1 2019 NEW CALEDONIA TOURISM INTERNATIONAL MULTIMARKET COMMUNICATION CAMPAIGN Agency briefing 03 Sep 18 The company The EIG Nouvelle-Calédonie Tourisme Point Sud (NCTPS) is responsible for promoting international tourism in New Caledonia in collaboration with its institutional partners (Tourisme Province Nord, Destination Îles Loyauté, tourism offices...) and sector professionals. NCTPS does this through its head office in New Caledonia and various representatives abroad (in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, France/Europe and China), where it deploys a global promotional budget of over € 5 million for various actions (PR, digital, advertising, events, training...). Context Since 2017, with a view to pooling creation costs and to reinforce the impact of its communication campaigns, NCTPS has chosen to opt for a vast public multi-market and multichannel awareness campaign each year using a strong generalist theme, supplemented by other actions with more specific targets and objectives as necessary depending on the markets. Thus the definition of a creative concept based on a differentiating promise, a dissemination strategy and communication tools, all come from just one agency in connection with the headquarters of New Caledonia Tourism in Nouméa, which are then translated and disseminated in each market. The international representatives of NCTPS retain a role of adaptation and advice in the implementation of the campaign and its dissemination for better adaptation to the specificities and expectations of customers in each country. After looking at the destination's potential for disorientation with a humorous glance at the contrasts between New Caledonia and other countries in 2017 (see the campaign "Vous ne serez presque pas dépaysé..." (Almost like home) - Agence CDO), then by highlighting its unbelievable natural essence in 2018 by enhancing its dreamlike landscapes with symmetry (see the campaign "Passez du rêve à la réalité !" (From dream to reality!) - Agence CDO), NCTPS is now looking for a new and original communication axis for its 2019 B2C multimarket campaign. It will highlight the many particular attractions of New Caledonia: "A land of escape (conducive to outdoor activities), still secret (exceptional destination away from mass tourism), with a truly diverse landscape (5 geotourism regions) and culture (Kanak, Broussarde and French), allowing both a broad tourism offer (especially in Nouméa, the capital of modern urban lifestyle) and the




Agency briefing 03 Sep 18

The company The EIG Nouvelle-Calédonie Tourisme Point Sud (NCTPS) is responsible for promoting international tourism in New Caledonia in collaboration with its institutional partners (Tourisme Province Nord, Destination Îles Loyauté, tourism offices...) and sector professionals. NCTPS does this through its head office in New Caledonia and various representatives abroad (in Australia, New Zealand, Japan, France/Europe and China), where it deploys a global promotional budget of over € 5 million for various actions (PR, digital, advertising, events, training...).

Context Since 2017, with a view to pooling creation costs and to reinforce the impact of its communication campaigns, NCTPS has chosen to opt for a vast public multi-market and multichannel awareness campaign each year using a strong generalist theme, supplemented by other actions with more specific targets and objectives as necessary depending on the markets. Thus the definition of a creative concept based on a differentiating promise, a dissemination strategy and communication tools, all come from just one agency in connection with the headquarters of New Caledonia Tourism in Nouméa, which are then translated and disseminated in each market. The international representatives of NCTPS retain a role of adaptation and advice in the implementation of the campaign and its dissemination for better adaptation to the specificities and expectations of customers in each country. After looking at the destination's potential for disorientation with a humorous glance at the contrasts between New Caledonia and other countries in 2017 (see the campaign "Vous ne serez presque pas dépaysé..." (Almost like home) - Agence CDO), then by highlighting its unbelievable natural essence in 2018 by enhancing its dreamlike landscapes with symmetry (see the campaign "Passez du rêve à la réalité !" (From dream to reality!) - Agence CDO), NCTPS is now looking for a new and original communication axis for its 2019 B2C multimarket campaign. It will highlight the many particular attractions of New Caledonia: "A land of escape (conducive to outdoor activities), still secret (exceptional destination away from mass tourism), with a truly diverse landscape (5 geotourism regions) and culture (Kanak, Broussarde and French), allowing both a broad tourism offer (especially in Nouméa, the capital of modern urban lifestyle) and the


discovery of vast natural areas with unique biodiversity (the Grande Terre and lagoons UNESCO World Heritage areas)." = A pristine land offering a soft adventure destination whose originality will enthral curious travellers!

Missions NCTPS is launching an international tender to recruit a communication agency to ensure the creation of its future multimarket and multichannel promotional campaign(s). The agency will first have to develop a simpler unifying message for the destination that can be used for several years, is easily adaptable to multiple markets (in several languages), emphasising its unique character, conducive to human experiences and strong emotions. This creative concept will then have to be transcribed into multiple impact communication tools delivered on a turnkey basis (or with royalty-free source files for adaptation) to NCTPS representatives. This involves B2C communication media (mainly digital, but also print, street marketing...) and also some B2B tools facilitating the solicitation of professionals (booth dressing for B2B trade shows, promotional kits for tour operators and travel agents, etc.). Finally, the agency will need to provide a campaign dissemination strategy that will guide the broad outlines and inspire NCTPS representatives or their local agencies in their media/event choices and use of the campaign. The campaign would be run throughout 2019, but with waves of promotional advertising that vary according to the tourist season of each market for Australia, New Zealand, China and Europe (France, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland). Japan and the United Kingdom remain to be confirmed based on their appraisal of the campaign selected.


Highlight the destination and its Pacifique au Cœur brand.

Differentiate New Caledonia from other Pacific islands by emphasising its specificities (its sites, experiences and emblematic events).

Attract more tourists by motivating them to stay longer and spend more: create urgency by giving irresistible reasons to book now

Create a targeted and relevant campaign based on our key segments/markets.


The effectiveness of the campaign will therefore be evaluated through the increase in recognition rate of the Pacifique au Cœur brand, the direct traffic to our website, the number of organic searches (Google) of the destination, the number of requests for information or sales generated by resellers of the destination, tourist visits (after the campaign), its ability to be proudly shared by New Caledonians and the possible obtaining of international awards (tourism, communication or marketing).


Favour a viral, participative and experiential approach to the campaign by highlighting the content created by the internet users themselves, by integrating an immersive street marketing operation (e.g. escape game, concert surprise, etc.), a competition or influencer trips (see Caledonian Dream).

Show the diversity of the New Caledonian tourist offer in concrete terms in the campaign to help tourists immediately imagine their possible vacation experiences.

The campaign must comply with the graphic charter "Pacifique au cœur" (see the NCTPS_2016.PDF graphic charter), the positioning of the destination and the NCTPS global marketing strategy (see the stratégie 2016-2020_v15.pdf and the NCTPS 2017 Activity Report).

Each market should have a set of variations adapted to its priority targets and specificities (see Per Market Targets in Annex 1). Once the strategy and the concept have been validated by the headquarters, the agency will have several contacts to process the application of the campaign and the creation of media versions at the request of the markets. The list of media that the agency will have to provide is in Annex 4, although the agency is free to adjust it according to its recommendations, justifying it in advance with NCTPS.

The agency should provide the campaign media / tools (and its strategy) in French and English at least, then complement the system by integrating the translations provided by the NCTPS representatives or provide them directly with the source files for adaptation. All content produced as part of this campaign must belong to NCTPS, without time or usage limits.

Our representatives are required to establish commercial agreements with tour operators and airlines to highlight promotional offers as part of a tactical campaign to effectively associate and integrate with the multimarket campaign, by providing the appropriate promotional materials that streamline the act of purchasing (direct online sales link).


With respect to the promotional offers, the campaign must effectively integrate a précis of the main New Caledonian events for consumption by the international tourist (see Annex 3).


To produce its campaign, the agency will be able to use existing NCTPS expertise and resources, including:

The website - www.newcaledonia.travel - which serves as a global portal for the destination (translated into French, English, Japanese, Italian and Chinese) and into which a landing page or a mini-site dedicated to the campaign must be integrated.

A vast photo and video library, royalty free.

An already "substantial" community of internet users on social networks (300,000 followers worldwide) and subscribers to our newsletters.

A team capable of organising the arrival of influencers or media at "least cost" in New Caledonia by forming partnerships with the local tourism industry (airline Aircalin, hoteliers, reception services).

The possible forming of partnerships with certain artists (such as the singer Gulaan who came to fame on The Voice), people (Clemence Castel of Koh-Lanta), sportspersons, influencers or the local ambassador network (Nouzhôtes).

A partnership agreement with about twenty local events (sports or cultural), identified as having potential international tourist reach or attraction (see Annex 3).


Response to the invitation to tender with presentation of the creative concept of the campaign (example of visual with slogan in French and English, with the broad outline of the strategy and budget) - 28th October 2018

Selection of the agency by NCTPS and its external representatives - 31th October

Delivery of the final action plan with dissemination strategy and delivery of media (in consultation with NCTPS) - 30th November 2018

Validation of the media plan for each market, as proposed by the representatives, by NCTPS Nouméa (in consultation with the agency) - 15th December 2018


Advertising dissemination of the 2019 staggered market campaign: o Europe: March-April and September-October o Australia/New Zealand: January-February, June-July and September-October. o China: April and November o Japan: to be confirmed

Budget This provisional budget is given only as an indication to visualise the scope of the campaign and to guide the agency in its choices. It may be revised (downward or upward) depending on the relevance of the campaign and changes in the annual budget allocation of NCTPS. As part of this call for tenders, the agency must start with the hypothesis of a package of about € 80,000 in agency fees (creation, management, purchase of art...) while the markets would opt for a significant media/event broadcast (not managed by the agency) (shared 73% in Australia, 22% in France/Europe, 8% in New Zealand and 5% in China). In its budget proposal, the agency will work on a flat rate basis indicating a minimum number of variations of each communication media proposed in its campaign strategy in French and English. The markets, especially China and Japan, are likely to use the source files directly to integrate the translation themselves.

Contact (requests for clarification and response to the call for tenders) Philippe ARTIGUE NCTPS head of communication [email protected] (687) 24 20 75 BP 688 – 98 845 Nouméa Cedex Or Marianne AGULHON NCTPS Communications Officer [email protected] (687) 24 20 81 BP 688 – 98 845 Nouméa Cedex Resources and annexes of the call for tenders on: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y7jczy0067dun4d/AABwjy_oSwhU8KbEBBl3KIoVa?dl=0


Annex 1: NEW CALEDONIA TOURIST TARGETS IN ITS PRIORITY MARKETS Markets Targets Image & positioning Brakes on development


Trips by groups of active/working women

Families (who travel to create memories before their children grow up)

Honeymooners / young couples

Students (university trip)

Couples 45 and over

Sports travellers

The romantic and fashionable French destination in the Pacific.

Limited number of 4 and 5 star hotels adapted to Japanese clientele. The cool season that is not as inviting but corresponds to the Japanese peak August holiday season. Little knowledge of the country's geographical location and its tourist offer, despite the attractive image.

Australia & New Zealand

Couples without dependent children: mainly "Culturally Curious" (Empty Nesters ready to discover new experiences and culture in soft adventure mode), then "Great Escapers" (Couples a little younger and hungry for nature during long independent stays) and "Social Energiser" (young DINKS looking for long fun weekends).

Priority niches: golfers, hikers, sailors, French learners, gay and lesbian, cruise, MICE

The accessible destination, the neighbour. A nearby destination that offers "different experiences", specific to its wealth of nature.

Extremely competitive market (Fiji and Vanuatu)



Young seniors (Empty Nesters) and Seniors

Activity lovers: scuba diving, hiking, golf, sailing, etc.



The original and exotic destination with cultural richness (Kanak, Broussards, etc.) and preserved nature (UNESCO lagoon, high rate of endemism, etc.).

Flight distance Cost of the trip Relations who stay with family and spend less than other tourists while visiting


Dreamers / Honeymooners

Early Users (experienced travellers looking for new destinations with pristine landscapes)

Outdoor addicts (sports tourism)


Organised group trips

The dream destination to do at least once in a lifetime.

Flight distance Cost of the trip Misunderstanding of the destination by target clientele "Cool" weather in summer Lack of product range and services that are not always guaranteed for tourists.



Outdoor addicts

LOHAS (Life of Health and Sustainability) looking for authentic "nature" and cultural experiences.

An authentic "nature" destination: paradisiacal lagoon, unspoilt nature, a mix of cultures, great potential for activities ...

Flight distance Cost of the trip


Honeymooners looking for new destinations

Total traveller in search of novelty

Fans of island destinations

Sports travellers including divers

Chinese students studying in AU/NZ who are looking for mid-term or nearby destinations to spend holidays with their families.

An upscale island destination offering the perfect combination of modern destination and unspoiled landscapes, French sophistication and mystery of Melanesian culture.

Destination little known by the Chinese industry Brand image and emblem to be created Strong competition between island destinations in the region Flight distance






New Caledonia Triathlon 22 Apr Nouméa International Triathlon bringing together over 600 competitors.


New Caledonia Ultra Trail 18 May Païta A full-scale outdoor race: 110 km and 4700 m vertical distance / 57 km and 2600 m vertical distance.


New Caledonia Underwater Image Festival

23-27 May Nouméa International competition (about 30% of the works presented are sent from abroad)


Groupama Race 17 June Nouméa Caledonia sailing tour (including 20 Australian and NZ boats in 2018)


Transcalédonienne 07-08 July Parc de la Rivière Bleue

Important sports meeting for teams of 3. Priority

Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of New Caledonia Lagoons UNESCO Heritage

08 July Nouméa Environmental awareness, sports activities, information stands, guided tours ...


South Pacific Open Junior 20 August Nouméa International Junior Golf Tournament with close to 70 international junior players & companions


New Caledonia Marathon 26 August Nouméa New Caledonia Marathon exiting for over 30 years with many international athletes


Mégarando 01-02 September Domaine de Deva

ATV event, friendly and sporty, organised over 2 days in Bourail for more than 1530 participants in 2018.


South Pacific Classic 10-15 September Nouméa et Deva

International golf tournament with dual purpose: tourism and sports with nearly 100 international competitors and guides, mostly from Australia & New Zealand


New Caledonia Francofolies 14 September Nouméa Music Festival with twenty or so French-speaking and local artists


Womens Pro AM May Nouméa & Deva

International Golf Tournament exclusively for women: Australian and NZ professional players, Australian and NZ amateur players, "normal" golfers, who make golf trips with their pros, good ambassador type profile & New Caledonian players


Classic Rugby Cup August Nouméa International rugby tournament with the senior teams of The Wallabies, All Blacks, Fiji, France, etc.


International BNP Paribas New Caledonia

31 December Nouméa Tennis ATP Tournament welcoming 2 or 3 of the best players worldwide from 50th to 300th place in international ranking


XTERRA New Caledonia 26 May Païta Races of 21 km, 13 km, an 8 km hike and a 1.5 km children's course.


French cheese festival June Nouméa et Bourail

Cheese & wine tasting at Mariott hotels: Le Méridien Noumea & Sheraton New Caledonia Golf & Spa Resort


La Foa Film Festival 29 June La Foa

French-language film festival with a local creative contest, sponsored each year by a French-speaking headliner invited to preside over the jury in New Caledonia (comedian, producer, etc.)


Asia Pacific Network Information Conference

6-13 September Nouméa Forum of all telecommunication and digital operators in the Pacific zone


Bluescope Race 30 September Nouméa Amédée lighthouse - Anse Vata crossing for all water sports


Pacific Ambassador Festival 20-30 September NC Miss Asia-Pacific delegation addressing women's issues. Secondary New Caledonia French Pacific Forum

5-8 September Business Forum Secondary


Annex 4: FRENCH/ENGLISH MEDIA ENVISAGED BY NCTPS IN 2019 In its proposal, the agency must include the implementation of the following promotional materials (available in main international standard formats at least) and provide the royalty free source files for adaptation in the other markets.

Type of media expected:

Landing page and highlight on www.newcaledonia.travel :

o Mini-site/landing page dedicated to the campaign

o Display on the site: Interstitial, Push Banner, Slider

Animated web banners:

Press advertisements

Advertising display

Videos: o General advertising spot for

the campaign of 2-3 min o 10-second videos on strong

emotive experiences in NC for social network diffusion


Keyword purchase

Content of posts for social networks:

o Facebook o Instagram o Weibo o Wechat o Twitter

Campaign press kit (royalty free illustrated media kit)

Tour Operator / Travel Agent Kit (POS, sales campaign related leaflet, Goodies...)

Stand dressing (multiple B2B shows)

Promotional material for operations of the campaign to be defined according to the agency's proposal (press trip, street marketing, competition...)