2015 WinGap Conference WinGapSQL and GIS Mark Lovett & Rusty Scoven.

2015 WinGap Conference WinGapSQL and GIS Mark Lovett & Rusty Scoven

Transcript of 2015 WinGap Conference WinGapSQL and GIS Mark Lovett & Rusty Scoven.

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2015 WinGap Conference

WinGapSQL and GIS

Mark Lovett & Rusty Scoven

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2018V3 (DBF) Official Support Ends

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Managing GIS data using database connections

ArcMap for Desktop Basic License

SSMS (Sequel Server Management Studio)

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ArcMap Query Layer

Stand alone table created from a connected database

Provides for live updates from the database directly to the map project

Must have a database connection in order to be created

Utilizes SQL syntax in order to create the stand alone table

Works much like a SQL view query

Only exists within the map project it was created in

Are read only

Editable when accessed via certain types of services/licenses

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From the catalogue tree create a database connection

Double click Add Database Connection

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Database Connection window will appear and be blank

Must add the SQL Instance and the Authentication Type

The Instance can be found within SSMS (see next slide)

The Authentication Type for Windows Authentication will be Operating system authentication

Those users that use password protected authentication will select Database Authentication and enter the user name and password

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SQL Instance name as seen from SSMS

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Back to the Database Connection window

The Database can either be keyed or as a test to see if you entered the correct Instance and Authentication Type, you can click the drop down arrow and select the database you wish to query from.

The Query Layer will only pull from that database

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Once the database connection is established it will display in the Catalogue tree

You can rename it by right clicking on it if you prefer or take the default

It will default to being disconnected (appear with a red x beside it)

To connect it double click the connection you created (red x will disappear and a + will appear to the left

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Once connected you will be able to see all of the WinGap dbo tables within the database

These dbo tables cannot and should not be renamed, deleted, copied, cut, changed or manipulated in any shape form or fashion

Any manipulation of these tables could result in WinGap SQL malfunctioning

If you are an individual that is click happy DO NOT click the + symbol

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To create the Query Layer Go to:

File>>>>>Add Data>>>>>Add Query Layer

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The New Query Layer window opens

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Select your database connection by clicking the drop down arrow

A list of all the dbo tables within the database will appear

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First give the query layer a name on the Name line

As for the query, a couple of ways to skin this cat

You can build the query by navigating through the list of dbo tables, selecting the table and then selecting the field names from the columns box

OR you can use SSMS to build your query and copy and paste

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After you have built your query you can click Validate to ensure it is correct and then click Finish

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After you click finish the new Query Layer table will appear in the Table of Contents window

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To view the table, right click on the table, and select Open

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The attribute table will display showing the columns you selected in the query

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The table will update as changes are made in WinGap SQL

Example is Realkey 2, lets remove the Homestead Code in WinGap SQL

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Once the change is made in WinGap SQL you must refresh the data so that it can update in ArcMap

Refreshing the data can be done in two ways, closing the table and reopening it OR by selecting Reload Cache from the table while it is open

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After performing either option to refresh the table will update

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The Query Layer can be edited or changed to fit the user’s needs

To edit the Query Layer, right click on the table, select properties

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From the Source tab select Change Query

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The Edit Query Layer will open

You can now add or subtract from the original query

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The Query Layer also allows for pulling data from multiple tables using SQL join commands

For these types of queries I prefer SSMS but you can use the query window within ArcMap as well

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Major benefit in using Query Layer is on the fly updates from WinGAP SQL

Another PLUS is not having to maintain a bunch of fields within shapefile or geodatabase

The Query Layer can be joined to spatial layers and as updates are made in WinGap SQL they will be reflected in the map

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Attribute table from parcel data

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To perform the join, right click on the shapefile, select Joins and Relates, the select Join

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Join Data window appears

Select the primary key to join the data on, click OK

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Message below may appear

Select Perform Join Now Without Index

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Join occurs

Open attribute table to review the joined data

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For the update example lets look at Realkey 5723

Acreage discrepancy requires an update

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Refresh the attribute table using the same method

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Table updates

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Can be used with symbology and thematic mapping updates

To use symbology, right click on the layer you want to symbolize, then click properties

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The Layer Properties window will appear

Click on the Symbology tab, select categories, then select the field you wish to symbolize on followed by add all values

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The example I am using is the Taxdistrict field from WinGapSQL

The example shows a parcel that appears to be in the wrong Tax District

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Click the refresh button from the map to see the update.

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Using a SQL View with ARCGIS

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SQL Views

Creating SQL Views

Joining SQL views with ARCGIS

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Query from SSMS: Lets say you have a complex query, and you would like to use those results with your parcel data

This a query that compares data from two different data years

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CREATE VIEW view_name AS SELECT column_name(s) FROM table_name WHERE condition

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CREATE VIEW view_name ASSELECT column_name(s)

FROM table_name

WHERE condition

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Where does my VIEW live?

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Adding the VIEW to ARCGIS

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Joining the View to the Parcel Layer

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Now Lets Display the Queried Parcels

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Visual display of our data may indicate incorrect Neighborhood changes

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Using joined


for analysis

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Example: You want to determine if parcels are more valuable within a one

mile radius of a school

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In our example you have joined a Query Layer or a View to your Parcel Layer

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Select by Location from PARCELS that are within a distance of 5,280

feet (1 mile) from SCHOOLS

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Now you have selected all of the

parcels within a one mile radius of

the schools

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Now you have your selection, lets move it to a usable report

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Now you have a usable

spreadsheet to use for analysis

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What if you have a spreadsheet of information that you would like to Map and Analyze with your Parcel Data?

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Example: You have been given a list of parcels that should have been combined. You want to determine if these combinations have been completed.

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First you will add your Excel data to ARCGIS

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Next step: Joining to our Parcel Layer

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Now that you have joined the combination list to the parcel data you can select parcels by attributes from the Excel data.

Using SELECT BY ATTRIBUTES You can select any parcel that was supposed to be Deleted as a result of a combination by selecting any parcel that has a Realkey from the Deleted Parcel

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Now you have a visual representation of

the parcels that should have been

deleted per a combination with another


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This is just a sampling of

the many things that can

be accomplished by using

these two powerful tools!

WinGAPSQL + ARCGIS = Time Saving Analysis