ia800400.us.archive.org · 2016. 4. 20. · LOCALCALLS Governmentphonesareprovidedlor...


Transcript of ia800400.us.archive.org · 2016. 4. 20. · LOCALCALLS Governmentphonesareprovidedlor...

  • S/.2/:W



  • LOCAL CALLSGovernment phones are provided lor

    official use only and are not to be used

    for making personal calls


    Bomb Threat or Other Threats Requiring Emergency Action Call:Main State— Police Office (FPS) 21814

    Annex 2 —Police Office (FPS) 21814

    Other Annexes DC —Building Office or GSA Control Center 472-1 1 1


    Other Annexes VA—Building Police Office or 557-9370Emergency Medical Assistance: Mam State (8:45-5:30) 22700

    SA-3 235-8720

    USICA (9)724-9621

    Main State (after hours): call building guard 21814

    Metropolitan Police (9) 626-2000

    or (Emergency—91 1


    Arlington Police 558-2222

    Fire—Main State—Police Office - 21814 or use alarm box or callFire Department 462-1616

    Other Annexes DC —Building Police Office or Fire Department 462-1616

    Other Annexes Va—Building Police Office or Fire Departmentand Rescue Squad 527-8900


    Dial 9.

    Dial number.


    On Centrex (Zone A)

    Dial 5-digit extension

    or dial 100 for Information.Zone A includes:Agency for International Development

    Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

    Department of Housing and Urban Development

    Department of State

    Federal Communications Commission

    National Science Foundation

    Office of Personnel Management

    Securities and Exchange Commission

    U S. International Communication Agency




    STATE WATCH OFFICERSSenior Watch Officer

    Operations Center 7516 63-21512

    Officer, Communications 5440 63-21641

    Watch Officer, Intelligence 65,10 63-22585

    Security Command Center (24 hr.) 2435 63-22412

    HOW TO



    Dial 9-61


    Transferring calls

    Depress switchhook briefly once.

    Ask operator to complete transfer.

    Conference callsDial (9)472-1208(more than 5 involved call (9) 245-3333)Give operator the details.

    On Centrex (other than Zone A)

    Dial 9.

    Dial first 2 digits of number shown in list belowDial 5-digit extension (or, for Information, dial

    number shown in list below).

    Air Force Systems Design Center 76 3-1000

    Department of Defense 69 7-01 1


    Executive Offices of the President 39 5-3000

    Naval Medical Center 29 5-1000

    Naval Oceanographic Office 76 3-1000

    Naval Reconnaissance and Technical

    Support Center 76 3-1000

    Naval Research Laboratory 76 7-2000

    U S. Capitol 22 4-3121

    The White House 45 6-1414

    White House Communications Agency 39 5-2000

    For sale by the Superintendent of Documents U S. Government Printing OfficeWashington, D C 20402


    FTS (Federal Telecommunications System) is a Govern-

    ment network of leased long-distance circuits through

    which you can make an official call to any phone in the United

    States, Puerto Rico, and Canada.

    It MUST BE USED in lieu of commercial calls except in emer-gencies or when placing toll calls of 50-cent initial rate or less

    during normal work hours.


    Dial 8 plus 7-digit number.

    (Refer to FTS Users Guide for FTS phone numbers of U S.

    Government offices).

    Official calls while traveling

    Call the FTS operator (whose number is listed in the

    U.S. Government section of the local phone directory).


    Dial 8.

    Dial area code plus number.

    (To obtain non-FTS phone numbers, dial 9, then the area

    code of the city you are calling plus 555-1 212.)

    Collect calls to commercial phones

    (When asked by a non-Government person to call

    back collect)

    Do not use FTS system.Listen for dial tone.

    Dial 90 and place call with telephone com-

    pany operator.

    To call overseas from State-AID extensions

    Dial 90 and give the operator details of

    your call plus your 7-digit number.



    From public

    For Washington numbers (extensions starling with 2):

    Dial 63 plus 5-digit extension.

    For Washington numbers (extensions starling with 3):

    Dial 52 plus 5-digit extension.

    (Passport Office)

    For Washington numbers (extensions starting with 4)

    Dial 25 plus 5-diglt extension.

    (On long-distance calls, dial area code 202 before

    dialing 25, 52 and 63.)

    For Virginia numbers (extensions starting with 5):

    Dial 23 plus 5-digit extension.

    For Virginia numbers (extensions starting with 7):

    Dial 55 plus 5-dlgit extension.

    (On long-distance calls, dial area code 703 before

    dialing 23 or 55.)

    For information:

    Dial 655-4000 (This is the information number as listed in the

    Metropolitan Washington Telephone Directory)

    From Government agencies—On Centrex (Zone A)

    Dial 5-digit extension

    or 100 for information except Saturday

    and after hours dial 0.

    On Centrex (NOT Zone A)

    For extensions starting with 2:

    Dial 63 plus 5-digit extension.

    For extensions starting with 3

    Dial 52 plus 5-digit extension.

    For extensions starting with 5:

    Dial 23 plus 5-digit extension.

    For extensions starting with 7:

    Dial 55 plus 5-digit extension.

    or 655-4000 for information

    (For information, see Section 1400.)

  • GENERAL INFORMATION(Telephone Information— Dial 100)


    (Night service only 5:00 p m to 9:00 a m - and weekendsfulltime except as noted)

    Guard Headquarters 21814

    State Department Building

    22d & C St Main Entrance*(8:00 a m - 5:30 p.m.) 234615:30 p.m. - 8:00 a m 2846622d & D St North Entrance

    *(7:00 - 8:00 a m., 5:45 - 9:00 p.m.) 23577

    *(8:00 a m. - 5:45 p.m.) Mon-Fri 23598

    *21 st St. Entrance (until 1:00 a m.) 23568

    *23d St Entrance 20301

    'Code Room (Rm 5440) 20837Basement Garage

    *C St. Ramp Entrance 29021*21 st St Ramp Entrance 21188*22 & D St. (North Ramp) 23431

    State Annex

    *No. 2 (51 5-22d St. NW) 22941

    No. 3 (1400 Key Blvd., Arl., Va.) (9) 235-8810-11

    No. 4 (8400 Terminal Rd„ Newington, Va (9) 339-6618

    No. 6 (1701 N. Ft Myer Dr.

    Arl., Va.) (9) 235-1679, (9) 235-9458

    No. 7 (7958 Angus Court,

    Springfield, Va.) (9) 445-2724, (9) 451 -8288

    No. 10(1717 H St. NW)Lobby 4 p.m. - 8 a.m 634-3285

    8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sats., Suns., and Holidays 634-3285

    No. 12 (1975 Florida Ave, NW) 20039No. 15(1800 N. Kent St., Arl., Va.)

    (9) 235-9262, (9)235-9319

    No. 17 (1425 K St NW) (9) 523-4305, (9) 523-4383No 18 Rosslyn Plaza Bldg. C

    (1 601 N. Kent St„ Arl., Va.) (9) 235-8907

    Rosslyn Plaza Bldg. E

    (1621 N Kent St., Arl., Va.) (9) 235-9632


    State Field Office rm. 1481 State

    State, SA-1 and SA-2 20186

    Rosslyn Field Office rm. 126 Architect Bldg.

    SA-3, SA-6, SA-7, SA-8, SA-1 1 . SA-14, SA-1 5, SA-16,

    SA-1 8 (9)694-4394

    Lafayette Field Office rm. 350, 2000 K St. NWSA-10, SA-1 7, SA-1 9 (also IVIS

    and THIS) (9)653-6256

    Rock Creek Field Office Bldg 1 1 rm. 2016

    21 20 L St., NW SA-5,SA-1 2 (9)254-3360

    Alexandria Field Office

    2461 Eisenhower Ave., Alexandria, Va. SA-4 557-0615

    Columbia Pike Field Office, 1032 FB2; Navy Annex

    Columbia Pike, SA-1 3 (9) 694-2177


    Immunization Clinic rm 2313 23578


    1776 Pa Ave., rm. 1163 (9) 724-9621

    105 SA-3 (9)235-8720

    Health Unit, rm 2313 29546

    (Note: All State Annexes serviced by above

    health unit with the following exceptions)

    'No answer call 21814

    SA-3 rm 105 (9) 235-8720

    Rosslyn Area (AID only)

    1 15 PP (9) 694-4265 Of 694-4545

    SA-10 1008 GSA 18 & F 183-6631SA-1 2 rm. 540 (AID only) 20061

    Emergency After Office Hours Call Building Guard

    (Accidents Only)

    Providence Hospital. 12th & Varnum St NE 269-4000(Eye Injuries)

    Washington Hospital Center,

    110 Irving St NW 541-6731


    Senior Watch Officer

    Operations Center 7516 63-21512

    Officer, Communications 5440 .63-21641 or 23551

    Watch Officer, Intelligence 6510 63-22585

    Watch Officer. Security 2435 63-22412


    Telephone Information 100

    Chief Operator (9) 472-4834

    FTS code 8

    Telephone Repairs 9-611

    Installations, Moves, and Disconnections

    To facilitate and expedite above services, forms should be

    prepared and forwarded to the offices indicated

    AID 274 SA-1 1 (Form AID5-7)

    State 1493 (Form DS-1659)

    Telephone Directory


    AID 274 SA-1 1

    State 1493


    Directory Changes (to be reported promptly—

    after installations, moves, and disconnections

    have been made—to the offices indicated):AID 274 SA-1 1 (SF 146)

    State 1493 (Form DS-180)


    AID B-927

    State B-844F

    (9) 235-9820






    The Department of State in Washington (with the

    exception of the Passport Office) and letter

    mail and packages 2 lbs. or less to Foreign

    Service posts 20520

    The Passport Office (Mail Stop No 35) 20524"All U S Foreign Service Posts for packages

    over 2 lbs., magazines and newspapers 20521

    ACTION 20525Agency for International Development (AID) 20523

    Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) 20527

    U S Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

    (ACDA) 20451

    U S International Communication Agency

    (USICA) 20547

    U S Mission to the United Nations (USUN) 10017

    "To determine other zip codes call 245-4000 or consult your

    National Zip Code Directory

  • Ill

    Organizational Directory

    DEPARTMENT OF STATE (Section 300):Administration, Bureau of (A) 325

    African Affairs, Bureau of (AF) 314

    Comptroller (M/COMP) 331

    Congressional Relations, Bureau of (H) 309

    Consular Affairs, Bureau of (CA) 323

    Counselor of the Department (C) 306

    Deputy Secretary, Office of the (D) 301

    East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Bureau of (EA) 316

    Economic Affairs, Under Secretary for (E) 303

    Economic and Business Affairs, Bureau of (EB) 319

    Equal Employment Opportunity Office (M/EEO) 329

    European Affairs, Bureau of (EUR) 317

    Foreign Service Institute (M/FSI) 327

    Fluman Rights and Humanitarian Affairs,

    Bureau of (HA) 313

    Inspector General (S/IG) 308

    Intelligence and Research, Bureau of (INR) 320

    Inter-American Affairs, Bureau of (ARA) 315

    International Organization Affairs, Bureau of (10) 321

    International Narcotics Matters, Bureau for (INM) 324

    Legal Adviser (L) 312

    Management, Under Secretary for (M) 305

    Management Operations (M/MO) 328

    Medical Services (M/MED) 330

    Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs,

    Bureau of (NEA) 318

    Oceans and International Environmental and

    Scientific Affairs, Bureau of (OES) 322

    Bureau of Personnel (M/DGP) 326

    Policy Planning Staff (S/P) 307

    Political Affairs, Under Secretary for (P) 302

    Politico-Military Affairs, Bureau of (PM) 310

    Public Affairs, Bureau of (PA) 311

    Refugee Programs, Office of (RP) 324A

    Secretary, Office of the (S) 300

    Security Assistance, Science and Technology

    Under Secretary for (T) 304



    (Section 450)


    Administrator, Office of the (A/AID) 501

    Africa, Bureau for (AFR) 518

    Asia, Bureau for (ASIA) 519

    Auditor General, Office of the (AG) 507

    BIFAD Support Staff 504

    Development Support, Bureau for (DS) 516

    Equal Opportunity Programs, Office of (EOP) 512

    Executive Secretary, Office of the (ES) 502

    Financial Management, Office of (FM) 513

    General Counsel, Office of the (GO) 510

    Intergovernmental and International Affairs,

    Bureau for (IIA) 514

    Latin America and the Caribbean, Bureau for (LAC) 520

    Legislative Affairs, Office of (LEG) 508

    Near East, Bureau for (NE) 521

    Personnel Management, Office of (PM) 511

    Private and Development Cooperation,

    Bureau for (PDC) 517

    Program and Management Services,

    Bureau for (SER) 515

    Program and Policy Coordination,

    Bureau for (PPC) 506

    Public Affairs, Office of (OPA) 509

    Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization,

    Office of (SDB) 505

    Technological Cooperation Planning Office,

    Institute for 503





    ACTION(Section 800)


    Directory of Services 100

    Alphabetical Directory 200

    Organizational Directory:

    Department of State 300

    Sinai Support Mission 400

    International Development Cooperation

    Agency 450

    Agency for International Development 500

    Overseas Private Investment Corporation 550

    U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament

    Agency 600

    U.S. International Communication Agency 700

    Board for International Broadcasting 750

    ACTION 800

    Country Officers 900

    Commissions, Committees, and

    Advisory Groups 1000

    Department of State

    Field Offices 1100

    Liaison Offices in the Department of State 1200

    Chanceries 1300

    Government Information Numbers

    Office Hours, Mail Stops 1400

    Office Symbols 1500

    Section numbers have been assigned to each major part

    of the Telephone Directory (Directory of Services 100,

    Alphabetical Directory 200, Department of State 300,

    etc.) The section numbers for State, AID, and USICA are

    further broken down (300, Office of the Secretary, 305,

    Under Secretary for Management; 501, Office of the

    Administrator, 51 4, Bureau for Program and Management

    Services) to serve as a means of cross-reference from

    the Office Symbol list to the Organizational part of the



    When You Receive a Telephone Call

    ANSWER AS PROMPTLY AS POSSIBLE.Try to answer before second ring

    After you have picked up the receiver, do not continue

    to talk to someone else in the office

    IDENTIFY YOURSELF WHEN ANSWERING."Mr. /Ms Brown's office, Mr /Ms. Andrews.”

    SPEAK DISTINCTLY AND PLEASANTLY,Hold mouthpiece well up in front of lips.

    AVOID TRITE OF ABRUPT PHRASES.“Who's calling?" . . . "Just a moment"

    "He's/She's busy," . "He's/She's in conference."

    "He's/She's tied up." . . . "He's/She's not in."

    VOLUNTEER THE "WHEREABOUTS ANDWHENABOUTS" OF AN ABSENT PERSON."He/She can be reached in Mr. /Ms. Jones' office. .


    Extension 2094."

    "He/She is out of the building until 3 o’clock."

    "May I locate him/her and ask him/her to call you?"

    VOLUNTEER YOUR OWN ASSISTANCE."Is there something I could do?”

    "Could I help you? ... or anyone else?"

    REQUEST IDENTITY OF CALLER ONLY WHENNECESSARY, AND IN A TACTFUL MANNER."May I tell Mr. /Ms. Jones who is calling?"“May I ask who this is please?"

    EXPLAIN OFF-THE-LINE DELAYS."It's in the files—Can you wait a moment?Or would you prefer for me to call you back?”

    TAKE MESSAGES WILLINGLY.Write essential details on a suitable message form;deliver promptly.


    AVOID LEAVING A CALLER ON HOLD FOR LONGPERIODS.Check periodically and explain the delay.

    When You Make a Telephone Call

    PLAN AN EFFECTIVE CONVERSATION.Get your thoughts in order before calling

    PLACE THE CALL YOURSELF, EXCEPT IN SPECIALCIRCUMSTANCES.Make sure you are on the line ready to talk when the

    called person is reached


    Consult your directory or personal number list


    IDENTIFY YOURSELF IMMEDIATELY TO THE FIRSTPERSON ANSWERING."This is Mr./Ms Johnson May I speak to Mr MsHodges please?"

    IDENTIFY ALSO, WHEN HELPFUL, YOUR OFFICEAND PURPOSE IN CALLING."Mr /Ms. Brown, in Accounts returning Mr MsGreen’s call








    Honolulu 5 AMSan Francisco 7 AMSalt Lake City 8 AMSt. Louis 9 AMWashington 10 AMLondon 4 PMBerlin 4 PMMoscow 6 PMTokyo Midnight

  • V Section 100


    Addressing (Mechanical) (See Distribution Services)

    Advertising boards (State) 1489 23636

    Air conditioning repairs 20186


    AID B-460 28384


    Distribution B-872 20874

    Dispatch (FAIM/IAP) 1239 20542

    Receipt (FAIM/IAP) 29268

    Retrieval Service (FAIM/IS) 1239 20420

    Allotment of Funds (State) 1331 20998

    Allowance and Differential Regulations and Rates

    State (A/ALS) (9)235-9521

    American Federation of Government Employees

    2665 (9) 223-2087

    American Foreign Service Assn

    3646 (9) 293-3806 or 281 60

    2101 ESt (9) 338-4045 or 29672

    Archives Liason (See Liaison (State))

    Arrests of Americans Abroad

    4807 25225

    Art in Embassies (A/ART) B-258 21634

    Association of American Foreign Service Women(AAFSW) 1248 23573

    Audio Visual Services

    AID B-930 28378

    State B-258 21082

    Auditorium (East) (Capacity 200) 2925D 21701

    (West) (Capacity 801 ) 2403/2604 28206

    Authentications (Documents) (FAIM/IS/ ATH) . 20406

    2813 (Enter 2815)

    (Hours 9:00 AM to 1 1 :00 AM and 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM)Automobiles (Official) (See Motor Transportation)



    Awards Committee Secretariat 1 00 SA-2 22954

    Incentive Awards Branch 100 SA-2 22954


    Awards Board Secretariat (Honor Awards)

    2803 23412

    Length of Service 1 822 22283

    Banking Facilities (American Security Bank)

    1442 (9)624-4750

    (Hours 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM Monday through Friday)Barber Shop B-233 20938

    (Hours 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM Monday— Friday)Births of Americans Abroad

    CA/OCS/CCS/EUR 481 1 23444CA/OCS/CCS/ARA 4817 23712CA/OCS/CCS/EA 4817 23675CA/OCS/CCS/AF 481 7 24994CA/OCS/CCS/NEA 481 7 24994Copes of Birth Reports

    (PPT/S/PC) 523-4328

    Blood Donor Program (AID) 100 SA-2 22954

    Blood Donor Program (State) 22283

    Blueprint Documents (Routing of) B-461 (AID) 28392

    Board for International Food and Agriculture

    Development 2246 27937

    Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service

    7314 SA-15 (9) 235-9392

    Board of the Foreign Service 21060

    Bookstore, GPO 2817 21437(Hours: Mon thru Fri 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)

    Briefings, Public (See Public Briefings-East Auditorium)

    Budget Planning and Presentation 1 332 20684

    BUILDING GUARDS (See page n)3360 Rosslyn Group (SA-3,SA-6, SA-7, SA-8, SA-1 1 , SA-1 4, SA-15.

    SA-16 and SA-1 8) 126 Architect Bldg (9) 694-4394

    SA-3 (lights, air conditioning, elevators) (9) 694-4394

    Buildings, State (Overseas)

    Office of Foreign Buildings 335-D SA-6 (9) 235-9491

    Area Offices:

    E/AF (9)235-9487W/AF (9) 235-9488ARA (9)235-9495EA (9) 235-9502

    E/EUR (9) 235-9476W/EUR (9)235-9477NEA (9)235-8311(AID 3312) 23964

    Interior Design and Furnishings Branch

    41 1 SA-6 (9) 235-9440

    Buildings Design

    327-C SA-6 (9) 235-951


    Architectural Operations 327-B SA-6 (9) 235-9508

    Engineering Operations 327-E SA-6 (9) 235-9510

    Management 426 SA-6 (9)235-2814

    Contract Operations 412 SA-6 (9) 235-9445

    Construction and Maintenance Division

    324 SA-6 (9)235-2805

    Burn Material (See Classified Waste)

    Businessmen. Assistance to (Office of

    Commercial Affairs EB/CTA/OCA) 23295Cafeteria (State building)

    Kitchen (incl. night service) 21388

    Office 22262

    Campaigns (State):

    Combined Federal 1822 22283

    Savings Bonds 1 822 23764

    Cashier's Office

    AID 635 SA-1 2 20071

    State 1258 23562

    Hours Daily: AM: 9:30 to 1 2:00: PM: 1 :30 to 4 30

    Charts (See Graphics)

    Chauffeur Service (See Motor Transportation)

    Check Distribution

    AID 491 4A 20071

    State (Foreign Service) 1258 23562

    Children's Waiting Room (OPR/ESC) 2258 22348Civil Defense Coordinator

    AID 270 SA-1 1 (9)235-9820

    State 1252 20268

    Claims, Personal Property 1873 21926

    Classification (Position)

    AID 123 SA-2 28566

    State (PER/PPM) 4419 23205

    State-Foreign Service

    (PER/PPM) 441 9 23205

    Classified Waste

    AID B461 28392

    State 1489 21220

    Disposal Stations:

    1525A 4525A 7525A

    2525A 5525A

    3525A 6525A

    Combined Airlines Reservations Office (See Travel)

    Commissary and Recreation (A/OPR) 1417 20588

  • 100 Directory of Services v i

    Committees (Information on) 23470

    Communications & Records Service Centers (AID)

    C&RSC ROOM PHONE TUBE CLOSES41 2676 NS 21568 C-5 5:20

    42 3659 NS 22000 B-5 5:20

    #3 6678 NS 28607 C-1 5:20

    44 3209 NS 29052 H-4 5:20

    45 6258 NS 22463 D-8 5:2046 536 SA-12 20151 5:20

    48 305RP (9) 235-8921 5:20

    MAIL RM B-461 NS 28392 C-6 5:20

    (See also Tube Stations (AID)

    Communications Watch Officer (See Watch Officers.

    General Information, page ii)

    Community Meetings on Foreign Policy 22234, 28840

    Conference Room Reservations 1 493 23636Conferences, International (State)

    Administrative Staff 21306

    Documents & Archives 2251


    Information 21271

    Office of the Chief 20384

    Program Staff 21271

    Conferences on Foreign Policy, Public 21710 or 28661

    Congressional Correspondence


    Receipt and Record (FAIM/IAP) 1239 20621

    Congressional Documents

    AID (LEG) 2895 21284

    State 22536

    (Distribution extra copies & return of surplus B-845)

    Congressional Liaison (AID) 28191

    Congressional Relations (State) 22163 or 28774

    Congressional Reports (H) 7251 21608

    Consular Conventions/Treaties 4800 23732

    Consular Districts, Geographic delimitations (State) 22156

    Consular Services, Special

    (See directly under subjects: i.e,Deaths, Foreign Estates,

    Property, Repatriation, etc.)

    Contracts (See Procurement Information)

    Correspondence Handbook (FAIM/DIR) B-266 27969

    Correspondence Information

    AID Administrator’s 5665 28612

    State 7241 21295

    Correspondence Processing (State) 28682

    Cost Reduction Reports (State) 21407

    Courier Service (State) 44A30 (See also Pouch)

    After Office Hours. Sat. & Sun 21641

    During Office Hours 21198

    Credit Unions

    Lafayette Federal Credit Union (AID)

    Accounting 3725 466-5335

    Loans 3441 466-4711

    (Hours Daily: 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM)Imperial Bldg. Br. rm. 522 653-6871

    (Hours: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM Tuesday & Friday only)State 1827 (9) 558-8000

    (Hours Daily: 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM.except on Thursdays 9:30 AM— 4:30 PM)

    Cryptographic Security 6442 (State) 23026

    Customs Clearance (Official) B-461 (AID) 28392

    Customs Liaison (See Liaison (State))

    Data Processing 725 SA-12 (AID) 20122

    State 22278

    Deaths of Americans Abroad 4807 25225

    Death Reports Only (PPT) 368 SA-1 7 523-4328

    Department Duty Officer, Operations Center 21512

    Differential Regulations and Rates

    State (A/ALS) (9)235-9521

    Dining RoomsAssistant Secretary 8th FI 23689

    Executive 2nd Fl Rm 2722 22288Diplomatic Notes

    Delivery. Receipt and Record (FAIM/IAP) 1239 20621

    Diplomatic Pouch Information (See pouch Service information

    Diplomatic Rooms See Tours)

    Directives Issuances

    AID (MP/TWO) 1058 29762State (FAIM/DIR) B-266 23602

    Directory (Floor) AID 2941 28716

    State 1489 23636

    Disaster Assistance (Foreign) 1 9A09 28924

    Distribution Services

    AID B-927 28410

    (Notices - Forms - Manual Orders)

    Over the Counter Service B656

    State B-844 F 22518

    Documents-UN. Request for 27992

    Drafting iSee Graphics)

    Duplicating & Reproduction Services

    AID B-930 28376

    Self-Service (AID) B-930

    State 1758B (Tube B-6) 29522

    Short-Order Stations:

    No. 1 rm. 1420 (Hours 8 45 AM to 5:30 PM)No. 2 rm. 7241 (Hours 7:30 AM to 12:15 AM)No 3 rm. C-2 SA-3 (Hours 8:45 AM to 5:30 PM)No. 4 rm. 1758 (Hours 7:30 AM to 12:15 AM)

    Duty Officers (names, extensions, room numbers)

    Call Senior Watch Officer. Operations Center 7516 21512

    Editorial Services See under Publications

    Employee Counselor 100 SA-2 (AID) 22954

    Employee Services Center 1252 23432

    Employee Suggestions

    AID 100 SA-2 22954

    State 2803 23412

    Employment Information

    AID/Overseas 111 SA-2 20132

    AID/Washington 111 SA-2 22964

    State 281 5 20580


    Junior Officer 731 4, SA-1 5 (9) 235-9246

    Lateral Officer 7314, SA-1 5 (9) 235-9392

    Equal Employment Opportunity Officers

    (ACDA) rm 5534 23530

    (AID) rm 2664 27996

    (State) rm 3214 29294

    EEO Counselors

    Abdulmalik, April B (SA) 7428 23136

    Cantu, Mario (ARA/EX) 3260 21694

    Carter, Dora L (H) 7261 21050

    Carter, Joseph H (M/FSI) 912 SA-3 (9)235-8789

    Celmons, Nellie E (M/MED) 2313 29546

    Collins, Dorothy W (PER/ER) 1822 22283Cox, Ida M (CA/PPT) 216SA-17 (9)532-4369Dawson, Ruby (REE/REC) 7806 SA-1 5 (9)235-9372

    Davenport, Harold E (A/OC/T) 5440 21640

    Debernard. Shirley (OES/OFA) 5801 22337

    Dewitt, Martha (EA/J) 4210 23152

    Ellerbe, Charles (PER/MGT) 1329 22784

    Freeman, Carol A (RP/EX) 500 SA-2 22822

    Gaston. Elizabeth M S (S) 7226 29572Gonzales. Rosalia (L/HR) 5527A 23045

    Gramck, Robert E (S/IG) 2317 20152

    Hawkins, Antonia B (S/S-EX) 7517 21287

    Holland, Charles (A/SY/DO) 3811 21621

  • V 1 1 Directory of Services 100

    Houston, Bobbie (A/ALS) 505 SA-6 (9)235-8049

    Jimney, Richard (OPR/FMAS) B-258 21082Johnson, Barbara (M/COMP) 1129 28143Johnson, David L (CA/VO/P) 600 SA-2 21970

    Jones, Nadine (M/FSI) 1015 SA-3 (9)235-8794

    Kelly, Diane (PA/PP/C) 5831 22406

    Laase, Paul L (EUR/RPE) 6430 23026

    Lark, Mary Lou (EB/ORF) 3529 29410

    Lassiter, Mary (OES) 7831 21511

    Lundstrom, Edward N (INR/LAR) 6747 22759Mayo, Audrey P (PER/ER) W119 SA-1 25329McAdoo, Scott D (M/COMP) 6104 SA-1



    McKinnon, Charles L (IO/EX/OB) 5333 21017

    Meyer, Nancy (CA/PPT) 1821



    Minor, Gwendolyn (OES/SCT) 4330 23499

    Parker, Santa W (INR) 6535 20342Ramirez, Jose M (M/FSI) 600 SA-3 (9)235-8827Smith, Sandra (PER/MGT) 2137 28116

    Stack, Rose C (AF/EX) 3517 20852Thounhurst, Deborah (L/EA) 6427 22287

    Ulmer, Sandra Y (EUR) 6226 21567Williams, Izella H (AF/W) 4250 22638

    Equipment and Supplies

    Expendable Supplies

    GSA Retail Store B-239 State 23181GSA Retail Store SBA-22 1900 E St NW 566-0580Purchase Items

    AID 280 SA-11 (9) 235-9813

    State SA-7 78995

    Supply Rm (Warehouse) (AID) 70197Non-Expendables: Furniture, equipment, etc.

    AID Warehouse 70197

    State SA-7 78995

    Repairs (See Repairs of Building Services, Minor)

    Estates of Americans Abroad

    CA/OCS/CCS/EUR 4811 23444CA/OCS/CCS/ARA 4817 23712CA/OCS/CCS/EA 481 7 23675CA/OCS/CCS/AF 4817 24994CA/OCS/CCS/NEA 4817 24994


    AID B-930 28389

    State B-258 21082

    Family Liaison Office (M/FLO) 121 6A 21076Family Workshop (FS) 400 SA-3 (9) 235-8784

    FARA (See Foreign Affairs Recreation Association)Federal Register Liaison (See Liaison (State))

    Files (See Records)

    Film Library (PA/ PC) 4827a 26575

    Film Loan Library B-930 (AID) 28378

    Fine Arts Committee 8213 20298

    Foreign Affairs Executive Seminar,

    General Information 331 6A SA-1 5 (9)235-9279Foreign Affairs Information

    Management Center (OPR/FAIM) 1239 20420

    Foreign Affairs Recreation Association

    (FARA) Office 2928

    (Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM)Service Center (Mon thru Fri 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM) 21928General Manager 23574

    Housing Manager 22839

    Merchandising Manager 22263

    FARA Stores 21628(Hours: 8:15 AM to 4:15 PM)1776 Pa. Ave Store (Basement) (9) 724-9929

    (Hours: 8:15 AM to 4:00 PM)

    Foreign Currencies (M/COMP/FC) 1328 29314Foreign Estates (See Estates of Americans Abroad) 22617

    Foreign Reporting Combined International

    FAIM (CIRP) 1239 (State) 20697

    Foreign Service, Board of Examiners (See

    Board of Examiners for the Foreign Service)

    Foreign Service Club 2101 E St (9)338-5730

    Foreign Service Grievance Board 430 SA-6 235-9862

    Foreign Service Inspections

    Inspector General 6821 23320

    Inspectors 2317 20152

    Foreign Service Institute Registrar 100 SA-3 (9) 235-8727

    and Student Messages (9) 235-8727

    Foreign Service Journal 2101 E St (9)338-4045

    Foreign Service Lounge 1252 23432

    Foreign Service National (FSN) Personnel

    State (PER/ER/FN) W1 19 SA-1 23800Foreign Service Protection Assn

    1750 Pa Ave (9)393-4220



    Design & Control (DM/IM) 714 SA-12 20084Distribution & Stock B-927 28410


    Design & Control (FAIM/DIR) B-266 23538Freedom of Information Act:

    AID 3316 21850

    State (FAIM /IS) 1239 28484

    Furnishings, Interior Design (See Buildings, Foreign Service)

    Geographer, Office of the 8742 22022

    GPO Bookstores:2817 21437

    (Hours: Mon thru Fri 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)120 1776 Pa Ave 29668

    (Hours: Mon thru Fri 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM: 2 45 PM to 5:00 PM)Graphics

    AID B-930 28378

    State B-258 21082

    Grievances, Civil Service 2421 22508

    Grievances, Foreign Service 6217 22751

    GSA Self-Service Store (See under Equipment & Supplies)GUARDS (See page ii)Health Benefits

    AID (SER/PM) 100 SA-2 22954

    State (PER/ER) 22241

    HEALTH UNIT (See Medical Staff)Heating Repair 20186

    Housing Office and AAFSW Desk 1248 23573Identification Unit 1258 (State) 23212

    Illustrations (See Graphics)

    Income Tax Referral (State) 1822 22283

    Information (FAIM/LR)

    External Sources 20486

    Retrieval Services (Telegrams, Airgrams, and Official

    Communications) 20420

    INR Intelligence Reports 6535 (State) 20518

    Inquiries (AID)

    Press and Media 4893 28332

    Public 2849 21850 or 28534

    Intelligence Watch Officer (See Watch Officers, page n)

    International Center Project (STATE) 1890 29540

    Interpreting Services (See Language Services)

    Joint Regulations Board STATE/AID/USICA B-266 23603Language Laboratory (M/FSI) 602 SA-3 (9) 235-8827

    Language Services (Requests for)

    Interpreting Service

    State 2212 23492

    Translations 221 4A 22201 or 21466Language Testing Unit (State) 906 SA-3 (9)235-8802

  • 100 Directory of Services v i i i

    Language Training and Testing (AID) (9) 235-9094

    Leave Regulations. Interpretation ol, 1822 20191

    Legal Services Abroad

    CA/OCS/CCS/EUR 4811 23444CA/OCS/CCS/ARA 4817 23712CA/OCS/CCS/EA 4817 23675CA/OCS/CCS/AF 4817 24994CA/OCS/CCS/NEA 4817 24994

    Length of Service 1822 23764

    Liaison (State)

    (See also Liaison Offices in the Dept of State

    in main Directory)

    Archives Liaison (FAIM/IS) 1239 20420

    Customs Liaison 23170 or 22614

    Federal Agency Liaison (abroad)

    1803 (State) 29291/29350

    Federal Register Liaison (FAIM/DIR) B-266 27968

    GAO Liaison (M/COMP/EX) 1328 (State) 22320Public Liaison (See Public Liaison)

    Library & Reference Services (FAIM/LR) 3239

    Binding 24870

    Circulation 21099

    Commercial Library Program 2442C 22739

    Information & Reference 20486Interlibrary Loan 20535

    Purchase Orders 22661 or 22739

    Renewal Requests 28347

    Library Services, Other

    ACDA Library 8th FI SA-6 (9)235-9550Documentation Center (INR/XR) 432 SA-6 (9) 235-9420

    Foreign Service Institute Library 300 SA-3 (9) 235-8717

    PER Library 1826 23846

    Reference Center (AID) 1656 29345

    Life Insurance

    AID (SER/PM) 22954

    State (PER/ER) 22241

    Lights Repair 20186

    Local Personnel (See Foreign Service National (FSN) Personnel)

    Lock Repairs (State, ACDA) 22275Locksmith (for Security Containers only) B-240 22275

    5:30 PM-8:45 AM 21815Lost and Found Articles-Guard Office 21814

    Machines (See Equipment & Supplies)

    Mail Service Information (See also Pouch)


    Receipt, Distribution & Dispatch B-461 28392

    Registered B-461 28392


    Domestic Mail B-528 21090

    Foreign Service Mail B-528 22936

    Mail Directory Locator Service B-528 22243

    Mailing List Changes (See Distribution Services)

    Manpower Utilization Reports (State) 21150

    Manuals and AID Issuances (MP/TWO) (9) 235-2386Map ServicesMap Cartography & Evaluation 22156Published Maps (Requests for) 6845 21079

    Marriage to Aliens & Naturalization 2137 29432

    Medical Staff

    Alcohol Awareness Program Coordinator 3818 21843

    Appointments (Physical Examinations) 2906 23642

    Claims 2254 23606

    Clearances 2254 23595

    Domestic Program 2906 21580

    Drug Abuse Program Coordinator 2906 22868

    Emergency Medical Assistance 2313 22700

    Evacuations 2906 28122

    Health Unit FSI 105 SA-3 (9) 235-8720

    Health Unit Main State 2313 29546

    EMERGENCY ONLY 22700Health Unit Rosslyn Area

    (AID only) 1 1 5 PP (9) 694-4265 or 694-4545

    Health Unii USlCA 1 163 1776 Pa Ave (9) 724-9621Hospital Admissions 2906 21197

    Immunizations 231 3 23578

    Overseas Program 2906 28122

    Merit Promotion Program (Civil Service) 2421 27151

    Message Centers

    SYMBOL ROOM TUBE OPENING TIME PHONEACDA 5672 C-2 23645AID See Communications and Records Service Centers)

    OPIC 713 B/T 27776


    AF 3430 G-2 6:45 21275

    ARA 6258 D-8 800 22462C 7241 C-2 8:00 23836CA 4818 K-6 8:00 22843CMC 7310 E-4 8:00 21647D 7241 D-2 8:00 23836DG/PER 2810 K-7 8:00 22092 or 22093E 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    EA 6310 E-5 5:45 29551

    EB 5818 K-2 7:00 22611

    EUR 6511 J-6 7:00 20738FAIM 1239 G-4 7:00 29569

    FAIM/IS 1239 J-5 8:45 20420

    FAIM/LR 3239 J-1 845 23609FAIM/PS 1758 B-6 8:45 29522

    FS 6314 SA-15 815 (9) 235-9323

    FSI 912 SA-3 8:45 (9) 235-8793

    H 7258 D-5 8:45 21612

    INR 6510 J-4 8:45 21425

    10 6319 E-1 7:15 20847

    L 6417 H-1 8:00 22168 or 20644

    M 7241 D-2 8:00 23836M/DG 2810 K-7 8:00 22092 or 22093M/MED 2256 D-6 8:00 29801NEA 6243 D-3 5:45 20626 or 21681OC 4430 G-1 7:45 23120OES 7818 K-1 8:45 20589OIC 1430 G-3 7:45 20781

    P 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    PA 6810 K-5 7:00 22224

    S/CPR 1238 J-9 8:45 22663

    S 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    S/S-l 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    S/S-M 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    S/S-0 7241 D-2 800 23836

    S/S-S 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    SCS 1810 K-6 7:15 23638SY 2428 G-9 8:45 20634

    T 7241 D-2 8:00 23836

    VO 713 SA-2 8:45 21912

    Messenger Service

    AID B-461 28392

    State B-528 21 090 or 20731

    Mail Delivery or Pick-up Points

    Floor Room1st 1437

    2nd 2437

    4th 4437

    5th 5437

    6th 6437

    7th 7437

    SA-6 427







    (9) 235-9434

  • IX Directory of Services 100

    Motor Transport Branch (GS) (State) 21012

    Motor Transportation

    AID cars B-461 28392

    State cars B-229 21672

    State trucks B-229 21012

    Moving (Office Equipment)

    AID 274 SA-1 1 (9)235-9820

    State B-235 21220

    Munitions Control (PM/MC)

    Case Status and General Information SA-6 (9) 235-9773

    Publications Distribution (9) 235-9770

    Registration Information (9) 235-9770

    National Organizations Information (P/PS/OL) 5825 20772

    NATO Sub-registry 5430 22188Newsletter, Dept of State 451 5 2201 9/21 743

    Newsstand 21st St Lobby-Mr Taylor (9) 785-1454

    News tickers 21 07 20401

    Notaries Public

    Betty Dudley (M/FSI) 100 SA-3 (9) 235-8727

    Michael Guido (PM/PS & CD) (AID) 405 PP . . .


    (9) 235-9098

    Susan Hall (GO) (AID) 6945 28375

    Kathryn Walsh (PM/PS & CD) (AID) 465 SA-1 4 . (9)235-1197Notarials

    CA/OCS/CCS/EUR 4811 23444CA/OCS/CCS/ARA 481 7 23712CA/OCS/CCS/EA 4817 23675CA/OCS/CCS/AF 4817 24994CA/OCS/CCS/NEA 4817 24994

    Office Machine Repairs

    AID 72193

    State 22737

    Office Supplies (See Equipment & Supplies)

    Open Forum 7419 28790

    Operations Analysis (BF/OAG) 4253 22320

    Operations Center (S/S-O) Officer

    (See inside front cover) 21512

    Orientation, Washington Training Center

    (AID) 479 PP (9)235-9101

    Overseas Briefing Center (FSI) 400 SA-3 (9) 235-8784

    Overseas Schools (A/OS) 234 SA-6 (9) 235-9600

    Area Offices

    EA/AF (9)235-1757

    EUR/NEA (9)235-1763ARA (9)235-1760

    Parking Facilities

    AID 274 SA-1 1 (9)235-9820

    State 1493 23636



    Identification 402 RPE (9) 235-9727

    Properly 274 SA-1 1 (9) 235-9820


    Identification 1258 23212

    Passport Information

    AID 12A47 29275

    Passport Office 1 425 K St NW SA-1


    Basic Information (9)783-8200

    Specific Information (9)783-8170

    Diplomatic Travel Information

    (DC.) (9)523-4319

    (Va.) (9)523-4319

    Agent Employee Services Center 1258 (State)

    (Hours 1 0:00 AM to 1 2:30 PM; 1 :30 PM to 4:00 PM)Payroll

    (AID) (FM/ESD) 508 SA-12 20022

    State (COMP/FO) 6701 SA-15 (9)235-9308Per Diem

    State (COMP/FO)

    671 3A SA-15 (9) 235-9321 or (9) 235-9322

    AID (Travel) 503 SA-12 20140


    (See also items under subject, i e Awards. Employee, etc.)

    AID Employee Evaluation 311 SA2 29832

    AID Placement 412 SA-2 2001


    AID Out-placement 110 SA-2 22954

    AID/W & Overseas Files and LocatorRecords B-4 SA-2 23628

    State Personnel Locator Records

    (MGT/RMR) 1609 23686State Official Personnel Records

    (MGT/RMR) 1609 23382Photo Coverage-official functions, publicity portraits, etc.

    AID 4890 27979

    State B258 21634

    Plumbing Repair 20186

    Police (See inside front cover)

    Position Classification (See Classification Position)

    Postal Information (AID) B-461 28392

    Postal Rates & Information 22609Post Office State Dept Station Rm 2827(Hours Daily 8:30 AM to 5 PM)Pouch Service Information (See also Mail)

    AID B-461 28392

    State B-528

    Pouch Closing Information 22936

    Pouch Contents, Weights, Regulations 22619

    Classified Material

    After Office Hours & Sunday 21641During Office Hours 21198

    Saturday 23094

    Mail Directory Locator Service B-528 22243

    Unclassified Material

    After Office Hours & Sunday 21641During Office Hours 22579 or 22936

    Saturday 20882

    Presidential Commissions 22642

    . Press Releases

    AID 4893 28332

    State 2107 22492

    Press Representatives in Department of State

    American Broadcasting Co 393-7700 x384

    Agence France Presse . 861-0299

    Associated Press 833-5380

    Baltimore Sun 347-8250 x58

    Boston Globe 223-0860

    Chicago Tribune 861-0297

    CBS News 457-4417Deutsche Presse Agentur 861 -0587

    Hearst 861 -0293

    Los Angeles Times 861-0298

    Middle East News Agency 861 -0294

    Mutual Broadcasting 452-1065

    NBC News 686-4359Newsweek 223-9462

    N Y. Daily News 861-0581

    N Y. Times 862-0390

    Reuters 638-1865

    Scripps-Howard 347-7750 x62

    Time Magazine 293-4300 x240

    UPI 637-3790

    U S. News & World Report 861 -0584

    VOA 26777Wall Street Journal 862-9253

    Washington Post 334-7908

    Washington Star 484-4489

    Printing & Binding

    AID B-930 28376

    State 1843 20551

  • 100 Directory of Services x

    Privacy Act Information (AID) 2738 29614

    Privacy Act Information (State) 1239 28484

    Private Immigration Bills 22907

    Procurement Information (State)

    Contract 525 SA-6 (9) 235-9532

    Purchase 520 SA-6 (9) 235-9534

    Procurement Policy

    State 51 2 SA-6 (9)235-9528

    Property Claims (abroad) 481 1 22837

    Property Management (AID)

    AID/Overseas 214 SA-11 (9)235-9801

    AID/Washington 274 SA-11 (9)235-9820

    Protocol 1238

    Agrements 20907

    Clearance Naval Vessels & Aircraft 21034

    Customs Clearance 23170 or 22614

    Decorations 20907

    Flag Regulations 20256

    Foreign Consular Officers , 20706

    Foreign Consular & Diplomatic Employees 20605

    Foreign Diplomatic Officers 20291

    General Information 22663

    International Organizations 26716

    License Plates, Diplomatic 23271

    Official Entertainment

    (luncheons, dinners, etc.) 28999, 20256

    Official Foreign Visitors 21676

    Tax Exemptions, Diplomatic 23171

    Public Briefings-East Auditorium 22406

    Tuesday and Friday 9:30 AMPublic Information (State) 4827A

    Telephone Inquiries 26575

    Visitors Center (C Street) 2001


    Public Liaison

    Magazine & Feature Press 22352 or 22353

    Non-Governmental Organizations 22134

    Public Correspondence (PA/PC/CM) 21394

    Radio & Television 22353

    Scholar-Diplomat Seminars (PA/PP/CS) 23340

    Public Opinion Analyses

    American Opinion 23376



    “Agenda" Magazine 4898 28639

    "Front Lines" Newspaper 4898 23755

    Stock & Distribution B-927 28410

    World Development Letter 4898 28633


    Bureau of Public Affairs (PA/PC)

    Single copies: Only of PA/ PC publications 26575

    Mailing List Inquiries 5815 22634

    Quantity copies (10 or more) 25752

    Control Officer 22518

    Distribution, Extra Copies and Return of Surplus:

    Congressional Documents B-845 22536

    Regulations and Circulars B-845 21104

    Regulations and Procedures B-845 21104

    State Publications B-844F 22518

    Editorial Offices:

    Biographic Register 26513

    Bureau of Public Affairs

    Publications (PA/PC) 4831 26575

    Congressional Documents 22536

    Department of State Bulletin 20713 or 20712

    Diplomatic List 20291

    Employees of Diplomatic Missions 20291

    Foreign Consular Offices in US 20706Newsletter 451 5 22019

    Regulations and Circulars 21104

    Treaties & Other International Acts 21345 or 21736

    Editorial Services 1847 22516

    GPO Bookstores2817 21437

    (Hours Mon thru Fri 9:00 AM to 500 PM)120 1776 PaAve 29668(Hours: Mon thru Fri 9 00 AM to 2:00 PM2 45 PM to 5 00 PM)

    Printing and Binding (See Printing & Binding


    AID 282 SA-11 (9)235-9813

    State iSee Procurement Information)

    Radio and Television Services (AID) 4883 20674


    Office of the Secretary of State 7th FI 21713

    Office of the AID Administrator 5675 29030

    22d & C St Main Entrance (South Lobby) 28469

    21st St (East Lobby) 20576



    Filing System and Assistance 341 7A 28518

    Reference Center 1 656 29345

    Vault (Records Retirement) 29121

    Vital Records Relocation B-461 28392


    Filing Equipment and Supplies 1239 20491, 28806

    Foreign Service Consultation 1239 20491 28806

    Management Assistance (FAIM) 1239 20491. 28806

    Personnel Researched Reference Services

    (RER/MGT/RMR) (State) 1826 23846

    Reference Services (State)

    Department and Post Files (FAIM /IS) 1239 20420

    10 Reference and Documents 3424 27992

    Official Personnel Records (State) 23382

    Passport (PPT communications)

    260 SA-17 (9)523-4259

    (PPT research) 484 SA-17 (9) 523-4318

    Personnel Locator Records (State) 23686

    Retrieval FAIM/IS (State) 1239 20420

    Telegraph (See Telegrams)

    Visa (VO) 71 3 SA-2 21 930 or 22921 or 21 91


    Retirement and Disposition


    Boxes and Pick-up Service

    (FAIM/IS/RSC) B-242 23532

    Vital Records Relocation (FAIM/RSC) 1239 23525

    Training 21 30 23641

    Recreation Association (See Foreign Affairs Recreation


    Reference Services (See Library & Reference Services

    See also Records)

    Regulations, Manual Orders, & Circulars


    Copies (Distribution Services) B-927 28410

    Issuances (MP/TWO) (9)235-2386

    State (Foreign Service & Departmental)

    Additional Copies, Requests for B-845 21104

    Background Files (FAIM/DIR) B-266 27969

    General Information & Analysts

    (FAIM/DIR) B-266 23602

    (See also functional sublets in this Directory)

    Reimbursement, Inter-Agency

    AID 635 SA- 12 20071

    State 1133 21146

    Repairs (See also Building Services, Minor)


    Furniture, minor 274 SA-1 1 (9) 235-9820

    Machines, Warehouse 72193

  • Directory of Services 100x 1


    Furniture & Mechanical Equipment 1489 21220

    Machines, Office B-234 22737

    Safes and Filing Equipment 22880

    Telephone (See inside front cover)

    Repatriation and Financial Assistance (MEDEVAC)

    4807 25225

    Reporters, Conference

    State 21 05 21 118 or 21 119


    Interagency (FAIM/DIR) B-266 23538

    Management (FAIM/DIR) B-266 23538

    Public Use (FAIM/DIR) B-266 23538

    Representation 4811 22837

    Reproduction (See Duplicating & Reproduction Services)

    Research (non-official) in Departmental Records

    615 SA-2 21934

    Research (official) in Departmental Records (See Records)

    Research and Institutional Grants (AID) 2744 21755

    Retirement (AID) 118 SA-2 29062

    Retirement (State) 1251 23342

    Retrieval Services (See Records) 20420

    Safe Combination Changes 402 RPE (AID) (9) 235-9727

    Safety Officer

    AID 274 SA-1 1 (9)235-9820

    State 1490 20268, 21696

    Savings Bonds

    AID 508 SA-1 2 20024

    State (OF/FD/P) 6701 SA-1 5 (9)235-9303

    Schools American Overseas (A/OS) (9) 235-9600

    Schools Overseas Education Allowances

    (A/ALS) (9) 235-9466

    Seamen & Shipping

    CA/OCS/CCS/EUR 4811 23444CA/OCS/CCS/ARA 481 7 23712CA/OCS/CCS/EA 471 7 23675CA/OCS/CCS/AF 4817 24994CA/OCS/CCS/NEA 4817 24994

    Search & Rescue 4807 25225

    Secret Service, U.S. 2240 29738

    Secure Voice Operations 6442 22581

    Security (State)

    Command Center (SY/CC) 2435 22412Domestic 3811 ' 21435

    Evaluations 2424 23142

    Investigations 2418 23186

    Locksmith (for security containers only) B240 22275

    Officer 3811 21435

    Overseas 3800 23122

    Protective Security 2530 23897

    Regulations (Physical) 381 1 21621

    Washington Field Office 4th floor SA-1 5 (9) 235-9347

    Security & Law Enforcement Liaison (See Liaison (State))

    Security Regulations (Physical) (AID)

    402 RPE (9) 235-9727



    Pouch B-461 28392

    Supplies 274 SA-1 1 (9) 235-9820


    Official publications to the field B-844-F 22518

    Supplies 282 SA-1 1 (9) 235-981


    Shorthand Reporting (See Reporters, Conference)

    Space Management & Planning 1493 (State) 20516

    Space Planning 274 (AID) SA-1 1 (9)235-9820

    Speaking Arrangements:

    AID 4890 28194

    State 28840

    Speech Review (State) 22257

    Speech/Manuscript Review (AID) 3316 21850

    Suggestion Program 1822 23764

    Supply Management Policy 509 SA-6 (9) 235-9528

    Tape Transcription Service 221 2A 21102

    Taxi Reimbursement Cashier (AID):

    (FM/CAD) 635 SA-12 20071


    AID B-460 28384


    Additional Copies

    Call pertinent Message Center-

    Message Center will call OC/T 21380 or 23465Cancel Transmission

    Message Preparation and Introduction 5438 20595


    Office of the Chief 5440 23874

    Traffic Research Section 21380 or 23465

    Incoming telegrams (Garbles or corrections)

    Outgoing telegrams (Format and procedures)

    Telegraphic Facilities and Operating Hours

    Communications Center Officer 5440 21641

    Telephone Equipment Survey 1493 (State) 23636

    Telephone Services (See inside front cover)

    Teletype Service Dispatch Agents 21491

    Third Country Representation 481 1 22837

    Title & Rank 2328 28452

    Top Secret Material 5665 (AID) 28642

    Tours of the State Department 23241

    Training, Classes and Schedules (See FSI)

    Transcription of Tapes (at the expense of the

    requesting office) 21102

    Translations (See Language Services)

    Transportation Information


    Household and Effects Shipping and (Storages)

    12A43A 28282


    Incoming Household Effects & Removal from Storage

    1244 21630

    Shipment & Storage of Household Effects

    1244 21624,22087 or 20435

    Incoming Air Freight 1244 21491

    Inspections of Packing 1244 28783

    Despatch Agency Liaison 1244 22587

    Travel Advisory-Overseas (State) 23732

    Travel Information

    Advance of Funds

    AID 503 SA-1 2 20140

    Travel Advance Control

    State (COMP/FO) 671 3A SA-1 5 (9) 235-9326


    AID 1247 29275

    State (Foreign Service) 1135 27820

    Per Diem Rates (9) 235-9516 or 235-9466



    Domestic TDY 1247 23900Foreign Service Personnel 1 247 28310

    Participants (Foreign Nationals) 12A45A 23900

    Temporary Duty (International) 1247 28310

    Combined Airlines Reservations Office rm 1243 NOCombined Airlines Ticket Office rm 1241 TELEPHONE

    (Hours Daily 9:30 A M to 5:30 P.M.)Treaty Information

    Foreign (US is not a party) 20380

    United States 21345 or 21736

    Trucking Facilities B-229 (State) 21012

  • 100 Directory of Services x 1


    Tube Stations (AID)


    Mail & Mtr Br C-6 B461 28392 5:20

    SER/MO C-4 3674 29140 9:00

    See also Communications and Records Service Center

    Tube Stations (State) (See Message Centers)

    Typewriter Repair

    AID 72193

    State (OPR) 22737

    Uniform Directives

    (STATE/AID/USICA) (FA/M/DIR) B-266 23603

    University Relations (AID) 509 SA-18 (9) 235-9054

    Valet Shop B-236 (9)628-3835

    (Hours Mon-Fri 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM)Visa Information:

    State 605 SA-2 21972

    Voting Officer (Overseas)

    AID 100 SA-2 22954

    State 4811 23444


    Information (State) (COMP/FO)

    6713A SA-15 (9)235-9321 or (9) 235-9322

    War Damage Claims 4811 23712Warehouse (State) SA-4 (9) 339-7005

    Warehouse (State) SA-7 78995

    Washington Finance Center (COMP/WFC)

    7705 SA-15 (9)235-9381

    Washington International Center

    1630 Crescent Place 29671

    Watch Officers (Slate) (See inside front coven

    Welfare & Whereabouts of of Americans

    abroad 4807 25225

    Women. Status of 4427 29040

  • 1 Abboud-Atwood

    A Alston Doris I 22098 1336 H2R/MCTA Alter Bernard 20466 5247 NEA/PABAlvarez Pedro (9)235-8833 500 SA-3 M/FSIAlvarez Raymond L 28988 3638 EB/OCA

    Abboud Shirley Z 23238 4817G CA/CCS Ambach Dwight R (9)235-8839 402C SA-3 M/FSIAbdulmalik April B 22056 7430 PM/P Ambre Earl A 28453 2328 PER/FCAAbell Nancy C 21488 6811 CA Ambum Gladys M 21024 6510A INR/EAPAbney Charline E (9)523-4299 260 SA-17 PPT Ames Beverley J 27689 7256 CAbraham Joanne S 20705 5826 EB/MA Ames David E 20194 1921 A/ISOAbraham Luberta 20208 7517 S/S-EX Ames Susanne S 22057 6229 EUR/RPMAbrams Arthur H 23455 5440 OC/T Amott John 22795 1239 A/CDCAbrams Arthur P (9)339-7005 SA-4 OC/P Anderegg John A 29294 3214 M/EEOAbrams Elliott T 29600 6323 10 Andersen Henry S 29039 5801 OES/OMSAbrams Manuel 23209 1239 A/CDC Andersen Paul (9)235-9344 7701 SA-15 COMP/FOAceto William F (9)235-9308 6701 SA-15 CDMP/FO Andersen Paul J 26783 1813 CA/EXAcker Ella D (9)235-9513 532 SA-6 OPR/STP Andersen Walter K 22756 4636 INR/NESAAcker Ronald L 21949 712 SA-2 CA/VO Andersen-Petrie Loralyn 20662 2204 FMAS/LSAckerman Karl D 21536 2513 A/SY Anderson A Dwight (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 WRDCOActon Benjamin (9)235-1213 1017 SA-3 M/FSI Anderson Barbara T (9)235-9377 7524A SA-15 PER/RECAdams Ashley A 78995 SA-7 OPR/STP Anderson Betsy L 21909 700 SA-2 CA/VOAdams Clifford 29570 1758 FAIM/PS Anderson Brenda M (9)235-8806 907 SA-3 M/FSIAdams Donald L 21464 6645 INR/EX Anderson Cheryl R (9)235-9240 6525 COMP/FOAdams E Avery Jr (9)235-2196 7314 SA-15 REE/BEX Anderson Christine E (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPTAdams Frank R 20705 5826 EB/MA Anderson Edward T 23989 1239 FAIM/ISAdams Janice E 21053 1841 FAIM/PS Anderson Erie (9)235-2813 422 SA-6 A/FBOAdams John H 21896 700 SA-2 CA/VO Anderson Gloria E 21963 712 SA-2 CA/VO

    Adams Juanita D 20712 4831 PA/PC Anderson Kathleen B 23385 4909 ARA/CENAdams Lisa 20614 2426 SY/DIS Anderson L Desaix 23132 6317 EA/VLCAdams Marianne L (9)235-8802 906 SA-3 M/FSI Anderson Margaret 29659 2417A PER/PCA

    Adams Michael J (9)235-9502 316 SA-6 A/FBO Anderson Sandy 21307 1509 IO/DPSAdams Preston Z 23636 1493 FMAS/GS Andre John H 21254 3527 EB/CPD

    Adams Sheryl R 23234 3800 A/EX Andres Janet 22086 6524A INR/PMA

    Adams Thomas G 23326 5428 EUR/EX Andravs Chris 22412 2436 SY/CCAdamson John Jr 20550 1849 FAIM/PS Andrews Christine R 23418 5440G OC/T

    Adkins Paul J 78995 SA-7 OPR/STP Andrews George R 21416 2809 PER/FCAAdler Ada S 22837 7532 RP Andrews Marsha L 29674 6845 INR/INCAdler Julian G 20843 1916 A/ISO Andruch Diane M 23481 2809 PER/FCA

    Adler Maureen 21695 3260 ARA/EX Andualem Mulugeta (9)235-9395 5602 SA-15 M/FSIAemi Larry R (9)523-4408 232 SA-17 PPT Angulo Charles B 29432 2137 PER/MGTAfzal Leila J 23979 7828 OES/NTS Angulo Lois G 25225 4807 CA/OCSAhem Maureen E 29441 1843 FAIM/PS Annenberg Leonore 20866 1232 S/CPRAheme Richard W 20012 7208 T Annigian Lucille 24820 7320 PM/EXAhmad Sharon E 21010 6226 EUR Anstead Philip R (9)235-9265 6104 SA-15 CDMP/FO

    Aiken Barry J 20429 5638 OC/SPP Antal Elizabeth F 23552 2906 M/MED

    Ainsworth Thomas W 20565 1239 A/CDC Antila Lucille J (9)523-4318 584 SA-17 PPTAkerman David A 20404 2418 SY/I Arakelian Mary 23449 3242 ARA/CAR

    Akins Dorothy B (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Aranha Maria Z P (9)235-8287 226 SA-6 M/FSIAlba Isaias III 20430 7258 H Arbelaez Vincent (9)235-1448 500 SA-3 M/FSIAlba Joann G 25001 W110 SA-1 FAIM/PS Arbogast John R 21043 6420 L/N

    Alberti Francesco J 22401 4908 ARA/SC Arbuckle Patricia M 22355 7527 M/MOAlbrecht Anthony C 20366 6205 EA Arcement Margaret H 27661 2830 PER/FCAAldrich George H 29793 6333 D/LOS Arcement Ned W 23326 5428 EUR/EXAlessi Victor E 21532 4495 ACDA Arenales Alfonso 24726 691 3A ARA/CHP

    Alexander Betty J 29570 1758 FAIM/PS Arensburger Dimitri 27752 2212 FMAS/LSAlexander Claire W 26551 3800 A/EX Argoff H David (9)235-1525 700 SA-3 M/FSIAlexander Gary R 23881 1331 M/COMP Arietti Michael R 23121 4224 NEA/ARP

    Alexander Georgia 25225 4807 CA/OCS Armacost Michael H 23368 6208 EAAlexander Joseph (9)235-9240 6524 SA-15 COMP/FO Armbruster James P 20595 5440 OC/TAlexander Judy 22524 4808 IO/AGR Armon Marilyn E (9)523-4318 584 SA-17 PPT

    Alexander LaVeme R 21943 713 SA-2 CA/VO Armor William D (9)235-9345 4th Fl SA-15 SY/WFOAlexander Lewis M 21428 8742 INR/GE Armour Mary C 21640 5440 OC/TAlexander M Beverly 20902 4250 AF/W Armstrong Eunice (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPT

    Alexander Norman Jr (9)235-9563 804 SA-3 M/FSI Armstrong Frances A 22160 5527A L/AR'

    Alford Carolyn S (9)235-9550 8 SA-6 ACDA Armstrong Gayle B (9)235-8806 900 SA-3 M/FSI

    Alford Dominic R (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT Armstrong Margaret R 21106 5801 OES/OMS

    Alford M Arlene 20387 8667 INR/IL Armstrong Margie M 21963 712 SA-2 CA/VO

    Alicie Geri L 71416 SA-7 OC/PE Amaudo Raymond V 25690 5806 OES/OFAAllder Lois L 21345 5420 L/T Arnett Barbara A 23455 5440 OC/T

    Allee Catherine L 21488 6811 CA Arnold Daniel (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT

    Allegrone Charles R 28859 7312 S/P Arnold Pamela I 21040 2236 SY/SAS

    Allen Burton 0 28357 8646 INR/IC Arp Merle E 23293 4824 CA/EX

    Allen Carolyn 23341 3234 ARA/ECP Arroyo Jose L 78995 SA-7 OPR/STP

    Allen Catherine C 25152 6216 M/DGP Arthur Lawrence L 22551 7802 HA

    Allen Catherine E 27661 2830 PER/PCA Artim Donald N 27769 7418 PM/SAS

    Allen Edward L 23936 B229 FMAS/GS Artis Annie M (9)235-9346 210 SA-15 SY/WFO

    Allen Edward L Sr 23936 B232 ACDA Artis Ella L (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT

    Allen Francis 0 23209 1239 A/CDC Asencio Diego C 29576 6811 CAAllen Glenn I (9)235-9363 4th FI SA-15 SY/WFO Ashley Fredrick C 27717 5315 EA/K

    Allen Huldah R 22448 6811 CA Ashworth Laura (9)523-4498 458 SA-17 PPT

    Allen Mary Jo 28774 7261 H Aslan Zaki A 27752 2212 FMAS/LSAllen Robert N 20814 7532 INR/IAA Asterious Socrates J 29198 4751A INR/SEE

    Allen Shirelle (9)235-9394 6110 SA-15 COMP/FO Athey Mary R (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT

    Allen Thomas F 73510 SA-7 SY/T Athos Janet 28715 4936 ACDA

    Aliena Sheila M 25350 4423 PER/PPM Atkins Katherine H 20152 2317 S/IG

    Allenbach Dawn M 21144 1238 S/CPR Atkins Leland K 71444 1301 SA-7 OC/PE

    Alieva Louis C 28861 5827 PA/PP Atkins Rhoda 21224 1818 PER/MGT

    Alley Gary J 79387 2306 SA-7 OC/PE Atkinson Rosemary F 22739 2442C FAIM/LR

    Alsop Frank A 72216 1406 SA-7 OC/PE Atkinson Toya (9)235-9347 4th Fl SA-15 SY/WFO

    Alspaugh Clarence H (9)235-9487 306 SA-6 A/FBO Attardo Elizabeth Ann 21875 5919 ACDAAlston Deena M 20874 B844F FAIM/PS Atwood J Brian ( 9 ) —235—8757 1207 SA-3 M/FSI

  • Auerswaid-Benjamin 2

    Auerswald Paul E 23656 4831 PA/PC Barnett Forrest W 21791 7317 PM/STAugustosky Audrey J 23721 1916 A/ISO Barnhart Margaret J (9)235-9380 7314 SA-1



    Augustus Richard 71416 SA07 OC/PE Barr Alfred R 23040 5240 AF/E

    Austin Doris E 22753 5336 IO/M Barrera Manuel 24835 4206 EA/EP

    Austin Henrietta 29226 6263 ARA Barrero Manuel (9)235-8833 500 SA-3 M/FSI

    Austin James A (9)235-2210 804 SA-6 ACDA Barrett Ann M (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPT/WN

    Austin Joan B 21082 B258 FMAS/VS Barrett Margaret M 21547 5336 IO/M

    Austin Kathleen T 20744 3517 AF/EX Barry Michael T 28148 4909 ARA/CEN

    Austin Marguerite (9)523-4319 358 SA-17 PPT Barry Robert L 21752 6219 BUR

    Austin Robert D Jr 21234 4243 NEA/EX Barry Timothy M (9)523-4230 302 SA-17 PPTAvalos Henry 20152 2318 S/IG Barsold Elias S 21294 3214 M/EBO

    Avelar Maria Raquel (9)235-8834 614 SA-3 M/FSI Barsy Janet 28064 5635 ACTA

    Averette Unia S (9)235-8721 212 SA-3 M/FSI Bartee Patricia A 23231 4759 H«/SEEAvery Barbara J (9)523-4422 362 SA-17 PPT Bartenstein Thomas E (9)235-8721 207 SA-3 M/FSI

    Avery Dennis T 28600 8439 INR/EC Barthelemy Thomas 21578 5499 ACDA

    Avery Dorothy 22277 8647 INR/EAP Bartlett Bradley A 20386 8667 DJR/ILAvizienis Algis 28102 1408 RP/KWG Bartley Denise M 21744 7509 SAwagain Albert E 23527 2913 M/MED Bartley Oler A 20004 7208 TAwantang Mary 22198 2916 M/MED Bartz Carl F (9)235-9865 430 SA-6 S/F9G

    Axelrod Philip 23209 1239 A/CDC Basek Gary S 25225 4807 CA/OCS

    Aylmer Robert R 22293 7517 S/S-EX Bash Thomas A (9)235-8721 207 SA-3 M/FSIBaskin Myron A 23209 1239 A/CDC

    BBasora Adrian A 29426 2529A FE/OOFBassil Cynthia S (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT

    Bassler Kimberley 22307 5251 NEA/INSBabcock Dwight C 28122 2906 M/MED Batt Eugene P 28934 2137 PER/M3TBaber M Sharon 22892 712 SA-2 CA/VO Batte Virginia 22583 2533A EB/OIABacak Walter W 23897 SY/POS Batten Victoria A 23732 4800 CA/PPCBacchus William I 25158 6216 M/DGP Battle Gladys T L 20099 4807 CA/OCSBache G Michael 22126 7802 HA/HR Bauer Mary K 23914 2519 SY/SDBachhuber David H 23554 2906 M/MED Baum Barbara M 26529 7819 OES/ENRBackus Kathrine E 23778 7231A S Baumann Carol E 21038 6535 INR/AR

    Backus Paula I (9)523-4335 210 SA-17 PPT Baumann Walter L 23530 5534

    Bacon Barbara A 21632 1853 FAIM/PS Baumgartner Thelma L 22988 1048A OPR/STPBader Maureen U 28650 6489 ARA/USQAS Bay Janice F 23202 3829 EB/GCPBaehler David M 26150 3100 SA-1 PA/HO Bayard Carlton A (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 WRDCOBafford Lloyd E 23836 7241 S/S-I Beach Barbara J 21241 4327A OES/NBC

    Bagnal John E 24080 3418 SY/T Beahler John 23485 2906 M/MEDBahti James H 21060 3835 P/BFS Bean Don E (9)235-9565 806 SA-3 M/FSIBailes Kenneth N 21028 5310 EA/P Beard Arlynn E 71416 SA-7 OC/PEBailey Jerlene (9)339-7005 SA-4 OC/P Beard Shirley J 21666 1493 FMAS/GSBailly Jean U 28793 6418C L/NEA Beasley John A (9)235-9414 6110 SA-15 OOMP/FOBaird James R 21870 5638 OC/SPP Beatty Gwendolyn C 24068 3536 OES/PASBake Mary L 20273 6209 EA Beaudry Robert M 20310 6517 EUR/RPEBaker Elizabeth M 23737 5417A L/AF Bechtold Peter K (9)235-8844 402A SA-3 M/FSIBaker Herbert W 23209 1239 A/CDC Beck Doris A 21158 4824 CA/EXBaker Loretta 22466 7516 S/S-I Beck Nancy L 22492 2109 S/PRESSBaker R Stevan 21630 1244 OPR/STP Beckel Charles 21659 5499 ACDABaker Richard 20356 7240 P Becker Carol A 20486 3239 FAIM/LRBaker Rita M 26528 WHO SA-1 FAIM/PS Becker Frederick A 21244 4262 ARA/BRBaker Shawn A (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT Becker Jane E 21512 7516 S/S-OBaker Stephen P 23914 2519 SY/SD Becker Robert W 23298 5219 EUR/EEBaker Tura L 20425 1239 FAIM/IS Beckham Robert W 28724 7208 TBalabanis G Paul 21548 2835 EB/PAS Bedrosian John 26308 2435 SY/OCBalderson Mildred E 21366 5419A L/C Beers R Rand 24847 7430 PM/PBaldridge James E (9)235-9584 535 SA-6 OPR/STP Behrend Richard 29226 6263 ARABales David L 23455 5440 OC/T Beigang Helga I 22078 1517 IO/OICBaliles Marcella M 27974 628A SA-2 PPT Beigel Edgar J 23746 5232 EUR/WEBallantine Sharman 28304 6845 INR/P Belanga Paul B (9)653-2807 633 BOT OPICBalsitis James E 23026 6442 OC/S Belew Wendell L 22346 3234 ARA/BCPBaltimore Richard L III 29572 7226 S Bell Aili R (9)235-8821 806 SA-3 M/FSIBanks James D (9)653-2982 844 BOT OPIC Bell Belden 29191 7261 HBanks Larry G 72215 1402 SA-7 OC/PE Bell Genevieve S 23021 5420 L/TBanks Mary L (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Bell James P Jr 23023 5906 ARA/ANDBannerman Robert B 23123 3420 SY/PO Bell Larry N (9)235-9416 801 SA-6 WRDCDBannon Brian (9)235-8249 804 SA-6 ACDA Bell Mary L 23342 1251 PER/ERBanyas Joseph 21352 1331 OOMP/R Bell Susan J 27981 1916 A/ISOBaquet Charles R 23106 1417 OPR/FMAS Bell Thomas A 21584 2130 OC/TRBaranello Cindy 28314 4313A EA/EX Bell Tony (9)235-9347 4 til FI SA-15 SY/WTOBarancwski Stanley Jr 79500 2402 SA-7 OC/PE Bell Virginia A 22227 7423 M/M3Baraz Robert H 29194 4758 INR/SEE Bellamy Bret D 25994 3100 SA-1 PA/HOBarber Albright 21672 B229 FMAS/GS Bellamy Conrad L 22535 4318 EA/CBarbis George (9)697-4139 3C568 Pent PM/DOD Bellamy Lonnie L 22661 .’1'l.V FAIM/LRBarbour James L 28054 5831 PA/PP Bellamy Vemell P 20422 1239 FAIM/ISBarbour Kathryn A (9)235-8764 100 SA-3 M/FSI Bellamy William E 28116 .M ; ia PER/MCTBarcas John A 23059 3421 EB/TRP Bellavanoe Marsha 20041 4321 D/LOSBarcham Michael A (9)523-4249 700 SA-17 PPT Bello Judith H 23970 6420 L/EBBare C Gordon 27756 5844 ACDA Belousovitch Igor N 29204 4844 INR/SEEBarlow Richard M 28090 4949 ACDA Belt Richard D 25225 4807A CA/OCSBarmon Ward D 20740 6428D EUR/RPE Beltz David D 79500 2402 SA-7 OC/PEBarnes Donald F 23492 2212 FMAS/LS Bemis H Jonathan 29201 4843 INR/SEEBarnes Eamestine (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT Bender Michael C (9)235-9346 4th FI SA-15 SY/WTOBarnes Harry G Jr 22781 1830 DGP/ACT Benedick Richard E 23472 7825 OES/CPBarnes Judson 20288 6510 INR/IS Benedict Gloria K (9)235-8815 915 SA-3 M/FSIBarnes Kevin B 20240 1921 A/ISO Benedict Lawrence N 20829 5511 EUR/SEBarnes Laura T 28679 7516 S/S-0 Benedict Robert A 20152 2317 S/IGBarnes Marsha 26386 3242 ARA/CAR Benefield Carol J 29825 Blr Use S/CPRBarnes Thomas J 23209 1239 A/CDC Benjamin Barbara A 24120 1238 S/CPRBarnes Vivian L 22926 700 SA-2 CA/VO Benjamin Jessie M 25225 4807 CA/OCSBarnes Walter J (9)653-2819 631 BOT OPIC Benjamin Karen A 21640 5440 OC/T

  • 3 Bennett-Bcwyer

    Bennett Frank C Jr 29690 5210 EA/ANZ Bland R Marie 23340 5831 PA/PPBenoit Betty A 21010 6226 EUR Blanton Major P (9)653-2843 616 BOT OPICBenscik Adeline D 23073 5420 L/T Blase Sam E 71416 SA-7 OC/PEBenson Edward L Jr 79388 1114 SA-7 OC/PE Blasenstein Gerald J 27980 1916 A/ISOBenson Margery C 21640 5440 OC/T Bleakley Kenneth W 22522 7516 S/S-OBenson Ross E 24090 7516 S/S-O Bleha C Thomas 22376 6805 PA/OAPBentel John A 23836 7241 S/S-I Bleske August J 27157 B528 OC/PBenton Phyllis M 28840 5827 PA/PP Blevins Edward 21564 6743 INR/EXBentz Carlton L (9)235-1763 234 SA-6 A/OS Bloch David 23119 4824 CABerenson Alan W 20152 2317 S/IG Block Stephen M 29282 5906 ARA/ANDBerg E Anthon 22571 611 SA-2 CA/VO Blocker Eugene 20388 B528 OC/P

    Berg Robert I (9)235-2207 8 SA-6 ACDA Blodgett John Q 23209 1239 A/CDCBergamaschi Dorothy E 21935 8742 INR/GE Blohm Robert 25880 5906 ARA/ANDBerger Helen L 21224 1818 PER/MGT Blount Tina L 27774 7418A PM/SASBerger Robert J 22143 5440 OC/SPP Blowers Jay H 22786 515 SA-2 IO/UCSBergin Peter E 20694 3800 A/EX Blue Cecilia (9)523-4498 458 SA-17 PPTBergman Paul M 23209 1239 A/CDC Blumberg Robert C 29616 4321 D/LOSBergold Celeste M 21133 2204 FMAS/LS Blumenthal Sylvia B 20950 8646 INR/ILBerman Beatrice (9)523-3427 386 SA-17 PPT Blumle Mary L 29764 2417A CA/FSBerman Joseph D 23058 12B60 A/ISO Blystone James J 23122 3420 SY/POBema Ann L 22961 1916 A/ISO Boatman Jacqueline P 22778 3822 EB/TABernhardt John Peter A 24970 5801 OES/OPA Bcbal Betty M (9)724-9621 ICA M/MEDBernier Lanny R (9)235-9346 4th FI SA-15 SY/WPO Bobbitt Gary D 21584 2130 OC/TRBemitt Roderick J (9)235-9331 6804 SA-15 COMP/FO Bobby Wayne S 29368 6820 EB/EXBernstein Alvin E (9)235-9525 535 SA-6 OPR/STP Boddie Carolyn V (9)653-2995 620 BOT OPICBernstein Caryl S (9)653-2953 810 BOT OPIC Bodnar James S 23288 4749 INR/SEEBerry Carson M 22585 7516 INR/CIS Boehm Edward G 22306 2526 D/HABerry Mary L 22551 7802 HA Boeker Paul H (9)235-8750 1202 SA-3 M/FSIBerry Ruby A 29826 7828 OES/NEP Bofinger Paul C 20460 5425 L/EXBerry Wade H (9)235-9244 4705 SA-15 COMP/FO Boggs William D 20954 6800 PA/PPBerryhill M Lanah 23020 4228 EUR/CE Bogosian Richard W 21232 5531 EB/ANBess R A 22167 B258 OC/P Bohlen Avis 21358 6229 EUR/RPMBesson Wanda K 23352 2429 PER/CCA Boldy Ruth A 22577 4229 EUR/SOVBest Jean C (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT Bolij Genevieve 23511 1429 IO/SCTBetancourt Edward A 23444 4817 CA/OCS Bolka Dorothy R 21972 605 SA-2 CA/VOBetleski Clinton A 23213 5227 EUR/CAN Boiler Barbara 22732 5831 PA/PPBettauer Ronald J 20495 6420 L/N Bonard Bonna L 20365 7336 INMBetter Franklin A 21541 6811 CA Boneski Raymond A (9)235-9486 309 SA-6 A/FBOBettis David R 23914 2519 SY/SD Bonilla-Newman Victor J 21054 4327A OES/NTCBeverly Mazie L 28483 1758 FAIM/PS Bonner Della J 28686 6845 INR/PBevins Randall J 23678 5813 PPT Boone Doris M (9)235-9600 234 SA—


    A/OSBiancaniello Rose M H (9)235-9767 800 SA-6 PM/MC Boone Louise T 23382 1609 PER/MGTBianchi Hollis D 20289 4228 EUR/CE Booth Cecelia Y (9)523-4335 210 SA-17 PPTBibbs Stewart Jr (9)523-4275 458 SA-17 PPT Booth Ernest W 20634 2430 SY/DISBider Lorice M 22427 7517 S/S-EX Booth Georgia S 23610 1238 S/CPRBiedrzycki Edward 79531 2314 SA-7 OC/PE Booth Lester 0 29522 1758 FAIM/PSBielak Peter P 21335 6917 ARA/USQAS Booth Richard T 20883 5904 ARA/RPPBietry Arline J 28852 5240 AF/E Booth Robert D 23914 2519 SY/SDBigler Patricia P (9)235-9381 7701 SA-15 OOMP/FO Booth Roger G (9)235-2200 8 SA-6 ACDABiglew Dreamer (9)653-2971 609 BOT OPIC Booth Thomas E (9)523-4377 250 SA-17 PPTBillauer Shirley B (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPT Booze Ellsworth M (9)523-4319 358 SA-17 PPTBillick Barbara T 22960 4238 AF/S Booze Walter J 21634 B258 FMAS/VSBillick Donald 23455 5440 OC/T Boozer Russell B 27151 2429 PER/CCABillings Phyllis M 21963 712 SA-2 CA/VO Bordley Donna S 23326 5428 EUR/EXBindenagel James D 20414 4228 EUR/CE Borek Ted A 20321 6429 L/PMBinder Charlie Mae 23836 7241 S/S-I Borem Mary Ellen 22188 5430 EUR/RPMBird Mary 20582 2204 FMAS/LS Borg Arthur C 20152 2317 S/IGBirdas Mary A 20285 5425A L/UNA Borg Parker W 20902 4250 AF/WBirkinshaw Laura 22508 2429 PER/CCA Boright John P 23310 7828 OES/NTSBirkner Linda K (9)235-8899 904 SA-3 M/FSI Borissow Kyrill Jr (9)235-8821 700 SA-3 M/FSIBirmingham Mary 23788 4734 ACDA Bom Donald W 23502 5242A AF/EPSBischoff William E 20864 44A20 A/O


    Bomstein Shirley E (9)653-2863 711 BOT OPICBisdee Sharon C 21500 7207 M Bost Steven A (9)235-9332 6701 SA-15 CDMP/FOBishop Rodwell 22711 5440 OC/T Bostain James C (9)235-8803 906A SA-3 M/FSIBittner Edward C 24799 7819 OES/ENR Boster Davis E 23209 1239 A/CDCBivens Kirk W 23455 5440 OC/T Bostick Ronald E 79534 1313 SA-7 OC/PEBivings Ezell Jr 23904 B528 OC/P Bostwick Burton L (9)653-2881 854 BOT OPIC

    Bizic Eli W 25683 5253 NEA/ECON Boswell Eric J 29468 2830 PER/FCABjomdahl Debra (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPT Boteler Robert W 20746 3811 SY/DOBlack Donald P 29266 7820 OES/ENH Boteler Thelma G 20999 1129A COMP/RCBlackburn Martha J 22396 7829 OES/O Bothe Gahl H 21276 1238 S/CPRBlackburn Robert Q Jr 23897 2509 SY/DP Botts Dorothy P 21380 5440 OC/TBlacken John D 24010 4909 ARA/CEN Boucher Richard A 21509 3815 EB/EWTBlackiston Slator C 23209 1239 A/CDC Boudreau Paul E 20769 1239 FAIM/IAP

    Blackman Barbara A 23308 2807 PER/FCA Bourbon Philip J 20485 2429 PER/CCA

    Blackmon Joyce C 23616 2911 M/MED Bourque Denise (9)235-9562 800 SA-3 M/FSIBlackwill Robert D 23302 7317 PM Bouton Norman M 29732 2336 PER/FCABladen Melvin D Sr 29554 5440 OC/T Bow Carolyn D 20728 1331 COMP/RBlair Edith D 29825 Blr Hse S/CPR Bowden Eugene C 28209 1493 FMAS/GSBlair Elizabeth A 20859 6430 EUR/RPE Bowen John W IV 22062 3333 EB/TEXBlair Madge M 22348 2258 FMAS/ESC Bowers Charles R 20583 5424 EUR/EXBlake James J (9)235-8766 1209 SA-3 M/FSI Bowers Jeffrey W 21040 2236 SY/SASBlake Joyce E 23418 5440 OC/T Bowie Thomas D 23209 1239 A/CDCBlake Judith M 24820 7320 PM/EX Bcwlding Lawrence 20589 7818 OES/EXBlake Robert 22016 1921 A/ISO Bowler Melinda K 24824 7820 OES/ENHBlakebum Paul H 22654 5531 EB/AN Bowles Jean 20960 1129 COMP/RCBlanchard Debra M 23562 1258 COMP/FO Bowling Michele J 21306 1428A IO/OICBlanchard Jack W 25748 7820 OES/ENH Bowman David D 27995 5440 OC/TBlanchette Harry A 20152 2317 S/IG Bowman Paula L (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPTBland Dolores (9)653-2826 607 BOT OPIC Bcwyer David G 28314 4313A EA/EX

  • Boyd-Burnett 4

    Boyd Barbara J 20428 1239 FAIM/IS Brawn Harold L II 23423 5499 ACDABoyd William T 23764 1822 PER/ER Brown Helen H 28056 7831 oesBoyer Neil 20590 4334A IO/HNP Brcwn James H 23742 1493 FHAS/QSBoyett Hark C 23914 2519 SY/SD Brown Kenneth L 22080 4246 AF/CBoynton Alice F 21002 44A26 A/OC Brown Mabel E (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPTBozilov Lois L 28590 5509 EUR/SE Brcwn Mary E 23418 5440G OC/TBozworth Jeffrey L (9)235-9345 4th FI SA-1 SY/WFO Brcwn Mary P 21640 5440 OC/TBrack Terrance R 23176 1244 OPR/STP Brown Noble 23936 B229 FMAS/GSBradkley Phyllis J (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Brcwn Phyllis (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPTBradshaw Alvin 72215 1406 SA-7 OC/PE Brcwn Reuben E (9)235-9758 800 SA-6 PM/MCBradtke Robert A 23747 5219 EUR/EE Brown Richard C 24975 4909 ARA/CENBraibanti Ralph L 21503 3250 ARA/OCA Brown Richard D 29004 7813Brainard Alfred P 28589 5517 IO/PMS Brown Robert H Jr 20152 2317 S/IGBramble Joanne K 23222 5227 EUR/CAN Brown Sandra (9)235-8789 912 SA-3 M/FSIBrancato Gilda 20568 6427 L/EA Brcwn Sharon A (9)523-4296 300 SA-17 PPTBranch Stuart E 21000 44A26 A/OC Brcwn Sherrilyn D 22556 1239 FAIM/ISBranch Talaya C 29801 2256 M/MED Brown Spencer W 23122 3420 SY/POBranchik Blaine J (9)235-8242 8 SA-6 ACDA Brcwn Theodore T Sr 21012 B229 FMAS/GSBrandt Frederick C 24060 3418 SY/T Brown Timothy C 21688 6430 EUR/RPEBrandt Mary M 21336 5420 L/T Brcwn Velma L (9)653-2925 714 BOT OPICBrandt Mary R 25044 418 SA-2 RP/FM Brown William C 79533 1316 SA-7 OC/PEBrannigan Margaret A 29333 7250 E Brawn William E S 23836 7241 S/S-IBrannock LeRoy A 21350 B528 OC/P Brown-Davis Jacqueline L 235-1418 6503 SA-15 COMP/FOBrawn Edwin L 22771 1916 A/ISO Brcwne Brocks H (9)653-2883 850 BOT OPICBrawner Barbara (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT Browning Jeanne M 22873 2906 M/NEDBray Gary 28090 4949 ACDA Browning Sandra 28446 1916 A/ISOBreer William T 27717 5315 EA/K Bruce Joyce L (9)235-9600 234 SA-6 A/OSBreland Carlus W 21014 1331 COMP/RME Bruce Robert L 23950 7418 m/SAsBremer L Paul 22540 7224 S/S Bruoe William H (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 VRDOOBrencick William J 23456 4229 EUR/SOV Brushel Marjorie A 29422 6494 ARA/USQASBrenenstuhl Jane 29861 6805 PA/EX Brushel W Sanuel 23209 1239 A/CDCBrenna Delores G 29438 6216 M/DGP Bryan Laurel L 29414 3800 A/EXBrenner Alta M 23800 W119 SA-1 PER/ER Bryan Robert A Jr 24060 3418 SY/TBrent L Jacqueline (9)653-2818 630 BOT OPIC Bryant Carole L 22719 6511 OC/TBrent Tonie G 28350 B528 OC/P Bryant Charles H 29657 5440 OC/TBrew William R 21459 3531A EB/BP Bryant Clyde G Jr (9)235-9758 800 SA-6 PM/fCBrewin Roger C 23209 1239 A/CDC Bryant Cornelia A 22623 5242A AF/EPSBridges Peter S 23345 5220 EUR/EE Bryant Herbert (9)235-9240 6524 SA-15 COMP/FOBridgewater Doris J (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT Bryant Jack M 22775 3513 AF/EX3ridgewater Irvin L 24060 3418 SY/T Bryant John (9)235-9325 6524 SA-15 COMP/FOBridgewater Pamela E 23961 4644 INR/AA Bryant Kathy (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPTBriggs Everett E 29894 4258 ARA/MEX Bryarly A Louise (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPTBriggs James E 22328 7529 M/MP Bryfogle Donald S 22502 6639 INR/EXBrill Kenneth C 20668 5240 AF/E Bryfogle Karen L 20080 6805 PA/OAPBrinkley James L Jr (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT Brynes Robert S 21931 1331 COMP/EXBriscoe Melvin J 21026 6807 PA/EX Brynn Edward P 22865 4250 AF/WBriscoe Shirley 23141 3234 ARA/ECP Buchanan James E 22251 7534 INR/IAABrishton Michael (9)523-4230 302 SA-17 PPT Buchanan Thomas R 23312 2332A PER/PCABrittian Robert M 22412 2435 SY/CC Buchans Jesse J Jr 71416 1003A SA-7 OC/PEBroadhurst Angelique R 26348 1758 FAIM/PS Buchans Ribella C 26983 7427 M/M0Brockenborough Janett 21279 5919 ACDA Bucher Larry 23455 5440 OC/TBrodine Charles E 25337 4253 M/MED Buchheim Robert W 27907 4491 ACDABroe Patricia 23979 7828 OES/NTS Buchholz Frank 23546 5210 EA/PIABrogan John A 22977 7241 S/S-I Buchholz Roy E 71416 SA-7 OC/PEBrogden Pamela D 20798 7802 HA/HR Buckley James 20410 7208 TBrooks Bernard L (9)523-4386 552 SA-17 CA/EX Buckner Mable 0 (9)523-4266 414 SA-17 PPTBrocks Carolyn 0 25097 7325 PM/SSP Bucsko Phyllis A 25908 3800 A/EXBrooks Josephine C 23412 2803 PER/PE Buczacki Jeffrey J 21004 4318 EA/CBrocks Louise M 24994 4817F CA/CCS Buerle Sandra M 26434 4249A NEA/EXBrooks Ruth L 23712 4817 CA/OCS Buffalohide Homer J 23836 7241 S/S-IBrocks William 21082 B258 FMAS/VS Bull Jeanne F 24294 1238 S/CPRBrotherton Dolores M 22177 5227 EUR/CAN Bullen Pierce K 28097 3336 EB/EPCBrown Alvin E 23455 5440 OC/T Bullock Imogene (9)523-4293 562 SA-17 PPTBrown Andre E 24056 2426 SY/DIS Bullock John W 21352 1331 COMP/RBrawn Anita A 22041 5818 EB/MC Bullock John W (9)653-2847 615 BOT OPICBrown Anita S 23562 1258 FMAS/ESC Bullock Joseph 20884 6510A INR/ISBrown Annie 20493 5331 IO/OB Bullock Margaret J 25203 7526 S/RBrown Barbara A (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPT Bumbrey Sallybeth M 24994 4817 CA/OCSBrcwn Bazil W Jr 27148 4536 INR/AA Bunn Charles (9)235-9347 4th FI SA-15 SY/WFOBrcwn Betty 20781 1428A IO/OIC Buntin Della M 23060 6442 OC/SBrown Bruce A 21014 1331 CDMP/RME Burch Charles F Jr (9)523-4314 584 SA-17 PPTBrcwn Carlton (9)235-9414 6115 SA-15 COMP/FO Burch Jerry D (9)653-2814 636 BOT OPICBrown Carol A 22403 6535 INR/CA Burgener Lynn W 23766 6821 S/IGBrcwn Cheri 29801 2256 M/MED Burgess Glenda L 22091 1331 OOMP/BPBrcwn Dallas F 24206 5212 SSM Burgess Tory A 22966 1417 A/OPRBrcwn David M (9)523-4232 338 SA-17 PPT Burgess Vanessa J (9)653-2876 802 BOT OPICBrown Donald L 21439 6511 OC/T Burghardt Raymond F 23132 6317 EA/VLCBrown Dorothy E 22669 2442F FAIM/LR Burke Any E 27820 1132 M/FMBrown Dorothy F 22810 515 SA-2 IO/UCS Burke Dorothy 22317 6917 ARA/USQASBrcwn Dorothy L 29180 1803 CA/EX Burke J Grant 28402 8732 INR/ECBrown Edna E 21073 5806 OES/OFA Burke Janice E 23352 2429 PER/OCABrcwn Elizabeth A 23209 1239 A/CDC Burke Margaret M 21734 1238 S/CPRBrown Fitzhugh B 20925 1332 OOMP/BP Burke Marie D 23432 1252 FMAS/ESCBrcwn Frederick Z 23276 5206 EA/IMBS Burke William J Jr 21446 3517 AF/EXBrcwn George E 29193 6913A ARA/PPC Burkhardt Ellen M (9)523-4319 358 SA-17 PPTBrown Gerald M 21900 819 SA-2 CA/VO Burkot Genevieve 20324 6242 NEA/NBrown Gertrude V 22572 6638 INR/PMA Burley L Audrey 20727 4247 NEA/EXBrcwn Gloria J 22081 4246 AF/C Burman Harold S 20292 4427A L/MBrcwn Gordon S 22506 5321 IO/IEP Burnett Benjamin 20561 6319 IO/ADMBrown Grace M 22022 8742 INR/GE Burnett David R 20808 6510A INR/CIS

  • 5 Bumett-Chapman

    Burnett Frank N 23209 1239 A/CDC Carr Lucile J 29227 6263 ARABurnett Patricia A (9)235-8727 100 SA-3 M/FSI Carraway Terry F Capt 22680 5499 ACDABums David H 21445 3336 EB/IEP Carrera Nicholas 29579 5499 ACDABums Thomas 24720 7828 OES/NTS Carrico Dana M (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPTBurr J Millard 21428 8742 INR/GE Carroll Alfred Q III 28108 2139 PER/PE

    Burr Jeanette M (9)235-1418 6705 SA-15 COMP/PO Carroll Bette J 29412 2830 PER/FCABurrell Janie (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Carroll Dolores R 23418 5440 OC/TBurrell Lawrence E 21415 2204 FMAS/LS Carroll Edward C 21640 5440 OC/TBurridge James M 20985 6510A INR/EC Carroll Gail A (9)523-4235 300 SA-17 PPTBurrill Charlene 23595 2260 M/MED Carroll Gail S 20152 2317 S/IGBurriss Francine W (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Carroll Jacqueline (9)523-4427 362 SA-17 PPTBurroughs Sheila A (9)235-9340 6104 SA-15 COMP/FO Carroll John P 21634 B258 FAMS/VSBurt Richard R 29022 7317 PM Carroll Joyce 22198 2916 M/MEDBurton Bruce G 20710 6227 EUR/RPM Carroll Kevin E 29326 6327 IO/EXBurton Charles C Jr 21672 B229 FMAS/GS Carroll Lorraine K 20621 1239 FAIM/IAPBurton Elizabeth A (9)653-2949 734 BOT OPIC Carroll Mabel L 22189 5430 EUR/RPMBurton Janell C (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Carroll Michael B 26348 1758 FAIM/PSBurton Pamela A 23939 4327A OES/NTC Carroll Sonja J 26906 1427 IO/IWPBusby Morris D 22396 7829 OES/O Carson Michael J 21262 6442 OC/SBusch Richard T 23371 6845 INR/MP Carson Sarah P 20107 8727 INR/ECBush Shirley S 29316 1331 CDMP/R Carson Vemelle 24905 5425 L/EXBushnell John A 28562 6263 ARA Carter Caleb R 28483 1758 FAIM/PSBusinger James G (9)235-9481 305 SA—


    A/FBO Carter Dora L 24768 7261 HButcher Larry G 20465 3234 ARA/ECP Carter Eileen K 23636 1493 FMAS/GSButcher Suzanne 23338 5906 ARA/AND Carter H Marshall 23468 4250 AF/WButcher W Scott 21512 7516 S/S-0 Carter Harry T 27758 7207 MButler Emily R 20388 B528 OC/P Carter Janes V 29554 5440 OC/TButler Irish 20952 8646 INR/IC Carter John A (9)523-4293 562 SA-17 PPTButler Jesse H 23163 1921 A/ISO Carter Joseph H Jr 23836 7241 S/S-IButler Lois M 23432 1252 FMAS/ESC Carter Landon C 23102 4313A EA/EXButler Mildred M (9)523-4266 414 SA-17 PPT Carter Laraine N 21889 4524A INR/NESAButler Virginia S 22518 B844F FAIM/PS Carter Lauren W (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPTButterworth Bruce 21146 1331 CDMP/R Carter Linda L 21150 1332 COMP/PBSByerly John R 25154 5423 L/CA Carter Mildred A 22514 1428 IO/OICBynum Willie J 29570 1758 FAIM/PS Carter Patricia A 26783 1813 CA/EXByrd Brenda (9)653-2920 700 BOT OPIC Carter Robert 29825 Blr Hse S/CPRByrd Katherine M (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT Carter Sandra M 21268 B528 OC/PByrd Pratt (9)235-9860 430 SA-6 S/FSG Carter Velisa 22167 B528 OC/PByrne Terence E 22214 8722 INR/EC Carter William 29825 Blr Hse S/CPR

    Cary Anita D (9)235-1627 332 SA-6 A/FBOCasady Lance B 23336 3260 ARA/EX

    c Case Nancy C (9)235-8768 1209 SA-3 M/FSICasey Janes J 23869 44A20 OC/OP-N

    Caffrey Robert L 21584 2130 OC/TR Cashdollar Richard L 23940 5806 OES/OFA

    Cafolla Virginia E 23060 6442 OC/S Casperino Ada M (9)235-9344 7701 SA-15 COMP/FO

    Caha Jean E 28162 12B62A A/ISO Casperino Ralph A 24050 415 SA-2 RP/EXCahn Anne H 23759 4734 ACDA Casse Marshall III 20820 4830 EB/OMA

    Cahoon Alicia N 28726 7811 INM Cassels Georgene 20271 2435 SY/CC

    Caldwell Joyce A 29517 4427A L/M Cassover Betty R 23661 7336 INM

    Caldwell Robert W 23209 1239 A/CDC Casteele Roger L 21640 5440 OC/TCalhoun Herbert L (9)235-2204 804 SA-6 ACDA Castellitto Salvatore 29108 6913A ARA/PPCCalhoun Jeanne H 27969 B266 FAIM/DIR Castrodale Richard 29776 2417A PER/FCACalingaert Michael 21625 3529 EB/ORF Cate Craig A (9)235-9327 6804 SA-15 COMP/POCalisti Calisto (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 WRDCO Catlett William H III 23418 5440 OC/T

    Callaghan Gail 24366 5731 ACDA Catlin Robert J 29554 5440 OC/T

    Callahan June E (9)235-8777 1106 SA-3 M/FSI Causey Paula 21182 8647 INR/EAPCallihan William V 23874 5440 OC/T Cavallaro John F 21944 1048 OPR/STPCamozzo Egle G (9)235-8833 500 SA-3 M/FSI Cavanaugh Carmel R 20555 3427 EB/OFPCampbell Ivan M 23209 1239 A/CDC Cavanaugh Marie P 20706 1701 S/CPRCampbell John 23977 4511 EUR/NE Celec Frederick S 24761 7428 PM/TOPCampbell Linda K 21704 1239 FAIM/IAP Celia Micaela 25398 4807 CA/OCACampbell Mary L 20266 3829 EB/GCP Centeno Mercedes (9)235-8833 500 SA-3 M/FSICanpbell Rachel 23412 2803 PER/PE Ceophas Verona P 27565 3800 A/EXCampbell Stephen J 23209 1239 A/CDC Cernik Jiri (9)235-1056 3326 SA-15 M/FSICanpbell Vera L (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT Chace Thomas W 23186 2418 SY/ICanpbell-Ickes Henry A 79384 2317 SA-7 OC/PE Chaddic Joe H 28946 44A22 OC/OPSCampen Tomoko T (9)235-9395 5802 SA-15 M/FSI Chadran Jijis M (9)235-9395 5602 SA-15 M/FSICanady Simon L (9)235-1735 528 SA-6 OPR/STP Chafin Gary E 22180 5911 ARA/RPPCantrell Kathlyn D 23595 2260 M/MED Chairge Patrick A 21970 600 SA-2 CA/VOCantu Mario 21694 3260 ARA/EX Chamberlin James W 22086 6524A INR/PMACantwell John A 27919 4644 INR/WEA Chambers Betty F 28806 1239 FAIM/RMCao-Garcia Jose 28106 3260 ARA/EX Chambers Darlene T 24706 3260 ARA/EXCaplan Joanna 25203 7526 S/R Chambers Raymond (9)235-8707 1100 SA-3 M/FSICapo Peter A 21090 B528 OC/P Chambers Robert G 20152 2317 S/IGCapps F Herbert 28182 4742 INR/WEA Chanbers William 'M 21435 3811 SY/DOCaraway Benjamin 21672 B229 FMAS/GS Champagne Constance (9)235-8768 1209 SA-3 M/FSICardosa Mary 23511 1429 IO/SCT Chanpagne Eugene (9)235-8758 1201 SA-3 M/FSICardoso Ariel S 23432 1252 FMAS/ESC Champagne Rita V 28804 3818 M/MEDCarethers Mildred R (9)235-9541 525D SA-6 OPR/STP Chandler Coleman A (9)235-2321 6500 SA-15 COMP/FOCarey Catherine D 24994 4817 CA/OCS Chandler James G 24796 203 SA-10 UCCarlisle Edwin R (9)235-8795 1016 SA-3 M/FSI Chandler William A 21087 B884 FAIM/PSCarlson Jane H 22780 515 SA-2 IO/UCS Chang Vivian S 23492 2212 FMAS/LSCarlucci Louis J 78995 SA-7 OPR/STP Channel John W S (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 WRDCOCarothers Joan E (9)523-4369 216 SA-17 PPT Chansky Steven 29801 2256 M/MEDCarpenter Faye 22198 2916 M/MED Chao Chuan 0 (9)235-9395 5524 SA-15 M/FSICarpenter Fred E 22136 1921 A/ISO Chapin William A 23209 1239 A/CDCCarpenter Margaret 25203 7526 S/R Chapman Dennis 21312 6510A INR/ISCarpenter Paul S 20152 2317 S/IG Chapman Geoffrey W 25399 7321 PM/SNPCarpenter Sherby (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPT Chapman James W Col 21876 5847 ACDACarper Jennie A 28688 7321 PM/SNP Chapman Olivia (9)523-4376 210 SA-17 PPT/WN

  • Charbannier-COnway 6

    Charbonnier Geraldine 22007 4243 NEA/EX Clyatt Oscar W Jr 21712 4219 EUR/90VChase Charles R 23197 2418 SY/I Clyne Norman G 29580 5934 ACDAChase Ethel 28354 4250 AF/W Coates Antoinette Y 22662 2442F FAIM/LRChase Ethel H (9)523-4335 210 SA-17 PET Coates Carolyn (9)523-4265 458 SA-17 PPTChatman Dorothy S (9)523-4245 584 SA-17 PPT Coates Mable E 22604 4519 EUR/RPEChatman Bettie J 23342 1251 PER/ER Coates Yvonne (9)235-4335 210 SA-17 PPTChatti Mouffac (9)235-9395 5602 SA-15 M/FSI Ccbates Katherine J 20380 5420 L/TChavchavadze Judith 24698 509 SA-2 RP Cobb Carroll E 23209 1239 A/OTCChavez Pamela R 21972 605 SA-2 CA/VO Coble Bobby L 29522 1758 FAIM/PSChechele Robert J 29554 5440J OC/T Ccble Linda J 22644 1329 PER/MCTCheek James R 28386 6263 ARA Cockrill Ilona J (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPTCheeks Phyllis L 22017 2442C FAIM/LR Coe Linda A (9)235-8812 916 SA-3 M/FSICheever Dorothy E 22114 6510 INR/IS Coffey Marguerite R 25376 3800 A/EXChelgren Veins J 27066 1826 PER/MCT Coffman Suzanne 21662 5323 10/ADMChen Ying-Chih (9)235-9395 5602 SA-15 M/FSI Cohen Charles I 20369 6524A INR/W4AChenevert A Bemad i ne 25034 4909 ARA/CEN Cohen George L 20388 B528 OC/PCheng Abraham (9)235-8049 505 SA-6 A/ALS Cohen Henry R 25165 2811 A/CDCCheong Un-Bck (9)235-9395 5602 SA-15 M/FSI Cohen Herman J 22436 6531 INRCheshes Martin L 21210 2830 PER/PCA Cohen Joyleen N 22614 1237 S/CPRChesley Virginia (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPT Cohen Lewis I 20306 3527 E3/CPDChesman Barbara M (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPT Cohen Moshe (9)235-9395 5602 SA-15 M/FSIChevalier Alonzo R Jr 20884 6510A INR/IS Cohn David H 23209 1239 A/CDCChew Roberta 29542 8647 INR/EAP Cohn Rivca S 20554 4243 NEA/EXChi Madeline 23518 3100 SA-1 PA/HO Colantonio Andrew J 22412 2435 SY/CCChiacu Nicholas V (9)235-8833 500 SA-3 M/FSI Colbert Aaron E (9)235-9547 535 SA-6 OPR/STPChichester John E 20697 1239 FAIM/IAP Colbert Dolores B 20984 1659 FAIM/PSChicola Phillip T 28866 511 SA-2 RP/LA Colbert James L 23071 4223 EUR/90VChild Daniel M 23087 12B62 A/ISO Colbert Joan A 22133 5827 PA/PPChildress Richard K (9)653-2820 632 BOT OPIC Colbert Sharon (9)235-9330 6804 SA-15 COMP/FOChilds Adrienne 29801 2256 M/MED Cole Carol E 22584 3815A EB/EWTChin Alvin 21719 1331 COMP/PBS Cole Margaret (9)523-4265 414 SA-17 PPTChiperfield Robert N 21954 816 SA-2 CA/VO Coleman Alvin L 21634 B258 FMAS/VSChippendale Nancy F 23605 2237 M/MED Coleman Belinda 20345 8667 INR/ILChisholm Gertrude E 21380 5440 OC/T Coleman Brenda R (9)235-9330 6804 SA-15 COMP/FOChisholm Kathleen 27882 1331 COMP/RME Coleman Carla V (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPTChociey Richard G 71416 SA-7 OC/PE Coleman Donald B 22207 6209 EAChristensen Richard A 22607 5327 IO/DHP Coleman Erma S 21380 5440 OC/TChristian Carolyn S 22038 1890 OPR/SPS Coleman Geraldine V (9)523-4205 262 SA-17 PPTChristian Joanne C 20344 6428D EUR/RPE Coleman Helen M 20356 7240 PChristiana Betty S 23161 5831 PA/PP Coleman Henry H 22619 B528 OC/PChristoff Jean H 23280 4327A OES/NTC Coleman Joseph B 25230 7526 S/RChristoph Lisa A 20816 5741 ACDA Coley Thedoshia P 23286 5428 EUR/EXChristopher A M 29474 5843 ACDA Collias John G (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 WRDCOChuang Yvonne B 21439 6511 OCT/MC Col lias John G (9)235-9614 801 SA-6 moChung Foon (9)235-9365 4th Fl SA-15 SY/WFO Col lias Mary M 21395 1801 COMP/FSChurchill George T 23209 1239 A/CDC Collier Jack A (9)235-8722 208 SA-3 M/FSICiarroccki James W (9)523-5176 250 SA-17 PPT Collier John L (9)235-8835 402 SA-3 M/FSICieplinski Michel (9)235-9600 234 SA-6 A/OS Collinge Jo Ann 22733 5831 PA/PPClaiborne Carolyn D (9)235-9321 6713A SA-15 COMP/FO Collins Dorothy W 22283 1822 PER/ERClaiboum Sally D 20605 1237 S/CPR Collins James F 21019 6250 NEA/ARNClapp Priscilla A 21260 4310 EA/RA Collins John A 20152 2317 S/IGClark Bruce W 22721 4228 EUR Collins Mary H 21443 6510A INR/ISClark Bruce Wormley (9)235-9493 335 SA-6 A/FBO Collins Robert D 29776 2417A PER/PCAClark Cookie C 28692 7333 INM Collins Timothy V 21556 7516 S/S-0Clark Debra (9)235-9414 6110 SA-15 COMP/FO Collison Maryann P 24404 7256 CClark Jacqueline L 28470 44A26 A/OC Collums Haley D 21217 5417A L/EURClark Joan M 29892 6216 M/DGP Colson David A 21700 6420 L/OESClark John E 29530 7251 H Colson Jessie M (9)235-9401 5705 SA-15 M/FSIClark Kathryn A 20980 6747 IN