2018 NJAFP ScieNtiFic ASSembly exhibitor ProSPectuS NJAFP AM Prospectus_Complete... · 2018...

224 West State Street Trenton, NJ 08608 Presorted First Class Mail US Postage Paid Trenton NJ Permit # 1117 2018 NJAFP SCIENTIFIC ASSEMBLY EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS June 15-17, 2018 Pre-Conference Symposium June 14 ATLANTIC CITY 2100 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401 Tel: 609-348-4411 • www.CaesarsAC.com

Transcript of 2018 NJAFP ScieNtiFic ASSembly exhibitor ProSPectuS NJAFP AM Prospectus_Complete... · 2018...

224 West State StreetTrenton, NJ 08608

PresortedFirst Class MailUS Postage Paid

Trenton NJPermit # 1117

2018 NJAFP ScieNtiFic ASSembly exhibitor ProSPectuS

June 15-17, 2018 • Pre-Conference Symposium June 14

At l A N t i c c i t y 2100 Pacific Avenue, Atlantic City, NJ 08401Tel: 609-348-4411 • www.CaesarsAC.com

2018 ScieNtiFic ASSemblyJUNe 14-17, 2018

exhibitor ProSPectuS Dear Partner,

As healthcare evolves into value-based payment models, primary care practices need dedicated partners to support their

clinical, operational, data, privacy/security and marketing needs. In this our 70th year, the New Jersey Academy of Family

Physicians is proud to provide the highest quality, evidenced-based education available for Family Physicians and their practice

teams through its annual conference. The 2018 NJAFP Scientific Assembly and Pre-Conference Symposium will take place

June 14 to June 17 exclusively at Caesars Atlantic City.

The NJAFP Scientific Assembly draws over 250 attendees including healthcare system leaders, practicing physicians, residents,

medical students, and other allied health professionals. Attendees come from small and mid-sized practices, large medical

groups, residency programs and health systems from across the state. Our presenters and faculty represent national and

regional experts in both the clinical and non-clinical issues driving healthcare.

To maximize your time and investment, we have scheduled DEDICATED EXHIBIT TIMES to allow you to meet with

attendees and share your expert industry knowledge. Special events and creative sponsorship opportunities will take place in

the Exhibit Hall, guaranteeing an active exhibit floor with strong traffic flow that encourages energetic interaction. We also

offer exclusive sponsorship opportunities to provide you with maximum exposure to conference attendees.

I invite you to take advantage of this important opportunity to network with the professionals who are on the frontlines of

American healthcare. Your support of our meeting enables us to offer quality continuing medical education to family

physicians and other healthcare professionals, enhancing their skills to improve health and healthcare in New Jersey.



Ray Saputelli, MBA, CAe

executive Vice President

Family physicians represent the largest primary care specialty society in New Jersey (and in the US). The NJAFP Scientific Assembly:

•IsthelargestgatheringinNewJerseyoffamilyphysicians,residents,studentsandallied healthcare professionals dedicated to the discipline of Family Medicine

•Utilizesdedicatedexhibithours,unopposedbyCMEprogramming •CelebratestheExhibitFlooropeningwiththeExhibitors’Reception,anetworking

event that encourages attendees to visit as many vendors as possible •Excitinggamesandprizesforattendees •Additionalsponsorshipopportunitiestoshowyoursupportforprimary

care practices

AtteNdee ProFile

This conference will be attended by healthcare leaders, practicing physicians, resi-dents and students from New Jersey and the surrounding states who specialize in Family Medicine, as well as allied healthcare professionals, including PAs, NPs, RNs, LPNs and PTs. Though practice profiles vary, this group represents an enormous opportunity for your organization to support the frontline of healthcare delivery in these communities.

Why exhibit? Who Will be there?

your exhibit booth PAckAge iNcludeS:• 10’ X 10’ hotel carpeted booth,

6’ draped table, 8’ high back wall, 3’ side rails, waste basket, 2 chairs and company identification sign

• Registration for 2 representatives per booth (additional reps may be registered for $100 each)

• Conference Program listing with company description and logo available in a digital version and downloadable event app

• Friday evening exhibitors’ Reception

• Special invitation to join us at the Residents Knowledge Bowl, immediately following the Exhibitors’Reception.

• BONUS: Pre-registration list of attendees

NJAFP coNtAct iNFormAtioNSubmit your contract and payment to:

2018 NJAFP Scientific AssemblyCandida TaylorExhibit Coordinator224 West State St.Trenton, NJ 08608Tel: (609) 394-1711Fax: (609) [email protected]

AccommodAtioNSCaesars Atlantic City2100 Pacific AvenueAtlantic City, NJ 08401Tel: 609-348-4411www.CaesarsAC.com

A limited number of rooms have been set aside at the special conference rate of $158 per night (plus applicable taxes). To make your reserva-tions, go to www.njafp.org and click on NJAFP Annual Scientific Assembly, click on Exhibitor Information and Accommodations. You will be taken to the NJAFP housing reservations site where you can reserve your room. Housing opens for exhibitors on March 30, 2018.

dAteS to rememberNow: Contracts are being accepted.

March 1: early Bird payment is due in full.

April 15: Final booth payments due.

May 15: Booth assignments and exhibitor kits sent from VISTA Convention Services.

cANcellAtioN Policyexhibitor cancellation must be received in writing and no later than 30 days prior to the event. Before 30-day period, exhibitors may receive a 50% refund or credit 75% of their contracted exhibit fee to the following year’s exhibit. No refunds or credits will be issued 29 days or less from the event.

*Conference schedule is approximate and subject to change. Go to www.njafp.org for updates.

iNcreASe your ViSAbility: AdVertiSe iN the coNFereNce ProgrAm

Put your business at everyone’s fingertips. Take advantage of the opportunity to advertise in this invaluable downloadable resource that meeting attendees refer to throughout the year.

Inside Front Cover ............ $850Inside Back Cover ............. $850 Back Cover ....................... $950Full Page Inside ................ $450Half Page (horizontal) ...... $225Quarter Page (vertical) ......$125

This is a fully digital publication available on the NJAFP website and in the meetings event app. All pages are in color.

For advertising specs and Conference Program options, see the Sponsorship Opportunities insert, or contact Candida Taylor. at the NJAFP office at (609) 394-1711 or by email at [email protected].

exhibitor & coNFereNce Schedule exhibitor Schedule coNFereNce Schedule*

thurSdAy, JuNe 14 9:00am - 4:00pm 10:00am - 4:00pm

Table top exhibits Sessions with dedicated during pre-conference break times for networking

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Town Hall

FridAy, JuNe 15 12:00pm - 5:00pm 3:30pm - 6:30pm

exhibitor registration and set up. CMe Sessions All booths must be completely set up by 5:00pm

6:30pm - 8:00pm

exhibitors’ Reception

8:15pm - 11:00pm

Resident Knowledge Bowl

SAturdAy, JuNe 167:00am - 8:00am

exhibit Hall opens • Breakfast is on the Floor

8:00am - 10:20am

Opening Plenary & CMe Sessions

10:20am - 10:45am

Dedicated exhibit time • Break is on the Floor

10:45am - 12:00pm

CMe Sessions

12:00pm - 2:00pm

Dedicated exhibit time • Lunch period with Vendor Theaters

1:45pm - 2:15pm Research Poster Contest viewing time • Break (exhibit Floor closes at 2:15pm)

2:15pm 2:15pm - 5:00pm

Booth break down CMe Sessions

6:15pm - 12:00am

President’s Reception & Gala

SuNdAy, JuNe 17 8:30am - 1:00pm

CMe Sessions

1:00pm - 5:00pm

KSA Study Hall

Pre-Conference Symposium

SuPPort PrimAry cAre PrActice trANSFormAtioN!Value-Based Care Symposium and Town Hall Sponsorships OpportunitiesThursday, June 14, 2018Caesars Atlantic City Hotel

Calling all organizations that provide services or tools to support healthcare’s movement to population health and value-based care – this opportunity is for you! Join the New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians, American College of Physicians New Jersey Chapter, and Garden PTN in a one-day event focused on implementing and succeeding in value-based care. Show your support exclusively at this event on Thursday, June 14, 2018, through sponsorship of one of the exciting opportunities listed below.

Value-Based Care Symposium: “Implementing Value-Based Care” (10:00am – 4:00pm)This six-hour symposium will include entire practice teams from primary care and specialty practices across New Jersey, Delaware and eastern Pennsylvania. The content will focus on implementation strategies for succeeding in value-based care, such as process workflow, coding, technology and communication.

Value-Based Care Town Hall: “Demystifying ACOs” (5:00pm – 7:00pm)Following the symposium, national and local physician and ACO leaders will meet in a Town Hall format to discuss their unique approach for succeeding in value-based contracts. This high-touch approach will allow all participants to engage with speakers for an important dialogue about what exactly an ACO is, what it takes to succeed in these new payment models.

Sponsorship at the Value-Based Care events offers distinctive confer-ence recognition, including poster signage and special mention in conference pub-lications. PLUS – the opportunity to network directly with practices and leaders from across the region. Sponsorship op-portunities also provide additional exhibitor sav-ings at the NJAFP Annual Scientific Session (imme-diately following this event).

The following Sponsorships are available:

SPoNSorShiP oPPortuNitieS - VAlue-bASed cAre eVeNt SPONSOrSHIP LEVEL ITEM $500 event Handout or Conference Bag Insert (8.5” x 11” multiple pages) $750 Pre-Conference Lanyards with Company Name/Logo 6 ft. Skirted Table-Top Display (all day) $1,000 Town Hall International Coffee Bar (add $650 for 6 ft. Branded Charging Station (all day) table-top display) American Soda Fountain (all day) $1,200 Additional Town Hall Opportunities (choose one) (add $400 for 6 ft. Pass-Around Hors d’oeuvres • Carving Station • Pasta Station table-top display) Crudité • Mediterranean Platter • International Cheese Display Dessert Trays $1,500 Internet - includes Banner Ad on event App (add $100 for 6 ft.

Afternoon Networking Break table-top display) $2,000 Luncheon (includes 6 ft. skirted Audio-Visual Support table-top display) Pre-Conference Bag Sponsor Town Hall Wine Bar $5,000 Educational Partner (includes double-wide Acknowledged in Welcome Address skirted table-top display) Conference Program Advertising event Signage event App Logo placement

Sponsoring an event or a specific aspect of the Conference offers additional booth savings and distinctive Conference recognition, including poster signage at the event and special mention in NJAFP publications.

Sponsorships are available in the following increments and some include booth discounts:

SPoNSorShiP eVeNt / item booth diScouNt $500 Conference Bag Insert 5% (8.5” x 11” multiple pages)

$1,000 Lanyards - provide a conference badge 10% lanyard with your company name

$1,000 - $2,000 Research Poster Contest 10% - 20% Workshop Materials Support

$1,500 Resident Caucus 15% President’s Gala Dinner Table

$2,000 Past President’s Breakfast 20% Friday Afternoon Break (All Attendees)

Saturday Morning Break

Saturday Afternoon Break

President’s Gala Dessert

Sunday Morning Break

$2,500 House of Delegates Breakfast 25% President’s Gala Flowers

President’s Gala After Reception

Sunday Breakfast

$3,500 Saturday Breakfast 35% President’s Gala entertainment (2 available)

$5,000 House of Delegates Luncheon 50% (Acknowledged in Welcome Address)

President’s Gala Cocktail Reception

President’s Gala entertainment

Conference Program (includes Inside Front Cover Ad)

$6,000 Saturday Luncheon 60% Conference Audio/Visual Service (includes Conference App Advertising)

$7,500 Exhibitors’ reception Complimentary Vendor Theater* Booth! President’s Gala Dinner Conference Bags

* VeNdor theAter

Capture your audience and make a company presentation of your products/services in a Vendor Theater! For a sponsorship of $7500 exhibitors may provide a 30-minute presentation on any topic of their choosing relevant to family medicine. The theater, located on the exhibit floor is available on Saturday, June 16 for presentations during the lunch period. The available times are: 12:05pm-12:35pm; 12:45pm-1:15pm; and 1:25pm-1:55pm. The Vendor Theater package includes seating for 30 attendees, and a standard screen package (LCD, screen and microphone—vendor to supply own laptop). Only three opportunities are available, so reserve your space early.

thiS PAckAge iNcludeS:

• Complimentary booth• Complimentary poster

signage and conference promotion (you may also provide your own signage)

• Conference Bag Insert• Full page ad in the virtual

Conference Program

SPoNSorShiP oPPortuNitieS

SuPPort NeW JerSey FAmily mediciNe reSideNcy ProgrAmS!

SPoNSorShiP eVeNt / item booth diScouNt $500 event Handout or Conference Bag Insert (8.5” x 11” multiple pages) 5%

$750 Special event Lanyards 7% with your company name/logo

$1,000 Red Solo Cup Sponsor 10%

American Soda Fountain

International Coffee Station

$1,500 RKB Attendee Gift 15%

Dessert Sponsor

$2,000 Pizza Sponsor 20%

(includes 6ft. skirted Audio-Visual Sponsor (includes your company table top display) name/logo/ message on screen between game rounds)

$5,000 Main Event Sponsor 50% (includes Acknowledged in Welcome Address double-wide skirted 2018 Champion T-shirt Sponsor table top display) Conference Program Advertising event Signage event App Logo Placement

resident Knowledge Bowl Sponsorships OpportunitiesCalling all ACOs, hospitals, group practices, urgent care centers, and anyone interested in hiring and keeping the best and the brightest family physicians in New Jersey! If you are interested in ensuring the delivery of quality primary and preventive care medicine—this is for you! Join us at the NJ Family Medicine Resident Knowledge Bowl (RKB) as our NJ Family Medicine residency programs vie against one another in an impressive display of talent and knowledge - to win the “Coveted Cup.” Show your support exclusively at this event on Friday, June 15, 2018, through sponsorship of one of the exciting opportunities listed below.

The RKB is a Jeopardy-style game show hosted by the NJAFP. For most of the contest’s 15 year history, the event has enjoyed a 100% participation rate by our NJ Family Medicine residency programs. Teams of residents answer questions about family medicine (and perhaps a little geography) to the best of their knowledge, earning points and eventually eking out the competition until one champion remains. The winning team takes home the “Coveted Cup” to proudly display in their program for the coming year. The RKB has become wildly successful with almost 200 attendees cheering on 13 teams – making Friday night at the NJAFP Scientific Assembly a pinnacle event not to be missed!

Sponsorship at the Resident Knowledge Bowl offers additional booth savings at the main conference, with distinctive conference recognition, including poster signage and special mention in NJAFP publications. PLUS – the opportunity to network directly with family physicians graduating from residency programs in New Jersey and eager to find employment in the communities they have come to call “home.”

Sponsorships are available in the following increments for the rKB and include exhibit booth discounts at the main conference:

rAteSInside Front Cover* ..................................................................................$850Inside Back Cover* ..................................................................................$850Back Cover* ............................................................................................$950 Full Page Inside .......................................................................................$450Half Page ................................................................................................$225Quarter Page ........................................................................................... $125

* Please check for cover availability before reserving. The Conference Program is a full color digital publication.

AdVertiSiNg SPecSAd SizeSFull Page: 7.25” x 10” h.Half Page: 7.25” x 5” h. (horizontal)Quarter Page: 3.5” x 5” h. (vertical)

hoW to SubmitART ReQUIReMeNTS: The quality of reproduction is subject to the quality of materials received.

• Electronic files are required for production and accepted using one of the following file formats: Adobe Acrobat PDF files are preferred. Word files and JPEGs are also acceptable.

• To ensure quality reproduction, all files should be high resolution (300 dpi or better) RGB for 4-color output

• NJAFP offers graphics services for $65 per hour, if applicable. Advertisers will be provided an estimate prior to production.

For more information and to reserve your space, please contact Candida Taylor at the NJAFP office at (609) 394-1711 or by email at [email protected].

224 West State Street, Trenton, New Jersey 08608

coNFereNce ProgrAm

reAch oVer 2000 FAmily PhySiciANS –As well as physician assistants, nurse practitioners, office managers and other allied healthcare professionals in this important medical resource.

The Conference Program is available on line at the NJAFP website at www.njafp.org and in the digital app – for attendees to access and reference throughout the year.

Upon receipt of your exhibitor Contract and payment you will receive an exhibitor Kit from VISTA Convention Services. The kit contains all necessary forms for contracting additional services, rentals and pricing. Please read the kit carefully and follow the instructions regarding shipment of booth materials and the Caesars Atlantic City Hotel guidelines.

Booth assignments will be finalized in May 2018. NJAFP will make every effort to accommodate vendor preferences as they are received.

Premium Booth(located around the inner center perimeter and ballroom entrance) .............. $1,375

Standard Booth (located on the outer perimeter) ................................................................. $1,250

Act now and receive the Special Early Bird Discount. reserve your booth space and pay by March 1, 2018 and receive an additional 10% savings!

Companies sponsoring functions or special conference materials are eligible for additional discounts. Refer to Sponsorship inserts for details.

exhibit SerViceS coNtrActor

VISTA Convention Services6804 Delilah RoadPleasantville, NJ 08232Tel: 609-485-2421Fax: 609-485-2392

cAeSArS AtlANtic cityPAllAdium bAllroomS A/b

2018 NJAFP ScieNtiFic ASSemblyexhibitS, SPoNSorShiPS ANd AdVertiSemeNtS

reSerVAtioN FormExhibits on June 14, 15 & 16Caesars Atlantic City, 2100 Pacific Ave., Atlantic City, NJ 08401

FAX: (609) 394-7712

Company Name (for identification sign)

Key Contact (person to whom all questions and information regarding this reservation should be directed)


Company Address (no PO boxes, please)

City State Zip

On-site booth representatives

Name Title

Name Title

Desired booth space in order of preference: 1st 2nd 3rd

Booth assignments will be made by NJAFP in May 2018. We will make every effort to accommodate vendors’ preferences.

Company/Product Description

Please send a high resolution JPeG or PDF file of your logo to [email protected] for inclusion in the digital Conference Program by your booth description.

check All thAt APPlyExhibits - June 14, 15 & 16 Amounto Standard Booth - $1,250 ....................................................................................................................................... $o Premium Booth - $1,375 ....................................................................................................................................... $o Table Top (June 14 ONLY) - $750 .......................................................................................................................... $o Table Top, June 14 PLUS Booth space for June 15 & 16 - add $500

(You must also select either a Premium or Standard Booth to be eligible for this rate.) .............................................. $

Sponsorshipo Function(s) (please specify) $

Conference Program Advertisemento Inside Front Cover $850 o Half Page (horizontal) $225 o Full Page (inside) $450o Back Cover $950 o Inside Back Cover $850 o Quarter Page (vertical) $125 $ TOTAL $

Remit payment in full with contract to: Make checks payable to:2018 NJAFP Scientific Assembly New Jersey Academy of Family Physicians (NJAFP)Candida Taylor, 224 West State St., Trenton, NJ 08608 Tax ID# 22-6063156

Method of payment: o Check o Visa o MC o Amex Card # exp. Date CVV

Name (as it appears on the card) Signature

Billing address for card

You will receive confirmation of your exhibit booth upon receipt of your contract and payment. Thank you.