2018 Prophecy 101 - calvaryeverett.com...2018 Prophecy 101 PART 1 – HOW ISRAEL’S PAST...

2018 Prophecy 101 PART 1 HOW ISRAELS PAST ESTABLISHES OUR FUTURE! ABRAHAM THROUGH EZEKIEL 36 - 37 It’s Prophecy Month at Calvary Everett! o We will be studying through Biblical prophecy on Sunday Nights o And then we will be watching the Old Rapture movies on Thurs nights! o A Thief in the Night” etc… Tonight we begin CE’s 2018 Prophecy 101 o Turn in your Bibles to 2 Peter 1 o I’m super excited about this! This is a Basic course in Bible Prophecy o Outline Past Establishes the Future The History of Israel Countless Prophecies Fulfilled, proving prophecy reliable! About 30% of scripture was Prophetic when written – 85/15 % God’s dealings in the past give us insight to his future dealings… The Present (and near future): What’s on the Horizon? o Ezekiel 38/39 – The Magog Invasion o The Rapture of the Church o The 70 th Week of Daniel o The Great Tribulation o The Glorious Appearing Where are we right now? The Distant Future: The Finality of God’s Plan for Man The Sheep/Goat Judgment

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Page 1: 2018 Prophecy 101 - calvaryeverett.com...2018 Prophecy 101 PART 1 – HOW ISRAEL’S PAST ESTABLISHES OUR FUTURE! ABRAHAM THROUGH EZEKIEL 36 - 37 It’s Prophecy Month at Calvary Everett!



➢ It’s Prophecy Month at Calvary Everett!

o We will be studying through Biblical prophecy on Sunday Nights

o And then we will be watching the Old Rapture movies on Thurs nights!

o “A Thief in the Night” etc…

➢ Tonight we begin CE’s 2018 Prophecy 101

o Turn in your Bibles to 2 Peter 1

o I’m super excited about this!

➢ This is a Basic course in Bible Prophecy

o Outline

▪ Past Establishes the Future

• The History of Israel

• Countless Prophecies Fulfilled, proving prophecy reliable!

• About 30% of scripture was Prophetic when written – 85/15 %

• God’s dealings in the past give us insight to his future dealings…

▪ The Present (and near future):

• What’s on the Horizon?

o Ezekiel 38/39 – The Magog Invasion

o The Rapture of the Church

o The 70th Week of Daniel

o The Great Tribulation

o The Glorious Appearing

• Where are we right now?

▪ The Distant Future: The Finality of God’s Plan for Man

• The Sheep/Goat Judgment

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• The Millennial Kingdom

• The Final Rebellion

• The Final Judgment - The Great White Throne

• New Heavens / New Earth

▪ Conclusion: “So What Do We Do With All This?”

➢ READ 2 Peter 1:19-21

19 And we have the prophetic word more fully confirmed, to which you will do well to

pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning

star rises in your hearts, 20 knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes

from someone’s own interpretation. 21 For no prophecy was ever produced by the will of

man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

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Panoramic View of the History of Israel, God’s Prophetic Timepiece

➢ Abraham – The beginning of the Jewish People - @ 2,000 bc

o Genesis 12:1-3 “…“Go from your country and your kindred and your

father’s house to the land that I will show you. 2 And I will make of you a

great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you

will be a blessing. 3 I will bless those who bless you, and him who

dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be


▪ Has this come to pass? Absolutely!

▪ God has greatly blessed humanity through the Jewish people in

countless ways: Financially, scientifically, socio-politically and more

▪ 20% of the 850 or so Nobel Prizes have been awarded to Jews of

various fields who make up less than 1% of the world population

▪ Many of the contributors of society from comics like Jerry Seinfeld,

Adam Sandler and Billy Crystal to scientists like Albert Einstein and

Niels Bohr were Jews

▪ And, of course, the whole world was definitely blessed through the

life and ministry of Jesus, the most famous Hebrew

o Genesis 15:13-15 “…13 Then the LORD said to Abram, “Know for certain

that your offspring will be sojourners in a land that is not theirs and will be

servants there, and they will be afflicted for four hundred years. 14 But I will

bring judgment on the nation that they serve, and afterward they shall

come out with great possessions. 15 As for you, you shall go to your fathers

in peace; you shall be buried in a good old age. …”

▪ Did that happen? You know it did

▪ We celebrate the Passover every year here at CE and we talk about

how that definitely occurred

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▪ It may not have occurred exactly as Cecil B. DeMille depicted it in his

1959 classic or as it was portrayed in the 1998 animated film The

Prince of Egypt, but this prophecy was exactly fulfilled as spoken

o Genesis 17:10-12 “…10 This is my covenant, which you shall keep,

between me and you and your offspring after you: Every male among you

shall be circumcised. 11 You shall be circumcised in the flesh of your

foreskins, and it shall be a sign of the covenant between me and you. 12 He

who is eight days old among you shall be circumcised. Every male

throughout your generations…”

▪ This also was fulfilled as spoken

▪ Circumcision has come up several times recently in our study of the

book of Joshua as well as our study of Romans

▪ I will refer you to those studies for a detailed look at the meaning and

purpose of circumcision

▪ But for here, the importance is that it happened as prophesied

o Furthermore, all three of those passages were spoken to Abraham BEFORE

he even had kids!

▪ Ye these prophecies were CENTERED around and focused upon

Abraham’s descendants

▪ He was to become the Father of Nations as his name implies and he

certainly did!

o This all happened in or around 2000 BC

➢ Let’s talk about the story of Joseph, 2nd youngest son of Jacob, grandson of


o Genesis 37 – 46

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o You are likely familiar with his story

▪ He was the 11th of 12 boys [THESE WOULD BECOME THE 12 TRIBES]

▪ He had dreams that he would one day rule over his brothers

▪ They subsequently sold him into slavery

▪ Pit, Potiphar, Prison, Palace

o Joseph was ultimately exalted to the place of next-in-line-to Pharaoh

▪ He was able to save the world from famine

▪ Including his bros as they came to get grain

▪ There was a pretty dramatic story before he revealed himself to his

brothers, which you can read about in Genesis 39-45

▪ Eventually, they all move to Egypt to be with Joseph and they

become the People of “Israel” their father while in Egypt

▪ Joseph’s prophetic dreams came true EVEN THOUGH his bros

attempted to thwart them! As prophecy always does!

o Genesis 50:24-25 “And Joseph said to his brothers, ‘I am about to die, but

God will visit you and bring you up out of this land to the land that he

swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob.’ Then Joseph made the sons of

Israel swear, saying, “God will surely visit you, and you shall carry up my

bones from here.”

▪ How did he know this? Prophecy.

▪ He even commanded them to take his bones in his sarcophagus out

of the Glorious land of Egypt over to the little dirt patch his family

owned in Canaan

▪ All in the formation of that prophetic timepiece, the Nation of Israel

➢ That brings us to Moses

o He lived about 500 years after Abraham and Joseph

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o You know the story of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt…

▪ Out in Midian, Sees a Burning bush – Exodus 3

▪ God sends him to DELIVER the People from bondage

▪ Pharaoh, 10 Plagues

▪ The Passover, Angel of Death passing over houses w/blood


o Become a Loose Confederation of 12 Tribes in the wilderness for 40 years…

o These major divisions in the history of Israel happed about 500 years apart


▪ Abraham/Joseph = @ 2000 bc

▪ Moses/Joshua = @ 1500 bc

➢ Joshua -preview of coming attractions…

o Preview of Revelation

▪ Another Yeshua, Leading the Armies

▪ Quest to rid God’s land of its EVIL usurpers

▪ 7-year campaign to overthrow 10 nations that became 7

▪ Taking the Theocratic Confederation of tribes and making them into

the loosely confederated Nation of Israel in the land formerly known

as Canaan with God as their leader, A theocratic nation…

▪ Similar to the 13 colonies

o God is their King but they want a king of their own

▪ So God gives them a king of their choosing, the fleshly answer, King


▪ Even though there was a shepherd boy in Bethlehem that was being

prepared to be their true earthly king - DAVID

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▪ Eventually they regretted making Saul their king as he failed

miserably and was replaced by David, the true King

➢ David

o Conquered ALL of Israel’s enemies ROUND ABOUT

o FINALLY establishing a legitimate Kingdom, the NATION OF ISRAELITES

▪ Abraham/Joseph = @ 2000 bc

▪ Moses/Joshua = @ 1500 bc

▪ David = @ 1000bc

o About that same time… David’s son Solomon began to reign

▪ Expanded in peace time to its LARGEST area

▪ Mediterranean to the Euphrates [HAMATH IN THE NORTHEAST, pg 599]

▪ In fulfillment of God’s words to Abraham in Genesis 15:18

▪ He built the temple that David couldn’t

➢ Solomon’s son… Rehoboam / Jeroboam

o A warning to Kings…

▪ Deut 17 – avoid “…gold, girls, and horses…”

▪ Moses prophesied that these things would bring a King down

▪ Guess what? That’s exactly what happened!

o Solomon had too much of all three

▪ They tore away his heart… God tore away the kingdom

▪ “…Since this has been your practice and you have not kept my

covenant and my statutes that I have commanded you, I will surely

tear the kingdom from you and will give it to your servant. 12 Yet for

the sake of David your father I will not do it in your days, but I will

tear it out of the hand of your son …” 1 Kings 11:11

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▪ Notice the 11:11 pattern… Pray for Israel, Romans 11:11, Isa 11:11

o Rehoboam started on the wrong foot… “My finger is thicker than my

father’s waist…” I’m really cracking the whip!

o Jeroboam tore 5/6 of the kingdom away

o The nation was DIVIDED into Israel & Judah

▪ 10 tribes in the north – Israel…

2 tribes in the south – Judah [JUDAH & BENJAMIN]

Similar to the Civil War in the USA

▪ 19 KINGS each

• North = all bad; South = 12 bad [7 sort of good, Josiah]

• Idolatry, immorality, disobedience

• Spent 490 years DESECRATING the Sabbath

• God spoke through the prophets that they would be punished

by going into captivity for 70 years…

▪ Northern Kingdom destroyed by Assyria – 722 bc

• But the faithful to God moved South

• To worship correctly in the temple

• No tribes were lost

• Southern Kingdom was spared a little more than a century

more before Babylon came against them

➢ Jeremiah – came on the scene about this time…

o He was the Weeping prophet who declared God’s judgment

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▪ He wept because he didn’t want his nation to be destroyed but there

was no stopping it!

▪ Sounds like us today!!!! Can we stop it? 2 CHR 7:14?

▪ He prophesied 70 years of captivity

▪ Because of the 490 years of desecration of the Sabbath

o Jeremiah 25:11-12 “This whole land shall become a ruin and a waste, and

these nations shall serve the king of Babylon seventy years. 12 Then after

seventy years are completed, I will punish the king of Babylon and that

nation, the land of the Chaldeans, for their iniquity, declares the LORD…”

o Jeremiah 29:11-13 “For thus says the LORD: When seventy years are

completed for Babylon, I will visit you, and I will fulfill to you my promise

and bring you back to this place. 11 For I know the plans I have for you,

declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future

and a hope. 12 Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I

will hear you. 13 You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all

your heart.”

o Daniel 9:2 “I, Daniel, perceived in the books the number of years that,

according to the word of the LORD to Jeremiah the prophet, must pass

before the end of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years. “

o Timeline

▪ Abraham/Joseph = @ 2000 bc

▪ Moses/Joshua = @ 1500 bc

▪ David = @ 1000 bc

▪ Captivity = @ 500

▪ 2000 / 1500 / 1000 / 500

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➢ Then the Babylonians came and destroyed the Southern Kingdom - 606-


o God’s “servant” of destruction [JERE 25:9]

▪ 3 sieges in 19 years

▪ Finally, sacked Jerusalem in 586 bc on the 9th of AV [JULY/AUGUST]

▪ This day has been a really bad day in Jewish History, all the way up to

Hitler and the Halocaust

▪ The temple has been destroyed On this day MULTIPLE TIMES

▪ Utter destruction, Deportation


• Servitude of the Nation [606 – 536] = 70 yrs

• Desolations of Jerusalem [586 – 516] = 70 yrs

o Nebechadnazzar’s Dream

▪ The coming world empires

• Head of Gold = Babylon

• Chest & Arms of Silver = Medo-Persia

• Belly, Thighs of Brass = Greeks

• Legs of Iron = The Romans

• Feet/Toes of Iron & Clay = The End-times Romans

▪ You can do a fantastic study on each of these elements, but what is

germane to Prohecy is HOW these nations dealt with Israel

➢ The first of these nations was the Head of Gold, Babylon, whom we’ve

already discussed…. Next, are the Persians – 539-332 bc – Chest, Arms of


o Isaiah the prophet predicted the work of Persian in relation to Israel

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▪ Isaiah 44:21,27-28 “…Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer… who

says to the deep, ‘Be dry; I will dry up your rivers’; who says of Cyrus,

‘He is my shepherd, and he shall fulfill all my purpose’; saying of

Jerusalem, ‘She shall be built,’ and of the temple, ‘Your foundation

shall be laid’…”

▪ Isaiah lived about 150 years BEFORE Cyrus, long before the captivity

▪ Yet, he named Cyrus by name, saying that he would DRY UP the rivers


▪ The Euphrates River went through and around the city of Babylon

▪ When Cyrus came in to conquer it, he and his men Diverted the

Euphrates River upstream into a canal

▪ This caused the Water levels to drop to waist level in the “moat”

around the city

▪ The Persians then snuck under the walls at Night, unnoticed


▪ Captured the city like a SPECOPS unit – w/out a battle

▪ People didn’t even know they’d been captured for 3 days!

o Daniel was still in Babylon when this occurred, as a special consultant to

the Babylonian Kingdom

▪ Because of Prophecy, He KNEW this was going to happen!

▪ Recall Ch. 5 of the book of Daniel

• Belshazzar & the Handwriting on the Wall

• Mene, Mene, Miny Moe; Get yourself up, You’ve got to go!


• Number’s up, you’ve been weighed and found lacking!

• “that very night Belshazzar was killed” vs 30

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▪ [JOSEPHUS TELLS US….] While Belshazzar was drinking out of the

consecrated Temple Vessels, Daniel stood by w/a scroll of Isaiah to

show Cyrus…

• “Check this out, God called you BY NAME to send us home!”

• See the Stele of Cyrus in a Museum in London today

• Validates this incident saying he was so impressed, he le them

go and even funded their journey

• AND provided building materials, too!

o The RETURN from Captivity under Persian Rule

▪ Ezra / Haggai to rebuild the TEMPLE [70 years since the 1st siege – 536 bc]

▪ Zechariah - Temple completed, 19 yrs later [70 years since the 3rd siege –

516 bc]

▪ Nehemiah to rebuild JERUSALEM WALLS [Command of Artexerxes – 445 bc]

o ESTHER is another Biblical book whose narrative occurs during Persian

Rule, around this same time period @ 500 BC

▪ Esther comes in between Nehemiah & Ezra

▪ Chronologicallly, it’s Ezra 1-6, Esther, Ezra 7-10, Nehemiah,

▪ Esther comes right in the middle of Ezra

▪ In this narrative, Haman’s evil plot to destroy the Jews is foiled

▪ He wanted to destroy the Jews in ALL OF PERSIA… If he did, the

Messianic Line would’ve been cut off!

▪ Prophecy would’ve been stopped… God’s Word broken… but NO


▪ God saved his people, even when they stayed in Persia rather than

going home under Cyrus… AS PROMISED!

▪ God NEVER forsakes his people, even when we forsake him!

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➢ The Greeks – 332-68 bc – Belly, Thighs of Brass

o Fulfilling some of Daniel’s prophecies [ch. 8]

o Alexander the Great [THE GOAT] defeats the Persians [THE RAM]

▪ A great GOAT from the west with one conspicuous horn – vs 5

▪ Breaks to two horns of the RAM – vs 7

▪ Great horn broken into 4 conspicuous horns – vs 8

o Alexander’s Empire was broken into 4 parts

▪ 4 Generals - “Give it to the strong!”

• After Alexander’s death his Empire was divided among his four

generals Lysimachus, Cassander,Ptolemy and Seleucus.

• They are known in Latin as the Diadochi, from the Greek word

meaning "successors".

• These generals become the heads of 4 different empires

▪ The Same chapter 8 of Daniel prophesied that one of those 4 horns

would be a horn, which grew exceedingly great – 8:9-14

• This was fulfilled when the head of the Seleucid dynasty

became Antiochus IV Epiphanes

• He came to Jerusalem around 160 bc and desecrated the

temple by forcing the priests to sacrifice Pigs

• This led to the MACCABEANS revolt which defeated Antiochus

and gave the Jewish people temporary sovereignty

• This is the story of Hannukah, which just ended

o Temple restored, no oil

o Miraculous burning of the Menorah for 8 days

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o Hannakiyah – 8 candles, plus the servant candle for

lighting the others

o Called the Feast of Dedication in John 10:22

o Daniel 8

▪ It’s one of those chapters that makes you scratch your head upon first


▪ But then after you compare it to history, it’s like… WOW!

▪ It’s a very accurate prophecy

➢ The Romans - 68 bc – 486??? The Legs of Iron – East/West

o The Roman Empire lasted for 1000 years

▪ It was powerful, brutal, crushing to all who opposed

▪ It never really broke apat

▪ It just Broke into Parts

o The first major break was the East / West Break

▪ The West was Catholic Rome

▪ The East was Byzantine in Byzantium/Constantinople

o Many others have taken turns ruling the Roman Empire…

▪ Dutch

▪ Spanish

▪ British

▪ French

▪ Germans

▪ Even the USA

o What are we waiting for Now?

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▪ We’re waiting for the Feet & Toes of Iron mixed with Clay

▪ What is known in Bible Prophecy as The Revived Roman Empire

▪ The leftover parts, come back together in a loose mixture, according

to Daniel 2

▪ Today, there have been many attempts to reunite the parts of the

Roman Empire, but nothing has stuck… YET

▪ Just wait… The time is coming…

• There needs to be a stimulus, an event

• Causing the world to cry, “WE NEED TO COME TOGETHER< WE


• WE are getting close!

➢ It was during the original Roman Empire that Jesus came in his first


o Every aspect of his life prophetically foretold

▪ Birth – Micah 5:2

▪ Ministry – Isaiah 61:1

▪ Palm Sunday – Daniel 9:27

▪ Death – Psalm 16, 22, 31

▪ Crucifixion – Isaiah 53

▪ Resurrection – Job, Psalms, Isaiah, etc

▪ Return – Isaiah, Malachi, Zechariah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Revelation etc

o “…For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. …” REV 19:10

o What did HE have to say about the future of Israel?

▪ First, when the disciples were on the Mt. of Olives in awe over the

beautiful buildings of the temple complex

▪ Jesus, said, “… not one stone…” LUKE 19,21

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▪ In 70 ad, on the 9th of AV

• Titus Flavius Vespasianus – 5th, 10th, 12th, 15th legions

• Burned the city, the temple to the ground

• Picked every stone apart for the GOLD

▪ 2nd Century – The Bar Kokba Revolt [132-135]

• Roman Emperor Hadrian said “…wipe the stinking JEWS off the


• They say that today, but Hadrian actually DID IT!

• He destroyed Jerusalem on, you guessed it, the 9th of AV

• Completely leveled the city and renamed it Aelia Capitalina


• Then he raised the surrounding hillsides ABOVE the former

Temple Mount [TO LOOK DOWN ON IT]

• Established pagan temples all around



Just like Jesus accurately predicted!

Not even to mention the many other things that happened

since then…

➢ Mohammed @ 500 ad

o Islam Captures Jerusalem in 637 ad

o Muslim Hordes take over

▪ Islam Controls the Holy Land through 1917

▪ Minus some brief successes by the Crusaders (12th century)

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▪ Various Arabs, Ottoman Turks (all Muslims)

o Most Jews are Dispersed worldwide [THE DIASPORA]

➢ Columbus - @1500

o 1492 – Jews expelled from Spain

▪ Columbus a Jew? His personal diaries reveal he likely was!

▪ Spain expels the Jews & Confiscates their Wealth

▪ They give some of this $$$ to Columbus [NOT KNOWING HE’S JEWISH!]

and financed the discover of America.

• Jews flock to USA

• Spain loses empire

• Columbus discovers America

• USA is blessed [fulfilling Gen 12]

o 1493 / 1494 -- Blood Moon Tetrad on Passover / Tabernacles

➢ Balfour Declaration - 1917

o Britain gained Military Control of Israel after World War I

▪ Islamic Turks sided with the Germans, thus were defeated

▪ Balfour Declaration – Jews may return home – ZIONISM

o League of Nations gives control of so-called “Palestine” to England – 1920

to 1948 and they allow Jews to return to the land of Israel’s birth!

➢ Hitler

o His FINAL solution for the JEWS became the Final Solution for the Reich ,

his OWN undoing [Genesis 12]

▪ 6 million Jews murdered [Nearly the 80th Ann. of ‘The Aschwitz Escape’]

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▪ World has MOMENTARY sympathy to allow for a Jewish state

BECAUSE of the Holocaust. WOW.

o League of Nations allows an official Jewish State

▪ MAY 14,1948 – Jewish sovereignty for the first time since 586 bc

▪ Isaiah 66:8 “Who has ever heard of such things? Who has ever seen

things like this? Can a country be born in a day or a nation be

brought forth in a moment? Yet no sooner is Zion in labor than she

gives birth to her children.”

▪ The Jewish nation AT ALL since Hadrian in 2nd Century!

▪ Homeland – only 25% of the original portion [Arabs get the rest] but

a nation none the less!

➢ This was all in fulfillment of Prophecy – very literally!

o Is God through with the Jew? NO!

o Isaiah 11:11-12 “…In that day the Lord will extend his hand yet a second

time to recover the remnant that remains of his people, from Assyria, from

Egypt, from Pathros, from Cush, from Elam, from Shinar, from Hamath, and

from the coastlands of the sea. He will raise a signal for the nations and will

assemble the banished of Israel, and gather the dispersed of Judah from

the four corners of the earth.”

o Romans 11:11


▪ Verse 8… verse 11… verse 15… Rome, Europe, Berlin

▪ Verse 22… My Name Verse 23-24… From the Nations… “No


▪ Ch 37 Verse 1-10… bones, flesh, breath

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▪ It’s like he’s getting notifications from FOX NEWS

▪ Yet he wrote more than 2,500 years ago

o Servitude of the Nation July 23, 537 bc—May 14, 1948 [Ezekiel 4; Lev 26; 430-

70=360 x7=2483.9.21]

o Blood Moon Tetrad on Passover / Tabernacles - 1949 / 1950

➢ The city of Jerusalem was given to the control of “Palestinian” Arab


o Arab nations NEVDER recognized Israel’s sovereignty, to this day and they

attacked Israel on May 15 (Arabs lost)

o Then again on June 6, 1967

o Israel defeated them soundly – in just 6 days

o Moishe Dayan – paratroopers took Jerusalem

▪ Previously no Jewish sovereignty over Jerusalem since 585 bc

(maccabean, Kokhba)

▪ June 7, 1967

▪ Desolations of Jerusalem August 19, 518 bc—June 7, 1967 [Ezekiel 4;

Lev 26; 430-70=360 x7=2483.9.21]

▪ Blood Moon Tetrad on Passover / Tabernacles - 1967 / 1968

o Partitioning Jerusalem

▪ In a BOLD political move of appeasement…

▪ He split the city into 4 Parts

▪ Giving ¾ away… to all kinds of GENTILES!

▪ Arminian Christian ¼; Christian (catholic) ¼; Jewish ¼;

▪ EVEN a Muslim ¼!

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• including the TEMPLE MOUNT

• Still the same to this DAY

• Times of the Gentiles…

▪ Times of the Gentiles March 14, 445 bc—January 5, 2033??? [Ezekiel

4; Lev 26; 430-70=360 x7=2483.9.21]

➢ Netanyahu & The USA

o Obama had strained relations at best while Donald Trump has the most

genuine relationship of ANY US PRESIDENT!

o Iran is in the news again with the US retaliation on their terrorist activities

o They are pulling out of the Obama era FAKE NEWS Nuke Deal

▪ Iranian leaders are still committed to:

▪ Death to America

▪ Want to wipe Israel off the map

▪ We are reaping the results of Obama Admin policies with Iran NOW!

o For an American President, or Congress, or the American people to SUPPORT Israel

and the Jewish people means blessings, fortune, and protection

▪ * In Genesis 12:1-3, God vows that He will bless those who bless Israel and the

Jewish people, and curse those who curse them.

▪ Psalm 122:6-7 “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be

secure. 7 May there be peace within your walls and security within your


o HOWEVER… The Bible teaches us that all nations will turn against Israel in the last

days -- and all nations will face judgment for it -- but woe into us if it happens on our


Page 21: 2018 Prophecy 101 - calvaryeverett.com...2018 Prophecy 101 PART 1 – HOW ISRAEL’S PAST ESTABLISHES OUR FUTURE! ABRAHAM THROUGH EZEKIEL 36 - 37 It’s Prophecy Month at Calvary Everett!

▪ * In Joel 3:2, the Lord God warns that He will bring into judgment “all the nations”

who “divide My land,” the Land of Israel.

▪ * In Ezekiel 38-39, the Lord God warns that a group of nations led by Russia

(Magog) and Iran (Persia) will form an alliance and attack Israel in the “last days,”

and that no nation will come to Israel’s defense -- indeed, Israel will be

abandoned by all of its friends and allies when this terrible moment occurs.

▪ * What’s more, in Revelation 16, the Lord God warns that all nations will not

simply abandon Israel but will eventually actively turn violent towards Israel and

attack Israel and the Jewish people in the End of Days (the Battle of Har

Meggido, the Mountain of Meggido, also known as the Battle of Armageddon).

➢ Wrap it up - Why does all of this matter? What do we do with it?

o Israel is the KEY to prophecy…

o God’s Word is CERTAIN

▪ You can trust he Says what he means, means what he says

▪ You can trust the prophecies of the FUTURE

▪ You can trust GOD in your life RIGHT NOW!!!

o God is not through w/the Jew nor is he through with YOU!

▪ He loves you

▪ He is FOR you

▪ He will never forsake you

o He’s coming again!

▪ Maranatha

▪ Come, Lord Jesus!

For further Study…

Page 22: 2018 Prophecy 101 - calvaryeverett.com...2018 Prophecy 101 PART 1 – HOW ISRAEL’S PAST ESTABLISHES OUR FUTURE! ABRAHAM THROUGH EZEKIEL 36 - 37 It’s Prophecy Month at Calvary Everett!

▪ This is not something you fully grasp in one sitting

▪ You need to study it regularly

▪ Go to the website and listen again

▪ Work out your own Eschatology YOURSELF!

▪ Greg Laurie

• “The Next Dimension”

• “Signs of the Times”

▪ Chuck Smith – “The Final Act”

Romans 8:37-39

37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.

38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things

present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything

else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God

Which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.