2017 best local seo guide omega-softwares


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Best 2017 LOCAL SEO practises you should know by Omega Softwares

In this document we will be sharing some quick tips to improve local seo to rank higher in local


1 .Title Tags

Include keyword in you title is the important aspect of local seo. Make it clear, precise and eye

catching .

2 .Clean URLs

You must have clean and seo friendly url

Your local targeted page must have seo frieldy url which help in understanding user directly by

looking at the url as well as helps in ranking.

Like : SEO services in Mumbai

My url should be: http://omega-sys.com/seo-services-in-mumbai.html

3. Duplicate Content

You must check for duplicate content in your website. There are many tools available online to check

for content duplicity . Such as copyscape.

Visit http://www.copyscape.com/ and enter web page url you want to check the content duplicity .

4.Logos & Images

Optimize your logo and images. Name them correctly and don’t forget to include alt tag .

5.non-www to www

You must check whether your website is redirecting properly or not . Must have only one version of

website , it can be www or non-www

Like our omega softwares website is redirected to only non-www version


6. Webmasters

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First thing you have to do after setting up a website is setting up the Google web master. Verify your

all the version of website like www and non-www as well as http and https if you have to get the

accurate and better result of your website.

7.Indexable menu

Ensure your navigation menu items are indexable and use keyword as anchor text to get the most

benefit out of your internal linking.

8.NAP = Google My Business Page

Double check your details on Google My business page and edit them as your business details get

changed so that updated detail will be displayed in Google places.

9. City/Service Page

IF you are targeting multiple cities for your services, you must add cities and services pages .

10. Blog

Blog can help you in driving traffic as well as get your business available in serp at better places.

11. Mobile Responsive

In today’s date, having mobile responsive website is one of the most important aspects in ranking.

You should have a mobile friendly website which can be easily accessible on any mobile devices. It

helps in better user experience for your consumers and reduces the bounce rates.

MobileTest.me is the website where you can test whether your site is mobile friendly and responsive

or not.

IF you are looking for local seo services you can try omega Softwares best seo services.

For more visit http://omega-sys.com/SEO-services-in-mumbai.html