Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us...

Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS WEEK On this All Saints’ Sunday, I’m grateful for the inspiration all of those who have gone before me in faith. PLEASE PRAY FOR: Katherine Bickett, Kathy Bishop, Eileen Bruce, Chris Gillespie, Justin Hecht, Janet Hession, Donna Hoover, Jessica Hughes, Deb McDole, Scott Meyer, Mark Richeson, Lucy Smith, Senora Venaman, Millie von Stein, and John Widau. BIRTHS: We joyfully announce that Cadence June Bennett, daughter of Brandon & Annie Bennett, was born on Tuesday, October 31. Congratulations! DEATHS: Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Elanor Hart, Daphine Prather’s aunt, who was called home on Thursday, November 2. Please keep them in your prayers as they mourn their loss. ALTAR FLOWERS The flowers today are sponsored by Steve & Linda Decker in memory of teacher H. H. Decker, Ella, and Anna; also Ted & Elda Decker and their son Mike Decker. If you would like to sponsor flowers to commemorate a special day in your life, please sign up on the flower chart in the church office. We are currently seeking additional sponsors for December 17 & 31. The cost of sponsorship is $30 per bouquet -- limit of two sponsors/week. NURSERY Have a little one crying or needing a diaper changed? We want you to know that the nursery/cry room is always open for your use during worship services. There is a television in the room so that you won’t miss out on anything happening in the sanctuary. The nursery/cry room is P204 (yellow classroom). Preacher: Rev. David French Liturgist: Rev. Peter Heckert Elder: Steve Schamber Organist: Randy Strakis Greeters: Sat.-Ed & Rosie Swanson; Sun. 8:00-Wayne & Eileen Luke; Sun. 10:30- Chris & Becky Rowan, Mary O’Donnell Ushers: Sat.-Dick & Cathy Collison; Sun. 8:00-Brett & Kathy Cowans, Denny Buuck, Chuck Music; Sun. 10:30-Diana Koger, Keith Lah, Clark & Edith Grady Acolytes: Sun. 8:00-Katie Baumgartner, Laura Owens, Robert Owens, William Crum; Sun. 10:30-Matthew Minjarez, Kelby Tarter, Gabrielle Lucies Yantis, Keaton Brooks Week of November 5, 2017

Transcript of Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us...

Page 1: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS

Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again.

Welcome home, saints!


On this All Saints’ Sunday, I’m grateful for the inspiration all of those who have gone before me in faith.

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Katherine Bickett, Kathy Bishop, Eileen Bruce, Chris Gillespie, Justin Hecht,

Janet Hession, Donna Hoover, Jessica Hughes, Deb McDole, Scott Meyer, Mark Richeson, Lucy Smith,

Senora Venaman, Millie von Stein, and John Widau.

BIRTHS: We joyfully announce that Cadence June Bennett, daughter of Brandon & Annie Bennett,

was born on Tuesday, October 31. Congratulations!

DEATHS: Our deepest sympathy to the family and friends of Elanor Hart, Daphine Prather’s aunt, who

was called home on Thursday, November 2. Please keep them in your prayers as they mourn their loss.


The flowers today are sponsored by Steve & Linda Decker in memory of teacher H. H. Decker, Ella,

and Anna; also Ted & Elda Decker and their son Mike Decker. If you would like to sponsor flowers to

commemorate a special day in your life, please sign up on the flower chart in the church office. We are

currently seeking additional sponsors for December 17 & 31. The cost of sponsorship is $30 per

bouquet -- limit of two sponsors/week.


Have a little one crying or needing a diaper changed? We want you to know that the nursery/cry room

is always open for your use during worship services. There is a television in the room so that you won’t

miss out on anything happening in the sanctuary. The nursery/cry room is P204 (yellow classroom).

Preacher: Rev. David French

Liturgist: Rev. Peter Heckert

Elder: Steve Schamber

Organist: Randy Strakis

Greeters: Sat.-Ed & Rosie Swanson;

Sun. 8:00-Wayne & Eileen Luke; Sun. 10:30-

Chris & Becky Rowan, Mary O’Donnell

Ushers: Sat.-Dick & Cathy Collison;

Sun. 8:00-Brett & Kathy Cowans, Denny Buuck,

Chuck Music; Sun. 10:30-Diana Koger, Keith Lah,

Clark & Edith Grady

Acolytes: Sun. 8:00-Katie Baumgartner,

Laura Owens, Robert Owens, William Crum;

Sun. 10:30-Matthew Minjarez, Kelby Tarter,

Gabrielle Lucies Yantis, Keaton Brooks

Week of November 5, 2017

Page 2: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS


Everyone is invited to enjoy the fellowship and some light refreshments (doughnuts, coffee, juice)

immediately after the 8:00 a.m. Sunday service in the cafeteria.


A NEW THING led by Pastor French in the cafeteria (Room P212). God loves the word new. In the

Bible He instructs us to sing a new song (Psalm 98:1). He asks us to put on the new self (Ephesians

4:24). He tells us He will give us a new name (Revelation 2:17). God wants to give us a fresh start.

We, however, are not always so excited about the new. Old is comfortable. Old is familiar. Old is

routine. God is continually working in our lives. Transforming us into new people. Creating in us a

new heart. Join us to find out more!

LUTHERANISM 101 led by Pastor Heckert in the fellowship hall (Room F202). This adult

information (new member) class will introduce you to Christian doctrine as revealed by God through

Scripture. Pastor will explain the essentials of our faith: what the Church believes and what it means

to live “in Christ.” If you would like to brush up on your fundamentals of the faith and meet some

potential new members, we would love to have you join us!

A DEEPER LOOK moderated by Grace Gillespie in Room P202 (green classroom). This group

discusses the Bible lessons (pericopes) which are read in church each Sunday. You are invited every

Sunday, but will not be lost if you miss a Sunday. This is a casual class with lots of interaction. We

pray for each other and care for each other. Join us today and every Sunday.

SUNDAY SCHOOL (9:15-10:15 A.M.)

Preschool 2s & 3s will meet in Room P204 (yellow classroom) and can be picked up by parents there.

All other grades will start in the sanctuary for the opening of Sunday school, go to their individual rooms

(listed below), and then will end up in the cafeteria for pickup:

Pre-K - Kindergarten: P205 (orange classroom)

1st-2nd Grade: P101 (kindergarten classroom)

3rd-5th Grade: P104 (2nd grade classroom)

6th-8th Grade: P112 (library)

High school: F104 (conference room)

If you have questions, contact Rebecca Rowan at [email protected] or (423) 322-7326.


CONFESSIONS BIBLE STUDY led by Pastor Barton on Mondays 7-8 p.m. in the fellowship hall will

not be meeting this week on November 6 (we will resume again on November 13). We have begun a

new study of a part of the Lutheran Confessions: The Power and Primacy of the Pope. We’ll consider

the role of the Pope in the Roman Catholic Church and our own view of church structure and power,

based on Scripture. New people are always welcome to join this study. Contact Pastor Barton for

details at: [email protected].


Ruth/Esther led by Barb Kirkpatrick on Mondays 7:00-9:00 p.m. in the conference room.

Daniel led by Jan Harris on Tuesdays 9:30-11:30 a.m. in the conference room.

Page 3: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS

COFFEE CLUB led by Pastor French on Thursdays 7:00-7:45 a.m. in the conference room.

THURSDAY EVENING BIBLE STUDY led by Pastor Heckert on Thursdays 7:00-8:30 p.m. in the

conference room. Join Pastor for riveting discussion of biblical texts, real-life implications, and the

occasional humorous anecdote! We’ll see you there!

MEN’S BIBLE BREAKFAST led by Pastor Barton on Fridays 6:00-7:00 a.m. at the Downtowner

Restaurant. You can come for coffee or breakfast at 6:00 a.m. or just for the Bible study on the

Scripture lessons for the coming Sunday which begins about 6:25 a.m.


WORSHIP FOR SHUT-INS: Worship for Shut-Ins is a 30 minute Lutheran television worship service.

It includes the readings for the day, prayers, and a Lutheran pastor delivering a message that is one-on-

one to the viewer. Sundays at 10:00 a.m. on WHMB-TV40.

LUTHERAN PUBLIC RADIO: Music of the Church anytime at

ISSUES, ETC.: Issues, Etc. is a radio talk show hosted by LCMS Pastor Todd Wilken and produced

by Lutheran Public Radio in Collinsville, IL. You can listen to what you want, when you want at

THE LUTHERAN HOUR: Not so long ago, over 370 million tickets were sold for a Powerball

drawing. Each person who made a purchase had hope that they might become rich. Most were

disappointed. In 1 Thessalonians 4, St. Paul explains how the resurrection hope of Christians is better

than the hopelessness of the world and far more solid than groundless wishful thinking (1 Thessalonians

4:13-14). In next week’s broadcast on November 12, Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus speaks on the topic, “More

Than a Wish.” The Lutheran Hour is heard every week in our listening area at 7:00 a.m. on station

720 AM, at 7:30 a.m. on 97.3 FM, at 9:04 a.m. on 107.7 FM, or at 10:00 a.m. on 97.3 FM.

LUTHERAN RADIO STATION - KFUO: Listen to Worldwide, your radio station for

practical Lutheran talk, daily Bible and Confession studies, current issues from a Lutheran worldview,

and daily worship opportunities. All programs are archived at for 24/7 on-demand listening.

You can also find our programming wherever you get your podcasts! Have a question or comment?

Find us at @KFUOradio on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Call (800) 730-2727 or e-mail

[email protected] to join the conversation on “Let’s Talk!”


LIFE THOUGHTS IN THE CHURCH YEAR: Life Thoughts are designed to help pastors and

congregations see the church year through the lens of the sanctity of human life; they are based on the

appointed readings from Lutheran Service Book. November 5 – God’s people regard it as our privilege

and delight to abstain from sexual immorality (1 Thessalonians 4:3-7). The eternal joys of godly

relationships and bodily service to neighbors (1 Thessalonians 4:9) more than make up for whatever

momentary gratification we forego. Heavenly Bridegroom, captivate our hearts by Your self-giving

love that we desire in body and soul to receive Your blessings and serve Your kingdom. Amen.

NAMETAG NOTES: Can’t find your nametag? Contact Nola in the church office at 423-1616 or

simply complete the nametag request form found in the return baskets.

Page 4: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS

ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH: We will be getting together on Sunday, November 5 from

6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall. Let’s look forward to a time of prayer and devotions, a fun

service project, refreshments, and a game. Please be there for this special time planned just for you!


is a joint venture among the LCMS congregations in Lafayette. Anywhere from 50 to 100 guests from

all over the world will be joining us to experience a traditional Thanksgiving meal. All ages are invited

to come and participate in the activities, devotions, and fellowship surrounding the dinner. If you have

some international friends who would like to join us, invite them too! The dinner will be held on

Saturday, November 11 from 5:00-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. You can help by attending, praying for

the event, preparing a dinner dish, donating money, helping with setup, making crafts with the children,

or helping with cleanup. A signup board is available at the scrip counter in the east lobby. Thank you

for your support. If you have any questions, please contact Jerry Ripke ([email protected], 765-

490-5254) or Lynn Keiser ([email protected], 765-366-7063).


What? Dinner (cocktail attire), Speaker, Silent Auction, Cash Bar, and Music

When? November 18 from 7-11:30 p.m.

Where? The Trails Banquet Facility (325 Burnetts Road, West Lafayette, IN 47906)

How Much? $50/person or $400 for a table of eight. Reserve your spot now:

Pay online at

Mail a check to: TCRTL Gala, P.O. Box 207, Lafayette, IN 47902

Pay in person at St. Michaels Books, 522 Main Street, Lafayette

Thanks for your continued support! Kristy Korchnak, Director of Operations, Tippecanoe County RTL

VOTERS’ ASSEMBLY: The next regular meeting of the St. James Voters’ Assembly, the governing

body for our congregation, is on Sunday, November 19 at 12:15 p.m. in the cafeteria. A light lunch

will be served prior to the meeting. The agenda and minutes from the last assembly will be available at

the welcome center counter (east lobby) by Nov. 11/12. Any communicant member in good standing

age 18 or older is eligible to become a member of the Voters’ Assembly. We encourage all St. James

members to attend the meeting and, if you desire and are eligible, become a voting member of the

congregation. If you would like to join, please contact Nola Hecht in the church office (423-1616,

[email protected]) no later than the Thursday prior to the meeting. You must be present at the

meeting in order to join.

SEEKING ARMED FORCES INFORMATION: The Board Of Evangelism wants to create a bulletin

board display in the cafeteria with pictures of the sons and daughters of our congregation that are

currently serving in the U.S. armed forces. The Board is asking the families of the St. James service

members to give the pictures and other information (branch of service, rank and postal address) to Nolita

Freel or leave it at the church office. In addition to posting the pictures, the Board of Evangelism will

also mail church bulletins, Portals of Prayer, birthday cards (if we have their birthdate) and other

encouragements from their church family at St. James. The Board looks forward to recognizing and

encouraging the sons and daughters of St. James as they serve our country in the armed forces.

Page 5: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS

DO YOU PLAY THE PIANO? Fellowship Communion is in need of a piano player the last

Wednesday of each month for our 10:30 a.m. service. You are welcome to stay for lunch and games/

prizes after the service. If you could fill this need or be put on a list of available players, please call

Nola Hecht in the church office at 423-1616 or contact Janet Clark 464-6015, [email protected].

MISSING SOMETHING? We have two lost and found totes that are getting quite full! Please stop

by and check them out if you have any missing items: one is located in the east lobby (near the Scrip

counter) and one is located just outside of Principal Rogers’s office in the school building. Any

remaining items will be donated to charity on Monday, November 13.

HAVE YOU SEEN THESE? The Altar Guild is searching for some missing altar linens. Please check

to see if you have these: a fine linen veil with a cross embroidery, small linens used on the tray. Many

of these are rectangular and have a cross in the middle, some are larger squares with a cross in the

middle of the lower edge. If found, please return these items to the church office. Thank you!

OPPORTUNITES TO SERVE: The congregation is in need of volunteers to fill some positions as


Assistant Treasurer

Board of Stewardship, chair and members,

Audit Committee

Membership & Retention Committee

Special Gifts Secretary

Please contact Dann Keiser, Congregational President at (765) 366-7010 or [email protected], or one of

the pastors if you want to volunteer or have questions about these opportunities to serve the church and

our Lord. It would be great to have these position filled by the next Voters’ Assembly meeting which is

scheduled for November 19. In service to Christ together, Dann


to support widows and orphans, but that certainly does not mean every person is equipped to adopt a

child. You can support a child in need without becoming his or her parent. Consider sponsoring a child

overseas, going on a short-term mission trip to an orphanage, or financially supporting couples who

adopt children through adoption grant-giving organizations. There are many ways to become involved.”

Kim Laube, B.A., Lutheran Family Service, Urbandale, Iowa


merciful, for they shall receive mercy.” This is one of many Bible passages that remind us that we reap

what we sow. Likewise, what God puts into us (His own love, mercy, kindness, and generosity) – flows

back out of us. For it all starts with His self-giving!

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WEEKLY OFFERINGS: October 2-8: $10,536.51 October 9-15: $13,555.10


November 12, 2017

Amos 5:18–24

1 Thessalonians 4:13–18

Matthew 25:1–13

The Gospel Prepares Us for Our Heavenly Bridegroom’s Coming

The Day of the Lord is “darkness, and not light” (Amos 5:18, 20) for all who trust in their own

righteousness and piety. The Lord will not accept their “burnt offerings and grain offerings,”

nor will He look upon their “peace offerings” (Amos 5:22). Instead, He desires a heart of faith

that trusts in Him, which lets “justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-

flowing stream” (Amos 5:24) in love for the neighbor. In order for the “lamps” of our lives to

burn brightly with such love, we must be filled with the “oil” of forgiveness through faith in our

Bridegroom, Jesus Christ (Matt. 25:1–4). Therefore, as we await His coming, wisdom directs us

“to the dealers” (Matt. 25:9), that is, to the ministers of His Gospel. Thus we wait upon the

Lord, and we “encourage one another with these words” (1 Thess. 4:18). Waking or sleeping,

we are prepared to meet Him when He comes “with a cry of command, with the voice of an

archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God,” and “we will always be with the Lord”

(1 Thess. 4:16, 17).

$0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000



Line of Credit

Income Expenses Line of Credit

September 146999.23 132364.7 0

September Income and Expenses












Offering Monthly Offering Goal Monthly








12 Month Income and Expenses

Income Expenses Line of Credit





60000 Annual Monthly Offerings

Offering Monthly Offering Goal Monthly

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Nov. 5 Hudson Knobloch

Nov. 6 Caroline Wilcox

Nov. 7 Bill duBois, John Sundquist

Nov. 8 Jacquelyn Beall, Isabell Grady,

Donna Rider, Claire Sunkel

Nov. 9 Katelyn VanderHoff

Nov. 11 Cathy Collison

Sun. 11/5

Mon. 11/6

Tue. 11/7

Wed. 11/8

Thu. 11/9

Fri. 11/10

Sat. 11/11

Worship (C)

Adult Education/Sunday School


St. James Carnival

High School Youth Group Get-Together

Ladies LifeLight Bible Study - Ruth/Esther

Ladies LifeLight Bible Study - Daniel

Christmas Parade Practice/Float Assembly

Board of Parish Education

Board of Church Properties, Ministry Action Team Meeting,

Board of Youth Ministry

7th & 8th Grade (Public School) Confirmation Classes,

Reformation Celebration Committee Meeting

Coffee Club

Bell Choir Rehearsal

Adult Choir Rehearsal

Thursday Evening Bible Study

Men’s Bible Breakfast

International Thanksgiving Dinner


08:00 AM - 09:00 AM

09:15 AM - 10:15 AM

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

02:00 PM - 05:00 PM

06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

07:00 PM - 09:00 PM

09:30 AM - 11:30 AM

03:00 PM - 04:00 PM

06:15 PM - 07:00 PM

07:00 PM - 08:00 PM

06:00 PM - 08:00 PM

07:00 AM - 07:45 AM

05:30 PM - 06:30 PM

06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

07:00 PM - 08:30 PM

06:00 AM - 07:00 AM

05:00 AM - 07:30 PM

06:00 PM - 07:00 PM


Isabel Keiper, Andrew Rogers, Aubrey Spencer,

Kaitlyn VanLaere, Phillip VanLaere


Please take a moment to sign the Record of Fellowship pad today.

The birthday, anniversary, and baptismal birthday lists are generated from those records.

Bless you as you celebrate!


Nov. 7 Doug & Sarah Schreiber (30 years)

Page 9: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS

All are invited to this year’s International

Thanksgiving Dinner on Saturday, November 11 from

5:00-7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria at St. James Lutheran

Church (800 Cincinnati Street, Lafayette, IN 47901).

Come join in the fellowship among the international

students and families in our community! Please take

part as members of St. James Lutheran, University

Lutheran, Grace Lutheran, and Redeemer Lutheran host

a traditional Thanksgiving meal and gather to explain

American Thanksgiving traditions; participate in games;

share a devotion, hymn, and prayers; and meet new

friends from across the globe!

Are you willing to prepare a turkey, a pie, or another

Thanksgiving dinner dish for the event? Can you help

with a donation of time? Volunteers are needed for

setup/decorating, donations, preparation of food in

advance, welcoming and conversing with our guests,

and cleanup. Please look for the donation signup board

in the narthex (west lobby). Thank you for your help

and prayers! Questions may be directed to Lynn Keiser

at [email protected] or 765-366-7063.

Page 10: Ushers · 2017-11-08 · Even as our sin pulls us from God, he claims us as saints and draws us back to himself again and again. Welcome home, saints! SERVING IN OUR WORSHIP THIS

It is the hope of the Reformation Celebration Committee that

you were able to participate in many of the year-long activities,

enjoyed them, and that each brought more knowledge of our

Lutheran heritage. We wish to thank and acknowledge those

individuals who helped us on our journey.

Wayne Luke began the celebration with the Bible study – A

Man Named Martin. Bob Nixon led us as we reviewed the book,

Luther, Biographer of a Reformer followed by the Katharina and

Martin Luther book study led by Eunice Maurer and Judy Nixon.

The Katie Lunch followed. (Who would have ever believed that

medieval food could taste so good?!) The luncheon committee of

Judy Nixon (Chair), Beth Lancaster, Darlene Matz, Eunice Maurer,

and Candy Shaffer planned and prepared some of the tasty food.

JoAnn DePew and some of the 8th

graders helped with the cooking

and serving. Sue Borges, Amanda Goodspeed, and Linda Kyrouac

helped with music, decorations, and sound.

Then came the month of October which featured Luther’s German Mass – special thanks to Pastor French

and Pastor Heckert, Amanda Goodspeed, and the Adult and Cherub Choirs – followed by Lutherfest – our

German meal prepared by JoAnn DePew, Beth Lancaster, and Marlene Maassen; served by Larry Buess,

Tammy Buess, and Janet Clark; with cleanup by Wayne Luke, Eileen Luke, and Jake Rogers. The Reformation

Walk was chaired by Cara Hamilton who did a masterful job of bringing the 1500s to life. Shortly after being

greeted by Jeanie Truelsen, we were introduced to Martin Luther’s parents Hans and Margeritte Luther (Dave

and Nancy Sattler), Luther’s schoolteacher (Lynn Keiser), Monk Tetzel selling indulgences (Ed Hession), the

Wittenberg Cafe worker (Jan Harris), the Wartburg Castle guide (Michael O’Donnell), fish merchant (Jenna

Farrington), Martin and Katharina Luther (Pastor and Julie Barton) at Luther House – the Black Cloister,

musicians (Sue Borges and Linda Kyrouac) at Music Class where we learned about A Mighty Fortress, and

Guttenberg’s Printer Shop workers (Scot and Ann Benham). Amanda Goodspeed was in charge of sets and


On October 29 following the 10:30 a.m. service, the church bell was pealed by various church members 95

times in honor of Luther’s 95 theses. Pastor Heckert read Romans 3:23-25, Ephesians 2:8, and Luther’s “Here

I Stand” declaration at the Council of Worms. After the readings he symbolically nailed the 95 theses to the

front door of the church. The Reformation Celebration Divine Service was held at 3:00 p.m. sponsored by

the Lafayette Circuit of LCMS churches. Pastor Merlen Wegener of Columbus, Ohio presented The Truth

Reclaimed based on John 8:31-32. In addition to our pastors, Redeemer Lutheran Church’s Pastors Townsend

and Morrow, and Grace Lutheran Church’s Pastor Eggold participated in the service. The reception which

followed the service was prepared by LaVaughan Evans and Sandra Myers (Co-chairs), with lots of help from

Sue Borges, Janet Clark, Jan Harris, Sandy Kull, and Carol Ricks. Special thanks to Nola Hecht who kept our

committee informed and prepared all of the additional bulletins.

The Reformation Celebration Committee: Barbara Francis (Chair), Ron and Grace Gillespie, Amanda

Goodspeed, Beth Lancaster, Eunice Maurer, Bob and Judy Nixon, Chris and Becky Rowan, and Nancy Sattler

is most grateful to all who assisted us in these many endeavors of celebrating a truly historical event in our

Lutheran heritage and Luther’s Idea That Changed the World.

“For by Grace you have been through Faith,

and this is not your own doing; it is the Gift of God.”

Ephesians 2:8