2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum...

Curriculum Handbook Naomi & Ken Kramer Religious School at Beth Meyer Synagogue Curriculum Outline for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016-2017 School Year

Transcript of 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum...

Page 1: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Curriculum Handbook

Naomi & Ken Kramer Religious School at Beth Meyer Synagogue Curriculum Outline

for Kindergarten - 8th Grade

2016-2017 School Year

Page 2: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8


Beth Meyer Religious School

is a supplementary school

A supplementary school is exactly that -

supplementary. It augments and supports the

learning children do in their homes, with their

friends and families, in their secular schools and in

the synagogue. It is a partnership between children,

parents, teachers and the larger Jewish community.

Jewish learning never ends. We, the partners in this

endeavor, set a child’s feet on a path that will last a


Our Curricular Model

The Beth Meyer religious school uses what’s called

a spiral curricular approach. The basis of this

model is that the same subjects are studied each

year but with a different focus, each year building

on the year before and preparing the students for the

year to come. In that way, a child, going through

our program from start to finish, would gain an ever

deeper understanding of an area or areas of study.

Jewish learning is a never ending cycle of

understanding which spirals upward. That should

be our children’s experience in religious school.

Page 3: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school


Tefilah/Prayer: Children will learn decoding skills to

be able to read fluently. They will learn the meaning and

symbolism contained in each prayer they study in an age

appropriate manner. They will understand each prayer’s

choreography and how it relates to other prayers in each

service. They will develop writing skills and be able to

write in Hebrew script.

Prayer mastery means that a child can read a prayer

fluently, mistake free, understand key words and

concepts, understand the general meaning of the prayer

and where it fits into a service.

Our goal is that our students will be able to participate in

our synagogue service - Shabbat and weekday. Those

students who are interested and motivated will learn the

additional skills needed to lead services.

Judaic Studies: When a student finishes eighth grade,

s/he will have been exposed to and be familiar with:

� The history of Israel and the Jewish people

� The Torah from Genesis through Deuteronomy

� Jewish holidays including home and synagogue

practice, the development of holiday ritual from

Temple times to the present and various historical

influences on that development

� Jewish thought and thinkers from ancient to modern


� Nevi’im (The Prophets) and Ketuvim (The Writings)

� The diversity of Jewish life and thinking in modern

times and throughout history

� Jewish values, their origins in Torah and Talmud and

the ways in which they can and should influence the

decisions we make in our everyday lives.

Page 4: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school


Grade nd2-Kindergarten

The Primary Years

This program is designed to introduce children to the

formal study of Judaism through games, stories, arts and

crafts projects and individual, group and family activities

which help children and their families explore the richness

of Jewish ritual, history and Torah in an age-appropriate,

hands-on way.

At every level, the students will study:

1) Hebrew,

2) Bible,

3) ethics,

4) holidays and the Jewish lifecycle, and

5) Israel.

The focus at each level will be different, taking into

consideration the increasing maturity of the children and

building on the learning that took place the year before.

By the time children finish the 2nd grade they will have

been exposed to and be familiar with:

� Hebrew letters, vowels, the reading of monosyllables

and simple words

� Shabbat and Havdalah blessings, holiday blessings, the

Four Questions from the Passover seder, Modeh Ani,

Barkhu, Shema, and Ein KeLoheinu

� Torah from Creation through the Exodus

� Stories from the Books of Prophets and Writings

� Jewish values and their relationship to both Bible and

Torah stories and their application in everyday life

� Jewish holidays, their stories, home and synagogue

rituals and the foods and crafts associated with each.

Page 5: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

3rd - 4th - 5th Grade The Intermediate Grades

Our 3rd - 5th grade students have approximately 150

hours of instructional time during each of these three

academic years. Beginning in 2011-2012, the Y om

M’Yuhad (a special day) was put into place which offers

some flexibility as to how these instructional hours are


On Sunday mornings and Tuesday afternoons, our classes

include 2 main subjects - Tanakh and Tefilah (Bible and


Other subjects - Israel, ethics, holidays and lifecycle - are

covered either during our Thursday Y om M’Y uhad

program, or through independent learning at home. Y om

M’Yuhad is indeed “special” as the classes are elective,

across grades and focus more on creative learning

approaches. We incorporate the arts and “informal

educational” techniques. For those who opt not to attend

on Thursdays, or who cannot attend, we provide learning

packets so that those children can cover these subjects

independently at home.

The 2016-2017 Y om M’Y uhad program is divided into six

units of anywhere from three to eight weeks. Each unit is

independent and families can opt to do one, several or all

of them.

The schedule for the 2016-2017 academic year is:

Unit 1 Fall Holidays Sept 8 - Oct 20

Unit 2 Hanukkah/Ethics Oct 27 - Dec 22

Unit 3 Lifecycle Jan 12 - Feb 6

Unit 4 Purim Feb 23 - Mar 9

Unit 5 Pesah Mar 16 - Apr 6

Unit 6 Israel Apr 20 - Jun 1

Page 6: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Third Grade

The third grade is a bridge year. The focus this year is on

moving children from the early elementary program into

the more intensive intermediate program through hands-on

activities, structured group and individual practice, and

reading, writing, and group participation.

The 3rd grade emphasis is on giving the students

familiarity with and competence in Hebrew reading and

cursive writing.

By the time a child leaves the 3rd grade, s/he will have

been exposed to and be familiar with:

� The Jewish calendar

� Holiday and lifecycle history/development, rituals/

customs and brakhot (blessings)

� The ways in which God is present in our lives and

how we think about and relate to God’s presence

� Selected portions form the Books of Prophets and

Writings (Nevi’im and Ketuvim)

� Hebrew reading and cursive writing.

� Israel’s history, culture and place in our lives

� V’Ahavta, hatikvah, v’shamru, order of the Pesah

seder and the 10 Plagues

Page 7: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Fourth-Fifth Grade

In these grades, the students have one teacher for Judaic

studies and a second teacher for tefilah/prayer.

Judaic Studies - Tanakh (Bible)

"Beginning with Creation, the class will read the Everett

Fox translation of the Torah. Through reading the text,

discussion in both large and small groups, and projects of

various kinds, students will examine our "origin" stories

in order to:

1. Acquire a basic knowledge of the story as it is written. -Who are the major players and what is the sequence of events?

2. Understand what the story tells us about God's relationship

with people -How does God interact with the humanity, how do they respond,

and what does God seem to want from them?

3. Discover what the story says about our behavior in the

world. - How do the people in this story interact with the world around

them, both the environment and their fellow human beings?

-Is their behavior acceptable to God? To other people? Why?

4. Examine what our tradition teaches we us about this story. -What values do we find in this story and how are we expected to

apply those values to our daily lives?

-Have ideas about this story changed over time?

5. Explore how what we have learned from the story helps us

"see the world through Jewish eyes." -What have I learned that I can apply to my daily life?

-How does my learning influence my interactions with God,

other people and the natural world?

-Does this change the way I look at the world?

-What do I bring to this learning that is unique and what do I

leave behind that adds to the body of Jewish learning?

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The students are now ready for the challenge of learning

our prayer service. Rather than tackle the prayers by

service (which is typically done), we approach the prayers

by levels of difficulty, both in the Hebrew mastery as well

as by concept.

Our teaching method is loosely based on the Penn

Literacy Network - a method to create meaning-centered

approaches to the study of prayer. This model enables

students to grapple with prayer in an attempt to find

personal meaning.

Prayer “goals” for the 4th grade (in no particular order):

Birkot Torah (Torah blessings)

Avot (1st section of the Amidah)

G’vurot (second section of the Amidah)

Mi Khamokha (morning and evening services)


HaNerot HaLalu (Hanukah)

Dayenu and the 4 Children (Pesah)

Al Heyt (Yom Kippur)

Prayer “goals” for the 5th grade (in no particular order):

Musaf Kiddusha (3rd section of the Amidah)

L’cha Dodi (from the Friday evening service)

Friday evening Kiddush (blessing over wine)

Hatzi Kaddish (& intro to the other kaddishes)

Adon Olam

Parts of Birkat HaMazon (grace after meals)

Page 9: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Gesher: 6th - 8th Grade

The middle school years are the Gesher (bridge) years.

The students enter our middle school program as children

and finish post-Bar/Bat Mitzvah as young teens,

responsible for the commandments and able to take their

place among the Jewish community.

Our studies during these years are designed to help the

students across this bridge.

We continue to work on ritual life skills so that the

students will be able to fully participate in prayer and

celebration. The students also continue their studies in

Bible, ethics, mitzvot, history and culture.

The 6th and 7th grades, through their program on Shabbat

mornings, spend time in tefilot (services) and Torah study.

� Tefilot may include a “ learner’s minyan” style

service, or the students may conduct their own

service, or they may participate in the main

sanctuary service - utilizing their new skills.

� Torah study is most often parashat ha’shavua

(portion of the week). There are several

teachers who rotate through the year, providing

the students with different approaches to Torah


The 8th grade, while fully integrated on Wednesday

afternoons, is not required to attend on Shabbat mornings.

Through our Torah reading program, however, many of

the 8th graders continue to read Torah for the

congregation. In addition, some 8th graders choose to help

in our programs for younger children which meet on

Shabbat mornings.

Page 10: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

On Wednesday afternoons, each grade has one hour of our

grade-specific core curriculum and one hour of electives,

which are across grades. The core curriculum for the 6th

and 7th grade is a continuation of the tefilah (prayer)

curriculum and learning about becoming bar/bat mitzvah.

The core curriculum for the 8th grade includes theology

and current Jewish issues. The electives for the first

semester will all be tied to Jewish text, for the second

semester, they will be tied to Holocaust studies.

During the weeks from Thanksgiving to Winter break, the

Gesher students work together on producing a “fair” for

our younger students. For the 2016-2017 year, the fair

will be about Jewish History.

From Pesah through the end of the year, all of the Gesher

students participate in a unit on the history of Israel.

Prayer/Tefilah Prayer “goals” for the 6th grade (in no particular order):

Torah service

Birkot HaSahar (early morning blessings)

Tallit and tefillin brakhot

Full Kaddish

Kiddush for Holiday evenings

Intro to Haftarah blessings

Prayer “goals” for the 7th grade (in no particular order):


Psalm 29

Selections from Hallel

3rd paragraph of the Shema

Kabbalat Shabbat service


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Special Programs to Note

Sukkah Building - Sunday, Oct 16

In lieu of class, all children, in grades k - 5, along with their

families, are assigned to someone’s home to help build a

sukkah. This is a wonderful time for families to get to know

each other as well as fulfill the mitzvah of building a sukkah!

The 7th grade is invited to the Rabbi’s house to help build his


Gesher Mitzvah Fair - Sunday, Dec 18

The whole congregation is invited to stop by the History Fair

that will be presented by our Gesher students. All of our

religious school students attend to learn about Jewish history

through the ages.

Mishloah Manot (Purim gifts) - February/March

This annual fund-raiser for the school is also a great way to

honor friends, teachers, and others. Information is sent to all

religious school families and there are opportunities to help as

well as to participate.

8th grade - Holocaust Museum in Richmond

Every year, our 8th students join students from Wake County

synagogues for a trip to the Holocaust Museum in Richmond,

VA. Because of a generous donor who underwrites the cost of

the trip each year, this trip is free of charge. We strongly

encourage you to consider sending your child with us to this

museum - and parents are invited to join us. The date for this

year’s trip is Sunday, February 26.

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Special Programs to Note

Shabbat programs � Shabbat Mishpaha - Friday evening family service

The evening begins with a “pre-neg” at 6 pm with child-

friendly healthy snacks and the service begins at 6:30. The

service is followed by social/play time (Oneg Shabbat).

� Shabbat Katan - Shabbat morning “family service” for our

youngest children (geared to under 5 years old but siblings

are welcome).

Dates can be found on the Beth Meyer website


Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Meyer

The school is not focused on bar and bat mitzvah - the focus of

the school is education for life.

That being said, certainly the school is involved in preparing

children to take their place in the community as a bar/bat

mitzvah. To this end, the school provides the following:

Parent/family meetings throughout the year

Guide to Celebrating Bar/Bat Mitzvah at Beth Meyer

Special programs (or support of special programs)

Also - all of our Bar/Bat mitzvah information (Guide to

celebration and other resources) is on the Beth Meyer Website

on the religious school page (under the Lifelong Learning tab).

Information on meeting and special programs will be sent as

the year progresses. The more you can take advantage of these

opportunities, the more meaningful the bar/bat mitzvah

experience will be for you and your family.

Page 13: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Dates when school is closed:

October 2 Erev Rosh HaShanah

October 4 Rosh HaShanah

October 11-12 Yom Kippur

November 22 - 27 Thanksgiving

December 22 - Jan 1 WCPSS Winter Break

January 11 Sisterhood Shabbat

Apr 8 - Apr 18 WCPSS Spring Brk/Pesah

May 27 - 28 Memorial Day Wknd

Last Day of Classes:

June 4

Page 14: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Naomi & Ken Kramer Religious School at Beth Meyer Synagogue 504 Newton Road Raleigh, NC 27615 School Office Phone: 919-848-8111 Synagogue Office Phone: 919-848-1420 Synagogue Fax: 919-848-1571 School Email: [email protected] Synagogue Email: [email protected] Synagogue Website: www.bethmeyer.org

Page 15: 2016-2017 Curriculum booklet · for Kindergarten - 8th Grade 2016 -2017 School Year. Curriculum Guide - grades k - 8 INTRODUCTION Beth Meyer Religious School is a supplementary school

Naomi & Ken Kramer Religious School

At Beth Meyer Synagogue

504 Newton Road

Raleigh, NC 27615