2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday...

www.marekconnellenglish.com 2018-01-30 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 diva w the I t k [ədvántich] adv nt g f the tim . nj d W s the plac ? D n w w is the plac s ? H wd get t th s plac ? D n w h w do get t th s plac ? Cn t ll m w it s? I want t n w w it s W it s t? Hv s n th s f lm? I want t n w if h v s n th s f lm. I c n lowe the li t. Fr nd 1.[kólik(s)] c ll g (s) 2.[kólich(is)] c ll g Cvilservant (funcionario) ex ms. The next/ last (The whole specified period) of day/month/week/ year etc the next/ last (Unspecific point in time or not the whole period) Compare the following: I shall be working for the next week and then I shall be on holiday. (= starting now for the next five or seven days) I shall do some work next week before I go on holiday. ( = some work, but not every day) I’m going to have driving lessons next year. ( = at some point during the year) For the next twelve months I shall be in Birmingham on a post-graduate course. ( = all 12 months, starting now) The last year has been hell! First the divorce, then I lost my job! ( = all 12 months up till now) I got divorced last year and I plan to remarry this year. ( = at some point during the year) I’ve had diarrhea for the last week, doctor. Can you give me something for it? I had diarrhea last week. Couldn’t eat anything for three days. T look f wa dt ( ) +object. "I am looking forward to going to London." “I am looking forward to visiting you next week.” informal “I look forward to FORMAL Clos clos d clo take profit T tak t k taken [ədvántich] adv nt g from f +object. T mak the most Can you tell me where 1 st you 2 nd are from? Direct --------------------- Where are you from? I would like to know where 1 st you 2 nd do live. Direct -------------------------- Where do you live. I want to know where 2nd you 2 nd have been. Direct -------------------- Where have you been.

Transcript of 2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday...

Page 1: 2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 diva w the I t k [ədvántich] advntg

www.marekconnellenglish.com2018-01-30MondaySoniaLorenteMarekConnellEnglishnotes1divaw the It k[ədvántich]adv nt g fthetim .nj d

W stheplac ?D n ww istheplac s?H wd gett th splac ? D n wh wdo gett th splac ?C n t llm w it s?Iwantt n ww it s W it s t?H v s nth sf lm?Iwantt n wif h v s nth sf lm.Ic nlowe theli t.Fr nd1.[kólik(s)]c ll g (s) 2.[kólich(is)]c ll g C vilservant

(funcionario)ex ms. Thenext/last

(Thewholespecifiedperiod)of day/month/week/yearetc


Compare the following: ◦ I shall be working for the next week and then I shall be on holiday. (=

starting now for the next five or seven days) ◦ I shall do some work next week before I go on holiday.

( = some work, but not every day) ◦ I’m going to have driving lessons next year.

( = at some point during the year) ◦ For the next twelve months I shall be in Birmingham on a post-graduate

course. ( = all 12 months, starting now) ◦ The last year has been hell! First the divorce, then I lost my job! ( = all 12

months up till now) ◦ I got divorced last year and I plan to remarry this year.

( = at some point during the year) ◦ I’ve had diarrhea for the last week, doctor. Can you give me something for

it? ◦ I had diarrhea last week. Couldn’t eat anything for three days.

T lookf wa dt ( )+object. "I am looking forward to going to London." “I am looking forward to visiting you next week.” informal

“I look forward to FORMAL Clos clos d


takeprofitT tak t ktaken

[ədvántich] adv nt g fromf+object.

T mak themost




Direct ---------------------Where are youfrom?




Direct--------------------------Where do you live.




Direct --------------------Wherehaveyoubeen.

Page 2: 2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 diva w the I t k [ədvántich] advntg


1T g lcl ck w ths m n

2T getn

al ng (alolargo)

(well)w ths m n

lik ah s nfi e.(very well)

3 T h t t ff

1.[(Dis)Ədvánti ]adv nt g 2.[(dis)ədvánti is]adv nt g s

T p t nmak p T mak p w ths m on .(To reconcile)

T br k pw ths m on .(To separate)

T mak +object p(to invent)

T p t nwe tcloth smak – p

T mak pyourmind(todecide)

T mak pthetim .(r c ve )T mak pf rs m ng

C mp t Shy [tok]ta kt kat v d m nd ng t d m nd [ooful]A f l(horrible)t p n



b ts m n w ns m th ng.

[Jeles] lo s[aza] the [alzou] al o ven

noppos t s

Phrasal verb nounTo put on makeup

To make up(To reconcile)

To break up(To separate)


- d

Refers to the feeling ng

Refers to the situation b r d b r ng

nt r s d nt rest ngann d ann ngf s na d f s nat ngl bera d l berat ngstr ss dr sp c df d

But!Str ss

r spectf

f lf lf l

nc r g d nc r g ngmb rrass d mb rrass ng

Ti ed Ti ng.

Page 3: 2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 diva w the I t k [ədvántich] advntg

[Lavd]l v d[tot]ta t [fashnebul]f sh nableThem n ng fk ds s ldren.

R t /Path

W "The fastest way to get to Barcelona."

"The fastest way to learn English." (A)w of (+object).

Aw fr l x ng.

Aform/t p /kind /sort /ofa tr c ncil T r conciliar

1. relating to or proceeding from a council, especially an ecclesiastical one. "conciliar decrees" siZ cr t ciz dIget nal tb tte w mym m.S bl ngs(brothers or sisters)t st d p nd n

H w(adverb)Question

1.In what way or manner. "How does it work?" 2.Used to express a strong feeling such as surprise about the extent of something. "How kind it was of him!"


adverb Comparison(as big as +object)1.Toaddacomment "As you can see, I didn't finish" (conjunction) 2. (≈while) “Frank watched TV as he did his homework.” 3.=because/since “I didn't do my homework as I had no time.” 4.=eventhough "sweet as he is, he doesn't pay his bills" 5.prepositionTorefertofunctionorcharacter."He worked as a teacher"

6.S s (For example)


(Preposition)comparison1.Similar to"He works like a dog" (very hard)

2.to draw attention to something. “You have to say it like this.”

Conjunction In the same way that; as. "people change their minds like/as they change clothes" As though; as if."I felt like/ as if I hadn’t slept for 2 days"

M nito dD te dffe d

C nq er dMurde d

de d

pr p d n mbe d

mfe dnte dpr fe d ns e ds ffe d

Page 4: 2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 diva w the I t k [ədvántich] advntg

Itr stmym mm .T b l v /tr st to( n)+object.T geth v c nf denc n+object.T g n+object tr st/c nf denc .n u h + noun

adjective+ n u h

too + AdjectiveMuch/many+noun

very + adjective

1pe son2personsp pleThearm M n armies.Ih v n’tg t/don’th v m ric .


blam b (the n )t blam .b tfa lt blam to+objectf r +object.

t smyfa lt .

nst d f

+ (+object)


Cat n

1.To become popular. 2.Understand what is meant or how to do


tak ff

1.To become popular. 3.

1T g lcl ck w ths m n

2T getn

al ng (alolargo)

(well)w ths m n

lik ah s nfi e.(very well)

3 T h t t ff

1. [Daut]d t 2. [det]d t d tabout/with+objecth v ad tab t+object.

P pleis(sl)

P pledoesd P plehash v P pleve b

T ber sp ns ble tooff r+object.Heistheresponsible

He istheresponsible He is the person responsible

f r (object).

r sp ns bl

r sp ns bl t

NounderstandtheaskT ask

T make/doaskquest ons(preguntas)

.ns e

Page 5: 2018-01-29 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 · 2018-01-29 · 2018-01-30 Monday Sonia Lorente Marek Connell English notes 1 diva w the I t k [ədvántich] advntg

1 Wak p=bed

2 T li d wn /got bed Get p=bed/physicalaction

3St nd p Sit(d wn)

Aflak personT st nds m n p.T flak ns m n .(to not meet someone when you said you would)T getdownt d ng+object. T getd wnandshak aleg.(to dance)

t feeld wn(ill /sad) Thew the getsm d wn.(makes me depressed)

T getby(t surviv )T getove s m th ng (overc m ). Getove y s lf!(stop being conceited or pretentious.)Stra b rr hrasalve bs

Id n’td n th ng.I mth nk ngab td ngthe x m.rad ato /h te

Mylif d sn’td p nd nl n ngFr n .Obj ct v D d cat Ove w lm ng W ll ften ***H w ftenalw salmost ftenPr cr st nat T correct[colik]c ll g


sleepmakedoh v tak

an p

C vilservant

c nl s youy s lfgetlost ntheb t ftheart.

“It’s fun to get lost in there.”It’s easy togetlostloseyourselfin the mountains.

Ilostmyphone Getlost!


x m ne

T commit (a)crim .s cid .

T domak a m stak .erro .

T haveget n ns e wrong.

N w [ ] no

[ ] now

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[lit-tri-cha]l t r t e7 nt l9.H dc r


T sew sew ng

t s ws ds