· 2017. 1. 18. · Demag AC 1600. Abmessungen Dimensions Encombrement AC 1600! ! ......

MANNESMANN ...r:::ii;il.{&-& Demag AC 1600 www.fecrane.com

Transcript of  · 2017. 1. 18. · Demag AC 1600. Abmessungen Dimensions Encombrement AC 1600! ! ......

  • MANNESMANN...r:::ii;il.{&-&

    Demag AC 1600





  • AbmessungenDimensionsEncombrement

    AC 1600






  • !


    ') Tragfahigkeitswena mll verkoEter Abst0?b@i6 auf Aniiag€outl6 wlth reduced oltrigg€rba$ upon requestCapacitie de levase avec base redoire 6!r denaodew





  • Technische DatenSpecificationsCaract6ristiques

    Achslasten und Gewichte.Axle Loads and Weights.Charges par essieu et Poids


    Kran mii Hauptausleger, Absliitzungen und Unterilasche Crane with Main Boom, Oulriggers and Hook BlockGrue avec fleche, stabilisateurs el croch€lmourleAchsen Axles.EssieuxGesamtqewicht .Toral wsishl . Poids total

    I x 12000108 000


    Arbeitsgeschwindigkeiten (stufenlos regelbar) .Working Speeds (infinitely variable)Vitesses de travail (r6glables sans palier)

    zu|assiger Seilzug je SilangRope Pull, Slngle LineEflort sur brin sjmple

    Lenglh oJ Hoist Rop€Longueur du cable de levase

    lrain Hoist120 kN

    120 kN

    450 m

    550 m

    Drchwe.k Swanq . Orientataon

    Ausleger-Teleskopieren.Telescoping speed.Vitesse de t6lescopage

    AusleqeFWin kelverslellu nq . Boom elevalion Relevaqe de fleche

    max.1,0U/min rpm.tr lmn

    1 5 , 8 - 5 0 m i 1 8 0 s

    2 o - + A 2 a : 1 2 O s

    Fahrleistungen .Carrier Pertormance . Pertormance du porteur

    l-ahrseschwind|gkeil.Travel speeds Vrlesses de Iranslalion 0. .65 km/h

    Unterflasche/Hakengehenge. Hook-Block/Crane Hook. Crochet moufie/Crochet simpleTyp Tragtdh igkeit Strangzahl

    500r) 500320 312200 180100 a440 361 2 , 5 1 2

    2 x 1 31 3731

    Hakensehanse/Clane Hook/Crochet

    ,^3,00 m rFJ3 , 0 0 m D ) " . \ \ \3 , 0 0 m V '2,70 m *u

    2,OO n

    2 x 2 l261 5731

    8600 ks3600 kg2700 ks1 800 kg1200 kg1 000 kg

    r) mil Schwerlasleinriclitu.gr) wilh heavy-dlly altachmentr) avec manutation €xtra oud





  • Arbeitsbereiche HauptauslegerWorking ranges main boomPort6es de fldche principale









  • Tragfiihigkeiten Hauptausleger mit SuperliftLifting capacities main boom with SuperliftCapacit6s de levage fldche principale avec Superlift

    140 t r__t F,:1 360" 75%Hauptausleser'Main boon Flache

    500,0",312,0 300,0

    350,0r 292.0270,O275,O

    293,0 259,0 259,0 260,0 200,0250,0 232,O 231,0 232,O 170,0215,0 210,0 165,0209,0 210,0 187,0192.0 192,0 179,0 r60,0 138,0 1 1 0 , 0

    108,0136,0175,O176,0176,01 0 162,O r62,0 1 6 1 , 0 133,0162,0 aa,01 2 139,0 142,O 138,0 126,O 102,0 84,0

    122,O 123,O 't24,0 1 2 1 , 0 1 1 7 , 0 80,01 6 103,0 r08,0 110.0 107,0 106,0 75,4

    70,01 a 97.O 95,595,565,020 41,5 85,3 45,2

    7T,3 60,076,42268,861,3 63,1 61,0 52,O





    AuslegeLAuslahrfolge Boom exlension 6equence saqu€nce de lelescopage1001 0 0100

    ' ovec stabilsateur addlt.

    ^'2 x 10q nach hinton oderzlr selle"2 x 10"over rearor overs ide-2 x 10 'en ar ie re ou aux c0 t6s

    A ohn€ AbspanneinrichlungA wilhout SL-susPenslo.a sans sysleme de haubanag€

    r) mit Schw€rlasteinricht!ng1) with h€aw-duly altachmentl avec ma.ulatlon exlra-lourd





  • Tragfiihigkeiten Hauptausleger mit SuperliftLifting capacities main boom with SuperliftCapacit6s de levage fldche principale avec Superlift

    140t L_ t F'!t 360" 85%Hauptausleser. Main boom, Fl6che

    2 4 , 7 n 2 5 , 6 m 3 0 , 5 m 3 5 4 mA A

    335,0D426,0-'l 332,0373,0')

    293,0 270,O312,0 276,0 200,0266.0 247,O 246,O 200,0 170,0229,O 199,0 r70,0222,O 224,O

    1 1 0 , 0190,0203,01 1 0 , 01 4 1 , 0 r65,0134,0186,0147,0

    172,O 172,0 110,0172,0 172,O i58 ,01 2 108,0149,0

    ! 130,0 't24,0 103,0132,O 129,01 6 109,0 1 1 5 , 0 1 1 7 , 0 1 1 3 , 0 96,01 a 103,0 101,0 1 0 1 , 0

    9r ,9 9 1 , 0 62,1 69,38 1 , 5 a l ,9

    72,2 59,765,167,365,4

    57,4 61,0 59,7 51,244,5


    40,542,137,3 37,3


    ausleQetrauslahrlolqe Boon gnension s€quence sequence de t6lescopog63686

    - a6

    ' avec slabilsal6ur eddil.

    "2 r 10" nach hinten oder zur Seite"2 x 1Oo over rcar or ov€r side"2 x 10o en arEre ou aur cdtes

    A ohne Abspann€in.ichtunqA wllhout SL-susp€nslona 6an. sy6teme de haubanago

    rr mit SchwrlasteinrichlunSrr wnh heavy-duly atldchm€ntj)avec manulatlon ex}a lolrd





  • Tragfiihigkeiten Hauptausleger mit SuperliftLifting capacities main boom with SuperliftCapacit6s de levage fldche principale avec Superlift

    9 8 t E = F l 3 6 0 "


    75oloHauplausl€ser. Main boom. Flache


    241,O 286,0270.O 269,0255,0 200,0229,O 224,0 170,0

    207,O 207,O 137,0 165,0 140,0189,0 160,0 134,0r88,0 189,0174,O 173,0 170,0 155,0 136,0 108,0 90,0

    133.01 0 t 61,0 160,0 160,0 1 6 1 0 106,0' t2 135,0 136,0 137,0 r35,0 126,0 102,O

    tl_1 1 5 , 01 1 5 , 01 1 5 , 0l 6 99,4 99,3 1 0 1 , 0 90,0 75,01 3 47,6 88,7 47,3 64,0


    57,3 57,4 59,126 50.7 51,9


    32 37,0 37,333,5 33,7

    27,7 27,9


    Ausleger Auslah olge Boom e\lenslon 6equence Sequ€nr e d€ ialeccopage10036

    43 100a6t86

    ' a@c siabllsaleur addll.

    "2 x 10P nach hint6n oder2!rSelle"2 x lop over rear o rovers lde" 2 x loP en adere ou aux cotos

    A ohne Abspannelnrichlons r) mit Schwerlasleinrichlunsawlihoul SL-€uspension rJ wilh heavy-duty attachmgntA sahs systAme d€ haubanag€ i) av€c manulation ext€ lourd





  • f

    Tragftihigkeiten Hauptausleger mit SuperliftLifting capacities main boom with SuperliftCapacit6s de levage fldche principale avec Superlift

    98 r r__t F':! 360. 85 o/oHauptausleser- Main boom. fl e'che

    25,6 m

    327,O 300,0300,0246,0 270,O270,4 270,O 200,0

    174,4200,0221,O 220,O 199,0 170,0 140,02 i0 ,0 201,0 170,0 1 1 0 , 0185,0 ta4,o 134,0 1 4 1 , 0 165,0 90,0

    1 0 1 7 1 , 0 170,0 171,O170,0 158,0 140,0 1 1 0 , 0 90,01 2 146 0145,0 134,0 104,0 89,6

    r! 122,0 122,0 123,0 121,4 122,0 103,0 85,396,01 6 106,0 106,0 105,0 106,0 80,0

    1 3 92,4 93,0 39,681,7 a2,a 82,6 42,1 69,3

    7 1 , 4 TO,5 7 1 , 0 72,562,5 6 1 , 1 63,0 59,7

    26 54,1 55,447,A

    42,3 43,8 44,239,839,538,335,9

    32,4 32,629,5 29,8


    auslegeFauslahrlolqe Boom extenslon sequence seqlence de t€lescopaqea6 1 0 086 1 0 0

    ! 1 0 086

    ' avec siabilsateur add r.

    "2 x 1Oo nach h in l€n oderzu f Se i t€^^2 x 10q ov€r rcsr of ov6rsid€"2 r 10q en ariere ou aur cotes

    A ohne Abspann€inrichlungA wjtho!t SL-susp€nsiona sans sysGfre de haubanaqe

    r) mil Schwerlaste nrichtunsr) with h€avy-duty ettachmonlr) avgc manutation exha]o!rd






  • Tragfiihigkeiten HauptauslegerLifting capacities main boomCapacit6s de levage fldche principale

    98t : .t-t 360.


    750/oH.uptauslege' M.'n boon FEche

    330,00307,0 300,02AJ,0270,0 270,4255,0 254,4 200,0229,0 229,4 194,0 165,0208,0 207,0 207,0 187,0 155,0 135,0149,0 144,0 r89,0 125,O 105,0179,0

    173,0 132,0 1 1 6 , 0 100,0173,0 170,0 90,01 0 1 6 1 , 0 160,0 r 6 1 , 0 ' t21,0 r08,0 8s,012 135,0 136,0 137,0 105,0 77,A

    1 1 5 , 0 9 1 , 01 1 5 , 0 1 1 6 , 0 r.69,099,6 30,0 67,0 62,0101,0

    1A aa,7 72,O 61,0 56,078,4 65,0 59,0 51,0

    46,022 67,3 57,0 53,0 51,024 s8,6 52,0 42,O

    39,0262A 36,0

    40,030 3S,032 35,0 3 1 , 0

    32,0 29,036 29,0 27.O38 2 7 0

    Alsleger Alslahriolge Boom €xtension €eque.ce Seqlence de telescopage86

    100a6ta6 r00

    rr mil schwenaqelnrlchtunqr) with heavy-duly atlachmentr) evec manulenlio. exlra-lourd





  • (t

    Tragfiihigkeiten HauptauslegerLifting capacities main boomCapacitds de levage fldche principale

    gst - ^11t s6o" 85 o/oHauplausleger'M.in boom F&che

    2 5 6 m

    330,0,j327,A 300,0

    286,0 274,O272,O 274,0

    244,0 165,0221.O 220,O 224,0 199.0 165,0 135,0210.0 200,0 201,4 133,0 105,0r53,0145,0 144,0 1 8 1 , 0 123,0 105,01 7 t , 0 170,0 171,0 1 1 5 , 0 100,0 90,0

    1 2 145,0 112.0 99,2 42,1It 122,0 122,0 r23,0 97.1 3 1 , 1 73,687,5

    1 6 106,0 106.0 i07,0 7 1 , 5 66,113 293 93,4 94,6 76.8 69,3 65,1 59,7



    62,9 54,756,551.2 50,1

    50,1 45,945,942,7 4 0 5 39,5

    37,3 33,1


    24,523,52 t , 3

    AusleqeFAuslahrfolge Boom exlenslon 6equence Sequence d€ lgi€scopagea6 100


    1 mitSchwenasbinrichlunS!r with heavy-duty attachment'r ovec manutenlion exlra-lourd






  • Tragfiihigkeiten HauptauslegerLifting capacities main boomCapacit6s de levage fldche principale

    57t f -= F':1 360"


    750/oHauPtausleger' Main booh Fleche

    l 5 a m

    230,027e,0262,0247,0 247.0 200,0222,O 222,O 165,0

    201,0 201,0200,0 187,0 135,0184,0 105,0183,0 179,0 125,0165,0 165,0 166,0 1 1 6 , 0 100,0132,0 90,0

    r 0 149,0 148.0 149,0 121,0 104,0 85,012 1 2 1 , 0 122.O 123,4 105,0 77,0

    96,5 97,6 100,0 9 1 , 0 76,0 69,01 6 76,9 73,0 67,0 62,01 8 60,5 61.2 63,3 61,0 56,0

    50,1 51,2 52,7 5 1 , 052,4 50,442,4

    37,3 36,0 37,93r,330,932,326

    26,9 2T,12825,023,5 23,722,02 1 , 920,720,6

    1 8 , 1 19,2 19,316,0 17,O 17,O

    15,0 1 5 , 113,313,41 1 , 810,4

    AuslegeFAust Frlolge Boor e(elsion 3€qu€nr € S6qu€nce d€ lar€scopag€36 1 o o

    r 0 043 t1 0 0a643'r mll schwerla€l€inricht!ns') wilh heaw-dlty stiochm€ntrr avec manul6ntion extra-lourd






  • !

    Tragfiihigkeiten HauptauslegerLifting capacities main boomCapacit6s de levage fldche principale

    szt E r11! 360" 85 9oHauptausl€ser- Main boom. Flache

    320,0r318,0 290,0297,O 290,0279,O 279,O264,0 263,0237,O 236,0 165,0214,O 213,0 2 t4,0 199,0 165,0 135,0196,0 153,0 133,0 105,0176,0 176,0 123,0

    129,0158,0i 54 ,01 0 156,0 157,0 1 1 5 , 01 2 129,0 130,0 1 3 1 , 0 112,0 99,2 a2, l

    t a7,5102,0 106,0 41,182,01 6 77,9 71,5

    1 3 65,155,5 54,2 54,646,6 45,239,4 34,4 3a,a34,5 33,4

    24,7 28,9 30,2 30,425.1 26,5 26,725,3

    22,1 23,4 23,519,3 20,517,1 18,1 l a ,1

    16,0 1 6 , 114,2

    1 1 , 1

    Au6legetsAu6lahrlolge Boom exlension sequence Sequence de lelescopaqe


    r) mit Schw6rlastoinrichlunSI, with heaw duty ddachfrentI avec manutenlion exlra lourd






  • Tragfiihigkeiten HauptauslegerLifting capacities main boomCapacit6s de levage fldche principale

    ot E 1-1 369"


    750/oHauptausleser ' Main boofr Flcche

    240,03,s 251,O 215,0

    223,O 198,04,5 203,0 141,0 160,0

    143,0 163,0 1 3 5 0152,0 137,0 125,0 105,0130,0 1 1 4 , 0 110,0 105,0 86,095,0

    79,09S,095,0 45,077,0

    I O 72,5 71,242,342,2'12

    26,6 29,O 27,719,2 21,3 21,519,81€,31 6 17,5

    12,31 a ' t 2 ,9 14.8 15,5 15,81 1 , 5 11,79 ,3 10.2

    6,7 4 ,77.26,2

    2 ,O3,6

    AusroseFAuslahrloloe Boofr en€nsrol ssqu€nc€ Sequence de lelescopage10086100100






  • t

    Tragfiihigkeiten HauptauslegerLifting capacities main boomCapacit6s de levage fldche principale

    .r-1 360"0 t 85 o/oH.uplarcleser' ir.in boom Flache

    267,0 215,0237,0 2 1 1 , 0216,0 193,0 160,0195,0 173,0 135,0158,0162,0 r33,0 124,0 105,0138,0 125,0 j i 7 ,0 1 1 2 , 0 101,0r 19,0 99,2 75,0

    42,173,9t 0 77,3 75,9

    12 45,1

    J 27,2 30,928,4 32,3l 6 14,7 19,5 21,4 2 1 , 1 22,7 22,9

    16,51 a i 3 ,a 1 5 , 1 16,915,820 10,5 10,9 12,3 12,522 3,5 7 ,1 9,124 5,926 3,8


    Ausl€s€FAuslahrlolg6 . Boom €rt6nsion s€qu€nce . s6quence de t€l6scopao6100








  • Anmerkungen riber TragfdhigkeitenCrane-Capacity NotesConditions d'util isation

    Trag€higkeiten uberschreiten nicht 75 0/o der Kipplast.

    Traglahigkeiten 750lo entsprechen DIN 15019.2 (Prtjflast:1,25 x Hublast f 0,1 xAuslegergewicht, auf dieAuslegerspitze reduziert).

    Das Gewicht der Unterflaschen, sowie die Aulnahmemittel, sind Bestandteile der Last und sind von denTragfdhigkeiten abzuziehen.

    Kranbetrieb zulessig bis:

    60 N/m'9,8 m/s




    Weitere Angaben i lber Windgeschwindigkeiten in der Bedienungsanleitung des Kranes.

    Wind Pressure ofand a Wind Speed of

    Gross capacities do not exceed 750/o of tipping load.

    The 750lo ratings are in contormance with DIN 15019.2 (test load:1.25x l i f t ing load + 0.1 dead weight ofboom reduced to boom ooint).

    The Weights ol hook blocks and all other load handling accessories are considered part ofthe load, andsuitable allowance for them should be made.

    Crane can still operate safely up to a:

    60 N/m'9.8 m/s

    Consult ooeration manual tor lurther oarticulars and wind soeeds.

    Les charges indiquees n'excedent pas 75 0/o de I'effort de renversement.

    Les charges de la colonne 75 0/0 sont contormes a DIN 15019.2 (charge d'essai:1,25 xcharge d'uti l isation+ 0,1xpoids propre de la f ldche r6duit a la tete de celle-ci).

    Les poids du crochet, des moufles et de tous les accessoires n6cessaires pouraccrocherla charge fontpartie de celle-ci et sont A deduire des charges d'utilisation.

    La grue peut travail ler en charge jusqu a:

    des vents deet de

    60 N/m"9,8 m/s

    Pour plus de details et fortes pressions du vent consulter la Notice de Conduite de la grue.ww




  • J



    Arbeitsbereiche starrer HilfsauslegerWorking ranges fixed fly jibPort6es fl6chette fixe

    118,0 m

    106,0 m

    54,0 m






  • Tragfiihig keiten starrer H i lfsausleger (0o) u nd Su perliftLifting Capacities fixed fly jib (O') and SuperliftCapacities de levage fl6chette fixe (0o) avec Superlift

    75%t85%Statrer Hilfsausleser' Fixed rly jib. Fl6chette lire

    1 2 55,0

    25,039,051,01 61 8 24,5

    36,5 23,548,02012,O15,723,035,046,522

    22,5 15,4 1 t , 726 43,5 33,0 22,O 15,0 1 1 , 52A 42,O 32,0 2 1 , 5 11,2

    40,5 3 1 , 0 21.O 1 1 , 037,5 't3,7 10,5 L

    10,014,535,03 1 , 5 17,550,0 m 2e,0 16,5 1 l , 7

    15,5 1 1 , 114,5 14,516,5 13,5 7.5


    7,3 3 ,7

    Di6 werte oberderTrennli.ie ba€ier€n auf Bauteilefesliqkeil, diew€rt€ unterhalb derTrennllnle aul slandsicherhei!The capaclties above th€ parting line are based upon lhe structuEl skenglh.The €tlngs below the parti.g ling are based on stability lor th€percenlaqe ot llpping load indicatod.Les ch.rg6s au-dessus de la llone separalrice 66 basent sur E resblanc€ du mat6riau. L€s charges au-dessols de cetle llqne se basentsuf la stabilira pour |eflorl de renversemenl Indique. L





  • . t

    Tragfiihigkeiten starrer Hilfsausleger und SuperliftLifting capacities fixed fly jib and SuperliftCapacit6s de levage fl6chette fixe avec Superlift

    98t r r -l 360' 750/o | 850/oSr.rer Hills.lsleger' Fired tryrib Frechette rixe

    0" 20"

    1 2 55,052,5

    25,039,01 6 51,041,5 37,5 24,5

    36,5 16,035,0 23,0 ' t2 ,0

    22,5 15,4 11,71 1 , 515,022,O43,5

    42,4 21,5 21,5 11,216,040,5 3 1 , 0 2 t , o 21,O 1 1 , 0

    5,710,515,020,533,627,7 27,5 26,5 20,0 18,5 13,050,0 m 17.5 12,4

    11,712,0 9,0 7,016,519,417,3 1 1 , 5 8,s 5,115,516,0 4,5 6,5

    14,5 14,5 1 1 , 0 10,5 8,0 8.0 6,21,87,510,0 7,5 5,812,713,012,3

    Ir4 10,9 10,7 4,58,9 4,36,5 5,0

    7,6 4,06,05,4

    5,1 4 ,3a2 3,7 3,9

    2,8 3,6 2,490 tl3 3,192


    Die Werle UberderTrennlinie ba6leren auf Bautellelesl19kell, die Wert6 unl6rhalb d€rTr€nnlini€ aul Standsich€rheit.The capacilies abov€ the pading lin€ ar€ bas€d upon lhe €lruclural6lrenglh.The ralhqs belowlhe partingling aG bas€d on stabilitylorthepercentaqe olllpplng load lndicaled.Les charqes au-des6!€ de la ligne 6eparatrlce 6e ba6ent sur |a reslslance du materiau. Les chaq€s au-d€ssous de cette llqne se basentsurra stablit€ Do!r Iefion de renver6ement lndbue.






  • Tragfiihigkeiten starrer HilfsauslegerLifting capacities fixed fly iibCapacit6s de levage fl6chette fixe

    9 8 t rl 360" 750tht850hSlaii€rHillsausleser'Fixedlly jib Flechettelixe

    55,01 250,0

    1 6 45,5 37,A1 8 4 1 , 5 35,039,5

    38.0 37,0 3 1 , 5 23,0 15,835,0 29,5 22,0 2 1 , 5 15,032,5 32,O 27,5 2 1 , 6 20,5 11,2

    29,4 20.9 19,5 13,29 ,812,514,519.62i ,7

    50,0 m 25,0 22,0 r 8 5 16,5 1 1 , 4 9,2Lr3,8 13,2 10,51S,022,2

    19,5 16,6 13,0 ' t2 ,1

    14,0 14.4 11,2 1 1 , 016,0 1 5 , 0 13,3 13,0 10,0 5,714's tl'q 12.0 1 1 , 5 3 ,5 5.2

    10,56,s '|,3


    3,63 1

    - 2-SDle werte 0ber d€rTr€nnlinie basiefen aul Bauteilelesligkeit, d e Werie unterhalb derT16nnlini€ aul standsicherheil.The capaetties above the partinq near€ based upon lh€ slructuralstrength.The rau.gs belowthe parting ng are basod on slability tc'r thepercentag€ ol tipplng load indlcaled.Les charces audessls de a llgne 6eparatrice €e ba€enl6ur la rdsisiance du materiau. Les charqes au-dessous de c€ft€ lign6 se basentsur la Etabilito oour l6tfo de renversefrent indhue.






  • Tragfiihigkeiten starrer HilfsauslegerLifting capacities fixed fly jibForces de levage fl6chette fixe

    57 t E------r .r-t 360. 750/o | 85o/oStarer Hilrsausleser' Fixed tly jib Frechette rixe

    0. 20"

    1 2 55,0

    1 6 45,5 42,5 37,0t a 41,5 39 ,5 35,0

    34,0 37,0 3 1 , 5 15,322 35,0 34,0 29,5 22,0 21,5 15,024 32,5 32,0 27,5 21,6 20,526 30,0 298 25,5 20 ,9 19,5 13,2 10,5

    24,0 27.4 23,7 19,6 13,5 12,5 9,850,0 m 243 25,0 22,O 14,5 16,5 14 ,5 1 1 , 8 9 ,219,0 17,0 13,3 13 ,2 10,5

    38 1-4,5 1!2 16,2 15,5 13,0 12,1 7 , l1 1 , 0 I i , 6 14 14,4 1 1 . 2 1 1 , 08 3 8 , 3 9 , 9 1 1 , 3 9,8 10.06,2 6,4 7,6 8i €-q s,0

    5 8 6 758 4,5 0.062 2,9 3,466 1,9 3 ,0

    Die Wen6 0b6r derTrennlinie basteren aut Baul€i€le€t gkeit, dte Wert€ uni6fhalb derTrenntinie auf Slandsichefhet!.The capacitles above the pading li.e are based upon th€ shuclural slrengih.The €tings below the partlng ting 6r€ bas6d on stabltlty tor thepercenlaqe ol tipping load ndicated.Les charaes a! dessus de la liq.6 €eparalrlce se basent sur a rosistance du frateriau. L€s charges au-dessous de cott6 tigne se basentsur la slabllte pour fetiort d6 r€nversenent lndique.





  • Tragfiihigkeiten wippbarer Hilfsausleger, Hauptausleger 82oLifting capacities luffing fly jib, main boom 82oForces de levage fl6chette i vol6e variable, fldche 82o




    $o \ \

    ."!" aB\

    pe \ \B

    .j )9




    45,1+90,0 m

    48,4+78,0 m

    50,0+66,0 m

    50,0 m

    45,1 m

    40,2 n

    35,4 m

    30,5 m

    25,6 m





  • Tragfiihigkeiten wippbarer Hilfsausleger, Hauptausleger 82oLifting capacities luffing fly jib, main boom 82oForces de levage fl6chette d vol6e variable, fldche 82o

    75olo98 t r_ r I-t 360. 9s1 =:= !- 360" 75olo

    25,6m A



    aa - 322 32,1 21a



    s0,0m ji

    ') Hauplausleqer 48,4 m

    FEche principote 48,4 m1) Zu6alzSewlchl am Hill.ausleqerkopt 6rtorderttchlr) Additlonat weight required on fiyjib h6adl1J Poids auxlliaire obtisatoire en tete de il6chettel

    45,1m t:

    !l 4,0





  • Tragftihigkeiten wippbarer Hilfsauslegel Hauptausleger 70oLifting capacities luffing fly j ib, main boom 70"Forces de levage fldchette i vol6e variable. fldche 70o



    45,1+90,0 m

    48,4+78,0 m

    50,0+66,0 m

    50,0 m

    45,1 m

    44,2 n

    30,5 m

    25,6 m






  • Tra gftih i gkeiten wi ppbarer H ilfsausleger, Hau ptausleger 70oLifting capacities luffing fly jib, main boom 70"Forces de levage fl6chette d vol6e variable, fldche 70o

    75o/oga, : r- 360" get - !-r 360" 750/o

    25,6m ii

    30,sm ff

    r1 ,3 r0 ,3 I 3 .7 40

    40,2m E

    45,1 m


    35,4m 5s=

    - 144 13 ,e I 12 ,0 -

    ^) Hauptausloqer 44,4 m

    fleche principale 48,4 mr) zusaEsewicht am Hillsausleoerkopt ertorderllch !'r Addltional wiSht roquired on flyiib headl1j Poids auxiliaire obliSaloi16 6n tete de tlechetlel





  • Oukiggers:


    El€ctrical Equipftent:Cab:


    Hobt 1:

    Hoist 2:



    CarrierMak€: Demas, Drive/Steering: 18 x I x 18.Specially desisned main lrame, fabricated Jrom high-srade close-grain structural sleel, withcentral pot lor ouligger fixing.Four hydraulicauy operated outrissers wilh telescopic beams and jack legs, oukiggerjack iorload handling throughout 360" circle.Daimler-Benz oll 443 LA watercooled 10 cylinder Diesel Ensine. oulput to DIN: 412 kW1560 hp). Fuol-Tank Capacity: 600 L

    All axles are sprung and steered Axles: 3 th,4 lh, 8 th,9 th.18 disk-lype wh€els with 10.0 - 25 r ms and single 14.00 - 25 PR 22 tyrcs, plus one spar€Drial-circuit semibloc mechanical steering wiih hydraulic boosler,to Ec srandards.24-voli system and lighls to German Highway code.Bubber-mounted low-line three-man sl€€l cab.

    SuperstructureDaimleFBenz OM 447 A waler cooled 6-cylinder Diesel Engine. Oulpul to DIN: 210 kV/{286 hp). Fuol-Tank Capaciiy: 300 L4 variable-displacement axial-piston pumps with automatic power control and 1 lixed-dis-placement tandsm pump (enable lhe operaior lo ensage lou motions at the same lime).1iixed-displacemenl pump torlhe low-pressure conlrol circuits.Variable-displacemeni axiaFpision hydraullc motorwith planetary reduction and sprin9_loadsd multiple-disk blske in hoisl drum, hoist rope.Variable-displacernenl axiaFpislon hydraulic motorwith planeiary reduction and spring-loa-ded mul t p le-d isk bra\e in fo:s l drum, hois t rop€.AxiaFpislon hydraulic molorwith planetary r€duclion intesral. Fool-pedal operated servicebrake and sprins-loaded holding brake.Two hyd€ulic cylinders with pilot-controlled braking valve lor lowering.Solf-centerins levers controlallcrane moiions through servo valves and hydrculic power.

    comlorlable au-sleel cab with sliding dool roofwindow,la€e Jolding-oul front window, hoi-airheating and venlilation syslem.The cab is hydraulically tiltable to an anqle ov 15'.Foursection power-telescopins boom, fabricaied lrom high-grade close-s.ain structural sleel,feaiuring the iamiliar DEMAG "ovaloid" desisn oi rectangular box members wilh rounded-otfcorners. Each center section slides on diagonally sell-centerins plastic shoes. Boom headwilh mounting lugs lorlixed and lutfing lly jib.

    Standard equiomeni are: electronic overload culoui (load-moment limiting device) with disital rcad out lor hook load, rated load, boom length, boom angle,load radius; monitoring devices to assist in lrouble shoolinq;analog displaylo indicate the capacity uiilization; limii swilches on hoisl and lowering molions; pressure reliefand saiety holding valves.

    Optional EquipmentThe SuDerliii aaachment is a simple means to increase the litling capacitv orthe normalcrane. t essentiallv consisis oJ a boom-suspension masi with guy ropes, which provides loran auiomatic rope- lensth adjustment ior boom telescopins, and a 42_ton Supenifl counler-weighl.The suspenslon masl is lowored lo the main boom when not n€sded, or lor road trans_porl, No aux liary crane is required to mount or remove lhe countetueights.Non-lelescopins, non lording iixed ily iib ol I - 6a m lenslh, using compononts orthe 'utlinsllyjib (ansular adjustment io 0' and 20o).18 - 90 m lensth, with lufiing mast,guy ropes, electrical equipment, and safely devjces (the2nd hoist unit is necessary lo uso lhe luiiins llyjib).42 t, to be integraled in the standard counierweight, assembling and disassembling wilhout

    For soecial dutiss on main boorn 15.80 m.Additional reeving possibility at the boom head lor dulies more ihan 312 t.When working with 18 m lutfing ily j b, an additionai weisht on the lly jib head is required.

    Superlitt Attachment:

    Loffing FlyJibr

    Additional Counterweight:

    Addltional Outrisser:H€avy"Duty-Aft achment:w





  • !

    Mannesmann Demag BaumaschinenDinglerstraRe 24 Postfach 1552D-6660 Zweibr0ckenTelefonr i06332) 8730.Telex: 451 106Telelax: (063 32) 738 50

    Order Nr .33364240E1

    monnesmonn iechno/og,e @




