchert, Paul J., MD 268Melek, Seham N., MD 72Memorial Family Pharmacy 48, 103, 165, 250, 389,

423Mendizabal, Mario A., MD 3Menezes, Naresh P., MD 69Menke, Lilibeth G., DO 261Menon, Sanjay, MD 327Menosky, Matthew M., MD 208Mercado-Miranda, Francis J., MD 56Mercer, Connie K., MD 172Merchant, Faisal, MD 212, 329Michael J. Sakellarides, MD 211Michael Wahl, MD, PA 219, 222Michaels Pharmacy 372Mickelson, Nicholas K., DMD 300Mickler, Christopher R., DO 314Mid Florida Medical Group, PA 394Mid Florida Primary Care, PA 112Mid-County Dental Associates, PA 301Mid-Florida Physical Therapy 151MidState Skin Institute, LLC 120Mikhail, Peter S., MD 79, 219, 220Mikkilineni, Hima, MD 117Mikulic, Lucas A., MD 337Mikus, Paul M., MD 261Militello, Joseph C., MD 73Millan-Morales, Alicia, DMD 301Miller, Charles M., DPM 77Miller, Leslie, MD 277Miller, Mitchell B., MD 329, 330, 331Miller, Monica E., MD 215Miller, Richard A., DO 189, 291, 293Miller, Robert J., MD 340Miller, Stephen R., DPM 136

Miller, Todd D., MD 261Milstead, Judith C., MD 402Mines, Jonathan A., MD 208Minimally Invasive Surgical Specialists 220Minimally Invasive Surgical Specialists, LLC 68,

196Mirabello, Steven C., MD 218Miryala, Vinod R., MD 397, 399Mirza, Haris I., MD 126Mithani, Vimesh K., MD 281Mitra, Purushottam, MD 137Mitta Primary Care, LLC 110Mitta, Walter R., MD 110Mittal, Ashok, MD 338Mittal, Vijay K., MD 117Mixa Orthopaedics 327Mixa, Thomas M., MD 327Moak III, Joseph S., MD 402Modh, Rishi A., MD 348, 349Modi, Fagunkumar, MD 12, 13, 22, 23Mohammadbhoy, Adnan, DO 18Mohmand, Asad K., MD 199Montalvo, Augusto, MD 400Monticciolo, Natalie L., DO 188Montzka, Dan P., MD 208Moon, Summer, DO 189, 291, 292, 293Moondra, Vaibhav, MD 182, 277, 278, 282Moore, Anmarie E., MD 298Moore, Julie, DDS 17Moore, Michael D., DO 60Moorhead Dovre, Christine E., MD 121, 400Moorhead, Lauren, MD 205, 319Morgan, Jonathan M., MD 330, 331Morrareddy, Gayathri, MD 172Morris, Donald B., MD 348Morrow, John S., MD 332Morton Plant Hospital 352Morton Plant Mease Diagnostic Cardiology, LLC

227, 359Morton Plant North Bay Hospital 223


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Morton Plant Rehabilitation Center 354Mosburg, Jeramy D., DO 338Mosher, Laura G., MD 182, 277, 279, 282Moss Chiropractic Clinic 61Moss, Brian N., DO 285, 286Moss, Daryl L., DC 61Moss, Michael B., DC 61Moss-Dichristofaro, Kylee Ann, DC 61Mousa, Ammar, DDS 401Moynihan, Daniel P., MD 74MS Supply & Home Health Co. 31, 87, 147, 228,

361, 409Muftah, Azzam, MD 65, 66Mughni, Mohammed S., MD 78, 218Mukayed, Usama, MD 286Mukesh R. Patel MD, PA 187, 217Muller, Christopher D., MD 330Mupparaju, Ushakiran, DDS 300Murali M. Angirekula, MD, PA 21Murphy, Eugene A., MD 351Murphy, Shawn, DO 215Murthy, Deepthi, MD 199Murthy, Srinivassa M., MD 110Musunuru, S.K. Rao, MD 179Muthalakuzhy, George S., MD 201MY DME DOC, LLC 31, 87, 147, 228, 361, 409Myrick, Samuel E., MD 131Nabila Niaz, MD, PA 310Nadenik, Scott A., DO 134Nagarajan, Vinaitheertha P., MD 80Nagy, Jonathan P., MD 175Naik, Rajankumar S., MD 256Nair, Nanda K., DO 182, 277, 279, 282Najarro, Juan C., MD 56Nareddy, Jogi R., MD 179National Imaging Specialists 359Nations Hearing 33, 89, 148, 230, 363, 411Natural Med Therapy 273Nature Coast Foot and Ankle Center, LLC 22

Nature Coast Health Care 3, 4Nature Coast Heart Rhythm 178Nature Coast Heart Rhythm Center 60Nature Coast Pharmacy Inc* 94Nature Coast Surgical Specialists 67, 68, 81Nazco Batista, Maria E., DDS 66, 67, 194Neck & Back Care Center, Inc. 12Needham Jr., Gerald T., DO 309Negron Marrero, Roberto L., MD 397Neifeld, Kenneth A., MD 256, 263, 271Nelson, Carolina V., MD 269Nelson, Cory, MD 269Nelson, Kirk A., DO 339Nematbakhsh, Ahmad R., DO 327Nephrology 69, 126, 200, 309Nerella, Nishant K., MD 8, 9, 10, 397Neri, Karena A., MD 264Neso Pharmacy 154Neuro Orthopedic Rehab Associates PLLC 76Neurology 18, 69, 129, 201, 311, 401NeuroSpine, LLC 70Neurosurgery 70, 129, 202, 313, 401Neurosurgical Associates of Tampa Bay, Inc. 314Neurosurgical Spine Center 70, 203NeuSpine Institute, LLC 203, 212, 213New Image Dermatology 187New Port Richey Kidney Center 232New Port Richey Surgery Center at Trinity 226Next Step Rehabilitation 366Neyra, Harold, DO 17, 67, 123, 195, 302, 401Nguyen, Duy T., DMD 123Nguyen, Dzi-Viet P., DO 327Nguyen, Hoa V., DO 75Nguyen, Van Q., MD 183, 277, 279, 282Niaz, Nabila, MD 310Nickel, Jodi L., MD 172Nienke, Thomas W., DO 327Nikfarjam, Iraj, MD 129Nimer, Mahmoud A., MD 60


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Nimoh Pharmacy And Compounding Llc* 235Ninan, Mathew, MD 220, 345Nishat, Seema, MD 53Noel, Pamela R., MD 199Nolan, Christy, DO 205, 319Norman Clayman Endocrine Institute, LLC 197North Rehabilitation Center 356North Tampa Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, PA

74Northbrook Center for Rehabilitation and Healing

84Northeast Florida State Hosp 48, 103, 165, 250,

389, 423Northside Hospital 352Notter, Sarah A., MD 261Novopharm Of Tampa Llc 48, 103, 165, 250, 389,

423Nozile-Firth, Kamilia S., MD 311Np Pharmacy 375Numrungroad, Visal, MD 200, 201NUWA World 400, 401Nwakoby, Izuchukwu E., MD 127Nwaubani, Uzoma K., MD 401Nyanda, Hoka L., MD 63, 188O2 Solutions, LLC 32, 87, 229, 362Oak Hill Hospital 82Oak Hill Pharmacy* 93Oakfield Dental 300Oakhurst Medical Clinic 271Oberlander, Mark D., MD 322Obstetrics & Gynecology of Trinity 192, 204, 205Obstetrics / Gynecology 19, 70, 203, 314, 401Obstetrics and Gynecology of Trinity 204Ocala Chiropractic and Wellness 119Ocala Ear, Nose & Throat Specialists 133, 134Ocala Family Practice, LLC 107Ocala Florida Physician Group, LLC 109Ocala Health Neurology 129Ocala Health Surgical Group 124, 125, 129, 130Ocala Health Surgical Group, LLC 138

Ocala Health Surgical Oncology 125Ocala Health Trauma, LLC 124, 125Ocala Infectious Disease and Wound Center, Inc.

126Ocala Kidney Group, Inc. 126, 127, 128, 129Ocala Lung & Critical Care Associates, Inc. 136,

137Ocala Neurosurgical Center, PA 130Ocala Pharmacy Llc 155Ocala Regional Kidney Center East 150Ocala Regional Kidney Center North 150Ocala Regional Kidney Center West 150Ocala Regional Kidney Centers Home Dialysis

Division 150Ocala Regional Medical Center 142Ocala Surgical Center 145Occupational Therapy 34, 89, 149, 231, 365, 411Ofenloch, John C., MD 343, 344, 345Olejeme, Henry C., MD 122Oliveira, Fellipe M., MD 341Oliver, Mark D., MD 130Oliverio, Anthony B., DC 12Omega Pharmacy 241Omnicare Of Bradenton 48, 103, 165, 250, 389,

423Omnicare Of Central Florida 48, 103, 165, 250,

389, 423Omnicare Of Jacksonville 48, 103, 165, 250, 389,

423Omnicare Of Panama City 48, 103, 165, 250, 389,

423Omnicare Of South Florida 48, 103, 165, 250,

389, 423Omnicare Of Tampa 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Oncology Pharmacy Group 43, 98, 160, 245, 384,

418Oncology 19, 72, 130, 207, 319One Health Center 121, 135, 403One Health Center Urgent Care 143One Source Medical Group, LLC 29, 31, 85, 87,

145, 147, 226, 228, 358, 361, 408, 410


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Onea, Mirela, MD 299OneHealth Primary Care 174, 255, 256, 257, 263Onestop Rx 93Ong, Rebecca P., MD 128Ontiveros, Lolia, MD 261Oppenheim, Adam, DO 348Oppenheim, Leana, DO 313Opthalmology 20, 73, 131, 208, 322, 402Optimal Medicine, Inc. 254Option Care 43, 98, 160, 245, 384, 418Optometry - Routine Vision Providers 34, 90,

150, 232, 365, 412Optum Infusion Services 201, Inc. 43, 98, 160,

245, 384, 418Optum Infusion Services 202, Inc. 43, 98, 160,

245, 384, 418Optum Infusion Services 203, Inc. 43, 98, 160,

245, 384, 418Optumrx 41, 96, 158, 243, 382, 416Orange Blossom Women's Care, PLLC 203, 204, 205Orlando Foot & Ankle Clinic, Inc. 21, 76, 77,

135, 215, 334, 335, 403Orlando, Daniel A., MD 338Orthomedx Corporation 31, 87, 147, 228, 361, 410Orthopaedic Medical Group of Tampa Bay 328Orthopedic Associates of Citrus 20Orthopedic Surgery 20, 73, 132, 209, 323Orthotic & Prosthetic Center of Inverness 36Orthotic & Prosthetic Center of Spring Hill 91Orthotic and Prosthetic Centers 367Osceola Pharmacy 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Osian, Omeni N., MD 139Osman-Mohamed, Hussein K., MD 303, 304Osprey Point Nursing Center 407Oster, Dina, MD 264, 266Otheguy, Juan N., MD 221Otolaryngology 74, 133, 211, 328, 402Otto Jr., James J., MD 18Outpatient Dialysis 34, 90, 150, 232, 365

Outpatient Mental Health Providers 21, 75, 134, 212, 332, 402

Oxygen 34, 90, 150, 232, 366, 412OxyLife Respiratory Services 148P.K. Paul, MD, PA 65Padala Family Practice 6, 7Padala, Lakshmi Narayana K., MD 6, 7Pagan, Angel G., MD 176Pagano, Paul J., MD 328Paiano, Frank J., DO 394Pain Management and Spine Care Center, PA 75, 76Pain Management 21, 75, 134, 212, 332Painter, Lisa, DDS 66, 67, 194Palm Garden of Clearwater 354Palm Garden of Largo 355Palm Garden of Ocala 144Palm Garden of Pinellas 355Palm Harbor Pharmacy 374Palm Surgical Associates 305Palmer, Kevin V., MD 67Palmer, Sheallah A., MD 175Palms of Pasadena Hospital 352Palms Surgical Associates 306Palmyra Pharmacy 93Paluzzi, Jason, MD 203Pandurangan, Latha, MD 260Pandya, Shuchi S., MD 199Papenheim Chiropractic 62Papenheim, Alan R., DC 62Pappou, Ioannis P., MD 326Paradigm Dental, PA 66Parikh, Bharat V., MD 18Parikshak, Paresh J., DDS 195Parisi, Valerie M., MD 205, 206Park Shore Pharmacon 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Park, Keum H., DMD 301Parmar, Raviinder S., MD 332Partner Rx 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Pasadena Surgery Center, LLC 358


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Pasco Cardiology Center, Inc. 179, 180, 181, 182, 183

Pasco Imaging & Open MRI Center 226, 231Pasco-Hernando Foot & Ankle 216Pascual, Jose F., MD 216, 217Pasupuleti, Suman, MD 8, 9, 10, 399Pate, Mariah B., MD 330, 331, 332Patel, Akash, MD 280, 286Patel, Anilkumar, DDS 400Patel, Anish H., DC 186Patel, Anjana, MD 315Patel, Arpit A., DO 213, 214Patel, Darshan V., MD 60, 179, 183, 281Patel, Delaura, MD 206Patel, Jigar H., MD 117Patel, Jigneshkumar B., MD 194Patel, Kamal T., MD 212, 213Patel, Mukesh R., MD 187, 217Patel, Parag D., MD 183, 277, 279, 282Patel, Parth U., MD 18Patel, Payal S., MD 297Patel, Prakashkumar N., MD 202Patel, Rajin, DMD 194Patel, Rishi R., MD 62, 63Patel, Sheel J., MD 308, 322Patel, Sheetal, MD 170Patel, Soham P., MD 191Patel, Utpalkumar J., MD 13, 63Patel, Varun P., MD 14, 15, 16, 17Patel, Yagneshvari S., DO 199Pathway Pharmacy 155Patient Care America 43, 98, 160, 245, 384, 418Patrick, Tiffany, MD 206Patterson, Daniel A., MD 126, 131Paul, Pudichery K., MD 65Pediatric and Internal Medicine Specialists, Inc.

5, 6, 7Pediatrics and Internal Medicine Specialists, LLC

111Peditto, Kathleen, MD 257

Pena, Reshelle, MD 206Penabad, Jesus L., MD 190, 191, 296Peninsula Care & Rehabilitation Center 357Perez, Andres M., DPM 21, 76, 135, 215, 334, 403Performance by Achievement 34, 35, 36Perich Eye Center 73, 208Perich, Larry M., DO 73, 208, 209Perich, Tanya D., DO 208Perich, Tanya, DO 73, 208, 209Perkins Sr., Hashani M., MD 112Perkins, Michelle A., LAC 273Perrott, Ronald E., MD 292Perruci, Valeria, MD 257, 264PET/CT Services of Florida 29, 145Petrella, Andrew J., MD 21PH Dermatology 64, 289, 291, 293, 294, 295Pharmaco Med Shop 371Pharmacore Rx 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Pharmacy Care Center 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Pharmacy Innovations 378Pharmacy Pros, Llc 48, 103, 165, 250, 389, 423Pharmcare Usa Of Sarasota 49, 104, 166, 251,

390, 424Pharmerica 49, 104, 166, 251, 372, 390, 424Pharmscript Of Florida Llc 49, 104, 166, 251,

390, 424Pharmscript Of Florida South 49, 104, 166, 251,

390, 424Philip W. Christ, D.O., P.A. 325Phillips, Joel W., MD 274, 275Phoenix American Medical, LLC 52, 56, 169, 170,

174Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 21, 76,

135, 214, 333, 402Physical Therapy Services of Brooksville, Inc.

90Physical Therapy Services of Spring Hill 91Physical Therapy 35, 90, 150, 233, 366, 412Piazza, Michael R., MD 324Pierre, Jude A., MD 56


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Pierre, Jude-Farley, DPM 77Pierre, Nadja M., DPM 77Pimentel, Maria, MD 316Pine Brook Pharmacy 49, 104, 166, 251, 390, 424Pine Brook Pharmacy #4 93Pine Brook Pharmacy#2* 94Pine Brook Pharmacy#3* 94Pine Brook Pharmacy* 93Pinellas Medical Associates, PA 312, 313, 326,

327Pinellas Surgical Associates, Inc. 305Pinellas Vascular, LLC 351Pinellas West Shore Dialysis 366Pinero-Pilona, Antonio, MD 190, 191, 296Pinnacle Home Care of Spring Hill, Inc. 88Pinnacle Home Care, Inc. 230Pirie, Edward, DDS 401Pitarys II, Christos J., MD 179, 183Pizza, James T., MD 132Pizzuto, James R., DC 62Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 76, 135, 215,

334, 402Plazarte, Monica Y., DO 190, 191, 296PM Respiratory Services, Inc. 32, 88, 147, 410Podiatry 21, 76, 135, 215, 334, 403Podnos, Scott M., MD 63, 188, 189, 292Pogiatzis, Andrew D., MD 110Polecritti, Derek C., DO 76Polecritti, Marc R., DO 76Post, James R., MD 286Potu Cardiology, PL 9Potu, Ranganatha P., MD 9Prashad, Rakesh, MD 117, 397Prebish, Thomas J., DO 305, 306Premier Adult Health Care, Inc. 53, 57Premier Community Healthcare Group, Inc. 66, 67,

194Premier Dental Associates 195Premier Gastroenterology PA 65Premier Pharmacy Ltc 49, 104, 166, 251, 390, 424

Premier Radiation Oncology Associates LLC 339Prestige Dermatology, Inc. 188Price-McCarthy, Staci L., LAC 273, 274, 343Primary Care Physicians 3, 52, 107, 169, 254,

393Primary Medical Care 169Prime Pharmacy East 49, 104, 166, 251, 390, 424Prime Rx Pharmacy 378Prism Medical Products, LLC 30, 86, 146, 227,

360, 409Pritchyk, Kenneth P., DPM 22Project Health, Inc. 17, 123, 401Proper, Steven A., MD 64, 292Prosthetics and Orthotics 35, 91, 151, 233, 367,

413Proxycare Inc 49, 104, 166, 251, 390, 424Publix Pharmacy #0004 414Publix Pharmacy #0006 240Publix Pharmacy #0028 378Publix Pharmacy #0061 155Publix Pharmacy #0095 380Publix Pharmacy #0102 238Publix Pharmacy #0111 375Publix Pharmacy #0140 378Publix Pharmacy #0144 381Publix Pharmacy #0353 371Publix Pharmacy #0374 369Publix Pharmacy #0386 369Publix Pharmacy #0395 378Publix Pharmacy #0404 155Publix Pharmacy #0411 94Publix Pharmacy #0415 374Publix Pharmacy #0419 155Publix Pharmacy #0420 238Publix Pharmacy #0438 153Publix Pharmacy #0457 94Publix Pharmacy #0475 39Publix Pharmacy #0497 374Publix Pharmacy #0618 241Publix Pharmacy #0630 94


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Publix Pharmacy #0640 378Publix Pharmacy #0643 238Publix Pharmacy #0688 378Publix Pharmacy #0705 372Publix Pharmacy #0733 155Publix Pharmacy #0767 239Publix Pharmacy #0797 38Publix Pharmacy #0810 238Publix Pharmacy #0813 94Publix Pharmacy #0856 155Publix Pharmacy #0866 369Publix Pharmacy #0873 240Publix Pharmacy #0877 236Publix Pharmacy #0891 374Publix Pharmacy #1011 374Publix Pharmacy #1020 238Publix Pharmacy #1034 372Publix Pharmacy #1080 414Publix Pharmacy #1132 93Publix Pharmacy #1142 236Publix Pharmacy #1155 415Publix Pharmacy #1160 369Publix Pharmacy #1193 39Publix Pharmacy #1196 241Publix Pharmacy #1198 95Publix Pharmacy #1199 378Publix Pharmacy #1201 155Publix Pharmacy #1245 241Publix Pharmacy #1271 236Publix Pharmacy #1282 95Publix Pharmacy #1289 155Publix Pharmacy #1300 369Publix Pharmacy #1309 368Publix Pharmacy #1320 380Publix Pharmacy #1321 378Publix Pharmacy #1322 378Publix Pharmacy #1329 370Publix Pharmacy #1335 372Publix Pharmacy #1340 374

Publix Pharmacy #1341 374Publix Pharmacy #1344 375Publix Pharmacy #1348 381Publix Pharmacy #1365 155Publix Pharmacy #1394 378Publix Pharmacy #1413 371Publix Pharmacy #1448 39Publix Pharmacy #1456 378Publix Pharmacy #1457 373Publix Pharmacy #1471 372Publix Pharmacy #1477 155Publix Pharmacy #1487 415Publix Pharmacy #1496 235Publix Pharmacy #1507 415Publix Pharmacy #1531 378Publix Pharmacy #1541 378Publix Pharmacy #1562 370Publix Pharmacy #1579 372Publix Pharmacy #1597 236Publix Pharmacy #1616 153Publix Pharmacy #1628 378Publix Pharmacy #1663 372Publix Pharmacy #1705 415Publix Pharmacy #3218 376Publix Pharmacy #3219 370Publix Pharmacy #3220 378Publix Pharmacy* 38, 93, 153, 235, 368, 414Pudur, Archana, MD 269Pudur, Sudhindra, MD 310Pugh, Darrell L., MD 395Pulmonary & Sleep Associates 62, 78Pulmonology 22, 77, 136, 216, 336Purdon, Robert L., MD 404Pure Med Mobility, Inc. 88Qi, Quanle, MD 200, 201Quick Care Med 27, 143Quick Pharmacy 379Quick, Kimberly M., MD 183, 277, 279, 282Quintan Acupuncture 274


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Qureshi, Ambreen, MD 191Rabinowitz, Richard I., MD 221Radiation Oncology 23, 78, 137, 217, 339, 403Radke, Marcia A., MD 272Radoianu, Nicoleta, MD 128Rahim, Abdur, MD 185Rainbow Discount Drugs 38Rajesh B. Dave, MD, PA 173Ralsky, Joseph I., DC 62Ram, Anil K., MD 14, 15, 16, 17Rambicure, Benjamin P., MD 269Ramireddy, Keshav, MD 180Ramirez-Ortega, Xiomara, MD 257Ramos, Eileen, MD 269Ramos, Geraldo A., MD 286Ramos, Ivan A., MD 173Ramos, Miguel A., MD 122Randolph C. Harding, DC, PA 185Rankin, George W., MD 173Rankin, Payton S, MD 173Rao, Arun P., MD 60, 180Rao, Dinesh S., MD 140, 405Rao, Jayanth G., MD 23, 138Rao, Kiran, MD 317Rao, Srisha, MD 118Rashkin, Jack E., MD 339Rattehalli, Narayana S., MD 219Raval, Amar J., MD 221, 347Ravi Sharma, MD, PA 24, 25, 139, 141Raxwal, Vinod K., MD 60, 180, 183Ray, Scott L., DO 257Ray's Pharmacy* 235Reddi, Lakshmipathi R., MD 15, 16, 17Reddick Discount Pharmacy 156Reddy, Mahathi A., MD 200, 201Reddy, Mohan S., MD 286Reddy, Praveen B., MD 129, 130Reddy, Purushottam M., MD 69, 200Reddy, Rekha, DMD 17

Reddy, Vishnu P., MD 122Reed, Oliver M., MD 63Regional Medical Center Bayonet Point 223Regional Rehab 35, 90, 233Rehab Partners, Inc. 34, 35Rehab Therapy Works 90, 233Rehability 91Reheem, M. Allam, MD 75Remedi Seniorcare Of Tampa, Llc 49, 104, 166,

251, 390, 424Renal Hypertension Center 69, 200, 201, 309, 310Requena, Ricardo, DO 330, 331Reschly, William J., MD 211, 330Resic, Amra A., MD 264Retail Pharmacies 38, 93, 153, 235, 368, 414Retina Specialty Institute 20Reyes Baerga, Dannaly, MD 313Reyes, Alexandria, DO 317, 318Reyes, Daisy B., MD 69, 200Reyes, Manuel A., MD 257Reyes, Vania L., MD 269Reynolds, Michael B., DO 56Reynolds, Stephen M., DO 134Rheumatology 24, 78, 138, 218, 341, 404Riad, Youssef, DDS 301Richards, Winston T., MD 124Richey Medical Pharmacy 238Richman, Martin B., MD 222, 347Ricx Pharmacy* 239Riddle Family Chiropractic, Inc. 185Riddle, Glenn P., DC 185Ridge Manor Pharmacy 240Rincon, Anali J., MD 57Riquetti, Peter A., MD 173Ritch, Mark L., DO 312Ritter, Brooke, DO 317, 318Rivera, Juan J., DPM 216Rivera-Caban, Carlos M., MD 81Rivero, Abel, MD 398, 399


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Rizzo, Gerald J., MD 310Robert A. Young, MD 170Robert Boissoneault Oncology Institute 23, 24,

137, 138, 403, 404Robert Feldman, MD, PA 114, 115, 116, 118, 396Roberts, Julie B., MD 264Robertson, Daniel P., MD 130Robinson Chiropractic, Inc. 62Robinson, Samuel D., DC 62Robison, Thomas J., MD 269Rocha, Rafael, MD 307, 321Rodenbostel, Peter J., DMD 301, 302Rodriguez Jr., Jorge A., MD 328Rodriguez Perez, Janice M., MD 57Rodriguez, Hector C., DDS 194Rodriguez, Jose J., MD 6Rodriguez, Richard, DO 303Rogers, Marc J., DO 133Rogers, Timothy W., MD 128Rojas, Armando L., MD 19Romero, Joseph, DO 338Rommel, Elizabeth, MD 257Rommel, Michael D., MD 257Rosario-Prieto, Michael, MD 313Rosenblum, William J., MD 328Ross, Amy S., MD 64, 293Ross, Joseph J., MD 20, 132Ross, Risa B., DO 292Rossi, Peter A., MD 180, 183Rossidis, Georgios, MD 125Roth, Robert T., MD 304Rothberg, Michael L., MD 210, 324Rothschild, Mark A., MD 398, 399Rovin, Joshua D., MD 344, 345Rowan Discount Pharmacy* 238Royal Oak Nursing Center 225Royal Pharmacy* 238Royal Wellington Pharmacy Inc. 49, 104, 166,

251, 390, 424Rubio-Gonzalez, Jaime E., MD 110

Rudolph, Richard, MD 316, 318Rumalla, Ashwin, MD 122Rush, Christopher, LAC 274Rx Care Pharmacy 2* 241Rx Care Pharmacy And Kwik Mart* 235Rx Discount Pharmacy* 235Rx Oasis 49, 104, 166, 251, 390, 424Rxperts Hollywood-Polaris Rx 49, 104, 166, 251,

390, 424Sabal Palms Health Care Center 355Sabbah, Ronnie, MD 398Saberi, Ali, MD 269Sable, David B., MD 187Sadler, Barry T., MD 80, 220Saeks, Jeffrey M., MD 331, 332Safescript Pharmacy 414, 415Sagheer, Farah, MD 62, 78Sahajpal, Deenesh T., MD 133Saint Pete MRI 360Saint Thomas Clinic 53Saiyad, Saleemuddin I., MD 281Sakellarides, Michael J., MD 211Sakhatskyy, Pavlo, MD 339Salansky, Jennifer C., MD 262Salazar, Manuel F., MD 286, 287Sallah, Mahmoud W., MD 69Saluck, Brian H., DO 398, 399Salud, Christopher J., MD 269Salvati, Carl M., DPM 136Salyards, Jill K., DO 295Sams Pharmacy 10-4818* 93Sams Pharmacy 10-4852* 241Sams Pharmacy 10-4861 379Sams Pharmacy 10-6335 155Sams Pharmacy 10-6387 375Sams Pharmacy 10-6420 370Sams Pharmacy 10-6448* 238Samuel, Abie A., DO 341San Carlos Pharmacy 49, 104, 166, 251, 390, 424


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Sanchez, Julio, DDS 123Sanchez, Robert, MD 287Sanchez-Ponce, Rafael, MD 185Sandbay Dental, PLLC 301Sandrapaty, Ravichandra K., MD 23, 138Sanka, Madhurima, DO 275Sanka, Srinivas, DO 4, 53, 57Sankoorikal, Antony G., MD 341Santa Cruz, Raymond A., DMD 194Santana-Hernandez, Omar, MD 297Santiago-Gonzalez, Rafael A., MD 214, 215Santoian, Edward C., MD 118Santos, Gregorio S., MD 270Santos, Katia G., MD 76Saravanos, Karen, MD 316, 318Sassano, David J., DO 170Savage Jr., Kenneth L., MD 4Savage, Olga M., DO 5Save N Care Pharmacy* 236Savers Long Term Care 50, 105, 167, 252, 391,

425Sawar, Asad, MD 185Scarlett Kinley, DPM, PA 335Schaffer, Benjamin, MD 257Schmid, Kay F., MD 270Schmidt, Christopher J., MD 134Schmidt, Rick J., MD 303, 304Schneider, Zachary J., MD 262Schutzbach, Bettina, MD 270Schutzbach, Brian, MD 270Schwab, Thomas O., MD 324Schwartz Miller, Tracey, MD 206Schwartz, Allen T., MD 395Schwartz, Craig A., MD 333Schweizer, Heather R., DO 129Scott H. Hensley, D.C., Inc. 12Scripts Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 379, 391,

425Sebring Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 391, 425Seecharan, Stephen K., MD 110

Seek, Melvin M., MD 128Seevaratnam, Andrew R., MD 137Segall, Kristen, MD 206Seneriz, Manuel A., MD 25SET Home Health 33Seven Hills Pharmacy* 95Sevilla, Oliver K., MD 13, 22, 23Shafii, Susan, MD 350Shah, Anantkumar M., MD 57Shah, Apurva B., MD 262Shah, Gaurav S., MD 22Shah, Geeta R., MD 73, 208, 209Shah, Jaimin G., MD 348Shah, Mehul B., MD 266, 270Shah, Nina N., DO 170Shah, Rachit M., MD 183, 283Shah, Sadhana A., MD 173, 265Shah, Satish J., MD 217Shah, Saurinkumar P., MD 174Shah, Shalin S., MD 287Shah, Vikram N., MD 13, 22, 23Shaker, Ahmad, MD 308, 322Shakfeh, Samir M., MD 72Shamp, Stephen J., MD 340, 341Sharma Institute of Pain Medicine 21, 135, 402Sharma, Anuj, DO 21, 135, 402Sharma, Nagaraja D., MD 60, 180Sharma, Rakesh K., MD 183, 277, 279, 283Sharma, Ravi, MD 24, 25, 139, 141Sharma, Tushar, MD 309Shawchuck, Kay M., MD 305Shechtman, Steven, MD 176Shelden, Sarah, DO 205, 319Shell Point Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 391, 425Shelton, Tiffani D., DO 68, 196Shen, Thomas J., MD 396Shepard Orr, Elizabeth, MD 265Shepherd Pharmacy 375Sheppard, Robert C., MD 287


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Sher, Andrew B., MD 405Sher, Mandel R., MD 275Sherman, Christopher M., MD 345, 346Sheth, Jatin N., MD 53Shetty, Jayapraksh N., MD 111Shetty, Ranjith M., MD 59, 178Shetye, Kedar R., MD 310Shields Pharmacy 371Shinde, Trupti S., MD 15, 16, 17Shiu, Hua, LAC 273Shontz, Michael V., DC 185Shore Acres Care Center 356Shoreline Urocare, PL 80Shorter, Cedric D., MD 314Shuayb, Husam E., MD 65Shuayb, Sarah, DMD 66Shukla, Manojkumar B., MD 22Shulman, Carrie L., MD 314Shutty, Brandon G., DO 293Siddiq, Danish M., MD 69Siddiqi, Farhan N., MD 74, 210, 324Siddiqui, Munira D., MD 297Sidhu, Simrita A., MD 57Silver Sneakers Fitness 32, 88, 148, 229, 362,

410Silver Springs Shores Dialysis 150Simfarose Pharmacy 43, 50, 98, 105, 160, 167,

245, 252, 384, 391, 418, 425SimonMed Imaging - St. Petersburg 360SimonMed Imaging- The Villages 408, 411Sincoff, Eric H., MD 70, 202Singh Medical Group, LLC 76, 215Singh, Pariksith, MD 57Singh, Premranjan P., MD 118Singh, Sunanda, MD 76, 215Singu, Bheema S., MD 122Sinha, Nisha, MD 129Sinoff, Suart, MD 311Sisodia, Teeresa, MD 257

Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNFs) 28, 84, 144, 225, 354, 407

Skinner, Tara L., MD 262Skorczewski, James H., DO 287Sleep Associates of Florida, LLC 91, 234Sleep Studies 36, 91, 151, 234, 367, 413Small, Theodore R., MD 304Smile Bright Dental 194Smile Design - Sand Lake 300, 301Smile Design Dentistry 66, 67, 194, 195, 300,

302Smith, Michael J., MD 328Smith, Page A., MD 113Smith, Patrick J., MD 342Smitherman, Mark, MD 258Smp Pharmacy Solutions 43, 98, 160, 245, 384,

418Sobel, Rose M., MD 19Sodano, Dan M., MD 183, 278, 279, 283Solace Care Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 391, 425Solanki, Kalpesh H., DO 118Solaris HealthCare Bayonet Point 225Solc, Zucel, MD 340Soleo Health Inc 43, 50, 98, 105, 160, 167, 245,

252, 384, 391, 418, 425Soliman, John S., DO 202Sonlife Prosthetics and Orthotics, Inc. 36, 91Sorensen, Matthew D., MD 349Sotolongo, Ignacio, MD 311Soudijn, Peter, MD 258, 265Sourbeer, Jeffrey J., MD 258South Florida State Hospital 50, 105, 167, 252,

391, 425South Heritage Health & Rehabilitation Center

356South Lake Pharmacy 241Southcare Ltc Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 391,

425Southcare Pharmacy, Inc. 379Southern Pines Healthcare Center 225


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Southwest Florida Infusion Care Inc 50, 105, 167, 252, 391, 425

Specialists 8, 59, 114, 178, 273, 396Speech Therapy 36, 151, 234, 367, 413Spencer Dermatology 295Spencer, James M., MD 295Sperber, Harry, MD 300Spires, Kevin S., MD 80, 220Spohn, Gina P., MD 290Sports and Interventional Pain Medicine, PA 213Sports Medicine 24, 79, 218, 342Spring Hill Brace & Limb, LLC 91Spring Hill Health & Rehabilitation Center 84Spring Hill MRI 85, 89Spring Hill Pharmacy 95Springs at Boca Ciega Bay 357Spuza-Milord, Michelle S., MD 341Sreenivas P. Vangara, MD, PA 193Sriaroon, Panida, MD 275Srivastava, Amit, MD 287St Joseph Pharmacy & Medical Supplies Llc* 241St Marks Pharmacy 374St. Anthony's Hospital 352St. Anthony's PET/CT Center 360St. Francis Sleep, Allergy and Lung Institute, LLC

289, 336St. Julien, Jamii B., MD 305St. Luke Heart Institute, Inc. 60St. Mark Village 355St. Martin, Dacelin, MD 6, 7, 111St. Mary Pharmacy 372St. Petersburg Dermatology, LLC 294, 295St. Petersburg Dialysis 366St. Petersburg General Hospital 352St. Petersburg Nursing & Rehabilitation 356St. Petersburg Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 379,

391, 425St. Petersburg South Dialysis 366St. Petersburg Surgical Specialist 305St.Mary Pharmacy Ii 374

Staci L. Price, DC, PA 273, 274, 343Staffetti, Joseph F., MD 192, 193Stanley, Beena M., MD 18Stanton, Karin K., DO 205Starcare Pharmacy 239Stark, Stephen H., MD 10, 11Staywell Pharmacy 239Steel, John R., MD 218Steinberg, Brandon M., MD 262Steinhoff, Jeffrey P., MD 281Steiniger, Joseph R., MD 211, 212, 330Stelios Spine and Health, LLC. 186Stengel, Thomas J., MD 314Stewart, Valerie, DO 303Stone, Christopher D., MD 344Stoyanov, Veselin S., MD 173Stratford Court of Palm Harbor 355Strickland Menon, Amy, MD 300Strive Medical, LLC 31, 87, 147, 228, 361, 410Strive! Rehabilitation 149, 150, 151, 152Stuart, Jennifer, MD 270Subramanian, Thondikulam A., MD 201, 202, 312Sugar Mill Diagnostic Imaging, LLC 30, 33Suh, Hyunsuk, MD 197Sukharamwala, Prashant B., MD 303Sultenfuss, Thomas J., MD 291Summerfield ER 142Summergate Pharmacy* 241Summers, Joshua A., MD 7Summit Imaging 85, 89Sumter Landing Dental Care, PLLC 400Sun Coast Bariatrics 305Sun Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252, 391, 425Suncoast Dermatology and Skin Surgery Center, PA

14, 121Suncoast Endoscopy Center 29Suncoast Eye Center Surgery Center 226Suncoast General Surgery 67, 68, 80Suncoast OB/GYN 70, 71, 72


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Suncoast Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine Center, PA 74

Suncoast Podiatry Associates, Inc. 136Suncoast Primary Care 55Suncoast Skin Solutions, Inc. 63, 119, 289, 290,

291, 292, 294, 295Suncoast Urology, PA 79, 80, 220, 221Sunlife Pharmacy 374Sunrise Neurology, PA 202Sunshine Drugs 153, 155Sunshine Wellness Center* 93Suntrust Pharmacy* 239Superior Medical Equipment Plus, LLC 88, 229,

362Supreme Rx 50, 105, 167, 252, 391, 425SurfMed 31, 87, 147, 228, 361, 410Surgery Center of Mid Florida 145Surgical Associates 67Surgical Associates of Bayonet Point 195Surgical Associates of West Florida, PA 196,

222, 303, 304, 350Surgical Specialists of Ocala, PA 124, 140Surgical Speciality Group of Oviedo 17, 67, 123,

195, 302, 401Susan Cheek Needler Breast Center 359, 364Swain, Shyam S., MD 76, 212Swerdloff, Jason L., MD 331, 334Swick, Matthew J., MD 328Swiggett Jr., Robert L., MD 328Swoager, James, MD 258Syed, Ali, MD 221Sylvan Health Center 354Symbius Medical, LLC 31, 87, 147, 228, 362, 410Synergy Home Health 89Szafran-Swietlik, Anna, MD 190, 191, 297Szell, Nicole M., DO 345, 346, 347Szostak, Michael J., MD 222, 347Szpila, Benjamin E., MD 351Tabbaa, Mohammed A., MD 72TAG Physical Therapy 233

Taggar, Amit K., MD 197Taha, Mohamed M., MD 310Talbert, Todd C., DPM 21, 77, 135, 215, 335, 403Tambay, Nishin S., MD 213, 214, 332, 333Tambrini Jr., Alex A., MD 6Tamburrino, Mark R., LAC 274Tampa Bay Diabetes, Thyroid & Endocrine Center, PA

297Tampa Bay Prosthetics 35, 91, 151, 233, 367, 413Tampa Bay Pulmonology, PA 62, 77Tampa Bay Radiation Oncology, PA 207, 217, 218Tampa Bay Surgical Group, LLP 186, 196, 211,

303, 304Tampa Bay Vascular Center 309Tampa Cardiovascular Associates 185Tampa Road Pharmacy 373Tandon, Prabhat K., MD 121, 400Tang, Nathan, MD 275Tannenbaum, Arnie B., MD 80, 221Tara Connor, DO, PA 6Tarabishy, Imad E., MD 74Tarnowski, David S., DMD 301Tarpon Bayou Center 357Tarpon Discount Drugs 381Tas, Amber S., DO 287Tas, Sebastian, DO 304Taub, Harvey C., MD 140, 405Taunk, Jawahar L., MD 299Taylor, Christin, MD 260Taylor, Daniel S., DC 399Te, Jessie D., MD 111, 113Teav, Jessica A., MD 270Tedder, Jeffrey L., MD 328Tehranchi, Leah, DO 170Terschluse, David A., MD 68Tharp, Jeremy L., MD 57Tharp, Michael D., MD 293, 295The Care Center at Pinellas Park 355The Clark Clinic, Inc. 393The Endoscopy Center of Ocala 145


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

The Eye Center 73The Florida Center for Minimally Invasive

Neurosurgery 314The Green Cross Pharmacy 379The Grove Health and Rehabilitation Center 28The Headache and Neurology Clinic, PA 69The Heart Institute 280, 281, 283, 284, 285,

286, 287, 288The Julian Institute of Plastic Surgery, PLLC 76The Lodge Health and Rehabilitation Center 144The Medicine Chest - Ltc Llc 50, 105, 167, 252,

391, 425The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy 50, 105, 167, 252,

371, 372, 379, 391, 425The Medicine Shoppe Pharmacy* 238, 240The Orthopaedic Institute, PA 20, 21, 132, 133,

134, 136The Vein & Vascular Institute of Spring Hill 81The Vein Center of North Florida 124, 140The Villages Eye Institute 208, 209, 402Therapeutic Massage 79, 138, 219, 343Thimmiah Kumar, M.D., P.A. 122Thomas Internal Medicine, PA 107, 111Thomas S. Matysik, DPM 22Thomas, Bindu, MD 266Thomas, Greyson C., MD 107, 111Thomason, Thomas B., MD 134Thomer, Marguerite, MD 349Thompson, David P., MD 210, 324, 325Thompson, Frank A., MD 270Thoracic Surgery 24, 79, 138, 219, 343Thyroid Endocrinology and Diabetes Specialists of

Tampa, LLC 191Tian, Haihe, LAC 273TimberRidge Center for Rehabilitation & Healing

144TimberRidge Imaging Center, LLP 145, 149Tinari Chiropractic 62, 186Tinari, Dominick A., DC 62, 186Tirone, Thomas A., MD 303

TLC Rehab, Inc. 34, 35, 36, 151Topi, Bernard, MD 9, 11, 114Torke, Mark D., MD 326Torralba, Victoria L., MD 24Torres II, Jaime L., MD 3Torres, Arnaldo, MD 341Torres, Jose, MD 258, 260Torres, Melissa, DO 265Torres, Ramon L., MD 119Torres-Velazco, Jeniffer, MD 199Total Care Plus 83Toumbis, Constantine A., MD 20Tracy, Deborah H., MD 75Trailwinds Village ER 406Tralins, Kevin S., MD 339, 340Tran, Lyly, MD 271Transplant & Hepatobiliary Specialists at Largo

299, 303, 310Transplant Surgical Specialists at Largo 299,

304, 309, 310Tri-County Heart Institute, PA 396Trigo, Gisela, MD 9, 11, 12Tri-Med Medical Pharmacy 379Trinity Dental Designs, Inc. 194Trinity Dermatology 188, 189Trinity Family Health Care 174Trinity Healthcare Medical Center 109Trinity Medical Clinic, PA 54Trinity Spine and Wellness 274Trinity Surgical Associates, PA 222Tripodis, Stanton, MD 258Triumph Radiology Associates 145Troxell, Ronald D., DPM 335Truesdale, Matthew D., MD 346Trust Pharmacy 50, 95, 105, 167, 238, 252, 374,

391, 425Trustbridge Pharmacy 43, 50, 98, 105, 160, 167,

245, 252, 384, 391, 418, 425TruWell Health, PLLC 327, 333Tsai, George T., MD 68


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Ubillos, Scott S., MD 199Uche, Eze D., MD 398Uebelhart, Daniela, MD 272UF Health The Villages Hospital 406, 412, 413UF Health The Villages Hospital Freestanding

Emergency Room 406Ullo, Thomas, MD 258, 265Ulseth, Robert N., MD 21, 135Ultra Healthcare Services, Inc. 29, 85, 226, 358Umamaheswaran, Indira K., MD 202, 312Unique Lingerie Services, LLC 148Unique Lingerie, Inc. 148United Pharmacy Llc 51, 106, 168, 253, 392, 426United States Medical Supply, LLC 31, 87, 147,

228, 362, 410United Vein Centers 196, 222, 302, 303, 350Unity Express Pharmacy, Inc. 368Urban Specialty Pharmacy 379Urban, Paul L., MD 119Urgent Care Centers 27, 83, 143, 224, 353Urology Institute of Central Florida, PL 140Urology Professionals 221Urology 25, 79, 139, 220, 345, 404US Med, LLC 31, 87, 147, 228, 362, 410Utopia Home Health 363V & T Pharmacy 379V.P. Nagarajan, MD 80Vaghela, Maheshkumar L., MD 128Valentin, Marlene D., MD 81Vallejo, Elvia, MD 316Value Dental Centers, PA 123Van De Leur, Timothy J., MD 133Van Eldik, Richard B., MD 122Vangara, Sreenivasa P., MD 193Varanasi, Ajay, MD 297Varlakov, Grigor J., MD 57Vascular Surgery 25, 80, 140, 222, 349Vasiloudes, Panayiotis E., MD 189, 290Vasudevan, Anju, MD 126, 131Vasudevan, Ramabhadran, MD 119

Vaught, Sammy D., MD 402Vavruska, Julie A., DMD 401Veerendra N. Kandru, MD, PA 109Velasquez, Rafael M., MD 271, 272Veligandla, Himachala R., MD 119, 398Venezia, Michael A., DO 325Venice Apothecary 51, 106, 168, 253, 392, 426Vennamaneni, Manjusri, MD 58Ventrapragada, Sailaja V., MD 129Verga, Arthur L., MD 186, 196Victoria, Rosmery, DO 271Village Discount Pharmacy 415Village Pharmacy 51, 106, 168, 253, 392, 426Villages Pharmacy 157Villaplana, Jose A., MD 176Vinalon Jr., Conrad, MD 271Vinje, Nathaniel J., DO 7VIPcare 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 394, 395Visiting Nurse Association of Florida, Inc. 32,

88, 148, 230, 363, 410Visnaw, Steven A., DO 68Vistacare Pharmacy Ii 375Vitreo Retinal Surgeons, LLC 20, 73Vogt, Michael L., MD 111Von Thron, James, MD 206Vyas, Paulas M., MD 222, 348Wagman, Felicia A., MD 72Wahl, Michael J., MD 219, 222Walgreens 94, 155, 237, 238, 239, 241, 368, 370,

372, 379, 381, 415Walgreens #10373 414Walgreens #10671 155Walgreens #11246 237Walgreens #1189 374Walgreens #11991 156Walgreens #12318 235Walgreens #12391 95Walgreens #12885 374Walgreens #1339 379Walgreens #13585 156


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Walgreens #13630 372Walgreens #15192 373Walgreens #15394 370Walgreens #15435 370Walgreens #15518 370Walgreens #15519 379Walgreens #16262 95Walgreens #16466 415Walgreens #16546 156Walgreens #1724 156Walgreens #2192 95Walgreens #2230 379Walgreens #2524 379Walgreens #2761 381Walgreens #2918 379Walgreens #3046 373Walgreens #3389 156Walgreens #3428 379Walgreens #3429 380Walgreens #3555 370Walgreens #3556 381Walgreens #3597 380Walgreens #3629 236Walgreens #3793 238Walgreens #3794 371Walgreens #3795 375Walgreens #3988 381Walgreens #4124 374Walgreens #4217 39Walgreens #4263 371Walgreens #4289 95Walgreens #4398 371Walgreens #4400 236Walgreens #4426 153Walgreens #4480 373Walgreens #4481 380Walgreens #4800 373Walgreens #4811 235Walgreens #5131 238

Walgreens #5338 38Walgreens #5414 238Walgreens #5415 238Walgreens #5578 153Walgreens #5604 242Walgreens #5661 380Walgreens #5691 39Walgreens #5858 95Walgreens #5870 373Walgreens #5980 39Walgreens #6292 380Walgreens #6293 370Walgreens #6608 370Walgreens #6752 238Walgreens #6786 375Walgreens #7207 156Walgreens #7466 236Walgreens #7468 415Walgreens #7589 156Walgreens #7733 95Walgreens #7827 380Walgreens #7916 94Walgreens #7918 371Walgreens #7931 374Walgreens #9031 380Walgreens #9517 375Walgreens #9688 370Walgreens #9747 39Walgreens #9847 38Walgreens* 38, 93, 153, 235, 368, 414Walker, Dennis J., MD 11Wallis, B. Jeffrey, MD 15Walmart Pharmacy 10-0697 156Walmart Pharmacy 10-0706 242Walmart Pharmacy 10-0713 235Walmart Pharmacy 10-0959 414Walmart Pharmacy 10-0960 153Walmart Pharmacy 10-0967 95Walmart Pharmacy 10-0994 238


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Walmart Pharmacy 10-1029 39Walmart Pharmacy 10-1085 240Walmart Pharmacy 10-1104 40Walmart Pharmacy 10-1213 94Walmart Pharmacy 10-1390 375Walmart Pharmacy 10-1513 375Walmart Pharmacy 10-1536 380Walmart Pharmacy 10-1712 373Walmart Pharmacy 10-1847 156Walmart Pharmacy 10-2081 370Walmart Pharmacy 10-2391 239Walmart Pharmacy 10-2796 373Walmart Pharmacy 10-2843 157Walmart Pharmacy 103013 376Walmart Pharmacy 10-3161 381Walmart Pharmacy 10-3372 373Walmart Pharmacy 10-3414 375Walmart Pharmacy 10-3415 381Walmart Pharmacy 10-3418 241Walmart Pharmacy 10-3526 94Walmart Pharmacy 10-4141 373Walmart Pharmacy 10-4262 415Walmart Pharmacy 104368 156Walmart Pharmacy 10-4434 156Walmart Pharmacy 10-4565 415Walmart Pharmacy 10-4667 370Walmart Pharmacy 10-4669 376Walmart Pharmacy 10-4690 380Walmart Pharmacy 10-5218 380Walmart Pharmacy 10-5266 236Wal-Mart Pharmacy 10-5326 155Walmart Pharmacy 10-5670 370Walmart Pharmacy 10-5772 40Walmart Pharmacy 10-5831 373Walmart Pharmacy 10-5876 371Walmart Pharmacy 10-6207 95Walmart* 38, 93, 153, 235, 368, 414Walsh, John W., MD 287, 288Walsh, Ronald L., DO 281

Walter, Jolan E., MD 275Wangia, Michael W., MD 64, 188, 189, 190, 292,

400Warner, Ryan R., DDS 301Warren, Steven B., MD 326Wartels, Michael B., MD 14, 121Warticki, Shawn M., LAC 274Watson, Carrie, DO 125Watson, Jeffrey D., MD 328Watson, Jennifer, DO 205, 319We Care Pharmacy 51, 106, 168, 253, 392, 426Weber, Timothy A., MD 221Wecare Pharmacy Llc 51, 106, 168, 253, 392, 426Wecowski, Jacek, MD 125Weigle, Donna M., DC 12Weinstock, Katharine, MD 316, 318Weiss, Allan S., MD 313Welch & Mcloy Therapy Services, PA 232, 233, 234Wellness Rx Ltc 51, 106, 168, 253, 392, 426Wellspring Cancer Center, LLC 340, 341Welton III, William A., MD 14, 121Weppelmann, Burkhard, MD 403Wesley Chapel Dialysis 232West Coast Dental Partners, PL 195West Coast Ear Nose & Throat Assoc 211, 330West Coast Medical Crystal River, PA 54West Coast Musculoskeletal Institute 24, 74, 79,

218West Florida Cardiology Consultants 179, 182,

183West Florida Cardiology Network, LLC 279, 280,

344West Florida Cardiovascular Center, Inc. 281West Florida Medical Associates, PA 4, 5, 6, 107West Florida Thoracic Surgery 220West Hernando Diagnostic & MR Center 85, 89West Hernando Women's Imaging 86, 89West Marion Community Hospital 142West Marion Family Practice 108, 109, 110West Pasco Pulmonary Associates 216


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Ultimate Health Plans Index Of Providers November 2020

Westchester Gardens Rehabilitation & Care Center 354

Westervelt, James A., MD 305Westminster Pharmacy Services 51, 106, 168, 253,

392, 426Westminster Suncoast 356Whiddon, David R., MD 211, 325William C. Chaney, DC, PA 12, 61William C. Hulley, DO, PA 311William Gaya, M.D., P.A. 129Williams, Aaron, MD 205, 319Williams, George F., DPM 335Williams, Goldman & Watson 192, 204, 205, 298,

318, 319Williams, Joseph C., MD 70Willis, Steven G., DC 186Wilson, Carlene A., MD 4Wilson, Christopher H., DO 281, 288Windsor Oaks 145Windsor Woods Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center

225Wingo, Linder E., MD 132Winn Dixie 38, 39, 94, 95, 153, 156, 235, 236,

239, 241, 380, 414, 415Winn Dixie Pharmacy 40Winn Dixie* 38, 93, 153, 235, 368, 414Winter Springs Pharmacy 51, 106, 168, 253, 392,

426Wisdom Pharmacy 235Wishik, Jared A., MD 295Wisotsky, Scott M., MD 325Witfill, Kristin J., DO 64, 292, 295Wize Pharmacy 371Women's Imaging Center 146, 149Woods, Andrea, MD 288Worthy, Michele, DMD 123Wound Care 37, 91, 234Wright, Alene J., MD 68, 196Wyko, Robert B., DO 260Wynn, Zackery T., DC 61

X Tra Discount Drugs* 242Yaeger, Michael, MD 339Yamamura, Kenneth, MD 180, 185Yamani, Mohammad I., MD 258, 265, 272Yan, Ben, MD 319Yang, Chun K., MD 351Yen, Eaton I., DO 213Yong, Sarah L., MD 113Young, Jordan T., MD 175Young, Lisa L., MD 121Young, Robert A., MD 170Youssef, Akram M., MD 393Z Orange Pharmacy 239Zachary, James M., MD 348Zaidi, Farrukh, MD 78, 218Zaki, Khaja M., MD 180Zavitsanos, Peter J., MD 78Zeidan, Fady D., MD 74Zeien, Timothy, MD 266Zeleke, Eden, MD 316Zephyrhills Brace & Limb, Inc. 233Zephyrhills Community Pharmacy 242Zephyrhills Dialysis 232Zephyrhills Eye Institute 209Zephyrhills Primary Care Associates 176Zhou, Shaw W., MD 349Zini, Dylan, MD 271Zografakis, Stelios I., DC 186Zook, Matthew B., MD 290, 292, 295Zuzga, Mark A., DO 222, 350


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