2016 Spring Credit Course Listing - Hagerstown C.C

PED-172 Individual Assessment: Advanced PED-189 Intermediate Baseball PED-198 Fundamental Fitness and Motor Skills PED-201 Introductory Analysis of Physical Education PED-215 Early Childhood Physical Activities PED-216 Care and Prevention of Athletic Injuries PED-223 Sports Officiating PED-230 Concepts of Exercise Programming PED-240 Diversity and Cultural Issues in Sport and Athletics PED-245 Introduction to Sport Management PHYSICAL SCIENCE PHS-104 General Physical Science PHS-104L General Physical Science: Lab PHS-105 Descriptive Astronomy PHS-107 Introductory Physical Geology PHS-108 Introductory Physical Geology PHS-108L Introductory Physical Geology: Lab PHS-109 Meteorology PHS-111 Earth and Space Science PHS-111L Earth & Space Science: Lab PHS-113 AMS Ocean Studies PHS-113L AMS Ocean Studies: Lab PHYSICS PHY-106 Radiological Physics Theory PHY-112 Applied Physics PHY-202 General Physics II PHY-202L General Physics II: Lab PHY-204 Principles of Physics II PHY-204L Principles of Physics II: Lab PHY-205 Principles of Physics III POLITICAL SCIENCE POL-101 American Government POL-202 Constitutional Law PSYCHOLOGY PSY-101 General Psychology PSY-203 Educational Psychology PSY-204 Developmental Psychology: Lifespan Human Development PSY-206 Abnormal Psychology PSY-208 Theories of Personality PSY-216 Social Psychology RADIOGRAPHY RAD-105 Radiographic Positioning III RAD-105L Radiography Positioning III: Lab RAD-108 Clinical Technique II RAD-190 Supplemental Clinical Education RAD-211 Clinical Technique IV RAD-212 Cross-Sectional Anatomy RAD-215 Pathology for Imaging Sciences RAD-216A Mammography Practicum I RAD-218 Principles of CT Imaging RAD-220 CT Imaging Practicum I RAD-220A CT Imaging Practicum II RAD-222 Principles of MR Imaging RAD-224 MRI Clinical Practicum I RAD-224A MRI Clinical Practicum II RAD-228 Radiography Review Seminar RECREATION REC-101 Community Recreation STEM STM-116 Stem Seminar II SIMULATION/DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENT SDE-102 Multimedia Authoring SDE-104 Game Programming I SDE-130 Introduction to Object Oriented Programming SDE-205 Game Programming II SDE-207 Multimedia Project Development SDE-269 Internship I SOCIOLOGY SOC-101 Introduction to Sociology SOC-103 Criminology SOC-106 Race and Ethnic Relations in the United States SOC-111 Civic Engagement & Social Change in the United States SPANISH SPN-101 Elementary Spanish I SPN-102 Elementary Spanish II SPN-201 Intermediate Spanish I SPN-202 Intermediate Spanish II SPEECH SPD-103 Public Speaking SPD-108 Introduction to Human Communication THEATER THR-102 Elements of Dramatic Production THR-112 Costume Design THR-113 Introduction to Directing: Television and Theater THR-115 Introduction to Theater Makeup THR-120 Theater Practicum THR-121 Theater Practicum II THR-122 Theater Practicum III THR-123 Theater Practicum IV THR-207 Technical Theater TRANSPORTATION— COMMERCIAL VEHICLE TRK-108 Commercial Vehicle Transportation Career Development TRK-109 Fundamentals of Commercial Vehicle Transportation TRK-110 Introduction to Commercial Vehicle Transportation TRK-112 Introduction to Commercial Vehicle Pre-Trip Inspections TRK-115 Commercial Vehicle Skills Application TRK-130 Production and Operations Management WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT WEB-101 Web Design I WEB-110 Web Design II WEB-115 Web Developer I WEB-220 Intro to Content Management Systems WEB-269 Internship ACCOUNTING ACC-101 Principles of Accounting I ACC-102 Principles of Accounting II ACC-109 Computerized Accounting ACC-165 Certified Bookkeeping Preparation ACC-202 Intermediate Accounting II ACC-205 Income Tax Accounting II ACC-210 Managerial Accounting ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICE ADJ-101 Introduction to Criminal Justice ADJ-104 Corrections in America ADJ-201 Law Enforcement and the Community ADJ-203 Criminal Law ADJ-204 Criminal Investigation ADJ-208 Police Management ALTERNATIVE ENERGY AET-101 Applied Mathematics for Technology AET-102 Introduction to Alternative Energy AET-104 Geo-Thermal Installation AET-106 Photovoltaic Installation AET-269 AET Internship AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE ASL-102 Intermediate Sign Language ANTHROPOLOGY ANT-201 Cultural Anthropology ART ART-101 Introduction to Visual Arts ART-102 Two-Dimensional Design ART-103 Drawing I ART-104 Painting I ART-108 Three-Dimensional Design ART-115 Photography I ART-120 Beginning Ceramics ART-122 Sculpture I ART-123 Jewelry I ART-203 Drawing II ART-204 Painting II ART-209 Figure Drawing ART-215 Photography II ART-220 Advanced Ceramics ART-222 Sculpture II ART-223 Jewelry II ART-232 History of Western Art II BIOLOGY BIO-099 Biology for Allied Health BIO-101 General Biology I BIO-101L General Biology I: Lab BIO-102 General Biology II BIO-102L General Biology II: Lab BIO-103 Human Anatomy and Physiology I BIO-103L Human Anatomy & Physiology I: Lab BIO-104 Human Anatomy and Physiology II BIO-104L Human Anatomy & Physiology II: Lab BIO-106 Unity and Diversity of Living Things BIO-106L Unity & Diversity of Living Things: Lab BIO-109 Modular Biology BIO-110 Human Biology BIO-114 Principles of Biology II BIO-114L Principles of Biology II: Lab BIO-116 Human Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health BIO-116L Human Anatomy and Physiology for Allied Health Lab BIO-117 Environmental Science BIO-117L Environmental Science: Lab BIO-201 Cell Biology and Genetics BIO-201L Cell Biology and Genetics: Lab BIO-205 Microbiology BIO-205L Microbiology: Lab BIO-206 Nutrition for Health Sciences BIO-207 Pathophysiology for Health Professionals BIOTECHNOLOGY BTC-101 Introduction to Biotechnology BTC-102 Introduction to Applied Biotechnology Research BTC-202 Biomanufacturing BTC-202L Biomanufacturing: Lab BTC-269 Biotechnology Internship I BUSINESS BUS-101 Introduction to Business Organization and Management BUS-104 Legal Environment of Business BUS-113 Business Communication BUS-145 Customer Service CHEMISTRY CHM-101 Introductory College Chemistry CHM-101L Introductory College Chemistry: Lab CHM-103 General Chemistry I CHM-103L General Chemistry I: Lab CHM-104 General Chemistry II CHM-104L General Chemistry II: Lab CHM-204 Organic Chemistry II CHM-204L Organic Chemistry II: Lab COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN CAD-152 Computer-Aided Design CAD-153 Computer-Aided Drafting CAD-269 Internship I COMPUTER SCIENCE CSC-102 Introduction to Information Technology CSC-109 UNIX/Linux Operating System CSC-134 Introduction to JAVA Programming CSC-202 Systems Design and Analysis CSC-232 Advanced C++ Programming CYBERSECURITY CYB-101 Introduction to Cybersecurity CYB-210 Ethics in the Information Age CYB-225 Tactical Perimeter Defense CYB-246 Introduction to Cloud Computing DANCE DNC-101 Dance Appreciation DNC-105 Tap I DNC-106 Tap II DNC-111 Jazz Dance: Beginning DNC-113 Jazz Dance: Intermediate DNC-115 Ballet: Beginning DNC-116 Ballet: Intermediate DNC-118 Modern Dance I DNC-119 Modern Dance II DNC-201 Dance History DNC-210 Concepts in Human Movement DNC-213 Ballet: Intermediate II DNC-214 Ballet: Intermediate III DNC-215 HCC Dance Company DNC-225 HCC Dance Company II DNC-295 HCC Dance Company Capstone Project DENTAL ASSISTING DEN-115 Dental Office Management DEN-120 Dental Specialties DEN-140 Dental Assisting Externship I DEN-240 Dental Assisting Externship II DENTAL HYGIENE DHY-110 Dental Hygiene Theory II DHY-111 Dental Hygiene Clinical II DHY-112 Dental Materials and Procedures DHY-112L Dental Materials and Procedures Lab DHY-113 General and Oral Pathology DHY-116 Dental Pharmacology DHY-210 Community Dental Health DHY-211 Dental Hygiene Ethics And Jurisprudence DHY-220 Dental Hygiene Theory IV DHY-221 Dental Hygiene Clinical IV ECONOMICS ECO-201 Macroeconomic Principles ECO-202 Microeconomic Principles EDUCATION EDU-101 Introduction to Education EDU-103 Foundations of Early Childhood Education EDU-114 The Developing Child EDU-115 Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education EDU-211 Introduction to Special Education EDU-212 Processes and Acquisition of Reading EDU-215 Child Care Center Administration and Management EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES EMS-121 Emergency Medical Technician Part B EMS-122 Emergency Medical Technician Practicum EMS-163 Medical Emergencies I EMS-164 Cardiology and Cardiovascular Diseases EMS-181 EMS Practicum I EMS-220 EMS Operations EMS-221 Seminar in Paramedic Emergency Services EMS-282 EMS Practicum IV ENGINEERING SCIENCE EGR-103 Introduction to Engineering EGR-108 Statics EGR-204 Dynamics ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY EGT-101 Computerized Spreadsheets for Engineers EGT-136 Mechanics EGT-250 Advanced CNC EGT-250L Advanced CNC Lab EGT-269 Internship I ENGLISH ENG-098 Writing Basics ENG-099 Writing Essentials ENG-100 Beginning Composition ENG-101 English Composition ENG-102 Composition and Literature ENG-112 Technical Writing I ENG-114 Mythology ENG-115 Literature By and About Women ENG-202 World Literature II ENG-204 British Literature II ENG-206 American Literature II ENG-209 Creative Writing I ENG-214 Applied English Grammar ENG-216 Ethnic Voices in American Literature ENG-240 Seminar in English Studies ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE ESL-100 ESL Beginning Composition FRENCH FRN-102 Elementary French II FRN-202 Intermediate French II GEOGRAPHY GEO-105 World Regional Geography GERMAN GER-102 Elementary German II GRAPHIC DESIGN GDT-112 Computer Graphics GDT-116 Digital Imaging GDT-143 Digital Layout / Prepress GDT-215 Typography GDT-220 Digital Video and Audio GDT-246 Graphic Design II GDT-269 Internship I HEALTH HEA-102 Nutrition HEA-103 Personal Health HEA-105 First Aid HEA-203 Personalized Approach to Mental And Physical Health HEA-204 Health Aspects of Human Sexuality HEA-205 Sport First Aid and CPR HISTORY HIS-101 World History I HIS-102 World History II HIS-201 United States History I HIS-202 United States History II HIS-210 Latin American History HUMAN SERVICES HST-103 Introduction to Human Services and Social Work HST-201 Understanding Diversity in the Helping Profession HST-207 Social Work With Individuals HST-208 Social Work With Groups HUMANITIES HUM-201 The Arts: A Creative Synthesis HUM-214 World Religions INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY INT-101 Introduction to Industrial Technology INT-102 Introduction to PLCs INT-104 Facilities Safety and Compliance INT-105 Plumbing and Pipefitting INT-107 Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R) INT-110 Fundamentals of Electricity INT-111 Pump and Motor Operation and Maintenance INT-113 Instrumentation and Process Control I INT-116 Welding Layout and Fabrication INT-206 AWS Welding Certification Preparation INT-269 Internship INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGY IST-100 Computer Basics IST-101 Basic Keyboarding IST-102 Introduction to Information Technology IST-103 Presentation Software IST-105 Fundamentals of Word Processing IST-106 Spreadsheet Software IST-107 Database Management IST-108 Microsoft Operating System IST-109 UNIX/Linux Operating System IST-133 Visual Basic IST-134 Introduction to JAVA Programming IST-150 PC Tech: Repair and Troubleshooting IST-151 PC Tech: Operating Systems IST-154 Networking Basics IST-155 Networking I IST-156 Networking II IST-160 Introduction to Security Fundamentals IST-173 Database Fundamentals IST-202 Systems Design and Analysis IST-204 Help Desk Technology & Services IST-232 Advanced C++ Programming IST-253 TCP/IP IST-255 Networking III IST-256 Networking IV IST-261 Server Management I IST-264 Server Management II IST-266 Computer Forensics II - Investigations Practices IST-267 Network Security IST-269 Internship I MANAGEMENT MGT-103 Principles of Management MGT-104 Marketing MGT-201 E-Commerce in the Business Environment MGT-203 Corporate Finance MATHEMATICS MAT-098 Pre-Algebra MAT-099 Elementary Algebra MAT-100 Intermediate Algebra MAT-101 College Algebra MAT-102 Trigonometry MAT-103 Finite Mathematics MAT-107 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics I MAT-108 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics II MAT-109 Introduction to Statistics MAT-110 Statistics in Practice MAT-114 Introduction to Applied Algebra MAT-161 Precalculus MAT-164 Calculus with Applications MAT-203 Calculus I MAT-204 Calculus II MAT-205 Calculus III MAT-206 Differential Equations MEDICAL ASSISTING MAP-102 Medical Terminology MAP-105 Medical Office Management MAP-108 Medical Records Analysis and Coding MAP-110 Introduction to Health Science Professions and Technology MAP-205 Diagnostic Lab Procedures for the Medical Assistant MAP-206 Advanced Coding MAP-210 Clinical Medical Assistant MAP-211 Coding Simulation and Certification Preparation MAP-217 Medical Assistant Externship MUSIC MUS-101 Music Appreciation MUS-102 The History of Jazz MUS-103 Choral Singing I MUS-104 Choral Singing II MUS-107 Jazz Band I MUS-108 Jazz Band II MUS-128 Piano I MUS-130 Wind Ensemble I MUS-131 Wind Ensemble II MUS-132 Contemporary Music Ensemble I MUS-133 Contemporary Music Ensemble II MUS-134 String Ensemble I MUS-135 String Ensemble II MUS-143 Aural Skills I MUS-144 Aural Skills II MUS-168 Piano II MUS-170 Advanced Choral Ensemble MUS-180 The History of Rock and Roll MUS-201 Theory of Music I MUS-202 Theory of Music II MUS-203 Advanced Choral Singing I MUS-204 Advanced Choral Singing II MUS-205 Music Skills for the Classroom Teacher MUS-207 Advanced Jazz Band I MUS-208 Advanced Jazz Band II MUS-242 Theory of Music IV MUS-244 Aural Skills IV NURSING NUR-114 Practical Nursing Through the Lifespan II NUR-114C Practical Nursing Through Lifespan II: Clinical NUR-114L Practical Nursing Through Lifespan II: Lab NUR-115 Practical Nursing Through The Lifespan III NUR-115C Practical Nursing Through Lifespan III: Clinical NUR-115L Practical Nursing Through Lifespan III: Lab NUR-116 Foundations of Nursing I NUR-117 Foundations of Nursing II NUR-117C Foundations of Nursing II: Clinical NUR-117L Foundations of Nursing II: Lab NUR-121 Certified Nursing/Geriatric Assistant NUR-121C Certified Nursing/Geriatric Assistant: Clinical NUR-121L Certified Nursing/Geriatric Assistant: Lab NUR-122 Medicine Aide NUR-122C Medicine Aide Clinical NUR-126 Nursing Care of Women and Infants NUR-126C Nursing Care of Women And Infants: Clinical NUR-126L Nursing Care of Women and Infants: Lab NUR-127 Nursing Care of Children NUR-127C Nursing Care of Children: Clinical NUR-127L Nursing Care of Children Lab NUR-226 Behavioral Health Nursing NUR-226C Behavioral Health Nursing Clinical NUR-226L Behavioral Health Nursing Lab NUR-228 Contemporary Trends in Nursing And Leadership NUR-229 Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult I NUR-229C Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult I: Clinical NUR-229L Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult I: Lab NUR-230 Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult II NUR-230C Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult II: Clinical NUR-230L Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult II: Lab NUR-231 Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult III NUR-231C Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult III: Clinical NUR-231L Nursing Care of the Acute and Chronically Ill Adult Ii: Lab PARALEGAL STUDIES PLS-101 Introduction to Paralegal Studies PHS-103 Legal Writing and Documents PLS-104 Principles of Litigation PLS-203 Domestic Relations PHS-207 Real Estate Law PHARMACY TECHNICIAN PHR-101 Introduction to Pharmacy Technology PHR-102 Pharmaceutical Calculation PHR-103 Pharmacy Applications PHR-111 Pharmacology and Therapeutics PHR-112 Dispensing and Compounding Applications PHR-113 Pharmacy Operations PHR-269 Pharmacy Tech Workplace Experience PHILOSOPHY PHL-101 Introduction to Philosophy PHL-103 Ethics PHLEBOTOMY PLB-105 Phlebotomy PLB-106 Phlebotomy Clinical Externship PLB-107 Phlebotomy Pre-Externship Review PHYSICAL EDUCATION PED-110 Golf PED-116 Tennis PED-118 Volleyball PED-119 Advanced Volleyball PED-127 Aikido PED-132 Yoga: Beginning PED-139 Fitness Walking PED-141 Strength Training: Beginning PED-142 Strength Training: Intermediate PED-143 Strength Training: Advanced PED-144 Jogging PED-170 Individual Assessment: Beginning PED-171 Individual Assessment: Intermediate 2016 Spring Credit Course Listing Classes start: Denotes classes that are also offered online January 11 for 15-week sessions January 26 for 12-week sessions January 11 and February 16 for 10-week sessions January 11 and March 14 for 7 ½ -week sessions January 11, February 16, and March 29 for 5-week sessions NOTE: Spring tuition and fee payments due by December 1 Students registering after December 1 must pay their tuition and fees within 24 hours of registration.

Transcript of 2016 Spring Credit Course Listing - Hagerstown C.C

PED-172 Individual Assessment: AdvancedPED-189 Intermediate BaseballPED-198 Fundamental Fitness and Motor SkillsPED-201 Introductory Analysis of Physical EducationPED-215 Early Childhood Physical ActivitiesPED-216 Care and Prevention of Athletic InjuriesPED-223 SportsOfficiatingPED-230 ConceptsofExerciseProgrammingPED-240 Diversity and Cultural Issues in Sport and Athletics PED-245 IntroductiontoSportManagement

PHYSICAL SCIENCEPHS-104 General Physical SciencePHS-104L General Physical Science: LabPHS-105 Descriptive Astronomy PHS-107 IntroductoryPhysicalGeologyPHS-108 IntroductoryPhysicalGeology PHS-108L IntroductoryPhysicalGeology:Lab PHS-109 Meteorology PHS-111 Earth and Space SciencePHS-111L Earth & Space Science: LabPHS-113 AMS Ocean Studies PHS-113L AMS Ocean Studies: Lab

PHYSICS PHY-106 RadiologicalPhysicsTheoryPHY-112 Applied Physics PHY-202 General Physics IIPHY-202L General Physics II: LabPHY-204 Principles of Physics IIPHY-204L Principles of Physics II: LabPHY-205 Principles of Physics III

POLITICAL SCIENCEPOL-101 American Government POL-202 Constitutional Law

PSYCHOLOGYPSY-101 GeneralPsychology PSY-203 EducationalPsychology PSY-204 DevelopmentalPsychology:Lifespan Human DevelopmentPSY-206 AbnormalPsychology PSY-208 TheoriesofPersonalityPSY-216 SocialPsychology

RADIOGRAPHYRAD-105 RadiographicPositioningIIIRAD-105L RadiographyPositioningIII:LabRAD-108 ClinicalTechniqueIIRAD-190 Supplemental Clinical EducationRAD-211 ClinicalTechniqueIVRAD-212 Cross-Sectional Anatomy RAD-215 PathologyforImagingSciences RAD-216A MammographyPracticumIRAD-218 PrinciplesofCTImagingRAD-220 CTImagingPracticumIRAD-220A CTImagingPracticumIIRAD-222 PrinciplesofMRImagingRAD-224 MRI Clinical Practicum IRAD-224A MRI Clinical Practicum IIRAD-228 RadiographyReviewSeminar

RECREATIONREC-101 Community Recreation

STEMSTM-116 StemSeminarII

SIMULATION/DIGITAL ENTERTAINMENTSDE-102 MultimediaAuthoring SDE-104 GameProgrammingISDE-130 Introduction to Object OrientedProgrammingSDE-205 GameProgrammingIISDE-207 Multimedia Project DevelopmentSDE-269 Internship I

SOCIOLOGYSOC-101 IntroductiontoSociology SOC-103 Criminology SOC-106 Race and Ethnic Relations in the United StatesSOC-111 CivicEngagement&SocialChange in the United States

SPANISHSPN-101 Elementary Spanish ISPN-102 Elementary Spanish IISPN-201 Intermediate Spanish ISPN-202 Intermediate Spanish II

SPEECHSPD-103 PublicSpeaking SPD-108 Introduction to Human Communication

THEATERTHR-102 ElementsofDramaticProductionTHR-112 CostumeDesignTHR-113 IntroductiontoDirecting:Television andTheaterTHR-115 IntroductiontoTheaterMakeupTHR-120 TheaterPracticumTHR-121 TheaterPracticumIITHR-122 TheaterPracticumIIITHR-123 TheaterPracticumIVTHR-207 TechnicalTheater

TRANSPORTATION—COMMERCIAL VEHICLETRK-108 CommercialVehicleTransportation Career Development TRK-109 FundamentalsofCommercial VehicleTransportation TRK-110 IntroductiontoCommercial VehicleTransportationTRK-112 IntroductiontoCommercialVehicle Pre-TripInspectionsTRK-115 CommercialVehicleSkillsApplicationTRK-130 ProductionandOperations Management

WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENTWEB-101 WebDesignIWEB-110 WebDesignIIWEB-115 Web Developer IWEB-220 IntrotoContentManagementSystemsWEB-269 Internship

ACCOUNTINGACC-101 PrinciplesofAccountingI ACC-102 PrinciplesofAccountingII ACC-109 ComputerizedAccounting ACC-165 CertifiedBookkeepingPreparationACC-202 IntermediateAccountingIIACC-205 IncomeTaxAccountingIIACC-210 ManagerialAccounting

ADMINISTRATION OF JUSTICEADJ-101 Introduction to Criminal JusticeADJ-104 Corrections in AmericaADJ-201 Law Enforcement and the CommunityADJ-203 Criminal LawADJ-204 CriminalInvestigationADJ-208 PoliceManagement

ALTERNATIVE ENERGYAET-101 AppliedMathematicsforTechnology AET-102 IntroductiontoAlternativeEnergyAET-104 Geo-ThermalInstallationAET-106 PhotovoltaicInstallationAET-269 AETInternship

AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGEASL-102 IntermediateSignLanguage

ANTHROPOLOGYANT-201 CulturalAnthropology

ARTART-101 IntroductiontoVisualArts ART-102 Two-DimensionalDesignART-103 DrawingIART-104 PaintingIART-108 Three-DimensionalDesignART-115 PhotographyIART-120 BeginningCeramicsART-122 SculptureIART-123 JewelryIART-203 DrawingIIART-204 PaintingIIART-209 FigureDrawingART-215 PhotographyIIART-220 AdvancedCeramicsART-222 SculptureIIART-223 JewelryIIART-232 HistoryofWesternArtII

BIOLOGYBIO-099 BiologyforAlliedHealthBIO-101 GeneralBiologyIBIO-101L GeneralBiologyI:LabBIO-102 GeneralBiologyIIBIO-102L GeneralBiologyII:LabBIO-103 HumanAnatomyandPhysiologyI BIO-103L HumanAnatomy&PhysiologyI:LabBIO-104 HumanAnatomyandPhysiologyII BIO-104L HumanAnatomy&PhysiologyII:LabBIO-106 UnityandDiversityofLivingThings BIO-106L Unity&DiversityofLivingThings:LabBIO-109 ModularBiologyBIO-110 HumanBiology BIO-114 PrinciplesofBiologyIIBIO-114L PrinciplesofBiologyII:LabBIO-116 HumanAnatomyandPhysiologyfor Allied HealthBIO-116L HumanAnatomyandPhysiologyfor Allied Health LabBIO-117 Environmental Science BIO-117L Environmental Science: Lab BIO-201 CellBiologyandGeneticsBIO-201L CellBiologyandGenetics:LabBIO-205 MicrobiologyBIO-205L Microbiology:LabBIO-206 Nutrition for Health SciencesBIO-207 PathophysiologyforHealthProfessionals

BIOTECHNOLOGYBTC-101 IntroductiontoBiotechnology BTC-102 Introductionto AppliedBiotechnologyResearchBTC-202 BiomanufacturingBTC-202L Biomanufacturing:LabBTC-269 BiotechnologyInternshipI

BUSINESSBUS-101 IntroductiontoBusinessOrganization andManagement BUS-104 LegalEnvironmentofBusiness BUS-113 Business Communication BUS-145 Customer Service

CHEMISTRYCHM-101 IntroductoryCollegeChemistry CHM-101L IntroductoryCollegeChemistry:LabCHM-103 General Chemistry ICHM-103L General Chemistry I: LabCHM-104 General Chemistry IICHM-104L General Chemistry II: LabCHM-204 OrganicChemistryIICHM-204L OrganicChemistryII:Lab

COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGNCAD-152 Computer-AidedDesignCAD-153 Computer-AidedDraftingCAD-269 Internship I

COMPUTER SCIENCECSC-102 IntroductiontoInformationTechnology CSC-109 UNIX/LinuxOperatingSystemCSC-134 IntroductiontoJAVAProgrammingCSC-202 SystemsDesignandAnalysis CSC-232 AdvancedC++Programming

CYBERSECURITYCYB-101 Introduction to Cybersecurity CYB-210 EthicsintheInformationAge CYB-225 TacticalPerimeterDefense CYB-246 IntroductiontoCloudComputing

DANCEDNC-101 Dance Appreciation DNC-105 TapIDNC-106 TapIIDNC-111 JazzDance:BeginningDNC-113 Jazz Dance: IntermediateDNC-115 Ballet:BeginningDNC-116 Ballet: IntermediateDNC-118 Modern Dance IDNC-119 Modern Dance IIDNC-201 Dance History DNC-210 Concepts in Human MovementDNC-213 Ballet: Intermediate IIDNC-214 Ballet: Intermediate IIIDNC-215 HCC Dance CompanyDNC-225 HCC Dance Company IIDNC-295 HCC Dance Company Capstone Project

DENTAL ASSISTINGDEN-115 DentalOfficeManagement DEN-120 Dental SpecialtiesDEN-140 DentalAssistingExternshipIDEN-240 DentalAssistingExternshipII

DENTAL HYGIENEDHY-110 DentalHygieneTheoryIIDHY-111 DentalHygieneClinicalIIDHY-112 Dental Materials and ProceduresDHY-112L Dental Materials and Procedures LabDHY-113 GeneralandOralPathologyDHY-116 DentalPharmacologyDHY-210 Community Dental HealthDHY-211 DentalHygieneEthics And JurisprudenceDHY-220 DentalHygieneTheoryIVDHY-221 DentalHygieneClinicalIV

ECONOMICSECO-201 Macroeconomic Principles ECO-202 Microeconomic Principles

EDUCATION EDU-101 Introduction to Education EDU-103 Foundations of Early Childhood Education EDU-114 TheDevelopingChild EDU-115 Methods and Materials in Early Childhood Education EDU-211 Introduction to Special Education EDU-212 ProcessesandAcquisitionofReading EDU-215 Child Care Center Administration andManagement

EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICESEMS-121 EmergencyMedicalTechnicianPartBEMS-122 EmergencyMedicalTechnicianPracticumEMS-163 MedicalEmergenciesIEMS-164 CardiologyandCardiovascularDiseasesEMS-181 EMS Practicum IEMS-220 EMS OperationsEMS-221 SeminarinParamedicEmergencyServicesEMS-282 EMSPracticumIV

ENGINEERING SCIENCEEGR-103 IntroductiontoEngineeringEGR-108 StaticsEGR-204 Dynamics

ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGYEGT-101 ComputerizedSpreadsheets forEngineersEGT-136 MechanicsEGT-250 AdvancedCNCEGT-250L AdvancedCNCLabEGT-269 InternshipI

ENGLISHENG-098 WritingBasicsENG-099 WritingEssentials ENG-100 BeginningComposition ENG-101 EnglishComposition ENG-102 Composition and Literature ENG-112 TechnicalWritingI ENG-114 MythologyENG-115 Literature By and About WomenENG-202 World Literature IIENG-204 British Literature IIENG-206 American Literature IIENG-209 CreativeWritingIENG-214 AppliedEnglishGrammarENG-216 EthnicVoicesinAmericanLiterature ENG-240 SeminarinEnglishStudies


FRENCHFRN-102 Elementary French IIFRN-202 Intermediate French II

GEOGRAPHYGEO-105 WorldRegionalGeography

GERMANGER-102 Elementary German II

GRAPHIC DESIGNGDT-112 ComputerGraphicsGDT-116 DigitalImaging GDT-143 DigitalLayout/PrepressGDT-215 Typography GDT-220 DigitalVideoandAudioGDT-246 GraphicDesignIIGDT-269 InternshipI

HEALTHHEA-102 Nutrition HEA-103 Personal Health HEA-105 First AidHEA-203 Personalized Approach to Mental And Physical HealthHEA-204 Health Aspects of Human Sexuality HEA-205 Sport First Aid and CPR

HISTORYHIS-101 World History I HIS-102 World History II HIS-201 United States History I HIS-202 United States History IIHIS-210 Latin American History

HUMAN SERVICESHST-103 IntroductiontoHumanServicesand Social WorkHST-201 UnderstandingDiversityintheHelping Profession HST-207 SocialWorkWithIndividualsHST-208 SocialWorkWithGroups

HUMANITIESHUM-201 TheArts:ACreativeSynthesisHUM-214 WorldReligions

INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGYINT-101 IntroductiontoIndustrialTechnologyINT-102 IntroductiontoPLCsINT-104 FacilitiesSafetyandCompliance INT-105 PlumbingandPipefittingINT-107 Heating,Ventilation,AirConditioning andRefrigeration(HVAC/R)INT-110 FundamentalsofElectricityINT-111 PumpandMotorOperationand MaintenanceINT-113 InstrumentationandProcessControlIINT-116 WeldingLayoutandFabricationINT-206 AWSWeldingCertificationPreparationINT-269 Internship

INFORMATION SYSTEMS TECHNOLOGYIST-100 ComputerBasicsIST-101 BasicKeyboarding IST-102 IntroductiontoInformationTechnology IST-103 PresentationSoftware IST-105 FundamentalsofWordProcessingIST-106 SpreadsheetSoftware IST-107 DatabaseManagement IST-108 MicrosoftOperatingSystemIST-109 UNIX/LinuxOperatingSystemIST-133 VisualBasicIST-134 IntroductiontoJAVAProgrammingIST-150 PCTech:RepairandTroubleshootingIST-151 PCTech:OperatingSystemsIST-154 NetworkingBasics IST-155 NetworkingIIST-156 NetworkingIIIST-160 IntroductiontoSecurityFundamentals IST-173 DatabaseFundamentalsIST-202 SystemsDesignandAnalysis IST-204 HelpDeskTechnology&Services IST-232 AdvancedC++ProgrammingIST-253 TCP/IP IST-255 NetworkingIIIIST-256 NetworkingIVIST-261 ServerManagementIIST-264 ServerManagementIIIST-266 ComputerForensicsII- InvestigationsPracticesIST-267 NetworkSecurity IST-269 InternshipI

MANAGEMENTMGT-103 PrinciplesofManagement

MGT-104 Marketing MGT-201 E-CommerceintheBusiness Environment MGT-203 CorporateFinance

MATHEMATICSMAT-098 Pre-Algebra MAT-099 ElementaryAlgebra MAT-100 IntermediateAlgebra MAT-101 CollegeAlgebra MAT-102 Trigonometry MAT-103 FiniteMathematics MAT-107 FundamentalConceptsofMathematicsIMAT-108 FundamentalConceptsofMathematicsIIMAT-109 IntroductiontoStatistics MAT-110 StatisticsinPractice MAT-114 IntroductiontoAppliedAlgebraMAT-161 PrecalculusMAT-164 CalculuswithApplicationsMAT-203 CalculusIMAT-204 CalculusIIMAT-205 CalculusIIIMAT-206 DifferentialEquations

MEDICAL ASSISTINGMAP-102 MedicalTerminology MAP-105 MedicalOfficeManagementMAP-108 MedicalRecordsAnalysisandCodingMAP-110 Introduction to Health Science ProfessionsandTechnologyMAP-205 DiagnosticLabProcedures for the Medical AssistantMAP-206 AdvancedCodingMAP-210 Clinical Medical AssistantMAP-211 CodingSimulationand CertificationPreparationMAP-217 Medical Assistant Externship

MUSICMUS-101 Music AppreciationMUS-102 TheHistoryofJazzMUS-103 ChoralSingingIMUS-104 ChoralSingingIIMUS-107 Jazz Band IMUS-108 Jazz Band IIMUS-128 Piano IMUS-130 Wind Ensemble IMUS-131 Wind Ensemble IIMUS-132 Contemporary Music Ensemble IMUS-133 Contemporary Music Ensemble IIMUS-134 StringEnsembleIMUS-135 StringEnsembleIIMUS-143 Aural Skills IMUS-144 Aural Skills IIMUS-168 Piano IIMUS-170 Advanced Choral EnsembleMUS-180 TheHistoryofRockandRollMUS-201 TheoryofMusicIMUS-202 TheoryofMusicIIMUS-203 AdvancedChoralSingingIMUS-204 AdvancedChoralSingingIIMUS-205 MusicSkillsfortheClassroomTeacherMUS-207 Advanced Jazz Band IMUS-208 Advanced Jazz Band IIMUS-242 TheoryofMusicIVMUS-244 AuralSkillsIV

NURSINGNUR-114 PracticalNursingThroughthe Lifespan IINUR-114C PracticalNursingThroughLifespanII: ClinicalNUR-114L PracticalNursingThroughLifespanII:LabNUR-115 PracticalNursingThrough TheLifespanIIINUR-115C PracticalNursingThroughLifespanIII: ClinicalNUR-115L PracticalNursingThroughLifespanIII:LabNUR-116 FoundationsofNursingI

NUR-117 FoundationsofNursingIINUR-117C FoundationsofNursingII:ClinicalNUR-117L FoundationsofNursingII:LabNUR-121 CertifiedNursing/GeriatricAssistantNUR-121C CertifiedNursing/GeriatricAssistant: ClinicalNUR-121L CertifiedNursing/GeriatricAssistant:LabNUR-122 Medicine AideNUR-122C Medicine Aide ClinicalNUR-126 NursingCareofWomenandInfantsNUR-126C NursingCareofWomen And Infants: ClinicalNUR-126L NursingCareofWomenandInfants:LabNUR-127 NursingCareofChildrenNUR-127C NursingCareofChildren:ClinicalNUR-127L NursingCareofChildrenLabNUR-226 BehavioralHealthNursingNUR-226C BehavioralHealthNursingClinicalNUR-226L BehavioralHealthNursingLabNUR-228 ContemporaryTrendsinNursing And LeadershipNUR-229 NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult INUR-229C NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult I: ClinicalNUR-229L NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult I: LabNUR-230 NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult IINUR-230C NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult II: ClinicalNUR-230L NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult II: LabNUR-231 NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult IIINUR-231C NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult III: ClinicalNUR-231L NursingCareoftheAcuteand Chronically Ill Adult Ii: Lab

PARALEGAL STUDIESPLS-101 IntroductiontoParalegalStudiesPHS-103 LegalWritingandDocuments PLS-104 PrinciplesofLitigationPLS-203 Domestic RelationsPHS-207 Real Estate Law

PHARMACY TECHNICIANPHR-101 IntroductiontoPharmacyTechnologyPHR-102 Pharmaceutical CalculationPHR-103 Pharmacy ApplicationsPHR-111 PharmacologyandTherapeuticsPHR-112 DispensingandCompoundingApplicationsPHR-113 Pharmacy OperationsPHR-269 PharmacyTechWorkplaceExperience

PHILOSOPHYPHL-101 Introduction to PhilosophyPHL-103 Ethics

PHLEBOTOMYPLB-105 PhlebotomyPLB-106 Phlebotomy Clinical ExternshipPLB-107 Phlebotomy Pre-Externship Review

PHYSICAL EDUCATIONPED-110 GolfPED-116 TennisPED-118 VolleyballPED-119 AdvancedVolleyballPED-127 AikidoPED-132 Yoga:BeginningPED-139 FitnessWalkingPED-141 StrengthTraining:BeginningPED-142 StrengthTraining:IntermediatePED-143 StrengthTraining:AdvancedPED-144 JoggingPED-170 IndividualAssessment:BeginningPED-171 Individual Assessment: Intermediate

2016 Spring Credit Course Listing

Classes start:Denotes classes that are also offered online

January 11 for 15-week sessionsJanuary 26 for 12-week sessionsJanuary 11 and February 16 for 10-week sessionsJanuary 11 and March 14 for 7 ½ -week sessionsJanuary 11, February 16, and March 29 for 5-week sessionsNOTE:SpringtuitionandfeepaymentsduebyDecember1Students registering after December 1 must pay their tuition and fees within 24 hours of registration.


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CAREER PROGRAMSAccountingandBusinessAdministration of Justice ADJ: Police Services Administrative Assistant ADM:AdvancedManufacturingADM: Basic ElectronicsAlternativeEnergyTechnologyAET:GeothermalEnergyInstallation

and ServiceAET:Solar/WindEnergyInstallation

and ServiceBiotechnologyCertifiedMedicineAideCertifiedNursingAssistant/ GeriatricNursingAssistant

Child Care Professional CommercialVehicleTransportation Specialist(ClassA)

CVT:TransportationAdministrationCVT:TransportationManagement ComputedTomographyImagingCustomer Service Assistant CybersecurityDentalAssistingDentalHygieneDigitalInstrumentationandProcessControlDPC:AutomationTechnologyEarly Childhood and Primary Grades


Leisure StudiesHumanServicesTechnicianIndustrialTechnologyINT:Heating,Ventilation,AirConditioning, andPlumbing

INT:WeldingandFabricationInformationSystemsTechnologyIST:ComputerForensicsIST:ComputerSupportSpecialistIST:SimulationandDigitalEntertainmentIST:SmallBusinessTechnologyMagneticResonanceImagingMammographyManagement Management:MarketingMechanicalEngineeringTechnologyMET:Computer-AidedDesign

Medical AssistantMedicalCodingandReimbursement

SpecialistNetwork AdministrationNursingParamedicEmergencyServicesPES:EMT-ItoEMT-PBridgePES: Prehospital Basic Life SupportPharmacyTechnicianPhlebotomyPolice AcademyPracticalNursingRadiographyWebandMultimediaTechnologyWEB: Web Site DevelopmentWEB: Web/Multimedia Development

TRANSFER PROGRAMSAdministration of Justice Arts and Sciences BiologyBusiness Administration Chemistry Computer ScienceCybersecurity Dance*Early Childhood EducationEducation Elementary EducationEngineeringEnglish English,SecondaryEducationForeignLanguageGeneral Studies GraphicDesignHealth,PhysicalEducation,and

Leisure Studies History Human ServicesMathematics Music ParalegalStudiesPhysics Political Science Pre-PharmacyPsychologySociologyTheaterVisualArts

*Pending MHEC Approval

• New Student Center – HCC’s newly renovated andexpandedStudentCenterisnowopen.ItishometoStudentServices,StudentActivities,andexpandeddiningandmeetingspacesforstudents.

• Quality Instruction – Most HCC faculty have advanceddegreesandtrainingorindustryexperienceintheirfieldsofexpertise.HCCrecentlymetall14standards of excellence in its review by the Middle StatesCommissiononHigherEducation.

• Affordable Tuition – Students at HCC save an averageof$20,000onthefirsttwoyearsofcollege.

• Career-Focused and Transferable Programs – HCC prepares students for careers that are in demand,throughdegrees,certificates,andlettersofrecognition,aswellastransfertofour-yearschools.

• Credit for Prior Learning – Students can earn credits for prior traditional and nontraditional education(militarytraining,standardizedexams,andpriorlearningassessment).

• Online Programs and Courses – HCC continues to add more online classes and now offers several degreeandcertificateprogramsthatcanbefinishedcompletelyonline.(Lookforthecomputericonbyonlinecoursesandprograms.)

For more information on getting started, contact HCC at:

240-500-2000www.hagerstowncc.edu Denotes programs that are also offered online

Hagerstown Community College


HCC offers high-quality education at a great price

HCC offers more than 100 programs of study


SPRING2016Hagerstown Community College

Stay close. Go far. www.hagerstowncc.edu