· 2016-01-23 · in our daily...

NEWSLETTER February - April 2016 St Andrews East London St John’s Dawn Luther Brakfontein St Peter’s Komga

Transcript of · 2016-01-23 · in our daily...

NEWSLETTER February - April 2016

St Andrews East London

St John’s Dawn

Luther Brakfontein

St Peter’s Komga

We are called to forgive.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: the watchword for February is written in Mark 11:25:

“And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so

that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

Forgiveness is wonderful when we are the ones in need of it. Our hearts are filled with

gratitude when we receive this precious gift. But when the tables are turned, and the

stakes are high, granting forgiveness can be very difficult. Forgiveness is one of the

hardest things to do. Every fibre within us resists it because everything within us yearns

for justice to prevail. Forgiveness does not mean saying that the hurt does not matter.

Forgiveness does also not mean forgetting what has happened. Forgiveness also does

not mean letting the offender “get away with it”. Rather forgiveness means setting

yourself free from carrying the burden of unforgiveness.

When we do not forgive bitterness, vengeance and unforgiveness fill our hearts rather

quickly. Unforgiveness is a poison that eats us up from the inside. This is the reason why

Jesus reminds us to forgive others as we have also received this precious gift in our own

life. When Christ died for us God forgave all our sins.

Yes, forgiveness is not always easy and we need God to help us. Forgiveness is not

something that happens once off and with that everything is as it was.

Forgiveness is a process one can liken to peeling an onion. Layer by layer we, with the

help of God’s grace and strength, have to peel back the layer of unforgiveness. This does

not happen overnight and we cannot do it on our own.

Through the process of forgiveness we find freedom. The freedom of not being bitter.

The freedom of not wondering about vengeances. The freedom is handing over the

burden of carrying the unforgiveness. From time to time we need a passage like this to

make us reflect on why we are carrying the burden of unforgiveness when God made a

conscious decision not to carry the burden of unforgiveness. We need to be reminded

that God has forgiven us all our wrongs.

May we start the process of forgiveness with the grace and the strength of our Lord in

the areas of our life where we need to let the burden of unforgiveness go.

Your Brother in Christ Pastor HP von Fintel

Getragen in die Liebe Gottes

Liebe Brüder und Schwestern in unsern Herrn Jesus Christus: der Monatsspruch für

März steht geschrieben in Johannes 15:9 „Wie mich der Vater liebt, so liebe ich euch.

Bleibt in meiner Liebe!“

Was brauchen wir zum Leben? Wir alle wissen, daß wir essen, trinken, schlafen und

atmen müssen, um zu leben. Sobald eines dieser Dinge ausfallen, würden wir sterben. In

diese Frage handelt es sich um das Grundbedürfniss ohne das wir nicht leben könnten.

Ständig werden wir im Fernsehen mit Werbungen von Firmen, die meinen, daß wir ihr

Produkt nötig haben in unser Leben, bombardiert. Apple kämpft mit Ihre Werbung daß

wir das neue iPhone kaufen sollen weil es das einziger ware Smartphone ist. Mercedes

in ihre Werbung, meint wenn wir die neue C- Klasse kaufen, dann haben wir alles was

wir nötig haben. Brauchen wir das neuste Smartphone, das neuste Auto und das richtige

Haus im richtigen Wohngebiet um zu leben? Am Ende sind es doch nur irdische Güter.

Neben aller sächlichen Versorgungen brauchen wir Menschen Worte und Taten der

Liebe um zu leben. Jede von uns brauch Liebe um zu Leben, den ohne Liebe würden wir

verkümmern. Dies ist weil die Liebe uns in unser Leben trägt und weil die Liebe uns die

Gewissheit gibt daß da Menschen sind die für uns da sind.

Gott weiß daß wir Liebe brauchen und deswegen sagt Gott immer wieder zu uns „Ich

habe dich je und je geliebt.“ Jesus weiß daß er bald sterben wird und daß sein Tot einer

Krise für die Jünger sein wird. Ihr ganzes Leben wird sich enden. Jesus will daß die Jünger

sich daran erinnern, an das, was sie getragen hat, das was sie trägt und das was sie

weiterhin tragen wird: Gottes Liebe.

Daß Gott uns lieb hat gibt uns die Gewissheit daß da einer ist der da ist für uns. Daß da

einer ist der mit uns den Wege geht, trotz was kommen mag. Daß da einer ist der uns

nie allein lässt. Das ist die Liebe Gottes die uns trägt, in die wir bleiben können. Mögen

wir, was auch kommen mag, uns an die Liebe Gottes fest klammern weil Karfreitag und

Ostern uns zeigen wird daß Gott hat uns liebt und Er lässt uns nicht los.

Liebe Grüße Pastor HP von Fintel

News from the Bishop’s desk

Joy and Sorrow

Pastor em. Peter Koch passed away on 20 December 2015 and was laid to rest in Port

Elizabeth on 28 December 2015. We wish his loved ones comfort and peace.

News from the Circuit Conferences and Congregations

Circuit Conference East

a. Coastal Parish. Pastor HP von Fintel was inducted as pastor of the parish on 29

November during a well-attended and festive celebration at St. Andrew’s in East

London. We wish him and the congregation God’s richest blessing for the journey


b. Friedenskirche in Port Elizabeth. Pastor Anja Spiske was inducted as pastor of the

congregation on 13 December 2015 during a joyous celebratory service. We wish her

and the congregation God’s richest blessing for the journey together.

Circuit Conference West

a. Pastor Claudia Nolte-Schamm will start her ministry as the St. Martini congregation

early in the second half of 2016. We wish her and her family God’s guidance as they

prepare for the new ministry opportunity.

b. The St Petri congregation in Paarl is prayerfully looking at different ways of

continuing with congregational life in order to serve as the body of Christ in that area.

c. The following visitations have been planned during the first 6 months:

Philippi from 19-21 February; Strand Street from 11-13 March. We wish them wisdom

and strength for the preparations.

Pastors Conference

a. The Lutheran Coordination Committee, together with the Berlin Mission Society has

arranged a seminar for the CCW pastors from 3-5 February to deal with the Theology

of Tumsa Gudina.

b. The international conference of “Fresh Expressions” will take place from 16-18

February in Cape Town. This organisation looks at various new ways in which the

church has developed. Some pastors will participate.

Theological Training

The financial situation of ELCSA has necessitated the Southern African Lutheran

Theological Training Trust, SALTTT, to close down operations at the Lutheran

Theological Institute in Pietermaritzburg. UELCSA Students wishing to enrol for

theological studies should contact their bishop. Currently UELCSA has decided to

recommend the University of Stellenbosch as preferred institution for undergraduate

students for the ministry.

This brings to an end a 40 year relationship with the University of Kwazulu Natal. A

reflection on this will follow at a later stage.

Lenten Devotion 2016: Journeying with God through the Psalms

I love the time of Lent! For me it is a time of the year of reflection, becoming still before

the Lord and resting in his word. Through becoming still before God and coming to rest

in Him we realize that we are dependent on God. Lent is not about just about ourselves

and our futures, focusing on self-improvement, and self-awareness. Lent, like every

Christian season, is first and foremost about Jesus who sets His face to travel to

Jerusalem. Jesus way to the cross is not a funeral procession. Rather Jesus reveals to us

his humanity which connects to our fear and hope, to frailty and beauty which we

experience in our life. On Jesus’ journey to Jerusalem He reveals to us that God is with

us in our daily existence that God is with us in our fear and hope, frailty and beauty. In

this way we encounter God in our daily life.

The Book Psalms in the bible is a treasure and Martin Luther wrote the following about

the Psalms “It might well be called a little Bible. In it is comprehended most beautifully

and briefly everything thing that is in the entire Bible”. The Psalms explore the high and

the lows of our life and our faith. They sing with joy and trust from the mountain top

experience and they cry out with pain from the depths. The Psalms weep with those

who suffer, laugh with those who celebrate and they teach us about God with is present

in our daily existence.

In our Lenten devotions this year we want to journey with God through the Psalms. In

the Lenten devotions we also will be learning Taizé hymns. The characteristic of Taizé

worship is a repetitive prayer set to simple musical lines. Taizé prayers and songs help is

to become still before the lord and rest in his word. Prayer is key to this stillness as

Brother Alios writes: “The exchange with God becomes real for us in prayer: by his Holy

Spirit, God comes to dwell within us. By his word and by the sacraments, Christ gives

himself to us. In return, we can surrender everything to him.”

The Lenten devotions will alternating between St Andrews and St Crucis. The Lenten

devotions are a build up to Maundy Thursday which will be held at St Andrews which

will be a Taizé Divine Service with Holy Communion.

We invite you to come and join us this year journeying with God through the Psalms and

to “Be still, and know that I am God” (Ps 46:10).


Pastor HP von Fintel.

Beanie Pattern

Double knitting wool, Knitting needles 5.5mm. Cast on 74 stitches. Work in k1, p1 ribbing for 6 rows. Continue in stocking stitch (knit 1 row, purl 1 row) until piece measures 18 cm from cast on edge, ending with a purl row. Next row, k2tog across, so that you end up with 37 stitches. P1 row. K2tog across, ending k1. Now 19 stitches remain. Cut a 30cm length of yarn and tread it on a yarn needle. Carefully pull the last row of knitting from the

needle and thread the needle through every

stitch. Pull tightly then and stitch up the side



14 February 2016 - St Peter’s Komga after the 10.30 Service

21 February 2016 - St Andrews after the 8.30 Service

6 March 2016 - St John’s Dawn after the 10.30 Service

13 March 2016 - St Paul’s Macleantown after the 10.30 Service

20 March 2016 - Luther Brakfontein after the 10.30 Service

Beanie, Scarf, Blanket, Bedsock --- Drive.

St Andrews members and friends have for many years been knitting squares, which are then sewn together into blankets – and these multi colour blankets have been distributed to many old age homes, shelters, children homes and even to congregation members, anyone that needed to blanket was helped.

Within the parish – there are many knitters and sewers who would like to participate – so let us start knitting, and if you cannot knit, crochet or sew, maybe you could donate some wool.

Beanies – we need about 200 beanies for children this year – see easy pattern attached. These would be distributed to child safety centres.

Bed Socks – there is always a need for bed socks – especially congregants who are bedridden – so for the ladies some nice pastel colours and the men dark colours that they can wear over the socks – like a shoe.

Scarves and shawls are always a hit – light weight wool – just to keep the shoulders warm.

Outreach! To reach out - means – to provide a service to anyone that might not otherwise have access to the service or product. So we are reaching out to all – let us know of your charity that you would like us to assist – call us if we need to collect – join us when we go and distribute the completed garment – it is a very humbling experience.

Contact: Enid Tessendorf, Renee Johl, Phyllis Botha or Bettina du Buson

Family Page

Baptism: Baptism of Aine Kate Bradfield : 13th December 2015 @ St John’s Dawn – Congratulations to the Bradfield & Klug families. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.” Matthew5:8

Engagements: 24 December 2015 – Tyrone Sporke and Lauren Wright. 8 January 2016 – Mark Holland and Twanne Harding.

May God bless you on your new journey together. Marriages: 20 December 2015 – Stacey Holland and Ross Moore 13 Feb 2016 Dean Klopper and Andrea Steyn. Congratulations on your wedding. May God grant you all of life’s blessings and love’s joys.

Special Birthdays: 21st Taniel Kirsten 22nd Feb 21st Nicole Vosloo 22nd March 80th Werner Köpke 1st March 80th Christal Putzier 28th March 80th Sylvia Kretzmann 13th April 99th Olga Meier 17th April May the coming year be full of new discoveries of God’s love and goodness. Happy Birthday!

Deaths: Basil Kieck 4th January 2016 Gareth Lionel Kieck 21st December 2015 in Australia Malcolm Jennings 8th Decmeber 2015 Voilet Jennings 17th January 2016 Our sincere condolences – May our Lord Bless and comfort you and your family during this time of grief and sadness.

New Members: Konrad & Elaine Johl – St Andrews Dean Klopper – St Andrews Andrea Steyn – (Klopper) – St Andrews Welcome to your new spiritual home.


FEBRUARY 6 Joel Lutge Luther Brakfontein

6 Erleen Paschke St Andrews

7 Hazel Luck Luther Brakfontein

8 Linley Jones Luther Brakfontein

10 Jolene Weyer St John's Dawn

10 Lizelle Human Luther Brakfontein

10 Stella Grobler St Andrews

12 Erica Weyer St John's Dawn

13 Warren Luck Luther Brakfontein

15 Rose Schoof St John's Dawn

17 Val Engelbrecht St Andrews

19 Linda Krause St John's Dawn

19 Adele Dörksen St Andrews

20 Jenny Holland Luther Brakfontein

22 Taniel Kirsten St Andrews

24 Jason Kieck St Andrews

26 Alan Heger Luther Brakfontein

28 Andrea Klopper St Andrews

MARCH 1 Renay Lutge Luther Brakfontein

1 Werner Köpke St Andrews

1 Helga Wiethoff St Andrews

2 Elizabeth Schultz Luther Brakfontein

3 Peter Kretzmann St John's Dawn

3 Elaine Jacobi St Andrews

5 Lorraine Sonnenberger St John's Dawn

5 Charne Human Luther Brakfontein

5 Elvin Krull St Peter's Komga

6 Jacques Jordaan St Peter's Komga

6 Willem Kirsten St Andrews

7 Samantha Petzer St John's Dawn

8 Justin Meister St Andrews

10 Calvin Korte St John's Dawn

10 Francis Hill Luther Brakfontein

10 Cynthia Kieck Luther Brakfontein

10 Keil-Leigh Braun St Andrews

10 Lindy-Ann Krause St Andrews

13 Fred Gravett Luther Brakfontein

13 Donne Sporke St Andrews

14 Dudley Kretzmann St John's Dawn

14 Yolanda Hein Luther Brakfontein

15 Karl Kretzmann St John's Dawn

15 Michael Kieck St Andrews

15 Logan Liss St Andrews

17 Nola Grant Luther Brakfontein

18 Bruno Johl St Andrews

19 Nathan Weyer St John's Dawn

21 Christina Human Luther Brakfontein

22 Wendy Sykes St Andrews

22 Nicole Vosloo St Andrews

23 Annette Heger Luther Brakfontein

24 Charmaine Human Luther Brakfontein

25 Dillan Human Luther Brakfontein

28 Christal Putzier St Andrews

28 Jordan Kleynhans St Andrews

29 Dawn Krause St Andrews

29 Margarete Langhein St Andrews

30 Michael Horrmann Luther Brakfontein

30 Neil Burger St Peter's Komga

APRIL 1 Julie Freitag Luther Brakfontein

2 Fred Kirchoff St John's Dawn

3 Terrence Braun St Andrews

4 Coby Korte St John's Dawn

8 Russel Heger Luther Brakfontein

10 Liam Weyer St John's Dawn

10 Ricky Weyer St John's Dawn

11 Lina Reabow St John's Dawn

13 Sylvia Kretzmann St Andrews

13 Irene Olivier St Andrews

16 Stacey Moore Luther Brakfontein

17 Delene Lentz St John's Dawn

17 Olga Meier St Andrews

19 Myrtle Oppermann St Andrews

20 Mark Holland Luther Brakfontein

20 Patsy Schwartz St Andrews

21 Roland Boucher St Peter's Komga

24 Shaun Bosch St Andrews

24 Renee Johl St Andrews

24 Eberhard Schuch St Andrews

24 Errol Schultz Luther Brakfontein

24 Emmie Schreiber St Andrews

26 Phyllis Profitt St Peter's Komga

27 Cynthia Kretzmann St John's Dawn

27 Denise Kirchoff St John's Dawn

27 Brian Sporke St Andrews

27 Jenna- Marie van Aardt St Andrews

29 Cuan Human Luther Brakfontein

29 Andre Morne Human Luther Brakfontein

7 February 2016 Estomihi

We are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written by the

prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled. Luke 18,31

Liturgical Colour: Green Sermon Text: 1 Corinthians 13:1-13

Old Testament: Amos 5,21-24

Gospel: Mark 8:31-38

10 February 2016

Ash Wednesday The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.

1. John 3,8b

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: 2.Peter. 1,2-11 Old Testament: Joel 2,12-19

Gospel: Matthew 6,16-21

14 February 2016 Invocavit

The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work.

1. John 3,8b

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: Hebrews 4,14-16

Old Testament: Genesis 3,1-19

Gospel: Matthew 4,1-11

21 February 2016

Reminiscere God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still

sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5,8

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: Romans 5,1-5 Old Testament: Isaiah 5,1-7

Gospel: Mark 12,1-12

28 February 2016 Oculi

No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service

in the kingdom of God. Luke 9,62

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: Ephiasians 5,1-8

Old Testament: 1.Kings 19,1-8

Gospel: Luke 9, 57-62

6 March 2016

Laetare Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a

single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 12,24

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: 2.Corinthians 1,3-7 Old Testament: Isaiah 54,7-10

Gospel: John 12,20-26

13 March 2016 Judica

The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give

his life as a ransom for many. Matthew 20,28

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: Hebrews 5,7-9

Old Testament: Genesis 22,1-13

Gospel: Mark 10,35-45

20 March 2016

Palm Sunday The Son of Man must be lifted up, so that everyone who believes in him

may have eternal life. John 3,14-15

Liturgical Colour: Violet Sermon Text: Philippians 2,5-11 Old Testament: Isaiah 50,4-9

Gospel: John 12,12-19

24 March 2016 Maundy Thursday

He has caused his wonders to be remembered; the LORD is gracious

and compassionate. Psalm 111,4

Liturgical Colour: White Sermon Text: 1.Corinthians 11,23-26

Old Testament: Exodus 12:1-14

Gospel: John 13,1-15

25 March 2016

Good Friday

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life John 3,16

Liturgical Colour: None Sermon Text: 2.Corinthians 5,19-21

Old Testament: Isaiah 53,1-12 New Testament: John 19,16-30

Gospel: John 19,16-30

27 March 2016


I am the Living One; I was dead, and behold I am alive for ever and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades. Revelation 1,18

Liturgical Colour: White

Sermon Text: 1.Cor 15,1-11

Old Testament: 1.Sam 2,1-8 Gospel: Mark 16,1-8

3 April 2016

1. Sunday After Easter - Quasimodogeniti Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great

mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1.Peter 1,3

Liturgical Colour: White Sermon Text: 1 Peter 1,3-9 Old Testament: Isaiah 40,26-31

Gospel: John 20:19-29

10 April 2016

2. Sunday After Easter - Misericordia Domini Christ says: I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his

life for the sheep. My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me, and I give them eternal life. John 10,11a.27-28a

Liturgical Colour: White Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2,21-25 Old Testament: Ezekiel 34,1-16+31

Gospel: John 10,11-16

17 April 2016

3. Sunday After Easter - Jubilate If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new

has come. 2.Corinthians 5,17

Liturgical Colour: White Sermon Text: 1. John 5,1-4 Old Testament: Gen 1,1-4,26-31+2,1-4a

Gospel: John 15,1-8

24 April 2016 4. Sunday After Easter - Cantate

Sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvellous things. Psalm 98,1

Liturgical Colour: White Sermon Text: Colossians 3,12-17

Old Testament: Isaiah 12,1-6 Gospel: Matthew 11,25-30

St Andrews: Frauenverein


7 Feb Erleen Paschke Erleen Paschke; Adele Dörksen; Pearl Coetzer

14 Feb Wedding: Dean &

Andrea Klopper

Phyllis Botha; Annette Fortmann; Ulrike Köpke; Bettina du

Buson; Friederike Kieck

Congregation to please assist with providing eats.

21 Feb Renee Johl

28 Feb Vera Johl

1 March (Tuesday) Phyllis Botha; Sheila Liss

6 March Annette Fortmann

13 March Wendy Sykes Sheila Liss; Catherine Collocott; Wendy Sykes

Congregation to please assist with providing eats.

20 March Phyllis Botha

27 March Easter Sunday Sunday School

3 April Val Engelbrecht

5 April (Tuesday) Sylvia Kretzmann; Tilla Karshagen

10 April Sylvia Kretzmann Magriet Klug; Lorraine Weyer; Val Engelbrecht

Congregation to please assist with providing eats.

17 April Renee Johl

24 April No Service : Service at St John’s Dawn

St Andrews Lutheran Church 50 Park Ave, East London 043-7222700 (Office) 043 - 7437444 (Kitchen)

Pastor H-P von Fintel 084 064 6228

46 Sherwood Ave, Beacon Bay 5241

Church Committee

Mrs. Bettina du Buson, Altar Care, Treasurer, Preacher 0832950506

Dr. Christian Johl, Chairperson, Preacher 043 7481500 / 0834077937

Mrs Catherine Collcott, Buildings 043-7481523

Mrs Vera Johl, Minute Keeper, Convenor of Fundraising 043-7261181

Mr Nicholas Klopper, Convenor of Maintanance 0748007917

Mr Leslie Klug,House Visiting 043-7411371

Mr Martin Köpke, Maintenance 0722257048

Mr Gavin Römer, Maintenance 0724580617

Mr Hans Richard Schlüter, Vice Chair, Maintenance 043-7484671

Mr Therrol Schwartz, Maintenance, Fundraising 043-7412645

Mr Keith Sporke 0835266894

Mr Tyronne Sporke, Electronics 0844606830

Caretaker: Mrs Sandra Klopper 0847653960

Choir: Mrs Helene Meister 043-7401355

Youth Service & Youth: Mrs Annemarie Schlüter 043-7484671

Organists: Mrs Valerie Engelbrecht 0606200427

Mrs Enid Tessendorf 043-8311156

Mrs Elaine Johl 0832369221

Frauenverein: Pearl Coetzer, Sheila Liss 043-7267794/043-7481886

St Stephen's: Pearl Coetzer, Adele Dörksen, Bettina du Buson & Dawn Krause

Prayer Chain: Magriet Klug 0824646271

Preacher: Mr Bruno Johl 043-7261181

Lifts: Mr Therrol Schwartz 043-7412645

Vice Treasurer: Mrs Donne Sporke 0835266894

Cheque Account: St Andrews Lutheran Church, Nedbank Vincent Park, Acc Number 1206039922

St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church Komga

P.O. Box 92, Komga, 4950

Church Committee

Mr Gavin Tessendorf, Chairperson 043 - 8311017

Mr Coert Jordaan 043 - 8311202

Mr Rudolph Tessendorf 043 - 8311156

Standard Bank : Br Code 050421 Acc Number 280736606

St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church Dawn Church Committee

Mr Merwin Weyer ( Chairperson) 043 - 7820910 / 0833610750

Mr Adrian Hawkes (V-chair/ Secretary) 043 - 7210957 / 0833233274

Mr Calvin Korte ( Treasurer) 043 - 7412210 / 0839513260

Mr Stanley Klug 043 - 7265147 / 0822532397

Mrs Wendy Fiebiger 043 - 7402510

First National Bank : Br Code 210221 Acc Number 52126180274

Luther Brakfontein

Church Committee

Alan Heger (Chairperson/ Treasurer) 043 - 7374001 / 0826524250

Micheal Horrmann 043 - 7374448 / 0825751767

Hazel Luck 043 - 7370326 / 0824825322

Joel Lutge 043 - 8511057 / 0836517381

Ginny Schultz (Organist) 0784713835