2020 Outlook - IResponze final.pdf · Food Cost of Sales 16.7% -0.4 Beverage Cost of Sales...

Must-Know 2020 Hotel Industry Trends 2019 YTD and 2020 Projections August 2019 In 2018 due to the skill of General Managers and Hotel Leaders controlling costs, there was an increase of 3.4% in profit growth. 2017 to 2018 Profits up 2.9% 0.2 pts 3.4% Revenue Growth Payroll Growth Profit Growth F&B F&B Department Department 2018 2018 YOY YOY Var. Var. Total F&B Revenue 77.53 2.8% Food Cost of Sales 16.7% -0.4 Beverage Cost of Sales 17.9% -0.2 F&B Expenses %Total F&B Bev 5.9% 0 F&B Labor Costs % Total F&B 46.8% 0.1 F&B Dept, Profit % F&B Rev 31.7% 0.2 Total RevPAR 259.10 2.9% Total Dept. Profit % Total Rev 60.7% 0.1 General Managers of full-service hotels found other ways to drive revenue, i.e. in food and beverage – which grew by 2.9% Per Available Room, YOY. Source: HOTSTATS Hospitality Intelligence U.S. Hotel Industry navigated for profitable 2018 1.9 2 1.9 2 Supply Demand Occ ADR RevPar 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2019 & 2020 Forecasted RevPar STR has adjusted their latest 2019 predictions to show a slight increase in occupancy due to demand coming in a little higher than supply. They are now stating that 2019 should finish with a 2.0% RevPar growth YOY – down by .3% from previous predictions. 2019 +2.0RevPar Growth 1.9 1.7 -0.2 2.2 1.9 Supply Demand Occupancy ADR RevPar 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2020 +1.9RevPar Gr0wth For 2020, STR is predicting that supply will be flat to 2019. However, demand will be slightly lower. Therefore, Occupancy will be down slightly at a -0.2% with the RevPar ending at 1.9% growth YOY with the ADR making up for the difference of the shortfall in occupancy. Source: STR / Tourism Economics $54.3 $6.52 $8.33 $22 $4.62 $4.77 Net Revenue Earned Investment Made Net Revenue Generated $0 $10 $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 Direct Loyalty Bookings OTA / 3rd Party Bookings 22.8% 14.9% 10.9% 1.0% 13.9% 7.9% 28.7% Brand.com 22.8 OTA 14.9 GDS 10.9 FIT/Wholesale 1 Group 13.9 Voice 7.9 Property Direct 28.7 Brands are slowing down the shift to OTAs & 3rd Party Bookings, resulting in 22.8% of occupancy coming from Brand.com. 2018 results show that on average 51.5% of a Hotel's business came from their direct Hotel marketing efforts and remains to be the largest contributor to occupancies. Benefits of Brand.com ROI compared to OTA Bookings 2X Net Revenue Generated for every $1 of Investment $3.56 Benefits of Shifting Share from OTAs SOURCE OF BUSINESS OTA CONTRIBUTION IN OCCUPANCY OTA Contribution 14.9% Digital Channel Strength in Hotel Bookings 49% Room Nights Contribution from Brand.com, OTA & GDS channels Combined Source: 2019 Kalibri Labs 12 mos. ending August 2018 Source: 2019 Kalibri Labs Book Direct Campaigns 2.0 Based on a Kalibri Labs study of 19,000 hotels, Brand.com bookings generate an ROI that is nearly 2X that of OTA bookings - $8.33 as compared to $4.77 a difference of $3.56 NET REVENUE generated for every $1 of Investment This is the bigger picture for Hotels to keep booking share from OTAs down and shift it to Brand.com. This fact will continue to drive the Brands in promoting Loyalty Programs to their guests to ensure their future success. Direct channel loyalty bookings include: channel costs, commissions and a factor associated with incremental Brand.com search marketing fees. OTA investment includes: commission costs and any other channel or transaction fees. Hotels are #2 for online searching & booking 40.0% 33.0% 10.0% 8.0% 9.0% Airlines 40.0% Hotels 33.0% Activities 10.0% Rail 8.0% Other 9.0% ONLINE BOOKINGS 2014-2020 GLOBAL ACTIVITIES According to PhocusWright, Hotels are second only to Airlines in online searches and bookings when consumers are shopping for their travel needs. Side Note: There is also considerable interest in leveraging "Activities" or "Experiences" by the major Hotels Brands - i.e. Marriott has boosted its new loyalty program by emphasizing the benefits of customized, special experiences you can have a a Marriott Bonvoy member. Booking Channels Used and Booking Types Made Source: Phocuswright - Tours and Activities 2014-2020 CHANNELS USED BOOKING TYPES MADE 42.2% 18.6% 33.2% 23.8% 12.6% 15.4% 20.2% 20.8% 21.6% 9.2% 15.4% 8.6% 4.2% 4.8% 5% 3.2% Hotel's Own Site Booking Expedia Hotels Orbitz Travelocity Trip Advisor Other 0% 20% 40% Searched Booked 5 5 5 5 5 6 64 69 75 78 80 85 88 12 12 12 13 13 16 19 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Package Holiday Hotels Vacation Rentals Below graph, from the “US Online Travel Bookings” category of the survey, shows that historically since 2014 most individuals tend to book their hotel reservations as "hotel room only" rather than booking their hotel as part of a bundled “package holiday” that includes airline reservations plus activities in destination or "vacation rentals" for their stay. It is forecasted that the biggest jump will be between 2018 and this year based on YTD trends. Almost 50% of traveler research was done on the Hotel website and hotels captured 50% of these lookers to convert them to bookers. Industry statistics show, and our own data confirms, that the efforts by brands to entice consumers to book direct is making a difference. Loyalty member advertising campaigns and added perks or rewards for members have helped increase the rate of direct bookings while the OTA channel has either held steady or somewhat declined. Among the OTA channels, Expedia leads the pack and they too have close to half of searchers on their site convert to a booking. Source: Statista - "US Online Travel Bookings" 2019 Source: iResponze Survey January 2019; Ages 18-65+ Growth of Mobile and Voice Search 39.0% 10.0% 6.0% 6.0% 55.0% 84.0% OTA Hotel Sites Smartphone Tablet Desktop Source: Statista - "US Online Travel Bookings" 2019 Research shows that Hotels are lagging behind in Mobile bookings compared to OTAs. Only 10% of travelers utilize the Hotel Brand app on their smartphone while 39% of travelers utilize an OTA app when searching or booking their Hotel rooms. 1. Poor mobile user interface: poor navigation capability, cluttered look with too many options, navigation buttons too small for finger application when making a choice, text size too small, too many images to navigate through. 2. Brands misunderstanding mobile user behavior: Mobile browsing is more spontaneous in nature. Many travelers searching on a mobile app are last minute bookers and the mobile booking experience needs to reflect that. The claim to fame for OTA channels has been that travelers can find what they are looking for quickly and book it easily within 2 minutes. Hotels need to offer competitive pricing up front - one or two offers to choose from rather than a plethora of choices - and make it easy to book without a fuss. 3. Complicating the booking process: "Booking process is too long" and "checkout process is too complicated" are the top reasons travelers abandon their search. Asking customers to fill out exhaustively long forms is too much. For example, Expedia only asks for travelers name, email and credit card information. As a result, the whole process feels hassle-free. They also allow the booking confirmation to be received via text, so when a guest shows up at the hotel, they don’t have to waste time searching through emails for a booking confirmation. Could it be that travelers are more focused on searching a particular location on their phone or app and less loyal to Brand apps? They may see more advantages in using their credit card, i.e American Express, to build travel points to be used anywhere and anytime in the future, rather than building points in a particular Brand loyalty program. They may value that flexibility rather than relying on Brand availability to use earned points. Why are Hotels losing mobile share to OTAs? Here are three reasons why: 64.0% 60.0% 56.5% 54.0% 52.0% 50.5% 36.0% 40.0% 43.5% 46.0% 48.0% 49.5% 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Desktop/Laptop Mobile Since 2016, there has been a steady upward climb in the use of Mobile devices when booking Hotel rooms while use of Desktop or Laptops for bookings has dipped slightly. Based on these projections, mobile booking volume will meet and surpass use of desktop/laptop for bookings by 2021. Statistics show that the use of mobile apps in general are playing a big role in our Industry due to real time photo & video sharing with peers. This increase is due to mobile use behavior by younger demographics, i.e. use of Instagram Stories. This trend will continue to grow well into the future. Source: Skift Booking Channels Used and Booking Types Made Voice Search Results & Projections 50% By 2020 50% of all searches will be voice searches 19% of people use Siri at least once a day 44% Teens Adults Using voice search on a daily basis 2 in 5 say voice-activated devices are essential to their lives 55% Teens Source: WIX After years of research and development and overcoming AI understanding accents, pronunciations, various dialects for Voice Search, we have gotten to the stage where by the end of 2020, it is predicted that 50% of ALL searches will be voice searches. Reasons People Use Voice Search! It’s faster than typing. You can speak 110–150 words per minute, as opposed to the average person’s typing rate of 38–40 words per minute. People want quick answers. People are often second screening or otherwise occupied. 89% 65% 50% 44% 28% 15% 66% 41% 22% 13% 14% 3% 74% 63% 44% 30% 50% 20% Faceboook Instagram Twitter FBMessenger SnapChat WhatsAp 0% 50% 100% 150% 200% 250% Social Media Marketers Internet Users ROI 74% Social Marketing $$ spent vs. Usage & Success Rate Success Rate Per latest reporting from Sprout Social’s Index Edition in May 2019, Facebook and Instagram are still the best ways to spend your Social marketing dollars to reach the highest ratio of your audience. For example, 89% of dollars are being spent on Facebook advertisements and are reaching 66% of the audiences they are targeting with a 74% success rate. Source: Sprout Social - May 2019 Social Media Trends and Outlook 2020 CONVERSATION VS ADVERTISING MESSAGING - GROWING TREND 41% 59% Social Conversations are more Persuasive than Advertising 41% 59% What a brand says in direct communications by email, instant messaging or in response to a comment you have posted What a brand says in its advertising and marketing materials Consumer trust has been an important issue for the past few years. The Edelman Trust Barometer shows that 59% of those surveyed trust the direct communication with the Hotel via emails, messaging or response to a comment posted on Social in comparison to a Hotel's advertising – only at 41% of the individuals taking it at its word. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer Brands Social 37% 22% 13% 8% Messenger Instagram Snapchat WhatsApp WeChat 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Another new Social trend that has had exponential growth in 2019 is the Messaging arena. This chart shows the most popular messaging apps used by consumers. Messenger and Instagram – both apps owned by Facebook – lead the pack. Facebook Messenger is the top choice at 37% with Instagram following close behind at 22%. Snapchat, WhatsApp and WeChat fall underneath. Consumer expectations are changing. Someone is more likely to ”message” a hotel with a question if there is an option to do so with Facebook Messenger, etc. rather than call or email the Hotel. Source: SlideShare - Internet Trends 2018 ROI Social Media in Action 16% 14% 29% 15% 24% 22% 15% 40% 19% 29% 14% Loyal Fan Development Improved Sales Increased Exposure Generated Leads Increased Traffic Provided Marketplace Insight 2 Years 4 Years Brands using social media marketing for at least 2 years have found it useful for building a loyal fan base. A large percentage saw better sales results in relation to more years of social media marketing. Continuing their social media efforts resulted in increased exposure YOY consistently. With only 2 years of social media marketing efforts, leads were generated. They also reported substantially better results driving online traffic. As a bonus, it provided them with marketplace insights . Source: SocialMediaExaminer 2019 DIRECT RELATIONSHIP IS THE KEY 46% of respondents have either implemented messaging apps or are planning to do so in 2019 5 BILLION top messaging apps collectively count nearly 5 billion monthly active users 35% of Marketers say "meeting the Messaging demands is a challenge" 69% of U.S. respondents say that "directly messaging a company helps them feel more confident about that brand" Source: SlideShare - Internet Trends 2018 49% 30% 23% CONTENT SOCIAL MEDIA VIDEOS Per Expedia Group: 39% of these viewers discovered new brands 22% tried new Restaurants 22% booked their Hotel stay Per Facebook: 62% of Stories users became more interested in a brand or product after seeing it in stories 31% say they are more likely to use stories to connect with brands they like in the future 78% by 2021, video is predicted to make up 78% of all mobile data traffic 3% 15% 16% 9% 5% 2% 1% 3% 17% 17% 7% 4% 1% 1% 13-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 0% 5% 10% 15% FEMALE MALE It is an ideal showcase for visual content - especially with Instagram Short Stories Prized by younger travelers - ages 18-34 Has highly effective advertising capabilities Where influencers can wield the most weight Instagram Users in United States 120M Instagram Stories is where it is at. Usage grew by another Million users in just 6 months, from June 2018 to January 2019, NOW equaling 5 Million. Source: Statista 2019 Source: Expedia Group, Facebook IQ TripAdvisor's move to Social Source: TripAdvisor, September 2018 Why did TripAdvisor make the move to become a new social hub? This change follows research conducted by TripAdvisor into the most important elements to people when planning a trip. TripAdvisor’s research revealed that its users - particularly digital native users - were expecting far more value back than the effort they were willing to put in. Users liked TripAdvisor and its reviews, but they were still turning to friends and others for trusted information. Here is a highlight of their findings: 66% vs 62% 66% of people read reviews BUT 62% say recommendations from friend and family are more important 36%+ are Visual 36% watch videos, 45% look at photos and 47% read articles 66% of people read reviews 62% say recommendations from friends and family are more important than reviews 47% of people read articles 36% watch video 45% look at photos when making their travel decisions This new "hub" includes features such as: ”Travel Feed” where users will see curated content from the people they follow Real time information that is relevant to their searches Ability to save recommendations to a list – either public or private and sharable with others Map function to allow users to see nearby saved recommendations This just in... Google.com/Travel News 63.64% 45.18% 30.03% 23.14% 14.88% Google YELP TripAdvisor Facebook Other 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% Google is the review site of choice - more than any other review site Google and Facebook are showing the highest growth YOY in comparison to sites that focus primarily on reviews (such as TripAdvisor) which are seeing lesser growth YOY Google is very proactive about soliciting reviews from users Google for hoteliers now includes enhancing hotel pages with review filters, search and sorting options Source: 2018 ReviewTrackers It appears that Google’s impact on travel will be more than TripAdvisor’s move to become a “one- stop-shop”. According to the 2018 Review Trackers Online Reviews survey, Google is now the review site of choice. 63.6% of consumers say they are likely to check reviews on Google before visiting a business — more than any other review site. Key Takeaways US Hotel Industry had a profitable 2018 due to hoteliers containing costs. Direct bookings generate ROI 2X of OTA bookings Travelers are a highly mobile audience and use of Voice Search is increasing Social media and messaging are opportunities to connect and build relationships with guests 1 2 3 4 Rose Mentrie / iResponze.com CREATED BY

Transcript of 2020 Outlook - IResponze final.pdf · Food Cost of Sales 16.7% -0.4 Beverage Cost of Sales...

Page 1: 2020 Outlook - IResponze final.pdf · Food Cost of Sales 16.7% -0.4 Beverage Cost of Sales 17.9%-0.2 F&B Expenses %Total F&B Bev 5.9% 0 F&B Labor Costs % Total F&B 46.8% 0.1 F&B Dept,

Must-Know 2020Hotel Industry Trends

2019 YTD and 2020 Projections August 2019

In 2018 due to the skill of GeneralManagers and Hotel Leaderscontrolling costs, there was an

increase of 3.4% in profit growth.

2017 to 2018Profits up

2.9% 0.2 pts 3.4%







F&BF&BDepartmentDepartment 20182018 YOYYOY


Total F&B Revenue 77.53 2.8%

Food Cost of Sales 16.7% -0.4

Beverage Cost ofSales 17.9% -0.2

F&B Expenses%Total F&B Bev 5.9% 0

F&B Labor Costs% Total F&B 46.8% 0.1

F&B Dept, Profit% F&B Rev 31.7% 0.2

Total RevPAR 259.10 2.9%

Total Dept. Profit% Total Rev 60.7% 0.1

General Managers of full-service hotels foundother ways to drive revenue, i.e. in food and

beverage – which grew by2.9% Per Available Room, YOY.

Source:  HOTSTATS Hospitality


U.S. HotelIndustry

navigated forprofitable 2018

1.9 2 1.9 2

Supply Demand Occ ADR RevPar






2019 & 2020 Forecasted RevPar

STR has adjusted their latest 2019

predictions to show a slight increase in

occupancy due to demand coming in a little

higher than supply.  They are now stating

that 2019 should finish with a 2.0% RevPar

growth YOY – down by .3% from previous


2019+2.0RevPar Growth




Supply Demand Occupancy ADR RevPar






2020+1.9RevPar Gr0wth

For 2020, STR is predicting that supply will

be flat to 2019. However, demand will be

slightly lower. Therefore, Occupancy will be

down slightly at a -0.2% with the RevPar

ending at 1.9%  growth YOY with the ADR

making up for the difference of the shortfall

in occupancy.

Source: STR / Tourism Economics


$6.52 $8.33


$4.62 $4.77

Net Revenue Earned Investment Made Net Revenue Generated$0







Direct Loyalty Bookings OTA / 3rd Party Bookings






Brand.com 22.8 OTA 14.9

GDS 10.9 FIT/Wholesale 1

Group 13.9 Voice 7.9

Property Direct 28.7

Brands are slowing downthe shift to OTAs & 3rdParty Bookings, resultingin 22.8% of occupancycoming from Brand.com.

2018 results show that onaverage 51.5% of a Hotel'sbusiness came from theirdirect Hotel marketingefforts and remains to bethe largest contributor tooccupancies.

Benefits of Brand.com

ROI compared toOTA Bookings


Net RevenueGenerated for

every $1 ofInvestment


Benefits of Shifting Share from OTAs




Digital Channel Strengthin Hotel Bookings

49%Room NightsContribution fromBrand.com, OTA &GDS channelsCombined

Source: 2019 Kalibri Labs 12 mos.

ending August 2018

Source: 2019 Kalibri Labs

Book Direct Campaigns 2.0

Based on a Kalibri Labs study of 19,000 hotels, Brand.com bookings generate an ROI that isnearly 2X that of OTA bookings - $8.33 as compared to $4.77 a difference of $3.56 NETREVENUE generated for every $1 of Investment

This is the bigger picture for Hotels to keep booking share from OTAs down and shift it toBrand.com. This fact will continue to drive the Brands in promoting Loyalty Programs to theirguests to ensure their future success.

Direct channel loyalty bookings include: channel costs, commissions and a factor associated with incremental Brand.com

search marketing fees.

OTA investment includes: commission costs and any other channel or transaction fees.

Hotels are #2  for onlinesearching & booking




8.0%9.0% Airlines 40.0%

Hotels 33.0%

Activities 10.0%

Rail 8.0%

Other 9.0%


According to PhocusWright, Hotels are second only to Airlines in online searches andbookings when consumers are shopping for their travel needs.

Side Note: There is also considerable interest in leveraging "Activities" or "Experiences" bythe major Hotels Brands - i.e. Marriott has boosted its new loyalty program by emphasizing thebenefits of customized, special experiences you can have a a Marriott Bonvoy member.

Booking Channels Used andBooking Types Made

Source: Phocuswright - Tours and

Activities 2014-2020


















Hotel's Own Site






Trip Advisor


0% 20% 40%

Searched Booked

5 5 5 5 5 6



75 78 80

85 88

12 12 12 13 13 16 19

2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Package Holiday Hotels

Vacation Rentals

Below graph, from the “US Online TravelBookings” category of the survey, shows thathistorically since 2014 most individuals tend tobook their hotel reservations as "hotel room only"rather than booking their hotel as part of abundled “package holiday” that includes airlinereservations plus activities in destination or"vacation rentals" for their stay. It is forecastedthat the biggest jump will be between 2018 andthis year based on YTD trends.

Almost 50% of traveler research was done on theHotel website and hotels captured 50% of theselookers to convert them to bookers. Industrystatistics show, and our own data confirms, thatthe efforts by brands to entice consumers to bookdirect is making a difference. Loyalty member advertising campaigns andadded perks or rewards for members have helpedincrease the rate of direct bookings while the OTAchannel has either held steady or somewhatdeclined. Among the OTA channels, Expedia leads thepack and they too have close to half of searcherson their site convert to a booking.

Source: Statista - "US Online Travel

Bookings" 2019

Source: iResponze Survey January

2019; Ages 18-65+

Growth of Mobile andVoice Search







OTA Hotel Sites




Source: Statista - "US Online Travel

Bookings"  2019  

Research shows that Hotels are lagging behind in Mobile bookings compared to OTAs. Only 10% of travelersutilize the Hotel Brand app on their smartphone while 39% of travelers utilize an OTA app when searching orbooking their Hotel rooms. 

1. Poor mobile user interface: poor navigation capability, cluttered look with too many options,navigation buttons too small for finger application when making a choice, text size too small, toomany images to navigate through.

2. Brands misunderstanding mobile user behavior: Mobile browsing is more spontaneous in nature.Many travelers searching on a mobile app are last minute bookers and the mobile booking experienceneeds to reflect that. The claim to fame for OTA channels has been that travelers can find what theyare looking for quickly and book it easily within 2 minutes. Hotels need to offer competitive pricingup front - one or two offers to choose from rather than a plethora of choices - and make it easy tobook without a fuss.

3. Complicating the booking process: "Booking process is too long" and "checkout process is toocomplicated" are the top reasons travelers abandon their search. Asking customers to fill outexhaustively long forms is too much.   For example, Expedia only asks for travelers name, email andcredit card information. As a result, the whole process feels hassle-free. They also allow the bookingconfirmation to be received via text, so when a guest shows up at the hotel, they don’t have to wastetime searching through emails for a booking confirmation.

Could it be that travelers are more focused on searching a particular location on their phone or app and lessloyal to Brand apps? They may see more advantages in using their credit card, i.e American Express, to buildtravel points to be used anywhere and anytime in the future, rather than building points in a particular Brandloyalty program. They may value that flexibility rather than relying on Brand availability to use earned points.

 Why are Hotels losing mobile share to OTAs?  Here are three reasons why:

64.0% 60.0% 56.5% 54.0% 52.0% 50.5%





2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

Desktop/Laptop Mobile

Since 2016, there has been a steady upward climb in the useof Mobile devices when booking Hotel rooms while use ofDesktop or Laptops for bookings has dipped slightly.  Basedon these projections, mobile booking volume will meet andsurpass use of desktop/laptop for bookings by 2021.  Statistics show that the use of mobile apps in general areplaying a big role in our Industry due to real time photo &video sharing with peers. This increase is due to  mobile usebehavior by younger demographics,  i.e.  use of InstagramStories. This trend will continue to grow well into the future.

Source: Skift 

Booking Channels Used andBooking Types Made

Voice Search Results &Projections


By 2020

50%of all searcheswill be voicesearches

19%of people useSiri at leastonce a day

44%Teens Adults

Using voicesearch on a daily


2 in 5say voice-activateddevices are essentialto their lives


Source: WIX 

After years of research and development and overcoming AI understanding accents, pronunciations, various

dialects for Voice Search, we have gotten to the stage where by the end of 2020, it is predicted that 50% of ALL

searches will be voice searches.

Reasons People Use Voice Search!It’s faster than typing.You can speak 110–150 words per minute, as opposed to the average person’s typingrate of 38–40 words per minute.People want quick answers. People are often second screening or otherwise occupied.


65%50% 44%










30% 50%


Faceboook Instagram Twitter FBMessenger SnapChat WhatsAp0%






Social Media Marketers Internet Users



Social Marketing $$ spentvs. Usage & Success Rate

Success Rate

Per latest reporting from Sprout Social’s Index Edition in May 2019, Facebook and Instagram are still the

best ways to spend your Social marketing dollars to reach the highest ratio of your audience.

For example, 89% of dollars are being spent on Facebook advertisements and are reaching 66% of the

audiences they are targeting with a 74% success rate. Source: Sprout Social - May 2019

Social Media Trends andOutlook 2020





Social Conversations are more Persuasive than Advertising

41%59%What a brand says in

direct communications

by email, instant

messaging or in response

to a comment you have


What a brand says in its

advertising and

marketing materials 

Consumer trust has been an important issue for the past few years. The Edelman Trust Barometer shows that

59% of those surveyed trust the direct communication with the Hotel via emails, messaging or response to a

comment posted on Social in comparison to a Hotel's advertising – only at 41% of the individuals taking it at its

word. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust

Barometer Brands Social 










0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Another new Social trend that has hadexponential growth in 2019 is theMessaging arena. This chart shows the mostpopular messaging apps used byconsumers.  Messenger and Instagram – both appsowned by Facebook – lead the pack.Facebook Messenger is the top choice at37% with Instagram following close behindat 22%. Snapchat, WhatsApp and WeChatfall underneath.  Consumer expectations are changing.Someone is more likely to ”message” a hotelwith a question if there is an option to do sowith Facebook Messenger, etc. rather thancall or email the Hotel.  

Source: SlideShare -

Internet Trends 2018 

ROISocial Media in Action










Loyal FanDevelopment

Improved Sales IncreasedExposure


Increased Traffic ProvidedMarketplace






2 Years 4 Years

Brands using social media marketing forat least 2 years have found it useful forbuilding a loyal fan base.A large percentage saw better salesresults in relation to more years of socialmedia marketing.Continuing their social media effortsresulted in increased exposure YOYconsistently.With only 2 years of social mediamarketing efforts, leads were generated.They also reported substantially betterresults driving online traffic.As a bonus, it provided them withmarketplace insights . 

Source: SocialMediaExaminer 2019


46%of respondents have

either implemented

messaging apps or are

planning to do so in



top messaging apps

collectively count nearly

5 billion monthly active


35%of Marketers say

"meeting the Messaging

demands is a challenge"

69%of U.S. respondents say

that "directly messaging a

company helps them feel

more confident about

that brand"

Source: SlideShare - Internet Trends








Per Expedia Group:39% of these viewers discovered new brands22% tried new Restaurants22% booked their Hotel stayPer Facebook:62% of  Stories users became moreinterested in a brand or product after seeingit in stories31% say they are more likely to use stories toconnect with brands they like in the future

78%by 2021, video is

predicted tomake up 78% ofall mobile data


15% 16%





17% 17%



1% 1%

13-17 18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+






It is an ideal showcase for visual content -especially with Instagram Short StoriesPrized by younger travelers - ages 18-34Has highly effective advertising capabilitiesWhere influencers can wield the most weight

Instagram Usersin United States

120MInstagram Stories is where it is at. Usage grew by

another Million users in just 6 months, from June

2018 to January 2019, NOW equaling 5 Million.

Source: Statista 2019Source: Expedia Group,

Facebook IQ

TripAdvisor's move to Social

Source: TripAdvisor, September 2018  

Why did TripAdvisor make the move to become a new social hub? This change follows research conducted byTripAdvisor into the most important elements to people when planning a trip. TripAdvisor’s researchrevealed that its users - particularly digital native users - were expecting far more value back than the effortthey were willing to put in. Users liked TripAdvisor and its reviews, but they were still turning to friends andothers for trusted information.  Here is a highlight of their findings:  


66% of people read

reviews BUT 62% say

recommendations from

friend and family are more




36% watch videos, 45%

look at photos and 47%

read articles

66% of people read reviews62% say recommendations from friends and family are more important than reviews47% of people read articles36% watch video45% look at photos when making their travel decisions

This new "hub" includes features such as:”Travel Feed” where users will see curated content from the people they followReal time information that is relevant to their searchesAbility to save recommendations to a list – either public or private and sharable with othersMap function to allow users to see nearby saved recommendations

This just in...

Google.com/Travel News





Google YELP TripAdvisor Facebook Other0%








Google is the review site of choice - more than any other review siteGoogle and Facebook are showing the highest growth YOY in comparison to sites that focusprimarily on reviews (such as TripAdvisor) which are seeing lesser growth YOYGoogle is very proactive about soliciting reviews from usersGoogle for hoteliers now includes enhancing hotel pages with review filters, search and sortingoptions 

Source:  2018 ReviewTrackers 

It appears that Google’s impact on travel will be more than TripAdvisor’s move to become a “one-

stop-shop”.  According to the 2018 Review Trackers Online Reviews survey, Google is now the

review site of choice. 63.6% of consumers say they are likely to check reviews on Google before

visiting a business — more than any other review site. 

Key Takeaways

US Hotel Industryhad a profitable2018 due tohoteliers containingcosts.

Direct bookingsgenerate ROI 2Xof OTA bookings

Travelers are ahighly mobileaudience and useof Voice Searchis increasing

Social media andmessaging areopportunities toconnect and buildrelationships withguests

1 2 3 4

Rose Mentrie / iResponze.com