2020 Christian Education and College Guidereturning students have a good chance at winning...

n Christian college changed my life n Money matters for parents n Financial aid myths n Top 11 reasons to consider a Christian university education n Tips for parents of a college student n College Bios n Why choose Christian Education for your children? n The Christian school difference n Why choose homeschooling? n K-12 School Bios 2020 Christian Education and College Guide

Transcript of 2020 Christian Education and College Guidereturning students have a good chance at winning...

Page 1: 2020 Christian Education and College Guidereturning students have a good chance at winning scholarships and awards based on their success on campus— academic, artistic, athletic

n Christian college changed my life

n Money matters for parents

n Financial aid myths

n Top 11 reasons to consider a Christian university education

n Tips for parents of a college student

n College Bios

n Why choose Christian Education for your children?

n The Christian school difference

n Why choose homeschooling?

n K-12 School Bios

2020 Christian Education and College Guide

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By Tara Ryan Walker It’s pretty common to hear people talk about their college years as life-changing experiences. College is a time when people go out on their own for the first time and take big steps in fig-uring out who they are. That was the case for me. When I graduated from Missouri’s Hannibal-LaGrange College, I was a very different person from who I was when I first stepped foot on campus. Most of the major changes in my life are because of the specific opportuni-ties I found at a Christian college. There were many differences between the pre-college Tara and the post-college Tara. Here are three of them: Understanding the Word When I started college, I was a “baby Christian.” My Bible knowledge was very limited. I’d tried to read the Bible but I just didn’t get it. I thought the Old Testament was especially con-fusing. I didn’t understand all those laws, rituals and sacrifices. I didn’t see

how any of it applied to me. Because I didn’t get the Bible, I had no interest in even trying. However, Old Testament was a required general education course at Hannibal-LaGrange. I never would have taken this class on my own, but it opened my eyes. I began to see that God instituted

the laws and rituals to show people his holiness. Other courses made God’s Word come alive in ways I never would have discovered on my own. As an upper-classman, I took classes in analytical Bible studies and used tools like Bible dictionaries and commentaries. My

professors challenged me to go beyond the surface and look for the deeper meaning of a passage. And the amaz-ing thing: I learned how! The post-college Tara enjoyed reading God’s Word—and God gave

Christian College Changed My Life College sparked my spiritual journey and led me to a place of deeper faith

Faculty Research and antidotal stories continue to prove that faculty are amongst the top influencers in the university experience for college stu-dents. No matter if you're attending a rural liberal arts college, a suburban commu-nity college or even an urban university--- professors weld tremendous influence in the minds of undergraduates. They are intellectually gifted individuals who hold advanced academic degrees, have a pro-tected plat-form for expressing their view-points, and hold the weight of evaluating students' aca-demic progress. All this means that students tend to hold them in high regard and are influenced greatly by

them. Faculty who are believers in Christ bring to the university a biblical framework through which they live, teach, research, publish and serve the com-munity. Gratefully, there are Christian faculty at most col-leges and universities in the country. However, it's a pow-erful thing at a Christian uni-versity to have ALL believers in Christ fulfilling their call-ing in a context of faith-based higher education. The Christian colleges assure that

a consistent faith understanding is nourished in the hearts and minds of college stu-dents. Over the course of four years that has considerable influence in their development. Curriculum The courses you take in col-lege aren't ran-dom ideas thrown together without consider-

able thought and planning. There is a logic undergirding the majors offered and the classes selected by faculty to be offered to students. At a Christian institution your courses are rigorous from a content aspect but also in that you're challenged to consider biblical principles that bring into play ethics and morality--- all the while contextualizing them and comparing them with other philosophical viewpoints.

That brings into a student's experience a challenge that causes most to unpack their faith--- and in the context of a supportive community, re-pack their faith. Research shows that faith changes con-siderably during the college years in a positive direction at Christian universities while at other types of col-leges and universities it suf-fers. In fact, the majority of Christian students at non-Christian universities will

step away from their faith during those years. Given all the choices and decisions students have during those four years that are long-last-ing--- it is important to be in the right environment. For most Christian students the best place for them is a Christian university--- in large part because of the cur-riculum.

Top 11 reasons why students should consider a Christian college today

Interview by LaTonya Taylor Personal finance expert Deborah Ross Nayrocker is deter-mined to help families live debt-free lives. In her book, The Art of Debt-Free Living: Living Large on Less Than You Earn (Pleasant Word), Deborah provides tips and strategies to help people manage their money. But Deborah is more than a financial expert: She’s also a par-ent and a strong supporter of Christian colleges. Deborah’s and her husband both graduated from Christian universities. Their daughter recently graduated from a Christain college, and their son starts at at one this fall. In this interview, Deborah answers common questions about preparing financially for college, finding financial aid, and teaching your high school student money management skills for college and beyond. How should a family prepare financially for the college years? Families pay for college using yesterday’s money, today’s money or tomorrow’s money. Yesterday’s money comes from savings, today’s money comes from a family’s current income, and tomorrow’s money is the money borrowed for a student’s education. As their children approach their freshman year in college, parents need to pay off as much credit card debt—as much of yesterday’s money—as possible. This provides more of today’s money to go toward col-

Money Matters

for Parents

n See MONEY on page 17

Expert advice for managing money during

the college years.

n See REASONS on page 14

n See COLLEGE on page 16

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Don’t get pulled in by rumors that just aren’t true. Here are five common myths about financial aid—read on to separate fact from fiction.

Myth: Members of the “middle class” have a big disadvantage when it comes to paying for college.

Truth: While students from middle-class families might miss out on some need-based funding like Pell Grants, they’re usually at an advantage when it comes to scholarships, based on the academic and athletic resources they had in high school. And financial aid awards depend on a lot more than income. Family size, assets and number of kids in college are just a few factors that go into the equation.

Myth: Schools offer freshman finan-cial incentives, then drop aid from year to year.

Truth: Colleges often offer a little extra to help students get a foot in the door. But the amount of loans students can take out goes up every year. Plus, returning students have a good chance at winning scholarships and awards based on their success on campus—academic, artistic, athletic or leader-ship-related.

Myth: It’s better not to work during the school year and summer, because you’ll receive a better financial aid package.

Truth: You have to weigh your losses against your gains. Maybe your sum-mer income will keep you from quali-

fying for a $1,000 Pell Grant. But your job might earn you $2,000-$5,000 instead. So is skipping out on the job a good idea? No, it’s bad stewardship.

Myth: If a student declares herself independent (so her parents can’t claim her on her taxes), she’ll get a fantastic financial aid package.

Truth: Unless you’re over 23 years old, a veteran, married, a parent, in graduate school, or an orphan or ward of the court, you cannot be considered “independent” by the government, even if you cut Mom and Dad out of the equation. As far as taxes and federal money are concerned, you’re still a dependent.

Myth: Billions of unclaimed scholar-ship dollars are just waiting to be won.

Truth: Unclaimed scholarships go unclaimed for a reason—they’re only offered to a red-headed, left-handed cricket player from Maine, for instance. Many scams use the “billions of dol-lars” line to rope parents and students into paying big money to scholarship-finding services. The experts concur: Anyone claiming he’ll lead you to the billion-dollar treasure chest is just try-ing to claim a few of your dollars for himself.

–Financial aid experts from the fol-lowing schools helped us bust these myths: Olivet Nazarene University in Bourbonnais, Illinois; Calvary University in Kansas City, Missouri; and Dallas Baptist University in Dallas, Texas.

No foolin’: Financial Aid MythsYou want to

make a difference in the world? We want to help. Our world is saturated with the physical and spiritual needs of mankind. Everywhere you look you see peo-ple that are hurt-ing, hungry, needy, poor, lonely, and with-out hope yearn-ing for some-thing or someone to help. Our world is looking for people that want to make a difference in the lives of others and we want to equip you to make that differ-ence.

Baptist Bible College has been a powerhouse of ministry training since 1950. Our alumni serve all over the world feeding people, helping people, and guiding people to the only one who can make a true difference in their life. Jesus. We will educate you, train you, equip you, and connect you

to global partners to help you fulfill your mission.

We offer degrees in Ministry and Professional fields including under-graduate degrees in Business, Education, Pastoral, Missions, Missions with Nursing (Associates In Nursing), Cross Cultural Studies, Worship, and Biblical Counseling. Our Theological Seminary includes

Master’s degrees in Church Ministries, Biblical Counseling, and Divinity.

Take the next step and learn how BBC can help you make a difference in the world.

Contact us at gobbc.edu. Follow us on social media @bbcandts

Are you ready to make a difference? We want to help.

Baptist Bible College

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Concordia University, Nebraska is a place where you can find your call-ing and be equipped to answer it. The foundation of our Christ-centered, Lutheran university is evident in the community who gathers to worship together, the classmates who genuinely support each other in successes and challenges and the professor who cares about every aspect of your wellbeing. Concordia continues to emphasize the Christ-centered message of the Gospel in the higher education deliv-ered to students, including four foun-dational promises of a Lutheran edu-cation—community, inquiry, purpose and wisdom. The variety of programs and qual-ity of the academics allow you to explore your passions and choose a

course of study that you are confident about pursuing. Professors integrate Christ, service to others and practical skill-building opportunities within academic content and provide experi-ential opportunities for you to put the culture and knowledge gained in the classroom into practice in the real world. At Concordia, you’ll be surround-ed by students, professors and a com-munity who will help you discover who you are, and what you want to be. Here, you can make a bigger impact than you ever imagined, in a place where you can be yourself, share your opinions and find your way with the loving support of a community. That’s what makes Concordia feel like home.

Concordia University, Nebraska

Faithfully focused on your future Central Methodist University

has provided high-quality educa-tion to Missouri and beyond since 1854. Located in Fayette, Missouri, the university welcomes students of all backgrounds of faith and has plenty of on-campus options for those who wish to express or cele-brate their beliefs.

For students of the Methodist faith, CMU offers an extraordinary scholarship opportunity – a 50 percent tuition discount for all four years, the United Methodist Half-Tuition Scholarship. To quali-fy, students must be an active United Methodist Church mem-ber, have a 2.5 cumulative GPA to be eligible, and maintain a 2.0 while a CMU student.

Central has a wide variety of undergraduate programs of study,

including a Religion and Church Leadership major. This major pre-pares students for a variety of leadership roles in the church. Between biblical studies, a variety of electives in religion, and classes from other disciplines, students receive a well-rounded experience that prepares them for success.

Ensuring students have the highest level of technology at their fingertips, Central’s “Digital U” gives each undergraduate student at CMU’s main campus their own personal Apple iPad, loaded with apps and other features to enhance the academic experience and build connections.

Central Methodist University continues to evolve and enhance its way of teaching to stay ahead of professional expectations profes-sional expectations

Central Methodist University

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Life happens in the real world. And life happens here, at Dordt. Let’s make sure you have what you need to make the most of it.

REAL COMMUNITY Eighty-nine percent of students

live on campus. That means you’ll experience a Christian campus community that builds you up and pushes you to grow every day.

REAL ENGAGEMENT The Wall Street Journal and

Times Higher Education has ranked Dordt #1 in student engagement four years running. Students aren’t just here to earn a degree – they’re here to be chal-lenged in every part of their lives.

REAL DISCIPLESHIP With a comprehensive curricu-

lum that prepares students to live

as His disciples in His world, Dordt equips students to work effectively toward Christ-centered renewal in all aspects of life.

Did you know? n 98% of Dordt students

receive financial aid. That’s right – the average out-of-pocket cost for a student is $14,960 per year.

n Plus 91.5% of Dordt grads complete their degree in four years – higher than the national average – and 99% of ’19 grads found a job or went to grad school within 6 months of graduation.

n We offer more than 40 pro-grams of study, including agricul-ture, education, business, nursing, and engineering; plus Pro-Tech: a two-year technical degree!

Dordt University

Have you ever been told there’s just one way to be a Christian? Or have you ever felt that there are so many ways to be a Christian, it is difficult to fig-ure out which one is right?

Calvin University is here to help you wrestle with big questions of faith, not to put you in a box. Every professor you’ll meet here is committed to follow-ing Jesus—and that commitment illuminates their life, scholarship, and teaching. But the subjects they teach, the work they do, and their expressions of faith are unique.

God designed you uniquely, too. Here at Calvin you’ll find your-

self in a community full of agents of renewal, ready to step into the world and join in Christ’s work of making all things new.

We believe your gifts—in God’s hands—will encourage, improve, and better communities.

Does that sound exciting to you? Good.

Does that sound hard and con-fusing? It doesn’t have to be.

We’re home to the unique step-by-step Calvin LifeWork program, taking the guesswork out of your preparation for a meaningful career and life after graduation.

Whether you’re an engineer or an English major, a sculptor or a chemist, or perhaps all of these at once, you’re invited to explore the limitless learning possibilities at Calvin.

Here you’ll encounter Christian education with depth and rigor, heart and mind, creativity and innovation. Here you’ll experience renewal firsthand.

Get started at calvin.edu.

Calvin University

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Heartland Christian College

One of the toughest questions peo-ple face is, “What should I do with my life?” The answer to that is more than just where you go to school and what your career might be. And this can be hard to figure out. Our desire at Heartland Christian College is to help you develop a firm foundation in character and relationship with God as He leads you in that discovery.

Setting aside a concentrated time to deepen your personal relationship with Jesus and to study His Word is the best way to do that. As a two-year Bible College accredited through the Association of Biblical Higher Education, HCC offers an Associate Degree in Biblical Studies with a con-

centration in Worship, Education, Missions, or Interdisciplinary Studies.

Two short years spent at HCC focusing on God and allowing yourself to be challenged and encouraged through the personal discipleship available will be time well invested. He has a plan for you, and we want to help you prepare for it.

Located in the beautiful country-side of northeast Missouri, HCC offers an opportunity to focus on God and become the person He created you to BE, so you can DO what He has called you to do. As a college that is commit-ted to providing cost-effective educa-tion and personal growth, HCC just makes sense.

Southwest Baptist University is a leader among private universities in the Midwest in integrating Christ-cen-tered academic pursuits with compre-hensive professional programs at an affordable price. Faculty and staff cre-ate a caring, aca-demic community to prepare students as servant leaders in a global society.

SBU’s southwest Missouri campus in Bolivar, Mo., is home to about 1,400 undergraduate stu-dents with a stu-dent-teacher ratio of 12:1 — and fac-ulty who care about their students. SBU students have achieved success in regional, state and national academic competitions, and graduates are serv-ing in all levels of government and have had successful careers with major corporations.

Additionally, SBU has been named one of America’s 100 Best College Buys since 1996 and America’s Best Christian Colleges since 1997.

While providing a quality educa-tion in the classroom is the

University’s top priority, SBU expands education beyond academics, with more than 45 student organizations that span a broad range of interests and passions.

SBU also provides opportunities

for spiritual growth. The University’s Center for Global Connections encourages students to strengthen their faith through chapel services, small groups, mission team participa-tion and community service. More than 300 students participate annually in mission projects around the world. Many SBU graduates have been cho-sen to pastor churches, lead worship and serve as missionaries.

For more information, visit www.SBUniv.edu.

Southwest Baptist University

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Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Oral Roberts University is one of the world’s leading Spirit-empowered, Christian universities. At ORU, every aspect of your education is designed to take your innovative ideas to the next level. From our world-class Global Learning Center to our cutting-edge virtual reality simulator, ORU is a place where you can see your dreams transformed into reality. You matter at ORU, and we want to surround you with resources that will prepare you for the vocation God has designed you for. Learn more at oru.edu.

Join ORU and embrace an educa-tion that will transform you into the world-changing leader you were creat-ed to be.


At ORU, we believe that YOU were made by God on purpose for a pur-pose. That’s why we offer over 150 online and on-campus majors, minors, concentrations and pre-pro-fessional programs spanning countless interests at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral level.

Explore ORU degrees at explore-majors.oru.edu.


ORU offers academic awards, need-based aid for those who qualify, division 1 athletic scholarships, talent awards and Quest Whole Leader scholarships ranging up to the cost of full-tuition per year making ORU more affordable than you think. For a full list visit finaid.oru.edu.

Oral Roberts University


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Harding University is a Christ-cen-tered community united by a bold mission: to bring together authentic faith, learning and living. For nearly 100 years we have surrounded our remarkable students with compassion and care, developing and inspiring future leaders and people who are committed to making a difference.

With more than 100 undergradu-ate majors and more than 20 graduate and professional programs, Harding will prepare and equip you to be a leader in your field. The education you find here is shaped by purpose, offer-ing far more than an excellent degree. At Harding, alongside students from across the U.S. — and more than 50

nations and territories — you will invest in your future as you find your calling.

Our largely residential campus strives to emulate a community of mission, offering free and low-cost services and events to our students and Searcy neighbors, along with more than 100 clubs and organizations that provide opportunities to serve and build connections.

From our beautiful Arkansas cam-pus to every corner of the world, you will seek and serve, build and refine, grow and create wherever God calls you.

Find your place and your mission here.

Harding University

Founded in 1827, Lindenwood’s historic 550-acre campus is positioned in the heart of St. Charles, MO, a grow-ing community of more than 70,000 residents just west of St. Louis. This places students in a unique location that allows for flourishing academic experiences and career opportunities.

We are a private institution firmly rooted in Judeo-Christian values. These values consist of a belief in an ordered, purposeful universe, integrity and dedication of our faculty to stu-dent success, and building a strong community that supports, encourages and empowers the student body to attain their goals in life.

Our undergraduate population consists of a diverse group of around 4,100 students with representation from 47 of the United States and more

than 70 countries. These students can select from more than 90 different aca-demic degrees on campus ranging from Business, Education and Humanities to Game Design, Fashion, or Athletic Training (and many more)!

We focus heavily on building a tight-knit community among our stu-dent body through leadership, profes-sional development, and student involvement. There are nearly 85 dif-ferent student organizations across campus that include campus min-istries, sports (collegiate and intramu-ral), Greek life, student government, and the opportunity to start your own club!

Call us to schedule a campus visit today and see if LU could be the right fit for YOU!

Lindenwood University

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At Mid-America Christian University, we believe that everyone who desires to learn and follow God’s vision for their life should have the means to achieve it. That’s why we’re dedicated to offering our students an accredited, cost-effective education that is grounded in the love and serv-ice of Jesus Christ.

Located in the heart of Oklahoma City, MACU’s campus life is vibrant and growing. There are so many opportunities for students to get involved on and off campus. Through the Student Government Association, there are many student organizations for students to join. Mid-America Christian University also places an intentional emphasis in helping stu-

dents grow in their leadership. Through Iron Men and Women of Valor, students have the opportunity to learn leadership tools and to net-work with business leaders from dif-ferent fields around Oklahoma.

Whether you’re a high school sen-ior or college transfer looking for a traditional campus experience as a res-ident or a commuter, MACU has over 25 degree programs that are built for you.

For more information on how to become an Evangel, call our admis-sions office at 405.692.3281 or email us at [email protected].

Mid-America Christian University

For over 75 years, Ozark Christian College has held fast to one mission: training men and women for Christian service. Today, Ozark’s 15,000 alumni serve in all 50 states and in over 100 countries around the world. OCC stands as one of the largest undergrad-uate Bible colleges in the country.

Ozark is nationally accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education and holds regional accredi-tation candidacy status with the Higher Learning Commission. Ozark’s outstanding biblical training, Christian community, and global service oppor-tunities equip students for all kinds of ministry: missions, music, youth and children’s ministry, preaching, pastoral counseling, organizational leadership, and an entire bachelor’s degree online.

Outside the classroom, Ozark’s

well-known athletics programs have received many honors, including five national championships. A member of the National Christian College Association of Athletics, OCC offers competitive basketball, cross country, women’s volleyball, and men’s soccer. Students also participate in intramural sports, drama, performance groups, and other activities that build commu-nity and further prepare them for Christian service.

Many people want to serve God and make a difference with their lives, but they aren’t sure where to start. At Ozark Christian College, we provide the training you’ll need for the king-dom assignment God has for you.

Your mission is out there. Training starts here. occ.edu

Ozark Christian College

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Evangel UniversityDefining moments are made at

Evangel. Affiliated with the Assemblies of God, Evangel is a comprehensive uni-versity with a semi-nary. Students have the opportunity to earn degrees from the bachelor’s to the doc-toral level in one con-venient location. Through theology, business, science, music, education, the arts, and many other programs, Evangel prepares you for a life of impact.

Among Christian universities nationwide, Evangel stands out as an extremely competitive option for stu-dents seeking quality, value, and affordability. EU awards more than $40 million in financial aid annually, with 100% of incoming students receiving EU scholarships. Furthermore, our faculty are equipped with pristine facilities and the latest resources to ensure you are prepared to fulfill your vocational calling.

As an Evangel student, you’ll expe-rience a nurturing, Christ-centered environment. The culture helps strengthen our students, faculty and

staff, and solidifies Evangel as a pre-mier Christian university full of peo-

ple who strive for education rooted in a biblical worldview.

Added to all this are Evangel’s out-standing athletics. We offer 16 men’s and women’s sports, including soccer, and compete in the Heart of America Athletic Conference.

Located in Springfield, Missouri, Evangel combines the accessibility of a larger city with the natural beauty of the Ozarks. In fact, Springfield has been named one of the nation’s “100 Best Communities for Young People.”

Your defining moment starts now. Visit evangel.edu or call 800.EVAN-GEL.

All Grown Up. Your role with your child will change, but your bond will not. You will still serve as the primary influence in your child's life. Your relationship with your child as an adult will last for more years than when your child lived at home. The transition to this new relationship will take a while and may be challenging at times as your child establishes his or her independence. However, you will both benefit if you are able to provide appropriate chal-lenges and support. Communication 101. You will be communicating less frequently, but keep the communica-tion lines open. Use email or other social media as a resource as your stu-dent may be busy. Do not call every day. Keep them on Campus. Welcome your student home, but encourage him/her to stay on campus as much as possible. Colleges work diligently the first six weeks to help students acclimate to campus, develop friendships, and get involved in cam-pus activities. Avoid "managing." Encourage your child to take own-ership of his/her college experience.

Rather than trying to solve her prob-lems for him/her, guide him/her to make smart decisions and to talk to someone on campus who can help your child work through the problem. Resist calling to solve problems. FERPA. When your child becomes a college student, he assumes the rights over educational information, even if you pay the bill. Your child will need to sign a FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act) form in the Registrar's Office or online to allow you to have access to their educational records. Applaud Academics. Encourage your student to keep in good academic standing and be under-standing if he/she struggles in a class or two. Have a Discussion. Make sure you and your student take time to discuss the Community Covenant and Code of Conduct. Make Connections. Encourage your child to know his CA or RA (the student employed by the college that is responsible for a floor in each dorm building), RD, and academic advisor.

Celebrate! Try not to focus on departure or being away from your child. Instead, celebrate her college acceptance and be excited for her to enter this new phase of life. Keep them Updated. Talk to your child about what is happening at home. Nothing can be more shocking to a student than com-ing home to a place that doesn't "feel" like home because of change. Keep him/her updated once in a while so your child still feels like part of the family even while away at college.

Tips for Parents of a College Student

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Kansas Christian College is a Christ-centered and student driven school located at 74th St. and Metcalf Ave. in Overland Park, Kansas - a thriving Kansas City suburb filled with businesses and charming residen-tial communities.

Our campus offers several stu-dent lounges, dorm rooms, apartments, superb dining, and recreational space. Our location offers easy access to off campus activities as well – within the immediate area, students can find restaurants, coffee shops, grocery stores, pharmacies, parks, and a variety of job opportunities.

Kansas Christian provides several degree programs: Pastoral Ministry, Youth Ministry, Teacher Education, Worship Leadership, Performance Music, Business Leadership, and General Studies.

Our area is known for sports and the outdoors – and Kansas Christian delivers exciting sports programs with men’s basketball and soccer teams; and women’s basketball, soccer and volley-ball programs.

Kansas Christian provides a cre-

ative outlet for students interested in theatre and music with our drama team and praise band.

We strive to provide a place where students can find their place, with

Christ at the center of all we do. Kansas Christian staff and faculty

connect with students in meaningful ways – allowing students to develop spiritually, academically, and socially. Our low faculty to student ratio pro-vides opportunities for more engaged and beneficial learning, and most importantly, a campus atmosphere full of fellowship.

Whether you know your calling or are still finding your purpose; you plan on living on-campus, commuting or taking classes online, there’s a place for you at Kansas Christian College.

Visit KCC today – you belong here! www.kansaschristian.edu 913-722-0272

Kansas Christian College

SCU is an exciting place to be! Since its founding in 1946, the University continues to foster a spiritu-ally vibrant, academically rigorous, and mission fervent community of vision-aries seeking to make a difference in this world.

Our vision for a Christian liberal arts education pursued from the per-spective of the Biblical Christian worldview is expressed in more than 30 undergraduate degree programs, and attracts students from more than 20 different nations.

Our Pentecostal blueprint for Christian living, undergirded by our core values of Scholarship, Spirit and Service, makes SCU a perfect place for preparing the total person to succeed

and excel in careers, callings, and in life.

Our location in the City of Bethany, which is in the Metropolitan area of Oklahoma City, and our prox-imity to Will Rogers World Airport (OKC) and state and interstate high-ways, makes the SCU campus easily accessible.

Our continuous campus improve-ments and the restructuring of faculty and staff have added to the excitement of student life at SCU.

In addition, our athletic teams compete in the prestigious Sooner Athletic Conference in the NAIA and this allows for involvement in missions trips both locally, regionally, and around the world.

Southwestern Christian University

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Emmaus Bible CollegeAre you ready to impact the world

for Christ? If you said yes, then Emmaus Bible College is the place for you! Our missions is to help you impact the world for Christ in both

your career and your life as a Christian. All of our students study the Bible as part of their core curricu-lum and then also study majors like computer programing, counseling, applied math, business, counseling, healthcare, teaching, ministry and the-ology.

At Emmaus our faculty challenge our students to think for themselves

and to stand up for what they believe. All of our classes are infused with Biblical content and are taught by fac-ulty who are excellent teachers, aca-demic scholars and Christian role

models who truly care about you. They will invest in your life – teaching you, chal-lenging you, mentor-ing you, and inspir-ing you to live the life God has planned for you.

Emmaus is a tight-knit communi-ty where you will develop life-long friendships. With your classmates you will have the oppor-tunity to experience a vibrant life outside of the classroom. You will grow spiritually

through chapels, small groups, and the servant-leader training program. You will have opportunities for fun through frequent campus-wide events, intra-mural sports, and inter-collegiate sports.

Check us out at www.emmaus.edu. Schedule a visit at www.emmaus.edu/visit.

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Spurgeon College

From top to bottom, Spurgeon College is positioned to train young men and women who are serious about honoring God with their lives, and are serious about their studies as being preparatory for a life of Christian service, whether in or out-side of traditional ministry roles. With the slogan “For the Kingdom,” we intend to signal a broad scope of edu-cational possibilities. Bible, theology, missions, and ministry will ever remain the pulsing heart of what we do at Spurgeon College, but we also wish to equip and train Christians to

enter into the public square—whether that’s in the business world, or as a public or private school teacher, a banker, marketer, etc. At Spurgeon College, we want to equip students with a sturdy biblical worldview while tethering them to the local church, wherever that may be, at home in the States or in the Christian world abroad.

A campus community centered on the Gospel

The Spurgeon College campus is warm and engaging. The options for

local church membership are numer-ous and the fellowships are gracious. Our professors love their students and make ample time for coffees, lunches, and informal get-togethers. Kansas City is a fun and vibrant place to live and explore. And if you’re looking for a campus culture that is centered on the gospel and all of its implications, this is the campus you’re looking for. The gracious community spirit is the beating heart of campus life, while the fun fellowships, conferences and con-certs, and numerous leadership oppor-tunities keep the place jumping.

A college for the kingdom

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Finances It's a well known fact that higher education is pricey, especially at private colleges and for those from out of state studying at public universities. Christian colleges are committed to their mission to a degree that they do significant fundraising to help pro-vide financial assistance to students to help meet the cost of education. The scholarships and grants coupled with federal and state aid help bring the out-of-pocket cost to manageable lev-els for many families. Look beyond the published price and realize that's not what most students end up paying to the university. The investment is still significant, but so are the results in the type of student that graduates from a Christian university. A Culture of Care While not all Christian colleges are the same--- they do have a common goal of having a culture of care for students that provides a support environment in which to learn and grow. That doesn't mean your mom is standing over you watching your every move. It's living in a community that sup-ports you and upholds you in the tough times and celebrates your good times. Not all college types are able to fulfill that as well as Christian universi-ties. Other colleges don't share a faith distinctive that fortifies students' expe-riences. Modern media provides con-stant examples of negative behaviors and outcomes that cause great heartache and in some cases, change the course of life. After Hours Some say that college comes to life after midnight! There's no doubt that's true. Christian colleges and universities offer many activities, clubs, sports, music groups and out-reach, just to name a few. However, besides those traditional extracurric-ular activities, there's spontaneous fun that happens in residence halls at

Christian universities that helps stu-dents to blow off steam. Runs to the coffee shop, game-playing, filming/editing videos, and watching old movies are just the beginning of what students do besides study for their upcoming classes. These are what make for some great memories during college. Iron Sharpens Iron We are shaped and molded in part by the company we keep. In Proverbs 27:17 it says, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another," That's certainly true during the college years. The Christian col-lege experience provides encourage-ment, as well as challenges that over time helps student mature in Christ. In the rough and stormy seas of life it's an incredible privilege to be in an atmosphere that places students with some remarkable role models in fac-

ulty and staff, who will forge greater lev-els of godliness and character. They truly are committed to college's students. Satisfaction levels

Christian higher education institu-tions consistently outscore other classi-fications of four-year colleges and univer-sities in regard to student satisfaction.

In aspects such as academic rigor, quality of library resources, respon-siveness of campus personnel, and whether students think the cost is worth the price, Christian colleges excel. The result---Christ-centered col-leges have grown tremendously over the past twenty years. What makes the difference? Christian colleges are serious about delivering quality edu-cation and positive student life expe-riences and hire people who under-stand the missional nature of the institution. Campus personnel care deeply about students and invest a lot of time in-class and out-of-class serving their current and future needs. The focus yields high place-ment rates into careers, and graduate schools/seminaries.

Kingdom Focus The Christian colleges and uni-versities share a common goal of building up the Kingdom. Irregardless of what corner of the country the school is located, its size, and its number of National Merit Scholar's---the work of God has pri-macy in these schools. And don't be quick to dismiss this key distinctive because other types of colleges don’t pretend to get it. Sure, there are some Christians within those public schools that are followers of Christ and are shining His light in their universities, but that faith influence is not pervasive. A campus united because of Christ holds significant value, both in the present and the future. Through the efforts of stu-dents and alumni--- they are impact-ing the world for Christ. Their train-ing coupled with their passion and calling is a powerful force for God's work to be accomplished. Safety All college and university cam-puses are committed to safety and Christian institutions are no excep-tion. They exist because of students and are dedicated to them being able to enjoy college without concern for their well-being. However, blogs on the web consistently prove out that there are dangers at college, especial-ly those that are not Christian. Many of those dangers result from alcohol-related usage during the college years and Christian students are not immune from the influence. Just

check with the universities you're considering and see how overt the issues are by viewing their crime sta-tistics. In addition to Christian stu-dents being challenged in their morals---- there's also intellectual danger. Some professors at non-Christian schools seek to question and destroy the faith of young peo-ple. While not every professor has that agenda, it is a factor to consider. And it's not like if you go to a Christian college you're not going to be challenged. You will be pushed to defend your positions, but in a man-ner to build up your faith - not tear it apart. Innovation Creativity and ingenuity mark the Christian campuses around the country. On all levels, the campus community is energized by making the college experience as insightful,

stimulating, and relevant as possible. The world in which we live is con-stantly changing and Christian stu-dents are well-prepared to embrace the opportunities awaiting them upon graduation. Both the "head" and the "heart" are exercised at the Christian colleges and universities. Outreach Focus There are many opportunities to engage in ministry while a student at a Christian college or university. Outreach through tutoring in local schools, counseling in local clinics, teaching Bible in after school pro-grams, and ministering to the home-less are just a few opportunities. Additionally, students are encour-aged to go on mission's trips on Spring break and summer vacation.

–By Dr. Tom Shaw The Christian Connector

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REASONScontinued from page 2

JEREMY WEBER College financial aid officers say per-spiration is the best indicator of scholarship awards. The hunt for college money takes sweat. Students who are willing to work hard will have a much better chance at paying for school. This hard work can take the shape of caffeine-aided internet search-es for scholarships, writing endless amounts of letters to apply for potential ones, or working long hours in summer and winter in order to pay for fall and spring school fees. The hard work begins in high school with classroom performance. The qualifica-tions for scholarships can vary tremen-dously but the standard prerequisites are a high GPA, high class rank and involvement in extracurricular activities. Working hard in classes is real-ly working hard for college cash. Above all else, the student needs to be the best stu-dent they can be. Estimates are that about 85 percent of scholarships are based on grades, class rank and test scores. One example cited is Sarah, a high school senior from a small town whose strong grades, test scores and school participation netted her $25,000 in scholarships. Other ways to work smarter not harder: n Be consistent. Students who are consistent in their searches are the ones who receive the most scholarships. Directors recommend that students schedule a set time every week to look for scholarships. n Have a strategy. Target scholarships that other students might avoid, such as ones that require a writing sample. n Fine tune your abilities. Director’s also reccommend

students work hard at developing their writing ability because it counts at essay time. Take advantage of any creative writing courses or even college-level writing class-es. n Ask lots of questions. Willingness to admit ignorance, ask questions and be a continuous learner are valuable skills to acquire in the financial aid process. Ask the school you want to attend how their students pay for college. You would be surprised how many students don't take advan-tage of this. When it comes to the financial aid search, you want to be ready, prepared and moving on opportunities as soon you become a senior. Even former college students rec-ommend that you start preparing at the end of your junior year by researching what scholarships will be available during your senior year of high school. Don't put it off. And don't assume your need will take care of itself.

Sweat, not luck, finds the money for college

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Wartburg College

A liberal arts college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, Wartburg College is dedicat-ed to challenging and nurturing stu-dents for lives of leadership and service as a spirited expression of their faith and learning. The college is character-ized by vigorous academic expecta-tions and community engagement within an environment of strong per-sonal support. The college offers more than 50 majors, including religion, engineering, exercise science, actuarial science, business administration, and music therapy, all rooted in a liberal arts tradition.

In 2018, the college partnered with Wartburg Theological Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa, to offer an integrated BA/MDiv degree program designed to

reduce the time and cost to become a Lutheran (ELCA) pastor.

The college is home to students from 38 U.S. states and 59 countries representing more than 20 Christian denominations and several world reli-gions. Wartburg encourages and values respectful conversations with people of diverse backgrounds and with differ-ing spiritual perspectives.

Students have the opportunity to perform in music ensembles, compete on Division III athletic teams, and lead in student organizations. Each year, during the college’s breaks, students lead service trips that not only help the communities and people they visit but inspire students to transform their thinking and create a lifelong commit-ment to service and the public good.

Truth. Freedom. Vocation.

Originally founded as the Addison Teachers Seminary in 1864, Concordia University Chicago (CUC) celebrates 156 years of innova-tion, leadership and excellence in education. The University offers more than 70 under-graduate degree programs in the arts, sciences, business, education and church professions.

As a comprehensive liberal arts-based Christian university founded in the Lutheran faith, Concordia-Chicago equips men and women to serve and lead with integrity, creativity, compe-tence and compassion in a diverse, interconnected and increasingly urbanized church and world. Graduates are well prepared to serve in whatever career or vocation they are called to.

CUC students explore a variety of academic disciplines, grow in their faith, and gain 21st-century knowledge and skills. They learn by doing through service activities, internships,

applied research, leadership experi-ences and opportunities throughout the world. At Concordia-Chicago, 100 percent of full-time undergraduate students receive financial assistance through generous aid and merit schol-arships. In 2019, the University was named one of the nation’s Christian Colleges of Distinction for the 10th year in a row.

Learn why Concordia-Chicago is the right choice by scheduling a cam-pus visit today.

For more information visit CUChicago.edu/admission, call 877-CUChicago or email [email protected]. Find CUC on Facebook at Facebook.com/ConcordiaUniversityChicago or Twitter @CUChicago.

Concordia University, Chicago

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At Colorado Christian University you’ll find nationally ranked academ-ics, NCAA Division-II athletics, a ded-ication to spiritual for-mation, and intentional community living - all at the base of the Rocky Mountains!

CCU is a four-year, fully accredit-ed, liberal arts universi-ty that will challenge you to think critically and creatively, lead with high ethical and professional standards, and embody the character and compassion of Jesus Christ - forming you into someone prepared to impact the world. At CCU, our faith in Jesus Christ is the very core of who we are. We are a body of believers committed to help-ing students grow deeper in their faith through the integration of faith and learning and through intentional spiri-tual formation. We are known for our

authentic Christian community of believers - faculty, staff and students alike - who invest deeply and inten-

tionally into each other’s lives. CCU students dig deeper into their faith and they have fun doing it - through daily interactions, small groups, disciple-ship, sincere fellowship, and enduring traditions. All of our on-campus hous-ing is apartment-style and we combine exceptional living with one of the low-est Resident Assistant-to-student ratios in the country, creating our one-of-a-kind community.

Want to learn more? Visit www.ccu.edu today.

Colorado Christian University

me a hunger to read more. Now, when I experience trials or need direction from God, I know where to look for guidance and how to view Scripture’s meaning. I understand how the Bible connects with my daily life. It’s not an old book of hard-to-understand ideas—it’s a living light. A Bigger Worldview The pre-college Tara was pretty sheltered. I grew up in a rural Illinois farming community where I didn’t interact with people of different back-grounds, worldviews, ethnicities or beliefs. Everybody was pretty similar and I was comfortable in this “bubble.” That all changed the day I started col-lege. Never before had I been surround-ed by people from so many different backgrounds. I studied algebra with a student from Zimbabwe. In literature class, one of my friends was from Panama. I met other students from the Caribbean, Canada and almost every state in the U.S. We had different expe-riences, different views of the world and, yes, different accents. I could have experienced this diversity at a public university, but at a Christian school there was a difference: These people shared my faith. This realization was awesome, but it also challenged me. I had to let go of any preconceived notions or misunder-

standings about cultures. I had to understand that not all Christians have the same political views or the same interpretation of Scripture and doc-trine. For the first time, I really under-stood 1 Corinthians 12:12-13: “The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body—whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free—and we were all given the one Spirit to drink” (NIV). The post-college Tara had a bet-ter—and wider—understanding of the world. After just four years, my view of the world was a little broader and my understanding of Christianity a whole lot bigger. Everyday Faith Before college, I had faith in Christ, but I didn’t live it. I didn’t make my decisions based on what God wanted. My music and TV programs didn’t honor God. People wouldn’t know I was a Christian by the words coming out of my mouth. And my attitude toward friends or teachers was rarely Christlike. The pre-college Tara didn’t understand that God wanted every part of my life—all the time. When I got to college, I noticed something different about my class-mates. They weren’t perfect, but they lived out their faith in ways I didn’t. My roommate spent time with God every day and talked about giving her daily life over to God. I didn’t get it. But she invited me to a weekly Bible

study that changed everything. By studying and sharing with the other girls in the group, I made a real com-mitment to let God have control of every area of my life—what I watched and listened to, my words, and my overall attitude. This experience taught me that God created us for community. Before arriving on campus, I had no idea that Christian fellowship and support was important. In high school, I went to my parents’ church but I could never call it home. I didn’t have many Christian friends. But at Hannibal-

LaGrange, I found the value of friends who could encourage me and push me to read my Bible or get up early for church. It was exciting to be able to share with friends in the dorm or in class about the new truths I was learn-ing. My Bible study helped mature my faith. Soon, though, I discovered I was hungry for the preaching of God’s Word, too. My new friends and I visit-ed different churches until we found one we felt God calling us to. During my four years in college—and attend-ing that church—God helped me see

the need to live for him everyday, gave me strong models of how to do it, and surrounded me with people who’d keep me accountable. Those four years set a pattern for how I try to honor God everyday. Now, I understand God is calling me to give him every part of my life. No, I am not perfect. But, I can say I didn’t leave col-lege the same as when I started. God used the school, its professors and stu-dents to help me become a whole new Tara—one who is more like him.

COLLEGEcontinued from page 2

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lege tuition—and will hopefully reduce the amount of tomorrow’s money going toward loans. Sometimes parents are tempted to invest in high-risk stocks, thinking that investing more may leave them with a larger amount to spend on college. But that can backfire. I recommend that par-ents invest more conservatively, opting for certificates of deposit, money market funds or low-risk mutual funds. What are some concrete ways of free-ing up more of “today’s money?” Look closely at household expens-es. Try to keep your cost of renting or owning a home to less than 25 percent of your income. Also, look for ways to lower household expenses. Look at your grocery bill. Are there changes you can make in your food budget to save money? Assess your family’s transporta-tion needs. Do you have more cars than you really need? Could selling one and carpooling or taking public transportation free up some money? You may also be able to rethink your insurance coverage. For example, when it comes to health insurance, car insurance and other kinds of insurance, you can lower your monthly payments by paying a higher deductible. For example, collision coverage is 15 to 30 percent less with a $500 deductible than with the $250 deductible. That’s a strat-egy that can also work with health insur-ance. Finally, look for ways right now to simplify your lives. Don’t buy items that will become garage sale items or clutter. Form a strategy so that each purchase you make is a wise one. Preparing a year or two in advance helps you improve your cash flow so that when your student starts college, the financial adjustment won’t be quite so dramatic. Many parents believe strongly in the value of a Christian college educa-tion, but may already struggle to make ends meet. What advice do you have for these parents? Don’t be scared by the “sticker price” of a college. Financial aid formu-las do take a parent’s income into account, and they also include federal aid. Instead of focusing on that sticker price, work on getting federal aid. You start that process by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It’s the only form used to cal-culate federal aid. So it’s important to fill that form out as soon as possible after January 1. Follow the deadlines to make sure the information is sent to the schools your student is interested in early in the aid process. What factors can help bring that “sticker price” down? One factor is the date the financial aid application is filed. It’s so important to file financial aid applications like the FAFSA and the applications for specific schools as early as you can. That way, you’ll be considered for aid early, when the most funds are being awarded—instead of hoping for what’s left after most of the money has already been awarded. A second factor is the student’s aca-

demic record, which affects their eligibili-ty for scholarships, grants and loans. Third are the student’s special tal-ents or achievements. Many scholar-ships and merit awards are based on these talents. Financial need is a fourth factor, and that’s based largely on the parents’ income. Fifth is the student’s year in college. Federal programs and financial aid packages tend to offer more aid for freshmen, and it’s important to plan ahead for the possibility that tuition may increase, even as the financial aid pack-age may be smaller. A sixth important factor is the amount of federal and state money the college has. The more money that’s available, the more generous the college can be with the student. Also, larger schools may have more money avail-able for work-study programs. Seventh is the college’s recruitment goals, and a final factor is the size of the college’s endowment. Are there ways parents can get a sense of how much money their stu-dent may be eligible for? When you and your student start visiting colleges together during sopho-more and junior year, you can usually get a brochure from each campus explaining how merit scholarships are awarded. My son will start college this fall, but we were able to get a sense of how much he would be eligible for dur-ing the search process, based on his grade point average and SAT scores. Every school is different, so it’s important for parents to familiarize them-selves with a school and what types of grants and scholarships and merit awards their students may be eligible for. So far, we’ve talked about things par-ents can do to make sure their stu-dents can afford college. How can students help with this? There are five ways high school stu-dents can cut college costs. First, stu-dents can work for a high grade point average. A higher GPA helps students qualify for more scholarships and grants. In the long run, it may be worth it to encourage your son or daughter to focus on grades rather than a part-time job. While a job might help your student save money, it could also hurt his or her grades. And this could potentially hurt your child’s chances for scholarship and grant money. Second, strong SAT and ACT scores will give your child an edge, not only when it comes to getting admitted

to their top college, but also when it comes to qualifying for grants and schol-arships to that school. Third, if your child is a strong student, encourage him or her to take Advanced Placement (AP) courses. Students who take these courses are offered a test through the College Board (the group that adminis-ters the SAT). If they score well, they can earn college credit. With enough of these credits, a student can “test out” of a full semester’s worth of credits before they even move on to campus—which saves a lot of money. Summer school is a fourth option. By taking a summer class at a local community college, your student can earn a few hours of credit that may be transferred to the college he or she attends. Be sure to have your teen call the colleges he or she’s interested in to make sure those credits will transfer. Finally, your student may be able to save money by being flexible in choos-ing a college. If a second-choice school offers a financial aid package that would allow them to avoid loans, it may be worth looking closely at whether that second-choice school could be a good fit. What about incurring loan debt? Sometimes we have no choice but to get a student loan. If you do need a loan, it’s better to get it through a federal loan program, because the interest rate is lower than most private loans. Do everything you can to keep the amount you take out in loans as small as possi-ble. Right now, the average college stu-dent graduates with $20,000 in student loans. That’s a lot to repay. Still, a stu-dent loan can be seen as an investment if your student will be able to make more money than they would without the degree and if they have a workable plan to pay it off. What are some personal finance skills parents can teach their high school and college students? I recommend teaching your child to ask themselves three questions before making a purchase: First, is what I am buying a need, a want or a luxury? That helps them make wiser choices. Next, how many hours of my life is it worth? If your child works for an hourly wage, that really puts things into perspective. Third, teach them to ask if the purchase helps advance any of their goals. If your son or daughter plans to go to college and knows they’ll need some savings, this question will steer them toward wiser decisions. If they can develop a habit of

answering these three questions, they’ll have a head start in being wise con-sumers as adults. Sit down with your kids and help them figure out how to budget their money for items like clothing, school supplies, entertainment, and other expenses they can be responsible for if they have an allowance or work. Help your son or daughter learn how to use a debit card and how to balance a check-book. Also, if your son or daughter uses a credit card, teach him or her to use it wisely. I read recently that the average college student accrues more than $2,700 in credit card debt while in school, and about 10 percent owe more than $7,000. These statistics show that we need to help students understand the importance of paying off a credit card balance within a short time—like two to three months. How can parents encourage high school students to save money toward school? If you can afford it, set up a “match your savings” plan. For example, you could promise your daughter that if she saves $1,000 for school from her sum-mer job, you’ll match it—or double it, even. Give your kids incentives so that they’ll realize there’s a reward for sav-ing. If your child is constantly careless with money, consider using conse-quences, like taking away privileges. Again, remind your children of their goals, and help them see how they can work toward the goal of going to college through actions like saving money. What kinds of mistakes do college students tend to make with money, and how can parents help them avoid those mistakes? Kids often run into problems with the “miscellaneous” category of the budget, because they often don’t realize how much they’ve spent. Kids like to have fun and they want to treat their friends so they might buy pizza for everybody, or they might do something like go on a ski trip because they want to hang out with their friends. Help them realize that if they spend their whole miscellaneous budget one weekend, they won’t have any money the next. I was reminded of a second major money problem when I had a book sign-ing at my alma mater. The bookstore manager shared that students often charge the semester’s books to their credit cards knowing they won’t be able to pay the balance off at the end of the month. The attitude is Oh, when I get out of college I’m going to be making all this money, so I’ll be able to pay it off. But these are students who are planning careers in social work or music or art where they shouldn’t expect to make

high salaries. As you deal with issues of budgeting, credit and loans, it’s impor-tant to help your student to be realistic about the realities of the economy and how factors like occupation affect the availability of jobs and what kind of salary a student can reasonably expect to make at an entry-level job. If they can think realistically, they can plan, spend and save accordingly. For some college students, credit rat-ings and payment history seem like something you worry about in the future—after graduation. How can parents help students see money management as something with more immediate consequences? Talk to your son or daughter about how their spending habits now will affect their futures—not far in the future, but just a few years ahead. One trend I’ve noticed is that Gen X and Gen Y college graduates are more inclined than older workers to leave jobs or to start their own businesses if they aren’t happy at work. Today’s college grads are looking for the “right fit.” They’re more con-cerned with having the right match in an employer or in the workplace. But if money hasn’t been set aside in an emergency fund or savings, this could lead to financial hardships. So these grads need a bit more in savings or emergency funds than older grads. In my book I talk about the road-blocks to debt-free living and the bene-fits of debt-free living. And one benefit of not having loads and loads of debt is that you are free to make a career change, or you are free to search out what you think you’d enjoy doing more in life without feeling confined to that paycheck. Graduating with fewer loans and less credit card debt gives your child more freedom to make choices after graduation. Do you have any final thoughts to share with parents? This whole process of looking at Christian colleges and figuring out finan-cial aid can be interesting and exciting. We’ve enjoyed learning how the finan-cial aid process works and observing how different schools prepare the par-ents for what to expect. For my family, it’s been fun visiting college campuses so our children can decide which school is the best fit for them. I think the Christian college atmosphere is so important, because it can help your stu-dent define who he or she is as a Christian and meet friends that will be there for them throughout their lifetimes. ––Deborah Nayrocker’s book, The Art of Debt-Free Living, is available on Christianbook.com, or through her web-site, artofdebt-freeliving.com.

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MONEYcontinued from page 2

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Lee University is a private, Christian university with over 5,000 total students and 129 programs of study. For over 100 years, Lee University has sought to provide an excellent education to students while keeping Christ at the core of the entire student experience. Located in Southeast Tennessee and surrounded by beautiful views of the Smoky Mountains, students have access to hiking, camping, and explor-ing the Ocoee River region. Chattanooga is just 30 miles from campus with an endless amount of riverfront restaurants, concerts, and downtown attractions.

The foundational purpose of all educational programs at Lee is to develop students’ knowledge, under-standing, and skills to prepare them for responsible Christian living in a complex world. Within each of the six colleges and schools, Lee’s academic programs challenge, engage, and fully prepare students for their future. The top-notch faculty and staff also go above and beyond to not only help students succeed academically, but to also build meaningful relationships with them. Students at Lee have access to countless opportunities socially, spiri-tually and academically. Lee University

requires all Lee students to complete a study abroad trip where they earn course credit toward their degree. There are also over 100 student clubs and organizations including music ensembles, honor societies, Greek let-ter organizations, recreational clubs and service groups. Lee is one of the most affordable Christian universities in the country and strives to make the Lee University experience a reality for as many stu-dents as possible. Lee offers competi-tive scholarship packages to students based on both merit and financial need. Visit leeuniversity.edu or call 423-614-8500 for more information.

Lee University

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MidAmerica Nazarene University has become one of the Midwest’s most trusted universities. We are dedicated to giving students a transformational experience while helping them find and prepare for their calling—in the professions, ministry or with advanced education. Students do not need to belong to the Nazarene church as we welcome students from numerous

faith backgrounds in our weekly chapel gatherings.

Our forty undergraduate and pre-professional programs with small class sizes and dedicated faculty mentors provide students the means to achieve success. MNU’s reputation reaches beyond the Kansas City metro. We’re known for our unparalled work ethic, passion to serve others and top-quality

scholarship. MNU’s nursing, teacher education and business administration programs have prepared thousands of our region’s workforce.

In other words, being an MNU stu-dent or graduate means something. Just ask employers, clients, grateful patients, satisfied customers, healthy congregations—and thousands of oth-ers who interact with MNU alumni

and students every day. Are you looking to grow as

an athlete? Our championship teams offer you the chance to perfect your skills, square off against strong competitors and grow in a Christian atmosphere.

Is music, art or theatre your passion? Our outstanding Bell Performing Arts Hall is just the venue in which to perfect your talent.

Homeschool graduates thrive at MNU. In fact, many of our top scholars have been homeschooled for their high school career. We think you’ll love it here. Why not visit and find out for yourself? Check out more at MNU.edu/visit.

MidAmerica Nazarene University

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Did you know that there are over 4,000 colleges and universities in the United States, with many more around the globe? All of them are ready and eager to help you get a college degree. However, col-lege degrees alone are no longer the answer to ensuring future success. Employers are not just look-ing for educated and experienced peo-ple. They are looking for men and women of strong character.

That is where Central Christian College of Kansas (CCCK) steps in, because while you have many choices to help you get a degree. In reality, you only have one that will help you both obtain a degree and form the level of character that future employers are

seeking. Our unique campus environ-ment is intentionally designed to chal-lenge you to develop your whole per-son – mind, heart, soul, and strength.

CCCK is a four-year collegiate institution that strives to offer Christ-centered education for the whole per-son.

Central is a strategically small col-lege that offers over forty areas of resi-dential study and a thriving online

program for non-traditional students. This holistic model ensures that our students graduate with more than just a diploma but also a strong character that not only employers are desperate for but the world is craving.

So, why settle for just a degree when you are worth a whole lot more?

Your future awaits, discover what CCCK can do for you, as you explore your unique place in this world.

Central Christian College of Kansas

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AVILA UNIVERSITY 11901 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64145 816-501-2400 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.avila.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Te'keyah Lawson NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 14600 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Catholic ESTABLISHED: 1916 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Comm. MAJORS AND DEGREES: Avila University has 60+ traditional undergratuate majors and concentrations and 8 graduate programs with-in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Science, the College of Science and Health and the College of Professional Schools. Our most popular programs are Nursing, Radiology, Education, Psychology, and Pre-Health. For a full list of majors and minors go to the following website: www.avila.edu/acade-mics/schools-colleges. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Avila University offers students an affordable, interpersonal, hands-on, private school education that pre-pares them for a career after graduation. We recently set our tuition price back by 33% and created the Avila Promise. The Avila Promise provides a clearer, more affordable path to your future. Full-time, first-year, traditional res-ident students enrolling in the Fall of 2020 will benefit from these four promises: 1) Competitive tuition rate – $21,115 – which includes books and campus fees, and protects you from unexpected tuition hikes. 2) 4-Year, on-time graduation guarantee – when you do your part, we’ll do ours and you’ll graduate on-time. 3) Guaranteed internship or research experience – every student, in every major, will have the opportunity for these valuable experiences. 4) Travel award of up to $1,000 – we’ll not only show you the world, we’ll help you pay for it. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Radiology, Kinesiology (4+1 bachelors to masters pro-gram), Special Education, Art Therapy, Cybersecurity, App and Gaming Development, and partnerships with graduate schools for prehealth prof. majors such as pre-dental. TUITION: $21,115/year for 2020-2021 (Includes 12-18 credit hours, all books, park-ing pass, free entry to campus events and free laundry for residents). Guaranteed not to increase more than 3% each year as a part of the Avila Promise. FINANCIAL AID: Institutional aid based upon academics, need, athletics and/or participa-tion. Federal/State financial aid. For more information go to https://www.avila.edu/admis-sion-aid/scholarships-ug.

BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE & THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 628 E Kearney St. Springfield, MO 65803 417-268-6000 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: gobbc.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Dennis Mays 417-268-6057 [email protected] NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 250 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Baptist

ESTABLISHED: 1950 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission; Association of Biblical Higher Education MAJORS AND DEGREES: Associate Degrees: Business Management, Accounting, Early Childhood Education; Bachelor Degrees: Missions, Intercultural Studies, Biblical Counseling, Pastoral Studies, Church Ministries, Business Management, Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education; Master of Arts: Church Ministry, Biblical Counseling, Master of Divinity STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Biblical teach-ing with a Christian worldview. Preparing Biblically sound men and women to serve in, and through, the local church and in the areas of education and business. TUITION: $6995/semester FINANCIAL AID: Pell Grants, Institutional Aid, and Loans; Financial Aid Director: Brian Rains 417-268-6045 [email protected]

BARCLAY COLLEGE 607 N. Kingman St. Haviland, KS 67059 800-862-0226 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.barclaycollege.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Justin Kendall – Director of Enrollment Services NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 180 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Evangelical Friends ESTABLISHED: 1917 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission, Association for Biblical Higher Education MAJORS AND DEGREES: Bachelor Degrees: Bible/Theology, Business Administration, Elementary Education (K-6), Missions, Missions: Nursing, Pastoral Ministry, Psychology and Family Studies, Sports and Recreation Ministry, Worship Arts, Youth Ministry. Associate Degrees: General Studies, Biblical Studies. We also offer 5 Bachelor’s degrees online as well as 8 M.A programs. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Barclay College’s Mission is to prepare students in a Bible-centered environment for effective Christian life, service and leadership. Small class sizes allow students to have one-on-one experiences with their professors. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Junior’s Global cross-cultural experience, 3+2 Bachelor’s to Master’s program in Pastoral Ministry, Full Tuition Scholarship for ALL dorm students, Drama Minor. TUITION: $15,490 FINANCIAL AID: ALL students that live in the dorms automatically receive a Full Tuition Scholarship. All Federal Aid and private schol-arships/grants can be applied to your cost of Room, Board and Fees.

BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 1311 S. 5th St. Waco, TX 76706 254-710-3435 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: baylor.edu/admissions ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Micah Marroquin; [email protected] NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 14,600 under-graduate students RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Baptist ESTABLISHED: 1845 ACCREDITATION: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges MAJORS AND DEGREES: 140+ Majors STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Health Sciences, Business, Engineering, Theater SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Science Research Fellows, Start Abroad (first semester study abroad trip with Baylor faculty and other first year students in Dublin Ireland.) TUITION: $44,544 FINANCIAL AID: All students are automatical-ly reviewed for academic aid based on their test scores and transcript. Baylor requires the FAFSA and CSS profile for students who want to be considered for need-based aid. Over 90% of students at Baylor are receiving some sort of financial aid.

CALVIN UNIVERSITY 3201 Burton St SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546 616-526-6000 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: calvin.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Robin Wait, [email protected] NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3.732 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Affiliated with the Christian Reformed Church in North America (CRCNA) and Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) ESTABLISHED: 1876 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: 100+ STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Calvin University is ranked #3 in Regional Universities Midwest. 100+ Academic majors, minors, and programs 13:1 Student/Faculty ratio 40+ Faculty-led study abroad options 760+ Students engaged in faculty research SPECIAL PROGRAMS: First year opportuni-ties for students include Honors Scholars, Collegiate Scholars, Phage Research Program, John M. Perkins Leadership Fellows, First-Year Research in Earth Sciences, Ministry Leadership Cohort, Artist Collaborative, Calvin LifeWork, and more. TUITION: $36,100 FINANCIAL AID: 99% of Calvin students receive financial aid.

CENTRAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF KANSAS 1200 S. Main St. McPherson, KS 67460 620-241-0723 ext. 388 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.centralchristian.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Lizzie Caron NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 350 on-campus RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Free Methodist ESTABLISHED: 1884 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Comm. MAJORS AND DEGREES: Associates and Bachelors degrees in more than 40 different programs including Aviation, Business, Communications, Education, English, Fine Arts, Liberal Studies, Ministry & Theology, Psychology, Science & Math, Social Sciences, Sports, Science & Health STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Christian atmosphere, small-class sizes, personal edu-cation, outreach and missions minded, Biblical worldview in every class, spiritually-empha-sized campus life, competitive sports, Contemporary Music program, Worship Arts programs, beautiful campus & facilities in safe and quiet community, and leadership develop-ment opportunities. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Risk Management and Insurance: This is a very unique program. We partner with Farmer’s Alliance to provide a degree in insurance. Few schools in Kansas have a degree in insurance, and it provides many job opportunities upon graduation. TUITION: $34,960 FINANCIAL AID: 98% of students receive scholarships. The average scholarship per student is $15,396, that’s an average total of $61,584 over four years!

CENTRAL CHRISTIAN COLLEGE OF THE BIBLE 911 E Urbandale Dr. Moberly, MO 65270 888.263.3900 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.cccb.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Rocky Christensen NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 230-250 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian Church/Church of Christ ESTABLISHED: 1957 ACCREDITATION: Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) MAJORS AND DEGREES: Biblical Research, Christian Counseling, Christian Education, Christian Ministries, Cross-Cultural Ministry, Preaching Ministry, Worship Arts, Youth & Family Ministry. We also have available part-nership programs through Hope International University STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Community, Caring Faculty, conservative scholarship, affordability TUITION: Full tuition scholarship FINANCIAL AID: Yes


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CENTRAL METHODIST UNIVERSITY 411 Central Methodist Square Fayette, MO 65248 660-248-6872 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.Centralmethodist.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Dr. Joe Parisi NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1200 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: United Methodist ESTABLISHED: 1885 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Bachelor Degree Programs: Accounting, Applied Behavior Analysis, Applied Science in Management, Athletic Training, Biology, Business, Chemistry, Child Development, Communication, Comparative Religion & Philosophy, Computer Networking, Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood Education, Educational Studies, Elementary Education, English, Environmental Science, Exercise Science, Pre-Athletic Training, Health Care Administration, Health Sciences, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, Marine Biology, Mathematics, Middle School Education, Music, Music Education, Music Ministry, Music Performance, Nursing – Traditional, Accelerated & RN to BSN, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Psychology, Public Administration, Religion and Church Leadership, Secondary Education, Sociology, Special Education, Sports Management, Theatre, Accelerated MBA Program, Military Science, Pre-Engineering, Pre-Health Professions, Pre-Law. Associate Degree Programs: Business, Chemistry, English, Interdisciplinary Studies, Mathematics, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Psychology Graduate Programs: Master of Education, Master of Music Education, Master of Science in Athletic Training, Master of Science in Nursing (Clinical Nurse Leader or Nurse Educator), Master of Science in Clinical Counseling, Master of Science in Mathematics STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: At CMU a friendly and personalized community provides academic excellence, an affordable education, a high level of student involvement on cam-pus, and the Digital U advantage all on a beautiful 100-acre campus in the rolling hills of Missouri. TUITION: $25,000 tuition (12- 18 credit hours per semester), $8,400 Room & Board, $770 Student Fees. FINANCIAL AID: 100% of students receive institutional scholarship. Institutional aid based upon academics, need, and/or participation. Federal/State aid.

COLORADO CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY 8787 W Alameda Ave Lakewood, CO 80226 303-963-3000 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.ccu.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Alexa Morrison NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,400 undergrads RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Interdenominational Christian ESTABLISHED: 1914

ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission (HLC) MAJORS AND DEGREES: Accounting, Biblical Studies, Biology, Business Administration, Communication (General), Communication (Strategic), Computer Information Systems, Education (Elementary), Education (Secondary), Education (Special), English, Global Studies, Health Sciences, History, Industrial & Systems Engineering, Liberal Arts, Ministry Management, Music (Composition, Production, or Performance Emphases), Music (Education), Music (Worship Arts), Nursing (Pre-Nursing to BSN), Outdoor Leadership, Politics, Pre-Medical Profession, Psychology, Science (General), Social Science, Teaching and Learning, Theology, Youth Ministry; Notable Minors: CPA Licensure, Creative Writing, Digital Media, Intercultural Ministry, International Business, Theatre, Young Life Leadership, etc.; Dual Degree Programs Available in Biblical Studies, Theology, and Psychology STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: We are a uni-versity that seeks to provide Christ-centered higher education transforming students to impact the world with grace and truth. We are an academic community of committed Christian believers rooted in a profound respect for higher learning framed within the Christian worldview. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Strong programs are Business, Education (Secondary), and Theology. New programs added in Engineering, Nursing, and Strategic Communications TUITION: Tuition (12-18 credits) - $31,366; Student Body Fees - $500; Room and Board - $11,846; Estimated Total - $43,712 FINANCIAL AID: Substantial scholarships available for academic achievement; Additional scholarships available for Music, Theatre, Debate, Athletics, etc.; Colorado Christian University also partners with dozens of high schools and a few select organizations to provide financial opportunities for prospec-tive students associated with these organiza-tions to pursue their education at CCU.

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, CHICAGO 7400 Augusta St. River Forest, IL 60305 708-209-3100 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: https://www.cuchicago.edu/ ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Maryanne Martinez NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,500 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod ESTABLISHED: 1864 ACCREDITATION: Yes, Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: 70+ TUITION: $32,660 FINANCIAL AID: Merit Scholarships for 100% of students ranging from $10,000 - $24,000 per year

CONCORDIA UNIVERSITY, NEBRASKA 800 N Columbia Seward, NE 68434 402-643-7233 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.cune.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Zach Gunzelman NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,200 Undergraduate students RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod ESTABLISHED: 1894 ACCREDITATION: The Higher Learning Commission; National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education; National Association of Schools of Music; International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education MAJORS AND DEGREES: More than 70 undergraduate, graduate and professional pro-grams STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Concordia offers professional and liberal arts programs in an excellent academic and Christ-centered community that equips men and women for lives of learning, service and leadership in the church and world. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Global missions and study abroad opportunities along with five for-eign languages offered – Hebrew, Greek, Mandarin, Spanish, and American Sign Language. Specialized church work and art programs such as Art Therapy. Concordia offers the only music therapy program in the state of Nebraska. In Fall of 2019 Concordia will launch its newest program, Ag. Science TUITION: $32,890 FINANCIAL AID: 100% of Concordia’s incom-ing undergraduate students receive financial aid. Both need and non-need-based financial aid options are available to families to help manage their financial obligations. Non-need-based opportunities include academic merit scholarships and talent scholarships for music, theatre, forensics, art and athletics. The aver-age student receives nearly $23,000 in schol-arships and grants each year.

DORDT UNIVERSITY 700 7th Street NE Sioux Center, IA 51250 712-722-6000 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: dordt.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Erica Boer NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1548 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian ESTABLISHED: 1955 ACCREDITATION: HLC MAJORS AND DEGREES: Dordt offers four year degrees in over 40 undergraduate pro-grams of study. The five largest programs are education, business, engineering, nursing, and agriculture. Additionally, Dordt offers several two-year associate degree programs including Administrative Assistant, Manufacturing Technology, and Farm Operations and Management. Dordt also offers three graduate programs: Master of Education, Master of Social Work, and a Master of Public Administration. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Dordt inte-grates faith into every aspect of life on cam-pus, whether academics, athletics, or social activities. Dordt has been ranked #1 in student

engagement for four years in a row by The Wall Street Journal, and was ranked #3 in the Midwest College ranking by U.S. News and World Report. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Pro-Tech is a two-year degree program that offers hands-on learning, with time split between classroom learning and internships. TUITION: Four-year tuition is $32,240; Room and board is $10,470. FINANCIAL AID: Average financial aid award is $28,605.

EMMAUS BIBLE COLLEGE 2570 Asbury Road Dubuque, IA 52001 563-588-8000 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.emmaus.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Laurel Rasmussen, Director of Enrollment, [email protected] NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 230 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1941 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission (HLC) & Association of Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), Approved by the State of Iowa Department of Education for Teacher Licensure, Approved by the Veterans Administration for education training, Member of the Evangelical Training Association (ETA) and authorized to award ETA Teaching Diploma, Member of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and teacher education graduates qualify for ACSI teacher certification. MAJORS AND DEGREES: Biblical Studies, Applied Mathematics, Business Administration, Camp Ministries, Computer Information Systems, Computer Science, Counseling Psychology, Cross-Cultural Nursing, Elementary Education, ESL Education, Intercultural Studies, Nursing, Pre-Professional Health Science, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care, Paramedic, Medical Assistant, Dental Assistant, Secondary Education (endorsements in Business, English, Math, Psychology & World History, World History), Youth Ministries, Dual Degree program with partner college, the University of Dubuque, for additional majors. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Affordable, high retention rate, high graduation rate, high job placement rate, integration of faith in learning, small class sizes, faculty mentoring, staff men-toring, leadership opportunities SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Archaeology minor with participation in Archaeology dig in Israel, Pre-Professional Health Science, Cross Cultural Nursing includes medical internship, opportunities for cross-cultural experiences around the world TUITION: 2020/21L $19,250 FINANCIAL AID: Academic Scholarships, Need-Based grants, church matching scholar-ships, ministry matching scholarships, partici-pation in Federal and State Student Aid Programs. 99% of students receive financial aid.

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EVANGEL UNIVERSITY 1111 N. Glenstone Avenue Springfield, MO 65802 417-865-2815 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.evangel.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: [email protected] NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 2400, including traditional undergraduate students and non-traditional, graduate and online students RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: National school of the General Council of the Assemblies of God ESTABLISHED: 1955 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission & Other Accreditations MAJORS AND DEGREES: Behavioral and Social Sciences, Business, Communication, Education, Secondary Education, Humanities, Kinesiology, Music, Natural and Applied Sciences, Pre-Professional Programs, Theology and Global Church Ministries. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Offering more than 70 academic programs, Evangel University is on the cutting edge of today’s professional fields and vocational ministry training. Its commitment to the integration of faith, learning, and life attracts students from a wide variety of Christian backgrounds. Evangel’s students have a strong commitment to academics and an even stronger desire to combine their Christian faith with every aspect of their lives. When Evangel University opened its doors, it distinguished itself as the first Pentecostal liberal arts college chartered in America. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Church Partnerships: Leadership, Leadership and Social Enterprise; College of Arts and Sciences, College of Adult and Graduate Studies, and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, Fast Track Program allowing you to graduate in 5 years with your Masters in Leadership & Ministry. TUITION: Tuition for 12-18 Credit Hours: 11,861 FINANCIAL AID: At EU, we offer a wide range of undergraduate scholarships and need-based grants, as well as on-campus employment opportunities, to help make your educational goals a reality. From academics to athletics, to fine and performing arts, we rec-ognize and reward your unique talent and hard work. Opportunities also exist for graduate and seminary students.

HANNIBAL-LAGRANGE UNIVERSITY 2800 Palmyra Rd. Hannibal, Missouri 63401 573-629-3264 EMAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hlg.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Mikayla Clamon NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,000 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern Baptist ESTABLISHED: 1858 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: 37+ (not including graduate degrees) STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Hannibal-LaGrange University believes in touching the lives of students through service in education. All faculty and staff are here because they believe they are called to invest in HLGU stu-

dents’ future. They are experts who help lead our students to become successful well-round-ed adults. Smaller class sizes will provide a distinctly Christian and personal learning envi-ronment. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: 15 athletic teams, Band, Choir, Theater, 26+ clubs. Many oppor-tunities to lead on campus. TUITION: Total cost (Tuition, general fees and room and board): $32,300; Tuition: $22,500 FINANCIAL AID: 98%

HARDING UNIVERSITY 915 E Market Ave Searcy, AR 72149 501-279-4407 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: https://www.harding.edu/ ADMISSIONS CONTACT: 501-279-4407 NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 5,122 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of Christ ESTABLISHED: 1924 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: 100+ majors can be viewed online at https://www.harding.edu/academics/majors STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Harding University is strong Christian school made of a diverse student body with our average student being 10 hours from home. We offer 12 study abroad opportunities both domestic and inter-national. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: TUITION: 2020-2021: $28,978 (includes 30 standard hours of tuition, standard room and board, and tech fees) FINANCIAL AID: Over 90% of our students receive financial aid. Our academic scholar-ships are based on sliding scale of SAT, ACT and GPA. See harding.edu/finaid for more info.

HEARTLAND CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 500 New Creation Rd. Newark, MO 63458 660-284-4800 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.heartlandcollege.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Judi Barton NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 25 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tional ESTABLISHED: 1992 ACCREDITATION: Accredited through the Association of Biblical Higher Education MAJORS AND DEGREES: Associates Degree in Biblical Studies STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: We are an affordable, Christ-centered, discipleship based school with a low student-teacher ratio. We believe the Word of God is Truth, and knowing the Truth and applying it provides the foundation that HCC students need to be prepared for each new step in life. Our mission is to equip and prepare students to be servants of Jesus Christ, lifelong learners and effective workers in local churches and communities around the world. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Missions, Worship Arts, Christian Education TUITION: $1,865 per semester, $3,730 per

year, including residential. FINANCIAL AID: Government Aid is not accepted

KANSAS CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 7401 Metcalf Ave. Overland Park, KS 66204 913-722-0272 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: KansasChristian.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Jamie Eberra NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 120 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of God Holiness ESTABLISHED: 1938 ACCREDITATION: Accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education MAJORS AND DEGREES: Religion, Teacher Education, Worship Leadership, Business Leadership, General Studies STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Formerly known as Kansas City College and Bible School, KCC has been training men and women for service in the Kingdom of God since 1938. By offering a variety of ministry-related degrees in religion, business, education, music and general studies, we fulfill our mission “to develop servant leaders who know God, who have a passion for holiness of heart, and who are inspired and prepared for a lifetime of learning and kingdom service.” Our vision is to see thousands of students change the world for Christ. The mission of Kansas Christian College exists to develop servant leaders who know God, who have a passion for holiness of heart, and who are inspired and prepared for a lifetime of learning and Kingdom service. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: That students graduating from Kansas Christian College: \an articulate a biblical worldview. Can articulate the meaning and practical expressions of holiness of heart. Are equipped with practical tools for ministry. Are equipped for further study. Have deepened passion for disciplines of spiritual development. TUITION: Block Tuition (12-18 hours) $3,960; Regular Tuition (Per Credit Hour) $330 FINANCIAL AID: Approved by the United States Department of Education for participation in federal student financial aid programs.

LEE UNIVERSITY 1120 N. Ocoee St. Cleveland, TN 37311 423-614-8500 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: leeuniversity.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Darren Echols NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 5,189 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of God ESTABLISHED: 1918 ACCREDITATION: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS) MAJORS AND DEGREES: 49 Majors and 129 Programs of Study STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Large selection of strong academic programs, Christ-centered excellence, affordable tuition, close-knit community, and short driving distance from four major cities. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: All students at Lee complete a cross-cultural experience before

they graduate. Students often meet this requirement by going on one of over 30 different faculty-led, study abroad trips that we offer. Our students also complete 80 hours of service prior to graduation. TUITION: $19,540 per year FINANCIAL AID: 89% of Lee students receive Financial Aid. We automatically award merit scholarships to incoming freshmen who have received a 24 or higher on the ACT or a 1160 or higher on the SAT.

LINDENWOOD UNIVERSITY 209 South Kingshighway St. Charles, MO 63301 636-949-4949 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.lindenwood.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Hunter Davis NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 4,100+ RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Judeo-Christian ESTABLISHED: 1827 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Over 90 Undergraduate degree programs in areas such as Business, Education, Fine Arts, Health Sciences, Sciences, and more! STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Lindenwood University has an incredibly tight knit student body that rallies together for sporting events, performances, and many other activities! There are many opportunities and services available to you for academic growth that will empower you to have real experiences that will prepare you to have real success in your future. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: We are well known in the St. Louis area for our Schools of Business and Education. We have many Pre Professional programs and unique programs such as Paramedicine, Game Design, and Fashion Design! TUITION: $18,500 FINANCIAL AID: All students accepted into Lindenwood will receive an academic scholarship that can be stacked with other institutional aid as well as scholarships from other sources (websites, high schools, etc.)

LIPSCOMB UNIVERSITY One University Park Dr. NASHVILLE, TN 37204 615-966-6123 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: lipscomb.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Sarah Messer NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 4,600 total (3,000 undergraduate/1,600 graduate) RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of Christ ESTABLISHED: 1891 ACCREDITATION: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools MAJORS AND DEGREES: More than 150 undergraduate programs of study. Graduate and doctorate level degrees offered as well. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Top programs include Health Sciences, Engineering, Business, and Education. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Unique programs of study include Animation, Hospitality Management, and Business as Mission. TUITION: The total cost of attending Lipscomb for 2020-2021 freshmen $48,124 including tuition, room and board, and meal

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plan. FINANCIAL AID: 99 percent of first-time freshmen receive financial aid.

MID-AMERICA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY 3500 SW 119th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73170 405-692-3281 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: macu.edu NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1862 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of God – Anderson, IN ESTABLISHED: 1953 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Over 30 degrees and concentrations including Oklahoma’s first Data Analytics degree, business, ministry, teacher education and biology STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Community focused, flexible learning, 1 to 11 professor to student ratio SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Pre-professional tracks, including pre-law, pre-med and pre-engineering TUITION: $17,568 FINANCIAL AID: Title IV funding, academic scholarships, athletic scholarships, and pri-vate/endowment scholarships

MIDAMERICA NAZARENE UNIVERSITY 2030 E. College Way Olathe, KS 66062 913-971-3380 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: MNU.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Sydney Tenney, senior admissions counselor NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,875 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of the Nazarene ESTABLISHED: 1966 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association MAJORS AND DEGREES: Accounting, Bible and Theology, Biology, Biology Education, Business Administration, Business Psychology, Chemistry, Children & Family Ministry, Computer Science, Corporate Communication, Criminal Justice, Elementary Education, English, English Language Arts Education, Forensic Biology, Forensic Chemistry, Graphic Design, History, History & Government/Social Studies Education, Intercultural Studies, Kinesiology, Marketing, Mathematics, Mathematics Education, Middle Level Mathematics Education, Middle Level Science Education, Ministry, Multimedia, Music, Music Education, Nursing, Organizational Leadership, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Recreation & Leisure Studies, Sociology, Speech/Theatre Education, Sports Management, Theatre, Youth & Family Ministry STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Well-known and prestigious School of Nursing & Health Sciences and School of Education, servant leadership mindset, strong sense of communi-ty, “Go Global” international and domestic mis-sion trip initiatives and annual “Passion to Serve” projects; graduate degree programs in

Nursing, Business, Education, and Counseling. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Pre-Professional Programs including Chiropractic, Dentistry, Engineering, Law, Medical Technology, Medicine, Occupational Therapy, Pharmacy, and Physical Therapy; Honors Program; Diversity Awareness; Theatrical Productions; General Studies Major; Army and Air Force ROTC Programs; Study Abroad Programs including MNU Europe. TUITION: 32,122 FINANCIAL AID: : Academic Scholarship & Grant program, Athletic Scholarships, Fine & Performing Arts Scholarships, Federal and State Financial Aid.

NORTHWESTERN COLLEGE 1017th Street SW Orange City, Iowa 51041 800-747-4757 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.nwciowa.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Natalie Wheeler NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1,414 (undergrad-uate and graduate) RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Reformed Church in America ESTABLISHED: 1882 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: 80+ Academic Programs in bachelor’s, master’s and online STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: A Christian academic community engaging students in courageous and faithful learning and living that empowers them to follow Christ and pursue God’s redeeming work in the world. 98% Job placement rate SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Physician Assistant M.S. (May 2020), Athletic Training M.S. (May 2020) TUITION: $32,100 (2019-2020) Room and board: $9,600 to $10,100 (2019-2020) FINANCIAL AID: Average financial aid award is $28,000 annually. 100% of students receive financial aid.

OKLAHOMA BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 500 West University St. Shawnee, OK 74804 405-585-5000 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.okbu.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Ben Cale, [email protected] RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Baptist ESTABLISHED: 1910 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Bachelors degrees vary from majors including: Art, Biblical Studies, Business, Criminal Justice, Education, Health and Human Performance, Journalism, Mathematics, Music, Nursing, Psychology & Social Sciences STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Integration of faith and learning, small campus and class sizes, strives for spiritual, intellectual and social growth. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Honors, Mabee Learning Center, Global Marketplace TUITION: $27, 912 FINANCIAL AID: 100% of incoming students

receive financial aid.

OKLAHOMA WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY 2201 Silver Lake Rd. Bartlesville, OK 74006 918-335-6219 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.okwu.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Jake Feickert NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 900 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Wesleyan ESTABLISHED: 1905 ACCREDITATION: The Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Around 60 STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: OKWU quickly becomes home for students with our family like community and professors. Comprised mostly of professionals turned professors, they go above and beyond to help students grow spiritually, academically and personally. Additionally, OKWU was ranked #1 in the state for job placement after graduation according to zippia.com. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Chesapeake Energy School of Business, Bachelors of Science in Nursing, Communications, Biology Pre-Med, School of Education and Exercise Science TUITION: $27,424 FINANCIAL AID: We accept Financial Aid!

OLIVET NAZARENE UNIVERSITY One University Ave Bourbonnais, IL 60914 815-939-5203 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.olivet.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Jordan Gerstenberger-Director of Recruitment NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 4,900+ (2,900 undergraduate) students RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Church of the Nazarene ESTABLISHED: 1907 ACCREDITATION: The Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral degree pro-grams offered. Approximately 120 areas of study organized into seven Schools and one College. Students are offered the opportunity to study in locations such as China, Costa Rica, England, Egypt, Romania, Russia, Uganda, Washington D.C., and Los Angeles. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Rated "Best Value" by US News & World Report. 94% career outcome rate. Worldwide network of more than 40,000 living alumni. Twenty inter-collegiate athletic teams for men and women plus an active intramural program. Students participate in more than 90 clubs and organi-zations representing diverse interests, includ-ing publications, ROTC, radio broadcasting, music and theatrical performance, and spiritual life organizations. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: ROTC TUITION: $37,070 (2019-2020) FINANCIAL AID: 99% of students receive financial aid for academics, athletics, music, art, foundation, & need-based. Over $110.8 million awarded in scholarships and grants to students.

ORAL ROBERTS UNIVERSITY 7777 South Lewis Avenue Tulsa, OK 74171 918.495.6518 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: admissions.oru.edu NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 4,053 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Interdenominational ESTABLISHED: 1963 ACCREDITATION: The Higher Learning Commission; Member, Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU); Member, Oklahoma Independent Colleges and Universities (OICU); Member, Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) MAJORS AND DEGREES: ORU offers 150+ majors, minors, concentrations and profes-sional programs spread across six unique col-leges and covering every academic interest. Students pursue degrees from ORU s College of Arts & Cultural Studies, College of Business, College of Education, College of Nursing, College of Science & Engineering and College of Theology & Ministry. ORU also offers 15 Masters degrees and 4 Doctoral. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Oral Roberts University is a world-renowned Christian uni-versity committed to building Spirit-empowered leaders who will impact every area of society, from businesses, hospitals, schools, churches, athletics, media, the arts, government and more! Graduates launch from ORU prepared to succeed because of ORU's unique Whole Person Education, which transforms students spiritually, academically and physically while equipping them to become whole leaders for the whole world. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Quest Whole Leader Scholarship Program awards eligible students up to full-tuition/year. Advantage Program is a dual-enrollment program for high school stu-dents. TUITION: Academic Year undergraduate tuition, $29,700; room and board varies based on tiered plans offered. FINANCIAL AID: ORU is committed to award-ing scholarships and grants this academic year through Quest Whole Leader Scholarships up to full-tuition/year; Fellows and Honors Program; NCAA Division I Athletic Scholarships; Legacy Scholarships $3,000/year; Talent Scholarships; and more!

OZARK CHRISTIAN COLLEGE 1111 N Main Joplin, MO 64801 417-626-1234 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: occ.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Julia Hounshell NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 500-600 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Independent Christian Church ESTABLISHED: 1942 ACCREDITATION: National: Association of Biblical Higher Education; Regional: Candidacy Status with Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Residential and online undergraduate. Five bachelor’s degrees, three associate’s degrees, 14 majors, dual degree program with a local uni-versity

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STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Biblical founda-tion, close-knit community, and global service opportunities SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Single-focused Bible college; dual degree program with a local uni-versity TUITION: $19,690/year (includes room/board/fees) FINANCIAL AID: Merit and need-based schol-arships available; 95% of students receive scholarships and financial aid; donors offset students’ cost by 20% each year.

SOUTHWEST BAPTIST UNIVERSITY 1600 University Ave. Bolivar, MO 65613 800-526-5859 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.SBUniv.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Reece Tabor NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 3,356 Total (1,400 undergraduates on main Bolivar Campus) RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern Baptist ESTABLISHED: 1878 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: More than 80 areas of study, including associates, bache-lors, masters, specialist and doctoral degrees. See complete list at www.SBUniv.edu/acade-mics STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Small class sizes; 12:1 student-to-faculty ratio; Christ-cen-tered, caring academic community; one of America’s Best Colleges Buys and one of America’s Best Christian Colleges SPECIAL PROGRAMS: University Success Center to help freshmen with college transi-tion; Dutile Honors Program to challenge, enrich and support exceptional students; win-ningest speech and debate program in the nation - 12 national championships; award-winning theatre program with regional acclaim; premier academic programs include biology (and pre-med), business administration, Christian ministry, computer science, cyberse-curity, education, intercultural studies (mis-sions), music, physical therapy and social work TUITION: $23,600 (2018-2019) FINANCIAL AID: $23.5 million awarded annu-ally in scholarships and grants; 98% of our students receive financial aid, with a $26,000 average financial aid package per student. Academic scholarships, $8,500-$14,500; Art, Music, Theatre, or Speech and Debate Performance scholarships, $500+; Athletic scholarships, $500+; Church-related scholar-ships: up to $2,000. Federal and state grants, loans and work study available.

SOUTHWESTERN CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY 7210 NW 39th Expressway Bethany, OK 73008 405-789-7661 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: swcu.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Hannah Lafferty or Hannah Hayes NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 455 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: International Pentecostal Holiness Church (IPHC) ESTABLISHED: 1946 ACCREDITATION: North Central Accreditation; High Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: 30 Majors and Degrees: Business: Bachelors in Business Administration, Business Leadership; Christian Studies: BA in Biblical Studies, BS in Christian Leadership, BA in Christian Ministry, BA in Intercultural Studies; Creative Arts: BA in Music Performance, BA in Music Worship Studies, BA in Music Technology; Education: BS in Early Childhood Development Education, BS in Elementary Education, BA in English Education, BS in History Education, BS in Physical Education, Health, and Safety; Humanities and Sciences: Associate of Arts, BA in English, BA in History, BS in Kinesiology, BS in Liberal Studies, BS in Physical Education, Sport and Leisure; Social and Behavioral Science: BS in Human Services, BS in Psychology STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Our commit-ment is to integrate faith into learning. We host a diverse group of students representing over 25 countries each year. Our athletic teams play under the NAIA Sooner Athletic Conference with a chance to compete in the NCCAA as well. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Mission Internships; Adult, Online, and Graduate Learning TUITION: $525 Per Credit Hour, 12hrs-$6,300; 15hrs- $7,875 FINANCIAL AID: Average Financial Aid Package Received by Traditional Students: $12,300 annually

SPURGEON COLLEGE AT MID-WESTERN SEMINARY 5001 N. Oak Trafficway Kansas City, MO 64118 816-414-3733 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: spurgeoncollege.com ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Hayden Summerhill: [email protected] NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 500 College/3600 Seminary RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Southern Baptist Convention ESTABLISHED: 1957 ACCREDITATION: Higher Learning Commission MAJORS AND DEGREES: Christian Ministry, Biblical Studies, Business Leadership, Biblical Counseling, Intercultural Studies, Worship Ministry, Student Ministry, Theology, Philosophy, Education, Communication STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: (1) Biblical teaching with a high view of Scripture. (2) Emphasis on missions and engaging all sec-tors of society - church, non-profit, and secular - with a biblical perspective. (3) Close relation-

ships between faculty and students. (4) One of-a-kind special programs (see below). (5) Spurgeon College is part of Midwestern Seminary, meaning the college has access to Seminary level professors and resources. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: (1) The Fusion pro-gram allows students to get extended mis-sions experience during the first year of a 4-year Bachelor of Arts degree. For the first part of the program, students are immersed in bib-lical study, cultural training, and language learning. Then, in the second part of the pro-gram, students are sent overseas or to unreached parts of the United States to serve alongside full-time missionaries in some of the world’s most unreached contexts. (2) Accelerate is an opportunity for especially gift-ed and aspiring students called into ministry to receive both a Bachelor of Arts and Master of Divinity degree in just 5 years. This program enables cohorts of elite students to receive special mentorship and study opportunities with world-renowned faculty. TUITION: On-Campus: $310/credit hour (Southern Baptist students), $475/credit hour (non-SBC students). Online: $360/credit hour (Southern Baptist students), $395/credit hour (non-SBC students). FINANCIAL AID: Students are eligible for fed-eral financial aid and institutional scholarships.

TABOR COLLEGE 400 S Jefferson Hillsboro, KS 67063 620-947-3121 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: WWW.tabor.edu ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Kelly Dugger NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 550 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Mennonite Brethren ESTABLISHED: 1908 ACCREDITATION: Yes MAJORS AND DEGREES: At Tabor College, we have 26 bachelor’s level programs—repre-senting a host of concentrations and emphases- * Denotes a con- centration within a major; – Denotes Licensure: Art & Design, Majors, Graphic Design, Studio Art, Minors, Graphic Design, Painting, Athletic Training, Major, Athletic Training, Bible, Religion & Philosophy, Majors, Biblical and Religious Studies, Christian Ministry, *Christian leader-ship concentration, *Youth ministry concentra-tion, *Mission con- centration, Minors, Christian Leadership, Mission, Philosophy, Youth Ministry, Business, Graduate. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: The core val-ues that influence the mission and vision of Tabor College include a commitment to being Christ-centered in all aspects of life, a passion for learning, the promotion of service to oth-ers, and meaningful involvement in college and community activities. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: Presidential Leadership Program, Honors Program, Department Scholarships, International Study Abroad options. TUITION: $41,200 All-inclusive pricing FINANCIAL AID: Tabor College offers student aid to nearly 100 percent of the student body. Academic, Performance and Department Scholarships available for qualifying students.

WARTBURG COLLEGE 100 Wartburg Blvd. Waverly, Iowa 50677 800-772-2085 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: https://www.wartburg.edu/ ADMISSIONS CONTACT: Taija Tucker [email protected] 319-352-8455 NUMBER OF STUDENTS: 1400 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Our mission: Spiritual Life and Campus Ministry is called by the Holy Spirit to participate in God’s mission by welcoming everyone as Christ among us by: Accompanying people of diverse religious backgrounds on their spiritual journeys, Equipping the Body of Christ to nurture Christian faith & Championing the College’s religious identity ESTABLISHED: 1852 ACCREDITATION: Wartburg College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (HLC). As part of maintaining its accreditation, Wartburg's pro-grams and processes are periodically reviewed to ensure institutional quality and integrity. MAJORS AND DEGREES: Wartburg offers more than 50 academic majors in the liberal arts and in professional areas such as busi-ness administration, education, music, and journalism and communication. Our graduates find satisfying jobs and are admitted into top graduate and professional schools. Students may also participate in a variety of interdisci-plinary minors and programs that enrich the academic experience and prepare graduates for success. STRENGTHS OF COLLEGE: Wartburg College helps students discover and claim their callings—connecting their learning with faith and values, their understanding of them-selves and their gifts, their perspective on life and the future, and the opportunities for partic-ipating in church, community, and the larger society in purposeful and meaningful ways. SPECIAL PROGRAMS: The National Association of Colleges and Employers ranks the top five employee attributes as communi-cation skills, analytical skills, teamwork, tech-nical skills, and strong work ethic. The Wartburg Plan of Essential Education helps develop those skills by emphasizing: Critical inquiry, Written and oral communica-tion, Information literacy, Mathematical and scientific reasoning, Critical reflection on faith and values, Lifetime wellness, Intercultural understanding. TUITION: $41,830 FINANCIAL AID: Regardless of your financial standing, we are committed to making educa-tion attainable for you. As a residential col-lege, Wartburg supports the concept of a socially, culturally, and economically diverse student body and believes this diversity better prepares students for society. The college pro-vides financial aid to enable students from all segments of society to attend. Wartburg believes that students should be able to select a school for academic rather than financial reasons. It admits students on academic and personal promise, not the ability to pay.

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n See HOMESCHOOLING on page 34

By Charles Walker The joy received from watching a child grow academically and mature in the Lord makes all the effort, all the time, all the money worth it. As a parent, you have prayed, researched, sought counsel, and examined all possible educational options. You have conscientiously made the decision to send your child to a Christian school because you understand the value and benefits of a Christian education. It might prove enlighten-ing and encouraging to you to carefully re-examine the specific reasons that prompted you to make this critical choice for your child and why today you are reaping the benefits of a Christian school. Your first response to the question of “why?” my child attends a Christian school may go something like this: “I enrolled my child in a Christian school to obtain a Christian education in a morally, spiritually, and physically safe environment.” However, this answer is probably an over-simplification of your decision to capitalize on the values of a Christian school. A review of the many ben-efits that your child reaps academically, spiri-tually, and socially in a Christ-centered class-room may illuminate your reasoning prepar-ing you to “be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” (I Peter 3:15). A child’s teacher is an important role model. Your child spends a major portion of the school day under the influence of one or more key teachers. You value the importance of the exemplary model set by your child’s teacher. In the Christian school classroom, the teacher openly teaches the truths of Scripture because his or her commitment compels an open, unashamed love and serv-ice to Jesus Christ. The government does not hinder these teachings, nor the reading of the Bible, nor prayer; all three are common every day occurrences. The teachers openly demonstrate and model Christian principles, one of the reasons you send your child to a

Christian school. The academic instruction in the Christian school exceeds that of the public schools. With strict standards of behavior enforced and high academic standards expected, the Christian school provides your child a better education, opening more doors in his life for future success and satisfaction. The benefits of the sound education offered in the Christian school are far-reaching and long-term, another reason you send your child to a Christian school. Christian values and attitudes are taught and emphasized in the Christian school. The overt effects of violence and immorality so common in today’s public schools clearly demonstrate the need for a Christian educa-tion. The Christian ethics and morals expounded in your home and church are reinforced in the Christian school classroom. Nurturing a child with Biblical truth is an excellent way to equip him for maturity. The Christian values taught in the Christian home and reinforced in the Christian school enable your child to deal with a troubled world with-out succumbing to its troubles, another rea-son you send your child to a Christian school. Opportunities for Christian friends and fel-lowship abound in the Christian school. Negative peer pressure is downplayed by emphasizing the relationship of each child with Jesus Christ, and magnifying the Biblical standard of true friendship which calls for love, forgiveness, and accountability. The

positive influence of a child’s Christian peers has no substitute, another reason you send your child to a Christian school. Teacher-pupil ratio in a Christian school is lower than that of most public schools. This smaller class size permits a teacher to spend more time with each child. Consequently, your child receives more individualized atten-tion from the teacher, and this, of course, greatly benefits him academically and per-sonally, another reason you send your child to a Christian school. Obeying Biblical guidelines is essential when seeking the best for your child. Scriptural admonitions concerning the rear-ing of children in the Christian faith, such as Deuteronomy 6:5-7 and II Corinthians 6:14, can only be truly adhered to if children are taught in a Christian environment. Placing your child in a Christian school may necessitate a financial sacrifice, a geo-graphical inconvenience, or a drain on your energy, but the joy received from watching your child grow academically and mature in the Lord makes all the effort, all the time, all the money worth it. You should praise the Lord for the wisdom and direction He has given you, and thank Him for the blessings of a Christian school. Dr. Charles Walker is a former education director of the American Association of Christian Schools and the executive director of the Tennessee Association of Christian Schools.

The Christian School Difference

P R I M A R Y & S E C O N D A R YWhy Choose

Homeschooling?By Chris Pirillo chris.pirillo.com Wow, I can’t get over how many responses I’ve received to the Homeschooling question I recently posted. I’ve heard from students, parents and even educators as to why or why not Homeschooling is a good idea. I received the following email from Jonathan B as to why he is in favor of educating a child at home. Freedom of Choice I like Homeschooling for the simple reason that it gives parents more choice in how their children are educated. Obviously, there are some courses that are required by law to be taken, but it seems to me outside of that a parent can struc-ture what a child learns. If they want a more religious-based education, then so be it. Being a Libertarian, I’m always excited by things where people are given choices, not forced to swallow something, hook, line and sinker. Freedom of Speed Since the average public or pri-vate school is kept with in the con-fines of daily lesson plans, I like that a child can graduate from high school through Homeschooling at whatever pace they choose. Again, it all boils down to what the child and parent chooses to do, and what their capabilities are. They can go beyond the daily lessons or stay within those confines. Again the freedom of choice is something that I really like. Broadening an Education I believe there is room for more alternative education in Homeschooling. Who doesn’t like the idea of being able to plan things such as field trips that broaden a child’s young mind with experiences – and ultimately, knowledge – that helps them in other aspects of life. Success I would cite some of the success

Training, nurturing covenant children while preparing them for ‘works of service’ By JIM DREXLER “I would advise no one to send his child where the Holy Scriptures are not supreme.” Martin Luther’s bold admonition reflects the teach-

ings of both the Old and the New Testament. Throughout the Bible, God differentiates between light and darkness, wisdom and ignorance, saved and unsaved, and Jesus himself clearly teaches that “he who is not with me is against me, and he who does not gather with me scatters” (Matthew 12:30). Whether you have been committed to Christian educa-tion for years or whether you are just now exploring the possibilities, con-sider the following from this per-spective: How can Christian parents best fulfill their obligation to train

and nurture their covenant children (Deuteronomy 6:4–8)? Specifically, what type of education effectively prepares children for “works of serv-ice” (Ephesians 4:12)?

Misconceptions about Christian education A Christian school is not a place where a few “ornaments” like prayer, chapels, and Bible classes merely complement an otherwise secular education. Genuine Christian educa-tion seeks to integrate God’s Word into every facet of the curriculum as

well as all co-curricular activities. As the Puritan theologian Charles Bridges wrote in his commentary on Proverbs, “The religious training must not be the border of the gar-ment, which might easily be cut off. It must be the pervading substance throughout.” Second, the phrase “Christian education” should encompass more than the study of religion. Unfortunately, many evangelicals have too narrow a definition.

Why Choose a Christian K-12 Education?

n See CHRISTIAN on page 34

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Where is Calvary Lutheran School?

Calvary Lutheran School is located on a beautiful 29-acre cam-pus in South Kansas City. Calvary has been serving students and their families from the Kansas City Metropolitan area since 1949. What does Calvary Lutheran have to offer you?

CLS offers a student driven, Christ centered, rigorous curricu-lum, at an affordable tuition. Our primary mission is to nurture the whole child---academically, spiritually, emotionally, and socially. An experi-enced teaching staff and extracurricu-lar activities in music, arts, and sports provide endless opportunities for the students.

Calvary students grow with confi-dence, developing a strong intellectual and moral foundation that lasts a life-time. n Focus on Faith in Jesus n Long-standing tradition of academ-ic excellence n Loving and nurturing teachers with strong faith and experience n Small class sizes in a safe and secure setting n 21st Century Learning Environment n Computer lab and 1 to 1 laptops in 3rd thru 8th grade n SMART boards in every classroom

n Technology integrated into the classrooms n Foreign language instruction in 4th-8th grades n Faith formation through Bible based curriculum and weekly chapel n Friendly, bright, clean atmosphere Is Calvary Lutheran an accredited school?

The K-8th program is fully accred-ited through NLSA and MNSAA. The Calvary Early Education Program (Infant Care through Preschool) is also fully licensed and accredited. Both programs strive for excellence as they serve each student with love and care. How do I become a part of the Calvary family?

Schedule a tour today and come see the quality education that is wait-ing for you! Call 816-595-4020 or con-tact us online at www.cal-varyschoolkc.com.

Calvary Lutheran School

Our tradition is rich with over 60 years of strong academic and athletic programs. Through a diverse and chal-lenging curriculum as well as an envi-ronment demanding excellence, St. Pius X High School strives to instill in every student an attitude of lifelong learning in the development of their spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical gifts.

St. Pius X High School is a private, Catholic,college preparatory high school North of the River in Kansas City, Missouri. St. Pius X is a place where students and faculty actively work to find solutions through excel-lent classroom instruction and interac-tion. Within a value-centered environ-ment, there are high expectations for student behavior. Respectfulness and

student achievement are the norm. Traditionally, 98% of St. Pius X

High School graduates go on to college and 20% of our students score in the top 10% nationally on the ACT. Our graduates continue their education at a variety of colleges and universities throughout Missouri and the Country. In addition to college prep academics, students have the opportunity to par-ticipate in over 30 extracurricular sports and activities. We are large enough for opportunities and small enough to have a sense of community. With a new Athletic Complex, Fine Arts Building and Renovated Football and Soccer Stadium we are building for our future!

St. Pius X High School

St. Pius X High School recently built a 45-Acre athletic Complex, including a track, baseball field, softball field, tennis courts and cross country trails.

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Since 1989, Summit Christian Academy has pre-pared students for spiritual leader-ship and academ-ic excellence. SCA has grown from 32 students to 837 and has been ranked as one of the top five pri-vate schools in the KC area. Situated on a 36-acre campus, SCA provides excellent academics, performing arts, speech and debate, athletics, as well as lead-ership organizations and clubs.

An SCA core value is “inspiring excellence in learning.” SCA faculty members inspire students to excel academically in an atmosphere where students can think creatively, learn to discern truth, think critical-ly, and choose wisely. In academics, arts, and athletics, SCA upholds a standard of excellence that encour-ages students to achieve their indi-vidual best. SCA students consis-tently score 28-30 percent higher than the national average on the Stanford 10 administered to K-11 students every year and has an aver-

age ACT score of 25 with 98% of graduates going on to higher educa-tion.

The environment allows teachers the opportunity to provide individ-ual attention students need to suc-ceed. This special mentoring approach combined with a strong core program in phonics, reading, geography, language, spelling, mathematics, history, Spanish, Bible, and science makes SCA the school of choice for Christian fami-lies whose priority is excellence.

The college-preparatory curricu-lum challenges students and pro-vides an opportunity to earn up to 74 hours of college credit.

For information or a personal tour, contact 816-525-1480.

Summit Christian Academy

Maranatha Christian Academy (MCA) is more than just another school. Maranatha is rigorous col-lege-preparatory education. Maranatha is community.

MCA has been a leader in Christian education in the Shawnee, Kansas, area for 45 years.

The mission of MCA is to train and equip students for life and for service to Jesus Christ through a Biblical worldview, character develop-ment, and academic excellence. To accomplish this mission, MCA pro-vides academics based on a Biblical foundation. That foundation is strengthened by a district-wide scope and sequence-based curriculum that helps bridge student’s education from pre-k through graduation, and even beyond, by offering multiple dual credit classes.

MCA is dually accredited through ACSI and AdvancEd. MCA provides an excellent education that is vetted by national standards and evaluated with performance-based testing. MCA ’s pre-k curriculum helps set the stage for success with 95 percent of those tested scoring above national target

goals for academically gifted learners. This excellence continues as MCA senior’s average ACT scores consistent-ly are above state and national aver-ages. As an example of excellence, due to the hard work of students and teachers, the 2019 graduating seniors were awarded over $1 million in schol-arships to post-secondary education organizations across the country.

Maranatha Christian Academy is more than just another school, it can be where your student not only suc-ceeds but soars to new heights.

MCA provides a safe and nurtur-ing environment that fosters academic excellence and the development of lifelong friendships based on Christian values and principles. Contact us online at www.mca-eagles.org or by calling (913) 631-0637, ext. 315, to learn more about Maranatha Christian Academy.

Maranatha Christian Academy

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Why send your child to a Lutheran school like Hope Lutheran in Shawnee?

Our history in the Shawnee area started in 1983 when the congrega-tion of Hope Lutheran Church voted to establish a Christian day school. It opened in the fall of 1983 with 21 students. In 1987 the congregation approved plans to remodel the exist-ing classrooms and add an education wing. In 1998, the congregation approved another building addition, which included a Family Life Center (gym) and rooms for meetings, Sunday School, music and day school.

Throughout Hope’s history, we’ve kept the emphasis on worship and Christian education. As we continue to benefit from the growth of our suburban community, we prayerfully seek His will in meeting the increas-ing spiritual and physical needs of our congregation and school families.

We strive to keep the focus on Jesus Christ, and Hope Lutheran School empathizes the following:

n Our school is driven by a com-mitment to the Gospel and focused on a mission of bringing hope and healing to students and families.

n Hope is governed by board members who clearly understand their roles and focus on the vision and board policies that effectively govern the operation of the school.

n Hope meets and exceeds state and national academic standards at all grade levels from preschool through 8th grade. Our students are prepared to succeed in the next grade level.

n Hope has educators who model visionary leadership. They practice stewardship of resources, build up others and empathize with others.

n Hope has educators who model spiritual leadership. Our teachers study God’s word, share their person-al faith story, apply Law and Gospel appropriately, exhibit a passion for ministry, act courageously, equip God’s people for service, care for oth-ers, demonstrate and pray.

n Hope Lutheran School is accredited by the State of Kansas, National Lutheran School Association and AdvancED.

n We are intentional about “BUILDING lives of EXCELLENCE upon the foundation of CHRIST.”

Call at 913-631-6940.

Hope Lutheran School

Overland Christian Schools

Located at 74th and Metcalf in Overland Park, KS, Overland Christian Schools offers quality Christian educa-tion for students K-3 through high school. Since 1938, OCS has offered students a Christ-centered atmosphere to pursue truth in a changing world. Overland Christian Schools is a cultur-ally-diverse, rapidly growing school. OCS is dually accredited by the Association of Christian Teachers and Schools (actsschools.org) and AdvancED (advance-ed.org).

Our caring staff is made up of exemplary Christians who are well-trained, experienced, and dedicated to

helping each of their students discover their unique potential. In order to meet the varied needs of the students, OCS offers a wide assortment of class-es ranging from the traditional cur-riculum to specialized courses.

Additionally, students have a num-ber of opportunities to participate in extra-curricular activities including athletic and academic competitions, music and drama productions, and much more!

For more information about Overland Christian Schools please visit our website at overlandchristian.org or call us at 913-647-8729.

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Plaza Heights Christian Academy

Providing students with a quality education is essential if they hope to meet the demands of college and career.

Plaza Heights Christian Academy believes that a student needs to be equally prepared for college and the workplace. It is our goal to provide the support, nurture and care that chil-dren need while offering appropriate academic challenges.

In addition to offering a superior education, Plaza Heights Christian Academy believes it is important for a school bearing the name of Christ to train its students to think and live like Christ would.

Developing students who see the relevance of having a Biblical Worldview in every area of life is our highest objective.

Believing that all truth is God’s truth, PHCA offers an education that does not separate the academic from the spiritual. Our primary mission is to develop self-disciplined learners who are guided through life by a Biblical view of God, man and society.

Originally established as a ministry of Plaza Heights Baptist Church in 1999, Plaza Heights Christian Academy is now an independent Christian school serving 250 students in preschool through 12th grade. Conveniently located in Blue Springs, PHCA attracts families from through-out the Kansas City metropolitan area.

Please visit our website at www.plazaheightschristianacademy.org for more information or to enroll or by calling (816) 228-0670.

The Lutheran High School of Kansas City

The Lutheran High School of Kansas City is located on a beautiful 29 acre hilltop campus in south Kansas City, Missouri. The Christ-centered environment is open to stu-dents of all faiths. Christian values and beliefs are at the core of a rich curriculum filled with vigor and cre-ativity.

The Lutheran High School is part of a nationally recognized Lutheran system that ranges from preschool through a university system.

Students at Lutheran High score higher than both the national and the state averages on the ACT and over 20% of students score a 30 or higher on their ACT test. LHSKC is fully

accredited by Cognia, Missouri Non-Public, and National Lutheran Schools while presenting a Missouri State Approved College Prep Curriculum. Most students qualify for the Missouri A+ program. Dual credit classes are offered for upper level students in a variety of subjects.

Developing a well-rounded student capable of leadership is paramount in the Lutheran High experience. Students are encouraged to be involved in multiple co-curricular activities. Leadership roles abound as students are engaged in experiential learning opportunities outside the classroom. Come and visit a vibrant, flexible learning community.

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Blue Ridge Christian School

More than a school… a family! Blue Ridge Christian School is

more than a school, it is a family. Our mission is to include family, church and school in an educational plan that will produce men and women who know who they are in Christ with the ability to share themselves with the world.

n Meeting educational needs for over 50 years

n Standards-based curriculum with a biblical worldview

n Relationship-centered class-rooms

n Flexible content delivery n Extracurricular opportunities

with excellence in sports and music n Seasoned staff and faculty n Community partnerships n Accredited by ACSI and Cognia n A+ designated Students, parents, and employees

make friends for a lifetime, experience the joy of team support, find spiritual mentoring and instruction on a per-sonal level, enjoy learning at a high academic level, and make fond memo-ries for a lifetime while attending BRCS.

If you are looking for a school where your child is known and appre-ciated check out Blue Ridge Christian School.

Northland Christian Schools

At Northland Christian Schools, pro-viding a Christian edu-cation means more to us than simply provid-ing Bible courses. Northland Christian staff and faculty pursue a holistic integration of biblical Truths in every aspect of learning. We believe the Holy Spirit is moving in every les-son, every encounter, and every child. We walk with each student on their faith journey, recognizing that a relation-ship with Christ is the most important gift of education.

Our mission is to partner with Christian families and churches to provide a God-centered, discipleship-based school with academic excellence and a Biblical worldview, equipping students to serve and influence our world for Christ.

Our academic approach includes building a curriculum from the point of graduation and working backwards to cultivate age-appropriate classroom curriculum that engages students’ hearts and minds for Christ. In addi-

tion to our Biblically-based curricu-lum, we practice daily habits of prayer and Scripture reading.

Northland Christian also provides opportunities for students to walk in their talents through co-curricular activities such as athletics (HS football, volleyball, soccer, track and field, cheer, and dance, archery), Scholar Bowl, National Honor Society, Student Council, Pep band, ACSI competi-tions, Yearbook, LEGO Club, Praise & Worship, and dramas.

Enrolling Now! Visit our website (www.northlandchristianed.com) for more information and to set up a tour!

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Christ Prep Football seeks to build godly men for the next generation. We accomplish this by teaching core values such as confidence, courage, humility, and self-discipline. We use the disciplines that football offers as the teaching device.

Christ Prep Football has been serving the Greater Kansas City homeschooling community since 2003. We are blessed to be one of the premier home school football programs in the country. While we have won the last 2 NHFA national championships, and have had many winning seasons, our greatest accomplishments are visible when our players move on to become godly husbands, fathers, missionaries, mili-tary men, businessmen and faithful members of the local church. Seeing young men develop into faithful Christ fol-lowers and serve Him faithfully is what this program is all about.

Our team is made up of students who attend Christ

Prep Academy, homeschool students and private school stu-dents attending schools that do not offer football. Playing for Christ Prep allows players to stay in their current aca-demic environment while playing competitive 11-man foot-ball. We have an “approved” status with KSHAA (Kansas High School Athletics Association) which allows us to play public and private schools.

II Timothy 1:7, is our team verse. You cannot succeed in life or honor God being ruled by fear. Football is one of the best ways for young men to learn to overcome fear, to love sacrificially and develop self-discipline. Focusing on their spiritual lives, we have devotions after each practice, encour-age prayer and fellowship, and promote a Biblical approach to all areas of life.

Christ Prep Football

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Timothy Lutheran School (TLS), established in 2001, is located at 301 E Wyatt Rd, Blue Springs, MO. Headed by Ken Holland, Principal, TLS serves 75 students, grades K-8, with a staff of 6 full-time accredited teachers. Pastoral council is provided by Pastor John Otte. TLS is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Senate and is accredited by the National Lutheran Schools Association. Timothy Lutheran School is known as the “best kept secret of Blue Springs” as students achieve an average of two grade levels above expectations on national academic achievement tests. In addition to a traditional aca-demic curriculum, TLS includes spiri-tual guidance through formal religious instruction, weekly chapel meetings and participation in congregational celebrations. Extra-Curricular Activities include girls’ volleyball, boys’ soccer, boys’ and girls’ basketball, and boys’ and girls’

track and cross country, and Middle School Quiz Bowl. TLS has competed at state level. Additional classes include instrumental music, choir and Spanish. Students of all faith traditions are

welcome. Please visit us at timothylutheran-schools.com or contact the school office at 816-228-5300 for more infor-mation. We are excited to meet you!

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St. Regis Academy

Timothy Lutheran School

Family Focused Faithfully Catholic Academically Excellent All Are Welcome!

St. Regis Academy in partner-ship with parents, as the primary educators of their children, seeks to provide a Catholic Classical Liberal Arts Education centered on Christ. We seek to cultivate an environment that fosters a stu-dent’s natural desire for Truth, Beauty, and Goodness. St. Regis Academy prepares students to think critically, reason logically, articulate clearly, and engage oth-ers persuasively. Our enrollment includes racial, ethnic, and eco-nomic diversity within the Body of Christ, providing a wealth of opportunity for students to grow in virtue by pursuing spiritual, emotional, and academic excel-lence.

St. Regis scholars are more than just graduates; they are disciples. The formation they receive in all subject areas is geared toward preparing our young people to be confident defenders of the good, the true and the beautiful, utilizing these ideals in all decision-making. The knowledge and wisdom they gain here will serve them in the parish, further education and the

workplace. We pray that all of our scholars are faithful servants for mankind through the example of Christ, utilizing their whole person in His service.

n Safe and caring environment n Emphasis on the Story of

God’s World n Growth in Virtue n Inclusive Environment n Integrated Curriculum n Latin n Purpose-driven Lessons n STREAM n Athletics St. Regis Eagles are ready to


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Christian education, they think, takes place only in Sunday school, during Bible studies, or at home during family devotions, but this view is too limited. The apostle Paul exhorts us to “take captive every thought to make it obedi-ent to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Saint Augustine wrote that “every good and true Christian should understand that wherever he may find truth, it is the Lord’s.” Reflecting the same convic-tion, John Calvin wrote, “We shall nei-ther reject the truth itself, nor despise it whenever it shall appear, unless we wish to dishonor the Spirit of God.” True Christian education relates God’s Word to every aspect of life. Third, a Christian school is not a “safe house” from the world. Many well-meaning parents think that the Christian school offers protection from the evils of the world. A Christian school is not a guarantee against sin. The difference, however, is that the Christian school disciplines by teaching students about God’s demands, and His forgiveness, grace and mercy. Finally, the Christian school is not a reform school for families who have exhausted other options to solve their problems. The Christian school should be their first choice, the place where Christian families, the church, and the Christian school can prepare students for effective lives of service in God’s kingdom. The necessity of Christian education

We are living in what some have labeled a “Post-Christian Age.” In Against the Night, the late Charles Colson described our “barbaric” and “decadent” times as “The New Dark Ages.” The church itself is reeling under the onslaught of secularism as noted by the late Francis Schaeffer in The Great Evangelical Disaster. Waging an all-out attack in order to win people’s hearts and minds, secular forces are winning on many fronts, including education. How should Christian families respond? Clearly, we should never despair, for the Bible teaches that “the earth is the Lord’s” (Psalm 24:1), that God’s Word will “not return … empty,” (Isaiah 55:11), and that the “gates of Hell will not overcome” His church (Matthew 16:18). God’s purposes and plans cannot be thwarted! We can do more than just hope and pray—this is the role of Christian

education. We in Christian education do not want to destroy public schools. Their efforts involve Christian students, teachers, and administrators, and we need to support them. However, an educational philosophy that does not explicitly declare Christ as Lord, that does not integrate God’s Word into every action, that does not acknowl-edge God as the source of all truth, can only, in the words of Jesus Christ, “scat-ter.” The Bible clearly states that the unregenerate mind cannot please God because it places man at the center, assumes that human beings are basical-ly good, actively suppresses the truth about God, and denies the supernatural realities of heaven and hell. The regen-erate mind, from which Christian edu-cation flows, affirms the opposite: God is the creator and ruler of this universe; human beings, sinners from birth, are in need of redemption; all truth is God’s truth; and, man is not dependent on human reason alone. The question, therefore, is this: Does a secular education enable a stu-dent to think biblically about the world? Consider the reasoning of Charles Bridges: “To expand, without soundly enlightening, the mind, is but to increase its power for evil. Far better to consign it to total ignorance, inas-much as the uninstructed savage is less responsible, less dangerous, than the well-furnished infidel.” Similarly, John Calvin believed that “a knowledge of all the sciences is mere smoke where the heavenly science of Christ is wanting.” The basics of Christian education A genuine Christian education pro-vides a quality liberal arts education that glorifies Jesus Christ and prepares students for lives of faithful and obedi-ent service to Him. The Bible is the integrative force, and all administrators, faculty, and staff personally know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. Specifically, Christian education is an acknowledgement, an attitude, and an ambition: Christian education is an acknowledgement about God’s world. He created it, He holds it together, He rules it, and we have an obligation to learn all that we can about it. We aren’t simply learning about math, science, and history; we are learning about God’s world. Christian education seeks to produce competent graduates who know the world as well as the One who created it. Christian education is an attitude related to God’s Word; therefore, study-

ing God’s world from the perspective of the Word is critical. We can understand life only as we view it through the “spectacles of Scripture.” “For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light” (Psalm 36:9). Seeking to bring all thought and activity under the lord-ship of Christ, we want our students to be passionate about their God, their lives, and their call to service. Christian education is an ambition to do God’s will. Because it is a lifelong process of transforming our minds, Christian education spans “the cradle to the grave.” We want our students to be “maladjusted” to this world, to see the sin in themselves and in the world, and to commit their lives to the pursuit of justice, compassion, and integrity. As students study God’s world from the perspective of the Word, it will enable them to do God’s service. “We want to serve our culture,” writes Harry Blamires in The Secularist Heresy,” we want our culture to work—not because it is the only good we can conceive, and not because we are finally and securely at home in it—but because it is a great drama that we have been staged in, and it is good that we should play our parts well.” There are those who object to Christian schools saying: “We want our children to be in the ‘real’ world.” What is the “real” world for Christians? Is it a world informed by sec-ularism, or one dominated by the love, reconciliation, and forgiveness of Jesus Christ? “We don’t want to abandon the public schools. We want our children to be a witness there.” Should the youngest members of God’s kingdom be on the front lines, or is it wiser first to train and prepare them much like we would care for young plants in the garden? “We would like to have our chil-dren in the Christian school, but we can’t afford it.” What better stewardship of personal and church finances than to use them for the education of covenant children? “Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wis-dom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding” (Proverbs 4:7). “The Christian school is hypocritical.” Christian schools do not claim to be perfect or without their share of sinners any more than churches do. The differ-ence with the Christian school is the way in which it deals with the sin, how it models restitution and accountability, and how it encourages repentance and restoration. The mission of the Christian school The psalmist, writing to God’s peo-ple, summarizes the mission of Christian education: “We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done. He decreed statutes for Jacob and established the law in Israel, which he commanded our forefathers to teach their children, so the next gen-eration would know them, even the children yet to be born, and they in turn would tell their children. Then

they would put their trust in God and would not forget his deeds but would keep His commands” (Psalm 78:4–8, NIV). The Christian school, working together with the Christian home and the church, exists to fulfill these scrip-tural promises. The Christian school longs to introduce its students to the source of all truth. Therefore, the deci-sion for a Christian education is the best choice a family can make. More than 450 years ago, Martin Luther preached a powerful sermon encouraging his listeners to stand firm in their faith and reminding them of the nature of the conflict: “Christendom must have people who can beat down their adversaries and opponents and tear off the devil’s

equipment and armor, that he may be brought into disgrace. But for this work, powerful warriors are needed, who are thoroughly familiar with the Scriptures and can contradict all false interpretations and take the sword from false teachers. … Each Christian should be so armed that he himself is sure of his belief and of the doctrine and is so equipped with the sayings from the Word of God that he can stand up against the devil and defend himself, when men seek to lead him astray.” This is the mission of the Christian school. –Jim Drexler is dean of social science and the Graduate School of Education at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga.

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CHRISTIAN continued from page 26

stories of Homeschooling, consider-ing the fact that there are several Homeschoolers who participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee almost yearly. For us sports fans, a well-known and successful Homeschooler is Tim Tebow, the quarterback for the University of Florida Gators. Tim was allowed by Florida law to play for Nease High School, even though he was a Homeschooler.

Not as Anti-Social as some People Think One of the prevalent stigmas is that children being Homeschooled are thought to be less socially stimu-lated than the children who are edu-cated in public or private schools.

For the most part, this in my estima-tion would be rather inaccurate. Lets not stigmatize the whole institution of Homeschooling, as many children in the U.S. do their Homeschooling with their peers, go on field trips, and even in some cases play sports in local high schools or community-based cooperatives. Consider the options To close, I like the options and freedom that come with home-schooling. I prefer to educate my future children as I would see fit. And I am sure the average, blue-col-lar mom and dad, if able too, would love to have some say, if not total say, in their child’s or children’s educa-tion without throwing them into the U.S. education system. I believe that homeschooling can be an instru-ment of personal and individual freedom.

HOMESCHOOLING continued from page 26

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In the fall of 1986, a group of 17 homeschool families gathered to pro-vide encouragement and fellowship for one another.

This was the beginning of the Johnson County Parent Educators (JCPE). In late 2001, the JCPE mem-bership voted to change the organiza-tion’s name to Midwest Parent Educators (MPE).

MPE has experienced growth com-mensurate with that of the home-schooling movement nationally. We serve homeschoolers in the greater Kansas City metro area, including many from Wyandotte, Miami, and Douglas counties in Kansas and from counties in Kansas City, Missouri. From the 17 families who founded Midwest Parent Educators to the more than 1,000 families we serve today, we’re here because people like you got involved in helping parents home-school their children.

Over the years, MPE has incorpo-rated as a nonprofit 501(c)3 organiza-tion and has adopted official by-laws. Midwest Parent Educators is governed by a board, from which an executive committee of officers is chosen. MPE seeks to support homeschool families in the Kansas City Metro and beyond in ways that reflect the Christian heart and spirit of homeschooling with access to many resources and events.

The Midwest Parent Educators Conference and Curriculum Fair began as a joint effort between Families for Home Education (FHE) and JCPE in 1992. Since 1994, the con-ference has been sponsored solely by MPE.

The goal of the conference is to pro-vide families with motivation and tools for continuing the home educa-tion process.

Well-known speakers from across the nation are brought to Kansas City for the conference each spring. Over 180 vendors participate in the curricu-lum fair, and multiple workshops are offered to address issues facing home-schooling families. The conference has an average attendance of over 2500 people.

MPE provides an annual Women’s Encouragement Day - a quiet, relaxing

day during the middle of the year when the days seem long and we find we need encouragement to help us keep going!

All homeschool moms are invited to glean wisdom from God’s word through inspirational speaker sessions, worship music to lift spirits, and enjoy a delicious lunch while fellowshipping with other moms in various seasons of homeschooling.

Along with these well-attended large events, MPE hosts other annual events including a members’ exclusive high school graduation ceremony each spring; a Used Curriculum Sale early each summer, and the informative How-to-Homeschool workshop for incoming homeschooling families each fall proceeding the start of that school year.

Midwest Parent Educators

Kansans for Life and Missouri Right to Life-WR partner together to bring pro-life information and events to the Kansas City Region. Our mission is to educate the public and our legislators on the basic right to life of all human beings from the moment of concep-tion until natural death. To further this mission, we have educational booths at every opportunity and are delighted to participate at the Midwest Christian Education Expo.

Both Missouri Right to Life and Kansans for Life host a Fund-Raising Golf event.

The Kansas Golf Marathon is usual-ly in May, check our web site for the date. The Missouri Right to Life Golf Tournament will be held in May15. The KFL Valentine Banquet February is another opportunity to support the organization while being dined,

informed and inspired. MRL will be holding their annual carnation sale to churches and organizations for Mother's Day on May 10. All proceeds from events benefit our office opera-tions and booth fees and educational materials.

We always need volunteers to help at various events. Keep informed by visiting our websites: www.kfl.org or call 913.642.5433 / www.mrlwesternre-gion.org or call 816.353.4113.

What can you do? Pray. Spread the truth. Support our work!

Missouri Right to Life Kansans for Life

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K - 1 2 D I R E C T O R YBLUE RIDGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL 15710 Calvary Road Kansas City, MO 64147 816-358-0950 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.blueridgechristiankc.com PRINCIPAL: Kathleen Reynolds ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Dedra Pease GRADES: Pre-K (3yrs) - 12th CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 120 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non - Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1969 ACCREDITATION: ACSI and AdvancED (Cognia) CURRICULUM: Varied STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Family atmos-phere and differentiation EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Drama, music, sports (soccer, volleyball, basketball, cheer, baseball) OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Now TUITION: (Pre K - 5th) $6,200 Secondary (6th - 12th) $7,350 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

CALVARY LUTHERAN SCHOOL 12411 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64145 816-595-4020 E-MAIL: school [email protected] WEBSITE: https://calvaryschoolkc.com/ PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Michelle Fischer ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Michelle Fischer GRADES: Infant-8th Grade CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 200 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Missouri Synod Lutheran ESTABLISHED: 1949 ACCREDITATION: National Federation of Nonpublic School State Accrediting Associations, Missouri Nonpublic School Accrediting Association, National Lutheran Schools Association CURRICULUM: Calvary provides a well rounded curriculum: Reading, English, Vocabulary, Math Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Music, Art, Spanish (4-8), Religion. STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Well rounded, high quality academic education centered around Christ’s love. Small Class Size, Professionally Licensed Teachers, USDA Hot Lunch Program, and culturally diverse environ-ment. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Cheerleading (7-8), Soccer (5-8 boys), Girls Basketball (5-8), Boys Basketball (5- 8), Cross Country/Track (4-8 co-ed), Band, Choir, Handbells, Chess, Drama OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Rolling acceptance - Feb. 15-March 30 is priority TUITION: $6,150 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

CHRIST PREP FOOTBALL 15700 West 87th Street Parkway Lenexa, KS 66219 816-210-8793 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.christprepfootball.com PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Ron Lawler ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Tom Hurley GRADES: 7-12 CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 75 ESTABLISHED: 2003 ACCREDITATION: KSHSAA Approved CURRICULUM: 11-Man Competitive Football -Middle School Grades 7th-8th/ JV Grades 9th-10th/ Varsity Grades 9th-12th Seeking To Build Godly Men For The Next Generation. We teach core values such as confidence, courage, humility and self-discipline in young men using football as a teaching tool. Our team verse is 2 Timothy 1 :7 "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and self-discipline." Christ Prep Football is an 11-Man football program that has an "Approved" status with KSHSAA (Kansas High School Athletics Association), this allows us to play public and private schools in both Kansas & Missouri. We also compete each year in the NHFA Homeschool National Tournament in Panama City Beach, FL. Patriot players can attend Christ Prep Academy, be homeschooled, or attend a private school that does not offer football. Playing for Christprep allows players to stay in their current academic environment while playing competitive 11-man football. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes - Based on need.

DISCOVERY HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY 801 SW 1st St. Oak Grove, MO 64075 913-636-8290 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.DHAcademy.org PRINCIPAL: Letricia Hess GRADES: Pre-K to 10th grade CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 400 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian ESTABLISHED: 2000 STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: College degreed and/or certified teachers with Hands-on learning. The Bridge High school program partnering with Metropolitan Community College EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Fine Arts programs/concerts, PE Field day, Kindergarten graduation, and much more! OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: March 1st TUITION: Multiple kid discounts. 1st student starting at $100 monthly

HOPE LUTHERAN SCHOOL 6308 Quivira Road Shawnee, KS 66216 913-631-6940 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: hopelutheran.org/school PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Mrs. Nancy Jankowski GRADES: Preschool - 8th grade CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 198 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran LCMS ESTABLISHED: 1983 ACCREDITATION: Cognia (AdvancEd), National Lutheran Schools Association, State of Kansas CURRICULUM: Pearson, Glencoe, Abeka, Concordia Publishing STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Mission: Building lives of excellence upon the foundation of Christ. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Sports, Math Club, Academic Club, Chess Club, Robotics, Art Club OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: March 1, 2020 TUITION: $5,670 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

MARANATHA CHRISTIAN ACADEMY South Campus: 6826 Lackman Road, Shawnee, KS 66217 North Campus: 15000 West 63rd Street, Shawnee, KS 66216 913-631-0637 E-MAIL: [email protected], [email protected] WEBSITE: www.mca-eagles.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Mrs. Janet Fogh ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Mr. Rodney Wilcox GRADES: Pre-School, Elementary, Jr. High, & High School CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 475 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian, Non-Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1974 ACCREDITATION: AdvancEd and ACSI CURRICULUM: Variety STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Christian world-view modeled by a highly qualified and caring staff. College-preparatory school with high ACT scores, college acceptance rates and scholarship earned. STEAM course emphasis from Pre-School through High School. Excellent Fine Arts program (Band, Choir, Art, and Drama) and full Athletic program. Our motto is Wisdom, Character, Service, and we teach our students to be leaders of today and tomorrow. 12 Dual Credit classes allowing students to earn 36 college credit hours while in high school. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: National Honor Society, Choir, Band, Art, Drama, Football, Cheerleading, Cross-Country, Tennis, Baseball, Soccer, Track, Golf, Basketball, Bowling, Scholar Bowl, Student Council OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Ongoing TUITION: Ranges based on grade level.

Please see our website at www.mca-eagles.org FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available to quali-fied families. We use SmartAid to apply.

MESSIAH LUTHERAN SCHOOL 613 S. Main St. Independence, MO 64050 816-254-9409 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.messiahlutheranschool.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Eric Eckhoff, Principal ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Eric Eckhoff, Principal GRADES: 2 years through 8 th Grade CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 44 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran Church Missouri Synod ESTABLISHED: 1943 ACCREDITATION: National Federation of Nonpublic School State Accrediting Associations, Missouri Nonpublic School Accrediting Association, National Lutheran Schools Association STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Small Class Sizes, Professionally Licensed Teachers EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Volleyball, Basketball, Track, Cross Country OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Ongoing TUITION: Starting at $3250.00 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available

MIDWEST PARENT EDUCATORS PO Box 14931 Lenexa, KS 66285 913-599-0311 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: https://midwesthomeschoolers.org/ PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Dave Layman ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Christy Jolly GRADES: PreK-12 CURRENT ENROLLMENT: Over 1000 fami-lies RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian ESTABLISHED: 1986 STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Supporting homeschool families EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Homeschool Conference and Curriculum Fair, High School Graduation, Women's Encouragement Day, SAT Testing, PSAT Testing, Exchange City, How to Homeschool Workshops, Used Curriculum Sale OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: No set date--open TUITION: $50 Family Level FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

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NORTHLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS (3 CAMPUSES) Liberty- 7700 N. Church Rd, Liberty, MO KC North- 10500 N. Arrowhead Trafficway, KCMO Platte City-15275 92 Hwy, Platte City, MO 816-548-2222 WEBSITE: northlandchristianschools.com HEAD OF SCHOOL: Danny McCubbin, Superintendent [email protected]; Joe Smith, Liberty and Platte City Principal [email protected]; Bryan Prewitt, KC North Secondary Principal [email protected]; Brandy Tanner, KC North Elementary Facilitator [email protected] ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Brylie Carlson, Admissions [email protected] CONTACT: Brylie Carlson, Admissions GRADES: Blazer Bits (3-4 year olds) to 12th grade CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 476 students RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-denomina-tional ESTABLISHED: 2006 ACCREDITATION: ACSI and AdvancEd STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Emphasis in on Christ with high academic standards EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: HS Football, Girls and Boys Elementary and JV/V basketball, Girls and Boys 5th-12th grade vol-leyball, cheer, dance, Track and Field, Science Olympiad, National Honor Society, Girls and Boys Soccer, Band, Scholar Bowl, Musical/Play, Pep Band, Yearbook, ACSI Competitions, Praise & Worship, LEGO Club, 4th-12th grade Archery. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Begins Feb 10 TUITION: Please see the website. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available through application

OVERLAND CHRISTIAN SCHOOLS 7016 W. 74th St. Overland Park, KS 66204 913-948-9994 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.overlandchristian.org HEADMASTER: Allen Sancken ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Tina Linick GRADES: Preschool through high school CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 111 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Established by the Churches of God (Holiness) ESTABLISHED: 1938 ACCREDITATION: AdvanceED / Association of Christian Teachers and Schools CURRICULUM: Traditional; Primarily Bob Jones University Press STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Biblical world-view emphasis; affordable tuition plans; small class sizes (11:1 ratio); excellent facilities; state-licensed preschool; international student program; full-service library with 30,000 vol-umes; culturally diverse student body; hot lunch program; financial assistance program; dual-credit college courses available for upperclassmen through accredited Kansas Christian College (on campus) EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Participation in the Mo-Kan athletic conference and MCSAA state tournaments; middle and high school sports program (soccer, volleyball, basketball, and track); academic and music

competitions; band program; drama production each spring; various clubs OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Priority Enrollment: March 9-April 30; Late Enrollment: May 1-August 1 TUITION: Full day $5200; see website for details (overlandchristian.org) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available online application and based upon financial need

PLAZA HEIGHTS CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 1500 SW Clark Rd. Blue Springs, MO 64015 816-228-0670 WEBSITE: www.plazaheightschristianacade-my.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Mr. Charles Lawson ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Jill Richardson GRADES: Preschool through 12 grades CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 249 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Non-Denominational ESTABLISHED: 1999 ACCREDITATION: ACSI and AdvancedEd CURRICULUM: Bob Jones University, Abeka, Purposeful Design STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Small class sizes, 1 to 1 technology in classrooms, individ-ual student attention EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: soccer, track, basketball, cheer, baseball, drama, chapel band, student council OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: FEB 2020 TUITION: Current amount: grades K-5 $ 5695 grades 6-8 $5995 grades 9-12 $6395 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: financial assis-tance is available on an application basis

SAINT PAUL LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL 205 S Main St. Concordia, MO 64020 660-463-2238 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.splhs.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Rev. Paul Mehl ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Clint Colwell GRADES: 9-12 CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 200 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Christian - Lutheran ESTABLISHED: 1883 ACCREDITATION: Fully accredited through AdvancEd & National Lutheran School Assoc. CURRICULUM: College Preparatory offering dual credit classes through Concordia University, Nebraska. STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: We are a 4 year high School – Boarding School. We prepare Christian leaders from all over the world. 79 of our 200 students are from 17 different coun-tries. EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Academic & Math teams, Teens for Life, NAS, sports such as soccer, volleyball, football, bas-ketball, cross country, golf, track, baseball & softball. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Rolling enroll-ment TUITION: Contact us for current tuition infor-mation FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available

ST. PIUS X HIGH SCHOOL 1500 NE 42nd Terr. Kansas City, MO 64116 816-453-3450 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: spxkc.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Joe Monachino, Jr. Principal ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Missy Little GRADES: 9-12 CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 331 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Catholic ESTABLISHED: 1956 ACCREDITATION: AdvanceED CURRICULUM: College Preparatory STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Value-centered environment, excellent teachers, 98% of grad-uates advance to college, high expectations for student behavior, small class size, college preparatory, and updated campus. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Clubs: Academic Team, Business Club, Cheerleading, Chess Club, Dance Team, Debate, Ministry Team, NHS, Ping Pong Club, Robotics, SADD, Spanish Club, Sports Medicine, Student Ambassadors, Student Council, Theatre, Broadcasting, Yearbook. Sports: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Football, Golf, Soccer, Softball, Swimming, Tennis, Track, Volleyball, Wrestling. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Prior to May 1, 2020 TUITION: $9,700 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Must apply by 12/15 in the year prior to enrolling

ST. REGIS ACADEMY 8941 James A Reed Rd. Kansas City, MO 64138 816-763-5837 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.regisacademy.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Mrs. Robin Fisher, M.Ed ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Ms. Marilyn Moore GRADES: Preschool (3yrs.) - 8th Grade CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 160 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Catholic ESTABLISHED: 1966 ACCREDITATION: Dually accredited through Missouri Non-Public and AdvancED CURRICULUM: Classical, Liberal Arts STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Christ-centered environment, diverse community population, high academic standards, inclusive education program, community support. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Girls Volleyball, Boy Scouts, Girls on The Run, Boys & Girls Basketball, Boys & Girls Track, Boys Football, Drama, Young Rembrants art classes. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: February - June TUITION: $5450 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Need based tuition assistance available.

SUMMIT CHRISTIAN ACADEMY 1500 SW Jefferson City Lee's Summit, MO 64081 816-525-1480 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: summit-christian-academy.org PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Linda Harrelson, Head of School ENROLLMENT CONTACT: [email protected] GRADES: Early Education-12 CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 837 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Nondenominational ESTABLISHED: 1989 ACCREDITATION: Association of Christian Schools International, AdvancED CURRICULUM: Summit Christian Academy offers preparatory curriculum taught from a biblical worldview using a variety of publishers including Abeka, Bob Jones University Press, Houghton-Mifflin, McDougal Littell, and Prentice Hall. STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Qualified, caring, dedicated teachers who desire to minister to and impact students for Christ. Full-service program including art, PE, computer lab, Spanish (K-12th grade), band, drama, and more. econdary students may earn up to 74 hours of college credit. Independent, nonde-nominational. SCA is committed to its students being 21st century learners who can critically think, communicate, collaborate, and create using up-to-date technology. Even more importantly, we intentionally implement objec-tives throughout their education that are designed to create digital citizens who are eth-ical and moral in all of their technology prac-tices. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: STEW-ARDS (gifted) program. Virtuosity! fine arts program allows students to take private les-sons in vocal music, instrumental music and art. Academic and music competitions, drama, debate, National Honor Society, student coun-cil, student government, student newspaper/journalism, clubs, courtwarming, homecoming, prom. Athletics include football, volleyball, cross country, basketball, cheer, dance, baseball, softball, soccer, swimming, wrestling, golf and track. Member of MSHSAA. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Open TUITION: 2020-21 School Year: $2,520-$12,320 (multiple child discount available for K-12 students) FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Available

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THE LUTHERAN HIGH SCHOOL OF GREATER KANSAS CITY 12411 Wornall Road Kansas City, MO 64145 816-241-5478 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: lhskc.com PRINCIPAL: Dr. Cary Stelmachowicz ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Miss Brittany Mikeska GRADES: 9th-12th CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 110 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran ESTABLISHED: 1980 ACCREDITATION: Cognia, NLSA, Missouri Non-Public STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Christ-centered environment, creative curriculum, academic rigor, spirituality, small class size, supportive faculty and staff, involved and engaged stu-dents.

EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Cross Country, Tennis, Track and Field, Soccer, Volleyball, Band, Concert Choir, Bell Choir, Art Club, Writing Club, Book Club, Sign Language Club, Foreign Language Club, Gaming Club, National Honors Society, Craft Club, Academic Team OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Open enroll-ment all year TUITION: $9,500.00 FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Yes

TIMOTHY LUTHERAN SCHOOL 301 E Wyatt Rd. Blue Springs, MO 64014 816-228-5300 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: timothylutheranschool.com PRINCIPAL OR HEADMASTER: Ken Holland ENROLLMENT CONTACT: Ken Holland GRADES: K-8

CURRENT ENROLLMENT: 75 RELIGIOUS AFFILIATION: Lutheran ESTABLISHED: 2001 ACCREDITATION: National Lutheran School Association & Missouri Nonpublic School Accrediting Association CURRICULUM: One in Christ STRENGTHS OF SCHOOL: Timothy Lutheran School (TLS), established in 2001, is located at 301 E Wyatt Rd, Blue Springs, MO. Headed by Ken Holland, Principal, TLS serves 75 students, grades K-8, with a staff of 6 full-time accredited teachers. Pastoral council is provided by Pastor John Otte. TLS is affiliated with the Lutheran Church Missouri Senate and is accredited by the National Lutheran Schools Association. It is known as the “best kept secret of Blue Springs” as students achieve an average of two grade levels above expec-tations on national academic achievement tests. In addition to a traditional academic curriculum, TLS includes spiritual guidance through formal religious instruction, weekly

chapel meetings and participation in congre-gational celebrations. Additional classes include instrumental music, choir and Spanish. Students of all faith traditions are welcome. Please visit us at timothylutheranschools.com or contact the school office at 816-228-5300 for more information. We are excited to meet you! EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Extra-Curricular Activities include girls’ volleyball, boys’ soccer, boys’ and girls’ basketball, and boys’ and girls’ track and cross country, and Middle School Quiz Bowl. TLS has competed at state level. OPEN ENROLLMENT DATES: Opens March 1 TUITION: Contact school adminstrator for tuition information. FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Need based.

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S E R V I C E SFAMILIES FOR HOME EDUCATION (FHE) ADDRESS: PO Box 3096, Independence, MO 64055 PHONE: 1-877-696-6343 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: fhe-mo.org/ ESTABLISHED: 1983 SERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: Mission The purpose of FHE is to protect the inalienable right of the par-ents of Missouri to teach their own children without state regulation and control. As a state wide group, FHE seeks to educate families regarding MO law and offers support to all MO homeschooling families. FHE publish-es First Things First: a Guide for the Missouri Home Educator, offers monthly Homeschool 101workshops, and hosts an annual rally at the Missouri State Capitol. KANSANS FOR LIFE CONTACT: MaryKay Culp ADDRESS: 7808 Foster, Overland Park, KS 66204 PHONE: 913-642-5433 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.kfl.org ESTABLISHED: 1983 SERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: Kansan's For Life's mission is to edu-cate the public and our legislators on the basic right to life oa all human beings from the moment of conception until

natural death. We have educational booths at every opportunity. We also have a banquet every February with educational speakers, a golf fundraising event in the spring, Life Chain the first Sunday in October, and a Rally for Life in Topeka January 22. METRO VOICE CONTACT: Dwight and Anita Widaman ADDRESS: PO BOX 1114, Lee’s Summit, MO 64063 PHONE: 816-524-4522 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.metrovoicenews.com SERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: The region’s Christian news source. The #1 Christian website in Kansas City is www.metrovoicenews.com MISSOURI RIGHT TO LIFE-WESTERN REGION CONTACT: Maryann Peale ADDRESS: 9504 E 63rd Street-Ste. 103, Kansas City, MO 64133-4933 PHONE: 816-353-4113 E-MAIL: [email protected] WEBSITE: mrlwesternregion.org SERVICES/PRODUCT/MISSION: Pro-Life Educational Materials. Our Mission is to save lives from concep-tion to natural death.


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Read Midwest Parent Educator’s story on page 34