2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plan Gutierrez Middle … · Harlingen Consolidated Independent School...

Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District Gutierrez Middle School 2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plan Gutierrez Middle School Generated by Plan4Learning.com 1 of 45 Campus #031-903-044 September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Transcript of 2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plan Gutierrez Middle … · Harlingen Consolidated Independent School...

Harlingen Consolidated Independent School District

Gutierrez Middle School

2017-2018 Campus Improvement Plan

Gutierrez Middle SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 1 of 45 Campus #031-903-044

September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Mission StatementGutierrez Middle School, our mission is to sustain a safe, nurturing environment in which the entire learning community addresses the unique developmental

needs of early adolescents and collaborates freely to ensure every student develops confidence, competence, and independent capacity through rigorouscurriculum and appropriate instruction.

VisionGutierrez Middle School students will: possess the confidence, enthusiasm and commitment central to their success and to a positive school environment; be

actively involved in, and responsible for, their own learning; respect themselves, each other and core community values; recognize the importance ofteamwork and friendship which support the values of freedom, individuality, determination, tolerance, respect and generosity; will develop the knowledge,

character and leadership skills needed to be successful in the 21st century.

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment

Student Achievement

Student Achievement Summary

There will always be student achievement needs until every student achieves 100% mastery of the TEKS. From our data analysis, we have identified thefollowing as the most current, critical student achievement needs. They are listed in priority order:

Student Achievement Strengths

2015 STAAR DATA reveals that Special Education students score significantly below all other student groups in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade mathematics. Theroot cause is the

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Comprehensive Needs Assessment Data Documentation

The following data were used to verify the comprehensive needs assessment analysis:

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Goal 1: We will create a transformed school district that ensures high quality instruction and individualized learning,resulting in maximum achievement for all students.

Performance Objective 1: Create and maximize flexible learning spaces.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1:

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) ILC will be equipped with digital resources andequipment, such as, iPads, Apple Tv's, ChromeBooks andmobile monitors to facilitate instruction for teachers.

Librarian Summative - Check out logs.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 1: We will create a transformed school district that ensures high quality instruction and individualized learning, resulting in maximum achievement forall students.

Performance Objective 2: Create and expand technology rich environments that empower students to maximize their learning experiences.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2:

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Instructional staff will receive training regardinginstructional technology and the use of technology tosupport student learning, as needed.

InstructionalFacilitators, Librarian

Summative - Trainings provided by IF and LMS.

2) LMS will develop Digital Citizenship lessons to ensurestudents understand the proper use of technology oncampus. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 4)

1 Librarian, Counselors,Teacher(s)

Summative - Delivery of quarterly lessons

3) Classroom teachers will work alongside our LMS andInstructional Coach to expand the use of technology in theclassroom. (Target Group: All)

Administration,Instructional Coach,Librarian

Summative - Accountability statistics, monthly meetings,participant surveys, and student test results

4) GMS staff will promote technology rich environments(i.e. - Project Share, Edmodo, etc.) and other cloud-basedinternet tools (i.e. Microsoft Office365 system for email,online data storage, etc.) (Target Group: All)

Librarian Summative - Increase # of students participating

5) GMS will acquire and make NAVIANCE available toall 8th grade students, which provides both students andcounselors with data reflective of post- graduation studentinterests. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 5)

Counselor(s), CTECounselors,Teacher(s)

Summative - CTE Teacher lesson plans, CTE studentassessments, CTE Student Surveys, Calendar of events,agendas, Counselor documentation of college entranceapplications

6) GMS will promote campus activities by creating acampus newsletter and regularly updating our Facebookpage. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 3)

Librarian,Instructional Staff

Summative - Marketing brochure/information sheets on ILChours and additional resources.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 1: We will create a transformed school district that ensures high quality instruction and individualized learning, resulting in maximum achievement forall students.

Performance Objective 3: Create a supportive school culture and environment that inspires students and teachers.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3:

Summative Evaluation 3:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Train all faculty and staff in the cornerstones ofcustomer service to develop a culture of caring anddevelopment of positive relationships leading to improvedacademic performance by students. (Target Group: All)(NCLB: 4)

1, 2, 6 Administrator forOrganizationalDevelopment,Administration

Summative - 100% of faculty and staff will be trained in thecornerstones of customer service.

2) Counselors will provide individual and groupcounseling to students who have received disciplinaryreferrals or been placed in ISS/SAC, with an emphasisplaced on bullying, conflict resolution, respect andpersonal responsibility.

Counselor(s) Summative - Prevention, conflict resolution, and assistingstudents with character counseling after discipline referral.

3) Counselors will provide group counseling during FLEX.The counseling group, named "Jag's Den" will providesupport to our intentional non-learners.

Counselor(s) Summative - List of students seen by counselor.

4) Counselors and LMS will provide a 4-part series ofguidance lessons, to all students, targeting bullying andother elements of character education.

Counselor(s), LMS Summative - Lessons covered.

5) Counselors will visit 2 classrooms per week with anemphasis on checking on students who have been adiscipline problem or lack the motivation in the classroom.

Admin. Less Discipline Referrals

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize allstudents' success.

Performance Objective 1: Implement a transformed recruitment plan to attract highly effective educators.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1:

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Gutierrez will market itself with a campus newsletterthat will be shared with all stakeholders.

Principal, LMS, Staff Summative - Summative - monthly meetings.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize all students' success.

Performance Objective 2: Revolutionize the new teacher induction program for a multi-year professional support.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2:

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) All administrative staff will train on effectivewalkthroughs and identifying degrees of evidenceregarding effective teaching. (Target Group: All) (NCLB:1,3)

4, 9 Assistant Principal(s),Chief AcademicOfficer, InstructionalCoach, Principal

Summative - Eduphoria data and PDAS evaluations

2) Post classroom walk through conference will beconducted with all first year teachers to ensure clarity andprovide systematic support to new teachers. (Target Group:All) (NCLB: 1,2,3)

3 Admin Summative - Eduphoria data

3) All new teachers will participate in monthly new teachertraining to support new teachers during their first threeyears of teaching. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 3)

4 Administrator forOrganizationalDevelopment,Instructional Coach,Staff DevelopmentSpecialist

Summative - Sign-in sheets; training products; feedbacksurveys

4) Implement the new teacher mentor program to ensurecollaboration and the development of reflectivepractitioners. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1,2,3,5)

1, 2, 3, 4,9

Administrator forOrganizationalDevelopment,InstructionalInterventionSpecialist,InstructionalTechnologist

Summative - Mentor Logs andTeacher reflective journals willidentify 100% participation bynew teachers and mentors.

5) Update all staff on testing updates pertaining to specialeducation, 504, ESL and the proper use ofaccommodations. (Target Group: SPED) (NCLB: 3)

3, 4, 9, 10 Special EdDepartment

Summative - Survey teachers in the program focusing oneffectiveness and usefulness of the program.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize all students' success.

Performance Objective 3: Create avenues for educators to acquire new knowledge and reach high levels of success.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3:

Summative Evaluation 3:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Explore options for educational systems to support asafe use of technology (Target Group: All)

LMS Summative - Campus feedback on lessons delivered forDigital Citizenship

2) CTE teacher(s) will be supported with theimplementation of Naviance.

Director ofCounseling

Summative - # of participating staff and monitoring

3) Weekly/Monthly department and grade level PLCs willbe used to help support curriculum planning and improvestudent achievement. (Target Group: All)

3, 4 Admin. and Inst.Coach

Summative - District Curriculum Assessment

4) Provide CTE teachers and Counselors staff developmentthat promotes HB5 initiatives and brings 21st centuryenvironments into the CTE classroom settings. (TargetGroup: All) (NCLB: 5)

1, 2, 9 CTE teachers andCounselors, Directorof CTE

Summative - CTE teacher enrollment and participation inlocal/state CTE professional development, increase of CTEstudent awards, certifications and college enrollment.

5) Continue implementing a campus crisis team along withSpecial Ed staff that has been trained on CPI (CrisisPrevention Intervention) restraint training relative to allstudents (Target Group: All)

Admin., Special Ed.Staff

Summative - Training sign In sheets and meeting agendas

6) GMS will host professional development sessions forfeeder campuses (ELL, etc). (Title MISAWC:S1o,3lu,t4io,9n)s (®Target Group: All) (NCLB:3)

1, 3, 4, 9 Assistant Principal(s) Summative - Summative - logs of meetings (sped, esl, etc.).

7) A campus-based system will be developed forhighlighting best practices in order to increase the capacityof teacher's instructional toolbox and foster collaborativerelationships. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 3)

3, 4, 9 Assistant Principal(s),Instructional Coach

Summative - Results from District-wide documentationform and survey.

8) Provide training to staff on supplemental aids forSpecial Education students to be successful in theclassrooms. (Target Group: SPED) (NCLB: 3)

4, 9 Director of SpecialEducation

Summative - Survey teachers regarding usefulness ofresources. Monitor usage of resources.

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9) GMS will work alongside consultant, Dr. Lara, toprovide strategies to staff in order to help ELL populationbe successful.


10) Provide staff development on Sheltered Instruction tocore content secondary teachers to increase ELL/LEPacademic success. (Target Group: ESL, LEP)

Instructional Coach,Special ProgramsDept.

Summative - Agendas, Sign-In Sheets, CampusWalkthroughs

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Gutierrez Middle SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 11 of 45 Campus #031-903-044

September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize all students' success.

Performance Objective 4: Develop clear criteria of expectations for highly effective educators for the purpose of creating a systematic approach toassessing performance.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 4:

Summative Evaluation 4:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) All administrators will conduct a minimum of (2) 15minute walkthroughs per quarter of every teacher. (TargetGroup: All) (NCLB: 1,3)

3 Assistant Principal(s),Associate Principal,Principal

Summative - Eduphoria data

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Gutierrez Middle SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 12 of 45 Campus #031-903-044

September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize all students' success.

Performance Objective 5: Establish a retention plan for highly effective educators.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 5:

Summative Evaluation 5:

Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize all students' success.

Performance Objective 6: Create multiple venues for professional development designed to transform the learning experience of students.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 6:

Summative Evaluation 6:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Participate in professional development opportunitiesfor Bilingual and ESL teachers that address effectiveinstructional strategies to maximize English LanguageLearners academic success. (Target Group: ESL, LEP)

BilingualAdministrators, ChiefAcademic Officer,Director of SpecialPrograms/Multi-Language, ESLAdministrators,Principal, SpecialPrograms/Multi-Language Specialists

Summative - Agendas and sign in sheets for trainingNeeds Survey from Campus Teachers to drive futuretraining

2) Train staff on implementation of accommodation andmodifications using the following modalities: districtwebsite, job embedded training, staff development, andvideo clips (Target Group: SPED)

InstructionalInterventionSpecialist, Principal

Summative - Number of teachers trained, Sign-In sheets

3) GMS teacher(s) attended a sheltered instruction trainingto assist the entire staff with implementation of the ELPS.

ELL CampusContacts, ESLAdministrators, ESLTeachers

Summative - Summative - Sign In

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4) Special education teachers will participate in trainingson TEKS based curriculum and STAAR (Target Group:SPED)

Administrator forOrganizationalDevelopment,Athletic Director,Nursing Department

Summative - Sign in sheets for training

5) Monitor the progression of staff, in order to provideadequate staff development, in the relevant areas ofinstruction.

Assistant Principal(s),InstructionalFacilitators, Principal

Summative - Summative

6) CTE teachers will participate in professionaldevelopment opportunities that addresses effectiveinstructional strategies pertinent to student earningcertifications and future degrees within the CTEcurriculum. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 5)

CTE Counselors,Director of Career andTechnical Education,Director of Guidance& Counseling

Summative - CTE teacher enrollment and participation inlocal/state CTE professional development, CTE studentawards, certifications and college enrollment increase.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Gutierrez Middle SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 14 of 45 Campus #031-903-044

September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 2: We will attract, develop, and retain highly effective educators and provide the tools they need to maximize all students' success.

Performance Objective 7: For the 2017-18 school year, the teacher attendance rate will meet or exceed 97%.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 7: AESOP wil be used to monitor attendance and to reach our goal of 97%.

Summative Evaluation 7:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Teachers will receive quarterly perfect attendancechecks, during a faculty meeting.

Administration AESOP - Perfect Attendance

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

Gutierrez Middle SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 15 of 45 Campus #031-903-044

September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths inorder to address their curricular needs.

Performance Objective 1: Implement common planning time for all teachers to analyze data to drive instruction.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1: Sign in sheets on the days teachers meet (Tuesday and Thursdays).

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS staff will work with district personnel to identifyeffective Collaboration Time and utilize effectiveeducational models best suited for elementary andsecondary schools to identify collaboration time amongstteachers in grades 6th - 8th to be able to plan and analyzedata for student success. (Target Group: All) (NCLB:1,2,5)

2, 4, 5, 8 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - A list of models used will be developed andresults of effectives will be shared with design team.Common planning periods will be evaluated to ensurecollaborative planning is utilized to full potential.

2) GMS campus will ensure staff members are activeparticipants of a structured professional learningcommunity. Focused agendas will incorporate curriculumplanning, data analysis, and intervention/enrichmentprocesses every Tuesday and Thursday through PLCdepartment/grade level meetings in the data room. (TargetGroup: All)

4 Principal(s),Department Heads,Instructional Coach,Instructional Staff

Summative - Participation in GMS Professional LearningCommunity every other Thursday and through surveys ofthe campus to ensure Professional Learning Community areeffectively incorporated.

3) We will nurture, support, and further develop ourprofessional learning community to ensure staff ismaximized to their full potential and data is analyzed toenhance student success. (Target Group: All)

Assistant Principal(s),InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - Attendance via sign in sheets for all trainingsspecific to all Professional Learning Communities.

4) GMS will provide the opportunity for campus verticalalignment meetings for each content area throughdepartment meetings in all grade levels 6th-8th. (TargetGroup: All) (NCLB: 1)

Assistant Principal(s),Content AreaSpecialist(s),Department Heads,InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - Attendance and teacherfeedback/communication

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

5) Gutierrez will utilize data to direct campus staffdevelopment initiatives. This year's initiatives are commonformative assessments, as they apply to makinginstructional decisions (RTI, FLEX, remediation, extendedday, instructional day pull-outs, curricular camps, etc.).(Target Group: All)

Assistant Principal(s),InstructionalFacilitators, Principal,Teacher(s)

Summative - Summative

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 2: Create classroom learning environments to capitalize on opportunities for communication, collaboration, creativity, and criticalthinking.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2:

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will provide opportunities for staff to observe andparticipate in a collaborative learning model at all gradelevels (6-8) that incorporates within its designdifferentiated instruction and includes consistent follow uptrainings and continual support. (Target Group: All)(NCLB: 1,2,4,5)

1, 2, 10 Assistant Principal(s),InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - Professional Development Agenda show 100%participation by all teachers in 6th-8th grade.

2) GMS teachers will implement the new teaching andlearning framework lesson plan design.

3, 4, 9 Assistant Principal(s),Instructional Coach,Principal

Summative - Guideline will be developed to assist and guideteachers with lesson planning.

3) Teachers will observe other classroom learningenvironments/teachers/coaches in preparation for futureimplementation of the collaborative learning platform attheir levels. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1,2,3)

3, 4, 9, 10 Assistant Principal(s),InstructionalFacilitators, Principal,Department Heads

Summative - 100% of Middle Schools will participate in theshadowing activity.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 3: Develop curriculum with an emphasis on preparation for post-secondary endorsements, certificates, and certifications.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3:

Summative Evaluation 3:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will monitor the implementation of the newRedesigned CTE curriculum to expose students toinformation regarding endorsement, and opportunitiesavailable within CTE for certificates and othercertifications for implementation in the 2016-2017 schoolyear. (Target Group: CTE, 6th, 7th , 8th) (NCLB: 5)

2, 9, 10 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s), CTECounselors, Directorof Career andTechnical Education,Principal, Teacher(s)

Summative - middle school CTE curriculum documents

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 4: Create a locally developed evaluation plan with established standards to measure, assess and determine the effectiveness of bothcurrent and future programs.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 4:

Summative Evaluation 4:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS teachers will develop and implement commonformative assessments in grade levels 6-8th where districthas not provided a CFA for. (Target Group: All) (NCLB:1)

Assistant Principal(s),Department Heads,InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - Formative Assessment results uploaded toTango.

2) GMS instructional staff will use TANGO to assist withdata-driven instructional decisions to enhance studentlearning. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1,4)

8, 9 Assistant Principal(s),Content AreaSpecialist(s),Department Heads,InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal, Teachersfor Core Subjects

Summative - Quarterly results based on assessmentsadministered.

3) GMS campus will continue using online programs suchas, Reading Plus Program (Reading), SUM DOG (Math),Study Island (Math, Reading, Science, Social Studies), andIXL Math Program for Special Education students to assistwith intervention support. (Target Group: All)

Assistant Principal(s),Department Heads,Counselors (Rti), LabManager, Principal,Teachers for CoreSubjects

Summative - Data generated reports

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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September 18, 2017 6:57 am

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 5: Develop an Instructional Technology Support Team focusing on incorporating technology into the curriculum.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 5:

Summative Evaluation 5:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS librarian will enhance secondary library servicesto provide students increased opportunities for accessinginformation and technology opportunities in all gradelevels 6th- 8th. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 5)

1 Coordinator forLibrary Services,Instructional Staff,Librarian

Summative - Number of GMS students visiting the libraryon a daily basis.

2) GMS will encourage the implementation of online,media rich resources (Khan Academy, Kahootit!, etc.) andsocial networking tools (i.e.- Facebook, YouTube,Edmodo, etc.) for teachers and students to providerelevant, 21st century learning experiences. (Target Group:All)

Assistant Principal(s),Campus Technician,InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Librarian, Principal

Summative - Increase usage of identified resources/medias.

3) GMS will develop a student tech support team whosepurpose is assist teachers with technology as needed.

2, 3, 4, 9 Technician andLibrarian

Summative - Identified personnel will be selected tocomprise each campus' technology support team.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 6: Infuse technology into the curriculum to enhance classroom instruction and learning for all students.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 6:

Summative Evaluation 6:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Teachers will plan lessons alongside our LMS, toincorporate technology in the curriculum to strengthenstudent learning.

LMS, instructionalstaff


= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 7: For the 2017-18 school year, 75% of 6th and 8th grade students will meet satisfactory performance as measured by an end ofyear Writing Assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 7:

Summative Evaluation 7:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 8: For the 2017-18 school year, 55% of students attempting the PSAT exam will meet the English Reading/Writing and MathBenchmark during their 8th grade year.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 8:

Summative Evaluation 8:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 9: For the 2017-18 school year, 40% of 8th grade students will participate in an Algebra 1 course.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 9:

Summative Evaluation 9:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 10: For the 2017-18 school year, 70% of first-time test takers in Middle School Reading, 83% of first-time Math, and 75% of first-time Science, and 75% in Social Studies will meet the satisfactory standard. 20% of students will meet the Masters Standard Reading and Math and 15% inScience, and 20% in Social Studies.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 10:

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Summative Evaluation 10:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 11: For the 2017-18 school year, 72% of first-time test takers in Middle School Writing will meet the satisfactory standard, 14% ofstudents will meet the Masters Standard on the state assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 11:

Summative Evaluation 11:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 12: For the 2017-18 school year, 75% of first-time test takers in Middle School Social Studies will meet the satisfactory standard,20% of students will meet the Masters Standard on the state assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 12:

Summative Evaluation 12:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 13: For the 2017-18 school year, 100% of first-time test takers in Middle School Algebra will meet the satisfactory standard, 85%of students will meet the Final Recommended Standard, and 55% will meet the Advanced Standard as measured by the state assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 13:

Summative Evaluation 13:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 14: For the 2017-18 school year, 20% of Middle School Special Education students will meet the satisfactory standard in Reading,43% in Math, 25% in Science, and 25% in Writing, and 40% in Social Studies as measured by the state assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 14:Gutierrez Middle SchoolGenerated by Plan4Learning.com 24 of 45 Campus #031-903-044

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Summative Evaluation 14:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will provide informational meetings with campusleadership team (team leaders, department heads, teachers,facilitators) on interventions for special education studentsto increase academic achievement. (Target Group: SPED)

Assistant Principal(s),Principal, Teachers,Special Ed

Summative - Agendas, sign-in sheets, Tango data

2) GMS will monitor and support the implementation ofdifferentiated instruction in grades 6-8 for students in allspecial programs including SpEd & ESL. (Target Group:SPED)

Assistant Principal(s),Principal, Teachers,Special Ed

Summative - Tango data, classroom observations, lessonplans, student assessments

3) GMS will develop and monitor Intensive Programs ofInstruction (IPI) interventions for Special Educationstudents to increase academic achievement. (Target Group:SPED) (NCLB: 1,5)

1, 9 Assistant Principal(s),Teachers, Special Ed

Summative - Data analysis from Sp. Ed. Manager(SuccessEd

4) GMS will continue to actively screen and monitorstudents for homeless education program (McKinney-Vento Act) and foster eligibility. (Target Group: All)(NCLB: 4,5)

9 Campus HomelessLiaison, Counselor(s),Principal

Summative - Documentation of 100% identified homelessstudents and foster students. Homeless RegistrationQuestionnaire.

5) GMS will designate and train a campus liaison in theidentification and eligibility of students experiencinghomelessness and foster students. (Target Group: All)(NCLB: 4,5)

9, 10 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s)

Summative - Lists of campus liaisons will be provided to allcampuses, agendas and sign-in sheet

6) GMS will implement the Phase 1 of transformation ofspecial education instructional environment. (TargetGroup: SPED)

Assistant Principal(s),Principal

Summative - Data collected from each classroom on thematrix

7) GMS will acquire and make available a support programfor incoming immigrants in grades 6-8. (Target Group:ESL, LEP)

Assistant Principal(s),Principal, Teachers -ESL

Summative - ESL Student performance, ESL Studentcompletion rate, Progress reports, grading reports.

8) GMS will provide 100% of eligible migrant studentsopportunities to participate in enrichment programs andactivities including college experiences, field tripsleadership conferences, motivational speakers, retreats,workshops and summer programs. (Target Group:Migrant) (NCLB: 1,2,3,4,5)

Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s), CTECounselors, Teachers- ESL

Summative - Attendance records, recruitment logs, sign insheets, counselor logs, student reports and surveys,documentation of parent meetings

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9) GMS will provide 100% of identified migrant studentswith appropriate supplemental educational services.(Target Group: Migrant) (NCLB: 5)

Assistant Principal(s),Migrant Counselors,Teachers - ESL

Summative - Constant review of PFS Reports, ServiceDelivery Plan, and Counselor activity logs

10) GMS will provide grade appropriate school supplies to100% of migrant students. (Target Group: Migrant)(NCLB: 1,2,3,4,5)

Coordinator forFederal Programs,Counselor(s), Directorof Federal Programs,Migrant Counselors

Summative - Recruiter supply logs and counselor activitylogs. Coordination of school supply lists and programcompliance in purchasing of items.

11) GMS will provide migrant students identified as"priority for services" with appropriate supplementalservices. (Target Group: Migrant) (NCLB: 1,2,5)

Coordinator forFederal Programs,Counselor(s), Directorof Federal Programs,Migrant Counselors,Principal

Summative - Documentation of services provided incoordination with migrant counselors, student, and campus,PFS Reports

12) GMS will provide 100% of costs for secondarymigrant students testing and correspondence courses.(Target Group: Migrant) (NCLB: 1,2,3,4,5)

Coordinator forFederal Programs,Director of FederalPrograms, MigrantCounselors, Principal

Summative - Documentation of 100% of costs for secondarymigrant students testing and correspondence coursesaccounted for

13) GMS will provide a continued implementation of anextended day program for late arrival and early withdrawalstudents. (Target Group: Migrant) (NCLB: 1,2,3,4,5)

Assistant Principal(s),Coordinator for AfterSchool Programs,Migrant Counselors,Principal

Summative - Documentation of implemented migrantextended day programs

14) GMS will provide migrant students with gradeappropriate supplemental technology equipment forparticipation in innovative learning strategies. (TargetGroup: Migrant) (NCLB: 1,2,5)

Migrant Counselors Summative - Student Logs PFS Action Plan

15) GMS will reduce the assignment of students to on andoff campus alternative disciplinary settings by providingtraining on the Response to Intervention Behavioral Design(focus on Tier I, II and III) to all campuses. (Target Group:All)

Assistant Principal(s),Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - Sign In sheets for trainings and agendas;decrease in number of students placed in District AlternativeEd. Weekly R & R reports.

16) GMS will continue the implementation of recruitmentand identification plan for migrant students (Target Group:Migrant) (NCLB: 1,2,3,4,5)

Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s), MigrantCounselors

Summative - Map out areas targeted in the Community.Review strategies used for canvassing. Finalized plansubmitted to Region One.

17) Closely monitor migrant student graduation cohortgroups through the use of audit cards and PGP's. (TargetGroup: Migrant) (NCLB: 5)

Assistant Principal(s),Coordinator forMigrant Services,Counselor(s), MigrantCounselors, Principal

Summative - Analyze various academic data and coordinateservices between students, counselors, and campus

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18) GMS will promote additional support and informationfor our migrant parents through their participation in adistrict Parent Advisory Council (PAC) (Target Group:Migrant) (NCLB: 5)

Assistant Principal(s),Migrant Counselors

Summative - Sign-in sheets, Agendas, Surveys

19) GMS will provide parents with monthly monitoring ofmigrant student achievement through PFS action planreporting. (Target Group: Migrant) (NCLB: 5)

Assistant Principal(s),Coordinator forFederal Programs,Migrant Counselors,Principal

Summative - Parent Signatures and Counselor Logs, Priorityfor Service Action Plan

20) GMS will develop guidelines for Secondary BehaviorAdjustment Classrooms to target student behaviors.(Target Group: SPED) (NCLB: 4)

2, 9, 10 Assistant Principal(s),Behavior Specialist,ESL Teachers,Instructional Staff,Special EdDepartment, Teachers- ESL, Teachers,Special Ed

Summative - Rates of discretionary placements of SpecialEducation Students at the DAEP, will be utilized to evaluatethe effectiveness of the BAC.

21) GMS will provide informational meetings with campusleaders (Principals, Assistant Principals, AssociatePrincipals, Instructional Facilitators) to support EnglishLanguage Learners on individual campuses. (TargetGroup: ELL/LEP) (Target Group: ESL, LEP)

Assistant Principal(s),Chief AcademicOfficer, Director ofSpecialPrograms/Multi-Language,InstructionalFacilitators, Principal,Teachers - ESL

Summative - Agendas, Sign-In Sheets

22) GMS will provide annual training to all designatedcampus Section 504 coordinators regarding current 504regulations and local district procedures. (Target Group:Section 504) (Target Group: Dys, 504) (NCLB: 1)

4, 9 Assistant Principal(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Sign-in sheets for training and agenda

23) GMS will research a plan for providing an eveningcomputer lab setting for migrant students. (Target Group:Migrant) (NCLB: 1,5)

Assistant Principal(s),Campus Technician,Lab Manager

Summative - Sign in sheets and logs of students utilizinglab, schedule of lab availability

24) GMS will implement the ESL Content Based Programwith fidelity at the secondary level to impact the EnglishLanguage Learner academic success. (Target Group: ESL,LEP)

Director of SpecialPrograms/Multi-Language, ELLCampus Contacts,ESL Administrators,ESL Teachers,Principal, SpecialPrograms/Multi-Language Specialists

Summative - Campus Meeting Agendas and Sign-InsELL/LEP Intervention Plans monitored every 9 weeksLPAC Folder Documentation

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25) GMS will annually monitor active Section 504 foldersto ensure compliance with required Section 504 proceduraldocuments. (Target Group: Section 504) (Target Group:Dys, 504) (NCLB: 1)

9 Assistant Principal(s),Campus 504Coordinator,Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Checklist of required Section 504 documents

26) GMS will distribute a district-developed informationalbrochure to all teachers and parents regarding Section 504identification. (Target Group: 504) (NCLB: 1)

9 Assistant Principal(s),Campus 504Coordinator,Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Number of brochures distributed to campusesand parents

27) GMS will ensure support and training is provided todesignated middle school campus RtI coordinators. (TargetGroup: 6th, 7th, 8th) (NCLB: 1)

9 Assistant Principal(s),Campus 504Coordinator,Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Summative-Visits with middle school RtIcampus coordinators

28) GMS will develop a process for improving thecampus-to-campus transition of RtI information for allstudents from elementary to middle school then to highschool. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1)

9, 10 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Meetings with core elementary, middle schooland high school RtI teams; Sign-in sheets; Agendas

29) GMS will review most recent district RtI handbookand identify areas that need to be updated. (Target Group:All) (NCLB: 1)

9 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Meetings with core RtI elementary and middleschool team members; sign-in sheets; agendas

30) GMS will ensure annual LPAC Folder discovery touraudits are conducted at the campuses to ensure properdocumentation is in place for all English LanguageLearners academic success. (Target Group: ESL, LEP)

Assistant Principal(s),ESL Administrators,ESL Teachers,Principal, SpecialPrograms/Multi-Language Specialists

Summative - LPAC Folder Discovery Tour Audit ReportCampus LevelDistrict Level

31) GMS staff will utilize and comply with district Section504 administrative guidelines. (Target Group: Dys, 504)(NCLB: 1)

4, 10 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - 2014-2015 HCISD Section 504 AdministrativeGuidelines

32) GMS campus 504 coordinator will utilize the writtendistrict plan outlining dyslexia characteristics,identification, and instruction. Local district procedures forformal dyslexia assessments included. (Target Group: Dys)(NCLB: 1)

4 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - 2014-2015 district dyslexia plan

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33) GMS staff will update and monitor ELL/LEPIntervention Forms for differentiated instruction in grades6-8 for students in Bilingual/ESL programs. (TargetGroup: ESL, LEP)

ESL Administrators,ESL Teachers,Principal, SpecialPrograms/Multi-Language Specialists

Summative - ELL/LEP Intervention Plans

34) GMS will explore different research-based options fordyslexia instruction. (Target Group: Dyslexia) (TargetGroup: Dys) (NCLB: 1)

3 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Information/data collected from differentprograms of instruction for dyslexia

35) GMS will encourage parent participation ininformational sessions to parents of students identifiedwith dyslexia. (Target Group: Dys) (NCLB: 1)

6 Assistant Principal(s),Counselor(s),Dyslexia/RTI/504Specialist

Summative - Sign-in sheets; presentation materials

36) GMS will facilitate transitional meetings by feederpattern to ensure the appropriate transition of Bilingual andESL support services from elementary to middle schooland middle school to high school for English LanguageLearners. (Target Group: LEP)

Assistant Principal(s),ESL Administrators,Principal

Summative - Agendas, Sign-in Sheets

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 15: For the 2017-18 school year, 35% of ESL students will meet the satisfactory standard in Reading, 60% in Math, 45% inScience, 30% in Writing, and 25% in Social Studies, as measured by the state assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 15:

Summative Evaluation 15:

Goal 3: We will improve the learning experiences by using data that measures all students' weaknesses and strengths in order to address their curricularneeds.

Performance Objective 16: For the 2017-18 school year, 70% of Middle School Economically Disadvantaged students will meet the satisfactory standardin Reading, 80% in Math, 77% in Science, and 73% in Writing, and 65% in Social Studies as measured by the state assessment.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 16:

Summative Evaluation 16:

Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensurepost-secondary and career readiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 1: Define and assign roles of professional staff to being grade appropriate focus to college and career readiness.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1:

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will continue to transform school libraries intoInformation Literacy Centers (Target Group: All)

Coordinator forLibrary Services,Librarian, Principal

Summative - Accountability statistics

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2) GMS will ensure all counselors are knowledgeableregarding the requirements of House Bill 5 and graduationrequirements. (Target Group: 6th, 7th, 8th) (NCLB: 5)

2, 9, 10 Campus CareerCounselor,Counselor(s), CTECounselors, Directorof Guidance &Counseling, Principal

Summative - 100% participation of counselors in learningopportunities in these areas.

3) GMS counselors will discuss graduation programs andcredits with all students in grades 6th-8th. (Target Group:All) (NCLB: 5)

1 Counselor(s), CTECounselors

Summative - Graduation Rate

4) Promote college and career readiness by having studentsattend university tours.

Counselor(s) Summative -

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 2: Expand opportunities for after school and summer enrichment activities aligned with the curriculum.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2:

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will provide instructional extended day andextended week programs for students in need of additionalassistance. (Target Group: All, AtRisk) (NCLB: 4,5)

9, 10 Assistant Principal(s),Director of FederalPrograms,Instructional Staff,Principal, Teacher forAfter SchoolPrograms

Summative - weekly attendance records.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 3: For the 2017-18 school year, maintain that 100% of our students stay on track to 9th grade.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3:

Summative Evaluation 3:

Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 4: For the 2016-17 school year, maintain the dropout rate at 0%.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 4:

Summative Evaluation 4:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS students will be provided Academic opportunitiessuch as Team and Campus ISS, allowing students tocontinue to learn on campus.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 5: Increase the number of students who are college/workforce ready and meet the criteria for graduating on the HCISDrecommended plan.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 5:

Summative Evaluation 5:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will monitor the progress of our students toincrease the passing percentage rate of students on thecollege readiness indicators of language arts and math.(Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1)

Administration Summative - Test data

2) GMS will provide standard based instructional materialsand strategies that support academic rigor within theclassroom. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1)

3, 4 Administrator forOrganizationalDevelopment,Assistant Principal(s),Content AreaSpecialist(s), Directorof AdvancedAcademic Services,InstructionalFacilitators,Instructional Staff,Principal

Summative - Training sign in sheets and agendas

3) GMS will follow the district wide curriculum whichsupports focused instruction that is vertically aligned.(Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1)

Assistant Principal(s),Content AreaSpecialist(s),Department Heads,InstructionalFacilitators, Principal,Teacher(s)

Summative - Teacher feedback student performance on stateassessments

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 6: Increase the number of students enrolled in Advanced Academic Courses (Pre-AP, Algebra).

Evaluation Data Source(s) 6:

Summative Evaluation 6:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS will communicate to students and parents thebenefits of college preparation and programs such as DualEnrollment, Pre AP/AP, and CTE through classroompresentations, high school visits, videos, webpages, andpre- registration (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 5)

Counselor(s), CTECounselors

Summative - CTE Program of Study enrollment, DualEnrollment, Pre- AP/AP enrollment

2) GMS, bi-weekly grade level and periodic cross-corearea department meetings will be held. The purpose will beto align curriculum and to disaggregate data arising fromclassroom assignments, DCAs, common formativeassessments and other measures of instructional progress.Information gathered at these meetings along with districtsoftware and data sources (TANGO) will be used to targetinstruction and remediation efforts. (TITLE I TA: 1,2,3,5)(Target Group: All) (NCLB: 1)

1, 8, 9 Assistant Principal(s),InstructionalFacilitators, Principal,Teacher(s)

Summative - Summative - Sign in sheets, Agendas

3) GMS campus Leadership Team meetings will be heldand attended by representatives from administration,teams, departments and elective teachers. Discussion topicsinclude instruction/academic initiatives, issues andtimelines, with the intent of fostering awareness andcollaboration.

Department Heads,Principal, Teacher(s),Team Leaders

Summative - Summative - Sign in sheets and Agendas

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 7: For the 2017-18 school year, the campus attendance rate will meet or exceed 96%.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 7:

Summative Evaluation 7:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS students who have perfect attendance throughoutthe quarter will take part in a quarterly celebration.

Assistant Principal(s),Attendance Clerk,Principal

Summative - Summative - list.

2) GMS academic teams with the highest attendancepercentage will receive a special reward every three weeks.

Attendance Clerk,Principal

Summative - Summative - list.

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 8: For the 2017-18 school year, the participation in Exploring Careers will equal 100%.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 8:

Summative Evaluation 8:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS 7th grade Students will have the opportunity toenroll in the Career Portals course.

Admin, Counselors

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 9: All subpopulation grade appropriate supplemental supplies.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 9: Migrant Funding

Summative Evaluation 9:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Supplemental supplies for Migrant students. 9, 10 Migrant Counselor

Funding Sources: 212 Title 1, Part C Education of Migratory Childr - 2300.00

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 4: We will develop an individualized learning plan for all students that will assess results at specific intervals to ensure post-secondary and careerreadiness is achieved.

Performance Objective 10: General Supplies for intervention camps, tutorials, etc.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 10:

Summative Evaluation 10:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) General Supplies 2, 9 Teachers

Funding Sources: 211 Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs - 6284.43

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 5: We will increase the efficiency of communication between teachers, parents, and students to achieve the district'sgoal of meeting all students' educational needs.

Performance Objective 1: Spark partnerships by providing information to and training for our community.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 1:

Summative Evaluation 1:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Provide training to parents on accessing online studentinformation.


Summative - Sign in sheets for informational sessionsPercentage of parents contacted

2) Soccer clinic for students and parents to work on gettingto know each other.

Club Sponsors Summative -

3) Host a series of staff development sessions specific toparents. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 5)

6 Parent Liaison,Parental Involvement

Summative - Participants, sign- in Sheets

4) Provide training opportunities for parents that willinclude parent strategies that will benefit the families.(Target Group: All) (NCLB: 5)

6 Parental InvolvementCenter

Summative - Participation in activities and sign in sheets foractivities

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 5: We will increase the efficiency of communication between teachers, parents, and students to achieve the district's goal of meeting all students'educational needs.

Performance Objective 2: Connect the community and the district with innovative approaches to addressing the educational needs of students.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 2:

Summative Evaluation 2:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) GMS teachers will maintain updated grades on TeacherAccess Center (TAC), so that parents have instant access totheir child's grades and attendance.

Attendance Clerk,Teacher(s)

Summative - Summative

2) Continuously implement the campus Safety andSecurity Plan and the district's Emergency OperationsPlan. (Target Group: All) (NCLB: 4)

1 administration Summative - Safety and Security Plan three-year update wasupdated in September 2011. School Emergency OperationsPlans were updated 2012

3) Programs and activities (i.e. Open House, PTA,meetings, music concerts, athletic events, team parentnights) will be provided throughout the year to showcasestudent activities and projects.

Assistant Principal(s),Principal, PTA,Teacher(s)

Summative - Summative

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 5: We will increase the efficiency of communication between teachers, parents, and students to achieve the district's goal of meeting all students'educational needs.

Performance Objective 3: Saturate the community where it naturally exists with a Harlingen CISD presence to create a committed partnership.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 3:

Summative Evaluation 3:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Promote Campus Websites to parents and communityallowing linkage to resources (Target Group: All)

LMS, Administration Summative - Participation, Number of parents utilizing theCampus Websites

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 5: We will increase the efficiency of communication between teachers, parents, and students to achieve the district's goal of meeting all students'educational needs.

Performance Objective 4: Teachers will use ParentLink as a means to communicate with parents on the progress of their children.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 4: ParentLink will be used to help monitor the communication between teachers and parents.

Summative Evaluation 4:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Ensure that parents are informed and familiar withParentLink for monitoring of student grades andattendance (Open House). (Target Group: All)

Counselor(s), Directorof ParentalInvolvement, ParentLiaison, Registrar

Summative - Participation, Number of parents utilizing theParent Access Center

2) Train teachers to use Parent Link as a form ofcommunication for parents. (Target Group: All)

6, 10 Administration,teachers

Summative - Usage reports

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Goal 5: We will increase the efficiency of communication between teachers, parents, and students to achieve the district's goal of meeting all students'educational needs.

Performance Objective 5: Teams will have a "Parent Night" to promote the interaction between students, parents and teachers.

Evaluation Data Source(s) 5:

Summative Evaluation 5:

Strategy Description Title I Monitor Strategy's Expected Result/ImpactReviews

Formative SummativeNov Jan Mar June

1) Provide activities for parents to engage with their childin our schools (Team - Parent Night Events). (TargetGroup: All) (NCLB: 4,5)

6 Assistant Principal(s),Instructional Coach,Principal, Teacher(s)

Summative - Sign-in sheets for parental involvementactivities

= Accomplished = Continue/Modify = Considerable = Some Progress = No Progress = Discontinue

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Campus Funding Summary

211 Title I, Part A Improving Basic ProgramsGoal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount

4 10 1 211711044306399 $6,284.43Sub-Total $6,284.43

212 Title 1, Part C Education of Migratory ChildrGoal Objective Strategy Resources Needed Account Code Amount

4 9 1 Supplemental Supplies 2127110446399 $2,300.00Sub-Total $2,300.00

Grand Total $8,584.43

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