2018 - Ontario Election - Issues at Hand


Transcript of 2018 - Ontario Election - Issues at Hand

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JANUARY 21, 2018

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Page 3: 2018 - Ontario Election - Issues at Hand


• Ontario continues to elect the Liberals. Many cases it is to do with bad campaigning by the Ontario PC (Faith-based educational funding or 100,000 job cuts).

• Wynne continues to abuse taxpayers’ dollars and yet still gets elected. In many cases it is due to the unions. The same unions that have supported Wynne have also seen goods producing jobs leave Ontario which are then replaced by service sector jobs - http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/75000-manufacturing-jobs-lost-thats-the-price-of-ontarios-electricity-disaster

• Carbon Taxation has forced consumer prices up and yet nothing has been said by MSM, why? http://www.statcan.gc.ca/daily-quotidien/171221/dq171221a-eng.htm

• Ontario less competitive today when it comes to attracting new FDI. The Liberals will say they are top destination for FDI which is sort of right - https://www.fdiintelligence.com/Info/What-s-New/Press-releases/California-New-York-Ontario-and-Texas-leading-North-American-destinations-for-FDI. This is likely to change as USA has embark on tax reforms that will see USA corporate taxes on par with Canada

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• Surplus / (Deficit)

• Minimum Wage

• Education

• Healthcare

• Environment

• Other issues

• Blog – Debt and Deficits

• Blog – Long-Term Care

• Blog – Homecare

• Blog – Police Act

• Blog – Hydro Rates

• Blog – Job and Prosperity

• Blog – Liberal Government Waste

• Blog – Free Tuition

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Source – Government of Ontario and Ontario Progressive Conservatives

• Deficit will be $2B in year one with balance projected in 2019-2020

• The based numbers being used maybe too rosy due to carbon taxation and holding the line to expenses

• Equalization Payments are schedule to end by 2020

• Economy will only grow at a pace 1.9% to 2.2%

• NAFTA (Automotive)• Mining Sector (Development of Ring

of Fire, lithium, etc)

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Source - Stats Canada or https://www.retailcouncil.org/quickfacts/minimum-wage


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• 2.1% is not a thriving economy. Ontario has lost over 75,000 good paying manufacturing jobs which has led to incomes being flat for 10 years –

• Source

• 75,000 manufacturing job losses - http://www.affordableenergy.ca/75_000_high_paying_ontario_jobs_go_poof

• Ontario Income - http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/statistics-canada-census-2016-income-hightlights-1.4287179 (3.8% over ten years which means incomes barely grew over 10 years)

• The Liberals never took into consideration how much the hit would be to business. Business expressed concerns during committees that they are not opposed to minimum wage hikes, but drastic hikes in one year is the issue at hand

• Business reduces costs - http://business.financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/ontario-businesses-raise-prices-consider-cutting-staff-as-minimum-wage-increases

• Ontario Chamber of Commerce - https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/08/14/business-coalition-sounds-alarm-over-ontarios-minimum-wage-hike.html

• Bank of Canada and jobs - http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/bank-of-canada-minimum-wage-1.4469912

• Hospital costs - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-hospitals-labour-reforms-kathleen-wynne-1.4444532

• The liberals are using the minimum wage hike to deflect off other issues facing businesses in Ontario:

• Hydro Rates - http://business.financialpost.com/opinion/industrys-message-to-the-ontario-government-help-your-power-prices-are-killing-us

• Carbon Taxation http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/australian-carbon-tax-opponent-chris-berg-saskatchewan-1.3884765 Carbon taxation is a pure tax grab masked as social policies

• Regulatory burden – Ontario continues to drag its’ feet when it comes to getting projects off the ground like Ring of fire - https://www.bnn.ca/video/noront-resources-ceo-on-ring-of-fire-infrastructure-plans~1192504

• Other Tax hikes (elimination of EHT Threshold, hikes to other taxes, etc.

• Ontario has grown the public sector jobs faster than private sector jobs - https://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/human-resources/wages-higher-in-public-sector-than-private-in-ontario-says-fraser-institute-183470/

• Bottom line

• Ontario is heading to an election as such Wynne has decided to target the millennials as way to get another mandate. Liberals have done so many poorly constructive policies that are more design for votes than making things better for the people of Ontario.

• Source -

• https://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/human-resources/tim-hortons-calls-franchisees-cuts-paid-breaks-benefits-reckless-206368/

• https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/government-policy-minimum-wage-ontario-december-2017

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Source – Stats Canada


• LPC has only create 65K worth of goods producing jobs since they took office

• Close to 90% of all jobs created are service sector. Goods producing sector on average pays 22% higher than the service sector

• Minimum wage hikes are plan for AB and ON.

• Businesses are struggling with changes to small business taxation (income sprinkling) or high hydro rates or hikes to other business taxes or carbon taxation

• Liberals and NDP government think business are rich which is not the case

• You cannot tax people to prosperity

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Source - http://www.rbc.com/economics/economic-reports/pdf/provincial-forecasts/provtbl.pdf or http://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/human-resources/ontario-minimum-wage-hike-lead-50000-job-losses-provincial-watchdog-201125/ or http://rankandfile.ca/2017/08/15/ontario-chamber-of-commerce-peddles-more-myths-about-a-15-minimum-wage/


Labour Minister Kevin

Flynn said that because of

the province’s strong

economy the government

can move forward with the

minimum wage increase.

He pointed to studies

written in recent years by

the Organisation for

Economic Co-operation

and Development, the

Center for Economic and

Policy Research and the

Canadian Centre for

Policy Alternatives that

support the move.

• Ontario’s economy has been driven by real estate and automotive

• Ontario has been slow to develop natural resources like the Ring of Fire

• Energy costs have force manufacturers to expand operations outside of Ontario

• Ontario businesses have been hit with carbon tax in 2017

• Ontario businesses will be impact by CPP tax increae

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Source - http://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/human-resources/ontario-minimum-wage-hike-lead-50000-job-losses-provincial-watchdog-201125/ or http://www.nugget.ca/2017/08/21/wynne-liberals-created-hydro-one-crisis


“We don’t believe

that anyone in

Ontario who works

full time should be

struggling to pay

their rent, put food

on their tables or

care for their


when the provincial

economy is doing so

well,” Flynn said in a


• There are households in Northern

Ontario are not equally treated

under the province’s failing energy

system. Still, Hydro One applied to

OEB (Ontario Energy Board) to

again raise Hydro One rates up to


• Since the Liberals took office,

Ontario households pay $1,000 per

year more for electricity which has

caused poverty, hardship, illness

and grief.

• This past winter Ontario rural

residents were forced to make life-

altering choices to pay for food,

rent, or put gas in their cars in

order to survive. Many have to sell

their homes!

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• http://www.macleans.ca/economy/money-economy/minimum-wage-in-canada-by-the-numbers/

TRUTH ON MINIMUM WAGE• New minimum wage will cost Metro $45M to

$50M• 17,300 jobs could be lost in the restaurant

business• Ontario's plan to increase the minimum wage

to $15 per hour, among other labour reform proposals, will put at risk 1,270 jobs in Grey County and 880 jobs in Bruce County over the next two years, according to a study commissioned by a business coalition objecting to the changes. Those local figures come from a preliminary report commissioned by the Keep Ontario Working Coalition, which includes the Ontario Chamber of Commerce, Food and Beverage Ontario, Ontario Federation of Agriculture, and the Retail Council of Canada.

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Source - http://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/human-resources/ontario-minimum-wage-hike-lead-50000-job-losses-provincial-watchdog-201125/ or https://thetyee.ca/News/2017/08/18/Young-Workers-Left-Behind/ orhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQpUN3AK8eA

JOB LOSS IMPACT – ONTARIO MINIMUM WAGEMore than 50,000 people could lose their jobs if the

Ontario government goes ahead with its plan to raise

the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2019, the

province’s financial watchdog said Sept. 12.

The job losses would be concentrated among teens and

young adults, while the number of minimum wage

workers in Ontario would increase from just over

500,000 to 1.6 million in 2019, said a report released by

the province’s Financial Accountability Office.

FAO chief economist David West said Ontario is

entering “uncharted waters” with the increase because

no other jurisdiction has gone so far so quickly.

While the increase will have a positive impact on the

province’s total labour market income—hiking it by 1.3

per cent—it will also result in the job losses over a

number of years.

Over the last four months full-time

employment for the 15 to 25 demographic

increased by 2.1 per cent — about 26,000

full-time jobs, while increasing 2.0 per cent

for the over 55 group — about 58,000 jobs.

But between 2012 and 2016 the youth

demographic actually lost 20,000 full-time

jobs — a 1.6 per cent decline — while

those over 45 gained 228,000 full-time

positions, a 3.6 per cent increase.

Macdonald cautions against just using job

statistics to determine the health of labour

markets. But young workers are in a

unique position, he said.

“The only folks that are still left behind are

the youth under 25,” Macdonald said. “Nine

years now after the great recession we still

haven’t seen a full recovery for youth.”

Tyee – August 18, 2017Canadian Manufacturing – September 12, 2017

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Source - https://www.ontariopc.ca/peoples_guarantee or https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/11/25/ontario-pcs-convene-in-toronto-to-hone-election-strategy-hear-from-patrick-brown.html or https://tvo.org/article/current-affairs/the-next-ontario/how-school-closures-threaten-the-heart-of-small-town-ontario

The Tories would match Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s 10-year $1.9 billion commitment for mental health care, improve autism services, give free dental care for low-income seniors, and put a moratorium on rural school closures

And enrolment continues to

plummet. In 2015, Ontario had

140,000 fewer students than it

did in 2002, according to the

advocacy group People for

Education. Not surprisingly, the

loss was greater in the north,

which has seen its population

shrink along with the resource

sector. In 2012, the average

elementary school had just 177

students, compared with 405 in

the Greater Toronto Area. Nearly

600 schools in Ontario were half

empty; the province says it’s

spending $250 million a year on vacant space.

What is requiredCost to the GovernmentPlatform

• Economic Development • Rural areas need to be

targeted with more support to bring in new business investment

• Hydro Rates need to be controlled

• Fixing arbitration issues related to municipal government

• Investment in roads and bridges

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Source - https://www.ontariopc.ca/peoples_guarantee or https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/11/25/ontario-pcs-convene-in-toronto-to-hone-election-strategy-hear-from-patrick-brown.html or https://tvo.org/article/current-affairs/the-next-ontario/how-school-closures-threaten-the-heart-of-small-town-ontario

Issues:• Healthcare transfers from Federal Government are targeted at 3% (minimum) – Tied to GDP Growth• Liberals currently only provide 2% increase to healthcare. Ontario PC will likely mean more money is required to fund

their programs, likely in and around $1.6B per year. • Ontario PC have mentioned scrapping the LHINs and CCAC in the past, but this is not mentioned in their current


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Source - https://www.ontariopc.ca/peoples_guarantee or https://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2017/11/25/ontario-pcs-convene-in-toronto-to-hone-election-strategy-hear-from-patrick-brown.html or https://tvo.org/article/current-affairs/the-next-ontario/how-school-closures-threaten-the-heart-of-small-town-ontario

Issues:• Repealing the Green Act

• Ontario could look at exporting power as part of power agreements to with states, instead selling it at a loss -https://ep.probeinternational.org/2016/09/20/ontario-electricity-customers-have-paid-more-than-6-billion-to-dump-surplus-high-priced-power-study/

• Carbon Tax has been kept as the Federal Government has mandated Carbon Tax• No details on the cost to exit Cap and Trade• No details on how the revenue would be either disclose or used when it comes to carbon taxation

The only major Liberal initiatives the Tories would scrap are Ontario’s $2-billion a year cap-and-trade program with Quebec and California — instead abiding by the federal carbon tax

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• No mentioned on Marijuana in terms of legalisation including revenue

• The Ontario PC will introduced accountability Act, but no mentioned on recall legislation

• Revenue targets are too rosy

• The size of government has grown under the Liberals. The size of government will need to be address. I will expect Wynne will throw out the 100,000 job cuts as part of targeting the Ontario PC. There is no mentioned of cutting jobs!!

• There is no mentioned on either wage or pension reform when it comes to the public sector.

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• https://www.plant.ca/general/kathleen-wynne-calls-12b-in-savings-in-pc-platform-ridiculous-172216/?custnum=1707225&title=&utm_source=474&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=171128AB

• “The Progressive Conservatives’ suggestion that $12 billion could be cut from Ontario’s budget is “ridiculous,” Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne says as her party crystallizes its criticisms against the Tories’ newly unveiled election platform.

• Wynne has no credibility to make any accusation since her government for the past 13+ years has wasted billions:

• Waste (see Slide#8) - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/ontario-kathleen-wynne-and-dalton-mcguinty-era-november-2017

• Brown still plans a carbon tax, but will not use the cap and trade system from California.

• Every year the Auditor-General finds waste that could be eliminated if the government acted on the recommendations in the Auditor-General Report -https://cupe.ca/ontario-auditor-shares-p3-findings-municipal-leaders. It is the Liberals that do not open the procurement process to ensure value for money is considered with any project being awarded by the government

• Wynne has slowly forced cuts through her funding freezes and/or slow growth in transfers. Wynne only funds 2% year over year growth to hospitals and yet Wynne gets 3% more each year from the Federal Government.

• Wynne has created so many duplicate the departments that are just a waste of money. https://www.thestar.com/life/health_wellness/2015/11/06/community-care-access-centres-likely-to-be-dismantled.html

• Brown likely will look at FIT and see what can be done to scrap it!!

• Brown will likely look at better power deals to export power that makes money for Ontario and not lose money - https://ep.probeinternational.org/2016/09/20/ontario-electricity-customers-have-paid-more-than-6-billion-to-dump-surplus-high-priced-power-study/

• Brown will likely look at licensing when it comes to Pot selling.

• Brown policies will focus on attracting business investment back, especially in the North

• Brown will look at reducing red tape and regulations.

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• https://www.thespec.com/news-story/7807664-wynne-outlines-155-million-action-plan-commits-to-5-000-new-long-term-care-beds/

• Yet Wynne has never provided any real oversight of long-term care facilities -http://ottawasun.com/2017/08/31/auditor-general-to-review-long-term-care-homes-as-more-complaints-brought-forward/wcm/10bdd623-89eb-4273-a0aa-31d9fefadd57.

• Ontario PC want to expand that to 15,000 or 10,000 over period of 10 years. This likely means additional cost to the government $30M per year.

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• http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-home-care-personal-support-workers-psw-wynne-1.4385797

• “The Wynne government is getting into the business of providing home care directly, quietly creating a new provincial agency that could eventually serve hundreds of thousands of patients in Ontario, CBC News has learned.

• The move would mean personal support workers (PSWs) become provincial employees. It also has the potential to take a significant portion of the $2.5 billion in annual publicly-funded home care away from the for-profit and not-for-profit agencies currently providing it.

• More government control with healthcare. Is anyone surprised? Nope! Liberals tried to help healthcare with the LHINS and CCAC as such those areas were flop - http://www.nugget.ca/2016/04/05/costs-rising-while-failing-to-hit-performance-targets

• I have worked with homecare providers over my career the biggest problem has been getting paperwork signed off by the government. If the government spent more time streamlining government including improving the IT systems then more money would flow to patient.

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POLICE ACT• Blog – Policing Act

• Ontario Government is proposing changes to the police act - https://globalnews.ca/news/3839008/ontario-police-services-act/The key areas are the following:

• No compensation to suspended officers

• Creation of an oversight board

• Work done by police moved to other areas of municipal budgets

• What’s missing?

• No discussion on reforming the arbitration process

• No discussion on the cost multiplier for communities served by the OPP

• No discussion on reforming the pay grade for police officers

• The act is key to supporting policing in Ontario, but other reforms are also required to control the cost of policing when it comes to municipal budgets.

• Is there an upside? Yes, there is more potential to promote the use of IT as part of supporting police services across Ontario as well as Canada - https://www.ibm.com/news/ca/en/2011/06/28/y592236g08258o05.html or https://www-935.ibm.com/industries/government/solutions/analysis-analytics-law-enforcement.html

• Source - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/public-safety-policing-canada-november-2017

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• http://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/human-resources/ontario-wont-bribe-amazon-win-bid-hq2-201356/

• ““There are clearly places in the United States that will, I use the word, bribe, people to come,” he said. “(They) say you just tell us what cheque you want us to write, we will write that cheque. We’re not in that business.”

• If that’s what Amazon is looking for, Ontario will not win, said Clark, who retired as an executive with TD Bank in 2014” Quote – Ed Clark former CEO TD Bank

• The interesting fact is that Ontario has been providing grants to businesses like Ford, CISCO, GM, etc for years through their job and prosperity fund - Source - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/government-policy-jobs-and-prosperity-fund-ontario

• The article also does not touch on the following bad policies:

• Carbon Taxation - https://www.pressreader.com/canada/windsor-star/20170508/281487866261695

• Hydro Rates - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/kitchener-toronto-factory-industry-electricity-rates-1.4011519

• EHT threshold elimination for large corporation - https://www.ggfl.ca/uploads/files/Changes_Employer_EHT.pdf

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• So, Fraser Institute is wrong, right? So, is the AG report wrong as well? http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/content/news/11_newsreleases/2011news_3.03.pdf

• Ontario AG http://www.auditor.on.ca/en/content/specialreports/specialreports/FairHydroPlan_en.pdf or http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ontario-hydro-auditor-general-report-fair-hydro-plan-wynne-1.4358168

• I have done my own work through reviewing different information and high hydro rates have driven out business - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/failed-clean-energy-policies-ontario-wynne-and-mcguinty

• Ontario businesses are at the breaking point with the Liberals as they have seen carbon taxation, elimination of EHT threshold, high hydro rates, planned hikes to minimum wage, etc. Business can adjust to government policies, but not when they continue to be slammed by Wynne with bad after bad policy!

• Jobs replaced by manufacturing have been lower in pay, like retail/transportation/etc. https://beta.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/economy/census-2016-statscan-income/article36242392/?ref=http://www.theglobeandmail.com&

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• Wynne’s waste

• P3 Costs $8B (source: http://www.thestar.com/news/queenspark/2014/12/09/publicprivate_financing_cost_ontario_taxpayers_8_billion_auditor_says.html)

• Equalization $10B (http://www.fin.gc.ca/fedprov/mtp-eng.asp#Ontario)

• Gas Plant Cancellation $1.1B (http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/10/08/liberals_power_plant_cancellations_cost_11b_auditor_general.html)

• eHealth $1B (http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/ehealth-scandal-a-1b-waste-auditor-1.808640)

• Selling excess power $1B/year http://kitchener.ctvnews.ca/ontario-paid-1-billion-to-export-surplus-power-in-2013-ndp-say-1.1647299 - 2013 amount only)

• Wind Subsidies $1B/year (http://www.netnewsledger.com/2014/03/05/ontario-wind-energy-plans-costing-1-billion-annually/)

• Ontario capital Expenditures $11.8B (http://www.fin.gov.on.ca/en/budget/paccts/2014/)

• Ontario shares of gas tax $750M (http://www.infrastructure.gc.ca/alt-format/pdf/GTF-FTE-20140905-eng.pdf)

• Municipalities Capital spending $6B (http://www.amo.on.ca/Advocacy.aspx?searchtext=capital&searchmode=exactphrase&date=0;&issue=0;&category=0;)

• Wynne’s AIT Issues - http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatchewan/saskatchewan-premier-brad-wall-concerned-about-ontario-quebec-position-on-energy-east-1.2848930.

• Oliver and Wynne barb over infrastructure - http://www.canadianmanufacturing.com/procurement/ontario-ottawa-trade-barbs-infrastructure-funding-plan-142206/

• Broken Arbitration system - http://www.lfpress.com/2014/02/22/small-municipalities-across-ontario-crushed-by-soaring-opp-policing-costs - Wynne was McGuinty’s right hand person - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/politics/mcguinty-defends-85-per-cent-pay-hike-for-opp-in-2014/article1360155/

• Forest Management cuts - http://www.torontosun.com/2013/12/17/liberals-latest-disaster-in-works-leaves-northern-ontario-vulnerable

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BLOG – ELECTION • https://www.msn.com/en-ca/news/canada/trudeau-may-lose-some-like-minded-premiers-in-2018/ar-BBHmc1M

• Ontario has had the Liberals since 2003. The Liberals have had the following issues

• Liberals have double the debt since they took office - https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/issues-facing-ontario-2018-election

• Ontario has some of the highest hydro rates in all of Canada. Many people of Ontario live with energy poverty -https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/election-platform-ontario-pc-20182019

• Wynne continues to give handouts like free education or increase spending on daycare or hikes to minimum wage. The closer Ontario gets to an election the more promises Wynne will make to hold on to her job - http://nationalpost.com/opinion/kelly-mcparland-the-liberals-are-in-trouble-when-even-the-toronto-star-applauds-brown

• Quebec’s economy is growing like Canada was during the 2015 election call. Quebec appears to want to vote in change as the current government has gone beyond its’ shelf life

• Issues at hand

• Equalization - http://business.financialpost.com/pmn/business-pmn/provinces-feds-to-debate-proposed-changes-to-ever-divisive-equalization-program -The federal government is looking at including property valuation in the calculation. The inclusion of property evaluation will impact BC and Ontario worst and leave PQ alone. PQ housing prices are relatively low compare to both Ontario and PQ - https://www.livingin-canada.com/house-prices-canada.html

• Current government supports business subsidies to Bombardier - https://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/rob-commentary/quebecs-bombardier-bailout-is-not-an-investment-its-corporate-welfare/article27081111/

• Quebec is looking at developing shale oil deposits in GASPE - http://nationalpost.com/news/canada/population-157-the-tiny-quebec-town-that-became-a-battleground-against-oil-exploration

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FREE TUITION1. https://globalnews.ca/news/3914000/university-graduates-entry-level-jobs-canada/ “In 2016, around one in two

entry-level jobs did not require a minimum level of education (87,500 vacancies). A quarter of those

gigs (48,400 vacancies) required a high school diploma and one in five (18,300 vacancies) required

a college diploma. Only 14,000 entry-level jobs required a university degree. For comparison, over

250,000 Canadians graduated from university in 2010.

2. Goods producing sector continue to lag other sectors in terms of job growth -

https://www.slideshare.net/paulyoungcga/wages-and-employment-canada-policy-analysis - Goods

producing sector would lead to engineering, quality control inspectors, supply chain management,

inventory control, etc.

3. Retail/wholesale sector lead a good chunk of the growth. Warehousing is going through automation

- https://www.xconomy.com/boston/2017/11/20/locus-robotics-gets-25m-to-help-warehouse-owners-


4. Job Quality Index - http://www.cbc.ca/news/business/wages-cibc-job-quality-1.3872389 “The quality

of employment in Canada is falling, according to a report from CIBC, with more low-paid jobs and those

earning less than the average wage falling further behind. Both young people and Canadians over 55 are

stuck in the low-wage job sector, primarily in-service jobs. But even among workers aged 25 to 54, 53 per

cent had jobs that paid between 50 and 100 per cent of the average wage.

5. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/12/03/stingy-canadian-employers-face-workforce-crisis-in-2018-

report_a_23295535/ “Canada's employers face a potential "workforce crisis" next year, as employees

take advantage of a strong job market to leave their jobs in search of better pay and work conditions, a

new report says. And it's due to employers' own reluctance to improve wages and hire permanent workers,

according to the report from recruitment agency Hays Canada.

Page 26: 2018 - Ontario Election - Issues at Hand


Daycare – Currently daycare costs are supported by transfers - http://www.fin.gc.ca/fedprov/cst-eng.asp. Daycare costs would require support by the provinces, but it appears that Mulcair missed that memo -http://news.nationalpost.com/news/wynne-government-disputes-mulcairs-claim-that-ontario-supports-ndp-childcare-plan or http://globalnews.ca/news/2176583/what-we-know-about-the-ndps-childcare-plan . It seems to me that Mulcair is pandering for votes without discussing the cost/impact of his policies -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pHcvqOfErJk. Here are comments from Andrew Thomson -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ba1SwrMf3Xc FYI – Quebec model -http://www.nationalpost.com/news/story.html?id=5a5e1555-093f-4959-9395-028c36daadc7&p=2